The only reason the Pope claims
Islam is "peaceful" is so that he
doesn't arouse suspicion
when meeting with their leaders
to create new ways to kill
NOTICE: Hit "F3"
and type in"brothers" to see
how many times the Pope calls
Muslims that kill Christians
HIS brothers!
no mention fo Jesus Christ at
100 Quran Verses about
Killing Christians
and Catholicism compared
here for articles
here for Videos
here for additional links
exposing Rome's Islamic faith
here for a loving letter an
SDR sister wrote to Muslims
When the angels
said, "‘O Mary, indeed God
gives you the good news of a
word from Him, whose name will
be the Christ, Jesus, the son of
Mary, held in honor in this
world and in the Hereafter, and
of those who are near to
God.’ ‘He will speak
to the people in the cradle, and
in old age, and he will be of
the righteous.’ She said,
‘My Lord, how can I have a
son when no man has touched
me.’ He said, ‘So
(it will be,) for God creates
what He wants. When He decides
something, He only says to it,
‘Be,’ and it is. And
He will teach him the Book and
wisdom and the
Torah and the
Gospel. And (will make him) a
messenger to the Children of
Israel (saying), ‘Indeed I
have come to you with a sign
from your Lord. I make for you
out of clay the likeness of a
bird, then breathe into it, and
it becomes a bird by the
permission of God. And I heal
the blind and the leper, and I
bring the dead to life by the
permission of God. And I inform
you of what you eat and what you
store in your houses. Surely,
there is a sign for you in that,
if you are believers. And (I
have come) confirming the Torah
that was(revealed) before me,
and to allow you some of what
was forbidden to you. And I have
come to you with a proof from
your Lord, so fear God and obey
me. Indeed, God is my Lord and
your Lord, so worship Him. This
is the straight path.”
-Holy Quran sura 3 ayat 45-51.
Like Rome,
the Koran (invented
by Rome)
declares Jesus "the Son of
Mary" and NOT the Son of God.
The Church's
relationship with the
"The plan of salvation also
includes those who acknowledge
the Creator, in the first
place amongst whom are
the Muslims; these profess
to hold the faith of Abraham,
and together with us they
adore the one, merciful God,
mankind's judge on the last
day." -Catechism
of the Catholic Church #841
Just as
Roman Catholic
Emperor Adolph Hitler hated blacks, the
Vatican controlled Islamic
people hate blacks because THEIR
great and final day of
redemption, only white
faces will be saved, and all blackened
faces will be condemned. -3rd Sur
like to throw out a few facts
that may paint a picture most
are unable to see simply because
it's happened over a period of
time and we all know about the
short memories of most people.
In fact, the powers that be
count on that as their ace up
the sleeve. I don't want to
comment much on this, as the
facts speak for themselves quite
clearly. Sharing it in this way
may hopefully open some eyes
that can be used by the Lord to
warn others. With that said,
notice the following
similarities between Roman
Catholicism, and Islam.
- Nine
years after Pope
Francis’ Laudato
Si’, Muslims launch
a counterpart
Just like
Catholics on Easter The Muslims do the
- Roman
Catholic priests tortured
& killed victims
publicly during
Inquisition, Islam now
does the same
- Roman
Catholics are taught that
Jesus created birds from clay
and gave them life at a river
bank waiting for his mother as
she did laundry. (John 2:11
says Jesus' performed
His first miracle at the
wedding in Cana)
- Muslims
declare in Sura 3:49 Jesus
"created birds from clay."
- Roman Catholic
and Muslim Women are Prohibited
from showing their Hair
- Roman
Catholics and Muslims both
idolize their "holy books."
When droped to the floor both
perform acts of worship upon
them to "make things
- Roman
Catholics and Muslims both
pray repetitive prayers
- Roman
Catholics use the rosary (prayer beads)
and Muslims use the
- Roman
Catholic priests molest
Muslims marry
girls as young as 9.
married a 6 year old!
- Roman
Catholic priests prefer boys
to molest.
prefer boys to rape.
- Roman Catholic
priests are anti-woman. Muslims are
also anti-women, and see no sin
in killing their daughters and
wives in what they call "honor
- Roman Catholic
prelates call the Christian
God Allah.
We all know that Muslims call
their god Allah.
- Roman Catholic
prelates preach the
Christian God is the Muslim
- Roman
Catholicism preaches salvation
by works. Islam preaches
salvation by works.
- Roman
Catholicism preaches eternal
life in Hell. Islam preaches
eternal life in Hell.
- Roman
Catholicism commands the
wearing of religious items.
Islam commands the wearing of
religious items.
- Roman
Catholic popes teach Mary
The Muslim Koran
has Mary mentioned 34 times and dedicated
two chapters to her in the
Koran. (Chapter 3 = "Family of
Marium" and chapter 19 =
"Marium." ( Also see this -
Mary, Mother of
Jesus Mosque) (Also
see.. Vatican: Mary
Is Muslim-catholic Bridge (They had to
admit it after a Muslim
said this)
- Roman
Catholics pray to Mary. Muslims pray to
- Roman Catholics
taught to see Mary as a
Muslims are
taught to see Mary as a
- The
Vatican admitted on March
12, 2000
that the Roman Catholic church
Christians and Jews for 1260
- Muslims killed
165,000 Christians and
tortured an additional
173,000 in the year 2009
- Many legal
and photographic
confirm the Roman Catholic
church helped Hitler kill
millions of Christians and
Jews before during and after
World War II.
- Muslims are
well known for killing
Christians and Jews.
- We have
known for many decades that the Roman
Catholic church invented the
religion of Islam so as to use the
Muslim people to again kill
Jews and Christians all around
the world once their
prophesied mortal wound was healed.
- Yassir Arafat, a leader of
Islam bowed to the Pope and
was photographed
kissing his ring in 2003 proving
a deep seated
with Rome was all along a
reality confirming all we have
been preaching was true. (This
act also confirmed many Truth
Provided Newsletter statements and World
Wide Truth Provided Radio broadcasts
regarding the Popes and Islam.)
- Christian
churches are right now being
fed "Islam lite" messages on pulpits today
even though history shows
their recent activity is more
about hatred of Christians and
- Roman
soldiers, Vatican priests,
Nazi soldiers, Muslim
brotherhood soldiers, Hezbola
soldiers, and Palestinian
soldiers all display the exact
same outstretch arm
of the ancient Romans.
In 1968 a
Muslim killed Bobby Kennedy, in
1972 a Muslim kidnapped and
killed Munich Olympians, in 1979
the US embassy was taken over by
Muslims, in the 1980's many
Americans were kidnapped by
Muslims, in 1983 the US Marine
barracks in Beirut were blown up
by Muslims, in 1985 the Cruise
ship Achille Lauro was hijacked
and a 70 year old passenger was
thrown overboard in his
wheelchair by Muslims, in 1985
TWA flight 847 was hijacked in
Athens and a US Navy diver
trying to rescue passengers was
murdered by Muslims, in 1988 Pan
Am flight 103 was bombed by
Muslims, in 1993 the World Trade
Center was bombed by Muslims, in
1998 the US Embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania were bombed by
To compare
this to Catholicism, see my old
'quicky' and 'quicky archives' page as well as the
Newsletter section, or the other
thousands of pages on this site
documenting all sorts of crimes
by Roman Catholic priests over
the years. I won't comment on,
or add to the mix the September
11 attacks because there is too
much evidence to prove the USA
government did the attack and blamed Muslims
because their bloody nature.
They knew their violent history
allowed them to be used as
patsies on this so as to get the
job done. Still, even with that
off the table, do you see a
pattern here?
As history has
proven, Hitler was used
by the Vatican to do similar acts
so as to allow the Vatican to
assure certain global laws were
enacted that would benefit them
and them alone. As we look at
what Islam has done recently,
and what Rome has
done in the past, and how Rome has
been making friends with Muslim
nations the world over, do we
see a pattern emerging? (Notice
how Rome's "salute" is used by
the Vatican and it's cohorts
to this day)
As we look at many of the laws
that have been passed around the
world that help the Vatican gain
power, while at the same time
guarantee Muslim powerful
political benefits, is there any
wonder as to why the man of sin
in Rome would choose to have a
stand as president in the USA?
They did this very same thing
with Hitler, did they not?
Still, since we now know the
Vatican invented the
religion of Islam, it stands to
reason they also invented the
Koran. The fact this book
contradicts itself repeatedly in
how newer verses are now taught
to supersede older verses proves
it was a work in progress by
man. The true God never has to
change His Word when society
changes due to Satanic influence
because truth is eternal. Lies
continually have to be updated
and re-written to keep the
deceived in check. This can also
be seen in Roman Catholic
wherein it changes over and over
again with each new pope. So the
Koran is going to be no
different. And by the way, where
you aware of the following?
speaking of the throne
of Peter or the throne
the Pope sits on, it
says "when the French
soldiers under General
Bonaparte took
possession of Rome, they
found on the back of it,
in Arabic, this
well-known sentence from
the Koran, "There
is no God but Allah,
and Mahomet is His
Prophet" -The Two
Babylons, you will
find the following on
Page 213 in Chapter 6,
Religious Orders,
Section L.
Another tell
tale sign of Vatican influence
is how the Koran prophesies.
Within the Koran's pages are "so
called" prophecies that can now
be easily understood to actually
be "agenda" rather than
prophecies that were literally
penned by Vatican prelates. For
example. In a Commentary on the
Koran we see the following so
called "prophecy."
"The Hour will not
be established until the
sun rises from the West: and when the
people see it, then whoever will
be living on the surface of the
earth will have faith" Bukhari vol. 6
book 60 #159
Notice the logo for
Obama's campaign on the left
here. It depicts the Sun rising
over the ultimate symbol of the
West, the flag of the United
States! Is this why we have so many pictures and websites speaking
of Obama as Messiah all over the world
now? Is this why we have a Muslim Mafia in
the USA
right now? Is this why the Vatican is
helping to spread tolerance
towards Sharia law all across the
globe? Is this why even though
Muslims continue to commit
bloody acts of violence they are
still offered all sorts of
benefits in the new world
that will allow for Sharia law
to be implemented everywhere,
and those that commit such
crimes are completely ignored?
One major example has to be the
World Trade Center debris which
was quickly hauled off and
buried to prevent an in depth
investigation, as were the most
recent events in Fort Hood and
other crimes of Islam. It's
almost as if they have a license
to kill today. Is this why Muslims are
burning Christians alive inside their own
churches around the world
without fear of punishment? Is
this why Obama's speeches
bolster sales of the Muslim
and inspire Islam
prayer rallies almost every time
he speaks?
Rome has
invented Islam for the very same
reason they invented
Hitler's 3rd Reich. In fact, I
believe this is why Yemen’s
al-Qaeda is calling for jihad
against Jews, Christians as we speak. The
killing is about to get much
worse than just 165,000
Christians a year.
By the way,
just so you know, Obama
actually no more a Muslim than
he is a Christian. He is more
about the power aspect of things
like anyone else in D.C. To
prove this as fact, like all
those in D.C., he knows bowing to the
is very advantages to his
career. Even Islam itself knows
bowing to the Pope will bless
you politically. (Notice Yasser
Arafat bowing to Pope John Paul
II on right) Why else would
there be talk of Obama following
after Tony Blair and others to convert to
Will he do it? Time will tell.
In any event, these leaders are
clearly power crazed, and they
know Rome holds the ultimate key
to global success. Especially
since the New World
Order was their baby to start
Little do they know their power
is fleeting and it will only
last until Rome burns as 'real
prophecy' predicts is to occur
very soon. (See Revelation
18:9,18) These political leaders
have been deceived by Satan to
think they can change that
prophecy as is evident in their
attempts to violently remove
Christians from the planet. And
yes, that too was prophecied by
the way. It's called the little
time of trouble that precedes the
they are soon to receive as
their just deserts.
Bottom line is
this. Prophecy says the Vatican
is home to Antichrist. That
being the case, Rome must be
able to attack Christians all
over the world and force men of
all religions to bow Satan and
receive the mark of the beast. But the Vatican
needs to play the moral card so
as to act as if they are
Christians. This is why they
used Hitler in his day to kill
millions of Jews as well as
Christians. This is why they
have altered all the history
books they could reach to hide what
they did during the
Inquisitions to 500,000,000
And this is why they needed to
create a religion that everyone
on earth accepts as being evil
and out of control. Rome can use
the Muslims to do their bidding
as they did with Hitler while at
the same time act as if they are
appalled by their acts. This is
the perfect scenario for them to
get their agenda met. They can
stand beofre the people as moral
while killing them and their
children wearing the mask of an
Islamic terrorist.
stage is set, the players are on
their mark, and the Christians
are in the targets. That being
said, are you ready? ARE YOU
By the
I created and posted this page
online on 11-26-12. All these
articles below have been posted
since then. There is a LOT of
activity going on lately in the
Vatican between the Pope and
Islam. A LOT! Hence, I realized
the need to compile their
prevent issues with truncated
pages due to so many articles
being posted, ALL future
article updates will only be
posted on the poGm BLOG.
Painting Of
Jesus Investigated As A HATE
on Long Island are investigating
after someone hung a large
painting of Jesus Christ on a
fence at a mosque early Friday
evening. Investigators are
treating the incident as a hate
crime, reports NBC New
The painting is a crucifixion
scene showing a largely
silhouetted Jesus with his crown
of thorns prominently featured.
It appeared outside the Hillside
Islamic Center in Nassau County,
according to investigators." -Source
Ok, let's look
at the facts here for a moment
to see if we can discover who
was actually behind this
painting of "Jesus" ending
up on that fence wherein they
knew it would anger some
Muslims. We have to look at all
the facts because this is not
just a religious statement being
made here. It's also a political
statement thanks to how Rome go
their foot in the
door back in 1929, and as far as
prophetic license will allow,
it's also an obvious act of war.
Truth is, we all know about how
much Muslims hate Christians. So
much so they are
averaging killing one
Christian every two minutes all around the
So.. the
The painting
is that of a Roman Catholic
crucifix found only in Roman
Catholic churches as well as
churches that have boldly bowed
to the Jesuit order. And just so
you know, such so called
"Protestant" churches always
display the IHS Jesuit symbol as a sign of
loyalty to that bloodthirsty
as well. Surprisingly enough,
most "Protestant" churches
refuse to display the crucifix
as they do know Jesus is no
longer on that cross. Hence the
reason for the empty cross
(still an idolized symbol) in
most non-Catholic denominations.
Yet walking into any Roman
Catholic church on earth and you
will see a "dead" Jesus on a
cross displayed with pride so as
to subconsciously declare unto
all lookers on that Rome was
successful in killing Jesus; and
so with that in mind they hope
to warn you to be careful on how
you come against her.
Yes, our Lord
Jesus died on a cross. But all
obedient Christians know He
arose and so we do not need to
fashion an idol of wood, hay or
stubble to remind us of the joy
of our salvation. When you meet
Jesus, you don't need to see the
nail prints or stick your
fingers into His side to have
that faith. There are no more
"doubting Thomas' among
Getting back
to our investigation, we also
know by the evidence unearthed
some time ago, the Roman church
(Vatican) has been outed as one
that both hates Jesus
Christ and His followers and the Bible He
and any obedient Christian that
refuses to bow to their demands.
Secondly, we know the Roman church
loves to shed blood as both
their historic past and recent apology of
same confirms. We also know the Roman church
was recently outed as the one
that penned the Koran so as to gain an
army of pawns that will do
whatever they politically and
religiously move them to do,
with or without foreknowledge of
same. Hence the reason for the
same hierarchal structure in the
Islamic nation that we see in
Vatican City.
Those of us
that study both historic as well
as modern day events between
Islam and the Vatican know how they do work
(even religiously) as well as fight against
each other
whenever either scenario
benefits them most politically.
We also know the Roman church
has been very active in opening
American borders so as to assure
many Muslims enter in our nation
while at the same time Mexican
Catholics gain entry so as to
both guarantee a massive voting
bloc that allows for Vatican
agendas to gain ground whenever
election time comes near as well
as a loyal army to do their
bidding when it comes to
terrorists acts. And finally,
(just to cut things short) we
also know how well the Pagan (and
then later Papal) Rome uses
so as to cause unrest in any
nation they focus on whenever
the scales begin to tip in their
favor. (Also study up Daniel
That all being
said, can you see the Pope's
political benefits of angering his loyal Muslim pawns that are
spread out all over our nation
in sleeper cells with at least 22
actual Islamic training
thanks to our recent Muslim president offering them
carte blanche squatters rights
wherever they deemed necessary
so as to make civil unrest and
easy task at hand? Or what of
the CIA and FBI going
on a hiring spree of Muslims so as to have them
in place for the Pope when the
other shoe drops? And we must
not forget the current push
towards electing more Muslims
to public office in the USA so as to assure the prophesied
religious laws, and this includes
Shariah law
comes to fruition in the USA
just as Rome planned.
And why do
they pile it on so think you
ask? It's because of the
prophesied loud cry. Such unrest
will not only make the
prophesied work of the (real remnant)
somewhat difficult, it will also
spark a larger fire of demon
inspired interest under each
Congressional seat when it comes
to dealing with such a
religio/political hotbed of
activity. And the only way they
can ever hope to deal with such
an issue as big as this would be
to legally sanction the passage
of religious law.
News to help Terrorist's
is caught red handed trying to
fake a news report to make
Muslims appear against what
their own Koran demands they do
to Christians and anyone else
that denies Allah as god. (Click here to watch on
Guillotines on US Soil!
People Get
Very Near the
DHS John Kelly
Defunds, Disinvites Islamic
Groups Favored By Barack
officials have eliminated 2016
plans to fund Islamic groups
allied to former President
Barack Obama, and declined to
schedule a 2017 Islamic
‘Iftar’ dinner where
those groups were able to show
their political influence to the
ambassadors of wealthy Islamic
countries. The turnaround was
made public on Friday when the
Department of Homeland Security
announced a revised list of the
organizations which are
getting DHS funds to help
prevent young Muslims from
becoming jihadis. The new
replaced an Obama
announced January 13, 2017,
and it dropped a $800,000 grant
for an Islamic
in Los Angeles, and a $393,000
grant for a linked organization,
the Muslim
Public Affairs Council
This is by
far, too little too late. In
fact, it's all a farce as the
DHS is still allowing Muslims to
be funded and schooling some to
supposedly "prevent
young Muslims from becoming
The fact we
now have over 35 Islamic
military training compounds on
US soil right now shows, this is all
propaganda. Why doesn't the DHS
shut them down? But then this is
the so called unbiased DHS
talking now. If they were
unbiased under Obama and saw a genuine
threat to homeland security,
they never would have allowed
Muslims into the nation under
Obama or any president for that
matter. Because as Obama,
Clinton and the Bush family
proved in just the last few
decades alone, some US
Presidents are all about helping
those that will destroy America.
why do I say that?
Some think
it all started with President
George H.W. Bush (President #1)
and they are partially correct
more than they realize. Truth
is, the problem was already made
very apparent to students of
prophecy long before that when
the Vatican was allowed a say in
American politics after the
prophesied meeting of 1929
wherein the Papal head wounded
started to scab over. And the reason I
said Bush was part of the
problem is because his father Prescott
Bush is the one that worked
hand in hand with the Pope in
Rome to bring Hitler to power. No, most in
political power won't
acknowledge the Pope's role in
any of this, but then that's not
surprising since this
is how Rome came to power eons
and so it won't change today
because as with anything else,
good or bad, it's as the old
saying goes. If it ain't broke
don't fix it. In fact, this is
why they also refuse to declare
Popes of Rome wrote the Koran and are the very
ones helping
Islam kill Christians and Jews today just
as they did with Hitler in his
The powers that be today owe all
their power to the Pope as
prophesied and this
is why they bow to him on
By the way,
the Department of Homeland
Security is nothing more than a
Nazi invention of Rome that
George W. Bush emulated after
September 11. Directly after Hitler
burned his own Reichstag
he invented his own "homeland
security" claiming it was there
to protect his nation from
Communists. The grandson of
Prescott Bush, which was none
other than President George W
Bush, did the exact same thing
on September 11. We
now have overwhelming proof
the United States government
brought those towers down and
even sent a cruise missile
into the Pentagon so as to create a
department of "homeland
security" to supposedly protect
Americans from the Islamic
hordes that attacked us. But
common sense dictates that if
the Muslim truly were the ones
that did it, why have the
floodgates been wide open for
decades letting them into our
nation ever since then? And why
has the Pope spearheaded the
Christian/Islamic positive
relations campaign wherein every
church under his control (including
the SDA church) now declares
Allah is God?
And why is it since the Pope
started to declare Islam a
"religion of peace" that the
terroristic attacks went off the
charts? It's because once said
the Muslims that are loyal
to the Pope
knew he was sanctifying their
next move. In short, they are
all working from the same
transcript the
Pope in Hitler's day penned under
direction of Satan that will create
the New
World Order
needed to enforce the
Not only did
the open borders allow Muslims
to come in and set up shop and
even sleeper cells all over our
nation just waiting for the
Pope they salute to go forth as
they have been doing in Europe
on a weekly basis, the Mexican
Roman Catholics have also
flooded in so as to allow the
Popes the massive voting bloc
needed to do as they boasted
they will do all alone.
- "The old
Protestant culture is about at
the end
of its rope… Why can't we
make the U.S. Catholic in
legislation, Catholic in
justice, aims and ideals?" –Father F. X.
editor of America, official
Jesuit magazine for the U.S. statement in New
York Globe Dec. 14, 1930
- "But
Constitutions can be changed, and non-Catholic
may decline to such a point
that the political
[ban] of them may become feasible and
protection would they have
against a Catholic state?" –The State and
the Church, pp.38,39, by
Miller and Ryan, imprimatur of
Cardinal Hayes
- "The Roman
Catholic motto is ourselves
alone for fellow Roman
Catholics. We must defeat
all heretics (non Catholics)
at the ballot box. The holy
father states that negative
tactics are fatal. The demands
of the holy father (the pope)
are that the
public services should be
100% Roman Catholic soon. Care must be
taken that no suspicion
may be raised when Roman
Catholics are secretly
given more government jobs
than Protestants, Jews and
other heretics." -Archbisop
Now do you
see why the General under
President George Washington
stated the following long ago?
He said "If the
liberties of the American
people are every destroyed,
they will fall by the hand
of the Roman Catholic cult's
clergy." –General Lafayette
under President George
how edited our classroom
history books are eh?
For the DHS
formed under direction of the
Pope in 2001 to act like they
are "finally" protecting us from
Muslims today is nothing more
than what we see with men like Alex
or any other Jesuit coadjutors
doing. They act like they are in
our corner so as to keep the
people on their couch; but all
along enemies of the innocent
they hope to corral, subjugate
and destroy. Only under a Vatican
Socialist State can the
be enforced and so it will be.
Now that
there are just enough Muslims
and Catholics within our borders
to finish the job, Trump and his
Vatican approved DHS can claim
to shut down Muslim infiltration
on American soil so as to rally
more support from the sheeple
that have been well
conditioned by Hollywood,
Sports and the government
And we must not forget the
prisons wherein we see Muslim
terrorists like Michael
Adebowale who murdered Lee
Rigby teaching dozens of
prison inmates on how to kill
Christians who then actually
vow to commit Islamic Jihad in
America the moment they are
released from prison. So again.. I say
it's too little too late for the
DHS to claim they are defunding
Muslim organizations in the
United States. All they're doing
by disinviting Muslims now is
saying we have enough here in
America to do what the Pope
needs done under his fourth
Ramadan Rage
2017: The Complete List of
Jihadist Attacks
estimated 950 deaths and 1,021
injuries from the estimated 70
attacks that have taken place
across about 20 countries during
the first 13 days (as of June 8)
of this year’s holy Muslim
month of Ramadan have already
marked the bloodiest
Ramadan in recent years. In just
one day (June 08), the death
toll increased by 84 and
injuries by 42. Jihadists
believe martyrdom is doubly
rewarded in paradise during
Ramadan. Jihadist groups
encourage martyrdom among their
sympathizers and followers,
promoting the belief that they
will be doubly rewarded if they
fatally castigate infidels
during Ramadan." -Source
This is
overwhelming evidence that the
Islamic religion is an exact
duplicate to the Roman Catholic
torturous and murderous fruits
of their inquisition during the prophesied
1260 year rampage of the Popes. Yes, it was
prophesied that the "great tribulation" that saw hundreds of
millions of Christians killed
for their faith would end in the
exact year 1798ad. But it was also
prophesied the Vatican church
would regain its church and
State power
as well as begin its horrific
killings again. Sadly today,
most look at the 165,000+ martyred
Christians each year as a normal fact
of life in today's society when
it's not normal at all for the
human race to do this to each
other. But it is normal in the last days as everyone alive
knows is happening right now.
Not long after
Mussolini and
Cardinal Gaspari signed their
long prophesied pact in 1929 that we saw the
Vatican create, cultivate and
place in power Roman Catholic
Emperor Adolph Hitler and the killing
seen during the Inquisitions
began again using the same
torturous techniques of the
Vatican priests. They had to use
Hitler this time instead of
openly killing Christians as
they did all over Europe in the
dark ages because they knew
everyone on the planet knew
about the Pope's bloodthirsty
desires. Especially since the man of sin
was identified via the work of the prophesied
9th hour church. And so Hitler
Rome's stealthy way to kill
again without being noticed. But
even here they were outed as
Hitler was a declared Roman
Catholic and so after he failed
to help them kill off all the
Christians and the Jews, they
regrouped to build up a pawn
they had already been
cultivating for centuries. You
see, even the Popes of Rome has
not the long-term livability as
does their dying god Beelzebub;
and so he used them centuries
earlier to set the stage he
needed to build up Islam
long so as to use them during
the very last days.
Satan's plan
was so well built that some poor souls
even to this day believe Islam
to be the king of the north so as to help hide
Rome's bloody actions by using
Islam to kill once again. Their
disobedience the Lord in
whatever realm the enemy souls
was able to lure them into
afforded him the perfect pawns
to build up his last ditch
effort to rid the planet of
Christians. And now that we are very near
the end,
his zeal for spilling blood has
gone far beyond the Vatican
rituals we see every Easter
wherein Catholics and Muslims
whip themselves bloody on camera. But no
one dies during this
bloodletting and so Satan now
needs to spill the blood of
dying victims so as to cultivate
more pawns as well as generate
more fear so as to have many
Christians failing in the faith.
We now have
the testimony of
ex-Muslims as well as dogmatic
proof that the Popes of Rome
actually wrote the Koran. There was even an
exPriest that
outed them on this who was murdered
by the Pope for doing so. This
is why both the Catholics and
the Muslims display the same
fruits in their walks and many
strange religious rituals. (See a list here) And so when you
see the killings of the
Christians escalate during "holy
days" of Muslims you have to
know it's due to their obedience
to the words penned by Vatican
prelates in their Koran.
As Christians
who trust the Bible we know that
the Vatican is not the home to a
Christian religion. It has been outed
more than once in their own
documentation, pics, and even
on video to be a Satanic
hell-bent on destroying
Christianity from within in the exact same
way a spy would want to
infiltrate an enemy nation
masquerading as a citizen of
that nation. But Rome can only
be successful after they openly
ridicule the Bible that
exposes them.
This is why they get very angry
whenever someone declares "Sola Scriptura" out loud. And so,
when their flock blindly trusts
them as Jesus predicted they
would in Matthew 15:14, they too
will put down the Bible as a
"dead and speechless book"
(Catholic Question Box page 67)
In so doing it allows the Popes
and prelates to have absolute
control. But had their people
opened a Bible, as many did in
the Reformation, they would have
discovered that as prophesied,
nearly 90% of the Vatican
dogma (doctrine) is of Pagan (Satanic) origin
and this would move them to
leave such churches. But over
one billion people have
succumbed to the Roman Catholic
lie because that too was
prophesied. (See Matthew
What's worse,
Muslims leaders have already
declared their loyalty to the
Popes of Rome. You can see this
in how they con their underlings
into saluting the
Popes in the exact same way
Hitler taught his Nazis to
salute the Pope. In fact, I have
well over a dozen videos
exposing the Vatican love
affair with Islam posted here if you would like
to share this with any Catholics
the Lord leads your way.
As prophesied, the wound of the
beast in Rome was to be healed
so as to grant the Pope power to
kill again. I actually confirmed
this as a prophetic fulfillment
back in January of 2014 in
yet another video posted here. And no, the apostate SDA
never caught that or even
declared it as a fulfilled
prophecy even to this day; even
though the structure of the
prophecy is quite clear in how
it was to be fulfilled. And why
did they miss this prophesied
fact along with every
other church in agreement with
It has to do with
obedience that is key in
understanding prophecy. In fact, this is
also why you see all the churches
proclaim Allah s god and all the
nations allow the so
called Muslim "refugees" to enter their
nations by the millions so as to
assure Rome has the bloodthirsty
troops needed to generate the
fear and terror in the hearts of
every nation they place under
their thumb so as to assure the
enforcement of her mark is a soon to be
reality worldwide. And yes, this
is also why Trump's recent
pick for FBI director is tied
to Shariah-compliant deals. As prophesied, religious laws
are coming to America and they're coming
much sooner than most Christians
are aware. And so, it's time to
trim those lamps brothers and
sisters. We have some amazing
work to do and we will need all
the Holy Spirit inspired help to
do so!
Groups Unhappy With
Indianapolis ‘Perfect
Man’ Billboard
"A billboard in Indianapolis,
IN is stirring controversy
among local Muslim groups,
says a Fox
report. The billboard, seen
going southbound I-465
near the Washington Street
exit mocks the prophet
Mohammed as “The Perfect
Man.” The billboard then
lists six bullet points about
Mohammed to describe him. The
points include: “Married
a 6-year-old,”
“Slave owner &
“Beheaded 600 Jews in
one day,” “13
wives, 11 at one time”
and “Tortured &
killed unbelievers.”
…According to Fox 59,
the Muslim Alliance of Indiana
plans to raise money to put up
its own billboard close by to
spread a message of peace and
kindness." –Source
So let me
get this straight. Nowhere on
this billboard do you see the
name "Mohammed" mentioned. All
you see are statements about a
"perfect man" that has done
some pretty awful things and
so all the Muslims are upset?
Why are they so upset? It's
because they know all of
what's listed on the billboard
are historic facts nary a
single Muslim can refute and
so instead of realizing the
truth about Mohammed and his
blatantly evil ways, they
purposely ignore all the facts
listed and get all upset at
those people that posted the
truth about their god? And
yes, I said Mohammed is their
god because like the Roman
Catholic that worships and
prays to Mary, the Muslims
were also taught by the
to uplift everything and
anyone by the Creator God and
in their case, they chose
Mohammed to be their god.
In this
age of lying, and I call it
that because Satan knows his
time is very short and so he
moves every soul he can to
echo his lies, we as the final
generation have found over and
over again how simple truth
upsets people to no end. If
you show a drunk verses in the
Bible that say "no drunkards
are allowed in Heaven" (1
Corinthians 6:10) they go
ballistic on you. If you show
an adulterer or fornicator
they are in sin (Exodus 20:1
& Romans 1:29) they become
very angry and lash out at you
for assuming to be better than
they are. Or if you show a
homosexual they are possessed
of demons and their lifestyle
is an open abomination against
their Creator God, (Genesis
19:1-11, Leviticus 18:22,
20:13, 1Kings 14:24; 15:12,
2Kings 23:7, Romans 1:18-32,
1Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy
1:8-10 and Jude 7) they will
attack you openly and even
seek your financial
destruction, jail time and
even death. And so this is why
Muslims get very upset when
you tell them the truth about
Mohammed. They are all of the
same worldly mindset. The fact
these "religious" Muslims see
no sin in pedophilia, murder,
suicide, adultery, polygamy,
rape, torture and lying
confirms their religion is
based on lies and so any truth
regarding same will enrage
Now do
you see why 2 Thessalonians
2:10-12 was penned regarding
the wicked? It's "because they received
not the love of the truth, that they might
be saved. And for this
cause God shall send them
strong delusion, that they
should believe a lie: That they
all might be damned who
believed not the truth, but had pleasure
in unrighteousness."
The very
second a Christian comes to a
drunk, adulterer, fornicator,
homosexual or a Muslim the
demons around and sometimes
actually insides them move
them to graphic hatred very
easily because they lie is the
language of their dying god
(Beelzebub aka Satan) and his
native tongue has always been
to lie. Therefore, that is
their long prophesied comfort
zone and therefore any truth
is bound to get their blood
up. Like the demons that
yelled at Jesus whenever He
came near to them 2000 years
ago, the wicked of today do
the same thing when real
Christians approach because
Jesus prophesied they would
long ago when He said in John
15:18, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me
before it hated you." And so be it!
For it is also written in Luke
6:22-23, "Blessed
are ye, when men shall
hate you, and when they shall
separate you from their
company, and shall reproach
you, and cast out your name as
evil, for
the Son of man's sake. Rejoice
ye in that day, and leap for
joy: for, behold, your
reward is great in heaven: for in the like
manner did their fathers unto
the prophets."
U.S. schools
'bowing' to Islam during
schools across America are being
pressured to offer time off
school, in-school prayer rooms,
and special dietary demands by
Muslim students observing the
Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
One campus in Brooklyn has
agreed not to serve food at its
prom until after sundown while
another school in upstate New
York is setting up prayer rooms
to satisfy the demands of
students who observe Ramadan." -Source
isn't it? In a Christian nation
we now have Government teachers
who have displayed all
sorts of hatred towards
anything about Jesus Christ who is the
pinnacle of peace and love
unparalleled throughout the
history of mankind so much so it
is illegal to even mention His
name in American schools. But,
if you worship a god that
demands you kill Christians in
as graphic a manner that pleases
the Pope in Rome who actually wrote the book on
as well as the Quran of
then you are free to demand all
sorts of religious rights in the
government schools of America
who for decades protested to
demand a supposed removal of
church & state.
to blame?
wolves most people call pastors
and priests. These so called men
of God have CONvinced the masses
for years now that "Allah is God" and so when a
Muslim declares he is actually a
god, they look at helping the
Muslim bow to their god as if
it's a moral duty of the
Christian and so they open the
government school doorways wide
to allow for everything from
certain Halal meals at lunchtime to
actual prayer rooms in
government buildings! Some schools have
even gone so far as to bring
students into Muslim mosques to
bow before Allah like the SDA
church did, photographed and
even published for all to see
years ago.
United States government has
been taken over by the Vatican
directly after Reagan was shot.
Reagan, a professional Hollywood
liar aka actor became so fearful
he widely opened the Whitehouse
doors to the Pope. Since then,
everything a Pope speaks on
regarding one political issue
after another, you will notice
that within weeks and sometimes
days the puppets in the Oval
Office bow to him in
to implement his plans. Need I
remind you of how the Pope demanded
all the Roman Catholic Schools
teach Islam to the children regardless of the
fact their parents are paying
high tuition rates to the
Vatican so as to teach
"Christianity" to their
children. Not long after that
every Vatican sanctioned
preacher and priest in the one world
and this includes the Seventh Day
Adventist church. All the pastors
started to push Islam into the
churches and schools for the
Pope so as to brainwash the
children into accepting the
Islamic hoards they planned to
"migrate" into all nations as
peaceful loving people?
reality dictates the
In 1968 a
Muslim killed Bobby Kennedy, in
1972 a Muslim kidnapped and
killed Munich Olympians, in 1979
the US embassy was taken over by
Muslims, in the 1980's many
Americans were kidnapped by
Muslims, in 1983 the US Marine
barracks in Beirut were blown up
by Muslims, in 1985 the Cruise
ship Achille Lauro was hijacked
and a 70 year old passenger was
thrown overboard in his
wheelchair by Muslims, in 1985
TWA flight 847 was hijacked in
Athens and a US Navy diver
trying to rescue passengers was
murdered by Muslims, in 1988 Pan
Am flight 103 was bombed by
Muslims, in 1993 the World Trade
Center was bombed by Muslims, in
1998 the US Embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania were bombed by
Muslims and as the United States
incorporation (most still claim
is a government) declared
Muslims flew two planes into the
Twin Towers. And lately, we have
seen one bombing after another
in subways, on busses, in Malls,
at concerts and even in
homosexual nightclubs in the
name of Allah and still the SDA
leaders, Catholic leaders and
all those in bed with Rome still
declare Allah is God and the
Muslims that trust His Vatican
inspired Koran to be a God
fearing peaceful man?
As prophesied,
there are over
30,000 guillotines on US soil
right now.
And who do you think is standing
in line right now vying for the
chance to man the lever on those
guillotines for Rome when the
real Christians refuse to bow to
the man of sin and his mark? The so called
peaceful loving Muslims. This is
why I have been warning people
for years that Shariah Law was
soon to become valid in US
That all being said, now do you
see why there are anti-Shariah
rallies planned for 28 U.S.
cities on June 10? Seriously, if it
wasn't prophesied, planned and
already in the works to allow
for Shariah Law to be part of
the American Court System, why
are people protesting all across
this nation to stop it?
Meet the new Muslim PAC
new organization called Jetpac Inc. is mobilizing to
get more Muslims elected to
public office in U.S. cities and
states, but an investigation
into the founder’s
background reveals ties to the
extremist Muslim Brotherhood,
which has been hard at work
trying to influence American
politics since the 1990s. The
first Muslim elected to a
national office was Rep. Keith
Ellison, who was elected in 2006
to represent a heavily
Democratic district in
Minnesota. He was sworn into
office with his hand on the
Quran, and that singular act
opened a world of possibilities
for other politically minded
Muslims." -Source
of the things I love about being
a student of prophecy is that
confirmation always makes the
heart experience hope as well as
an increase in faith when we see
that which the Lord told us will
happen actually come to fruition
exactly as He stated. For
decades we have been warning people
about a Muslim infiltration in
that as students of prophecy we
knew was solely due to the
Vatican's long prophesied agenda
to bring about a way to enforce
religious laws in America that
will see the 30,000+
come out of mothballs.
is clear, the obedient people
of God
that refuse to bow to the
Vatican's religious laws (Sunday Laws) will for the most
part be martyred by being
beheaded. (See Revelation 20:4)
And everyone alive knows how
Muslims love to behead
Christians; but because most
don't read Bibles, and those
that do read them prefer to do
so in a way that sanctions their
sin. And to add insult to their
spiritual injury, all the
churches are in apostasy and
therefore 100% of their
pastors are unable to preach
or teach prophecy. With that
hellishly crippled faith and
blinded spiritual eyesight as
their norm they are unable to
hear or see anything the
obedient remnant people warn
them about when it comes to how
Rome is using the
Muslims in the exact same way
they used the Nazis. When we share
rock hard facts in both
Scripture and historic record
regarding this prophesied truth,
most look at us like we have two
heads because they simply cannot
see what we see.
how about a quick summary for
those riding the fence:
In 1968 a
Muslim killed Bobby Kennedy, in
1972 a Muslim kidnapped and
killed Munich Olympians, in 1979
the US embassy was taken over by
Muslims, in the 1980's many
Americans were kidnapped by
Muslims, in 1983 the US Marine
barracks in Beirut was blown up
by Muslims, in 1985 the Cruise
ship Achille Lauro was hijacked
and a 70 year old passenger was
thrown overboard in his
wheelchair by Muslims, in 1985
TWA flight 847 was hijacked in
Athens and a US Navy diver
trying to rescue passengers was
murdered by Muslims, in 1988 Pan
Am flight 103 was bombed by
Muslims, in 1993 the World Trade
Center was bombed by Muslims, in
1998 the US Embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania were bombed by
Muslims and the list goes on and
on and on and on. In fact, just
the other day I came across some
information that since 2001
Muslims have committed 30,01o
acts of terrorism around the
world wherein people died in
each attack. The only other
"religious organization" to ever
supersede such a bloodthirsty
record was and still is the Roman
Catholic Church.
To further
compare Islam to Catholicism,
see my old 'quicky' and 'quicky archive' pages as well as
the Newsletter
section of my website, or the other
thousands of pages on this site
documenting all sorts of crimes
by Roman Catholic priests over
the years. I won't comment on,
or add to the mix the September
11 attacks because there is too much evidence
to prove the USA government
did the attack and blamed Muslims
because they knew their bloody
nature would make them easy
scapegoats. They knew their
violent history allowed them to
be used as patsies on this so as
to get the job done on two
agendas. Destroy all the records
exposing the American government
as wildly corrupt contained in
all THREE of those buildings
demolished on September 11 as
well as foster the atmosphere of
fear they need to better control
the American sheeple.
Still, even with that off the
table, do you see an obvious
pattern here?
As history has
proven, Hitler was used
by the Vatican to do similar acts
so as to allow the Vatican to
assure certain political changes
were enacted that would benefit
them and them alone on a global
basis. As we look at what Islam
has done recently, and what Rome has
done in the past, and how Rome has been
making friends with Muslim
nations the world over all
do we see a pattern emerging? (Notice how
Rome's "salute" is used by the
Vatican and it's cohorts to
this day?)
As we now look
at many of the new laws that
have been passed around the
world that help the Vatican gain
power, while at the same time
guarantee Muslim powerful
political benefits, and
especially under the Vatican
puppet and highly respected Muslim Barak
Hussein Obama, is there any
wonder as to why the man of sin in
would choose to have Obama fund the
Muslim brotherhood while standing as
president in the USA? They did
this very same thing with Hitler
did they not?
Since we now
know the Vatican invented the
religion of Islam, it stands to
reason they also wrote the
Koran. In fact, we now have rock
hard proof they did just that! The fact this
book contradicts itself
repeatedly in how newer verses
are to be taught to supersede
older verses proves it was a
work in progress by man because
the true God never has to change
His Word when the corrupted
society changes due to Satanic
influence. God's truth is just
as much unchangeable as it is
eternal. Lies continually have
to be updated and re-written to
keep the deceived in check. This
can also be seen in Roman Catholic
wherein it changes over and over
again with each new pope
throughout history. So the Koran
is going to be no different. And
by the way, where you aware of
the following?
When speaking
of the throne the Pope sits on,
historic record reveals; "when
the French soldiers under
General Bonaparte took
possession of Rome, they found
on the back of it, in Arabic,
this well-known sentence from
the Koran, "There
is no God but Allah, and
Mahomet is His Prophet" -The Two
Babylons, you will find the
following on Page 213 in
Chapter 6, Religious Orders,
Section L. And
check out this
when you get time wherein an
exMuslim who converted to
Catholicism admits on camera
that the reason he did so was
because of all the Catholic
dogma he found in the Koran!
So.. if it
quacks like a prelate, walks
like a prelate and even dresses
like a prelate, it must be a
Roman Catholic prelate! But
because most people hate rocking
the comfortable boat they sit
in, they will openly ignore the
written Word of God for the
written lies of mankind so as to
be happy (so they think) in life
all the way up to the day they
die for eternity.
Pope Francis
Goes Forward with Egypt
Trip, Despite Jihadist
two separate ISIS bombing
attacks on Christian churches in
Egypt Sunday, the Vatican has
confirmed that Pope Francis is
moving forward with his plan to
visit Cairo just three weeks
from now. On Monday, Archbishop
Angelo Becciu, the number two of
the Vatican Secretariat of
State, confirmed that the Pope
would still be traveling as
planned to Egypt April 28-29,
just as Egypt’s Cabinet
announced a three-month state of
emergency. “There is
no doubt that the Holy Father
will stick to his plan,”
Becciu told the Italian daily, Corriere della
“What happened causes
distress and great suffering,
but it cannot prevent the Pope
from carrying out his mission of
peace.” -Source
First and
foremost his "mission of peace"
has absolutely nothing to do
with actual peace. In fact, when
speaking of the beast in Rome it
states clearly in Daniel 8:25,
"And through his policy also
he shall cause craft to
prosper in his hand; and he
shall magnify himself in his
heart, and by peace
shall destroy many: he shall also
stand up against the Prince
of princes; but he shall be
broken without hand." Every Pope of
the Roman Catholic church, and
especially a Jesuit Pope who took an oath to kill innocent
people in the most violent
manner imaginable simply because
they're not "Catholic" are in
fact, hands down the most evil
ever to breathe air on planet
earth with one exception; that
being of course Judas Iscariot
who betrayed our Lord.
I have over
12,000 pages of prophecies on my website filled with
present day and
historic facts, mass
killings, pictures embracing
violent religions, Vatican
doc files, bold worship of Satan
and videos on a plethora of
topics exposing the Popes as
being the prophesied
man of sin
to confirm that as fact. The man
of sin is a liar and his dying
god is the father of lies. When
he says "peace" he really means
war as any competent and
well-educated historian will
tell you. The very fact he does
not plan to skip the trip to
Egypt confirms that hands down.
How so?
Common sense
dictates that Pope fears no
Muslim in Egypt. Historic and
modern day reality shows he has
been at the forefront of helping
them politically strengthen
worldwide by peppering every
nation on earth with Muslims in
his so called immigration
efforts. If it was truly about
fearful immigrants running from
war-torn nations to see refuge
on safe soil, then why is it
every time we see hordes of
Muslims spilling into any given
nation, (like
this picture)
we see absolutely no women and
children? Did they forget about
mom, sis, daughter and spouse?
No, they left them behind
because the Vatican controlled
media lied about how bad it is
in their nations so as to have
the excuse to open the
floodgates for refuges. In other
words, they are not immigrants
at all. They're soldiers of
Rome. The fact they
openly salute the Pope on
just as their
Nazi predecessors did solidifies
that as a basic reality as well.
And so this is why the Pope has
no fear walking into Egypt. It
is also why he will use this
fabricated "courage" to declare
he is a man protected by God and
all the well indoctrinated
Catholics and their Protestant
brethren from the Baptist to the SDA will
belief him hook, line and
He has no fear to walk into
Egypt because he has nothing but
friends there and they know how
valuable he is to their global
agenda. Worse yet, he knows they
know that and he also has plans
for them as well. Rome has been
known since their beginning to
use "friends" as pawns so as to
either meld them into their
number or kill them off to
prevent crippling their agenda.
The Muslims are in for one very
shocking awakening. (You would
have thought they learned their
lessons when the Pope of Rome
reneged on their deal in 1095AD
ago that brought on the
crusades.) The man of sin can no
more change his hell inspired
agenda than can a leopard change
its spots. Just as the scorpion
on the back of the turtle, the
devil is as the devil does. It's
just his nature.
'next Obama' groomed to
make political history
Democratic Party may have found
its next Barack Obama. His name
is Dr. Abdul el-Sayed,
he’s a 32-year-old medical
doctor and he recently launched
his campaign for governor of
Michigan, the election for which
is in November 2018. If he wins
he would be America’s
first Muslim governor. He speaks
articulately, without an accent,
inserts humor into his speeches
at seemingly just the right
moments, and he has the full
backing of America’s
powerful Muslim
Brotherhood-linked network of
Islamic organizations." –Source
Still wondering
why I created the "Pope
and Islam"
page on my website? Or are the
videos I did regarding the
soon to come Shariah Law in
the USA
making you a tad concerned? (
for ALL the videos touching on
Shariah and Islam with the
Pope) What we're witnessing
here is a stealth invasion by
Roman troops. It's no mistake
this Muslim politician picked
Michigan to gain the office of
Governor which he knows will
make him capable of running as
president a bit easier when
that day comes. As we know, they
have infiltrating the courts
in Michigan for years to
adopt a pro-Sharia stance. And with the crazed
mindset of most Democrats
that are so angry about
Hillary's failure, and the
fact Michigan
was a key state that caused
her to lose, many will vote
for this man at the drop of a
hat thinking any victory for
their side is a good victory.
No matter how insane that
would be.
Michigan has
literally become a Middle
Eastern Islamic state right
inside American borders. Don't
believe me? Check
out this compilation of
Some will shock your socks
off! And all of this is thanks
to the
Vatican's Socialist agenda
for the USA. This was not
only planned by the Vatican,
as we look into prophecy we
see this declared in Revelation 20:4,
"And I saw thrones, and they sat
upon them, and judgment was
given unto them: and I saw the
souls of them that were beheaded
for the witness of Jesus, and
for the word of God, and which
had not worshipped the beast,
neither his image, neither had
received his mark upon their
foreheads, or in their hands;
and they lived and reigned with
Christ a thousand years."
The next
two major prophesied events to
is the arrival of Satan as a
global Messiah and then the
enforcing of the
mark of the Roman Vatican
This is why we see all that's
happening. Satan knows his
church of deception in Rome
cannot keep their fictitious
claim to "moral
that most sheeple embrace as
prophesied by allowing the Pope
and prelates to do as they lust
after. And that's the
killing of Christians. The last few
decades before they moved their
loyal troops from Islam into political
power via their Muslim
President Barack Hussein Obama, they had to rely
on destroying people's faith by
admitted Pagan dogma and millions
of child rapes that is designed
to lead most souls away from
Christ out of anger. But now
that Satan knows his
time is very short they had to bring
in the big guns, or Islamic
swords as most victims
discovered. Still, the Pope and
especially a
Jesuit Pope
cannot kill the Christians as
they desire, and so they do so
vicariously through Islam.
If this Muslim
man gains the office of governor
he can no doubt be expedited to
run for President just as fast
as Obama was. And the fact he
speaks with good diction and
uses humor now and again, many
nonMuslims will also vote him
into the office as governor.
Most Americans have been
"educated" to ignore reality and
only trust the lies of their
leaders. The American school
system is blame as I have said (and
for decades. Once he gains the
office of governor he can run
for president whenever he wants.
And since Shariah Law has
already been argued in the
courts of Michigan as well as
many other states, stepping into the
Oval Office as a full-fledged
Muslim will allow Rome to pass
the laws that not only pull the
out of mothballs, they can
easily assign Muslim
executioners to pull the levers,
which I am sure will be declared
"immoral" by the Pope of the day
so as to keep the moral card
well played.
In any event,
we now see Shariah
law being argued in many
and when Christians try to stop
them the leaders in these states
lobby for legislation that hides
the term "Shariah" in the
drafting of the law. Those
states doing just that are Alabama, Arizona,
Arkansas, Florida, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi,
Missouri, Oklahoma, North and
South Carolina, South Dakota,
Tennessee, Texas, Virginia,
Washington and West Virginia.
So as we can see by their
actions speaking much louder
than their lying words,
Shariah law will eventually
gain passage in Congress. The
fact Shariah
is now taught in American
the Pope being the trailblazer
when he
insisted all his schools
teach it first directly after the
first Muslim (Obama) became
who actually empowered
the Muslim brotherhood in
America and around the world speaks
volumes to that
assumption. And were you aware
that Muslims
already worship Mary making their
political friendship and
usefulness towards Rome a
shoe-in? The Muslims even
perform the exact
same bloody festivals
wherein they whip themselves
they use the same
prayer beads as do the
Catholics, Roman Catholic
priests are anti-woman and as everyone
knows, Muslims are also
Roman Catholics
pray to Mary and so Muslims pray to
The Vatican
admitted on March 12, 2000 that the Roman
Catholic church killed Christians
and Jews for 1260 years. And Muslims are also
well known for killing
Christians and Jews. I could go on for
days, but if you need more
evidence visit my Pope and
Islam page linked above.
Middle School Moms Object to
Islamic Curriculum
"Two mothers of seventh graders
who attend Chatham Middle School
in New Jersey have hired the
Thomas More Law Center, a public
interest law firm, after their
legitimate objections to
pro-Islamic curriculum in their
children’s classes have
resulted in personal and social
media attacks upon them within
their community. “Their
crime: appearing on Fox
TV’s Tucker Carlson Show
to voice concerns about Islamic
indoctrination of Chatham Middle
School seventh graders,”
the Thomas More Law Center said
in a press release on Thursday."
ministry, and I am sure others
as well, have been preaching
for literally decades that the
not only wrote the Koran and are using the
Muslim people that are
openly loyal to the Vatican to kill
Christians just as they
used Hitler to kill
Christians and Jews during
World War II. And we have also
been trying to warn people for
just as long that Shariah
law will eventually become
the law of the land world wide in
bold fashion as well as in a
smaller less noticeable but
effective fashion in the West.
As I have
shared long ago, there are
over 30,000
guillotines on American soil hidden away in
storage awaiting the day the man
of sin in Rome is openly
commanded by Satan
masquerading as Messiah to
kill the Sabbath keepers who
they blame are the reasons for
the "climate
issues that have brought on the
many disasters. And now that
the powers that be have dug in
their heals to promote
Islam for the Pope, they have
focused on our precious
children in the Government
School system and ALL "private
schools" that receive federal
funding. (in other words, all
schools now)
expected, and not for lack of
warning, it won't be too long
before Christian persecution
escalates in America now that
they are pushing Islam in our
schools. And yes, the
Vatican was the first one to
do this back in October of
In fact, if you go to my "HomeSchool
page and hit "F3" and then
type in "Islam" you will find
149 articles (as of 03-31/17)
that deal directly with
Islamic influence and
indoctrination in the American
School system. This has been
going on for years and most
parents have been looking the
other way because having your
child in school is easier and
much cheaper than
homeschooling their child!
That all
being said. One can only hope
that those that laughed out
loud when I first spoke out on
Islam coming to the Schools so
as to create an indoctrinated
(brainwashed) population that
(as they did with
homosexuality) will see
nothing wrong with buddying up
with people that hate and even
torture and kill Christians
all over the world; but what
amazed me is how the laughing
continued even years later
when the Pope announced his
schools would teach Islam. And
the laughing continues even
now after decades of watching
how Christianity became
illegal in the American school
system but teaching about
Allah, his so called prophet
Mohammed, (who never
prophesied) and the five
"religious pillars" of Islam
is 100% legal? That right
there tells you the second
beast of Revelation (The
is working hand in hand with
the first beast (the
just as prophecy predicted to
make sure they have the means
by which to enforce the
mark of the beast. And just like
they did with Hitler, they are
using our own children against
us! And as soon as those
children graduate with a
pro-Islam mindset ready to
cast their votes, the real
Christians will become third
class citizens slated for
For the
scoffer.. It was prophesied
there would be an "end
of days."
And in that troublesome time
it was also prophesied many
scoffers would try and
belittle the signs of the
times. But since all the
prophecies have been confirmed
fulfilled, with only the
visible arrival of THE
Antichrist and his command to
enforce the mark of the beast
being left before the
hit; you need to wake up and
realize that sooner or later
the end had to come. What you
may be a bit shocked about and
so have decided to stand in
denial of it all is that you
were actually born into the
last days and that being the
case you might just see the
end of all things with your
own eyes. The end had to come
eventually, it's just that all
the signs around you make you
very fearful that it might be
happening right now and for
most scoffers they don't want
to accept that. But there is a
way to have perfect peace and
actual joy deep within knowing
all this. But only if you
accept Jesus as Lord. And how
do you do that? Click
It may
seem impossible in your mind
to find peace in a such a
crazy world as this. But
literally billions throughout
the last 2000 years have
declared openly, and the hundreds
of millions that were
martyred under the Vatican
inquisition, (which
was also prophesied) lovingly
declared even as they were
dying with joy in their eyes
and perfect peace in their
hearts that Jesus is Lord and
His promise of peace is just
as absolute as every one of
those prophecies that have
been fulfilled. The fact those
prophecies have been
documented and confirmed with
100% accuracy shows the Bible
is truth. And if the
prophecies are true so are the
Complies Demand to Censor
Islamic Republic of Pakistan has
launched a crackdown against
“blasphemy” on
social media, and Facebook and
Twitter are doing little to stop
it. According to government
sources, Facebook is even
assisting Pakistan in removing
content. ...At the time of
writing, Facebook did not reply
to an inquiry from Breitbart
News asking the company if they
had removed
material to satisfy Pakistan.
...The country’s Prime
Minister, Nawaz Sharif has
ordered authorities to take
urgent steps to remove
blasphemous content on social
media and apprehend those who
post it. Last week, three
Pakistani bloggers were arrested
on suspicion of blasphemy, and
had their laptops seized. If
convicted, they could face the
death penalty." -Source
Now yes, many
will look at this and say,
that's Pakistan and it's how
they role. But what they don't
see is that it's also an
American mainstream government
funded server
farm located in California that CIA
recently admitted to
each and every second of the day
so as to vacuum private
information from its users to
use it when the other shoe is
dropped to enforce the mark of
the Beast in Rome that is truly
the owners of the American
Or "Facebook" as most call it.
And yes, they can and will use
that data to track you and your
loved ones down even if you
delete your Facebook account.
How can they do that? Besides
the fact they
never actually delete your
pics when you ask them to. That being the
case, most users post all their
children's faces, their faces
and the faces of all their
friends and family members.
Hence the name "FACEbook." And
thanks to the facial
recognition software already
built into Facebook, it no longer
matters if you have an account
as long as at one time you were
on Facebook. The good thing is,
if you get off Facebook before
your children grow up, then
facial recognition software
won't work on them. But then you
have to make sure they stay
offline as well.
that's not where it ends.
What most also
seem to ignore is the fact that
Islam, as
this ministry has been stating
for decades,
will be used by Rome to kill
Christians and in the coming
days. As we can expect, and as
I have warned of in a few
Sharia Law will make its way to
all courtrooms the word over.
After all, how else can you
define Revelation 20:4 that says
while in vision John the apostle
saw "the souls of them that were
beheaded for the witness of
Jesus, and for the word of God,
and which had not worshipped the
beast, neither his image,
neither had received his mark
upon their foreheads, or in
their hands."
This is why the
beast in Rome has such a love
affair with Islam, and this is also
why Islam
has declared loyalty to Rome
on camera
for all to see. In case you
haven't heard, the Pope demanded
all Catholic schools teach Islam
years ago, this is why a
Muslim named Barack Hussein
Obama became president of the
and funded
the Muslim brotherhood within our borders
and around the world to assure
their numbers grow and their
power escalates; this is why Jesuit
owned and operated Georgetown
University hosts known Islamic
Terror financiers; and this is why Canada
just last week passed a law
that made it illegal to speak
out against Muslims. IT WAS ALL
PROPHESIED! Yet most just look
at it as a wonderful coincidence
and these very same sheeple
stated many years ago I was
crazy when I stated someone that
has a hankering towards
beheading Christians as the
Muslims do will have to be
puffed up politically so as to
have someone "legally" man the
already 30,000
guillotines on US soil.
And for those
that keep laughing.. be
forewarned, your scoffing only
confirms Christian prophecy was
100% accurate regarding how some
will laugh about the prophesied
end time facts. And if you're
interested, please check out 2
Peter chapter three when you get
time. My prayer is that you open
your eyes and then your heart
before it's too late.
Imam calls for
Jews to be KILLED in
Montreal Mosque Sermon
the video, the imam recites in
Arabic the verse: “O
Muslim, O servant of Allah, O
Muslim, O servant of Allah,
there is a Jew behind me, come
and kill him.” CBC
independently verified the
speech and its
translation. The controversial
verse comes from a
religious text known as a
hadith, which interprets
the words and actions by
the Prophet Muhammad. The
hadith in question
deals with end times and
tells how stones and
trees will ask Muslims to
come and kill Jews hiding behind
them." -Source
Have you read
my Friday blog entry? It was
titled "Canadian
Parliament Passes
Controversial Islamophobia
Motion" and it may help
to read it as it pertains to
what this article is all
Canada just
passed a law a few days
ago that makes it illegal
to speak evil of Muslims in
Canada using the borrowed excuse
of the homosexuals wherein they
claim people that use Bibles to
show others how dangerous it is
to be a Muslim or a homosexual
are to be considered "fearful"
of them so much they will lie
about them. But their problem
has to do with the fact
Christians didn't write the
Bible. The Lord our God
did. So those politicians have a
problem with Him and not us. And
like Goliath who came forth
demanding a man fight for
Israel, when everyone knew God
always fights those battles,
they too will discover the hard
way. For it is written in
Hebrews 10:31, "It is a fearful
thing to fall into the hands of
the living God."
And don't
think for a moment that I join
in the Vatican propaganda
machine claiming the Christ
denying and blaspheming Jews are
the chosen people worthy of the
name "Israel." My Bible says it
is us the Christians that carry
that title now. And yes, I am
speaking of the prophesied
replacement theology of the Old
Testament that was fulfilled in
the New and declared as such by
both the Apostles and Jesus
Christ Himself in writing. And
for those that argue that
biblical fact, notice a new
section on my "Who
Is Israel"
page that I posted a few months
ago. Click
to jump directly to that new
section when you have the time.
I shared all
that in regards to Israel so as
to better illustrate the
craftiness of the Roman beast
that Daniel the prophet spoke
of. (See Daniel 8:25) Even
though we have biblical and
historic as well as prophetic
proof obedient Christians are
now considered Israel as per
Biblical jurisprudence; all of
Christendom declares the Jews of
today carry that title. And
since they have embrace the lie
from Hell on this hook, line and
sinker satan knows his current
lie will work well in passing
laws to kill Christians. But
first the Vatican's current
puppet that they are now
targeting the Jews with as they
did with Hitler is being
protected using political
correctness as their weapon of
choice. And so even though
Muslims are killing Jews and
Christians all over the world as
Hitler did in his day, any
speech that declares these
truths is tagged "Islamiphobia"
so as to prevent any truth from
spreading. And so as I
stated on Friday, Acts 5:29 is
plain, and no law of the
land is every going to stop
Christians from preaching TRUTH.
But it will stop those that
offer lip service unto the Lord.
In fact it was prophesied the
weak would do this
in Isaiah 29:13 which says,
"Wherefore the Lord said,
Forasmuch as this people draw
near me with their mouth, and with their lips
do honour me, but have
removed their heart far from
me, and their fear
toward me is taught by the
precept of men:"
The weak
Christians will stop sharing
their faith because they fear
and obey mankind over the
Creator of man as Romans 1:25
said they would. And so again
their fear of God is manipulated
by the laws of man. And like the
sluggard in Proverbs 22:13. His
excuse to sit idle is that
"There is a lion without, I
shall be slain in the streets."
And so be it.. that is exactly
what will happen. But instead of
dying a martyr in obedience to
the calling and gaining Heaven
as his reward, they die in
disobedience to the Lord under
the tyranny they feared all
along. And no, I am not saying
purposely go out there to seek
jail or persecution. Doing so is
not God's will and you will
suffer for it. There are many
ways to share the truth and so
do as the Lord leads. After all,
He declared in Matthew
10:16, "Behold, I send you forth
as sheep in the midst of wolves:
ye therefore wise as
serpents, and harmless as
Watch this
story as it progresses. Watch
how the politicians that penned
the law that removed free speech
when it comes to
Islamaphobia. As we just
saw today in a video
of an Islamic group in
Australia that openly
called for ex-Muslims to
be executed,
this new law in Canada will be
protected at all costs even if
they kill other than
Jews. They will not repeal
it no matter how evil the
Muslims get. But keep watching.
They will somehow manipulate the
facts in all the coming
terrorist attacks and water down
the statements so as to protect
Rome's agenda and perhaps at
worse slap the wrist of
an Imam now and again to
act as if all is well. But
notice this also in the coming
weeks, months and years as this
law grows in effectiveness for
the dying god of this world.
The split second a
Christian shares a Bible verse
that promotes truth and love in
the hopes of warning a lost
soul, watch how the hammer
of Rome comes crashing down
on them without mercy. Need I
remind you of how many
homosexuals got off scott-free
in the USA when attacking
Christians but the Christians
ended up behind bars, removed
from business and even fined
massive fines? When it gets
heated also watch for the peace
within the heart of the child of
God who stands firm no matter
what they throw and them. For
that is the fruit of a true and
obedient child of the living
They can pass
all the laws they like to
protect their lies, but lies are
not capable of holding their own
in a battle of wits. In fact,
that's why they passed the law!
Rome can ride this law's
coattails whenever they please.
What I mean is, since free
speech is removed (As Rome planned) from those that
speak against the so called
"religious" Muslims, they can
claim the same protection
against those of us proclaiming
the loud cry that exposes the
beast and his mark in Rome. One
thing about lies is, they can't
stand the heat they themselves
generate. Truth outs like a lit
candle dispels the darkness.
Lies always have to be
shored up with another lie just
to keep the deception well
covered and hidden. And nary a
man on earth can keep track of
every lie he has ever told. Even
Satan can't keep up. Have you
ever read the Koran and how many
times new lies were written to
makes excuses or cover up the
old lies? That book is a mess!
Only truth stands firm for all
eternity. It never changes and
you don't have to think in depth
of what you said yesterday, last
week or even last year when you
are one to speak truth. But a
liar? No.. they can't rely on
their stories any more than
Satan can rely on his many
deceptions because there are now
many Christians sharing Bible
verses. It is plainly prophesied
that soon every liar will turn
to ash and those that love the
truth of the Lord will walk upon
them after our God does His very
long prophesied "strange act."
(See Isaiah 28:21)
Parliament Passes
Controversial Islamophobia
"The Canadian House of
Commons has passed motion M103
which singles out the criticism
of Islam as a form of
Critics condemn it as an attack
on free speech. Motion M103 was
tabled by Iqra Khalid, a Muslim
member of Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau’s Liberal Party.
It states the government
must “condemn Islamophobia
and all forms of systemic racism
and religious
discrimination”, was taken
to vote on Thursday evening
where a total of 201 MPs voted
for it and only 91 voted
against, Canadian broadcaster
Global News reports. The text of the motion does
not clarify what constitutes
“Islamophobia” and
has led many to speculate what
that may mean in the future,
with some critics fearing it
could lead to Shariah law
courts." -Source
I would be
hard pressed to find one student
of prophecy that wouldn't know
what this means. Satan knows his
time is short and he knows the
Loud Cry has already started.
Yes, it's somewhat of a whisper
in most circles but it has
begun. And for those praying for
the latter rain, we know it will
get extremely loud wherein every
country on the planet will hear
this message. That is the main
reason Satan focused on free
speech and this is why I created
the page on my site years ago
titled "Rome's
WAR against FREE SPEECH." Just as Solomon
said long ago on Ecclesiastes
1:9, "The thing that hath been,
it is that which shall be; and
that which is done is that which
shall be done: and there is no new
thing under the sun." And so just as
we saw Satan try to prevent the
Gospel message from going forth
2000 years ago by passing laws
to remove free speech, he tries
the exact same folderol today.
What may miss
is how Rome planned this all
along so as to keep the Pope's
true identity hidden from the
There are literally billions of
Christians all over this world
that know all about the
man of sin in Rome just as prophecy
predicted for today. (See 2
Thessalonians 2:3) But as we
know, most of them are lukewarm
and fearful to say anything that
threatens their comfort zone.
But the truth is out there and
Rome knows it. That being the
case, to push for the removal of
free speech from the Vatican
itself would not work
politically. In fact they tried
and failed back in May of 2007
wherein the "Vatican
called a verbal attack on Pope
to try and quench the truth
being broadcast via the radio in
his area. They received
absolutely no public support and
so they killed the man that
spoke out against them on his
front lawn in front of his
family. And within less than 2
years of coming to realize the
prophecy of 2 Thessalonians 2:3
was fulfilled, the Vatican
announced they planned to "teach
Islam in all their schools" so as to better
indoctrinate the Muslims to do
their bidding en masse. And now,
just ten years after beginning
their love affair with Christian
killers and rapists, we see
Muslims running rampant all over
the world killing Christians to
tune of 200,000+ a year and
torturing another 150,000 for
mother Rome. And how do the so
called elected officials combat
all this so as to protect the
people that supposedly elected
This confirms
Canada and all the nations of
the world will do whatever Rome
demands of them to assure their
plans to enforce the
mark of the beast go forward
unencumbered. And so before they
can enforce it they have to make
sure they force as many students
of prophecy as they can to clam
up. Well.. the weak ones anyway.
And since they cannot pass laws
directly from the Vatican that
demand people stop exposing the
Pope, as this would make him
look guilty in the global arena,
they play the "protect peaceful
Islam" card by removing free
speech that exposes them because
as I have said for many years,
in so doing will allow those
very same laws to apply to the
Pope's religion so as to make it
illegal to use
the Bible to expose Roman
in coming days. In fact, this
article now confirms I was right
as we see it also says this new
law in Canada will “condemn
Islamophobia and all forms of
systemic racism and
religious discrimination”
The prophet
Daniel wasn't kidding when he
said the beast in Rome would be
very crafty. Remember my "Hating
the Christian" page that was
actually first a Newsletter in
March of 2007 titled "Synchronized
The Lord revealed back then that
the main reason they merged
crimes against "religion" with
"racist" crimes is because there
were next to no crimes against
religion back then. But the
Pope's plan to enforce religious
laws made it very important to
make sure religious laws could
be legislated and enforced. Or
as Revelation 13:15 said long
ago, the Pope had to be able to
"speak and cause" the deaths of
those that refused to worship
his image. (See
more on that here) And since racist
crimes were very high as usual,
they simply merged the two
statistics to make crimes
against religion to appear off
the chart and that is why BOTH
"religion and race" was written
into the fabric of the law that
was just passed in Canada! The
Canadian government has been
played as fools by the Pope and
as we saw with their homosexual
laws many years ago that made
the Bible illegal in Canada, as
I stated in my September
2003 Newsletter, that law will
eventually became law in the US.
And it did on June 26, 2016,
which was THE
major sign
of the mark is soon to be
enforced and the we
are very near the end! And now
these laws protecting Christian
killers and rapists (Islam) in
Canada will soon be enforced in
the USA.
That all being
said, and this comment is
directed towards the nay sayers.
Do you still think I need a
tinfoil bonnet because I've been
stating for well over 10 years
that Shariah Law has to become
the norm so as to better enforce
the Vatican mark? As we see for
most people and especially for
the backslidden Christians, most
cannot see what students of
prophecy see. But, the Lord
still prefers you do see because
He loves you that much! in fact,
that is why He stated in John
14:29 the following... "And now
I have told you before it come
to pass, that,
when it is come to pass, ye
might believe."
Better late
than never. Sadly, most will
never see what we see. Still, I
declare in unison with my
brethren in Christ, COME LORD
Did the Pope
just send Islamic Terrorists
to China?
"The Islamic State
(ISIS/ISIL) and its rival
al-Qaeda have recently published
propaganda videos explicitly
calling on jihadists from
China’s Uighur minority
who have joined the terrorist
groups to attack the communist
country. ...Both videos feature
calls to the Muslim world to
wage jihad against the kafirs
[non-believers] of China and to
perform acts of revenge for the
deaths of Uyghur Muslims in
Xinjiang. ...Oh, you Chinese,
who do not understand what
people say! We are the soldiers
of Allah, will make you
understand Islam with the
tongues of our weapons. We will
come to you to shed blood like
rivers and avenge the
oppressed,” he adds before
savagely decapitating a prisoner
dressed in red, a color
traditionally associated with
communism." -Source
If you are one
to watch the News, especially
that which comes from nations
wherein the Pope recently
visited or is trying to make
"friendly relations" with, you
may notice that each time the
Pope visits a nation, not long
after the visit political chaos
literally breaks forth on
numerous front because the
man of sin
brings the enemy of souls with
him wherever he goes and anyone
doing business with him grants
Satan permission to run rampant
in their nation. What amazes me
is how 1.2 billion Catholics
keep missing all this time after
time. They watch their Popes go
from nation to nation, yet
rarely do they see their Popes
having major meetings with
Catholic church leaders. No, the
Pope concentrates on having
meetings with the leaders of
nations as well as non-Catholic
leaders and with leaders from
very evil religions. Worse yet,
he bows before their antiChristian
and actually kisses
their holy books. But nary a
Catholic is bothered by this?
Now we all
know why the Pope meets with
religious leaders from all the
false religions on earth. It was
prophesied the beast in Rome
would cause all the world to
wonder after (follow) him and so
it's a no-brainer he will always
meet with the leaders of the
many false religions. And this
is also why he meets with
political leaders. But what he
does in the ecumenical meetings
with the wolves, he does in a
much different manner with the
political leaders. He knows them
better than most realize because
the Pope is not really a
religious leader at all. He
is the most evil man on earth and his main area
is that of politics and so it's
obvious he needs to get into the
churches to move the false
preachers to corral the sheeple
in their pews; but it's just as
important to get the national
leaders behind closed doors or
his prophesied agenda towards
enforcing the
will fail.
But the
Pope has a problem with China!
And that is
China hates any inference of
religion outside their demon
inspired state religion. Which
ironically enough is fashioned
after Catholicism. But that's a
whole new blog entry. What I'm
getting at here is we all know
how the
Vatican invented the religion
of modern day Islam with all its blood
and guts and we know the
Pope uses Islam as their own
personal Gestapo. I mean seriously,
they even salute
the Pope on camera!
With that said
do you recall this article that
came out in late 2014? The
headline was "China
To Pope Francis: Don’t
‘Interfere’ With
Our Country’s Religion." That headline
didn't sit well with the Pope
and so as expected he moved in a
little closer to try and
schmooze the leaders in China to
grant him an audience. In fact,
they even spun some articles
last October on the Catholic
News Agency website trying to
make it appear as if talks were
going well. One such article was
titled, "Pope
Francis and China –
attempts for a thaw?" They even stated
in the article that "Recently, the
Chinese government issued a
new draft of a regulation for
religious activities in China.
The new draft would impose
stricter penalties against
“illegal religious
activities” depending
“on a foreign
country,” which is how
the Catholic Church is
classified in China."
So now it
appears obvious that since the
leaders in China are not only
refusing to bow to the Pope and
his supposed reason for talks
being "climate
where even their scientists know
is a farce, it appears the
diplomatic folderol of the Pope
has failed and China is further
locking down "religious"
activities within their borders
and so the Pope has decided to
send in the troops! And
those troops are the loyal
soldiers of Islam.
at Georgetown University
Lying for the Muslim
"A Georgetown
professor has penned a column in
the Washington Post saying the
Muslim Brotherhood does not
exist in America and even if it
did, it’s an entirely
peaceful organization. In an
op-ed titled “Calling the
Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist
Organization Would Hurt All
American Muslims,” Professor
Arjun Singh Sethi says that
“the Brotherhood disavowed
violence long ago.” Groups
such as the Council on
American-Islamic Relations or
CAIR, the Islamic Society of
North America or ISNA and Muslim
Student Association or MSA have
“no connection to
it,” according to Sethi,
even though the connections have
been documented by countless
other scholars, FBI officials
and investigative journalists.
He also tries to discredit the
much-quoted “Explanatory
Memorandum on the General
Strategic Goal for the Group
in North America,” authored
by Brotherhood member Mohamed
Akram. “This memorandum,
of which there is only one known
copy, has been widely
discredited and called a
fantasy,” Sethi writes."
One would
think that him being a
Professor he would have done
just a tad bit more research
before publishing such
folderol any journalist
wannabe could research out in
their kitchen on any cellphone
to find the real truth on
this. But being a Professor in
a Vatican funded Jesuit University one
has to realize the power
behind the comment and so the
demographic research would
have to be looked at to assure
a positive outcome on all this
before releasing such a
statement. The numbers are
there and they knew before
going to press that the
majority in the nation, and
those Soros
and Rome pay to riot in the
are the type of sheeple anyone
with viable gray matter knows
to be morally unstable to the
point they would switch sides
at the drop of a dime; or
maybe a bulging promised bag
of bitcoins, (perhaps
30?) and so they needed to
make sure the to appeal to
employed rioters would believe
such comments as we see this
Professor sharing. I mean
after all, they don't want to
upset the pawns unless they
can profit by their ill repute
en masse; and one can rest
assured martial law can be
quite profitable for those in
power. Especially those that
purchased nationally sized
portions of dry goods they can
sell at puffed up prices when
the store shelves go empty.
(BTW: For those that don't
think Soros is working with
Catholics, click
Bottom line
is, since the ones rioting do so
for the money (and government
benefits) offered them by Soros
and Rome, they cannot possibly
understand the basic reality
behind the Muslim Brotherhood
and their well-funded existence
under Obama as well as the Obama
sanctioned foundations that he
setup in the USA during his
administration. And if they do
understand and riot anyway, they
are the ultimate sell out to say
the least. But me thinks the
majority only understand what
their Anarchist employer tells
them and since they won't
question them so as to keep the
paychecks flowing, they do as
they are paid to do. And it's
not just the rioters either. As
we all know the media is in on
all this as well.
But it is
for the uneducated masses that
riot for the paycheck that I
post the following articles that
have been out there for years
regarding Obama, the Vatican and
Islam. All three have worked
together for years to bring
about the long prophesied
euphoric agenda of the
man of sin in Rome. Many articles
below deal directly with the
Muslim brotherhood this Jesuit
funded professor denies exists,
and many deal with the simple
fruit of their labors indirectly
with Muslims in general so as to
keep the truth well hidden. In
short, you will see by scanning
the list that neither Obama or
the Pope could not have done it
without them. In other words,
that professor is a bold faced
liar. (Especially noticed the BOLD links)
prevent issues with truncated
pages due to so many articles
being posted, ALL future
article updates will only be
posted on the poGm BLOG.
Administration Allowed ISIS
Dechristianization in Syria
and Iraq
threatens to 'rain' missiles
on enemies
Obama allowed Iran missiles
that could hit Israel
Loses Control of Nearly Half
the Country Under Obama
Obama Gave $221 Million to
Palestinians in Last Hours
terrorists crossing the
US-Mexico border? Excerpts
from the case file
universe considers Obama to
be a Muslim
Quietly Transfers 10
Guantánamo Prisoners
to Oman
Report: Religion plummets in
America during Obama era
Palestinian promise: Another
1/2-billion U.S. tax dollars
pal does business with
Saddam's nuke scientist
to expand military spending,
develop missiles
approves huge shipment of
uranium to Iran
Even more
evidence Obama birth
certificate 'fake'
Obama to Free Gitmo
Detainees Who Have Vowed to
Behead Americans
by step: How Hillary, Obama
incubated ISIS
audio: Obama wanted
ISIS to grow
spending another
$300 million in Kenya
Dearborn Michigan looks
like Saudi Arabia?!
Judge Pirro – Barack
Obama, Your Nothing But A
'Closet Muslim’
Anonymous Obama-Trump
Secret Hawaii Meeting
Erupts Into Secret Service
Immigrants Get
Taxpayer-Funded Grants From
Obama Administration
Obama's secret concession to
Iran revealed
Hawaii never verified Obama
birth-certificate image
Obama Dumps
Muslim Immigration
Administration Scraps
Entry-Exit Tracking System
for Migrants from Muslim
spending on shock troops
surges after Obama payment
Sheriff's probe finds Obama
birth certificate 'fake'
Sheriff Joe's report on
Obama birth certificate
Final showdown: Sheriff Joe
slaps Obama with new
birth-certificate bombshell
Muslim: Obama conceals
Islam's inherent violence
conference called on Obama's
birth certificate
fast-tracks plan to take
Muslim migrants rejected by
Dearborn Michigan
'little Islam'
Judge Asks Why Obama
Administration Isn’t
Admitting Christian Syrian
Obama dumped on
Christian Arabs while
helping Muslims
to Obama: ISIS chief makes
list of top Muslims
Census: Record 42.4 million
Muslim immigrants
amnesty shot down –
lives in 'make-believe
world' with Muslim dictator
Mosque wins $1.7M with help
from Obama's DOJ
Obama buries U.S. city in
Muslim refugees, now it's
fighting back
Obama kills
dozens of Syrian soldiers
fighting ISIS!
whistleblower: Why did
Obama form 'alliance' with
Muslim Brotherhood?
Security boss' love-in with
Hamas front group
administration sued over
lack of anti-terror efforts
Obama paid Iran $1.7B, two
days after $400M cash
and Hillary 'created the
conditions for ISIS’
– Former Pentagon
Pentagon report warned Obama
was creating ISIS
Obama's $400 million to Iran
was 'absolutely' ransom
stands by refugee pledge
after attacks in Germany
Hosts Eid al-Fitr Reception,
Hails 'LGBT Muslims'
begun into feds' Muslim
appeasement program
GOP speaker: Obama is a
document eases Iran nuke
blacks and radical Muslims:
Perfect storm for anarchy?
prefers Islamist regimes
Saudi Ties To Washington
Obama's 'heart not in'
struggle against Islamic
Bashar Al-Assad Says U.S. Is
'Not Serious' About
Defeating ISIS
Obama-Islamic links to
Judge Jeanine Slams Obama
for Creating a Racial Divide
With His Rhetoric
Obama places
Muslim Brotherhood in high
places within U.S. Gov
Homeland Security 'listens
to Muslim Brotherhood, not
its analysts'
inmate released under Obama
goes missing
whistleblower: Why Obama is
'so adamant to protect
Cruz confronts Obama's
'blindness' to jihad
Cruz: 'President still won't
tell Americans who is
targeting them or why
Administration Has History
of Scrubbing Allah from
of Islamic motive frequent
occurrence under Obama
scrub Orlando terrorist's
9-1-1 mention of Islamic
Clinton Received Secret Memo
Stating Obama Admin
‘Support’ for
hits Obama for 'radical
Islam' silence
Trump adviser to Obama: Even
grand imam calls terrorists
Obama 'defending terrorists'
in tirade on Trump
Claims Responsibility for
Terror Attack on Orlando Gay
Obama doesn't mention Islam
in Orlando terror
VIDEO: Obama:
‘We’ are to
blame, not Islamic
terrorism, for massacre
DHS agent
witnessed Muslim
Brotherhood infiltration
VIDEO: Muslim
Brotherhood's Plan for
Obama 'letting Iran get away
with literally murder
'engagement' policy 'enabled
Boston, San Bernardino
Fancy New Mansion Is Located
1,000 Feet From The Islamic
Center Of Washington DC
DHS officer blows lid on
U.S. 'submission to jihad'
TONS of strange
info on Obama!
U.S. Government Documents
Confirm the US Supported the
Creation of ISIS
Admin Awards $270K to
Controversial Islamic
expert: Obama let Saudis
escape responsibility
Obama awards
big bucks to Islamic group
tied to terror
Brotherhood descends on
Capitol Hill with stealth
Brotherhood Day on Capitol
Obama Hates Christians
Admin Advising Global
Banks On Ways To Give Iran
Obama condemns attempts to
"stigmatize" Muslims in wake
of Brussels attacks
Admin Engaged in Secret
Talks to Pay Iran Nearly $2
charged with cyber attacks
on U.S. banks, dams
U.S. general:
Obama 'aiding and abetting
the enemy'
rejects Obama's mosque
portrayal of a peace loving
Obama DHS
scrubs records of hundreds
of Muslim terrorists
DHS Official:
I Was Ordered to Purge
Records of Islamic Terror
Media icons:
Why 'Christian' Obama so
captivated by Muslims?
ignoring evidence of
Baltimore mosque's ties to
Obama to make
his 1st presidential visit
to U.S. mosque
An Uncomfortable Truth: Washington Caught Supporting Jihadists in Syria
frees al-Qaida explosives
expert from Gitmo
Obama grants
'refugee' status to new
wave of Muslim migrants
boss: ISIS soars on Obama's
to Obama: 'Stop importing
the threat'
Obama ratings on Islamic
terror in toilet
stunner: 31 Christians vs.
2,000 Muslims
mayor calls Obama 'Muslim,'
stands firm as critics rage
Commission: Obama Admin
Gun-Running Scheme Armed
Islamic State
gays, hookers, addicts
targeted by Obama
Secret US Policy Blocks
Agents From Looking at
Social Media of Visa
Applicants, Former Official
Black leader accuses Obama
of siding with Muslims
slams US & allies for
weapons falling into
ISIS’ hands
this former CIA director
just revealed about
Obama’s true ISIS
policy may trigger
terrorist couple used
Obama's immigration system
to enter U.S.
put Obama on notice: 'You're
violating federal law'
think the U.S. is in cahoots
with the Islamic State, and
it is hurting the war
not falling for Obama's ploy
on Muslim refugees
spent $1.35 Million on Obama
gifts in 2014
Obama's latest
excuse for not bombing ISIS
number of Muslims to U.S.
under Obama
network' of radical
Mosques protected by Obama
in U.S.
U.S. General: 'We are not
trying to destroy ISIS
BOMBSHELL: Obama rejects
intel of known Islamic
Obama refugee plan exposed:
72 terror cases 'ignored'
Pilots: Obama blocks 75% of
ISIS strikes!
Director: ISIS Has Grown
4,400 Percent Under Obama
Obama just say he's a Muslim
list: all these terror
attacks in U.S. covered up
pastor ADMITS he (Obama) is
still Muslim
81% of Syrians say ISIS is
foreign/US made
Obama gives Syrian refugees
$1000, Wal-Mart gift cards,
social security &
US Cities beg Obama for more
Muslim refugees
Obama ignores Christian
woman facing Execution
in secret pact with world's
largest Muslim country
US strike numbers look
like when they really want
to destroy
Why won't Obama call ISIS
massacres 'genocide'?
Obama brings
1,500 terrorists to U.S
House GOP in
tizzy over Obama's Muslim
Obama was 'quite religious
in Islam
A history of calling
Barack Obama a Muslim
– BBC News
100 million Americans
believe Obama is a Muslim!
wrong': The ISIS
intelligence scandal just
hit Obama's inner circle
Hates Christians
targets lawyer helping
persecuted Christians
chief: Obama 'willfully'
allowed rise of ISIS
Iran deal makes
Obama 'agent' for mullahs
Obama's flood
of Muslim 'refugees'
lets in 127,000 students
from Muslim nations
Muslim immigration
overwhelms FBI
Christendom bows to Shia
Obama just made a SHOCKING
Obama demands Christians
Deny Jesus!
State Department Reschedules
July 4th So They Don’t
Offend Muslims
gun: Obama tied to Muslim
warden 'beyond disgusted'
Obama released Taliban 5
and Erdogan to open $100
million mosque together in
Pentagon Map Hides ISIS
‘hostile’ to
Christians under Obama;
morale, retention devastated
VIDEO: Obama
approved more arms sales
than any other President
since WW II
Surprise! Obama working 'against'
Iran nuclear agreement is
'good deal,' says Obama
VIDEO: 4 Star
Admiral: Muslim
Brotherhood Infiltrated
All Of Our National
Security Agencies
claim: Why Obama refused to
help fight Boko Haram
Huge surge'
of 'unscreened' Muslims
flooding U.S
(Obama) caves to key Iranian
demands on nuke deal
Obama 'empowering the rise
of jihadist forces
skewers Obama in 15-minute
Mark Levin:
Obama is 'anti-Semitic'
Exactly how the US trained
and armed ISIS
claims Obama tied to ISIS
VIDEO: Obama
Allows Islamic Prayer in
Capital Building!
Obama threatened to shoot
down Israeli jets
of Sudan: CIA and Mossad
‘Stand Behind’
Black 12-year-old goes
nuclear on Obama
VIDEO: Egypt
Charges Obama and Hillary
with Conspiring with
Terrorist Muslim
kept reform Muslims out of
summit on extremism
US attacks on Muslims
abroad is not a war on
Obama plans to take
America down
and the Muslim Gang Sign
'Islam Has Been Woven Into
the Fabric of Our Country
Since Its Founding
Shock reaction to Obama's
'poverty causes terror' meme
Obama wants
tens of thousands more
Muslim 'refugees
defends 'true peaceful
nature of Islam'
general: 'Islamists embedded
in White House?
'Committed Christian'?
Obama's religious history
Obama's Muslim
adviser in anti-Christian,
Jindal rant
State Dept. hosts leaders of
Muslim Brotherhood
conclude Obama backed
a no-show at Paris unity
Will we ever learn? Obama
White House can't admit
Paris attacks 'Islamic
Obama's remarks
on Paris shooting
hostage taker told Barack
Hussein Obama to stop
hiding his (Muslim)
White House
Rejects Petition Asking
Government to Declare
Muslim Brotherhood
Terrorist Group
Islam is a religion of peace
Obama: ISIL is 'perverting
one of the world's greatest
President Obama giving
strategy advice to ISIS?
sending aid to Islamic
Oops! Network reports Obama
"from Kenya
Obama Moving To Criminalize
Criticism of Islam
thanks Muslims for 'building
the fabric' of U.S
Suppresses Talk of Muslim
Persecution of Christians
approval highest with
adviser reasserts U.S. is
'Islamic country'
Obama requests $500 million
to aid Syrian rebels
Impeach-Obama movement
surges on Bergdahl deal
Obama allows
praise for Allah
VIDEO: Michelle Obama
ADMITS on camera that
was born in Kenya
Sharia Advisors
– Barack Obama's
Muslim Appointees in High
Security Positions
House aide linked to
al-Qaida funder
Obama to imam:
'Pray for me'
VIDEO- US funding
promotion of Islam to Czech
Obama Admin
Confirms Support for
Muslim Brotherhood
Brotherhood Leader Meets
Obama in White House
Obama brother
tied to Hamas-funding
Obama blamed
for rebirth of al-Qaida
Islamization of America in
Brotherhood inside the
Obama administration
Obama backed
wrong side in Syria
University: Obama "born in
Obama putting
squeeze on Temple Mount
VIDEO-Is Obama Our
First Muslim President?
Frank Gaffney Tells All
Hussein Obama’
wouldn’t strip
‘under Allah’
from Gettysburg Address
40 Mind-Blowing
Quotes From Barack Hussein
Obama On Islam And
Muslims Exempt
From Obamacare due to
"Dhimmitude" Status
Pentagon to Sell Advanced
Weapons Systems to His
Islamist Allies
VIDEO-Larry Klayman
Tells Obama 'To Put The
Quran Down' At Veterans
20 Quotes By
Barack Obama About Islam
Obama Supports
Sharia Reserve Bank and
Trust in Indiana
Link To The Muslim
Secret $8 Billion Bribe To
the Muslim Brotherhood
We have the bad
guys in the halls of power'
Does Obama
Support the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt?
Obama/Syria News Emerges Out
Of Egypt
Report! Egyptian Media
Says Obama is a Muslim
Brotherhood Member
brother linked to Muslim
Video stunner:
Boy prays to Obama (Also see this)
Press Conference: The
Smiling Face of a Police
Surveillance: Obama is Using
Loophole to Conduct Domestic
Obama Gives
Presidential Medal of
Freedom to Abortion Activist
Gloria Steinem
US Government
“Protection” of
Al-Qaeda Terrorists
Congress Opens With Muslim
Imam's Prayer
Look who
trained new Univ. of
California regent
– How Obama put
al-Qaida on steroids
Brotherhood 'taking anger
out' on Christians
– Denver
college students flunk
8th-grade exam
Obama killing
race relations in U.S
If This
Doesn’t Wake You Up
Nothing Will
The Muslim
Brotherhood Infiltrates
Obama Administration
Snooping Excludes Mosques
DOJ regards
criticism of Islam, Obama as
Obama's war on
Obama to
Muslims: Tell me what
you want
Rep. Gohmert:
Obama Admin Full Of
'Muslim Brotherhood
Shock claim:
Obama picks Muslim for CIA
– Obama send
F16's to Muslim
interested in 'Allah-is-God'
Your tax money
pays to expand Shariah
Obama sends $770 million
overseas to repair Muslim
bungle an attempt to advance
Muslim Brotherhood
advising Obama
VIDEO- Obama's
misplaced allegiance
sound off on Obama's
'Islamic ring'
professor confirms Arabic on
Obama ring
Obama's ring:
'There is no god but Allah'
Hosting Ramadan Dinner at
White House
No mistake!
Obama backs Muslim
Brotherhood again
– Obama admits
he is a Muslim
– Obama and
jihad' and Obama's
Brotherhood endorses Obama
faith adviser
raised money for Islamic
–: Obama
Funding Muslim Brotherhood
1.5 billion
Many in GOP
think Obama is Muslim
is Obama in bed with the
Muslim Brotherhood?
Army uniforms to include
Muslim headscarves, turbans?
Obama fails
to give thanks to
Christian God at
Photos: Obama
marched with New Black
– Obama
is a Muslim- Gaddafi Speech Is this why
Gaddafi had to die?
Muslim President, After all
He refuses
to attend a Christian church
but on September 19, 2010 he
attended one in D.C when a
Muslim was speaking at that
church. –Source
During his
administration Sharia Law is
creeping into America –Source
gives presidential approval of
pro-Islamic comic book that
indoctrinate children into
Islam using Muslim superheros.
allowed 80,000 refugees into
the United States, most of
which are from Islamic
nations. Source
As is
common knowledge, everyone
knows Muslims hate the freedom
America creates. Now, look at
how Obama has removed freedoms
from Americans since taking
is just one major factoid
wherein Americans lose the
freedom to choose a healthcare
provider. Obamacare demands
you pay for it or be fined! Source
Mae and Freddie Mac are gone
and penniless so now "guidance
residential" has been formed
to help people get homes under
Sharia Law! Will they make
Sharia Law financing appear
attractive enough to Americans
that have lost their homes?
Ok.. dumb question. Only under
the guidance of a Muslim
president is this possible. Source
During the
debt crisis of July 2011 Obama
sent $770,000,000 to renovate
Muslim Mosques! Source
publicly sanctioned friends
in the Muslims Brotherhood
that took over Egypt in 2011
now declare Christians
should be exterminated. Source
Cleric: Muhammed Will Marry
Virgin Mary in Heaven
"A leading Egyptian cleric irked
his Christian compatriots when
he said on television
that the Islamic
figure Muhammed would marry
the Virgin Mary in heaven.
…The Quran said:
‘Allah will give [the
Prophet] women preferable to his
wives, Muslim, pious, pure
women.'” One, he said,
referred to Asiya and the other
to Mary. Egypt’s Christian
community was enraged by
Galil’s remarks. The
community’s youth movement
issued a statement demanding an
apology. The movement’s
chairman, Nader Soubhi, said:
“We Christians don’t
recognize any aspect of the
Virgin Mary except her sanctity,
her purity and her virginity.
The Virgin Mary will never lose
any of these.” –Source
First and
foremost, it
wasn't' "Christians" that were
enraged, it was Roman
Catholics because Bible
believing Christians know for
a fact that Joseph consummated
his marriage to Mary after she
gave birth for in refusing to
do so would mean they both
lived in sin before all
believers till death. When
speaking of Joseph and his
obedient act of consummation
the Bible clearly says in
Matthew 1:25, "And knew her not till she had
brought forth her firstborn
and he called his name JESUS."
The word "till" denotes he
waited the proper period of
time to consummate.
And one
more thing. Muslims claims the
world over they not only
believe the Old Testament
Bible, they also claim openly
that Jesus Christ was a
Prophet. That being said, how
is it their Clerics claim
Mohammed or even suicide
bombers will be marrying
virgins? Did not Jesus Christ
who they all claim was a
prophet say clearly in Matthew
22:29-30 the following eternal
truths? It says, "Jesus
answered and said unto them,
Ye do err, not knowing
the scriptures, nor the power
of God. For in the
resurrection they neither
marry, nor are given in
marriage, but are as the
angels of God in heaven."
line is this. The only reason
this Muslim cleric said
"Muhammed would marry the
Virgin Mary in heaven" was to
religiously (and politically)
test the waters of opposition
in all those in the church of
Rome. Rome's
Chrislamic movement needs to get
Mary more and more into the
Muslim heart so as to have the
perfect pawns to keep the
killing fields well saturated
with the blood of martyrs. Yes
a few Muslims may have issue
with Muhammed marrying Mary in
Heaven, but if you saw the
video I did a year or so ago
you know the Koran uplifts
Mary in a big way in Islam. In
fact, that
video is rock hard proof
that some Muslims leave
Islam to become Catholic because of how
their Koran teaches Vatican
dogma. And so again, the
cleric's comments weren't so
much designed to test the
Muslim as is obvious the fix
is in already. It's to test
the Catholics. And seeing how
Catholics will do anything the
man of sin in Rome commands,
Chrislamism is soon to become
a new denomination on earth.
hail 'Migration Week' while
flooding U.S. cities with
U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops, operating through its
Migration and Refugee Services
division, resettled more than
22,000 refugees in 2015, with
many of them coming from the
Muslim-dominated countries of
Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Sudan and
Afghanistan. ...Some of the
states where the Catholic
bishops are most active in
resettling Muslim refugees are
Michigan, Minnesota, Tennessee,
Ohio, Florida, California,
Arizona, Maine, Georgia,
Nebraska, Illinois, Virginia,
Kentucky, Washington, Texas and
Utah. ...At the same time the
Catholic Bishops are placing
Muslim refugees into hundreds of
U.S. cities and towns, they have
also been lobbying Congress for
the U.S. to embrace the mostly
Catholic Central Americans who
have massed at the U.S.-Mexico
border seeking asylum. “If
you are a Catholic, you are
likely being bombarded this week
(Jan. 8-14) with propaganda
about welcoming the
stranger,” writes refugee
watchdog Ann Corcoran
at her blog, Refugee
Resettlement Watch." -Source
That all being
said, when right here in the
good old US of A starts seeing
the numbers
of rapes by Muslims continue
to climb
and Islamic
honor killings in America go off the chart
remember this one basic fact. It
was the
prophesied man of sin in Rome who put every
young girl in America in danger
of being raped and even killed
for the sole purpose of having a
Islamic voting bloc in America. Sure, like their
wicked offspring, La
Cosa Nostra
(aka Mafia) the Vatican will
always place a reputable facade
on their actions so as to have
the winning hand in any "moral"
argument no matter how obvious
it all is. What I mean is, when
someone asks them why they are
breaking our laws and flooding
murderers, rapists and child
molesters into our country by
the millions, they can play the
moral card and shout back,
"don't you have love for your
fellowman?!" And we say yes we
do! And that very love moves the
obedient bride of Christ to warn
the world over of their openly
exposed ulterior motives. And
what might that be you ask? I
will let the Vatican's very own
prelates admit their agenda in
Constitutions can be changed, and non-Catholic
may decline to such a point
that the political
[ban] of them may become feasible and
protection would they have
against a Catholic state?" -The State and
the Church, pp.38,39, by
Miller and Ryan, imprimatur of
Cardinal Hayes.
Catholic Church in this nation
must live on to accomplish her
work, even
though our Republican form
of government disappears." -The Catholic
April, 1935, p.12. "
[Catholics] must penetrate wherever
possible in the administration
of civil affairs... all Catholics
should do all in their power
to cause
the constitution of states,
and legislation to be
modeled on the principles of
the true Church." -Encyclical of Leo XIII
Now do you see
why the man of sin keeps
bringing in the illegals that hate
Christians just as much as
they do?
They know when it's time to vote
they will vote on the side of
Rome and the
they have been working towards
enforcement will finally be
enforced. Still, even though the
obedient remnant warn them every
change we get, and even though
the Word of God makes it
childishly easy to illustrate
the truth when we show our love
for them by sharing those
eternal words, most in bed with
Rome will blow it off with
laughter after hearing it only
to walk away with demon inspired
contentment feeling they have
won the battle for that day and
therefore vindicated in their
rebellion. But the war is almost
over and soon the prophesied
smoke of destruction will rise
from Rome just as the Lord's
bride has been declaring it will
for eons. Christian
prophecy is not only 100%
it has been spoken by a God that
has seen the end from the
beginning. In other words, IT
saves daughter as Muslim
rape frenzy plagues Germany
is enduring a fresh round of
sexual assaults by Muslim
migrants, but until police are
less concerned about being
“Islamophobes” than
they are about the safety of
German women, the attacks will
continue, says a top freedom
activist in the U.S. In one
case, a German father is being
called a hero for rescuing his
daughter from a Syrian refugee
who had stalked her as she was
walking home early Sunday
morning from a disco. The woman,
23, called her 57-year-old
father to say
“there’s a man
following me home
dad…” -Source
story goes on form there of
course and I am happy to say the
drunken Muslim was dragged the
man's nearly unconscious
daughter before he can have his
way with her and he is now in a
jail cell. And as bad as all
that is, and that being of
course how these Muslims keep
raping women all over the world
and the politically correct
police who fear being tagged
"Islamaphobe" refuse to do their
jobs; that's not actually the
main reason I posted this
So why did I post
a good look at the picture
associated with the article.
Take a REAL GOOD LOOK! Notice
anything strange regarding the
so called migrants seeking
asylum in Germany? In fact,
click that pic to get the
original size to pop up. Now
hold down the CTRL button on
your keyboard and at the same
time scroll up on your mouse
wheel. Zoom in and maybe you
will see what I see, or actually
don't see. Where I ask are all
the women and children? I could
not find a single woman nor
could I find a single child. NOT
ONE! Yet they call them refugees
and migrants seeking asylum from
their war torn countries?
No, these are NOT
migrants or refugees!
are SOLDIERS! All of them! If
they were true migrants you
would see entire families in
that massive line of people
seeking safety from the crazed
killers in their land. But
because most people can't see
the forest because of all the
trees blocking their view, most
don't catch the lie about them
being refugees even when they
look at the pictures. Now keep
in mind, when you look at these
huge numbers you have to realize
the overwhelming majority of
them do not know Rome is using
They only want to invade the
nations for Allah. But Rome
counts on them to not hold back
on their strange culture and
lusts of the flesh when it comes
to raping women and children.
That means Rome can now use the
media to create a frenzy of
reports on murder, rape and
mayhem so as to allow the Pope's
puppets in every legislative
hall around the world the
ability to demand laws that
control the populace.
we have also seen in how the
powers that be use peaceful
protests to get laws
passed against free speech by infiltrating
the protests to make them
violent, we know this tactic
works and works even better when
an entire nation is their
target. What I mean is, when the
people of a nation are way too
peaceful, patriotic and law
abiding so as to have no reason
for their leaders to restrict
their freedoms effectively, the
Vatican under agreements with
those leaders will send in these
so called "migrants" to fan the
flames of unrest which will
cause a demand for strict laws.
And because the majority on
earth bow to the lie and ignore
the truth staring them in the
face, Rome does as prophecy said
they will do.
lies become the norm, truth
cannot be seen no matter what.
However, there will come a day
when even the self-deceived will
see what we see. It will happen
when that Eastern sky splits
wide open. Literally billions
will be shaking in their boots
as they finally see truth in as
graphic a manner as it can only
be presented by the Author of
that truth! MARANATHA!
Offering ‘Safe
Places’ to Migrants
Crossing Canadian Border
"Migrants are
looking to be harbored by
churches, hospitals, and
schools to avoid potential
deportation under
Trump’s proposed
immigration plans, according
to CBC News. Doran
Schrantz, the director of a
faith organization geared to
help illegal immigrants,
launched a statewide effort
in Minnesota to create
“safe places”
for migrants who face
deportation after crossing
into the country from the
northern border. ...Since
starting the effort,
Schrantz said there are now
over 200 “faith
leaders” who have
promised to accept illegal
immigrants into their
churches to evade federal
immigration law." -Source
First of all a
"migrant" is someone who
came into a country legally
either by using a visa who
then stays for a while and
either extends the visa to
stay a little longer, or
actually does the paperwork
to gain citizenship of the
country they are visiting in
legally. So right off the
headline and the one writing
the article is being very
deceptive. And as much as I
wouldn't vote for Trump or
any other politician for
that matter, the left keeps
claiming he and others like
him that say illegals are
just that "illegal" anyone
with a computer can dig up
hundreds of videos wherein
Trump and others have stated
it's not the legal migrants
that's the issue, it's the
illegal ones that's causing
the problem. But Rome and
their political pawns on the
left purposely lie about all
that as this article and
thousands like it confirms.
And they lie because they
must have the illegals flood
into the nation to assure a
massive voting bloc the next
time they has some hell
inspired agenda to get
through the halls of
Congress or excessively
wicked leader to gain
Now here it
where it gets both sad and
very interesting. The fact
the pastors of these
churches are gathering in
large numbers to "accept
illegal immigrants into
their churches to evade
federal immigration law"
shows you just how evil
these church leaders have
become in these
last days. Not only are
they breaking the laws of
the land, they are teaching
their own flock it's ok to
do so. But then they have
been teaching their flock to
break the
law of the land in Heaven all along, so
this isn't anything new. But
then it is here where the
smoking gun is seen. Notice
what it says in the book of
Romans regarding what these
churches are
knowingly doing when it
comes to committing criminal
acts. Worse yet, their
committing federal crimes on
top of it all. Notice what
it says here...
13:1-7, "Let every soul be
subject unto the higher
powers. For there is no
power but of God: the
powers that be are
ordained of God.
Whosoever therefore
resisteth the power,
resisteth the ordinance of
God: and they that resist
shall receive to
themselves damnation.
For rulers are not a
terror to good works, but
to the evil. Wilt thou
then not be afraid of the
power? do that which is
good, and thou shalt have
praise of the same:
For he is the
minister of God to thee
for good. But if thou do
that which is evil, be
afraid; for he beareth not
the sword in vain: for he
is the minister of God, a
revenger to execute wrath
upon him that doeth evil.
Wherefore ye must
needs be subject, not only
for wrath, but also for
conscience sake. For
for this cause pay ye
tribute also: for they are
God's ministers, attending
continually upon this very
thing. Render
therefore to all their
dues: tribute to whom
tribute is due; custom to
whom custom; fear to whom
fear; honour to whom
No, this
passage isn't declaring we must
obey the laws that go against
God's law. Acts 5:29 makes it
very clear that we must "obey
God rather than men." Laws like
abortion, homosexual marriage or
doctor assisted suicide can and
have been passed to become the
law of our land yes. But that
doesn't mean we as obedient
Christians can kill a baby, ask
a doctor to kill ourselves or
marry homosexuals in our
churches. We choose not to do
such things even though man
claims they are "legal" to do
so. And yes, that means when
they enforce Sunday Laws and
demand we keep that day holy.
But even here, the truth is we
can keep all seven days of the
week holy without sinning. It's
when they demand we break the
real Sabbath that we as
Christians have been prophesied
to stand out ground and obey God
rather than men. But the way
these pastors are working
towards mocking the Lord who
penned Roman 13:1-7 in how they
are granting asylum in their
churches is exactly how Satan
moves their flock to follow the
lead their very own pastors set
before them. Long gone are the
days when most Christians
"follow the Lamb withersoever He
goeth." But there are many still
out there and when those plagues
begin there will be 144,000 of
them scattered all over the
Not only are
the apostate pastors breaking
the law of the land and teaching
their church members to do the
same by helping people
"evade federal immigration
law;" they are openly dismissing
the Word of God and its
requirements for the obedient
bride that Jesus is coming soon
to receive. Not only are they
ordained to teach and preach
God's Word, they are to be
examples unto the flock they
lead. But these prophesied
wolves in sheep's clothing don't
care about any of that. They
only care about their tax
exemptions, silk lined pockets
filled with cash, and the
strange skeletons they keep
well-fed and well-hidden in
their decadent closets. But not
for much longer praise God.
Housewives of ISIS' enrages TV
"Can Islamic terrorism be funny?
That’s what the writers
for “Revolting,” a
new BBC satirical comedy show,
were thinking when they cooked
up a sketch about British women
who had become brides of
fighters for ISIS, or the
Islamic State, and framed it on
the “real
housewives” reality-TV
model that has proved popular in
the U.S. It turns out, however,
not everyone thinks a six-part
series about burqa-clad
newlyweds taking selfies and
one-upping each other’s
suicide belt is a laughing
matter." -Source
the 1950's & 60's TV
shows? Remember how they made
"while lies" appear the norm and
no big deal? Don't recall? Visit
YouTube and look up the Andy
Griffith, My Three Sons, or even
Leave it to Beaver shows. What
the parents in those shows! Yes,
most shows in that era appear
wholesome and even Christian
quite often. But every now and
then you will see someone lying
or making it appear ok to
lie. Especially if it's
considered a "little white lie."
You know, like when a phone
rings and the one getting up to
answer it hears someone shout
out, "If that's Johnny on the
phone looking for me, tell him
I'm not home." Before you knew
it, every household in America
was giving the ok to lie, cheat
and even steal as long as it was
regarding the "little things" in
life. Like when I saw all those
folding bills on my dad's
dresser in the morning as a
little boy. I only took the
change and a few of the singles
thinking it was ok since I left
the bigger bills behind.
do you recall how Rock &
Roll got its start? I am not
going to get into detail as to
what the name "Rock & Roll"
means as it is very sinful, but
look at Elvis Presley. At first
he was shunned by the media from
the waist down because of his
vulgar dancing. Yes, many
thought the media was acting
moral when in fact it was a
negative advertising ploy to
skyrocket him to fame.
Eventually the negative
advertising worked. He became
very popular and suddenly what
all the preachers were saying
about the dangers of Rock &
Roll were totally ignored
because the TV sanctioned Elvis
to the point of giving him his
own movie contracts as well as
promoting him as a good looking
down home momma's boy who sang
Gospel music now and again. And,
did you notice? The cameramen
never again refused to tape his
whole body as he writhed and
wriggled on screen. Not long
after all sorts of decadence
became the norm in America to
were the free love era of the
1960's gave birth (literally) to
all sorts of new pleasures of
the flesh.
and yes I am skipping a few
decadent signposts along the way
for sake of brevity, but we now
had the disco scene that moved
hundreds of millions of people
into nightclubs to move and
gyrate in ways that suggested
sinful lusts of the flesh under
glowing lights and blaring
music. Not long after that we
started to see more suggestive
dancing to where today, from
what I have heard from others,
the dancing in the nightclubs
now often resembles actual
sexual acts in front of
everyone! What most refused to
do behind closed doors in the
50's most act out in front of
drunken crowds today.
we had the homosexuals pushing
their decadence into the
limelight with shows like Will
& Grace wherein every aspect
of homosexuality was made funny
and even acceptable to maw and
paw America. Not long after the
homosexual nightclubs started to
pop up in every city and now we
literally have legalized
homosexual marriage in the
United States of America.
has sanctified every sinful act
known to man so as to create a
society that makes such
decadence appear normal just as
prophecy predicted would be the
mindset of most in the very last
days. This is why we now see
them promoting movies and TV
shows normalizing pedophilia,
bestiality and polygamy lately.
Want to see how crafty they are
when it comes to such things?
Take bestiality for example.
Disney has a very popular movie
titled the Beauty and the Beast
and parents all over the world
have it in their DVD stack for
their children to watch as if
it's perfectly ok.
yes even the sports have caused
all sorts of violence to be
normalized against your
neighbors. Kids in every city
and small town get hurt and even
killed at school because their
classmates go a little overboard
in their zeal to win a game
their own school promotes
financially. We even have
legalized gambling now thanks to
Hollywood working hand in hand
with the Vatican, who first
"legalized" gambling in their
Law Vegas night casino
gatherings on church property.
And yes, most saw that as no big
deal because, someone in
"authority" said it was ok.
now we see them promoting a
reality TV show making ISIS
appear funny? What's next? Pay
per view TV of live executions?
Oh wait.. they already started
"stealthily" promoting that 2
years ago.
Chrislamic State agenda in
high gear for New Year
"The New York Police Department
is allowing Sikh officers to
wear full turbans in place of
the traditional police cap and
grow beards up to a half-inch
long as required by their
religion. …It’s a
major change in our uniform
policy, so we had to go about it
carefully. And now I have the
opportunity to make the change,
and I thought it was about time
that we did that. O’Neill
said the NYPD has about 160 Sikh
officers. …Sikh advocates
praised the NYPD’s
decision to be more inclusive.
If the NYPD’s new policy
indeed allows for Sikhs to
maintain unshorn beards and
turbans, that sends a powerful
message to the rest of America
that Sikhs are an important part
of our nation’s
fabric,” Harsimran Kaur,
legal director of The Sikh
Coalition, told NBC News in a
statement." –Source
Muslim and Sikh NYPD officers
can now wear beards and turbans
"Muslim and Sikh officers in the
New York Police Department will
be allowed to grow out their
beards and wear turbans while in
uniform, the NYPD announced on
Wednesday. Under the new policy,
outlined by NYPD Commissioner
James P.
O’Neill, officers who
are granted a religious
accommodation from the
department’s Equal
Employment Opportunity Office
will be able to grow beards
that extend up to half an inch
from the face, and may also
wear a blue turban with a hat
shield in lieu of a traditional
police hat. Previously, officers
with a medical or religious
accommodation were permitted to
grow a beard no longer
than one millimeter in
length, a policy that came under
review after a Muslim
officer filed a federal
class-action lawsuit in
June." –Source
that make you all warm and fuzzy
inside knowing New York's finest
is promoting a religion as part
of a local government entity?
That's right, the New York
Police department, like any
local or State department is
funded by the United States
Government who students of
prophecy know is the second
beast of Revelation that
uplifts, promotes and demands
all to bow in worship of the
first beast in Rome. And so,
even though any Christian,
Buddhist, or Jewish citizen that
wanted to display a "religious"
symbol in the NYPD they would
not be allowed that option
sighting the NYPD's church &
state separation policies. But
if you're part of a religion
that kills Christians,
Buddhists, and Jews as well as
one that has been promoted by
the very same government to have
toppled the New York city
skyline on September 11th, then
by all means, let them have
their way. And isn't it a bit
suspicious that while this is
happening in New York, Kerry's
pro-Islam speech is being
embraced as a good thing by the
very nation (Saudi Arabia)
Wikileaks just exposed as the
main source of funds for all the
Islamic terrorist groups around
the world.
what of this article that just
came out wherein the headline
reads, "NYT Gushes Over Churches
Offering ‘Sanctuary’
to Migrant Felons." Or the video
that just came out today that
shows a School taking
Christian kids to pray at a
mosque?! Looks like an
Islamic lovefest does it not?
now have the NYPD allowing
Muslims to stand in
authoritative power over the
people wearing religious garb,
we have John Kerry making Muslim
leaders drool over his pro-Islam
speeches, we have a Christian
school in the Netherlands bowing
to Allah in a Mosque, (just like
SDA students) we have the last 3
popes promoting Islam worldwide,
and now you have the New York
Times gushing over the Jesuit
churches that offer the Muslims
sanctuary. And yes, the church
they took the picture in was
Jesuit owned and operated.
Notice the IHS in that cross on
the altar? That is the main
Jesuit logo. And yes, it's Pagan
to the core.
of prophecy know all too well
what's up here. Having a Muslim
in religious garb carrying a gun
is a very effective way for Rome
to declare who they plan to
merge into American society as
authority figures as well as
having the churches sanction
Islam as if it's a religion of
peace. That way they can covers
the religious and secular end of
society just as prophecy
predicted. Just one more smoking
gun as to why all the churches
in America have the 501c3. If
they refuse to do as the
Government says, they will be
shut down. The only good that
can come out of this has to be
those that keep laughing out
loud about our claims that
Muslims will soon man the 30,000
guillotines on US soil. Compile
all this with all the other
prophesied facts we have shared
the last few decades and one can
only hope that soon the scoffer
himself will start to agree that
Christian prophecy is really
that accurate. And no, you don't
have to be a prophet to know the
prophetic Word. All you need to
be is an obedient Christian to
understand what your Lord is
just so you know. Yes, Rome is
behind all this. See my Pope and
Islam page on the site. If that
doesn't convince you, perhaps
looking into the evidence that
the Popes wrote the Koran will
help enlighten you. If you need even
more proof, during all that I
just mentioned that happened
today alone, check out this
article that came out today as
well. It's about a Roman
Catholic priest in Italy
dressing their plaster idol they
call Mary in a Muslim burqa!
Everywhere you look you see Rome
pushing their loyal blood
curdling henchmen as if they are
the most loving peaceful people
on earth. But then this is Rome
we're talking about. When they
use the term "peace" they
actually mean war. (See Daniel
8:25) When they say "I love you"
they actually hate you to the
core. And when they claim to be
Christian they actually mean
Pagan. In fact, look at the pic
of their so called "baby Jesus"
in that article. Why is it that
little idol still sports the
Pagan halo about his head but
Mary is now in a burqa? (click
the pic to enlarge)
check out the new video I just
posted in the next post below
this one. It may clarify all
that's happening.
Top Italian
Bishop: Islamist Attacks Have
Nothing to Do With Religion
"Despite appearances to the
contrary, the murder of the
Russian ambassador in Ankara and
the Berlin massacre in a
Christmas market have nothing to
do with religion but are
economically motivated,
according to the secretary
general of the Italian
bishops’ conference. On
Monday, a gunman shot the
Russian ambassador to Turkey,
Andrei Karlov, at an art
exhibition in Ankara, reportedly
shouting “Allahu
akbar” while he gunned him
down. Later in the day, a Muslim
Pakistani “refugee”
drove a semi through a Christmas
market in Berlin, killing 12
people and injuring many others.
In an interview with the Italian
daily, Corriere della Sera,
Bishop Nunzio Galantino, said
the Berlin and Ankara terrorist
attacks were not motivated by
religion but by money."-Source
know what's really shocking
about this Bishop's incoherent
statement? 1.2 billion Catholics
will believe him. Why? It's
because Rome has built it into
the structure of the dogma that
the Popes and prelates are not
just godly men, they have stated
in writing they are "gods on
earth!" The fact every political
leader as well as every common
man sitting in a Catholic pew
bows before these men to kiss
their feet or rings confirms
they do worship them!
getting back to the topic
regarding why this Bishop is
claiming it's not about religion
when Muslims kill, have you seen
my "Pope and Islam" page? It is
chock full of historic,
prophetic and even Islamic facts
proving the Roman Catholic
church not only invented Islam,
it also proves they did so for
the same reasons they created
any political monster from the
past. The most recent being
Roman Catholic Emperor Adolph
Hitler of course.
I have stated for 30+ decades
now, the Vatican in Rome was not
only prophesied to use and
create evil political leaders
with armies that kill
Christians, they are also
prophesied to use those monsters
to gain power over the sheeple
that refuse to open Bibles. I go
into a tad bit of detail on all
this in a blog entry I did back
in September of 2009. Rome will
proclaim themselves "the" moral
authority on earth by using
their Roman version of Jesus,
(which was also prophesied) so
as to generate a political
control system in both the
church and the State. That
reason alone is why this Bishop
is claiming Muslims are killing
for economic reasons instead of
their own
admitted religious reasons.
fact is, the Pope will use his
underlings (prelates) to promote
the idea that Rome is squeaky
clean and the ever loving moral
authority on earth of which all
nations must bow. And since they
have been promoting Islam to the
point of an actual new religion
being formed called "Chrislam"
where even the SDA church
promotes, they cannot take the
chance that all their hard work
and billions of dollars being
spent will be threatened by
crazed Islamic gunmen who are in
fact doing just as the Koran the
popes themselves wrote told them
to do in the first place. And
so, even though the gunman
shouts "Allah Akbar," which
everyone now knows means "God is
Great" in English, every time he
kills a Christians or before
shooting the Russian Ambassador,
or as the other Muslim that just
ran over a bunch of people
celebrating what they think is a
Christian holiday that somehow
these two Muslim killers who
referenced their own "god"
during the commission of their
own crimes and targeted the ones
they believe are Christians
while doing so; somehow they are
doing all this for the money and
not for religious reasons?
Perhaps a few quotes from the
Vatican contrived Koran can help
enlighten this delusional
Fight in the cause of God, those
who fight you, but do not
transgress limits; for God
loveth not transgressors. And
slay them wherever ye catch
them, and turn them out from
where they have turned you out:
For tumult and oppression are
worse than slaughter; But fight
them not at the sacred Mosque
unless they first fight you
there; But if they fight you,
Slay them. Such is the reward of
those who suppress faith.
Fighting is prescribed for you,
2:244-245 Then
fight in the cause of God, and
know that God heareth and
knoweth all things.
4:74-77 Let
those fight in the cause of God
who sell the life of this world
for the Hereafter, to him who
fighteth in the cause of God,
whether he is slain or gets
victory, soon shall We give him
a reward of great (value). And
why should ye not fight in the
cause of God and of those who,
being weak, are ill-treated (and
oppressed)? Men, women, and
children whose cry is: "Our
Lord! rescue us from this town,
whose people are oppressors; and
raise for us from Thee one who
will protect; and raise for us
from Thee one who will help!"
Those who believe fight in the
cause of God, and those who
reject faith fight in the cause
of evil:
Remember thy Lord inspired the
angels (with the message): "I am
with you: give firmness to the
Believers: I will instil terror
into the hearts of the
Unbelievers: smite ye above
their necks and smite all their
finger-tips off them."
9:5 "Then,
when the sacred months have
passed, slay the idolaters
wherever ye find them, and take
them (captive), and besiege
them, and prepare for them each
9:14 Fight
them, and God will punish them
by your hands
9:29 "Fight
those who believe not in Allah
nor the last day, nor hold that
forbidden which hath been
forbidden by Allah and his
apostle nor acknowledge the
religion of truth of the people
of the Book. (the Jews and the
Color me
confused, but I don't see
anything about fighting for
money in the Koran, but I do
find plenty that says to "fight
in the cause of God, fight those
who believe not in Allah" and
even "slay them" that suppress
the Islamic faith as the Russian
ambassador supposedly did and
all those people at that
Christmas market did simply by
attending what most believe is a
Christian market.
Nativity Scene
Could Offend Muslims, Priest
"A priest in Italy has caused
uproar after announcing there
would be no Christmas nativity
scene at the local cemetery this
year because it could offend
Muslims and atheists. Fr Sante
Braggiè said there would
be no crib in the cemetery in
the northern city of Cremona
because it may anger people of
others faiths or none whose
relatives are buried there.
…The local chief of the
conservative Lega Nord, Pietro
Burgazzi, also said: “I
hope the decision not to put up
a crib was not ideological, but
hearing the criticisms it seems
that it was." –Source
It amazes me
to no end how quick Roman
Catholic priests are to bow down
to Satan in refusing to share
Jesus with anyone outside the
Catholic church. Now, before you
email me with eyebrows still
firmly raised in surprise, no I
am not declaring the Roman
Catholic church is a Christian
church. I have overwhelming
evidence on more than 12,000
pages (if printed) of this
website that it is by no means a
Christian church. (Sorry Mr
& Mrs Catholic, there's
just no easy way to say
that) And no I am not saying
Christmas is a Christian
holy-day either. As many already
know, I have a ton of evidence
that Christmas is 100% Pagan.
Just looking at the picture on
the left with the Pagan stained
glass window in the so called
stable shows it promotes
Paganism. I mean seriously, when
was the last time anyone saw a
window, let alone a stained
glass window in a stable? It was
placed there for a reason. (See
more about Paganism in the
church of Rome here)
The Catholic
people aren't completely at
fault here. They just trusted
their priests not even
considering they may be lying to
them. They have been taught
since 538AD that their church is
a Christian church and so they
believe it simply because the
priests say it is. And the norm
in the seminaries is that the
new priests are all brainwashed
into thinking Roman Catholicism
is in fact Christianity. So many
of these priests are just as in
the dark on this as are the
people they preach to. But if
they open the Bibles their
church leaders declare in
writing to hate, they would see
what billions of other people
see. Even the Atheist knows
Catholicism is evil and this is
why they gave up on God. At
least that's what I have heard
from some of them over the
years. Still, the people need to
open their Bibles if they are
ever to understand any of this.
The Catholics are taught to
worship the priest over the
Creator of that priest, and so
as promised from the Lord
Himself, a strong delusion has
become their faith. But the main
reason I am posting this article
is why this priest did this in
the first place.
If you visit
my "Pope and Islam" page you
will see that the Vatican has
been extra vocal lately about
puffing up the Muslims who are
actually killing on average one
Christian every 2.5 minutes.
They did this with Hitler and so
this is the norm for them to do
with Islam as well. In fact,
Islam has declared openly their
loyalty to the Pope and his
hatred of Christians. (See one
of my videos that YouTube
blocked in middle eastern
nations that touched on this.
You may also want to see this
video for WHY YouTube blocked
the videos)
For this
priest and many like him in the
Vatican churches to claim the
Nativity scene may "offend
Muslims and Atheists" is the
weakest lie to date. What
they're going for here is a
complete removal of Jesus Christ
in all aspects of society. The
fact the people have let them do
this for well over a millennium
confirms their end game agenda
is known. And yes, they have
allowed them to remove Jesus.
But how you
ask? One word… CHRISTMAS!
Christmas is
NOT about Jesus at all, and I
can prove it. In fact I do so in
detail here. If you visit that
detailed compilation of historic
and biblical facts you will find
that Christmas is about the
worship of the Sun, moon and
stars. And so now that the
majority have accepted Christmas
as a so called Christian
holy-day we can see Rome's plan
worked. They literally have
spiritual control over the
masses as we speak. But no one
knows about it because most
don't read Bibles. Since the
people let them remove Jesus
from their Pagan doctrines long
ago, removing their fake version
of Jesus will be just as easy.
Simple reason being is, there is
no power in their version of
Jesus because it's NOT HIM.
believe me? If Roman Catholic
President John F. Kennedy was
still alive I would have you ask
him why he outlawed all prayers
to Jesus Christ in all American
schools back on June 27, 1962.
He as well as his Vatican
prelates knew that if you get
Jesus out of the schools, those
children will become adults with
a Vatican inspired faith, and
with that weakened they will be
able to get Jesus out of society
as well. Look around.. it's been
54 years since they removed
Jesus from the schools. Society
look any better since they did
that? Now do you see why they
don't want Muslims being
reminded that Jesus exists? If
it worked on actual Christians
in America so as to have more
control over them via the
Vatican controlled churches, it
will work even better to prevent
Muslims from seeking Jesus as
Lord in the first place.
VIDEO: Professor:
Christians Bigger Threat Than
"Though Professor Catherine
M. Wallace calls herself a
Christian – one of the
social justice variety –
she claimed in a lecture called
Fundamentalism” at the
Seminary Co-op Bookstore on the
campus of the University of
Chicago that Christian
fundamentalists pose a greater
threat to our nation because
they can somehow gain access to
the nuclear codes.
…Wallace believes that
"Christian fundamentalist"
violence is a threat because it
stems from a literal reading of
the Bible, which she claims is a
modern aberration and that
"nobody in the ancient world
would have read the Bible
literally." –Source
only does this professor admit
she is Roman Catholic, she
declares with pride that she is
a Jesuit trained Roman Catholic.
And she does so directly after
slamming who she calls
fundamentalists. That by the way
happens to be Rome's pet name
for all Christians that actually
read and believe the Bible.
article goes on to say, "Wallace
goes on to say that "Christian
fundamentalism is a malignant
form of Christianity" because it
fosters hate and conflict with
the modern world. She prefers a
Christian humanism, which
essentially means that
Christianity should sell out all
its principles to become
socially acceptable among the
Manhattanites." And that is
exactly how Catholics view
anyone outside the church of
look around. Who is hated
now-a-days? Bible believing
obedient Christians, right? And
who is loved? Everyone that says
homosexuality is ok, Allah is
God, divorce is ok and women
should be allowed to be ordained
as pastors. So the truth is,
this woman is lying. The only
fostering of hate and conflict
comes from those that hate what
Bible readers say and believe.
Because common sense dictates
that all obedient Christians are
very loving towards their
really amazing (and expected)
here is that because of the
ecumenical charge of Rome, most
now agree with this woman's
extra biblical claims. This has
been obvious for many years in
fact and it's also the reason I
posted the "Hating the
Christian" page on the site many
years ago. In fact, that page
was an update to my July 2002
Newsletter, which was an update
to my February 2002 WTPR
humanism of Rome, a term used by
the present Pope dozens of times
since he stepped up, is a
twisted theology that declares
everyone that puts the Bible on
the back burner are good and
trustworthy people no matter
what religion or lifestyle they
follow and those that read the
Bible are hateful, and even
dangerous as John Paul II stated
back in 1999. That "popular
Pope" actually stated that "The
fundamentalist approach is
dangerous, for it is attractive
to people who look to the Bible
for ready answers to the
problems of life." And why did
he say that? It's because he
knew the exodus from the Roman
Catholic church was growing fast
due to people opening Bibles,
reading them, and then actually
leaving his church. In fact,
this is why I left the Catholic
church 30+ years ago.
for the clincher!
as these always have an agenda
under their Roman robes. This
Jesuit trained professor stated
"On the subject of Jesus and
where he would stand
politically, she predictably
envisions him as a sort of
younger, sandaled Bernie
Sanders: "Jesus was first a
Jewish prophet reciting the
Jewish rant in its standard
edition, which is social
justice, socio-economic justice.
Care for widows and orphans,
which is to say the
unemployable. People who
can’t earn their own
living. And the just sharing of
the world’s resources."
echoes John Paul II in regards
to his hatred of fundamentalists
to the point of calling us
"dangerous." She admits with
pride she is trained by
bloodthirsty Jesuits, and then
she even goes so far as to echo
the last three Popes to shore up
her declaration that Jesus
Christ is a Socialist! What's
really bad in all this is the
fact that what she's saying will
be accepted by the masses just
as easily as they did the
ecumenicalism insanity since the
1960's. As prophesied, evil has
become good and good has become
evil. Don't believe me? Ask your
pastors what he (or she) thinks
about homosexuality, Allah,
women pastors, alcohol, tobacco,
scientifically proven cancerous
(unclean) foods, premarital sex
and joining the church in a
501c3 contract with the
prophesied second beast of
Revelation, the United States of
America just to name a few. If
you're a Bible believing child
of God, you may not like what
your pastor says in response to
those pertinent questions. But
then you need to hear his (or
her) response so as to make sure
you and you're family are not in
basic reason she made the speech
was to draw a very clear line
between the Bible believing
Christians and the long
prophesied Isaiah 4:1 type of
Christians we see today who only
want to be called Christians to
take away their shame while they
party on reveling in sin. This
line must be drawn for the
prophesied troop selection for
Armageddon to commence. And
commence it has. What she's
doing is just shoring up the
ranks to make sure all her
cohorts are aware as to who the
real enemy is. No, it's not
Islam. In fact she stated in the
lecture that "Christian
fundamentalists pose more danger
to the internal security of the
United States than Islamic
terrorists pose." True
Christians have been the enemy
of the State and of the Popes of
Rome for centuries. This is why
the Popes focused on killing as
many of them as they could over
the centuries.
says we will be hated. It also
says we will be surrounded by
the wicked and the majority of
those wicked will claim to be
Christians just like this Jesuit
trained Roman Catholic professor
has claimed to be. She claims
Christ as Lord yet at the same
time lies about His love in His
people who have the courage to
warn the masses of their eternal
plight. She, like all Jesuits
and prelates is more concerned
with helping Satan do as he
needs to do so as to get their
global mark enforced worldwide
so as to affirm they have even
more power. Well.. at least for
a very short time that is. But
then Satan won't tell them about
now that ALL the churches are
controlled by Rome, and this
includes the Seventh Day
Adventist church, it won't be
long before the Loud Cry gets
extremely loud and those on the
wrong side of the fence get
extremely upset. So be it! As
prophesied, those obedient to
the Lord who have the Latter
Rain upon them will go forth
with courage from on High and
many souls will come out of Rome
and then Satan himself will
demand Sunday laws to shut us up
because, as we have all seen for
decades, the truth we preach
Scripture, and THAT is why Rome
looks at us as more dangerous
than Islam.
Pope Francis goes to Sweden
"-no comments posted on this
Vatican video." – Source
is it the Pope is suddenly going
to Sweden? I believe it's
obvious and the timing is key
here. What do I mean? For those
that haven't been following
this. Notice the following
articles in the list compiled
below. The articles are not
posted in any particular or
chronological order. I posted
them as I found them while
confirming my discernment on
this. I've posted some over the
years and some are as old as
2004! When I saw this video and
a few recent articles about the
Pope's interest in Sweden the
Lord reminded me of what's been
going on in Sweden over the
years. For the most part, this
has been going on without
international alert for over a
Muslim Gangs Take Control of
55 Zones in Sweden
in Sweden: New Law
Criminalizes Criticism of
a Headscarf Or Be Raped,
Swedish Women Warned
in 4 Swedish Women Will Be
Raped as Sexual Assaults
Increase 500%
'buckling under Muslim
rule major Swedish city
Police point out 55
Muslim-dominated areas where
“criminals” have
taken control of the area
in Sweden
Sacralized Rape and Feminized
Opened Its Doors To Muslim
Immigration, Today It’s
The Rape Capital Of The West
Rape Wave in Sweden
rapists in Sweden ‘enjoy
impunity’ –
Amnesty International
rioting' in Sweden? It's the
Muslims, stupid
on the Muslim savages rioting
in Sweden
Imam to Muslims: "Do Not
Befriend the Unbelievers"
stirs debate with women-only
swimming, in nod to Muslims
Reach Muslim Breaking Point
Offers Extra Trains and Free
Tickets To Attract More Muslim
of us that like to keep an eye
on political and religious
movements globally in these last
days so as to help our brethren
stay up to date as per the times
we live in, and especially when
the man of sin is involved,
we know all too well how
the Popes of Rome work. Sweden
has been a member nation to the
Pope's New World Order since
1982, and being as such
they are often tested, (as are
all members) to see if they are
a loyal political puppet. The
Vatican needs to make sure the
political leaders of each member
nation is on the same page and
will do whatever the Pope
commands. This includes doing
one thing publicly while
agreeing behind closed doors to
do another more sinister act.
we all know about the long
understood promiscuous culture
of Sweden second only to Roman
Catholic Brazil; it was only a
matter of time before Satan
moved them to make an open and
obvious show of loyalty to the
largest known organized
Antichristian entity on earth.
The Vatican. Once the Pope saw
Sweden's open arm approach
towards Islam he was intrigued
and a dialog quickly began. But
it wasn't until the bold sign of
allegiance, which in this case
happens to be the acceptance of
common cultural fruits of
ancient paganism in the ways of
sexual assault brought on by the
Muslims who trust in their
Vatican / Pagan inspired Koran,
and the ignoring of such crimes
(as the articles above point out
repeatedly) or even bowing to
the crimes by watering them down
in the courts using the excuse
that it's just "Islamic culture"
and thereby acceptable in the
courts, as certain Islamic
demands towards women being
allowed and legalized confirmed.
It was then the Pope realized he
had a true friend in
Sweden. And that is the only
reason I believe he is heading
to Sweden. He knows for a fact
that he has a major player in
Sweden who will prop up the
agenda of Rome when it comes to
the NWO; of which the
prophet Daniel prophesied
regarding those Ten Toes. And so
the Pope is going to race to
Sweden to strike a deal while
the iron is hot.
that he knows Sweden will allow
Muslims to run rampant across
the land with very few if any
being jailed or punished in the
courts. Or worse yet pass laws
to help them flourish as well as
gain what appears diplomatic
immunity for violent crimes like
rape; the next step towards
installing Sharia law in the
courts isn't too far off for
Sweden. Especially since some
cities are already demanding
women wear the garb of the
Muslim to prevent rape (which it
never does) or the special
swimming hours for "women only."
as the Vatican inspired playbook
of Islam stated long ago, they
enter in the nation as
"friendly" to all peoples, they
then grow in number to become a
significant voting bloc. After a
certain number is reached in the
population, Shariah law is
slowly introduced court by court
and city by city and then
violence kicks in as their
numbers grow. However, as we can
see globally.. their growth is
too slow for Satan because he
knows his time is short. And so,
the so called refugee crisis was
fabricated using Vatican wars
and proVatican propaganda in the
Press and wallah, here comes the
Vatican's new and unimproved
god, "Allah."
mall attack follows familiar
pattern of denial
"A pattern has emerged,
repeating itself after almost
every new terrorist attack
committed on U.S. soil. The
connection to Islam is initially
ignored, then downplayed as mere
coincidence. The
attacker’s motive is
either “unknown” or
cannot be
“speculated” about,
according to local law
enforcement. It happened again
Friday night when Arcan Cetin, a
20-year-old Muslim immigrant
from Turkey, shot and killed
five people at the cosmetics
counter of a Macy’s store
inside a mall in Burlington,
Washington. Investigators said
they didn’t know what
Cetin’s motive could have
been. KIRO TV in Seattle
reported that authorities had
“no indication the
shootings were a terrorist
act.” And by Monday night
Savannah Guthrie, anchoring NBC
Nightly News, said “The
motive is still a
mystery.” -Source
Two things
have become very apparent here.
#1, they are doing all they can
to hide the fact that Muslims
are doing exactly as they
promised to do once they got on
US soil. For literally years we
have heard them chant "death to
America" over and over again in
foreign nations and now on our
own city streets. And we know
all too well about their daily
attack on anyone in the Middle
East that claim the same God
Americans do and that being of
course the Christian God. Well..
at least in some cases the one
this nation was founded on that
is. Today the so called
"Christian God" of America is
nothing more than a watered down
version of the Jesus of the
Bible and a more sure fit of the
Roman Catholic Pagan god called
And #2, the
only other reason that appears
obvious is that the politicians
that bowed to Rome and took in
who knows how much money to
"look the other way" while they
cracked our borders wide open to
let in tens of millions of
illegals from the Roman Catholic
faith, which then allowed all
sorts of Muslims to gain entry
in the same way for years now
and of course the recent
"sanctuary cities" wherein
actual Muslims were placed
inside each of at least 276
cities no matter how much the
people in those cities
complained. This is somewhat
embarrassing for those
politicians that bowed to Rome
that are playing the
pro-immigrant card because
common sense has finally come
home to roost and now that they
have egg on their shirt they
will do all they can to keep
this covered up. And so, a
Muslim praising Allah who kills
Americans in a Mall will then be
painted as an illegal Hispanic
so as to keep Rome's agenda
moving ahead nicely.
But.. there's
a problem with that idea.
Lies always
hit the floor and truth can
never be stopped no matter how
trivial some may assume it is.
Eventually the truth will get
out, as we now see this most
recent Muslim terrorist has been
outed and the already untrusted
media takes another hit for
lying on camera to keep the
truth hidden. What amazes me is
how easy it was to prove the
media was lying when they
claimed he was "Hispanic" after
some confirmed he actually came
from Turkey and was praising
Allah all over his Tumblr page
before his Vatican
inspired rampage of death
and destruction. One thing about
lying is.. you can never count
on all those involved to stay on
the same page. That's what so
attractive about being a
Christian among like-minded
brethren. If you stay obedient,
your fruit remains apparent. And
if you become disobedient, your
fruit becomes apparently
So.. why is
this happening here?
No matter who
has to be the one to clean the
egg off their shirts and no
matter how many innocent
Americans have to deal with the
death of a loved one who is
killed in a nightclub or mall;
Rome will make sure her well
indoctrinated henchmen will make
it unto America soil in droves
to do her bidding just as the
brown shirts did for her in more
than one nation in World War II.
That means, before the "peaceful
invasion" is able to get them in
the country in large numbers and
strategic points, they will
continue to keep as much as
possible under the rug when the
occasional demoniac jumps the
gun before Rome drops the other
shoe. In short.. it's a
different generation yes; but
the same beast is still spewing
its long prophesied fumes.
Muslims Worship Mary?!
In this video I share a picture
that was taken off a sign in
Australia that was erected
outside a Mosque. The evidence
that the Roman Catholic church
is not only the author of the
Islamic Koran, we now see the
Muslims openly worshiping Mary
just as the Catholics have been
taught to do for centuries. The
fruits of both religions are the
same now! (Click here to watch
on YouTube - Click here to watch
Koran written
before Mohammed was born
Mary Worship
The Pope and
The Pope wrote
the Koran
The Salute of
Mahdi coming back in spaceship!
(say what?!)
"A prominent Iranian ayatollah
says the Mahdi, the end-times
Muslim savior, will come back in
a spaceship with the sound
“of thunder and its power
and speed is that of
lightning.” Actually, his
recent explanation wasn’t
completely clear. “It is
like a spaceship and like other
swift and amazing space vessels
that are found [only] in stories
today, but nobody knows how
close [these vessels] come to
truth and reality. Maybe it will
be like [a spaceship] but in any
case it is not a
spaceship,” he said. His
description was discovered in an
Iranian news report by the
Middle East Media Research
Institute, which monitors and
analyzes media reports in the
region. The comments came from
Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem
Shirazi, who operates his own
website to promote his views."
if you have been following my
blog as well as my videos over
the years you know I have ample
evidence to prove the Popes of
Rome not only wrote the Koran so
as to have the Muslim people
help them in their trek towards
enforcing the long prophesied
mark of the beast, there is also
ample evidence that the Pope is
in fact working hand in hand
with the Muslims in everything
from pushing Sharia Law in
America and other nations to
actually killing 150,000+
Christians each year. And if you
actually go to the website
that's posted in the above
article that the Grand Ayatollah
Naser Makarem Shirazi created
you will find the very first
link is a loving letter from him
to the Pope. Something most
Muslims would be shocked at but
most students of prophecy have
been exposing for decades. (Also
see this article on topic)
in the letter?
stated this.. "I am really
delighted to have heard your
comments during your last trip
to Poland in which you stated
“Islam is not equal to
terrorism” and further
dismissed the association of
violence and harshness with any
and all divinely-sent religions.
Your wise and logical stance
regarding Islam in
disassociating the religion from
the inhumane actions and
atrocities of the Takfiri groups
such as Daesh is truly
admirable." This crazed
assumption that Islam is a
religion of peace is par for the
course if they are ever to get
the masses to fall in line and
accept the guillotines presently
in storage as we speak. And so I
am not going to do another blog
entry on the evidence that the
Pope and Islam are brothers in
the faith as I have plenty of
evidence posted here for any and
all concerned.
did you also notice this?
Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem
Shirazi is not only uplifting
the Pope and his strange
assumptions about a peaceful
Islamic religion, he is echoing
the Vatican invention of an
alien lifeform that they call
Messiah. How do I know Rome
started the UFO movement all
over the world and especially in
the USA? Check out my July 25,
2008 Truth Provided Newsletter.
If we compile the strange
comments of the so called Grand
Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi
along with the facts laid out in
my Newsletter with the Pope's
claims, as well as the ancient
paintings on the Vatican walls
that depict UFO's impregnating
Mary the mother of Jesus, one
can see an agenda that was
started long ago and looks to be
coming to fruition as we speak.
And do you also recall President
Ronald Reagan who sold out the
American people and allowed the
Jesuits to take control of the
White house in his first term
wherein he confirmed on the day
of his second term inauguration?
Pope John Paul II and Reagan
worked hand in hand on many
projects that changed the world
politically speaking. But to
drive this home with a little
thunder, (from that cloud
perhaps?) I will share with you
a statement Ronald Reagan made
during his administration.
Reagan Said:
"...Perhaps we need some
outside, universal threat. ...I
occasionally think how quickly
our differences would vanish if
we were facing an alien threat
from outside this world."
-President Ronald Reagan
addressing the United Nations
Sept. 21, 1987 See
a video clip of his
quote here
I suggesting we are about to be
invaded my Aliens from outer
space? No, because the Lord
would never allow that. But that
doesn't mean mankind won't do
all he can to claim it's a
reality. I am suggesting however
that the demons playing the part
of aliens, (those of you that
delved into such things before
meeting Christ know exactly what
I mean here) and the current
technological advances in the
area of holograms and mass
hypnosis (on the unprotected
nonbelievers) is no doubt part
of the mix on this one. All I
can do is suggest facts based on
evidence presented and since we
have proof the Popes have been
playing this game for centuries
so as to bring it to a head in
our day, one can expect just
about any strange theology to be
presented so as to keep the ball
of confusion rolling. Will it be
the main issue that brings it
all to a close? No, it won't. Is
it part of the present agenda to
keep the confusion well fueled?
The last 50 years of so called
"sightings" says yes in a big
all being said... now do you see
why it's so important to study
the ONLY source of truth on
planet earth daily? What is that
source of truth? His name is
Jesus Christ who, according to
John 1:14 is "the Word was made
flesh, and dwelt among us, (and
we beheld his glory, the glory
as of the only begotten of the
Father) full of grace and
truth." And since Romans 10:17
says, "So then faith cometh by
hearing, and hearing by the word
of God," would it not be a
spiritual no-brainer to open
that book?
VIDEO: Muslims
go to Catholic Mass across
France to show solidarity
"In a gesture of solidarity
following the gruesome killing
of a French priest, Muslims on
Sunday attended Catholic Mass in
churches and cathedrals across
France and beyond. Reporters on
the scene said that between 100
and 200 Muslims gathered at the
towering Gothic cathedral in
Rouen, only a few miles from
Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, where
the 85-year-old Rev. Jacques
Hamel was killed by two teenage
attackers on Tuesday. "We're
very touched," Archbishop
Dominique Lebrun told
broadcaster BFMTV. "It's an
important gesture of fraternity
. They've told us, and I think
they're sincere, that it's not
Islam which killed Jacques
Hamel." -Source
But it was
Islam that killed that priest!
But as we know, Satan uses lies
and fear to his advantage very
easily today in the age of
lying. His main hub of
organization is in fact the
Roman Catholic Vat of sin. This
we have no doubt on because of
the historic facts that match
perfectly with Christian
prophecy. We also know they need
to make the quickly growing (and
well placed) Muslim community
look less dangerous and
bloodthirsty while at the same
time continue on with killings
all over the globe to do so.
You shouldn't
be. What I mean by what I just
said about using death to make
them look better is in fact
true. But in this case it's
"targeted" deaths. Or actual
sacrifices "for the cause." That
priest died at the hands of
Muslims who were indoctrinated
by the Vatican inspired Koran
who actually think the Catholic
church is a Christian church
simply because the bloodiest man
on earth says it is. (That being
the Pope of course) And so, as
we see in any crazed agenda, you
will have the passive element
within its midst so as to offset
the truth and cultivate
confusion. The word "Babylon" is
defined in prophecy as "to mix"
truth with error. And as the
prophet Daniel warned long ago,
the Popes of Rome will be quite
crafty in that respect. Hence
those that were fearful that
Catholics (who are not defined
as Christians in Scripture)
would actually attack their
Muslim neighbors in the area
because of that their obedient,
or as the media calls them
"extremist" Muslim cohorts did
to the priest. And so to make
them look better, which is a win
win for Rome, the Vatican
targets the priest as one who
will die, as per the oath he
took to become a priest, so as
to have his death cultivate a
mindset in the passive Muslims
in the area to flock into the
churches acting as if they want
to be one with the Catholics.
And all they needed was a little
bit of fear to get this to work.
As I already
stated, the prophet Daniel was
clearly told to declare in his
writings that the Popes of Rome
would use craft to assure their
agenda is met. (See Daniel 8:25)
And this has to be one of the
more crafty means as of lately.
In short.. they need to make the
Muslims appear worthy of embrace
and so they get some obedient
Muslims to kill the priest so
the passive Muslims who have yet
decided to obey their Koran to
the letter clamor to the church
to prevent their own deaths from
angry Catholics. Fear works well
when you have no faith in Christ
be the person a lukewarm
Christian or a card carrying
Muslim because it is written in
2 Timothy 1:7, "For God hath not
given us the spirit of fear; but
of power, and of love, and of a
sound mind."
That passage
declares if you have fear, it is
not from the Lord Jesus Christ.
And since it's not from the
Lord, we then know it is from
His enemy. The Muslims may think
Christians fear them; but their
own videos confirm Christians
are not afraid to die for their
faith because Jesus Himself said
in Matthew 10:28 that we should
not "fear not them which kill
the body, but are not able to
kill the soul: but rather fear
him which is able to destroy
both soul and body in hell."
Christians know this life is
only a test. If killed we know
we will get up again.
That all being
said. Ever notice this? Muslims
obviously use fear tactics to
try and get people to join their
number. Many scoff when I say we
have proof the Vatican wrote the
Koran. But besides all the
obvious similarities between the
Muslim and Catholic religions I
have listed here that confirms
they came from the same author
and it was not the Lord thy God;
check out the following videos
wherein Catholics use fear
tactics to force people to
either join or stay in their
cut off water and power from
Protestant families
JAILED for refusing to convert
to Catholicism!
Fathers of Rome
granted global power to kill
"true believers"
ask priest to abuse kids on
practiced by the Popes
Pope claims
to be God
priest attacks woman on
Nazis Pledge
to obey Pope on Camera!
The Pope is
killing Christians TODAY
La Cosa
Another god
on earth? WAIT FOR IT (The
ending may shock you!)
By their
fruits ye shall know them
6 signs of a
France, 'the jihadists have won'
"With Christianity dead in
France, there is no national
political will to address the
increasing attacks by radical
Islam, says a professor at the
University of Paris, which has
brought the country to its
knees. ...The assassins of
Father Jacques Hamel are what is
coming,” he says.
“One of them, Adel
Kermiche, was born in France to
immigrant parents from Algeria.
His path looks like the path
followed by many young French
Muslims: school failure,
delinquency, shift toward a
growing hatred of France and the
West, return to Islam,
transition to radical Islam.
...Seventh-grade students spend
the first month of the school
year learning what Islamic
civilization brought to the
world in science, architecture,
philosophy and wealth. A few
weeks later, they have to
memorize texts explaining that
the Church committed countless
atrocious crimes. Economics
textbooks are steeped in Marxism
and explain that capitalism
exploits human beings and
ravages nature. The Holocaust is
still in the curriculum, but is
taught less and less; teachers
who dare to speak of it face
aggressive remarks from Muslim"
First and
foremost, Christianity is by no
means dead in France. It's alive
and well and about to explode in
power. But not in the way most
assume. When they say
Christianity in the media they
mostly mean Catholicism. The
picture posted in this article
with its Pagan candles and the
article itself confirms that
assumption hands down as it is
all about that 86 year old roman
Catholic priest that was
murdered in a nearly empty
Catholic church. The article
admits the church where that
priest was killed during Mass
only had 5 people and 3 nuns in
attendance. So again,
Christianity is not dying out in
France. Catholicism is! And that
is why the Pope did what he did
years ago when he announced his
plans to meld Islam and
Catholicism together. The
Vatican numbers are so low now
that they have to fill the pews
with Muslims loyal to the Pope
and this is why the Pope
demanded all Catholic schools
teach Islam to the children in
2009. And now the author of this
article is shocked that the
schools are doing just that?
What's not
being said in this obvious
propagandized article is that
Christianity, and that's "real
Christianity" is still a threat
to the Vatican. This is why they
have joined forces with Islam.
This is also why they declare
Christianity is dead in the same
way Time Magazine asked "Is God
Dead," or John Lennon said
"Christianity will go. It will
vanish and shrink. I needn't
argue about that: I'm right,..."
Well, like so many before him,
Christianity is still here and
he is quite dead. And did you
notice, both statements were
made in the 1960's when
Christianity was actually
exhibiting a resurgence all
around the world. And it wasn't
just the hippy movement either.
The basic
reality always seems to be the
same in this scenario as well as
those of the past. Whenever
Christianity starts to grow in
number in any given area the
dying god of this world starts
to stir up his pawns and minions
to declare it's dying. All too
often everyone seems to forget
that Beelzebub, aka Satan, aka
doctor feel good, aka dumbest
angel to ever live is in fact
the father of lies. He cannot
speak truth and so lies are his
native tongue. Why is it so many
fail to consider the source when
such demonic statements are
made? When Satan's obedient
people declare Christianity is
dead, one can rest assured that
quite the opposite is true. In
fact, as we are all about to
witness firsthand when that
latter rain starts to fall, all
the world will know the truth as
it is proclaimed in Christ is in
fact very much alive. And when
that Eastern sky rips wide open,
every person alive, obedient or
not that sees Him floating above
will know, God is most assuredly
very much alive! As lies always
do, they, like all the lost
souls that cherished the lies as
truth will drop dead to the
ground never to bother those
that embrace the truth again.
Even so.. come Lord Jesus!
Why Catholics
thrive in the CIA
The agency has been dubbed
‘Catholics In
Action’ because the
faithful have occupied so many
senior positions. But could
their dominance be weakening?
...The CIA is the best known of
the 17 agencies that comprise
the American intelligence
community. It has earned itself
nicknames like “Catholic
Intelligence Agency” and
“Catholics In
Action”. It’s worth
exploring why. No official
statistics exist on Catholics in
the CIA or any other American
intelligence agency. But one
interesting clue is the
relatively high number of
Catholics who have served as
director of the agency." -Source
And why do you
suppose they don't want to have
a list of Vatican operatives
(Catholics in high office in
USA) in the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA)? Seem obvious to
me. Especially since many
already know about the
information being posted online
that confirms the CIA is running
ISIS. If the general public
knows the Vatican runs the CIA
and ISIS it will make it far too
easy for the common man (you and
me) to make the connection
between Islam and the Vatican.
It's also
being swept under the rug for
the same reason so many history
books have been changed over the
centuries. It's done to hide
Catholic involvement in mass
killings, their universally
known wars crimes and their
discovered hand in disasters and
political assassinations wherein
they take an oath to perform.
Still, as students of prophecy
we already knew Congress, the
Senate and the CIA were bound to
be infiltrated and completely
taken over by the Vatican
because prophecy will be
fulfilled. But for the sake of
those that forego the enticing
and very fulfilling work of
eschatological study, I will
list a few comments made by
Vatican operatives below so as
to let you know that the author
of the article I posted here, or
yours truly are not talking out
of tinfoil hats. The Vatican
actually did put statements in
writing for all to see (that
don't study prophecy) that the
Popes of Rome have planned all
along to take over the United
States of America just as
prophecy proclaimed.
"[It is
error to believe that] The
Church ought to be separated
from the State, and the State
from the Church." -Pope Pius
IX, The Syllabus (of Errors),
Issued in 1864, Section VI,
Errors About Civil Society,
Considered Both in Itself and
in its Relation to the Church,
"[It is
error to believe that] Kings
and princes are not only
exempt from the jurisdiction
of the Church, but are
superior to the Church in
deciding questions of
jurisdiction." -ibid #54.
"[It is
error to believe that] In the
case of conflicting laws
enacted by the two powers
(Church and civil), the civil
law prevails." -ibid # 42.
is a mischievous dream where
the Catholic Church does not
predominate." -Brownson's
"There is
one, and only one, sure
democracy, the Catholicism of
the Popes" -The Catholic
World, Oct, 1937.
The old
Protestant culture is about at
the end of its rope... Why
can't we make the U.S.
Catholic in legislation,
Catholic in justice, aims and
ideals?" -Father F. X. Talbot,
editor of America, official
Jesuit magazine for the U.S.
statement in New York Globe
Dec. 14, 1930
liberty is merely endured
until the opposite can be
carried into effect without
peril to the Catholic Church."
-Bishop O'Conner of
Catholics ever gain sufficient
numerical majority in this
country, religious freedom is
at an end. So our enemies say;
so we believe" -The Shephard
of the Valley, journal of the
late bishop of St. Louis.
Constitutions can be changed,
and non-Catholic sects may
decline to such a point that
the political proscription
[ban] of them may become
feasible and expedient. What
protection would they have
against a Catholic state?"
-The State and the Church,
pp.38,39, by Miller and Ryan,
imprimatur of Cardinal Hayes.
Catholic Church in this nation
must live on to accomplish her
work, even though our
Republican form of government
disappears." -The Catholic
World, April, 1935, p.12. "
[Catholics] must penetrate
wherever possible in the
administration of civil
affairs... all Catholics
should do all in their power
to cause the constitution of
states, and legislation to be
modeled on the principles of
the true Church." -Encyclical
of Leo XIII.
Click here for
many more quotes like this. And
remember, the first Amendment
says that; "Congress shall make
no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the
press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government
for a redress of grievances."
Now do you see why the Vatican
is right now working at changing
the United States Constitution?
Prophecy WILL be fulfilled!
Francis: ‘I Do Not Believe
It Is Right to Identify Islam
with Violence’
"I do not believe it is right to
identify Islam with
violence,” the Pope told
journalists during the July 31
papal flight to Rome following
his apostolic journey to Poland.
“This is not right and it
is not true.” “I
don’t like to speak about
Islamic violence,” the
Pope said, taking into account
that one sees violence every day
in the newspapers, even at the
hands of baptized Catholics.
“There are violent
Catholics!” he said.
“If I speak of Islamic
violence, I must speak of
Catholic violence.”
this Jesuit ordained Pope admits
that he doesn't see the violence
of Islam as being an issue. And
he even goes so far as to use
his own flock as a way to
belittle or downplay the
violence of Islam. Of course,
he's doing so in a way that
suggests violent Catholics are
only those we see in bar room
brawls. He won't mention the
Roman Catholics killing people
in Mexico that refuse to
convert, or even the burning of
the dead bodies of their victims
that refuse to bow to the Pope.
He doesn't mention the 1260
years wherein the Catholic
church and all civil leaders
that were Roman Catholic killed
hundreds of millions of
Christians and he certainly
isn't going to declare Catholics
violent as his priests continue
to violently rape little boys.
Nor will he mention any of the
violent acts done by his
predecessors. The list of
Vatican violence is so far off
the chart just naming a few as I
just did won't even amount as a
pimple on mountain of evidence
compiled exposing them.
the Pope to claim Islam, who
aren't as well hidden from the
media as the Vatican is
regarding their violent ways is
appalling for many reasons. But
for the sake of keeping this
brief, I see two main reasons he
said this. #1, he must uplift
his flock and by flock I mean
Islam because his predecessors
not only wrote the Koran, they
demand the Muslims bow to their
authority and even demand they
salute the Popes of Rome on
camera. But #2 is the clincher
on this one. This Pope who took
the Jesuit oath, which is hands
down the most violent and bloody
oath ever penned by demon
possessed men, he doesn't look
at the Muslims who slowly saws
off the heads of Christians
because the demons in the Pope
are very pleased with all this.
Yes, that is a no-brainer for
demons to love killing
Christians, but why does the
Pope himself see the killing of
Christians as a nonviolent act?
Besides the fact this is nothing
more than just another
propaganda statement designed to
uplift Islam around the world,
notice what his ordained
predecessors says about
murdering Christians in the
past. When you see this you will
see why he really doesn't see
their bloody acts as being
violent at all.
"The Catholic
Church has persecuted ... when
she thinks it is good to use
physical force she will use
it... Will the Catholic Church
give bond that she will not
persecute?... The Catholic
Church gives no bonds for her
good behaviour." -Western
Watchman, Dec. 24, 1908
"The church may by divine right
confiscate the property of
heretics, imprison their person,
and condemn them to
flames. In our age, the
right to inflict the severest
penalties, even death, belongs
to the church. There is no
graver offense than heresy,
therefore it must be rooted
out." - Public Eccliastical,
Vol. 2, p.142.
Mr. Raywood Frazier, in the
booklet "Catholic Words and
Actions," presents documentary
proof of the intensive
persecution of Protestants and
non-Catholics in Columbia, South
America, between 1949 and 1953.
The Catholic Church had the
support of the Columbian
government in the destruction of
many churches, and the
liquidation of more than 1,000
documented cases -- some of whom
were shot, drowned, or
emasculated. He says there is
evidence of over 60,000 killed.
Pope Pius XII awarded the
President of Columbia with one
of the highest awards which the
Church bestows, and praised
Columbia for its example of the
Catholic faith." (Pp. 59,60)
(Click here for many more quotes
like this)
So yes, this
Pope will never see Islam as
violent because he doesn't see
killing Christians for their
faith as being a violent act at
all because in Catholicism, that
is the long prophesied norm.
Since their dying god sees it as
normal and nonviolent, they will
see it as such as well. Hence
the reason the Catholics (like
Muslims) beat themselves bloody
every year on camera. And by the
way... what does the Bible say
about the Pope's "good
behaviour?" The Christian Bible
says in Luke 3:14 that we should
"Do violence to no man." Not
only does that statement of John
the Baptist make the Pope's
words appear as evil as evil can
get. John said "do violence to
no man" to an actual Roman
soldier no less! That's right,
this Pope even denies his Pagan
ancestors as being out of touch
with reality when it comes to
how some with common sense would
actually define the word
VIDEO: Muslim
Trump supporter name-checks
Prophet Muhammad in closing
prayer at RNC
"The second day of the
Republican National Convention
began with a prayer from a lay
Catholic and ended with a
benediction from a Muslim, who
told the remaining delegates and
TV viewers, "God bless Donald
Trump," and also invoked "the
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
him." Sajid Tarar, founder of
the actual group American
Muslims for Trump, did not
mention the word "Allah,"
however, as this Donald Trump
parody account noted:" -Source
So, as
expected, it will be business as
usual in the White House if
Trump gets elected. We already
know what Hillary will do if
she's elected. I did a couple
of videos on that some not
too long ago. Like Obama,
Hillary will deny Christ and
avoid any mention of God until
it benefits her agenda. And like
Obama she will be seen as worthy
of worship by indoctrinated
women as my second videos shows.
But Trump?
After watching
Trump's narcissistic fruitage
the last few months, it's become
obvious the games do continue
and the sheeple will keep
buying into it. His popularity
is off the charts because the
majority of America are ok with
his antics. As we get closer to
the end the people will not only
become very evil, they will
unconsciously demand someone in
office that reflects that evil.
BUT they will also demand he
does so as a patronizing
Christian who will emulate the
general populations lukewarm
mindset so as to make them all
appear as moral.
One thing I've
noticed over the last few
decades is that if we have a
democratic leader one can see
how all Atheists, the
mainSCREAM media and
Hollywood are happy as larks
when they have the baton in
hand. And when we have a
republican leader, all the
lukewarm Christians who cherish
their idols over their Lord are
just as happy because the man in
the office will claim Christ
Lord like they do while at the
same time doing all that pleases
the flesh just as Isaiah 4:1
said most will do today. And as
we see now with this article,
Trump is no exception.
Business as
Trump may be
rich enough to avoid special
interest money so as to get the
ear (and the votes?) of the
American people. But it has
become blatantly obvious he is
not wise enough to avoid the
demonic interests of hell as
only Rome can present it. Had he
been a staunch Presbyterian
whose forefathers separated from
Rome in the 16th Century he
would not condone the Catholic
or the Muslim prayer in any way
shape or form. But he is now a
politician and so the palm
greasing begins even here.
Whether we
have a democrat or a republican
in power makes no difference. In
both parties we will not see
Christian values uplifted by our
leaders in this so called
Christian nation. The fact the
Republican National Convention
had a Roman Catholic pray to
start the second day of their
political Olympics and a Vatican
owned Muslim to close in a
prayer he obviously had to read
from a teleprompter confirms
Christianity will once again be
placed on the back burner if
Trump wins.
In any event,
the coming months will no doubt
be very interesting, very
appalling, and even very idiotic
as the official start of
mudslinging season begins. Can
we pray this away? Can we vote
to stop it? No.. and why not?
It's because prophecy will be
fulfilled. Whomever the Lord
places in office is just as much
the American people's fault as
was Nebuchadnezzar's
ordained destruction of
Jerusalem the fault of the
apostate Jewish nation. When the
people of God embrace
disobedience, the spiritual
chastisement always assured.
Only now.. being the final days,
it will be the last time the
Lord will have to declare His
wrath this side of the 1000
years executive judgment. And
that will most assuredly be one
very great and dreadful day for
all concerned.
Gingrich calls
for deportation of those who
'believe in Shariah'
"Newt Gingrich, former
speaker of the House and
talked-about pick for Donald
Trump’s vice presidential
slot, said on Fox News while
discussing the Nice, France,
terrorist attack that the United
States ought to implement a
testing system to root out
Shariah-compliant Muslims and
deport them. On
“Hannity,” Gingrich
said the country “should
frankly test every person here
who is of a Muslim background,
and if they believe in Shariah,
they should be deported. Shariah
is incompatible with Western
civilization.” -Source
That's all
well and good, in fact it's
true.. for the most part anyway.
What I mean is, Shariah law is
not compatible with Western
civilization. But the entire
truth is, it's incompatible with
any civilization in that it
causes many to die for reasons
no man, woman or child should
ever have to die. Still,
Gingrich said what he said so as
to make his position on all this
But is it
Looking into
prophecy we know all about the
soon to come beheadings of
Christians who refuse to bow to
the Roman Catholic Church's
demands when it comes to their
mixing church and State powers
to bring about religious law.
That being of course Sunday
laws. That being the case,
demanding every Muslim be
deported that believes in a law
that must become part of the law
of the land in all nations when
it comes to the mark of the
beast is as believable as the
last 266 popes who claimed they
will put an end to child
No, we may not
see Shariah law as it is written
verbatim in the Vatican inspired
Koran, but we will see the one
dogmatic demand that
nonbelievers be beheaded. This
prophesied fact will most
assuredly have to be implemented
into the laws of the land if
they are ever going to be able
to enforce that mark. And that
land will eventually encompass
all ten regions of the planet,
or as the prophet Daniel
described as "ten toes" in that
dream of the king he mentioned
in Daniel chapter two.
Just as Roman
Catholic Jesuit coadjutor Alex
Jones likes to play the part as
the man in our corner so as to
paint a picture of peace and
safety, when in fact he is
nothing but a loyal fabricator
for the Pope and his agenda,
Newt Gingrich is still a
politician and like all
politicians will say and do
whatever it takes to CULTivate a
following. After all, Gingrich
is himself a recent convert to
Roman Catholicism and so
political posturing that
benefits Rome will most
assuredly be in his bag of
tricks if in fact he seeks to
keep his position and gain
higher posts of duty in the
One last thing
that has researched Islam knows
all about the word "al-Taqiyya"
of Islam which translated means:
"In Islam taqiyya تقية
(alternative spellings
taqiyeh,taqiya, taqiyah, tuqyah)
is a form of religious
dissimulation, or a legal
dispensation whereby a believing
individual can deny his faith or
commit otherwise illegal or
blasphemous acts while they are
at risk of significant
persecution." -"Taqiyah". Oxford
Dictionary of Islam. John L.
Esposito, Ed. Oxford University
Press. 2003. Retrieved 25 May
I also found
on that "Muslims
are permitted to lie: (1) to
save their lives, (2) to
reconcile a husband and wife,
(3) to persuade a woman into a
bedroom and (4) to facilitate
one on his journey. Muslims are
even permitted to disavow Islam
and Mohammed if it is not a
genuine heart-felt rejection.
Muslims will tell you that
concealment of a truth is not an
abandonment of that truth if it
benefits Islam." -Source
isn't it? It also reeks of the
long prophesied Roman Catholic
lackadaisical fruit wherein they
can be saved IN sin rather than
FROM sin and so anything goes as
long as the end justifies the
means. Now do you see why Obama
has no problem claiming to be a
Christian while still being
considered a Muslim in good
standings with the Imams and
Islamic leaders he bows to on
In other
words, as Newt Gingrich knows,
if you ask any obedient Muslim
the question, "do you believe in
Shariah law?" All of them see no
problem with lying to prevent
persecution. So how can you tell
the difference between those
that do and those that don't?
Basic reality is, being deported
would be a form of persecution
for them and so they will lie
through their teeth. If Gingrich
was sincere and not using the
'craftiness' card the prophet
Daniel speaks of that is so
apparent of Gingrich's Vatican
prelates; he would not ask the
Muslims any questions at all. He
would simply close all Mosques
and deport all members.
In short...
the Muslims aren't going
anywhere. And even if the media
fabricated a mass exodus of
Muslims from American shores,
they will still be in high
political positions ready,
willing and able to pull the
lever that drops the blade upon
the neck of the obedient bride
of Christ that refuses to
disobey their ever living and
ever loving Heavenly Father.
whistleblower: Terrorism is not
the enemy (Sharia Law is!)
"What we need to
understand to see this more
clearly is that there is an
overarching strategy,”
Haney told Daniel Horowitz this
week on the podcast “The
Conservative Conscience.”
“I call it the
gravitational force of the
global Islamic movement, and
that is the implementation of
Sharia law. That’s the
actual goal. “Everything
that we see happen around us
everywhere, all 28,000 jihad
attacks since 9/11,
they’re all tactical
events for one strategic goal,
which is implementation of
Shariah law, and as long as we
fight tactics we will never win,
because tactics change
constantly. Yes, the tactics of
ISIS are horrible and gruesome,
Haney acknowledged, but it is
crucial for U.S. policymakers to
realize ISIS is working towards
a worldwide caliphate ruled by
Shariah law. They share that
goal with every other Islamic
terrorist organization on the
planet, even those that employ
less brutal tactics.
...“They don’t
realize that all these groups
are overlapping and that they
work together, and they have
much more in common –
Hezbollah has much more in
common with Hamas than not
– and they have the same
strategic goal, implementation
of Shariah, ...try telling
people that not only do you have
the government ignoring Islamic
terror, and creating this CVE
(Countering Violent Extremism)
agenda, focused on
extremism’ instead of
where the problem is, but you
have Muslim Brotherhood figures
at the highest levels of our
Homeland Security and
counter-terrorism apparatus
inspiring, drafting, influencing
these policies at its highest
level.” -Source
This is
exactly what I've been saying
for years! I even made by last
count four videos on this
subject. Yet scoffers love to
come out of the woodwork with
all sorts of insults and strange
twisted Scripture so as to hide
the fact that the Vatican has
been behind this all along. In
fact I have a page online
dedicated to exposing Rome's
involvement titled "The Pope and
Islam." I have another page with
rock hard evidence and an actual
eye witness testimony on camera
no less confirming the Vatican
wrote the Koran. You can see
that page and video by clicking
Why do they
need Sharia Law in America?
20:4, "And I saw thrones, and
they sat upon them, and
judgment was given unto them:
and I saw the souls of them
that were beheaded for the
witness of Jesus, and for the
word of God, and which had not
worshipped the beast, neither
his image, neither had
received his mark upon their
foreheads, or in their hands;
and they lived and reigned
with Christ a thousand years."
The mark is
soon to be enforced. As we know,
the Vatican Jesuits study
prophecy, but not to be able to
see what they're doing wrong so
as to get back on the path to
Christ. No, they study the
prophecies so as to try and
figure out ways to hide their
true agenda. They know they will
behead Christians during the
enforcement of the mark, but
they must keep the Vatican's
moral appearance well-polished.
Yes, I know that sounds
oxymoronic. But these are the
last days wherein the majority
of the people are very evil and
so they don't see the evils that
the obedient remnant of the Lord
can see. In fact, as prophesied
in Isaiah 5:20, they are to look
upon the evil as good and the
good as if it was evil.
Since most are
evil, Rome will naturally appear
pretty moral to the general
misinformed public. And sadly,
that's the overwhelming
majority. Hence the term
"remnant" being used in prophecy
to describe the few that are not
blinded by Babylon or her
sisters. Still.. they must
behead those Christians because
prophecy must be fulfilled. Not
that they want to make God look
good by doing as prophecy
predicts; no, they do it out of
sheer bloodthirsty hatred for
Christians no matter how much
they are prophesied to do so.
And since the Muslims have been
easily conned into thinking
Allah is a god and Mohammed is
his prophet or the Koran is a
holy book, Rome has a very loyal
army of Muslims who are
literally chomping at the bit
just waiting for the chance to
'legally' kill Christians. And
so, Sharia Law must become part
of the American court system!
After all .. who else do you
know of on planet earth that is
already beheading Christians who
have openly saluted and declared
their loyalty to Rome? That's
right! Islam!
Security Report Calls for
Rejecting Terms
"A new Department of Homeland
Security report urges rejecting
use of Islamic terms such as
“jihad” and
“sharia” in programs
aimed at countering terrorist
radicalization among American
youth. The Homeland Security
Advisory Council report
recommends that the department
focus on American milliennials
by allocating up to $100
million in new funding. It also
urges greater private sector
cooperation, including
with Muslim communities, to
counter what is described as a
“new generation of threats
to the Homeland related to the
threat of violent extremism. The
funds would be used for hiring
experts and new social media
programs and technology to
influence young people not to
join terror groups." -Source
And Americans
are supposed to believe that
tripe? Sad thing is, the last
few decades confirm, the
majority will believe it. But
for those that have eyes that
see, it's far from the truth. As
we know by watching how the
well-controlled media keeps
pushing the terrorist theme
across all networks and those of
us that know of people in all
nations of the world thanks to
the Internet, we know it's
nowhere near as bad as they
report. But, they report it day
after day after day. And now
we're supposed to believe they
want to spend money on reaching
out to the young people to see
if they can help them avoid
joining terrorist groups?
Really? None of us would have
any inkling about the so called
terror if it wasn't part of the
government's propaganda.
dictates the following:
If you, (and
by 'you' I mean Obama or any
other high ranking official)
wants a way to cultivate and
indoctrinate young people
towards a terrorist mindset, the
best way to get it done is to
start off in plain sight. You
need to make a public
announcement on a government
funded and controlled media
machine that your of so worried
about the kids and you've
decided you're now going to
approach the young people in the
cities to help them out of
danger. A danger YOU invented.
The parents who buy into all
this who at the same time fear
their children are headed down
the wrong path will naturally
sign their children up for the
program as a last resort towards
helping them get straightened
out in life. This grants the
government a huge crop of young
people filing in with eyes wide
shut just like Hitler's youth
and those children that show
signs of being very useful in
performing terrorist attacks on
US soil in the future, the
program directors pull off them
to the side in a "special" more
stealthy program wherein they
can work with the child to
better build them up as a weapon
they can use whenever needed. To
keep the public unaware that the
program was nothing more than a
cattle call, they pick out a few
of the more passive children
rounded up, they then build them
up in the public eye as if they
were rough and tumble outcasts
that they (the government
directors) were able to help in
their new government program. As
for the other children that were
taken off for "special"
grooming, they are sitting on
the sidelines waiting for their
orders to do whatever their
indoctrinator built into their
minds. That way, it would be far
easier to perform false flag
attacks in the homeland when
actual people (the brainwashed
children) go berserk and true
victims actually die in front of
real eyewitnesses in the
neighborhoods instead of just in
front of cameras primed and
ready to film their
well-rehearsed action scene as
we have been seeing and exposing
The other toss
on the coin is.
From day one I
have been saying the Vatican
needs Sharia law on the books in
the USA as well as all nations.
But in order to do that they
have to do so quietly without
too much fanfare They can't just
go out and demand it without
causing an upheaval. It has to
be brought into being in a
stealthy manner. And so, banning
terms like 'Jihad' and 'Sharia'
in America is an important step
when it comes to a public
relations ploy which will
obviously make it far more
difficult for most looking to
figure out what's happening. You
know.. like the word "abortion"
when it first came about in the
USA. When Roe-v-Wade was all the
rage, terms like murder,
infanticide, butchery and
bloodlust was no longer par for
the course when speaking about
how children die in the clinics.
The word "abortion" made it all
appear less taboo. Or look at
the word "gay" for example. When
the homosexuals started to come
out of the closets the terms
like homosexual, queers,
sodomites and a few more hateful
slurs were used quite often. But
then the homosexual community
decided that they were "Good As
You" and so they created the
acronym "G.A.Y." so as to make
them actually appear "good as
you" and I. And yes, it was
purposely created as a slam on
Christians because the Christian
Bible says homosexuality is an
abomination. Removing the
terms 'Jihad' and 'Sharia' is no
different. They plan to go full
steam ahead, but they are now
going to do so in a more
filtered manner. In other words,
prophecy WILL be fulfilled!
The article
even went so far as to declare
that "Under a section on
recommended actions on
terminology, the report says DHS
should “Jihad is the
Islamic concept of holy war that
is the primary call to arms for
Islamic terrorist groups around
the world, including the Islamic
State, al Qaeda, and the Muslim
Brotherhood. Sharia law is the
anti-democratic Islamic
supremacist legal code that
critics say has prevented U.S.
Muslims from assimilating into
American society."
Soon some of
our very own young people will
be turned into deadly weapons
with an Islamic mindset wherein
their deaths are absolutely
certain. But the real sad art is
they have no intention of
wasting these weapons. When
'ignited' they will kill as many
of their own friends, neighbors
and even family members along
with them as per indoctrinated
order. And it's all being
painted as a government help
program that will help the youth
just as Hitler did in his day.
In short.. it's as I said for
decades. Hitler is dead. But the
Vatican that created him is
still alive and so this is why
Hitler's agenda is still very
much alive today. For if it
truly was just Hitler's ideals
and demon inspired plans, it
would have died with him. The
fact the United States
Government is working hand in
hand with Rome as well as
promoting Nazi tactics confirms
it was not about one man being
possessed by Satan. It was about
Satan's headquarters on planet
Migration Surging into America;
99% Support Sharia Law
"Law enforcement sources have
identified the gunman in the
Orlando terror attack as Omar
Mateen, the child of Afghan
migrants, according to CBS News.
Between 2001 and 2013, the
U.S. permanently
resettled nearly
30,000 Afghan migrants on
green cards. According to Pew,
nearly all Muslims in
Afghanistan (99%) support sharia
law as official law. As legal
immigrants, these migrants will
be granted lifetime resettlement
privileges will be given
automatic work permits, welfare
access, and the ability to
become voting citizens. Between
2001 and 2013, the United States
permanently resettled 1.5
million Muslim immigrants
throughout the United States."
Will the
people that keep claiming I'm
talking through a tin foil
bonnet finally recant when it
comes to the fact that the Roman
Catholic Vatican, the very
global political entity that
wrote the Koran hundreds of
years ago, and that means they
also wrote the Sharia Law
contained within its pages, has
purposely manipulated the
political process in America so
as to assure Sharia Law will be
on the books in the United
States soon?
A quick look
into prophecy might answer that
As the
prophetic Word outlines in
graphic detail, the second beast
in prophecy is in fact the
United States of America. But it
cannot reach that pinnacle of
wickedness without first being
infiltrated by the prophesied
little horn or man of sin as
most know him today. Once the
Pope and his well-placed
prelates in American politics
made it into positions of power,
as prophesied the second beast
was completely taken over by the
first beast in Rome.
Since the
Koran was already penned and
readying a people to charge
forward in a bloodthirsty rage,
all that was needed was a way to
nudge them over the precipice of
reality to get the killings to
begin. The false flag attack on
September 11th not only granted
the American powers that be the
means by which to remove
freedoms from the American
people so as to further sew up
Rome's future
horrific plans with the
mark, (See Revelation 20:4) it
also allowed them the means by
which to light a fire under
bloodthirsty zealots that trust
the Vatican Koran as a holy
And by the
way, as these killers for Rome
go forth in loyalty to the Pope;
even though they kill innocent
people and the government
leaders know it is the Muslims
doing this, the media will
protect them because Rome must
not allow their lust for blood
to cripple their long prophesied
agenda. This is why even though
those people in that homosexual
nightclub were killed by a
Muslim, who had a father who is
antiAmerican, and even though
ISIS claimed responsibility for
the killings, Obama says 'we are
to blame and not the Islamic
terrorists' that he allowed in
our borders. And this is also
why Facebook removed Pamela
Geller's "Stop Islamization Of
America" page.
The reality
Today, over
200,000 Christians are being
killed each year by Muslims that
trust the Koran that tells them
to kill them. Most of those
Christians are beheaded by these
Muslims. In America we presently
have 30,000+ guillotines sitting
in mothballs just waiting for
the day all the Vatican ducks
are in a row and Satan is
standing on earth claiming to be
Jesus who then declares via his
Pope that all refusing to keep
Sunday holy must die. But unless
Sharia Law is on the books in
America, and it will be soon,
beheading Christians who refuse
the mark is not going to be an
easy row to hoe. But now that we
have 1.5 million Muslims
permanently installed in America
that want Sharia Law in our land
right now, and since they have
all been given the option to
vote in US elections, and since
the recent "botched executions"
allowed for talking points to
spread across the media on the
positive aspects of the use of
guillotines; can anyone read the
writing on that wall as to what
will happen next?
One last
thing.. this blog entry will be
a video. Watch for it on Youtube
Christian church in holy war
with Islam
"The church is so small it
doesn’t even have a
website. It’s main method
of communicating with the
outside world is its outdoor
marquee sitting out front of its
building along a highway that
few travel. Harrington posted
messages last month on the board
that read: “Wake up
Christians. Allah is not our
God. Muhammad not greater than
Jesus.” The other side of
the marque stated “Only
the Bible is God’s Word.
Koran is just another
book.” In a matter of days
word spread to Muslim groups and
their left-leaning supporters
well beyond Hood River. About a
dozen protesters descended on
the small church with signs
saying “take down this
sign.” This church is so
small it often can’t
muster more than a dozen members
for a Sunday service." -Source
Amazing how a
small town preacher with a
handful of church goers can see
the truth in this, but the main
stream millionaires dressed up
as wolves in sheep's clothing
can't seem to realize Allah is
not God and Jesus is much more
powerful than a pedophile; but
then this is the norm in these
last days wherein if you have
enough political pundits willing
to spread the lie for Rome who
not only has to make pedophilia
the norm, they also seek to
make it appear as a wise choice
for those looking on who can be
indoctrinated to think since
learned and powerful men are
pedophiles it must mean it's the
right thing to do. Don't believe
people can't be indoctrinated
into thinking child rape is the
norm? Perhaps you would have
laughed 40 years ago as well if
told abortion and homosexual
marriage would be legalized in
the future?
One can also
see how fearful the Muslims are
when it comes to the unvarnished
or watered down truth of our
God. Satan hates our God and
anyone that shares his biblical
truth, and it appears it doesn't
even matter that a Sunday
keeping small town pastor is
doing it. The fact someone may
see it and be converted to the
truth is far too frightening for
Satan or his pawns to allow
without at least trying to stop
it. Even if they fail in getting
that sign removed, the way they
attacked the pastor in the media
and local area will make the
wishy washy pastors think twice
before making any mention of
same in sermons, tracts, videos
or readerboards.
The article
goes on to say:
"There may be,
on a good day, 30 cars go by and
see our sign,” said Pastor
Harrington. “My intent was
anybody who agrees with that
come on in, and anyone who
disagrees with it, come in and
we’ll talk about
it.” But that wasn’t
the case. This simple expression
of religious conviction was too
“controversial” for
some to tolerate. One man, Eric
Cohn, was riding his bike by the
church one day and said he
“could not believe”
what he was seeing. He stopped
and told the pastor he wept
because he was so offended by
the message on the
This so called
"weeping man" even went so far
as to write letters to the point
the Mayor got involved and
stated on camera "I think it
norms up this kind of behavior
like ‘oh, it’s okay
to be a bigot now." Sound
familiar? It should. I've heard
the exact same hateful slurs
towards me and my message when I
shared tracts, videos or sermons
exposing the Catholic and
Seventh Day Adventists churches
over the years. When the people
from those churches cannot
refute the plain and simple
truths found in the Bible,
the one sharing them is then the
problem. The deceived souls
never think to look to
themselves to see if the truth
proclaimed speaks of their need
for repentance or even look in
the Bible itself to see if it's
true or not. Like the deceived
Jews of long ago, if their
religious leaders say it they
believe it hook line and sinker.
In today's
world, and it was prophesied to
be this way. (See Isaiah 4:1;
2Timothy 4:3; 2Peter 3:3) Most
in the churches are only what I
like to call Pastor echoes.
Since the Catholic church has
been pushing Allah as a god for
many years and the SDA church
has been declaring the same on
camera for them recently, most
will indeed be offended as did
the "weeping man" and the mayor
in this story were. So be it..
had Noah decided not to build
the ark after all the complaints
rolled in, or if any of the
patriarchs and prophets of old
clammed up when the heat was on,
or what if the apostles decided
to stop preaching as the
Pharisees demanded in Acts 5? If
they shrunk back as the
hirelings and scoffers do on a
regular basis, Christianity
would not be here today.
Pray for this
pastor. Perhaps persecution like
this will get him to dig into
his bible to further defend his
message and also pray that while
there he may just discover that
Sunday is not the Sabbath, his
denomination's doctrine of once
saved always saved is a lie, and
Christmas is in fact a very
demonic holiday just to name a
reviews implementation of
Islamic law?!
"The review will be chaired by
Professor Mona Siddiqui, an
internationally renowned expert
in Islamic and inter-religious
studies who was appointed OBE
for her services to inter-faith
relations. Professor Siddiqui
will lead a panel of experts
that includes experienced family
law barrister Sam Momtaz,
retired high court judge Sir
Mark Hedley and specialist
family law lawyer Anne Marie
Hutchinson OBE QC. The panel
will be advised by 2 religious
and theological experts –
Imam Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi and
Imam Qari Asim. They will ensure
the panel has a full and
thorough understanding of the
religious and theological issues
relating to specific aspects of
Sharia Law, and the way it is
applied." -Source
Now I don't
want to go into any deep
discussion on this as it is
painfully obvious the naysayers
have once again been exposed as
blinded by the lies of Rome and
anyone else working with Islam,
like Obama. But as we can see
clearly, in those many cases on
and offline when those that
choose to use lies to defend
Islam as well as the Pope and
his man in the Oval Office, they
accused me and all other
students of prophecy as being
out of touch with reality when
we alI said years ago
that Sharia Law is going to
be introduced into Western
society via the Roman
politicians so that the Vatican
prelates who actually wrote
the Koran centuries ago, and yes
we have proof and some of that
proof comes from ex-Muslims that
converted to Catholicism no
less, all this is being done so
that the Shariah law within the
Koran can be implemented into
society so as to have the
"legal" means to enforce the
mark and "try" to curtail any
obedient Christians that have
the Holy Spirit utterance of
these days most call the loud
cry which of course is he
expose' of the Pope who is in
fact the man of sin in Rome who
runs the earth bound office of
Beelzebub most students of
prophecy know as the house of
happening in the UK is nothing
more than a testing of the
waters that will eventually be
done in the USA and then all
around the world. Prophecy will
be fulfilled because a God that
sees the end from the beginning
saw it all, recorded it all, and
then shared with His obedient
children who then proclaim it
far and wide so as to warn as
many as possible. But before any
of that can happen Rome needs to
have her ducks in a row so as to
assure their plans will not fail
this time around. Yes, what they
did with Roman Catholic Devotee
Adolph Hitler was a complete
failure at that time in history,
but the dying god behind it
moved them to that end so as to
CONvince them it could work, but
only when the technology catches
up with the lust for power he
placed in their hearts.
The fact many
political leaders read and not
only agree with Mein Kampf and
all of Hitler's sociopathic
ideals, most are implementing
aspects of his Vatican inspired
governing methods because as we
all know, all of them are in bed
with the Pope of Rome. And what
he says goes no matter what they
think. If they refuse, they will
end up in war or be out and out
assassinated. What we see
happening in England is in fact
a V-formation of those ducks
flying towards the USA and the
rest of the world once the final
shoes drops to the floor.
Pope in
historic talks with Grand Imam
of Al-Azhar
"Pope Francis has met the grand
imam of Cairo's Al-Azhar Mosque
at the Vatican in a historic
encounter that was sealed with a
hugely symbolic hug and exchange
of kisses. The first Vatican
meeting on Monday between the
leader of the world's Catholics
and the highest authority in
Sunni Islam marks the
culmination of a significant
improvement in relations between
the two faiths since Francis
took office in 2013. ...Ties
were badly soured when the
now-retired Benedict made a
September 2006 speech in which
he was perceived to have linked
Islam to violence, sparking
deadly protests in several
countries and reprisal attacks
on Christians."
One has to
realize the craftiness of the
beast to really appreciate
what's going on here. Benedict,
as evil as he was as pope, was
not the catalyst that brought
the Muslims to anger that caused
them to start killing Christians
en masse. If it was, the
killings would have begun at his
remarks in 2006 wherein he said
the (so called) prophet
Muhammad's teachings were "evil
and inhuman."
Yes, some will
be confused no doubt. As
prophesied the harlot church was
to mix truth with error so as to
build on that foundations which
would then allow the definition
of the word "Babylon" to come to
fruition which is actually
"confusion." (See Strong's #897)
I was Catholic 29 years and I
know all too well how confusing
Roman Catholicism can be when
you try to find where they stand
on any one issue. Be it doctrine
or political. They purposely do
this so as to prevent any real
discovery of their agenda by the
common man.
For example:
When I was a
young man I was interested in
prophecy. Even from an early age
I wanted to know what would
happen tomorrow and I also
wanted to know what had already
happened before I was born.
Hence the reason I befriended so
many old people when young.
Problem was, I was raised
Catholic and so when I was told
to look into the teachings of
the church to understand
prophecy, I found that not one
Catholic author agreed with
another. And when they used
Scripture they would always give
different definitions to the
same prophetic symbols. In so
doing I came to believe that
Roman Catholicism was a
"mystical" based theology
wherein unless you have certain
deductive powers from God
Himself so as to directly
communicate with him like no
other people can, there is no
way you will ever understand the
Bible or the doctrines held by
the church. And so you must
trust the priests or you will be
in a heap of trouble. Still, the
Lord wasn't done with me yet and
so He moved me to open His
After doing so
I discovered the priests were
bold faced liars and rather evil
men to boot. I found they kept
the people purposely CONfused to
prevent them from discovering
who they really were. And so
everything from cryptic sermons
and mystifying Catholic
reference books naturally
generated a people with a
mindset that they had no choice
but to trust their priests who
dedicate their lives to study
the Word and therefore we don't
need to read the Bible at all.
But then I met
Jesus revealed
to me that not only is He
Creator of all that is seen and
unseen, He is also the Creator
of languages. That being the
case, and seeing how He is more
intelligent than the most power
angel, fallen or not; He can
most assuredly write a book His
own children can understand. It
was then the truth became a
reality and confusion hit the
floor just as lies always do.
In short.. the
Popes of Rome wrote the Koran,
Muslims were killing Christians
long before Ratzinger's comments
as Benedict in 2006; in fact
they were actually killing them
before 2001. Why else would the
American Government use them as
the culprits in their proven
false flag attacks on the
towers? This meeting with the
Imam and the Pope has to
be spun by the Vatican in the
media so as to hide what's
really being discussed behind
those doors. Everyone knows the
salute of Rome is an
acknowledgment to the Pope as
THE leader across the board.
Just as Hitler raised his right
arm to Rome, so do Muslim
soldiers today. (click here for
proof) In fact, I did a video
not too long ago of a 4 year old
Muslim boy killing Isis rebels
in an SUV using the 666 hand
sign which is also a salute to
the man of sin. (click here for
the video)
No I do not
believe the majority of the
Islamic soldiers know who they
salute. But some of the more
educated do, and most assuredly
that Imam that met with Jesuit
Pope Francis does as well. If
the Masons can keep their up and
coming leaders in the dark
regarding their religion's true
intentions one degree at a time,
so can the Vatican as well as
their brothers in Islam. You do
not reach that pinnacle of power
in Islam without first
understanding who the real power
behind your "holy book" truly
is. This meeting with the Pope
is nothing more than a political
palm greasing that will allow
for more doors to open and some
to close so that Islam can be
painted in a better light for
the well indoctrinated masses
(sheeple) with the agreement
that Shariah law will be
implemented wherever the Pope
needs it to be implemented.
After all, does it not state
clearly in Revelation 20:4 that
those that refuse the mark of
the beast will be beheaded? And
who today loves to behead
Christians? I will give you 666
guesses on that one.
Dropped Christian Refugees,
"Christians are being
annihilated - wiped from the
face of the earth in Syria.
Christians are becoming extinct
everywhere in the Middle East
except Israel. The Pope has
abandoned his people. The Pope
imports the oppressors not the
victims – his own people.
...Christian brother and sister
refugees from Syria say they
have been ‘let down’
by Pope Francis after he left
them behind in a Lesbos refugee
camp despite promises they would
be given a new life in
still, will we see no exodus
from the Roman Catholic church?
Sure, some will leave as God's
people are in every church. And
as a seed of truth there and a
seed of truth here is planted,
watered and blessed with an
increase wherein they see they
are in the long prophesied
church of Antichrist who hates
Jesus Christ and His people with
a passion, some will leave as
Revelation 18:1-5 prophesied
they would. But, the majority?
Not happening any time soon. In
fact, it is prophesied the
majority will never leave. In
fact, you can see that prophecy
coming to fruition with ease
just by watching how they react
to the fruits of their church
recently announced fact that 98%
of the priests in the Vatican
are homosexual yet most
Catholics remained in the
church. Years ago it was proven
the AIDS crisis was started by
Roman Catholic priests, yet the
Catholics remained in the
church. Not long after that fact
was released the scandal that
confirmed hundreds of thousands
of children are being molested
but the Catholic priests every
year around the world and still
it didn't move the Catholic
to leave the pew. Worse yet
after the Pope they all claim is
now a saint admitted to that and
much worse in his mea culpa, the
church still kept the bulk
of its members. The last decade
or so we have seen Christians
being killed by Muslims to the
tune of 1 every 2 minutes yet
the Pope who actually claims to
be a Christian does absolutely
nothing to help the Christians.
The political scandals of the
church haven't moved the people
out. The bankster scandals and
actual murders of Vatican
bankers won't get them to leave.
Nor will the murders inside
Vatican walls, to the priests
being caught holding Satanic
masses force them out. Or what
of the testimonies of Catholic
nuns that have left convents due
to Vatican torture, rape and
murder. Or will the fact Mother
Teresa admitted she was an
Atheist or that the priests in
every nation have been caught
beating and even killing people
in drunken brawls? And now for
the last few years we have seen
the Pope pushing Socialism,
homosexuality, Atheism, and even
claiming Allah is God, yet most
Catholics still insist this is
the church of Jesus Christ?!
I have some shocking news for
those Catholics. Jesus Himself
said in Matthew 16:18 that "the
gates of hell shall not prevail
against it." Now do you see why
your church leaders insist that
the Bible is a "dead and
speechless book" or a "poisoner
of souls?" This is also why they
have drummed the idea that Sola
Scriptura is a lie. They know
how dangerous the Bible is to
their long term agenda that
involves YOUR damnation. Jesus
said in your very own Roman
Catholic Bible in Matthew
7:15-20, "Beware of false
prophets, which come to you in
sheep's clothing, but inwardly
they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by
their fruits. Do men gather
grapes of thorns, or figs of
thistles? Even so every
good tree bringeth forth good
fruit; but a corrupt tree
bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither can a
corrupt tree bring forth good
fruit. Every tree that
bringeth not forth good fruit is
hewn down, and cast into the
fire. Wherefore by their
fruits ye shall know them." He
also said in Revelation 18:4
that you need to "Come out of
her, my people, that ye be not
partakers of her sins, and that
ye receive not of her plagues."
line is this.. if you had a
friend that did a fraction of
the evils your priests have been
caught doing since your church
started, or you were part of a
club that had most of its
members delving into all sorts
of evil activity, how long would
you still hang with that friend
or maintain the membership in
that club? That being the case,
why are you still a Roman
Homeland Security chairman: ISIS
already here
"Evidence that members of ISIS
or another jihadist groups have
entered the U.S. through the
southern border has been
reported several times,
including when a Washington
watchdog organization said four
“Islamic terrorists”
were caught in Texas in a period
of just 36 hours.
…“They were caught
at the border …
therefore, we know that ISIS is
coming across the border,”
he said. “If they catch
five or 10 of them, we know
there are dozens more that did
not get caught." –Source
This is nothing
more than government approved
fear mongering. Still, the
threat is very real, but not
from ISIS. Sure, they will use
ISIS to get the job done just as
the Vatican does to kill the
Christians today. But common
sense dictates that the
"officially allowed" wide open
southern borders confirms they
planned for ISIS to flood into
our borders all along so as to
have the fuel needed to further
fan the flames of fear. Once
ISIS arrived they knew they can
use them for any false flag
attack they have in their basket
of political tricks. And yes,
this type of fear is all part of
the prophecy mentioned in Luke
21:26 that says, "Men's hearts
failing them for fear, and for
looking after those things which
are coming on the earth: for the
powers of heaven shall be
Yes, the wars,
rumors of wars, natural
disasters, disease, economic
troubles and a host of personal
and national issues are part of
the mix as well. But fear is a
commodity Satan cannot risk
passing up when manipulating the
masses towards his way of
thinking. Do you recall how
Peter sank in the water the
minute he took his eyes off
Christ and looked upon all the
fearful sites around him? This
is today's world in a nutshell.
Most refuse to read Bibles and
so they have no clue on how to
escape the fear. Satan has them
well distracted and it shows.
As for the
political push to force all
citizens to open their cell
phones up for NSA snooping, that
too is a con job that could only
be effective AFTER the fear
mongering is allowed to escalate
into high gear. What I mean is,
do you recall how the American
people refused to vote on
allowing the Feds to place armed
guards on US planes after a few
hijackers made the news reels?
Everyone flat out demanded they
stop pushing the idea. But on
September 12, 2001, less than 24
hours after those towers fell we
saw all sorts of talking points
in every News broadcast
regarding the need for armed
guards then. Not long after that
we saw the very same people that
once demanded no armed guards on
planes were now standing in line
demanding them on every
Fear works!
The mark will
soon be enforced globally on
every citizen on earth. In order
to prevent an issue when it
comes to people hopping from
country to country in the hopes
of avoiding the "decision" to
accept Rome's mark of authority,
all travel has to be sewn up
very tight. Allowing the NSA
access on all cell phones means
stepping out of your living room
to enter the kitchen is now
easily seen via your own cell
phone. However, without that
judicial Hancock on the warrant,
scanning your cell phone now
won't help them in the slightest
bit in a courtroom, and they
know it. No law exists allowing
them the right to do so as of
yet. Yes they do it anyway; but
they cannot use it in a court of
law. So… they kick up the
fear factor.
The powers that
be write the scripts all the
news reporters have to read in
order to keep their jobs. Those
scripts are purposely designed
to get the people thinking and
acting in a way they need to
them to. Well.. the majority
anyway. The very small minority
of actual thinkers will be dealt
with later because for now,
they're no threat seeing how the
majority relishing the lie
offered to them in the media way
outnumbers the ones not so
easily hornswaggled. They claim
ISIS is on American soil and so
to prevent those Americans that
believe them from being harmed
they must now be able to
"legally" scan everyone's cell
phones. And judging by how the
majority of American judges are
just as corrupt as the crooked
politicians installing them, one
can see them rubber stamping
warrants all over the place when
it comes time to seek, locate
and exterminate every Christian
refusing to bow to Rome's
mandate on Sunday laws.
In short.. it's
all just one more cog in the
wheel of deception that
eventually brings about the mark
of the beast. All I hope is that
God's people are ready for
what's already begun. And as
I've said hundreds of times for
many years. Islam and Shariah
Law will play a major role in
enforcing that mark for Rome.
They wrote that Koran and its
"law" for a reason.
loves to decapitate Christians
today? And what does Revelation
20:4 say about the Vatican's
final rampage?
Majority Of
Muslim Students Think Brussels
Terrorists Are
‘Heroes’ Say
"Teachers working in the
predominantly Muslim districts
of Molenbeek and Schaerbeek in
Brussels have reported that
“90 percent of their
students, 17, 18 years
old” called the Islamist
terrorists who attacked
Paris and Brussels
“heroes." The revelation
in an article in the
New York Times, wherein Steven
Erlanger spoke to a Belgian
policymaker who relayed the
information from Belgium. The
piece, entitled “Blaming
Policy, Not Islam, for
Belgium’s Radicalised
Youth”, interviewed Yves
Goldstein, chief of staff
for the minister-president of
the Brussels Capital Region and
a Schaerbeek councilman.
Schaerbeek and Molenbeek are now
infamous as the areas in which
for months Islamists lived, hid,
manufactured weapons and made
preparations for the Paris and
Belgium attacks." -Source
Surprised? I
don't see why anyone should be.
We all know Islam is based on
lies and the Roman Catholic
Vatican has already been exposed
many times by numerous reports
as well as an ex-Jesuit who was
murdered by the Vatican for
releasing the original facts
showing the Popes invented Islam
so as to do what they're doing
today. But what amazes me is how
so many keep buying the lies
that Islam is a peaceful
religion and that all Muslims
are taught by their 'god' to be
a loving and peaceful
Besides the
fact that Rome wrote their
Koran, were you also aware that
in that book are statements
declaring that if lying will
benefit the agenda of Allah and
protect the Muslim individual or
Islam itself, then lying is
perfectly acceptable. This lying
they do and has been sanctioned
by their dying god is called
The definition
of "al-taqiyya" is as follows.
"Speaking is
a means to achieve objectives.
If a praiseworthy aim is
attainable through both
telling the truth and lying,
it is unlawful to accomplish
through lying because there is
no need for it. When it is
possible to achieve such an
aim by lying but not telling
the truth, it is permissible
to lie if attaining the goal
is permissible...and
obligatory to lie if the goal
is obligatory." -Abu Hammid
So, I must
ask, how is it possible for
Allah to be the same as the God
of the Christian Bible, of
which all Vatican approved
churches, including the SDA
church claims to be so? If Allah
says via his "holy men" who
interpret his Koran that lying
is acceptable then we have a
problem here. How so? The
eternal and ever living Author
of the Christian Bible clearly
stated when speaking with those
that also hated His truth 2000
years ago the following in John
8:43-45, "Why do ye not
understand my speech? even
because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the
devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth, because
there is no truth in him. When
he speaketh a lie, he speaketh
of his own: for he is a liar,
and the father of it. And
because I tell you the truth, ye
believe me not."
Still, some
will say that this only my
opinion, or better yet the
opinion of a Muslim cleric named
Abu Hammid Ghazali who
definition of al-taqiyya which
every Muslim agrees with. So,
let us look into the Koran
itself to see if his
theological statement
matches that of his Koran.
Notice what it says in their so
called 'holy book.'
Apostle said, "Who is willing
to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf who
has hurt Allah and His
Apostle?" Thereupon Muhammad
bin Maslama got up saying, "O
Allah's Apostle! Would you
like that I kill him?" The
Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad
bin Maslama said, "Then allow
me to say a (false) thing
(i.e. to deceive Kab). "The
Prophet said, "You may say
it." -Hadith 5.59.369
One has to
realize that in most places all
over this world, children have a
tendency to be less guarded in
their speech and even more
honest than their teachers. We
see this in America as well as
every nation. Children are
simply innocent, trustworthy,
and very gullible and quite
honest even after being
brainwashed. The Muslims
students that stated by a mass
majority as the article
intimates that the Islamic
killers were "heroes" are simply
doing as children will do when
taught by their teachers. They
merely echo what they are
taught. Could it be 10% of the
children were "lying" to protect
themselves as per their Vatican
inspired 'dogma' of al-taqiyya?
Or was it they simply feared
saying anything at all? Hard to
tell. But does it matter now
that 90% did speak up?
So what's my
The Muslim
that embraces the Koran as a
holy book must, by command of
his dying god; lie to you and me
and everyone he meets so as to
keep the Christians and anyone
else for that matter off guard
long enough so as to gain
sufficient numbers in the nation
they presently reside in. As
Historic as well as quite recent
stats have confirmed, as soon as
the Muslims become a majority in
their nation of choice, all
those that claimed to be
"peaceful" will then be seen as
liars who will stand at the head
of the crowd to proclaim death
unto all 'infidels' or
Christians that reside among
them. For common sense dictates,
if they are Muslim, and they
believe the Koran is an inspired
book, then they will lie in
obedience to the father of lies
who they believe is the same God
of the Christian Old Testament
Bible. May the true God have
mercy on their souls.
bows before Muslims and kisses
their feet
"There’s a federal refugee
program that hands out $1
billion per year to non-profit
charities… Five of the
top nine are Christian
charities, one of which is
Catholic Charities. And they get
a $70 million per year refugee
resettlement budget.
Ninety-eight percent of that
comes from the federal
government. ...And the Catholic
charities — they’re
paid by the head for each of
these refugees, many of whom are
Muslim. They bring them in.
They’re paid handsomely.
And after four months,
they’re not required to
learn anything about these
refugees: Where they go, where
they live, what they’re up
to. They’ve got their cash
and they wipe their hands of it,
and they go on to import more.
...Pope Francis kissed Muslim
so-called refugees’
feet only days after Muslim
terrorists denoted suicide bombs
in Brussels, killing 34 and
wounded hundreds more, along
with Catholic, Hindu and
Orthodox individuals." -Source
When you get
time stop by my "Pope and Islam"
page on the site and you will
find some interesting
information as to why the Pope
is doing all he can to puff up
the Muslims in politics as well
as in the American churches. As
I stated on that page, as
history has proven, Hitler was
used by the Vatican to kill off
as many anti-Vatican dissenters
worldwide so as to allow the
Vatican to assure laws were
enacted in certain nations that
would benefit them and them
alone. Laws that could easily be
drafted in a global format later
on when the other shoe drops.
And according to Christian
prophecy, it will drop!
As we look at
what Islam has done recently,
and what Rome has done in the
past, and how Rome has been
making friends with Muslim
nations the world over, do we
see a pattern emerging? (Notice
how Rome's "salute" is used by
the Vatican and it's Muslim
cohorts to this day)
As we look at
many of the laws that have been
passed around the world in
Vatican friendly nations, all of
these laws help the Vatican gain
power, while at the same time
guarantee Muslims powerful
political benefits at the same
time. But only if they do as the
Pope commands. I have no doubt
Rome has control over all these
nations, but then one must
expect most will not believe
Christian prophecy and so the
door for Vatican control will be
propped wide open. But to
hopefully enlighten some; I did
a Newsletter back in March of
2006 showing the American
government is owned and operated
by the Popes of Rome since
Ronald Reagan handed them the
keys late in his first term,
which by the way solidified his
second term in office. That
being the case, is it any wonder
now as to why the man of sin in
Rome would choose a Muslim to
lead as president the last 7+
years? They did this very same
thing with Hitler, did they not?
Still, since
we now know the Vatican was
moved by their dying god to
invent the religion of Islam, it
stands to reason they also
invented the Koran. Yes, many
will balk at that last
statement, but we now have proof
they did that very thing. Click
here for a video I did 2 years
ago wherein an exMuslim lets the
cat out of the bag on all the
Vatican dogma in the Koran. This
cannot be a coincidence when
even Old Testament theology that
most Muslims still claim to
embrace confirms the Paganism of
Rome found in the Koran is proof
their book was not penned by the
same God of the Old Testament
The other
basic fact the Koran contradicts
itself repeatedly in how the
newer verses are to be taught to
supersede older verses proves it
was a work in progress by man
and not a never changing God.
The true God never has to change
His Word when society changes
due to Satanic influence running
amuck because truth is eternal
and lies always fall to the
ground on a regular basis. The
devil's lies have to be
continually updated and
re-written throughout time so as
to keep the deceived trusting
the Koran under Rome's
proverbial thumb. This can also
be seen in Roman Catholic
doctrine wherein it changes over
and over again with each new
pope. So the Koran is going to
be no different in its flip
flopping theology, as its author
is none other than he that wrote
Rome's dogma in the first place.
And by the
way, where you aware that when
speaking of the throne of Peter
which is a counterfeit throne
sat upon by the Popes of Rome
that it has been discovered
"when the French soldiers under
General Bonaparte took
possession of Rome, they found
on the back of it, [the throne]
in Arabic, this well-known
sentence from the Koran, "There
is no God but Allah, and Mahomet
is His Prophet" -The Two
Babylons, you will find the
following on Page 213 in Chapter
6, Religious Orders, Section L.
do you see why the Pope calls
the Muslims their brothers; who
like the Popes of Rome all
throughout history have killed
Christians by hundreds of
thousands each year? They are
blood brothers indeed! And being
as such, the political powers of
Rome will allow Shariah Law to
eventually come to fruition in
America as well as all the other
nations bowing the
Roman/American interests so as
to assure the laws are in place
that allow for the mark of the
beast to be enforced worldwide
via the long prophesied
beheadings that Revelation 20:4
speak of?
Muslims ARE Catholics (GRAPHIC)
When you look at the
similarities between the
Catholic and Islamic churches
you see that they are both cut
from the same cloth. But never
is this more apparent in the
strange rituals both religions
perform. The one I am
highlighting in this video
happens to be the one that each
and every year both Catholics
and Muslims whip themselves
bloody on camera.If you are the
least bit squeamish, this video
is not for you. –Source
poGm VIDEO: 4
yr old Muslim boy Kills
& Salutes Pope
WARNING! In this video we see a
four year old boy pushing the
button on a remote device that
causes a bomb to explode up in
an SUV filled with ISIS
prisoners. What he does directly
after praising Allah confirms
the Islamic nation is in bed
with the Roman Catholic Pope
just as students of prophecy
have been saying for decades.
That little boy was taught by
his very own parents to perform
that salute. It's the very same
salute the Popes, and now
everyone in Hollywood and
politics that are in allegiance
with the prophesied man of sin
have been using for years!
See the
followings videos for more on
this 666 hand sign
666 Hand-sign before Congress
Historic Proof Popes Created
The Popes
and 666
Muslim mufti
gives instructions for beating
"In an interview on Palestinian
television Feb. 8, the mufti
discussed resolutions to marital
discord, including steps to take
when a wife disagrees with her
husband or acts in a way the
husband does not approve.
...After the warning and
separation, comes the hitting
– hitting that does not
make her ugly. The prophet
[Muhammad] said: ‘Do not
hit the face and do not make her
ugly.’ (Hadith) In other
words, not hitting that will
bring the police, and break her
hand and cause bleeding, or
hitting that makes the face
As many have
already discovered, the Roman
Catholic Vatican wrote the
Koran so as to use Islam in
the same way they used Hitler
years ago. As we also know, when
speaking prophetically of the
Roman Catholic leadership, the
prophet Daniel said in Daniel
11:37, "Neither shall he regard
the God of his fathers, nor the
desire of women, nor regard any
god: for he shall magnify
himself above all." We also know
98% of the Roman Catholic
priesthood is homosexual, hence
confirming the prophecy of
Daniel. So why am I sharing all
Muslims hate
women too!
Look at how
the Muslim treats his woman. As
we see here by one of their very
own leaders on camera no less,
the Muslim men are taught to
beat their women in the same way
the cops used to be taught how
to use a rubber hose so as to
not leave marks. Only hatred for
women can spur such a mindset as
this that would move them to hit
their own women. But it doesn't
end there. Muslims treat their
women as sex slaves, they force
their women to look down at all
times in public so as to not
"look" at other men's eyes, a
Muslim can have up to four
wives, Muslims can legally rape
women, or at least it appears
that way in Germany,
Muslims stone their wives
and even kill their
very own daughters in
"honor killings," some even poor
sulfuric acid on their faces so
as to prevent other men
from wanting them. Muslims also
do other things to their women I
will not list here, nor will I
list what they do to the 6 year
old girls they "marry."
Did you
Just as Roman
Catholic priests hate women and
refuse to marry them even though
the Bible says they should, they
also treat the women in the
Catholic church in the most
horrific ways. If you ever have
the time to read or listen to
the testimony of Sister
Charlotte I have posted on this
website, do so. The Roman
Catholic nuns experience
the exact same tortures of most
Muslim women! But be
forewarned, if you're a woman
and worse yet a Catholic woman,
this is one very frightening
testimony given by a Roman
Catholic nun. That all being
said. Are there any
other similarities between
Roman Catholicism and
Islam and Rome
quickly compared:
Catholic priests molest
children. Muslims marry girls
as young as 9.
Catholic priests are
anti-woman. Muslims are also
anti-women, and see no sin in
killing their daughters and
wives in what they call "honor
Catholic prelates call the
Christian God Allah. We all
know that Muslims call their
god Allah.
Catholic prelates preach the
Christian God is the Muslim
Catholicism preaches salvation
by works. Islam preaches
salvation by works.
Catholicism preaches eternal
life in Hell. Islam preaches
eternal life in Hell.
Catholicism commands the
wearing of religious items.
Islam commands the wearing of
religious items.
Catholic popes teach Mary
worship. The Muslim Koran has
Mary mentioned 34 times.
Catholics pray to Mary.
Muslims pray to Mary.
Catholics taught to see Mary
as a model. Muslims are taught
to see Mary as a model.
The Vatican
admitted on March 12, 2000
that the Roman Catholic church
killed Christians and Jews for
1260 years.
killed 165,000 Christians and
tortured an additional 173,000
in the year 2009 alone
Many legal
documents and photographic
evidence confirm the Roman
Catholic church helped Hitler
kill millions of Christians
and Jews before during and
after World War II.
Muslims are
well known for killing
Christians and Jews.
We have
known for many decades that
the Roman Catholic church
invented the religion of Islam
so as to use the Muslim people
to again kill Jews and
Christians all around the
world once their prophesied
mortal wound was healed.
Arafat, a leader of Islam
bowed to the Pope and was
photographed kissing his ring
in 2003 proving a deep seated
alliance with Rome was all
along a reality confirming all
we have been preaching was
true. (This act also confirmed
many Truth Provided Newsletter
statements and World Wide
Truth Provided Radio
broadcasts regarding the Popes
and Islam.)
churches are right now being
fed "Islam lite" messages on
pulpits today even though
history shows their recent
activity is more about hatred
of Christians and violence.
For example, just to mention a
few violent acts of Islam
towards this Christian nation,
as well as others.
soldiers, Vatican priests,
Nazi soldiers, Muslim
brotherhood soldiers, Hezbola
soldiers, and Palestinian
soldiers all display the exact
same outstretch arm salute of
the ancient Romans.
If you can't
see the similarities between the
Roman Catholic religion and the
religion of Islam it's only
because a "prophesied" delusion
is upon you and the ONLY way you
can escape the deception is to
accept Jesus Christ as Saviour
and obey Him when He
says, "Come out of her, my
people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive
not of her plagues. For
her sins have reached unto
heaven, and God hath remembered
her iniquities." -Revelation
VIDEO: Islamist
running 140 tax-funded charter
schools in U.S.
"Muhammad Fethullah Gülen
is a Turkish Islamist, writer
and preacher with a secret plan
for bringing Shariah law to
America. Arguably Turkey’s
most influential spiritual
leader of the past 50
years, Gülen left that
country in the late 1990s and
now directs his cult-like
Islamic movement from a guarded
compound in the Pocono Mountains
of Pennsylvania. Part of his
empire consists of a thriving
network of more than 140 charter
schools in 26 states that sell
themselves to parents as a
secular and more academically
rigorous alternative to public
schools. As the second largest
chain of charter schools in the
United States, Gülen
schools rake in tens of millions
of U.S. taxpayer dollars every
never looked so good eh? But
that's not my point here. As we
know the prophecy of Revelation
20:4 clearly says, "...I saw the
souls of them that were beheaded
for the witness of Jesus, and
for the word of God, and which
had not worshipped the beast,
neither his image, neither had
received his mark upon their
foreheads, or in their hands.."
As I have been
stating for many years, and I
know for a fact I am not alone
in this message, the Roman
Catholic Vatican has 100%
control over the United States
Government just as the
prophecy declared they would
long ago. We also know that the
Roman Catholic church was the
first to demand all their
students be taught about Islam
in Roman Catholic
schools and they were the
first to declare "Allah is the
Saviour of both Catholics and
Muslims." And we also know the
Pope was elected the official
leader of the One World Church
on June 26, 2000 and all 501c3
churches, and this includes the
apostate Seventh Day Adventist
church have bowed to the Pope as
their leader. This is why so
many SDA pastors declare the
Pope "holy leader" on camera.
Even Ben Carson has been known
to blaspheme our God in this
We also know
all the churches have recently
been moved to declare Allah is
God; and yes, this includes
the Seventh Day Adventist church
who likes to do so on camera.
But they go a step further by
declaring the Koran holds the
same truths as the Christian
Bible. (See videos here) And
seeing how all the
Christian churches now
believe Allah is God a new
"Chrislam" movement has begun.
And yes, as expected we see all
sorts of Islamic indoctrination
in the United States Schools
system as we speak. So why
is it so many people
think I'm crazy when I say
they have to allow Shariah Law
to become part of
the American legal
system if they are ever
going to be able to enforce the
Vatican's mark?
Scoff on...
can call me (and us) crazy
all they want because I know
those doing so don't read
or even believe their Bibles
anyway. Only those that
understand Scripture, biblical
jurisprudence and prophecy can
see what we see. As prophesied
that leaves out the overwhelming
majority. Jesus declared
long ago that the elect
cannot be deceived and so the
truth is Christians will
soon be beheaded in America
"legally" because that's what
the Christian God prophesied in
His Holy Book. Therefore, the
naysayer can scoff, laugh,
ridicule and even threaten all
they like. Me thinks the wise
choice for the real
Christian is to believe the
Lord and not the people.
Especially since they all
embrace the lies of hell in
the same way the majority did in
Noah's day. And we all know well
did that worked out for them
don't we?
The prophecy
says Christians will be beheaded
that refuse the mark of the
beast. Anyone with a cell phone,
tablet, pc or even a Newspaper
know that Muslims have been
known to behead Christians all
over the mainstream news as well
as social media and YouTube the
last few years. We also see
Shariah law is already being
implemented in Michigan as well
as Texas courts and now we see a
United States Government funded
Islamic preacher has 140 charter
schools on US soil, and has had
these schools in operation for
many years indoctrinating the
minds of our very own children
to bring about a society
that will eventually see no
wrong in killing
Christians. Now do you see why
Christianity is generating so
much "hate" lately? With every
agenda they must always be a
foundation to build on.
Palestinian terror theme: Water
ground with blood
"The report comes the
Palestinian Media Watch
organization, which monitors,
reports on and analyzes
developments in the Palestinian
media, including social media.
According to its new report,
“The Facebook page of
official spokesman of the PA
Security Forces Adnan Al-Damiri
posted a message from Fatah
Shabiba youth movement to
children that the way to succeed
in ‘revolution’
against Israel is to
‘water it with
blood.’” The message
said, “Teach your children
to love the land. Teach them
that we live a life of
suffering. Teach them that there
is a seed in the ground. If they
water it with blood, a
revolution will flower. Teach
them that Fatah is the eternal
revolution. That the
‘storm’ is the blade
of the intifada, and that the
Shabiba are the knights of the
Some may think
they are jumping the gun
(literally) here but I say not
at all. Why? In another article
located here, we see how the
Pope has been a major cog in
this wheel towards a Palestinian
statehood. Now don't get me
wrong, I believe every race of
people deserve their own land
they can call home. But why does
it always have to come at the
expense of so many lives just so
they can stand on dirt? And why
is it whenever the Pope of Rome
gets involved in such things we
always see the bloodgates (yes I
said BLOODgates) burst open? We
saw it during the Inquisition
when the Popes finally gained
control over the civil
authorities, we saw it with
World War II when they had their
man Hitler at the helm, we also
saw Islam grow in power
literally off the charts almost
immediately after the Vatican
demanded all her schools teach
the children about Allah,
and now we see all this
happening directly after the
Vatican signed papers with
Palestine on June 26, 2015 the
very same day they created the
United Nations in 1948, the same
day they created the one World
Church in 2000, and the exact
same day they caused the Roman
Catholic Supreme court to
legalize same sex marriage we
see this announced online...
Vatican's first accord with
the Palestinians -- an
agreement that Israel has
attacked as counter-productive
to the Middle East peace
process -- has come into
force, the Holy See announced
Saturday. ...The accord covers
the operation of the Church in
areas of the Holy Land under
Palestinian control but its
significance has been seen in
broader terms as a symbol of
growing international backing
for a Palestinian state. "With
reference to the Comprehensive
Agreement between the Holy See
and the State of Palestine,
signed on 26 June 2015, the
Holy See and the State of
Palestine have notified each
other that the procedural
requirements for its entry
into force have been
fulfilled," a Vatican
statement said."
Everywhere the
Pope goes a trail of blood is
bound to follow. And as you see
by the videos posted in the
original article I posted today,
they are teaching the children
to hate the Jews. Worse yet,
they even teach the children
that murder is acceptable and
perfectly legal!
Now for
something hard to watch...
Notice the
beautiful little girl holding
that huge butcher knife in the
video in this article who is
being coached by her very own
parents to say "I want to stab a
Jew." That precious little soul
is going to have very few
chances at a happy life let
alone eternal life thanks to the
Pope and his many pawns in Islam
who not only kill themselves for
a god that has been declared and
confirmed to have been invented
by the prelates in Rome so as to
use the Muslim nations as pawns
in their bloodthirsty wars
against their fellowman, they
are teaching their precious
little children to have bold
hatred for their neighbors. May
God have mercy on their souls.
Islamic State
Issues Fatwa Against Children
with Down Syndrome, Murders 38
Disabled Infants
"The Islamic State has
reportedly issued a fatwa
ordering the elimination of
children with Down syndrome and
other congenital
disabilities, reminiscent
of Hitler’s infamous
“Aktion T4” program,
which administered forced
“euthanasia” on an
estimated 300,000 disabled
persons. According to the Iraqi
activist blog Mosul Eye, sharia
judges have ruled that ISIS
followers are authorized to kill
infants with Down Syndrome or
congenital deformities. Already
since the religious decree
(fatwa) was issued, militants
have killed at least 38 children
between one week and three
months old by lethal injection
or suffocation."
As history has
proven, Hitler was used by the
Vatican to do the exact same
thing to bring about a
"perfect race" as well as allow
the Vatican to assure certain
global laws were enacted that
would benefit them and them
alone. As we look at what Islam
has done recently, and what Rome
has done in the past, and how
Rome has been making friends
with Muslim nations the world
over, do we see a pattern
emerging? (Notice how Rome's
"salute" is used by the Vatican
and it's cohorts to this day)
As we look at
many of the new laws that have
been passed around the world in
most nations that help the
Vatican gain power, while at the
same time guarantee Muslim
powerful political benefits in
each nation, is there any wonder
the man of sin in Rome would
make sure a
Muslim would become
president in the USA; the most
powerful nation on earth? They
did this very same thing with
Hitler right before taking over,
did they not? Since many that
have done their homework now
know the Vatican invented the
religion of Islam, and that can
be easily confirmed when you do
a little more digging to
find they also wrote the
Koran, why is it so hard for
biblically educated people to
miss something so blunt? The
fact this book contradicts
itself repeatedly, and then
carries a doctrine in earlier
pages that say newer
verses are to be taught they
supersede older verses proves it
was a work in progress by man.
For the true God never has to
correct mistakes He has penned
or change His Word when society
changes due to Satanic influence
because truth as it is written
by a living God is in fact
eternal. But lies continually
have to be updated and
re-written to keep the deceived
in check, and so the Koran is
easily exposed.
And yes, one
can also see by the admission of
ex-Muslims themselves that the
Koran is loaded down with
Catholic dogma. No getting
around that now. Still, the
inability to keep their lies
straight wherein they have to
keep "updating" their doctrine
in the same way software
companies frequently have to
update their products to keep up
with technological advances,
this can also be seen in Roman
Catholic doctrine wherein it
changes over and over again with
each and every new pope. So the
Koran is going to be no
different in that respect
because the book will always
reflect the author of the book.
And by the way, where you aware
of the following?
speaking of the so called
throne of Peter or the throne
the Pope sits on, it says
"when the French soldiers
under General Bonaparte took
possession of Rome, they found
on the back of it, in Arabic,
this well-known sentence from
the Koran, "There is no God
but Allah, and Mahomet is His
Prophet" -The Two Babylons,
you will find the following on
Page 213 in Chapter 6,
Religious Orders, Section L.
Roman Catholic
Emperor Adolph Hitler was loyal
to the Pope and therefore killed
the sickly as well as anyone the
Vatican considered
detrimental towards a "perfect
race." This included Jews,
Blacks, Christians, elderly
and of course the sick and
disabled. Today, the Islamic
terrorists are just as loyal to
the Pope as Hitler and his Nazi
hoards in that they too salute
the Pope, and so they too will
kill the old, disabled, sickly,
Jews, Blacks and Christians. And
before I am inundated with
emails from black Muslims
declaring Islam does not
discriminate the black community
found within their ranks. Open
your Koran to the following
Vatican inspired quote.
the great and final day of
redemption, only white faces
will be saved, and all
blackened faces will be
condemned. -3rd Sur 105,160
I am sure your
Islamic Imans will come up with
all sorts of explanations to try
and hide the truth on that. But
riddle me this. Since Islam
copies every aspect of Hitler's
3rd Reich so as to bring forth
the long expected 4th Reich and
they do in fact use the same
torturous methods as the Nazis,
why is it you think that even
though they are the exact same
page with Hitler that they
somehow would sidestep Hitler's
open racist hatred towards the
black people? That being the
case, if you're a black man who
has been "moved" into the
religion of Islam, I have to ask
why do you seek to be part of a
religion that within the pages
of its own so called holy book
we see that you are not going to
be able to partake in their
victory? If you read it for what
it says, it appears clear here
that part of their so called
victory relies on the reality of
YOU not being there.
police' free to 'patrol' German
"A German court has given the
green light to “Shariah
police” who
“patrol” city
streets in search of Islamic-law
violators. A judge ruled
Thursday that Salafist men who
were arrested in Wuppertal,
Germany, in September 2014 did
nothing wrong when they
harangued passers-by attempting
to enter clubs, casinos and
bars. Members of the Islamic
group wore vests with
“Sharia police”
printed across the back and
carried “Sharia Controlled
Zone” signs, BBC reported
Thursday. ...The court’s
ruling comes against a backdrop
of heightened tension over
German Chancellor Angela
Merkel’s decision to open
the door to
hundreds-of-thousands Muslim
migrants from the Middle East
and North Africa. ...Merkel was
named Time magazine’s 2015
“Person of the Year”
on Wednesday for her handling of
the refugee crisis."
So now we know
why this woman is being "puffed
up" as the Elite puts it, by
Time magazine. When they need to
push a certain agenda via a pawn
they know will do all they ask,
they plaster their image all
over the mainstream. And it's no
coincidence that we see Germany
at the forefront of this kind of
insanity again. After all, the
Pope of Rome used the German
people to spring board their
hate campaign in the late 1930's
that brought forth a Roman
Catholic Emperor by the name of
Adolph Hitler, and as
expected, we see them doing
the same today. Historic fact
remains that for 900 years, the
history of Germany was
intertwined with the history of
the so called Holy Roman Empire.
It's not easy for them to forget
such a powerful ally as this.
I have no
doubt the self-proclaimed
Caesar that sits in Rome now
seeks to use Germany just as
they did in their bloodstained
heyday. The fact Germany is
nearly 70% Roman Catholic makes
it easy to see they most
assuredly do have a massive
voting block that is pro-Vatican
by a landslide and so they will
use it in any way they see fit.
Having Shariah Police in a
mostly Catholic nation shows how
easy the Catholic people can be
manipulated. But then most
people would be loyal to
religious leaders that grant
them license to sin.
The fact that
2/3 of the Muslim immigrants are
illiterate makes it even easier
to make this all work to
their benefit as
well. Seeing how Rome and
Islam are one in doctrine and
belief, And especially when it
comes to Marian worship. That
fact alone has caused many to
come to the conclusion we have
that the Popes wrote their
Koran. Having Shariah Police
roam the streets is something
most assumed a no-brainer
for the coming days in any
nation. It's just a bit shocking
that it happened so fast in
Germany. But then, there was a
day not too long ago when people
went to sleep one night in a
free nation only to wake up the
next morning under Nazi rule.
So, as shocking as the timing
may be on all this; it's still
something that was bound to
happen in Germany eventually.
So, now that
Germany has done this in what
many think is a predominantly
"Christian" nation, one can
expect this to eventually go
global. Hence what some believe
the hidden agenda behind
the mass immigration
agenda presently flooding
the news. Yes, as students
of prophecy we know the mark
will be enforced in the United
States first. But having them
make such a bold statement like
this in America at this point
would not go well. Especially
since the politics of the day
are all about a back and forth
regarding how evil Islam is and
how blind those working for Rome
in DC are about it all.
In any event.
the guillotines need to be
manned and as I've said for
years, the Muslim is the perfect
candidate to bring that to
fruition. And if you look at it
for what it is, I don't even see
the need for an actual card
carrying Muslim to drop the
blade as long as Shariah Law is
already on the books wherever
that guillotine sits. They can
have anyone drop the blade under
that hood and still consider the
act in obedience to Rome and her
shadow most now call Islam.
But, knowing how they like to
display the pomp and
circumstance before the eyes of
the sheeple to hide their ugly
character as did Jezebel with
the face paint in her day, I am
sure they will invest in a
"token" Muslim per guillotine to
be on the payroll who will don
the hood and drop the
the Crusades holy wars?
"A Cambridge historian explains
the Crusades' concept of "holy
Notice how
this Cambridge historian, who by
the way shows ample fruits of
being wholly Roman Catholic in
his theological foundation, illustrates
how the Vatican declared to its
loyal (to the death) military
bound congregants
that during the Crusades
against the
Muslims, killing the Muslim
was on the exact same level as
penance, fasting, prayer
and even on the same
grounds as being a salvation
issue if one refused to kill his
This is par
for the course with Rome's
bloody past and can be clearly
seen when you look
throughout history and find them
not only starting wars, but
writing sermons and making
public statements designed
to sanction the act of war
as something worthy of the
heaven bound Catholic. In other
words, Rome declared back
then that if you killed a
Muslim you would go straight to
It should.
Today, thanks to the Vatican
inspired Koran, Muslims have
been taught that if they
kill Christians, Jews or anyone
else for that matter they not
only go to heaven, they are met
with virgins to party on with
for all eternity in a drunken
stupor flesh filled lusts.
As we know
Rome has always had a problem
with all forms of sex.
Everything from homosexuality to
simple rampant promiscuity. So
is it any wonder sex would be
brought into the so called
Islamic doctrine that if you
kill for Allah you are promised
in their "holy book" that you
will go to Heaven to have sex
with perpetual virgins for all
of eternity? Ever notice this?
Catholic priests molest
children. Muslims marry girls
as young as 9.
Catholic priests are
anti-woman. Muslims are also
anti-women, and see no sin in
killing their daughters and
wives in what they call "honor
Catholic prelates call the
Christian God Allah. We all
know that Muslims call their
god Allah.
Catholic prelates preach the
Christian God is the Muslim
Catholicism preaches salvation
by works. Islam preaches
salvation by works.
Catholicism preaches eternal
life in Hell. Islam preaches
eternal life in Hell.
Catholicism commands the
wearing of religious items.
Islam commands the wearing of
religious items.
Catholic popes teach Mary
worship. The Muslim Koran has
Mary mentioned 34 times.
Catholics pray to Mary.
Muslims pray to Mary.
Catholics taught to see Mary
as a model. Muslims are taught
to see Mary as a model.
The Vatican
admitted on March 12, 2000
that the Roman Catholic church
killed Christians and Jews for
1260 years.
killed 165,000 Christians and
tortured an additional 173,000
in the year 2009 alone
Many legal
documents and photographic
evidence confirm the Roman
Catholic church helped Hitler
kill millions of Christians
and Jews before during and
after World War II.
Muslims are
well known for killing
Christians and Jews.
We have
known for many decades that
the Roman Catholic church
invented the religion of Islam
so as to use the Muslim people
to again kill Jews and
Christians all around the
world once their prophesied
mortal wound was healed.
Arafat, a leader of Islam
bowed to the Pope and was
photographed kissing his ring
in 2003 proving a deep seated
alliance with Rome was all
along a reality confirming all
we have been preaching was
true. (This act also confirmed
many Truth Provided Newsletter
statements and World Wide
Truth Provided Radio
broadcasts regarding the Popes
and Islam.)
churches are right now being
fed "Islam lite" messages on
pulpits today even though
history shows their recent
activity is more about hatred
of Christians and violence.
For example, just to mention a
few violent acts of Islam
towards this Christian nation,
as well as others.
soldiers, Vatican priests,
Nazi soldiers, Muslim
brotherhood soldiers, Hezbola
soldiers, and Palestinian
soldiers all display the exact
same outstretch arm salute of
the ancient Romans.
Ya know..
sooner or later I am sure some
well-educated Muslims are going
to catch on to the fact that
their Imans are nothing more
than Roman Catholic priests in
hiding. Want proof? Read their
Jesuit oath when it comes
to their vow to the Pope to
actually infiltrate other
religions acting as if they are
like minded worshipers so as to
not only covert them to loyal
followers of the Pope, but to
make them political pawns that
can help the Pope spread
worldwide. Hence the reason
from Roman dogma being found by
many to be promoted in
Islam, Hinduism and all the
other spin offs for the
church of Babylon. Now do
you see why prophecy calls her a
Shariahville, USA: Cities
'Surrender' to Islam
"A city on the outskirts of
Detroit known since 1920 as a
thriving Polish community has
been fully transformed by
globalism and the federal
government’s Islamic
immigration program. In butcher
shops that once offered juicy
Polish sausages in refrigerated
display cases, female customers
wearing hijabs now purchase
halal meats blessed by an imam.
The sound of church bells has
given way to the chant of a
Muslim holy man giving the call
to prayer in Arabic. ...The
governor was part of a
celebration of that event, so it
was duly recognized by the
governor who is really twisted
on this subject," Manasseri
said. "He somehow doesn’t
make a distinction between
economic development and the
influx of people who practice
Shariah. It seems he's very much
in favor of Shariahville, as I
call it, and wants to see it
spread all over Michigan. And so
we're working against that at
the grassroots level for the
whole state." Gov. Snyder also
addressed the Islamic Society of
North America's annual
convention in August 2014,
despite the fact that ISNA is a
known front group for the Muslim
Brotherhood, which was
designated an extremist
organization in the 2007 Holy
Land Foundation terrorist
financing trial."
They could in
no way get as far as they have
without the help of a US
Governor who like all Governors
must obey the US President if in
fact he ever has plans to run
for office of the presidency. In
short, he is most assuredly
working with Obama and Rome to
get this done. What most fail to
realize is, Obama has been
working with the Vatican since
gaining office so as to bring
about their New World Order.
But, did you watch the first
video on the page? This is the
main reason I posted it. The
video is only 16 seconds long
and it openly confirms the
prophetic statement made by our
Lord thousands of years ago in
Genesis 16:11
"And the
angel of the LORD said unto
her, Behold, thou art with
child, and shalt bear a son,
and shalt call his name
Ishmael; because the LORD hath
heard thy affliction. And he
will be a wild man; his hand
will be against every man, and
every man's hand against him;
and he shall dwell in the
presence of all his brethren."
-Genesis 16:11-12
In the video
you see a Muslim man flexing his
so called power against the
Polish people with boldness to
the point of angering some of
the people at that meeting. That
all being said, who else has a
problem with the Polish people?
Notice this News site reporting
on a well-known Roman Catholic
emperor by the name of Adolph
Hitler's in regards to
his first recorded target
for annihilation.
August 22, 1939, a few
days before the official
start of World War II,
Hitler authorized his
commanders, with these
infamous words, to kill
"without pity or mercy,
all men, women, and
children of Polish
descent or language.
Only in this way can we
obtain the living space
[lebensraum] we need".
Heinrich Himmler echoed
Hitler's decree:
Poles will disappear
from the world.... It
is essential that the
great German people
should consider it as
its major task to
destroy all Poles."
September 1, 1939,
Hitler invaded Poland
from three directions.
Hitler's invincible
troops attacked from the
west, the north and the
south. Poland never had
a chance. By October 8,
1939, Polish Jews and
non-Jews were stripped
of all rights and, were
subject to special
legislation. Rationing,
which allowed for only
bare sustenance of food
and medicine was quickly
set up. (Source)
As this site
documents, most people are
unaware of the fact that Hitler
killed 6 million Polish citizens
at this time and he did this
under direct orders of his Pope.
Hitler was a devout Roman
Catholic as many pictures from
that era confirm. And now we see
the Muslims, who we now know for
a fact had their religion
created by the Roman Catholic
Popes showing once again the
same exact fruits of Rome.
Have you ever
noticed the similarities of the
Roman Church and Islam? Both
used torture and murder to
increase their numbers, both
kill for "religious" reasons,
both hate women and treat them
as third class citizens, both
have a strange homosexual
lust for the innocent flesh
of little boys, both openly
kill to cultivate terror en
masse, both use the Roman salute
as a show of honor, both have
leaders that wear robes and head
dresses, both uplift Mary and
downgrade Jesus Christ,
both use lies to advance their
agenda and both hate Jews,
Christians, Black
people and Polish.
And for those
that think they don't hate Black
people as much as Hitler did,
click here for a list of vile
racist quotes from the Koran I
would not want to echo here.
Makes me wonder why so many
black men are joining Islam?
Don't they read their so called
holy book?
Basic reality
here dictates that if it speaks
like a Roman and walks like a
Roman then it must be a Roman!
Christians cry "Jesus" before
Isis mass beheading
front of the team leader and
relatives in the crowd, the
Islamic extremists cut off the
fingertips of the boy and
severely beat him, telling his
father they would stop the
torture only if he, the father,
returned to Islam,”
revealed Christian Aid Mission.
“When the team leader
refused, relatives said, the
ISIS militants also tortured and
beat him and the two other
ministry workers. The three men
and the boy then met their
deaths in crucifixion."
stated in Revelation 13:4, "And
they worshipped the dragon which
gave power unto the beast: and
they worshipped the beast,
saying, Who is like unto the
beast? who is able to make war
with him?"
Who is this
dragon in prophecy? According to
Revelation 12:9 it is Satan. And
as we know, Satan never stands
before man in his true form. He
is not allowed this option. (1
Corinthians 10:13 explains why)
So he must possess willing men
to do his will. At this time
when the dragon was attacking
the Christian faith it was Rome
Satan chose to administer his
hatred through. This is not
something anyone needs
convincing of. It is an open
fact of historic record.
Fact is, even the Gospel
portrays this definition of the
true identity of the dragon at
this time as well...
Official seeks to kill baby
Jesus causing the deaths of
many baby boys.
Governor condemns Jesus to
Soldier whips Jesus.
of Soldiers beat and mock
Executioner crucifies Jesus.
Official seals the tomb of
Squad of Soldiers keep watch
on the tomb of Jesus.
Governor places all followers
of Jesus in peril
coliseum is where Christians
were fed to lions
Rome most
assuredly allowed the dragon's
will to be enacted back then
just as it does today. And yes,
I am fully aware that the
Pharisees wanted him dead as
well and so they use political
pressuring to get Rome
to do as they please. But
the Jews were a subordinate
people under Roman rule, but it
also a fact any Roman official
could have ignored them without
political damage. In any event,
as is obvious, Rome is all the
dragon can hope to become on
earth. Pagan Rome was his
masterpiece at that time.
Fast forward
to today
Looking at the
Pope's of today, as well as
times past, one can see absolute
Roman rule guided by Satan truly
runs through the veins of this
hierarchy. The clothing, the
architecture, the laws, the
belief structure, the art, the
lifestyles, the pharmaceutical
religiosity, the political
savvy, the global reach and yes,
even the methods it uses to
torture and kill Christians. All
of it proves this prophecy
fulfilled in Roman Catholicism.
In fact, Pope Pius IX couldn't
have been more accurate when he
Pope Pius
IX, in his "Discorsi" (I., p.
253), said: "The Caesar
who now addresses you, and to
whom alone are obedience and
fidelity due."
Islam is
killing Christians, yes. This is
not debatable. Anyone can see
also that all that Pagan Rome
did in the past and now Papal
Rome did in their past is in
fact identical. But as the
prophet Daniel said in Daniel
8:25, this fallen angel running
Rome's agenda is very crafty and
will not be easily identified.
In fact, even when it is
pointed out, its political power
makes it nearly untouchable.
(not for long - praise God)
What am I
getting at?
Just as Pagan
and Papal Rome used certain
methods to kill God's people,
Islam is doing the very same
today. If you're new to this
site or the truth contained
herein you may want to take a
look at the following pages when
you get time.
The Pope
& Islam
The Pope
wrote the Koran
The Salute
of Rome
Torture and
the killing of Christians has
and always will be the
"fingerprint of the Roman
Church." All that Islam does
today is an exact duplicate of
what the Vat of sin has been
doing since day one. What's
truly ironic here is, the
leaders in Islam know all about
Rome's connection with Satan and
their control over their
own Islamic soldiers. And
just as the Vatican doesn't tell
their novice priests about their
connections with Satan until
they are sufficiently
brainwashed. Islam won't tell
their soldiers that are killing
the Christians about how they
are actually helping the very
same Vatican that attacked them
during the Crusades.
That's right!
Muslims hate
Christians because of what the
Vatican did to them during those
Crusades and today, Islam is
actually helping their
arch-enemy strengthen their
position globally. And just as
we saw in Daniel 11 how Rome
always uses nations to do their
bidding until they merge
with them (if it benefits them
to do so ) or wipes them off the
face of the earth, (if it
benefits them to do so) they are
doing the same thing with Islam
today! As historic record
confirms, Islam hates the
Vatican for killing it's people.
And now Islam is actually
helping the Vatican to once
again gain global power to where
eventually, even Islam will
suffer. But then, this is what
happens when you ignore all the
historic signs and prophetic
facts that confirm the Christian
Bible is the only source of
In short.. the
Islamic people are right now
being used by Rome as the
ultimate worldwide fall-guy.
They have become their present
day political, religious, and
historic pawns. One can only
hope that some of them wake up
and accept Jesus Christ as
Saviour. After all, He predicted
all this eons ago.
Feds already
raising Muslim refugee numbers
"As millions of Syrians flee
ISIS tyranny and violence, the
Obama administration already is
pushing higher the numbers of
people he hopes to relocate to
the United States. Senior
national security officials are
discussing boosting the
projected number from 70,000 in
2015 to 85,000 in 2016 and then
100,000 in 2017. ...Democrats
charge that the U.S. isn’t
doing enough, while top GOP
officials have warned that
taking Syrian refugees creates a
national security risk, as
terror-seeking individuals may
come to the country amid those
who truly are fleeing violence."
As I've said
so many times before; Rome needs
the Muslim population in America
to grow so as to have the
foundation they need to allow
them a viable voice in the law
making process of this nation.
Sharia Law is soon to be part of
the curriculum at Yale; some
courts in
Michigan, Washington
and Florida have already
used Sharia Law in their
courtrooms, and it's gotten so
bad that 16 states in America
are trying to ban the spread of
Sharia Law. Were you also aware
that those working at rewriting
our American Constitution are
also working to replace it with
Sharia Law?!
No brainer?
As we all
know, Obama is a Muslim. That
being the case, what do I see
when I hear Obama making sure
hundreds of thousands of Muslims
find a home in the USA while
Christian refugees are deported?
I see Obama doing as he was born
to do. He was placed in power by
Rome and if it wasn't for
his efforts, Rome's NWO plans
would not be as successful.
This is all being done to
assure they can cause a
"peaceful" invasion of Muslims
that will by no means end
Soon, those
30,000 guilotines on ice will be
warmed by the blood of obedient
Christians thanks to the Muslim
henchman at the ready to drop
the blade. So be it.. it's not
like we weren't warned and it's
not like we aren't prepared.
Soon the entire world will know
why the Christians are so
gentle, loving, peaceful and
even silent when their
persecutors attack and kill
them. It's because we truly do
have the character of the Lord
Jesus Christ who was prophesied
to be that eternal Lamb
sacrifice on Calvary.
When He
returns, He will not be coming
as a meek Lamb at all. He will
be coming as King of kings, Lord
of lords and a righteous
heavenly Judge who will place
His wrath upon all those that
mocked, persecuted and killed
His beautiful bride. So let
those puff up their false gods
and idols all they like. It's
won't change that which is
written. For all of them will
echo that which was penned in
Jeremiah 8:20, "The harvest is
past, the summer is ended, and
we are not saved."
The Christian
on the other hand will declare,
"Lo, this is our God; we have
waited for him, and he will save
us: this is the LORD; we have
waited for him, we will be glad
and rejoice in his salvation."
-Isaiah 25:9.
Stampede kills 450 at Hajj
pilgrimage near Mecca
"Hundreds of people were killed
and another 450 or so injured
when a stampede broke out during
one of the final Hajj rituals in
Mina, a tent city a couple of
miles from Mecca. The stampede
broke out during the "stoning
the devil" Muslim ceremony
– and it's not the first
time this has happened. CNN
reported hundreds have been
killed during the same ritual in
previous years and in 2006
alone, 363 died during the
This is so
very very sad, but at the same
time it illustrates Islam at its
finest. The rage this
bloodthirsty Vatican inspired
religion cultivates in the
hearts of its greatly confused
adherents is bound to cause them
to go into a rage at the drop of
a hat from time to time. In
fact, as the video says, this
isn't the first time this has
happened at this event. But what
should one expect when the
religion of choice is based on
an anti-Christian mindset that
often boils over with
violent hatred to where
they saw heads off of Christians
and even eat their hearts on
camera? Such demonic activity is
bound to make it childishly easy
for satan to move upon many in
this religion to kill
anyone in their path whenever
the "mood" hits.
This huge
crowd was and has always been
the perfect storm for expected
bloodshed that the enemy of
souls can use to quickly bring
hundreds of people to Hellfire.
Beelzebub knows most at the
event declare how they
hate Jesus Christ and so he
knows if they die they seal
their fate in flames. Therefore,
when an opportunity for
bloodshed presents itself in
huge crowds like this, one can
expect hundreds will die within
minutes because satan is all too
willing to garner as many souls
into misery with him. It's no
mistake almost 400 died back in
2006 at the same event and
another 1500 more died in a
tunnel, because once it gets
bad, it gets real bad thanks to
the demons flying all over the
place. This is why after a few
people die in a stampede before
the eyes of those stomping on
them it doesn't slow them down
one bit from continuing to
kill more. I would expect many
will declare days later they
have no idea "what came over
them." But we do.
One would
think the normal reaction to
seeing a fellow human being
wounded and dying in a stampede
underneath your own feet that
this would be enough to
slow or perhaps stop the forward
motion when it got to 12 dead..
50 dead.. or even 75 dead. But
when the first one hundred dies
and they're still crushing more
under their feet to were over
450 are killed and hundreds more
lay wounded, that is an open and
obvious sign of demonic
activity. No getting around
It's just not
normal and mostly unheard of for
that many people to die at one
time in a stampede of their
fellowman simply because
hordes of people are screaming
in fear while pushing themselves
forward by stomping on dead and
dying brethren underfoot. At
least, it's never been normal ..
until now. And yes, since this
is not the first time, it has
become the norm in Islam. But
then, that's what happens when
you join with Rome.
In any event,
please pray for the families
that lost loved ones and pray
for those wounded that they all
take a real hard look at how
their religion repeatedly
fosters death and destruction on
a literal daily basis. Even if
they blow this one
off, pray they look into
why their so called "peaceful
religion" sees no problem
killing over 200,000 Christians
each year. Hopefully some poor
souls trapped in this man-made
religion will
eventually start to realize
how peaceful Jesus really is,
and how evil the Popes of Rome
More Historic Proof
Popes Created Islam!
I was sent an article that at
first glance I didn't see much
importance to it. Still, the
headline did spark my curiosity
and so I opened the
article to read it. As articles
go, it wasn't noteworthy and I
was all but ready to delete it
and open the next article up
until I saw the picture in the
article of a Muslim Sultan from
1565. You have GOT to see this
expert: Did Quran come before
"An expert on Islam is warning
that the whole premise of Islam,
the idea that Muhammad got the
Quran from Allah, recited it,
then it was written down –
all of that might be based on a
faulty assumption. ...In fact,
Robert Spencer, whose Jihad
Watch website provides an
authoritative source for the
impact of Islam, says it’s
possible “some other
individual or group used texts
that were already in existence
and shaped them to fit their own
political and theological
agenda.” ...Spencer cites
a recent report in the Daily
Mail, which described how
several pages were carbon-dated
by experts at Oxford, who found
not only were some of the pages
likely from the oldest Quran in
the world, they possibly were
created between 568 AD and 645
AD. The dates given for
Muhammad’s life often are
570 AD to 632 AD, meaning the
fragment could have been in
print (hand-written on
parchment) two years before
Islam’s founder was born."
Is this not
exactly what this ministry (and
others) have been saying for
decades? In fact, on
my Pope and Islam page I
have had many historic
facts listed for years now that
confirm the Roman Catholic
church invented and now controls
the faith of Islam. I also have
a PDF file linked out on my
"Pope wrote the Koran"
page that
has information laid out
long ago by an ex-Jesuit named
Alberto Rivera who was killed by
the Vatican for his research on
this that there is
undeniable evidence proving
the Roman Catholic church wrote
the Quran! I even have a video
on that same page wherein an
ex-Muslim explains why he left
Islam and that his decision was
based on all the "so called"
Christian facts he found in the
Quran. Only problem was, he
wasn't actually describing Bible
Christianity at all. As I
illustrated in that video he was
actually describing Roman
In exJesuit
Rivera's findings is not only
evidence proving the Quran was
written first by Vatican
prelates to have the political
and religious control needed to
eventually bring Roman rule back
to the world in the far
distant future. One can see now
why many young girls were
approached by Vatican
prelates dressed as Muslim
leaders acting as
prophets declaring to those
(50 or so) young girls they
would get pregnant and have a
baby with a birthmark and
that birthmark would confirm him
as the so called prophesied
prophet of Islam. Running on the
odds that at least one girl
would give birth to a boy with a
birthmark was high; so. they
waited and wallah, the prophet
of Allah was born.
Yes, they knew
this resurrection of Rome's
global rule agenda would take
many generations to be realized.
But since the Vatican is run by
devil worshipers, they were no
doubt given the promise of
eternal life in hell to rule
with Satan as all other
satanists have been promised,
and since sin is so enticing to
them, they did like any Satanist
would do and ran with it in the
hopes of reveling in sin for all
In short..
#1, we have
an ex-Jesuit priest declaring
the Vatican wrote the Quran.
#2, we have
the admission of an ex-Muslim
that Catholic theology found
in the Quran moved him to join
the Catholic church.
#3, and now
we have evidence the Quran was
written at least 2 years
before Muhammad was born.
If this was a
baseball game, it appears
obvious that the Vatican would
have just struck out!
Society: The agent of jihad in
"While there is minor
disagreement over the total
number, the consensus view is
that at least 251 Muslims have
attempted some form of violent
jihad in the United States since
9/11/01. Of these, 109 were
interdicted by U.S.
counterterrorism personnel.
Another 121 American Muslims
were involved in attempting to
join, otherwise materially
support or finance known terror
groups. The remaining 21
succeeded in shedding innocent
American blood in the name of
Islam. Despite clear evidence to
the contrary, our government and
major media still argue that
“true Islam” was not
the inspiration for any of these
attacks; therefore, we must look
to other root causes."
If I've said
it once I've said it a thousand
times, the main reason
they keep trying to put
Islam in a positive light is
because the Pope demands it. The
Popes of Rome have openly
supported and uplifted Islam
over and over again and no one
seems to notice because the
media is convinced to do so
would be financial as well as
political suicide on their part.
And with that reality being part
of history, we also saw not to
long ago how the Vatican
was the first in the world to
command all Catholic schools
teach Islam to the children back
in 2009; which was less than one
year after our first Muslim
president, Barack Hussein Obama
stood in the White House. Then
directly after that we saw the
Vatican mixing Islam with
Christianity to such a degree
the term "Chrislam" became the
norm among all those in bed with
Why are they
hiding the truth?
What I am
about to say is what I have been
saying for many years. Prophecy
clearly says the Christians that
refuse the mark will for the
most part be beheaded. (See
Revelation 20:4) We also know
there are over 30,000
guillotines in America as we
speak. (Also see this video) And
just so you know, it was also
discovered back in December of
2013 that Obamacare actually
mentions using guillotines on US
Citizens! In fact, I did a video
on that here. I could go on and
on, but I assume you're catching
my point by now. That all being
said, why puff up the
Let me ask you
Many years ago
I converted all my Bible studies
from Dbase3 to HTML when the
Internet came to town and built
a website. Not long after that I
converted the Truth Provided
Newsletter from being snail mail
to being emailed. My very first
digital Newsletter was a repost
of a snail mail newsletter that
was all about Clinton's
executive orders that were
actually first penned by Roman
Catholic John F Kennedy and then
later "given life" by Jesuit
trained President Clinton. Those
orders are designed to lock down
the USA when they are ready to
enforce the mark. Yes, they will
use a "natural" disaster of some
sort to push the need for
martial law forward, and we know
this has been "in the mix" for a
few years now as events like
Jade Helm proved.
I don't know
how many Newsletters I did over
the years about similar
"military exercises" on US soil
that all appear as Jade Helm
did, but that's not what my
original point is anyway. We all
know about the soon to come New
World Order and so students of
prophecy are prepared for it
spiritually. What I mentioned
that old Newsletter for was the
"Combat Arms Survey" I posted at
the end of the Newsletter that I
was privy to thanks to the
prison ministry I was working
with at the time. (See the
Newsletter here)
That survey
was done on our military and
some of our very own
soldiers did in fact agree to
shoot on a US Citizen if ordered
to do so. That wasn't the
premise for the survey but it
was bluntly obvious when you
came to question #43.
Still, not all of them
agreed to kill their neighbors,
but sadly some did. Plus, we
have to keep in mind, even
though it's the very last days
and most people are bone evil
just s in Noah's day, those that
claim to be Christians (as
Isaiah 4:1 & Revelation 3:16
describes) some still claim to
be "moral" while reveling in
sin. Even as a "plastic"
Christian some simply cannot
stomach the idea of dropping a
blade on their next door
neighbor, coworker or classmate
no matter how crazy it gets.
But, a Muslim will because his
Vatican inspired Koran confirms
he must to please his dying god.
And so he will do all he can to
have the chance to man those
guillotines because most Muslims
believe a dead Christian is
their ticket to paradise.
And so the Popes of Rome have
started a positive PR campaign
to puff up Islam so as to have
that "force" available when that
day comes. And that day is
racing towards us at break neck
That being
said.. Are you ready? ARE YOU
IS video shows
mass execution in ruins of
Syria's Palmyra
"The Islamic State group on
Saturday released a video
showing 25 Syrian government
soldiers being executed by
teenagers in the ancient
amphitheatre in the city of
Palmyra. The video documented an
execution that reportedly
happened shortly after the
jihadist group captured the city
on May 21. It shows the soldiers
in green and brown military
uniforms being shot dead on the
amphitheatre's stage in front of
an enormous version of the
group's black and white flag.
The executioners all appear to
be children or teenagers and are
wearing desert camouflage and
brown bandanas. The killings are
carried out in front of a
relatively sparse crowd of men
and some children watching from
the ancient theatre's seats."
This is why we
see Islam destroying some
ancient ruins and keeping the
Roman ones intact. The Vatican
demands they do so and they obey
with glee as they know the
Vatican has the power they want.
This is why all soldiers of
Islam salute the Pope in Rome.
It's uncanny when you think of
how this all emulates the
ancient Roman Coliseum wherein
Christians were killed before
crowds for entertainment. Islam
is now repeating that very same
act further confirming the long
prophesied and now well-known
connection between the Pope and
That goes
beyond saying! Muslims are being
duped here and most of them
don't even realize it. They seek
to kill as many Orthodox
(Catholic) type Christians in
their region assuming it is
payment for the crusades wherein
it was Roman Prelates and not
Christians that killed the
Muslims en masse. What they
don't seem to realize (at least
in lower ranks that is) they are
actually working with the Roman
church they are taught to hate.
Seem confusing? That's how it
works! In fact, the word
"Babylon" is defined as "a
mixing" of truth with lies.
Their very own Muslim clerics
know all this, but there's no
way going to let those they rule
know about it. To confirm the
Islamic leaders bow to the Pope,
check out this picture
of Yassir Arafat openly
kissing the Pope's hand in
declaring allegiance to
him. Click the video link
under the picture to see a short
video confirming "kissing the
hand" or "bowing before the
Pope" is in fact an act of
allegiance, loyalty and
Sooner or
later those loyal Muslims
following their corrupt leaders
will discover they were conned
into joining forces with Rome,
which I thought was blatantly
obvious the day Arafat kissed
the Pope's hand on camera, but
then I am sure the Muslim
clerics had an "explanation" for
that act as well. In any event,
no one likes being duped, and so
it's not looking good for anyone
involved in this mess.
Especially if you're a Muslim
leader who is about to be found
Oh.. and by
the way, yes I am fully aware
that the Vatican is working with
the Jews as well to help take
advantage of the Muslims
politically. Jews are also very
much involved in global politics
wherein they seek to openly
economically enslave all people
on earth with debt. But that's
an entirely different story. My
calling is to expose Antichrist.
So I don't have time to
mess around with his cohorts
like the Illuminate, Opus Dei,
the Templars or even the Jesuits
for that matter. Why bother
going after the middleman when
the head honcho makes himself so
openly available to exposure.
So, if you're interested in how
corrupt the Jewish leaders are
today, just search online for
Noahide Laws that ring similar
to Sharia law. And yes, you will
find the Jews are also working
with Muslims. It truly is a ball
of confusion out there!
faces prosecution for anti-Islam
"A 79-year-old Northern Ireland
pastor is facing prosecution for
calling the Muslim religion
“satanic” and saying
Islam was a brainchild of
demonic forces in hell. Pastor
James McConnell of the Whitewell
Metropolitan Tabernacle in
Belfast delivered the fiery
sermons in May. They’re
coming to light once again
because authorities have just
determined that they’re
controversial enough to
warrant a court hearing."
know where this is headed, don't
you? Everyone that understands
basic Christian
truths knows Islam is
extremely evil and they also
know the false pastors,
preachers and priests that
promote it in all their
churches, are working directly
with Rome so as to bring about a
scenario prophecy predicts for
our day wherein Sharia Law is a
must. (yes, this includes
the SDA church!)
and foremost, free speech will
eventually be pulled from the
pulpit because anyone using a
Bible to declare truth will
becomes dangerous when it comes
to political correctness. In
fact, do you recall the two
Newsletters I did on this very
Provided Newsletter
September 2, 1999 (Vatican
Declared Scriptures
Provided Newsletter July 18,
2001 (Speaking Against
Vatican = DANGER!)
false preachers of
today that promote Islam
know that eventually the powers
that be will pass laws making it
illegal to declare Scriptural
facts regarding how evil Islam
really is. So, who will benefit?
Well, most will assume Islam,
right? But they won't benefit
nearly as much as Rome. After
all, Rome invented the religion
of Islam and being as such
they can easily dispose of
it as well. However, I doubt
that will happen 100%. They need
to have someone willingly
manning those 30,000+
guillotines in America do they
not? And even if a "Muslim"
doesn't man the blade, the laws
of the land will emulate Sharia
Law so as to have the legal
right to drop the blade on
Christians in the first place.
most fail to see here is, Rome's
ecumenical queen doesn't only
appeal to the Muslim people as
well as the masses in a
spiritual group hug; Rome is a
church and State just as
prophecy predicted they would
be. They will appeal to the
religious leaders that already
bow to the Pope yes, but they
must also appeal to the
political leaders if their
ecumenicalism is to be true to
its written form via the Vatican
II council.
How will Rome benefit?
When they
finally pass laws that declare
you cannot expose the evils of
Islam using a Bible, and they
will do this because we already
see Christians being jailed,
persecuted and financially
bankrupted for declaring Rome's
true fruit of
homosexuality is a sin, you
will then see all (so called)
religions "protected" by the
government. But, that won't last
forever as they will eventually
have to come up with a
"government approved" one world
religion that makes everyone
happy so as to prevent problems
between religions. Seeing how
Rome already started the One
World Church on June 26, 2000,
the Vatican will have to
have "someone" step up with
a Hell inspired "wonderful" way
of dropping the other ecumenical
shoe that causes everyone to
have their "enlightened" moment
that fosters the thought (seeded
by Hell of course) that we
really can all "get along" in a
way that makes every
ecstatically happy. They also
know that the "remnant of her
seed" will never go for that
idea because it's what we have
been preaching they're planning
to do for decades. When their
plans come to fruition, we
the remnant people will stick
out like sore thumbs and appear
to them as easy targets.
Will it be
that easy for them?
As in all
wars, some soldiers will die on
the battle field, yes. But if
you're an obedient child of God
you know all too well
that David wasn't easy to
target when he ran towards a
well-fortified Goliath that
day! Even though they
believed they defeated Daniel
when he was tossed in the lion's
den, the truth came forth that
they failed in a big way that
actually cost them their lives.
When Shadrach and his friends
were tossed in the furnace
an entire nation saw God
glorified just as those that
were standing nearby when the
Vatican burned Christians at the
stake during their prophesied
1260 year reign saw the
glory of God. And Haman, who
built the gallows to
hang Mordecai on was
actually the one that hung on
those gallows. In short..
we have all sorts of factual,
historical and biblical evidence
(not to mention prophecy) that
says.. Even though they win
their minuscule battles here and
there, Christ has already won
the war!
hammered for secrecy on Muslim
"Republican Congressman Trey
Gowdy’s efforts to shed
light on the government’s
secretive refugee resettlement
program continues to play out in
letters between himself and the
federal agency responsible for
resettling thousands of foreign
refugees in U.S. cities and
towns every year. Since his
letters haven’t produced
many answers, he’s now
calling for a meeting with State
Department officials."
--If you're a
Sunday keeping Christian or a
member of the Seventh Day
Adventist church, odds are you
see no danger in the United
States Government (who was
prophesied to enforce Rome's
mark) is bringing Muslims into
the nation secretly. The reason
You see no danger is because
your churches are disobedient,
and according to God's Holy
Word, your pastors and teachers
will not have an understanding
of end time prophecy and how it
relates to current events in the
So where's the
20:4 says plainly, "And I saw
thrones, and they sat upon them,
and judgment was given unto
them: and I saw the souls of
them that were beheaded for the
witness of Jesus, and for the
word of God, and which had not
worshipped the beast, neither
his image, neither had received
his mark upon their foreheads,
or in their hands; and they
lived and reigned with Christ a
thousand years."
That being
prophesied, do you now know why
the Vatican created the religion
of Islam? Prophecy stated they
will never stop killing
Christians. Yes, they were to
have their "lull" during the
time of their wounding, but they
were to come back with a
vengeance. But, seeing how
everyone knew they were evil and
loved to kill God's people, they
had to come up with a way to
kill them stealthily, so, they
invented Islam and that is why
they uplift Islam just as they
did Hitler when they used him.
Is it any wonder they all use
the same "Roman Salute?"
Still don't
get it?
Question.. who
on earth is presently killing
Christians in large
numbers, and when doing so
prefer to use the horrendous
method of beheading to kill
them? Islam right? So why all
the confusion? People need to
stop looking at what Rome is
saying and start looking at what
Rome is doing.
Now do you see
why the USA under direct orders
from Rome are flooding American
cities with Muslims? They need
someone to man the now 30,000+
guillotines on US soil right
now. Americans don't want to
kill their neighbors, but
Muslims (as prophesied) have no
problem killing anyone. Sharia
law (or a facsimile of it) will
become legal in America! They
cannot behead Christians without
it! Prophecy WILL be
slaughters kids in Palmyra
"The Associated Press reported
the scene: “Syrian
activists say Islamic State
group militants have shot dead a
group of detainees in the Roman
theater … They say
Islamic State gunmen killed at
least 15 men after accusing them
of having fought with President
Bashar Assad’s troops. The
incident … was reported
by activists belonging to a
Palmyra-based media collective
and the Britain-based Surian
Observatory for Human Rights.
They said the militants gathered
people in the theater to
watch.” ...The Gateway
Pundit reported ISIS said on the
video: “Concerning the
historical city, we will
preserve it and it will not
undergo damages
insh’Allah, but what we
will do is to pulverize statues
that the miscreants used to pray
to. As for the historical
monuments, we will not touch it
with our bulldozers as some tend
to believe.”
cat just jumped out of the bag.
How so? We all know that Pagan
Rome was prophesied to give its
power to Papal Rome via the
prophetic facts laid out in
vision before the prophet John.
(and Daniel) We also know thanks
to ancient as well as modern
historic fact that Papal Rome is
Antichristian in every sense of
the word. That being a
prophetic, historic and recently
admitted fact, we also know that
Rome plays the part of a
Christian to have better control
over some that claim to be
Christian under the extreme
un-biblical tutelage of Rome. It
also grants them the chance to
guarantee hellfire to nearly all
that sit in her pews. So the
Pope is one happy camper when
all is said and done.
what about the cat jumping from
the bag?
if you will that ISIS militants
admit they're only destroying
Catholic statues. They said, and
I quote, "we will do is to
pulverize statues that the
miscreants used to pray to." But
they also stated they won't
destroy the "ROMAN" monuments?
Why is that? Think about it.
Rome doesn't really care about
those statues. It's only the
means by which they can get the
Catholics to break commandment
#2 while still thinking
they're Christians, even though
they know their very own Bibles
say it is sin to bow before
those statues. But they don't
want Roman monuments destroyed
because it makes them (the Popes
of Rome) appear powerful. And in
the coming days when Rome stands
as global leader once again,
those ancient ruins will become
their trophies declaring
themselves eternal, and many
without eyes that see will fall
for it hook, line and sinker.
But just as it was a lie for
Satan to tell Eve in the
Garden that she would never die,
so is it a lie to tell all the
world they are eternally
powerful. In fact, the return of
our King, Lord and Saviour will
make that graphically apparent
one day soon. Maranatha!
Democrats call
for 'flood' of Muslims to U.S
"A group of 14 Democrat senators
has written a letter to
President Obama urging him to
increase” the number of
Syrian refugees being resettled
into American cities and towns.
They say the U.S. needs to take
in at least 65,000 Syrians as
permanent refugees over the next
--So why do
they do this? Two reasons.
#1, prophecy
says Christians will be beheaded
for their faith in the last days
when they refuse to accept the
Vatican's mark, and so, Rome
(who really controls the US
Congress) needs to have Muslims
(who love to kill Christians)
manning the 30,000+ guillotines
already on US soil.
#2, the money
worshipping politicians need to
have as many Muslim "refugees"
as possible within the borders
(like they're doing with the
Mexicans) so as to have a viable
reason to approach their
constituents for billions of
dollars in funds to care for
them. Yes, they always get the
money and yes they do supply
them with food stamps (which are
nothing more than modernized
government ration tickets from
WWII) and once the money starts
flowing they know they can dip
into the till to increase their
own personal bank accounts
without anyone finding out.
(That is of course until that
politicians falls from "grace"
to become the fall guy that
hides the crimes of others)
All too often
people think that political
leaders push for public programs
because they care about the
people that vote for them. Yes,
some do, but they are usually
the newbies in politics. After a
few years of seeing how easy it
is to withdraw from such massive
sources of cash for toys they
eventually bow to the
"blessings" of corruption and
their desire for more public
programs will increase as will
the satanic reasons for them.
Satan knows all too well how to
dangle the carrot before those
lusting after it, and when you
worship money it's as if you're
a donkey with a stick tied to
your head with the carrot
hanging just out of reach so as
to keep you moving forward in
the direction Satan guides you
in. This is how Rome was able to
manipulate our political
leaders. In fact, this has been
the way they operated since the
beginning. Check out what the
prophet Daniel says about their
birth and means to grow in
power. They use the exact same
methods of Satan. They bring you
in using your innocence against
you. They introduce uncouth
methods that grow worse in
nature over time and once you
have taken the bait they set the
hook and now they have something
they can use against
you whenever you show signs
of wiggling free. At this point
you have one way to freedom
and peace. What am I talking
about? Click here.
First Gay
‘Imam’ in USA Says
‘Quran Doesn’t Call
for Punishment of
"The 61-year-old Abdullah was
born and raised in Detroit. He
came out as gay at the age of 15
and converted to Islam at 33
while studying in China. He
studied the religion in Egypt,
Jordan and Syria. He now serves
as the Imam and educational
director of the Light of Reform
Mosque in Washington, D.C.
“Nowhere in the Quran does
it say punish homosexuals. And
historians have also never found
any case of the Prophet Muhammad
dealing with
homosexuality,” Daayiee
told Dean Obeidallah, an
American Radio show host of
Palestinian-Italian descent."
--I was
wondering when this aspect of
Rome's Homosexual Agenda was
going to surface. We already
know Rome wrote the Quran of the
Muslim. We also have a mountain
of evidence confirming they have
been working with Islam for
quite some time now, and we even
have ex-Muslims admitting on
camera that the Quran's Roman
Catholic doctrines were the
reason they left Islam to become
Catholics. So, having a
homosexual Imam "come out" when
the homosexual agenda is at its
peak politically is par for the
By the way,
have you ever noticed this fruit
of Roman Catholicism in Islam?
Everything from child
molestation to the killing
of Christians. And lately, it
has become obvious that Islam
has a problem with women just as
Rome does. What I mean is;
as we know in both Old and
New Testament Scripture, the
woman was made as a "help meet"
for the man, right? Ancient Jews
and modern day Christians have
always uplifted the woman as she
should be uplifted. God fearing
men know they are not to place
her under his foot because we
know God created her out of a
rib from Adam's side and not
from a bone from the sole of his
foot. She was created to stand
WITH us! But as the prophet
Daniel predicted, the Vatican
will be home to homosexual men,
and as we see with Islam, they
too hate women so much so they
prefer to marry them as children
so as to prevent her from
growing into the woman God
intended her to be. So, like
Rome, Islam is and always
has been anti-woman church
from day one.
Rome's doctrine of
celibacy, their torturous
methods against the nuns, as
well as child
molestation coincides with
the Islamic child brides who are
then tortured as soon as
they become women.
One last
thing. Muslim's claim
their "Allah" is the
same God of the Old
Testament bible right? If that
were true, why is it the god of
Islam instructs their men to
marry children and then beat
those little girls when they
become young women? The God of
the Old Testament Bible gave man
his woman as a help meet, not as
a punching bag. Hence the
reality check that dictates the
god of Islam is the god of Rome.
And who is the god of Rome?
Click here to see who it is they
have been caught
worshipping in the Vatican
on a regular basis.
Islam Wants to
Convert Rome
"In the propaganda videos of the
Islamic State there are many
prophecies about the fall and
the conquest of Rome. There is a
long Islamic tradition aiming at
Rome, “Romiyyah”,
aiming to make it the fourth
holiest city of Islam (after
Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem) and
the base from which Islam will
conquer the Western world. Rome
is the greatest magnet of the
mystical Islamic universe." --As
we recently discovered, evidence
has been unearthed that
confirms the Vatican wrote
the Koran. As we also know, Rome
has re-written the Christian
Bible many times over because
they hate the KJV Bible because
it exposes them as Antichrist.
In fact, the KJV Preface states
that in writing. That all being
said, Rome knows about the
prophecy of her fall before the
eyes of mankind in the end. And
so it appears they have figured
out a way to use that prophesied
event to their advantage. Now do
you see why Rome has been
promoting Islam and Shariah law?
Prophecy says they will behead
Christians that refuse the mark,
right? And who on earth has a
"holy book" that was
written by Rome who also behead
Christians? It doesn't take a
theologian, rocket scientist or
even a neurosurgeon to
figure this out. All one needs
to do is read the Word, obey the
Lord, and His truth WILL be made
known on to you. That's part of
the reason you will have that
perfect peace in the midst of
all this chaos.
'Huge surge'
of 'unscreened' Muslims flooding
"It’s a huge surge under
Obama. In the last three years,
he’s averaged 100,000 new
immigrants from Muslim nations a
year. That is very alarming.
It’s more than we’re
importing both from Central
America and Mexico combined.
This is a big shift in
immigration flows. ...It’s
really insane what we’re
doing. No one’s really
talking about it, but this mass
immigration from Muslim
countries poses a serious
national security threat,”
--What we see happening
here is the main reason Obama, a
Muslim, was placed in the
Whitehouse as president by the
Roman Catholic
Vatican. Unless they allow
for Shariah Law in America,
they won't be able to enforce
the mark, and unless they have
plenty of ready and willing
Muslims manning the 30,000+
guillotines for the Vatican,
none of this will come to
fruition. So, it's common sense
that we see many "unscreened"
Muslims from violent regions of
the world flooding into the
USA. After all, it's not like
prophecy said the end times was
going to be a cake walk.
says it is wrong to equate Islam
with violence
"Pope Francis said on Sunday
that equating Islam with
violence was wrong and called on
Muslim leaders to issue a global
condemnation of terrorism to
help dispel the stereotype."
--Let's see, over 200,000
Christians are tortured to death
by Islam each and every year.
But just to be fair, it is also
true that Islam kills many
Muslims each year as well. Truth
is, they anyone that's not
Muslim. But then, our Lord did
prophesy in Genesis 16:12 that
the father of all Muslims would
unable to get along with anyone.
Just to highlight a few areas on
record, Islam orchestrated
18,000 terror attacks in the
last ten years, Muhammad killed
some people for merely insulting
his religion and even more
that leave their religion.
And all of this is recorded
in history as their main
fruits for the last 1400
years. But the Pope, a true
politician out of touch with
reality, claims Islam is a
religion of peace? I guess
that's par for the course. He
also believes and teaches
Catholicism is a Christian
religion, when in fact it is
not. That being said, I must ask
the Pope how we are to dispel
the stereotype wherein most with
viable gray matter see Islam as
violent? Maybe if Muslims would
stop killing Christians at a
rate of one every two minutes
this so-called stereotype
wouldn't exist. Francis and all
Popes before him issued
condemnation against child
molesting, but that didn't
dispel the stereotype that
Catholic priests are pedophiles.
You know why? Because they
continue to rape children
relentlessly just as Muslims
continue their bloody crusade
against Christians and all of
humanity. Towards the end of the
story Francis calls for "action
against poverty to help end the
conflicts in the region." So
tell us sir, is the problem with
Islam that they're aren't
socialistic enough, as your
publicized plans towards that
end have been made known? Or is
the real problem that Islam is
just Catholicism in disguise?
Amazing that the Pope calls the
Koran a book of peace, yet his
predecessors throughout the
ages label the bible "a dumb and
difficult book" among other
derogatory insults. How people
can be deceived into thinking
this man is a Christian is
beyond me. But then, this was
prophesied and now that most do
see him as a man of God
confirms, we have very little
time left to do as we are called
to do.
visits Turkey
"His three-day trip comes as
Islamic State insurgents have
captured swathes of Iraq and
Syria just over Turkey's
southern borders, declaring an
Islamic caliphate and killing or
driving out Shi'ite Muslims,
Christians and others who do not
share their ultra-radical brand
of Sunni Islam." --Okay, let's
look at the facts. Muslims kill
one Christian every 2 minutes.
That's of course according to
the controlled mainstream media.
I wouldn't doubt the number to
be equal to that of the
Inquisitions which was double
that on an annual basis for 1260
years. Suddenly the so called
leader of "Christians" who the
world claims is the Pope, walks
into Turkey to meet with the
leaders directing those that are
killing all the Christians. If
you have eyes to see you realize
the Pope claims to be meeting
with Turkish leaders to slow the
killings. However, one would
think they would kill the Pope
the very second he stepped off
the plane. But no, they
don't. Nor do the killings
cease worldwide in any way shape
or form. All I see here is the
Pope meeting with the political
leaders that know his
predecessors wrote the Koran so
that they can work out the final
details prophecy dictate are to
happen next. And by the way, all
those that think Turkey is the
King of the North. What say ye
now? Besides the fact we have
ample evidence in Scripture,
Spirit of Prophecy and historic
record that the King of the
North is the Papacy, we now have
a Pope standing on Turkish soil
in the year 2014.
The Muslim
Brotherhood’s Inter-Faith
"The Tri-Faith Initiative was
begun to build a center
comprised of Temple Israel, a
new Episcopal church, and a
mosque the American Institute of
Islamic Studies and Culture in
West Omaha, forming “a
multi-faith neighborhood of
collaboration.” --This is
the long expected end result of
the Vatican II council. The
ecumenical movements of
Antichrist's obedient prelates
in Rome has finally come to
where a church is being built
that will house Jews, Christians
and Muslims under one roof. This
is what Rome must promote today
so as to have better control as
well as making it easier to spot
real Christians they plan to
persecute. In fact, they have
already started via Satan's
"soul to soul" network of fallen
Christians. What I mean is, have
you noticed lately many of you
in the obedient church have been
called unloving, hateful,
fanatical or even tagged a cult
by others that claim to be
Christians simply because you
cannot condone Allah is god,
homosexual marriage, abortion or
any other sin? That's right, we
are already starting to be
recognized by our long
prophesied "peculiar" faith.
Praise the Lord brothers and
sisters! We are that much closer
to Home!!
Vatican calls
on Muslim leaders to condemn
Christian persecution in Iraq
"The Vatican has called on
Muslim leaders to denounce
unambiguously the persecution of
Christians and Yazidis in Iraq -
and hinted that it is
considering breaking off
dialogue with Islamic
representatives if they fail to
do so." --Me thinks this is too
little too late Jorge. For those
with eyes that can see plain
truth, we know this is not at
all what it appears. If Rome was
so concerned for the plight of
Christians they would have
spoken up years ago to stop the
slaughter that now rivals
that of the Inquisition of the
Vatican wherein just as many
Christians were martyred each
year. But because they were more
interested in shoring up Islamic
powers in areas of Vatican
interest, they allowed the
killings to flourish off the
charts. A win win for the man of
sin seeing how
prophecy declares his
main goal is to kill Christians.
In fact, this Vatican statement
reminds me of similar
Inquisitional statements wherein
they were announced publicly so
as to slow the persecution at
times to see if their
efforts to replace the real
Christians with the weak ones
that converted to Catholicism
out of sheer terror was
successful in certain regions.
If it was, persecution ended. If
not, they started up again. Iraq
had over 1.2 million Christians
just a few short years ago, but
now, thanks to Rome and the
Whitehouse ignoring the
slaughter, they're now well
under 200,000 in number. No, I'm
not buying it. This is nothing
more than the Pope echoing the
exact same fabricated compassion
Pope Pius XII, aka Hitler's
Pope used when helping
Adolph Hitler kill the Jews and
Sabbath keeping Christians in
his day. After all, just as the
Vatican brought Hitler to power,
they have been also exposed as
doing the same with Islam. They
aren't about to shut down their
4th Reich unless they've used up
every political option to
slaughter their prey. Then as we
saw with Hitler, they will turn
their backs on their present
day puppets and Islam will
be doomed.
This Sunday as
Catholics Attend Mass, Muslims
Are Praying at The Vatican
"For the first time in history,
Islamic prayers and readings
from the Quran will be heard at
the Vatican on Sunday, in a move
by Pope Francis to usher in
peace between Israelis and
Palestinians." --Is this what
Jesus would do? No, not at all.
(See Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians
15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2
Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James
4:4.) However, it is what the
man of sin was prophesied to do.
This is the obvious first
step in getting Muslims to see
the importance of Sunday keeping
in obedience to Rome. It won't
be long now!
Israel, Palestinian Peace Prayer
June 8
"Francis has stressed that he is
not seeking to jumpstart peace
negotiations, but merely bring
the two sides together to pray.
He said he had arranged for a
rabbi and a Muslim cleric to
lead the prayers, along with
him." --Yes, we all know that
the Vatican is doing all it can
to enforce Islam as a viable
faith on the planet so as
to have the means to enforce her
mark on all. But were you also
aware that Rome's plans for
"peace" were prophesied long
ago, and it is by these means
"the little horn" of Daniel
7 shall "destroy many?" When
speaking of this beast in Rome,
Daniel 8:25 also says, "And
through his policy also he shall
cause craft to prosper in his
hand; and he shall magnify
himself in his heart, and by
peace shall destroy many: he
shall also stand up against the
Prince of princes; but he shall
be broken without hand." Now do
you see why the cloud in Orion
appears to be headed our way?
Pope Francis
on the Esplanade of Mosques: May
no one abuse the name of God
through violence!
"Pope Francis visited the
Esplanade of Mosques in
Jerusalem's old city barefooted.
He went to Al-Aqsa Mosque, the
third holiest place in Islam."
--As expected, he bows to the
false gods of Islam and calls
them his "dear brothers" so as
to further garner support for
his long prophesied ecumenical
movement, which without creating
the religion of Islam would be
impossible today. But here's why
I posted the video. His
hypocrisy is absolutely amazing
here. He stated, and I quote,
"May no one abuse the name of
God through violence." As
historic fact conformed long
ago, the office of Pope has
seen literally hundreds of
millions of innocent people
killed for their faith in
Christ, but worse yet, this Pope
is a Jesuit who in fact took the
Jesuit oath that repeats the
following bloodcurdling words,
STATEMENTS) "I furthermore
promise and declare that I will,
when opportunity present, make
and wage relentless war,
secretly or openly, against all
heretics, Protestants and
Liberals, as I am directed to
do, to extirpate and exterminate
them from the face of the whole
earth; and that I will spare
neither age, sex or condition;
and that I will hang, waste,
boil, flay, strangle and bury
alive these infamous heretics,
rip up the stomachs and wombs of
their women and crush their
infants' heads against the
walls, in order to annihilate
forever their execrable race.
That when the same cannot be
done openly, I will secretly use
the poisoned cup, the
strangulating cord, the steel of
the poniard or the leaden
bullet, regardless of the honor,
rank, dignity, or authority of
the person or persons, whatever
may be their condition in life,
either public or private, as I
at any time may be directed so
to do by any agent of the Pope
or Superior of the Brotherhood
of the Holy Faith, of the
Society of Jesus." (See entire
oath here) Sometimes it's that
easy to expose the hypocrite and
liar simultaneously. Or as
prophecy calls him, the man of
Pope Francis
in Middle East: 'He is our hero'
"Pope Francis is on a three-day
tour to the Middle East during
which he is visiting Jordan, the
Palestinian territories, and
Israel. It is the pontiff's
first visit to the Holy Land
since his election last year."
--When I was a teen I saw a News
Reporter ask an Orthodox Jew on
camera the following question.
(I must paraphrase as the
statement was made decades ago)
"As a Jew, your people have been
at war for thousands of years.
Will you ever find peace?" What
the Jew said next I remember
word for word. So there is no
need for me to paraphrase his
response. He said, and I quote,
"We would follow Antichrist
himself if he offered us peace."
This is EXACTLY what they're
doing today! In fact, Jesus said
long ago in John 5:43, "I am
come in my Father's name, and ye
receive me not: if another shall
come in his own name, him ye
will receive."
Christians and
Muslims join forces to combat
modern slavery
"The Roman Catholic Church,
Church of England and al-Azhar,
the Cairo-based seat of Sunni
Muslim learning, came together
on Monday for a rare display of
interfaith action among them in
calling for an end to modern
slavery within 20 years."
--Question, why is it Muslims
are killing Christians all over
the world and showing all sorts
of hatred towards everything
that is Christian, yet they join
hands on a regular basis with
the so called Christian church
of Rome? It's because they are
working together to kill the
Christians that don't bow to
Vatican dogma just as prophecy
predicted they would.
Pope Francis
to Muslims, Jews and Catholics:
"we have the same Father"
"Pope Francis welcomed an
inter-religious group from
Argentina made up of 15 Jews, 15
Muslims and 15 Christians. They
were on their way back from a
pilgrimage to the Holy Land."
--If we have the same Father,
why is it the Jews deny Jesus as
Lord and the Muslims kill as
many Christians as they can?
Even a 6 year old child with the
ability to read a Newspaper can
see, this Pope is lying. If we
all had the same Father, we
would all be Christians. Period.
The God of Heaven is not a God
of confusion. But the god of
Hell is in fact prophesied to be
"the" god of confusion.
Catholics find God in Islam
"Why are some Mexicans leaving
the Catholic Church and
converting? The reasons are as
diverse as the population. Some
question Catholic doctrine and
the concept of the Trinity three
Gods in one, Father, Son and
Holy Spirit as opposed to one
God in Islam. Others express
disgust in ongoing allegations
of sex scandals and pederasty
that have plagued the church in
the past decade. Still others
say they want to have a better
understanding of Islam." --I was
wondering when we were
going to see an article like
this popping up Now that
the Pope is pushing Islam in
every nation on earth, it will
make the transition effortless
for even more to jump ship or
"gather as one" with Islam as
per Vatican II command. The more
the merrier for when the
guillotines are brought out of
mothballs. Problem is, both
ships are sinking fast. Still
it's a win win for Rome seeing
how they will still benefit
by any schism that results.
After all, they don't see it as
a schism since they invented
Islam in the first place. And
yes, that too is why some are
leaving Rome for Islam. After
all, they don't care what
church you gather in now as long
as it's part of the One World
Church, of which the Pope in
Rome stands as leader. This is
why Vatican II was considered so
evil by men of God with eyes
that understood prophecy back
when it was discussed and penned
in the early 1960's. Prophecy
stated all the people will
gather to worship the beast did
it not? Is your church part of
the World Council of churches?
If you're Catholic, Protestant,
or SDA, then YES, the Pope is
YOUR leader. Now do you see why
the SDR church is so hated?
Muslim and
Christian accord in the wings?
"A Vatican envoy recently
visited al-Azhar to discuss
resuming relations cut off in
2011 after Benedict condemned
attacks on Christians in Egypt,
Iraq and Nigeria. Francis is
preparing a visit to Jordan,
Israel and the Palestinian
Territories which would have
Vatican relations with the
Muslim world on its agenda."
--Now do you see why all the
churches, including the SDA
church have been promoting
Christians and Islamic
relations? Or as they like to
call it, "Chrislam?" Rome's
Vatican II ecumenical agenda
must be met. The only way to do
so is to gather non-Christians
with the lukewarm Christians
under one roof. So, before
solidifying the deal on paper,
they had to push Islam into the
church as acceptable, even
though Muslims are killing 1
Christians every 2 minutes. Now
that all the Christian churches
are ready to accept the
amalgamation, they can now
proceed with religious
legislation among all the
churches. Well.. all except the
remnant of her seed of course.
Francis to
refugees: Christian or Muslim,
faith your parents instilled
will help you move on
"Pope Francis' visit with a
group of refugees at the Sacred
Heart parish can best be
described as simple, warm, and
relaxed." --Like all Popes, he
too claims to represent Christ
on earth, yet at every
opportunity he does the exact
opposite of what our Lord Jesus
would do. For example, did the
Lord say the biblically
corrupted faith of the Pharisees
would "help you move on?" Or did
He say in "beware of the leaven
of the Pharisees" in Matthew
16:6? If this Pope, or any Pope
was a real Bible believing
Christian, they would never tell
Muslims the Quran would "help
them move on" in their faith. He
would lovingly instruct them to
seek out Jesus. But then, this
Pope like all others before him
is in fact Antichrist, and being
as such will use craftiness as
the prophet Daniel predicted so
as to confuse those that refuse
to read Bibles. Which in today's
world is
the overwhelming majority. And
so, as prophecy stated long ago,
all the world will wonder after
this man of sin as well.
Muslim and
Catholic youth united on Staten
Island to feed the homeless
"Building on the shared
religious teachings of social
justice and eschewing a
worldwide trend of conflict,
Muslim and Roman Catholic teens
cooked together on a recent
Sunday at the Staten Island
Interfaith Stew for the Homeless
in Tompkinsville." --Was it a
selfless act? Or was it a
political public relations ploy
so as to gain more acceptance
for Islam among the nations?
Keep readinbg and see that yes,
the Pope is all about pushing
Islam into society so as to have
the tools needs for the
prophesied beheading of
Christians that refuse the Popes
University: the Muslim Vatican?
"Al-Azhar University in Cairo
has been a highly respected
intellectual center for Sunni
Islam throughout the Muslim
world for more than 1,000 years.
It is also an institution
heavily involved in Egyptian
secular politics. We featured
Al-Azhar University last week on
"Interfaith Voices" as we
continued our "God and
Government" series in Egypt. At
one point, I asked one of our
analysts, Jessica Winegar of
Northwestern University, if
there were any institution in
the world comparable to
Al-Azhar. "Maybe the Vatican,"
she replied." --This should not
surprise anyone that has been
watching how Rome and Islam have
been working hand in hand the
last few years. The fact Islam
was invented and nurtured by the
Vatican makes the obvious end
result in Islam being an
emulation in how the Vatican,
which claims to be a church, is
so boldly involved in the
politics of the day. Like father
like son.
Pope Francis
Meets With Head of International
Islamic Organization
"The pope met with the head of
an international Islamic
organization on Friday, a
meeting that was characterized
as the first-ever for the group.
...Francis also held an
ecumenical meeting in March,
greeting Christian, Muslim and
Jewish leaders, as well as those
who ascribe to no faith at all.
During the occasion, he praised
the Muslim leaders that had come
for the meeting, remarking that
they were men who “adore
the one, living, and merciful
God and who call upon Him in
prayer." --It appears the Pope
hates Jesus Christ Himself, or
simply despises His written
Word. Specifically the passages
that declare we must not
associate with nonbelievers.
Some are found in Amos 3:3, 1
Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians
6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14
and James 4:4. Either the Pope
needs to obey Jesus, who he
claims to "replace" as per
Vatican dogma, or he needs to
openly declare himself
Antichrist and get it over
with. You can't claim both
positions while there are still
people on earth with the ability
to read a Bible.
Catholic university installs
mini-mosques and Islamic foot
baths for Muslims
"For the first time in its
128-year history, the University
of St. Thomas has its own
Islamic prayer rooms, as well as
ritual washing stations for
observant Muslims. The prayer
rooms, which opened in
September, reflect the surging
number of students from Middle
Eastern countries flocking to
the Catholic university in St.
Paul." --Surprised? Nor am I.
The Roman Catholic church much
pander to their brainchild so as
to assure their agenda is met.
What amazes me is the glaringly
prejudice manner in which they
did this. For over 100 years
they've had all sorts of
students in that University. Yet
never have they done anything
like this for Jews, Protestants,
Buddhists, or any other religion
on earth. Why only the Muslims?
Texas Wesleyan
University Offers Prayer Room
for Muslim Students
"Controversy is stirring over a
recent news report surrounding a
special prayer room at Texas
Wesleyan University that was
established at the request of a
Muslim student group."
--Chrislam is spreading far and
wide among the churches of
today. Including the SDA church.
After all, prophecy did say that
the Protestant churches would
reach out to Rome in agreement
right near the end. And we all
know Rome invented and then
spearheaded the evangelization
of the Islamic faith all
across the globe. And seeing how
all the churches must bow to the
Pope's demands since joining
under his leadership in the One
World Church on June 26, 2000,
they have no choice but to do
exactly as prophecy said they
legislator to Raw Story:
‘Our country wasn’t
founded on the Koran!’
"Alabama State Rep.
DuWayne Bridges proposed an
amendment to the state’s
constitution on Monday that
would allow public schools and
other state properties to
display the Ten Commandments
from the Old Testament of the
Christian Bible. When Raw Story
telephoned the legislator to ask
if similar efforts would be made
to display Judaic and Islamic
documents, Bridges became angry
and hung up." --And rightly so!
The simple historic fact is,
neither the Jews or the Muslims
founded America. It was the
Christians that did this. So why
is it we are asked to lie to our
kids while displaying
anti-Christian symbols next to
the Ten Commandments? Question:
When you visit a Middle East
nation wherein Allah is
worshipped, do they tolerate
Christianity there? No, not at
all. Why is it America does? Ask
the Pope.
"Authentic" Islam opposes
"Pope Francis’ insistence
in a new document that
“authentic Islam and the
proper reading of the Quran are
opposed to every form of
violence” is drawing
negative reviews from some
analysts of the religion who
point to the Islamic holy
book’s calls to wage war
against non-believers." --There
you have it! We all know by
seeing how Roman Catholicism is
86.2% Pagan doctrine; in fact,
the prelates of Rome admit this!
That fact alone proves the popes
don't read Bibles. But now we
also have proof the Popes don't
even read the Quran before
commenting on its contents.
There are literally scores of
verses in the Quran that command
the Muslim to kill Christians.
Just scanning the Quran will
cause you to eventually find at
least a few verses about "the
infidel" that all Muslims define
as Christians. But nothing
illustrates the Pope is lying
better than the fact a Christian
dies every 2 minutes on earth as
we speak due to a Muslim killing
them for their faith. And yes,
these martyrs were prophesied to
be killed. It's called the
little time of trouble that
comes directly before the time
of Jacob's trouble, or the "7
last plagues" as the lost
and all those following the Pope
will experience it as.
Catholic Mary
of Lebanon blessed in Church in
"This is the “Virgin
Mary’s face”, in
Arabic. The title is from the
19th chapter of the Koran, which
is dedicated to the Madonna. In
her crown, an Arab crescent, the
symbol of Islam, is placed on
one side of the cross. The Star
of David, the symbol of Judaism,
is on the other side." --As
expected, Rome's love affair
with Islam is moving ahead just
as planned. We know Rome created
Islam so as to have their
political "weapon" of choice
available for today. As one of
their leaders did on camera not
too long ago, soon all the
Muslims will also bow to Rome's
dogmatic demands just as the
Jews did last February. How long
will it take? Does it matter? As
obedient Christians we know
prophecy will be fulfilled to
the letter. What we need to
concern ourselves with now is
straightening the path we walk
on so as to meet the Lord in the
Rome opens its
doors to Saudi muslim dance,
music and fashion
"For a few moments, the heart of
Rome beat to the rhythm of Saudi
music. It marked 80 years of
friendship between Italy and
Saudi Arabia. To celebrate, the
Middle Eastern showcased its
culture at a special event at
Piazza del Popolo, a very
strategic location." --What
most, including Catholics, miss
here is the Vatican is not only
a State, it is considered a
church. Allowing Muslims to
dance and sing like this is no
different than letting Muslims
preach their strange culture in
a church setting. As expected,
Rome is going to continue to
flaunt their love for Islam, who
have now slowed their forward
motion of attack against
Christians the world over to the
tune of one martyred Christian
every 2 minutes. Centuries ago,
if someone attacked your people,
there would be war to protect
your people. Today, the
Vatican rewards Islam for
killing Christians. By the way,
this proves Christians are not
"Rome's people." Sadly, Muslims
also kill Catholics. That
further confirms Rome kills
their own as well. But then,
many knew that when Roman
Catholic Dictator Adolph Hitler
ran rampant. In any event, for
Rome to embrace Islam like this
while EVERYONE knows how
bloodthirsty they are, only
further confirms the prophecy
regarding the man of sin in
The Vatican:
“allah” the savior
of Catholics and Muslims
"To accept “God” as
“Allah” in
Malay-language bibles and other
literature are “logical
and acceptable." [said]
Archbishop Joseph Marino, the
Vatican’s first official
envoy to Malaysia." --What's
worse? The SDA Church agrees
100% with that statement. Click
here for two videos confirming
that as an undeniable fact. If
you're SDA and plan to email me
about that statement, click here
before doing so. There's an
awful lot of information your
pastors are not sharing from the
Spirit of Prophecy about the
prophesied state of your church.
Then click here to see what
Jesus said in Matthew 20:1-7
about who it was that would
finish the work the SDA church
started in the 9th hour, but
failed to do in the 11th.
Muslim leader
says Pope Francis
‘resonates with the Muslim
"The president of the Islamic
Affairs Council of Maryland
offered high praise for Pope
Francis, saying the Catholic
leader “resonates with the
Muslim world,” much like
the saint from whom he takes his
name." --Why would a Muslim say
that? For the same reason Arafat
kissed Pope John Paul II in an
act of open worship before the
Muslim world. These two
political entities MUST work
together to
complete Satan's well
prophesied plans. The only
way to get all the Muslims into
a group hug with the Pope is to
get their leaders to openly
praise and worship the man of
sin. This is also why the SDA
church and all the other
churches are joining with Islam
to create Chrislam. The remnant
people must be surrounded. Not
to worry though brothers and
sisters. This is when our God
shines the most! They're not
picking a fight with us. As king
David proved long ago, it's the
Creator God they're picking this
fight with. Little do they know
that "It is a fearful thing
to fall into the hands of the
living God." -Hebrews 10:31
Pope Francis
and Islam: following papal
"This isn't the first time Pope
Francis has expressed his
"respect" for Islam. In July, he
even went so far as to tell
Muslims that he expected their
Ramadan observances to "bear
abundant spiritual fruit," when
according to the Qur'an, the
purpose of Ramadan is to
"magnify Allah," the false god
that Catholics readily recognize
as the figment of Muhammad's
imagination." --That's right,
even the Catholics don't agree
with their own Pope. In fact,
many already see him as
"anti-Pope." But does this make
them realize they need to "come
out of Babylon?" Yes, some do
see it and are blessed by their
obedient act. Sadly, the
overwhelming majority won't
leave. And because they refuse
to leave, Satan can use their
disobedience to further fan his
hellish flames so as to bring in
Muslims, Buddhists and yes even
card carrying Atheists into
their number. And all of them
will join in together without
denouncing their false gods so
as to join hand in hand to
worship Satan, which in turn
leads them to eternal
destruction. Only the obedient
can claim the promise of eternal
life. For it is written in
Proverbs 11:21, "Though hand
join in hand, the wicked shall
not be unpunished: but the seed
of the righteous shall be
French imams
to meet pope
"A group of 10 French imams will
meet Pope Francis on Wednesday
in the latest sign of
rapprochement between the
Vatican and the Muslim world."
--2 Corinthians 6:14 says, "Be
ye not unequally yoked together
with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness
with unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with
darkness?" Now do you see why
the Popes have always declared
their hatred of the Word of God
in writing? It exposes them as
devil worshipers. And no, I
don't say that with sarcasm.
Truth is truth! In fact, they
have already been caught holding
a Satanic mass in the Vatican
confirming they ARE devil
worshipers. But then, what
better way to destroy
Christianity then to act as if
they are Christians? Isn't that
what propehcy said they would
Muslim Brotherhood Is a Masonic
Mafia Movement, US Sponsors
"no comments posted on video"
--If this turns out to be true,
then we have yet another smoking
gun that connects the Vatican to
the Muslims and their hell
inspired hatred of Christians.
The Popes, with the exception of
John Paul I who was murdered for
trying to remove the Masons from
Rome and then replaced by John
Paul II, were all in bed with
Masonry, which mounting evidence
shows its inception being within
Vatican walls. And no, I am not
pointing the finger at Rome
again because I have a personal
vendetta against them as some
assume. The facts are the facts,
and Satan claims the Vatican as
his throne as is obvious by well
documented Papal characteristics
over time. Prophecy says all
evil will stem from this church
because it is Satan's home base
while trapped on this planet.
Common sense, and a rather basic
understanding of the Christian
Bible, along with its well
documented outline exposing the
character and plans of the
enemy of souls grants us the
eyes to see this clearly. But
for those that doubt the Muslim
connection, click here. And for
those that doubt the Masonic
connection, click here.
Christians and
Muslims pray together
"Muslims and Christians came
together in St. Peter’s
Square today and prayed using
words from their own religions.
Many described this as
“the miracle” of
Pope Francis’ ecumenical
appeal during today’s fast
and four-hour long vigil of
prayer which broke the barriers
of faith in an attempt to stop
the war in Syria. 100,000 came
to St. Peter’s Square in
the late afternoon to join the
Pope in his appeal for peace."
--First of all, Catholics are
not being taught to be
Christians by their leaders.
Sure, they are taught to claim
Christ Lord, but their doctrinal
foundation is not found in
Scripture. They are not
obedient Christians according to
the Christian Bible. Still,
some are trying their best to
love the Lord and it is
for those Revelation 18:1-5
was written. Until they leave
that church, they are just as
manipulated in their Catechism
as the Muslim is in their
Koran. Rome actually wrote both
books. Secondly, as the prophet
Daniel warned, the Popes "by
peace shall destroy many."
(Daniel 8:25) This is an age old
tactic of Rome. They start wars
behind closed doors and then act
as if they want peace in public
so as to get the people to
believe they are innocent of the
blood of millions. Soon, as
prophecy also predicts, ALL will
know the truth about Rome. VERY
soon. (See Revelation 18:5-9)
Jordan's king
discuss need for dialogue in
Syria with pope Francis
"Seemingly caught in the midst
of the current Middle East
crisis, Jordan's King Abdullah
II and his wife, Queen Rania,
met with Pope Francis for a
brief audience at the Vatican."
--What business does a "church"
have in politics? None! UNLESS
that church is home to Satan,
the author of corrupt politics.
The Vatican is not just a
"church." It's also a political
entity just as prophecy
predicted it would be. Also keep
in mind that the Syrian people
by majority are Muslim. There is
no need to speak to the Pope
UNLESS it's as students of
prophecy have been stating for
eons. The Popes control the
politics of the world because,
as prophecy also predicts, he
has plans to rule the planet. So
of course, in today's age of
lying and corrupt politics,
Syria needs to talk with the
Pope. His prophesied love affair
with Islam dictates loudly that
it's only due to the Pope's
influence in that region that we
see war in the first place..
The Pope
encourages dialogue and mutual
respect with our Muslim brothers
"Muslims are “our
brothers” and Christians
must cultivate “mutual
respect” with them. These
were the words of Pope Francis
yesterday during the Angelus, a
message which could signal a
turnaround in the relationship
between the Catholic Church and
Islam." --This Pope just called
Jesus Christ a liar before all
of mankind! Jesus said in
Matthew 12:50, "For whosoever
shall do the will of my Father
which is in heaven, the same is
my brother, and sister, and
mother." Muslims openly hate
Jesus Christ and His people so
much that they kill one of His
followers every 2.5 minutes. How
can this man claim they are our
brothers when they want to kill
every one of us? It's because
the Vatican, most Protestant
churches, and the SDA church are
hell-bent on joining with the
Muslims as "brothers" because
Satan demands this ecumenical
movement of his followers so as
to have all under one roof when
it comes time to force them all
to bow to him in worship. The
man of sin in Rome must have all
religions under his thumb if his
plans to enforce a mark upon his
subjects is ever to be
successful. It's hellish
statements like this that make
those that are called to
proclaim the Loud Cry that much
louder! Maranatha!
Americans leaving Catholicism
for Islam
"With more than 50 million
Hispanics living in the US, the
Latino community is now the
country's biggest minority.
While most are brought up within
the Catholic Church, a number of
them are turning to Islam." --As
most evangelists will tell you,
Hispanics are a very zealous
people when it comes to their
faith. That being said, can you
see why so many are converting
to Islam? No, it's not because
it's the right thing to do; it's
because they have been lied to
for so long by Rome that they
were easy targets of Islamic
evangelists. Especially since
their Pope sanctions Islam as if
it is of God. When you base
your faith on lie, "new and
improved" lies will work just as
well. And now that 50 million
Mexicans are living in America,
one can see a means by which to
grant a strong political base
when their numbers grow
exponentially. Now do you see
why the Vatican has their
schools teaching Islam? Satan
has already been admitted as the
one that runs this church. He
doesn't care if they kill the
Christians for Rome or for
Islam, as long as the task is
done. When it comes to pawns,
Rome is the largest pawn of
Satan. Her fruits have confirmed
that 100 fold.
Butchers on
the day of Ashura and
“Holy week”
"The butchers of Islam and
Catholicism have a lot in
common. Like the defense of
sacrifice of human blood to
Moloch." --These are some of the
bloodiest pictures I've ever
seen. It seems that both Muslims
and Catholics do the same thing
when it comes to self
mutilation for their "god."
As you see how they have no
problem doing this to their own
bodies, I have to ask how hard
will it be for them to do this
to YOUR body when the Pope
demands the deaths of those that
refuse to receive the mark of
the beast?
The Vatican:
“allah” the savior
of Catholics and Muslims
"To accept “God” as
“Allah” in
Malay-language bibles and other
literature are “logical
and acceptable”. This are
the words of Archbishop Joseph
Marino, the Vatican’s
first official envoy to
Malaysia." --Sounds just like
the SDA pastors that declare the
Christian God is Allah doesn't
it? And still some SDA's can't
see their church has become a
sister to fallen Babylon just as
both Scripture and Spirit of
Prophecy predicted? Sadly, their
desire to remain
lukewarm was also
Muslims use
schools to secure foothold in
"The decision of the Catholic
University of Leuven, the oldest
university in Belgium and a
major contributor to the
development of Roman Catholic
theology for more than 500
years to offer a degree in
Islamic theology beginning in
2014 caught the attention of
Soeren Kern, a senior fellow
with the New York-based
Gatestone Institute as well as a
senior fellow at the
Madrid-based Strategic Studies
Group." --The fact the Pope is
once again pushing Islam in the
schools not only confirms he is
a friend to Islam and agrees
with their evil plans for
the Christians; the
documentation we now have that
suggests the Vatican church
as the inventor of the Islamic
faith is now boldly confirmed as
Pope calls for
"mutual respect" between Muslims
and Christians
"We are called to respect the
religion of the other, its
teachings, its symbols, its
values," he said in a statement
distributed by the Vatican press
office." --There's nothing wrong
with showing respect to your
fellowman, as is this is one way
to break the ice in sharing
Jesus. But according to
Scripture, uplifting their false
gods and rituals is going
directly against God's written
will. For confirmation see Amos
3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2
Corinthians 6:14,17, 2
Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James
4:4. One would think a man who
claims to be "God on earth"
would at least know the Word of
God says this. But prophecy does
say the Pope will trample the
Word underfoot as well
as belittle and twist it as
often as possible. This is why
this Pope, and all others before
him have done just that over the
centuries. When you allow Satan
to possess you so as to gain the
ultimate seat of political
power, your fruits will be as
transparent as the lies that
built it. And no, this is not
"Catholic bashing" as
many claim. It is the duty
of every watchman on the wall to
expose the man of sin just as
John the Baptist exposed the
"generation of vipers) in his
day. (See Matthew 3:7)
The Vatican:
“allah” the savior
of Catholics and Muslims
"Muslims had denounced the
verdict, claiming
“Allah” is exclusive
to Islam. The government decided
to appeal the ruling after
several places of worship were
fire-bombed." --Amazing isn't
it? The Roman Catholic church
and the Seventh Day Adventist
church, along with all the rest
of Babylon's daughters pushing
"Chrislam", have declared "Allah
is the Christian God." Besides
the fact obedient Christians
have been exposing this as a lie
and besides the fact Muslims
themselves declared Allah is not
the Christian God, so much so
they actually took them to court
to try and stop them from using
"Allah" in their Christian
Bibles, the Vatican and all
those "wondering after the
beast" keep claiming "Allah is
Pope Francis
greets Muslims for the start of
"During his visit to the island
of Lampedusa, the Pope sent his
best wishes to Muslims in light
of the start of the Ramadan. The
Pope greeted them by saying
'o'scià', which is a
phrase in the island's dialect
meaning 'my breath' and is used
by locals as a friendly
greeting." --Would Jesus join
with those that hate Him and His
people? No He would not. Would
the man of sin do this?
Obviously, yes. The Word of our
God is plain about joining with,
or glorifying the false gods of
the lost. But then, Antichrist
is actually the leader of all
the false gods anyway, and being
as such will do all he can to
uplift them above Christ.
The Vatican
and Islam
"Since Pope John Paul II’s
tenure, the Catholic Church has
refused to hold Muslim
theologians and clergy
accountable for the hatred and
violence many of them preach.
Instead, the Vatican promotes
dialogue and mutual
understanding at all costs
– even at the cost of
moral credibility." --This is
one article anyone with
confusion about how closely
Islam and the Popes are working
together need to read! It also
agrees with what most persecuted
Christians have seen. Not only
do the Popes turn a blind eye to
it all, they also refuse to help
the Christians with even a
meager meal or two, even though
the Vatican has trillions in
assets to draw on. This is one
well researched and well written
article to say the least.
Website declares Muslims worship
Christian God
On this Vatican website link,
scroll to section 16 of chapter
2 and you will find, "In the
first place amongst these there
are the Muslims, who, professing
to hold the faith of Abraham,
along with us adore the one and
merciful God, who on the last
day will judge mankind." --The
Vatican can claim Muslims
worship the same merciful God of
the Christian all they like. The
SDA church can also claim this
as well as state their Koran
holds the same truths as the
Christian Bible. But the few
Christians that know the Creator
God today can attest to; killing
innocent people so as to gain a
political edge and power is not
the character of the merciful
Christian God. It is the
character of Satan, His enemy.
This is just one more bit of
evidence piling up on the
Vatican regarding their desire
to uplift Islam as they did
Hitler in his day for an agenda
most on this planet have no clue
is coming their way.
Mosque has
torture chamber
"An attorney and human rights
activist in Egypt says a mosque
in Cairo has installed a torture
chamber, and it is being used to
terrorize Christians and others
there." --Some may not believe
that the Roman Catholic church
invented the religion of Islam.
Perhaps this will help. There
are only two churches on the
planet that have torture
chambers inside their buildings.
The Roman Catholic church, and
the church of Islam.
In Pope
Francis, other faiths see a
"Vatican insiders say
Francis’s history of
building bridges, along with his
attempt to quickly transform the
lofty office of the papacy
through humanity and simplicity,
may already be paying off." --As
you read this article and read
what those in non-Christian
"faiths" including those
within Islam have to say
regarding their love for this
Pope, you begin to see Vatican
II's agenda is
finally coming to a close.
The mortal wound is scabbed over
and soon the Pope will have
every weak Christian and
non-Christian faith on earth in
agreement with Catholicism
regardless of what Amos 3:3, 1
Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians
6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians 3:14
and James 4:4 says. So be it.
This is just another signpost on
the road that declares we are
very close to our final
Pope Francis
Wants to Partner With Islam to
Tackle Poverty
"In this work (peace building),
the role of religion is
fundamental. It is not possible
to build bridges between people
while forgetting God." --It's
bad enough this man is openly
joining hands with the #1 killer
of Christians today, but
claiming this a means to peace
is exactly what prophecy
predicted about Rome's methods
to destroy. For it is written in
Daniel 8:25 that his "peace
shall destroy many." Praise God
that this very same
prophecy also declared that "he
shall also stand up against the
Prince of princes; but he shall
be broken without hand." Our
Lord is about to put an end to
all of this. SOON! Maranatha!
The Muslim
"The Bible and the Quran both
agree that Jesus was born by
miraculous birth to the Virgin
Mary. There is a chapter in the
Quran named Mary and she is
mentioned 34 times in the Quran,
which is much more than the
entire New Testament. She is
honored greatly in Islam and is
celebrated as a role model for
Muslim women worldwide." --For
centuries, most true Christians
were able to expose the Muslim
Koran as a book written by Rome
by simply pointing out how both
religions worship Mary. But now,
we actually have documentation
proving the Mary worshipping
Vatican did in fact invent the
religion of Islam. So our work
became that much easier to share
with our Catholic
neighbors. Bottom line is
that, just as Rome worships Mary
while killing Christians,
Muslims also worship Mary while
killing Christians. And yes,
they do worship her as per bible
definition. Rome and Islam will
deny that of course. But that
doesn't change the truth
regarding the way they both
uplift Mary to the status of
Pope refers to
"Muslim brothers" on Good Friday
"Pope Francis reached out in
friendship to "so many Muslim
brothers and sisters" during a
Good Friday procession dedicated
to the suffering of Christians
from terrorism, war and
religious fanaticism in the
Middle East." --It may appear
this Pope is disconnected with
reality by calling Muslims
brethren, but there is a
prophesied madness to his
methods. The more he uplifts the
Muslims, that are right now
killing a Christian every 2.6
minutes, the more the Catholics
and those that trust the Pope
will water down their obedience
to the Christian God so as to
join in worship with the
Muslims. And then we will see
the entire planet focused
with hatred on the small remnant
that is obedient to the Lord.
Armageddon is on track to arrive
soon. Does that make Christians
fearful? Only those that are
weak in the faith will sink in
despair when they take their
eyes off of Jesus. The rest will
of course stand firm and
glorify the Lord just as
prophecy says we will.
Pope Francis
ritual raises hope for better
ties with Islam
"The inclusion of two Muslims in
a foot-washing ceremony by Pope
Francis is one of several
gestures of openness towards the
Muslim world that could change
perceptions of the Vatican,
observers said." --Again, the
Bible plainly says not to yoke
unequally with nonbelievers.
(See Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians
15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2
Thessalonians 3:14 and James
4:4) Yet every chance this Pope
gets he does the exact opposite.
And now he is washing their
feet? Is it any wonder Muslims
kill a Christian every 2.6
minutes of each and every day
now? If the Pope was a Christian
he would know that doing the
right thing can be hard
sometimes. But obedience to the
Lord always guarantees the
blessing. And when it comes to
those that come against the
church of Jesus Christ. The
obedience of the faithful always
generates a major judgment to
fall upon those that hate the
Lord and His people. Just to
name a few, need I remind you of
Noah? Pharaoh and his men at the
Red Sea? Goliath? Haman? The men
that tossed Daniel in the lions
den? Yes, obedience
can be a trying task at times.
But God's people have always
been known to choose obedience
so as to allow the Lord to be
glorified before the world. And
that's EXACTLY what the "remnant
of her seed" will do today!
Convert, Leaves Catholic Church,
Says It's Too Weak Against Islam
"A high-profile Italian Muslim
who converted to Catholicism and
was baptized by Pope Benedict
XVI announced on Monday (March
25) that he will leave the
church to protest its soft
stance against Islam." --Soft
stance? Me thinks that comment
is soft in and of itself. What I
mean is; Rome hasn't taken a
soft stance "against" Islam at
all. They are spearheading a
global recognition of Islam as
holy. In any event, the fact
this man is leavign the church
due to their ecumenical work
with Islam speaks volumes as to
what's up here. He used to be a
Muslim. He converts to
Catholicism and sees Islam in
the church. So he has to leave
Catholicism as well now, seeing
how it's moving towards the
false faith he left. Thsi
reminds me of the SDA church.
When I left the Catholic church,
I eventually became a Sabbath
keeper. One day I walked into an
SDA church. But I saw all sorts
of Catholic dogma and ritualism
in the church. I tried to warn
the pastor and some of the
people, but they ignored me.
So.. I left never to become a
Pope Francis:
'I Am Thinking Particularly of
Dialogue With Islam'
"Speaking on Friday at an
audience held for diplomats
accredited to the Vatican, Pope
Francis said that he hoped to
"intensify dialogue" with other
religion, particularly Islam. He
noted the pope is also known as
the "pontiff", or "a builder of
bridges", and that St. Francis
was a peacemaker." --Sometimes
they make it so easy to prove
the Popes are Antichrist. When
speaking of Antichrist in
prophecy, Daniel 8:25 says, "And
through his policy also he shall
cause craft to prosper in his
hand; and he shall magnify
himself in his heart, and by
peace shall destroy many: he
shall also stand up against the
Prince of princes; but he shall
be broken without hand." Yes, he
will use peace, and
yes many will be eternally
destroyed by following his lead.
But praise God the prophecy also
says the Lord Himself will
finally put an end to this
New pope
pledges to reach out to Islam
"Pope Francis pledged Friday to
strengthen ties between the
Catholic Church and other
religions, particularly with
Islam, a day after a major
Muslim group called on him to do
so." --Surprised? Neither am I.
The Bible says not to yolk
unequally with non-believers, so
Rome naturally does the
exact opposite of what the Bible
says. But then, we've known this
is how they work for eons.
What's interesting is how he is
doing exactly as students of
prophecy predicted he would do
long before he even gained the
title of Pope. And being a
Jesuit, where he must swear an
oath to murder innocent men,
women and children for the
church, he will obviously
have good relations with
Islam rather quickly since they
too see no wrong in killing for
their church. Soon we will see
the Vatican and Islam working
hand in hand to kill as many
Christians as possible. However,
just as the Pope hid his actions
behind closed doors with Hitler,
the Pope will do the same with
Islam UNTIL the death
sentence is put forth on the
remnant people that refuse to
bow to Rome's Sabbath.
Pope Francis
'a friend of the Islamic
"Argentine Muslims have welcomed
the election of Argentine
cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio
as the head of the Roman
Cathoilic Church. ...“He
always showed himself as a
friend of the Islamic community.
He visited the At-Tauhid Mosque
(located) in the neighborhood of
Floresta and the Arab-Argentine
Ali Ibn Abi Talib School
strengthening our
relations”, the Director
of the House for the Diffusion
of Islam Sheik Mohsen Ali said
and described a personal
anecdote with the man that has
now become “the Pope of
the end of the world.”
--Totally expected seeing how
the Vatican invented Islam in
the first place. As for their
joking anecdotes about the end
of the world. They can joke all
they want. When that Easter sky
splits I'm sure all the laughing
will cease. Please pray they
wise up before then.
Roman Catholic
Cardinal prays to Allah
"no comments posted on video"
--This Roman Catholic News video
reports that Cardinal Philippe
Barbarin stepped into a Mosque
and actually prayed to Allah
with Muslims for prisoners that
were kidnapped. The reporter
confirmed this in that she
said he did in fact pray to
the "Islamic moon god." Then
later in the same report it is
stated that in 2010 at the end
of a Catholic mass this very
same Cardinal read portions of
the Koran to his Catholic
congregation. Worse yet, he
recited the Islamic creed before
the people as well! Keep in
mind, Cardinals hold the highest
position in the church second
only to the pope. Whenever a
pope is elected it's a cardinal
that becomes pope. That being
the case, one needs to
understand that sinful acts like
this are only allowed after
clearing them with the pope in
advance. Why are he and other
Vatican prelates promoting Islam
as a viable religion?
Students made
to wear burqas in Texas
"The teacher in the burqa
lesson, according to a student,
also said, “I do not
necessarily agree with this, but
I am supposed to teach you that
we are not to call these people
terrorists anymore, but freedom
fighters." --In other words,
they are going to uplift Islam,
a religion created by the
Vatican, so as to have them as a
viable part of the community. Is
it finally beginning to look
more and more like Rome plans to
use bloodthirsty "freedom
fighters" when it comes time to
enforce her mark? I say again,
prophecy says Christian will be
beheaded. In today's society
only one "religion" uses
beheading on a regular basis.
No, Islam is not Antichrist!
Scripture and Historic fact
proves that in a big way. (Click
here for the proof) What I am
saying is, just as the Vatican
used Hitler to kill millions,
they are about to use Islam to
do the same.
religious leaders express esteem
for Benedict XVI
"The138 Muslim wise men who
wrote a letter to Benedict XVI
in 2007 in response to a
controversial speech he gave in
Regensburg are now calling his
resignation a "last act to serve
as a good example" --This was
all choreographed years ago. It
allows Ratzinger the chance to
orchestrate his exit so as to
assure some sort of legacy that
evades the fact that he was the
first pope to be served papers
to appear in court due to his
molestation scandals and the
fact he now plans to run into
hiding under diplomatic immunity
to avoid prosecution. The other
toss of this coin grants a
viable opportunity to catapult
the long expected "better"
Vatican Islam relations. This
role reversal of Islam in
joining hands with the pope
reminds me of Yassir
Arafat photographed bowing
in worship to the Pope right
before they poisoned him. In any
event, I am sure the next
pope will build on this
Islam/Vatican "relations"
(merger) to the point of a
great persecution for the true
Christians the world over. And
no, just as they don't advertise
the 200,000 Christians being
martyred annually today, they
won't be allowing the real
numbers of deaths made public
then either. They will however
report on them from time to time
just enough to keep the weak
Christians fearful enough to
keep quite. The obedient of
course will be who the Lord uses
to bring the loud cry to a
global roar!
government: adopted children
from Morocco must be raised as
"The agreement obliges the
Spanish government to establish
a 'control mechanism' that would
enable Moroccan religious
authorities to monitor the
children until they reach the
age of 18 to ensure they have
not converted to Christianity."
--Keep in mind, the political
leaders of Spain are by majority
Roman Catholic! The population
itself is 71% Catholic, and
Spain's king, Juan Carlos, is in
fact a Roman Catholic himself.
Need I say more?
Nostra Aetate;
Visiting Muslim and Catholic
"Recently Aquinas Institute
conducted “The True &
Holy Catholic Engagement of
Islam”. Pope Benedict XVI
declared 2013 a “Year of
Faith” for Roman
Catholics, and it also coincides
with , 50 years anniversary of
Nostra Aetate; the second
Vatican Council on October 1962.
The discussion was to examine
how far we have made strides in
Muslim, Catholic relationships
and where we have failed over
last 50 years." --This "Nostra
Aetate" goes far beyond buddying
up with Muslims. Look at the
graphic they have on the cover
of their book. It is a bold
declaration by the Vatican that
the Holy Scriptures are a lie!
How so? All those symbols
represent all the false
religions joining as one. Now
read Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians
15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2
Thessalonians 3:14 and James
Vatican Denies
Muslim Link to John Paul II's
Assassination Attempt
"Agca's new claim is that the
Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran and
Nazi-Fascist Islam are the real
explanation behind the motive to
kill the Pope as a crucial point
in the final war against the
hatred Christian west, he said.
According to the Vatican
spokesman, Agca said he had kept
the assignment "completely
secret" and revealed it only to
Pope John Paul II when the
Pontiff visited him in prison in
December 1983 to offer him
forgiveness." --So let me get
this straight. Back in 1981 when
the Vatican was causing problems
for Islam and seeking to
generate a way to make
Christians look bad, they report
a Muslim terrorist shot
JPII. Then years later when
that same Muslim actually admits
he was hired by Iran and Islam
to cause Christians to be hated,
the Vatican now denies it?
Especially now when the Pope is
doing all he can to help Islam
in their agenda against the
Christians? One can see the
truth this easy here. The Muslim
author obviously benefits by
telling the truth in a big way
here. While at the same time
Rome benefits by calling him a
liar in a big way as well. Only
those who refuse to study
prophecy and read Newspapers
will fall for this pile of
baloney. Problem is, most people
don't read Bibles or the News
today anyway. No matter.. Our
God knows everything they're up
to, and His elect cannot be
How Confusion
Breeds Chrislam
"One Arabic version of the
Gospel of Matthew changes
Matthew 28:19 from this:
“baptizing them in the
name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit,” to
this: “cleanse them by
water in the name of Allah, his
Messiah and his Holy
Spirit.” --As prophesied,
the Vatican is the author of
confusion. This is why Chrislam
is spreading as it is. When
people refuse to open Bibles to
see simple truth instead of
allowing wolves in sheep's
clothing to convince them using
believable heresies, you're
bound to get many to clamor to
join up. Especially if they can
convince them they can go to
Heaven while still enjoying sin.
schools in Blitar agree to
provide Islamic lessons
"The Blitar city administration
previously threatened to close
down Diponogoro High School, the
Catholic Vocational High School,
Santa Maria Kindergarten, Santa
Maria Elementary School, the
Catholic Elementary School and
Yos Sudarso Junior High School
for their refusal to provide
Islamic lessons to their Muslim
students." --This is how Vatican
politics work. They act as if it
was something the Catholic
school in that region refused to
do. They do this to keep the
moral card in play. They then
act as if the local authorities
were going to shut them down so
as to foster the victim image.
Then, and usually at the last
moment, they agree to do as they
demand so as to appear without
recourse and under duress.
Problem with that theatrical
performance is, we actually have
documented evidence the Pope has
already demanded all Catholic
school teach Islam!
Denounces Federal Program
Promoting Islamic Culture
"The promises from our
politicians have never been
emptier, never more vain. We
stagger from one disaster to the
next, looking for answers. We
used to ask "Why?" Now, we
simply ask "How?" How do we move
forward?" --This article
illustrates what students of
prophecy have been saying for
literally decades about the
mindset of the wicked throngs in
the closing scenes of earth's
history. Soon every soul on
earth will be trying to find
peace and even God Himself at
times, but because they refuse
to do the right thing and open
Bibles to find Him, they will
open churches to further confuse
the masses. The Vatican has
already spearheaded this
movement under the guidance of
Satan himself in their
ecumenical charge. (also see
this) Many will join in this
final "revival," but it will be
to revive evil and not good like
never before. We have work to do
obedient ones. We have work to
Dakar Mosque
Lit Up For Christmas In Senegal
"When they go to school, the
children learn about Santa,"
says Lo, wearing a flowing olive
green robe known as a boubou.
"We are born into the Senegalese
tradition of cohabitation
between Muslims and Christians.
...a place where Christians and
Muslims have coexisted
peacefully. Most Christians here
are Catholic and live in the
south of country and in the
capital." --The Roman Catholic
church adapted the Pagan
festival of the Winter Solstice
and renamed it Christmas. They
also renamed the Norse god Woden
to Santa Claus. And they even
invented the religion of Islam.
So, it is no wonder they now
have Christmas lights on
Mosques. Birds of a feather have
no choice but to flock together.
Why We Have To
Take The Saudis' Interfaith
Offer Seriously
"It was naturally vital for
Abdullah to enlist the leading
institutions of the Christian
world; in particular the
Vatican, as partners in
founding the interfaith center.
But this raised skepticism about
the project. It was surely
incongruous, to say the least,
for Christian leaders to
cooperate with the Saudis in an
interfaith center, when their
communities are not allowed to
openly worship, let alone build
churches in Saudi Arabia.
However, Christian leaders
decided that they needed to be
involved in this project for
that very reason." --Still think
Rome won't use Islam like they
did Hitler to kill those that
refuse to bow to Rome? Ok, two
questions. #1, prophecy says in
Revelation 20:4 Christians will
be beheaded if they refuse to
receive the mark of the beast,
right? #2, Who on earth at
present loves to kill Christians
whom also love to kill by
decapitation? Truth is, Rome
NEVER kills outright since it
has gone from Pagan to Papal
Rome just as prophecy predicted.
They always kill by using a
patsy. At present, their
political/secular killer if
the US military, and their
religious killer is Islam.
Is the Vatican
the Palestinian Arab Spokesman?
"During the past several weeks,
the Vatican has worked hard to
achieve the dwarfing of Israel
into the indefensible 1947
ceasefire lines. Pope Benedict
just met in Rome with the
Palestinian Authority head,
Mahmoud Abbas, hailing the
recent United Nations'
resolution on Palestinian
non-member statehood." --Why
doesn't anyone seen this major
blood red flag here? First of
all, it was the Vatican that
killed 6 million Jews. Hitler
was merely the puppet they chose
to perform the act. And
secondly, how is it no one seems
to care that a church is meeting
with political leaders outside
their own faith? Truth is
obedient ones, this is why
Antichrist setup the Vatican as
a woman on a beast. He can play
both sides against the middle as
a church & a State power.
But not for much longer. We have
God's Word on that!
university praises Pope
"Al-Azhar University, the
prestigious Cairo-based Sunni
centre of Islamic learning has
expressed its "gratitude to the
Vatican" for its appeal for
respect of the faith, sacred
texts and important symbolic
figures of all religions."
--Islam kills and tortures at
least 400,000 Christians each
and every year now. The Vatican
killed at least 400,000
Christians each year for the
exact 1260 years prophecy
speaks of. I would think the
total for torturing them would
be the same per year. Is it any
wonder Islam would praise them?
The Vatican killed those
Christians to force them to
"respect the faith, sacred texts
and important symbolic figures"
of Rome. Hence, their Islamic
child will do the same. After
all, the apple never falls far
from the tree.
"Are Catholics
ready for the growth of Islam in
"the relationship between
Catholics and Muslims in the
political and social realities
of the Old Continent has
undergone profound changes over
the past twenty years. The
discussion examined the paths of
dialogue and cooperation between
the two religious worlds at all
levels and the critical nature
of an often difficult
relationship marked by many
differences and complicated by
historical conditions." --This
proves beyond a shadow of doubt
that the Pope is not a
Christian. MANY Scriptures
declare he must not join with
non-believers. (See Amos 3:3, 1
Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians
6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians 3:14
and James 4:4) This also proves
Catholics refuse to read their
Bibles as well. If they did,
they would leave this church on
this one act of heresy alone.
Now do you see why Catholicism
shuns the Bible? If they read
it, they would be unable to
worship the world as they do
each and every day.
Education or
"In some books the errors were
less frequent and egregious, but
in most of the books errors of
the commission and omission
occurred with such frequency
that it was clearly evident the
average student today is
receiving a rewrite of history
that paints a rose-colored
picture of the history and
central doctrines of Islam that
is not supported by the facts.
The report is painstakingly and
thoroughly documented, with
nearly 375 footnotes and a
bibliography of nearly 275
sources." --So, when your child
goes to government schools they
are taught to accept
homosexuality, evolution, drugs,
sex, rock music, and now Islam?
Still think homeschooling is too
much to do for the child you
love? And by the way, it wasn't
too long ago that the Pope
demanded "his" schools teach
Islam. And just as we see across
the board, when the Pope demands
something, political leaders
scramble to do his bidding
knowing they will further their
Pope meets
Abbas, renews call for peace
"POPE Benedict XVI has received
Palestinian president Mahmoud
Abbas and called on all parties
involved in the Middle East
crisis to find the courage to
work together for peace and
reconciliation." --The Pope is
merely acting a part in this
global agenda. When speaking of
the beast in Rome, prophecy says
in Daniel 8:25 that by using
peace he shall destroy many. We
know the Vatican created Islam
to run rampant across the land
and terrorize millions. After a
few decades of them doing this,
the Pope can then come forth
with a plan for peace so as to
end the violence. In so doing,
the two join forces in their
long awaited ecumenical hug, and
then we will see the true agenda
of Antichrist come to fruition.
Chief Islamic
Judge: "Where Hitler Failed, We
Must Succeed"
"The Jews are destined to be
persecuted, humiliated, and
tortured forever… , and
it is a Muslim duty to see to it
that they reap their due.
No petty arguments must be
allowed to divide us.
Where Hitler failed, we
must succeed." --We have had
heaps of historic evidence now
for decades that the Vatican was
instrumental in bringing Hitler
to power, and we now have
documented evidence that the
Vatican invented Islam to
further their long prophesied
agenda, is it any wonder a Chief
Muslim Judge would be running
for the head office in that land
who seeks to emulate and even
finish the work the Pope and
Hitler started?
Muslims Participate in Grand
"As reported on the Catholic
News Service, the Vatican and
the Ecumenical Patriarchate will
be involved in the new Islamic
funded interfaith center at the
King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz
Internation Center." --The Word
of God says in Amos 3:3, "Can
two walk together, except they
be agreed?" This means the
Vatican is in complete agreement
with Christian hating Muslims.
And rightly so since the Vatican
has killed over 500,000,000
Christians themselves. For them
to join openly with the Muslims
now is to declare students of
prophecy appear to have nailed
this one on the head! But then,
this is just one of many reasons
we know the Pope and Islam are
in fact working side by side as
we speak.
Speaker Kadaga
receives blessings from Pope
Pope Benedict XVI has given
blessings to Uganda Parliament
Speaker Rebecca Kadaga during a
mass attended by thousands of
pilgrims at the Vatican. Kadaga
who led a delegation of Ugandan
legislators to the Vatican
expressed delight at meeting the
Pope and visiting St
Peter’s Basilicca. ...MP
Abdu Katuntu – a Muslim
– called the Vatican visit
one of his most memorable
moments. "For a Muslim like me,
this has been a very exciting
experience to be in the Holy See
and attending mass with the Holy
Father," he said. "This is an
experience to remember."
--Muslims are killing on average
200,000 Christians a years and
torturing another 175,000 a year
and the Pope seems to think it
is good to join hands with them?
Yes, of course he does. The
church of Rome has been
instrumental in killing half a
billion Christians during the
Inquisition and no doubt many
more in the last century alone.
Texas teaching
'Allah is the Almighty God'
"In the 70 percent of Texas
public schools where a private
curriculum has been installed,
students are learning the
“fact” that
“Allah is the Almighty
God,” charge critics of a
new online curriculum that
already is facing condemnation
for its secrecy and restrictions
on oversight." --They are now
seeking ways to indoctrinate the
children into Allah worship so
as to have the society they need
to enforcive the mark. The
Vatican inspired religion of
Islam is working its way into
all aspects of life as we speak
so as to bring about Sharia Law
as a viable form of control
wherein Christians can be
beheaded just as prophecy says
they will be when refusing the
Vatican mark. Rome used Hitler
and the Nazi's to do as they
planned not too long ago, and as
expected, they are hiding behind
Islam to use the Muslims to do
as they plan once again.
Muslim slave
keeper elected VP on UN Council
"It is obscene for the U.N. to
use the occasion of Human Rights
Day, when we commemorate the
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, to elect the world's
worst enabler of slavery to this
prestigious post," said Hillel
Neuer, UN Watch executive
director.." --This newly elected
VP keeps 25% of his citizens in
slavery. Yes, this is appalling
to say the least. And slavery
was prophesied to return and
grow out of control in our day.
But that's not the worst of it.
A Muslim nation now has real
political power on a global
scale just as Rome planned for
eons! Still think students of
prophecy are over reacting when
they say Rome is looking to use
Muslims and Sharia Law to behead
Christians? Now that they have a
political springboard set up for
them, what say ye now?
journalist tours brutal Muslim
Brotherhood torture facility
"The Muslim Brotherhood operates
a carefully controlled network
of torture chambers designed to
violently dehumanize opponents
of Egyptian President Mohammed
Morsi, according to a journalist
who exclusively toured the
facilities this week." --The
Vatican is home to torture as
anyone with a competent
knowledge of history will attest
to. The US Government has been
taken over by the Vatican in
Reagan's second term. After 911
torture became an accepted
method of interrogation. Obama,
a documented Muslim, is
installed as President with
Vatican ties. He funds the
Muslim brotherhood. And now they
too show Vatican fruits when it
comes to torture. Nuff said?
pact with Islam
"Ratzinger claimed that the god
of the Muslims is both
transcendental and unreasonable
and he severely condemned jihad
and the use of violence in the
name of Koran. It was the only
public event in which a Pope
told the truth about some
aspects of Islamic religion.
...The reaction to the Pope's
speech was a familiar spectacle:
Threats, riots, and violence.
From the religious leaders in
Muslim majority countries to the
New York Times, all demanded the
Pope's apologies." --To
summarize, the Pope purposely
made incendiary comments about
Islam in September of 2006 with
full intentions toward
appeasement later so as to build
an ecumenical bridge prophecy
says he needs to perform his
final act. Approaching Islam
right off seeking friendship
simply wouldn't work because
they hate Catholics deeply due
to what happened during the
Crusades. However, if a Pope
slams them first, then bows in
apology to them soon after, they
will have the necessary means by
which to form friendly
relations. In other words, Islam
loves to stand as the victor in
all political arenas so as to
gain recognition on a global
scale. The Pope knows this. So
the obvious plan here was to
attack them verbally at first.
Allow for a global uproar to
boil up. Then actually apologize
so Islam looks like the reigning
champion once again. Then once
in their proverbial group hug,
Islam will of course see the
immense benefits of having such
a powerful political leader in
their corner like the Pope. And
the rest is HIStory as it is
outlined in the prophecy He gave
us in His Word.
the Vatican-Islam Alliance
"The Roman Catholic Church
hailed UNESCO’s decision
to grant the world heritage
status to the Church of the
Nativity in Bethlehem. According
to the Vatican authorities, the
UN decision is a
“diplomatic victory”
for the Palestinian Authority.
Last Friday, the United Nations
approved the Palestinian
bid to place Jesus’
birthplace on its list of sites
of World Heritage in danger.
Israel called the decision
“absurd” and
“a sad day." The
Palestinian agenda at UNESCO is
the de-Judaization of the land
of Israel by Islamicizing the
holy sites." --What they're
missing here is not so much the
Islamicizing of Christian holy
sites, it's the allowing of
Vatican foothold in the area
just as Daniel the prophet
predicted long ago! As we now
know, Rome invented Islam;
allowing them to fly their flag
over Israeli sites is nothing
more than a show of good faith
for Palestine. Don't think for a
moment that all this huggy huggy
nice nice will last between
them. Historic fact is, Rome
always turns on her allies once
their usefulness has expired and
they can benefit by their
cease-fire suggests Muslim
"The recent cease-fire enacted
between Israel and Hamas in the
Gaza Strip has begun to raise
questions whether there is a
larger strategy under way by the
worldwide organization of the
Muslim Brotherhood and its
Egyptian and Palestinian
branches.." --Yes, it's called
the New World Order. But this is
not the main reason I posted
this article. Look at the
picture of the Muslims saluting
their cause. That outstretched
arm is the exact same salute
done by Roman soldiers, Hitler
under Roman Catholic control,
and Islam under Roman Catholic
inception. A picture truly with
a thousand words eh?
Vatican Hails
UN Palestinian State Vote, Calls
For Special Status For Jerusalem
"The Vatican hailed the United
Nations' implicit recognition of
a Palestinian state on Thursday
and called for an
internationally guaranteed
special status for Jerusalem,
something bound to irritate
Israel." --As expected Rome is
fast tracking the Palestinian
State so as to have their
political position well
structured in the region so as
to gain absolute control in the
region. Rome has not only
created the nation of Islam long
ago, it has been using it to
kill Christians to the tune of
one Christian being martyred
every 5 minutes on earth right
Benedict XVI
meets Muslim leader in Cyprus
"Pope Benedict XVI has met with
a Turkish Cypriot Muslim
leader." --As students of
prophecy, this is something we
expected for many years now.
These evil men are joining
forces with Satan to come
against God's people. Yes they
appear powerful, and yes they
see no sin in killing
Christians. But then Goliath
also thought he was powerful did
he not? This is where our God
shines the most brothers and
sisters! Soon all the world will
see our mighty King with their
own eyes as He gathers His elect
above the world to take us Home
with Him. Nov 30 12, 01:11:01
The Vatican on
Gaza: Israel is a Baby-Killer
"Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi,
President of the Vatican Council
for Culture, commenting on the
war between Israel and Hamas,
delivered a severe attack on the
Jewish people: "I think of the
"massacre of the innocents".
Children are dying in Gaza,
their mothers" shouts is a
perennial cry, a universal cry."
--It's statements like this from
Rome that not only
illustrate their hatred of the
Jews is as fresh as it was when
they funded Hitler. It also
cements their relationship with
Muslims the world over, further
proving their end time agenda
towards Sharia Law. Basic
reality is, the Muslims are
killing Jewish children as well
with their missiles. Yet this
Cardinal conveniently leaves
that reality out of his
statement so as to fuel a biased
form of hatred that will benefit
Islam. And rightly so, since the
Pope and Islam have worked
together since their "prophet"
was born. Nov 25 12, 01:11:46
Muslim men
whip themselves bloody in
"Shiite Muslims gathered in the
Afghan capital Kabul to mark the
holy day of Ashoura. Crowds of
men whipped their backs to
commemorate the 7th century
death of Imam Hussein." --Roman
Catholic do this in Mexico every
year, and now we see Muslims do
this as well. Why? Well, we know
why Catholics do it, but many
fail to realize the Vatican
invented the religion of Islam.
So of course, the same demons
that cause Catholics to bloody
themselves will of course be
there to cause Muslims to do the
same. Nov 25 12, 12:11:20
Syrian Rebels
Murder Christians With
Obama-Supplied Arms
"As if "Benghazi-gate" was not
sufficiently horrific, in a
cruel twist of fate,
American-backed Islamic
insurgents in Syria are now
thought to be using their
CIA-supplied weaponry to kill
Christians." --Surprised? You
shouldn't be. Muslims kill over
200,000 Christians a year. This
is what their Vatican inspired
religion demands of them. Obama,
who is in fact a Muslim, is
ruled by the same false god as
those that kill Christians. So,
it stands to reason that he too
will be commanded to kill
Christians if he is to be
considered loyal to his people
and their god. Nov 23 12,
leader meets pope after
dissolving government
"Ivory Coast President Alassane
Ouattara met Pope Benedict XVI
amid heightened security on
Friday, two days after he
dissolved the government
following a falling out between
the ruling parties. "I have come
to seek your advice and your
blessing," Ouattara, who is
Muslim, said at the start of his
meeting, which lasted around 20
minutes." --Still don't believe
the Vatican is behind all the
unrest? If so, why is it leaders
seek the Pope's advice after
such drastic events occur? Or
why is it after a leader bows to
the Pope, war is suddenly
averted? It's just like the
bully that puts you in a
full-nelson on the playground.
He simply won't let you
free until you cry, "uncle!" Nov
19 12, 12:11:09
Vatican opens
art exhibit from Muslim ally
"The Vatican on Thursday opened
an exhibition devoted to art
treasures from oil-rich
Azerbaijan, one of the few
predominantly Muslim countries
with which it enjoys close
ties." --Surprised? Neither am
I. It is still amazing however
that over 1 billion Catholics
can't see the writing on the
wall on this one. Muslims kill
over 200,000, and torture over
175,000 Christians a year. Yet
their Pope not only sanctions
teaching Islam in Catholic
schools, he has "close ties"
with Islamic nations that kill
Christians, and even promotes
their artists for financial
gain. Yes, most Catholics are
blind to a lot of what their
leaders do. Still, one can hope.
My prayer is that this bold
denial of biblical jurisprudence
as well as scores of other
demonic acts by the Roman
prelates will finally
get many Catholics to
say, enoughs enough. When
that day comes, and I
believe it's racing towards us
right now, we
will witness an exodus of
God's people out of Babylon like
never before. After all, why
bother penning Revelation 18:1-5
if the Lord knew it would be a
waste of time? Nov 16 12,
here for thousands of articles
in the poGm archives
prevent issues with truncated
pages due to so many articles
being posted, ALL future
article updates will only be
posted on the poGm BLOG.
back to top
- SDA church
defends Antichrist (They
use the Muslims to do so)
- Muslims Now
Worship Mary
War a HOAX!
- Pope
Says NYC Terrorist Killed
for Christian God!
- Pope
Main Reason Islam Still
- Muslims Worship
- US Muslims
want Sharia Law that demands
Christians MUST DIE!
- Muslim
kills 50 in florida gay
- Muslims
ARE Catholics? (GRAPHIC)
- 4
yr old Muslim boy Kills
& Salutes Pope
- Christians
JAILED for refusing to
convert to Catholicism!
- More
Historic Proof
Popes Created Islam!
- SDA Church
helping Rome promote
- Obama
says Christians are killers
- Israeli
President compares ISIS to
- Birth
Control is Treason?!
- The
Pope is using Muslims to
kill Christians TODAY!
Concrete Evidence! Vatican
Wrote Koran!
- The
Pope & Islam
- Vatican,
Hitler, USA and Islam
- Sharia
Coming to America?
- How Islam is
Taking Over The World:
Islamization Explained
to top
prevent issues with truncated
pages due to so many articles
being posted, ALL future
article updates will only be
posted on the poGm BLOG.
Over THOUSANDS of articles and
below illustrate Pope's
"brothers in Islam" as well as
the end result of same from
nation to nation. Islam would
NOT be where it is today without
the Pope's help. That is
historic fact. And notice how
their current political actions
match that of Rome's political
actions since 538AD when Rome
started to use "others" to help
them do their
bloodthirsty work.
immense amount
of articles
sicken me as
to how evil
Islam is and
so if you want
to catch up
each week on
their demonic
click here
- and
if you want
thousands of
posted, click
here - I
think I made
my point - I
am done
STACK FOR 03-15-23
Congo: Islamic
State murders
over 35 people
it refers to
as Christians
* Nigeria:
Muslims murder
over 50 people
in majority
area, cops
dispute number
of casualties
* ‘Allahu
Attacks Police
* UK:
Muslim tweeted
image of
severed head,
of anyone
Islam * UK:
teacher gets
10 years for
trying to rape
young boy and
another for
three years
* Germany:
Islamic State
bride jailed
10 years for
Yazidi slave
girl to die of
* Italy:
Muslim migrant
murders his
mother with
hammer blows
* Saudi
death penalty
for leaving
Islam * Afghanistan:
Sunni Muslims
kill at least
four people
with bomb at
Shia Muslim
center * Somalia:
Jihadis open
fire at busy
cafe, murder
five people,
injure three
others, cops
search for
motive * Syria:
Muslims murder
three truffle
kidnap 26
others * Hamas
showcases its
attacks, bus
bombings, and
inscribed with
quote * Italy:
Muslim migrant
stabs six
random people
with a box
cutter * Muslims
Attack Hindus
During Holi in
India and
Pakistan *
worker showed
videos of
little girls
dolls and
Islamic State
slogans *
presence in
Vienna over
threat of
jihad attacks
at churches
* 92.5%
Killed This
Year: Members
of Terror
Groups Or
Active in
Attacks, Rest
Were Caught In
STACK FOR 03-08-23
Muslims murder
pastor and his
two sons *
Muslims murder
at least
fifteen people
in raids on
two Christian
villages *
girl in the
stomach, cops
say motive
unclear *
Hacker group
hospitals in
revenge for
burnings *
Muslim accused
of sexual
assault of
girls between
ages of 9 and
11, said he
was teaching
* Hamas
gives detailed
on how to
carry out
shootings of
Israelis *
Muslim murders
his niece
after she
dumps body,
says he was
* Germany:
Muslim migrant
rapes and robs
a 73-year-old
woman in
Chemnitz *
guilty of
serious sex
children *
After prayers,
Muslim mob
houses and
* UK:
Student who
is suspended,
student who
threatened to
kill him gets
* Israel:
Muslims fire
at passing
cars, murder
citizen *
Muslim hits
his wife for
taking a
selfie without
her hijab
* Turkey:
Pop star faces
three years in
prison for
schools *
Muslim migrant
tries to torch
city council
building after
they refuse
him cash
handouts *
Afghan Muslim
migrant stabs
woman in
because she
did not want
to be his
* UK:
Kids at
Republic of
Iran Primary
School in
London pledge
to join
infidels *
faces criminal
trial for
saying that
is killing the
youth of
* Pakistan:
Islamic jihad
suicide bomber
rams police
murdering ten
* Islamic
Republic of
Iran: 80 more
targeted in
dozens of
* Muslim
insists that
the freedom of
must be
restricted in
order to stop
‘Islamophobia’ * France:
Muslim migrant
known to
police screams
and attacks
cops * France:
threatens 3
gendarmes with
death, gets 2
years prison
* Islamic
State women
forcing young
teen boys to
breed more
jihadis by
trying to
women in
Syrian camp
STACK FOR 03-01-23
Cardinal Opens
With Muslims
Jews and
* Jihadi
Migrant Who
Stabbings in
Churches Sees
* Swiss
Rap Concert
After Jihadi
Terror Threats
* Israel:
Muslims murder
two civilians
in jihad
massacre in
Judea and
Samaria *
Muslim migrant
arrested for
assaulting or
raping three
women * Islamic
Republic has
network of
secret prisons
to torture
protesters and
get forced
from them
* Spain:
Muslim migrant
arrested for
murdering his
two daughters
back in
Pakistan for
opposing their
* DR
Congo: Jihad
have become
and it’s
fault * After
jihad raid on
Taliban says
attacks will
continue until
Sharia is
enforced *
has a problem
with other
human rights,
civil values,
and personal
* Mali:
Muslims murder
13 civilians
in jihad
attack on
village, torch
abduct three
people * Pakistan:
Muslim murders
son for not
warnings *
Two Muslim
migrants push
under train
ready to
depart * Vermont
School Strikes
Back Against
the Trans
Madness *
Muslim mob
attacks Hindu
three Hindus
injured, one
* Austria:
Muslim migrant
threatens to
rape and kill
daughter for
having a
* India:
Muslim doctor,
harasses Hindu
student until
she commits
suicide *
Muslims murder
Pandit, warn
Pandit, Hindus
or tourists
from India
will be
* Iran:
Hundreds of
poisoned to
stop them from
* India:
gathered after
prayers to
throw stones
and Molotov
cocktails at
Hindus * Report:
Hamas plans
Ramadan terror
attacks, seeks
to trigger
STACK FOR 02-22-23
moment before
hanged * State
gives $41,000
grant to
charity *
Muslim throws
acid on
Christian when
convert to
Islam and
enter into a
with him *
Two Muslim
accused of
keeping three
high school
girls as sex
slaves * After
Biden Sent
to PLO,
Israeli Deaths
Rose 900%
* Belgium:
Muslim migrant
rapes and
says in his
country sex
with minors is
accepted *
Afghan Muslim
migrant kills
his wife in
front of their
five children
* Sweden:
arrested for
five rapes,
three of which
were committed
at care home
* Children
in Palestinian
jihad, killing
soldiers *
900 children
abducted in
2021 and 2022,
nearly half
taken to Iraq
and Somalia
* Pakistani
Taliban storm
police station
in Karachi,
murdering two
people * Syria:
Muslims murder
53 people in
new attack on
people out
hunting *
comes out in
defense of
Islamic child
marriages in
India * Pakistan:
Muslim kidnaps
girl, forces
her to marry
him and
convert to
Muslim kidnaps
girl, forces
her to marry
him and
convert to
Islam * India:
Muslims all
over the
country attack
Hindus during
* Fatah
hails jihad
murderer of
seven Israelis
in synagogue
as a
* Islamic
Republic of
Iran to reward
jihadi who
Rushdie with
farmland, says
attacker made
Muslims happy
* UK:
Muslim who
assaulted five
Jews found to
from a mental
disorder’ (aka demon
possession) *
Iranian envoy
living in
* EU
grapples with
exam questions
about killing
STACK FOR 02-15-23
for jihad in
state capitol
* Afghan
Boat Migrants
Placed In
English School
Arrested for
Raping Girl
* China,
against faith
revealed *
pretends to be
Hindu to lure
minor girl,
then threatens
to murder her
if she
convert to
Islam * Islamic
State calls on
Muslims to
kill Jews,
says conflict
with Israel is
religious, not
* Iran:
Teen faces
execution on
charge of
war against
* India:
assaults and
threatens to
kill wife to
force her to
marry and
divorce his
father so he
can remarry
her * Israel:
Muslim murders
two, injures
five in
jihad attack
* Islamic
Republic of
conceal rape
by Islamic
Guards Corps
* UK:
and stayed
Muslim rape
gangs scandal
* Islamic
In Jerusalem
* France:
Muslim migrant
with 11
attempts to
girl in the
middle of the
street * Texas:
Again no
as man who
stabbed Muslim
in mosque
turns out to
have been
another Muslim
* UK:
Four Afghan
Muslim migrant
teens arrested
over rape of
girl at Kent
school * Bangladesh:
Hindu gets
five years for
Muslims who
burned Hindu
village over
his Facebook
post roam free
* Burkina
Faso: Muslims
attack medical
team, murder
two employees
of Doctors
Borders *
murder at
least five
people in
jihad attacks
on two
villages *
Muslim beats
wife, tells
‘Dad has
the right to
hit mom to
educate her’
* Islamic
Republic of
Iran: Top
Muslim cleric
presents Jews
as the enemies
of the Muslims
* DR
Congo: Islamic
jihadis open
fire upon
killing 22
people * Syria:
Muslims attack
murder at
least eleven
of them *
Muslims murder
at least eight
fishermen in
raids on
around Lake
Chad * VIDEO:
After they
sued Biden,
they received
an envelope
filled with
currency from
a Middle
* Germany:
Muslim who
once beheaded
a man
threatens to
STACK FOR 02-08-23
Muslim boy
murders his
mother in
honor killing
* Pakistan:
Sunni Muslim
houses of
and Shias
* Iraq:
Father murders
his YouTube
star daughter
over her
decision to
live alone in
Turkey * Minnesota:
Mohamed Rapes
2 Little
Girls, Gets
Less Than a
Year in Prison
* UK:
Muslim student
by radical
Islam and
plants bomb
maternity ward
* UK:
Muslim Migrant
Murders His
Host * World
Hijab Day
Islamic Rape
(Literally!) *
burning of the
* Another
Jihadi Caught
in New Jersey:
‘God I
Am Ready for
Your Orders.
Blood, Blood,
* NYC:
Muslim cleric
urged Muslims
to ‘cut
recruited for
the Islamic
State (ISIS)
* UK:
Muslim rapes
underage girl,
forces her to
write letter
asking cops to
drop the case
* Bangladesh:
Muslims attack
14 Hindu
temples in one
night * Burkina
Faso: Muslims
murder at
least 28
people in two
separate jihad
STACK FOR 02-01-23
of the countries
that are the top
ten persecutors of
Christians are
* Nigeria:
Muslims murder
five Christians in
the northeast and
twelve in the
Middle Belt *
Muslims screaming
akbar’ kill 32
at rival mosque, PM
says killers
‘have nothing to
do with Islam’
(The Norm - Tone deaf
Politicians) * India:
Muslim takes minor
girl hostage, assaults
her and sets her on
fire for not accepting
Islam * Spain:
Moroccan Wielding
Machete Shouted 'Death
to Christians' * Suicide
bombing kills at least
34, wounds 150 as
people were praying
* Palestinians
celebrate murder of
Jews by handing out
sweets, mosque
loudspeakers scream
akbar’ * Sudan:
Muslims murder church
pastor and three other
Christians * UK:
Muslim charged with
‘engaging in
preparation of an act
of terrorism with
explosives and
firearms’ at
hospital * France:
Man converts to Islam,
beats his former
partner into a coma
because the
Qur’an allows
him to do so * India:
Muslim cleric says
it’s fine to
kill actor, but
insults to Muhammad
will not be tolerated
* UK:
Muslim army soldier
charged with terror
and explosives
offenses * France:
In court, Muslim says
he’ll return
with ‘sword of
Allah’ and
‘dismember the
police and
judiciary’ *
Muslim migrant planned
to machine gun
tourists on popular
beach * Islamic
Republic of Iran set
to execute pregnant
woman for burning
picture of Khomeini
* Belgium:
Man stabs three people
in Metro station,
witnesses say he was
akbar,’ but cops
rule out terrorism
* India:
threaten to burn
down entire city
to safeguard
* Germany:
New Year’s Eve
rioters considered
‘Should we
kidnap a cop? By
Allah, I mean
* UK:
Muslim student nurse
‘inspired by
radical Islam and
jihad’ plants
bomb outside maternity
ward * New
Jersey: Muslim migrant
steals school bus, his
journal says
‘Blood, blood,
Allah.’ * Germany:
Muslim migrant kills
two people, injures
seven more in stabbing
rampage on train *
Muslims hack a farmer
and his son to death,
shoot others, abduct
still more * The
IRS has Taxpayers
Subsidize the
‘Iran Lobby’
all, it is a Roman
Catholic IRS)
* Israel:
Muslim murders at
least seven people in
jihad massacre in
Jerusalem synagogue
STACK FOR 01-25-23
Qur’an-burning in
Sweden ‘hurts the
religious sensitivities of
over 1.5 billion Muslims
around the world’
* Pakistan:
murder ‘filthy
Christian,’ threaten
to murder his family if they
go to police * President
Turkic World Youth Council:
‘If I catch this
rascal who burned the Quran,
I will burn him alive’ * Germany:
politicians vows to hunt
down and
‘destroy’ those
who ‘distort and
Christianize the Muslim
faith’ * India:
caught spitting into food
prepared for Hindus * Italy:
identified of Muslim migrant
teen girl murdered by family
for having Italian boyfriend * France:
migrants hurl racist
insults, threaten to slit
throats of traffic cops * Germany:
Muslim migrants attack
funeral service, sexually
harass elderly ladies, mayor
closes migrant homes * France:
screaming ‘In the name
of Allah I will kill
you!’ tries to stab
man who asked him for a
cigarette * Hungary
West for denying Muslim
persecution of Christians * UK:
converts to Islam, plots
jihad massacres in London * After
threats, EU backs down on
labeling Islamic
Revolutionary Guards Corps
as terrorist * Germany:
migrant kills two people,
injures seven more in
stabbing rampage on train * DR
Muslims murder about 20
people in jihad raid on
village * UN
Pose in Front of Taliban
Flag * Germany:
migrant screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
who stabbed two
‘wanted to kill German
men’ * Turkey:
of Muslims protest
Qur’an burning in
Sweden, screaming
‘Europe’s fear
is Muhammad’s
army’ * Bangladesh:
attack Hindus in Bagura,
threaten villagers to force
them to leave their
ancestral land * UK:
criminals — including
murderers, terrorists and
rapists’ found among
English Channel migrants * Burkina
Muslims murder around 30
people in four jihad attacks * Islamic
of Iran: Man gets eight
years prison for beheading
his teen wife * Muslim
broadcaster screams
‘Death to Israel’
* Kenya:
murder one woman, injure
eight other people in jihad
attack on public service
vehicle * Nigeria:
attack village, murder 11
people, most of them
Catholics * ‘Reforming’
Arabia sentences respected
academic to death for
‘hostile’ news
on WhatsApp * Belgium:
screaming ‘Allahu
akbar’ slashes
commuters at Brussels train
STACK FOR 01-18-23
Bomb kills 10 at DR Congo
church in attack claimed
by IS group * Michigan’s
Muslim-majority city
council approves animal
sacrifice for religious
purposes * Fourteen
Killed in Islamic State
Attack on Congo Church
* Germany:
Accused jihad massacre
plotter claimed to be a
Christian when he entered
the country * Uganda:
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
slice Christian’s
neck, killing him, after
religion debate * Jordanian
MP: ‘The day will
come when we will storm
Tel Aviv, and that is a
promise from Allah’
* Burkina
Faso: Muslims murder nine
people in mosque for being
the wrong kind of Muslim
* Bangladesh:
Muslim mob attacks
Hindu’s shop, say
they’ll make the
area Hindu-free * Afghanistan:
Death toll from jihad
suicide bombing at foreign
ministry could be as high
as 20 * Kenya:
Muslims murder four road
workers with IED on
highway * Roman
Catholic Joe Biden Tells
Israel to Give Money to
Terrorists, Not Terror
Victims * Nigeria:
Muslims attack Catholic
church, burn a priest to
death * Nigeria:
Muslims storm village,
shoot pastor, kidnap women
on their way to church
* Interview
with Itamar Marcus:
‘teaching terror to
tots’ * Pennsylvania:
Islamic State jihadi who
was serving life sentence
for murder disappears from
prison * France:
‘A minority of the
population is destroying
our nation and behaving
like savages’ *
Moroccan Muslim Migrant
Gangs Blow Up 500 ATMs
* Somalia:
Muslims murder at least 15
people, injure more than
50 in three jihad bombings
* Bangladesh:
Muslim mob vandalizes home
of Hindu youth over claims
he insulted Muhammad *
Belgium: Muslim screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
slashes commuters at
Brussels train station
STACK FOR 01-11-23
Nun blasts insensitivity
to Christian persecution
and slams Vatican
silence * Afghan
Illegal Arrested for
Raping Teen Boy in Public
in French Village * Times
Square jihadi wanted to
‘kill people and
carry out jihad’
because of US support for
Israel * Hamas:
‘We shall not stray
from the path of jihad and
resistance, no matter what
the number of victims may
be’ * France:
Muslim tells friend that
he beheaded people in
Syria, ‘this is how
it was in the time of the
prophet’ * India:
Muslims beat Hindu man for
refusing to eat beef *
Muslims poison pastor
and couple that
converted from Islam
to Christianity *
Al-Qaeda invokes
destruction of idols
to justify plan to
blow up Hindu temple
* Germany
Arrests Iranian National
Chemical Attack * France:
Muslim tells priest,
‘If my son had been
there, he would have cut
your throat’ * France:
Muslim spotted wearing #7
Merah’ jersey
— Merah murdered
seven people in 2012 jihad
massacre * Ex-Uber
Driver Who Murdered Eight
People in NYC Was In the
U.S. on a Diversity Visa
* Car
Jihadist Who Ran Over New
Yorkers Pleads Guilty to
Serving Allah * Nigeria:
Report says jihadis aided
by military slaughtered
410 Southeastern
Nigerians, kidnapped over
600 In 2022 * France:
Muslim migrant screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
stabs six people at Paris
train station * France:
Muslim migrant suspected
of killing his wife
threatens cops with a gun
while screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
* Massachusetts:
Muslim waving machete
advances toward cops, is
STACK FOR 01-04-23 Seattle:
Muslim accused of planting
pipe bomb in public garage
has long felony history,
judges always released him
* Muslim
who stabbed two cops in
Times Square was honor
student and athlete
— then he converted
to Islam * India:
Muslims check IDs to
ensure their targets are
Hindu, gun down four
people * VIDEO:
Video compilation:
Hamas-linked CAIR’s
TV attacks for 2022 *
Muslims invade Enugu
community, murder dozens
in new jihad massacre
* Taliban
Minister: We’ll
Harbor Al Qaeda and Abuse
Women Even If America
Nukes Us * France:
Afghan Muslim migrant in
Islamic garb attacks
jogger, stabs her in the
throat * Burkina
Faso: Muslims murder
Catholic priest
STACK FOR 12-28-22
Muslims slaughter 46
unarmed Christian
villagers as security
forces do nothing * France:
Muslim asks his girlfriend
to convert to Islam, beats
her into a coma * India:
Islamic hit-squads target
prominent Hindus for
conversion to Islam or
murder * France:
Churches, synagogues,
schools installing
emergency call buttons
after Islamic jihad
attacks * India:
Two instances of married
Muslims luring and killing
Hindu women * Pakistan:
Jihad suicide bomber
murders three people in
bombing of military
vehicle * Afghanistan:
Taliban governor rapes two
young girls and then
beheads them in front of
their families * India:
Muslims forcibly
circumcise Hindu man
married to Muslim woman,
force him to convert to
Islam * Israel:
Muslim with Islamic State
ties arrested for bombings
at Jerusalem bus stops
that murdered two people
* Syria:
Islamic State jihadis
murder six Kurdish-led
security forces members
* Germany:
Somali Muslim migrants
five times more likely to
be involved in criminal
proceedings than German
nationals * Christian
Persecution in Africa Grew
More Intense and
Widespread in 2022
STACK FOR 12-21-22
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
beat two brothers with cane
for converting from Islam to
Christianity * Sharia
top dog: ‘The pinnacle
of Islam is jihad for the
sake of Allah. They kill,
they get killed’
* Trending
the Palestinian Authority:
Take your picture with
today’s ‘martyr’
* India:
kills his daughter for
constantly talking on the
phone * Why
An Afghan Muslim Rapist
Given Police Protection In
Germany? * Islamic
of Iran arrested famous
actress after she said
execution of protester was
‘disgrace to
humanity’ * India:
Muslims strew nails on road
leading to Hindu pilgrimage
site * Islamic
once defeated in Iraq,
claims responsibility for
jihad murder of nine Iraqi
federal policemen * VIDEO:
from Germany: Muslim punches
Islam critic Michael
Stürzenberger in the
STACK FOR 12-14-22
Christians are 1.27% of
population, 30% of lynchings
of blasphemy * Nigeria:
Muslims wearing military
uniforms murder 16 people in
new jihad attack on Enugu
community * Palestinian
Authority’s Supreme
Sharia Judge calls Jews
apes and pigs’ * Germany:
Two Muslim migrants rape,
urinate upon and spit upon
non-Muslim woman * Uganda:
Muslims beat Christians,
demolish church in rage over
converts from Islam to
Christianity * ISIS
accuses Taliban of betraying
Islam, invokes hadith in
which Muhammad mutilated and
blinded traitors * Hamas-Linked
CAIR Blames Hindu Mob For
Attack On Muslim Couple;
Attackers Turn Out to Be
Muslim * Nigeria:
Muslims in army uniforms
storm market, murder six
people, abduct 12 including
nursing mother and baby
* Turkey:
Muslims enraged, demand
arrest of journalist for
revealing Muslim
cleric’s marriage to a
child * India:
Muslim strangles his wife to
death for refusing sex twice
in one night * Iran
booted from UN Women's
commission following brutal
crackdown on protesters
STACK FOR 12-07-22
Muslims murder Christian
couple and their 17-year-old
daughter * Mali:
Muslims attack camp for
displaced persons, murder at
least 11 civilians * India:
Muslim pressures minor girl
to marry him, says
he’ll kidnap her and
‘chop her into
pieces’ if she refuses
* Egypt:
Muslim teen stabs his
8-year-old cousin to death,
says he was trying to kill
his mother * Afghanistan:
16 students murdered as bomb
goes off in madrassa * Austria:
At his trial, Muslim says
‘I’m not ashamed
that my religion is allowed
to kill. It’s in the
Qur’an’ * Maine
teen converts to Sunni
Islam, plots to blow up
Shi’ite mosque in
Chicago, plus churches and
synagogues * India:
Hindu woman says Muslim
posed as Hindu, raped her,
threatened to chop her into
70 pieces * Islamic
Republic of Iran demolishes
family home of climber who
competed without a hijab
* India:
Muslim stabs Hindu woman,
cuts off her ears, breasts
and hands in middle of
crowded market area * Bangladesh:
Three Muslims gang-rape
Hindu woman, send the video
to her son’s mobile
phone * Michigan:
Muslim screams insults at
Jewish families at synagogue
daycare facility * Germany:
Muslim migrants murder their
sister, who had shamed
family by remarrying, to
restore family honor * Sharia
in action in Afghanistan:
Woman flogged for going
shopping without male
STACK FOR 11-30-22
Authority urges youth to
which it presents as a
‘wedding of martyrs’
* India:
Muslim writes to Hindu
professor, ‘Jihadis
will sever your head at any
time. This is what Allah has
ordered’ * India:
Muslim rapes Hindu girl at
gunpoint while his sisters
record the act, blackmails
her to convert to Islam
* Afghanistan:
Sunni Taliban murder at
least nine Shi’ite
Hazaras, including three
children * Somalia:
Jihadis storm hotel popular
with government officials
and parliamentarians, murder
at least four people * India:
Muslim murders his daughter,
with help from his son, over
her relationship with a
Hindu man * Iran:
Khamenei’s niece slams
regime’ of the Islamic
Republic * India:
Muslim who murdered Hindu
girlfriend says he has no
regrets, will get virgins in
paradise * UK:
Muslim said he wanted to
‘kill the
‘I want to burn
Christianity, have
holocausts like
Hitler’ * Hamas-linked
CAIR exploits tragedy in
Texas * NYC:
Influential Muslim cleric on
trial for encouraging woman
to carry out jihad massacres
* Philadelphia:
Muslim accused of beheading
woman who was treated
‘like a slave’
STACK FOR 11-23-22
Islamic State tells
Christians and Jews to
convert to Islam, pay jizya,
or face ‘endless war’
* Syria:
Beheaded bodies of two girls
found in camp housing
Islamic State families *
Muslims murder 15 women
accused of witchcraft *
Faso: Muslims dynamite
bridges, attack supply
convoy, causing mass
starvation in town full of
refugees * Belgium:
Knife-wielding Muslim
screaming ‘Allahu
akbar’ says
he’ll kill everyone in
hospital emergency room
* Bangladesh:
Muslim beheads his Hindu
girlfriend after she
discovers he is married
* Islamic
Republic of Iran: Government
forces murder 9-year-old,
death toll among minors
reaches 57 * Besotted
Judge Calls Leftist Muslim
Lawyer Who Firebombed Police
Car A ‘Remarkable
Person’ * India:
50-year-old Muslim poses as
Hindu to lure a Hindu girl,
molests her * Israel:
In coordinated jihad
bombings in Jerusalem,
Muslims murder teenager and
injure 19 others * Roman
Catholic Biden’s
Handlers Print Money for the
Taliban * Germany:
Muslims financed jihad
terror with coronavirus aid
STACK FOR 11-16-22
Afghanistan leader imposes
sharia across the country
* New
Zealand: Muslim says he
wants to kill non-Muslims,
scouts locations for jihad
massacre * India:
Muslim chops his Hindu
live-in partner into 35
pieces for asking him to
marry her * ‘Palestinian’
media brags of 29 jihad
attacks in 24 hours * Israel:
Muslim teen murders three
Israelis and injures four
others in jihad rampage in
Judea and Samaria * VIDEO:
Hamas-linked CAIR operative
elected to Georgia state
senate * Afghanistan:
Supreme leader orders full
implementation of Sharia,
including public executions,
stonings, amputations *
Catholic Biden’s
Handlers Have Spent $1.1
Billion in Afghanistan Since
Taliban Takeover, but
Won’t Say How * Austria:
Muslim migrant forces his
wife to wear hijab, stabs
her 11 times, says ‘I
just wanted to scare
her’ * Maldives:
14 Muslims arrested for
Islamic State jihad massacre
plot * Italy:
Muslim arrested for torture
and abuse of two people,
including a teenager, who
refused to fight for ISIS
* Morocco:
Muslims chase and brutally
beat LGBT person
STACK FOR 11-09-22
Imam of al-Azhar to Pope
Francis: ‘Islam is a
religion of peace and
equality’ * Interfaith
Dialogue: Grand Imam of
Al-Azhar Plays the Pope Like
a Cheap Fiddle * Pope
praises Muslim Council of
Elders, claims it is
‘committed to
dispelling erroneous
interpretations’ of
Islam * Nigeria:
Muslims enter villages on
market day, open fire,
murder at least 18 children
* ‘Influencer’
and convert to Islam, Andrew
Tate, says ‘ISIS are
the real Muslims’
* Germany:
Muslim migrant stabs ticket
inspector, smiles happily
after arrest * ‘Palestinian’
physics: Students told to
calculate distance a jihad
murderer traveled in order
to kill * Why
the Jihadist Hebron Mayor Is
Paying Palestinians to Kill
Dogs * UK:
Migrants ‘armed with
knives and various other
weapons’ cause
‘disturbance’ at
migrant center * Sweden:
Five Muslim migrants rape
young Swedish woman on a
playground * ‘Palestinian’
girl: ‘Daddy gave me a
machine gun and a rifle. We
will achieve victory over
America and Israel’
* India:
Muslims beat accused
lesbians, burn their private
parts, try to rape them
* Switzerland:
Albanian Muslim migrants
kept four women as slaves
for 16 years * Denmark:
Two Afghan Muslim migrants
plot murder of pregnant
woman, then slit her throat
outside of her workplace
* Australia:
15-year-old Muslim pledged
allegiance to Islamic State,
provided guidance on
bomb-making * Iran:
Islamic Republic forces
murder man who honked his
car horn in support of the
protests * Philippines:
Muslims murder one, injure
11 in jihad attack on bus,
Christians and Muslims
condemn attack
STACK FOR 11-02-22
Muslims murder more than 70
Christians in one village,
government does nothing
* Germany:
Afghan Muslim migrant stabs
two people as interior
minister calls for more
migration * New
book explores
Christian-Muslim differences
over the understanding of
Jesus’ mother (But
is not Christianity)* France:
At trial of Nice jihad mass
murderer, jihadi’s
relatives laugh at the
victims’ families
* Bethlehem:
attack as dozens of Muslims
throw stones at Greek
Orthodox church, injuring
several people * Somalia:
Two months after president
vowed ‘all-out
war’ against jihadis,
jihadis murder 100 people in
twin bombings * Austria:
Muslim migrant, allegedly 12
years old, rapes woman in
public toilet facility *
Muslims vandalize Hindu
temple * Iran:
Islamic Republic security
forces beat teen girl to
death for tearing
Khomeini’s photo *
Fatah quotes Qur’an in
praising Muslim who murdered
Israeli as a
‘martyr’ * VIDEO:
Austria: 200 to 300 Muslim
migrants screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
riot and injure police
officers on Halloween night
STACK FOR 10-26-22
Muslim migrant hits
policewoman on head with
stone and rapes her * One
World Church Buildings *
Muslim migrant rapes
11-year-old girl, deputy
mayor says ‘we cannot
psychoanalyze every
refugee’ * France:
Muslim screams ‘We
must cut the throats of
disbelievers,’ will
get psychiatric examination
* Five
Australian women, among
others, sue Qatar over
forced airport vaginal exams
at gunpoint * India:
Islamic scholar beats Hindu
youth and makes him lick
spit for relationship with
Muslim girl * Islamic
Republic of Iran: Security
forces target girls school,
fire tear gas as girls clash
with staff * India:
Muslims target Hindus in
multiple locations during
STACK FOR 10-19-22
Islamic State in the Greater
Sahara murders hundreds of
civilians, forces thousands
to flee * DR
Congo: Muslims murder 20
Christians, kidnap several
others, ‘kafirs should
be killed’ * Nigeria:
Muslims murder three
Christians, torch six
houses, loot and burn five
Christian-owned shops *
prince threatens West with
‘jihad and martyrdom’
* Iran:
Police of the Islamic
Republic beat high school
girl to death * France:
12-year-old girl found dead
with deep throat wound, four
Muslim migrants held * Afghanistan:
Taliban murder gay man, send
graphic footage of murder to
his relatives and friends
* Germany:
Muslim migrant screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
stabs two to death, cops
search for motive * Austria:
Muslim migrant on trial for
attempted murder of his
girlfriend says he only
wanted to disfigure her
* Nigeria:
Muslims storm church and
open fire, killing two
Christians, injuring three
others * Nigeria:
Muslims murder man who was
delivering ransom for
another man they kidnapped
* Canada:
Toronto police offer
$250,000 reward for info on
whereabouts of most wanted
murderer Rabih Alkhalil
STACK FOR 10-12-22 Indonesia:
Muslim cleric says Bali
jihad bombers who murdered
88 had ‘good
intentions and purposes’
* Nigeria:
Muslims murder two
Christians, ‘This is a
strategy of wiping the
entire Christian population
from our land’ * Uganda:
Muslim converts to
Christianity, Muslims flog
him and destroy his home
while screaming
‘Infidel!’ *
Muslim cleric issues fatwa
telling Muslims to murder
Ahmadiyya women and children
* France:
Muslim stabs six people,
takes out Qur’an and
prays, cops say it’s
not ‘linked to
radicalization’ *
Muslims invade village,
amputate hand of 14-year-old
boy, murder his parents
* UK:
24 men, including Omar Taj,
Jameel Ahmed, Mohammad
Nadeem Ali, Muhammad Yasir,
charged with rape of teen
girl * Islamic
Republic of Iran: Regime has
now killed 185 protesters,
but they won’t give up
* Iran:
Mother of girl killed in
protests says her injuries
don’t match
regime’s claims of how
she died * India:
Muslims attack Bengali
Hindus on day of Hindu
festival while the local
government naps * Uganda:
Muslim woman becomes
Christian, imam and other
Muslims beat her with
sticks, kick and slap her
* Muslims
not only beheaded gay
but paraded his body through
the streets
STACK FOR 10-05-22 India:
Muslim slits Hindu’s
throat, jihad group claims
credit, but cops say
it’s not terrorism
* South
Africa: Islamic State
jihadis murdered British
botanists and fed them to
crocodiles * Uganda:
Woman converts to
Christianity, Muslim
husband, screaming
‘Allahu akbar,’
beats and strangles her
* DR
Congo: Muslims hack 14
people to death with
machetes, torch 36 homes in
jihad raid on village *
Four Muslims rape pregnant
Hindu woman, ‘We will
go to heaven if we have sex
with a Hindu woman’
STACK FOR 09-28-22 'Allahu
Akbar!’ vs ‘Jai
Shri Ram!’ – UK
Riots Between Muslims and
Hindus Spreading * NYC:
‘I Killed Two Police
Officers and My Religion
Made Me Do It’ * Germany:
Muslim migrant teen plotted
bomb attack, then knife
attack on police officers
* Pakistan:
Sunnis kill over 4,000 Shias
in eight years of Sunni-Shia
jihad * India:
Muslima poses as Hindu for
12 years of marriage,
threatens to behead husband
if he doesn’t convert
to Islam * India:
Muslims force-feed beef to
Hindu, circumcise him, force
him to convert to Islam
* India:
Muslim slits throat of his
Hindu wife for refusing to
wear burqa and asking for
divorce * UK:
‘We will get our
vengeance in this life and
the afterlife!…We
love death!…Allahu
akbar!’ * Australia:
Islamic group demands
Twitter institute procedure
to remove
content automatically *
‘Soldiers of the
caliphate’ pose as
customers, murder battery
dealer and his friend *
Knife-wielding Muslim
migrant screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
attacks man, threatens to
kill him
STACK FOR 09-21-22 Germany:
Afghan Muslim migrant stabs
woman in supermarket as her
three-year-old daughter
watches * Nigeria:
Muslims storm church, abduct
40 Christians, demand
$466,000 ransom * UK:
Muslim screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
stabs two police officers,
one of them three times in
the neck * Morocco:
Appeal court upholds
woman’s prison
sentence for
‘undermining the
Muslim religion’ *
Muslim vegetable vendor
caught on video urinating on
vegetables and selling them
in Hindu area * UK:
Muslims attack Hindus with
stones and bottles, beat
drivers with Hindu symbols
in cars * Austria:
Muslim migrant beats, bites
cop because wife told to
lift veil, gets suspended
sentence and is released
* UK:
Muslims threaten to kill
Jews and dogs, police do
STACK FOR 09-14-22 Uganda:
‘If you continue
insisting Jesus is Son of
God, Allah will kill
you’: Muslims murder
five Christians * Nigeria:
Muslims murder six
Christians, shooting some
and killing others with
machetes * Somalia:
Muslims destroy trucks
filled with relief food,
murder at least 18 civilians
* Pakistan:
Muslims attack polio
vaccination team, four dead
* Afghanistan:
Muslim murders six people in
jihad suicide attack at
Russian embassy in Kabul
* Germany:
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
drown out protest against
execution of homosexuals in
Iran * Mozambique:
Muslims behead six people,
abduct three others,
president says attackers are
STACK FOR 09-08-22 Nigeria:
Five Muslims with machetes
murder Christian National
Youth Service Corps member
* Egypt:
Muslims murder two Coptic
Christians in Sinai * Burkina
Faso: Muslims murder six
civilians and injure two
others in jihad attack on
convoy returning from gold
mine * Nigeria:
Muslim kills parents for
blaspheming Muhammad, says
he has no regrets, deserves
garlands * Pakistan:
Muslim promises food to
Hindu girl in flood-ravaged
area, instead abducts and
rapes her * India:
Muslims murder Hindu man
over love affair with Muslim
cleric’s daughter
* Afghanistan:
Muslima says she was forced
to marry Taliban official
and raped every night *
Muslim migrant attacks three
lesbians, beats transgender
person to death at pride
event * UK:
Muslim mobs terrorize
Hindus, vandalize Hindu
properties * Mozambique:
Muslims set fire to Catholic
mission, murder 84-year-old
nun * Germany:
Muslim migrant murders woman
with axe * Australia:
University argues for
‘freedom of
speech’ after
‘Death to
Israel’ article in
student paper
STACK FOR 08-31-22
Torturing Afghan Christians
* Pakistani
Immigrant Pleads Guilty to
Plotting ISIS Terrorist
Attack on NYC Dunkin’
Donuts * Germany:
Muslim who lived by
‘strict religious
rules’ stabs wife 30
times for wanting
lifestyle’ * India:
Muslim sets Hindu girl on
fire for rejecting him, girl
dies with burns on 90% of
her body * Australia:
Muslim academic advocates
violent jihad in YouTube
videos, ‘bloodshed is
coming’ * France:
Muslim butchers his
housemate with an axe,
admits he did it because he
was Jewish * Nigeria:
‘We are dealing here
a sustained campaign to
wipe out Christianity. No
Christian is safe.’
* Yet
another Muslim journalist
working for the New York
Times praises Hitler * Pakistan:
Muslims gang-rape
eight-year-old Hindu girl, stab
her in both eyes
* DR
Congo: Muslims murder at
least 40 civilians in string
of jihad attacks on several
villages * Germany:
Four Muslim migrant teens
sexually assault woman on
the street
STACK FOR 08-24-22
Muslim father beheads his
daughter for rejecting
arranged marriage * Maldives:
Muslim chants Qur’an
verses, then stabs
government minister in the
neck * Islamic
terrorists shoot Christian
lawyer dead, kidnap 4 nuns
* Indonesia:
Bali jihad bomb maker walks
free after killing 202
people * Nigeria:
Muslims kidnap 16-year-old
Christian girl and force her
to convert to Islam * UK:
Rotherham, where Muslim rape
gangs abused 1,400 girls,
named Children’s
Capital of Culture * VIDEO:
Germany: Muslims knock Islam
critic to the ground, hit
him in the head * Bangladesh:
Muslim mob attacks
indigenous Munda people, one
dead, four injured
STACK FOR 08-17-22
Salman Rushdie Stabbed by
Muslim * Four
U.S. Tourists Among Seven
Victims Shot by Arab
Terrorist in Jerusalem *
Uses Beatings, Gunfire to
Break Up Women’s
Rights Protest on Takeover
Anniversary * ‘Allahu
Akbar’ Moroccan
Beheads Father and Carries
His Head on French Street
* 'Rushdie
insulted Islam': Justifying
attack, Iran faults author
for his own stabbing * The
Palestinian Authority Has
Already Paid $1,421,940 to
the Jihadis Who Blew Up the
Sbarro Pizzeria * Cathy
Young and The Bulwark
suddenly discover that there
is a jihad threat to the
freedom of speech * Chicago:
Muslim woman TikToked her
divorce, then her husband
killed her * Israel’s
Defense Minister says
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
got ‘tens of millions
of dollars’ from Iran
STACK FOR 08-10-22
Muslim says ‘When I
get out I will kill a lot of
people because they are not
good,’ is acquitted
Yaser Said 'honor killings'
trial: Daughter in 911 call
tells police she's 'dying'
* Jury
rules on U.S. Muslim dad in
murder of 2 daughters who
adopted American ways *
Republic of Iran destroys
homes and confiscates 20
hectares of
land * Switzerland:
‘You must wear the
chador. You have to submit
to me, otherwise I’ll
kill you and nobody will
catch me.’ * Mozambique:
Muslim behead two Christians
‘by the grace of Allah
almighty’ * Afghanistan:
Sunni Muslims murder eight
people with bomb near mosque
in Shi’ite area of
STACK FOR 08-04-22
Catholic Biden paid Taliban
more than $1 billion over
last year * Nigeria:
Muslims murder seven
Christians, including four
children, in jihad raid on
village * India:
Islamic scholars’
running jihad camp in
madrassa shows how
widespread it is to train
children for jihad * Iranian
regime now talking openly as
a nuclear threshold state
* PA
to raise salaries of jihadis
who bombed Hebrew University
in Jerusalem * India:
Islamic scholar showed jihad
training material to
students in madrassas *
Afghan Muslim migrant stabs
passers-by while
‘uttering words in
Arabic,’ cops search
for motive * Uganda:
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
ambush and beat Christians,
burn Bibles, kill one
Christian * Palestinian
Authority trains hundreds of
children to be jihad
terrorists * Nigeria:
Muslims storm community,
kill eight people, amputate
hand of five-month-old
baby * Iran:
Regime agents raid dog
shelter, kill more than
1,700 dogs
STACK FOR 07-27-22
Iranian Deputy Foreign
Minister: If we ever want to
build a nuclear bomb,
‘nobody will be able
to stop us’ * Afghanistan:
Taliban tortures YouTubers
for ‘insulting
Qur’an verses’
India: Muslim mob assaults
and strips female Hindu
teacher for scolding Muslim
student * Israel:
Muslim rioters set fire to
recreation center, burn
Jewish holy books * Sweden:
Muslims get prison for
rioting, stoning police over
Qur’an-burning that
didn’t happen * India:
Muslim beats Hindu for
supporting Nupur Sharma on
social media * India:
Hindu found dead after
father gets message,
‘Beheading is only
punishment for those who
insult Muhammad’ *
No murder charges against
four Afghan Muslim migrants
involved in rape and murder
of 13-year-old girl * India:
Muslim stalks Hindu girl for
a year, rapes her, forces
her to convert to Islam
* France:
Muslim on terrorist list
threatens passers-by with
knife, was praying when cops
arrived * Turkey:
12th grade public school
textbook promotes armed
jihad * VIDEO:
Syria: Muslims fire missile
at church opening ceremony
* Nigeria:
Muslims flog kidnap victims,
threaten to sell them as
slaves, captive says
government doesn’t
care * Germany:
After Islamic prayers,
Afghan Muslim migrant goes
on stabbing spree, is
declared mentally ill *
kids’ show in Gaza
uses puppet to teach
‘jihad is the pinnacle
of Islam
STACK FOR 07-19-22
Muslim rapes Christian
employee, calls her
Christian,’ tells her
to go back to work * Sweden:
Ethiopian’ who raped
and tried to murder
9-year-old girl turns out to
be adult Muslim * Egypt:
Enraged Muslim mob throws
rocks at Christian homes,
starts fires after church
gets legal recognition *
scholar in Canada tells
woman who converted to Islam
that she is no longer
married to her infidel
husband * UK:
Prison officials appoint
Muslim rape gang ringleader
representative’ *
Muslim group plotted jihad
massacres at navy base,
courthouse, Mardi Gras
parade and Israeli embassy
* Bangladesh:
Muslims murder Hindu student
for his relationship with a
Muslim girl * Malaysia:
Muslim mob bloodies delivery
rider accused of insulting
Islam, then he is arrested
* Pakistan:
16-year-old Hindu girl
abducted, forcibly married
to Muslim man * Togo:
Muslims murder at least 12
civilians in overnight jihad
raids on villages * France:
Muslim migrant stabs three
people to death in random
jihad attack on street *
Muslim runs over and kills
Israeli police officer *
Sharia court finds woman,
20, guilty of adultery,
sentences her to be stoned
to death * India:
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
murder Hindu man for
objecting to ‘love
jihad’ * India:
Jihad group forms team of 40
people to behead people who
support Nupur Sharma
STACK FOR 07-01-22
Iran regime leaders accused
of mass murder in 2019
protests * VIDEO:
Disneyland Paris marriage
proposal gone wrong * 'Vile,
Satanic Attack': Gunmen Kill
at Least 50 Worshippers and
Children at Church on
Pentecost Sunday in Nigeria
STACK FOR 06-01-22
Muslim rapes Hindu woman for
eight months, forces her to
embrace Islam * Nigeria:
Muslim mob burns down shops
and homes over Christian
woman accused of blasphemy
* Germany:
Muslims beat up man for
talking about Islam in
restaurant, say he had no
right to do so * Nigeria:
Muslims murder at least 50
people who were clearing
farmlands and gathering
firewood * Nigeria:
Islamic State jihadists
slaughter over 70 people in
72 hours * Italy:
Muslima burns her daughter
with a hot iron for not
wearing the veil * India:
Muslims on Twitter call for
murder of BJP spokeswoman
for speaking critically of
Muhammad * Burkina
Faso: Islamic State and
al-Qaeda murder around 50
people trying to flee a
jihadist blockade * Afghanistan:
Muslims murder 14 Muslims
they considered heretics
with bombs in mosque and
minivan * Germany:
Afghan Muslim migrant
sexually abuses two
Ukrainian refugee girls,
ages six and seven * Indonesia:
Muslim university student
plotted jihad massacre at
police station and may have
targeted a church * Pakistan:
Muslim murders his wife for
resisting his attempt to
marry off their underage
daughter * Pakistan:
80-year-old man beheaded
over blasphemy allegations
* Muslim
migrant who plotted to kill
Bush entered US on tourist
visa, stayed on bogus asylum
claim * France:
Man who was stabbed in neck
by Muslim ‘in the name
of Allah’ dies of his
injuries * India:
Muslims murder Hindu
teacher, Muslim politician
complains that this
‘plays into the
anti-Muslim narrative’
STACK FOR 05-25-22
Plotting To Assassinate
George W. Bush In Dallas
(Are they mad he blamed 911
on them?) * High-tech
warfare: Turkey to deploy
military drones with MACHINE
GUNS * Uganda:
Muslim cleric converts to
Christianity, Muslims
screaming ‘Allahu
akbar’ destroy church
and pastor’s house
* The
situation of Yezidi
survivors of the Islamic
State’s genocide in
Iraq * VIDEO:
India: Muslim child calling
for genocide of Christians
and Hindus is not singular
* France:
Muslim screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
enters Qatari embassy in
Paris, beats guard to death
* Australia:
Muslim woman holds her
sister down as her father
stabs her in attempted honor
murder * Nigeria:
Muslims set houses and shops
on fire over claims of
blasphemous message on
social media * Nigeria:
Muslim cleric says
‘Anyone who touches
the prophet, no punishment.
Just kill!’ * Norway:
Muslim migrant stabs his
wife and one other person
* Turkey:
Leaflets distributed quoting
Qur’an and urging that
gays be stoned to death
* 90-Year-Old
French Jewish Man Pushed Out
of Window by Muslim Neighbor
* Iraqi
Kurdistan: Muslim stabs his
sister 28 times for marrying
against the will of the
family * Virginia:
Muslim family convicted of
holding woman as slave *
Muslim family lures two
sisters home from Spain,
murders them in honor
killing * VIDEO:
Hamas official: We will
‘ chop off the heads
of the occupation’s
leaders, Allah
willing’ * Nigeria:
Muslim rights group demands
arrest of Christian pastor
for blasphemy to stop
‘chaos and religious
war’ * VIDEO:
Canada: Imam Younus Kathrada
Says Slain Palestinian
Journalist is Not a Martyr,
and as a Christian, Cannot
STACK FOR 05-18-22
genocide of the Yezidis has
been forgotten * Islamic
scholar: ‘Palestine
should be a center, a
capital, and a starting
point for conquering the
world’ * India:
Admitted jihad terrorist had
been hailed as Gandhian
freedom fighter by the Left
* Abbas
vows to continue paying
Palestinians to murder
Israelis * Nigeria:
Muslims attack cathedral,
partially burn church,
bishop says ‘This has
nothing to do with religion’
(Rome needs to keep their
Islamic fingerprints
hidden) * Nigeria:
Muslim murders four people
in jihad suicide bombing
* Uganda:
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
cut bishop with knives,
other Muslims burn church
* Fact
Check: Pedophilia is a
Cornerstone of Islam
STACK FOR 05-11-22
Islamic State kills eleven
soldiers in jihad attack on
Sinai water pumping station
* France:
Muslim migrant, expelled
from Sweden, sexually
assaults 9-year-old boy,
lawyer pleads
differences’ * India:
Muslim poses as Hindu to
lure Hindu girl to marriage
* Nigeria:
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
murder eight people,
including children younger
than five * France:
Muslim stabs man ten times
in neck ‘in name of
Allah,’ authorities
rule out terrorism, search
for motive * Sudan:
Couple faces lashes for
‘adultery’ after
marriage is annulled due to
husband’s conversion
to Christianity * France:
Muslim migrant armed with
knife enters cathedral,
screams ‘Allahu
akbar’ * Newly
declassified FBI docs
confirm ‘direct
connection between Saudi
government and 9/11’
STACK FOR 05-04-22
Jersey: Muslim software
developer scouted locations
in NYC, DC and Boston for
jihad massacres for
Hizballah * Afghanistan:
Jihad suicide bomber murders
over 50 people at mosque
* Mossad
foils Islamic Revolutionary
Guards Corps plot to kill
Israeli diplomat, US general
and French journalist *
Holy Month and the Pursuit
of Jihad * UK:
Muslim cleric forced to flee
city after death threats he
received for denouncing
extremism’ * Canada:
Islamophobic hate crime at
mosque turns out to have
committed by Muslims * Italy:
Muslim migrant cook beheads
Muslim migrant dishwasher
STACK FOR 04-27-22
destroy Temple artifacts to
prevent Jews from Passover
visits to Temple Mount *
Muslims attack Jews in the
middle of Berlin, German
media ignores the attack
* France:
Man converts to Islam, plots
jihad massacre at
Élysée Palace
* Italy:
Muslim migrants beat
Christians for wearing
crosses, ‘They
consider us inferior and
want to dominate us’
* Ramadan
in France: Muslim threatens
to kill ‘the French
and the cops’
‘in the name of Allah’
* Islamic
State claims credit for 42
Ramadan jihad attacks, say
they’re revenge for
killing of its leaders *
Pro-Palestinian group calls
jihadis ‘freedom
fighters,’ calls for
total destruction of Israel
* Germany:
Muslim stops train traffic
with bomb threat,
politicians and press
initially suspected
right-wing radicals * India:
Muslim woman hopes for
‘calamity that will
strike only the Hindus and
not the Muslims’ *
Muslima murders three, US
Consulate says jihad attack
‘in direct contrast to
peaceful spirit of Ramadan’
(Millions of martyred
Christians prove otherwise)
STACK FOR 04-20-22
Bomb Boys’ School in
Kabul, Afghanistan, Killing
6 * ‘They
Killed So Many
People’: Nigerian
Terrorists Conduct Easter
Sunday Massacre * Muslim
congresswoman gets asked:
'Why do you hate
Christians?' * Quran
riots in Sweden as Muslim
migrants violently seize
control * Islamic
State quotes Qur’an in
calling for more jihad
attacks in Israel and Europe
* India:
Muslims target yet another
Hindu festival, Hanuman
Janmotsav * Democratic
Republic of Congo: Muslims
murder 30 people in jihad
raid on two villages, slit
the throats of many * Nigeria:
Muslims attack Christian
villages, murder at least 80
people, tear down 115 homes
* Greece:
Muslim interrupts church
liturgy, starts screaming
Qur’an verses * Benin:
Muslims murder five soldiers
in national park * Islamic
Republic of Iran gives
converts to Christianity
five years prison for
‘deviant propaganda’
* India:
Muslims murder railway
police head constable in
Jammu and Kashmir * Islamic
State quotes Qur’an in
calling for more jihad
attacks in Israel and Europe
STACK FOR 04-13-22
torch Joseph's tomb * VIDEO:
Pakistan: Christians
Relegated to Manually
Cleaning Sewers * France:
Muslim migrant screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
stabs man and his dog *
Muslim says if he were
president, he’d begin
genocide of the Jews,
judiciary decides not to
indict him * Israel:
Jihad murderer left mosque
in Jaffa, murdered two
Israelis, tried to return to
mosque * Joe
Biden’s Iran Bomb
Agreement * Bangladesh:
Muslims vandalize Hindu
home, set fire, destroy
temple fence over rumors of
blasphemous Facebook post
* Uganda:
Muslim sheikh becomes
Christian, his Muslim
relatives and neighbor
poison him * A
Seattle Man Says He Killed
‘In the Name of
Allah.’ Why
Won’t the Media Report
That? * Brooklyn
shooter Frank James posted
Nation of Islam founder
‘Messenger of
Allah’ image on social
media * Germany:
Afghan Muslim migrant who
stabbed woman on
Allah’s order grins
happily in court * Ramadan
in Israel: Muslima stabs
Border Police officer in the
neck * France:
Muslim migrant mom had
daughters’ genitals
mutilated because she thinks
it’s ‘religious
necessity’ in Islam
STACK FOR 04-06-22
Catholic Biden Sends Nearly
$1 Billion to Afghanistan
Since Taliban Takeover *
State Man Reads the
Qur’an, Gets the Idea
to Kill a Woman * Indonesian
court sentences teacher to
death for raping 13 students
* Bangladesh:
Muslim policeman abuses
Hindu woman for wearing
bindi, tries to run her over
with his motorbike * India:
Policeman rescues infant
from flames after Muslim mob
attacks Hindus celebrating
Hindu New Year * Communist
Party of India top dog says
many of Muhammad’s
ideas are close to Communist
ideals * Bangladesh:
Rape victims ostracized for
being raped, often forced to
marry their rapist * UK:
National Union of Students
top dog has ‘death for
the sake of Allah is our
most exalted wish’ in
Twitter bio * Turkey
introduces new missile with
video targeting Greek island
STACK FOR 03-30-22
WATCH: ‘Allahu
Akbar!’ –
Chechens Open Fire on
Apartment Block In Azov
Stronghold Mariupol * Eight
Indicted For Raping and
Filming Rapes of Two
13-Year-Old Girls * Mosques
in Judea and Samaria and
Gaza Strip scream
‘Allahu akbar,’
celebrate jihad murders of
Jews * Israel:
Muslims murder 11 people in
three jihad terror attacks
in one week * Nigeria:
Muslims murder 50
Christians, abduct 100 more,
burn down church, houses,
stores * Israel:
Muslim opens fire at
passersby, murders five
people * Nigeria:
Muslims murder 32
Christians, destroy 200
houses in raid on Christian
STACK FOR 03-23-22
Admits Radical Islam, NOT
Mental Issues, Likely
Motivated Mass Stabbing by
Syrian * At
least 4 Jews murdered in
terror attack, 1 victim
clings to life * UK:
Manhunt on for Muslim
suspected of murdering his
girlfriend, ‘victim
suffered serious neck
injuries’ * India:
Muslims stone Hindus
celebrating Holi, police
arrive, Muslims stone them,
too * Taliban
replaces Afghan flag with
flag reading ‘There is
no God but Allah, and
Muhammad is His prophet’
* Israel
gives nuclear watchdog
evidence of four concealed
Iranian nuclear sites *
jihad in Israel: Muslim
stabs two cops in Jerusalem,
Hamas applauds it as
‘heroic act’
* Germany:
Muslim migrant stabs three
random men with a knife,
cops search for motive *
Muslim tries to kidnap Hindu
teen, convert her to Islam,
marry her, murders her when
she resists * Bangladesh:
Muslim mobs gather,
demanding ‘exemplary
punishment’ of Hindu
arrested for criticizing
Muhammad * India:
Minister says Hindus are not
safe from Muslim attacks
even in his constituency
STACK FOR 03-16-22
migrants trashed over 2,300
churches in Greece between
2015, 2020 * VIDEO:
After 1000s of Church
Desecrations, Why Does
Greece Keep Admitting
Unvetted Muslim Migrants?
* Egypt:
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
brutally murder three
Christians, dance as they
mutilate their bodies *
Leftists try to sabotage
movie The Kashmir Files,
which discusses the Muslim
genocide of Hindus in
Kashmir * Biden
Is So Weak, Another Big
Threat Is Organizing in the
U.S. * Nigeria:
Muslims murder Christian who
was on his way home from
church convention * Netanyahu:
Iran deal endangers not just
Israel, but also the US
* India:
Muslim man arrested for
hiding under burqa to molest
girls * VIDEO:
Pakistan’s Federal
Civil Aviation Minister says
he wants to become a jihad
suicide bomber to kill
enemies of Islam
STACK FOR 03-09-22
Sunni jihad suicide bomber
murders 60 at Shi’ite
mosque * Dubai:
Social media star’s
death called “a lesson
to all Muslim women who
‘showed off on
Instagram'” * France:
Muslim staff in hospitals
refuse to treat homosexuals,
women and Jews * France:
After jihadi mosque is
closed, 200 Muslims storm
hospital, pray in its
corridors * UK:
Muslim makes up 188 fake
kids to rake in
$2,337,840.99 in benefits
scam * Islamic
State says Ukraine war is
‘crusaders against
crusaders,’ hopes it
will destroy ‘enemies
of Islam’ * Pakistan:
Muslims murder another polio
worker * Germany:
Muslim policeman threatens
to ‘slaughter’
infidels, guards Berlin
STACK FOR 03-02-22
Muslims try to burn convert
to Christianity alive, say
Allah will reward them in
paradise if they kill him
* Greece:
Over 2,000 incidents of
desecration of churches
around the same time as
illegal Muslim migrant
influx * Democratic
Republic of Congo: Muslims
murder 20 civilians despite
joint Congo-Uganda op
against jihad group * Pakistan’s
Khan makes light of Ukraine
attack while visiting Putin,
calls Russian invasion
‘exciting’ *
Islamic State West Africa
Province slaughters 25
people * Chechen
Mufti says Chechen jihadis
helping Putin are ‘on
the path of Allah’
* Spain:
Five Muslim migrants
arrested, called for the
murder of anyone who
criticized Islam
STACK FOR 02-21-22
Muslim mob beats Christian
to death in Lahore * Pakistan:
Court frees brother who
confessed to murdering his
sister, a social media star,
in honor killing * Iran:
Converts from Islam to
Christianity begin prison
sentences for spreading
Christianity * Germany:
Woman dies from 28 stab
wounds, Afghan Muslim
migrant husband says she
committed suicide * Switzerland:
Imam got $650,000 in welfare
while calling for
extermination of Jews,
Christians, Hindus and
Russians * Somalia:
Jihadis murder five people,
including two children, in
attack on police stations
* Serbia:
Man converts to Islam, plots
to mow down people in
Belgrade with a truck *
Couple stoned to death at
Sharia court for sex outside
marriage * Malaysia:
Minister for women tells
husbands to beat their
‘stubborn’ wives
for ‘unruly’
behavior * Germany:
Afghan Muslim migrant stabs
three while screaming
‘Allahu akbar,’
officials say it
* Qatar
sentences woman who was
sexually assaulted to 100
lashes and seven years in
prison * Pope
funnels money to illegal
Muslim migrants
* India:
Muslim sentenced to death
for jihad massacre says
‘For me, the decisions
of the Koran are
supreme’ * India:
Murdered Hindu activist had
received death threats from
Muslims for
* Somalia:
Muslims murder at least four
people with bomb in front of
restaurant at shopping
center * Pakistan’s
Khan: ‘The US war on
terror actually bred
terrorists’ (DUH)
* India:
Muslim politician claims
rape rate is high because
women don’t wear hijab
STACK FOR 02-02-22
Authority celebrates
murderers of Israelis and
other Jews as heroes * The
Taliban’s strictly
Islamic Afghanistan is now
the hardest place in the
world to be a Christian
* Thailand:
Muslims place bombs in front
of convenience stores,
shops, a market, animal
hospital and car care shop
* Kansas
Muslim Convert Wanted to
Bomb College Campus for ISIS
* India:
Muslim cleric gave gun and
bullets to Muslims who
murdered Hindu over Facebook
post * India:
Muslim youth slits the
throat of his Hindu friend
* Pakistan:
Muslims open fire on car
returning home from church,
murder one priest, injure
another * Kenya:
Muslims approach vehicle
convoy and open fire,
injuring six people * Kansas
Schoolteacher Joins ISIS,
Plots Jihad Massacres in
U.S., Leads All-Female
Terrorist Battalion * Pakistan:
Muslims murder Hindu
businessman, victim had gone
to police but they took no
action * Islamic
Republic of Iran executes
two men on charges of
homosexuality * India:
Muslim mob attacks Hindus
who had gathered to pay
tribute to man murdered over
supposedly blasphemous post
* Group
Biden removed from terror
list fires ballistic missile
over Abu Dhabi as Israeli
president visits UAE
STACK FOR 01-26-22 ‘Palestinian’
Muslim who killed teen:
According to Islam ‘it
is permitted for me to kill
someone who took my lands’
* Germany:
Afghan Muslim migrant tries
to kill woman because
‘women shouldn’t
work,’ says ‘I
sent her to paradise’
* Nigeria:
Muslims abduct more than a
dozen girls in Chibok *
Afghan Muslim refugee
convicted of sexually
assaulting 3-year-old girl
at Quantico Marine base
* Germany:
Muslim ‘refugee’
douses three female
government workers with
gasoline, threatens to light
them on fire * Catholic
Charities eager to
‘serve’ Afghan
Muslim refugees while
abandoning the most needy
Christians * Virginia:
Afghan Convicted of Sexually
Assaulting 3-Year-Old Girl,
Says it’s Allowed in
His Culture * Gaza:
Pro-Iran members of Islamic
Jihad chant ‘Death to
the House of Saud,’
Hamas distances itself
STACK FOR 01-19-22 Florida
man sentenced for brutally
slaying teen after he
'violated' Islamic faith
* Uganda:
Muslims murder Christian for
converting Muslims to
Christianity, beat his wife
and daughter unconscious
Condemns 19th Century
Slavery in the United
States, But What About
Muhammad? * Austria:
Muslim migrant sets fire to
apartment building and
attacks fleeing residents
with a knife * Nigeria:
“They asked ‘are
you Muslim or
Christian?’ I told
them I was Christian, and
they intensified the
beating” * Nigeria:
Muslims screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
murder 18 Christians
STACK FOR 01-12-22 UK:
Mosque leader preached
‘Jihad, Jihad, Jihad!
Jihad is compulsory. Jihad
by fighting by sword’
* France:
Muslim screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
injures three police
officers * UK:
Christian nurse bullied by
hospital staff over small
cross while Muslims wore
hijab, went to mosque 4Xs
daily * Palestinian
Authority determined to
continue paying jihadists
‘in the name of the
martyrs’ * Spain:
Forced marriages have
increased by 60% since 2015,
14% involve girls under 15
* While
Biden Negotiates, Iran Keeps
Trying to Kill Americans
* Pakistan:
Christian already serving
life sentence for alleged
‘blasphemy’ is
given death sentence * Kenya:
Muslims storm shop where
Christians are meeting for
prayer, murder them, torch
the shop, behead ex-Muslim
* As
Afghanistan spirals into a
vortex of poverty, parents
are desperate enough to
sell their own children to
Muslim pedophiles
(They do this because there
is no god in Islam that
answers prayer) * Afghanistan:
Taliban defense minister
threatens to put 2,000 jihad
suicide bombers at Afghan
embassy in DC * DR
Congo: Muslims storm village
and open fire, murdering
seventeen people * Muslims
enter village, shoot three
people to death in their
homes, take two hostages
* Kazakhstan:
Muslims behead police
officer amid nationwide
STACK FOR 01-05-22 Hotspots
where Christian persecution
expected to get worse in
2022 * Czechia:
Afghan Muslim migrant rapes
19-year-old girl, stabs
another woman * Taliban
released Islamic State Kabul
airport jihad mass murderer
from prison days before
attack * UK:
Tommy Robinson’s car
firebombed after release of
documentary trailer on
Muslim rape gangs * USC’s
Very Different Treatment of
Ben Shapiro and a Muslim
Student Who Urged Killing
Jews * Nigeria:
Muslims storm community,
open fire as residents flee,
murder 10 soldiers and
children * Italy:
30 foreigners surround
19-year-old woman, grope her
and try to undress her *
France: Muslims torture dog,
spread the video on the
Internet * France:
Muslim migrant screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
pushes man onto train
tracks, is sent to mental
hospital * Kenya:
Muslims murder six people
and torch homes * France:
Muslim screaming
‘Allahu akbar’
riddles car with bullets,
threatens female jogger
* India:
Muslim who slit the throats
of a dozen civilians is
killed in Srinagar
STACK FOR 12-29-21 Democratic
Republic of Congo: Muslim
murders at least six in
Christmas day jihad massacre
at restaurant * Islamic
State calls on Muslims to
murder non-Muslims during
Christmas season * Myanmar:
Muslim teen slits the throat
of Buddhist civil servant
Maryland: Muslima claims
attacker tried to take off
her hijab, video footage
shows no assault * Germany:
Muslim migrant hails murder
of Jews as ‘blessed
feast of sacrifice,’
gives the finger to court
* Australia:
Muslim father murders his
daughter and her husband for
marrying without his
permission * Nigeria:
Muslims murder five people
in bomb blasts ahead of
president’s visit
Israel: Muslims throw
Molotov cocktails at Jewish
homes in east Jerusalem
* Iran’s
Islamic Revolutionary Guard
Corps quotes Qur’an in
threat to blow up
Israel’s nuclear
facility * Hamas
Women’s Movement
leader says all Gaza women
ready to kill themselves in
jihad suicide bombings *
jihad alliance launches
military exercises in Gaza
* India:
Assam government shuts down
hundreds of madrassas, jihad
recruitment taking place in
many of them * Iran:
Soccer player sparks outrage
for playing in match with
Israeli coach, told to
‘openly express his
hatred’ * Muslim:
‘I Want To Kill My
First Jew’ * India:
Muslim migrants violently
attack Christian migrants
for singing Christmas
carols, five cops injured
* France:
Muslim migrant kidnaps
15-year-old girl, rapes her
for several days, screams
‘Allahu akbar’
at night
STACK FOR 12-22-21 Democratic
Republic of Congo: Muslim
murder numerous civilians in
multiple jihad attacks *
Muslim migrant sexually
assaults anti-migration
activist inside her home
* Israel:
65-year-old Muslima stabs
Israeli near the Cave of the
Patriarchs * UK:
Muslim migrant arrested on
suspicion of money
laundering to fund jihad
terrorism * Islamic
Republic of Iran threatens
to light Israel on fire
* UK:
Muslim who stabbed cop while
screaming ‘Allahu
akbar’ jokes on
Facebook despite Internet
ban * France:
Mosque prea