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BLUE ROW = Recent Update

 updated  Pre-recorded Home Church services

   KJV Bible (The KJV Bible is now SEARCHABLE)


   The Sabbath
   poGm Manuscripts
   poGm TRACTS

   Prepare to meet thy God
    NEW MENU ITEM  The 7 Trumpets
    NEW MENU ITEM  Sunday Sabbath - Loud Cry
    NEW MENU ITEM  One World Church
    NEW MENU ITEM  Sunday as Day 7
    NEW MENU ITEM  PROOF: Sabbath Was Never Changed to Sunday
    NEW MENU ITEM  Tough Bible Questions Answered

   Daniel 11 Defined
   The Latter Rain

   The 144,000 Can NOT Die

   The Latter Rain

   Bible - HATE CRIME
   Roman Catholic Abortions
   The Elijah Message 

 updated  Global ID

   The Pope and Islam (REPAIRED VIDEO LINKS)
   Rome says Jesus NOT needed!

 updated  Hirelings!

 updated  One Hour with the Beast

 updated  The Seal of God

   Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost!

   SOP Originals

   2030 in DETAIL

   CASHLESS Society

 updated  Who is Israel?

 updated  Fanaticism

 updated  SPICES

 updated  Prophesied Calamties

 updated  Roman Catholic Abortion

 updated  Hitler & the RCC

 updated  People Get Ready!

 updated  Why they preach ONE GOD

 updated  Who is Melchisedec?

 updated  The Godhead

 updated  Videos BANNED by YouTube

 updated  WTPR Stream

 updated  The Popes and 666

 updated  His Written Example (in depth) (DRESS REFORM link added)

 updated  poGm on RUMBLE

 updated  poGm DOC files

 updated  Make His Paths STRAIGHT!

   Should Christians keep FEAST DAYS?

   Is Obama a Muslim?

   The Pope & Islam

   We are Very Near the End!  

   The Loud Cry (This page is an event breakdown of  Chapter 33 of SOP4)

   Father, Son and Holy Spirit

   Q&A of Sabbaths Past

 updated  Is the Earth Flat?

 updated  Transubstantiation EXPOSED

   poGm TRACTS  

   Can God Hate?

   September 11

   God's People Delivered (This page is an event breakdown of  Chapter 35 of SOP4)

   The Time of Trouble (This page is an event breakdown of  Chapter 34 of SOP4)

   Ratzinger - Will his past matter?

   Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath?

   July 2000, Truth Provided Newsletter Udpate - One World Religion OFFICIAL 2022

   Anti-Pauline Movement EXPOSED

   Anti-Pauline Movement Exposed AGAIN

   The LOUD cry

   Words of a Beast

 updated  Evidence for Creation

   Was She a Prophet?

   Roman Catholic IRS - TOTAL REBUILD

  Truth Provided Newsletter: Rome's Homosexual Agenda

  Christian Persecution

  The Mark of the Beast is about to be Enforced

  Religious Laws ARE COMING

 updated Attacking God's Sabbath (SUNDAY LAWS ARE COMING)

  Cashless society!


  SDR Music  (Added more music)

  Climate Change will be used to enforce the MARK

 updated Dangers of Facebook

 updated Rome's UFO Agenda

 updated 501c3 Image of the Beast

 updated The Pope and ISLAM

 updated The 7 Last Plagues

  HomeSchool Spurs

 updated Get out of the Cities!

 updated Vatican's Socialist Agenda

 updated Rome's WAR on FREE SPEECH

  Pope's New World Order

  AMA Insanity!

 updated Google CENSORING poGm (and others)

 updated Videos BANNED by YouTube

 updated The RCC and Child SEX

  SOP Originals

  Exposing False Preachers

 updated Text Chat Server (Scroll issue fixed)

NEW IN 2023


  NEW MENU ITEM  Christian Persecution

      NEW MENU ITEM  Anti-Pauline Movement EXPOSED

      NEW MENU ITEM  Anti-Pauline Movement Exposed AGAIN

  NEW MENU ITEM - The Time of Trouble (This page is an event breakdown of  Chapter 34 of SOP4)

     NEW MENU ITEM - The Loud Cry (This page is an event breakdown of  Chapter 33 of SOP4)

     NEW MENU ITEM - Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost!

     NEW MENU ITEM - 2030 in DETAIL

     New Website:

     New Website:

     New Website:


  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube " PROOF All SDA Leaders Deny Christ

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: "Is your Pastor one of the MANY False Prophets?"

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube "Is your Pastor one of the MANY False Prophets?"

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: "Is your Pastor one of the MANY False Prophets?"

  poGm LIVE Audio / Video Stream Stream Server now has unlimited bandwidth! COME ONE COME ALL!  :)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube "Is your Pastor one of the MANY False Prophets?"

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: "Is your Pastor one of the MANY False Prophets?"

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube Bible = "Hate Speech" Spreads to UK

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Bible = "Hate Speech" Spreads to UK

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube "Demons Soon to Appear as Dead Christians"

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: "Demons Soon to Appear as Dead Christians"

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube That's Not Happening at Christ's Second Coming

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: That's Not Happening at Christ's Second Coming

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube PROOF: Climate Change Hoax CONFIRMED! (DELETED BY YOUTUBE)

NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: PROOF: Climate Change Hoax CONFIRMED! PLEASE Subscribe to my BitChute page

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube Climate Ten Commandments?!

NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Climate Ten Commandments?!

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  IT'S HAPPENING NOW!


NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Vatican Invented Big Bang - Science just Proved it's a Lie!

NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  Vatican Invented Big Bang - Science just Proved it's a Lie!

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Anti-Pauline Movement Easily Exposed AGAIN

NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  Anti-Pauline Movement Easily Exposed AGAIN

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Religious Laws MUCH Closer!

NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  Religious Laws MUCH Closer!

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  US Majority seeks Christianity as OFFICIAL STATE RELIGION

NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  US Majority seeks Christianity as OFFICIAL STATE RELIGION

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Climate Change Sunday Law Discussion Nov 2022

NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  Climate Change Sunday Law Discussion Nov 2022

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Paul a False Apostle?

NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  Paul a False Apostle?

NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pope: Conservative Christians Cultivate HATE

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Short Clips we Cannot Ignore - Sunday Laws ARE Coming!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  Short Clips we Cannot Ignore - Sunday Laws ARE Coming!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  All Rain Water is now TOXIC

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  All Rain Water is now TOXIC

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Should SDA's Stay with the Ship?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute:  Should SDA's Stay with the Ship?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Remember this UFO Video?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Remember this UFO Video?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Prophesied Reason They're Removing FOOD

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Prophesied Reason They're Removing FOOD

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pope Seeks Religious Voice to Enforce MARK using Climate Change

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pope Seeks Religious Voice to Enforce MARK using Climate Change

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pope says Jesus Lied AGAIN?!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pope says Jesus Lied AGAIN?!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  They're going CASHLESS to enforce the MARK

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: They're going CASHLESS to enforce the MARK

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Seriously, How do Christians miss this?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Seriously, How do Christians miss this?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Still Don't Think Climate Change Brings Sunday Laws?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Still Don't Think Climate Change Brings Sunday Laws?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Was Paul REALLY a Christian?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Was Paul REALLY a Christian?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  SDA - Do You Agree with SOP Changes?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: SDA - Do You Agree with SOP Changes?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  The Elijah Message

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: The Elijah Message

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #16 - Antichrist preaches another Jesus

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #16 - AntThe Elijah Messageichrist preaches another Jesus

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #15 - Antichrist Sanctions Satanism

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #15 - Antichrist Sanctions Satanism

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #14 - Beast Affirms Sunday its MARK

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #14 - Beast Affirms Sunday its MARK

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #13 - Christianity mixed with Paganism

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #13 - Christianity mixed with Paganism

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #12 - Antichrist Hates the Bible

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #12 - Antichrist Hates the Bible

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pope Says Abortion no Ethical Problem YOUTUBE PULLED THE VIDEO IN 30 MINS

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pope Says Abortion no Ethical Problem

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #11 - Antichrist Rules the Elite

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #11 - Antichrist Rules the Elite

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Muslims WIll Keep Sunday Holy

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Muslims WIll Keep Sunday Holy

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pope OK's Sins of the Flesh

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pope OK's Sins of the Flesh

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  How to Join us Online for Sabbath Services

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: How to Join us Online for Sabbath Services

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #10 - Antichrist Drugs All Nations

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #10 - Antichrist Drugs All Nations

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Nations Divided Exactly as Prophesied

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Nations Divided Exactly as Prophesied

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Civil War is COMING!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Civil War is COMING!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #9 - Was - is Not - Yet is

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #9 - Was - is Not - Yet is

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube God's Elect

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: God's Elect

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #8 Antichrist Kills Christians for 1260 Years

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #8 Antichrist Kills Christians for 1260 Years

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #7 Antichrist's Political Power

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #7 Antichrist's Political Power

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #6 Antichrist's Origin

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #6 Antichrist's Origin

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #5 Ten Horns

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #5 Ten Horns

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #4 Blasphemy

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #4 Blasphemy

  Reactivated BITchute Video Account (Had no choice! YouTube keeps deleting my videos)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #3 Scarlet Colored Beast

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #3 Scarlet Colored Beast

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #2 Seven Hills

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #2 Seven Hills

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Pure Facts in Prophecy #1 Church & State

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Pure Facts in Prophecy #1 Church & State

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Doug Batchelor: Confirmed False Prophet

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Doug Batchelor: Confirmed False Prophet

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  These are Joyous Times

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: These are Joyous Times (Stop letting them Distract you!)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  Bible Proof: The Seventh day is the Christian Sabbath

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute: Bible Proof: The Seventh day is the Christian Sabbath

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  SUNday Sabbath

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute SUNday Sabbath

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube   It's Time to GET SERIOUS!  (VIDEO PULLED BY YOUTUBE)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute It's Time to GET SERIOUS!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute I Left my Fallen Church - NOW WHAT?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute FEAR keeps you OUT of Heaven!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube BIG Proof #2 - Pope Behind Covid PLANdemic

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute BIG Proof #2 - Pope Behind Covid PLANdemic

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 07-12-21 Covid 19 Authroities Caught Laying on Camera

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 07-01-21 W.H.O. Wants to Split up Families

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 06-24-21 6 Signs of a Cult

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  06-20-21 CLIMATE SUNDAY LAWS DISCUSSED! (Why is SDA church silent?)


  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 06-14-21 Talk of Third Temple

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 06-11-21 Rome, the original UFO enthusiast

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 06-04-21 Soon they will blame Christians for their BOILS

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 05-31-21 Mark of the Beast WARNING in 10 Commandments

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 05-30-21 YouTube Pulling Videos that Correctly Define Hate

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 05-28-21 Rockefeller 2010 DOC Files on Pandemic
  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 05-20-21 RCC & SDA OK with Pigs and Babies in Vaccine
  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 05-18-21 Global Warming to bring Global Government

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 05-13-21 Pope's Catechist Army Being Readied

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 05-13-21 Pope's Catechist Army Being Readied

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 05-07-21 As Prophesied - Pope Demands all abandon the Individual

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 05-07-21 As Prophesied - Pope Demands all abandon the Individual

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 05-05-21 Christian - Are you Ready for what's coming?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube  04-29-21 Pope hangs nude Jesus pic caressing Judas behind his desk

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-29-21 Pope hangs nude Jesus pic caressing Judas behind his desk

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-26-21 The Vatican Can't Hide These Signs!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-20-21 Roman Catholic Commerical UNPLUGGED

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-13-21 Government Splitting up Families using Contact Tracing

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-12-21 Roman Catholics Demand Sunday Laws

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-11-21 Pope Seeks to Enforce MARK by Fall of 2027

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-09-21 Is Pope Antichrist?

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-08-21 Pope endorses Homosexual Marriage

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 04-07-21 More Proof: THE WOUND IS HEALED!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-31-21 Dividing a Nation to Control the People

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-24-21 Guillotines in Obamacare

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-24-21 Pope John Paul II Started Chemtrail Program in 1985!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-22-21  Pope main reason Islam still killing

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-19-21  Reasons for Pandemic Summarized

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-17-21  Proof - Global Socialist Govt to Enforce the MARK

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-17-21  It's Time to get SERIOUS!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-15-21  TRACKING CHRISTIANS: Tools exist to enforce Mark

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-10-21  Pope calls God a liar (again) & lies about melting ice caps

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-08-21  What's Planned for 2030

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-08-21  Doctor Proves the Virus is not actually a Virus at all! (VIDEO PULLED BY YOUTUBE)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 03-05-21 From Mask - to Vax - to Mark of the Beast (VIDEO PULLED BY YOUTUBE)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to BITchute 03-05-21  PROOF: Mask led to Which leads to Mark of the Beast

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 02-05-21 Prepping for the Latter Rain part 1 (Streamed 12-12-20)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 02-10-21 Prepping for the Latter Rain part 2 (Streamed 12-19-20)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 02-15-21 Prepping for the Latter Rain part 3 (Streamed 01-23-21)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 02-22-21 Prepping for the Latter Rain part 4 (Streamed 02-13-21) FINAL

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 02-17-21 Dividing a Nation to Control the people (teaser)

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 02-08-21 Stephen Bohr Pushes Vaccine using Fabricated GC Letter

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 01-27-21 Pharmaceuticals in Your Drinking Water!

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 12-28-20 RCC & SDA Church OK with PIGS and ABORTED BABIES in Vaccine

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 01-11-21 2030 in Prophetic Detail

  NEW VIDEO uploaded to YouTube 01-20-21 poGm's NEW LIVE STREAM

  NEW BLOG ENTRY: 02-05-21 Stephen Bohr Pushes Vaccine using Fabricated GC Letter

 NEW IN 2022

     Can God Hate?

     NEW MENU ITEM - God's People Delivered (This page is an event breakdown of  Chapter 35 of SOP4)

     Exposing False Preachers

   Text Chat Server

 NEW IN 2020

     poGm LIVE Audio / Video Stream 12-11-20 Finally! We Have Our Own Stream Server!

     SDR Music 11-06-20 (New MAIN PAGE Item)

     Weekday Chat/Text Server for Studies 11-06-20

     SHOUTcast Stream - WTPR 10-21-20

     ICEcast Stream - WTPR 10-21-20

     5G / COVID19 Connection NEW MENU ITEM 10-14-20

  updated   New Conference Server 09-28-20

  updated   PLANNED-demic 09-02-20

  updated    KJV Bible on poGm 08-26-20

     One Hour with the Beast 06-15-20

     Symbols of Revelation Summarized 06-17-20

     Pope is Antichrist 05-13-20 -NEW WEBSITE

     The 3 Angels 05-04-20 -NEW MENU ITEM-

     Rome's Homosexual Agenda 05-04-20 -NEW MENU ITEM-

     Rome's UFO Agenda 05-04-20 -NEW MENU ITEM-

    5G / COVID19 Connection 04-08-20

    The poGm Blog now has its own URL at 01-20-20

NEW IN  2019

      New poGm Video Site on 12-09-19 (STOPPED UPLOADING! They censored some videos. I left this one up for proof (It won't play)

     WTPR NOW HAS A CHAT ROOM 09-18-19

     NEW MENU ITEM: Videos BANNED by YouTube 03-29-19

NEW IN 2018

   LIVE Stream on YouTube Each Sabbath (Stream begins between 12:30 - 12:45pm each Sabbath) 09-24-18

   NEW MENU ITEM: Purgatory 09-26-18

   The LOUD cry 08-31-18

   The Sanctuary 08-22-18

   Created new page on Real.Video (free speech portal) 08-01-18

NEW IN 2017

NEW MENU ITEM! Religious Laws ARE COMING (as prophesied) 03-23-17 & 03-24-17  This page will be used to track what Trump already started during his campaign. He will help Rome do as prophecy predicted they will do long ago!

NEW IN 2016

NEW PAGE! The 144,000 Cannot Die 12-20-16 & 12-21-16 (some typos fixed and slight additions added)

NEW MENU ITEM! Every page on the site that has the blue MENU BAR on top can now be translated into any language. 12-08-16
Just mouse over the "TRANSLATE" menu item to translate the present page you're visiting.

NEW MENU ITEM! poGm MP3 Player! (WTPR is DOWN!) 12-08-16

 Get out of the Cities! 10-24-16 This page will grow VERY large in time. It's a compilation of articles and videos confirming IT IS TIME to get OUT of the cities!

updated  The King of the North 07-10-16

updated  Matthew 18 05-01-16

  SOP Compilations 03-03-16

  SDR brother creates "God's Menu" - Android version  - Itunes version

NEW IN 2015

    RSS Feed APP 10-06-15

   Father, Son and Holy Spirit 07-12-15

   Hirelings! 07-05-15 & 07-09-15

   Holy War Battle Plans 07-01-15

   Q&A Videos 03-24-15 & 03-27-15

   Abolished at the Cross 03-15-15

   Rome's WAR against FREE SPEECH 02-03-15

   Cashless society! 01-25-15

   Is the Earth Flat? 01-30-15

   Roman Catholic Abortion 01-21-15

   Climate Change & THE MARK 01-23-15

NEW IN 2014

   SOP quotes on the MARK 11-18-14

   New Comment section on MAIN page 11-03-14

   Why they Preach One God? 10-15-14

   Big Pharma & Rome 10-03-14

   Pope Wrote Koran! 09-24-14

   His Written Example 08-17-14 07-28-14 & 07-30-14 Site has been totally reprogrammed from scratch

   Weekly Earthquake Reports  04-27-14

   NEW RSS FEED on main page (Distress of Nations (Luke 21:25) 02-19-14

NEW IN 2013

   Vatican's Socialist Agenda 12-22-13

   To Understand Prophecy YOU MUST... 09-29-13

   Papal Bench WARRANT 08-05-13

   GMO Data Page 08-02-13 (email me any links you have that you feel can be useful here)

   Ron Wyatt, a false teacher 06-21-13

   New poGm Conference Server! 05-29-13 Works on Windows, Mac, Andorid tablets & cell phones, Iphones, Blackberry, Nook and Kindle

   Is Obama a Muslim? 05-31-13

   NEW SITE!  - Seventh Day Remnant Kids 05-12-13

   We are Very Near the End! 05-05-13

   Pope Francis 03-24-13

NEW IN 2012

  The Salute of Rome 12-02-12

  The Pope & Islam 11-26-12

  The power behind the EU/NWO 10-14-12

  Q&A's of Sabbaths Past 09-28-12

  Extensiones de habla española 04-08-12

  Prepare to meet thy God! 03-18-12

  Have you seen this Card? 03-18-12

  Daniel 11 Defined 03-06-12


  The Man of Sin Revealed 01-11-12

NEW IN 2000-2011

No update page posted between 2000-2011


The Presents of God ministry test121423