"The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple." -Psalms 119:130

On this page is a collection of Questions and Answers that were shared during our online church service on "Q&A Sabbath." (Due to the fact that I don't do spell check on questions sent to me, please don't email me alerting me of spelling errors on this page.)


  1. v- Is every creature of God good enough to eat as 1 Timothy 4:4 suggests? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 01-06)

  2. Did God sanction incest in Genesis?

  3. What does "In Jesus name" at the end of prayer mean?

  4. Will all the people of the World hear the Lord's message?

  5. Was Eli the priest eternally lost at death?

  6. In Zec 14:16 what are these feast of tabernacles that we will keep on the new earth?

  7. What does Proverbs 10:10 mean? (winketh?) ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 07-13)

  8. Will some die for their faith during the time of trouble?

  9. In what old testament verse was the resurrection of Jesus Christ mentioned?

  10. What are the words that will bring someone on their deathbed to Christ?

  11. What are the deeds of the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:6)?

  12. What are the doctrines of Balaam, who taught Balac (Revelation 2:14)?

  13. My question is how to teach children about the creation / evolution debate

  14. Will children of the wicked die at the second coming? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 14-19)

  15. How many angels are there in heaven?

  16. Does "absent from the body, to be present with the Lord" mean Christians go to Heaven at death?

  17. What does 2 Tim 3:6 mean?

  18. Did John the Baptist have doubts about Jesus?

  19. What does Proverbs 11:15 mean?

  20. Are homosexual people born that way or demon possessed?

  21. Who was inspired by God to select the books that were to be part of the bible ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 21-25)

  22. Are we saved by keeping the Ten Commandments?

  23. Did the 1260 year prophecy end years earlier than predicted?

  24. When someone says that keeping the sabbath is stupid how are we to respond?

  25. Please explain how lent is pagan

  26. Does God say in Romans 13:1 we are to obey an evil government? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 26-31)

  27. Does God have a special mate for me?

  28. Does the 666 apply to any and all Antichrists?

  29. Why are the SDR churches so hard to find?

  30. Can I swear to God in court?

  31. How are pastors appointed in a church  

  32. What does it mean to fear the Lord? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 32-48)

  33. Are we supposed to sell all we have and give to the poor like the rich young ruler in Luke 18?

  34. Some say Jesus was not Jewish or the Son of Mary. Is this true?  

  35. I am in a very intense trial right now. The worst I’ve ever seen!!! What can I do?

  36. Can Remnant Christians pass out tracts at carnivals?

  37. Is Romans 14 evidence that we can eat anything we like to eat?

  38. How do we share the gospel?

  39. Is antichrist born and possessed, or is satan going to mask the return and jump into antichrist?

  40. Could you expand on Eph 6:12, and how it applies to us Christians today?

  41. Did Ellen White say Christmas is ok?

  42. Why does our Lord send trials to His people?

  43. What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

  44. What is the woman's role in the church?

  45. Is calling people out of the corrupt churches nit-picking?

  46. Can we keep Saturday and Sunday holy?

  47. Are wedding rings ok?

  48. Is it right to say I blame the Jews for killing Jesus?

  49. What happens to people that are cremated? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 49-77)

  50. Is God vain for wanting to be glorified all the time?

  51. Do we pray to God, the Father? Jesus? The Holy Spirit? Who?

  52. Why isn't there more guidance available in the bible on how to prepare for what’s coming?

  53. Is it ok to join in praise or worship with SDA people?

  54. I'll forgive but I won't forget ". Is that ok in God's sight?

  55. What happens right before the Sunday Laws come?

  56. Is the holiday we call Thanksgiving ok?

  57. Please help me with a question on foods sacrificed to idols ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 57-78)

  58. Does SOP say it's ok to vote?

  59. The 7 day week? Is it valid?

  60. Is Acts 5:9 saying the Spirit is tempted like we are?

  61. Did Sister White say Christmas trees were ok?

  62. Do you believe the Bible Codes are real?

  63. Does the Lord forgive us even though we keep falling back in sin?

  64. SOP said people on other worlds keep the Law? Is that true?

  65. How do you get around the scoffers that ignore the facts?

  66. Is there anything that can prevent blessings from God when we tithe?

  67. What does 2 Tim 2: 17-18 mean?

  68. What happens to people that die without hearing of Jesus?

  69. Is it idolatry to pray to Mary?

  70. How would you define a soul

  71. Please explain James 2:19 in regards to the "one God."

  72. Is it safe to attend SDA churches today?

  73. What does "them that had not sinned after the similtude of adams transgression" mean?

  74. Why doesn't God stop killers from killing?

  75. Regarding the state of the dead, how do you interpret Phillipians 1:21-25?

  76. Why do you use the word "Remnant" in your URL and do you interpret the Word with a biased opinion?

  77. Can you clarify Luke 21:36 regarding the last trumpet?

  78. Did Jesus instruct the Apostles to buy swords for fighting in Luke 22?

  79. What if I keep committing the same sin over and over again after I confessed it? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 79-95)

  80. It's bad out there! Have the plagues already started?

  81. Why do you say on your remnant fruits page that Sports are wrong?

  82. Will Sunday Laws start in 2012?

  83. Vain repetition in prayer has no value. (Matthew 6:7) What does this mean?

  84. What does it mean to be born again?

  85. Catholics claim statues are ok because of the statues in the Temple. Is this true?

  86. Won't God protect us if we use Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc?

  87. Is praying daily from a list acceptable to God?

  88. What is being spoken of in Ezekiel 16:49?

  89. Why can’t we eat the blood in clean meats?

  90. Please explain the new moon in  Isaiah 66:23

  91. Some are saying Christ has returned during the 1970's. Is this true?

  92. I thought in the shaking the weak members in the SDA church would leave. Am I wrong? 

  93. A quick question about wedding rings

  94. I.m new to Sabbath. My boss doesn't understand. Should I quit my job right off, or wait till I find a new one?

  95. What does "generation" means in Matthew 24:34?

  96. Why do you attack other churches instead of just bringing sheep to the fold? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 96-114)

  97. Does the Bible touch on evils symbols on money?

  98. When I travel, do I keep Sabbath as per my home town time?

  99. What is a remnant believer?

  100. Why don't Christians complain in bad times?

  101. Is decaffeinated coffee ok to drink?

  102. Is vinegar inside food ok?

  103. What do you (a Vegan) use to get protein?

  104. What does the "fear" in 1John 4:18 mean?

  105. Is it ok to fear what's coming?

  106. Is it ok to give thanks for food in public? Am I violating Matthew 6:1?

  107. Is it ok to lie to protect others? After all Rahab lied and was blessed

  108. Is it ok to own a gun?

  109. Will Jesus return during the morning hour?

  110. Is it 62 ot 69 weeks before Messiah comes in Daniel 9?

  111. Do we flee to the mountians now, or is there something else that we need to watch for?

  112. What did Paul mean when he said he will be all things to all men?

  113. Is predestination biblical?

  114. Should we fear God?

  115. Is the Apostle Paul a false Apostle as some claim? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 115-125)

  116. Did the catholic church compile the Bible as they claim?

  117. Is it ok to trust pastors with your eternal life?

  118. Is it ok to share some "safe" info shared by brethren who have sinned?

  119. Is it ok to buy Lottery Tickets?

  120. Does keeping the Ten Commandments save us?

  121. Does prophecy say a third Temple is to be built in Jerusalem?

  122. Please explain John 3:13

  123. Why did the Temple veil rip when Jesus died for us?

  124. Why do you say certain food is still unclean even though God told Peter to "kill and eat" in Acts 10?

  125. Did Jesus break the Sabbath when picking corn on Sabbath day in Mark 2:23-28?

  126. Eating the fatted calf, and what does "absent from the body and present with the Lord" mean in 2 Corinthians 5:8? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 126-142)

  127. The Vatican didn't compile the 66 books of the Bible?

  128. I need advice on how to do this work more effectively

  129. Will Sunday keepers be in Heaven?

  130. How do we prepare for what's coming?

  131. Am I wrong to desire joy?

  132. If the rapture isn't true and the 7 year trib isn't true... Then what's gna happen.

  133. What does "double minded" mean in James 1:8, 4:8?

  134. Why did they stone people for adultery in the Old Testament but they don’t do that today?

  135. Why are some Vatican quotes missing from their archives?

  136. How will we communicate after they remove the poGm website?

  137. What does Proverbs 26:23-28 mean?

  138. Does Leviticus 19:19 mean we can't mix clothing?

  139. Why did the Egyptians so gladly give the Jews their jewelry and riches?

  140. Does 2 Corinthians 3:7 say the Commandments have been done away with?

  141. Must I be baptized to be saved?

  142. Should I buy survival items?  

  143. Is it ok to drink Caffeine? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 143-152)

  144. Is it ok to attend a Sunday keeping church?

  145. Is it ok to drink protein drinks when fasting?

  146. Where in the Bible does it say we no longer need prophets and apostles?

  147. What does Proverbs 20:14 mean?

  148. Why can't Sunday keepers that study the Word see what we see?

  149. Does the name of the church really matter?

  150. What is the seal of God?

  151. Is Paul saying it's a sin to be married?

  152. Did Jesus die on Friday or Wednesday?

  153. Does 2Peter 2:4 say Satan was cast into Hell before being cast to Earth? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 153-161)

  154. Why were people stoned in the O.T. but not the N.T.?

  155. Does the Holy Spirit leave the hearts of the remnant during the plagues?

  156. Are people predestined for Heaven and Hell?

  157. How do we explain the Bible is real to nonbelievers?  

  158. Will we eat food in Heaven?

  159. Are trials only for those that sin?

  160. How will I know when it's time to flee the city?

  161. Why don't you display the cross of Christ on your website?

  162. Please explain Hosea 6:2   ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 162-172)

  163. Why do all the churches copy the Roman Catholic rituals?

  164. Can you please explain Acts 10:34?

  165. Can you please explain Isaiah 65:20?

  166. Is pride in your spiritual walk with Jesus sinful?

  167. *  Is Prince Charles of Whales the Antichrist?

  168. What does it mean when someone says "you can't take the bible literally"

  169. Why did Jesus only mention 6 of the 10 commandments to the rich man?

  170. How can we be sure the 7th Day Sabbath of today is the same one from the Old Testament?

  171. Please explain Revelation 20:10

  172. Are Jehovah Witnesses safe? And are the people of the Old Testament saved?

  173. Please explain 2 Corinthians 3:14,15  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 173-179)

  174. Praying "in Jesus name"

  175. Should I rebuke every sinner I meet on campus?

  176. Please explain Hebrews 13:4. How do we defile the marriage bed?

  177. Please explain 1Timothy 1:5-11

  178. Did God create everything with a big bang?

  179. Why didn't Jesus mention the Sabbath in Matthew 19:16?

  180. Does the Bible contradict itself? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 180-189)  

  181. Will we meet the people on the unfallen worlds?

  182. Are we supposed to handle snakes like they do in Tennessee churches?

  183. Are we supposed to wash each others feet?

  184. Why did Jesus say for them to pray their flight be not in Winter in Matthew 24:20?

  185. What are your thoughts on the Third Temple?

  186. Your message scares people!

  187. Please explain 1 Corinthians 10:25-27

  188. Can "prophets" speak to the dead?

  189. Am I a prophet because I have dreams that come true?

  190. Please explain the "Good Samaritan" in Luke 10 ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 190-198)  

  191. Why do Christians claim to be Christ as per Matthew 24:5?

  192. Please explain Daniel 8:13

  193. Is it 538AD or 537AD when Vigilus stood as Pope?

  194. Did Jesus have long or short hair?

  195. Wasn't the unclean food doctrine abolished at the cross?

  196. Please explain Job 8:14

  197. Is it OK to hate Obama?

  198. How can you hold church online?

  199. Are we working the “10/40 region” of earth for Christ?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 199-204)  

  200. Please explain Luke 16:1-3

  201. 1John 3:6 bothers me

  202. Is the book of Enoch safe?

  203. Please explain the use of “Easter” in Acts 12

  204. Please explain John 20:23  

  205. Adam and Eve had a robe of light?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 205-211)  

  206. Who in the Godhead appears at the second coming?

  207. A Rabbis said only Jews are allowed to keep Sabbath

  208. Please explain 1 Timothy 2:15

  209. Please explain Hebrews 11:39,40

  210. How do I explain Romans 10:4?

  211. Is it ok to use electricity on Sabbath day?

  212. Are Christians Nationalists?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 212-218)

  213. Are drums in Christian music bad?

  214. Who are the Essenes?

  215. When do we received the Holy Spirit?

  216. When do we received the Holy Spirit? (part 2)

  217. Should I tithe savings?

  218. Do you have a problem with the cross of Christ?

  219. What's the difference between the Old and New Covenant? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 219-226)

  220. Why do the SDA’s claim to be the Remnant?

  221. Why did you refuse to watch the video I sent to you

  222. Please explain John 1:17

  223. Is Obama the White Horse in Revelation?

  224. Who are the 10 kings which receive power with the beast for 1 hour

  225. If living with the opposite sex platonically a sin?

  226. Please explain why you say some people die 3 times?

  227. Is there anything in the bible saying you can't buy or sell on Sabbath? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 227-233)

  228. Can we warm up food on Sabbath?

  229. Please explain Matthew 15:11

  230. Can we pierce the ears of our daughters?

  231. Is baptism about the death and resurrection of Christ or not?

  232. Please explain 2 Corinthians 3:6

  233. Can prayers to saints really cultivate miracles?

  234. Is Revelation 2:10 happening now? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 234-241)

  235. Please explain John 10:34 and Psalm 82:6

  236. Should I tithe to the SDA church?

  237. Please explain Matthew 19:12

  238. Please explain Amos 8:11,12

  239. Why did God get angry at David for numbering the people? (1 Chronicles 21:1-30)

  240. Please explain Mark 13:24

  241. Why do you attack the Catholic Church?

  242. Why did the devil allow the Pope to fail with the demon possessed girl? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 242-247)

  243. Who and what is this Antichrist that will arrive soon?

  244. Please explain Acts 26:23

  245. What exactly is the significance of Baptism?

  246. Please explain John 2:10

  247. Please explain Deuteronomy 22:5. Is it ok for women to wear pants?

  248. Are we SDA? What was the 1844 cleansing? Does the great disappointment factor in? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 248-253)

  249. Why did Jesus purposely heal the man at Bethesda on Sabbath day?

  250. What is your opinion on the Vatican telescope named Lucifer?

  251. Is it ok to play sports on Sabbath?

  252. Did Jesus eat fish after He resurrected?

  253. I have no more sacrifice for sin?

  254. Is there any way to reach Roman Catholics? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 254-260)

  255. What happens when we (the SDR church) are removed from the Internet?

  256. Can children receive the mark of the Beast?

  257. A parent or Spouse won't let me tithe

  258. What is the biblical definition of the word "legion?"

  259. Who is the crowd that 'no man can number' with the 144,000?

  260. Please explain Isaiah 65:15 (New Name?)

  261. What is the difference between God's Law and Moses' law? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 261-263)

  262. Please explain Galatians 3:13

  263. Please explain Luke 17:34-37

  264. Is braiding the hair a sin? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 264-269)

  265. I think you're wrong, The Great Tribulation is not in the past. I think it is coming soon

  266. Doesn't the name Jesus come from the name Zeus?

  267. Are we seeing Babylon besiege America as Israel did in Jeremiah's day?

  268. Why does it appear the four Gospels have different accounts?

  269. Does 1 Peter 4:8 say we are saved by works?

  270. Please explain Colossians 2:14 ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 270-273)

  271. Doesn't Romans 8:23 teach immediate life in Heaven at death?

  272. The 7 last plagues fall within one year?

  273. Is keeping the Law of God a salvation issue?

  274. Why does Jesus call us "the salt of the Earth?" ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 274-276

  275. Why are you supporting that adulteress clerk in Kentucky?

  276. Why do we have Pagan names for the week and what about the Lunar Sabbath?

  277. Why were men (in OT times) permitted to have multiple wives, but not in these NT times? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 277-281)

  278. Why did godly women call their husbands lord?

  279. Do you think the Obamacare health cards are the mark of the beast?

  280. Why are you only focused on the Sabbath? Do you know Jesus at all?

  281. Will the SDA people have time to receive the Latter Rain?

  282. What about those that never knew Jesus? Will they gain Heaven? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 282-284)

  283. Please explain Mark 2:27,28

  284. *  Is it prophecy or agenda?  

  285. Please explain the souls under the altar after death? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 285-288)

  286. You are wrong about the end time fulfillments regarding the sun,moon, stars and quake

  287. Why does God say to pray that "He" doesn't lead us into temptation?

  288. Why are so many denominations?

  289. Is there a difference between the 2 Laws Jesus gave and the Ten Commandments? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 289-292) ***

  290. Why did David's playing of music release Saul from the evil spirit?

  291. Why did God reject Cain's offering, but accept Abel's?

  292. What is the age of accountability?

  293. What does Revelation 13:10 and 1 Thessalonians 5:20,21 mean? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 293-296)

  294. Are things like car loans & mortgages okay?

  295. Can we only eat meat from animals we personally kill?

  296. What do you say about this SDA Pastor's excuse for having the 501c3

  297. Please explain Psalm 44:17 ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 297-302)

  298. Please explain "the power" found in 2Timothy 3:1-5

  299. How does the Bible define a human soul?

  300. Is it true mankind wrote the Commandments and not God?

  301. Why are the same things found in the books of Kings and Chronicles?

  302. Please explain Proverbs 23:10 and Luke 12:5

  303. Why was Samson's hair such a big deal? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 303-307)

  304. Please explain Hebrews 5:14

  305. Why did David act insane?

  306. What does the term "let the dead bury the dead" mean?

  307. Is Project Blue Beam something we need to be concerned about?

  308. Can the Pope be saved? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 308-311)

  309. Please explain Matthew 25:24-26

  310. Please explain Hebrews 13:9  

  311. Ron Wyatt and the (ELS) Bible Codes?

  312. Mark 2:27 attempt at $5000.00 challenge

  313. Why didn't Matthew, Luke & John mention the naked boy in Mark 14:51,52?

  314. My wife thinks I am turning into a Jew for keeping Sabbath

  315. Since Sunday is the Mark, are all Sunday keepers already damned? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 315-317)

  316. Is Matthew 16:28; Luke 9:27; Mark 9:1 speaking about the 144,000 in Revelation?

  317. Please explain the watches mentioned in Luke 12:38

  318. Is every SDA church fallen? Or are the conservative ones still safe? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 318-321)

  319. Can we judge others?

  320. Is it ok to drive on the Sabbath day?

  321. I love Jesus and I keep Sunday Holy

  322. We are not to judge based on Sabbath days or Holy Days ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 322-324)

  323. Why doesn't God answer my prayers when I am in trouble?

  324. What is the simplicity of Christ?

  325. Did Jesus arise from the dead on the seventh day Sabbath? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 325-328)

  326. *  Will Christians will be raptured up before the Antichrist comes?

  327. Christians can eat unclean foods 

  328. Sunday laws can't possibly be the mark of the beast! 

  329. How does every eye see Jesus when He returns? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 328-331)

  330. Will the Lord be upset with me if I tithe to a 501c3 church?

  331. Christians fail to realize that Atheists will believe if given the evidence

  332. I don't want to sin, why am I tempted to sin anyway? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 332 ONLY) (NOTE: Audio a bit choppy at times)

  333. *  Manythink parts of the Bible is made up ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 333-335)

  334. I believe Christians will be raptured before the plagues come

  335. Please explain Matthew 15:4- and what does "bound on earth is bound in heaven" mean?

  336. Aren't we are all just spirits floating in Heaven at death?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 336-340)

  337. I believe I will not be perfect

  338. Please explain Hebrews 13:9,10

  339. Did they worship the cherubim on the mercy seat?

  340. Were man and women created in the image of God? Or only men?

  341. Why do they use relics in the church of Rome? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 341-343)

  342. My SDA church is pledging allegiance on Sabbath to the USA!

  343. Is Jesus our Sabbath?

  344. I don't believe Jesus said we need to keep the Sabbath ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 344-346)

  345. Is it ok to listen to SDA preachers?

  346. What do those crosses and crucifixes that people wear represent?

  347. Please explain Revelation 14:11 regarding the "forever" hellfire?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 347-351)

  348. I always get sleepy when I read the Bible. Help?

  349. Traveling on Sabbath Day?

  350. Why didn't God punish Jacob for his fraud?

  351. Why did Elisha curse those young people who then died?

  352. Is it wrong to gather with the church body to eat on Sabbath?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 352-355)

  353. *  Why don't I feel forgiven?

  354. Doesn't the Bible kill nonbelievers like Muslims do today?

  355. *  You're Wrong! China won't bow to Sunday Laws because they're Atheists!

  356. Can David Gate's Prophecy of Spring 2019 come true? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 356-357)

  357. Can you please share how you see the one hour with the beast?

  358. Are John 18:32 & John 21:19 talking sbout the same thing? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 359-362)

  359. I was told I have missed my time of visitation. What now

  360. Some say there is no need to tithe  

  361. They claim the Mark is a Chip

  362. What if you're wrong about Purgatory?

  363. Is Elijah and Enoch in Heaven? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 363-366)

  364. What is the Investigative Judgment? (also see # 396)

  365. Is Easter Christian?

  366. I was told original Sin is truth - Sin is not a choice and we were BORN in sin. Is that true?

  367. What's this I hear about Planet X, Black Star, Nibiru or the Brown Dwarf Star? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 367-370)

  368. How did the meal heal the pot of death in 2Kings 4:40-41?

  369. Why can’t I hang with my old friends when I become a Christian?

  370. Can't I stay in the SDA church to help them see the truth?

  371. Why did God say not to cut the corners of your beard? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 371- 375)

  372. Why does New Jerusalem have walls?

  373. Does Satan know our future?

  374. Can I make images without breaking commandment #2?

  375. Nicholas - So you believe there’s three gods??

  376. I believe in once saved always saved! ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 376-378)

  377. Please explain Matthew 19:16-19   

  378. Please explain Isaiah 52:10 and Ezekiel 4:7?

  379. *  Please explain the parable in Luke 13 about the fig tree? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 379-383)

  380. Please explain Colossians 2:18?

  381. I have a question about your original sin video

  382. Why didn't God just kill Satan on day one?

  383. How can we know if someone's possessed?

  384. Doesn't Ecclesiastes 12:7 confirm life after death immediate? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 384)

  385. Does Genesis 9:3 say we can eat anything that moves? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 385 - 388)

  386. Why did Paul go to Rome after being told not to go?

  387. Why did Paul call Jesus' ressurection a first, even though He rose others from the dead before He died?

  388. Did David hate the lame and the blind?

  389. Can you explain Deuteronomy 6:4 ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 389 - 392)

  390. What does Paul mean when he said "yea & nay?"

  391. I am scared to leave the SDA church - But I must obey the Lord

  392. Please explain your video titled "The Pope, Sunday Laws & Climate Change"

  393. How long will the tribulation and Sunday Laws last? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 393 - 396)  

  394. All you have is the 501c3 to push your message

  395. What does Paul mean in Romans 14:2,14-15,20-21

  396. What was the 1844 great disappointment?

  397. Why does the USA have two horns like a lamb ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 393 - 396)  

  398. Not all SDA's are blind

  399. *  Jesus Christ says hes not the christ,  whos lying?

  400. You are trying to get to Heaven by your works

  401. Shall I stone my mom for not Keeping Sabbath? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 401 - 405)

  402. What is the pomegranate on the High Priest's robe?

  403. Am I in sin if those I share truth with don't understand? Is it my fault?

  404. *  Should we buy gold, silver or bitcoin to survive the coming economic crash?

  405. David Gates' video Saved me

  406. You're Wrong! Ezek 46:1 teaches Lunar Sabbath! ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 406 - 409 )

  407. You're wrong Nicholas! The Holy Spirit is not a person!

  408. I still declare myself SDA!

  409. Why are you so against keeping the feast days?

  410. Catholic declares I don't understand the Church's true method of Exorcism ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 410 - 411 )

  411. I disagree with your claim we are in the "little time of Jacob's trouble."

  412. How long is a little season? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 412 - 413 )

  413. Can you explain why Jesus had to heal a blind man twice?

  414. You are wrong about the One World Government  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 414 - 414 )

  415. Why are people believing the easy to prove lies regarding Covid-19? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 415 - 417 )

  416. *  What does "dead to sin" mean?

  417. Why don’t you ask for Donations?

  418. Why do my Christian parents get so angry when I meet with you on Sabbath?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 418 - 421 )

  419. Can you help me understand 1 Corinthians 13:7?

  420. *  What does it mean when some say "The Atheist has no brain?"

  421. You're wrong Nicholas! The beast that was, is not, yet is happened in the first century

  422. Why is it wrong to bow before a Pope or kiss his hand?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 422 - 423 )

  423. Can you explain 1 Peter 3:18-22?

  424. Isn't Sabbath an abolished Ceremonial law? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 424 - 425 )

  425. Nicholas -You cannot Declare a Prophecy Fulfilled that quick!

  426. Please explain John 11:8-10 ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 426 - 428 ) 

  427. Who are Anna and Caiaphas in Luke 3:2? 

  428. I am concerned about what they plan with the mask and the vaccine 

  429. The Urim and the Thummim? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 429 - 431 ) 

  430. Nicholas.. why don’t you ask for donations? 

  431. Nicholas, why do you not see Mary forever blessed and worthy to be prayed to? 

    ("a " - bookmark break)
    I would assume that you have not died to your sins, and continue to sin ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 431A - 433 )

  432. Did Paul say he was possessed by Satan as a Christian? 

  433. My wife says I’m not walking with God and that’s a problem 

  434. Did Paul just admit to being crafty in 2 Corinthians? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 434- 438 ) 

  435. I am not sure about what the Lord is saying through Amos 3:3-8 

  436. Please explain 2 Cor 1:17-20 

  437. Why do you claim to be the "only church" blessed of God? 

  438. Why did the Jews ask ROme to kill Jesus? 

  439. What is the "Mystery of Christ?" ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 439-441 ) 

  440. Who did Cain marry? 

  441. Please explain Exodus 16:29? 

  442. Your God is dead ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 442-443 ) 

  443. Why did God order people to be killed? 

  444. The Sabbath or the Lord's Day ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 444 ) 

  445. I am lonely - there are no brethren here ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 445-447 ) 

  446. Can you please explain Romans 7:7-12 

  447. I believe the vaccine is the mark - not Sunday keeping 

  448. Why is the arm of God holy in Isaiah 52:10 but not in Ezekiel 4:7? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 448-450 ) 

  449. Why did Jesus use the widow in Elijah's day as an example? 

  450. * Please explain the “touch” in Mark 8:22 

  451. Who are the Nicolations? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 451-453 ) 

  452. What does baptized for the dead mean? 

  453. You're wrong about the image of the beast! 

  454. Isn't the Sabbath only for the Jews? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 454-456 ) 

  455. Can you explain what begotton means? 

  456. Why didn’t the Jews just stone Jesus? 

  457. What does the term “the letter killeth” in 2Corinthians 3:6 mean? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 457 ) 

  458. *  Is there a verse other than 1 John 5:7 to use? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 458 (AUDIO FIXED)

  459. You're wrong Nicholas - the pope is not AntiChrist - he's the false prophet ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 459-461 )

  460. Sabbath is any day I choose, and Jesus is not Michael

  461. The Catholic Church doesn't hate the Bible

  462. The SDA people are being purposely confused about "the church militant" (to hide Elijah msg) ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 462 )

  463. Who are the daughters of Zion? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 462-465)

  464. Who is Gog and Magog?

  465. Why did Pail say "Let us keep the feast" in 1 Corinthians 5:8?

  466. Is it ok for Christians to wear jewelry? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 466-469)

  467. Atheist AGAIN slams the healing of amputation

  468. Turn the other cheek?

  469. Looking through dark glasses?

  470. What does the angel represent in Revelation 3:14? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 470-474)

  471. The false prophet “works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth?

  472. Should we Christians have remorse for the sinner?

  473. What does "precepts of God's law" mean?

  474. Is it okay to marry a divorced woman?

  475. Some view the vegan diet as discouraging ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 475-479)

  476. Is digital cash the mark of the beast?

  477. The term "Godhead?"

  478. I'm looking for your definition of grafting

  479. Can you expand more on Mark 9:28-29?

  480. Please explain Ezekiel 43:1-4 (Comments on Red Heifer added) ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 480-483)

  481. Please explain Matthew 8:9 or Luke 7:8

  482. What is the 10th hour in John 1:39?

  483. What is the "shadow of things to come" mean?

  484. Why not preach on the good things God does and not just end time prophecy? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 484-485)

  485. The Seven Trumpets?

  486. *  Why do you say the Mark of the Beast is a Sunday Law?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 486-488)

  487. The secret rapture is true!

  488. You're using a Vatican Bible moron.

  489. *  Why do you say the “one man” in Isaiah 4:1 is Jesus?  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 489-492)

  490. The Sabbath is not Saturday OR Sunday!

  491. Is the 501c3 a mystery? Or do the church leader really know what they're doing?

  492. Was the "10 Commandments of Climate Change" signed into Law?

  493. I don't need a church or a Sabbath day to worship God ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 489-492)

  494. What does Ecclesiastes 4:5 mean?

  495. Have you heard of the "3 earth ages?"

  496. Strangest claim I've ever heard regarding "the Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10

  497. The Bible says everyone will have the mark ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 497-500) 

  498. Did you say a planet exploded near us?

  499. You SDR's anger some people way too much

  500. What was Jesus writing in the dust with His finger?

  501. Please explain sheet descending 3 times, the seal of God and the 144,000? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 501-502) 

  502. Is it dangerous to have a security camera?

  503. Is there a prophetic revelation in the parable of Matthew 7:25-27? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 503-505)

  504. Why does the KJV remove the Apocryphal books?

  505. Can I use the NIV, NLT or NASB Bibles to study prophecy?

  506. How do we apply the faith we have? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 506-506)

  507. Why did Sister White say "it is done" before the plagues ended? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 507-509)

  508. Why did you say those called "least in Heaven" aren't there?

  509. What is the “revelation of mystery” Paul speaks of in Romans 16:25?

  510. The "Latter Days" mentioned in Hosea? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 510-512)

  511. What other prophesies have yet to be fulfilled?

  512. Should Christians see the movie "Freedom of Sound?"

  513. Is there a prophecy regarding 2520 years? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 513)

  514. Will we know each other in Heaven? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 514-515)

  515. ONLINE CLAIM -100% Proof Christians Don't Have To Keep The Sabbath

  516. Do these verses mean we are immedately in Heaven after we die? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 516-518)

  517. I left the Lutheran church to attend the SDA church - but.

  518. The Elect are all MEN?

  519. What does 1Jn. 5:16-17 mean? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 519-522)

  520. Will the Latter Rain fall on SDA Trinitarians

  521. Please explain Isaiah 28:13 about "falling backward, snared and taken

  522. Can you clarify who you see as the "false prophet" of Revelation

  523. How does someone commit the unforgivable sin which is to blaspheme the Holy Ghost? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 523) 

  524. You're holding Ellen White's writings above the Bible  ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 524-527)   

  525. Please explain 1 Timothy 6:16

  526. Is receiving the mark of the beast a guaranteed death sentence or can someone repent of it

  527. The certain rich guy kept the commandments, but... 

  528. Do you see what I see regarding the "two horns" of the second beast? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 528-531) 

  529. What does "seal up the vision" mean

  530. You're wrong! God took 6 million years to create everything, not 6 days

  531. You're wrong - Christians don't need to repent 

  532. Will they use 2 Thessalonians 2:4 to claim a need for a 3rd Temple? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 531-535)

  533. What does “grace for grace” mean?

  534. Why do you teach more than preach?

  535. You’re wrong! It’s not the Popes! Jerusalem is the whore and Antichrist is a Jew!

  536. Should I continue to share God’s truth with my parents? ( click here for mp3 of Q&A 536-540

  537. The world keeps telling Christians they can't overcome 

  538. Please explain righteousness by faith

  539. Why do you say God didn’t harden Pharaoh’s heart when He said He did

  540. Were the plagues of Pharaoh a prophetic whisper?

    LIVE Q&A Session - 07-27-24
    click here for mp3 of LIVE Q&A

    LIVE Q&A Session - 08-31-24
    click here for mp3 of LIVE Q&A 

  541. I have a question about the 501c3 and the SDAs becoming Babylon
  542. Should I stay in the SDA church to help those inside realize their fallen condition?
  543. Why don’t the men in the SDR church wear the blue tassels?
  544. How to combat the SDA excuse that the wheat and the tares grow together till the end

There are HUNDREDS more Q&A's left to post on this page. But I only post them online after I shared them on Q&A Sabbath. We usually do a Q&A Sabbath every month now in the poGm audio conference room where we hold LIVE church services every Sabbath. You are more than welcome to join us on Sabbath. Click here for details. E-See you then! :)

 #1. What does 1 Tim 4:4 mean?


If you read verse 3 you will see that verse 4 is speaking of meats "which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving" by His people. And Biblical fact here is His people NEVER would give thanks for a pig or any other unclean meat as Leviticus 11, or Deuteronomy 14 speaks of. If you also look at verse 5 you will also see that these meats are those that are "sanctified" by the Lord. And the Lord never sanctified pigs or other unclean animals.

By the way, some believe if you give thank for unclean foods God will allow for sanctification upon you or that food. However it is written in Isaiah 66:17, "They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD."


I#2. have a question for next week that my son asked me not to long ago. He just started reading the bible (KJV), and he finished reading Genesis. He asked me, "how did God multiple the people with just Adam & Eve?" Did their sons & daughters marry and have children? I was not sure how to answer the question and I explained that Adam & Eve were the 1st humans God created and I'm sure He created more people the same way He created Adam & Eve. Is that the correct answer?


Things were more perfect back then, and things like mutation wouldn’t be an issue as we see it to be today with inbreeding. Adam ad Eve lived hundreds of years as did their children because the environment as well as their diet was perfect. There is no definite statement in Scripture that says their kids married each other, but as we look at the lineage of the children in Genesis we see that yes, its obvious they married their brothers and sisters. Yes, it seems strange today, but the Lord obviously allowed it and hid the strangeness from them so as to populate the earth. In fact, in our day even cousins marrying seems strange, but after the flood this too was allowed so as to repopulate. Truth is, the Israelites always commanded their children to seek spouses within their tribes, or families.


#3. We know our father talked directly to people in the beginning (some).then Jesus came upon the earth (birth) he also talked ,, healed , ministered to people here .so here is my question -when we talk or pray to our heavenly father we end in Jesus Christ name amen. but when i wish to talk with Jesus about his life here and how sad it makes me of how he was treated or giving thanks for his redeeming love gift or etc then how do we end the prayer or talk with him i end it in Jesus Christ name but it just don't sound right . so is this right or how should we end a prayer or when we just talk to our Lord and Saviour amen.


When we say “in Jesus name” we are actually ending the prayer with a statement declaring our character is like unto Christ’s and because of His righteousness we have confidence of faith that our prayers are heard. So, praying to Jesus or the Father, or even the Spirit can be ended in the same way as far as I can see.


#4. Hey, I have a question for next week. In todays sermon, we were talking about the loud cry, and how it would go out to all the world, so I was wondering, will all the people of the world hear the message before Christ comes back?


Yes, the prophecy clearly states in Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

Never before in the History of mankind was this possible until now. For example, Satellites transmit the Gospel to veritably billions of televisions every day from one side of the planet to the other. Radio waves carry the message of Jesus worldwide instantly with more density then ever before in the history of radio thanks to the way short wave radio can encircle the globe from just about any location. The Bible itself has been the number one best seller for as long as they have kept track of the sale of books. Preachers from all walks of life are preaching the gospel from the darkest regions of Africa to the lofty Alps of Switzerland. Christians worldwide have all along been sharing the good news to family, friends, co-workers, and strangers at work or at play. These same Christians have been handing out Tracts, Booklets, Pocket Bibles, Commentaries, Printed Sermons, Newsletters, Bible Studies, Cassette Tapes, Video Tapes, Etc. And now, thanks to the Internet, the Gospel message is being broadcast by websites, FLASH animations, inside chat rooms, private messaging, as well as e-mail! The List is truly endless of all the methods the Lord is using to fulfill this prophecy today.


#5. “Was Eli the priest lost? Due to his NOT restraining his sons Hopni and Phinehas?”


I'll let SOP answer this one...

And the ark of God is taken,” Eli wavered in anguish upon his seat and fell backward and died. He shared the wrath of God which came upon his sons. He was guilty in a great measure of their transgressions, because he had criminally neglected to restrain them. The capture of the ark of God by the Philistines was considered the greatest calamity which could befall Israel. The wife of Phinehas, as she was about to die, named her child Ichabod, saying, “The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken.” SR p 187

I am not 100% sure what you’re asking here sister. I think you’re asking is Eli doomed for neglecting his sons and as far as I see, yes, it appears as such. But I will let EGW answer that one…We have seen the result of Eli's mistaken kindness,--death to the indulgent father, ruin and death to his wicked sons, and destruction to thousands in Israel. The Lord Himself decreed that for the sins of Eli's sons no atonement should be made by sacrifice or offering forever. How great, how lamentable, was their fall,--men upon whom rested sacred responsibilities, proscribed, outlawed from mercy, by a just and holy God! {2BC 1010.1}

Such is the fearful reaping of the harvest sown when parents neglect their God-given responsibilities,--when they allow Satan to preoccupy the field which they themselves should carefully have sown with precious seed of virtue, truth, and righteousness. If but one parent is neglectful of duty, the result will be seen in the character of the children; if both fail, how great will be their accountability before God! How can they escape the doom of those who destroy their children's souls? (RH Aug. 30, 1881).  {2BC 1010.2}

The transgressions of Eli's sons were so daring, so insulting to a holy God, that no sacrifice could atone for such willful transgression. These sinful priests profaned the sacrifices which typified the Son of God. And by their blasphemous conduct they were trampling upon the blood of the atonement, from which was derived the virtue of all sacrifices.  {1SOP 402.1}


#6 In Zec 14:16 what are these feast of tab... that we will keep on the new earth.?


As we know, Colossians chapter 2 does declare the feast days pointed to the Gospel message and were done away with at the cross because we actually preach the Gospel message now. In fact, the Gospel worship can be seen today as being represented in the keeping of the feast of tabernacles in the Old Testament times.

The gospel of Christ reflects glory upon the Jewish age. It sheds light upon the whole Jewish economy, and gives significance to the ceremonial law. The tabernacle, or temple, of God on earth was a pattern of the original in heaven. All the ceremonies of the Jewish law were prophetic, typical of mysteries in the plan of redemption.  {6BC 1095.5} 

Therefore, each day a Christian lives their life one can witness a keeping of the feast of tabernacles in how they obey and proclaim the Gospel message.

When speaking of the Jewish ordinances SOP says…

This ordinance does not speak so largely to man's intellectual capacity as to his heart. His moral and spiritual nature needs it. If His disciples had not needed this, it would not have been left for them as Christ's last established ordinance in connection with, and including, the last supper. It was Christ's desire to leave to His disciples an ordinance that would do for them the very thing they needed--that would serve to disentangle them from the rites and ceremonies which they had hitherto engaged in as essential, and which the reception of the gospel made no longer of any force. To continue these rites would be an insult to Jehovah. Eating of the body, and drinking of the blood, of Christ, not merely at the sacramental service, but daily partaking of the bread of life to satisfy the soul's hunger, would be in receiving His Word and doing His will (RH June 14, 1898).  {5BC 1139.6} 


#7. What does Proverbs 10:10 mean? (winketh?)

Proverbs 10:10He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall.”


As far as I can see, winking in the O.T. is always associated with doing evil to someone.

We know God winks at our times of ignorance, in the same way some that wink or ignore what the people do. Instead of warning them of danger, they gossip about them.


#8. My question is this: Will there be some who are killed for their faith during the little time of trouble that comes before the plagues? I have heard some pastors say that not one Christian will die at that time..


Yes, many will die for their faith during the time of trouble before the time of Jacob’s trouble. These are those spoken of in Revelation 20

This passage is obviously speaking of the last days because the mark of the beast is mentioned. The Gideon band (144000) however, will never see death. They are those that go through the plagues and glorify Christ before the Universe. Once the plagues begin the “real” martydom’s will stop because it will no longer serve a purpose. Many that die for their faith affect others that witness their faith and they too become Christians. Once the plagues start, this means the censor has been dropped by Christ and the proclamation will have been made that is recorded in Revelation 22:11 that says, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." In other words, no one can be saved anymore, so for a Christian to die for their faith now will serve no purpose in Heaven in the way of winning souls.


#9. I received question that i could use some help with. In what old testament verse was the resurrection of Jesus Christ mentioned?



#10.   If someone is dying, what are the words that our Lord would want us to say to them or ask them so that they will be in the kingdom with our Lord? I hope that I am asking this question right but that is what my student wanted to know, what should she do in a case like that.


There are no special words that will bring anyone to salvation. All we can do is share our faith in and out of season with as many as possible. Then it’s up to the Holy Spirit to convict the heart.

#11. What are the deeds of the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:6)?

As far as my research has shown, the Nicolaitans main fruit were they were the first to mix paganism with Christianity. This is why the term Nicolaitans is defined in strongs as “destruction of the people.” “Salvation in sin” is also a fruit of the Nicolaitans. This is a fruit of Catholicism as well as all churches that have now followed after this beast. They preach you can be saved IN your sins rather than FROM your sins.


#12. What are the doctrines of Balaam, who taught Balac (Revelation 2:14)?


The doctrine of Balaam = ecumenicalism / fellowship with unbelievers for gain

NOTE: The prophet Ballam was offered wealth and honor if he would do what he knew God did not desire. Of course Ballam was unable to curse Israel, but he was able to convince them to yolk unequally.

"The fate of Balaam was similar to that of Judas, and their characters bear a marked resemblance to each other. Both these men tried to unite the service of God and mammon, and met with signal failure. Balaam acknowledged the true God, and professed to serve Him; Judas believed in Jesus as the Messiah, and united with His followers. But Balaam hoped to make the service of Jehovah the steppingstone to the acquirement of riches and worldly honor; and failing in this he stumbled and fell and was broken. Judas expected by his connection with Christ to secure wealth and promotion in that worldly kingdom which, as he believed, the Messiah was about to set up. The failure of his hopes drove him to apostasy and ruin. Both Balaam and Judas had received great light and enjoyed special privileges, but a single cherished sin poisoned the entire character and caused their destruction.  {PP 452.1}

In other words… Balaam and Judas were alike in the same way the preachers of prosperity of today are. They wre ein it for the money.


#13. My question is how to teach children about the creation / evolution debate.....just general suggestions.


There’s actually no debate now that Modern Science has proven the evolutionary position to be 100% wrong. See my creation page for more info on this..


#14. When God arrives at the 2nd coming, are small children and babies going to be killed also or will the people be infertile and there are no children? Like Saul was to kill all the amalikites even the ox. So the children were corrupt like there parents?


King David was also told to kill men woman and children. Yes, the children were to die because the Lord knows the end from the beginning. He knows the methods the parents used in raising the children have already destroyed them spiritually.


#15. How many angels are there in heaven?


No man alive has any clue. All we know is what the Word says on this...


#16. Many people tell me that “being absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord" means Christians go to Heaven at death. Is this truth?


The verse they speak of is...

MANY use this passage as a basis of "proof" that because it says "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord," it must mean Paul is advocating life after death immediate. One point many miss in regards to this passage is the fact that Paul is commenting on the carnal nature of the people that should be "absent" so as to walk "in the Lord" as true and obedient Christians. With that said, do these next two passages declare Paul dead and speaking from the grave?

The meaning is obvious when taken in context to that which is written. To be absent from the body is to deny the flesh and therefore present with the Lord as we walk in the Spirit. Romans 6:6-8 put it ever so plainly when it said, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:" And John 3:6 says, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Let's not forget Romans 8:1 wherein it says, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

But to further illustrate this fact. We need to look into what happened in John chapter 11. If believers in Christ go immediately to Heaven the second they die, then I must ask three questions.

#1, why would Jesus be so cruel to Lazarus who was supposedly already in Heavenly splender 4  whole days? I saw cruel because Jesus rose Him from the dead and Lazarus, according to those that preach immediate life after death, forced to leave the splender and eternal peace and beauty of Heaven to come back to this dark and dismal planet filled with sin and temptation?

#2 If Lazarus was already in Heaven according to some, if he went into a life of sin would he then go to Hell when he died again?

#3 If Lazarus really went to Heaven, and spent 4 days there, why doesn’t the Word of God describe what he saw while there? Do not patriarchs and prophets describe it when they are there in vision?


#17. What does 2 Tim 3:6 mean?


When Read in context, this is what 2 Tim 3:6 says.

In verses 1-5 it speaks about the wicked people of today that claim to be Christians that proclaim to be godly, but are actually denying God’s power to do just about everything from release them from addictions to help them find work that won’t force them to break Sabbath, as well as a multitude of other sins. Many so called Christians worship Christ in lip service only. As the 5 verses depict, they do everything we see the churches doing today. There are even some homosexuals that claim to be Christians as this passage predicted. Something that insane would never be believed as little as 30 years ago. But today, there are some churches that pander to homosexuality.

When we look at the first 5 verses and how they depict today’s society, and then read verse 6, it’s easy to see that if we do not “withdraw ourselves from such as these” they will creep into our homes as we consider them to be trustworthy and convince such foolish souls that are easily lead astray into all sorts of different sins.

For example.. A Roman Catholic priest who is mostly likely familiar with all the sins listed in the first 5 verses as being part of his life, this man would be looked upon by some people as godly. As Timothy is stating he can then creep in unawares. The reason the woman, or “church” appears silly is because, it’s just plain silly that they would fall for someone so obviously sinful. Had they read their Bibles they would not be considered foolish, but wise. So, the man creeps or sneaks into the home  and because he is trusted, he leads to people into the captivity of sin.


#18. I was wondering if you knew why John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus "Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?" when John said Jesus was the "Lamb of God" earlier.


As for John the Baptist. He was just a normal brother in Christ like many today. When imprisoned he became somewhat discouraged as some will in the future trials and tribulatuons. Truth is, as far as I can see, this was allowed by the Lord for our benefit in latter years when we see how Jesus responded to John’s question. This brings encouragement to those of us that will suffer greatly for the Lord as did John. Just because we are in a grave trial like John was, we are not to forget all that Christ has already done for us in life. Faith teaches us that we can use our past experiences with the Lord to build that firm foundation we will need when in peril as was John. When John’s men came to Jesus He reminded them of what He has already done. He said, "...Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." (Matthew 11:4-6)

This is why I have a personal praise list. There are times that I need to be reminded of what my Lord has done for me in the past. As trial comes, especially the big ones, we all have a tendency to focus on the trial at hand instead of the Lord’s evident hand in our lives. It blesses my heart to see that John the Baptist was a regular guy like me who is subject to the flesh. All too often we have a tendency to look at patriarchs as well as prophets in the Word as if they were super humans with special powers. But they, like us are nothing without Christ. So, when I see John discouraged, and I see how Jesus reminded him of what He has done in the past, it blesses my heart greatly when I am reminded of what my Lord has done for me in my past as I travel through my trial.


#19. I was reading the book of Proverbs the other day: please could you explain the meaning of this verse to me:


Surety in the context of this passage is similar to what we call co-signing today. It’s not saying it’s a bad thing to do, but we must be careful when doing so because it can “smart” or cry unto God later in life if the one that took the loan is unable to pay leaving us with the debt. The verse ends with the fact that those that avoid such practices won’t have a problem in this area of life.

The “STRANGER” in this passage is of course stating co-signing with a non-believer is more than likely to cause a problem later. Whereas, when helping a fellow believer out, you usually don’t have issues like this. A true child of God is honest and forthright in all his or her doings.

Sister White says:
"I saw that God was displeased with His people for becoming surety for unbelievers. I was directed to these texts: Proverbs 22:26: "Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts." Proverbs 11:15: "He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretyship is sure." Unfaithful stewards! They pledge that which belongs to another,--their heavenly Father,--and Satan stands ready to aid his children to wrench it out of their hands. Sabbathkeepers should not be in partnership with unbelievers. God's people trust too much to the words of strangers, and ask their advice and counsel when they should not. The enemy makes them his agents, and works through them to perplex and take from God's people."
  {1T 200.1} 


#20. Are homosexual people born that way or demon possessed? Is there a Bible scripture that talks about a homosexual being healed with a demon cast out?


No, homosexuals are not born that way. Their own bodies speak against them in fact. If they were born homosexual, then why do they have sex organs that require the opposite sex to procreate? If the people of the world would study up on the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah I am sure they too would realize it is nothing more than sinful lust.

The way I see it, Satan knows God created man in His image. As we all know, Satan cannot pass up any opportunity to soil that image. He has men, who are created in God’s image do all sorts of evil acts all throughout history. Murder, torture, theft, and rape are just a few crimes that men do that soil the image they are created in. But none so slanders the image of God then does homosexuality. It brings man down to the same level as animals when men do such things with their bodies.

I don’t know many homosexual people. I can count them on one hand and have many fingers left over. But I do recall two such instances where a homosexual was cast free of a demon that made them crave sex in a perverted way. In fact, both these people, one was a man, the other a women, placed full page adds in Chicago Newspapers many years apart from each other wherein they described how they came to realize that they were possessed when Jesus cast them free. Not only were they free of the demon, the vulgar and perverted acts became very disgusting to them. When I read those articles, and  how they described what Jesus did for them, it became quite clear it was in fact a demon in them.

And no, I do not know of a verse that says a homosexual was cast free of a demon in the Bible. This is not to say it is impossible of course. There are many different types of demons and Jesus wasn't about to point out each and every one because casting one out sufficiently proved all demons, no matter what their sinful preference was were easy game for Christ the Lord to cast free of His people. Just like there are many different diseases, there are many demons.


#21. I just read the book of Enoch and I will like to know who desided what book was inspired by God. Or who was inspired by God to select the books that were to be part of the bible.
Thanks... ALSO A friend of mine called me up and told me that her brother saw on the history channel that in Egypt they dug up this 6 foot pot in 1945( I thought it was recently) and in it were some books and one of the books was the book of thomas, in 2 different languages Is this a disciple? And why are we finding it now? Why wouldn't he add it to the bible? Why would he hide it for all these years? Is it good to read?


God decided which books were inspired. Which books were inspired? Do you recall when the Two Witnesses were killed and left dead in the streets? As Christians we know the Two Witnesses = the Old and New Testament. (See this... http://www.remnantofgod.org/2witness.htm ) At that time the only books that were protected by God were the 66 books we use today. Any other book that man claims to be inspired today, that were present back then would not be trustworthy, because had they been God would have protected them along with the other 66 books.


#22. Greetings, I would just like to ask a question. It was told to me from a pastor of mine and a student studying to become a pastor, that salvation itself does not come from doing the 10 commandments. But in one point i disagree because in 1 John 2:1-6 says different. Am I wrong? Its not to see if I am correct but just to know if im in the right path.


You are correct. However, not as you may think. We are not saved by keeping the Law, we keep the Law because we ARE saved. The Law, or obedience of it, is a FRUIT of the Christian that proves their loyalty to God. That is why 1John 2:1-6 cut your heart as it did. So, no. We are not saved by keeping the Law. That would mean we are saved by works, and that is not true. But we do keep the Law as a way to show we love the Lord.

By the way. Look in Revelation 14:6-11. It speaks of people that get the mark of the beast and why. Then look at verse 14. It speaks of people that don't get it and why. Being obedient to His Law will prevent us from
  receiving the mark of the beast. PLUS, Revelation 22:14 says, "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." That's right! Only those that have Jesus as Lord and keep His commandments will be IN HEAVEN. For more info see this.. http://www.remnantofgod.org/The-Law.htm


#23. I have a question concerning your "people get ready" section. Under prophecy #3 you wrote, "Over Sixteen and a half centuries earlier, the Lord Jesus said that after the tribulation period (1260 year dark ages) ended, these signs would begin to appear!" If I understand correctly, the 1,260 years ended in 1798. This means that the signs would not start appearing until after the 1,260 year period. However, the fulfillment of this prophecy you said occurred on May 19th, 1780. I am doing my best to prayerfully consider what you write and check it with the Word of God because it is a "big deal" to get something like this wrong.


The pope stopped killing Christians en-masse years earlier, yes, because Napoleon was breathing down his neck politically. The Vatican was doing all it could to deal with that problem, and they obviously slowed the killings down to both dedicate more time to that issue, as well as generate a false “positive image” had they been successful in squashing Napoleon’s revolt. They would of no doubt restarted their bloody inquisitions had they been successful in stopping Napoleon. However when Berthier was sent in 1798, they were then OFFICIALLY shut down politically and therefore 100% unable to kill Christians under the protection of Vatican law. Reason being was, they were no longer a State thanks to Napoleon. They reduced to only a church at that time and being just a church they were subject to the laws of the land.


#24. When someone says that keeping the sabbath is stupid how are we to respond?


What they are saying in their own little way is, when we keep Sabbath we are committing heresy. But Paul said in Acts 24:14, "But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:" So let them call you stupid all they want. What I would tell them is I would rather be called stupid by mankind than to called a liar by God Himself, because it is written in 1 John 2:4, "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."


#25. Please explain how lent is pagan


Today is another one of those “no news” worthy of reporting days wherein all I’m seeing is redundancy and so I would like to share an answer to a common question that comes up this time of year. Seeing how all the churches now embrace the Lenton season, they wonder if this is any way biblical.

Much of what I am about to share can be found in Hyslop’s book, “The Two Babylon’s” The word Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon Lencten, meaning “spring.” Lent originated in the ancient Babylonian Pagan or as they called it, mystery religion. “The forty days’  abstinence of Lent was directly borrowed from the worshippers of the Babylonian goddess…Among the Pagans this Lent seems to have been an indispensable preliminary to the great annual festival in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Tammuz.” -The Two Babylons

As we know from simple historic research, Tammuz was the false Messiah of the Babylonian people. He was a satanic counterfeit of Jesus Christ in fact. His mother created the lie to hide the fact she got pregnant in an adulterous relationship. King Nimrod, her husband had died and when she discovered she was pregnant she told everyone her dead husband appeared unto her and impregnated her. Satan moved her to use this lie for obvious reasons. He knew Jesus would be born of a virgin later in the history of the human race.

The Feast of Tammuz was celebrated in June back then. Most Pagans still celebrate it in June today as well. June was actually called the “month of Tammuz” by most Pagans. Lent was then held 40 days before this feast. This is why the word Lent means “spring.” It always took place from spring to early summer for the Pagans. The feast was always “celebrated by alternate weeping and rejoicing.”

This has actually been going on for thousands of years. The Bible records ancient Judah worshiping Tammuz. It says in Ezekiel 8:14, “Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD’S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.” If you read on in Ezekiel you will find that this was a great abomination in God’s eyes! But why did the church at Rome institute such a pagan holiday as Lent?

Getting back to Hyslops book he says they did it, “To conciliate the Pagans to nominal Christianity, Rome, pursuing its usual policy, took measures to get the Christian and Pagan festivals amalgamated, and, by a complicated but skillful adjustment of the calendar, it was found no difficult matter, in general, to get Paganism and Christianity—now far sunk in idolatry—in this as in so many other things, to shake hands.” -The Two Babylons

As history then shows us, the Roman church eventually replaced Passover with what they now call Easter. They then moved the pagan Feast of Tammuz to early spring in an attempt to “Christianize” it. So of course, Lent moved with it. Hyslops goes on to say that “This change of the calendar in regard to Easter was attended with momentous consequences. It brought into the Church the grossest corruption and the rankest superstition in connection with the abstinence of Lent.” -The Two Babylons

Before giving up their cherished sins during Lent, the pagans always held a wild, “anything goes” type of celebration to make sure that they got in their share of debaucheries and perversity before they had to give them up for Lent. They still do this to this day. Only now we call it Mardi Gras and Spring break. Fat Tuesday = sin in depth the day before Ash Wednesday.

As for Easter itself? Click here and you will see quite clearly that it too has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with Paganism and the worship of Satan using many different names. One of which is in fact “Easter.”


#26. i was reading on a web site called "the berean" and they were talking about Roman 13, and how and why we should obey the law of the land. now i dont know much but obeying an evil government is not my idea of doing what GOD says. so would you mind clarifying this for me. to me, i know the usa government is totally evil and passing evil unjust laws, and if they say we must bow to them in worship or die, i guess many people will. but pray, we wont. so please again clarify this Roman 13 for me. thanks


Not many people are aware of this, but I did a Newsletter on this some years ago about how the local police were going house to house in New Orleans and other areas near there just before and directly after Katrina with pastors from that area who were insisting the people needed to surrender their guns because they say said so and they used Romans 13:1 as a reason. I am not an advocate of guns of course, but it just seemed odd to me where crime was about to sky rocket and the police went about removing the only means of protection the non-believers had. Still.. according to this passage, we are to obey our leaders but ONLY when the laws of the land don’t force us to break God’s law. This is why the apostles stated “we must obey God rather than man” in Acts 5:29 when the Jews tried to prevent the name of Jesus being preached to the people.

At present, there are laws on the books that Christians simply do not embrace. For example, it’s ok to murder your baby in what the law calls legalized abortion, and it’s legal to defile your body in what the law allows in regards to alcohol, tobacco or other harmful items. Even pornography is legal. Christians don’t do these things of course and as is obvious, these laws are not binding on us in that we can choose not to do them by free will. However, soon there will be a law that demands we keep Sunday holy as a way to acknowledge it as the true Sabbath in the coming days. This is a law true Christians will never keep because it goes directly against commandment #4. So as prophecy predicts, when they enforce Sunday Laws many of us will be jailed and even killed, but then it’s not like we will be caught off guard because we understand prophecy and expect this to happen. That gives us an our families ample time to prepare.


#27. When it comes to young lovers and marriage, is it true that there is a special mate that God creates for each person, like Adam n Eve, or does it not really matter who the person you marry is (just as long as they're truly converted and they fit the parameters that EGW gave: [Will this person lead me to heaven, will they increase my sphere of influence, will etc...])? If there is a special love for each person, what steps can I take, with prayer , to find him? Or if there is no such thing, how can I find one that is truly converted?


In the Word of God Paul says…

What he is saying is, he is not married and he states by permission and not by commandment that he believes it is the better lifestyle choice not to be married. After all, it says a few verses later in 1 Corinthians 7:33-34, "But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife.  There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband."

The reason I bring this us is because of today’s society and how it’s geared towards everyone having a mate. As far as I see in the Word, it’s best we just live our lives as best as we can and do for the Lord as He moves us to do. If the time comes when we need help, or we are unable to continue without sinning in the flesh, as Paul said earlier, it’s better to marry than to burn with lust. But here still, I would not go looking under every crack and crevice for a spouse. Let the Lord lead one to you. And understand, Satan may also send someone to you that will not be good for you if in fact the flesh is more important to you than the Lord. I guess what I’m trying to say is, if the Lord wants you to do work for Him without a mate, He will give you the ability to do just that. But if you are unable to resist, He will send you a mate because 1 Corinthians 10:13 has also been written where He won’t allow us to be tempted above our ability to overcome. So wait on the Lord and everything will work out perfectly.


#28. I do have a question on an observation that I have made in the last 20 years of prophecy seeking. At first when looking at every 666 entity that was presented by different people over the internet, I thought maybe this was a trick of the deceiver to get people to look at the wrong person, however I am still finding to many 666 ID's out there. Is it possible that when God conveyed this to John that he was actually letting us kow that we would be able to ID any Antichrist entity with that label? In other words, they just didnt know they have been tagged by God so we could ID them easier today.


Yes, 666 can be found absolutely everywhere. Rome uses it in many forms and languages in the same way come corporations use logos. But in prophecy is clearly states the number 666 will be found in the NAME of the one that fulfills 100% of every prophecy pertaining to Antichrist. So no, people with names that = 666 cannot be “the” Antichrist in Rome anymore than those that are homosexuals. Reason being is, prophecy also identifies Antichrist as having many under him that are Homosexuals. As I stated earlier, you will find Antichrist does have the 666 hidden everywhere on earth, and not just in his name. Kind of like a graffiti artist that “tags” walls, Antichrist has his puppets display the 666 in their logos, artwork, hand gestures on camera, etc, as a show of loyalty. In my first FLASH animation many years ago I shows pictures of a Vatican Monstrance that had the letter SFS on it. Here they are crafty in hiding the 666 by using 2 different languages where in one the S = 6 and in another the F = 6. So no, just because the name Ronald Reagan = 666 if you had the letters up in his name, or even Microsoft Windows does as well, all the prophecies have to match whoever has the name that = 666.


#29. I know the truth as it is supposed to be understood. But I see no churches in my area? Why is it none of us can find a church that preaches as we all believe?


As prophesied the Lord will need 144,000 of His people to go forth in these last days to preach present truth. All the churches, including the SDA church, have gone back to Rome. Like myself, and everyone gathering here today, you have no church in your area. Does this mean we go back to the SDA church or others like it because we are all alone? Did Elijah compromise his faith in the wilderness when he was all alone? Did any of the Apostles when they went forth? Did the Christians that fled for their lives when Rome persecuted them run back to Rome when they couldn’t find a church? More often than not, all throughout history, most Christians were all alone on Sabbath. Over the years they did however share their faith with those around them and this is how the church eventually grew. In the last days however, it’s a much different story. There are around 7 billion people on the planet right now. What good would it do if all of the 144,000 were in one area gathering for worship each week? How effective would the loud cry be then if it only sounded in your town, or my town? Would it not be better for the Lord to have His people strategically scattered the world over so as to bring more souls in all around the world as prophecy said the 144,000 will be used of God to do? If we are faithful and are blessed with the Latter Rain we will see tens of thousands coming to Christ after one sermon the Lord calls us to preach. How will it happen? I have no idea. But as I see the calamities increasing, I also see the boldness of God’s people growing. Soon we will be called ot go forth where we know large gatherings will be present. We will proclaim the truth with the courage of Christ and many will come to Jesus on that day. This is why we see them arresting street preachers today. They are trying to frighten those that are about to go forth with the idea it’s better to stay at home that do the work.

In short… This is a test you’re going through brother. This is a test each and everyone of us are going through right now. If we can stand firm in our faith as did Moses when he waited on God for those 40 days on the mountain in complete silence, our Lord will know He can use us in the coming days to glorify Him like no other believers in the History of the church can do. The 144,000 are slated to do an amazing work. But in order to do such a work as prophecy says they will do, they must first be readied of God to do such a work. In Desire of Ages page 122 we see that in the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan those who are loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off.


#30. I sent my last question to fast regarding swearing. They (the court) asked if you swear or affirm. They say affirm for people who wont swear but it legally means the same thing. So if it means the same thing you shouldnt affirm either right?


Some may see Matthew 5:34-37 as proof we must not swear. I agree, this is not wise to do when trying to convince others regarding the truth we share. Constantly saying, "I swear to God" cheapens the Gospel message. So, in context, Jesus is proclaiming a simple "yes should = yes and a no = no."

As for a courtroom, if you feel uneasy about it, affirmation is acceptable in courtrooms. This is what I would do in my early years as a Christian because I thought I wasn’t supposed to swear. However, over the years I learned that a judicial oath is ok to take. Truth is, even Jesus took one when He was on trial.

Here the Pharisee asked Jesus to take an oath when he said “I adjure thee.” Jesus then acknowledged that as it was as the Pharisee said, proving judicial oaths are ok to take. Mankind cannot read the hearts of men, therefore we need a method that usually works on hearts that fear to offend God by lying. Yes, in today's world this isn't as valid as it was in days of old because most people don’t fear God. But the hearts of the remnant people are still striving to be pure enough to please the Lord. So an oath by them would indeed be valid. After all... If it was wrong for Jesus to speak under oath, He would have corrected the Pharisee when he asked him to speak under oath. We know Jesus never missed an occasion to correct the errors of the religious leaders of that day so as to better educate them and those listening.

By the way, SOP also speaks on this...

"...Our Saviour did not, however, forbid the use of the judicial oath, in which God is solemnly called to witness that what is said is truth and nothing but the truth. Jesus Himself, at His trial before the Sanhedrin, did not refuse to testify under oath. {Reflecting Christ 71.3}"


#31. I have a question regarding how pastors are appointed in a church. Obvioulsly we know the requirements of being a preacher according to 1 timothy chapter 3, but how is a preacher chosen. My wife ask me the question "How does pastors, apostles, deacons, prophets etc get their titles, are there any requrements other than owning a bible are they appointed by man or by God ". If you can shed some light on this for me I will greatly apprecitate it.


By the laying on of hands. The Holy Spirit must move upon the men in the congregation to pray over a man that is to lead. He must have the requirements of 1 Timothy of course before installing him as either pastor, deacon, or evangelist. As for prophets. Only the Lord appoints such an office.


#32. What does it mean to fear the Lord?


In this passage the word fear is better translated today as "revered." This is what could be better defined as a healthy fear of God. For example, our God is so awesome that we can't even imagine just how powerful He is. We look at His creation, the power of the wind, the heat of the sun, or the depths of the sea and still know he is to be revered beyond comprehension. By the way, this reverent fear is were the false preachers and pastors got the title, "reverend." To use such a term is to blaspheme because it says in Psalms 111:9, "He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name." How can a man claim to be anything near in power and wisdom of our God? Whenever I see a preacher using such a title I know one of two things is apparent here. #1 he has no idea of power of God so as to claim to be as reverend as He who made him. Or, he never read his Bible where it states the title "reverend" is only applied to God. In either case, it's not a good fruit for a preacher.


#33. I read the your article on tithing. A brother elsewhere said I must sell all I own and give to the poor or I wont be right with God. He says this based on the rich young ruler in Luke 18. He also said that tithing was abolished when Jesus came and said to give it all. Now I read your article and have a better understanding that tithing is still very much in affect to this day. But are we called to sell all our things as Jesus said to in Matthew,Mark and Luke. In Luke He says that there is still one thing we lack. Acts 2:44,45, "All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods they gave to anyone as he had need (2:44-45). However in Luke, I also see the Zacchaeus gave only half his goods and the Judge Himself said he has now salvation. Kinda Confusing! Also, if we can give half of our things and still have salvation like Zacc. In Acts 5 you read about Ananias and his wife who only gave some and not all. Then died for it. Now I know they died moreover because they were greedy or simply lacked faith that God would provide for them. But added with the other scriptures I have shown here. It seems very important to give all to GOD. So if you can, please help me with understanding all this. I cant seem to rap my head around all this.


Your friend is mistaken. The reason the Lord told the rich man to sell all he had and give to the poor is because that man had a problem with riches. Truth is, to gain such riches back then, like today, usually meant they got them while breaking God's law. Also like many today, he was idolizing his wealth. So like plucking out the eye, or cutting off the hand for those that sin with the eye or hand, Jesus was merely telling the man to put away his riches if he is ever to gain Heaven. In today's world there are some that idolize video games, porn, music, etc. If you had many video games that pulled you away from Christ as did the riches of the rich man, then you would have to get rid of your video games.

The Word says…

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10.  {UL 29.1} 

SOP says…

     Both large sums and small sums are to be looked upon by you as God's entrusted treasure. When you are thinking of expending means, pray over the matter, in order that you may use the Lord's goods in a way that shall please Him. The Lord would have all who claim to be His followers imitate His example. We are a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. Unbelievers are watching those who profess to be the children of God to see if they are in reality that which they profess to be. Is it consistent for us to talk of Christ's self-denial, of His self-sacrifice, and yet walk and work contrary to His example? The treasures of the world are the Lord's. They are all His both by creation and by redemption.  {UL 29.2} 

     Why is it that riches are called "unrighteous mammon"? It is because through riches men are made subject to temptation, to deal unjustly, to use them as they shall please in gratifying their desires, and in fulfilling that which their imagination calls for. Those who are in possession of money are in danger of putting the Lord's goods to a wrong use, and by this means they are led to forget God. . . . The rich young ruler thought that he loved God until Jesus revealed his idol to him, and showed him that he was making a god of his possessions. He had come to Christ asking, "What lack I yet?" The answer was, "Sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me" (Luke 18:22). . . .  {UL 29.3} 

     Those who have the Lord's talents of means are placed under a heavy responsibility. They are not to invest money merely for the gratification of selfish desires, for whatever is spent in this way is just that much kept from the Lord's treasury. Through the sovereign goodness of God, the Holy Spirit works through the human agent, and causes him to make smaller or larger investments in the cause of God, to make them redound to the glory of God.  {UL 29.4} 

     Whenever you think of using the Lord's money for your own selfish gratification, remember that there are many who are in deep poverty who cannot purchase either food or clothing, and [that] they are God's heritage. We are to do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. If those who have abundant means are God's agents in dealing in truth, they will use their treasures wisely, so that none of the household of faith need to go hungry or naked.--Letter 90, Jan. 15, 1895, to a Seventh-day Adventist woman of considerable means.  {UL 29.5} 


#34. I have a friend, who we both used to go to the same church before I learned the truth. She was right beside me as I learned much of that truth. But since I moved from Oklahoma, and her, she has fallen into a ....dare I say it...cult. This denomination teaches that Christ was NOT actually the son of Mary, so He was NOT jewish in any way shape or form, so those who believe in the new testament, don't have to follow the "jewish" ways. I argued that he kept jewish law, emphasised that we were branches from the same root.... tons of stuff. Much of which she agrees with., BUT.... she argues that to say that Jesus was the literal son of Mary, makes him less than God. I tried to explain that he had to be of the line of David, he had to be man, in order to do the sacrifice....amongst all the other things. But she still holds to this theory. I have read and read and can't seem to find the right scripture to combat this line of thinking. Please help me. She has a deep faith, but I can't seem to find the right words. I prayed and asked the spirit for help, and your name popped into my head. Have you heard of this movement?


Yes this movement is known. The Lord allows it because He is shaking out those that do not trust His Word. If she truly has a deep desire to please God, opening her Bible to learn of Him would prevent her from being easily pulled away from Him. Still... she is a soul in need so try this. If Jesus is really not the prophesied son of God, then how is it over 300 prophecies where fulfilled by Him? I have 100 of them listed on my Jesus in prophecy page... http://www.remnantofgod.org/Jesus.htm

As for the "Jewish Law." There is no such thing. It’s either
  ceremonial or eternal Law. The eternal Law of God is for ALL of mankind. Truth is, the Law was kept by the angels as well as Adam and Eve long before a Jew was ever born. The only reason people assume it's a Jewish thing is because the Jews are known to be the longest known race of people to keep it. But, according to the Word of God, they were NOT the first. See this page for a lot more info... http://www.remnantofgod.org/The-Law.htm


#35. I am in a very intense trial right now. The worst I’ve ever seen!!! What can I do?


As you pray always remember this...

"As they met together after the ascension they were eager to present their requests to the Father in the name of Jesus. In solemn awe they bowed in prayer, repeating the assurance, "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, He will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." John 16:23, 24. They extended the hand of faith higher and higher with the mighty argument, "It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." Romans 8:34. And Pentecost brought them the presence of the Comforter, of whom Christ had said, He "shall be in you." And He had further said, "It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you." John 14:17; 16:7. Henceforth through the Spirit, Christ was to abide continually in the hearts of His children. Their union with Him was closer than when He was personally with them. The light, and love, and power of the indwelling Christ shone out through them, so that men, beholding, "marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13. {SC 74.1}

He is there for you. Trust Him and see His hand move in a mighty way! Rough trials like this are needed to make His hand visible.


#36. Should the remnant be seen in 'carnivals' which we know are modeled after Roman Catholic pagan festivals? Even for the purpose of handing out leaflets? What of these two quotes from the SOP? How do we reconcile the differences? SOP say not to go to such places in Youth Instructor 5/4/1893 and then large gatherings like the St Louis Fair would be a good place to share the truth in EV 35.2)


Yes carnivals, sports events, and rock concerts are not a good place for Christians. So I would steer clear 100%. However, the areas around them where the people must walk through to get to the events are perfect for passing out tracks. That way the child of God doesn't have to go in to the event at all, yet still able to evangelize those that do.


#37. Is Romans chapter 14 evidence that we can eat anything we like to eat? A friend of mine is using this chapter to try and say we don't need to teach that veganism is important etc.


The verses in question are...

Verses 3-6 in Romans 14 discuss those who eat certain things as opposed to those who do not. The Word doesn't say who is right and who is wrong here, instead it speaks on not passing judgment on others. In other words, let God be the judge. (verses 4, 10-12) Verse 14 and 20 are NOT referring to "UNCLEAN FOODS as is described in Leviticus 11 or Deuteronomy 14. It is openly speaking of food that is 'OFFERED TO IDOLS' instead. Some Christians would have you believe otherwise so as to "ok" sin, and in turn destroy not only your temple, but your testimony as well. These foods were "CEREMONIALLY UNCLEAN" period!. It was not speaking of clean and unclean by nature in any way shape or form. 

The actual point of the discussion here in Romans 14 is that no food is unclean or impure simply because some non-believer offered it up to an idol. An idol is "nothing in the world" -1Cor 8:4.  Fact here is, if a person is bothered in his conscience because he is eating such foods, then he or she should simply not eat  that food. PLUS, if that which is "truly" clean, but is seen as "unclean" by your brother because of how the food has been "offered to idols," then we as Christians should abstain from eating those foods so as to not cause our brother to be offended. Simple fact is, the Creator chooses that which is clean and unclean, NOT mankind and his useless idols. It appears that some Christians are allowing their idol to preach unto to church at large. ONLY their idol is saying it's ok to eat unclean foods. Or their idol is saying it's not ok to eat clean meat. They totally miss the fact that it's really "CLEAN" foods that are being offered to the idols. They only "appear" unclean by those who BELIEVE in the power of 


#38. Brother, I need some help with a topic that has left me at a fork in the road. How do we share the gospel? Do we share it with people who dont know about salvation yet. Or do we call sinners to repentance by telling those who already know,but are not living right? Today everyone I speak to says "yeah Im saved already." Yet, by there very fruits. It is crystal clear to anyone with open eyes that he/she is living in sin. When I tell them that they shouldn't be doing certain things in there lifestyle. They justify themselves by telling me they are Good To Go,they have the spirit and that they trust there pastor...By this I am truly sorrowful. Like salvation is once,we must daily put to death the ways of the flesh. Satan wont stop till the end of the age. Am I only to focus on those who dont know the word and want to know more? Or am I to still share to anyone who has ears that can hear? Another problem is most people view me as if I am judging them. Saying our Lord said not to judge others!! Although He says we must 1st remove our own sin/wrongs/errors ,then we can see clearly to help our brother with his sins/wrongs/errors. And that we will be measured with the same measure we use on others. Besides if we couldn't judge others , how could saints see wolves in sheep's clothe. Discern by there fruits people call judging them today. Anyway I enjoy talking about Jesus but I dont seem to be getting anywhere with people because they all claim to be stamped/branded one time in there life as sav-ED. I need to figure out the next best move because I feel halted and hurt-ed by how many are lost and stubborn. They even refuse bible study with me.


We are to preach the truth to absolutely everyone the Lord sends our way. No exceptions. He has His reasons for sending them, and so He does.

As for those that declare "You're judging me." They are without a doubt the only people that say this, and they say this because they are guilty. There is a problem with their theology though. First of all, you don't judge anyone when they TELL YOU they're in sin. For example. When a man walks up to me drunk, do I judge him drunk? Or does his wobbly walk, foul odor and slurred speech tell me he's drunk? There's a big difference between judging someone and seeing someone sin. Still, is it not also written in 1 Corinthians 6:3, "Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?"

Always keep this in mind brother and all will go well as you seek souls to save. #1, you cannot save ANYONE. All we are called to do is plant seeds. The Holy Spirit will water the seeds when the time is right. #2, do not waste your time on those that hate the truth. Yes, we must try, but don't push the issue because Jesus said swine will just turn and attack while they trample the truth underfoot anyway. When the truth is shared with someone it will bless them even if we don't see it at first. Still, we aren't to constantly shove Jesus at them or even share Jesus gently if we see it's only angering them anyway. Walk away and pray for them and let the Lord finish the work. After all, it says in Titus 3:9-10, "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;"


#39. From your website I learned about the name Ellen White. I bought some of her books and us remnant sheep are in trouble. After watching many youtubes I have to go back and look at some of her books to keep me grounded. lol We sure a blessed to have her writings. The question that I have is in the book Last Day Events chapter satans Last Day Deceptions. The great deception is masking the return of Christ. So how is this going to work. Is the antichrist born and possessed or is satan going to mask the return and jump into the antichrist. How is this going to go down?


Satan wants the worship all for himself. He will appear physically before the eyes of many as well as TV cameras. It will be Satan himself that will claim to be Christ. This is why Jesus prophesied and said...

Matthew 24:24-27, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

When Jesus comes absolutely every person on earth no matter where they are, whether on land, in a ship, in a plane, or in a house, ALL OF THEM will see Jesus appearing at the same time. Satan on the other hand will only appear to a select few here and there and on TV. This is a very important key. The reason Jesus said "don't go there" is because of the fact Satan is an angel. A fallen one yes. But an angel nonetheless. As John the apostle fell in worship of the Angel in Revelation 19:10, so will all of mankind fall in worship before Satan thinking he is Christ because mankind cannot handle the presence of an angel. The good angel in Revelation 19 told John not to bow to him and corrected him. However, Satan wants that worship and will not ask anyone to stop bowing. This is why Jesus said don't go there. No Christian, no matter how strong, can handle the presence of an angel. John the apostle proved that hands down.


#40. I've been struggling with this since I've found Christ. I can't help but think at times that evil imaginations are of my own. I know what Ephesians 6:12 says but at times it seems I'm just wrestling against the flesh. I can't help but think at times that it's me, my own heart and mind that's evil and the influence doesn't come from the outside. I have prayed and the Lord is helping me in this area but it still troubles me at times. I was wondering if you could expand on Ephesians 6:12. What the verse means and how it applies to us Christians today.


One of Satan's favored attacks is to make us believe it is our own fault, our carnal desires, our own heart that forces us to sin and love sin in our lives when the truth is, none of these evil tendencies would have been there in the first place had it not been for him and his evil attacks upon us. THAT is why Paul wrote Ephesians 6:12 to let us know "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Let me ask you this... If you knew of a Christian who walked with Christ perfectly, who is it the Father sees when He looks upon that Christian. Christ right? Because it is the righteousness of Christ the Father sees. Isaiah 64:6 says, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." And Romans 3:22 says, "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:" and Philippians 1:11, "Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God."

So, since it is Christ's righteousness that the Father sees when He looks at His obedient child, who's evil is it when He looks at his disobedient child? Just as much as the righteousness is attributed to Christ, the evil we do is attributed to Satan. So again, this is why Paul wrote what he did in Ephesians 6:12


#41. Have you read sister White book "the Adventist home" chapter 77 Christmas. If you haven't can you please read it, it's short. It's kinda confusing. My brother is totally against this chapter saying it was tampered with an not of God. I just want another voice on it.


I've read that chapter and debated it often with SDA pastors some years ago. Contrary to popular belief, it is not saying we should embrace Christmas like the rest of the world at all. It's saying we should use the day to spread the truth as people are more open to listen in that day just like Paul went to keep a Feast in Jerusalem because he knew he would find many souls open to preach to there. As we all know, Christmas is loaded with Pagan symbols. My Christmas page on my website proves this easily. This is the problem most SDA's have with this chapter in Adventist Home. They see Sister White saying they should do this and that during the Christmas season. They assume she has given them the ok to do whatever they wish, so they bring in the trees, adorn them with ornaments, lights and garland, they buy gifts and sing certain christmas carols and even cover their homes with lights and say "Merry Christmas" to everyone they meet. While they do this they boldly ignore what Sister White said on page 482 of that same book. She said, "Shall we have a Christmas tree? Will it not be like the world? We answer, You can make it like the world if you have a disposition to do so, or you can make it as unlike the world as possible." How I ask is it "unlike the world" when they use Christmas the exact same way the Catholics or the Pagans of old do? One would think the people of God would use Christmas in the same way Paul used that feast day. No gift giving, no ornaments, no lights, no saying "Merry Christmas." Just preaching Jesus Christ on the only day of the year most people won't be offended by it. What an awesome opportunity I say! And just think, it's all shot down by saying merry christmas to one person, or lighting one light, or giving one gift.

Ellen White is a prophet of God. Being a prophet she would never go against that which is written in the Word of God. And that is, "When the LORD thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." -Deuteronomy 12:29-32


#42. I am in the midst of more than one trial. Why does our Lord send trials to His people?


Ever notice how when you prune a plant it grows more abundantly? It literally glorifies the work of your hand letting all those that look upon it that it was you who helped it grow into such a beautiful creature. You are also a creature who has from time to time been pruned or brought to trial by the Creator Himself. When the trials He sends causes you to blossom into a beautiful creature, your exitsence alone makes everyone know the Creator has been active in your life. When once you were a sinner sick in sin you are now a child of God healed for eternity.

"Ye are God's husbandry." As one takes pleasure in the cultivation of a garden, so the Lord takes pleasure in His believing sons and daughters. A garden demands constant labor. The weeds must be removed; new plants must be set out; branches that are making too rapid a development must be pruned back. So the Lord works for His garden, the plants of the Lord. He cannot take pleasure in any development that does not reveal the graces of the character of Christ. The blood of Christ has made men and women God's precious charge. Then how careful each one should be not to manifest too much freedom in pulling up the plants the Lord has placed in His garden. Some plants are so feeble that they have hardly any life in them, and for these the Lord has a special care (MS 39, 1896).  {6BC 1086.8} 


#43. In my daily bible study I am currently reading the book of Matthew. In Matthew 13:31 Jesus talks of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. My question is: what specifically is meant by the term blasphemy in this context? Using the word Holy as a swear word or ?


The passage you speak of is actually found in Matthew 12:31.

The easiest way I know how to explain it is to say, those that purposely deny the Holy Spirit, and the Truth He proclaims, even though they have evidence it is from God, these are they that blaspheme His Spirit. Their sin is so enticing that they purposely ignore His Spirit's call to their hearts to repent. A good example would be someone that finds Christ, starts to walk with Him, but then decides later to stop following Him because they want to go back to their old lives. Paul speaks of such a person in Hebrews 10:26 where he says, "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"

Sister White says the following on this... 

" Whatever the sin, if the soul repents and believes, the guilt is washed away in the blood of Christ; but he who rejects the work of the Holy Spirit is placing himself where repentance and faith cannot come to him. It is by the Spirit that God works upon the heart; when men willfully reject the Spirit, and declare it to be from Satan, they cut off the channel by which God can communicate with them. When the Spirit is finally rejected, there is no more that God can do for the soul. . . .  {AG 215.2}  

     It is not God that blinds the eyes of men or hardens their hearts. He sends them light to correct their errors, and to lead them in safe paths; it is by the rejection of this light that the eyes are blinded and the heart hardened. Often the process is gradual, and almost imperceptible. Light comes to the soul through God's word, through His servants, or by the direct agency of His Spirit; but when one ray of light is disregarded, there is a partial benumbing of the spiritual perceptions, and the second revealing of light is less clearly discerned. So the darkness increases, until it is night in the soul. . . .  {AG 215.3}  

     It is not necessary for us deliberately to choose the service of the kingdom of darkness in order to come under its dominion. We have only to neglect to ally ourselves with the kingdom of light. . . . The most common manifestation of the sin against the Holy Spirit is in persistently slighting Heaven's invitation to repent. Every step in the rejection of Christ is a step toward the rejection of salvation, and toward the sin against the Holy Spirit.  {AG 215.4}  

     When the soul surrenders itself to Christ, a new power takes possession of the new heart. A change is wrought which man can never accomplish for himself. It is a supernatural work, bringing a supernatural element into human nature. The soul that is yielded to Christ becomes His own fortress, which He holds in a revolted world, and He intends that no authority shall be known in it but His own. A soul thus kept in possession by the heavenly agencies is impregnable to the assaults of Satan."  {AG 215.5}  


#44. I found an article describing how women are not part of the church. It explained how Christ is head of Man and Man head of the women. It also said that women are not to speak in church and if they had questions to ask their husband at home. Even though I am married and if this article is correct then I should not be asking you, but I wanted to see what your take of the woman in the church is.


Women have a blessed role in the church. Esther, Ruth, Mary and others proved this boldly. No, they cannot be pastors, nor can they usurp authority over men because it is declared as such in the Word.

Of cousre women can help their husbands who are pastors. They are to be the helpmeet of man. All too often some men like to assume God took the bone to create Eve from under Adam's foot when in fact He took it from his side. Women and men are to stand side by side in the church to do the work. Those men that place women under their feet are going directly against God's will.

As for women speaking in the church. People take that passage from 1 Timothy out of context every day to put women under their thumb and this isn't right. Back when the church started, the Christians met in buildings similar to Synagogues where the women sat on one side and men on the other. Seeing how the the man is the head of the house according to the Scripture, men back then,. as they should do today as well, were the ones that taught the Bible in their homes to their families. This new Christian movement was obviously a new thing to the Jewish converts. Most of the men were already well educated on the facts and doctrines as they were used to studying the Word anyway. They studied it up before joining the church so they would of course understand more than the women. Therefore, when the preacher would say something that appeared new to the women doctrinally speaking they would ask their husbands if this was true. Problem is, they would do this during the sermon, and since they sat across the isle from their husbands they would have to speak loud enough for their husband to hear. This would interrupt the preacher in mid-sermon and often quench the Spirit that was moving Him to speak. So, Paul instructed them to be silent in the churches.

Bottom line is this. Yes, men are the head of the women. But they are not to abuse their wives with that authority. Men were created in the image of God, and women were created in the image of man. As Bible students we know what happened in Eden. Eve chose to step away from her husband to wander on her own and allow the serpent to speak to her. When she listened to the serpent and believed his lies she caused a curse upon all women from that day forward. For it is plainly written...


#45. Do you think we are nit-picking as someone just told me. He is a Florida Conference "Simple Church Organizer". When I talked to him about WCC, he said he did not have time for the nit-picking. He goal is to reach the secular, the atheist and the lost in establishing home churches. He said if I was still using a Bank for transaction with credit card, I can not choose because the bank invest my money in things that I would not. I said so was the GC. He got upset and hang up. Did he have a small point? You don't have to answer me if you worry about spams. You can comment on it during study hour.


It is nor nit-picking to do God's will brother. The man you're talking to is deceived. Period. We are called to warn the people about Babylon and coming out of the WCC churches. How can it be nit-picking when Revelation 18:1-5 clearly says this is present truth for our day. The fact he says it's nit-picking proves the SDA church has totally forgotten about angel #4.


#46. Hey, I've looked all over the net for an article that talks about how it is wrong to try and keep both Sunday and the Sabbath, or that it is at least an offense to God to keep Sunday. However, my search has been in vain as I cannot find even a simple Q&A regarding this subject. My reason for this search, is because I often hear the following questions after someone learns the Sabbath truth............ "OK so Saturday is the Sabbath, so does that means that the keeping of Sunday is a sin?" or "Is it ok if I keep both Sunday and Saturday?" or "Is it ok if I just rest on Sabbath, and regard my church-going custom to Sunday?" These are very illogical and irrational, and even down right arbitrary questions, but they are still questions that often get asked and deserve an answer. Not only that, but my Dad has asked these questions also, So I would really appreciate it if you could show me an article or perhaps can give me something from your own writing to help answer the above questions thoroughly enough to be convincing, and of course added scripture would be great!


We can worship God 7 days a week if we want. But on Saturday (Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown) WE MUST keep that day holy. Yes, you can keep Sunday, Monday or any other day holy, but it won't make it holy. In fact, God made Saturday holy, not man. Man cannot make anything holy. For it is written in Numbers 23:20, "Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it."

As for resting on Sabbath and then going to church on Sunday. Let me ask you this. Since you know Sabbath is Saturday, why would you want to attend church with Sunday keepers who you now know for a fact do not worship God according to what your Bible says is proper? That being said, what do these passages tell you brother...


#47. I want to get married to a wonderful Christian woman who desires only to put Christ first according to Bible teaching...and to throw out everything in life that is not in line with the wishes of our Lord. Lucky me to be so blessed! Would you please advise me on rings. I love the idea that it shows the world that I am taken, but I don't want part in anything pagan. I know rings are mentioned, like when the prodigal son returned, they put a robe on him, slippers and a ring. Please do advise us. We both respect your work and calling in life very much.


Rings are of Pagan origin and quite vulgar when used in marital ceremony. The ring represents the women's sex organ and the finger represents the man's. Inserting the finger in the ring represents consummation.

Take a look at the wedding Jesus attended where He performed His first miracle. The reason they had what we call today "receptions" after the wedding was to let absolutely everyone know in that city as well as that family who was being married. From that day on no one was to approach the bride or the groom in a way that suggested courtship because it was well known by all they were married. My wife and I haven't worn our rings in decades. In fact, we destroyed them long ago. As a Christian couple we do see people "flirting" at times, but when we respond as did Christ, the flirting ends immediately. There is no need for a ring at all. After all, it takes two to tango does it not?


#48. I blame the Jews for killing Jesus. There are many verses in the Bible where Peter, Paul and others declared the Jews did this act.


Yes, the Jews killed Jesus. But have you read the prophecies regarding Jesus and His mission here on earth? Why blame the Jews when it was already decided Jesus would die for both them and us? Jesus agreed long before the Jews ever existed that He would die for all of mankind. He then prophesied by many prophets that He would allow the very people He loved to kill Him. So why blame them? Yes, what they did was evil, but it served a higher purpose that simply had to be done. Sadly it was done in an manner that depicted hatred instead of love. But I am convinced that even if the Jews accepted Him with open arms, He would still have died for all of mankind because of what Satan has done to our ability to make it home safely.


#49. I came across a question. You stated earlier that us believers will have a complete body when we are in heaven. My question is: what happens to those who may have cremated their bodies (due to ignorance)? Do they get another new complete body? Please advise.


Yes, it doesn't matter if you're cremated, eaten by fish, burned to ash by Popes, or even atomized by an atomic bomb as many were in Japan decades ago. God will re-create the body. Keep in mind, Adam and Eve will resurrect as well. Thing is, they've been dead so long, (6000 years) that every trace of their bodies have literally become dust and have disappeared into the soil. Yet God will raise them too. So, don’t worry about cremation. As I see it, whether you’re buried or cremated, in either case you will end up dust of the earth. In Genesis 3:19 when our Lord was talking to Adam after eating the forbidden fruit, He told him that he will "…return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."


#50. Can i ask you a question ....please dont get offended....i was told that we were made to glorify God only....is this true?.....wouldnt that make God a little vain then?.....if all he wants is to be praised all day long and thats what we will do in heaven the whole time?


Yes we are made to glorify God throughout the Universe. And no, it wouldn't be vanity with God because sin is never an issue with Him. As far as I can define vanity, I see it as man looking to himself in some manner, whether it be his appearance, abilities, or wisdom, to be vain is when he looks to himself as being better than others, when in fact he is merely a man like his neighbor. However, God is above all, there are none that can be His equal. For God to be vain would mean there would have to another many Gods that He aspires to be more powerful to. And no, this does not count the false gods of man, for they are nothing but wood, stone, or metal images that can’t even speak let alone stand without man’s assistance. The Lord God is holy, and worthy of praise and it is an honor to be trusted by Him to glorify Him to those He sends our way. In fact this is our duty as followers of Him. It is written in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." If we are to be ambassadors for Him in His Kingdom, He has to know we can be trusted to glorify Him before the trillions of souls we will be visiting all throughout eternity. This is why He tests us down here the way He does.

Now, it's not that we go around shoving Jesus down people's throats. It's that we do His will and keep His law so that in so doing He blesses us openly causing others to see what He is doing for His obedient children and THAT is how He is glorified. Yes, we can also share our faith, but more often than not, actions speak louder than words. A good way to look at it is, like having a loving Father who makes sure his child has all they need. When others look upon the child they see that their Father loves them in how they are cared for. As for what we will be doing in Heaven, see my Heaven page on this site. The Bible goes into a lot of detail about Heaven. But nowhere near as much as we can imagine. For it is also written in 1 Corinthians 2:9, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."


#51. Many times at church gatherings, like the SDA, they would pray to God, but it seems to me at first they are praying to The Father, and then they would say thanks to Him that He died on the cross and resurrect (referring to Jesus Christ), but I thought they were praying to God The Father, and then end the prayer by saying "in Jesus name"? So would you help me clear my confusing please. I mean when i pray, my prayers are going to Jesus Christ since He created us, so in essence i am really praying to God Our Father and Creator Jesus Christ not to God The Father. I know we probably can pray to God The Father directly but i keep thinking of what Jesus have said "no one can go to the Father except through me" (paraphrase)


You actually answered your own question. You stated,  "no one can go to the Father except through me." Which is correct. But many fail to understand what that really means. When you pray, Jesus always instructed us to pray to His Father in many areas of the Gospel. But we are to do so "in His name." What that means is, the Father will hear your prayers, but only if you do so trusting Jesus as Lord of your life, and you are honestly trying your best to allow Jesus to guide you in life. The blunt reality to all this is, the term, "In Jesus name" means the same as "In His Character." This is why most people don't get their prayers answered in life. They pray with alcohol, tobacco, or even pork on their breath while praying, or they do so with anger, lust or hatred in their heart and wonder why nothing happens. These people do not emulate the character of Christ. Some actually pray while they are living in sin, or committing a crime they fear they will be caught in, or some pray while embracing all sorts of sin without the slightest desire to stop any of it. They just shoot off prayers hoping God will hear and help them get toys, houses, out of jail, or even find a lover. Worse yet, some that claim to be Christians pray simply so others around them “see” their “Christianity for self gratification. They seek the proverbial pat on the back, but what does Jesus say about such people? Do you remember the Pharisee that stood tall before the people boasting of all his holiness? It’s in…

Truth is, when people that embrace sin in their lives close their prayers by saying "in Jesus name," they are actually taking His name in vain. And so their very prayers become sin to them.

There is an outline for prayer found in the Word. It’s shared by Christ directly after His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. Most call it the Lord’s prayer, but it’s not a prayer at all. It’s found in Matthew chapter 6. I also did a 3 part sermon series back in 2006. You can listen to it here… http://www.remnantofgod.org/sdrhome.htm Scroll to 07-01-06.. 07-08... & 07-15


#52. I am disappointed that there is not more guidance available in the bible regarding how to prepare for what’s coming.


The Bible is literally filled with information on how to be prepared for what's coming. Problem is, most of the people in the world doesn't want to do it. Basic reality is, to be prepared for what's coming will take faith. And how does faith come? By reading the Word daily. Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

I have to ask you… what about all the times He answered your prayers in the past? All of God's people have many blessings to look back on proving He was there for them when they needed Him most. Just because the leaders are trying to make people fear today, doesn't make Him any less your Father. Truth is, the political leaders are moved by Satan to make the fear boil up because Satan knows if he can keep the Christians fearful their faith will be less effective. When their faith fails, the people will then will look into what THEY can do to get out of the mess rather than looking to God to do as He promised. That's exactly what Satan wants them to do. Since he already has them ignoring God thanks to their inept religious leaders, all he needs now is to get them to listen to his suggestions, and his suggestions are always 100% flesh based!

Yes, it's getting rough out there, and it's about to get a LOT rougher! But this is where prophecy says our God shines the most. When it looks its worst, our Father will step in like He did for Elijah by the brook Cherith, Mordecai when the gallows were built, or Daniel when he was falling into the lions den. However, the Lord only moves His hand with those children that TRUST Him to do as He promised in His Word. This is why it's so important to stay in the Word each and every day. It teaches us all about the Father's love and how He has always been there for His children for thousands of years. In fact, read Hebrews chapter 11 for a condensed version of how the Lord helps His people.

Our Lord has promised to help us, of this we have no doubt. But in so doing He also asks us not to ignore His promises to do for ourselves what He promised to do in the first place. If He said in Isaiah 33:16 that, "He shall dwell on high: his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure." Then why do we want to look for hiding places and food now? He already has what we need set up for us in advance. But without discernment and the faith that comes from learning of Him in His Word, we cannot hope to know where to go when that time comes.

Do you remember how Peter sunk in the water as He walked towards Christ that night? Jesus said to Him in Matthew 14:31, "...O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Satan won that night with Peter, and he's been winning against countless souls during their weakest moments ever since! He knows if he can keep the fear active in our hearts, we won't be able to exercise the faith when it's time. Truth is brother. The Bible is packed with "guidance" on what to do today. You just need to know where to look.

See this page when you get time... http://www.remnantofgod.org/power.htm


#53. I need your advice on a matter. Me and my wife are with child and she is due in 4 weeks. A old SDA member (pastors wife) recently came over to drop off some gifts for the coming new born. I told her we are with a new church and dont want to go there anymore. But of coarse she insists that we should allow the church to have a baby shower. I told her we dont believe in showering people with gifts and exalting them like that. So then she said we should at least have a gathering like a pot luck at there home with church members to praise together and member who decide to bring something for us can if they like. Now, I must say we are not doing great right now financially. But we rather struggle, then to displease the Father. Although that SDA church has not embraced the crossed doctrine as most have. It is still SDA members that may very well asked detailed questions that may lead to big problems. Many of them have not seen us in forever. So I know many questions will be thrown our way. Especially why we left. In my heart I know that I was just like them the other day and simply didnt have a clue what SDA are doing in the background. Nor do I want to be prideful and not go. But what if God wants to bless us through the saints. They want to get together and praise God. But I dont know if we should even be associating with them. Although we all praise God and believe. She asked almost 2 weeks ago and I dont have a clue. As always I highly rate your opinion and biblical facts on such matters.


If it was one on one like the pastor's wife coming over to visit, that's one thing. Although I wouldn't make a habit of it because she may try to lure you back into the church. Still, gathering with the entire church family is going to place pressures on you that may not be easy to step away from. This is why the Word said in 2 Corinthians 6:17, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you," To join with them as a group is no different than doing so in a church setting. After all, they "are" the church as far as they are concerned. The Word also says in 2 Thessalonians 3:14, "And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed." The fact you "have no company with them" will in fact lead some to feel shame and THAT is exactly what the Lord is trying to do here. He wouldn't have penned that verse otherwise. Your actions of stepping back from them may lead some to draw closer to Christ when they realize you, a brother and sister in Christ chose to step away from their sinful ways.

Brother, the bottom line is this. The pastors wife admitted they wanted to "praise the Lord" in a gathering with you and your family. THAT is not only a church service, it is a fellowship gathering. And 2 Corinthians 6:14 clearly says, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"


#54. Hi brother. I was reading your "bible faqs" page. And was wondering if anyones ever told you: " I'll forgive but I won't forget ". Is that ok in God's sight? Can a christian say, i'll forgive but I won't forget? Thank you. God bless.


Depends on what they mean when they say they won't forget. Forgiving means forgiving, period. However, we are human, and so we don't forget what some people have done to us. It’s just part of our life experience now. We simply cannot turn off our memories like that. Our brains are simply not capable of forgetting unless by some injury or disease. However, if the forgiveness is genuine, that which we forgave will be forgotten in a way wherein we never bring it up again.

Now… God on the other hand truly forgets when He forgives, Because He is God and He can do all things. It is written in Micah 7:18-19, "Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea." He also says in Hebrews 8:12, "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more."


#55. What does the bible teach about the time just before the the implimentation of the Sunday laws and their enforcement? Are we supposed to buy gold and store up on camping gear, food and ammo? I know the mormons and many other christian groups are doing these things. What does the Bible say about this topic? Did Ellen White write about this topic?
God Bless you!


If you store goods and food then you will be as the “certain rich man” in Luke 12:16-21 who thought to build large cyloes to store his plentiful harvest so he can kick back and eat, drink and be merry. He of course died without enjoying his harvest and I’m certain others feasted on the food he had stored for himself.

The time wherein we cannot buy and sell is a test the people of God will pass. They know and understand the Lord will provide for them as He promised long ago. Isaiah 33:16 says of us, "He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure."

Now… Keep in mind. The wicked all over the world will run out of food when that day comes because they don’t have the faith we do. Problem with the mormons is everyone knows they stockpile food. So when that day comes, the mormons themselves will be no different than that man in Luke 12. Some of them may even die while others feast on what they stockpiled. They will be a target for the wicked who see no wrong in killing them for their food.

By the way, Jesus also said in, Matthew 16:25, "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it:.."

As for the events that lead up the Sunday Laws and what Ellen White said, see this... http://www.remnantofgod.org/sabatak.htm#nsl


#56. Is it ok to celebrate Thanksgiving?


Some believe SOP states Thanksgiving should never be celebrated and all the meat, clean included. By the way, this is one of the reasons I believe the Lord has moved me to stop using SOP on the pulpit on Sabbath day. All too often honest and truth seeking souls decide to use SOP in a way that goes against the Word of God. As far as I know Sister White’s writings consist of 475 books. This is also why it is not wise to use her writings as the sole basis of faith. Unless you have been studying her writings for 30 years or more, and you have a photographic memory, how can you expect to know everything she said on every topic at any given moment. This causes honest souls to take her out of context when they don’t know she said other things about their topic at hand. So, in order to once and for all clear this confusion up, I will use one quote from sister white today regarding Thanksgiving. In regards to some proclaiming it to be Pagan, and never to be celebrated at all. And by the way, I am only using SOP because SOP was considered the source of definitive proof on this particular topic. Just so you know, I found quite a bit in SOP on this topic, but there’s no need to go into all that. Suffice it to say, if you want to look into it, go to AH page 474 and read the entire discourse..

"Our Thanksgiving is approaching. Will it be, as it has been in many instances, a thanksgiving to ourselves? Or will it be a thanksgiving to God? Our Thanksgivings may be made seasons of great profit to our own souls as well as to others if we improve this opportunity to remember the poor among us. . . .  {AH 474.2} 

Brethren and sisters, eat a plain dinner on Thanksgiving Day, and with the money you would spend in extras with which to indulge the appetite, make a thank offering to God.  {AH 475.1} 

     Let not any more Thanksgiving days be observed to please and gratify the appetite and glorify self. We have reason for coming into the courts of the Lord with offerings of gratitude that He has preserved our lives another year. . . . If a feast is to be made, let it be for those who are in need.  {AH 475.2} 

A Day to Give Thanks. [NOTE: PART OF A THANKSGIVING SERMON DELIVERED AT THE BATTLE CREEK TABERNACLE, NOV. 27, 1884.]--I think we have something to be thankful for. We ought to be glad and rejoice in God, for He has given us many mercies. . . . We want this Thanksgiving to be all that it implies. Do not let it be perverted, mingled with dross; but let it be what its name implies--giving thanks. Let our voices ascend in praise. {AH 475.3}  (she goes on from there…)

Yes, Thanksgiving may have been started by the Puritans hundreds of years ago when they gathered with Pagan Indians, but Puritans, as limited in their understanding as they were regarding Biblical jurisprudence, were in fact still considered Christians. Prophecy confirms this in that it speaks of Christians being the ones that caused America to start out as a lamb. Still, even if they were Pagan’s, which of course they weren’t, I myself am not one. And unlike Christmas, which SOP says is ok to celebrate if like Thanksgiving it is done as unlike the world as possible, Thanksgiving doesn’t lock you in to celebrating Pagan rituals while partaking as Christmas does. Even the date of Christmas is Pagan in origin as it coincides with the Winter solstice. This is why I do celebrate thanksgiving but not Christmas. Christmas is 100% based on Paganism, Thanksgiving is not. Christmas has numerous Pagan rituals whereas Thanksgiving is based on thanking God for the year’s blessings. So, as can we see, Sister White did say Thanksgiving was acceptable to celebrate if done in a Christlike manner.

Now… It has also been suggested that SOP says meat eating of any kind was dangerous and sinful to the soul from day one. I see no need to share those SOP quotes because knowing she is a prophet, we also know she would never contradict the Word of God. Knowing this, we simply need to look in the Word to see is the Lord has declared meat eating to be the source of sin. In the Word we find that Jesus instructed the Levite priests to eat the flesh of the lamb after offering it on the altar in literally dozens of verses throughout the Old Testament. Jesus also fed 5000 with the flesh of a fish in Matthew 14. Jesus was also offered broiled fish and honeycomb in Luke 24 after He resurrected. But nowhere in that passage do we see Jesus rebuking the apostles for giving Him flesh of a fish to eat that day.

Yes, I understand as does any student of prophecy that meat will become inedible soon. This is why I don’t eat meat, and haven’t eaten meat for going on 20 years now. Still, Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy do outline some animals clean to eat and as far as I know there are still health food stores and kosher markets where these meats can be obtained by those Christians that still eat meat. I am not going to judge my brother or sister unworthy of eating meat because I know the Lord allows it. However, I have been instructing loved ones and church members for decades to consider getting off the meat diet.  


#57. I was wondering if you could help me with a question on foods sacrificed to idols.


Acts 15:20 and Revelation 2:20 speak forcibly against it while Paul in 1 Corinthians 8 and 10:25 seems to say it depends on how others may be affected by one’s consumption but that there is nothing inherently evil in partaking of such food items. Paul is not saying in 1Corinthians that it's ok to eat meat offered to idols. He even explains the meat in and of itself is just meat. It cannot save nor can it cause someone to lose their salvation. The last verse in that passage clarifies his point when he says...

In other words, Paul is explaining why he refuses to eat the meat offered to idols. It will cause his brother to stumble. Being a man seeking to help souls, he prefers to do without, for the sake of others.

As for Revelation 2:20. This is a prophetic book filled with many symbols that must be defined using only Scripture. It would take a deep study for me to explain what's truly being said in this passage. I do believe you will benefit by such a study, so why not dig into it? In fact, I can help you with that study right off. To prevent you from having to deal with years of defining all the prophetic symbols, I have something you can use to expedite your conclusions. I just recently finished a three year study defining each symbol in the book of Revelation. You can see it here...


Just to give you an idea on how Revelation is written, and how it's not always saying what you think it's saying. The word "eat" in that Bible verse you mentioned actually has many meanings in prophecy... "eat = knowledge, study, acceptance, agreement / communion, justice, nourishment, consume." One good example is what Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 15:16, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts."


#58. Hi Nicholas. I'm just wondering if you know if Ellen White was for or against voting in politics, and where about she has spoken about it. The reason I'm asking is because I'm deciding whether to stop taking part in voting in politics or not, and I'm wondering what the SOP has to say about this. Thanks Nicholas. God Bless.


I myself have never registered to vote because I know both parties are known to lie and do immoral acts as well as pass evil laws that will harm everyone in their district. If I vote for them, I will become partly responsible for them doing these evil acts against my neighbor. Truth is, I don’t need SOP to know voting for politicians is not a wise act. But since you asked, I did find the following in SOP...

"The Lord would have His people bury political questions. On these themes silence is eloquence. Christ calls upon His followers to come into unity on the pure gospel principles which are plainly revealed in the word of God. We cannot with safety vote for political parties; for we do not know whom we are voting for. We cannot with safety take part in any political schemes. We cannot labor to please men who will use their influence to repress religious liberty, and to set in operation oppressive measures to lead or compel their fellow men to keep Sunday as the Sabbath. The first day of the week is not a day to be reverenced. It is a spurious sabbath, and the members of the Lord's family cannot participate with the men who exalt this day, and violate the law of God by trampling upon His Sabbath. The people of God are not to vote to place such men in office; for when they do this, they are partakers with them of the sins which they commit while in office." {FE 475.2}


#59. Hello Nicholas, you have answered some of my questions in the past. Thanks. I have some questions about Babel. In reading your website, I think that what you have indicated was that when God confused the languages at Babel, He scattered the people in all directions. I am not sure where this is in the Bible, but I have read the part about Babel, so I am guessing it was in Genesis. Somehow, those people made it over here to North and South America. My question is, do you know if, when the white Europeans first found the native americans, were the native americans following a 7 day week? I have done some searching on this on the internet, and all I am able to figure out is that the 7 day week does not exist in nature. If you divide the moon into four parts, you still don't get 7 days, you get 7 and change. The 7 day week simply doesn't exist in nature, yet the entire world is using it today. I really wonder if the native americans were following a 7 day week before the white man's arrival. Thanks.


It really doesn't matter if native Indians were keeping a 7 day week, just like it doesn't matter if they even knew the God of the Bible. He set up the 7 day week in Genesis and seeing how He is the Creator, mankind can do, think and act like they don't believe Him all they want/ It won't change the fact that He set that week up. This is why faith and trust in His Word comes in. It's also part of how He tests us in how we read His Word. Will you take Him at it? Or will you base your faith on how mankind responded to His Word.


#60. I was refreshing myself on your Trinity page and I came across Acts 5:9. My question is is the Spirit tempted like we are? What is meant by Peter "How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord"? Or is it more along the lines of don't tempt the Lord when Jesus rebuked Satan during the temptation in the desert? Or could it be a mystery to not be revealed to man until the appropriate time? I appreciate any insight you have on this topic. Thank you brother.


You're correct, it's the same as what Jesus said to Satan in the desert regarding tempting the Lord. In fact, the word "tempt" in that passage can also be translated "test" or "try" just as easily. Of course this is speaking of Annaias and his wife Saphirria who lied to Peter regarding how much they sold their land for.

For them to do as they do was tempting the Spirit to react to their evil act immediately. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Like Herod who was eaten of worms immediately directly after he accepted their worship into his heart.

For him not to "give God the glory" meant he took the glory to himself and was dealt with immediately for his evil act. And by the way, that term "tempt the Lord" is used often in the Word with the same connotation...


#61. Due to the Pagan festival of Christmas I’ve received more than a few emails about Christmas and Sister White. Some have used her writings to say it’s ok to have a Christmas tree with all the trimmings and some have used her writings to supposedly prove she was a false prophet that enjoyed Pagan festivities. One such quote that has been used by both sides is the following…

God would be well pleased if on Christmas, each church would have a Christmas tree on which shall be hung offerings, great and small, for these houses of worship.” –RH, Dec. 11, 1879. The Holidays."

As the twenty-fifth of December is observed to commemorate the birth of Christ, as the children have been instructed by precept and example that this was indeed a day of gladness and rejoicing, you will find it a difficult matter to pass over this period without giving it some attention. It can be made to serve a very good purpose.”  {AH 478.1} 

Sister White isn't condoning Christmas celebrations, trees, gift giving or any other Pagan aspect of Christmas. She knew and we know it's Pagan, and the Pagans can do what they like with it. But should this prevent us from using this time of year to evangelize souls to Christ? Yes, we can ignore it, but we can also take advantage of it. What I mean is this. Take the homosexuals that declare the rainbow to be their flag. Does this now mean every time I see a child draw a rainbow with crayons I am to assume they are evil? No. What Sister White is suggesting here is, if people are so compelled to have a tree, they can have a tree in their home. But it should be as "unlike the world as possible." She said...

Shall we have a Christmas tree? Will it not be like the world? We answer, You can make it like the world if you have a disposition to do so, or you can make it as unlike the world as possible. There is no particular sin in selecting a fragrant evergreen and placing it in our churches, but the sin lies in the motive which prompts to action and the use which is made of the gifts placed upon the tree. {AH 482.1}
The tree may be as tall and its branches as wide as shall best suit the occasion; but let its boughs be laden with the golden and black fruit of your beneficence, and present this to Him as your Christmas gift. Let your donations be sanctified by prayer. {AH 482.2}

What amazes me about these websites or forums that use SOP out of context to either condone Christmas or slam EGW as a Pagan they always seem to stop short of letting the entire truth be heard as she penned it long ago. Truth is, I like it when they do this because it makes it so easy for us to expose them as being purposely deceptive, and that allows our message to be vindicated.

Having a tree in the house like a potted plant is perfectly acceptable. Placing donations on it for the poor is also acceptable because no Pagan ritual is being embraced in so doing and the act actually helps the poor. But the minute you string popcorn on it, place toys and numerous gifts for people under it, set garland, ornaments and lights on it, or even sign carols to it, then it literally becomes a Pagan object. I personally don't do Christmas, or have a tree in the house. However, some people still do all around the world. If someone wants to do it in the way SOP outlines, then I agree with Sister White and I see no sin committed. She speaks volumes on using this time of year to spread the Gospel message. Truth is, Christmas is also the only time of year you can bring up the name of Jesus Christ without getting into an argument, so, why not take advantage of people’s desire to spread cheer? Are we not counseled to be as wise as serpents but harmless as doves? How I do it is, when someone says "Merry Christmas" to me I often ask them if they really know that that term means. 100% of the time they don't know. So I share with them how it’s actually a very evil term. If you break down the term into it’s separate elements you find a major problem. The term “merry” = high spirited joy, or delightful entertainment. The word Christ of course stands for Jesus Christ. The term “Mass” comes from the Roman Catholic church service that literally means in English, “destruction of the victim.” Therefore, when you say "Merry Christmas" you are actually declaring with great happiness and joy that Jesus Christ is dead and gone. I go into more detail on my Pagan Rituals of Christmas page on the site. Christmas time is an excellent door opener as far as I can see, and you don't have to have a Christmas tree, pass out gifts, or string lights on your home to use it.


#62. Can you tell me your opinion about the bible code. Do you think it is real.


No, I do not believe people need a computer to decipher God's written Word. If they did, what is to come of those that went to rest before the computer was invented? Or what of those that don't have computers today?

From what I discovered in my research back when the software first came out was, if you use the software on a dictionary, an encyclopedia, or even a novel for that matter, the same strange "hidden statements" can be found all throughout the text. So no, I don't trust it. If the Lord has hidden truths in His Word wherein we need amazing minds to find them, I can only seeing this being possible in Heaven when we will have glorified bodies with perfect brains. Mankind's sinful ways this side of eternity will most assuredly filter the truth we find to be biased towards the flesh in some way anyway. So, again, if there are hidden truths in His Word, it will be revealed when we get Home and capable of seeing them.


#63. How does one know if the Lord will still forgive a person even though he is sincere about changing and even repents but still falls back into that same old sin. Isn't there a point where the holy spirit will leave because he still in sin? If he prays how would he know if the Lord is listening?


When someone repeatedly falls back into the same sin, they become their own worst enemy because in so doing their faith gets weaker and weaker causing them to have doubt in whether or not the Lord hears their prayer. However, if the heart is truly sincere in trying their best, even though they fall, they are forgiven if they repent because of what Jesus told Peter long ago...


#64. I think without humans, Satan would not exist. Without Adam and Eve, who else would there be to tempt? One thing that has always bothered me is that Ellen White made a statement in one of her writings about the fact that when she visited the other worlds she said that the people had not lost their grand stature and they were practically luminescent because they kept God's law. The only reason God created the law was to keep order on earth. Satan rebelled, was cast to earth and spread the idea of rebellion. What doesn't make sense is that Ellen said that the beings of the other worlds had kept God's law, but why would they have any law to begin with? There was no sin and no knowledge of good and evil like here on earth because Satan was never there. It just doesn't add up.

You said, "The only reason God created the law was to keep order on earth" The Word of God said... Psalms 103:20, "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word." Angels were created before mankind, yet they keep the law. Truth is, the law HAD to be there before the other world and even Satan because he had to BREAK IT to be a sinner. You cannot have sin without the law being there first.


#65. Brother Nic, how do you get around the scoffers that refuse to believe the facts we share, whether they be historic or Biblical? Some have even gone so far as to say your sources are faulty and can be proven wrong with online facts and figures.


The sources I have were valid back hundreds and even thousands of years ago when first penned. However, Rome now has the power to change history books as anyone 50 years or older can attest to if they have kids in school right now. What they teach in schools today, and what they taught when I was a teen regarding American history simply doesn't match up. Take the founding of American for example. When I was young, all the History books stated people came here to escape Roman Catholic persecution wherein loved ones were tortured and killed. But history books today say they came to America to escape high taxes in Britain. Yet their tax base back then was 0.5%. Today’s some people are taxed upwards of 60% when you count income taxes along with sales taxes.

When I started my work for the Lord almost 30 years ago I was constantly tempted to buy a trailer to carry as many reference books with me as I could when preached on the street. Still, whenever I did happen to share some facts with some people with a book in hand, almost 100% of the time they chose to ignore it anyway. I then figured that even if Jesus was to stand in front of them and preach directly from His Word with perfect clarity in His voice, many would still ignore it because denial is a happy state for most. So.. I opted to just do my best, plant the seeds I could, and let the Lord do the rest. I learned early on that whenever I tried to convince hellbent scoffers they were in danger, it only made my life miserable trying. I now understand quite clearly why Titus 3:10 was written, which says, "A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;". Beating one's head against a wall to try and reach the unreachable doesn't do anything for the wall. However it does cause spiritual bruises and  feelings of inadequacy to grow within the heart of the Christian because they feel they are unable to explain the truth as good as they should. Satan is very crafty in how he attacks God’s people and this is most assuredly one way he wins. Most scoffers build an impenetrable wall around themselves simply because they love the darkness Satan gives them rather than the Light of God’s truth. So, I follow the advice the Lord gave Paul to give to Titus, and just move on to the next soul the Lord sends my way.


#66. Hi brother Nick. Is there any thing that could prevent the blessings that God promises when we tithe? I know someome who asked me, i tithe, i keep the sabbath, i obey Gods commandments, but where's the " blessing that there wont be room enough to recieve."


The verse in question is of course,

I can tell you by my experience that when I started to tithe many years ago my finances were blessed in that, when I was unable to support my family with 100% of my money, as soon as I started to give back to God what I owed Him in tithes and offerings, I was then able to pay all my bills with money left over even though I had less of it. How He does that I am not sure, but He does do it! Perhaps the car didn't break down as often, unexpected bills didn't pop up, whatever. All I know is that He promised to bless me and He did exactly that. PLUS, it wasn't only financial blessings that come from obedience. I was blessed with other Heavenly things. Every thing from wisdom to amazing miracles. He also blessed my work in the secular as well as ministerial realm. What I realized back then was because I was being obedient to Him, He knew He could trust me to glorify Him with what He had to give me, so He gave it.

Truth is brother, Men who have any types of responsibilities in life must be very careful that they are not robbing God in any jots or tittles when so much is involved, as is so plainly stated in Malachi. It is here we are told that a promised blessing is to be given to everyone that is obedient with their tithe. It is also sure then the opposite would be true. If we refuse to tithe as commanded by our Lord, then a curse is upon us for the covetous retention of the money which should flow into the treasury of God's church so as to assure the truth is proclaimed far and wide. One thing we don’t want to be caught doing is burying the talents the Lord grants us. Talents can be everything from tithe to abilities to help in the work. Since we know this, ought we not to be absolutely sure we work on the safe side with the Lord in how we handle the property lent us on trust from Him? Will not the Lord bless those who are faithful? Of course He does! We have His promised word on that.


#67. What does 2 Tim 2: 17-18 mean?


This passage reminds me of what I go through sometimes on a daily basis in email. Paul is warning Timothy of the false doctrines being spread by Hymenaeus and Philetus, just like we have to warn people about the false doctrines being spread by false teachers in every church including the SDA church lately. Take the false doctrine of the Trinity for example. That Roman Catholic contrived doctrine is causing literally millions to lose their faith in the biblical definition of the Godhead so much so that they become unable to discern His Word from Satan’s whispers. Just as it happened 2000 years ago, Satan is using the same easy to prove false doctrines simply because it works so well. He knows people are lazy when it comes to reading the Bible because he makes sure they’re too busy or indifferent to even open the book. It's almost as if he's flaunting this idiocy before God as a way to mock Him by saying, look at this Lord! You wrote the book for them and they don't even read it! Just like back then, many people don't effectively study the Word as they should. They are easily taken in by all the false preachers that have a somewhat convincing twist on Bible doctrines, and because they don't take the time to check them out as Scripture says the Bereans did back then, more and more will become part of Satan's trophy case. Worst of all, it’s all their very own fault. They refused to study the Word and do as the Lord commands. So they are easy prey for the enemy of souls. It says in Hosea 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Again.. anyone that is caught unaware by Satan have only themselves to blame.


#68 Ok I am having a little trouble here. If Jesus was to cleanse us from our sins, what does the Bible say about someone who died and never heard of Jesus?


The only way someone dies without hearing about Jesus is #1, if they died as babies, #2, their parents purposely decided long ago not to have anything to do with Jesus. Many tribes in Africa had that problem for centuries due to evil of their forefathers. In fact, when king David was told to kill men women and children at certain times it was because the Lord knew the end result of the way the parents raised their children. Some I am sure purposely taught their children to steer clear from any true believers of the day by instilling fear in their hearts. Truth is, this still happens today. I recall as a young Catholic boy how our priest would say things from the pulpit that were purposely designed to make us fearful of Protestants. However, today it is literally impossible not to hear about Jesus. In fact, even lost pigmy tribes in Africa have recently been discovered and actually approached by Christian missionaries just a few years ago.

We must always keep in mind that our God is very capable of making sure EVERYONE gets a chance to make the right decision. After all, He is a GOD. If He can count the hairs on our heads, He can most assuredly guide us into His arms with very little effort. Sadly, most today are like Pharaoh of old. The love shared by our God hardens their hearts to the point to anger and hatred. These will of course die without Jesus. But not for lack of effort on God’s part. One of the reasons Atheists hate Christ so much is because Christ loves them so much that they are approached by more Christians than most people today. They are a hard nut to crack, and they can be reached as many ex-Atheists will attest to.


#69. Before I became a member of this church, I was in Germany last year some time in July. I met two filipians that live in Germany on a train station because I heard them speaking tagalog. So, they invited me and my friend to their house to stay for a night and eat. Before we ate, they started to pray the prayer from Matthew chapter 6 I think. And after we ate they prayed to mary and I felt really convicted that night but I did not know what to do. I closed my eyes at that time and said "Lord I'm not praying to Mary." But because I ate and knowing they are catholic upon meeting them, I knew that I made a mistake big tme. Is this idolatry? I'm just emailing you this because it's been bothering me every time I remember it. I have prayed to God multiple times about this because it scared me. Thank you and God bless!


Yes.. that was idolatry they were doing. If you have not done so already, I suggest you ask the Lord forgiveness for not speaking up when you knew you should have. You say you didn't know what to do. But that was the enemy of souls lying to you. You knew what they were doing was wrong. You should have said something at that moment. The Lord will forgive you if you ask Him to. But He will test you again. And then you must speak as He commands no matter how uncomfortable you find it to be. He is testing you to see if you will be faithful in little things so that He can bless you with the better things. As you witness to others He will grant you more wisdom to do so through the years because you showed you will do as he asked. I know this for a fact because when I was a young Christian I too failed tests like this. The other toss of the coin is what you said you experienced after you failed the test. That guilt was uneasy wasn’t it? It will be very easy to remember that guilt the next time you are tempted not to respond for the Lord. You will weigh the options in the scale and ask yourself what’s better? Sneaking away from duty now to escape a short moment of stress? Or days of grief and guilt from grieving the Holy Spirit. If I were a betting man I would lay dollars to donuts you will speak up for the Lord and be blessed with perfect peace for doing so.


#70. This may seem like a strange question but, How would you define a soul.


The soul is not a disembodied thought process of a dead human some call a ghost or cloud dwelling harp player. According to what our Lord did in creation week we find that the soul can only be in existence when two factors are involved. #1, the dust of the earth and #2, the breath of life. Without those two ingredients, there is no soul. A good way to make some understand this better is to use the analogy of a light bulb. Let's say the filament in the bulb is the dust of the earth, the electricity is the breath of life, the Lord throws the switch to quicken the light, and the light that emits from the lit bulb is the soul.


#71. James 2:19 speaks of believing in one God and doing well. I don't believe in the Trinity doctrine and have faith in the Godhead. My question is, what is the meaning of this verse in a sense of James speaking of only one God. Which God was he speaking of? Are we to know the full extent of this verse? Thanks as always brother :).


The word "God" in that passage is translated from the Greek "Theos" which can also be used in the english term "Godhead." What we need to remember here is that yes, this one verse can be used by some to declare a "one God" theology. But as Isaiah teaches regarding understanding doctrine. He said in… Isaiah 28:9-10  Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.  10  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: In other words, if we have numerous verses declaring there are three separate persons in the Godhead, and one that "appears" to say different, the truth is in the "many witnesses" of Scripture. By the way, this passage can also be translated in the same way Jesus says He and His Father are "one" in agreement. So many of the one God theists like to use this term out of context to push their false doctrines that are nothing but pebbles tossed by Sanballat. Take for example what Jesus said in Matthew 19:4-6  And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,  5  And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?  6  Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Using the exact same theology with the word “one” as the one God  theist does, I then have to teach that my wife and I are now one human being with two Heads. Or, worse yet, one human being period. So again, as Isaiah clearly outlined, to understand doctrine entails a study of the Word entirely.

If you have been approached by someone in the "One God" movement, see the following links for more info. They were prophesied to do as they do, and no, it's not a good thing. In fact, it's a doctrine Satan needs to assure most will embrace the "one God" that stands before them when Antichrist arrives.


#72. Hi Nicholas. Thank you for your last reply. I do realize how busy you must be in these times. I have been on this journey for two years now after becoming born again in 2010. Fellowship is important and I feel I need some support. Family and friends reject most of my beliefs. I attended a local SDA church last Saturday and found them to be very kind and inviting. There was only about ten of us in attendance. I know you have much to say regarding this church, but do they really disagree that much with the core Biblical beliefs. Should I start my own church or try and work with this church.


The Lord has His people scattered all over the world. Many of us (like myself) cannot find any churches near our homes except SDA churches or Sabbatrian Baptists, both of which teach false doctrine. I honestly believe, and can prove with Scripture, that the Lord is testing us to see if we will bow to the pressure to join the SDA church simply because no one is in our area. I of course (as many others) chose not to join because His Word says in many places that in so doing declares us to be friends of the World. Since we have decided to follow the Lord alone, and forsake those that refuse to do as it is written, He has blessed us greatly. Think about this as well. The reason He is testing us is because He needs to have people He can trust when the Loud Cry goes forth. We need to be widely scattered to make the cry more effective. This is why we cannot find churches that believe as we do because we ARE the people His prophecy speaks of that will proclaim the cry that brings them in. But to go back into Babylon and join with them because our flesh craves fellowship would be declaring we don't want to do as the Lord's asking us to do, and we forfeit a major blessing. After all, is it not written…

Brother, it says in 2 Thessalonians 3:14  And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. In other words, your decision not to stand with them will make them experience the shame they need so as to convict them to follow the Lord closer and come out of Babylon. You, like all of us, are being tested to see if you will do this for the Lord. If you cannot do this one simple task, then you will fail when the bigger ones come upon you.

As for the SDA church disagreeing with the real truth. Yes, they are not in tune with the truth any more, but then prophecy did predict that to happen long ago. When you get time you need to visit my sister site at www.SDAapostasy.org . There is a mountain of evidence now that the SDA church has been completely taken over by Rome. No doubt about it now. As Revelaton 18 says, it is time to come out of her my people.


#73. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. romans 5:14. What does it mean "them that had not sinned after the similtude of adams transgression" ?


As far as I understand it. Adam sinned in a way no man on earth can. He actually walked and talked with Jesus Christ daily in that Garden. Yet, he still sinned. He had much more evidence to the divinity of Christ than any man alive can ever imagine, yet he still sinned. He had every fruit in the garden that was perfect for food, yet he could not deny his appetite for one more piece of fruit that the Lord specifically said not to touch. Even the Apostles of old didn’t know Jesus the way Adam did. Today men do sin, but nowhere near as grievously to the Holy Spirit are their sins, because most men today don’t walk with the Lord as did Adam in his day. Or as the Scripture says, they  “had not sinned after the similtude of adams transgression"


#74. Please help me.. My older brother asked me a question, and I thought I answered it and that would be that, but then he asks me another question and I just don't know how to answer it and I don't know how to find it. The question is "If God knows a person has killed a man/ child and is able to do it again and does nothing to stop it but let's it happen is God sinning"? How or where do I find the answer to answer him back? This has made me sad and cried because I just don't know how to answer this. PLEASE HELP! He answered me with "Blind faith"! but I know there is an answer that I can tell him, I just don't know where to look. I do study the bible and I am still learning, but I just feel stuck with this one.


Dear sister,
The Lord gives mankind free will. How can God be a sinner when man commits the sin? That’s completely impossible. Just because God can stop him, it doesn’t mean He’s in sin if He chooses not to stop him. Truth is dear one, our God has set up governments on earth to stop the man from killing all along. Romans 13:1, 4 says, "Let every soul
be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." In other words, if a man kills another man, God has set up the police, judges, jailers, and executioners to deal with the murderer.

Your brother is doing what many before him have done for ages. They assume God is a lesser God by claiming He allows evil and other strange events to happen, when in fact, God has given men free will. If men don’t want God in their life, He simply backs off and lets them get into all sorts of trouble on their own. After all, what kind of a world would it be if the minute a bullet headed towards you, it vanished, or as a tornado began to bear down on you, it roped out and dissipated, or as you began to trip down the stairs they suddenly became pillows? Eventually mankind would insist on being left alone to experience life with all it’s trials. God would then appear by many to be overprotective and a movement would come about that declares Him a lesser God for not allowing mankind to live on his own. What I’m getting at is, no matter if God does or doesn’t step in wouldn’t matter for some people. They will always find a way to blame God simply because Satan is tempting them to.

Bottom line is this. The main reason people speak of God in such ways sister is only because they don’t know Him. They don’t read His Bible and therefore don’t know their questions are already answered. The fact Romans 13:1,4 was penned in the way it was, regarding criminals and the civil powers that are designed to keep order proves this hands down. Had your brother ever read that passage, he never would have accused God of being a sinner.


#75. Regarding the state of the dead, how do you interpret Phillipians 1:21-25?


Like any Christian, Paul is stating it would be better to be dead because we all know the saved will gain Heaven, once Heaven starts for mankind. But because the work he is doing is needed to help souls discover truth that leads to Heaven, he is still alive to help those the Lord sends his way. Truth is, Paul was so weighed down with responsibilities at this time that he no doubt wondered if the work would lead to his death. Would he press on for the good of others and abide in the flesh, or would he collapse under the pressure and give up the conflict. He knew what was best, and so he moved on and did the work.

As for “being with Christ” in this statement. When we use the “line upon line and precept on precept” as Isaiah instructs, we know that Paul wasn’t saying he would go to heaven immediately after his death. He knew the state of the dead meant sleep, and when awakened the time passed between those two events would not be known to him, and so at death, he would only know immediate life with Christ. After all, since the Word says at death “our thoughts perish” (Psalm 146:4) Paul would have no recollection of the time that passed between his death and his resurrection. Back then, everyone knew about the state of the dead thanks to Peter’s clarifying sermon in Acts chapter 2. So Paul didn’t need to explain his statement about being “with Christ.” But today, with 2000 years worth of twisted theology from Rome that is bouncing between the ears of most Christians and has spread into all churches because prophecy said all the world would wonder after that beast, we need to touch a little further on such subjects so as to shed a bit more light on the truth.


#76. I'm just wondering why you've named your website RemnantofGod and using the word 'Remnant'. 'Cause, according to the online dictionary, it means small, leftover, or a fragmant of scrap. I'm asking you this because my mum wants to know why. Also, she tells me that you're just another fundamentalist and just interpreting the bible in your words.


Jesus said it will be as it was in the days of Noah, when He returns in Matthew 24:37. He also said when He returns there will be very little faith on earth in Luke 18:8. In Noah’s day, only 8 people survived the world wide flood. Everyone else on the planet drowned except Noah, his wife, three sons and their wives. At present, there are 7 billion people on earth. But only a very small portion of them are ready to meet the Lord. That group is called the remnant of her seed in Revelation 12:17.

When you buy a bolt of fabric from a fabric store, usually a very small “remnant” of the fabric is left. Right? It’s an exact duplicate of the original bolt of fabric, but only a much smaller portion. Well, the remnant people of today will be an exact copy of the early church. Only we will be much smaller in number because most people on earth today will be as they were in Noah’s day. They will be very evil.

As for being a fundamentalist that interprets via my own opinion. Back in 1985 when I left the Catholic church and started to expose antichrist, one of the very first things the Lord revealed to me was to NEVER give my private opinion on anything from His written Word when speaking from a pulpit. I never understood that until I started to preach to people on the street. Then it hit me. Because I always used Bible Scripture to back up every answer I ever gave, those rebuking me were forced to admit they were wrong about me because I never gave them my own interpretation. They heard the Scripture I gave and they knew I didn’t write the Bible. Jesus taught using the Bible to explain the Bible, and so I use that very same method when I share His truth. Experience has shown me that when they say that about me, I know it’s only because they don’t read or trust their own Bibles for what they say. My easiest comeback is, how can you say the blunt Bible verse I just gave you is my opinion when I never wrote the Bible?


#77. I have read your Rapture article, and it makes a lot of sense, especially AT THE LAST TRUPMPET. Can you clarify Luke 21:36. Thank you!!!


Perhaps the following verse should suffice…

SECOND QUESTION... In what sense "...stand before the son of man”?

We are to stand in LIFE as well as on that LAST DAY in truth as it is written in the Word. If you do not fight in the faith and study His Word daily, you will not be kept safe in that hour of temptation and thereby unable to stand before the Son of man.


#78. Hi Pastor Nick, I have been asked when I shared that Christians are to do NO violence to man, why did Jesus instruct his Apostles to sell their garments to buy swords if they were not to do any violence, and then they shared this passage.....


I have been asked, "what would I do if I saw a young child being attacked and if I was able to grab a weapon to save that child's life, would I use it on the attacker? That is a hard question to answer and the more I thought about I realized that I would have to trust in the Lord and instead of attacking the attacker, I would pull him away from the child and rebuke him, but if it was God's will that I lose my life for that child then so be it.

The word “sword” in that passage is defined as a large knife for killing and cutting up animals for food. (See Strongs #3162) To confirm this fact we can use the same passage we find the word in. Jesus told 12 men to buy only two swords in verse 38…

The word "SWORD" here is defined...  3162 machaira {makh'-ahee-rah} from a presumed derivative of 3163; TDNT - 4:524,572; n f
AV - sword 29; 29

 1) a large knife, used for killing animals and cutting up flesh

If the swords were meant to be weapons, then Jesus would have instructed them to buy 12 swords. One for each man. But if they were to be used for preparing food, as we see is the case here, then as Jesus said, two swords would be enough for all 12 men. Also keep in mind that when Jesus was arrested and then eventually murdered, he said in Matthew 26:53, "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?" And what of the 500,000,000 Christians tortured and killed by the Vatican. None of them fought back with weapons. Why is that? Two reasons actually. #1, they know to trust the Lord to protect them, and even if they are called to die they will do so for the Lord. Shadrach Meshach and Abednego also proved that by allowing Nebuchadnezzar to through them in the furnace in Daniel chapter three. #2, a faithful and obedient Christian knows death is nothing more than a short nap till Jesus comes to awaken them. And fear is not an issue with them either because the Word clearly said in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." If you have doubt or fear, my advice to you would be to increase your faith. And how do you do that? Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Study God's Word and He will not only remove your fear and increase yoru faith, He will bless you in all aspects of life.


#79. I've come upon your site after I was researching about the Black Pope on google and liked what I saw. I continued to maneuver around the site and came upon your articles on Sabbath (I even read it in school). However, now that I have come across your article regarding the 144,000, a statement hit me. The statement is: This still begs the question, "what if I keep committing the same sin over and over again after I confessed it?" Seriously, I know I want to be a certified child of God but I struggle with a particular sin of lusting after flesh. Many times I will commit this sin and really feel sorry about commiting it, but a week or so after, I'm back at it. It's like a cycle: sin then repent, sin then repent. I really do not want to fall back into this trap. Any suggestions because I really do not want to grieve my Jesus and my Father any longer?


The fact you’re grieving in your heart as you commit such sins proves the Holy Spirit is still actively seeking your complete obedience in life. Yes, it can be difficult to give up such sins, but the truth is, it’s here where we can actually do something we rarely have a chance to do. You obviously love Jesus. And loving Him you know for a fact, all that He has done for you is what makes your heart cry out to Him. He has done so much that we as Christians seek to find ways to do something for Him. Sacrifice and obedience is part of this walk with Him. So, if you want to take advantage of this opportunity to actually make Him smile, just try your best not to sin that sin again. Do it FOR HIM instead of trying to do it for yourself. You will find it’s much easier to resist temptation if you choose to do so for Him.

Life in this crazy and very sinful world, where evil triumphs over truth in just about every soul you meet is open evidence we are in the midst of a war. As Christians we must expect a continual conflict each and every day. This is why we must the armor of the Lord well polished and always upon us. And there’s no better way to do this then by studying His Word every day and falling to our knees three times a day as did many patriarchs and prophets. We have to realize we fight a foe that never sleeps. We need to be on guard 24/7. Until Jesus takes us Home we will find ourselves plagued with countless temptations and without the strength of Christ to overcome them, we will be overcome by them and eventually lose our souls. Bottom line is, we all need to wrap our brain around this reality. We are at war and we need to get very serious about our walk.


#80. In one of the articles on your site now you mentioned the 7th plague of hail. Do you believe the plagues have already been opened, such as massive death in the ocean of fish and other creatures. It is a grand gift to know Jesus right now as Savior and Lord. Thank you for bringing the real news.


No, what we see happening now is the harbinger Hosea spoke of in Hosea 4:1-3

It says…

When the plagues begin, it will be very apparent. If your part of the Gideon band on that day as many of us strive to be, you will have no doubt regarding this. You will know for a fact the plagues have begun and therefore such a question would never come to mind. It may be ignored by the wicked for the most part because Jesus said in Luke 17:26-27  As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.  27  They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.” So, again, for the wicked, none of them will know the plagues are falling. But those of us walking perfectly in God that day will know what’s happening.


#81. Why do you say on your remnant fruits page that Sports are wrong?


Dear sister,Sports today are a spin off from the ancient Pagan games of the Romans that were held in the Coliseum wherein Christians were actually killed for sport. Sports also breed competition, which fosters sin in everything from gambling to debasing the losers and exalting the winners. The gambling of today as well as the riots after big games proves Sports are not sanctioned by the Lord. We are counseled in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” Sports have always been associated with evil activities from day one. The fact every alcohol sponsor makes millions of every game and scantily clad cheerleaders are a permanent fixture for every game proves this hands down. As Christians we cannot have any part in such things.


#82. Will Sunday Laws start in 2012? (2013..14..15..)


Jesus said in Mat 24:36  But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Since we cannot know the day and hour of His arrival, all prophetic events after the end times began have no dates for mankind to decipher. Can the Sunday Laws come in 2012? It’s possible, but only after the Loud Cry begins, and that entails something, that in my personal opinion mind you, will take a bit more than just a few months to perform. Seeing how there is no prophecy explaining how long the loud cry goes on, we again have no clue. Still, that loud cry must happen first, then as the churches start to empty out to join with us out of love for God and His truth, the wicked 501C3 govt funded pastors that now have political powers thanks to Bush granting this to them on March 7, 2006, will eventually demand Sunday Laws to get their people back into the churches. But they will not openly state the reason for the laws for fear of reprisal, just as the Pharisees refused to acknowledged John the Baptist’s ministry as being from God when Jesus asked them that question in Mark 11:30. They know the Bible proves them wrong when it comes to Sabbath and many will come forward to challenge them to expose the error and the Vatican’s agenda will be knocked back a few paces. So, they will use fear instead. After all, this is Satan’s favored method. They will lie and say they want the Sunday laws to appease God to stop all the calamities in nature. In so doing, those that are too weak to resist will clamor back into the churches knowing that if they stand with us, they won’t be able to buy and sell and they will be tagged troublers as was Elijah because we refuse to acknowledge Sunday Laws no matter what their excuses are for them. Many weak Christians won’t be able to handle the guaranteed persecution and fall back into Rome’s arms when the law is enforced. The love of all their worldly things are worth more to them than their eternal blessings promised by the Lord. That being the case, all this will take some time to transpire. How long? Again, no one knows. It could take a year, or it could take 5 years. We really have no idea, nor does it matter. All we can do is continue on doing the Lord’s work day by day the best we can as we wait on our eternal King to return. He will lead us hour by hour and day by day to do the work as He gets closer and closer. That’s all we can do, and that’s all he expects us to do.

By the way, Sunday Laws will start in the USA first. If you want the evidence that confirms this, go to my Sabbath attack page on the site. The easiest way to get there is to click the peal down on the top right side of the main page of the website.


#83. While I was doing a last day study, the eighth to be specific, on the 16th question, it said that 'Vain repetition in prayer has no value (Matthew 6:7)' what does this mean? Does it mean that saying repetetive prayers wont be answered (praying for others to eventually see the truth when it comes, healing of others (like that boy who can oly eat through a tube in his stomach), granting you speed to go over emails more quicker, and protection) are they vain, or prayers that involve only the care for oneself?


There is no sin in asking the Lord repeatedly for the same thing. This is why He shared with us the parable of the widow and the unjust judge in Luke 18. She kept coming with the same request. She wore him down to where he finally granted her request. What Jesus is talking about in Matthew 6 is where people pray saying many words thinking this will grant their request. Hindus do it, Muslims do it and Catholics do it. For example, when I was a Catholic I did repetitive prayer each and every day. It’s called the rosary. What you do here is repeat a pre-written prayer dozens of times in the hopes God will hear you. He doesn’t hear such prayer. It’s what comes from the heart, not the mouth that He hears.


#84. What does it mean to be born again?


To be born again is to be born “a new” in Christ. For example… when you find Christ, all your old ways appear sinful to you and a new way of life becomes the norm. This is why it says in Romans 6:6-8 “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.  7  For he that is dead is freed from sin.  8  Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:”

The easiest way for me to illustrate this is to share a dream I had many years ago. In the dream I saw myself lying dead on the ground knowing that dead body was all about my past life. The body I was in at the time was a new body that was blessed as I walked forward in life “with Christ.” In other words, when I found Christ, it was as if I was literally born again. The things I used to do in the womb of the world were no longer important to me now that I was born in Christ. I actually saw life in a whole new light from that day forward. That my friend is what being born again means to me.


#85. I have heard catholics say that there were golden cherubims in the holy of holies in solomon's temple so they can have statues too. What can I say in response to it? Does the bible say that there were statues in the temple?


Yes, there are statues in the temple and cherubim in the ark of the covenant. What the Catholics are doing is twisting the Scripture to ok their sin. No, I don’t blame them entirely, but they are to blame in that they trust their leaders without checking up on them as to what the Bible says. I’ve even had Catholics claim that what I am saying is I am in sin if I have a mere picture of my mother on the wall, because it is in fact an image as well. Truth is, yes it is. But what they’re doing here is sinful in that they take our Lord’s commandment way out of context to make it appear it’s ok to have statues and bow before them. Commandment #2 says…

Exodus 20:4-6  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:  5  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;  6  And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

The Catholic thinks it’s ok to have the statue, and it is. But what they always fail to mention is this very commandment. In fact, this commandment was actually REMOVED from their catechism by the Pope long ago. I know, I used to teach Roman Catholic Catechism before I left the church. They removed commandment #2 and then split commandment #10 in two to make up for the gap they created. Else they would only have 9 commandments. Notice what it said in verse 5 of Exodus 20. The statues, paintings, and images are not where the sin is committed. The sin is committed when you BOW BEFORE THEM!. If I have a picture of my mother on the wall, or even a statue of her in my yard, that is no sin. But if I put a kneeler in front of that image, like 100% of every Roman Catholic church does, THEN I am in sin. But, because Catholics don’t read Bibles, they don’t know their leaders removed this Bible verse from their lesson books.


#86. Hi got another question … as your saying Facebook would be used to find out who the real Christians, didn't jesus tell us don't be afraid of those who can kill the body and not the soul, and is the problem just with Facebook or also with twitter MySpace .....


In context, Jesus was talking about those that would be killed for their faith. Jesus also said not to put the Lord thy God to a foolish test either. If you know you are placing yourself and your family in danger, and you do so anyway because it’s what everyone else is doing, or you enjoy facebook, or whatever reason the flesh can entice with, then you will be allowed to do so. But then, don’t blame the Lord when bad things come upon you when you do such things. No, we aren’t to have fear, but then we aren’t to purposely place ourselves in danger either. If it were ok to do so, then Jesus would have lept from that temple when Satan told him it was ok to do so because He was the Son of God.

As for twitter and MySpace, yes, they too are dangerous places to frequent. Truth is, in so doing we put off an appearance of evil. How so you ask? One thing that is common on Facebook is for people to get as many friends as they possibly can so as to appear popular. That right off is vanity and secondly, some people have literally hundreds and sometimes thousands of friends. Amos 3:3  says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” There is no way anyone is going to be able to convince me or anyone else for that matter that every single one of those Facebook friends are believers in Christ that adhere to the exact same doctrines you do. In fact, I’m sure some Christians have Catholics, Pagans and even homosexuals on their facebook pages as friends because they are relatives, coworkers, friends of the family or fellow students. What does that say about our walk when we ignore 2 Corinthians 6:14 that says, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” If we claim Christ Lord and embrace His Law as prophecy says His remnant people will do, what does it say to those young seekers that learn of our faith when they start to contact some of our friends on facebook thinking they are like minded brethren? If those seekers are serious seekers they will drop you as a friend like a hot potato. Or, worse yet, if they are seekers that are weak, your facebook page may be all that Satan needs to make them believe it’s ok to be friends with the world while claiming Christ Lord. This will tarnish their faith, soil the image of Christ, and cause many more to embrace the world as well. So no, I don’t think it is wise to be on facebook or any other social sites.


#87. Dear brother Nicholas: I am in need of some guidance regarding prayer.   As I currently understand the bible, it frowns on rote prayer.  My evening prayer is rather long as I have many things for which I request guidance and give thanks.  As the list grows I sometimes forget to mention items that are important to me. My Question:  Is preparing a list of items for prayer and reading from that list acceptable or (is it considered rote prayer) should the prayer be spontaneous and completely from memory?


Dear brother,
No, I do not believe the Bible frowns on the same prayer request being made as some may describe it. Mentioning loved ones from a list (as I do at times) is your love simply showing for them and the Lord understands. The “repetitive” or “rote” prayer as you call it that the Lord frowns on would be what Catholics, Muslims and Buddhists do. Take the Catholic rosary for example. No special mentioning of loved ones names or certain problems in life are ever mentioned in such prayers. Just a constant repeating of a prewritten script each and every time to go into prayer. It actually becomes a sort of mantra or a chant. I know all about this as I used to recite it for 45 minutes a day when I was a Catholic. The priests say to meditate on the stations of the cross while doing so, but that’s next to impossible as other thoughts always stumble in.

When we pray for loved ones on a list we express a concern for them and the problems they have whether it be spiritual or physical. This is good prayer. In fact, notice this…

Yes, the list grows and becomes hard to remember at times. In fact, my list has literally 1900 people I pray for now including family. It’s impossible for me to mention them all by name each time I pray. What I do is I pray for the ones that come to mind, because I figure they are in my mind as per the Holy Spirit’s direction, and the rest I pray for by mentioning my prayer list to the Lord while in prayer. He knows each and every soul on that list. So I don’t need to rattle off 1900 names.

Prayer doesn’t have to be a burden or a chore brother. It can be a joy. I pray all day long. Every hour I mention numerous loved ones as they come to mind, or I simply thank the Lord for whatever’s going on at that moment. Or I simply send up a gently “I love you” to the Lord.

If you need more on prayer, I have a sermon series as well a few sermons on their own about different aspects of prayer on the sermon page on the site. Just go to http://www.remnantofgod.org/sdrhome.htm and “F3” the word “prayer” and you will see a few different sermons come up.


#88. I was wondering if you could give a brief explanation of what is being spoken of in Ezekiel 16:49 and some insight as to how we as Christians may avoid the sins described in Ezekiel 16:49.  Thank you as always brother.


We all know Sodom’s “main” sin of course, but this verse goes into other sins. Pride is self explanatory of course. As for ‘fullness of bread.” This is of course talking about how people would overeat, or what some would call, living to eat instead of eating to live. Being into the flesh as Sodom was, they no doubt indulged in eating and binging as did the Romans in their day. The Romans would eat till almost bursting. They would go to a place to regurgitate the food and then go back to the feast. The “abundance of idleness” is also something we see today wherein most people on welfare are perfectly happy to just sit around all day long doing nothing. Not all do this, some truly want to work, but some prefer not to. When I was a youth I could literally sit on a couch and watch TV 10 straight hours during Winter. This idleness also applies to the rich in Sodom’s day who just sat around and partied 24/7 like many rich people do today. And like back then, they blow all their money on wine women and song and never consider helping the poor.


#89. Why can’t we eat the blood in clean meats?


I just found out recently about certain properties of the blood that may shock you. Still, for years I just didn’t eat it because God said not to. That was good enough for me He doesn’t have to have a reason actually. If you recall, the tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden was perfectly ok for food. But God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat it as a way for them to show love and obedience to Him. When it comes to blood, I just applied the same obedience to the blood as Adam should have for that tree.

As for the shocking aspects of all this. I just discovered recently that scientists found something in the blood that cannot be killed. They burned it, subjected it to massive doses of radiation, they even tried blunt force and nothing stopped these little blobs from moving about the blood at and even below the cellular level. Could this be the life that is in the blood that Lev. 17:11 speaks of? I don’t know, I’ll find out when I get Home to New Jerusalem. In any event, if God said it, I believe it and that settles it. He said don’t eat the blood in the same way He told Adam about a certain tree. Whether it has to do with obedience, the life in the blood, or both makes no difference to me. I just do as He commands because He is my King.


#90. Hi Nic, I have a question for Q&A Sabbath. Isaiah 66:23; "and it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord." I would like to know what and when is the new moon? If we are going to worship on the new moon when we go to Heaven why don't we do it now or even talk about it much? My brain can't seem to grasp this one, thanks


This passage in Isaiah has been used by some feast day keepers for some time now to try and sanction feast day requirements after the cross of Christ. But we already know what is declared in Colossians chapter two about the feast days ending at the cross. (I go into more detail here… http://www.remnantofgod.org/Yah-feast.htm)

Bottom line is this brother. Each feast day occurred at a specific set time by our Lord as is outlined in Leviticus 23:23-38. As we can clearly see, there can be no feast day which is celebrated at the same time another is kept. At present, our High Priest Jesus Christ has entered into the most holy place which means we are right now in the antitypical day of Atonement. Since we cannot keep a feast day and a new moon gathering simultaneously, it is apparent we must wait till the “day of atonement” is finished to resume certain feasts. As far as I can see in the Word as well as in SOP, today there are to be no feast days celebrated while Jesus is interceding in the most holy place during this antitypical day of Atonement we find ourselves in. However, when Christ's ministerial work ends there, and this antitypical day of Atonement is fulfilled to the Father’s satisfaction, it appears that Isaiah 66:23 does suggest we will resume keeping “certain” feast days. I can’t see doing the regular feast days again that pointed to the cross of course as there is no need for another cross. Jesus declared “it is finished” that day for a reason. In fact, the prophet Nahum was instructed in 1:9 to declare the Lord, “…will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.” Affliction being sin of course. However, the New Moon feasts appear to be started up again as Isaiah intimates in the passage in question.


#91. Greetings Nick..Christ be with you in these troubled times…..my new barber is Christian..he is part of the church of zion...he tells me Christ has returned during the 1970's..is there scriptural evidence to back this up??


Dear brotherYour new barber is a false prophet. If Jesus returned, why are we still here? PLUS, Jesus clearly stated in the Word that when He returns he will NOT touch the planet because of all the sin. We leave to meet Him in the air.

It says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17  "16"  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  "17"  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

For an in depth look at what those false teachers and prophets purposely leave out of their “sermons” see this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/rapt2.htm There are MANY bible verses they won’t share because it proves they are lying.


#92. Hi, I would like know more about the "Shaking" please because i was thought that when the shaking is taking place weak members of the SDA church would leave and those strong in the faith would remain in the church. I really need more information on this please.


Dear sisterThroughout the Word of God and in SOP we see the real church are those that follow Jesus. My favorite verse on this has to be Revelation 14:4 that says, “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.”

If you look on www.SDAapostasy.org you will find documentation, sermons, articles, videos and pictures proving the SDA church was changed internally by Satan to embrace the theology of Rome. This means that EVERYONE that stays in the SDA church will actually be those shaken out of the true church that follows the Lamb withersoever He goeth.

In other words, Satan has been able to do the exact same thing today as he did 2000 years ago with the believers. Back then, the leaders of the church that declared anyone that left the synagogues to follow Jesus Christ were to be considered forever lost, or shaken out, as we see today. But the truth was, those that stayed in the synagogues were considered forever lost. Only those that trust their leaders more than the Word of God will fall for such spiritual insanity. If you’re an SDA and you read your Bible and actually believe what it says about the fruits of the true church of Jesus Christ, you would know full well you cannot stand in the SDA church and be obedient to Christ at the same time. The SDA church kicked Jesus and His truth out of the SDA church decades ago. Those that follow the Lamb withersoever He goes had no choice but to leave with Him.


#93. A quick question about wedding rings. While I was reading more expanded information about false doctrines, I founded that wedding rings are on the list. Why is this so? If it's because of financial reasons, I understand, but doesn't it represent the faithful bond between the husband and wife.


Thousands of years ago when someone was to marry they would gather all the friends and relatives to the wedding, as we saw in the Wedding in Cana where our Lord performed His first miracle. No, it’s not necessary for all the friends and relatives to be there to acknowledge the wedding for it to be valid. It’s just that they did this back then so as to announce to everyone they knew that this woman and this man were to be wed and everyone they know now knows that they are not to be approached by others for the sake of marriage. As time went on, and the Roman church started to influence all the world as prophecy predicted, the Pagan ritual of the ring was brought into play. Some stated the need for a ring because cities have grown so large it’s impossible to know who married who anymore. But the truth is, this Pagan ritual was done to honor Baal as well as the flesh. The ring of course symbolized Baal, while at the same time the female. The finger represented the male. Placing the finger through the ring represents what husbands and wives are allowed to do in private after they are married. I won’t go into more detail than that, but the vulgarity of this Pagan ritual is apparent.


#94. I have been praying hard about what to do and I am still uncertain. I have a great deal of fear in my heart and I know I should trust in the Lord but sometimes it's hard. I spoke to my work and told them I would work everyday of the year and even forfeit my vacation time and holiday pay and they still declined. I even told them I would work for no pay on Sundays if they gave me Saturdays off.  I guess I have another question for you, is there a certain amount of time before I must quit? For example, do I just walk in Monday morning and say, "that's it, I quit." and not try to at least find another job before quitting? I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to be jobless for my family, but at the same time I don't want to break the Lords commandments. I have applied and applied to numerous places but to no avail. I am so scared, I see the signs of the times and know Jesus is coming soon but I feel I am not ready yet. Thank you again for your time. Your website has helped me and my wife more then you can possibly imagine.


Tests like this are difficult yes. But they are the way they are for a reason. The Lord has a work for His people to do and He needs to know how serious each and everyone of us are when it comes to His command while in this Holy War we find ourselves in. Truth is, what you are experiencing is religious persecution. You may want to mention that to your boss. Just those words alone can sometimes cause the Boss to change his mind out the fear of God because they don’t want to have to deal with a lawsuit that usually goes viral in the media.

We will keep you in prayer here brother. But as for when to act when the Lord’s will is concerned? It is always best to respond immediately in the Word. For example, Joshua 24:15 says the following. “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Joshua wasn’t giving them any time to make up their minds here. He sought their decision that day. Still, I would approach your boss about the religious persecution thing and tell them you cannot work on Sabbath. Then, simply don’t show up on Sabbath. If they fire you, you not only receive unemployment compensation so as to have the funds needed to look for work, as well as all the free time each day to look during business hours you would ordinarily be working. You would have an amazing blessing from the Lord as well.

One last thing… if you wanted to go this route, you could take them to court and they know it. All too often companies opt to avoid such things knowing it’s expensive. They may even offer you severance pay “if you quit.” Be careful here as it may be less that unemployment gives in the long run. You can’t collect unemployment benefits if you quit. I would make them fire me if I was in your position.

Yes, it is a bold move, not showing up on Sabbath. But I must say, others have tried it and found their bosses were bluffing. Still.. every case is different.


#95. I was wondering if you could help me better understand what "generation" means in Matthew 24:34.  I'm having difficulty understand what Jesus is speaking of in this verse.  Thank you.


In order to get the full understanding of what our Lord is saying here, let’s let Him say it all in context…

What He’s saying here is that the “generation” that is in existence when all these things come to pass will actually be alive to see His second coming. No “day” or “hour” is given of course, because Jesus also said in verse 36  that of “that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” In other words, we will know the season of His return, but not the day or hour this side of the plagues.


#96. Why are you all attacking other churches instead of just bringing sheep to the fold? I am not attacking you. I am really trying to find out why some churches attack each other, while some just preach the word and not point fingers at others. he that is without sin, cast the first stone. i believe if any church wants to serve God they preach the word and pray and let God do the rest by bringing that soul to him. People talk badly against the catholic church but they seem to not point fingers at others and that is how people follow them.
God bless.


So what you’re saying is Jesus was “attacking” and in sin when he pointed out the errors of the Jews in their churches, and Jesus was in sin when He prophesied about the errors that would lead to the Catholic church becoming the home of Antichrist? How is that possible?

Bottom line is this. Most agree the best way for Satan to attack the church is to infiltrate it so as to act like a believer and destroy it from the inside. That is what governments do right? Russia sends spies to act like Americans and vise versa. Why wouldn’t Satan do that since he’s the angel of death anyway?

The church of Christ became a THREAT to Satan early on. So… he entered it and turned it into a very evil church while at the same time acting as if it’s a Christian church. That being said, why do you claim God’s remnant people attack you? We are watchmen on the wall sister. I was Catholic 29 years I saw what this church has become, and I left because of what I saw in the Bible. Since leaving I have been warning people to get out just as prophecy stated God’s people would do in the last days. Truth is, I love you enough to tell you the truth! “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” - Galatians 4:16 


#97. Did the Bible touch on evil symbols on money?

When the cash we use has satanic symbols or evil events on them i can't stop thinking how bad this really is what scripture in the bible can relate to this topic ?


I know of no Scripture that speaks directly on the use of evil symbols on money. Truth is, the Laurel Leaf Crown on Caesar’s head and imprinted on all coins of that day. Apollo had such leaves surrounding his temple in which they signified everything from purification, psychic powers, conjuring past life memories, and divination just to name a few. Yet Jesus never spoke out against the coins because it was commonly known the Romans were Pagans Yes, they are evil, but so were many kings of old and priests in Jerusalem as well. Yet the Lord declares often in the Word to obey them as long as they don’t go against His Ten Commandments. In fact, it says in Romans 13:1  “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” (Also see 1 Peter 2:13-16)

Truth is, even Jesus our Lord used one of those Roman coins with Pagan symbols on it in Luke chapter 20 to illustrate that our duty to God and man should always be kept separate. If it was sin to use the coin He would have made mention of it then.


#98. When its 6pm friday where i live and 5pm where you live how do we truly go by the the time of the sabbath when we don't observe the sabbath at the sametime each day for everybody im curious about this thanks looking forward to here from you.


As for Sabbath keeping. We live on a round planet. Time changes all over it as it spins on axis. When Jesus or the apostles traveled throughout their region to spread the Gospel, sometimes they traveled quite far where Sabbath would end a few minutes sooner or later than it would in their original area. Yet they kept Sabbath as it came upon them wherever they were at that time. So don’t worry. Just keep it holy wherever you stand. The Lord is fully aware of how this planet spins. After all, He created it.


#99. Hello Pastor. I first would like to say that I like how well you teach the bible. I haven't learned of your name though. What is a remnant church and is it any different from a non denominational church? Is it a type of SDA church because you preach against SDA being an apostasy and I am confused.


A remnant believer is one who does as the Word of God says to do in the last days no matter how unpopular it is to do. Revelation 12:17 confirms this in that because of our walk the dragon (Satan) is making war against us.

As for the SDA church. Yes, it is no longer a Christian church as the Bible defines it. I prove that on www.SDAapostasy.org. I am a pastor in the Seventh Day Remnant church. We adhere to the exact same theology and doctrines the ORIGINAL SDA church did. But as prophecy stated in both Matthew 20:1-7 and Revelation 12:17, the SDA church would stop doing what they were called to do and a “remnant of her seed” would be called of God to finish the work. We are that remnant. Now please don’t misunderstand that statement and assume I am saying we in the SDR church stand alone on the sinful orb as the only church on earth that is blessed of God. Just as Elijah thought he was all alone to worship the Lord after Ahab and Jezebel did as they did in truth in 1Kings 19:14, we see the Lord told him in verse 18 that there were still 7000 in Israel that refused to bow to Baal. We here in the SDR church appear to be small as well. And it looks like we are all alone to worship the Lord as He dictates in His Word. But I know there are people all around this world that believe exactly as we do. We just haven’t met them as of yet.


#100. Why do Christians praise God for all of the good things that happen in their lives, and yet they don't complain about all the bad stuff that happens in the world like most people do?


The Christians praise Him during the good times, and yes, most don’t complain during the bad times. But even here they should praise Him for training them for tomorrow’s trials. Still, the question is why don’t Christians complain about the bad things is because we know it’s the end result of our own sins. The Lord is allowing the bad things (not causing them) to happen so as to awaken the hearts of His people which will cause them to bow to His sovereignty. True Christians simply can’t complain when so much good comes from what some call the bad times. Some of our greatest blessings come from our greatest trials.


#101. Are we allowed to drink decafinated coffee, and if so is it actually a good idea or are there other hidden problems?


In order for them to decaffeinate coffee they need to add a solvent to extract the caffeine. I found this online…

The process is usually performed on unroasted (green) beans, and starts with steaming of the beans. They are then rinsed with a solvent that extracts the caffeine while leaving the other essential chemicals in the coffee beans. The process is repeated anywhere from 8 to 12 times until it meets either the international standard of having removed 97% of the caffeine in the beans or the EU standard of having the beans 99.9% caffeine-free by mass.” - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decaffeination

As far as I know, that solvent is not good for human consumption. By the way, there are many types of products in health food stores that taste like coffee. Especially if you haven’t had coffee in a while. I prefer a product called “Roma.”


#102. Because vinegar is forbidden, I assume that vinegar pickled foods are forbidden too.  Am I correct?


Yes. Even certain breads and most salad dressings have vinegar in them as well. We make salad dressing using lemon juice to get around that problem.


#103. What do you use as a daily protein source to replace the protein of meat?


Many vegetarian dishes have protein. Nuts, grains and beans have the most. Truth is, most people think they need to eat meat for the protein so as to grow big and strong. But look at all the large animals on the planet. The biggest ones are not meat eaters at all. The elephant, horse, giraffe, hippo, cow, etc all eat vegetation. Even all the dinosaurs ate leaves and grasses. This includes T-Rex. See this link on my Creation page for the facts on this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/creation.htm#T-Rex


#104. What does the “fear” in 1John 4:18 mean


We need to trust and love His decisions for us so much that even if we are looking at certain death, if it is His will, it is well with our soul because we trust Him that much. Need I mention the 500 million martyrs that never lifted a weapon against the Roman priests. The Lord will either prevent the death, or He will awaken us later in His arms at the better resurrection. In either scenario, it's a win win situation.

Take Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for example. Absolutely everyone under Nebuchadnezzar’s rule were fearful of being burned alive in that furnace of fire heated seven times hotter in Daniel chapter three. But these three worthies didn’t fear it because they knew who created all that is seen and unseen, including that fire. So, they told the king that even if the Lord didn’t save them from the fire they would still walk into it rather than bow before his idol and sin against the Lord. They had no fear at all. Death is no big thing to a child of God that has absolute trust in the Lord of all creation. It’s only His will that matters to the heart that trusts like this.


#105. I spend a lot of time reading the Bible and have a relationship with my Heavenly Father.  I enjoy praying for others and find pleasure in feeding the Word to others when opportunity knocks, but there is something that has been troubling me lately. A couple months ago as I was outside singing to the Lord and praising His name, I asked him to open my eyes and the eyes of my heart.  Well, one afternoon as I stood outside and prayed, I noticed that the trees are dying.  I thought it was just that one tree, but it was all of them!  If you see the tops and middle of the trees, they are becoming more bare.  I love the trees, so I asked God not to let them die. 

And then, when we had that heat wave, I remembered how mild our last winter was.  I also remembered the drought that Texas suffered last year, and the drought that Iowa and Oklahoma are suffering this year, not to mention the wild fires and the ones in Colorado due to the heat.  I've always prayed for those who are affected by it all, but then realized that one day we might be affected by it too.  Then I got scared. I went to God in prayer and asked him to take this fear out of me and to instill peace in my heart.  I know he answered my prayer as he always does, but I can't help facing the reality that other people continue on with their lives as if nothing is happening to our world.  I want to shout out to everyone and say, "OPEN YOUR EYES!  STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND LISTEN TO WHAT GOD IS TELLING US!"  but of course, they might think I'm crazy. Now that our weather is getting weird, I am almost afraid to see what's in store for this winter.  Doesn't anyone else see these things?  This is what inspired me to write a book.  But is it normal or okay to feel afraid that one day there might not be enough food or water, or trees? 


That fear of the unknown will disappear as soon as your trust in Him grows into perfection. Judging by the zeal you have for the Lord in this email alone, I am sure your trust in Him will blossom to the point nothing will faze you. And here is a Bible verse that should move you a little closer to that trust dear one…

Only God’s people can trust that promise. All the other people of the world will have to deal with famine, but just as God was able to feed millions in a literal desert for 40 straight years each and every day, He will easily be able to feed you sister. So don’t worry. Even if all the trees die all around you, God’s obedient people will have what we need in the coming days. We have His Word on that!


#106. I have a question about asking a personal blessing on food when eating in public.  The book of Matthew instructs us to pray in private.  I always bow my head, close my eyes, and ask a blessing upon the food I wish to eat, before I eat the food.  If I do this action in public am I violating Matthew 6:1?


Verse in question is…

No violation there brother. It’s when you pray out loud before non-believers that violating Matthew 6:1 comes in to play. Yes, sometimes preachers do pray out loud in public, but that’s only when there is a gathering of believers, and prayer is offered up for baptism or some other situation at hand. What Jesus is talking about in Matthew 6:1 is where people do religious acts before many for the sake of being recognized as “holier than thou.” Verses 2-6 goes more into this when it says…

As we can see, and especially in verses 2 & 5 those that do such things do so for a “reward” from mankind. The reward they receive is recognition from men that look upon them as “holy” because of their religious act. As Christians, we prefer the Lord to look upon our hearts first, and we have no desire to seek the approval of men. Bowing at a meal in a restaurant is actually a private act as you do so with closed eyes and closed mouth. Yes, some may see you do this, but it’s not because you did so in a way wherein they had no choice but to look at you as speaking out loud would have done. Truth is, doing so in as humble as a manner as you can muster can actually bless a seeker that looks on. Just as our Lord has you pray in silence to seek a blessing, He may very well have a seeker nearby that needed to see you do that. As I’ve always said, we may be the only Bible some people read.


#107. Is it ok to lie to protect others? Reason I ask is, Rahab lied and was rewarded for same. After Rahab lied to the king’s men about the whereabouts of the two strangers, she went to talk to Joshua’s men…


The passage in question is, Joshua 2:9-14. Rahab is talking here, “And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.  10  For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed.  11  And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.  12  Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token:  13  And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.  14  And the men answered her, Our life for yours, if ye utter not this our business. And it shall be, when the LORD hath given us the land, that we will deal kindly and truly with thee.”

Rahab believed that God could take the city because of what she heard about regarding the red sea. God’s plan has always been to draw all souls to Him, and Rahab was one soul that did respond. Still, she did lie. However, she was a babe in Christ. As a babe she has to learn right from wrong like anyone else. Still, being a believer, the promises apply to her as they do to us. So, since she didn’t know lying was a sin, the Lord won’t judge her for it. After all, it is written in Acts 17:30 “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:” And in 1 Timothy 1:13 “Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.”

Rahab was a Cannonite Pagan Harlot. In short, a very active sinner. But at the same time she heard about and was moved by the truth surrounding the God of Israel. Yes, her lying was wrong to do, but her intentions were to seek favor of the God of Israel in the only way she knew how. No, this doesn’t nullify her lie, but she is blessed by her faithful actions as both the book of Hebrews and James confirm.

Yes, she lied in the process of hiding Joshua’s men, and that was wrong as Scripture so eloquently declares throughout. However, her faith and obedience allowed her to gain forgiveness just as any of us gain forgiveness. As she embraced the God of Israel, she no doubt would have sought forgiveness for all her sinful ways. Had she not, I doubt Paul in his letter to the Hebrews, or in James epistle we would never have seen them mentioning her. I say that because I know our God is not a respecter of persons, nor does He compromise His truth in any way. If Paul and James declare her blessed, then it’s only because she did what Scripture denotes is necessary to gain the blessing. Hence, she had to have grown in her walk after her act to help Joshua’s men


#108. Hello again. A friend of mine and I were talking about the scriptures and he mentioned to me that he had purchased a firearm to protect his family. I had told him what you said to me about firearms and he brought up an interesting question. Soon people will actively seek our lives. He said to me to not try to defend yourself and just accept your fate and go with them (to be most certainly killed) is in and of itself a form of suicide. I was stumped, and so I turn to you for a Biblical answer. He also said that our country was founded on bloodshed, and not for the sacrifice of our forefathers we would not be here today. Is this not true? If there is an uprising in America, is it against God's law to participate and take up arms and try to change it for the better? This is very confusing. Thank you for your time and patience with me.


Your friend has no faith in the God that promised to protect those that trust Him. Jesus said…

Truth is, Jesus had 12 men, and all the Angels in Heaven ready to fight for Him to stop them from killing Him. Yet, He refused to call them to battle.

I am saddened to inform you that your friend has no faith in God whatsoever, and he bases his ability to protect his family on the bloody history of an evil nation. Did not Pharaoh want the baby Moses dead, and did not God protect him? Did not Pharaoh and his army race forward to kill all of Israel in the desert after they left? Did not the Lord protect them and even split the red sea? Even Rahab the harlot had more faith than most today, and because of her trust in God, she survived along with her entire family without so much as a single weapon. Even Daniel, who was a head of State, could have mustered forces to come against his foes, yet he trusted the Lord and the lions mouths were shut before he even hit the den floor. Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego were cast into a furnace and only the ropes and the men that tossed them in that fire burned. Jesus our Lord, when He was an infant was targeted by Herod and his many forces, yet not a single hair on his head was harmed. This very same Jesus calmed the sea and all the apostles were saved from the storm. Jesus even reattached the ear that was cut off by Peter in a fit of rage when the Pharisees brought Roman soldiers to take Jesus away. Or take the venomous snake that bit Paul after the shipwreck he also survived. That bite caused no ill effects on him whatsoever. Better yet, when Paul was stoned by a mob that thought he was dead he stood up and walked away shortly thereafter.

Ask your friend this. How well did those guns protect David Koresh? The prophecy states all of mankind will come against us including all armies. The minute Koresh bought those guns he declared to the Lord that he doesn’t need the Lord to help him. He can do it on his own. Problem with that theory is, someone always has a bigger gun. But no one has a bigger God!

This is where so many Christians fail. They simply cannot believe that God will do as He promised in the Word when it comes to what prophecy says is our future state of being. Yes it looks scary for some. In fact I have had my fair share of death threats simply because of my message. But Isaiah 54:17 clearly says, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.” Even the plagues won’t harm us as it is also written in Psalms 91:10 that “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.”

Let me ask you this. If you were one that hated Christians, and at the same time were privy to the historical archives that showed how God protects His people over the eons, would you go after a Christian you know has only faith in God and no weapons when you know for a fact those archives are filled with historic facts on how God not only protected His people, but graphically destroyed those that came against them? No, of course not; you would do all you can to manipulate the faith of those Christians to try and get them fearful enough to lose their faith in God. The second David Koresh, or any Christian buys a gun, as far as I can see, they declare to those that hate Christians that they are now an easier target than before they bought that gun. Their faith has been so weakened that they no longer believe God can protect them as He promised. This is why the powers that be pump all sorts of fearful sights into the media today. Satan knows how fear made Peter doubt when he was walking on water that day, and so he uses fear against the Christians today. Truth is brother, some of us have actually seen people that have wanted us dead over the years, and all those that wanted us dead are now dead themselves via the strangest ways. Either you trust God, or you trust the flesh. That my brother in Christ, is up to you.

If you want to follow the path of your friend as did all those that have died before him, so be it. “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” - Joshua 24:15 


#109. I have come across the word (resurrection morning) many times as i read different adult lessons for the sabbath and wonder if it really means so, that first resurrection will take place in the morning.


There is no verse that states it's morning or daytime when Christ comes. However there is one that says He comes when it is night time and daytime. Yes, that may sound confusing but, the verse says…

Keep in mind we live on a round world. When He comes, it will be daytime on one side and night time on the other. And He is coming for EVERYONE that is His bride. Seeing how they are going to be scattered all around the world, it will be day and night when He comes for His Bride.

We also need to keep in mind that Revelation 21:23 says, "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof." In other words, even if we are on the nighttime side of the planet when our King arrives, the glory of our King will light up the world with a brightness that supersedes the Sun. For it is also written in Psalms 148:3, "Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light." Think about that for a moment. The Lord is worthy of praise because He is greater than all that is seen or unseen right? And seeing how He created the Sun, it would be easily understood that His light was greater even of the Sun, and therefore, the Sun gives Him praise by simply existing in a way we believe to be bright and shining until He who made it arrives to shine brighter.


#110. Is it 62 weeks or 69 weeks before the Messiah? In the 70 week study it looks to me the information contradicts itself. Daniel 9:25 says it will be 69 weeks from the commandment to restore Jerusalem, but Daniel 9:26 says after 62 weeks the Messiah is cut off. If the Messiah is cut off after 62 weeks, he is crucified how does the other 8 years come into play? Thanks for your time!


Yes, this can be confusing at times. Perhaps I need to clarify how I explained this on the site a little better... Here’s how I see it.

As we see in Daniel 9:24, two events are predicted here for the 70 weeks. It says that “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.” Yes, three things are listed here, but when Christ arrives and is “anointed” that coincides with Him becoming Messiah to “make an end of sins.” So, we are to focus on two things. That being the “holy city,” and “Messiah who makes an end of sin.” Daniel then goes into detail outlining these two factors.

Daniel 9:25-26 “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.  And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”

In short.. at the end of 69 weeks, Messiah arrives. During the 70th week Messiah is “cut off.” It’s not that Daniel 9:25 and 26 contradict. It’s that in verse 25 it emphasizes the rebuilding, and then it continues from there. Verse 26 just reiterates the 62 weeks as far as I can see.


#111. My friends and I were having Bible study today and were talking about the impending financial collapse of America. We discussed Marc 13:1 and how later in the chapter Christ talks of fleeing to the mountains to await his return. Is this the event he was speaking of? Or is there another event where we are supposed to flee? I know if it does happen there will be rioting, looting and martial law. Money will be worthless, and food will be scarce. I know I've asked before but I am trying to get a definite plan down to what I'm going to do for my family. Are we supposed to wait it out in our homes (and likely starve), or flee and try to rendezvous with other Christians? How will we know where other Christians are? These are frightening times and I know I'm supposed to trust in Christ, but I can't help but fear for my family and friends. I keep thinking of my wife, 6 year old, and 1 year old crying cause they are slowly starving and I am stricken with fear and worry. 


Dear brother,

Please keep in mind the Lord “hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Satan will use fearful sites to try and weaken our faith as he did with Peter when he was walking on water. Keep your eyes on Christ and all will be well. If you stay in the Word of God daily, when the scary times arrive you will have enough Scripture in the heart that will allow you to hear His voice instructing you want to do, where to go, who to seek out, and how to hide. It is very important that you get into the Word daily. VERY important. Once you do this your faith will grow and you will learn to trust Him, and then all His promises will be most assuredly yours for the embracing.

For example, even if they enforce martial law, the Word says in Isaiah 54:17 that “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.” Even if you are part of that number that is to be alive during the plagues, Psalms 91:10 says that “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” And even if all the store shelves are empty, or worse yet it’s the time when we cannot buy food anymore unless we have the mark, we are not to worry about where our next meal comes from for it is also written in Isaiah 33:16 that our “bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure.” After all, if our God can feed millions of people as well as give them water to drink in a desert for 40 long years, I’m sure He can do as He promises here when the time comes for us to seek help from above. That verse in Isaiah also says at the start of the passage that we “shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks.” So your family will be safe while all the rest are in turmoil. That doesn’t necessarily mean in the mountains, even though some will flee there. We can “dwell on high” right now as we walk with Him who dwells on High. High of course meaning New Jerusalem.

Now yes, the day may come if you and your family are not to be part of the 144,000 in which you may be martyred to gain Heaven. But even here is a blessing, as death is only for a moment. If you are killed, you will resurrect as soon as the Lord puts an end to the wicked at His second coming. However, if you stay in the Word and strive unto that perfection that is seen in the 144,000, you will never see death. Yes they will still come against you to kill you and all those around you. But at the very moment they raise their weapon against you, the Eastern Sky will split, their weapons will fall useless at their side, and we will rise up to be forever with the Lord. So stay in the Word and seek a perfected faith in Christ so as to see Him glorified on that day. This is what we in the Seventh day Remnant church strives unto each and every day of our lives.

As for martial law, by the time it gets that bad I would hope that you and your family would have already moved out of the city to live in the rural area as many of God’s people have already done. Living in the city now is not healthy for you or your family. And soon it will be very dangerous to live there. In fact, it’s already gotten bad as I’m sure you’re aware. Crime is through the roof in the cities as Ezekiel 7:23 predicted long ago. As bad as it is now, it’s about to get very much worse very soon. For a little more info on how things will happen step by step, see this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/sabatak.htm#nsl


#112. What did Paul mean when he said he will be all things to all men?


To become all things to all men is to be on each man's level of understanding to better help that man see the Light Paul is called to preach. This is confirmed when we see what he says in 1 Corinthians 9:22  "To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." Paul also said in Romans 12:16, "Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits."

No, Paul is not a shape shifter or even a chameleon. This is actually no different than the teacher who learns the dialect or even the culture of a student in order to be more effective in teaching them. Truth is, most ambassadors do this when visiting foreign nations. They learn the local customs and behaviors of the people for the sake of creating a workable communication. This is all that Paul is doing here.


#113. John 6: 65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.

I've struggled with this ever since becoming a Christian.  My question is did we choose to follow after God, or did God choose us to follow Him?  I know we can do nothing good on our own, we require the Holy Spirit to even recognize the Saviour, Jesus Christ.  But, we also have free-will.  So, do we choose to be Christians or were we chosen to be Christians?  It's just something that I've always been uncertain of but never really investigated.  Thank you brother as always.


This is one of those verses that are difficult to explain. Many like to use this passage to affirm predestination, but then that cannot be 100% true in that we are all allowed to make our own decisions in life. Still, the Father knows the end from the beginning, and He knows what path we will follow. Some will break the curse most families find themselves under and walk in the light of truth. For example, both my wife and I were raised in a Catholic household. We also have a long line of Catholic ancestors. But we broke the mold and followed a better path when we became aware of Jesus Christ and His truth outside Babylon.

What I find is the Lord will give His entire message of truth only to those who have walked in accordance with the light they understand. It doesn’t have to be much light, but they do have to see it as right and act accordingly. Once they respond well to the test, the Father will recognize them as true and faithful in accordance with the standard He put forth in His Word. Those that find favor with God will then be placed in a position in life that others gave up, who, having the light and knowledge as they did, but choose not to walk in the way of the Lord, and so forfeit the blessing. In other words, the ranks will not be weakened. There is always someone that will walk with the Lord no matter how evil the world gets.

Over the years I’ve learned that each one of us has a testing time before and after we meet Christ. Some of these tests may last for years or repeat over the years due to our stubbornness as well as the longsuffering of our Lord. He wants us to make the right decision in these tests. When we do decide to walk in the Light given, the test is passed and we move on. If we continue to fail, and then reach the grave before passing the test of faith, we are then eternally lost. I honestly believe this is why some very powerful and evil men seem to live so long. I believe some of these evil men live in to their 90’s, not because they’re healthy, as many of them indulge in all sorts of decadence which poisons the flesh. I believe the Father’s patience and longsuffering is that He gives extra years and many opportunities to repent so they won’t die in sin. He loves them that much. We see the Lord crying out to Israel in Ezekiel 18:31 where he says through the prophet, “Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”

In other words.. as we walk through life we come to many roads of decision. Once we decide to follow the proper path laid out by the Spirit, it is then we are worthy of the Lord, and His Spirit further prods the heart to make that final decision to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour. No, I am not saying we are glowing in the dark sinless beings who can finally walk up to Jesus in perfect faith. No not at all. We come to Him as wretched sinners. In fact, even when man looks at himself or others, he sees nothing but sinful flesh worthy of the fires of hell. However, the Father looks at the heart and makes His decision on whether or not we are sincere in loving Him and wanting to be truly saved from damnation, not because we fear the flames, but because it is the right thing to do. Hence, the thief on the cross; he was a very sinful man indeed. So much so everyone knew just by looking at the guy that he was one disgusting criminal worthy of death by the civic standards of the day. But the Father knew the thief’s heart was ready to meet His precious Son as Saviour. So, He made sure he met Him that very day. Yes, the meeting was brief and very intense to say the least. But, that’s exactly what that thief needed to further prod his heart towards our Saviour. Some may say, that’s cruel, why did the Lord have to allow the man to die? Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD."

In my life I’ve come across many situations in my life that blessed me in major ways. More often than not it always seems to be the hardest lessons that bring about the greatest blessings. The Lord knew  if He approached the thief as he was at a meal, walking down a road, or even in the midst of a crime that it would not work with him. The Lord knew the only way to get this man’s attention was to place him on that cross. Yes, some may say that’s cruel. But look at the end result. That man will be in Heaven for all eternity! Was dying to get there worth it? That is indeed an understatement as far as I can see.


#114. The Lord does not want worship out of fear, that is why He did not instantly destroy Satan. But the Bible says to fear Him. What do you say? Should we not fear Him?


There is a difference between reverent fear of the Lord, and fear of Satan and the world he masters. God is absolute; Satan and his minions are not. In other words, why fear the devil when the Lord can supersede his plans when we pray for help? Why fear Satan when one day even he will burn in Hellfire? Why fear Satan when the weakest Christian who cries out to Jesus to cast Satan from them causes Satan to literally flee in abject fear? Bottom line is this, the only one to really fear is God. And the wicked do in fact fear our God in a big way because even though most refuse to admit it, many of them know they are damned and they know they will answer for their sin when God’s wrath is placed upon them. However, since God’s people have not been given a spirit of fear as 2 Timothy 1:17 shows. Our fear is not defined in the way mankind fears. Our fear is more of a respectful or reverent fear of His glory. We have an absolute understanding of His power and our duty to honor Him as the Creator God. After all, He created us too did He not? The only ones with abject knee knocking fear of God would be those that don’t love or respect our God. And rightly so, Hebrews 10:31 says “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Jesus said in Matthew 21:44, "And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder."

In other words, if you fall upon Christ seeking help, your evil spirit will be broken. But if you wait for Him to fall upon you for your evil ways, you will be crushed to powder! For it is also written in Malachi 4:3, "And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts."


#115 I heard that the apostle Paul was actually a false apostle. There are many websites out there claiming this and they even use his epistles to prove it.


Yes, I’ve heard this claim before, and I’ve even seen some of the twisted claims on his epistles online. In fact, some are so bold to even email me their findings. But there’s a childishly easy way to prove they are lying. Better yet, you can actually get them to help you prove they’re lying.

All you need to do is ask them two simple questions. #1. Since you feel Paul is a false prophet, teacher or apostle, are you saying the entire New Testament should then be trashed? They of course will say, no. They will admit the other books of the New Testament are safe and inspired by God. So now you ask questions #2. So what you’re saying is, James, John, Luke, or even Peter’s epistles are then completely trustworthy and should then be considered part of the inspired Word of God? They of course will then say yes.

Then simply read them the following passage…

There you have it! They just admitted to you that Peter was an inspired author and his epistles are the inspired Word of God. But we see here that Peter says “all of Paul’s epistles” were the end result of wisdom given him. And who is it that gives us wisdom? Proverbs 2:6 says, "For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding."

Truth here is, verse 16 is why some claim Paul is a false apostle. It’s only because his epistles are hard to be understood by those that are unlearned and unstable in the Word. The simple truth here is, they have the same spirit as do the Atheists that can’t understand the Bible. They wrestle with Paul’s words in the exact same way an Atheist wrestles with all 66 books of the Bible.


#116 Nicholas who compiled the Bible? If it’s not the Catholic Church as most claim? Then who was it, and what happened?


Rome claims to have compiled the Bible. But those of us that know of Rome’s murderous past, eons of documented deceptions, and hatred of the Bible, we cannot help but to contemplate they are lying. What I believe makes more sense is this. A real Christian was called of God to compile the books of the Bible many centuries ago. This Christian soul did exactly that. However, a Roman Catholic priest discovered his work and then killed the man so he could claim his work as his own and brought it to the Pope as a gift for political gain and power. The fact we have numerous statements from the Vatican declaring their hatred of the Bible in writing suggests they could not have possibly been called of God to do such a work. For example, the Vatican has stated the following…

"The belief in the Bible as the sole source of faith is unhistorical, illogical, fatal to the virtue of faith, and destructive of unity." -The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XIII, "Protestantism", Section III A - Sola Scriptura ("Bible Alone"), Nihil Obstat, February 1, 1912 by Remy Lafort, D.D., Censor, Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.

 The decree set forth in the year 1229 A.D. by the Council of Valencia... places Bible on The Index of Forbidden Books. The doctrine withholds "it is forbidden for laymen (common man) to read the Old and New Testaments. - We forbid them most severely to have the above books in the popular vernacular." "The lords of the districts shall carefully seek out the heretics in dwellings, hovels, and forests, and even their underground retreats shall be entirely wiped out." Council Tolosanum, Pope Gregory IX, Anno. Chr. 1229

The church Council of Tarragona ruled that:
"No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days after the promulgation of this decree, so they may be burned." D. Lortsch, Histoire de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.

"Socialism, Communism, clandestine societies,
Bible societies... pests of this sort must be destroyed by all means." The encyclical Quanta Cura Issued by Pope Pius IX, December 6, 1866
"The Bible does not pretend to be a formulary of belief, as in a creed or catechis
m. There is nowhere in the New Testament a clear, methodical statement of the teaching of Christ" -Question Box, p. 66

For more quotes, see this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/beastword.htm#bible

How can one that hates the Word of God be called of God to compile it? Jesus said it is by their fruits ye shall know them right? Are these the fruits of someone that loves the Lord and His Word? Look at the Bible itself for all the evidence you need. Every one of the 66 books was written by someone that not only loved the Lord and His Truth, they were known of God to be trustworthy enough to put pen to paper exactly as He instructs. Why is it after 66 books were penned would the Lord seek out someone that hates Him to compile those books? No, common sense boldly declares Rome did not compile the Bible.


#117 I am putting a lot of trust in Christ and you, please do not lead me astray

Little brother. I am just a man. I can make mistakes just as much as the next guy. I base all my answers on Scripture and will allow the Holy Spirit to guide me at every turn. STILL, I teach all my students to do as the Berean’s of old did when this new truth (Christianity) came to them 2000 years ago. It says in Acts 17:11 that, "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

Never trust me or ANY man brother. Only trust Jesus Christ. Whenever I share with you, it is your duty to make sure that which I preach is found in the Word. This is why I post all the Scriptures as I preach online or in my webpages because I know some people won’t do the work to double check. So, I do as I do to make it easy for some because I know how truth can change a heart. But I also know how lazy some people can be. And by the way, I never just give Bible verse locations. I always share the entire verse in context. If you learn to do this as well YOU TOO will become one with the truth and able to share it with those the Lord sends your way. AND HE WILL SEND THEM. So, "sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:" -1 Peter 3:15

If you’re willing to learn truth as it is written, I am willing to share it with you as it was given to me. It is up to you to move ahead on your own path to do that which He called you to do.


#118 When speaking of a brother that has many videos online that preaches similar to our message, but uses some edited worke that is actually deception and even preaches error when it comes to Sunday Laws. This brother also made a video recently with a Hollywood star who in one video stated he was leaving the business, but in a mainstream Newscast recanted his remarks and even announced his new season, should we send people to this brother’s other videos that seem on the same page as our church’s statement of faith?


In this day and age our Lord is gathering His obedient flock under His wing to do the final prophesied work of the Loud Cry. Anyone that will not obey Him as He outlines in His Word “TO THE LETTER” will have to be “shaken out.” And it doesn’t matter if they’re a respected Christian, an elder or even a pastor in the church. If they step off the path God set before them in any way shape or form, they cannot be trusted by our Lord to do what He needs for them to do before and during the time of Jacob’s trouble. Our Lord will simply remove them so as to keep His obedient ones safe from their negative influence.

Yes, we will still have some that will be in our number that won’t walk right, but as Jesus had His Judas, we too will have the opportunity to help them see the truth as best we can all the way to the close of probation. After all, God’s remnant people have been praying for the Latter Rain to fall upon them and we know it cannot fall unless two biblical requirements are found in this church just as it was when the Former Rain fell 2000 years ago.

  1. The people of God must all be in one accord when it comes to His written Word cover to cover.

  2. They must all be actively doing the work of spreading the present truth.

Many have left our number over the years that lacked one or even both of these requirements. Sometimes the revolving door of members and the loss of loved ones can be very distressing to those that love the Lord more than anyone else in their lives. Still, Jesus must come first because those people, no matter how loved or respected they may be, they are simply not our Saviour! Jesus is!

For us to love someone more than Christ is simply impossible for God’s people to do. So yes, even though it’s hard to hear bad news about those that have obvious gifts to do a mighty work for the Lord have fallen off the path, we should never let them affect the work we do while still on this path. Truth is, this type of problem has been going on for 6000 years. Take Nehemiah for example. When he was called to rebuild the wall of the city for God, Sanballat came along acting as if he was someone to try and slow the work. How did Nehemiah handle it?

They will come, and yes some will come repeatedly. Some will even come acting as if they are important and part of our number. Some will even claim the title of elder or pastor to try and keep us off guard. But God’s obedient people know that when they are doing as God directs in the Word, they must ignore those that are working outside His Word. And yes, they will keep trying to slow you down. In fact, they will even declare lies about you and the work you do as did Sanballat of old. It says in Nehemiah 6:8 that Nehemiah, "sent unto him, saying, There are no such things done as thou sayest, but thou feignest them out of thine own heart."

Some of us have seen this type of attack quite recently, and it was brought forth almost exactly as Sanballat did thousands of years ago. But that’s only because the demons that plagued Sanballat are still active today. Do we need any more proof that God is with us and not with them when the fruit is before our eyes? No, we do not. We simply need to do as the Lord commands.

2 Corinthians 6:14,17 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”


#119 Is gambling ok? I understand going into a Casino is sinful, but what about buying lottery tickets or going to a horse race?


Any type of gambling is frowned upon as one who puts his wealth gotten of God “in a purse with holes.” And as we see how gambling can become an addiction that destroys families and lives, it is not something Christians would ever sanction.

Gambling is not “work” at all.

One easy method of discovery on such things that are not easily found in Scripture, we must use the wisdom and discernment the Holy Spirit grants His obedient children. For example; there are literally tens of thousands of case studies wherein it has been proven time and time again that gambling destroys lives. Many become addicted and lose all their savings and even their homes because of it. Some go so far as to commit violent crimes to get the money they need to keep gambling. And some even end up dead after borrowing large sums of money from mobsters who kill them when they can’t pay. Jesus said it is by their fruits you will know them right? Does such activity appear to be something the Lord would consider respectable?

NOTICE THIS:Haggai 1:6  Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes. 


#120 Shalom, please we were made to understand and believe the Ten Commandments shall save us on the judgment day if we strictly go by what it says. Please i want to find from you, are we saved or going to be saved by the Ten Commandments that we observe or the grace of Jesus Christ. Where does the ten commandments and the grace of Jesus stand in our salvation? Thanks, God bless you.


No man is saved by keeping the Ten Commandments. They are fruits of a Christian. We can only be saved by Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross 2000 years ago.

If you were to do a study on the two covenants you would find that the old covenant was nothing more than man trying to keep the agreement he made with God thousands of years ago at Sinai. Man of course broke that agreement with many sins over the eons. So a New Covenant was necessary. But not because God failed in anything He did. No, His part of the agreement still stands firm as it did long ago when He spoke it. We are the ones that sinned and broke the contract. But because our God is a loving God, He blessed us with a way to reconcile our relationship with Him in the form of a new covenant.

As we know, the Old Covenant was ratified by the sprinkling of the blood of an ox. (Exodus 24:4-8) How was the New Covenant ratified? By the spilling of blood of a spotless sacrifice. His name is Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.

In short, man overwhelmingly proved he could not keep the law of God before Christ came to place it within our hearts. Now, with the help of the Holy Spirit guiding us each day, we can keep the Ten Commandments.

In other words.. I don’t keep the Ten Commandments to GET saved. I keep the Ten Commandments because I AM saved. Without Christ I could not keep His Law. With Christ, His Spirit now helps me keep it.


#121 Why do so many Christians talk about a third temple being built? Is this Biblical prophecy?


No, this is not biblical at all. I know of no prophecies stating a third temple is needed, or even prophesied to be built in the last days. It is a lie of the devil. Now, it may very well be built so as to lure more people into Hell by making them think it was a prophesied occurrence. The devil has been known to create false prophetic events, manipulate mankind so as to cause them to appear fulfilled so as to make people ignore the real ones our Lord already penned in His Word.

For example, Satan has most people watching Israel right now with the thought they are the chosen people of God when in fact they are not. I have a long list of Old Testament prophecies and New Testament verses declaring them fulfilled on my “Who is Israelpage proving the people of Israel are no longer considered the chosen People. I won’t go in to detail here as that would take some time. Just visit that page when you get time.

One easy way to demonstrate a third temple is useless is by allowing Jesus’ words on the cross to be heard clear enough by those questioning this reality. Jesus said “It is finished” on the cross did He not? All the ceremonies in the Temple were designed to ready the people for the Messiah who would perform those ceremonies in reality. The temple was merely a type wherein the sacrifice for sin was brought forth so as to gain atonement. But Jesus said in Matthew 12:6, "But I say unto you, That in this place is one greater than the temple." Jesus was what those ceremonies in the Temple services prophesied about. When He came, the work of salvation was to come to a close. Even Daniel the prophet stated in Daniel 9:27 that Messiah "shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.” When Jesus died on that cross the sacrifice for sin was finished. This is why it is recorded in John 19:30 that after Jesus said, "It is finished: …he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." Therefore, building a third temple is not only a complete waste of time since the Lamb of God was already sacrificed as a remission for sin, it is also mockery of what happened on Calvary so as to make the people think what Jesus did was insufficient. This is why I have issue with those Christians that keep the feast days. Do they not mock the Lord proclaiming that which He did on Calvary was not enough? Truth is, the Lord’s Supper that we partook of last week was what our Lord put in the place of those feast days.


#122 The passage in John 3:13 "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."I am reading this to mean that no man has ascended up to heaven except Christ. Is this a wrong interpretation of this verse? I am assuming it is, because then where are Elijah and Enoch if no man has ascended to heaven except Christ. How can this scripture be explained in context.


I guess the way the wording is situated in the Word is where confusion comes in. The KJV translators have been known to be a bit Shakespearean in their methods. Hopefully I can clarify it a bit.

Jesus says in the verse something neither Enoch nor Elijah can emulate. When speaking of Himself, Jesus says He was one that came down from heaven. Jesus is the only one in the history of mankind that came from Heaven, and then went back to Heaven. Enoch and Elijah started life on Earth, and later went to heaven. When they got there, Jesus was already there.


#123 Could you please tell me what the significance is concerning the splitting of the great veil in the temple when Jesus died on the cross? Thank you


The temple services, the sacrifice of the “lamb” and the sprinkling of the blood upon the veil as an offering for sin were no longer viable. Those Mosaic ordinances pointed to a future event wherein the true Lamb of God would come to have His blood spilled for all the sins on mankind. In fact, Colossians 2:13,14 says God “having forgiven you all trespasses, Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;" That is why the exact moment the Lord Jesus cried out in a loud voice “it is finished” and died, the temple veil ripped. The long prophesied “Lamb of God who taketh away the sin” (John 1:29) died for us exactly as He promised He would in many prophetic statements.

All those prophesied acts that were performed in the temple services as offerings for sin were finalized on that cross. After He died, the temple sacrifice and the sprinkling of blood was no longer necessary to point to a time in the future when Messiah would come to fulfill those acts of obedience in reality. It was truly finished that day. Hence, the veil that prevented the common man an audience with the Lord was no longer needed. Mankind could now come to the Lord in faith and have his sins forgiven by merely accepting the Lamb sacrifice on Calvary as payment for His sins and in so doing the Spirit of God would now be in the hearts of men and no longer hidden behind a veil wherein only the High Priest could attain to.

The veil was also a visible reminder to all sinners that mankind could never hope to come near to the Father due to sin. We know the sin offerings were offered daily, and the atonement was done annually for thousands of years overwhelmingly illustrating mankind’s inaccessible position to God in reality. We simply had no way to reach the Father because our sins completely “veiled” our approach. When Jesus died, that barrier was forever removed, but only for those that put faith in His death as the true atonement for their sins. For thousands of years the faithful waited for Messiah’s promised remedy for sin; and on that day it was fulfilled to the letter.

In short.. Jesus said “it is finished,” and then gave up the ghost. At the very moment that temple veil ripped and in so doing confirmed throughout all the Universe, it is finished!


#124 I read your page about unclean foods (http://www.remnantofgod.org/health.htm#faq) and I agree with it completely. But my question is, if this is true and the Lord has still deemed these foods unclean, why would he say in verse 13, "Rise, Peter, kill and eat"? If he is only talking about spreading the gospel to the gentiles, why would he show him all the beasts of the earth and tell him to kill and eat?


In visions, just like in prophecy, we must understand how the Lord speaks. He often uses a pictorial language, and just as in prophecy, symbols in vision must be defined. He actually speaks this way to protect His Word and His people who have eyes that see. The prophetic symbols allow for the wise to understand but the wicked cannot decipher it because they don’t study the Bible like we do. As you probably already discovered, the Gentiles were considered “unclean” by the Jews in Peter’s day just as certain animals in the wild are unclean. In fact, the Jews often called the Gentiles “dogs.” So.. why did the Lord say “kill and eat” three times.

The sheet came down THREE times because THREE UNCLEAN MEN were at the door. And the term “kill” is symbolic as well. For example, notice this…

Peter was being instructed by the Lord to help those three men come to a saving knowledge of the Lord that would allow them to be “dead with Christ.” In accepting Christ as Saviour, they would kill off their old ways and become anew in Christ. As for eating, notice this…

When we “eat” the Word, we digest the truth all the way to the heart.


#125 Someone on an online blog use Mark 2:23-28 to say the Sabbath is no longer valid because Jesus broke it, or disregarded it when He was walking among us. How do we respond to this?


First of all, nowhere in this passage does it say Jesus abolished or broke the Sabbath. What it does say here is the Pharisees assumed Jesus and the apostles were breaking the commandment by picking corn to eat. Yet Jesus proves with Scriptural facts regarding King David, whom the Jews respected, that He and His apostles were not breaking Sabbath at all. Jesus clearly corrected the false teachings of the Pharisees here.

If it was ok for David to relieve his hunger, and the hunger of those with him by eating bread that had been consecrated and set apart for holy use, then it was perfectly ok for the disciples of Christ to satisfy their hunger by plucking the corn on Sabbath day. Both David and the Apostles were in God’s employment.

Basic reality dictates here that the temple priests, and even pastors today, perform greater labors on each Sabbath as they do God’s work, do they not? The same type of labor in secular business would in fact be considered sinful. However, the work of the priests was in the service of God. The labors they performed each Sabbath pointed to the redeeming power of Christ. Their labor was in perfect harmony with the object of the Sabbath day so as to get the work done that brought souls into the truth. After all, is it not wise to do good on Sabbath? But now, Christ the Messiah Himself had come, and was walking among them.

As all Christians will agree, the disciples, were employed by God to do a holy and sanctified work. They were merely doing that which was necessary for the achievement of their Heavenly appointed work on Sabbath day.  Jesus confirmed this truth by stating He is Lord of the Sabbath.” Seeing how His apostles followed and emulated Him, this proves they are employed to do His work and therefore free from guilt as well. Just because the Pharisees didn’t see them as men employed by God doesn’t make it true. After all, they denied our Lord as Saviour, did they not?

Bottom line is, Jesus or His apostles didn’t break the Sabbath here at all. Biblical truth is, sin is the transgression of the lawaccording to 1John 3:4. In other words, breaking the Law of God is how sin is committed. Commandment #4 concerns the Sabbath day. To say Jesus broke Sabbath, is to say Jesus sinned by breaking God’s Law. This is exactly what the Pharisees are trying to declare here because they hated Him and His message. Yet as Christians we know Christ never sinned. Truth is, if He did commit sin, He would never have been that spotless Lamb of God and Saviour to you and me. Jesus proved in Mark chapter two that the Pharisees were in error regarding a sin they invented about plucking corn on Sabbath day for Gospel workers. Yes, it would be sin for those that harvested corn for a living if done so on the Sabbath. But Jesus and His apostles were not employed as farmers. They were simply hungry men employed of God.

By the way, for those who assume it is ok to break Sabbath by using this passage, they are in reality trusting the word of a non-believing Pharisee, who was just corrected and exposed as in error by Jesus Christ Himself. In other words, those that believe the Jews were correct in their assumptions, and ignore how Jesus defended the Sabbath truth, and corrected the lying Pharisees, are in fact taking the word of the Pharisees as truth over Christ. As we all know, the Pharisees deny Christ as Lord to this day. Who then is telling the Truth? The ones who know not the Word? Of the one who wrote the Word Himself?


#126 Eating the fatted calf, and what does "absent from the body and present with the Lord" mean in 2 Corinthians 5:8?

"why does the Lord use parables of the fatted calf for eating when the son returns, and the wedding feast with the oxen and fatted calf on the table in Mathew 22?   What do these foods really signify? I just don't know why the Lord used meat to eat in those parables. Also people say to me that are Christians," to be absent from the body means to be present with the Lord. "This one is the main theology for the soul being eternal and going to heaven upon death. As many scriptures that say we are sleeping in death, they are all ignored due to this one.         


The verse in question regarding being absent and then present with the Lord is…

Many use this passage as a basis of "proof" because it says "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." They teach this means Paul is advocating life after death immediate. One point many miss in regards to this passage is the fact that Paul is commenting on the carnal nature of the people that should be "absent" so as to walk "in the Lord" as true and obedient Christians. With that said, do these next two passages declare Paul dead and speaking from the grave as their assumptions illustrate?

The meaning is obvious when taken in context to that which is written. To be absent from the body is to deny the flesh and therefore be present with the Lord as we walk in the Spirit. Romans 6:6-8 put it ever so plainly when it said, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:" And John 3:6 says, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Let's not forget Romans 8:1 wherein it says, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

As for the fatted calf in Matthew 22; they are taking Jesus out of context. He was talking to Jews at that time, and tradition was to kill the fatted calf for weddings. This is what happens when Sunday keepers are taught that the Old Testament is obsolete. Jesus was speaking to people that only used what we call the Old Testament today. He was literally writing the New one at that time, and in so doing borrowed heavily on the Old Testament further confirming its eternal position. We all know Jesus taught truth using terms the people listening could understand. When he spoke to fishermen about gathering souls to Heaven, He called them “fishers of men.” Does this mean we must now go into the oceans looking for souls to preach to?

Due to inept preachers, teachers and pastors, most Sunday keepers have a tendency to take these parables out of context to make them say things they never say. Like the story of Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham. They claim this proves we go to Heaven instantly and that people can speak to God from Hellfire. So, does this mean Heaven is inside the chest cavity of Abraham? No, of course not. But they don’t address that obvious issue any more than they do any other twisted theology.

Bottom line is this. It is a parable. Parables are not to be taken literally until after all the symbols are defined, and the true analogy is revealed. Plus, Jesus is obviously using Old Testament traditions when explaining to people that used only the Old Testament Scripture at that time. They had a celebration at weddings; and we too will have a celebration at the Wedding feast in heaven. For them to say we will be killing animals in Heaven is also a bold faced lie of Satan. Everyone knows the diet in Heaven will be Edenic wherein no flesh will be eaten at all. So, for them to use this parable to claim meat eating is now acceptable because we will eat meat in Heaven is nothing more than a lie. Genesis 1:29 confirms this when it says, "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

We were created to be Vegans. If they doubt that, ask them to look at the teeth of a cow, a horse, a giraffe, a goat or even the dinosaurs. They have the same teeth we do. Now look at meat eaters like cats, dogs, and crocodiles. Big difference isn’t there? Our teeth our designed for grinding vegetation. Their teeth are designed for tearing into flesh.

The prophetic definition of ..

Calf = tender and good, sin offering, Christ (See http://www.remnantofgod.org/books/docs/REV/Revelation.htm#calf )

As for the oxen. That animal never appears in Revelation, so I don’t have an online definition study on it to share. But I do know it symbolizes the avid worker as is apparent in Proverbs 14:4 that says, "Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.".


#127 The Vatican didn't compile the 66 books of the Bible?

You stated in an email: "The Vatican didn’t “correctly” preserve the Canon.Then who do you say preserved the 73 book canon from 382 AD when it was first promulgated by the Catholic Bishops at the Council of Rome under the authority of Pope Damasus I until the 16th century when Luther removed 7 books? Especially since Christian doctrine from 33 AD - 1517 AD was unanimously Catholic with worship including the Mass, the eucharist, the priesthood, etc.


First of all, the Apocrypha has been proven by many scholars and Christians with the Holy Spirit that it is not inspired. In Fact, those books uplift Pagan theology. This is why all Protestant faiths to this day refuse it.

Secondly, in regards to who compiled the 66 books that were inspired; judging by the admitted murderous past of the Vatican as per John Paul II’s lips on March 12, 2000 in his globally broadcast mea culpa, and the thousands of documented facts regarding the evil fruits of the Vatican prelates, this is how those with eyes that see understand it. A true man of God was moved by the Lord to compile the 66 books of the Bible. A Roman Catholic priest discovered the man’s work. Killed the man and then claimed the work his own for the Church of Rome. Because the 66 books were so blessed and easily seen as inspired and quite able to expose the Vatican and their agenda, they decided to do as prophecy said they would do, they set out to “defile” and confuse the work by adding the Apocrypha.

As for the claim worship was predominantly Catholic from 33 AD on. That is historically impossible. The Sabbath itself proves that to be a lie of the Roman prelates. Jesus predicted the Christians would be keeping Sabbath when He prophesied 40 years in advance about the 70AD destruction of Jerusalem in Matthew 24. When describing the horrific event wherein 1.1 million Jews died, Jesus said in Matthew 24:20, "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:" Catholic prelates claim Christians started to keep Sunday holy in 33AD directly after Jesus arose. But here we see Jesus was predicting they would be keeping it 40 years later. That historic fact alone confirms the Roman prelates lied.

One more thing to keep in mind is the first Sunday Law in 321AD also confirms Christians were still keeping Sabbath and Satan was merely trying to “change times and laws” as the prophet Daniel said he would. Plus, we have loads of historic facts to confirm Christians have been keeping Sabbath all along. I have a page on the website wherein I show evidence of them keeping Sabbath in every century since then. Our King and Saviour Jesus said the gates of Hell would not prevail against His church, and they have not. Truth is, John Paul II even admitted, in writing no less, that the Gates of hell DID prevail against the Catholic Church in his mea culpa as well. But then, that’s a whole nother topic.


#128 I need advice on how to do this work more effectiv+ely

I need to ask advice of how to do this work more effectively, I think I scare people sometimes with the intensity I have for this truth to get out.


Dear brother, no matter how much you try to soften or sugarcoat the truth, some people will be offended no matter what you do. So, do as the Spirit leads you to do and watch the Lord’s hand move. What I’ve discovered over the years is that in some cases, the Lord moves me to be extra gentle, and in some cases extra bold on an individual basis. Later I find (if they tell me) that the method I used was exactly what they needed at the time. So.. again.. do as the Spirit leads.


#129 Will Sunday keepers be in Heaven?

Why do you think alot of of people still go t church on sunday ? If they do go to church on sunday but confess that God is their Lord and savior, will they still go to heaven? I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. (broken English)


We do have believers in your country brother, but no church building as of yet. In fact, we never plan to make any church buildings outside of that of a simple home church structure from time to time because the end is near enough where we should only meet in homes to keep infiltration down.

As for Sunday keepers; if they ignore the prophetic facts regarding the truth about God’s Law once it’s shared with them in clarity. And prophecy boldly says IT WILL be shared with them where they will understand it perfectly, then yes, keeping Sunday holy will guarantee Hellfire. No, we are not saved by keeping the Law. But when someone is truly saved by the Lord, He directs their path, and they keep the law as His Spirit moves them to. In other words, we don’t keep the law to get saved, we keep it because we are saved. Therefore, if someone keeps Sunday holy while claiming Jesus Lord, and they understand there is no Bible verse to back up Sunday keeping, then they are not in obedience to the Lord. Jesus would never move them to keep Sunday holy at all. They are merely doing as Isaiah 4:1 said most will do right before the end.

As for those that have go to their graves before hearing the Loud Cry that educates the masses regarding God’s Law. We know it says in Acts 17:30, "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:" Which means, we are only judged by the light we are given. If those Sunday keepers were as obedient as they knew to be and honestly thought Sunday was the Sabbath, they will gain Heaven.


#130 How do we prepare for what's coming?

Are there any specific preparations that we, as Christians, should do beforehand other than assure to the best of our ability that our walk with Christ is correct?


No man can effectively answer that question because the powers that be have some strange methods of control set up already. If you stockpile food, they will target your stockpile. If you stockpile cash, they will destroy the economy. If you build an underground shelter to hide in when they come, they will take you when you’re at work or away from home unable to escape. So again, no one ever knows what the future holds and what method of attack will be used against us as individuals. That being the case, a close relationship with Jesus, who was the one that directed David from cave to cave by the way, has to be our best method of defense as far as I can see. Without that discernment our Lord gave His obedient young king David, we won’t know how to react, where to turn, when to walk and when to run. How do we get that discernment? By studying the Word each and every day, and by praying without ceasing. And while we do all we can to learn His will and hear His voice, we allow Him to mold our characters to His divine simulate every step of the way. It can take years in some cases and only minutes in others for a change to come. But one this is sure, it will come if we are found obedient.


#131 Am I wrong to desire joy?

How do you keep your sanity and maintain Godly joy? I find myself feeling guilty for having a need to have joy in my life. I am serious about my faith and what's going on all around us. I never want to be in denial concerning any matter. I understand that God is our refuge, our hope and true peace! Am I wrong to desire joy and happiness while maintaining a sober mind?


Nothing wrong with joy and happiness sister. The real blessing is when you find it in the midst of trial as Paul and Silas did in prison. After all, our Lord did inspire James to say in James 1:2-4, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

When I first came out of Babylon 30 years ago it was a trial for me indeed. All 10 of my siblings, both parents, all my relatives and all my friends rejected me almost immediately. But as the years went by, and my walk with Christ grew stronger, I learned how to keep a smile during the trial. He allowed for all those intense situations to come upon me so that I could handle the trials of today and tomorrow. So of course, I will count it all joy when I am tried because I know He is allowing it to help me grow in faith so as to endure what’s coming next. Truth is, quite often, that is my prayer, and the trial is my answer.


#132 If the rapture isn't true and the 7 year trib isn't true... Then what's gna happen..


The rapture is true, but not in the way they say it is. The Bible does say the dead in Christ will one day soon rise out of the graves, and we that are alive are caught up to meet them in the air. But it says nothing about this happening in secret. In fact, it says it’s a VERY LOUD event realized globally and every human on earth will see it happen. Or as the Bible says, “every eye shall see Him” coming at end the world.

And no, there won’t be a 7 year trib. What they do is twist a prophecy Daniel spoke (called the “week of Daniel”) that talks about the first seven years of the Christian Church. The first 3.5 years was when Jesus walked among us, and the last 3.5 years was when the disciples evangelized the Jews right after Jesus left to go back to Heaven. They stopped preaching directly to the Jews after they stoned Stephen, which also happened to be the end of the “week of Daniel.”

Rome needed to hide that fact because it proves the 2300 years prophecy is true. (from which the “week of Daniel” was located) In that 2300 years is also the time the Vatican kills Christians for 1260 years. When you add up the prophetic dates that are found in that prophecy, it shows when the Vatican would begin, who it would kill, and when it would be mortally wounded by Napoleon in the exact year of 1798AD. But if you remove the “week of Daniel” and place it at the end of time like the Vatican does, you can confuse the people into believing Antichrist comes later at the end of the world. In so doing, the prophecies of Daniel get all messed up by subtracting the 7 years. The dates get scrambled and therefore never point to the Vatican as the problem.

Case in point. Most everyone today thinks the “next pope” after Benedict 16 was to be the Antichrist. Truth is, every prophecy that has been uttered by the Lord regarding Antichrist have been fulfilled by all the Popes of Rome, not just one at some future event. But since the majority believe in a 7 year trib, they can’t effectively put the puzzle pieces found in Daniel regarding prophetic events back together so as to see what’s actually happening today.

As for what’s going to happen next.. just about all of it’s done now. We’re just waiting for the New World Order that’s already on paper to become official, and the calamities to increase. Then the mark of the beast will be enforced, and the plagues will start. The time span during the plagues is of course the time of Jacob’s trouble wherein only the 144,000 can survive with their faith intact. All the rest of the Christians will have been martyred by now. In fact, over 200,000 of them die every year for their faith now thanks to Muslims alone. That happens to be the “little time of trouble” prophecy speaks of that happens right before the plagues begin. We are that close right now. And yes, the end of the plagues is of course is when Jesus comes to take us home. And the rest if HIStory.


#133 What does "double minded" mean in James 1:8, 4:8?

While reading the book of James, I found the term "double minded" (James 1:8 and 4:8).  I do not fully understand the meaning of this term.  Can you provide some insight or scriptural reference with a definition?


Perhaps these verses will help explain the term “double minded.”

Many people today claim to be Christians. Yet as we look upon them with eyes that see, we can see they serve Satan in how they knowingly commit sin thinking God will somehow understand or look the other way. The basic reality behind this is, we are at war with the devil. If a soldier was to go into battle fighting both for his side and the side of the enemy, or if he was being an ally for both his side and the enemy, would this not appear foolish and a complete waste of time to all those with common sense? Yet Christians do that daily all over the world. This is actually what Isaiah 4:1 describes about the majority of Christians in our day. They claim to be Christians to take away their shame, but at the same time they do as Satan tempts them to because their flesh enjoys it.


#134 Why did they stone people for adultery in the Old Testament but they don’t do that today?

Why did they stone people for adultery in the Old Testament but they don’t do that today? They also pierced slaves ears with awls, and demanded a tooth for a tooth. Why is it so different today?


Most Old Testament occurrences that were done in a blunt manner, are today done in a spiritual manner. For example, when a man or woman committed adultery they were stoned to death in the Old Testament so as to better illustrate the absolute insanity and danger of sin. But when Jesus arrived he taught us how to forgive and forget. Still, if the person refuses to stop their sin, then they will have to pay the “blunt” price for their sin later on. However, today this is usually not executed by the hand of man, unless of course you consider the death penalty in some crimes in the world. In other words; if a man or woman commit adultery now, they are not stoned to death immediately. However, if they chose not to repent of their sin and eventually die a natural death with that sin un-confessed and un-forgiven, later at the resurrection of the wicked, which is at the end of the 1000 years, they will be put to death by God in a very blunt manner. Just as everyone looked upon the women in the Old Testament being stoned to death for adultery, all the Saints within the City will look upon those that are graphically put to death in hellfire at the end of the 1000 years for their sin of spiritual adultery.

The stoning in the Old Testament can be seen today as a proleptic event that will happen in the future. In other words, as it happened back then, it will happen in the end. The stoning is the symbolic example of what the Bible calls the “second death” that occurs at the end of the 1000 years.

And by the way, the pierced ear of the slave back then was a sign of loyalty to the homeowner. In other words, every slave was granted his or her freedom after 7 years. However, if they loved their master and his family and decided to stay on as their slave, they would permanently mark the ear as a sign that they were a bond slave by choice for live. It was a sign that the master was a good man and the slave loved him.


#135 Why are some Vatican quotes missing from their archives?

I'm not dis-agreeing or trying to be difficult; I love your web site but, the quote you, and others have posted by Cardinal James Gibbons regarding the penetration of Babylon into the RCC is not there on p. 106. ..at least not in the only edition I was able to find, and that was an 1877 ed. which is online. It is not on any page prior or past 106, and I really hate reading the whole pack of lies in order to try to find it. I realize that the RCC is the biggest fraud, forger, and counterfeiter in the world and could easily "SANITIZE" any publication they wanted to, but I'm in a debate right now and would really like a way to explain this seeming discrepancy.  Please help a brother out if you have any info on the circumstance, and I will thank you in advance.


I have literally 10,000 pages of data on the site now proving that even if that one quote was bogus, of which I doubt because I also know they have the ability to sanitize just about any book, how does one explain the tens of thousands of facts that back up the truth regarding this church? This is something many Catholics will base their reasoning on and Rome knows it. Rome also know there are literally tens of thousands of damning quotes floating around out there because during their heyday they figured they would never lose their power and never have to explain their crazed suppositions. But as prophecy predicted, they received their mortal wound and were put down just as our Lord stated they would be. After rising from the muck and the mire they knew they had a big job ahead of them and they knew they could never erase all the quotes. However, they also knew by erasing just a few hundred, and then using those they purposely erased as a basis in fact that they are innocent by accusing those of us with the real facts as fabricators, they know most of their brethren will believe them. This is where the Catholic individual has to get off the couch and do the work. Ignorance of the truth is no excuse when there is so much evidence piling all around them that their priests are corrupt.

I’ve been dealing with Catholics going on 30 years now and every one that is not interested in the facts that are so boldly presented have shown that if they can find just ONE WORD out of place, they will discredit literally thousands of facts piled all around them as being fabrications. Satan has such a hold on them that the truth means absolutely nothing to them if they can find a simple mistake they can tag as a lie. I’ve seen people walk away convinced I was lying on every page because of a simple and quite innocent typo made in one quote. And after I fixed the typo, they still claim it as if it’s present. A very strange sight to see indeed.

Bottom line is this. If they are truly interested in the truth, they will see it for what it is. If not, they will do everything they can to discredit it no matter how many facts are placed before them. So share with them as best you can, and then allow the Lord to water the seeds you plant when the time is right. If you try to convince each and every one of them you come across, you will eventually grow sick and weary. This is why the Word states in Titus 3:10, "A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;"

When I first started out decades ago trying to convince every catholic I met, I found myself literally bogged down with doing research, essays, studies and even booklets filled with valid information to help just one soul, only to find them laugh it off and toss it to the ground when my work was done. Due to the fact I didn’t have a computer or the Internet back then to do the research, what takes me a few minutes or an hour today took me literally days and sometimes weeks to compile. Watching them blow all that work off as if it was bogus was a real eye opener to me. Still, at the same time I praise the Lord that happened because I learned how to do research and how to dig into Scripture more effectively. So much so, the Lord allowed me to do it as a full time minister today.


#136 How will we communicate after they remove the poGm website?

I know we are all thinking of ways to get the loud cry out without the use of the internet and I was wondering once they make it impossible for us to share the present truth on the internet, and they take your website down, how will the church family communicate with each other........do we call you?


Yes.. we can us the teleconference to stay in contact, and if the Lord allows, we can even gather in places we won’t be detected to worship and grow in the Lord as they do in China and other anti-Christian nations. Our Lord is right now working out the details wherein we will be able to do the work He needs us to do after the enemy of souls removes all our tools we use now on earth. And unless we grow in faith and discernment so as to hear His voice and see His hand, we won’t be able to do as He needs us to do. So again, study the Word, and pray without ceasing. For as many years as I have been a Christian, I know without a doubt that this is the key to getting closer to Christ.


#137 Nick what does Proverbs 26:23-28 mean?

"Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with black dross. He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him; When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart. Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation. Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin. -Proverbs 26:23-28


It speaks of the end result of a lost soul. Worse yet, a lost soul claiming to be a Christian who spreads lies about his brethren in what we call gossip today. Sadly, there are some that have taken this path today and have spoken evil against the brethren. In fact, this has been the case for decades as many within our number can confirm. These poor souls were once trusted and loved by the brethren and still are loved, but no longer trusted. We must withdraw from them so as to keep the body of Christ pure and undefiled.

What we always experience in this repetitive movement of the enemy is a betrayal of sacred trust. The things once spoken of in brotherly confidence are now repeated by these lost souls and misrepresented before as many as possible. Every word, every action, no matter how innocent and well-meaning they are will be dissected by the jealous heart so as to spread lies that bring the innocent down to a low level while uplifting the prideful one up. We are in the last days, so we must expect this and be very careful as to who we trust. In today’s world, it is only Christ we can trust. After all, they did this to Him 2000 years ago, and Atheists repeat those lies to this day. So.. again… trust only Christ.


#138 Does Leviticus 19:19 mean we can't mix clothing?

What does Lev 19:19 mean? People are saying that it means u can't wear two different kinds of garments. Which I know is not true. Lev 19:19 "Ye shall keep my statutes. thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee"


You’re correct; they’re twisting it a bit out of whack when they say we can’t mix clothing. However, the Lord was instructing them not to mix certain types of clothing. In this case linen with wool. Reason being is, it would make the body feverish. Those two particular fabrics have been discovered by scientists decades ago to actually cause the person to pass off natural electricity from the body in an unhealthy manner. For example; in  a hot climate it could bring on fevers that can exhaust and weaken the person as well as cause excessive sweating and dehydration that can lead to worse things.

Interestingly enough we see this to be the case when we look further into Ezekiel 44:17-18, "And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within. They shall have linen bonnets upon their heads, and shall have linen breeches upon their loins; they shall not gird themselves with any thing that causeth sweat."

A similar effect can be seen with certain blends of materials in today’s world. I recall years ago wherein a reporter covered a story on how the uniforms of a specific baseball team had to be trashed because it made them sweat. Plus, I recall as a teen that my dad bought me my first suit. It was during the Summer and it was a polyester blend. It was like wearing a portable sauna!  


#139 Why did the Egyptians so gladly give the Jews their jewelry and riches?


The answer is found in...

Many fail to realize here that the Egyptians were in the midst of losing all their first born children in this final plague. As they watched the deaths going from house to house they feared everyone else was going to die as well because they had no idea how far the plague would spread because they did not know our God or understand His command. Verse 33 confirms this when it says they thought “we be all dead men.” They obviously knew however that the deaths in each household were due to Pharaoh's refusal to let the Jews sacrifice to their God. So when the Jews approached them for jewels, gold and black to perform a fitting sacrifice, being all about worldly things as the Egyptians were, they gladly gave to them in the hopes the deaths would not spread, because they too would sacrifice to their gods, but of course their gods were nothing more than wood, hay and stubble compared to our God. One could say they thought this act of generosity would appease the God of the Jews just as they thought laying offerings before their gods would appease his anger when a drought was near, a sickness was spreading, or the economy was suffering.


#140 Does 2 Corinthians 3:7 say the Commandments have been done away with?

hi brother, i've been asked a question that i cannot answer. i was hoping you could help. what is 2 corinthians 3:7 saying ? does it say that the ten commandments have been done away with ? the part about " written and engraven in stones " has confused a brother in Christ. hope to hear from you real soon. thank you for your time. God bless you and keep you and your family.


Verse in question: 2 Corinthians 3:7  But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:

How I see it is when Moses kept the law as he did, he literally glowed of God's glory. But mankind fell and needed the New Covenant that is in Christ. His Holy Spirit is glorified in how He helps us keep the Law. The “glow” of Moses was to eventually go out when he died. In other words, If I was to put 2 Cor 3:7 in today’s language I might say something like… Since the breaking of this law etched in stone brings death, and is glorified in the truth it contains by doing so, just as Moses’ face glowed with the truth he embraced; so much so the people couldn’t even look upon him. This glowing was only for a time seeing how Moses did eventually die.

Looking at verse 9 later in the passage we see a bit more in this when it says, “For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.” (2 Corinthians 3:9  ) In other words, if the fact the administration of the law, which brings condemnation, glorifies God, it glorifies Him even more by the administration of righteousness. Moses kept the law perfectly, and thereby glowed as we will in New Jerusalem as we walk in perfection. Still, some will use this passage to proclaim the law was to be done away with. When in fact, this is not what the passage says at all. The Law is not only perfect, as per Psalm 19:7, it is also eternal as Luke 16:17 intimates.


#141 Must I be baptized to be saved??


Baptism won’t save anyone. BUT, if you have the chance to be baptized, then you must take it as it is an open profession of your faith in the death and resurrection of our Lord. The only ones I know of that are excused from baptism are those on death beds and those that find Christ and then die by some accident before being baptized. If you have the chance to be baptized and still refuse to do so even though you have ample time and opportunity, then perhaps it is because you are ashamed of showing your faith in Christ in some way. Many young people suffer hear as their peers make fun of them when the Lord moves upon their heart. They don’t want to lose their popularity, be teased, or they don’t want to appear overly religious. All three reasons prove they love the world above the Lord. His love and His perfect way, which most young people think is strange and freakish today, is why some would rather not be baptized. It is these that are ashamed of Jesus Christ. And what does the Lord say about that?

Mark 8:38, "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."


#142 Should I buy survival items?

Hey Nic,
I just wanted to get your thoughts on an issue. I don't live in the city. I'm about 40 minutes away or so. With my recent tithing I'm already seeing the results in trusting in the Lord. I've been debating on getting a tent and some basic supplies for when we'll have to be on the move. Nothing extreme of course; but is that not trusting in God and His providing for us? I was just wondering your thoughts on the matter. I respect your opinion.


Dear brother,

There are so many different ways to prepare. And there are many factors none of us can contemplate when that day comes. Will we need a tent, a motorhome, a bike, a car, water purification, hiking boots, matches, etc. Whatever we need, will it be on hand when that day comes?

For example, you could have a tent, fire starting equipment, food, blankets, water and all sorts of items stockpiled in some closet somewhere just waiting for you to use it. But what if the time to flee happens when your miles from home and can't get to them? This is why I believe it's best to prepare spiritually instead of physically. Trusting in the Lord is the only and best way to be ready for when that day finally does arrive. We can't possibly know what we will need or when it will happen or where we will be when it happens. But He does. In fact, He will direct our every step to whatever it is we will need just as He did for the Israelites in the desert for 40 years, or David as he fled from Saul.

Notice this.. When the Lord instructed the Christians how to flee 40 years prior to 70AD in that prophetic statement; hear what He said to them about that day...

Matthew 24:15-18, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:  Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes."

If you go back for your clothes, then you do not trust him to keep you warm. If you go back for some food you had stashed, you don’t trust Him to spread a table for you in the wilderness as He promised. It’s at this time the faith of God’s people is prophesied to glorify Him before the entire Universe, just as it was time for David to run towards Goliath or Shadrach, Meshach and Abedego to step into that furnace. If you’re not studying His Word and praying without ceasing to be ready for that day now, you may fall short and be left behind. In short, a complete TRUST in the Lord to do as He promised is the only thing that will benefit His people at this time.


#143 Is it ok to drink Caffeine?

Hi. I just was wondering why I am not supposed to drink coffee/caffeine. If you could provide a related Bible passage with your answer, it would be appreciated. Also, the Bible I have been using is a New King James Version. It seems similar enough to the King James Version, but I wanted your opinion. Is the NKJV a trustworthy translation, or should I try and find an Authorized KJV? By the way, I think this is a very helpful website.


Caffeine has already been proven decades ago to be a drug that can cause all sorts of problems for the body. Specifically the heart and the brain, not to mention the nervous system. If we consume such things knowing they are slowly destroying our temple, how will the Lord Judge us in this case? 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 says, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

In other words, if you know it is wrong to do, and then choose to do it anyway, it is sin. James 4:17 also says, "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."

As for the NKJV. This is a VERY dangerous Bible. It even has the 666 logo etched on the cover of the original version. See this site for more info on that… http://www.av1611.org/nkjv.html

The only safe Bible is the KJV. It’s the only one that matches perfectly with the Dead Sea scrolls that were found in 1947.


#144 Is it ok to attend a Sunday keeping church?

I see no wrong in going to a Sunday keeping church. After all, there are no other churches in my area. Don't you think that many ministries are just plain ignorant regarding Saturday Sabbath? …you have to take the meat off the bone with some pastors. Some have plenty of good truth to share and the rest is maybe just ignorance or the Lord hasn't shown them yet.


This is how Satan works in such situations. He allows his preachers to use as much truth as is needed to lure the people into apostasy with them. As for “taking the meat and throwing away the bones,” why go through all that when we already know where the source of all truth is? If people attend churches they know to be in sin so as to try and glean “some” truth, then their disobedience of Christ’s command will allow some of the lies to appear as truth to them. Since none of us know it all, when a preacher comes up with a new twist on how to present a false doctrine we haven’t studied yet, it may appear as truth to us, and then we will accept it and be doomed for it. Yes, Jesus protects us, but ONLY in obedience. After all is it not written in the word many times not to join with those we know to be in sin no matter how gentle, loving, or truthful they may appear? There are many verses that confirm this, but my 2 favorites are,

Amos 3:3  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

2 Corinthians 6:14,17  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

Bottom line is this. The truth in His Word is plain about joining with those that don’t keep His Law or even believe in Him as we do. If we join with them in any way shape or form, we are placing the truth on the back burner to satisfy the flesh that seeks either fellowship, business connections, or even the allurement of a pretty girl or handsome man that happens to be in the congregation we want to frequent. In that case, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 speaks volumes unto us, where it says, "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"


#145 Is it ok to drink protein drinks when fasting?

"Brother, can we only drink water when fasting? Like 10 hours of fasting? ..I bought a hemp protein powder..it says organic..Nutiva hemp protein powder. Are we allowed to take this? God bless!"


When fasting, for your health nothing but pure water should be used. The liver sees the protein powder water as a food. Therefore it will be working to cleanse the body during a fast. You don’t want to trouble the organs during a fast. They need to rest. Furthermore, Protein drinks shouldn’t be taken anytime. You are only putting an extra burden on your organs when you drink protein drinks. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables will give you all the protein your body needs. If fasting makes you dizzy, try a diet with many natural vitamins and minerals about a week before you fast to carry you over.

If this is a fast for a spiritual blessings or answer to prayer, there are many ways to fast that will please the Lord and gain the blessing you desire. You can find a list of these methods on David and Amanda’s website at http://www.rg2nh.org/fasts.html


#146 Where in the Bible does it say we no longer need prophets and apostles?

I wanted to know where in the bible it says that we no longer need or have prophets and apostles? I have been out of the Mormon church for 7 years now and suffered terrible trials. I am seeking to go back and need some real answers. I am not a 'hater' just an honest seeker. Please don't try to sway me, I need to research this out for myself. I read the 16 points of a true prophet and agree with it. What I want to know it why the Christian church does not need or believe we have prophets now and where in the bible you find this.


The only reason I state we have no need of additional prophets is because all that’s needed to be prophesied regarding the events that will occur before Christ’s return have been spoken. I do however believe prophets can be used of God today to further explain His will, certain hard to understand truths, and prophetic events laid out in Scripture that are future but hard to understand by the common man. After all, the Word does say in Joel 2:28, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:" and then confirmed in Acts 2:17 as being a prophecy for our day which says, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:"


#147 What does Proverbs 20:14 mean?

What does Proverbs 20:14 mean? It says, "It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth."


Have you ever sought to buy a car or something else of substantial value from someone on Craig’s list or on the street from a stranger? When you’re discussing price, do you not haggle the guy down and say it’s not worth that price, it’s not all that special? You point out the car has a dent here, some rust there and the motor is old because it has 90,000 miles on it etc. But later, after you buy it, you bring it to a friend and brag about how cheap you were able to buy it. You then show your friend that it has hardly any rust at all, it only has one small insignificant dent, and the engine only has 90,000 on it. So again, Proverbs 20:14 says, "It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth."


#148 Why can't Sunday keepers that study the Word see what we see?

I wanted to say thank you for showing me the errors in worldslastchance.com and also I wanted your input on why is the reason my grandma which she is a sunday keeper, studies quite a bit, more than most sunday keepers i know, but can't seem to grasp the understanding and truth of the Sabbath day even though I've shown her many scriptures, your videos and etc. It LOOKS like she's seeing the truth by nodding her head and what not, but her actions are the opposite. It can be tough seeing loved ones denying obvious truth once shared that exposes their false doctrines and denying the Holy Scriptures. Any input on this would be great.


There are many reasons people can clearly see the truth, agree with it, yet still refuse to follow it. One reason is of course un-confessed sin. This is the main reason I have seen illustrated in many different ways over the years by countless souls. But there were also others that may be the problem here. Does she watch a lot of TV, movies or read novels? If so, her ability to understand has been compromised by the enemy’s entertaining allurements. When the brain is not allowed to think daily as it needs to, and the person watches TV or reads novels, they are led to a lazy form of thinking wherein the TV or the novel thinks for them. No deductive reasoning is allowed and therefor no exercise to the brain. This leads to a weak mind.

One more thing, does she have an unhealthy diet? If so, her brain simply cannot do as it was designed to do. Without proper nourishment, the brain simply cannot function well enough to understand certain truths no matter how well received.


#149 Does the name of the church really matter?

In your testimony Sabbath service, you talk about other churches wanting to join from Europe ETC. just a small question but does the name of the church matter like does it have to be seventh day remnant or can it just be remnant... this probably seems like a waste of time, but i just wondered why do names matter that much like for churches, but good to hear more churches joining the truth. 


The main reason we use the SDR name is because it is associated with our statement of faith. Plus, I found over the years when someone asks me what church I am a part of, what’s easier to say? I can say, “I am kinda like an SDA only we don’t believe in trinity, we don’t embrace the Pope, we don’t have 501C3, we don’t gamble the tithe monies in stock markets, we don’t do movies, we don’t have a growing number of Sunday keeping churches, we don’t do rock music, our preachers kneel in prayer before sermons, we don’t endorse and preach Allah is God, we don’t do easter, Christmas, Halloween, etc .. or is it easier to just say I am SDR?  :)


#150 What is the seal of God?

Hello could you please help me understand something. I do understand that Sunday first day of week is indeed the devils counterfeit Sabbath but something that I am need you to shed some light on is this. I do understand the seal of God is the fourth commandment but now i read in Ephesians that the Holy Spirit is the seal of God, then confusion comes from these Scriptures.

In 2 timothy 2:19 ...having this seal? What seal? Then ephesians 1:13 is saying SEALED WITH that holy spirit of promise ? This to me is saying we are sealed with the holy spirit? Help don’t understand


If someone has the Holy Spirit, then as Christ declared, the Law is written upon the fleshly tables of the heart.

2 Corinthians 3:3, "Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart."

When we receive the Holy Spirit we then keep the law, which illustrates we are in fact sealed. For example: When Jesus said we will know them by their fruits, those fruits are how we walk as Christians. If we claim to be Christians yet ignore His law, our hearts are not sealed by the Holy Spirit. If they were sealed by His Spirit, the seal would be evident by the fruits of keeping His Law. This is also why the elect cannot be deceived. Better yet, this is also why certain Christians cannot receive the mark of the beast. When speaking of the mark of the beast, Revelation 14:12 speaks of those that won’t get it and why. It says, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."

Another way to look at it is, as baptism is an open profession of faith in the death and resurrection of Christ, keeping God’s law is an open profession of the Holy Spirit’s seal upon us.

Click here for in depth info "The Seal of God -vs- the Mark of the Beast


#151 Is Paul saying it's a sin to be married?

In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul speaks of marriage. Is it better to not be married in order to please the Lord better? Have married couples inherently sinned just by being married?


No, being married is not a sin. If it was, why did God pair up Adam and Eve as husband and wife?

Yes it’s true, Paul was never married. He simply said he “personally” thought it was best for others not to be married because it’s best to concentrate on doing work for the Lord. This is why he said in 1 Corinthians 7:8, "I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I."

But we must keep in mind that he also stated it was his own opinion and not the command of God regarding marriage. This is confirmed when he said 2verses prior in 1 Corinthians 7:6, "But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment."

Once married, the spouse usually leans towards helping or being with the other spouse as often as possible. Paul was also aware of how weak some people can be when it comes to the lusts of the flesh. In 1 Corinthians 7:9 he says, "But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn." What he meant here was; if you can’t contain the allurements of the flesh, it would be best to be married, than to burn with lust.


#152 Did Jesus die on Friday or Wednesday?

Did Jesus die on Friday or was it really a Wednesday as many ex-SDA’s are now saying?


I have a page on the website that cover this, but for those of you that want a "quick" and to the point response to this doctrine of demons. Try using this method...

In John 19:31 we have all the evidence we need. It says, "The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away."

They claim, that Christ died on Wednesday, and therefore, John 19:31 would mean the following "Thursday" was this high Sabbath day. Problem is, that is NOT the Biblical definition of a high Sabbath day. A high Sabbath occurred when a feast day (In this case it was the Feast of Unleavened Bread) fell on the 7th day weekly Sabbath. Since the Seventh Day is already considered a Sabbath, and the feast days are considered "annual" Sabbaths, (See Lev. 23:23-38) when they fell on the same day, that day would then be considered a HIGH Sabbath day. A "Thursday" or "5th day" of the week would NEVER be considered a High Sabbath. That is an absolute impossibility.

PLUS.. notice this, in Luke 23:56 it states the woman did not prepare the body of Jesus on Friday because they, "...rested the sabbath day according to the commandment." Biblical FACT is, the Commandments speak of the Seventh Day Sabbath. Nowhere in Exodus 20, where the Law is penned do we see the feast days mentioned that would bring about a high Sabbath. The feast days were in the ordinances of Moses that Colossians chapter 2 said were abolished at the cross. The commandments were etched in stone and will never be abolished, for in so doing would threaten the sovereignty of the Kingdom of God wherein that Law is in fact the law of the land. PLUS, Scripture also stated Christ was put to death on the "preparation day," of the week, and the preparation day was never on a Wednesday unless a feast day Sabbath was to occur on Thursday. But the fact they declared it a high Sabbath confirms it could only be the Friday preparation day.  

In all the pages of biblical history, as well as biblical jurisprudence, the preparation day has always been and will always continue to be Friday. This is graphically confirmed in Mark 15:42-43 where is states, "And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath,  Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus."

OR... you can use this...

"Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene." Mark 16:9

Another well documented historic fact many miss is that of a quote made by Justn Martyr. A man many denominations claim was a godly man. The Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox churches have all declared the man a saint. No, that doesn’t mean he was, but they all admit his comments are historical in nature. Whether he was a saint or not, I do not know; but I do know his words were documented in historic record and he said, "For He was crucified on the day before that of Saturn (Saturday); and on the day after that of Saturn, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to His apostles and disciples, He taught them these things, which we have submitted to you also for your consideration." -First Apology of Justin Martyr, Chapter 67

Now notice this, my favorite passage to expose the heresy of a Wednesday crucifixion.

The "day of preparation" was always Friday. It was called the preparation day so as to prepare for Sabbath. These Pharisees came to Pilate on Sabbath directly after the Sun set to assure Pilate would help them guard the tomb of Jesus so as to prevent the Apostles from supposedly stealing the body to proclaim Jesus arisen. How I ask is this ignored by all those that preach a Wednesday crucifixion?

To further confirm the chronological order of days here, the Bible continues on to report the chain of events. We know it was Sabbath, because it says the Pharisees met with Pilate on Sabbath. We also know it was Friday Jesus died on because that same passage referenced the "day of preparation" and then mentioned Sabbath. Now the Bible continues the story in Matthew 28:1 and says, "In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre."

So many claim this "Sabbath" was one of the annual ones that Leviticus 23 speaks of that fell on a Thursday, and hence the "day or preparation" on which Jesus died was a Wednesday. If that it so, how is it the Bible says after this Sabbath the very next day was "the first day of the week?" If He died on Wednesday, and the next day was an annual Sabbath, as well as "day 5" of the week, wouldn't the Bible say that it began to dawn toward the 6th day instead of the 1st day?

Sometimes it’s just that simple to expose the lie.


#153 Does 2Peter 2:4 say Satan and his angels were cast into hell before they were cast to earth?


We need to keep in mind that the Lord often speaks in tones that depict the judgment is already done. For example; the "wages of sin is death" right? Yet when the sinner sins, he doesn't die instantly does he? It’s only at the end of the 1000 years that he will actually "die" in the second death. The reason I see 2Peter 2:4 using that type of terminology here is because of what it says in the end of the passage. It says the fallen angels are in chains of darkness reserved for judgment. But the start of the passage speaks of the final act "hell" at the second death. How can they be destroyed in hellfire AND THEN reserved to the judgment that will destroy them in hellfire?

Still, there is another, and I think better way to look at this passage with more truth from Scripture to confirm it. When the 1000 years begin, the planet will be covered in dead bodies due to the seventh plague’s destructive power and of course the long awaited blessed event we students of prophecy refer to as the second coming.

Isaiah 24:1,3 "Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word."

Jeremiah 25:33, "And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground."

Another definition of the word "hell" is grave. When those 1000 years begin, Satan and his angels will be walking about the earth, which at this time is nothing more than a massive worldwide grave. They are of course waiting for what happens at the end of the 1000 years. That means they have a "reservation" with God to be judged worthy of death when that day comes. And they will most assuredly die.

As for the chains upon Satan; we all know about the man possessed by a Legion of demons often broke the chains that bound him in the graveyard in Luke chapter 8. So how can Satan, who is more powerful than a man, be held by chains? Truth is, these are chains of circumstance. Satan’s desire is to tempt and destroy. But now that all the people he controlled are dead all over the planet, he has no one to tempt and destroy. He is effectively chained from doing that which he wants to do.


#154 Why were people stoned in the Old Testament and not stoned in the New?


Stoning in the Old Testament is the blunt reality of the future death or hell as it is called in the New Testament. What I mean is, in the Old Testament, if they refused to follow the Lord they were killed almost immediately. In the New Testament we see that Jesus taught mercy in a more graphic manner. Truth is, this mercy was there in the Old Testament, and it was often illustrated in many ways. But when Jesus walked among us, He illustrated in a more personal manner our Father’s gift of repentance and salvation. If the people refuse His free gift of salvation offered to them, just as those that rebelled against Him in the Old Testament and were stoned, they will later be killed in hellfire at the end of the 1000 years. So in essence, their death is still absolute no matter what period in time they reside in. It just comes after a lifetime of ignoring the Holy Spirit’s efforts to get them to repent.

Still, this is not to say our Lord doesn’t judge some worthy of death quicker than others even in our day. Just as graphically rebellious crimes in the Old Testament were dealt with quickly by stoning, today many are sentenced to death for crimes of murder. Kind of makes one wonder if some from the Old Testament would look upon our death penalties today as being a bit swift. After all, in Old Testament times, some that caused their fellowman to die were allowed to find exile in neighboring cities. Today of course we place such people in jails until we decide their fate in a court of law.


#155 For the seven last plagues to rain upon the wicked, the Holy Spirit will withdraw from the world, but does that include the people of God?


This has been a misunderstood doctrine for quite some time. But I have to ask, if this was true, why would Jesus say in Matthew 28:20, "..lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."


#156 In Revelation 13:8, where it states whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Someone asked me, if God has already written the names of some people in the book of life, why did He want everybody to repent and does not want anybody to perish knowing that only those whose names are written before the foundation of the world will be saved?


I never discuss such topics as "predestination" because they cannot be verified in Scripture. But I will say this. There is an obvious theme in truth when it comes to all this. What I mean is, some of us are the people of God, and some of us are not. Due to the bad decisions of men and women, the Lord allows us to have people close to us that will not gain Heaven in the end. These people are used of God to help us to grow in Christ in how they tempt us to be angry, and we refuse; they tempt us to walk away, but we persist in sharing Christ; or they tempt us to join with them when walking away is best for them. The people of God are being molded, fashioned and trained to become ambassadors for Christ in eternity. We need the good and bad people to be in our lives right now so as to have the tools and wisdom these experiences will grant us so as to be able to do the work we are slated to do either in the near future, or in eternity, or both.


#157 How would u explain to someone that the bible is real and not corrupted like the rest? And where does it say in the bible about the sabbath is the 7th day and to keep it holy?


Most won't believe the Bible is real no matter what you do. However, you can show them how the historic facts in the Bible are 100% accurate. You can show them how scientific discoveries of today are spoken of thousands of years ago in the Bible. You can show them pics of Noah's ark and evidence of the global flood to confirm the Bible stories. Or show them pictures of the land that used to be called Sodom and how it's loaded with sulfur balls that fell from the sky and everything is destroyed and parched as Scripture said it was. Or Mount Sinai with the blackened peak from when God rested on it, or the chariot wheels from under the red sea where Moses and all of Israel saw them destroyed after Pharaoh’s men sought to kill them, or you can show them a large list of dated prophecies that have been confirmed true in every history book. Still, with some people, all this evidence will be ignored as if it’s all coincidence or merely your opinion. So again, even if you have the ability to outline all the evidence before them that confirms the Bible is true, some people simply won’t believe you. I repeat that so that when that day comes, you won’t feel as if you did something wrong or you were too uneducated to convince them. Only the Holy Spirit can open their eyes to truth. If they have denied the Lord all their lives, truth, no matter how powerful it may be, will still be ignored by those that hate the Lord.

As for the seventh day Sabbath. That’s Commandment #4 in Exodus 20:8-11 or in the New Testament it’s found in Hebrews 4:4,8,9


#158 I just wanted to know, do you think the saints will eat food in the Kingdom. I know that it's a trivial question but I was explaining to a couple of co-workers about clean & unclean meats & I was telling them that there will be no meat eating in the Kingdom. They were saying that there will be no eating at all & 1 of the Jehovah Witness guys was asking me where did I get that the saints would be eating & where do I be getting all of this crazy stuff from. I told him that the saints will have to eat from the tree of life to sustain immortality. He said I'm crazy. 


Yes we will be able to eat in Heaven and you are correct, there will be no meat eating in Heaven. We will be back on the diet of Eden. In fact, the Bible says plainly that at our very first gathering as the Bride of Jesus, we will be served a great feast in Heaven.

So yes, we will be eating in Heaven. In Isaiah 65:21,22 it also says, "And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the  days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands."

Even the animals will be eating. Isaiah 11:6-9 also says, "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea."

So again, yes we will be eating in this “holy mountain” or “Heaven” as we call it today. In fact, we will also be drinking grape juice because Jesus Himself said in Matthew 26:29, "But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom."

As for the tree of life. Yes, you are correct again, it will be in the city for all of us to eat from. It says in Revelation 22:2, "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

The fact the Bible touches on this more than a few times proves, like many other false religions, the Jehovah Witnesses are taught to place their creed, or “statement of faith” above that which is written in the Bible. Something as simple as eating in Heaven proves they do not trust the Word of God as the obedient remnant of her seed does today. After all, why is there fruit in the city of Heaven in the tree of life if no one’s going to eat it?


#159 So the reason for the trials is cuz we are still sinning as christians and need to be taught a lesson? What if we don't sin? Are we still gunna have to deal with trials?

Yes and no.. Some trials come to teach us a better walk or to grant us wisdom, while others come to help us stop sinning. As for not sinning.. no Christian is sinless this side of Heaven. The reality here is this; when we have overcome one sin, the Holy Spirit reveals another one we never knew about. As we respond to His prodding of the heart, we are blessed with the ability to stop that sin as well as the next.. and the next.. and the next.  For example.. when I first became a Christian 30 years ago I stopped all the sins I knew about. But then the Lord revealed to me that smoking was also bad.. so I quit.. then He revealed drinking alcohol, even moderately was bad.. so I quit that too. Then He showed me about my diet, and I quit eating unclean meat and then I eventually became Vegan as well. All these things were not sin to me when I was first saved. But later on, as my walk progressed and my wisdom grew in the Lord, I found some were sins and others would lead me into sin, so I quit whatever the Spirit lead me to quit. Tomorrow I am sure the Lord will reveal even more to me, and the next day and the next day and so on. This is why I say "I am striving unto perfection." Whenever I cross one hurdle, another appears for me to leap over. What amazes me the most is that none of these hurdles anger or even sadden my heart. When I see them I am actually glad to overcome them because I know when I do so I am that much closer to Christ and that much more blessed in the heart. And yes, at times they can be a bit difficult to overcome. But that’s ok too because the reward for doing so is literally out of this world.


#160 How do I flee from the cities as the Bible states I should do because of the end times? Where do I go? How do I survive, live?


You just leave. You find a place to live outside the city, if you can afford to commute; you keep your job in the city and live outside of it. If you cannot commute, then find work outside the city and live as you have always lived. Later, when it comes time to flee to the mountains, caves or forests, the Lord will make it clear it’s time to leave. The death sentence will of course be a major clue. And don’t worry about where your food will come from. The Lord has promised to spread a table for us in the wilderness and our bread and waters will be sure. BUT NONE of this will be possible unless you study the Word and pray daily. Without that relationship with the Lord you cannot possibly be able to discern His will, or know when to leave when that time comes.

One more thing we need to realize about all this is that the Lord will open and close doors in our lives wherein we have no choice but to be in a place He has set before us. What I mean is this. Many years ago, before I was aware I needed to get my family out of the city into the rural area, the Lord set before me a number of circumstances that left my wife and I with no choice but to leave the Chicago area and move to farm country. Everything from landlords refusing to rent to us, to employers refusing to hire me forced us to look for a place to live hours away from the city. Then shortly after moving away from the hustle and bustle of the city and being blessed with more peace than we ever knew possible, we not only discovered the truth about God’s Law and additional information about the beast and its mark, we also discovered in our studies that God’s people were supposed to move out of the cities. When we discovered that we were able to look back and see why the landlord’s kept changing their minds to refund our rent checks, and the companies refused to hire me even though I was more than qualified. It became quite obvious on that day that our Lord moved us out of the city.

Now the reason I shared that was not to make you sit back and hope the Lord does the same for you. He may or may not. What I mean is. We were Sunday keepers at the time and not very knowledgeable of God’s will. Plus I was rather stubborn and insistent on staying in the Chicago area. The Lord had to more or less force me to do what He needed me to do to get me to a place where I would learn to better understand His will for me and mine. But the majority of you within the sound of my voice have already gotten to that place of understanding His will spiritually today. You already know about the Law of God and you already know you need to leave the city. What I would look for in your case are the open doors He is placing before you right know to get out while it’s still safe to do so. And please, don’t echo the same old excuse I hear from so many people today. They think they need to stay in the city because all the jobs are there. I have to ask, have you ever seen the rural area? That’s right, there are actually people living out here that not only have jobs, they have rather blessed lives to boot. If there are no jobs out here, why is it there are so many people out here with homes and such? Plus, one thing I also noticed about living out here is, the gasoline is on average 25 cents a gallon cheaper, food prices are cheaper and the rent as well as mortgages is very much cheaper. For example, when we were living in the Chicago area, a small 4 bedroom house on a very small lot went for $1200.00 to $1500.00 a month! Out here you can find a large 4 or 5 bedroom farmhouse on 5 acres of land for $400.00 a month! I kid you not! In fact, when we first moved away from the city we rented a 5 bedroom massive farm house on 5 acres for $100.00 a month. We lived there for 8 years until we moved to Indiana to rent the 4 bedroom house on the same amount of land for $400.00 a month. Yes, you may not be able to find the same high paying jobs out here, but then you won’t need as much income to live out here either. The exact same jobs and careers are just as available out here as they are in the cities. The only difference is, out here you don’t have to deal with the traffic, billboards, crime stats, or angry police. Everything is so much more peaceful out here that it amazes me more and more people haven’t made the move.


#161 Hello Nicholas, I hope your doing well, I just wanted to get what you had to say about the Cross in brief, I thought that you had once said and I have researched it as well that the cross is a pagan symbol? I did a search online to see how many times the cross is referenced and quite amazingly, it's mentioned quite a bit. I have been in discussion in explaining that the cross is a deception etc etc, …and you know the rest and I need not elaborate. Please help shed some clarity on this matter and hope to hear from you soon
Take Care and God Bless


Yes, the cross is a symbol of the Sun god Baal. Ancient Pagans worshipped the Sun. It was discovered one day by a Pagan back then that when he squinted with his eyes and peered through his own eyelashes while looking directly at the Sun, his tears gathered normally in the lower eyelid and refracted the light while at the same time the filtering of his own eyelashes made what appeared to be a cross of light appear before him. When I heard about that I literally went outside and tried it for myself to make sure it was true. It actually does happen like that. Just be careful to squint very tightly and move the lower lid around until you see what I mean. Camera lenses do the same think, but usually only in a vertical spire of bright yellow light. It’s just a natural effect is all.

So.. why was Jesus hung on a cross? Well, the truth is, Romans are Pagans. Whenever they would kill someone it would be considered an offering to one or more of their many Pagan gods. They would create a cross to place those they thought were criminals and worthy of death as an offering to their gods so as to appease them while at the same time please them in the hopes of reward. In short, obedient Christians don’t worship the cross. We worship He who hung upon it and arose from the dead 3 days later. This is why you don’t see crosses on our websites or if we had a church building you would see no cross on a steeple. Truth is, the steeple itself is a Pagan symbol as well, so that too would be missing from our churches.

Now some may assume that we disrespect Christ by removing the cross from our homes and websites. But if you lived 2000 years ago and saw how that cross was used, you would not be one to place it in your home or on your person. In fact, the only ones that started to do that were Roman Catholic prelates. Being Roman and being Pagan as well, they worshipped the cross and sought for ways to convince others to join them in their idol worship. So, they uplifted the cross as an idol and turned it into an object of veneration and worship and before you knew it, the churches that already agreed with them on everything from Christmas celebrations to Sunday worship, they too started to display the cross as an item worthy of worship.

The Pagan cross was and still is in some cultures today a very violent tool for torture and death. But to better illustrate my point, let me ask you this. If you’ve ever witnessed someone executed on an electric chair you would realize it’s a very painful and very violent way to die. If Jesus were to come in our day as Messiah and we killed Him on an electric chair, would Christians be wearing electric chairs around their necks 2000 years from now? Pretty morbid eh? Now think of a Christian from 2000 years ago who is suddenly plopped into our day to see the cross displayed like it is. I can imagine that Christian saying something like, don’t you know what Jesus did for you on that cross? Don’t you realize how violent and painful that cross was? What’s more important? The Love He displayed by allowing them to kill Him like that? Or the chink of wood they used to kill Him with? As a follower of Jesus Christ, I prefer to remember Him for His message of unconditional love and salvation than to think about the unloving power of Rome. After all, is He not off that cross and alive today? I would think displaying no cross at all is a much bolder statement of faith and declaration that our King Jesus truly defeated Satan that day for all eternity!


#162 Hi brother Nick
my question has to do with Hosea 6:2...a day to the lord is like 1000 years..this appears to be a prophetic statement ...but as to the time frame i don't understand..do you have some discernment on this verse? when would be the time he will revive us according to this verse? because i maybe wrong but it seems to me perhaps this means 2000 years after Christ, the latter rain would fall...and sometime in the next 1000 years would be Christ’s return..but that is just my thoughts on this verse.


Verse in question:Hosea 6:2, "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."

Yes, a day = 1000 years to the Lord according to 2Peter 3:8. Still, there are far too many prophetic statements that refer to Christ returning at the end of 2000 years brother. The Good Samaritan in Luke 10 being the favorite explanation for most of course. In short, Jesus comes in 2000 years after dying for us, not 3000 years. At the end of the 1000 years wherein we do the work of the judgment, He does return to the earth one last time. But at this time, not only will He touch the earth, so will the city of Heaven, as well as all of us that were faithful to ascend with Him at the start of the 1000 years, which was of course at His second coming.

Many prophecies like this one in Hosea are usually penned with the theology of John 14:29 within them so as to keep both the wicked from understanding, as well as to glorify the Lord once the event fulfills unfettered by Satanic confusion around it like we see so many today. In other words, we will understand prophesied events like this much better after the event occurs.

Still, there are some prophetic statements in this passage that if defined using Scripture one can see some inkling as to what’s being prophesied here. Still, this is not to say the event is as I personally see it. But if we apply only scriptural definitions to the symbols, we can see the 2 days are in fact the 2000 years spoken of so often in the prophetic Word.

The word “revive” comes from the Hebrew word “chayah” which means to quicken. Romans 8:11 says, "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." In other words, the faith of many will be blessed and increased in the last days. The Holy Spirit will “revive” them all around the world as the Loud Cry goes forth. Truth is, we can actually see this happening right now.

As for the 3rd day. Using the prophetic calculation of 1 day = 1000 years to the Lord, and the fact that Scripture has much detail on the fact that 1000 years after we go to Heaven we return to earth where the wicked are forever destroyed. After the city of Heaven descends from above to rest on planet earth, we will then live “in His sight” for the rest of eternity.

The term “raise us up” is very interesting to say the least. The word “raise” is actually translated from the Hebrew word “quwm” which means “to establish” or make to “stand.” That being the case, this raising up is perfectly accomplished when the wicked are burned to ash before our eyes and we are “established” or still “standing” afterwards on that day and every day for eternity. In fact, Malachi 4:3 says we will literally walk on the ashes of the wicked that very day.

The reference regarding the Latter Rain is apparent. It is this that those of us that strive to be in the Gideon band hope to experience soon. In fact, it has already begun to drizzle.


#163 Nicholas,
What can you tell me about the following very alarming catholic practices that are increasingly taking place in the evangelical churches, nowadays? Taizé, Lectio Divina, The Labyrinth (prayer walk), Renovaré, guided imagery, Walk to Emmaus, Cursillo, Centering Prayer, Ignatian Awareness Examen, The Jesus Prayer, and The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Alpha course.


The reason we see all this Catholicism finding its way into the churches is merely the end result of the following prophecy being fulfilled right before your eyes…

Revelation 13:3-4, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.  And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"

As for the Pagan aspects of all these practices, see this…


#164 Could you explain Acts 10:34 where it says God is no respecter of persons? What does Peter mean by this?


On earth men have a tendency to acknowledge the rich and celebrities, but at the same time shun the poor and unknown. However, the Lord does not do that. He does not show favoritism because of a man’s stature in life. He doesn’t “respect” the person because he is rich and famous. He respects the person because he is His creation. In short, the Lord treats us all the exact same way no matter what position we hold in life. The Lord looks upon the heart of mankind and not on the position or outward signs of stature or dignity. As is apparent with the widow that offered two mites in Mark 12 or Like 21, she showed more love of the Lord than all the rich men dumping coin after coin into the treasury. You can be the poorest person on earth according to man’s standards, but the richest according to God’s standards. This perfect method of judgment by the Father allows the rich on earth stand next to the poor on earth when both the rich and the poor have the same desire in the heart to obey and love the Lord. Whether they are rich or poor makes no difference when their hearts are in agreement with Christ.


#165 Hi Pastor, in Isaiah 65:20 says-There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days, for the child shall DIE an hundred years old, but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. If you read from verse 17,gives the picture that he is talking about the NEW EARTH. If it is talking of the NEW EARTH, why mentioning death or life span of a child, because i know there will no more death in the NEW EARTH?


The verse in question: Isaiah 65:20, "There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed."

You're correct, Isaiah is speaking of Heaven. But he is doing so in a way to compare it to life on earth so as to show the differences between the two. For example, if I were to word this passage in today's language I might say something like; children will live as children much longer in Heaven. No longer will there be an "infant of days" because even as the child reaches 100 years old in New Jerusalem he will still be but a young man due to the nature of eternal life. Even the older people in Heaven, which by the way are only older in days, not appearances, will have such an experience in life that each day will be filled with wonderful experiences that fill each day. As for the child dying at 100 years old; just as we eventually step from infancy to adolescents in today's world at about 10 years old, Isaiah compares a child in heaven that will seem to "grow up" at around 100. To further illustrate the differences between life on earth with that of Heaven, Isaiah then compares the sinner, who even if he were to be allowed in Heaven, which he is not of course, would still be subject to death and forever accursed even at the grand old age of 100 years of age because the obedient experience eternal life which is never ending. On earth we may see 100 years of life as being amazing. But in Heaven, even a sinner aged 100 years old would be considered accursed.

As for the child that dies at 100 years old. What we see here is similar to that of Romans 6:6-7 which says, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.  For he that is dead is freed from sin."

Let me ask you this, when you first found Christ, did you actually die that day? Or did you die to the ways of life that day? In other words, just as the sinner who finds Christ dies of the life they used to live, so would the child that reaches age 100 die of the ways they used to live. In both eternity and on earth sooner or later we step out of childhood and into adulthood. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."


#166 Is it biblically proper (or at least acceptable) to say to myself "I have received these blessings because I have 'been a good boy' and followed God's laws and teachings, and God has blessed me."?  Or is such a statement a sign of pride and arrogance and a lack of humility?  Are there any scriptural references I should consult?

I ask because I suspect eventually someone will notice that, even under trying conditions, we are doing okay.  And that someone will eventually ask the question "why"?  I would like to be able to give an honest answer without offending God.  Additionally, from time-to-time I like to review all of the blessings He has bestowed on me and my family, and I do not want my emotional response to hamper my prayer life or be offensive to Him.



We have the blessings because we are obedient. However, we can become prideful as the Pharisee in Luke 18:10-14 did when we let these blessings go to our head. Yes, the blessings are the direct result of obedience, and yes we deserve the blessings as promised. But you’re correct that to gloat in these blessings can lead to prideful thoughts. So just be careful to realize that #1, we too were once as lost as others we may meet in life, and #2, no matter how many blessings are received, we are still being educated daily by the Holy Spirit to recognize unknown sins we are still committing and then repent of same.

When someone sees the blessings upon me I see no sin in telling them they are there because I am obedient to the Lord. I tell them that He promised to bless me if and when I obey and they too can be blessed by doing as He commands. Nothing wrong in that. In fact, it glorifies the Lord in the eyes of the lost when they see His promises are real. But the minute I begin to think I am better than the next guy, that is when sin creeps in. Because the truth of the matter is, I am also a sinner saved by grace.


#167 I Just found your website via YouTube. I'm very impressed with all the info that is on your website, and it will take me some time to catch up with it all. Since we're running out of time, I hope you don't mind me asking you some questions. ;) (I searched already, but I couldn't really find what I was looking for)

I read the article on who the beast/anti-christ/666 is. I did not know there were 11 titles for the pope that all ended in 666. I did know about the mark, but had absolutely no idea that most of Revelation had already come to pass. My understanding now is that the current pope will lead to Armageddon is that right? Do you guys perhaps have like a page with "the next event" for me to study?

To be honest I had pegged "Prince Charles of Whales" (=666). I guess the statue of him being an angel and the little horn (William) stuff had me fooled. Do you think there's any truth in that at all? In other words, do you think Prince Charles, as the future king, will play a roll in the end times?

The reason I'm asking is because I was tracking Freemasons, to Illuminati, to the Order of Garter to Prince Charles, so in a way it made perfect sense. Maybe I was wrong, and the Illuminati goes directly to the Vatican.


First of all, there is a Catholic prophecy suggesting the time frame for the last pope, but Catholic prophecy is not prophecy. It’s their agenda. I go into some detail about that false prophecy here… http://www.remnantofgod.org/jp2.htm#Malachy

As for Prince Charles, yes I’ve seen that statue of him with the wings as well. And I have no doubt he will play a role in the last days as his mother is not going to live much longer, and seeing how he is connected with Rome already in this manner, he may have an important role to boot. BUT, the 666 only implies he agrees with Rome, just like all the Rock stars that flash the 666 hand sign, or the large corporations that incorporate it into their logos, or all the banks that have it hidden in their buildings or the post offices that usually have it displayed in ancient hieroglyphics. Prince Charles, the musicians or the CEO’s cannot be THE antichrist because all the other prophecies about the antichrist cannot possibly be fulfilled by or in them. Especially since most fulfillment occurred long before any of them were born.

As for the Illuminati, the masons and the Jesuits just to name a few, they are ALL inventions of the Popes. They were all highly secretive in nature for centuries; and only recently were discovered by the general population. I have been asked many times why I don’t point out more info on each of these evil societies and I always tell them, why bother with the middleman when we have so many rock hard prophecies exposing their leader in Rome?

As for your comments about the US, the Vatican and the UK, as far as I see it, that is a valid description of how they plan to control the world. Many call it the unholy trinity of Hell. Truth is, the USA was only recently added to their conglomeration, but yes; they all work for the same agenda now.


#168 What does it mean when someone says "you can't take the bible literally" not sure how they worded it but it confused me..  what other way is there to take it? Symbolically?  Don't you take it both ways?


The people that say you can't take the Bible literally usually say that because the truth it contains either angers them or it confuses them because of preconceived ideas as to what they've been taught. For example, when the Bible literally says "the wages of sin are death" they say that's wrong. They were taught people that go to hell never die, they scream for all eternity in the flames. But they're wrong, the Bible literally does say they will die when the Lord uses the hellfire on them; and we will walk on their ashes at the end of the 1000 years. But because they were taught people are alive in hellfire for eternity, their only comeback is, "you can't take the Bible literally."

And  yes.. you can take it both literally AND symbolically. But unless they have the Holy Spirit directing their understanding, they can't tell which is which. This is what caused the Christian church to lose the Spirit of prophecy over the last 1700 years. When the church agreed to disobey God’s law when it came to the true Sabbath and then started to keep Rome’s law to keep the Sunday Sabbath, their ability to understand prophecy ended just as it did for the Jews of old whenever they rebelled against God. Yes, they still had prophets, but now they could only warn them to repent. It wasn’t until the church started to become obedient to God’s law that we started to see Christians not only understanding the ancient prophetic Word, but they also understand what’s coming as well. But sadly, being as close to the end as we are now, only a small remnant church has this understanding. But that too was prophesied, and just as the people saw a puny little youth do the work of God to destroy Goliath of old, so shall this very small group of obedient Christians do the most mighty work ever prophesied by God. That day is upon us right now.


#169 Someone in the Bible asked Jesus what they should do to have eternal life and Jesus named only 6 commandments after saying keep the commandments.. Why is that? 


Passage in question: Matthew 19:16-24, "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?  And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.  He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,  Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?  Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.  But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.  Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.  And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

Verse 16 actually holds the answer as to why Jesus didn’t share the first 4 commandments. But before sharing, it needs to be understood that the first 4 commandments deal with how we relate to God. Commandments 1-4, if kept, will reflect a true and loving relationship with the Lord. Keeping the last 6 shows a good relationship with our fellowman. The reason Jesus didn’t mention the first 4 commandments to him is because He knew the man’s heart and He knew he desired Heaven, and He knew the man was trying to have that good relationship with the Lord. The fact the man displayed love for Christ and had a desire to do whatever He asked confirms this in verse 16 where it says the man walked up to Jesus and actually called him, “Good Master,” and then asked what he needed to do to gain eternal life. Jesus confirmed the fact He was “Good Master” by saying, in verse 17, “...Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God:”

Jesus knew this man understood the basic truths behind keeping the first 4 commandments by his loving comments and zealous question; and so he only shared 5 of the last 6 with him. His desire to do His will, as is apparent in the fact he asked Jesus what to do to gain Heaven, confirmed he wanted to follow Him. But it was also obvious by how he responded to Christ’s answer that he wanted to follow Him by his own standards and he had an obvious problem with the last 6 commandments. Worse yet, this man also illustrates he was self-deceived. What I mean is, because he failed to keep the last 6, it mean he was also failing to keep the first 4; even though he assumed he was ok there. Reason being is, if he was truly keeping the first 4, he would have had an obedient heart and then easily moved by the Lord He sought to follow to keep the last 6 as well.

Like many of the rich today, his wealth became his idol and it distracted his ability to see clearly. Since the man was obviously only trying to keep the first 4 commandments so as to gain Heaven, Jesus knew He needed to relate to him his need in keep the remaining 6 as well. The fact he had issues with selling all he had to help the poor proved he was wrestling with how he was to properly relate with his fellowman. Calling Jesus “Good Master” illustrated he understood the first 4 to the point of offering lip service to Christ, but his riches and his apparent white knuckle grip upon them proved he lacked understanding and the desire to keep the last 6.

And by the way, did you notice when Jesus was reciting the last 6 commandments that He didn’t recite commandment number 10 to the rich man? Now, this is only my opinion, but I feel it’s because the man was very rich. Being as rich as he was, he had everything he needed and coveting his neighbor’s goods was not an issue with him. Jesus REALLY knew this man’s heart, just as He knows ours today.


#170 Many claim we can never know which day of the week is truly Sabbath. So I'm wondering about something.. since there is the Julian and Messianic calendar.. There are tropical years and solar years.. how are all these accurately recorded? Do we even know if our current calendar is accurate? Is today really Tuesday? Is it possible that it is in fact a different day?


This is usually what some people use as an excuse to ignore the Word of God and our Father’s will. Since we know the Lord “winks” at our times of ignorance when it comes to all sorts of sinful acts we perform daily. (Acts 17:30) Why would He not wink at our ignorance of the calendar and days of the week? Still, the basic reality in all this is that WE DO KNOW what day is Sabbath because of the Jews. Even though the Jews are no longer the “chosen people.” (See proof here) And even though the Jews were not the first ones to keep the Sabbath holy, they are the only people on earth that have used the same calendar for thousands of years. In fact, most Orthodox Jews to this day have a chart in their own homes outlining every Sabbath and holy day for at least 50 years into the future just in case. That being said, I too had this question when I was a young Christian. So I sought out an Orthodox Jew and asked him what day is Sabbath? He told me, and I quote, “It’s what you American’s call Friday Sundown till Saturday Sundown.”


#171 Hello I have a little sister who is very confused and I have a hard time finding answers to her questions. I use your website to help find answers but she has been talking to some Jehovah's witnesses that are just making it worse. They are convincing her that hell is torturous punishment forever. I gave her the verses from your page on the subject but there is one verse (rev 20:10) she gave me that you did not address and I wasn't sure how to respond to her. If you could help explain it to me I would appreciate it. Thanks and God bless!


The verse in question is…
Revelation 20:10, "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

It also says of those that follow the devil…

Revelation 14:11, "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."

This is the ONLY verse they can use to create their doctrine. The fact I shared so many other verses that say otherwise proves I did as Scripture said to do when finding doctrine. Isaiah 28:9-10 said, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

In other words, ONE VERSE does not a doctrine make. If there are so many verses that proves Hell is not eternal life in fire, that means they must be taking this passage out of context. Still, there is an easy way to combat this twisted theology on Revelation 20:10. The term “for ever” here is twisted today to mean “eternity.” Notice this…

Exodus 21:2,5-6, "If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free: Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever."

Here we see the means by which a slave becomes a bondservant “forever” in a particular family. Back then, if a slave loved the family he served he requested to stay on as a slave to the family “for ever” rather than be released as a free man in the seventh year. According to the Jehovah witnesses that term “for ever” now means eternity. But I have to ask, how can that be? After the slave dies will he be asked to resurrect every time his master seeks a meal, a cold drink, or help in the field? No, of course not. They merely took the passage out of context to make the Bible agree with their creed.

Or what of the time Hannah took her son Samuel to abide in the house of God forever?

1 Samuel 1:22, "But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the LORD, and there abide for ever." But if you read down to 1 Samuel 1:28 she says, "Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD. And he worshipped the LORD there." She obviously meant forever to mean for a lifetime. Or, look at Isaiah 34:10 as another example. When speaking of the destruction of Edom. Does it not say “the smoke thereof shall go up for ever:”? As I look to the east I see that fire has gone out, and I see no more smoke arising in the place Edom stood.

Truth is, Satan has been twisting words in Scripture all along to make the Bible appear to say things it never said. A good way to see this as a valid statement is, in today’s world the word “gay” means homosexual, but as little as 40 years ago it actually meant happy and giddy. The word “bad” meant bad, and today it means something is “cool,” and the word “cool” used to mean something that was cold to the touch, but when it came out as slang it meant someone was “hip” and as far back as I can recall the word “hip” referred to a bone that guided the leg bone that allowed humans or animals to walk. My point is… I can go on for ever and ever on this one.. pun intended of course.


#172 1.Are Jehovah's Witnesses on the "good" side?
2.Are people before Jesus' time considered saved? Eg. Moses, Jeremiah etc.


#1, No, JW’s are very much off the path of truth. They not only keep Sunday holy, they have many other strange doctrines not found in the Word. Plus their so called “prophets” have falsely predicted the end of the world literally dozens of times. That fact alone puzzles me as to why people are still in that church. If you believe the Word, it says false prophets will predict the date of the end of the world. If they were to do this once or twice, one can see that it would be a good reason to leave that church. But they did it dozens of times and still the people remain within? Why? Do a study on the strong delusion that is sent those that hate the truth when you get time. A good starting point would be 2 Thessalonians chapter two.

#2, Yes, all those that were obedient to the Lord and did what was needed to be done in the Sanctuary when they sinned, are just as saved as those that were obedient to the Lord and repented in the New Testament. The Old Testament Sanctuary service was an open profession of faith in the coming Messiah just as much as baptism is an open profession of faith in the Messiah who already came.


#173 Please explain 2 Corinthians 3:14-15

My grandma came up to me and showed me 2 Corinthians 3:14-15 and said that is the reason why they don't need to keep the Sabbath. How do I explain this?


The verse in question is…2 Corinthians 3:14-15, "But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.  But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart."

The vail represents the blindness upon the eyes of those that refuse Christ as Lord. This passage has nothing to do with the Sabbath at all. It simply means that when people accepted Jesus Christ as Lord the “vail was lifted” off their hearts and WISDOM blessed them with the ability to understand Scripture. But as verse 15 intimates, the Jews, who refuse to accept Christ as Lord and only read the books of Moses, for them the vail remains and they cannot see the truth clearly.

If I was to declare this passage in today’s language I would have to say, the minds of the Jews were so hardened by hatred of Christ that even as He stood before them explaining the truth better than anyone else, their blindness remained upon them. But that blindness is lifted for all those that accept Jesus because His Spirit opens their eyes.

This is also why Jesus said in Matthew 13:15-16, "For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.  But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear."


#174 Praying "in Jesus name"

Dear Nic, I have been into your web site many times over the last several years and have read many of your teachings. My wife and I just recently started listening to your sermons and there is no problem, but my question is, after listening to your sermon on 8/24/13 concerning the 10 commandments. Your comment concerning the 3rd commandment, that saying "in the name of Jesus" at the end of my prayers is wrong. I try giving thanks to the Lord before each and every meal. I am concerned that in doing so, if it makes me break the 3rd commandment then I will stop. I thought that we or I should give God thanks in the name of Jesus for everything. Please forgive me, I'm just a little confused at this point. If the Apostle Paul in Acts 16:18 rebuked the woman in the name of Jesus. Then was wrong to say "in the name of Jesus” after prayer. Again, please forgive my ignorance. Thanks and God bless.


I’m sorry if what I said confused you. Truth is, there is no wrong in saying “In Jesus name” at the end of a prayer. It’s only wrong when we say that while KNOWING we are in sin in some way in our lives. If you have repented of all the sins you know about, then you have every right to say “In Jesus name” at the end of every prayer. I apologize for not making that clear.


#175 Should I rebuke every sinner I meet on campus?

Hello there, I need to ask something. If I go to the university and almost half the students smoke and more than half the girls wear revealing clothing, am I responsible for the sins of all these people, and I will die for their sins if I don't reprove them all?


You cannot reprove them all. Just walking among them as a Christian is enough.

I recall when I was a teenager that there were some teenagers in my school that were Christians. I never asked them if they were, but I could tell they had been with Christ in Spirit by the way they carried themselves. The guys didn’t smoke and drink or use foul language and the girls were dressed very modestly.

Bottom line is this. They can SEE their own wickedness when they SEE your Christianity. The good thing is that “some” that are engrossed in sin but seeking deep down inside will be moved to interact with you as the Spirit moves upon them. It is these you can share your faith with and even reprove if need be. But remember, if and when you are moved by the Lord to reprove them, do so in a way that does not lead them to anger. Share the love of Jesus and let the Spirit reprove their hearts peacefully.


#176 Please explain Hebrews 13:4. How do we defile the marriage bed?

Nicholas, could you please explain to me in more detail this verse from Hebrews 13:4; "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." Regarding what it says about the bed to be undefiled, which means "free from stain or blemish" and "not having its purity or excellence debased"; I've heard many explanations; what does it refer to? what could defile a bed?


Verse in question is...
Hebrews 13:4, "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."

I believe 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 may cast a light on this passage. It says we must, "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.  What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

Since fornication and adultery defiles the body, and that body being the temple of the Holy Ghost, then I can see how the bed itself can be defiled. The fact the passage speaks of whoremongers and adulterers and those that can defile the bed, I have to assume that being married stops this defilement, and rightly so because Scripture teaches us that sex outside of marriage is sinful. Hence, when married or “obedient,” the bed cannot be defiled, wherein it would be had we committed the act in disobedience or before marriage.

Our Lord sanctioned marriage in the garden. I believe this is why Satan is attacking marriage today just as he does with Sabbath. Both these sacraments were created and blessed in creation week. Since the Lord created marriage, and designed it for a man and a woman in that garden, it becomes “honourable" as Paul stated in Hebrews. It’s actually one of the first gifts of God to man, and it is one of the two institutions that, even after sin was committed, Adam brought with him when he stepped out of Eden. When the divine principles designed by the Creator are recognized and obeyed in this relation, marriage is not only a blessing; it acknowledges the Creator who sanctioned and blessed the first marriage. If done as He prescribes, it will guard the heart and Christian morality will be that much easier to attain in the life of the obedient soul.

When we go to the bed without first doing as He commanded, we defile that bed in more ways than we can imagine. We declare Him a lesser God in that we can easily disobey by choice and we of course defile the bed by simply committing the act itself.

Many seem to forget that the very first act Jesus did at the start of His ministry was to partake in a wedding feast in Cana. Looking back I can see Him recognizing it as the institution he Himself established 4000 years prior in Eden.

Marriage is also used as a symbol of the union between Christ and His obedient bride. As students of prophecy we know, He Himself is the Bridegroom; and His bride is the church, of which, He says, "Thou art all fair, My love; there is no spot in thee."  Why no spot? Because by being obedient, we are undefiled.


#177 Please explain 1Timothy 1:5-11

I need help brother with the following verses.  I'm sure you have experience with people throwing this back at you when trying to preach the law, but I must admit, I don't fully comprehend what Paul is trying to say here. I need some help with these verses.  If you could, please help me understand what these verses mean or rather the context behind these verses.  Thank you very much as always.

Verse in question is...
1 Timothy 1:5-11

Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;11 According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.


What this passage is saying is the same thing that is being said in Galatians 5:22-23 which is, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."

To the unlearned soul, the passage in question looks to say that they which have these good qualities won’t have to worry about keeping the ten commandments. That’s true.. but not in the way they assume… What I mean is, the law was not written for the righteous simply because they choose not to break it deep within their heart. They have the ability to make such a decision because they are moved by the Spirit to be obedient. The law has nothing on those that keep it. The Law was written to teach the unrighteous how to become righteous. Problem is, as we all know, when we look at the law, we cannot keep it unless we have Christ, who is righteous and within us as He promised. Being within us by His Holy Spirit He is constantly helping us to keep His law. So, again, as this passage in Timothy intimates, the law is not made for a righteous man. The basic reality here is, it was made to point out sin to the unrighteous.

You can also look at it this way. In Mark 2:17 Jesus said, "..They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

Seeing how the righteous are already doing their duty in obedience to the Lord, Jesus wasn’t concerned for them being in danger. It was those that were in sin that needed His help.


#178 Did God create everything with a big bang?


What most people miss in this is that it’s called the big bang “theory” for a reason. No one existed when God created everything, so no one really knows whether it was a big or even a small bang for that matter. That being said, the big bang theory is just that, a theory, a concept, a philosophy, a hypothesis. Nothing more, nothing less. We must also keep in mind that those that invented the big bang theory are also those that claim we came from apes. In cases such as this we must consider the source. If they cannot see the truth regarding creation, how can they possibly know what happened at the start of creation?

God created everything, yes. Did He do so in a "big bang?" I doubt it. The reason I doubt there was a big band is because I can see Him creating at will and having fun with it, for lack of a better word. Being a Creator, he would just create new worlds on a regular basis. Take the Orion Nebula for example. Planets, stars and quasars are being created there each and every day. But when our scientists peer into that region with radio telescopes there is no sound. That means, if there's no sound as He creates the planets and stars now, why would there be a "big bang" back when He started? The fact they claim it’s a big bang confirms the shortsightedness of mankind. Being as finite in thought as man has proven to be, but having the ability to blow things up, I can see how they fall back on what they consider their crowning achievement when it comes to explosions. Seeing how they can make a bomb that can cause such massive devastation they figure the opposite, wherein an explosion can bring forth massive creation. It sounds logical and quite comical at the same time.

By the way, scientists have just discovered a big bang is actually impossible. Reason being is. Using slow motion cameras and physics to boot, they discovered that when something explodes everything in the debris field spins in the exact same direction. That being the case, why is it some planets and moons spin in different directions. That tells me.. they really have no clue.


#179 Why didn't Jesus mention the Sabbath in Matthew 19:16?

Hi Nicholas
I’m having a debate with a Christian brother, I’ve told him about keeping the 10 commandments and keeping Saturday holy, he sent me these scriptures from Matthew 19;16. Now I know you have been through this debate already, what do I say, and why is Jesus not mentioning the Sabbath day here?

The verse in question is...
Matthew 19:16, "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?"


The man he was speaking to was a Jew. Jews kept the Sabbath. It was not a question at all with this man. And yes, he was a Jew. The fact he acknowledged the commandments as being valid confirms this. At that time, only the Jews kept them.


#180 I was sent a list of bible contradictions from a friend of mine. Does this prove the Bible is false?


These are not contradictions. Atheists love to twist the Word and make it appear to contradict. Truth is, if you have the Holy Spirit, you know what those verses mean because the Holy Spirit enlightens the heart and shows how they don’t contradict at all. But if you are not a believer, the Bible will appear to contradict. That’s the beauty of the Word. Two people can read it. One with faith and the other without; the one with faith is blessed and the one without cannot see anything nor can he be blessed. Why does God do this in His Word? Let me ask you this. If those that hated God knew EXACTLY what His Word said in certain areas, would they not be very effective in twisting it, manipulating current events to make prophecy confusing, and literally lie with a more believable foundation so as to lure many more away from God? Yes, they already twist it now. But even a babe in Christ can see the twist. But if they were able to see the Word as it is meant to be seen, then they would even more effective in twisting it.

Bottom line is this.. The Bible has been attacked for literally thousands of years and Atheists have claimed for just as long that Christianity will die off, yet the Bible is still the number 1 best seller and all those lying Atheists in history that claimed Christianity would die off in their generation are dead and the Bible is still standing tall.

I’ve seen God’s hand move, I’ve seen Him open His Word, I’ve seen His prophecies come true and I’ve seen Him heal people right before my eyes. And all that I see is in agreement with what He penned in His Word. If Atheists want to trust Satan, so be it. As for me and my house, we will love and serve the Lord.


#181 I get this next question a lot in email and on YouTube. So, I decided to post it in here so as to have the answer posted online in permanence.

do you think we'll get to meet the beings from those other unfallen worlds one day?


Revelation 20:6, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years."

Who do you think we will reign over when we gain Heaven? Each other? Impossible. As we see here in Revelation 20:6, all that gain Heaven will reign with Christ, right? So, if we reign with Him, WHO will we reign over since we can't reign over each other? Common sense also dictates that only obedient Christians from earth that later gain Heaven are the ones that know the difference between good and evil. That means we will have the wisdom necessary to reign. And being as we were obedient to Christ, we will have the proper heart to reign as well. In short.. yes, we will get to know those people on the unfallen worlds.


#182 I recently read where a snake handling preacher in Tennessee died following being bitten by a rattlesnake he was handling during church services..The church there relies on Mark 16 vs 17-18....I wanted to ask you is this a command from God or something that people will just do?


Verse in question:

Mark 16:17-18, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;  They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

They that handle the snakes as this preacher did take the Scripture out of context and put the Lord to a foolish test. It’s no different than Satan asking Jesus to jump off the pinnacle of the temple. Jesus refused of course because it was not necessary to jump just to make a point or even prove He was the Son of God. After all, Satan knew Jesus was the Son of God. He was just tempting Him to flaunt that reality.  Presumption is actually a very common temptation. We see this in living color with these snake handlers. Quite often people claim to be great in the Kingdom of God even here on earth and with that puffed up pride assume God will bow to their demands whenever the needs arises, whether it be of God’s will or not. I’ve met Christians over the years that will walk into bars, frequent mardi gras, go to Vegas and even visit friends they know they will be doing drugs so as to try and reach them on their grounds. But the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:12, "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."

Satan is very cunning here. He knew Jesus was the Son of God and tempting Him with out of context Scripture wherein it said in Psalms 91:12, "They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." Is no different than the snake handler being tempted by Satan to pick up serpents. Worse yet, as is obvious for those that have seen these men do this with their own eyes, these snake handlers seek to exalt self by spiritually showing off. God can’t bless that at all. In fact, it says in Matthew 23:12, "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

Look at it this way… if I am forced to drink poison or somehow handle a poisonous snake by mistake as Paul did 2000 years ago, then the Lord will protect me from danger if it is His will to do so. But if I purposely take up that snake or drink the poison to declare my faith is perfect, then I am on my own. This is what most people miss about these snake handlers. If that verse is really saying we must take up serpents to prove our faith, why is it they don’t also drink the poison? It’s because they know they can “charm” the snake not to bite most of the time; but they cannot charm their own gut not to digest the poison.

Notice this… that verse also says “they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Why is it we keep hearing of these snake handlers dying? Sure, some may survive after being bitten, but the pain and suffering they always go through proves God never protected them in the first place. Case in point: when Paul was bitten by that snake when tending to the fire, notice this…

Acts 28:5-6, "And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.  Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god."

Everyone of those snake handlers that get bit swell up and moan and groan in pain and many of them actually die. Paul not only “felt no harm” when he picked up that snake that was fastened to his hand, those looking on noticed he didn’t even swell up!


#183 God bless you in guiding me to scripture.

My friend wants to get together on April 15, for Passover. He wants to do foot washing along with grape juice to represent the Lords blood and unleavened bread. I cannot find in scripture that says we should do that. I thought that all was done away with when our Lord Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I thank the Lord for coming into my life more and more.


Yes, the Passover and all feast days was done away at the cross. See this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/Yah-feast.htm

As for foot washing and the grape juice and unleavened bread, that’s what replaced the feast days and SHOULD be done by every baptized Christian until Christ comes. See this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/csp/communion.htm This is the page of verses I read from when we do the Communion service every few months. I explain it in more detail as I do it of course. But I only do that live during the service. I do have recordings on the sermon page on the site of course from past gatherings. The last communion service was done on January 11, 2014. The recording is located here… http://www.remnantofgod.org/hc/mp3/011114sermon.mp3


#184 In Matthew 24:20 it says, “But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day:”

When Christ is warning the Jews of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, why the Sabbath warning?

I can understand the Winter warning. It’s not smart to run in the winter when resources are harder to gather and things such as that. (or is even that not what He meant?) But why the Sabbath warning?


The city of Jerusalem was a walled city back then. The only way in and out of the city was through the many gates in the wall. However, on Sabbath, only one type of gate was allowed to remain open. It was called the needle gate. This gate was so small that if you wanted to bring a loaded camel through it, you would have to unload the camel on the outside of the gate, bring each item in one by one, then you would have to either drag the camel through on his knees, or somehow get the camel to crawl on his knees to enter through that gate. In short, that would take all day to get through.

They purposely made the needle gate small so as to deter the Sabbath breaking merchants that frequented the city for trade. This is why Jesus said in Matthew 19:24, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

That being said, to flee the city on Sabbath would be very difficult even if the people didn’t take anything with them. For hundreds of thousands of Christians to go through the small needle gate would be very difficult if not impossible to do in one day or in one night under the cover of darkness. It would be very apparent to the authorities in the city that they were fleeing. The long lines of Christians trying to get out of the city would no doubt stretch for miles, and everyone in the city would know something’s up with the Christians. Arguments and perhaps riots would ensue.


#185 What are your thoughts on the Third Temple?


The third temple is a false doctrine of Satan. If they rebuild it, the Lord will not see it as worthy of His presence. When Jesus died on the cross 2000 years ago, He said “it is finished,” and the temple veil ripped, the presence of the Father left the temple, and the feast days ended signifying that which Jesus did on the cross and all that the temple services pointed to regarding Messiah were FINISHED when He died for us. To build a temple now will not only blaspheme God, it will declare what Jesus did 2000 years ago was insufficient for our salvation.

The temple was designed as a copy of the real temple in New Jerusalem. Or Heaven as most understand it to be. The earthly copy was given to Moses to receive sin offerings in a proleptic fashion that was to point to a Saviour that would eventually come and perform the actual act of payment for sin that all the lamb sacrifices signified in advance. In short.. the third temple is 100% useless to the people of God because we know who the Lamb of God is and what He did for us on Calvary. But a third temple would be quite useful for Satan to convince billions to blaspheme the Father and question the Son’s gift of salvation. Even if they never build it and merely speak of its importance, that is good enough for the enemy of souls because he would already have them bowing to his lies. And if they actually build it, and there are rumors they have already started, it’s to further confuse those that refuse to do any real Bible study to combat this heresy. They will see it as a holy Temple, and they will be moved to bow to Satan and his lies by agreeing that which Jesus did 2000 years ago was undone.

I see it as yet another smokescreen of Satan. For example, the Jews in the middle-east are looked upon to this day as the chosen people of God simply because all the false teachers, pastors and preachers keep saying so. But nothing can be further from the truth. The people of Israel today not only deny Jesus Christ as Messiah, they hate and persecute His people on a regular basis. How I ask can they be chosen of God when they deny His perfect will and refuse to accept His Son as Messiah and Saviour? I have a page on the site as well as a video I share on this topic that you may be interested in.

When speaking to the Jews, Jesus said in Matthew 3:9-10, "And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.  And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."

And later, in Acts 13:46 we find the prophecy regarding having the Kingdom of God taken from “physical Israel” straightforwardly fulfilled when Paul and Barnabas are being ridiculed and reproached by the Jews one day with blasphemous statements as they try to share the Gospel message. So on that fateful day, Paul and Barnabas turned to the Jews that were speaking out against them and said, “…It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.”

Again.. see this page on my site for more info on this…http://www.remnantofgod.org/israel.htm

The video is linked out from there as well.


#186 My mom thinks that people don't need to know who antichrist is. She’s been attending the SDA church for fellowship, and she thinks what you do is scare people with your end time preaching about what’s going to happen to Christian. You know, the, plagues etc. I told her people need to know this.


You are correct. They need to hear it. And yes, today, many believe my teachings scare people. This is why they prefer not to hear it. They want entertaining sermons. Ironically, this prophesied in Isaiah 30:9-10 where it says, "That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:"

Also keep in mind, if prophecy was not supposed to be spoken to the people, why is it the Bible is 33% prophecy?


#187 Just today, as my mom was picking me up, I discovered that she'd told everyone in our extended family about my beliefs so she could prove me wrong. I was able to prove most of them wrong (Yes, she actually made a list), but there was one that I got stuck on. It was from my aunt (The one that doesn't keep the ten commandments). Could you please explain it?


1 Corinthians 10:25-27, “Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake. (26) For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. (27) If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.


As per our previous emails, I must assume you’re talking about eating unclean foods sold in the shambles? If so, the Jews only bought from Jews. Therefore, whatever was sold was already known to be clean. For example, a Jew would never buy or sell a pig at market because they knew Scripture states plainly that it would defile the body and they would lose many customers. Therefore, no unclean animals would be sold. Using this verse to sanction unclean foods is easily combatted by using simple historic facts regarding Jewish custom and Old Testament Scripture regarding clean and unclean animals.


#188 I read your article about what happens when we die. It was very interesting, and I plan to pray more and seek more into it. My brother just passed away from cancer and since then I have been searching what the Bible says about death and what happens when we die, because before I read your article I  always thought angels come and off they drift to heaven. One day shortly after he passed away (which btw he passed on 10-29-13) I began to ask God.. what does the Bible say about death? It was then I found your website.

However, this isn't the main reason for me contacting you. I wanted to email you to ask another question. There is a prophet lady at our church, and she's been communicating with Roger (my brother that passed away). She said God took her to heaven and she spoke with Roger in heaven, and Roger had a few messages for us. Everyone in the church seem to believe her but something in me was like, "whoooaaa.. is that bibilcal?" talking to the dead? I asked some spiritual leaders and they just tell me that "God uses prophets differently from regular Christians so that’s why she was given that gift".. Now I am completely confused. Can you possibly tell me or direct me to where in the Bible it says speaking to the dead is forbidden?


I am sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. I Pray the Lord blesses you with peace in your time of grieving.

You are absolutely correct, it is dangerous to trust or even listen to psychics or those that claim to be prophets in such churches. In fact, the Bible is very clear about the state of the dead as you know from reading that study I shared on the site. This means it is not your brother that false prophet was speaking to. And we can also be assured that she was never allowed in Heaven as the Word clearly says in Revelation 21:27 that nothing that defiles will enter into the kingdom of Heaven. That woman is actually communicating with a demon, or a “familiar spirit” as the Bible calls it, and the church members agreeing with her are not reading their Bibles, or if they are, they don’t trust the Word of God at all. If they did read or trust their Bibles they would know what it says about trusting people like that false prophet claiming to speak to Roger. Just to name a few of the many verses we see the Lord’s will regarding this…

·         Leviticus 19:31 Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.

·         Leviticus 20:6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

·         Deuteronomy 18:10-12, "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee."

·         2 Kings 23:24 Moreover the workers with familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD.

·         Isaiah 8:19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?


#189 Am I a prophet because I have dreams that come true for me and my family?


Whether you’re a prophet or not I do not know, as I am aware that the Lord still grants His people this gift to this day as per 1 Corinthians 12:28 theology. I do not know you personally, and I do not know your fruits. So again, whether you’re a prophet or not, I cannot say at this time. However, the dreams you have of which that help to guide you in life as well as confirm certain steps you have already taken, it is written in Job 33:15-17 the following truths. “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.” -Job 33:15-17

Many believers and non-believers have witnessed such things in life and we see that according to the book of Job, this can be done with believers and non-believers. I say non-believers because Elihu is counseling Job in this passage and at the time he is ridiculing him as a sinner unworthy of God’s blessings. And we all know the Lord instructs the just as well as the unjust in all generations. And no, it’s not false theology because Elihu is sharing it. He knows Job is a godly man and therefore relies upon the Word of truth when trying to counsel Job.

The other toss of the coin is that Satan can also influence our dreams. So the basic condition laid out in Isaiah 8:20 or Acts 17:11 applies, wherein we make sure that which we dream matches that which is written by the Lord.

Isaiah 8:20, "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

Acts 17:11, "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."


#190 Hi Pastor Nicholas, please explain the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10. All the persons who mentioned are allegorical? Thanks, God Bless


As for those mentioned here being allegorical or figurative, none of us will know until we get Home. But knowing my Lord and how He is able to read every heart and recall every life experience of every man on earth, I have a tendency to lean more towards these mentioned in the parable being actual people who did just as He outlines. Still, when looking at it as a parable, we do see a prophetic fact being put forth. For example, one can see that…

One more thing. Ever notice this?

And as this parable declares...


#191 It says in Matthew 24:5, "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." My question is, how can people claiming to be Christians also claim to be Jesus Christ Himself?


This verse is one of many that is misunderstood thanks to Satan’s ability to change meanings of many words in language. The word “Christ” (Strong’s #5547 Christos {khris-tos'}) in this passage is defined as “anointed.”

Now, look around, we see all sorts of Christian leaders like Benny Hinn that claim to be Christians while at the same time claiming to be one that has the anointing. Hinn even declared a curse on all men that speak against his so called anointing. Just look up Benny Hinn’s curse on Youtube. This prophecy has been fulfilled over and over again and especially in our generation alone.

Amazingly enough, I got another email on this passage that I think would be good to share as well. The question starts off sharing from the book of Matthew a little more than just verse 5…

Matthew 24:3-5 (KJV) 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

I Read what Jesus is saying here. Is He saying that many will come claiming to be Christ, or is He saying many will come in My name,….claiming that they believe I am the Christ. They claim to be followers of Christ but are not, and because of this many will be deceived by their teaching.


When I first came across this statement in my studies decades ago I believed it to mean that many false Christ’s, or people claiming to be Christ Himself would appear to deceive many. Truth is, they were already apparent by then thanks to men like Jim Jones and the man claiming to be “Father Divine.” And as we see today there are even more people claiming to be Jesus incarnate. Just to name a few, we see men like Australian A.J. Miller, Sergey Torop from Siberia, Inri Cristo in Brazil, and Jose Miranda in Miami Florida who even displays the 666 upon his clothing and his daughters and followers have it tattooed on their bodies. And we’ve always witnessed the Popes claiming to be Jesus Christ for eons. But as I grew in the truth and started to see how all the churches I sought Christ in were apostate churches, I began to realize that this prophecy is also fulfilled in the lying pastors who claim to be Christian leaders, or as most see them. “men of God working in Christ Jesus.” In fact, how many of their followers have claimed Jesus is in their church when they advertise for new members? Is this not what Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:23 when He said, "Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not."

As we look at the false churches we see many marketing their churches by offering tattoo nights, rock concerts, movies and even fight nights were pastors fight it out in cage matches all the while claiming to be Christian churches. This is of course without mentioning the millions of churches that don’t do these crazy things but do in fact teach everything from Trinity to eternal life in hellfire. So.. with reality as it is, I see this prophecy fulfilled in more ways than one here.

#1.. actual false Christ’s, who like the Popes of Rome claim to be God on earth
#2.. false pastors claiming to be men of God who are in fact wolves
#3.. apostate churches claiming to embrace Christ and all He taught in their churches when in fact they do not.


#192 Daniel 8:13, "Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?"


"one saint speaking, and another saint" = Christ and Gabriel speaking about the 2300 days.

The symbology listed and definedby James White:

"The two saints in conversation are Christ and Gabriel." - {ND JW, BIAD 118.6}


#193 I'm reading online britannica.com that pope vigilus's papacy began in 537, but you have 538 on your web page. (It's in the link talking about changing the times and laws). I know I can't believe everything online, but I just wanted to know where you read the 538 so I can have it for my notes. 538 obviously makes more sense. Maybe it has something to do with the changing of time which is why it says 537 online..? Online it says this: 

Silverius was forcefully banished by Vigilius and subsequently died, probably late in 537. Vigilius thus succeeded him as pope. pope from 537 to 555.” I know it said late 537, but then I read somewhere else his papacy started March 29,537, but that wouldn't make sense cuz the statement above says late 537.... I'm just confuuuuuused! 


The fact they said he died “probably late 537” in their encyclopedia definition is key. The word “probably” always means they are trying to convince the reader by their obvious lack of information. Probably does not mean “definitely.” Never has, never will. This is also an easy way to expose a false prophet. They love using words like “probably, maybe, perhaps or could be” when making prophetic statements.

I don’t recall exactly where I got the 538 date from because I have numerous sources, but I do know this. There are two ways to see a glimmer of truth on this.

#1, the way they calculate historic dates back then, especially when it came to how one ruled, shows they didn’t do it the way we do today. For example: If I was to become a ruler on December 31 300ad, and then later on December 31 301ad I died, I would be declared a ruler for one year in today’s standards. But thousands of years ago they would have declared me ruler for 2 years because I was actually ruling ONE DAY before the next year started. (This allowed for confusion across the board when rulers lived and died of course. Hence the “reason” to perfect the “dating” system that was first initiated by Rome. Daniel did say they were crafty did he not?) If back in ancient times I ruled even one hour before the new year began, I would still be called a ruler for that entire year because I WAS ruling in that calendar year. So.. back dating isn’t easy by any means when it comes to ancient history. That being said.. some time after the year 537ad, I’m not sure when because I never bothered to research it out, the way we date historic events today was eventually initiated. Therefore, using the old fashioned method of dating would then make the year 538 appear illogical for some. At the same time, using the new standard was appealing as it allowed to better pin point by the day when men lived or died. No longer would the epitaph read a year to start and a year to end, now it would allow for month, day AND year for both the starting and ending of historic events. Still.. as historic fact also intimates, new ideas like this seldom gain universal acceptance right off. So, in some older history books they have 537 while others have 538.

Now herein lies a problem, but at the same time grants us yet another smoking gun exposing Rome. They are the ones that always change calendars as the prophet Daniel predicted. (see Daniel 7:25) Therefore, a calendar change had to be made BEFORE 1798ad so as to keep the deception going even into modern time. This would cause a problem for how dates are then recorded. What I mean is.. they know how they set dates in 537; and they know by 1798 they did it differently. What a quandary! What do they do now? Do they say the start is 537ad using the old dating method and say it ended in 1797 instead of 1798? If they did, those using the new method would be confused. Better yet, they knew they could use the old method for 537 and then the new method for 1798, but if they did that, they are off by one year. So, the confusion remains to this day. In any event, who cares. Our God said it, we believe it, and that settles it. If the prophecy, which by the way is repeated three times, once in Daniel and twice in Revelation, says Rome will kill Christians for 1260 years, then they will kill Christians for 1260 years. Rome can change the calendar a hundred times for all I care, my God has it all written down for us to confirm in His Word for all eternity anyway.


It appears obvious to me after years of seeing both sides of the argument that some decided to use the modern date setting method for both the start and the ending date so as to keep the truth intact, while others working for Rome used the old for the start and the new for the end to help deceive those looking on. Still.. I did say there was another way to confirm it was in fact 538AD. It is found in many SOP statements. The first of which is…

The periods here mentioned—“forty and two months,” and “a thousand two hundred and threescore days”—are the same, alike representing the time in which the church of Christ was to suffer oppression from Rome. The 1260 years of papal supremacy began with the establishment of the papacy in A. D. 538, and would therefore terminate in 1798. At that time a French army entered Rome, and made the pope a prisoner, and he died in exile. Though a new pope was soon afterward elected, the papal hierarchy has never since been able to wield the power which it before possessed.” {GC88 266.2}


#194 Hi pastor Nicholas God bless, Did our Lord Jesus Christ have long or short hair? According to world wide pictures they depict our Lord with long hair yet I think Rome is provoking confusion by not defining to the people the words (NAZARITE and NAZARENE)


You’re correct, Jesus had short hair. He never took the vow of a Nazarene as Samson did. Rome spread the lie using the fact He lived in Nazareth centuries ago to paint a fleshly image of Christ so as to better confuse the people to this day. Christ’s hair did not cascade down His back. In fact, in His day it was clear that most men’s hair (except Pagan Rome) had hair that barely touched the shoulder. Romans would crop the hair much shorter as many statues of Caesar suggest.

As is obvious in 1 Corinthians 11:14 wherein it says, “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?”

Jesus would never do anything that would soil His Truth. He did not have long hair.


#195 Hi, I have been reading your articles, and firstly I would like to say that I do agree with you in that the Ten Commandments have not been done away with. Yet in reading about clean and unclean foods, I got confused because it seemed to me that not eating unclean foods was part of the ordinance that where written and not part of the Ten Commandments. So I ask how can you in one article say that what was done away with was the written ordinance yet on another article say that the ordinance of not eating unclean food was not done away with? Please correct me if I am seeing this wrongly.


The law contained in “ordinances” was abolished at the cross because they pointed to that which Messiah was to do for the salvation of mankind. However, the laws regarding health and well-being were never abolished. They aren’t prophetic in nature as was the Mosaic law. In fact, modern day science has proven long ago that all the foods that are called unclean in the Bible do actually bring on all sorts of disease, including cancer to this day. Reason being is, we are still walking in the same human bodies we had when the health message was originally penned, and like back then, unclean animals are still dangerous to eat today. Eating a pig today not only defiles the body, it still sickens it as well.

You can also look at it this way. If someone invented a gasoline engine 5000 years ago, would we think it would be able to run by using milk as a fuel today? Of course not. That engine was designed to run on a combustible fuel. Changing its fuel would render it inoperable. Well, our Creator made us with bodies that thrive on certain foods. If we eat, or fuel the body with food outside our Creator’s design specifications, then we will eventually break down and die.


#196 What does Job 8:14 mean? The spider web part is what I don't understand.


Job 8:14, "Whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider's web."


The spider's web is an excellent way to describe the all entangling error of the devil. There are many enticing avenues to step into the error he presents before those he tempts. Once there, like the fly in the web, escape is often hopeless. Sadly, many today, like the Sunday keepers who have been entangled by all sorts of strange doctrines from Sunday Sabbath to eternal life in fire, find themselves hopelessly trapped because they trust their creed above the Bible. There are so many errors and so many lies in their church today that many look upon the truth we preach as some sort of conspiracy theory because it differs in so many ways to what they were taught. They simply can’t believe they have been unable to catch all the lies and so they tag us as fanatics, a cult, or simpleminded and walk away from that which the Lord would have them hear.

The amazing thing here is that all of them could easily escape the web of deceit if they had only opened a Bible to check out their pastor's theology like the Berean's of old did in Acts 17:11. But the majority today chose rather to trust their denominational creed, or their pastors inept theology; or as the passage says, their "trust shall be a spider's web."  The pastor is the spider, and the web is the tangled theology they trust over and above the Bible that can actually help them out of that web of deceit. Sadly, for most, they are so entangled in that mess that escape for them is literally impossible. Like the entangled fly in the web, they will die at the pastor’s hand. Now do you see why the Lord compares them to wolves?


#197 Is it ok to hate Obama? He does so many evil things on a daily basis that I am tempted to hate him with all my heart.


Nothing wrong with hating sin and the devil that causes it.. but.. it’s when we move beyond hating the sin to hating the sinner where a problem arises. If Jesus was to hate Obama, then His offer of salvation would not be truly given for “all men.” It would only be for those that love to do good. We need to realize we aren’t fighting against the flesh or even evil men like Obama. We’re fighting against the demons in the flesh of men like Obama. I’ve said this before and I will say it again. If the government were to surround my home with soldiers obedient to the president, and they point guns at me and my loved ones, I need to be able to stand there with true Christ-like love in my heart for those soldiers regardless of their actions. An easy way to get to that mindset is to realize your own past. We too have been lost and easily swayed to do evil. And so when we look upon those soldiers we can see that if they met Christ as we have, and if they understood His Truth as we do, they would be standing on our side as others points their guns at us. Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Those soldiers are not the problem, it’s the demons prodding them.

Yes, Obama is evil and filled with much sinfulness. But he is also some mother’s child who was created in the womb by the Lord for a purpose just as you and I were. Obama, the Popes, and even Hitler all had the same chance and same choices to make as we do. It’s this world that destroyed their lives because they made the wrong choices and eventually bowed to Satan rather than Jesus.

Again.. there is nothing wrong with hating sin. For it is written..

Deuteronomy 12:31 Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

Deuteronomy 16:22 Neither shalt thou set thee up any image; which the LORD thy God hateth.

Truth is, there are many passages in the Word wherein we see the Lord hates sin and all it entails. But Jesus plainly said though His prophet John the apostle in 1 John 3:15, "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." He also said in 1 John 4:20-21, "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?  And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also."

One of the definitions in the Greek for the word brother is ‘countryman’ as well as your ‘fellowman.’ Obama is evil yes, but he is also your fellowman. Love him and pray for him so that one day he too may see Christ as we do. After all, according to Romans 13:1-7 he is ordained to be in the position he is in. He will have to deal with God in how he has shirked his duties when the Lord returns. So again.. pray for him.


#198 My loved ones can't understand how a church can be online.. They say that such as in "the Lord's supper" only the pastor are to pick up the bread and pray for blessings then break it. I don't know any verses supporting this. However, can you tell me how a church can be online? They believe that everyone needs to worship in person, not sitting in a chair and listening on the computer. I don't know how to explain it to them.


The pastor does not have to be the one that breaks the bread. That doctrinal assumption comes directly from Roman Catholicism. I know this better than some because as a devout Catholic 30+ years ago I was also installed as a Eucharistic minister for the church and supposedly ordained as was the priest to be able to touch the so called Eucharistic bread in communion. Years later of course the Vatican opted to allow the people to touch the bread by taking it in their hands so as to avoid infection due to the fact that the priest would often touch the tongues of the people and spread disease from mouth to mouth each week.

As for the church being online; many people have kept Sabbath holy by themselves when far from their home churches all throughout History. Are we to say God denies their worship unless they’re in a physical brick and mortar building? Of course not. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." In other words.. whether we be on or offline, Jesus is with us as he promised whenever we gather in His name. AND.. before the claim is made that you are only one person when in worship by yourself in your home as gathered with us online. Does this mean only one human is in person when two are on a phone? If two can be in agreement on a phone about any given topic, why can’t dozens be in agreement in an online gathering?

Still.. the question remains. Why doesn’t the SDR church have physical church buildings? Especially now that we have grown in number all around the world recently. It says in Acts 2:46-47, "And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,  Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."

The Christian church started in people’s homes, but not only because at first it was small. As we see in China and other nations right now were Christianity is illegal; the Christians met in their homes because meeting en masse in large buildings would make it hard to hide from those that sought to persecute and even kill them. It wasn’t until later when the church was scattered and the persecution started to die off that large churches were erected.

We are in the last days and I can see many reasons as to why we meet online now. The main reason being of course is that which was prophesied. The remnant of her seed is to be very small in comparison to the world because not many will bear their cross because the temptations of the world are too enticing for them.

My wife and I looked for literally 8 years for a church in our area and even believers that believed as we did and found none. So, we chose to worship alone in our home. Later, the Lord did start to send some souls, but they were few and far apart. Then we went online and the rest is history. But notice this as well. As the church in its infancy, so shall the remnant church in the end be. What I mean is, the Christians were scattered globally 2000 years ago due to persecution and that scattering allowed the truth to spread far and wide. The remnant people are scattered for the same reason. Having small home churches dispersed across the globe is also very strategic and wise of our God to do so as we see how we are hated by all. Even those claiming to be Christians hate us. As small home churches it makes it impossible for Satan to easily infiltrate our gatherings. When a small group gathers, everyone knows everyone else in the group. They also live close enough to each other and can see their daily fruits to know who is and who isn’t to be trusted. Online we do lack that ability to be avid fruit inspectors, and so they do try to infiltrate. But the methods of security we have learned to set up over the years has slowed the assaults from Hell down considerably.

Also notice this. Being scattered, and for some of us that meet online only, let me ask you this. When that latter rain falls more abundantly, how effective would our work be if we were all in one city sitting in one large church building? The wisdom of our God has those of us that gather online scattered all over the world so that when the rain falls, we will be able to glorify the Lord in a way that cannot be stopped. Literally thousands and hopefully millions will come out of apostasy and join with us when that day comes. Yes, many will be martyred in the process because they waited too long to embrace the truth. But that same truth will have already been effectively shared due to our scattering and our Lord will return to give us our reward just as He promised so often in His Word.


#199. Are we working the “10/40 region” of earth for Christ?

Dear Brother Nicholas;
Have you heard about the 10/40 window? I was reading some articles about that section being the largest population in the world, with people there who have not heard about Jesus. It is preached that Jesus is soon to come and no one has reached these people according to church reports and wikipedia. The inspired Word says no one knows when this work will closed. What I want to know is there any prophecy in reaching this mass of people and is Jesus really coming soon since that is so much to reach? Thank you and God Bless!


Yes, I know of that region on earth. For those that never heard of it, this is how it is described online.

The 10/40 Window is a term coined by Christian missionary strategist Luis Bush in 1990[1][2] to refer to those regions of the eastern hemisphere, plus the European and African part of the western hemisphere, located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator, a general area that in 1990 was purported to have the highest level of socioeconomic challenges[3][4] and least access to the Christian message and Christian resources[5][6][7] on the planet.” - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10/40_Window

Just so you know, the SDR church is in fact working that region right now. We have a few churches in the Philippines that have spread the message to many nations in that entire region. They are very busy workers for the Lord to say the least. We also have hundreds of workers all over the world as well as in this region passing out tracts, DVDs, booklets, and bible studies. Not to mention the millions of Internet Café’s that have allowed the truth we preach to flourish as well. Not all Café’s block the ministry and church websites. Sadly, however, some do.

As for the “10/40” assumption that no one in that region has heard the message of Christ; that is not true. Even the hundreds of millions of Muslims in that region know who He is. That is why they’re killing His people. They heard the truth and boldly rejected it. The prophecy doesn’t say they will all accept the message. It only says they will all have the chance to hear it before Jesus gets here. Sadly, as is also prophesied, most reject it.


#200. Please explain Luke 16:1-3.

Greetings Brother Nicolas,
What is your view on Luke chapter 16: 1-13. I seem to be missing the point here. And what does the Bible say about talking and meeting with non believes? Thank you and May The FATHER of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you. Amen


Luke 16:1-13, "And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods.  And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward.  Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed.  I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.  So he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord?  And he said, An hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty.  Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore.  And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.  And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.  He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.  If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?  And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?  No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."


The way I see it is, the Lord is not saying the unwise steward did a good act in lying about his master’s goods. Look closely and you will see that unfaithful steward convinced some of his master’s debtors to join him in deceit so he can keep his job. They most assuredly knew about the deceit because they know they didn’t pay his master what they truly owed. They only acted as such for their own benefit. They literally saved a lot of money by what we call today, “cooking the books.” The fact they joined the unfaithful steward in this act assured that steward a place to live if he did lose his job. He no doubt made some friends that day by ripping off his master.

What I see here is the Lord showing how the people of the world are using their worldly wisdom and lies more effectively than the children of the Lord use heavenly wisdom and truth when working for the Lord. If God’s people grasped the truth and wielded it like the Sword it truly is, they will most assuredly bring souls into the church in the same way the wicked use their lies to lure people into sin.


#201. 1John 3:6 bothers me.

1John 3:6 , and others, bother me. I try not to,  but i still fail.  And I'm very aware of it.


1 John 3:6, "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him."


When you “abide” in Christ, that means you are obedient to His Word, and being obedient means you are not seen as a sinner because you repent when you either choose to sin, or His Holy Spirit reveals sin to you that you never knew of before, and then you choose to stop that sin. Those who choose to sin without repentance are those that have not known Him. Those who abide in Christ do not “willfully sin.”

Bottom line is this.. Isaiah says this…

Isaiah 28:9-10, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

I shared verses with you earlier regarding how we are forgiven when we confess and repent. Isaiah 28:9,10 clearly dictates you cannot build a doctrine on ONE verse. If many verses say those that repent are forgiven and then you find one verse that says “those that abideth in Him sinneth not” and you assume that means Christians NEVER sin, then you are not allowing the Scripture to speak in the way it is written. Instead, you are allowing self to speak.

What I mean is.. 1 John 3:6 is not saying what you think it is. If it was, then all the other passages that say we are forgiven need to be deleted. God cannot lie. Still.. I can see how you’re confused and so I was moved by His Spirit to show you where the confusion lies. The word “ABIDETH” here means if you obey Christ “even after you sin” by confessing and repenting, as 1 John 1:9 says is your duty, then you are not seen as a sinner by His Father. In other words… when reading His Word you need to read EVERY word in the passage. Jesus doesn’t mince words when He speaks. We must learn to hang on every word that comes from His lips. The word “abide” in 1John 3:6 is a good example of how a verse can change by skipping just one word in it. Rome in fact is infamous in approaching God’s Word in this manner. The NIV is proof that removing a word here or an entire verse there can make the Bible appear to say something it never said. This approach is very effective and this is why Satan uses it. The first time we see him using this method was in the Garden of Eden wherein he twisted what God said about the tree of good and evil.


#202. Is the book of Enoch safe?

What are your views on the book of Enoch? Some say it’s a real book that should be considered and it points to the messiah, and it was found with the dead sea scrolls, what’s your take? 


I don’t personally trust anything but the 66 books of the Bible that were specifically protected by God when the Two Witnesses were killed. If Enoch was to be a book to protect, as it is “claimed” to have been written before the death of the Two Witnesses, why wasn’t it in the 66 books after they arose?

PLUS, I already have discovered many forged Vatican books over the years that continue to flood Christendom with heresy via the presses. They have even admitted to forging books recently so as to make them appear humble before God for their mistakes, yet they still uplift the books as historically accurate. In the last days I am sure books like this were bound to appear due to the fact Satan knows his time is short. Since the Word of God was already declared to be all we need to make it Home, I choose to concentrate my daily studies within the Holy Writ.

For example: Acts 1:1-2 says, "The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach,  Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:"

One more thing.. I did some research on Enoch’s supposed book and found Catholic doctrine within its pages. For example, it says that only 200 angels fell from Heaven when Lucifer sinned and became Satan. What does the real Bible say? When speaking of the angels that minister unto God before the throne, it says this in Revelation 5:11, "And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;"

It also says in the book of Enoch that when those 200 angels fell to earth they had sex with human women and that act brought about the Nephilim. Not only has it recently been proven via archeological finds that man was over 16 feet tall and women around 14 feet tall before the flood of Noah, I go into detail about that on my “Evidence in Creation” page on the site; Jesus actually exposes this lie when uncovering the lying agenda of a corrupt Sadducee who asked about who would be married to the woman who was barren that was married to seven brothers who died one by one before she could have a child. Jesus said in Mark 12:25, "For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven." In other words, angels cannot have sex.

The book of Enoch can’t possibly be an inspired book. To be inspired it must agree line upon line and precept upon precept just as all the other 66 books of the Bible does. Once can see how Rome uses twisted verses and out of context statements to build on this doctrine by using the term “sons of God” in Genesis 6:4.

Genesis 6:4, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

Common sense has to be graphically called upon here to ask the question. Would God call fallen angels the sons of God? Some say the "sons of God" are good angels as well. However, as we just saw in Mark 12:25 Angels can't "marry."

So, if the "sons of God" are now good angels in Genesis 6:4, they are now committing adultery and or fornication by having sex with women without marriage. That then means they are bad angels, hence the reason for the heresy in the book of Enoch.

That being said, who are the "sons of God" according to the bible? Read the following passages most that preach "sons of God = angels" never seem to share...

Does this series of passages describe fallen angels? Does it even describe good angels? No, it doesn’t. It is describing the followers of God. The Sons of God were, and still are the people of God. They sinned in that they took women to wife that God specifically commanded against. It's that simple. That’s why the Nephilim came to be.

I go into much more detail on this Nephilim lie on my easy facts page. When you go there just click item #18 in the menu.  http://www.remnantofgod.org/easyfacts.htm#18


#203. Please explain the use of “Easter” in Acts 12.

I was skimming your easter page i didnt find anything on Acts 12:4 (kjv). could you explain this verse please. note it may not be the same in every kjv. key: easter. thanks


Acts 12:1-4, "Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church.  And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.  And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread)  And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people."


The passage is obviously speaking of Herod’s intending to keep Peter until “after Easter.” Easter was never a Jewish or Christian festival. Easter is and always was a Pagan festival that comes about on the first full moon of Spring, the following Sunday will be Easter. This is why Easter’s date changes every year. It has nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus, and everything to do with Pagan worship of the Sun, moon and stars.

You need to keep in mind that Herod was a Roman ruler. All Romans were Pagans. And Pagans to this day celebrate Easter.

One more thing to ponder here is the strong possibility that the word "Easter" is a mistranslation. In this passage the word "Easter" comes up as follows.

Strong's #3957 pascha {pas'-khah}of Aramaic origin cf 06453; TDNT - 5:896,797; n n

 AV - Passover 28, Easter 1; 29

 1) the paschal sacrifice (which was accustomed to be offered for the people's deliverance of old from Egypt)

 2) the paschal lamb, i.e. the lamb the Israelites were accustomed to slay and eat on the fourteenth day of the month of Nisan (the first month of their year) in memory of the day on which their fathers, preparing to depart from Egypt, were bidden by God to slay and eat a lamb, and to sprinkle their door posts with its blood, that the destroying angel, seeing the blood, might pass over their dwellings; Christ crucified is likened to the slain paschal lamb

 3) the paschal supper

 4) the paschal feast, the feast of the Passover, extending from the14th to the 20th day of the month Nisan

As is obvious, the word "Easter" could have just as easily been translated as "Passover."


#204. Please explain John 20:23.

Hi Pastor Nic, what does [John 20,23] really mean?, I was talking yesterday with some friends and they told me that the priests has the authority to forgive sins. I know this is not what Jesus is talking about in John 20:23. Please explain,

Thanks, God Bless.


John 20:23, "Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained."


This is common among Catholics who refuse to follow Isaiah’s “line upon line and precept up precept” format for defining doctrine. They only look at areas of the Word they can use that allows them to confirm their creed. What they fail to mention here is that this statement of Jesus comes AFTER His resurrection and after 3.5 years of intense Bible study under Christ’s tutelage. When He breathed the Holy Spirit on them this day they were 100% ready to receive instruction, and 100% capable of doing as Jesus taught them over the last 3.5 years. This includes Matthew 18:15-17 wherein He instructs them (and us) on how to deal with people that were in sin. If the method of helping them see their error was followed to the letter, as Jesus commands, one of two things would happen. The sinner being approached will either accept the rebuke and repent or refuse the rebuke and leave the church. Therefore, they (the apostles) would then be able to declare them saved or lost by that simple act.

If they repented, they have gained their brother and their sins would have been forgiven as they did choose repentance and the promise of forgiveness is upon all that repent. If they refused to repent they would have to treat the sinner as a heathen and their sins would remain upon them. It doesn’t say the apostles or anyone else has the power to forgive sin as Rome claims. If followed to the letter as instructed in Matthew 18, one can see the apostles, or even us today that use this method, will see God is the one forgiving or retaining their sins. In fact, Matthew 18:15-18 puts what John said in perfect clarity. This is a passage all Roman priests avoid when using the claim they can remit or retain sin because it shows the method to do so beforehand.

Matthew 18:15-18, "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.  But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.  And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.  Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."


#205. Adam and Eve had a robe of light?

Hi Bro. Nic! I was just wondering where did you get that "robe of light” that supposedly covered Adam and Eve's nakedness that you mention in one of your videos?


Do you recall what happened when Moses merely looked upon the back parts of the Lord?

Exodus 34:29-30, "And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him. And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him."

Moses only saw His back parts as the Lord spoke unto him that day. Adam and Eve spoke with Christ daily "in the cool of the day" (Genesis 3:8) face to face.

Have you not also seen how angels that are present with the Lord daily appear unto man when called to minister unto them? It says in Luke 24:4-5, "And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:  And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?"

Seems rather plain to me that Adam and Eve had that exact same robe of light. In fact, when they made the decision to sin I believe the robe fell off or disappeared and that is why they suddenly discovered they were naked.


#206. Who in the Godhead appears at the second coming?

Hey Nicholas!

I am looking for a Bible verse that says that The Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit will come at the second advent. I am explaining to J----- about the false second advent. Satan can only appear as the One and Only. I am looking for a verse showing all members of the Godhead will be there at the real second advent.

Isaiah 25:9 (KJV)

And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this [is] our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us: this [is] Jehovah; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.

Is this referring to both Father and the Son?


I don't recall a verse that specifically says all three will appear, but there is one that shows the Father and the Son appearing..

Revelation 6:16, "And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:"

The Father is on the  throne here and is mentioned, and then the wrath of Jesus who is in fact the Lamb is mentioned as well. And yes, Isaiah 25:9 is speaking of the entire Godhead. The word "God" in that passage is from the original Hebrew word "Elohiym." And that word is PLURAL in nature. See the Strong's definition below...

0430 'elohiym {el-o-heem'}

AV - God 2346, god 244, judge 5, GOD 1, goddess 2, great 2, mighty 2,

      angels 1, exceeding 1, God-ward + 04136 1, godly 1; 2606

 1) (plural)

    1a) rulers, judges

    1b) divine ones

    1c) angels

We must also understand that the Gideon band will be alive on earth at that time as well. All 144,000 of them will have the Holy Spirit within them when the Father and the Son appear. So, as far as I can see, all three persons of the Godhead will in fact be present at the second coming.


#207. A Rabbis said only Jews are allowed to keep Sabbath.

I have a question, I hope that you can help me to answer it.
I was told by a very notable Rabbi that since I was not Jewish I should not be keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath because in essence that was part of a covenant that was made specifically between God and the children of Israel.


I am sad to report that that Rabbi is a liar. If the Sabbath was only for the Jews, then why did Abraham keep it before the Jews appeared as a nation? Better yet, why would the Angels keep it before any man came in to being?

Genesis 26:5, "Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws."

Psalms 103:20, "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word."

Plus, if the Law of God was only for the Jews, then why did Jesus say in Mark 2:27, "And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:" If the Sabbath was only for the Jew, then Jesus would have clearly said so. In fact, if the Sabbath was only for the Jews, then Jesus would have instead said in Mark 2:27 that "The sabbath was made for Israel, and not Israel for the sabbath:"

This Rabbi is like many before him. He has a religious pride that knows no bounds. For him to assume only the Jew is allowed access to God and His Law is arrogant as well as hateful towards all of mankind. This is why many Jews refused to accept Jesus as Messiah because they trusted the Rabbis word more than the written Word.

Another point to ponder is this. If the Sabbath was only for the Jew, then the other 9 commandments are only for the Jew as well. That being said, ask him, then it is ok for me to kill you? Lie about you? Lay with your wife? Blaspheme your God? Steal from you? Etc. I am sure he will declare you cannot kill, steal, or lie about him which in turn exposes his hypocrisy firsthand.

Pray for him.. he is in grave danger of damnation.


#208. Please explain 1 Timothy 2:15

Dear Nicholas,
Sir, I was just wondering about something. It's making me very nervous. I was studying a little, with the Bible and with the information on your website, when I came across [1Timothy 2:15].
 I know I might be a little young to be thinking about things like this, but do I have to get married? And have children? Thank you.

1 Timothy 2:15, "Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety."


No dear one, you don’t have to get married. In fact, the Apostle Paul was not married and he said this…

1 Corinthians 7:6-9, "But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.  For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.  I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.  But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn."

In layman’s terms he’s saying here that, it is not a command from God that we all refrain from marriage as he did. It’s just his preference to not be married and would hope all would be as he is. But, if the people are unable to contain the desires of the flesh, it’s better for them to get married than to burn with lust.


#209. Please explain Hebrews 11:39,40.

Bro Nic, I am trying to comprehend these 2 verses. I just want to make sure that I understand it right. Thanks and God bless!


Hebrews 11:39-40, "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:  God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect."


Many in the past, as are listed prior to the passage in question, have witnessed some amazing blessings and by faith received great promises they all trusted would come to fruition; but they also knew they would never live to see the day they did. Salvation of course is key here.

For example, the Sanctuary service depicts the future Lamb of God (Jesus) who takes away the sins of the world. All the obedient Jews of old that participated in the Sanctuary service never saw the promise of Messiah come to fruition before dying. Take Abraham’s promise as well, wherein his seed would become a mighty nation, or Joseph who knew his bones would be removed from Egypt after his death. They both died knowing the promise was true, but never witnessed it with their eyes. And yes, the ultimate promise that repeats here is one we are all given, being that of Heaven of course. This is something we all must wait to see. None of them in the past can see it without us in the present because, like them, we wait on the same promise. Therefore, they cannot be made perfect, or “changed in the twinkling of an eye” on that great and dreadful day any more than we can until the Lord performs the act when He raises all His children from the dead and changes the Gideon band as they stand alive.


#210. How do I explain Romans 10:4?

Romans 10:4, "For
Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."


Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

As we all know, sin = death. But the Lord loved us so much He sent His only begotten Son to be that death for us. That means "Christ is the end of the Law" as Paul says in Romans 10:4. In fact, 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." Therefore, if we believe in Jesus as Saviour, then the death we should receive for our sin is fulfilled in Him. So, instead of death being at the end of the Law, we have a Saviour now who died for us thereby becoming the “end of the law” for us.

Another way of saying Romans 10:4 in today’s language would be that Christ is the zenith or culmination of the law so that everyone that believes may have the righteousness of Christ, or “divine nature” as prophecy details as the end result of perfect obedience.


#211. Is it ok to use electricity on Sabbath day? (also see #249)


Mark 2:23-28 "And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn.  And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful?  And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him?  How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him?  And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:  Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath."

Jesus shows the Jews how He and the apostles were not actually breaking Sabbath at all. Had Jesus or the apostles been farmers then yes, they would have been breaking the Sabbath by picking ears of corn that day. But they were not farmers. They were merely picking food to eat.

I look at electricity the same way. We live in a society wherein many people, billions in fact, work on Sabbath day, and if they didn’t many would be in danger. Being as such, I still cannot condone most of it by entering their stores or places of business on Sabbath unless it’s an emergency or the services offered were for the sole use of emergency like police, fire and ambulance. At the same time I cannot go into the street and demand the police officer get out of his car till sundown, I can’t pull over the ambulance driver, nor can I walk into a restaurant and demand all the waitresses leave for that matter. We live in a world filled with people that do things we cannot do on Sabbath. Therefore, I can’t even demand the electric company turn off all the electricity in the city to satisfy my needs. Nor is it wise to place my family in jeopardy by turning it all off in our home either. If the people of God were to do that on Sabbath each week, the old and sick would die from heat exhaustion in the Summer and cold exposure in the Winter. And those with life support systems in their homes would die instantly no matter what time of year it was if their electricity was turned off.

Another way to look at it is; our present currency system was never sanctioned by God, nor was city life with non-believers His written will. In fact, He expressly forbid it. The Tower of Babel is just one example of how He disapproves. As for currency, bartering or “trade” was the preference for many generations. In fact, as recent as the 18th century we see people in America survived their entire lives by bartering. In reality, after the 1929 crash in America most people bartered to make ends meet. That being said, shall we burn all our cash and demand every Sabbath keeper to leave the cities? The latter is possible yes, but without cash they would have to live in hovels or caves as they would be unable to buy supplies to build with. They can barter yes, but that takes considerable time, where handing someone the cash can happen quite quickly.

In short.. it is one thing to be obedient to God and another to be fanatical. There are Jewish & Christian Sabbath keepers out there that do turn off electricity, gas, water, and even refuse to start their cars because the gasoline engines “combust” fuel or “start a fire” in each cylinder on Sabbath day. These are indeed fanatical.

One more thing.. so as to confirm the facts here, I did a little research into what an Orthodox Jew does and has done for centuries when it comes to the Sabbath day and electricity. According to the how the Sabbath of our God is observed in ancient Judaism and the prohibitions against the 39 categories of work as specified in the Torah, it is actually possible to use electricity during Sabbath without violating the work prohibition.

I found that most Jews understand that electricity can only be used in a passive manner. In other words, whatever is needed to keep the house warm and safe is acceptable. In short.. They would not crank up something that consumes a lot of electricity on Sabbath day. They would wait till sundown. You also must understand that we all have items that are electric that we simply have no control over. (for the most part) For example.. the refrigerator is considered passive in that no “manual” switch that a human must flip is ever used to keep the food chilled throughout the day. You simply plug it in forget about it.

Now some Jews do get a bit fanatical and they still believe you cannot manually flip the light switch to turn a light on. However, if the light was already on when the Sun set, they believe it can stay on. But, it has to stay on all day long no matter what. They believe turning off the light isn't allowed in their opinion either because that would involve breaking the electrical circuit. Alternatively, they believe you could place a timer on the light to turn it on and off automatically at set times. This is allowed because you aren't actively turning the light on and off during Sabbath, you are using the light in a passive manner. I of course see this as fanatical because, unless you go out to the electric bubble on the house itself and disconnect it BEFORE Sabbath starts, flipping switches in the house really doesn’t matter as the current coming in the house is still a constant 100amps. Nothing really changes at the pole. Only difference I can see is that the flow is increased in the same way the refrigerator increases it passively. There is no switch on the electric bubble to use that allows you to increase the flow.

As for TV or radio, they believe as we do in that watching TV or listening to the radio is wrong because it tempts you to do things of “your own pleasure” on HIS Holy day. That goes against what the Lord said through Isaiah in…

Isaiah 58:13-14, "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it."

So, watching TV, listening to or playing secular (non religious) music are not allowed on Sabbath. Truth is, I find it not wise on any day of the week.

By the way.. as you probably already know, these “rules” regarding keeping Sabbath aren't there to make our lives impossible or burdensome. They are there to assist us in making the Sabbath a unique day of the week where we set aside our daily lives for a day of rest that is spent with family and friends as well as with the Lord we worship.

If you’re interested, I do have this page on this site with a few ideas on what “TO” do on Sabbath that makes it even more special…



#212. Are Christians nationalists?

Nicholas, is a Christian a nationalist? Does he have a duty towards his nation? What's his relationship to his country? Does he have a duty to get involved in politics? Or no? What does the Bible say?


Romans 13:1-7 says we must obey our leaders who are ordained to be leaders.

Romans 13:1-7, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.  For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:  For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.  Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.  For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.  Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour."

The Word of and the Law of God is clear that we can only obey them as long as they don’t demand we break God’s Law. For example, they claim Sunday is the Sabbath. Real Christians disagree. But the day is quickly approaching were they will make it the law of the land that WE MUST keep Sunday holy and deny God’s Sabbath. It is THEN we must obey God rather than man. (Acts 5:29) AND.. it is then our God WILL shine like never before. For it is written in Psalms 119:126, "It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law."

As for politics, no it would not be God’s will that Christians become politicians or even vote in today’s wicked society. Many Christians will say we must vote for the lesser of two evils. But a vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil. But is there Scripture to back this claim? Yes there is. Cover to cover in fact. But just to name a few we have Amos 3:3 that says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” And we have James 4:4 that says “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” These are just two of many statements in the Word but it is clear here that we are not to yoke unequally and we are not to make friends with the worldly. When you vote for a man you are in agreement with him and all that he represents, and so you become one with him or “friends” with him in that without your vote he may not gain office to do the work he does and there is not one politician out there with godly plans.

Now yes.. some will claim that the SDA neuro surgeon Ben Carson is a godly man. But I beg to differ. Not only is he friends with Hollywood, and yes he is friendly with them in that he gave them complete permission to make that movie about him years ago, and what of the present laws on the books and those being lobbied as we speak that allow for everything from abortion to homosexual marriage? Do you actually think that Ben Carson will nullify all those laws on day one of his presidency? No, he won’t. In fact, I just did a video about him wherein he states plainly that he will have no problem working with Islam. He even stated on camera that he likens the founders of Islam with the founders of America. Talking points like that assure he will do all he can to allow business as usual in DC. So I ask, if Ben Carson was truly a godly man and, as he puts it, “God’s fingers” were prodding him towards the office of the president, then we would see an instance wherein men of God in the Word of God would have willfully run for office and cleaned up the nation they were elected in. And no, we cannot count Joseph or Daniel as they were forced into office against their will and we cannot count Saul or David as the Lord allowed them to reign as the end result of their sinful desires to have a king. So.. is there one man besides Jesus our Lord who stood before politicians and did not seek political office? I mean Pilate even asked Jesus about His kingship and Jesus clearly stated it was not of this world, but what of Paul who stood before Agrippa? Did Paul speak on politics as Ben Carson will have to do if he is to keep his job as president? Did Paul hobnob with Agrippa and his pals and drink alcohol as well as take part in all sorts of demonic entertainments as every president must do to foster trust among foreign leaders? Did Paul sit down to advise on how to torture and even kill his fellow man in acts of war as Carson will do as president? What does the Bible say?

In Acts 26:27-28 Paul clearly said to "King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thou believest.  Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."

Paul did not speak politics at all! He spoke of Christ Jesus the Lord! So much so he almost got Agrippa to convert to Christianity. Will Carson do the same with the leaders of the Muslim nations? Will he do so with the Catholic leaders of nations like Brazil wherein fleshly lusts is part f their daily lives? Better yet, will Carson speak unto the Pope to the point of converting him to accept Jesus as Lord? No.. as president he must separate church & State. That’s the law of the land. But then that turns over yet another coin. What if Carson does gain office and then does join the church & state as a way to bolster respect among all religious leaders? After all, that is prophesied to happen is it not? Will it be Carson that does this? Time will tell.. in any event, no.. we are not to be involved in politics as Christians. There are just too many evil requirements placed on the table for every politician in office. Be it the office of president or the mayor of a small town, you must compromise your faith to stay on the job. In short, if you’re a Christian in political office you must figure out a way to work for the Lord as well as work for Satan so as to be friendly with the world that has placed you in office. And my Bible clearly says

1 Corinthians 10:21-22, "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.  Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?"


#213. Are drums in Christian music bad?

I would like to ask if a song that has a bit of drum beats (not the hard beats found in metal type of music) is evil? Its genre is "praise and worship." You don't think a person can use drums in a godly manner?


Drums are found nowhere in Scripture and everywhere in demonic worship as well as actual manifestations. Science has even proven that the drum beat alters the heartbeat in closed laboratory testing which in turn causes adrenaline to rush to the brain which causes a feeling of euphoria. The easiest way I know how to explain this is, when I was a young man driving down the road and a song I liked came on the radio, my foot went down on the accelerator a bit more. This altered state of euphoria is all about the flesh and has no place in worship music. The so called “praise and worship” music of today is directly offered up to Satan. In fact, it’s only in the fallen churches that you hear such music.


#214. Who are the Essenes?

Thank you. We will be joining you for the online service.  Do you happen to know anything about the Essenes?  Some say Jesus was an Essene.  Is this true?  Also, I was reading how the Council of Nicea (325 A.D. under Constantine's rule) put the present day Holy Bible together. Constantine the Great was raised worshipping the Sun gods, but later converted to Catholicism.  I was wondering who the Council consisted of. Do you happen to know?  I've also read that the Council kept many books out of the Bible for use only by the priests.  Is this true?  Are there missing Bible books that would be worth reading?


The only thing I know about the Essenes is that they existed from around 2BC to 2AD. Jesus arrived in 27ad to be baptized, so if He was not Messiah, it would still be highly unlikely He was of the Essene faith. He simply wasn’t present at that time. Some also believe Jesus was of the Nazarene sect as well because He was raised in Nazareth. This is why so many paintings show Jesus with long hair, yet 1Corinthians 11:14 says long hair is a shame unto the man. The Nazarene oath is one that required the devotee never to cut the hair or drink of the grape, or partake in any strong drink as a vow unto the Lord. Some say this is what Jesus did, because He stated He will never touch the fruit of the vine till He drinks it in Heaven with us in His Father’s kingdom. (See Matthew 26:29) But, Jesus did drink grape juice at the wedding of Cana. In fact He made grape juice for the people. And He had grape juice at the last supper. Plus, part of the oath of a Nazarene was that they never come near a dead body. Jesus raised both Lazarus as well as the damsel in Mark chapter 5. In fact, Jesus TOOK THAT DEAD DAMSEL BY THE HAND and told her to arise. A vow keeping Nazarene would never come near a dead body let alone touch it or his vow would be broken.

As for Constantine and Catholic church having anything to do with the compilation of the Bible, all I know is Rome has been caught lying so often that I would first believe they killed the real Christian that actually compiled the books, and then claimed his work for their own. Truth is, those that don't believe Christ and His peaceful Word are 100% incapable of translating, let alone compiling it into an order He deems necessary for the seeker. In fact, to this day the Roman church has books in their Bible that have been proven to be uninspired by both Jesus and His apostles, for neither the apostles or Christ ever quoted from those books. Besides, most of those apocryphal books carry Pagan doctrines within them. One in particular is prayers to and for the dead. That is demonic according to the truthfully inspired writings of the Lord in the other 66 books of the bible.

I wouldn't doubt there are missing books, for Rome has always been very busy at trying to hide the truth about themselves. But that's not a problem for us today, for after Pentecost and the early rain of the Holy Spirit upon the believer, we now have His Holy Spirit that is very capable of filling in the blanks. Besides, our Creator knows what we have to work with at this time, and we shall only be judged by the light we have been given anyway. Seeking additional books and especially from Roman sources is a very dangerous deed.


#215. When do we receive the Holy Spirit? (multiple Q&A’s in one email)

Question #1
Brother Nic, a few days ago i was doing my morning devotion and read the story of Acts 8. I thought we believe that it is only after a person repents and is baptized that they get the Holy Spirit. How come Peter had to come and pray over those people in order to get the Holy Spirit?

Passage in question:
Acts 8:14-17, "Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:
  Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:  (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus)  Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost."


You can receive the Holy Spirit IF you accept Christ, and this can even happen before Baptism sometimes. What happened with Cornelius in Acts chapter ten proves this boldly.


#216. Question #2

So how come in this case it wasn’t automatic? (In Acts 8) The elders had to come, and after they prayed for them it was THEN that they received the Holy Spirit?


In the case of Cornelius, he was a devout believer as were all that were in the house that heard Peter speak that day. Cornelius was so devout in fact that he had a vision to seek out Peter. Perhaps the people in Acts 8 were very young in the faith and needed further instruction and prayer so as to receive the Holy Spirit. The Bible doesn’t expound on this. Still, the Lord moves as He sees fit. We cannot read the hearts of men. Therefore, we truly don’t know why they needed additional prayer in Acts 8 to receive the Spirit. However, it is apparent there is an order that must be followed to receive the Holy Spirit, and in Acts 8 the Church was still in its infancy.

In other words, many new to the faith were still being taught how to do things that not only pleased the Lord, but reflected obedience to Him and His will. This is also why the book was penned. We too, thousands of years later need to know what our Lord’s will is in all aspects of our worship of Him. What appears to be happening in Acts 8 is that they needed further instruction. What happened in Acts 19:1-8 does illustrate a similar case wherein Paul was sent to educate the new believers that were baptized in repentance by John who taught them to prepare for Jesus who was to come as Messiah. But Jesus had already come and so Paul was sent by the Lord to instruct them more about Jesus, he then baptized them in the name of Jesus and laid hands on them to receive the Holy Spirit. 

However, knowing how the Lord never ignores an opportunity to educate us further, I can’t help realizing that which was penned in Acts 8 was to illustrate the dangers of the mindset of Simon the Sorcerer who sought to buy the Holy Spirit he witnessed coming upon the people that day. But that’s a whole nother study.

Truth is, the Holy Spirit comes upon the people of God in ways mankind simply cannot grasp at times. Take King David for example. Was he not a “man after God’s own heart?” But David was never baptized. Yet, he had the Holy Spirit. How do I know this, David said the following in Psalms 51:11, "Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me." The only way the Holy Spirit could be taken from David was if he had it in the first place.

So again.. ours is not to wonder why some receive it right off and others after the laying on of hands. All we can do is obey the Lord regarding what we must do to help others on their walk with Christ. In some cases, we are to lay hands on them, and in some cases merely baptizing them allows them to receive His Holy Spirt, for it is also written in Acts 2:38, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

To further confirm the receiving of the Holy Ghost is solely a decision of the Lord. After Cornelius and his family heard the truth as proclaimed by Peter that day, it says in Acts 10:44, "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word." And then three verses later we see in Acts 10:47, "Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?"

So there you have it. In one case, the Holy Spirit comes with the laying on of hands, in another it comes after baptism, and yet another it comes before baptism. And if that’s not amazing enough, John the Baptist was blessed with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb.

Luke 1:15, "For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb."

So again.. the Lord reads the heart, and only He knows first-hand who will receive His Spirit and how. So.. trust Him as I know you do.


#217. Should I tithe savings?

Hi Pastor Nicholas.I know that we ought to give 1/10 of our income in tithing according to the book of Malachi 3. But what about my savings when i was an unbeliever? Do i have to give of these money also? Cause i'm feeling little guilty for all these years. Thanks for your time. God Bless.


The guilt “may” be of the Holy Spirit if in fact that “increase” was never tithed and the Lord is requiring you to do so now. Only you can answer that question. My advice would be to pray and ask the Lord if this is His will on this.

Just so you know, due to the economy of today, most Christians don’t have savings when finding the Lord, and so they are never required to tithe what’s already been spent or lost from their past. But on occasion some do have savings or investments intact when finding the Lord that will be moved by Him to tithe on those blessings as a test of loyalty, seeing how the monies are still in their power to do with as they wish. Case in point…

Matthew 19:20-23, "The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?  Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.  But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.  Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Now there is no evidence here that the Lord is demanding he sell all his possessions so as to give absolutely everything he has to the poor so as to cause much difficulty in his own life. Yes some may define it that way, but as I look in the Word of God I find more than one time that giving to the poor was not meant to bankrupt the giver. In fact, only 10% was required as a tithe to be given to the ministers that fed the tither with truth they need, and then whatever they could afford was to be used for love offerings after that.

As is often the case with the rich even to this day, parting with even a small portion of what they have is very difficult for them. Some billionaires for example seek a way to avoid taxes which are a mere fraction of their mountain of riches. They do this just to save a few dollars they can never really spend in multiple lifetimes anyway. These are those spoken of in James 5:3 as them that heap treasures for the last days. And yes, just by watching the rich today one can see that this is why we see this young man becoming “sorrowful” 2000 years ago when discovering he was required to help the poor. He simply couldn’t part with his treasures. Even if only a fraction was to be given.

Or take Nicodemus as another and much better example. He too was rich. When he discovered the truth after meeting with Jesus at night, some bible historians suggest he gave generously and was in fact the main method by which the Lord used to fund the early church. After all, it is written in John 19:38&39 that Nicodemus not only joined Joseph of Arimathea to ask Pilate for the body of Jesus, he’s the one that purchased a hundred pounds of spices to anoint the body of Christ. But, there is no official record that he ever bankrupted himself in doing the work of God. Although some theologians do report that Nicodemus was broke at the time of his death. But then, if that’s true, would this not also show divine intervention in that the Lord knew how long his money would last, and He knew how long Nicodemus would live?


#218. Do you have a problem with the cross of Christ?

Am i supposed to despise the cross He died on? Isn't the cross after His death become the power of God unto salvation? "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. -1 Corinthians 1:18" If satan attacks what he fears the most, then there shouldn't be anything wrong with a cross since he attacks it by displaying upside down crosses.


Satan inverts the cross so as to spark doubt in the hearts of many regarding what happened ON the cross 2000 years ago. You are aware the Romans killed hundreds of thousands on those crosses, right? That being the case.. shall we investigate each death just to make sure we’re not missing anyone worth uplifting? After all, Rome has been known to hate Christians. My point is, the cross was the execution method of their day. I don’t deny what happened on the cross. And I do worship the Lord they placed on that cross. However, if you have a close enough walk with Jesus you won’t need to display Roman crosses to remind you of what He did. The love filled act is all you need to recall.

Let me ask you this.. if they killed Jesus with an electric chair, or shot him with a gun, or hung him with a rope back then, would you want to have icons that resemble electric chairs, guns and ropes to hang on your body or from the rear view mirror of your car? Of course not. That would be morbid. So.. why have a cross? Don’t you know what He did that day? Or is it the manmade wooden cross to be worshipped instead? The Word of God says Jesus was to be uplifted on that cross. But today’s world uplifts the cross on Jesus instead.

As for Paul preaching the cross.. do you REALLY think he’s demanding cross worship in that passage? Or is it more that he is speaking of what Jesus did on the cross for all of mankind, including the men that built that cross to kill thousands of men with? Me thinks the latter is the point Paul is making here.

People need to focus on what Jesus did that day and stop focusing on what man did that day. That’s why we see a dead Jesus on Catholic crosses all over the world today. The priests, nuns and popes keep proclaiming Rome killed Him so as to make Jesus appear defeated by mankind. I get that. They’re devil worshippers and so they must uplift the lie. They only have faith in their act of killing Him because that’s all the power they have. But as Christians we have faith in His promise to defeat death. The fact He lives to this day proves I need no cross to remind me that He died, because the real truth is, HE AROSE!


#219. What is the difference between the Old and New Covenant?

 Answer given in AUDIO ONLY ~ (starts at 6:43 in audio)


#220. Why do the SDA’s claim to be the Remnant?

After sharing a prophetic parable regarding the workers of the Gospel from the moment the work started by Israel to the finishing when the 11th hour workers finished the work at end of the world,  (See Matthew 20:1-7) Jesus illustrated something the apostate SDA church refuses to acknowledge or in their case admit today.

When ending the parable in which He describes the duty of each church throughout time, He speaks on how earlier workers were upset that workers hired at the end of the day received the same pay as those that worked during the heat of the day. It literally says in Matthew 20:12, "These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day."

This is how the Seventh Day Adventist leaders react to the blessings placed upon the "remnant of her seed" to this day. But, it was never as bold as I have witnessed recently after they discovered the blessings upon the work of the Seventh Day Remnant believers. Many staunch SDA’s started to report back to their pastors that we claim to be the remnant of her seed and so the pastors started a campaign a few years back wherein they complain boldly, "they are the remnant, and they deserve the penny because they worked all day long," when in fact, they stopped doing the work to the point a "remnant of her seed" was hired to finish it just as Jesus predicted.

It's no different than the pride the Pharisees had when they saw their work slipping through their fingers after Jesus and then the Apostles started to draw people into the truth they were no longer able or even willing to share. Those that started the work in the 9th hour (SDA church) became prideful in their position; especially after failing in their duty to the point those in the 11th hour (SDR church) were hired to finish the work and the blessings upon their work were made known globally by many in the SDR church. So, like the Pharisees of old, the SDA leaders became prideful and declare to this day that they are the remnant and they are the ones that deserve the "penny." And so, those that are last fill the places of those that were first just as Jesus prophesied we would.

Bottom line is this. The SDA church knows they are the 9th hour church. But because that church has been infiltrated by Rome, they now display the fruits of Rome wherein lying is no longer considered sin. What I mean is, everyone knows the SDA church is the 9th hour church and everyone knows a remnant will leave her number because as the prophecy says in Revelation 14:4, they must follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth. That being the case, two schools of thought have been echoed by the SDA leaders to combat that prophetic fulfillment.

#1, they declare they are the remnant, which anyone that understands prophecy knows is impossible because you cannot be both the 9th AND 11th hour church simultaneously.

#2, they declare everyone that has left their number were shaken out due to their sin. In some cases, that is true, but many witnesses have not only come forth in recent days to not only rebuke their pastors, some have left the SDA church to join the SDR church because they see that those their pastors say were shaken out due to sin were actually showing bold fruits of obedience as well as fruits of being blessed by God. Truth was made known to many that those that stay in the SDA church are in fact those that are shaken out of the true church that “follows the Lamb” because the SDA church asked Jesus to leave and so His Bride had no choice to follow her Husband’s lead.

For much more detail on this prophesied fact, I have a page on both the main site as well as SDAapostasy.org that’s called “Seven Churches Four Movements” that puts this all in perfect context. (Click here for the biblical, historical and Spirit of Prophecy facts on why the SDA church can't possibly be the Remnant church.)


#221. Why did you refuse to watch the video I sent to you about a man claiming angels had sex with humans?


I refused to watch it because I already know it’s a lie. Just so you know, people send me books to read, websites to look at and long videos to watch almost daily now. Not to mention all the books and tracts and studies people send in regular snail mail as well. I simply don’t have time to read all that info or watch all those videos. We all have Bibles and we all have the very same God that answers prayer. If we read the Word and ask Him to explain things to us, He will. But to make things easier for you in situations like this. Perhaps this will help you decipher why I didn’t watch the video and how you won’t be tempted to watch it next time either…

What I usually do before watching any video or reading any book is to find out who the author is first. If they’re a Sunday keeper, Atheist, Jew, Muslim or some other strange religion I don’t bother reading or watching at all because they already embrace lies and no matter how much scientific evidence they put forth, no matter how many Bible verses are used, they are in disobedience and their message will be fraught with hidden and even bold errors. In short, lies will be peppered throughout their message. That’s why I didn’t watch the video about a man claiming angels had sex with humans to spawn the Nephilim. The Bible clearly states angels don’t have sex organs nor do they have the ability to create offspring. Since I have read the Bible, it makes it that much easier for me to avoid certain books, and videos that will only waste my time just as the useless stones piled on by Sanballat which he placed there to slow Nehemia’s work in his day.

This is also why I don’t send such videos and books to people because a stealthily placed lie can sound like truth to a babe in Christ and their faith may be compromised by it. I cannot place their faith in jeopardy for two reasons. I don’t want them to fall off the path, and if I am the one that nudged them off that path due to the book or video I sent them, I will be held accountable for that.

For example.. have you ever watched the Discovery channel? Many years ago I bought the DVD set about the world and all its magnificence because I thought it would be interesting to watch as they used very good HD graphics, excellent videography and even some jaw dropping photos making it very beautiful to view, especially for the children who I wanted to educate on God’s amazing creation and how artistic He truly is. But, I noticed rather quickly into those videos that they often sneak their evolutionary ideas by adding comments like, “it took over 1 billion years for this mountain to form” or it took “billions of years for the granite to cool” and so on.

I know God created everything in 6 literal days and I know the mountain formed when the great deep burst forth in Noah’s day and then later moved about in height and even location in the “days of Peleg” when God stretched or “divided” the earth. (See 1 Chronicles 1:19) Scientific evidence has also been unearthed quite recently that the earth did swell at that exact time the Bible says. (See Dr Carl Baugh’s research on this) They have also been able to prove the granite crust was never molten. The Polonium 214 halos still found intact in every piece of granite all over the planet proves boldly that the granite had to have been formed instantly, as the half-life of Polonium 214 is 0.000164 seconds! Had the granite taken more than a quarter of a second to be molten and then harden would mean we would never see those halos in the granite. But they’re there and literally every country on earth has pieces of granite under their feet to prove they’re lying about granite being molten for billions of years. Anyone with a microscope can see those halos to this day! Still, my kids were unaware of those things because they hadn’t read their Bibles yet and so I knew that DVD would plant seeds of doubt within them and so.. I never let them watch the videos without me being present the first time to correct the evolutionary claims echoed in the DVD.

Still.. since you were kind enough to tell me that he is claiming angels mated with humans to bring forth “giants” back then. I know right off the guy is a false teacher. First and foremost, angels cannot have children, get married or even have sex for that matter. Secondly, science has already proven why the giants were here. I actually go into detail on my “evidence in Creationpage with pictures and everything. It has to do with the double atmosphere the planet had before the flood of Noah and nothing to do with scientific experiments gone haywire or angels partying with pretty girls. The dense atmosphere not only allowed for very long life (it slows the aging process because oxygen enriched blood is pushed into organs much deeper allowing for the body to retain its youthful vigor for centuries instead of decades) It also allowed for everything to be much larger as is evident in the fossil record. Hence, the reason for dinosaurs, huge plants and yes, even what we would consider giants by today’s standards.

As for the Nephilim and angels having sex, see this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/easyfacts.htm#18


#222. Please explain John 1:17

Hi Ps, What did John mean when he said, ''the law was given by Moses but grace and truth by Jesus? Those who said the law was abolished like this verse very much. The way John put it, it appears to mean Moses was not given the truth and grace.


The way I see that passage is.. Yes, the bluntness and exacting nature of the law was given by Moses to show the end result of breaking it was in fact death. But when Jesus came, the same "truth" still applies wherein if you break that law you would still die at the prophesied second death. BUT, His mercy is assured to all that accept Him as Saviour where in so doing will bless them with perfect forgiveness whenever they repent after they sin. Eternal life is then assured if they walk with Him all their lives so as to prevent suffering the death Satan and his followers experience at that second death.


#223. Is Obama the White Horse in Revelation?

Nick, I saw the symbolism for white in your Revelation study, but I was searching for the meaning of the "white horse" in Revelation 6 verse 2...A friend of mine wrote a book in which he alleges that Obama is the white horse in Rev. 6...I wanted to see what u thought about that and what the bible has to say about the white horse in Revelation


Obama cannot possibly be the White Horse. He is a bit of a problem today yes, but he is only a pawn of Rome. Why everyone keeps looking away from Rome to try and find some new antichrist to expose someplace else is par for the course today because all the world is in fact wondering after the beast who has many false doctrines plastered in millions of books, videos, and television broadcasts. Confusion rules the world because Satan rules the world.

In short.. it’s this easy to define the rider on that white horse .. as you see in my Revelation study

How I ask can Obama depict ANY of those features? The man is possessed of Satan, not of God. That means, Obama can NOT be the white horse in Revelation. The Bible definitions are all we must use when proclaiming truth. The only way Obama can be the white horse is if your friend uses his own personal opinion as to what the Bible says. And according to 2 Peter 1:20, ".. no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."

Now for the crux of the matter. I am sorry to report that your friend is not a Bible reader, is he? Revelation actually tells us who it is on that White Horse. Why your friend is only looking at the horse and not its rider is also par for the course today.

Had your friend read his bible he would have discovered this passage so as to prevent himself from being confirmed a false teacher and now a false prophet in your eyes. The Bible defines all its prophetic symbols on its own. And some it defines them very boldly as we see here.


#224. Who are the 10 kings which receive power with the beast for 1 hour and burn the whore with fire?


As far as my research can take me, I have yet to see who these ten kings are in reality because the powers that be have at present opted not to make this known publicly. Some will say they represent the 10 divisions in Europe at this time, and I tend to disagree with that assumption because the prophecy clearly states those 10 kings will control the planet, not just the continent of Europe. As I have said in many radio broadcasts and Newsletters over the years, what I see happening in Europe is nothing more than the Pope and his cohorts in that region testing the methods the Pope hopes to use on a global basis in his New World Order. They have been testing these things for many decades now and as we look around and see what’s going on worldwide, the New World Order, which will actually employ those kings, is already on paper as we speak. They call it the “club of Rome.” They just need to clean up some lose ends before going public with it all.

Truth is, even for those that don’t study prophecy one can see that the European union has been the testing grounds of a one world Government for quite some time now. In fact I would have a tendency to believe since the treaty was signed by Mussilini and Cardinal Gasspari in the Lateran palace in 1929 making the Vatican a church and state once again, we have seen a steady and quite rapid move towards a global governing entity being tested out in Europe because everything from a State run religion (that being Catholicism of course) to a single monetary system for all nations of that continent have been tested and approved. That being the Vatican invented and inscribed Euro dollar of course. I have seen pictures of Euro coins that have a woman riding a beast on one side, and the Vatican Euro has the pope’s image on the other. Will the Euro be their currency in the days ahead? I doubt it. They need to go digital if they will ever be able to enforce the mark. Me thinks watching the bitcoin or a facsimile of it would be wise at present. In any event, having the prophetic image of the woman on the beast is nothing more than a blunt slap in the face to those that do understand what a woman on a beast means in prophecy!

Plus you can now travel from any nation you please within the European Union without a passport. All you need now is a national ID to travel. Is it any wonder they speak of such an ID in the USA? We call it here the Real ID and yes I have a page all about that on this site as well.

All of this shows the obvious signs of a one world government being tested by the Vatican and her 10 friends. Anyone with any political knowledge knows of the Vatican’s tremendous clout in that region of the World. Especially now that she has 100% authority to bring about legislation with her new permanent seat in the United Nations. It used to be that the Vatican was only a voice in the UN with a mere suggestive power or weakened voice that only found power when a Roman Catholic leader in the UN was moved by the Pope to push it. Now, it has as much authority to bring about legislation as any other power that sits in this Satanic agency.

Years ago I saw a map that was decided upon as a system for this global structure so as to better facilitate the NWO more effectively. In this map the entire civilized world was separated into TEN separate sections with a "Governor" as a leader for each section. No the governors were never named, and it was mostly assumed they stood there under a one world leader in Rome. This is exactly how Pagan Rome structured their empire in their day. The world as we know it will eventually be divided into ten sections. For example, the USA, Canada, and Mexico were considered one section on that map. By the way, this is why strange laws are being passed in Canada, and Mexico that would never have been passed in the USA because of the way the American "people" still have somewhat of a say in politics here. But once Canada, Mexico and the USA all join as one under the NWO we will all have to suffer as one continent of people under these strange laws. I mention this scenario of law passing in Canada and Mexico in many of my Newsletters because the strange laws they pass keep coming up in the news as something we as Americans cringe at. Take the Homosexual laws in Canada for example that cause Christians to go to jail for up to 5 years if the homosexuals they are sharing the Bible with deems it necessary. Not long after we saw the Philadelphia 11 were jailed for protesting the Pink Angels vulgar parade on the east coast on America. And now, homosexual marriage is legal nearly coast to coast. No, the law is not quite the same thing as we see in Canada as it is not on paper here in the USA. But the persecutions of Christians by homosexuals is in fact CONDITIONING the mindset of their friends in DC. And once we become one nation under Rome’s NWO, those laws passed in Canada and Mexico will be automatically enforced in the USA.

Getting back to those ten kings… As far as I can see these governors of the 10 separate sections of the world will eventually become the ten kings that will receive power with the beast for that one hour. And what an hour that shall be. And none of this will happen unless the Protestant denominations join with Rome, as we now see has happened. Everyone from Kenneth Copeland’s Pentecostals claiming to be Catholics on camera last February to the SDA church defending the Antichrist from church to church for decades. That is the thread we see running through this present day ecumenical movement of Rome that was set up and sanctioned by Satan at the Vatican II council in the 60’s. They have been manipulating the Protestants ever since the Reformation. And in these last days they are pulling out all stops.

One VERY graphic example that this is working perfectly for Rome, is what I like to refer to as the most popular Roman Catholic commercial ever put to film. I speak of the movie, the Passion of the Christ of course. Yes, it’s been many years since it came out, but all the Protestants flocked to that Roman Catholic pack of lies like it was the Gospel truth. And now everyone from Pat Robertson to Billy Graham are proclaiming that movie to be an accurate account of what happened on Calvary. This is all regardless of the fact that Mel Gibson himself admitted on camera and in writing that he based the movie on the demonic visions of two Roman Catholic mystics.

That movie is literally packed with Roman Catholic dogma and mysticism end to end. Yet every Protestant I run into that has seen it states they came back blessed by it. And to this day I see many Christians and even SDA’s using clips from that blasphemous movie in their YouTube videos. Is it any wonder Jesus said if they say He is in the secret chambers not to go there? He knew what the devil would do before the eyes of the people. Now I am not claiming this movie is a fulfillment of that prophecy in Matthew 24. What I am saying is look around. See how gullible and complacent the Protestant people have now become after just a few short years of packing those theaters? Just a few months before that movie came out Rome was being exposed in the media with hundreds and hundreds of very vulgar and graphic details regarding their molestation lawsuits. And just a few months later, Protestants are now looking at the Pope and his prelates as men of God BECAUSE OF A HOLLYWOOD MOVIE?!

As prophesied, the protestants are now reaching across the gulf to grasp the hands of those that preach spiritualism. They are reaching over the abyss to join hands with that Roman beast just as our Lord predicted in the Word. In so doing the three frogs of Revelation are now jumping onto the same lily pad ready to strike all those that oppose Roman Catholic dogma.


#225. If living with the opposite sex platonically a sin?

I have heard a sermon recently from a chap I know is co-habiting with another church member, at least when he is home at the weekends. It’s hard for me to accept the Word from someone who is doing the opposite of what he preaches. I am also making some assumptions here.  I mean you can share a flat and it might be 100% innocent or platonic, but if I was a betting man etc.


The Word says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 that we must "Abstain from all appearance of evil." Whether it’s platonic or not doesn’t matter when it comes to Christians and their duty to do what’s right. People looking on will always assume they are living in sin and so he “a Christian” is actually promoting an evil personage by stepping into the home of a woman everyone knows is either alone or his roommate. That man needs to be rebuked and he needs to stay off that pulpit until he shows the fruits of one who obeys the written Word of God.


#226. Hi Pastor, please explain further about those who have to face death 3 times.


NOTICE: The answer given here (in text) is in far more detail than the one given on the audio

Do you recall when Jesus said the following to the High Priest that was setting things up to crucify Him? …

Matthew 26:64, "Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven."

How is it that High Priest, who has been dead 2000 years, going to be able to see Jesus as He comes in the clouds? Jesus certainly didn’t prophesy that the end of the world was to be in that man’s lifetime. But He was prophesying what would happen when the end finally does come for planet earth and for all the wicked. Now notice what is penned later in Joahn 19…

When speaking of Jesus as He was dead upon the cross it says in John 19:37, "And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced."

The reason the Bible says that “another Scripture saith” is because what was said in John 19:37 was a prophetic fulfillment of what was said long ago in Psalm_22:16-17 and Zechariah_12:10. But there is yet another prophetic statement regarding the piercing that coincides perfectly with what Jesus said to the merciless Pharisees that were looking to kill Him. It says in Revelation 1:7, "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen."

That passage is most assuredly speaking about the end of the world when “every eye shall Jesus” splitting open the Eastern sky at His second coming. The fact He is “coming with the clouds” confirms this to be the end as it clearly states in Acts 1:9 that, "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight."

Now.. and this is very important, as they’re gazing upwards watching Him disappear into the clouds, an angel appears and says this in verse 11, Acts 1:11, "Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."

So again, it’s saying Jesus will come from Heaven on the last day in the same way He ascended to Heaven 2000 years ago, and that’s in the clouds. Keeping that in mind, we need to find out what is meant when Revelation 1:7 said that “they also which pierced him” will see Him in the clouds as well as “wail because of Him” when they see Him. Why is that? Well.. they’re wailing because they now have absolute rock hard evidence with their very own eyes that the one they hated is actually standing before their eyes. He is not only coming to take His children home, he comes as conqueror upon all those that pierced Him when they killed Him 2000 years ago as well as when they pierced Him through all His obedient children through the ages. Notice this…

When Jesus illustrates in a parable about how pleased He is with those that clothed Him, fed Him, visited Him in prison or when they came to Him when He was sick. Notice what is said in… Matthew 25:37-40, "Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?  When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?  Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

Now, here’s the chilling and sobering truth that many evil people today won’t understand until the very day it happens to them before their eyes. When Jesus illustrated in the same parable about how displeased he is with those wicked and hateful people that refused to feed, clothe, or visit Him, notice what it says in… Matthew 25:44-46, "Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?  Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.  And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal."

So.. that means.. those that pierced Jesus 2000 years ago as well as the Popes, prelates and civil authorities that killed Christians during the Inquisitions, and all those that have killed them and persecuted them after those days, which includes those that are doing so right now, but actually die of disease or other means before the second coming, they will die THREE TIMES! How do I know this?

One more prophetic fact needs to be understood here. It says in Revelation 20:14-15, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

I go into much more detail about the second death as prophecy calls it on my “Truth about Hellfire” page. (http://www.remnantofgod.org/Hellfire.htm ) Yes, all the preachers are claiming people are alive for all eternity in hellfire because they must echo Satan’s false doctrine that was started in the Garden of Eden when he said to Eve in Genesis 3:4 that "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:"

In short, the second death is called as such because the majority of the people that refuse to accept Jesus as Saviour but at the same time never persecute His people will only die their natural death, and then at the end of the 1000 years, they will be resurrected to experience the hellfire or “second death” that is permanent. In fact, it says in Malachi 4:3 that after that second death burns them all up, those of us in the city of New Jerusalem "And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts."

That means, the reason it’s called the second death is because they already died at least one time. And then after the 1000 years wherein Satan is bound on earth wandering about with no one to tempt because all his loyal subjects are rotting beneath his feet, they get up again to die the second and eternal death of hellire. Problem is, there are some that pierced Jesus and His followers, and since Jesus prophesied in front of the Pharisees that day 2000 years ago that they will see Him vindicated before their eyes as He comes in the clouds of Heaven, they will have a special resurrection to witness how wrong they were about Jesus and then die their second time during the final plague that causes the earth and all the cities to fall and crumble after we the obedient Christians ascend with Christ to Heaven.

So.. to summarize… and to answer the question as to why some but not all people have to die three times.

Death #1.. They die their natural death
Death #2.. If they “pierced Him” they will “resurrect” to see Jesus “coming on the clouds” and then die in Plague #7
Death #3.. They will resurrect at the end of the 1000 years along with all the others that never persecuted Christians to die in what prophecy calls the “second death.”


#227. Is there anything in the bible saying you can't buy or sell on Sabbath?


Yes, there is, the Jews would always close the gates of Jerusalem on Sabbath day to stop the merchants from bringing in their items to sell on Sabbath. Only the "needle gates" were allowed to be open, and they were the size of a regular door. This is why Jesus said to pray the flight was not "on Sabbath day" in 70Ad. He knew the gates would be closed and so it would be hard to flee the city en masse.

It also says this...

Nehemiah 10:31, "And if the people of the land bring ware or any victuals on the sabbath day to sell, that we would not buy it of them on the sabbath, or on the holy day: and that we would leave the seventh year, and the exaction of every debt."

PLUS.. we know commandment #4 says not to work on Sabbath or allow workers "within thy gates" on Sabbath as well. That means to buy and sell on Sabbath would be going to a place where people WORK and are PAID for their work.


#228. Can we warm up food on Sabbath?

I know in exodus 35:3, it tells us not to start a fire on the Sabbath, does this mean we cannot heat food, take a hot shower or start our cars on the Sabbath? Thanks and God bless,


In the days of that verse being penned in order to start a fire for cooking or heating water for a bath or shower you had to go outside to the woods, gather wood and kindling, bring it home, get an axe, split the wood, then bring bundles of wood into the home, place the wood and kindling in a fire pit, go back outside to gather some moss or hay and place it in the pit, then you would have to create a small burning ember by rubbing sticks together for anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes, or even longer if you’re not good at it, you then take the glowing embers you just made, place them into the moss or hay that you gathered and then blow on them until the moss or hay ignites into a small flame. You then slowly add small twigs to the burning moss or hay until the flame catches to the twigs and then add the burning bundle of moss and twigs to the kindling placed around and under the logs which will then catch to the logs you split and then you have a fire.

That was a lot of work to do that was not allowed on Sabbath because it was strenuous and very time consuming. This is why most Jews would get the fires going on Friday and just add logs already placed near the fire on Sabbath to keep it going. Today? You just turn a knob on a stove to heat food.

In short.. nothing’s wrong with heating food on Sabbath that was already prepared beforehand for cooking or warming the day before on Friday or “preparation day” as it’s called in the Bible.


#229. Please explain Matthew 15:11

Matthew 15:11, "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."


I assume you seek the answer because someone used this verse to declare you can eat pork or an unclean meat. But, if you read further in Matthew 15 you will find that Jesus was not making reference to unclean meat at all. In fact, if you read the entire chapter you will see that He was making reference to unclean hands. In Matthew 15:20, it is written that, "These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man."

The Jews were teaching that eating without the "ceremonial washing" defiled the eater. See more info here… http://www.remnantofgod.org/health.htm

All too often false teachers and preachers today will take this chapter out of context to sanction the eating of pork, shellfish and even clean foods but with the blood still in them acting as if the doctrine was changed and therefore now perfectly acceptable to eat whatever we want.

Some will also use 1 Timothy 4:3-5 as a way to deceive the people into eating unclean foods, which says some were, "Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."

I actually explain this verse in #1 of the Questions and Answers on this page, but since it’s often used as a way to confuse people with Matthew 15:11, it bears repeating here.

If you read verse 3 you will see that verse 4 is speaking of meats "which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving" by His people. Basic Biblical fact here is, His obedient people would NEVER give thanks for a pig or any other unclean meat as Leviticus 11, or Deuteronomy 14 speaks of. If you also look at verse 5 you will also see that these meats are those that are "sanctified" by the Lord. And the Lord never sanctified pigs or other unclean animals.

By the way, some believe if you give thanks to God for the unclean foods God will allow for sanctification upon you or that food. However it is written in Isaiah 66:17, "They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD."

Giving thanks to God for something He never gave to you is the same as saying thank you to me for the $10,000 I never gave you. You cannot “give thanks” to God for something He never gave. Better yet, you cannot thank God for food He specifically outlines in His Word as dangerous for you to eat.


#230. Can we pierce the ears of our daughters?

My sister wants to pierce her daughter’s ears. She wants to know if this is acceptable or not. She thinks that having little flower studs should be ok. I personally think all jewelry is bad. What’s your opinion on this?


You are correct in saying all jewelry is bad. In fact Pastor xxx did a sermon series on this back in November of 2014. Part 3 of that series deals directly with jewelry. Click here for the mp3.

If she is open to the truth, and judging by her question, it appears she is, share Leviticus 19:28 with her that says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD."

The cuttings, carvings and piercings were done as “reminders” of dead loved ones in ancient times. Many (mostly Roman Catholic Mexicans) still do this to this day. I am sure you have seen tattoos of people on other people and when asked who that face belongs to they say it is a dead sister, brother or friend of theirs. Gang members do this as well. Quite often people even tattoo themselves with faces of dead movie stars. But you’re asking about piercing and so I will concentrate here.

In short, piercings are in fact a cutting into the flesh. And they do in fact have Pagan roots wherein any emulation of them is a glorification of Satan, for it is written "When the LORD thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." -Deuteronomy 12:29-32

Seems pretty clear to me that if the Bible says don’t do it, and the world says it’s ok, being a Christian we must always choose to echo Acts 5:29 that says we should obey God other than man, and this includes fads, fashions, and rituals.


#231. Is baptism about the death and resurrection of Christ or not?

Hi! I have a question about Baptism. Many preachers say that baptism is a symbol of Christ's death and resurrection, which confuses me as Christ (along with many others) were baptized before Christ died and rose for us. What exactly is the significance of Baptism?

Also, since I was never able to fully understand the significance/symbolism of Baptism and the pastors I asked couldn't answer my questions, I wouldn't let them baptize me -- I feel that not only should I know what I'm doing, but the person doing the baptism should be a true believer and not corrupted/deceived/etc. What do you suggest in terms of finding someone to perform the Baptism once I understand its significance?

Thanks. :)


Yes, baptism is to symbolize our faith in Christ’s death and resurrection. For it is plainly written in Romans 6:4, "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."

As for those being baptized before Christ died for us, did they not kill sheep as the lamb sacrifice long before Christ came as Messiah to be the prophesied Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world? To do so beforehand is merely to proclaim the prophecy to be fact and the act of doing also declares faith in the Lord’s promised Messiah. It is and always will be, and act of faith. An open profession of faith before many witnesses in fact.

As for why Christ was baptized, there’s not a lot of information on this in the Word, but I do believe there is truth that can be seen here if I may expound somewhat.

Besides the fact that being baptized by the harbinger to Christ, that being John the Baptist of course, was to confirm John’s message regarding the Messiah, while at the same time allowed him (John) to see the prophetic statement given unto him about the Messiah being the one that came to him that had the Holy Spirit rest upon Him like a dove.

·         John 1:33, "And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost."

John’s baptism was regarding repentance. Christ’s was much greater.

·         Acts 1:5, "For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence."

·         Acts 2:38, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

Still, and this is where my own opinion has a tendency to come forth, and that’s only because I have yet to discover in His Word wherein this truth is laid out clearly; but, even though Jesus needed not to be baptized, do you recall the thief on the cross? Jesus told him he would be in Heaven when Heaven began, right? But that man was never baptized. Plus, we need to take into consideration that many people throughout time also accepted Christ on their deathbeds which means they were unable to be baptized before death, or some find Him as Lord yet die in an accident of some sort before being able to find someone to baptize them. That means, since Jesus knows our hearts, and He knows when we are sincere; if we truly accept Him as Lord, but somehow never get to baptism before dying, then Jesus takes our place in baptism to “fulfill all righteousness” as He said when John the Baptist asked Him why He wanted to be baptized in Matthew chapter three.

By the way, did not the believers of old back in Exodus also “go through the water” in Moses’ day, who led them out of bondage when they passed through the Red Sea on dry land? Baptism is a very interesting doctrine to say the least. I can go much deeper, but I am a bit pressed for time at the moment as I have hundreds of emails to attend to.

So.. the bottom line is, Jesus came to magnify the Law as well as to fulfill all righteousness. That means anyone that embraces Him as Saviour will see that He does all He can for them as promised many times in His Word. In fact, this is why the “New” Covenant is so amazing. God knew we couldn’t keep His Law on our own, as per the Old Covenant agreement. Mankind proved that at Mount Sinai in less than a month. So, as the prophet Jeremiah predicted long in…

Jeremiah 31:31-33, "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people."

This is why Jesus said “it is by their fruits, ye shall know them.” If we truly have Jesus as Lord, we will be known as a people that keeps His law. Yes, many will claim we keep the law to gain Heaven by works, but if they read their Bibles and understand the truth in this they will see that we don’t keep the Law to GET saved, we keep it because WE ARE saved. The Holy Spirit helps us to keep it as promised.

I pray you were blessed and I didn’t muddy the waters further on this for you.


#232. Please explain 2 Corinthians 3:6

2 Corinthians 3:6, "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life."


As I see it, "the letter killeth" means that when man is "under the law" his sin begets death because the Law of God, which is “the letter” mentioned here, cannot be compromised. Sin begets death PERIOD. But the Holy Spirit gives life back to us as we accept Christ as Lord and allow His Spirit to guide us into repentance and into all Truth.

So, onto those that accept Christ, the Word of God reveals the Spirit of life eternal. But to those that do not accept Christ, the letter of the law condemns them to death eternal.


#233. Can prayers to saints really cultivate miracles?

I have read your writings on the Catholic version of Mary and they make complete sense, which I personally believe. I would not dare tell my wife that I believe they are demonic spirits for fear she would be too distraught.

What is your view on the various unexplained miracles that saints have performed and on prayers made to saints that have been answered? Even prayers to Mary that have been answered? Could God be allowing these miracles to happen and prayers to be answered so as to deceive them, in order to tell which of his children really do cling onto his word no matter what?


Miracles prove nothing. It’s the truth in Scripture that confirms Mary and the other so called Catholic “saints” are in the grave unable to hear prayers. Satan on the other hand can imitate dead loved ones and even people some have been taught are to be considered saints. Do you recall how Satan acted like he was the prophet Samuel via the conjuring of the Pagan witch of Endor so as to deceive Saul and the nation of Israel? Is not Roman Catholicism based on Pagan theology, and do they not have similar demons manifesting today just as Saul saw at Endor?

Satan can make it appear as if our prayers are answered, especially when we pray prayers our true God would know is “asking amiss.” In so doing, the Father in Heaven would answer “no” to such a prayer. However, Satan would always jump at the chance to answer “yes,” so as to make the one praying believe their selfish and ungodly prayer was blessed by God when in fact it was used by Satan to lure the one praying into even more sin.

Do you recall when Satan tempted Jesus? Did he not perform miraculous acts in front of Jesus to try to get Jesus to bow to him? This is no different than what Satan is doing today to many Roman Catholics he fears may leave the church and discover the real definition of Christianity. The minute they start to show an interest in Jesus Satan will appear as Mary or any other so called saint to get them to stay in the Roman Catholic church. I recall a few strange manifestations I saw before my eyes when I started to read the Bible right before leaving the Catholic church. Perhaps one day I will expound upon the floating leaf or the demonic landlord, but for now, let’s move.

Bottom line is this. Isaiah 8:20 says, "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

It also says in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."

Satan knows just how to use his power to make people believe in all sorts of lies. This is why reading the Word of God each and every single day is so very important. Especially today when the devil knows his time is running out. If you read the Word you would know that Mary or any other so called Catholic “saint” can’t possibly be alive or even in Heaven yet, because the state of the dead as per definition outlined many times in Scripture is that they too must await their resurrection when Jesus returns at the end of the world.

See this short video I made about the state of the dead some years ago that was recently updated to HD. You may be surprised to see what your priest has failed to show his church family as to what’s actually mentioned in the Word of God about what really happens when you die.…

Many people today do not read their Bibles just as the prophecy of Amos 8:11 predicted. And because they don’t read the Bible properly, they can be easily deceived into thinking Mary or other so called saints are answering their prayers when in fact it’s Satan himself doing the miracles.


#234. Is Revelation 2:10 happening now?

As I look around I feel as if we are beginning our trek into the ten years Revelation 2:10 speaks of. Am I correct?


Verse in Question:

Revelation 2:10, "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."

Truth is, the little time of trouble prophesied to occur right before the plagues coming is what we’re all seeing now. That ten years you’re concerned about already happened long ago.

In 303AD Diocletian set forth a decree to ban Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. He burned as many books and bibles as he possibly could. This caused a massive persecution against the Christians of the day for ten straight years. It ended in 313AD just as prophesied.

What’s worse? His tomb was later turned into a Roman Catholic Cathedral named “The Cathedral of St. Domnius.” But then, Rome was always one to uplift those that killed Christians for them. In fact, the Pope’s throne with those huge serpentine pillars flanking it on all four corners are literally filled with the bones of Christians they slaughtered over the centuries. Not to mention the churches that are decorated with the bones of Christians slaughtered by the Popes of Rome. See this video I did back in 2010 that exposes all this. The ending of the video is a bit gruesome so, be prepared.

Getting back to the ten prophesied years that began in 303AD. The man responsible for the 10 years of persecution actually died in 311AD and his decree eventually died down after his death wherein it ended in 313AD. However, some Catholic sources like to make the Bible prophecy appear false with the claim the Diocletian Persecution ended in 311AD with his death. But historic fact is it did in fact last the full ten years just as prophesied in the Christian Bible. His evil actions allowed many weak Christians to bow to Rome out of fear and so the Pagan religion of Roman Catholicism found a well-grounded foothold in the region and then eventually the world. Within 8 years of that persecution, Roman Catholicism spread so far that Constantine became Roman Catholic and enforced the first Sunday laws on March 7, 321AD. I go into some detail on 321AD on my main site as well.

In any event, this banning of and claim of the demise of Christianity has been going on for eons. It started after Jesus shared the truth with the people 2000 years ago. I recall some years back reading a list of people in political power throughout the last 2000 years who claimed they would see Christianity die off globally before they died. If I’m not mistaken I believe Nero was the first one possessed by that crazed demon. In 100% of those cases all those people died and Christ is still blessing people’s hearts to this day.


#235. Please explain John 10:34 and Psalm 82:6

John 10:34, "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"

Psalms 82:6, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."

Can u explain theses verses please.. I thought it is sin to proclaim a person is a God.


The statement Jesus is making in John 10:34 is actually a repeat of what He inspired the Psalmist to write in Psalms 82:6. When responding to the comments of the Pharisees who wanted to stone Him for blasphemy when He declared Himself one with the Father in Heaven, He echoed Psalm 82:6 which was speaking of human judges which says, "I said, you are gods." Jesus reasons with the Jews here that if human judges can be called gods, (with a small 'g' of course); then why can't the Son of God Himself be called "God?"

These human judges were only "gods" in the sense that they were standing in the place of God as a mediator for Him when it comes to the affairs of men. They were judging over life and death matters for the people at large on a daily basis.

By the way, one can also see how this same theological statement was carried out when Moses, who was "a god to Pharoah" that Aaron was called to play the part of Moses' prophet in Exodus 7:1 that says, "And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet."

These men were not called "gods" because they were divine beings at all. Truth is, looking at the next verse in Psalm 82 we see the truth is plain as day.

Psalms 82:6-7, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes."

In short, Jesus was merely confirming His deity when speaking to the Pharisees in John chapter ten. But all too often mankind loves to take Jesus out of context to shore up demonic doctrines prodded by the hatred placed in their hearts by Satan the arch-enemy of Jesus. In fact, I saw a video some years ago wherein Jan Crouch of TBN fame and Kenneth Copeland both twisted this verse way out of context to declare themselves god’s on earth. You can still see these videos on Youtube to this day.


#236. Should I tithe to the SDA church?

I love the remnantofgod.org website. There is so much info here. I use to go to an sda church and really learned a lot. Should we sit in these 501c3 churches and tithe to them? Do you think God would want us there supporting this? I really just want to know a couple of good points why we shouldn’t. Do you think God wants me there?


The SDA church has become a sister to fallen Babylon just as Scripture and SOP predicted. (See proof here http://www.remnantofgod.org/SDR.htm) And no, the SDA church is not "THE" Babylon of prophecy. That's Rome. But she has joined with Rome in doctrine and hierarchical structure just as the prophecies of old predicted she would. In fact, they admit this in writing in many documents all over the Internet as well as offline in Church archives. See a massive compilation with all the sources regarding these documents here… ... http://sdaapostasy.org/flash/sda2rcc/sda2rcc-hc.htm

As for tithing to the SDA church. First and foremost, as of March 7, 2006 the SDA church as well as all other churches with the 501c3 United States contract have become official Government agencies. (See proof here http://www.remnantofgod.org/image.htm ) That means three biblically verifiable sins are committed by those that stay in the SDA church now.

#1, Revelation 18:1-5 says to come out of Babylon and that includes those that "wonder after the beast" as the SDA church now does. Staying in is a bold and open denial of Jesus Christ as Lord. They wonder after the beast in how they have joined with it in creating an image to it even before the US government gave them powers to lobby law in 2006. And they also wonder after it by numerous videos, magazine articles and pulpit statements the last 2 decades as I recall wherein they uplift the Pope as a man of God and some SDA pastors even declaring him holy on camera.

#2, Tithing to a Government church causes your tithe to help them preach all sorts of Vatican dogma as well as help them uplift the Government's itinerary via the pulpit by declaring their sinful agendas acceptable; as we just saw with homosexual marriage declared acceptable via Loma Linda theologians and two SDA pastors so far calling Allah to be God on camera. This is just the tip of the iceberg of course, but the fact remains not a single General Conference leader has ever rebuked such statements so as to declare Christ Lord and force those fallen pastors to recant.

And yes, some simply decided to say nothing in the church, but their refusal to say anything also helps the government as well as the beast move their agenda forward. The SDA church is now preaching everything from "Allah is God" to "Homosexual marriage is ok" because having the 501c3 means they MUST do as the Government now says or they will lose their 501c3 contract and be financially destroyed with massive fines and excise taxes.

#3, tithing to ANY 501c3 church grants you a tax right off on the tithe. That act alone nullifies the tithe completely because you are not to "gain" by tithing in any way shape or form. Tithing is to be a complete removal from your pocket. Tithing to the SDA church now means you benefit financially by doing so and therefore are not really tithing anymore. The 501c3 is a rather clever demonically inspired action don’t you think?

You also have to take into consideration that since the SDA church has in fact joined with Rome via the US Government; and she has admitted in writing to being in agreement with many doctrinal statements that uplift Vatican dogma that I have listed on SDAapostasy.org, this means the sermons on the pulpits are all infected with Roman theology and will be stealthily placed in all sermons and this is happening because NONE of the pastors have the God given wisdom anymore to understand current events and prophetic fulfillment just as Scripture predicted as the end result of apostasy. So they can’t even see what they’re doing is leading themselves and all their flock into the pits of hell. They are the ultimate example of the blind leading the blind now. When you're disobedient, as 100% of the SDA pastors now are, they are not granted the understanding of prophecy by the Lord because they must repent before being able to understand His prophetic Word. In fact, their disobedience over the last few decades has allowed the church to fall into the depths of apostasy more than ever before. Even a non-SDA can see how evil this church has become now.

That all being said, why on earth would you want to send the tithe to a church that preaches the exact opposite of what you want your tithe to be used to proclaim?


#237. Please explain Matthew 19:12

Sorry to bother you again, but can you please explain Matthew 19:12 to me? I can't seem to get a decent explanation from anyone and I trust your ministry.


Matthew 19:12, "For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

The above passage can most assuredly be a bit confusing, but it is understandable when you consider the way society was back then. First off, a eunuch is someone without the ability to procreate. Some are born that way, as the “mother’s womb” reference clearly intimates; some were castrated by mankind so as to employ them with protecting the riches of their master. For example, they didn’t have banks back then so a rich man would only trust his riches with a eunuch when called away on business because he knew a woman could not tempt him away from his duty being physically castrated and unable to be enticed in that manner. And some would choose to deny the flesh for life so as to better work for the Lord. The apostle Paul can be seen by some as a eunuch in that he stated the following in 1 Corinthians 7:8-9, "I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.  But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn."

His reference “to burn” is actually saying in today’s language “to burn with lust” for the opposite sex. And no, Paul cannot be compared to Roman Catholic priests because he truly denied his flesh to do the work. Catholics priests are mostly homosexual and only claim celibacy as a cover for their strange lifestyle void of women. The prophet Daniel speaks of them in Daniel 11:37 wherein he says, "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all."

To hide their lust for strange flesh the Vatican prelates invented the celibacy doctrine to claim as if it was binding upon priests and prelates via command from God Himself by twisting the Word, and in some cases they used Paul’s words that I just shared regarding the way he chose to live. But, if you read the previous passage Paul clearly says in 1 Corinthians 7:6, "But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment." In other words, it was clearly Paul’s choice and not God’s command that he chose to deny his flesh in this manner. Rome ignores that so as to declare celibacy a doctrine of God so as to make some believe their priests are as holy and trustworthy as Paul. But here’s the clincher they all seem to evade when questioned.

Ask the Catholic priest if he believes it is a heaven sent doctrine that all Popes, prelates and priests must be unmarried celibate men and he will say yes. Then ask him if he believes Peter was the first Pope. He will again say yes, and if he is unaware of where you’re going with this and runs off in a huff before getting put in his place; open a Bible and read him Matthew 8:14-15 which says, "And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever.  And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them."

If Peter was the first Pope, how is it he has a wife? For more info on the real first Pope, see my page titled “The Actual First Pope” at http://www.remnantofgod.org/pope1.htm when you get time.


#238. Please explain Amos 8:11,12

Do these verses pertain to the third seal when the church put aside the bible for paganism?

Amos 8:11-12, "Behold the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send famine into the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst of water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.; And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it."


In some ways you can see this prophecy reflects that of the third seal in somewhat of a graphic manner, but we can also see how the present day mindset has already shown the prophecy is about to be fulfilled globally so as to be in full fulfillment during the plagues. After all, the foundation has to be set before it gets so bad that the majority are affected by it and we’re seeing that happen now. Many people ignore the Word now and so Amos is proven true, but this evil mindset will go off the charts soon so that during the plagues the lost will be seeking relief in any way they can and because they have never given the Word a second look, they will be unable to find the peace we have experienced even though they look into the Bible earnestly. It’s simply too little too late. They will be especially envious of our place of refuge in the Word as well as the hedge of angels all around us. Not to mention the Holy Spirit’s obvious blanket of peace. In some cases that’s what gets some of them to seek out the truth, but again, since the plagues have already begun, it’s too late. Sad thing is, it will be especially scary for the preachers and pastors that refused to warn them as we do. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in their shoes when that day comes.


#239. Why did God get angry at David for numbering the people? (1 Chronicles 21:1-30)

Hi Pastor Nic, I was just wondering, in 1 Chronicles 21:1-30, why would God be angry at David for taking a census? … Also, can you explain what "iron sharpens iron" means?


Do you remember when David ran towards Goliath when he was a lad? How many ran with him? None, right? He had perfect faith at that time that God would help him defeat Goliath even though he was huge and could easily kill David in a moment. Now, as king, and one who saw God help him in many battles over the years, numbering Israel at this time would be showing a lack of faith in God to help him as He had in the past.

This is why I believe it to be very important to keep a praise list of when God’s hand moves. All too often we have a tendency to forget what He has done for us in the past. In forgetting we start to experience a trial we should not have to deal with because we already lived it. I like to go through my old praise lists from time to time to freshen my memory of all that He has done and in so doing experience a clearer mind as well as stronger faith.

As for iron sharpening iron.. It’s found in Proverbs 27:17 wherein it says, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

Believers back then and Christians to this day are depicted as iron in this statement. This is why Jesus sent them out two by two in Luke 10. When one disciple was weak in one area where the other was known to be strong and vice versa, it was wise to put them together so they could help each other. Jesus knew both walking together would make each one stronger. Kind of like the blacksmith using heavy iron to sharpen a sword of iron that is of a lesser weight.  But, when the Christian hangs with a nonbeliever who is weak in faith, neither faith gets stronger because the faith of the Christian annoys the nonbeliever and the faith of the nonbeliever is nonexistent. The end result in this case is the Christian will lose his or her faith. Not only is this a reality wherein I have seen personally come to fruition many times over the last three decades, I also saw this explained as being dangerous in the Word of God wherein it says…

·         Amos 3:3  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

·         1 Corinthians 15:33  Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

·         2 Corinthians 6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

·         2 Corinthians 6:17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

·         2 Thessalonians 3:6,14  Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.  And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

·         James 4:4  Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.


#240. Please explain Mark 13:24

I need some clarification on how to interpret Mark 13:24, specifically the timing of the “tribulation”. Has it already occurred or is it yet to occur?  In some sense, it would seem to be in the past, especially if we believe that the darkening of the sun and blood moon have already occurred.  However if it is ahead of us, what events would indicate when we have entered the tribulation?

Thanks in advance for your help.


You’re correct. This already happened. The key part of this passage is what Jesus says happens AFTER the tribulation as you already noticed.

The prophecy about the Sun and the Moon happened AFTER the Vatican stopped killing Christians in large numbers. That is actually the great tribulation Jesus speaks of. I also thought it strange that all the so called teachers of prophecy never seemed to catch the fact that they never mentioned the inquisitions of Rome wherein 500,000,000 died for their faith. How is it possible for such a massive act of persecution like that be missed in the prophetic Word of Christ?

And yes, Rome is still doing it today, but nowhere near as bad as they were before Napoleon forced them into a political mess that required them to focus on damage control which then caused the Pope to eventually die in exile which also caused the Vatican to lose its political power and then stop the killings, but then as was also prophesied they would regain their power in the  year 1929 as the prophecy found in Revelation 17:8 that says, "... behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is." 

I go into much more detail on all this on my 7 year fact or fiction page at … http://www.remnantofgod.org/7yr-trib.htm#great-trib


#241. Why do you attack the Catholic Church?

Why are you all attacking other churches instead of just bringing sheep to the fold? I am not attacking you. I am really trying to find out why some churches attack each other, while some just preach the word and not point fingers at others. he that is without sin, cast the first stone. i believe if any church wants to serve God they should just preach the word and pray and let God do the rest by bringing that soul to him. People talk badly against the catholic church, but they seem to not point fingers at others and that is how people follow them.


Please accept what I am about to say with the understanding that I am trying to explain how your mindset would work if in fact it was written into the fabric of Scripture. If I am attacking the Catholic church by showing their flock the dangers of following after their corrupt leaders, then that means Jesus was “attacking” and in sin as well when he pointed out the errors of the Jews in the Synagogue. Better yet, if I was to use that mindset in a prophetic sense then Jesus was in sin when He prophesied about the errors that would lead to the Catholic church becoming the home of Antichrist? I then have to ask, how is that possible?

Bottom line is this treasured one. You know for a fact that the best way for Satan to attack the church is to infiltrate it, act like a believer, and destroy it from the inside. That is what governments also do right? Russia sends spies to act like Americans and vise versa. So, why wouldn’t Satan do that since he’s the angel of death anyway?

The Christian church became a THREAT to Satan. So… he entered it and turned it into a very evil church while at the same time acting as if it’s still a Christian church so as to better infiltrate through the ages. That being said, why do you claim I am attacking YOU? I’m simply a watchman on the wall with a message Christ Jesus prophesied would go forth in these days. You have to admit we are in the last days and if you read your Bible you have to also admit there was to be one global church that would be very evil and today, there is only one church with political and religious power that claims the name of Rome.

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but I was Catholic 29 years. I saw what this church has become by doing a study called eschatology, which means, I matched prophetic events with those in Historic record to see who did what, where and when and in all cases, when Scripture showed how Satan under the guise of a man of sin would perform many evil acts, it was always the Popes and his underlings doing the evil acts throughout historic record. So, I left the church and have been warning people to get out just as prophecy stated God’s people would do in the last days. Truth is, I love you enough to tell you the truth! “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” - Galatians 4:16  I hope not.


#242. Why did the devil allow the Pope to fail with the demon possessed girl?

Good day..I want to say thank you very much for the wonderful revelation and interpretations that you've done with regards to the Revelations / Bible Prophecies. Reading it and realizing the truth contained therein sent shivers and shock within me. It totally changes my perspective about Roman Catholicism and the Vatican. Although I've read some texts about them in the past & have some ideas, but never this "In your Face" and actual facts about them backed up with evidences and historical links and facts. You are right!! The Vatican and this Roman Catholicism and its Pope is the "Great Deception" of Satan and realizing it and the sheer size of that church today makes it very successful in deceiving and they are actually set to make their ultimate move given today's situation and technology.

Why do you think a devil chose to shame and expose Pope John Paul II by possessing a girl and showing the people in that televised mass that the Pope has no power over them, thus exposing him as a fraud without any god-given gift to cast away demons? Isn't it better for their cause to just make the Pope seem to have power over them by letting him cast that devil away in front of the people? I think it was a blow to them exposing the Pope. I was thinking, Satan must be very angry with that "devil" who possessed that girl by not causing him to leave when the Pope tried so.


The devil has as much control as the Lord allows. The way I see it is, the Pope actually believes the lies about himself and thinks he has “a” power of sorts either from Satan himself or our God in Heaven. Else he would never have stepped up to attempt that televised exorcism that day.

I agree with you that Satan wouldn’t want him to expose his weakness like that in front of so many viewers. However, God is still in control. If the Pope wants to step forward and make himself look bad, be it for God or Satan, our God allowed him to do so for reasons that will glorify Him later. The good toss of the coin on this one is that many people saw that act and left the church. So, as far as I see it, to God be the glory. But the bad toss of that coin is many now believe Satan is more powerful than Jesus.

What I mean is, we need to keep in mind that as I stated years ago in a Newsletter I did in November of 2002 that allowing the Pope to be defeated in front of everyone allowed Satan to appear stronger to the Catholics that believe in the demonic transubstantiation doctrine. That doctrine states that even if the priest is a killer, child molester, homosexual, drunk or a card carrying Satanist, as an ordained Roman Catholic priest, their doctrine states in writing that he has power over Jesus Christ Himself so as to pull Him from His throne in Heaven by demanding His presence in the Eucharist. Therefore, when we see the demon in that poor soul laughing at the Pope that day, all Catholics could be lured to believe Satan is much more powerful than Jesus because they have been taught to believe since birth that their priests can literally pull Jesus off His throne each day using the hocus pocus of transubstantiation in the Catholic Mass;  but even the Pope himself, the so called most powerful Christian in the Catholic church, cannot pull Satan off his.

As the prophet Daniel predicted long ago, this beast in Rome will be a crafty man of sin. Watching his strange actions the last few decades has confirmed that Daniel was in fact inspired by the God of Heaven to state that fact.


#243. Who and what is this Antichrist that will arrive soon?

I read in the comparison of doctrines of Paganism and the Catholic church: That the "Vatican has a solid gold tiara on display in the Vatican treasury at all times. This is the very crown the Pope will hand to Antichrist when he arrives to impersonate Jesus Christ in the days ahead."

I thought the Catholic Church/Vatican itself is the Antichrist or it is the Pope himself, but why do you state that "The Pope will hand that tiara to Antichrist when he arrives to impersonate Jesus Christ"? Who and what is this Antichrist that will arrive then?


The Popes are the long prophesied Antichrists as are any Luciferians, Masons, Atheists, Muslims, etc. In fact, 1 John 2:18 says, "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."

When Satan stands on earth before the eyes of man he will be “THE” Antichrist. In other words, he will stand on earth claiming to be Jesus Christ but in reality he will be Satan himself disguised as the Lord Jesus as Revelation described Him in His glory.

In other words, the Popes and antichristians like the Popes are nothing more than heralds for THE antichrist. Their actions and strange statements have done nothing more than build the foundation for Satan to stand on wherein he can and will claim to be Jesus Christ incarnate.


#244. Please explain Acts 26:23

Since Jesus rose Lazarus and others from death before He died, how is it the Word states Jesus is the first to arise from death?


Many misunderstand Paul's statement here wherein he declares Jesus "should be the first to rise from the dead..." They also wonder why he repeats this in 1 Corinthians...

Both passages are saying the same thing. Difference here is, in Acts, Paul is not explaining in as much detail because King Agrippa was a well-educated Jew who understood what "firstfruits" meant. In Acts 26:27 Paul admits he knows Agrippa's understanding when he says...

Truth is, the Jews back then understood that Messiah was to be the "firstfruits." It’s just that in today’s world people can't seem to understand why Paul is saying Jesus was the first to raise from the dead, when He raised a few people from death in His ministry before He died and arose.

The word "firstfruits" is defined in a way that says the person associated with this title is superior in excellence to others of the same class. (See Strong’s # 536) There was something far more excellent with Jesus than with the others He raised from the grave. Basic reality here is, Jesus was the only one out of all those that were raised from the dead that not only never committed a sin, He is also the only one that had actually been IN HEAVEN before being on Earth.

To further illustrate the definition of the the word "firstfruits," we see it is also used to describe the 144,000 in Revelation 14:4 in the same manner.

No, they weren't in Heaven beforehand, but they will be "more excellent" then anyone else alive at that time because they are the first ones to ever walk perfectly in Christ while still in the flesh. Their lives testify that yes, man can walk with Christ while on earth and in so doing they are used by our Lord to forever end the controversy between Christ and Satan!

In short.. Satan lied. Mankind can walk with the Holy Spirit in perfection and be one with Him just as Jesus walked among us in perfection being one with the Father. Jesus came to show us a perfect example no matter how many lies are declared by Satan’s wolves. Truth will always come to light. After all, is it not written in Matthew 5:48 that Jesus Himself said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."


#245. What exactly is the significance of Baptism?

Hi! I have a question about Baptism. Many preachers say that baptism is a symbol of Christ's death and resurrection, which confuses me because Christ, (along with many others) was baptized before Christ died and rose for us. What exactly is the significance of Baptism? Also, since I was never able to fully understand the significance or symbolism of Baptism and the pastors I asked couldn't answer my questions, I wouldn't let them baptize me -- I feel that not only should I know what I'm doing, but the person doing the baptism should be a true believer and not corrupted/deceived/etc. What do you suggest in terms of finding someone to perform the Baptism once I understand its significance?


Yes, baptism is to symbolize our faith in Christ’s death and resurrection. For it is plainly written in Romans 6:4, "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."

As for those being baptized before Christ died, did they not kill sheep as the lamb sacrifice long before Christ even came as Messiah for thousands of years? To do so beforehand is merely to proclaim faith that the prophecy is fact and will be fulfilled just as it is written. It is and always will be, an act of faith. Better yet, it's an open profession of faith before many witnesses in fact.

As for why Christ was baptized, there’s not a lot of information in the Word on this, but I do believe there is truth that can be seen here if I may expound somewhat. Besides the fact that being baptized by the forerunner to Christ; that being John the Baptist, it was to confirm John’s message regarding the Messiah he spoke of while at the same time allowed him (John) to witness the prophetic statement given unto him about the Messiah being the one that came to him for baptism that had the Holy Spirit rest upon Him like a dove.

John’s baptism was regarding repentance. Christ’s baptism however was much greater.

Still, and this is where my own opinion has a tendency to come forth; and that’s only because I have yet to discover in His Word wherein this truth is laid out clearly; but, even though Jesus needed not to be baptized, do you recall the thief on the cross? Jesus told him he would be in Heaven when Heaven began, right? But that man was never baptized. Plus, we need to take into consideration that many people accept Christ on their deathbeds to this day who are unable to be baptized before their death; or some find Him as Lord and Saviour yet die in a multitude of ways before finding a preacher to baptize them. That means, since Jesus knows our hearts, and He knows when we are sincere; if we truly accept Him as Lord, but somehow never get to baptism before dying, then Jesus takes our place in baptism to “fulfill all righteousness” as He said when John the Baptist asked Him why He wanted to be baptized in Matthew chapter three.

Yes, many came to John seeking the baptism of repentance by confessing their sins. Christ on the other hand never had to confess a single sin. The guilt of sin however was to be charged to Him as the sinner's substitute was it not? No, Jesus did not come to repent either because He never sinned, but He came to be baptised on behalf of the sinner. Hence the reason He said "to fulfill all righteousness."

By the way, did not the believers “go through the water” in Moses’ day when they passed through the Red Sea on dry land? Is it not written in 1 Corinthians 10:1-4, "Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;  And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;  And did all eat the same spiritual meat;  And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ."


#246. Please explain John 2:10


There is more than one way to see this passage that speaks of Christ’s first miracle at the wedding feast in Cana. First off, the doctrine of the Jews was as plain water, without any substance. The attendance of our Lord and Saviour at this wedding is no mistake. The symbolism surrounding it speaks volumes unto the soon commencing work of Christ. The water changing to new wine is to symbolize Jesus giving what some would naturally think to be "new" doctrine unto them. Even though it was thousands of years old, it was forgotten by most thanks to the corrupted teachers of the Law and their wishy washy traditions and doctrines. Jesus came to speak truth and He exchanged the Jewish false doctrines with the truthful doctrine as it has always been in Heaven.

Whenever I think of the materialistic Pharisees who demanded strict obedience to their fabricated doctrines and traditions I am often reminded of Proverbs 25:14 that says, "Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain." Their doctrines, no matter how severely they were ordered upon their subjects, were like useless vapors or clouds without rain when it came to truth as it is written.

Also notice that after tasting the new wine Jesus created, the wedding governor stated, it was saved until "the end" of the wedding feast and not given at the start like most usually did in those days. This is also to symbolize how the obedient Christians understood more of the truth presented by Christ during His ministry than the Pharisees did. This also applies to us in today's world because we certainly are at the end of time. And His truth has been opened up to us as prophesied by Daniel the prophet.

Wine in prophecy is defined as doctrine. That being the case, do you recall our last gathering for communion and the reading of 1 Corinthians 11:25 that says, "After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me."

The way the truth intertwines into reality here is so amazing to me! What I mean is, we not only see the cup of new wine being offered at the last supper as representing the pure teachings or doctrine of Jesus Christ, or “new testament” as He described it that day; it also represents His blood being spilled for our salvation; which leads to the second way of looking at this new wine being offered at the wedding feast.

What Jesus did at the marriage supper in Cana can also be seen as a symbol regarding the prophesied act of salvation for all mankind. When we are baptized in water, we are baptized into his death. The new wine He miraculously supplied at that wedding therefore represents the shedding of his blood on Calvary. And He didn’t just make one jug of this new wine either. He made enough for everyone at that wedding feast just as He offers salvation to every soul on earth so they too can attend the soon coming wedding feast in New Jerusalem.

And yes, this also means Jesus would never have created fermented wine at the wedding feast or would have offered fermented wine at the last supper because the new wine Jesus presented that day was perfect and pure just as the truth He preaches, whereas fermented wine would be corrupt and defiling just as the false teachers preach. We also need to realize that even though His blood spilled that day it was not allowed to rot in the grave, further confirming His blood was just as pure and undefiled as was the wine at the wedding and the last supper.

As for additional passages that declare wine in prophecy = doctrine, see my “Revelation defined” page and scroll to the word “wine” when you get time.


#247. Please explain Deuteronomy 22:5. Is it ok for women to wear pants?

Deuteronomy 22:5, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."


Satan goes against this biblical doctrine often. Especially today as we near the return of the Lord that penned that passage. He uses everything from Halloween to Hollywood to push it as being acceptable. Not to mention homosexuality wherein the men wear women’s clothing while in drag and the women wear the clothing of the man. This is why Hollywood movies like Mrs Doubtfire were so popular years ago and why Ellen DeGeneres wears pants as well as suits designed for men on her talk show. This blurring of the line between the genders no matter how trivial is the ultimate mockery of the Lord’s creative design. I also believe this is why many men, myself included, in the 60' and 70’s were tempted to have long hair and many women like Twiggy had extremely short hair. It was once again a blurring of the lines regarding God’s creative design between the genders.

Fashion designers have for decades done all they can to imitate the opposite sex, as nearly as possible so as to blur the lines which can then allow for all sorts of decadence wherein we now see with transgenderism. Yes, we have had to deal with homosexuality for decades in our generation alone, and yes that demonic act is a direct attack on God’s creative design when it comes to the creation of marriage in Eden. But I believe the transgender movement is a direct attack on that which was penned in Deuteronomy 22:5 so as to mock the Lord. And this is why fashion designers do as they do. They allow the general public to have the excuse offered them that says, these pants originally designed for man are now also designed for a woman and so it’s acceptable to society when a woman wears pants.

But for those among us that are older than myself I would have to ask if you recall how it was considered an abomination when women first started wearing pants in the 1940 and 50’s? Yes, they wore them before then, but not on TV, and not in ways that openly promoted it in society as we saw Hollywood do. Many preachers came forward with Deuteronomy 22:5 as well as other statements in the Word regarding God’s unchangeable design. After all, do we not worship a God that never changes or not?

But were you also aware that this wearing of pants by women was an issue centuries ago? And you’ll never guess who chimed in on it making it perfectly acceptable in society at that time for women to wear pants. Way back on November 13 in the year 866 AD, Pope Nicholas I wrote to a King named Boris I of Bulgaria the following words. He said "Whether you or your women wear or do not wear trousers neither impedes your salvation nor leads to any increase of your virtue" (The Responses of Pope Nicholas I to the Questions of the Bulgars A.D. 866 (Letter 99), translated by W. L. North (1998) from the edition of Ernest Perels, in MGH Epistolae VI, Berlin, 1925, pp.568-600.)

That’s right, the act of mocking the Lord by tempting women to wear pants was first sanctioned by a Roman Catholic Pope. And as expected, confusion moved on from there even in the church of Rome because a man called “Thomas of Aquinas” who most Catholics to this day consider to be a saint and a recognized theologian, taught, and I quote, that "outward apparel should be consistent with the estate of the person, according to the general custom. Hence it is in itself sinful for a woman to wear man's clothes, or vice versa; and it is expressly forbidden in the Law.” ("SUMMA THEOLOGICA: Modesty in the outward apparel (Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 169)") And he even went so far as to quote the passage in Deuteronomy 22. So as usual, Rome put forth both the lie and the truth to keep the people in confusion so as to prevent a loss of moral authority. When they openly want to sin they do so, but to prevent losing face they have a theologian openly correct them in writing. This allows for the worst and best of both worlds. Still, even though Thomas said what he said, he was no Pope, and so as expected, most trusted the Pope’s comments over that which Thomas quoted from Deuteronomy.

By the way, the church pioneers in the 1800’s had to speak on this issue with women wearing pants to the point of declaring it the American costume. But it wasn’t much of an issue with American women until Hollywood put out a movie called “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” in 1961 wherein Audrey Hepburn wore pants. And as expected, the moguls of Hollywood were used by Satan to popularize the act of cross dressing first with women and as we have seen the last few decades with movies like Mrs Doubtfire, we see them now focusing on men to cross dress too. In fact, I think this is why Hollywood Actor Will Smith’s son keeps appearing in the News and all over the Internet wearing dresses. Still, what Hollywood did in 1961 with Hepburn did cause a big problem and all the preachers were against it and made a lot of comments regarding it from all pulpits. But once women saw that movie, like the ones that agreed with the Pope in 866AD, they were embolden to emulate Hepburn's bold new fashion anyway and the truth as it was written by the Lord was ignored by most and the rest is history.

In any event, for women to wear pants, and for men to be wearing dresses, this so called fashion or as some call it, an alternative lifestyle; all of it is nothing more than a reversal of God’s design when it comes to how men and women should dress.

Following the lead first put forth by Satan and then adopted by Rome and Hollywood is something men and women of God have to consider when deciding what they will do. I have to say, since we know our Father in Heaven is a God that never changes and we know that He knows exactly who is behind the fashions of mankind, this style of dress we see today in the churches is something we know for a fact our God would not approve of in any way shape or form.

There are no gray areas in His Word blurring the lines of gender be it in fashion or lifestyle. Truth is truth in its purest form and any step off that platform etched in eternal Word of God is a step towards worldliness and Romans 8:5-8 says, "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.  For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God."

In short, for a man to wear a dress, or a woman to wear pants regardless of who the designer says it was made for is not at all fitting for the modest, humble woman or man of God that professes to be Christ's obedient follower. We have His Word and therefore should obey it.


#248. Are we SDA? What was the 1844 cleansing? Does the great disappointment factor in?

Hello Nicholas! I really appreciate your videos; they help me a lot with my journey with God. I know that Jesus is coming very soon, and I would like to ask you a few questions.

-Are you an SDA?
-What was the 1844 cleansing of the church?
-Does the Great Disappointment have anything to do with it?


No I am not SDA, that church has fallen as prophesied. I am of many in the prophesied “remnant of her seed” as Revelation 12:17 predicted.

Revelation 12:17, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."

If you do an in depth study into all the symbols in this passage, which I have done on a page titled, Seven churches four movements you will see that the SDA church is spoken as the woman here in prophecy and in history she is the ninth hour church. The remnant of her seed are those that have left the apostate SDA church. Revelation 14:4 speaks of us when it says, "These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb."

The SDA church demanded Jesus leave their midst decades ago and so those that follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth, left with Him back then and continue to leave whenever the truth is made apparent to them. See more on the apostate SDA church on my sister site at www.SDAapostasy.org

As for the 1844 cleansing of the church, it was the final fulfillment of the 2300 year prophecy found in Daniel 8. The cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary transpired at that time. In other words, instead of coming to earth at the end of the 2300 year prophecy as they assumed, Christ entered into the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary to perform the closing work of atonement which will then prepare all that’s needed for His second coming. And that is why they were so disappointed. They thought Jesus was returning October 22, 1844, when in fact He was merely stepping into the most Holy place. Their mistake was based on the belief that the earth was the Sanctuary and seeing how it was to be cleansed on that date as Daniel prophesied, they assumed that meant October 22, 1844 was the day Christ would return.

And yes, this great disappointment was also prophesied in Revelation 10:9-11 which says, "And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.  And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.  And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings."

The little book or message as we understand it to be was indeed sweet in the mouth in that declaring Christ is soon to come is indeed a sweet message to proclaim. But when October 23 came and the Lord had not come, it was very bitter in their bellies when they realized they were mistaken. They knew the Bible wasn’t wrong of course, it was their interpretation of it that had to be re-studied and that is what they did. And so, from that day forward the three angels message was in fact “prophesied again” as the Lord commanded only now it is the obedient remnant of her seed that are doing so. This is confirmed in how we notice how Revelation 12:17 describes the last days. The dragon, or Satan as Revelation 12:9 defines is angry with the woman. That woman is the SDA church and yes he is angry with her for what she did to his agenda in the 9th hour. But he is not making war with her because she has now become apostate. He is making war with the remnant of her seed. This is why we keep seeing attacks upon this church both physically and spiritually. But that will never slow the work any more than Sanballat’s useless stones tossed in Nehemiah’s pile when he was rebuilding the wall. For we are the repairers of the breech now and just as Nehemiah’s work was blessed to completion, so will our work be blessed and that is why Satan is making war with us.


#249. Why did Jesus purposely heal the man at Bethesda on Sabbath day? (also see #211)

Wouldn’t it be considered wrong to do certain things on Sabbath that the Jews of old declared to be wrong? It doesn’t appear wholly explained why did Jesus purposely heal the man at Bethesda on Sabbath day? And why did He specifically tell him to take up his bed and walk where all the Jews were bound to see him?

John 5:8-11, "Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.  And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.  The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the sabbath day: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.  He answered them, He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk."


Before answering; this question coincides with the answer shared in question #211 wherein the question was, is it ok to use electricity on Sabbath day.

It appears to me that Jesus did all this on Sabbath day to make a point because He knew how the Pharisees would react. As Jesus said in Luke 11:46, "Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers."

In other words, Jesus was rebuking the teachers of the law on how they put burdens on men that they themselves wouldn’t even obey. And none of these so called religious rituals were found in the Word of God as necessary to be performed on Sabbath day. They made the Sabbath a very difficult day to keep holy. These men even went so far as to walk around on Sabbath day looking for people to rebuke so as to make their authority that much more burdensome. This is why Jesus purposely told the man to take up his bed and walk.

Jesus did all that because He knew He would have audience with the Jews before the people to better educate them regarding the keeping of the Sabbath. If the teachers of the law were correct in all their strange rituals and burdens, then the Father in Heaven was in error. After all, this is how Satan has preached from day one. He told one third of Heaven that he was right and God was wrong, he told Eve that God lied and he told truth, and he has been spewing the same idiocies for eons into the ears of billions of people since time began.

Reason I say the Jews were teaching via Satan’s inspiration that our God was at fault was because, if the Pharisees had the power they would shut down every aspect of life on Sabbath day so as to force the people to keep it holy. In so doing God would look evil to all looking on.

How so you ask?

Since creation week our Lord has been instrumental in upholding every aspect of life on earth and in the Universe every second of the day. If the teachers of the law were correct then our God was at fault for allowing the Sun to rise, the planet to spin, the stars to shine, the ocean and all rivers, lakes and streams would have to stop flowing, the trees, flowers, grass, fruit and vegetables would have to cease growing. The bees would stop pollenating, the birds would stop singing, and if you want to get real technical about it, every soul on earth would have to stop breathing and therefore sleep during the Sabbath hours each and every week, and because the Lord doesn’t allow that to happen, the teachers of the law can easily instill in the minds of men that in some way our Heavenly Father is at fault and they, the teachers, are to be worshiped instead.


#250. What is your opinion on the Vatican telescope named Lucifer?

There is a website you might be interested in. If you go to a search engine and look up Investigative Journal Catholic Arizona telescope you should find the website. A telescope was placed on Mt Grahm an indian holy place and named Lucifer by the Catholic Church.


Yes, I’ve known and spoken on this telescope some years ago. Some claim the telescope is proof they fear an alien invasion is inevitable, but nowhere do we find such an agenda prophesied. Yes, Rome did start the alien and UFO lie centuries ago. In fact I have a Newsletter I did back in July of 2008 on this wherein I have actual paintings found in the Vatican with UFO’s in them so as to bolster this agenda. Will they use this to bring about an alien visitation using holograms, and is this why the controlled media keeps claiming scientists have discovered new habitable planets every other week ? I have no clue. If they do use an alien invasion or first contact scenario the elect won’t fall for it because we know those aliens would be nothing more than holograms or actual demons playing a part for the man of sin in Rome.

There is one scenario that I can think of as to why they have this telescope. As I mention on my we are very near the end page, there is a cloud coming out of the Orion Nebula that as prophecy predicts, will be seen by all on planet earth. When I think of all the evidence I have compiled over the years that the prelates in Rome are nothing more than Pagan who from ancient times have always worshipped Satan as their god, that fallen angel knows his time is short and so he has somehow been able to convince some of his fire bound subjects into keeping an eye on the Orion Nebula. Seeing how he knows prophecy better than any of us and seeing how he knows exactly where the kingdom of Heaven is located now, having advanced noticed about that cloud that is already headed this way will make it that much easier for him to gage his next move so as to not only bring about a world wide deception regarding the cloud as well as the fact it’s coming from outer space, he also needs to be able to have the time necessary to enforce his mark on as many souls as possible all over the world.

This is what always confuses me about this so called super-intelligent being called Beelzebub. Since it’s obvious that he knows about all the prophecies so as to create smokescreens around them, he must also know that the existence of the Gideon band itself confirms Christ will always have an obedient people on earth till that eastern sky splits and Satan will most assuredly fail. The “Lucifer” telescope and the alien agenda appear to be nothing more than another confusion of the truth so as to keep everyone looking in the wrong direction as the Lord gets closer.

On one hand I can see them using that telescope to make people think the Vatican has hidden secrets about extraterrestrial life on other planets, while on the other hand it offers them an obvious your face reality that they are in fact keeping their eyes glued on the eastern sky so as to all that their dying god would have them do before it’s all said and done.


#251. Is it ok to play sports on Sabbath?

Hi nicolas, is it ok to play a game of say tennis on sabbath day or to go swimming on sabbath? I know there are many scriptures forbidding work and buying and selling on sabbath day but are there any scriptures that forbid playing games or having fun? We believe, "precept upon precept, line upon line" but where are the scriptures that forbid fun/games on sabbath, if any. I want to do and teach what is pleasing in God's sight but i need scriptures, can you please help? Thank you for your time, God bless.


This is one of the easiest questions to answer in that we have a rather blunt thus saith the Lord on it. Some of you may already know about this passage but for the sake of the young in Christ I will share it anyway.

When you have a desire to do something on Sabbath day that the Holy Spirit within you moves you to wonder if it’s ok to do so, read these two verses in the book of Isaiah and then go forth from there.

Isaiah 58:13-14, "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it."


#252. Did Jesus eat fish after He resurrected?

Good day sir..i have a question.. did Jesus eat the fish whom the disciples gave as stated in luke 24:41-43? thank you God bless you

Luke 24:39-43, "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.  And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.  And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?  And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.  And he took it, and did eat before them."


The Bible isn’t clear regarding whether or not Jesus ate the fish offered Him that day. But as I do a line upon line and precept upon precept I come to the conclusion that no I do not believe Jesus ate fish after He resurrected.

First of all, if you do a short Bible study and you will find the word "meat" was associated with different types of food. For example, flesh, baked goods and even fruit were called "meat" in the Old Testament numerous times. So...  did Jesus eat the fish? Or was it that He was offered fish and honeycomb, but "chose" to eat only the honeycomb?

Please take note that He was also offered gall on the cross at Calvary to drink and it is obvious that He chose not to drink it. It says in Matthew 27:34, "They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink."

Just because Jesus is offered something to eat or drink, does not mean He will automatically eat it. We must also keep in mind that there is no meat eating in Heaven. All present in His kingdom will be enjoying the diet of Eden wherein no animals were killed to satisfy the hunger. Plus, Jesus is the Creator and He just stepped out of Heaven to appear unto the apostles. I find it out of character that while in Heaven he would not eat fish and then a few seconds later when He appears on earth He will. Plus.. prophecy did touch on His diet long ago did it not? It says in Isaiah 7:14-15, "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good."

I know some may see that as a far stretch towards answering the question. But, again the Bible does not give a thus saith the Lord on this in a single passage. So, as we see with some other doctrinal meat in Scripture, the line upon line and here a little and there a little instruction is the best way for erring man who still looks through glasses darkly to get a glimpse at what the truth is on this one.


#253. I have no more sacrifice for sin?

Hi pastor nic, I am really worried about Hebrews 10:26. I've at times given into temptation and wilfully sinned. Although I have only had the knowledge of truth for a couple of months, I fear that there is no more sacrifice for my sins.

Hebrews 10:26, "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"


That passage in Hebrews 10 speaks of those that deliberately decide they can no longer obey Christ because they think it’s too hard to give up their sinful ways and so choose to “sin willfully” from that day forward. They are the type of people that accept Christ as Lord who actually have their seeds tossed on the stony ground that Jesus illustrates in the parable of the sower of seeds in Mark chapter four.

When everything from spiritual trials, fleshly temptations and even persecution from friends and loved ones make them feel Christianity is “no longer fun” for them and so they go back to their old ways. With such as these there is no more sacrifice for their sins expect their own lives being offered up at the end of the 1000 years in hellfire.

As you read on in the chapter you see in Hebrews 10:39 that it says, "But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul."

Basic reality in all this is, the fact your sin bothers you deep in your heart verifies that you have not “drawn back unto perdition.” Unlike the reprobate who gives up and returns to his vomit of sinfulness, you have obviously not given up on Christ.

Truth is, every Christian will sin and yes even sometimes willfully. But willfully sinning one day and repenting the next is not what this passage is speaking of. It’s when the soul sins willfully one day and has no intention of repenting the next day that confirms salvation has been lost.

Satan is very busy attacking God’s people and yes, we are very weak at times. But the difference with the true Christian heart and the reprobate mind is that when the true Christian sins we actually grieve deep within and seek forgiveness for the sin. The reprobate simply gives up thinking Christianity is impossible to follow and then goes back to their old ways and dies in their sins. But the obedient Christian seeks repentance because it bothers them that they have disobeyed their heavenly Father.

Notice what it says in 1 John 1:8-10. It says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."

This passage shows that you are going to sin, but at the same time, as an obedient Christian, you will seek forgiveness, and because the Lord PROMISED to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, you are blessed and will make it home to Heaven.


#254. Is there any way to reach Roman Catholics?

Howdy! I don't know if this is the right place to contact you, but I'm in need of a little advice. My friend's parents are devout Catholics and have been for many years now. Her mother is especially stubborn when attempts to open her eyes are made, and she dismisses everything and shifts to the 10 commandments and 'respecting your parents'. I'd call that cop out. I advised my friend to arm herself with scripture, and that it be better to be ridiculed for telling the truth than to save any hurt feelings on a lie. They're good people, but man are they stubborn. Is there any way to gently lead them towards figuring things out for themselves? I'm not sure how to tackle this. I wonder how Jesus dealt with stubbornness.


Roman Catholics are under a strong delusion. See 2Thessalonians 2:10 and on. Not much can be done as the only reason for being Roman Catholic is based on fear. What I mean is, all Catholics today are the ancestors to the weak Christians who during the Inquisitions of Rome wherein hundreds of millions were tortured and killed by the Catholic priests, they all refused to accept Jesus as Lord because they feared being burned alive and buried alive if they denounced the Popes and their easily proven false doctrines.

Satan has all Catholics in a strong vice of heresy wherein many approaches have come up useless to help them see. But, there’s still hope. My experience over the many years of trying is, still share the seeds of truth with them, because they cannot unhear them, and then pray for the Lord to send more with the same truths over the years. But keep praying because prayer seems to be the only way most are pulled away from the lies of Rome as well as the many printed facts shared with them from time to time wherein eventually the seeds planted by the caring Christians sprout fruit and they leave the church.

There is so much dirt on the Roman church that finding something to show the Catholics about how evil their leaders are is an easy task. So much so that in just the last decade or so I have been able to compile quite a large pile on my site that is filled with information about all the prelates of Rome from the Vatican leaders to the cloistered nun.

The most popular pages to date that have helped some Catholics see are the “Black Popepage, the “Actual first Popepage and the “Characteristics of Antichristpage. Sharing some of these facts time and again may eventually hit the mark in their hearts that has fertile soil and a child of God can be born.

Truth is, thanks to the evil antics of the present Jesuit Pope, it’s become somewhat easier at times to help some Catholics see today. But, be prepared. Even though I have a mountain of evidence and even though I have all the sources to back up the facts and many of them are from the Vatican archives themselves; some Catholics will use the age old excuse that those facts are bogus. But, if that were the case, why is the mountain so large? One would think the still ongoing molestations would convince many to leave, but sin, as it is well embraced by the dogma of Roman Catholicism, which by the way is 86% Pagan, and they actually admit this in writing, it is still a powerful tool for Satan to keep the people in his clutches because the flesh is an easy tool to use against most people. As strange as that may seem, but is always the case, we are all our own worst enemies when it comes to the reasons some will burn. After all, just as salvation is a choice, so is the sin some choose over it.


#255. What happens when we are removed from the Internet?

I have a question, what happens when we are no longer online? What is to become of us as a church family? I’m just asking out of curiosity. Being here in FL and not sure were any other brothers or sisters are located. Will I just be on my own?


We are already working on that. The mailed newsletter will help us keep in touch, all the SDR site studies will be on USB drives for all to use by then and they will be able to use them in their own work on the street. The teleconference will hopefully still be online as well. But the most important thing is to be obedient to the Lord. That way, no matter how far apart we are, we will still be close to our Lord who will direct our every step as He did for David when he was always a step ahead of Saul. And David didn't have GPS like most today have. Just trust the Lord and He will guide you to where He needs you to be.

If you notice on the entry page of the poGm Conference room one of the brother's in the chruch created an outline we can all keep handy in the event the church conference room is offline. It's on the bottom of the page. It says the following...

Seventh Day Remnant Church Emergency Communication PlanEVENT: Internet Outage/loss of web site connection


  1. Refresh web browser/attempt access

  2. Reboot computer/attempt access

  3. Reboot router/attempt access

  4. Reboot modem/attempt access

  5. Repeat step 1 every 2 minutes for 10 minutes

  6. After 10 minutes use phone conference call

    1. phone no.: 1-712-775-7031

    2. access code: 451-938-078 #

  7. Stay on line for 30 minutes to allow Pastor Nicholas

    1. to become self mobile with phone and laptop.

  8. If no church service after 30 minutes, hang up.

When we are knocked offline we will most assuredly be able to keep in touch. All members of the church should be very careful however as to who you share your private info with when it gets close as we must realize the enemy will send people into the church to befriend people. This is something we all need to fine tune as we have witnessed in recent years that even after someone leaves the church in a bad way or is disfellowshipped, some members have been disobedient to the Lord in regards to Matthew 18 and 2 Thessalonians 3:14 and so by then we must pray that everyone is aware as to who they can really trust. One infiltrator at that time can cause the deaths of many. Being obedient to Christ doesn't just entail stopping sin, it also means we will follow His lead in every aspect of Gospel order so as to assure the hedge of angels are always around us.


#256. Can children receive the mark of the Beast?

Greetings Nic,
When the mark of the beast is enforced I won’t be taking the mark, but my wife who is a non believer will and so will my kids. At the moment they are only 2 & 5 months old. I was wondering are our children able to receive the mark or not receive the mark based on our actions.


As I understand it, the Word of God declares the age of accountability to be 20. I also know that many babies will “grow up as calves in the stall” in Heaven. (See my Heaven page for all the verses) I also understand that none of us are held accountable for the sins of our parents. In fact it says in Ezekiel 18:20, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."

One has to also understand that children cannot buy and sell anything anyway as they are children. So it is obvious to me that they will not be called upon to receive the mark. Still, the buy and sell portion of the mark can go on for years. We don’t know how long. If it goes on for 5 or even 10 years some children will grow up and eventually be asked to make the decision because by then they will have the wherewithal mentally and spiritually to actually make such a decision. I have no doubt they will stretch the buy and sell laws on for quite a while for at least two reasons.

#1, it will allow the weaker Christians the opportunity to cave in and receive the mark after being unable to pay their bills or even buy food.

#2, the longer they drag it out the more normalized it will become. Many weak Christians will eventually become complacent after a while and assume since the death penalty has yet to be enforced that it may never be enforced and perhaps the prophecy is wrong and so they will receive it as well.

That being as it is, I must declare as I still “look through glasses darkly” that if the children are very young when it's all said and done there will be a lot of children in Heaven.


#257. A parent or Spouse won't let me tithe

Dear brother Nic;

What happens when a person becomes a Christian and their spouse does not become one at th same time, or what if a teenager becomes a Christian and his parents are not. Are they in sin if they are forced not to tithe?


It depends on how the money is coming into the house. If the husband is a nonbeliever and the breadwinner of the family and the wife is a believer who has no income at all, then there is no sin. If her husband gives her an allowance of money then she can tithe on that sum, but she cannot force her husband to tithe his money if he does not believe. Same goes for the teen, but with a twist. What I mean is, if the teen has a job, but his parents control his paycheck, there's not much he can do if they demand to see how every dime is spent. He can ask to be able to tithe, but more often than not the nonbelieving parent won't allow it. So again, no sin there either. In fact it says in Numbers 30:2-5, "If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth. If a woman also vow a vow unto the LORD, and bind herself by a bond, being in her father's house in her youth; And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her."

In other words, if the teen decides to tithe and the parents prevent the tithe from being sent, the Lord forgives the teen, but the parents are in danger of damnation.


#258. What is the biblical definition of the word "legion?"

Do you know what the biblical definition is of legion? I was checking your symbols of Revelation defined page that maybe it would be there and I notice it's not.


No, the word 'legion' will not be found on my Revelation defined page because that word is never used in Revelaiton. However, there is a way to define it by simply looking into the three verses in the Word that do use that word. It's found in Mark 5:9, 15 and Luke 8:30. Let's look at Mark chapter five as that is where the name is used and the definition of it is also given a few verses later.

Mark 5:9-13, "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.  And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country.  Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding.  And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.  And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand) and were choked in the sea."

So there you have it. The demons declared themselves a legion and when they were cast into the pigs it turns out that 2000 pigs drowned.


#259. Who is the crowd 'that no man can number' with the 144,000?

Hi pastor nicholas,

Who are the crowd that 's spoken of in Rev 7:14. ? I was taught they were a great crowd of people along with the 144,,000 that came out of the tribulation.


Passage in Question: Revelation 7:4,9,14

To get the context of what's happening we need to read the verses before verse 14.

Revelation 7:4, "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel." The apostle John then records the number of obedient people in each tribe at this point and then says in Revelation 7:9, "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;" We then see in Revelation 7:14 that it explains who all these people are. It says, "...These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."

So there you have it. That large number no man could count are all the believers of the last 6000 years that went through tribulation for their faith. But is there a way to lock this down and confirm it is in fact the believers of all ages? It says in Acts 14:22, "Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."

In other words, and as every true believer can tell you, all of us have been persecuted in one way or another for our faith. And so this is in fact an identifiable fruit of the obedient people of God throughout all the ages.


#260. Please explain Isaiah 65:15 (New Name?)

Can you please explain Isaiah 65:15 that says, "And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name:"

 Is this talking about how the SDA name was given unto them or something else.


As far as I can see, this passage touches on a time that is very near the end of all things. As we see in the trailing verses, it speaks of the Lord creating a new heavens and a new earth. It also speaks of wiping away the tears when it says in verse 19 that "the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her." That being the case, is it not written in Revelation 21:4, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

This echoes that which we see in Isaiah 65:17-19 which says, "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying."

It also says in Revelation 3:12, "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name." And so the new name here in Isaiah is obviously speaking of that which will happen at the end of the 1000 years when the executive judgment, or hellfire as most understand it, is administered unto the wicked. They are now forever forgotten and their name is now associated with a curse. To confirm, going back to Isaiah 65:16, "That he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from mine eyes."

Think about this for a minute as well. Let's say you were Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran or even SDA and the 1000 years just ended and you as a citizen of New Jerusalem just saw all those Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans and SDA's burn to ash right before your eyes. Your old denominational name would then be clearly seen as a curse to you would it not? Praise God you have the new name Christ gave instead of the one mankind holds onto.

Now, as we know, the Word of God can often illustrate many truths in one passage. We see this often when studying prophecy. The verse says one thing for the reader who's heart is in need of correction and it says another thing regarding a prophesied event.

The reason I bring this up is because some believe Isaiah 65:15 can also be used to illustrate the evils of the SDA church and it's use of the trademarked name as a tool to persecute and even jail God's people. And, some believe it can be used to declare we, the Seventh Day Remnant people were given a new name by God after the SDA church trademarked theirs so as to legally attack and jail anyone using it.

The first scenario can be seen as plausible when we saw how directly after the SDA church started to use Vatican dogma, specifically their Trinity doctrine in 1980, that many SDA people split from the church to declare themselves truly SDA in smaller churches. So in 1981 the SDA church trademarked the name and immediately started suing their own brethren directly after the trademark became incontestable. Anyone using it now would be considered federal criminals and easily jailed for their crime and so yes, one can see how the name then became a curse unto the chosen people of God who were using it at that time.

The other toss of the coin then is the Seventh Day Remnant people. We can also see this passage as plausible for us in that we used to call ourselves SDA as well; but we had to also explain how we didn't teach the strange theology of the modern SDA church nor did we embrace the political insanity of the church as well when it came to Islam and homosexuals. That name became a curse unto us when people used to associate us with the SDA church who now delcares Allah is God, homosexual marriage is ok, and they also preach it's perfectly ok to join the church with the State in a 501c3 contract just to name a few. So we had to seek a new name and the Lord gave us the name Seventh Day Remnant. That name associates us perfectly with Revelation 12:17 when it says, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."

As we know the woman in this passage is the SDA church. But the devil is only mad at her for what she did during the 9th hour. It says the dragon is now making war with the remnant of her seed because we, the SDR people are actualy doing the work in the 11th hour that the SDA people stopped doing in the 9th hour. That is why the devil is only angry with her and making war with us.


#261. What is the difference between God's Law and Moses' law?

How can we distinguish when the bible is talking about the law of The LORD (10 COMMANDMENTS) and the law of Moses? Could you make a video?


I actually did a three minute video on this back in April of 2015 titled "Moses' Law -vs- God's Law" and I do have a page on the site all about God's law with this info in there. But because it can be hard to surf this site, I will do a quick summary on this so I can post it to the Q&A of Sabbath's past page. Basic fact is, the “Law of Moses” is not the “Law of God.” One law was to be kept until the cross of Christ so as to acknowledge the prophetic event they looked forward to that cross. They were written as a prophetic law. In fact, the entire Sanctuary service as well as to items in the Sanctuary right down to the colors have prophetic meanings. All the Laws of Moses were called ceremonial laws, or the law contained in ordinances. The other law, the ten commandments, is declared from Genesis to Revelation to be kept on earth till the end and then eternally in God’s kingdom. In fact, even the angels kept the ten commandments before mankind was created. It says in Psalms 103:20, "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word." And for those that claim the ten commandments were only for the Jews, mankind also kept the Law in the garden of Eden 2500 years before a Jew was ever born.

In the video I shared a few verses that say one thing about the law contained in ordinances that were written in a book that would eventually turn to dust and then some passages about the ten commandments contained in stone which in fact denotes permanence. These are those verses in summary. I am not going to share each verse as it is written, but I will share the Bible locations of them for the sake of time.

MOSES' LAW "Contained in Ordinances"  

GOD'S LAW "Contained in stone"

Called "Law of Moses"  Luke 2:22

Called "The law of the Lord"  Isaiah 5:24

Called "Law contained in ordinances"  Ephesians 2:15

Called "The royal law"  James 2:8

Written by Moses in a book.  2Chronicals 35:12

Written by God in stone.  Exodus 31:18; 32:16

Placed beside the Ark.  Deuteronomy 31:26

Placed inside the ark.  Exodus 40:20

Ended at the cross.  Ephesians 2:15

Will stand forever.  Luke 16:17

Added because of sin.  Galatians 3:19

Points out sin.  Romans 7:7; 3:20

Contrary to us, against us.  Colossians 2:14-16

Not grievous.  1John 5:3

Carnal.  Hebrews 7:16

Spiritual.  Romans 7:14

Made nothing perfect.  Hebrews 7:19

Perfect.  Psalm 19:7

Judges no one.  Colossians 2:14-16

Judges all people.  James 2:10-12

Now, even though I just shared those easy to research biblical facts, and I don't recall if I shared what I am about to say in the video, many still claim the Law of God was abolished at the cross so as to have the excuse to keep Sunday holy. They even go so far as to claim that as fact because they claim for some reason that the law is not mentioned in the Word of God after the cross of Christ. But the only reason they say that is because they don't read their Bibles and so they have no choice but to believe their pastor who actually lied to them. The truth of the matter is, all ten of the commandments are found mentioned as still binding on the obedient Christian after the cross of Christ. For example...


Old Testament          

New Testament

Commandment # 1

Exodus 20:3

Matthew 4:10

Commandment # 2

Exodus 20:4-6

1John 5:21  &  Acts 17:29

Commandment # 3

Exodus 20:7

1Timothy 6:1

Commandment # 4

Exodus 20:8-11

Hebrews 4:4,8,9 (The word "rest" in verse #9  = "sabbatismo" = "A keeping Sabbath" in Strong's #4520

Commandment # 5

Exodus 20:12

Matthew 19:19

Commandment # 6

Exodus 20:13

Romans 13:9

Commandment # 7

Exodus 20:14

Matthew 19:18

Commandment # 8

Exodus 20:15

Romans 13:9

Commandment # 9

Exodus 20:16

Romans 13:9

Commandment # 10

Exodus 20:17

Romans 7:7

If you would like a much deeper study on all this, see my Law of God page on the website.


#262. Please explain Galatians 3:13

Please explain to me what the curse of the law is as Galatians 3:13 describes?


Look at the "law" in general for a moment. Take for example the "laws of nature." Can you break the laws of nature and not suffer their curse upon you? What I mean by that is, what of the law of gravity? Can you leap from a tall building and NOT crash to the ground? Or what of the law of force? Can you walk across a raging river without a life preserver on without being pulled under by the brute force and weight of the water and swept away to drown? The curse of those laws of nature can mean certain death if you break them. No matter how hard you try to explain away, or preach that that law is not for you, or it's curse does not apply to you simply because you feel you are "above the law" or "special" or "non-believing" of it. No matter how much you try to explain t away, the curse will apply to you. Jump from the building or step into a raging river and you will die. So... I ask, if you cannot side step the mere laws of nature, how I ask can you side step the laws of God? Break His Law, and you will suffer the curse of the law. Plain and simple.

In the Old Testament it says in Psalms 32:1, "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." and in the New it says in 1 John 3:4, "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." And then it says in Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

As most Christians know, Jesus came to die the death we deserve so as to live for all eternity. Once we accept Jesus as our Saviour from the death we deserve, we are no longer "under the curse" because Christ helps us now to be "overcomers." See Galatians 3:10-14 for a BLUNT lesson in this truth.

And what is the promise?

Check out what Paul says about all this.

If you don't believe in Christ then you will perish because the Law cannot be broken. If there is sin, then there must always be a death so as to put the sin in the dust where it belongs. That is why Christ came to die for you. However, if you are a follower of Jesus Christ and understand the Law defines sin, yet sin anyway, then you will be judged by that Law for any un-confessed sin you commit. Romans 2:12-13,16 says, "For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;  (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel."

So.. to put it ever so bluntly, what is the curse of the Law?

As an obedient Christian we are blessed by keeping the law of liberty. We are actually at liberty to obey. Picture being pulled over by a cop for speeding. You were never "under" the law until you decided to break it by speeding. You broke the law, got caught, and now the "curse" of the law is your just desert, which in this case is the ticket from the ordained police officer. However, if you ask the cop for mercy, and he gives it... are you allowed to speed now? No, of course not! You are now under his grace. So being under His grace just as every obedient Christian alive is today, you will then obey the law of the Lord and be extra careful not to break the law. In the case of the cop who granted you his grace, you don't say thank you to him and then pull away spraying gravel on the cop because you don't want to insult his mercy or his grace because if you do so his wrath will be upon you just as the wrath of God is on all those that knowingly break His Law.

Remember what happened when the people of God ignored the mercy of God and His many warnings to them? It says in 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, "Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Jerusalem. And the LORD God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling place: But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy."


#263. Please explain Luke 17:34-37

It says in Luke 17:34 and there shall be TWO MEN in one bed... ?? Has the Bible always said this or are we being decieved ???


If you want to understand all the prophetic symbols in this passage you need to see what the Bible says about each one of them. I have all of them defined in a study I did some years ag. It's on my Revelation Defined page.

The reason we need to allow the Bible to define the symbols is because that is where they are found first and since this is how God chose to describe His truth and prophetic events, we must use His Word to define His Word. After all, if someone came to me speaking a language different from my own, would it not be wise for me to find out what his words meant so as to understand what he is saying? Plus, it says in 2 Peter 1:20, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." Just as I wouldn't give my own opinion for the words I heard from a man that speaks another language, I must also allow the Lord's Word to define His prophetic language as well.

This passage in Luke can be used by homosexuals in fact when they use their own opinion as to what they think it means when it says "two men in one bed" and so we can see how dangerous our own opinions can be. So, what does it really say in Luke 17? Again, if you want all the symbols defined individually, check out my Revelation Defined page when you get time. But to answer quickly for now, I will share the passage from Luke in today's language with all the symbols defined.

What's being is said is that when the Lord returns that night, two men will be in the grave, one will arise, the other will be left behind. There will be two churches doing the work, one will ascend to Heaven, the other will not. Two individual Christians will be doing the work but only one of them will be taken to Heaven. And those that do not ascend that night who die in the 7th plague, they will become food for the birds.


#264. Is braiding the hair a sin?

Hi, I have a question about women's hair and braiding. I know that 1 Timothy 2:9 (and a few other verses) mention braided hair. Does this mean all braids or ornate braiding only? As a Black female, braiding is not only popular/common, but it is also the easiest way to manage our hair. I never use weaves/wigs/etc. or braid designs into the hair. It's just my natural hair hanging in small braids (well twists to be honest--2 strands vs 3). Do you think God is against this type of hairstyle?


As far as I can see there is nothing wrong with braiding the hair as long as it isn’t done as some did when Paul wrote the letter to Timothy wherein it was all about standing out fashionably, and especially with gold threads intertwined along with costly clothing. Some styles took hours to create and were known to be expensive so as to let those looking on that the women wearing the style had the riches necessary to pay for the work done and some styles were designed to “one up” the other girls as well as attract young men to look upon them in the hopes of marriage.

The reason Paul mentions it was no doubt due to the fact that some women were doing so in the church which then made the worship services appear as fashion shows which distracted some from the message at hand. Churches still have issue with this to this day.

The real bad toss of the coin on this one is that some styles were also used back then to braid the hair that prostitutes wore to advertise certain acts they would perform for their customers. So the temptation to push the envelope was always going to be there and so modesty and well as a humble Christian attitude was what Paul was hoping to instill when he penned the passage to Timothy.


#265. I think you're wrong, The Great Tribulation is not in the past. I think it is coming soon.

I enjoyed your video and agree with most of it. however the bible is clear a great tribulation will happen just before his return. There will be more than 500,000 million die in this one, far more than the one you speak of. There are approx 6 billion people on earth now, very easy for over 500,000 to die. sorry, your version doesn't line up with scripture. God bless.?


Sorry dear one, there is not a single Bible verse to back up the great tribulation as Jesus defines it happening in the future. There is something coming, yes. But it's a different attack on the church. I share all the verses and the historic facts proving it already happened here.. http://www.remnantofgod.org/7yr-trib.htm

And yes, 500,000,000 died during that 1260 year period by the hands of the Roman Catholic church that ended in 1798ad. This is why The Pope lost all his political power in 1798ad when Napoleon did what he did and the Pope died the following year. This is also why it took centuries (until 1929) before that prophesied wound would ever start to heal. All nations refused to make friends with the Popes because of their graphically evil ways that caused so many millions of deaths. And so the Popes started to re-write Bibles and history books over the decades following to try and hide their past and after a couple hundred years those people that saw their evil ways first hand died off as is expected, but Satan made sure evil men still gained the office of Pope and then the people alive in the early 20th century stopped reading and trusting their Bibles and so they fell for the Popes lies again and now, as prophesied, he is back in power. In fact, as I share in a recent video, that wound is now healed. See this video here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V7jyius1c4

The great tribulation from 538AD to 1798AD saw 500,000,000 Christians killed. So I have to ask, how on earth would Jesus miss such an intense event in history wherein so many of His people die? Truth is, He didn't. That's why I wrote that "7 year trib fact or fiction page" I posted in the link above.

Now there IS a "time of Jacob's trouble" that is coming on the earth. But that doesn't start until AFTER the plagues begin. However, prophecy does say a "little time of trouble" will occur before those plagues get here and THAT HAS ALREADY BEGUN!  The Popes created the Koran (See proof here http://www.remnantofgod.org/PopeKoran.htm ) And they have been using Islam (See proof here http://www.remnantofgod.org/chrislam.htm ) to kill Christians today. Over 165,000,000 Christians now die each year at the hands of the Muslims who are clueless that they are doing all this for the Pope and they not only salute the Pope of Rome in ignorance on camera, (See proof here http://www.remnantofgod.org/salute.htm ) they use the exact same torture and killing methods of the Popes during the Inquisitions as well as the bloodthirsty Roman Catholic Adolph Hitler used in his day.  

The great tribulation is past. Rome hid that by burning and re-writing books because if the people alive today were allowed to know it was them that did all that, no one would trust them and they would have no political power whatsoever, and so the great delusion is allowed to fall upon those the Prophet Amos said would stop reading Bibles in our day and now, because evil is good and good evil in most eyes today, the Pope, who is in fact a bloodcurdling Jesuit, is loved by all as if he is a trusted friend in Christ.


#266. Doesn't the name Jesus come from the name Zeus?

I have been on your site for years and I notice you use the name Jesus a lot. I recently came across some new light regarding the sacred name of God and it is not Jesus. It is Yahweh or Yahshua. The name Jesus actually comes from the Pagan god Zeus.


I have a page on the website all about this. In fact, I touch on this on two pages. The links are as follows.

Both these pages can help, but when on the street and I come across this strange theology I share one Bible verse that usually puts to rest the idea that the name Jesus comes from Zeus.

For years I have been showing people how the name Jesus is translated as Joshua in the Strong's concordance. All one needs to do is find a verse with the name Jesus and you will know what I mean when you cross reference it.

2424 Iesous {ee-ay-sooce'}of Hebrew origin 03091; TDNT - 3:284,360; n pr m AV - Jesus 972, Jesus (Joshua) 2, Jesus (Justus) 1; 975

 Jesus = "Jehovah is salvation"

 1) Joshua was the famous captain of the Israelites, Moses' successor

 2) Jesus, son of Eliezer, one of the ancestors of Christ

 3) Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, God incarnate

 4) Jesus Barabbas was the captive robber whom the Jews begged Pilate to release instead of Christ

 5) Jesus, surnamed Justus, a Jewish Christian, an associate with Paul in the preaching of the gospel

There actually 942 verses with the name Jesus in them to choose from, but I have one verse that literally knocks the claim that Jesus came from Zeus out of the water. It's found in the book of Acts. I will read a few verses before and after to keep it al in context.

Acts 7:44-47, "Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses, that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen.  Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;  Who found favour before God, and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.  But Solomon built him an house."

If you read the entire chapter you know it's the sermon of sorts presented by Stephen to the angry Pharisees. Stephen goes into detail about how the Lord moved from generation to generation among His people and when he gets to verse 45 he specifically brings up Joshua who superseded for Moses after his death. But in the King James Bible the name Joshua in the New Testament is translated literally as Jesus. That confirms the truth about the origin of the name Jesus not coming from Zeus at all.

In all 942 verses we see the Greek translation of Jesus being that of Joshua and in the same Greek when the name Joshua is spoken regarding the Joshua of the Old Testament the name Jesus is used. In short, as I outlined on those pages I linked out earlier, the sacred name movement is designed to foster confusion as well as prevent the zealous ones from doing the work prophesied to be done this day. Instead of preaching present truth about making your paths straight for the preparing of the Lord, they are preaching everyone must stop using the manmade name Jesus who they claim came from Zeus.

One last thing is apparent as to how the confusion reigns in the hearts of those that preach this sacred name message. They declare that the name Jesus is man made. Yet their name Yahweh or Yeshua is also manmade. For example, the name Yahweh is actually spelled YHWH in the original Hebrew Text. The sacred name people added the vowels to make the name pronounceable. In short, they are accusing us of using a manmade name when in fact they are the ones doing that very act. We use the name found in Scripture. They use one altered by man.


#267. Are we seeing Babylon besiege America as Israel did in Jeremiah's day?

Hey Pastor, I have a prophetic question for you. Do you think this could, or does apply to our time too, the mighty nation being the Muslims, men of war, who have come to dwell in America, due to their disobedience? The more I listen to this, the more I think of America. Israel - Protestants, Judah - SDA.

Jeremiah 5:15-17  Lo, I will bring a nation upon you from far, O house of Israel, saith the LORD: it is a mighty nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language thou knowest not, neither understandest what they say.  16  Their quiver is as an open sepulchre, they are all mighty men.  17  And they shall eat up thine harvest, and thy bread, which thy sons and thy daughters should eat: they shall eat up thy flocks and thine herds: they shall eat up thy vines and thy fig trees: they shall impoverish thy fenced cities, wherein thou trustedst, with the sword.


Yes brother, just as Jeremiah tried to warn the apostate leaders in his day against Babylon being used by God to punish them, one can see Jeremiah’s message being proclaimed as pertaining to our day as well. As we know, Rome invented the way Islam walks today. And we also know that Rome is the prophesied whore of Babylon. So, just as the Jewish leaders in their day walked away from God, thereby forcing Him to use Babylon to punish them, He is doing the exact same thing today with the SDA church, all the Sunday keeping churches, and even the woefully backslidden Jews themselves are now part of the Babylonian hoards.

I happen to be in Jeremiah in my morning studies and with nearly every chapter I read and multiple times in each chapter I see that I can’t help thinking that the leaders in the nation and the church need to read and heed this book. But, just as they were blind to the truth in Jeremiah’s day when he did all he could to warn them, they will turn a blind eye today. Still.. we can and must share with them as Jeremiah did and many obeyed and took their spiritual medicine as commanded and surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar before he burned the city. In today's world of course, they need to come out of Babylon rather than go in. And as we have been witnessing over the last few years alone, many had indeed come out.


#268. Why does it appear the four Gospels have different accounts?

Please help me understand why Jesus is recorded as saying three different things before He died on the cross. For example: one of the times He's recorded as saying why have you forsaken me.

I am not asking for an all out explanation for each one ... just why three different things were recorded. Do I just have the timing wrong & He actually said all three things one after another? What am I misunderstanding?

And, yes, I did search your site for help with these two questions, but was unable to find  anything about Luke 22:36 or the three statements.


The reason it is recorded differently is the same reason we see four Gospel message of the same events in Christ's pilgrimage to our world. It's the same truth during the same 3.5 years of events in Christ’s visit here, but not all four Gospels cover the same thing because four different men shared what was important to them personally.

This is also why we see Titus 3:10 telling us to walk away when we try to share the truth as we see it two times with someone that refuses to hear what we have to say. The Lord will send more witnesses who will share the same truths with different viewpoints and eventually (hopefully) that soul will hear something that finally hits him or her in the heart like a ton of golden bricks from the streets of New Jerusalem.

In other words, it’s not that Jesus didn’t say “why has thou forsaken me” in one Gospel yet says it in another is because the one being moved by the Holy Spirit to pen what he witnessed shared what he personally saw and what he heard.

What was important to John was recorded by John, what was important to Luke was recorded by Luke and so on and so forth. All of it is truth, it's all the same story and the same truth resides in all four accounts. It's only that none of us have the exact same viewpoint as our neighbor and so Matthew, Mark, Luke and John shared the same truth, yes. But they explained it all in different ways that to them moved them deeply. And again, as we saw in the letter to Titus, there's a reason it was done this way.

By the way, ever notice this? As we know Satan likes to mimic the Lord and His way of doing things. Just as the four Gospels share truth that is designed to spread far and wide, his lies can spread in the same way. In fact, as a young man I always wondered if this is why the word gossip was invented? Is it a mockery of the word Gospel? I never looked into it and so I don't know. But it does seem obvious to me.

When someone is enticed by the lies spreading about their neighbors, coworkers, classmates and even loved ones, they will busy themselves spreading those lies via what we call gossip today. If you notice, like the Gospel message of the apostles who shared what they deemed more important to them personally, the stories of the busybodies, tattlers, talebearers and false witnesses as they are called in 1 Timothy 5:13, Leviticus 19:16 and Provebs 6:19 just to name a few, spread in the same way only as lies instead of truth. As these sinful souls go house to house or phone to phone, the stories they share about their friends and neighbors are embellished by what what each gossipper deems more destructive to the person they are slandering. So, just as different truths are seen in different levels of importance by the Apostles that penned the Gospel message, the lies of those moved by Satan do the same thing with lies. It's all the same message, only proclaimed via different viewpoints.


#269. Does 1 Peter 4:8 say we are saved by works?

As I was reading my Bible the other day I came across a passage that seems to say we are saved by works. Perhaps I'm missing something? Can you clarify this for me It's found in 1 Peter 4:8


Verse in Question:

When you read from verse #1 down to this passage you will see it is speaking of how we are to treat others that aren't as kind to us as we walk in this world with Christ. In verses 3 & 4 of the same chapter it actually outlinines some of the past sinful fruits of those that have converted to Christ, who after conversion were treated badly.

And so again, verse 8 is saying that we must show charity even if someone has personally sinned against us. Charity = love in translation. With that said, verse #9 in this chapter confirms that if we show love to others, no sins against us will matter or even dictate how we should treat them.

In today's language, verse 8 would be saying... "..have fervent love for each other, for love like this will cover a multitude of wrongs committed against us."

One way to illustrate this in action is to look at a child that lashes out against a parent, or directly disobeys. No matter how much hate is displayed by the child, the parent's love for their child covers those sins up and still loves the child no matter what. As expected in a book that is written by God, one can see this truth carried throughout so as to confirm the hand of God is within its pages. This truth can be seen in Proverbs 10:12 where it says, "Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins." or Proverbs 17:9 which says, " He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends."

So to answer your question. No, 1 Peter 4:8 is not preaching we are saved by works. It is merely illustrating how a heart touched by God will treat their fellow man.


#270. Please explain Colossians 2:14

Doesn't Colossians 2:14 clearly say the law of God was nailed to the cross and therefore we no longer have to keep the ten commandments?


So, from what I am seeing here, you are being taught by your pastor that the ten commandments are the "ordnainces" spoken of here, and therefore after the cross of Christ all the sins as they are illustrated in the law of God are somehow no longer to be called sin. So.. I would ask the one in doubt on this; was it a sin to steal before the cross? They will of course say yes. I then ask was it a sin to steal after the cross? They again say yes. Was it a sin to lie, kill, take God's name in vain or commit adultery before the cross? They will say yes to all questions. So then after asking them all that I then ask was it considered a sin to lie, kill, take God's name in vain or commit adultery after the cross? Amazingly enough, they will again say yes. Then according to the one questioning Colossians 2:14 already has their answer.

But to drive it home a bit further. I then ask them another question. Since we now know it can't be the ten commandments being abolished at the cross since you just admitted the sins listed in the law were still considered sins after the cross; what is the ordinance that could now be seen abolished at the cross? If they don't know of one, I then ask them why the Jews offered meat and drink offerings or killed a little lamb each year? If they know the basic truths of the Bible they will say they killed the lamb as an offering for their sin. Therefore, since they now see this truth a little clearer even though they may not get the full understanding as of yet, I then ask them, would it be considered a sin to refuse to offer a lamb as an offering for sin before the cross of our Saviour Jesus Christ? Again, if they know the basics of their Bible as  you will find most do in this area, they will say yes, it would be sin for the ancient Jew who refused to offer a lamb as an offering for sins he knew he had committed. So then I have to ask another question. Would it be a sin to refuse to offer the sacrificial lamb after the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross to take away our sins? In other words, since it is a sin for the ancient believer to refuse to offer the little lamb as an offering for their sins back then, is it a sin today to refuse to offer a little lamb as an offering for our sins? They will then say no, it would not be a sin to refuse to kill a lamb as an offering for our sins today. So one final question needs to be asked .. since it's a sin to lie, kill, and steal before and after the cross, but it was only a sin to refuse to kill a lamb as an offering for sin before the cross, which laws were then abolished? Was it the ordinances that God gave Moses wherein a little spotless lamb was brought forth as an offering for sin, an ordinance that John the Baptist even prophesied was about to end when He said in John 1:29, "...Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." And as  you just admitted we no longer offer the lamb as an offering for sin. Or was it the law of God, the ten commandments, that you also admitted were considered sinful tpo break before and after the cross of our Lord?


 #271. Doesn't Romans 8:23 teach immediate life in Heaven at death?

I have a firend who declares the "Spirit" and "redemption of the body" found in Romans 8:23 confirms we go to Heaven at death.


The “redemption of the body” is the key phrase in this passage and the “Spirit” has to do with the Holy Spirit not the “ghostly” spirit mankind invents to place us in heaven as spirits strumming harps on clouds.

When we groan in the body because of the weakness of the flesh, the Holy Spirit blesses us with a deep desire to stop the sins so as to not only gain repentance but redemption as well. You may want to also mention to your friend that using one verse to declare a doctrine will not work with the God of the Bible who not only pens the doctrines, He structures them in a way that confirms them as doctrines. For it is written in Isaiah 28:9-10, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

In other words, when we have literally dozens of Bible verses to prove the state of the dead is not as the world claims, we know your friend is being lured into confusion when he is tempted to use one verse to make it appear to say something the Lord never said. The line upon line, precept upon precept and here a little there a little confirms the numerous other passages prove his theology false. In fact, just reading a few verses above and below the verse in Romans 8 confirm he and his teacher are in error.

Romans 8:20-26, "For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,  Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.  For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?  But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.  Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."


#272. The 7 last plagues fall within one year?

Why do you believe and teach the 7 last plagues fall in just one year and not many years as so many others believe? Is it because of Revelation 18:8?


The Word of God defines the word day as a year when used in the prophetic sense. In fact, we have a few verses that confirm this.

As we know it says in Revelation 18:8 that the seven plagues come in one day, and we know this is also called the time of Jacob's trouble. And as is a surprise to some, we see here that Jeremiah the prophet actually agrees on all this. Notice what he says about the plagues that fall in one prophetic day.

And yes, this speaks of the last days further confirming this is speaking of the 7 last plagues. Notice what Jeremiah says in verses 23 and 24 of the same chapter.


#273. Is keeping the Law of God a salvation issue?

Some within your church declare that if we refuse to keep the law we will lose our salvation. Is this not preaching works will save us?


As for the law being a salvation issue. Again.. I would need to see the comment made by the brother to better address this issue as I do not want to comment on something that may be taken out of context. But since you have not supplied the exact statement made by the brother, I will address this question as if you're asking me, do we lose our salvation if we break God's law?

There are many ways to answer this question, one which I like to use often is already addressed on my "If you break one you break ten" page wherein I illustrate that if you break one commandment you have broken them all. The reason I use this often is because the norm among Sunday keepers today is to have issue with commandment #4 regarding keeping the Sabbath holy. So, if you want to get info on that I suggest you visit that page, I also share the page in a video so as to make it easier for some that prefer videos.

But there is another method of answering that for some is even more effective in that some Sunday keepers truly want to please and honor the Lord Jesus.

Jesus said we are known by our fruits did He not? But what fruits is He speaking of? Basic reality is, he is speaking of keeping His Law. How do we know this?

If we keep the law as Jesus Himself and all His apostles kept it before and after the cross, it proves we are Christians and therefore saved because, and now here's the clincher, He promised to write His ten commandments in our hearts and on our minds.

Notice what it says here.

That all being said, if a person claims to be a Christian yet does not keep the Sabbath holy, then the law was not placed in their hearts, and if the law is not already in their hearts, then it is evident the Holy Spirit is not there either, for it is written in Acts 5:32 that "we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him." And what does obey mean?

Notice also what Jesus said to a rich man one day. It's found in Matthew 19:16-17, "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?  And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments."

Jesus then lists some of the commandments so as to make it plain He was speaking of the Ten He gave Moses on the mountain. So, since Jesus told the man to keep the commandments that day, are we now to assume that after the cross He would have sought that man out to declare he no longer had to keep the commandments? Jesus never kept anything hidden. If the law was to be abolished as some teach at the cross, then why didn't He say so to this young man that day?

Notice this as well. After the cross of Christ we not only have many passages wherein the apostles still declare we must keep the Law, we also have one passage that clearly illustrates how foolish it would be to even discuss the idea that the Law was somehow no longer needed to be kept. It says in Titus 3:9-10, "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.  A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;" 

Bottom line is, if your pastor is saying you no longer have to keep the Law, and you have Old and New Testament passages declaring you must keep it, then I think we need to follow Peter's advice of 2000 years ago when he said in Acts 5:29, "...We ought to obey God rather than men."

And so, to answer the question in a nutshell. That being, is refusing to keep the law a salvation issue, I must say yes it is. But, the other toss on that coin is that no man can keep the Law unless they are truly Christians because unless you receive the Holy Spirit to help you keep His Law, it will be impossible to do so.


#274. Why does Jesus call us "the salt of the Earth?"


The verse in question is;

Notice what Elisha did in His day long ago. And notice the symbolism in all this.

When Elisha cast that salt into the undrinkable water he was doing as the Lord told Him to. Later, thousands of years later in fact, Jesus uses the same healing method when it comes to salt and the corruption of sinfulness in the land. Just as the salt that was cast into the waters purified it and brought new life to the spring, obedient Christians can also be used of God to bring healing to their sinful souls as well as to their nation.

As Christians, we are to be a good example as well as bearers of Good News to a dying world. And by the way, before refrigeration was invented, for a little over 5900 years mankind used salt to perserve the flesh people would eat. The rotten or dead water in Elisha's day is symbolic of the polluted and dying souls that have separated themselves from the Lord. In fact, remember what Jesus said in John 7:37-38, "In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."

So everyone you come up to that needs their rotten water purified, we as the salt of the earth can share some of God's goodness with them and therefore they too can come to know the Lord and then have streams of flowing water flow from them. As obedient Christians, we are to be a preserving and healing influence to the lost of the world.

And by the way, Jesus mentions a 'flowing water' for a reason. Have you ever smelled stgnat water that was allowed to sit without any movement for months on end? I have more than a few times over the years. Water can and does die if it just sits there. There are living organisms in water that unless it keeps flowing or even just moving by agitation they will die and rot and the odor that comes off smells like a mix of carrion and feces. This I believe is why when someone is demon possessed they will often have that smell eminate from their bodies unto those with discernment that can help them.

You know what really amazes me about all this? Just as salt preserves flesh from rotting, the obedient Christians have been preventing God's wrath from falling on the masses. Remember when Abraham asked the Lord if there were 50, 45, 40, 30, 20 or even 10 righteous people in Sodom, would He spare the city? God said yes. And later, God even told the angels to get Lot and his family out of Sodom before He destroyed it.

Now think about this. God's wrath will not fall on this planet until everyone that can be saved is saved. And as soon as all the obedient Christians are either martyred or numbered in the Gideon band, God will send the plagues and then destroy all the earth in the final and most violent plague. That's right.. the fact Christians are still alive is what's preventing the wicked from being destroyed. They owe every day of life to the Christians who are the salt of the earth. And what's ironic here is that the wicked are doing all they can to kill off those Christians, which then seals their eternal fate at the same time.


#275. Why are you supporting that adulteress clerk in Kentucky?

Brother please tell me why you are supporting the clerk who thinks it is ok to commit adultery 4 times and not see her own sin. We are to spread the word of God. We are not the judge ONLY GOD IS.. God gave us ALL free choice. No where in the Bible does it say you are to force your beliefs on another human. God wants us to come to him out of the LOVE in our hearts, and do his will out of that LOVE. She needs to stop lying about being a Christian. She proved that with her first, second, third and fourth marriage. She is still living in SIN. The people who want to marry another man or woman will have to answer to God, not some sinful clerk who is no better than those she is refusing to serve. We can only tell people the truth and we have to let them choose.


First of all, to remind those that may have forgotten, this email is about that clerk in Kentucky named Kim Davis who refused to sign the marriage licenses of homosexuals back in September of 2015. Yes, that happened a while ago, but I answer them as I get them.

Dear confused soul;

You need to stop watching and then trusting the pro-homosexual media. Yes, she was married 4 times, but what the mainstream media doesn’t say is she found Jesus during her fourth marriage. Her courageous fruits to stand firm in Jesus confirms this. Being as such, she not only became a believer she was forgiven for her previous sins. If you’re truly one that studies the Bible with an obedient heart you would know that. For you to say “she is still living in SIN” is a lie because you cannot judge her heart. Only God does that. You need to repent of judging your sister in Christ who is doing the best she can. After all, if she was still an adulterer as you claim, would she put her life in danger like this? If she was still living in sin as you claim, would she allow them to throw her into jail for standing firm in Jesus? Why is it you cannot stand firm in agreement with her?

This reminds me of the Vatican prelates who claimed the ones they were burning at the stake were not true Christians. But I have to ask, would anyone put their lives on the line for a fake faith? Anyone with a fake faith is not going to have power from the Lord at all. The first sign of persecution will make them run for the hills in abject fear. Look at the apostles and the early Christians as well. If they all just invented this religion to gain notoriety and a few dollars in their pockets would they allow themselves to be persecuted and even killed one by one? Sure, you may see one or two misguided zealots that would have no problem dying for a fake religion. But hundreds of millions? Not a chance. Only God can touch a heart like that.

One more thing. 2000 years ago there was another woman who was an adulterer. In fact, she was caught in the very act and then cast before the feet of Jesus to be stoned. Why is it those that wanted to stone her knew all about the sins Jesus was writing in the sand that not only proved they were all sinners, it made them all drop their stones and walk away. How is it so many people refuse to see that today and start tossing stones the first chance they get? Or what of the fact that Jesus said to her in John 8:11 which was, "..go, and sin no more." How can she go and sin no more after you stone her? If I follow the lead of Jesus Christ I see a soul saved. If I follow your lead I see a soul persecuted, shamed and even killed.

Now yes, we can judge, and prophecy says we will judge angels. But are you also aware that Jesus said in Matthew 7:2, "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."


 #276. Why do we have Pagan names for the week and what about the Lunar Sabbath?

Hi, I've recently become a believer in the Bible and I know what has been written is true. I have a few questions I hope you may be able to help me with. I've been doing some reading on your site and I was wondering how the Sabbath could possibly fall on Saturday. When the book of Genesis and Exodus was created, the day Saturday hadn't been created, nor were the people who created the word even around. Also the word Saturday comes from the Latin word Dies Saturni which means Saturn, the god Of Saturn or Saturni the god of sowing seeds. Also there have been so many additions/subtractions/leap years done to the calendar that all the days we refer to today are wrong.. So I guess my questions are How is it possible for the Sabbath to fall on Saturday? Also since the times of Genesis and Exodus they didn't have names for days so how would they calculate which days were which unless they had used something like the moon? I'm very confused by all of this and I seem to be going in circles around it so if you could possibly explain it that would be fantastic.


The moon has nothing to do with the weekly cycle. The week was created in creation week and only one day was given a name back then. That day was Sabbath, and it was the seventh day. All the rest of the days were numbered with the exception of Friday which was also called preparation day. Later, mankind changed calendars from 30 days each month to a mix from 28 to 31. Due to their inability to deal with how God created things, their calendar caused many issues over time and so they added leap years.

For example, in the Gregorian calendar, which was added by Rome as the prophet Daniel predicted, each leap year had 366 days instead of the usual 365 to make up for the way the planet travels in orbit around the Sun. So whenever we have a leap year you will notice that instead of 28 days for February we will have 29 days in a leap year. Calculating a leap year is done by using a solar formula to assign the leap year. They have to do this because the planet doesn't really orbit the Sun every 365 days. It happens every 365.25 days and so every 4 years they have to add one day to February. But, it doesn't end there. They also have to calculate the the century year in the process. Search online about that as I don't want to get into all that detail on this.

Suffice it to say, the easiest way to remember when a leap year is coming, and yes you can see Rome's hand in this mess as well; is every time they have the Olympic games or a presidential election, that year will be a leap year.

By the way, how would you like to live thosuands of years ago when the Jewish nation had their leap year? They didn't just add 1 day at the end of the second month like modern man does. They added a 13th month every 19 years. That would reek havoc in today's digital society I'm sure. I can't imagine what it would be like at tax time either.

There are other cultures around the world that also have strange ways of calculating leap years. And yes, they all deal with the worship of the Sun, moon and stars which leads me to your mentioning the Pagan names for the days of the week.

The Pagan names were changed over the centuries as you know. SATURNday became Saturday, FRIEGday become Friday, MOONday became Monday and so on. However, even though all these changes occurred, NEVER was mankind ever allowed to change the weekly cycle. They can change the length of the month and even the year all they like. But the Creator who created everything in six days prevented all of them from changing the weekly cycle so as to keep His Sabbath very visible to all those in need of learning His will.

So, they can call the days any name they want, but the fact remains there is still only seven days each week. In fact, I go into detail on the following page in how God wouldn’t even let modern day Rome change the weekly cycle back in October of 1582 so as to give Easter an afixed date each year. Doing so would have hidden the truth from the less educated eyes why the date of Easter changes each year. It changes because Easter itself has nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Christ and everything to do with the worship of the Sun, moon and stars. They can easily hide their Pagan ritual with Christmas because it's based on the Solar cyle of the planet around the Sun and therefore on an afixed date each year since our calendars are based on that solar cycle. But Easter is based on the cycle of the moon. And so ask any Pagan or Roman Catholic why Easter's date changes and they will both say it's because after the first full moon of Spring, the following SUNday is Easter. See this page… http://www.remnantofgod.org/romeadmits.htm

God created the week and He created and sanctified the seventh day to honor Him as Creator. Nothing mankind can do can ever change that reality and the way He has protected that weekly cycle for 6000 years confirms He won't let them mess with it. He is God and man cannot change anything He sets in stone. However, the beast in Rome will try and as one can see, most in the Christian world believe the Vatican changed the Sabbath to Sunday and they believe it was ok to do so. But, that too was prophesied as was the fact that a small “remnant” church near the end of time will still hold firm and glorify God on His original Sabbath with commemorates creation week as well as Him as Creator. Soon, Rome will enforce laws to try and force that remnant to keep Sunday holy. But they will refuse. For an in depth look at this prophesied event, see this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/mark.htm

I also see by your question, which I have seen often the last few years that you may be leaning towards keeping a Sabbath based on the lunar cycle because most tempted to do so usually start off in this manner by questioning the names assigned to the days of the week. Satan is very crafty and he will use whatever method he can to entice error to be embraced as truth.  

To summarize what I already exposed online years ago, one thing these Lunar preachers do seem to agree on is they believe the weekly seventh day Sabbath is always observed on the same days of the month each and every month. 99% of them agree these dates to be the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. I say 99%, because I actually found one site that claims the dates should now be the 7th, 14th, 21, and 28th. As prophesied, the confusion of Babylon runs amuck even here.

To further entice the masses into believing their folderol, one such Lunar preacher actually goes so far as to offer a $10,000 reward to anyone who can pinpoint a weekly Sabbath on any other day than by the phases of the moon. And one that used to be a friend of this ministry before falling for the prophesied Roman SDA theology was offering $1 million dollars to anyone that can prove him wrong on this. From what I discovered, it has been exposed as error by many preachers and one group even asked permission from me to use my study on this to try and win the money. I sent them the study and my permission to use it to try and enlighten the confused souls, but I also told them not to expect a dime for either of these false preachers. I've dealt with these people before and honesty is not a major fruit in their basket of life.

So as expected, none in that group of preachers received the money even after showing my compilation of Bible facts proving the lunar Sabbath is a lie. In fact, when the word got out about this false doctrine and the facts I compiled, they immediately removed their cash prizes because of the unrefutable truths presented and numerous emails telling them about their error. That fact alone has caused many to rethink all this. That's one thing I like about the truth. It never hits the ground to remain in the dust of error. In fact it says in Isaiah 55:11, "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

Most Lunar preachers also agree that these Lunar weekly Sabbaths always land on the previously mentioned dates without exception each and every month without fail, even during a leap year. One site actually goes so far as to create a "non-day" in their calendar that helps them to manipulate their findings so as to better fit their doctrine since the inexact orbit of the moon changes twice a year. And one Lunar Sabbath website goes so far as to say that the weekly Sabbath is determined only upon the phases of the moon and not by the counting of days one through seven. And finally, another website states every week always begins after the new moon worship day, therefore allowing for the creation of "non-days" to fix the broken weekly cycle.

In short, their theology suggests that with each month the Sabbath will then fall on a different day of the week thanks to the afore mentioned dates. In other words, their false doctrine is not about the seventh day Sabbath as much as it is about the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th day Sabbath. That way Satan can have his cake and eat it too. All he wants is for people to break the eternal Sabbath of the Creator God. Since most already do so weekly via the Sunday keeping Christians and Friday keeping Muslims; he knows Jews and Sabbath keeping Christians need to be targeted as well. And for some that don't obey God and are easily confused, the lunar Sabbath is their grand delusion that keeps them in his trophy case. May God have mercy on their souls.


#277. Why were men (in OT times) permitted to have multiple wives, but not in these NT times?


As far as I can see, there is no clear cut answer in the Word as to why this was allowed or even ignored by the Lord at times and so all I can do is share what I see in all this by sharing a few experiences from the Word itself.

As I look into the Scripture and see the end result of such things I find that it’s not so much that He permitted it any more than He allowed Martin Luther to keep Sunday holy thousands of years later even though He used him in a mighty way while at the same time knowing he was breaking His law. As we know, many strong Christians in past generations are heaven bound even though they were all Sunday keepers, and like Luther many were used of God to help others get a closer walk with Christ. But the bottom line reality is, Luther was a Sunday keeper, yet the Lord allowed that for a time just as He allowed Solomon to have all those wives for a time because he is our heavenly Father and not our heavenly tyrant. Problem for mankind in all this is, even though David and Solomon both knew about the Lord’s will on such things, they still did it anyway. See Deuteronomy 17:16-20 for confirmation on that. Especially Deuteronomy 17:17 which says, "Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away:..." Because as is obvious in both cases and especially Solomon's such things can draw the heart away from the Lord.

As is obvious, the unwholesome practice of polygamy was borrowed from the customs of the heathen nations around them for political reasons at first. They did so to make friendly relations to gain international benefits in commerce, which is another reason it was never a good idea to seek a king in the first place. The Lord had already set up judges that would follow the Lord's command and not bow to political idiocies like this, but man insisted on having their own king and so the rest is history. The fact they started to do as the heathen's did showed it directly influenced their judgment towards a bad end just as the Lord warned in Deuteronomy 17:17. They allowed the flesh to dictate their actions so as to marry into heathen lands to gain riches and power. In so doing their lives were filled with many tough trials. Both David and Solomon had many problems with having many wives.

As Bible students we know the Lord “winks” at our times of ignorance and as we see throughout the Bible He often allows us to learn the hard way in many different ways. Take Solomon as another perfect example in this. He eventually discovered later in life that having numerous wives was unwise in that they eventually lured him away from proper worship as well as condoning Pagan worship. He of course eventually repented; but the damage was done in regards to how his sinful past influenced his children and eventually the entire nation. In fact he knew that even though he was looked upon as wise, his actions greatly influenced many people he loved in a very bad way. That's why he said this in Ecclesiastes 10:1 that "Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour."

Over the centuries we see all sorts of lessons learned in having multiples wives. Abraham’s problems with his wives have even spread to our day in that Hagar brought forth Ishmael who later became the father to the very hateful and bloodthirsty Muslims of today. And as God prophesied in Genesis 16:12 by saying "he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." And so it is to this day. In fact, their nations border the nations of the Jews further confirming the accuracy and in depth details of the Lord's prophetic Word.

Still, we do see in Exodus how the Lord did in fact allow for multiple wives but He did so under what I like to refer to as a "winking regulation.” We must also understand that back then the relations between husband and wife, and especially behind closed doors wasn't worshipped or even indulged in as it is today and I am sure the previous lessons they learned back then regarding the flood of Noah made delving into such perversions a bit taboo for the Jewish nation who for the most part wanted to obey the Lord whenever they were walking right. Which as we see in the Word wasn't a regular ooccurrence either.

The Lord told Moses to tell the people in Exodus 21:10-11, "If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money." In other words, if the man cannot afford to take on another wife, he was prohibited from doing so. Forcing her into a marriage relation when the man didn't have the means to provide would be considered against God's will and dangerous to the soul. There were other regulations as well but I am sure you get my point so far.

Now take Adam and Eve for a good example in how this can get out of hand. The marital act behind closed doors was all about procreation back then and not about lust. That came later as sin started to become the norm for most. Which as we know was eventually dealt with at the flood. What I mean is, mankind proved to be very weak in this area and the fleshly acts of men and even the women degraded to such an extent, (that being homosexuality of course) that the flood of Noah came upon the world. And so allowing for multiple wives was no longer allowed as per 1 Timothy 3:2 which clearly says, "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;" And since the Bishop or pastor as we call them today is supposed to be the example to the flock, having more than one wife would be against the written Word of God and so polygamy, no matter how they paint it today, is nothing more than blatant sinfulness.


 #278. Why did godly women call their husbands lord?

As we are told, Godly women such as Sarah called their husbands lord. How come this is not considered blasphemy? Moreover, when righteous men of God spoke with rulers they referred to them as king. I know king is a title even the Lord gives to those He has ordained to hold such a position, but I am lacking in understanding as to how it is not blasphemy when King is one of the Lord's names ("And now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible ...")


One such verse that illustrates this point clearly is Genesis 18:12 which says, "Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?" Sarah is obviously referring to her husband who is very old like her. And if you notice the following verse also uses the term "Lord," but this time in reference to our God in heaven when it says in Genesis 18:13, "And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?"

The term “lord” in the first verse is clearly seen in context in the same way as calling the husband the head of the house, master, sir or simply owner of the land. In fact this is where the term “landlordcomes from to this to this day. And as Christians who seek the Lord to own us 100% we can clearly see how calling our God Lord is also well defined in how He is Lord of our lives as well as Master, Head of the church and even our Husbandman, just to name a few.


#279. Do you think the Obamacare health cards are the mark of the beast?

Have you told people online that they will be forced to accept the mark of the beast by a health card?


The Obamacare or Trumpcare as I am sure will be the newest version of socialized medicine in the USA, can and will be used to force people into receiving the mark. Yes. But so will credit cards, ID cards, Bank Accounts, or something as simple as the Social Security number that without agreeing to the mark, all benefits to having it will be suspended.

All of these cards and numbers are government regulated along with countless other so called benefits of modern day society and so when the ability to buy and sell is removed, all those avenues can and will be used to garner control over the weaker Christians worldwide. And so yes, I do believe the health cards, real ID cards and even credit cards will be used to “try” and force people to get the mark because if they refuse to agree with the Roman mandate of Sunday Laws the government can and will turn off their health insurance, driver’s license, credit cards and bank accounts with the flick of a switch.   

But no, Obamacare or even the social security number is not the mark. But they will be used later to lure people into getting the mark. Right now, Obamacare, social security, credit cards and a host of other things the government does are not sinful for citizens to use at all. They are however getting the people used to using such things so that when the mark is finally enforced the people that are weak in trusting the Lord to supply the manna as He promised will have a hard time giving up all those conveniences that allow them to do business, pay their bills or even purchase food.


#280. Why are you only focused on the Sabbath? Do you know Jesus at all?


OK, for those gathered here today and for these reading this on the Q&A of Sabbath's past page, yes, this is an email from a poor soul that hates the truth we are called to walk in. So, all I can say to such a soul as this is have you not seen my website? I have over 12,000 pages of data on a deluge of subjects. Why so many people think I am only focused on Sabbath is very strange to say the least. Truth is, me thinks the ones hating us are more focused on the Sabbath than we are. In fact, they are often the first to bring it up.

However.. Since this person brought up the subject, let me ask him this… If mankind was warned thousands of years ago that right before Jesus returned to take His bride Home that commandment #2 was going to be used by Satan against all Christians to get them to accept a theology that will indoctrinate them to declare the Creator God 100% worthless and man made statues of men, women and even animals were now worthy of worship, would the Lord Jesus not send prophets, patriarchs and millions of obedient Christians to warn you about the dangers of breaking commandment #2? Sure He would.

Now here’s the clincher… that’s exactly what happened in Daniel's day was it not. In fact I can go into detail regarding how society was tempted by Satan to break many of the commandments in many different generations. But according to the prophetic Word of God, it was commandment #4 that Satan chose to use against all Christians in the last days to get them to think it’s 100% ok to disobey God and 100% ok to obey the Pope who invented a Sunday Sabbath not found anywhere in the Bible. And think about this as well. Not only was this prophesied in more than one area of the Bible; were you aware that commandment #4 is the ONLY commandment with a prophetic statement in it. How so? Check it out…

That’s right, the very same Creator God that carved His Law into stone long ago specifically told every one of His obedient children to REMEMBER the Sabbath day because He knew Satan was going to get them to forget it. AND.. the prophet Daniel was also used by the Lord many centuries later to repeat this warning when he was told to remind the people that were going to be taught to forget God's law in the last days and that it was Satan who did in fact change “times and laws” so as to get the end time Christians thinking it was ok to forget God’s law. How so? Check this out…

When speaking of the Roman Catholic Popes in the future and how they would puff themselves up worthy of being obeyed over and above God when it came to the Roman Sunday Sabbath, Daniel went a little further in describing their agenda when he said this in Daniel 7:25, "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

So.. you asked me if I know Jesus? Who do you think told me to warn you about breaking HIS law?

P.S... I have yet to receive a response from that young man so please pray for him.


 #281. Will the SDA people have time to receive the Latter Rain?

Thank you for answering all my previous questions. Can you say if at the time of the Sunday law passing would the SDA people have time to receive the early rain (Holy Spirit) before the final latter rain is poured out? For it is said in Last Day Events that the early rain must be received before the Latter is given. Also can you say if the 144000 will be living in private solitary retreats at the death decree or FEMA Camps. Thank you and God Bless!


First and foremost it is impossible to tell when or even who will receive the latter rain as that is something only the Lord can answer as He is the one that reads the hearts of His people, we cannot read hearts. As for the early rain, that is actually the Holy Spirit the obedient bride should already have in her heart before the latter rain falls and yes you must have the early rain before you can receive the latter rain. And yes again, I do believe people in fema camps, prisons, caves and even in forests will be blessed with it as well. The Lord needs to have His obedient flock everywhere so as to declare the midnight cry in deafening tones worldwide. But, I do not believe ANY SDA that are still in the church will receive the latter rain. Why not? I actually made a video regarding that basic reality in biblical jurisprudence. You can see it by going to YouTube and looking for the video titled; "Q&A Who are the 144,000?"

To summarize quickly, even though the video is only three and a half minutes long, as this is not a hard truth to explain, the gist of it is, the 144,000 that are blessed to stand during the plagues of Revelation without seeing death are those Christians that are not found in the apostate churches. They are not defiled and therefore obedient to the Lord.

As we know all the Protestant churches are apostate, we know the Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon, we also know all the non-Christian religions are not worthy to be in that number and we also know 100% of every SDA you meet admits their church is in apostasy, which means no one in any of those churches will receive the latter rain because as Revelation 14 plainly says, only those that are not defiled by those churches are in that number.

It says this in Revelation 14:3-5, "And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.  These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.  And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God."

The 144,000 or Gideon Band as I like to call them, follow Jesus wherever He goes and so let me ask you this? Would Jesus be found condoning the strange worship in a church that declares Allah is God, homosexual marriage is ok, or it's perfectly ok to join the church with the second beast of Revelation as a church & State entity just to name a few? Of course not. Jesus would not be in those churches and therefore neither would those "which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth."

As we know, the basic definition of Babylon is apostasy. In other words, you don't even have to be Roman Catholic to be considered in the main Babylonian church anymore than an accomplice to murder needs to pull the trigger. Just being present at the scene of the crime makes you guilty. What I mean is, if your church agrees in any way with the apostate dogma of Rome then you are in Babylon just as much as the Catholic is, and so Revelation 18:3-4 also applies to your church when it says, "For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

In other words, you too must come out of her before it's too late. And so, if you or anyone you love is in any of those churches, and this includes the SDA church when the latter rain falls, then the blunt and hard truth filled answer to your question is no, you will not receive the latter rain because the Lord that sends it is nowehere to be found in your life because you are nowhere to be found in His true church. And His church has nothing to do with brick and mortar or even denominationalism for that matter. His truth and therefore His church or bride as He calls us, will be all about obedience no matter what the theologians and great leaders of the day proclaim. Because just as the Pharisees of old claimed regarding staying in the church, the apostate leaders of today also claim you must stay in the apostate church to be saved. And that simply is not true. But like back then, the majority of the people will follow their leaders because as was also prophesied, the majority today do not study their Bibles and so they have no clue what it says about all this. Their faith is solely based on anything and everything their pastor says. Therefore, like the Jews of old that trusted the Pharisees, they will not gain Heaven.

Bottom line is this. Salvation is not a group theology. We are saved as individuals. Just because a large group says salvation means to stay in a certain church doesn't make it true. Why base your faith on what everyone else says when you have a Bible that you can read all on your own? Why trust the masses and follow the herd just because everyone else is doing it? Look how well that worked out for all the religious people in Noah's day that never stepped into the ark. In short.. the bigger the group.. the bigger the danger. For it was written plainly declared by our Lord, Saviour and eternal King Jesus Christ when He said in Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."


#282. What about those that never knew Jesus? Will they gain Heaven?

I've looked through your Q&A's & I haven't seen anything about the "desert island" question. You know, "if someone was born on a desert island & never heard of Christ, how would he be judged?"

I read an answer you gave which said something about the fact that the only reason people have not heard about Christ is due to the parents & I agree. What about the desert island question? Or, what about civilizations such as the Aztecs who religiously slaughtered people to their sun god? Since they had never heard of Jesus before the Spaniards, does God wink at their ignorance?

I actually get asked quite often about such things. Thank you for your time, brother. God bless.

Now before answering I need to let everyone know that there was a second email question on this one because I answered this email question with a single Bible verse, which was Matthew 24:14, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."  

I do that often because I never know when the one I am emailing will see what I see right off. If they do, great I can move on, if not the next email generated by them will allow me to know just where their question is and it will therefore allow me the opportunity to further explain why I shared that particular verse.


I think I may be having a misunderstanding. Matt 24:14 applies to these end times, does it not? As I have understood this verse to mean that all people will have a chance to know Jesus before the end. Does this verse apply to all people at all time periods? Like the Aztecs I had mentioned previously, or Native Americans, etc. I'm getting lost somewhere and I don't know where my understanding is getting lost.

If someone comes up to you and asks, "so what about all those billions of people who have never learned about Jesus? What about all those people throughout time who have never had the chance to hear about the Bible? How will they be judged since they died without ever hearing the name of Jesus Christ?" What would the Biblical answer be?

I pray you don't think I am arguing. I am only looking for clarity on this topic because it seems to be the one I get asked about more than any other. Are these people considered innocents? Something seems silly about that question, but it is still asked.

Thank you again for all the help you've given me.


Not that I want to lend any credence to what some people call “predestination,” but notice this… 1 Samuel 15:2-3, "Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."

There are many other areas in the Word wherein men, women and children were killed under direction from the Lord. The reason I shared what Saul was commanded is because of a basic fact of life. Quite often people would openly deny God no matter how much evidence was presented to them. And being hard hearted as they were, they would naturally teach their children to deny God as well and so there was no hope for them in life regardless if they lived or died. In fact, letting them die young in some cases was merciful as many Christians can attest to to this day that a life without Christ is loaded with all sorts of intense trials and can be very miserable. I for one remember how difficult and troublesome my life was before Christ.

In short, the Lord knew the children He slated for death would never come to the truth and so He allowed them to die. Not only was that merciful towards them, it would also prevent issues for the obedient people of God who would be directly affected by the wickedness of their evil associations had they lived.

Since the Lord knows the end from the beginning, He also knows who will or will not end up on a desert island. So, if someone is on a desert island that has never met Christ, either the Lord will send someone to share Christ with them before they die on that island, or the Lord knows due to their upbringing and Atheistic heart that they would never believe no matter how articulate the preacher may be. And so I repeat Matthew 24:14, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

Those that will have a chance to repent will hear it.

We need to understand that there are many people in the world that have been brought up in Christian or non Christian homes and as we know some are saved and some are not. But those that never would believe, and this means even if 10 plagues fall upon them as we saw happening to Pharaoh in his day that were to show the power of God, Pharaoh still denied God and because of his atheistic heart watched his first born son die. He simply refused to believe no matter how obvious God's hand was displayed.

And so, people like that won’t need to hear it as they would never believe it if they heard it anyway. God not only knows the end from the beginning, He knows the hearts of every soul and He knows how each soul is raised and where their heart is from day one to their final day. So in short, all those in the world that will believe WILL hear the Gospel message because the Lord knows who they are and where they are.


#283. Please explain Mark 2:27,28.

Can you please explain what Jesus meant when He said the Sabbath was made for man in Mark chapter 2?


When was Sabbath made? Day seven.. right? When was man made? Day six. Therefore, man was already there and THEN God made the Sabbath FOR man the very next day so he (man) could keep it and as we must assumed, Adam did in fact keep the Sabbath holy the very first time it was sanctified for him on day seven.

In other words, Sabbath was made for the man who was already there. But Satan twists that and says man was made for the Sabbath. But that would be impossible. Still, Satan was able to twist the truth here as we all know by looking at all the Sunday keeping churches. This has to be one of the most amazing prophecies every fulfilled that exposes Satan and his lies when you look at how it was prophesied that all the churches would eventually keep Sunday instead of the true Sabbath in the end of days.

By the time to Jews arrived, which was about 2000 years after the Sabbath was already made, Satan twists the truth and basic historic facts by claiming they were the first to keep Sabbath so as to make mankind think that it was man that was made for the Sabbath that as he claimed was already here instead of the Sabbath being made for man after he was actually created.

Let me see if I can clear it up even more. For the people to believe the Sabbath was made in Eden, and then it sat around ignored for nearly 2000 years and then only embraced as a Sabbath until the Jews first kept it makes man actually think the Sabbath was made first and then man was made for the Sabbath later on when the Jews arrived and since most believe the lie, Satan had the control he needed to further move them to his agenda. This is why it is so important to trust the Word of God, which by the way has not a single Bible verse that says Sunday is the Sabbath or that the Sabbath was made first and then thousands of years later offered to the Jews as their Sabbath.

In other words, if you are one that is comfortable in trusting what any man says without doing as the Berean's of old did who the apostle Luke stated in Acts 17:11 by saying "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." But most people today do not read Bibles. They only listen to what their pastor says. And if they ask the pastor which day is Sabbath and he says it's Sunday, they do not search the Scriptures to see if what he says is true. Unlike the Bereans, they believe the lies because as Satan knew by how he had been controlling them for their entire lives, his lies were more believable to them than God's written Word.

Some even go so far as to claim the law of God was never in force before the Jews or even before man was made so as to embrace the lie that makes the law appear less permanent and no big deal to break. But if that’s true, why then was Satan cast out of Heaven? If there was no law yet then he didn’t sin yet. Or why was Adam and Eve cast out of the garden if no law existed yet? But since they never read their Bibles, questions like that would never come to mind and they will eventually die in their sins.


#284. Is it prophecy or agenda?

YouTube Question/Comment:I am interested in your thoughts about the prophecies that are coming into play today. If many of these prophecies are actually propagated by the powers that be do you still consider it prophecy? This is frustrating... they know what they do, they know they are playing this out at our expense. Unfortunately those that don't understand what a false flag is or weather control or stock market manipulation are living in fear because they don't know the truth. This will not end well for the majority and it seems to be escalating at an amazingly rapid pace... On a similar note: March 11, 2017 is the 300 year anniversary of the Masons and there are several who have videos showing predictive programming similar to 9/11 for Seattle on 3/11... check it out...

ANSWER: There is a major difference between Rome's agenda and what Christian prophecy outlines for the last days. This is why the demon calling itself "Mary" in 1917 made certain so called "prophetic" statements but always did so with the disclaimer that said "if you pray the Lord may change His mind" tagged on them because Rome really has no clue what the Lord will allow and disallow. They know quite a bit of the prophecies because they investigate the sermons and utterances of real Christians as often as they can and in so doing do all they can to hide their agenda by manipulating the media and historic record. They do this by paying off and even killing off certain media outlets and then rewrite historic record and burn as many books as possible.

For example; take the name Israel as a prime example of their craftiness and how refusing to read Bibles makes so many people unable to defend their spiritual lives against such attacks. Most people and every pastor I ever met actually think "Israel" is still the chosen nation when in fact the name "Israel" is the name of the OBEDIENT Christians. (I did a webpage and video on this actually. See them both at www.remnantofGod.org/Israel.htm)

Truth is, Rome knows if everyone knew who the real Israel was it would be much harder for the Pope and his prelates to manipulate political movements or even get enough people in the pews to believe in secret raptures, 7 year tribs or eternal life in hellfire just to name a few.

Or take the fact that prophecy does say the Vatican will start killing Christians again near the end of the world as Jesus describes in prophecy. Rome knows that and so they push the false prophecies and even get some authors to write books claiming that Islam is THE Antichrist. (See it exposed here http://www.remnantofgod.org/islamicac.htm ) The Vatican purposely puffed up Islam to empower them politically just like they did Hitler in his day so as to have a puppet to the killings for them. I have quite a few videos, articles, and studies exposing all that on my Pope and Islam page on the site.

As for the Mason's plans. That too is a man made agenda that some will claim as a prophetic utterance. In short, it's just another Vatican contrived agenda they HOPE will be allowed fulfillment. Basic historic reality is  that after they killed off John Paul I who wanted the Mason's out of Rome once he was elected Pope, and then replaced him with John Paul II so as to keep the Mason's intact in Vatican City, most obedient students of prophecy had all the ammo they needed to further confirm the connection between the two from that day forward. Just as the Jesuits, Opes Dei or even the Knights of Columbus were once secret Vatican societies designed to infiltrate and destroy Christian churches from within, once outed they play the part as reputable Christian organizations to keep their fruits well hidden. And so the Masons are merely one of those that were outed.

And just so you know, when John Paul II finally died, they helped students of prophecy even more by burying him in a way most Mason's would approve of with all the symbolism intact on his robes and casket. (See the facts and MANY pics on this here http://www.remnantofgod.org/skullandbones.htm )

Still.. there are many prophetic events actually happening, and some are occuring almost daily now; seeing how most in power have not the eyes to see, their actions are fodder for our truth packed cannons in this holy war. That is why I created the blog I have on my main page at www.RemnantofGod.org so as to do all I can to expose them daily.

And you're dead on when you say most can't tell a false flag has hit from an actual legit event. But that too was prophesied when you look into the prophecy regarding the lusts of the flesh that distract the masses from seeing what's happening right before their eyes. The blind are literally leading each other into the pits of hell as we speak. Things like Sports, drugs, TV, alcohol, sex, video games and Hollywood theaters keep the people sufficiently indoctrinated away from seeing the truth as it is presented by the people the Lord sends out daily with the present truth. The sheeple are easily corralled. Praise God you have not succumbed to that. Keep the faith my friend and one day we will meet on the crystal sea.


 #285. Please explain the souls under the altar after death?

Hi there thanks for the reply and the video you sent. I think I may have watched it already if its about the dead are asleep till Christ returns. But what do you make of revelation 6.9?


Verse in Question...

The souls mentioned in this passage that was penned in 95AD by John the Apostle on the Isle of Patmos are actually those saints during the breaking of the 5th seal which occurred with the 5th church "Sardis" from 1517 to 1755AD when the Vatican was killing Christians. So again we see people asking questions during a vision when they have yet to be born. Reason being is, our God created everything, including time. That means our limitations with "past, present and future" are not an issue with Him. And this is clearly seen in how He prophesies.

The "host" just means a huge mass of persons and as for the Sanctuary.. that's the largest most amazing prophecy found in the Bible. I try my best to summarize it on my Sanctuary page here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/sanctuary.htm

Truth is, if we use the line upon line method the prophet Isaiah said is necessary when defining doctrine, and this includes the doctrine of the state of the dead, we would have to rip out hundreds of verses that prove no one is alive after death except a chosen few. And those few are Enoch, Elijah, Moses and the 24 elders that arose when Jesus did. And by the way, Enoch and Elijah never even saw death, yet the Word does declare they are in Heaven as we speak. Still, if those under the altar were actual souls in Heaven it then begs the question as to why would those obedient to God be trapped for all of eternity under an altar crying about their loss of life during the persecutions? Wouldn't they be rewarded for their obedience instead? Of course they would.

In sort, this is not a picture of life after death at all. What they're going through in the vision does not sound like the bliss of Heaven at all, therefore it is a look into the future only and not the actual event in the physical world. Like the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, it is 100% symbolic. And to further confirm this as fact, it says this in the very next verse in Revelation 6:11, "And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled."

When the Vatican killed those Christians they will "rest yet a little season" as the prophecy says. And that rest is in the grave awaiting the perfect number of souls that will be martyred. Or as the end of the verse says, they must rest "until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." 


#286 You are wrong about the end time fulfillments regarding the sun,moon, stars and quake

While millions of Adventist and some non-seventh day Adventist believe the stars have fallen already in 1833 with the great meteor showers of that night. This is not what the bible says, and the dark day in May of 1780 in new England where the sun did not shine nor the moon give her light, and as for the moon turning to blood all through earth history there has been this event of blood moons. Are these the signs of the end, maybe, however we are in the end times as I write, this I agree with the video, Jesus called the time we are in "the time of  sorrows [read Matthew 24]. stars falling from heaven, are the deceived Angels that fell with Satan they were cast into the bottomless pit, the deep, or earth which ever you prefer. The sun and the moon and constellations not giving their light is a great volcanic eruption, a violent eruption that will split the earth, cause the earth to wobble, and turn the earth upside down read Isaiah, plainly the earth's poles will shift. The smoke of this violent calamity will hide the heavens. the Catholic church and her created Islamic cult have not ended their slaughter of christian until Christ returns. Satan has a way of deceiving many twisting and deleting and removing verse from scripture to deceive the masses. as the deleting and adding to the K.J.B. and producing a new version. while the author of the video is correct on many other prophecies these above are not yet fulfilled.?


You can believe what you like dear one, but I must say when speaking for the Lord you have to understand there are some who have done their homework, giving your own opinion on prophetic symbols without Bible verses to back it up will never hit its mark in any obedient heart found in the remnant church of Jesus Christ. Sadly, and I must warn you in Christian love that it will only offer the scoffer yet another unbiblical reason to deny Christian prophecy as being faulty without ever actually opening a Bible to confirm their assumption. This is why the Apostle Peter warned us in 2 Peter 1:20 that, "..no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."

Not only were the early "obedient" Adventists correct back then about the dated prophecies match to already confirmed historic record; the recent studies done by millions of obedient Christians found many more prophecies over the years that also matched historic record regarding the global quake, stars falling, darkened Sun and blood red moon to lock down the original understanding as well as verify the original findings were accurate. And if you would like an in depth look at those prophecies you can dowload my free book People Get Ready. Check out the prophecies discussed in chapters 3,4,5 & 6. I not only share the Scripture I share documented historic records to back it all up.

In fact, both the prophets Daniel and Joel spoke of these prophetic events in unison and they line up perfectly even more so when using the dated prophesies of Daniel wherein as I said in the video highlighted how directly after Rome stopped killing Christians those prophetic events would happen EXACTLY as Jesus predicted in Matthew 24. after all, He's the one that gave the prophetic utterance unto Daniel and Joel in the first place..

Now do you see why Jesus also said in Matthew 24:15, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (
whoso readeth, let him understand)" Jesus knew using Daniel's prophecies in the last days alongside the prophecies of Revelation that were penned by John decades after Jesus ascended would be very valuable when doing the studies today so as to better lock down the fulfillment of these events. They line up perfectly in unison right down to the 1260 years when the Vatican ran rampant across the land. In fact, the Vatican's Inquisitional rampage actually helped to lock down the prophecies, it also helped to expose the man of sin in Rome just as another prophecy predicted (in 2 Thessalonians 2:3) for our day.

If you want a list of all Bible verses that define every prophetic symbol in the book of Revelation see my 3 year study here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/books/docs/REV/Revelation.htm.
And by the way, I wouldn't advise printing it out as it is well over 300 pages and it will drain any printer's toner. But there is an app on that page that a brother in the faith created to make it easier to scan the symbols. Please contact me if you have any further questions.


#287. Why does God say to pray that "He" doesn't lead us into temptation?

The bible says that God cannot be tempted with evil and neither does He tempt man, I understand that perfectly but can you explain what Jesus meant by lead us not into temptation and what Paul meant that God will not allow us to be tempted above what we can handle.


Verses in Question...

I look at the “lead us not into temptation” in the same way I look at the Lord saying “He” hardened Pharaoh’s heart. What I mean is; the love He shared with Moses was the same He shared with Pharaoh. That love softened Moses’ heart but hardened Pharaoh’s heart. In other words, God didn’t purposely set out to make Pharaoh angry, but He does know the end from the beginning and He knew the love He presented to Pharaoh would have a bad response and so our Lord declared simply truth in saying “He” hardened his heart. Because the basic reality is, Pharaoh hated love and truth so much that when it appeared before him he got very upset and felt threatened by it just as we see with many people today.

So how does that apply to Matthew 6:13? The Lord offers His love to every man, woman and child on earth. But not all will take it. Most in fact will deny it and like Pharaoh walk away from it and they do so because they hate Him and His Word so much. A good example of this would be the homosexuals, Muslims and Atheists that get very upset (like Pharaoh) when the truth is placed before them and so, they actually run towards temptation out of spite. And again, because it was His love that generated their wicked response in the first place, He again takes the blame because He is all about the truth and the basic reality is, His love was hated by them so much that they ran towards Satan. And so they lead themselves to temptation but God again takes the blame as He did with Pharaoh.

We must also understand that God’s ways are not our ways and His love is beyond comprehension. We can only understand truth as far as He reveals it as we all look through glasses darkly. And again, since He knows the end from the beginning, He may not “prevent” a certain trial, obstacle or even persecution in life so as to help us grow stronger in our Christian walk. He doesn’t “lead” us into temptation, we do that on our own. But when rebellion comes, we will be “allowed” to learn the hard way, and seeing how our Father knows how it will not end bad for us, it becomes a blessing unto us to go through the trial we ourselves walked into. And as we grow stronger every time we resist the enemy of souls our walk testifies to the world at large that Jesus Christ really did send the Holy Spirit to help us overcome this wretched flesh we walk in.

As for 1 Corinthians 10:13. The key statement there is "suffer you to be tempted above that you are able." In other words, no matter how the temptation comes, our prayers can gain the Father's hand to prevent the temptation from taking us down and the fact He also "makes a way of escape" for us shows even Satan must obey the Lord when it comes to His Son's bride. But the basic reality is found in James 1:13, "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:" That passage alone declares it is not God bring the tempation, but He is the one that blesses us with a way of escape and since we trust Him wholeheartedly, He is then able to "lead us not into temptation" because unless you have Jesus Christ as  your personal Saviour, Satan is always there 24/7 to lead you into temptation.


 #288. Why are so many denominations?

Why are there so many Christian Denominations? I am so confused by it all.


In a nutshell… It’s because Satan is the “author of confusion” and all those denominations were spawned from his masterpiece in Rome. He does this for the sake of the babes in Christ who cannot understand which church is the true church. And so they pick one that is not and Satan continues to lead them astray.  But there is a very easy way to find out which church is the true church.

Look in history and you will only find FOUR actual movements by real God fearing believers that were moved by the Lord to start new churches.

#1, The Lord Himself called those that wanted to follow Him and His perfect truth out of the apostate Synagogues and that is when the Christian church began. Those people started their church with the hopes of pleasing God and not their own flesh.

#2, After a few centuries the prophesied man of sin did his duty for Satan and corrupted the church and so the people of God that wanted to please God alone and not their flesh were moved out of the apostate Roman Catholic church when the great reformation occurred.

#3 Later, and as prophesied, they too failed to continue on in the path of truth and even more churches started to spin off with worldly doctrines and so the Lord moves some men all over the world to present the three angels message that in the USA eventually started the SDA church wherein those people put down all the apostate doctrines of their previous denominations to walk with the Lord.

#4, Now that we are very near the end, as the end times began 19 years prior to the start of the SDA church, the man of sin in Rome was moved quickly by Satan to infiltrate the SDA church with a fervor and they fell into apostasy quick rapidly and so many obedient Christians came out of that fallen church with the desire to do as the Lord commanded in His Word and so the Seventh Day Remnant church began.

My point in all this is on how the key is clearly illustrated as to where the true church is. All 4 churches were started by people that came OUT of apostate churches with a desire to follow God in obedience. Today, the only one that is organized under the banner of truth is in fact the Seventh Day Remnant church. But the 40,000+ other denominations were all formed after men and women refused to follow the Lord's original structure for the church and so they began new denominations wherein they would claim to be Christians yet reading the Bible the way they chose and walking the way that best pandered to the flesh. In fact, it was prophesied they would do just that in Isaiah 4:1 which says, "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach."

For the sake of the new brethren among us, if you were to take Isaiah 4:1 and repeat it with all the prophesied symbols defined it would say something like this. In the last day, all the churches will claim Jesus Lord but they will read the Bible the way they see fit, and they will walk the way they prefer but they will claim to be Christians to take away their shame. That is all of Christendom outside the remnant number today.


#289. Is there a difference between the 2 Laws Jesus gave and the Ten Commandments?

I know the Ten Commandments say to remember the Sabbath, to keep it Holy. I also know the accurate day of the Sabbath, but I believe in Jesus Christ so much when he said 'It is finished'. These 2 Commandments (love the Lord God, and love your brethren) bank on of the other commandments. But I will watch your videos brother?


When Jesus said "it is finished" He meant the ceremonial law that Moses penned and placed in a letter bag on the side of the ark. But the Law of God, or Ten Commandments as we know it was etched in stone by God's very own finger and placed inside the ark of the covenant for eternal safe keeping. As for Jesus saying "love the Lord God and lover your neighbor" you're 100% correct in believing that is our duty. But what you do not realize is that you just admitted by that very statement that we are to keep the Law of God etched in stone. How so?

Read the first FOUR commandments. When you keep them you will automatically "Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind and soul" because those four commandments have to do with how we show our love to the Lord.

In other words, do you show your love of the Lord when you place other gods before Him, make graven images to bow before in worship, take His name in vain or break the Sabbath that He not only sanctified but commanded we keep it to declare unto all that we do believe He is the Creator? Would it not declare hatred towards Him if we had other gods, bowed to idols, took his name in vain and refused to keep His Sabbath holy?

Now read the last SIX commandments. When we keep them we "Love they neighbor as thyself" because those last six commandments are how we show our love for each other.

In other words, if you dishonor your parents, does that not declare you don't love them? If you kill your fellow man does that not boldly declare you hate him? Is it showing love to your spouse if you commit adultery? No, it does not. And if you steal, lie about your neighbor or seek to covet anything he owns, that too shows no love for your fellow man.

To confirm what I just said is 100% biblically accurate, Jesus clearly said in Matthew 22:37-40, "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

That's right! After saying to love the Lord and your neighbor Jesus said "On these two commandments hang all the law.."

Bottom line is this dear one... 1 John 2:4 says, "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not
his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." And notice that this passage was penned after the cross of Christ when your teacher claimed "it is finished." If Jesus meant the law was finished at the cross as your teacher or pastor assumes, then why was 1 John 2:4 penned? Is the apostle John now a liar? And notice this bold reality proclaimed in Revelation 22:14 that says, "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."

In other words, if you're not a Christian that keeps God's Law, then you will not be allowed to enter into that city. And that city is New Jerusalem. Or "Heaven" as most call it today.

Now let me ask you this.. if you were known by all governing officials of a city as one who will break all the laws of their city here on earth, do you think the leader of that city would allow you to walk freely within his gates? No, if you break the laws of men on earth you are either jailed or killed. Well, the Creator God has a city as well; and He also has a Law in that city. That law is in fact the Ten Commandments. If you openly decided to break God's Law all your life, when it is time for your life to end here, which is a prerequisite to being considered as a citizen of New Jerusalem, why would He allow you to enter His city when all the while you lived on the world He created you proclaimed far and wide and even deep within your heart that you do not have to keep His Law?


#290. Why did David's playing of music release Saul from the evil spirit?

What is the significance of David playing the harp for Saul after David was anointed by Samuel? Why did David's playing of music release Saul from the evil spirit? Was it even the music that did that or was it the presence of God's newly anointed which did this? (1 Sam 16:14-23)


There is no direct answer in Scripture as to why David’s harp playing soothed Saul and so all I can give is my opinion on this. That being the case, I would have to think it had something to do with the devil himself.

What I mean is, Satan was the one that sang unto God before he fell and so when he fell his musical talent was still intact but only now it was greatly corrupted due to his rebellious heart. David on the other hand was a man after God’s own heart and I am sure when he was learning the harp the songs he played were of the Word of God and so he grew even closer to the Lord and that much is obvious seeing how he was anointed as king quite early in life.

The fact David wrote most of the songs in Psalms attests to the fact that his music was no doubt a way for him to calm himself when under temptation as a youth because being in close meditation with the Lord on a regular basis does in fact have a great calming effect on the heart troubled by the dying god of this world. I know this for a fact as I often go into deep prayer and Bible study to seek peace from the trials I experience in life. I can’t wait to get to Heaven to get my harp so I too can perfect my prayer time in that way.

Getting back to Satan and his music, notice what the prophet Ezekiel says about him in Ezekiel 28:13-15, "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee."

Satan actually has a musical instrument built inside him. The "tabret" is defined as such.


Strong's #08596 toph {tofe} from 08608 contracted; TWOT - 2536a; n m AV - timbrel 9, tabret 8; 17

 1) timbrel, tambourine

Seeing how Satan is the angel of music, I can only assume that he and his minions would be greatly annoyed by someone singing music that not only glorifies the Lord, but causes demonic influence to flee at the very sound of it. And so, I would think that when David played that music the demons would leave Saul just as they do when a Christian declares GET THEE HENCE SATAN!

In fact, I would have to think this is why Saul was moved by the demon quickly one day to throw his spear at David when he started playing the harp again. Could it be the smaller demons reported back to the stronger ones or even Satan himself days prior to alert them of David’s music that was annoying them so that the next rime David was about to play a much stronger demon stepped up that day to try and kill David so as to stop Saul’s peace? I don’t know, as I said at the start, there is no clear cut Scripture to declare it as such. But it is very clear the demon in Saul hated that music enough to try and kill David because each time David played the demons left Saul and they simply didn’t like that any more than they liked leaving any soul Jesus cast them free of thousands of years later.

I am positive once we get home and stop looking through glasses darkly we will know why David’s music upset those demons to flee. So in short.. you’re correct, it was the presence of the Lord’s newly anointed child of God (David) that moved those demons away.

In fact, both my wife and I as well as some church members have seen that happen firsthand over the years,. To summarize, when a child of God walks into the area wherein a person is demon possessed, those possessed either become very agitated and upset and some will even run off in abject terror. Some will even lash out screaming profanities. I’ve witnessed both in my life.


#291 Why did God reject Cain's offering, but accept Abel's?

I've read many theories about why this happened, but they are all theories since God never explicitly told us the reason. Personally, I think that this is a matter of the heart. God already knew both the son's of Adam's hearts & knew the path which Cain was on. Moreover, I believe that since Cain's offering was from the ground, it was symbolic of man trying, by works, to please the Lord. While Abel's offering in Gen 4:4 was sacrificial in the way that he offered up a blood sacrifice and the choicest parts of the firstlings of his flock.

Adding to that, I think that Abel's sacrifice was, in a way, a foreshadowing of the Cross. Moreover, in Heb 11:4 it is said that it was because of Abel's faith that his offering was more excellent in the sight of God which, as far as I can see it, goes backs to my original statement that his offering was more pleasing because it's a matter of the heart.


Yes, you are correct; Abel’s offering was a future reference to the Lamb of God’s sacrifice wherein mankind has nothing to do with whatsoever and it was solely based on his faith and from the heart. After all, Abel had no hand in creating that little lamb that day.

Caine’s offering on the other hand was all about his toil in the soil to bring about his bounty. It was all about “his good works” that he was offering to God wherein Abel offered what God already presented in Eden. And being the son of Adam and Eve I am sure they told him all about the Lamb of God that was to come in the future to die for the sins of all mankind. The Bible doesn't say, but I do believe the clothing the Lord made for them the day they sinned in Eden was the skin of a lamb.

Basic reality is, even if Abel never shepherded the little lamb from birth to that day, there was no toil on his part to present the lamb as something he did with his own “good works.” That lamb could have grown in the wild with no help from Abel at all.

In short, it's as you said; Abel’s offering was representative of the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. I do believe Abel knew about the atoning blood of the Lamb who was to come as Messiah in the future to atone for his sins, as I am sure Adam told him all about it as well as what sin really meant. Yes, Caine was told too as he was his son as well, but he obviously rebelled against the love and the truth like so many have done to this day.


#292. What is the age of accountability?

Ok so --- I read the Scriptures…and didn’t see that the AGE OF ACCOUNTABILTY WORDING in any of it…other than it being INFERRED OR ASSUMED…that by age 20 they’d be PHYSICALLY READY….but I missing something ?  what about spiritually ready? The age of Spiritual Accountability -  meaning “right with God” or “saved” from the wrath of God, if you will….

You had said at one point that God made the age 20 (per those verses you shared) because by this time these men would be able to “accept God” and therefore be SAFE/SAVED in battle. I guess the Question they may ask is HOW can you KNOW THE AGE God SAYS?  (and I don’t see it in any Scripture not in the ones you sent either) many scholars say by the age of 13 (bar/bat) a child should know better and therefore if you have heard the Gospel and reject it (Him), you’d be separated from God forever -- bc you had not accepted Jesus by faith. – meaning for today not back then because Christ had not come yet. Ugh am I making sense?


As I see it, and I base my findings on what I have found by feasting on the precepts, line upon line, here a little and there a little over the years; we have to remember that back then the believers were actually ready by the age of 13 and recognized by Jewish tradition as having the same rights as a full grown man once the ceremony was performed. In fact the bar mitzvah literally translates as "son of commandment." But common sense dictates, unless the boy had the faith of David, he was not likely to sign up for battle or even be able to fit in the armor of a soldier.

Seeing how a 13 year old boy was not going to be a good candidate for battle, and seeing how the age “20” was laid out in the Word regarding certain duties, it appears obvious that for them to be experienced in the spiritual adulthood I can only conclude that they needed more years of walking in the truth of the Torah that they already declared as truth at their bar mitzvah 7 years prior. A “hands on” experience was needed for them to grow further and therefore applied here I guess you can say.

Seeing how the Lord is the one that laid out the age of “20” multiple times in the Word for reasons one can only assume an adult can perform with confidence, I must base my definition using only that which I can find in His Word on any given topic. I am a firm believer in not adding to or taking away from His Word. After all, is it not written in Isaiah 28:9-10, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

That being said, I don’t think you will find a locked down verse that says “the age of accountability is 20” in the Word, any more than you can find a verse in the Bible that says the exact date of Christ’s return, even though we know He is coming back on one particular day. But when you see the men eventually had the ok from on High to actually die in battle at that age as well as all the other passages that declared the age of 20 to be a deciding factor in other essential duties in and for the Sanctuary, one can only understand that yes, age 20 is the actual physical and spiritual pinnacle every Jewish male back then hoped to reach so as to do as God would call him to do. It was obviously a different world back then.

BUT, and I only add this to prevent confusion if you dig into how some boys were educated, this does not include the Rabbinical students who could be rejected or accepted by their Mentor who, as the tradition goes, their Rabbi’s “dust was upon them” as they followed close behind day by day in their spiritual education. These chosen boys who were soon to be men hoped to become Rabbis and so it was up to the teacher as to if and when he was ready. They could be rejected before, during or after the age of 20 for any reason the Rabbi offered. And so I look at the Bar Mitsvah and the start of the education of the young men that will reach its pinnacle at age 20.

I must say, I pray you and I get literally covered in the dust of Christ’s sandals as we walk near Him day by day so as to reach the perfection in Christ only His bride can gain. :)


#293. What does Revelation 13:10 and 1 Thessalonians 5:20,21 mean?

Please explain these passages?


In regards to Revelation 13:10; the papacy caused many to end up in the captivity of sin as well as in actual jails and dungeons. But their main sin was luring billions into the bondage of sin by declaring they can be saved in sin rather than from their sin.

As we know, the Vatican persecuted and killed hundreds of millions of innocent Christians who refused to bow to their dogma and so what she has done to others will most assuredly happen to her. Perhaps this is where the phrase "what goes around comes around" was coined by some who saw what happened when the Pope, in the year 1798 was removed from political power and literally placed in captivity to die in exile by November of 1799.

As for 1 Thessalonians 5:20,21, look around today and you will see many people despising or openly ignoring the prophetic facts that declare Jesus is coming soon. And so, as Paul intimated, it is best not to ignore the prophecies of the Word of God and we should hold fast only to that which can be verified as truth by using the Word of God.

For example.. most ignore the prophetic facts about the mark of the beast being Sunday Laws, and this is even after we show them valid quotes from the Vatican wherein they admit in writing that Sunday is their mark. They choose rather to hold fast to the false prophecies about chip implants, bar codes and tattoos of 666 because that is what their false pastors preach and their comfort zone is upset when we, who embrace true doctrines have a message that seems very foreign to them because we don't keep Sunday holy, join them in Pagan holidays, or even eat some of the food they eat and so they despise what we proclaim from the Word of God because our basic Christian stance annoys them.

Or, as is usually the case, many will despise the prophecy of the Word because it means they will have to be on earth when all the rough times during Antichrist go down. Their pastors teach them we are lying and instead teach the false prophecies that claim Christians won’t have to deal with the enforcement of the mark because they will be raptured out of here. Strange thing, we can even show them that type of mindset was prophesied as well.

Besides the fact there is not a single Bible verse to back up a secret rapture, and there is no 7 year tribulation verses either, they will still despise what the Word of God says for the lies their pastors say because it's less frightening to them. And as I intimated a moment ago about that mindset being prophesied, Isaiah 30:10 says these lost souls will “..say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:"

The true prophecies are too troublesome for them to embrace because it means they must not only accept Christ as Lord before the plagues come, they must stop doing all the sinful things His Word declares sinful. But the Vatican lie or “smooth” deception about a 7 year tribulation means they can escape all that horror and still be saved in their sins because their trusted blind leaders says so and so they trust the lie over the truth and fall into the same ditch their pastors tumble into when Jesus returns. The false prophecies they watch for never come to fruition and eventually the real ones do and they will be completely caught off guard. They will be those poor souls who actually claimed Jesus Christ is Lord who shout on that great and dreadful day; "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." - Jeremiah 8:20.

One last thing... Many are unaware of this but, to prophecy doesn't always mean to predict the fture. And this is epecially true in King Saul's day when he prophesied with the prophets. What I mean is, the entire Bible was not yet penned and so whenever a prophet or man of God was to declare new light that didn't contradict the light of the Scripture already penned, it was considered a prophetic utterance on the doctrinal end of things because they were actually speaking what the Lord gave them utterance to speak.

Now look around. Yes, we have many false prophets out there today like Pat Roberston, Benny Hinn, Hal Lindsey and the sort that made dated predictions for certain events that never came true. But there are also millions of false prophets who delcare God said this or He said that when in fact He never said any of what they claim.

A perfect example would be all the pastors, priests and preachers who claim God changed the Sabbath to Sunday. Nary of one of them can supply a single Bible verse to back up what they say. In fact, many have admitted that they can't in writing. That means they are claiming God told them something that is yet to be penned in the Bible. Problem is, Isaiah 8:20 says, "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

New light cannot contradict old light. Muslims and Catholics do believe new doctrines can negate old doctrines, but we are not Muslims or Catholics and we know it says in Malachi 3:6, "For I am the LORD, I change not;" And it says in Hebrews 13:8 that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

And so whenever someone claims a new doctrine you know goes against the Word of God, then you know you have met one of the many false prophets. Some of their favored doctrines today are, lunar Sabbath, Jesus isn't God, the Holy Spirit is not a person, we must keep feast days, eternal life in hellfire, secret rapture and a seven year tribulation just to name a few. 


#294. Are things like car loans & mortgages okay?

Are things like car loans & mortgages okay for us? Doesn't the usury spoken of in the Bible refer to these loans? The reason I ask is because I don't know whether God wants us to keep the car we have or not, but the "usury" part keeps coming into my head & if contractual agreements like in mortgages & auto loans are unBiblical then I need the understanding. I think you answered this somewhere in your Q&A, but I don't know where. Thank you & God bless.


Mortgages and loans are of no issue as long as we don’t borrow more than we can effectively pay in return. But there is sin involved in the usury but not on our part. The bankers, who for some strange reason are mostly Jewish, (And there is proof online) they are the ones in sin here, because it is declared in their very own Bibles that what they do is evil. For it is written in Exodus 22:25, "If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury."

They openly disobey God by charging interest on all those loans they offer us. And as is obvious, and especially with the Rothschild’s; Satan has granted them all the riches of the world so as to keep them in open sin because the lust for riches is in fact one major demonic enticement. This is why Jesus said what He said in Matthew 19:24 which was,"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

Now some may look at this statement in Exodus being applied only to those within your own family or tribe that you loan money to. But, whether or not they remove the interest from fellow Jews is unclear. I’m sure they do charge them some sort of interest because I know of many Jews that have mortgages and car loans that are in fact paying interest and so they are in sin. And this goes without mentioning credit cards wherein anyone can sign up and nowhere on the form does it ask for nationality or religious affiliation so as to obvious, nary a banker considers the Scripture on this.

Now the other toss of the coin on this is that when they lend money to those that aren't Jewish, the Word of God does say they can charge interest. For it is also written in Deuteronomy 23:20, "Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it."

But, now here's another sticky wicket as far as I can see. Since historic record confirms the Jews have been scattered all over the world over the centuries. And so it’s next to impossible to know who has Jewish blood and who doesn’t. In fact, they just recently discovered the starving Ethiopians are of Jewish descent. And I recently discovered some years ago that my very own parent's nationalities can be traced back to two of Jacob's tribes. And so, unless the bankers do the research before lending the money to each and every person stepping into their banks; and judging by their huge coffers I am sure they can afford to do that; but unless they research ever person seeking a loan out right down to their bloodlines, if they lend to a fellow Jew and still charge interest, I would think they would be held accountable.

But to get a mortgage today, no problem at all. In fact, Jesus touches on this in an offhand way in Matthew 25:27 when He said, "Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury."

If it wasn’t sinful to gain by usury then Jesus would not have said this. Still.. if the usary is there the sin is not on us. It's on the one charging it.


#295 Can we only eat meat from animals we personally kill?

Does the Word say that any meat we eat must come from an animal we have personally seen get killed? Is grocery store meat against the commands of God? I know to watch for GMO's, steroids, hormones, etc., but are we commanded to abstain from meats from animals which we did not witness get killed? If so, will you please provide the appropriate verse(s)? God bless.


For a more in depth look at the clean and unclean, see this list of animals on my site when you get time. http://www.remnantofgod.org/health.htm#LIST

Now there are still ways to get clean meats today, but the problem with today’s grocery stores is that they NEVER remove the blood from the animals nor do they have a Rabbi witness the killing. Now yes, you can find kosher markets as I did almost three decades ago, but the cost for the meat is at least three times the price and they still don’t remove the drugs from the animals. And such markets are so far and few between, that like in my expereince you may have to drive over two hours just to get to one. Still, the main issue most people fail to realize about even the cleam meats is, you still must get the blood out of the meat. Check out these verses of many that declare the Lord's will on this and why.

There are many other verses that echo all this, but these three passages should suffice.


#296 What do you say about this SDA Pastor's excuse for having the 501c3

Hi Pastor Nicholas, this is what that same church - 7th day Adventist pastor said to me. What should I make of this? I know you mentioned If it is SDA it is in apostasy. Plus ALL SDA churches are government approved and controlled because they all have the government 501c3 contract now. Can they be any different or they just don't know it? Thank you in advance!

This is what he said:"No our church is not owned by the government in any sense. We believe in a separation of church and state.


First and foremost notice he does not address the Bible verses I have listed on my image of the beast page that confirm the truth regarding the 501c3 in any way shape or form. But then that is par for the course when they know the Bible cannot be used to refute the Bible.

One thing I have noticed with every 501c3 government approved church pastor is that they don’t seem to have any problem lying. And this pastor is lying. When the the 501c3 contract was originally written it boldly stipulated you cannot speak any political info from the pulpits. This is why Bush did what he did in March of 2006 and why Trump did what he did in May of 2017 to allow the pastors to speak politically from their pulpits. But the truth is, that original draft was their way of making sure all the pastors were on the same page regarding the Pope in Rome and his ecumenical movement. Now that decades have passed and all of them stopped slamming the Pope on the pulpit it's perfectly safe now for the second beast of Revelation (the USA) to all them to speak politically. Thanks to the Jesuit infiltration that controls the sermons, the ecumenical contracts that force them to comply, and the agreement between all the pastors that as of June 26, 2000 the Pope is their one world church leader and this includes the SDA pastors, giving life unto the Vatican's image in all those pulpits is primed and ready.

The truth is, the 501c3 is the prophesied image of the beast and all those that were disobedient to the Lord were unable to see this because the Lord specifically states in His Word in many ways that the only way we will be able to understand prophecy is to be obedient to the Lord that spoke those prophecies. I have a short study on that basic biblical reality posted on my site if anyone is interested.

Before Bush and Trump's executive orders being penned, the fact the Pope is both a church and a State made it illegal for the preachers with the 501c3 to effectively expose the Pope because even though he is the official leader of the Roman church, he is also the sovereign head or political leader of Vatican city, which is an actual country. But that doesn't negate the main structure of the 501c3 now that Bush and Trump altered how it is enforced. Yes, the preachers can now speak politically form their pulpits, but #1, they won't do so in a way that upsets their one world church leader now and #2, even if they never had that option removed the basic fact is they joined themselves in a contract with the United States Government, (the second beast of Revelation) that openly hates real Christians and embraces everything from islam to Satanism as legit faiths; this means the 501c3 disobedient pastors are completely blind when it comes to prophetic symbolism. And being blind they will have no problem lying as this pastor just did in that email claiming he believes in separation of church and State. The basic reality that the 501c3 contract means you must join your church with your state proves he is a bold faced liar.

And by the way, it was also prophesied that the false preaches would be hungry for money or “filthy lucre” as it’s called in the Word. Having the 501c3 allows them to have tons of extra cash at the end of the year due to their tax right offs. Some of these churches, and this includes the SDA church, bring in tens of millions of dollars a year. But thanks to the 501c3 contract they actually get a massive raise in pay, and this is millions of dollars for the smaller churches and tens of millions for the main stream ones.

But the prophetic icing on this cake everyone of these pastors keep missing is what happened in March of 2006 and May of 2017 when both President George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump signed it into law that ALL 501c3 churches are not only to be considered official Government agencies; they also have the long prophesied ability to lobby for the religious laws they need to try and quench the loud cry we the real remnant people proclaim. The fact the US Government will fine the SDA church tens of millions of dollars in fines, excise taxes and past due bills if they try to dump the 501c3 confirms the antichristian United States Government does in fact OWN THAT CHURCH! So much so, did you also realize these basic contract agreements in the 501c3? I have this in a bit more detail on my image of the beast page if you want to dig deeper.

This list comes from a document titled "Down and Dirty" by Barbara Ketay. Her list is titled;

THE DIRTY side of a 501(c)(3) corporation:

And so again, whoever said they are not “owned by the government” is either greatly uninformed as to what they signed unto when they put their signature on the 501c3 contract, or as is more commonly the case, they are a bold faced liar.


A sister in the truth sent a certain SDA minister my image of the beast page and then a copy of their 501c3 contract from the government website and asked if this was true about them. This was their response:

Yes, xxxx xxxxxxx is 501c3.  It was the only way to give a legitimate receipt to donors.  We are not in partnership with the government.  That is ridiculous!!!!!  We have preached, written, and taught the 3 Angels messages for over 22 years in this ministry amid threats, and death warnings!! Give me a break, but believe what you want!!

My response was...

This is so sad dear sister. This means he is actually lying. I’ve never been 501c3 and I send receipts all the time, but only for proof the people donated because my donors know all about the dangers of righting off the tithe on their taxes. This is how blind xxxx has become. The receipt he speaks of is where he tells his donors to use the receipt to right off their tithe on their income taxes. Which is directly against the Lord’s written Word. When his donors do that they actually nullify the tithe. Our God cannot accept their tithe any more than He would accept the tainted sacrifice of Saul when he gathered the best of King Agag’s sheep and oxen. True sacrifice must be 100%. The tithe is to be a complete separation from the purse. Getting a right off means YOU GAIN by tithing to 501c3 government preachers just as Saul GAINED (so he thought) by gathering those sheep. To use Agag’s sheep and oxen would be no sacrifice at all. Righting the tithe off is no different.

And as for his claim that he is not participating with the government. That is a lie as well because the only way to be incorporated under the 501c3 is to actually be in union/partnership with the State. That is what incorporation means. Xxxx and every other SDA preacher go directly against Christ’s demand to keep church & state separate when they signed those contracts. They actually obey the state over the Lord Himself which then confirms their partnership. Worse yet, all this was prophesied! Xxxx created an image to the beast in Rome by signing that document. And now, as of Trump’s pen last month, Xxxx has the power to lobby for religious law under his partnership with the state.

His numerous exclamation points also dictate how angry he is for getting caught on this. I’ve seen this type of response many times. What he’s not saying is even more deceptive in that if he contacts his partner in the second beast of Revelation (the USA government) and demands to be removed from his contract, the money he worships is not only gone; he will then owe his partner in the government back taxes, penalties and excise taxes. And so he like any other government preacher will defend his stance even to the point of displaying an unChristlike character. You know, like Peter who cursed to hide his fear of being outed as a follower of Christ that night.

Pray for him sister. He is not only lying to his donors, he is lying to himself and to His God. It’s bad enough he has created an image to the beast in Rome by joining with the second beast. He is admitting in this email to conning his donors into thinking God allows them to nullify their own tithe.


#297. Please explain Psalm 44:17

In this chapter, is the Psalmist declaring that the people of God did no wrong yet the Lord afflicted them anyway? Or, is he declaring that BECAUSE they follow the Lord, they have become a shame to the heathen? Like how we are shameful in the eyes of the world because we follow the commandments of God? After mentioning how much the heathen hates God's people, this is said in Psalm 44:17 "All this is come upon us; yet have we not forgotten thee, neither have we dealt falsely in thy covenant."

What is sounds like to me is that the Psalmist is lamenting the fact that the world hates him & his brethren. Am I anywhere close to understanding this chapter? God bless.


You’re correct brother, the Christian today can also repeat this Psalm with the same heartfelt love and trust as we too are hated for the truth we embrace and proclaim. And no matter how much the world hates us we move ahead in God’s love to do the work regardless of how the world treats us because we love Him that much and we know (especially the Gideon band will know in the coming days) that when it gets very rough we will cry out for Him to redeem us in all ways a man can be redeemed and this includes from the Armageddon hordes that stand all around us on that great and dreadful day.

By the way, one can see an echo of this truth in the words of our King in John 15:18-19, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.  If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."


#298. Please explain the "the power" found in 2Timothy 3:1-5

2 Timothy 3:1-5, "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."

Nicholas, obedience to God’s commandments has always been the key factor in receiving of His power correct? To deny the power then would be to deny and disobey God’s commandments. What do you think?


It’s actually two fold. Revelation 14:12 says, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."

I am sure you already know that, but if it was to be shared as the only source of power being His law, then some babes may believe that keeping His law is all they need to do. Thing is, the Jews thought that and in so doing failed to recognize Jesus as Messiah when He visited them. So yes, keeping His law will grant us the power we need to do as He commands. But we must be Christians first because unless we accept Jesus as Lord, we can’t possibly keep His law. For it is His Holy Spirit that helps us keep it. That's why I always say, we don't keep the law to get saved, we keep it because we are saved. Mankind cannot keep His law at all, and so those that think they can keep it without the promised Comforter of Jesus Christ deny the Power that is our God residing in our hearts.


#299. How does the Bible define a human soul?

I have a question; does a man have a soul, or is the man himself a soul?


This may be a bit odd, but this is the best way I know to explain it. I look at the human soul in the same way I look at a lightbulb.

The bulb itself is the “material of the human body”
The electricity is the “breath of life”
Once the switch is turned “on” the light is the “soul”

Genesis 2:7 says, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." and then Jesus also said in Matthew 10:28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

Here we see a direct separation of the two. In fact, if you search the words “body” and “soul” in Scripture you will find many statements that show the body and the soul are two different things. One of my favorites being 1 Thessalonians 5:23 which says, "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Rome likes to paint the picture that a soul is a ghostly being that is trapped inside the human form until death and once dead we can float about on clouds strumming harps or even appearing at 4:00am one day at the end of the bed of our living loved ones to scare the daylights out of them. But after Jesus died for us, and then resurrected, the Word of God records something that puts to rest the Vatican lie regarding the state of the dead. Notice what is shared in the following passage.

Luke 24:36-43, "And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.  But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.  And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?  Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.  And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.  And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?  And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.  And he took it, and did eat before them."

Not only does Jesus make it clear that He is not a ghost, He proves to them He has flesh and bones, and to further solidify the truth He ate some honeycomb with them. Not something most deceived by Rome understand to be the description of a ghost now is it?


#300. Is it true mankind wrote the Commandments and not God?

Someone said Moses wrote the Ten Commandments after he broke the first two tables of stone and I referenced back. Deuteronomy 10:1-5 which says, "At that time the LORD said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood. And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which thou brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark. And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand. And he wrote on the tables, according to the first writing, the ten commandments, which the LORD spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly: and the LORD gave them unto me. And I turned myself and came down from the mount, and put the tables in the ark which I had made; and there they be, as the LORD commanded me."

Their response was:

I'm aware of the counter argument, but very difficult to read it this way and better to read that God wrote it through Moses. Does God writing that himself vs God writting it through a prophet make it any less worthy of scripture?  

Was the incarnation of God in the flesh any less effective than God working in creation without the flesh??


As close to the end as we are we will see some very crafty responses from those that seek ways to belittle the Law of God as something manmade and not as important as we the remnant people say it is.

But as you illustrated quite effectively by sharing that passage; Moses did not write the Commandments on the second set of tablets. The Lord told him to carve out the new tablets himself this time, yes, but it clearly says God wrote the words on the stone again when He said to Moses, "I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which thou brakest."

What amazes me is how when caught red-handed embracing false theology, the one responding shored up his stance by claiming it was very difficult to read it the way it was written and better for him to read it in the way his flesh preferred and then claiming it was just as worthy of Scripture if a prophet wrote it still makes his stance seem a valid one in Christendom when in fact it's a lie. Moses, be he a prophet or not, did not write the ten commandments on that second set of tables.

In fact, I can see why the Sunday keeper refuses to see it the way God declared it because Sunday keepers will not strive unto the perfection of Christ wherein we see the Divine nature man can attain to in obedience to Christ.

What I mean is; just as the final Christians in the last days that are slated to be be in that number will emulate the divine nature between God and man; we see that Moses did the carving on that stone and the Lord Himself wrote the law.

In other words, it was the first time that I can recall in the Word of God wherein such a symbol was offered that showed man and God working hand in hand as one. Just as man walks in Christ and does all he can to burn off the dross or carve away the bits of useless stone, the Lord then writes His law in His heart.

Even the Sanctuary services itself show man and God working hand in hand, does it not? But the ultimate example of man and God as one is in the expressed image of the Father Himself in Jesus Christ our Lord, King and Saviour who is truly man and truly God.

But, when the Law is frowned upon, one cannot see the power of the truth in that act wherein Moses carved the tables and God wrote the Laws.


#301. Why are the same things found in the books of Kings and Chronicles?

This may be a stupid question, but why are the same things written in both the books of Kings, and the books of Chronicles?


Actually if you look a little closer you will see that over half of Chronicles is not found in Kings. As far as I can tell, the books of Kings is penned in a way the common man can grasp. And even though Chronicles is the same in the way it’s penned; it has a tad bit more info within it because as in royalty back then and in political leadership today, the officiating king always demanded the inside info most common men never see for a multitude of reasons. This is kinda like the archives I mention from time to time that our political leaders have access to and we the people do not. Kind of irks me at times because I know they have seen God's hand move and recorded it without allowing the people to see it so as to keep the peace between the false religions. Hence the reason we see a ten foot fence and barbed wire around Mount Sinai and crazed terrorists guarding Mount Ararat.


#302. Please explain Proverbs 23:10 and Luke 12:5

Greetings and Evening Pastor!

It has been a while since I email you.

2 Question:

Proverbs 23:10, “Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless:” What is Solomon saying here about the landmark/boundary? How does this apply to us today?--Basically what is the message is God trying to say to us in this verse.

Luke 12:5, “But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.” Are there times we should have this type of fear basically once in a while. Or What is Jesus saying here?

Thanks and God Bless!


The landmarks noted in Proverbs 23:10 has to do with the land God gave the people that obeyed Him. They need to stay within the boundaries of that land and not step into the land of the heathen (fatherless) as it would cause them to fall into sin because the fatherless don’t follow the Lord and their influence will be bad on the obedient flock.

As for this applying today, yes. Very much so. We all have a lot in life, or “boundaries” set up by God for our well-being and to step outside that lot is to be found outside God’s will and “wanting” something He never gave us. This is why the final warning to Belshazzar was penned as it was in Daniel 5:27 when it says, "TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting."

Belshazzar assumed powers upon himself and wanted glory of self that was not his to claim at all. Those cups he drank from that night were for the Lord’s Sanctuary services. But like the Popes and some celebrities today, some people want to be looked upon and even worshipped as gods. This is also why James stated in James 1:3-4, "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.  But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

God granted the rich to be rich and poor to be poor. There’s nothing wrong with being rich or poor; but if you’re rich or poor and seek riches to glorify the flesh, that is “wanting” something God never intended. Therefore you just crossed the boundary set up by the Lord.

In other words, it means they step outside the landmarks He originally set up for them and in so doing end up in the land of the heathen to die there. Remember what Solomon said in Proverbs 30:8-9, "Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain."

As for the fear described in Luke 12:5. It is also translated as “reverence.” Yes, common sense says God is a mighty and fearful God; but because we obey Him we do not fear Him the way the wicked do for their disobedience. We have a reverent or respectful fear of our God knowing all will be well and we will live forever. The wicked on the other hand simply fear Him out of abject terror because it is He that will eventually destroy them in hellfire and whether they want to admit it or not, they know it.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."


#303. Why was Saman's hair such a big deal?

Brother Nic, I'm curious...

Do you happen to know what it was about Samson and his length of hair that was such a big deal for him....as when Delilah cut it off, he then was weak (physically, I take it).

What was THAT all about as far as a learning lesson or just some interesting fact. What's your take on it?  


Samson, was actually called of God to deliver Israel while he was still in his mother’s womb. And so the Lord gave his mother specific instruction regarding the vow of a Nazarite so as to prepare her son for a mighty work. As long as he was obedient to the Lord and didn’t allow a razor to remove his hair thereby breaking his vow, then all was well and his faith would be intact.

Problem is, his promiscuous ways and idolatrous associations led him to trust a sinful woman and so even though he didn’t use the razor himself, his circumstances allowed him to be in a place of sinfulness wherein she was able to shave his head.

I believe the Lord stepped back and his strength was already gone the very second Samson told Delilah the private vow he made with the Lord. But then, that was bound to happen due to his flesh having rule over him in the first place.

I don’t think she shaved him bald however. He already broke the vow by sharing it with Delilah. And all she had to do was cut off a few locks of hair to solidify his fate. After he had time to reflect while in that dungeon as well as being blinded by the Philistines so as to have no distractions in meditation, not only did his hair grow back, so did his faith. And we all know what happened next.

And no, there was no magical powers in his hair nor did the length of his hair hold any virtuous power. The hair was merely an open sign of a private vow he made with the Lord. When Samson allowed his lust to cause his open symbol of loyalty to God to be removed when Delilah cut it off, the blessings that came with that loyalty were also cut off from Samson. He was only blessed while in obedience.Truth is, if in battle Samson's hair was cut off by some passionate enemy's well placed blade he would not have lost his strength. But it was because of his own lustful passions that the open sign of loyalty to the Lord was cut off and so this is why the Lord stepped back.


#304. Please explain Hebrews 5:14

Please explain… Hebrews 5:14 which says, "But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."


The easiest way I can see to explain this is to say that when I was a young Christian I studied the Word of God daily. In fact, I still do this to this day. But as a babe in Christ I was blessed rather quickly with understanding as I continued each and every day to feast on His Word. But, it wasn't until the Lord started to send people asking questions wherein I had to study more of His Word so as to answer their questions that I noticed that my ability to discern good and evil was increasing even more with every passing day. Studying the Word daily grants us much faith because we know it is written in Romans 10:17, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." But sharing our faith with others increases it much more as our Lord sees He can trust us to help others to see, and so He blesses us to do so.

And notice this as well. Not only does more faith come when we read the Word of God, it says this in Psalms 119:97-104, "O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts. I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word. I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way."

Now as for the term "meat" being used in Hebrews 5:14, notice what it says here in John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth." As is obvious this is speaking of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In fact, later on in chapter six of the book of John Jesus sated this in John 6:55, "For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed."

When we are little babies our mother gives us milk. When we are weaned off the milk we can eventually eat meat. And by meat I am speaking of every biblical definition of meat, from clean meat if the parents are not yet into the Edenic diet to the meat of a peach, pear or even a loaf of bread. Well, it's the same way with a babe in Christ. At first they dine on the milky passages in the Word of God easy to understand. If they are faithful they will eventually start to dine on the meaty Scripture and as Paul intimates, they will have their their senses exercised to discern both good and evil in a much better fashion fitting for the soul seeking to bring many souls into the truth.

And just so you know, Paul does speak on the milk and meat of Scripture for those that need to share it with others. You can find it in 1 Corinthians 3:1-2 wherein he says, "And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.  I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able."


#305. Why did David act insane?

Brother, can you explain to me why David acted like he was insane in 1 Samuel 21? God bless.


Not a lot of info on this and so all I can do is comment on what I see between the lines in the Word on this one. As we know, David was running from Saul and he felt hiding among his enemies would make it easier for him to hide. But once he arrived in  the area, David found out that he was well known in the region as a mighty man of war. When you compile that reality with the fact he was being hunted by Saul, and the fact he lied to the high priest earlier so as to keep his reason for being their secret proved his faith failed him and he literally feared. Sad thing is, had he told Ahimelch the reasons he fled Saul, the high priest probably would have figured out  way to get him to safety while at the same time prevent his own death when Saul came upon him.

We also need to take into consideration that David's fame as a mighty man would make him an easy target of king Achish. Especially since the King’s men spoke of David as they did in verse 11. One can expect one of Achish’s mighty men may have wanted to kill David to gain fame and David no doubt feared once he killed the first man he would have to deal with everyone present as they would surround him in a death match.

Basic reality is, the Lord did not send David to the land of his enemies to be protected. The Lord had plans and he was going to do as He promised. Had David relied on using only truth when speaking with the high priest things would have no doubt worked out differently. But because David feared, his faith failed and as we see to this day, whenever we are off the path put before us, fear always sets in. We can learn from this that in times of intense trial we must never lose faith in God to protect us and guide us to the task at hand because our God is faithful in ways we cannot understand. And that’s even if we must stand obedient unto death. Because if it is our day to die, then it is our Father's will. Stepping into the realm of Satan's toolshed of lies to find a way out of trouble will always have a bad outcome because Satan can never grant good unto any of us. So stay in the truth of the Lord and He will protect you.


#306. What does the term "let the dead bury the dead" mean?


What did Jesus mean in these verses?

Also, in one of your Q&A's (can't remember the #, sorry) the questioner said something that appeared off-handed. I don't even remember what their question was, but they said something about cremating the dead out of ignorance. In your answer, you didn't address that comment they made. So, is there something unBiblical about cremation? Are we only to be buried when we die?


In regards to the dead burying the dead… Have you ever heard of the term “dead man walking?” Same concept only in the spiritual sense. In prison on death row, as a man is walking to his place of execution, he is often referred to by fellow inmates and guards as a dead man walking. In the spiritual sense, those that refuse to accept Christ as Saviour are already dead when looking at them from an eternal standpoint. However, if they repent they can be born again and then gain eternal life.

As for cremation.. I will try and find that question and clarify it better later. For now.. no sin in cremation. Like marriage, the Lord allows whatever fashion we deem legal here on earth. Still, some may question that and so I usually refer them to the following passage…

Just like today, many people cremate their loved ones and then take the bits of bone and ash and bury it in an urn in a graveyard or sometimes on their own land. But for those that may want a bit more solidifcation on this, notice what it says in 2 Chronicles 16:13-14, "And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign. And they buried him in his own sepulchres, which he had made for himself in the city of David, and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odours and divers kinds of spices prepared by the apothecaries' art: and they made a very great burning for him."

The Asa mentioned here is King Asa. He reigned over Judah and as we know being a king he would have had an honorable burial and as it very obvious here, his body was burned. In fact, the word "burning" in verse 14 comes from the Hebrew word "serephah" which in Hebrew is literally defined as cremation.

We also have 1 Corinthians 13:3 wherein Paul says, “And though I bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.”

Now I know he’s not necessarily talking about cremation here, but he is speaking of someone burning a human body be it in cremation or as Pagan and Papal Rome often did to Christians on a stake. And since he is stating as such, he does not mention in any way shape or form that the act of burning the body is sinful. Now yes it is sinful to murder Christians, but that sin is upon the murderer of the Christian.

And finally, notice 2 Corinthians 5:1-5 that says, “For we know that if our earthly house of [this] tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Again, cremation not mentioned but one can’t help to notice that in death we will eventually end up in dust. In fact it says this in Genesis 3:19, “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou [art], and unto dust shalt thou return.”

So I have to ask the obvious question here; does it matter if we rot slowly in a grave, get burned to ash on a stake or in a cremation oven, or what of those that were atomized in a nuclear blast in Japan, or those eaten by wild animals? No, it doesn’t matter how the dead body is disposed of at all. Our God can and will quicken every soul when that day comes; be it the first or second resurrection.


#307. Is Project Blue Beam something we need to be concerned about?

Okay, first off, normally I wouldn't give something like this a single second of my time. I wanted to make that clear right off the bat. However, since NASA is, soon enough, going to announce "proof" of evolution & technologically advanced civilizations (to discredit the Biblical young Creation), this kind of piqued my interest.

I've been looking into Project Blue Beam. Here is an excerpt from the theory:

Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.

Since we have seen video after video (like the halo ring in Israel, the floating city in China, etc.) showcasing really advanced technologies of man used to confuse the masses, I think Project Blue Beam is worth investigation. I would really like your take on this. Am I looking into things I shouldn't be looking into? Or am I right that this is worth digging further into? God bless.


I already looked into it many years ago. Yes, they can use this type of technology to help Satan “appear” in many areas at the same time so as to confuse the masses because as we all know, Satan does not have the ability to be omnipresent.

BUT, they will not fake the actual arrival of Antichrist himself. Main reason being is, that is prophesied by our God to happen and so that clearly means that is exactly what will happen. Satan has been literally dying for this day. He craved worship in Heaven and in so doing caused a third of the angels to fall out of Heaven with him, and so the last 6000 years he has been building a major structure of lies deep in the hearts of billions simply to get to the day he can stand before them and be literally worshipped by them. This is not only the ultimate mockery of our God in Heaven, it is one major act of blasphemy and Satan will do this act in a very graphic manner personally.

Plus, the other toss on this coin has to be the confusion factor. When NASA and other large government entities get “outed” on such things like the blue beam, HAARP or experimental aircraft that appears as UFO's, it’s used by Satan to cultivate doubt in the minds of many people that don’t study the Bible.

When they see the technology and how it can be used to make the twisted prophecies of the Bible appear real in a manmade sort of way, Satan can use this to further fill his trophy case with even more souls. Take the September 23 false prophecy that is soon to fail as well as the one Harold Camping did years ago. Those secret rapture prophecies as well as seven year trib theories can gain souls into hellfire in two ways. #1, when they fail, more Atheists are cultivated because they actually think they're biblical, and #2, when the technology makes them appear to fulfill, many souls join hands with Rome who authored the false prophecies so as to die in hellfire.

And in both scenarios the obvious agenda is to cultivate a mindset in billions that makes them completely unready for the real second coming of Jesus Christ. When they think it's all a farce as the Atheists do, they never bother to repent, and when they believe the lies of Satan in the false prophecies he manufactures to appear fulfilled, they never get ready to repent here either because they actually think they are Heaven bound.

Truth is, what about the prophetic events that were all fulfilled long before we had this kind of technology? Everyone seems to forget about all of that. But the basic reality is, what is prophesied will happen no matter how much mankind tries to say otherwise.

And yes, we as Christians aren’t stupid to fall for such things and as Jesus proclaimed the elect cannot be deceived. But many foolish virgins will forget about the biblical facts of the not so distant past and embrace the current lies because they’re fresh and shiny and brand new glittering as new truth right before their demonically darkened eyes.


#308. Can the Pope be saved?

Will the man used as the antichrist be saved as by fire?
Will this man suffer forever for being born?
Will he be destroyed or saved?
Or be punished forever?
Doese God have a plan to save this man ?


The man that is prophesied to be used by Satan to stand on earth as Antichrist throughout the ages are in fact the many Popes of Roman Catholic church. And they are just as capable of being saved as you and I or any man on earth. No, it doesn’t look good for them as they are mostly concerned with destroying Christianity by their Pagan dogma as well as promiscuous ways, but since we cannot judge the hearts of men, we truly have no clue as to their eternal fate as they too can repent before dying. In fact, there is a possibility one or more has done so and was then poisoned by those that really run things in Rome so as to keep the evil flowing as Satan prefers. But if I was to throw out a wild guess, I would not think to see many if any Popes in Heaven.

As for them being “saved by fire.” No that is not biblically possible. The Vatican dogma adopted from ancient Pagans that they call Purgatory and it's so called cleansing flames is not found anywhere in the inspired Scripture of the God of Heaven. The only way to be saved is by accepting Jesus as Saviour, for it is written in Romans 10:9, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

As for being punished “forever” that too in impossible as the Bible declares plainly that hellfire is a final one time event at the end of the 1000 years that starts at the second coming of Christ Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords. Hellfire if not an eternal fire. Only its destruction is eternal according to the Word of God. After all, is it not written in Romans 6:23 that "the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Rome has been infamous in rewriting Scripture as well as omitting many verses for centuries so as to both hide their identity as well as uplift Pagan dogma in the hopes of lending credence to their religion. See ALL the Scripture that explains hellfire compiled and explained in detail here on the page I titled "the truth about Hellfire" when you get time.

If you read that study you will find, as have billions before you that the Popes of Rome have openly lied about how the wrath of God actually works and how it is literally bathed in mercy. Our Heavenly Father is not a tyrant as they paint Him to be. The wages of sin is death and so it is eternal death in ashes not eternal life in hellfire as Rome has claimed for centuries. Fear has worked well for them in how they used everything from torture and death to prevent real Christians from sharing truth to the people to false doctrines about eternal life in fire or millions of years in Purgatory to keep the loyal Catholics under their control. This was only possible for them to do because they removed all the Bibles and translated them into Latin to prevent anyone from reading them. It truly was the dark ages when the light of truth was snuffed out by Rome. But no longer, for as prophesied the Bible was not only protected it was uplifted and many souls have come to know the truth about the man of sin in Rome. 


#309. Please explain Matthew 25:24-26

Please help me understand Matthew 25:24-26. I seem to have a disconnect between these verses & the rest of the chapter. I don't know what is meant by "reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:" Please help. God bless.


Passage in Question:

What I see here is a man doing what many people today do when it comes to how they respond to the love of the Lord and actually blame Him for things He never actually did. As we know, nothing evil comes from above for it is written in James 1:13, "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:"

Even though that verse is as plain to see and understand, some people still like to make the claim that the Lord causes them problems in life. This man in the parable was fearful and accused the Lord of demanding more from him than he believed he was able to give, even though our God never does this. And so he decided not to do anything for the Lord out of sheer spiritual stupidity. Hence the reason he buried his talent in the world because it was the world that he trusted in and therefore in so doing he gained no spiritual blessing for it.

Many people today do this out of fear, misunderstanding, and just plain hatred of our Lord who loved them enough to die for them. But because they love the world and trust the lies of the dying god of this world, it is the world wherein they place their talents.

For example, take the person that is blessed with the ability to sing from the Lord. Instead of using that talent to glorify God, they choose instead to sing evil music to make millions of dollars and glorify their flesh before the world they hope to impress. Their “talent” from on high is then used to glorify the world instead of the Lord that made that world. Or look at the person that can create amazing artwork. Instead of using that talent to glorify the Lord they use it to glorify Satan by making everything from demonic album covers to pornographic pictures. Or they simply make commercial art so as to make large sums of money.

The talents we are given are to be used by us to not only glorify the Lord, they are also given as a test to see what we will do with them. If we are found loyal to the Lord who gave the talent, then we will receive even more talents from on high when He sees He can trust us to use that which He has given to spread His truth and glorify Him as God. Truth is, the talents and the blessings gained by them illustrate the same exact testing and blessing received by those obedient with the tithe. Tests are just that. Tests.

Many people have talents that can help spread the message of the Lord but quite often they refuse to do it because they prefer to seek after what the world offers instead. Many don't realize they're doing it and since our God is merciful they won't be judged unworthy for it. But because their comfort zone is not one that would please the Lord, and this is always thanks to many negative influences in life from the cradle to the grave, many people forfeit amazing blessings they would have otherwise been granted had they just acknowledged the Lord that blessed them.

And by the way, the “talents” can be anything from wisdom, riches, strength and for many of us, myself included value highly and that is the free time we have been given that can be used to do the work of spreading present truth. More souls can be reached by a poor soul that can hand a tract or two to a soul in need than someone with many talents that clogs their days up with hustle, bustle and worrisome acts of the flesh so as to make a few bucks.

When we bury the talent in the world because we assume by our worldly understanding that God is a fearful tyrant who causes problems for people out of anger, or as the unwise steward said, we assume He reaps where he hasn’t sown and gathers where He hasn’t strawed, then Satan can use such people to accuse our Lord of every evil act that he himself is doing to those poor confused souls. And as is obvious, the lost always have a skewed view of the Lord due to trusting the lies of His enemy and this is why Jesus shared this parable in the manner that He did.


#310. Please explain Hebrews 13:9

What does Hebrews 13:9 mean? Especially the area it speaks on about meats.


Verse in question:

This is not actually speaking of meat we eat at a dinner table. Notice what Paul says to the Hebrews after discussing the order of Melchisedec that Jesus was ordained to stand to some that are not listening very well. When continuing on about Jesus He in says in Hebrews 5:10-14 that Jesus was "Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec.  Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.  For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.  For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."

And do you recall what Isaiah said about doctrine in Isaiah 28:9-10, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

What I'm getting at here is that doctrine is seen in two ways in the Word of God. The milky doctrine for the babe in Christ as well as the meaty doctrine for the well earned Christian who has dined well on the Word of God and has been weaned off the milky truths. And so, just as true doctrine can be milky and meaty, false doctrine can be milky and meaty as well. But, in most cases, false doctrine is usually meaty and what I mean by that is what the passage in Hebrews 13:9 is getting at.

Jesuits are infamous for doing this in that they will take a false doctrine and write volumes on it to try and confuse the people into accepting it as truth. Many will do so thinking when they agree they will come off as well-learned by their cohorts simply because of the meatiness of the false doctrine. But if you notice, as Isaiah illustrated, the best way to understand doctrine is to look "precept upon precept; line upon line, here a little, and there a little."

These Vatican contrived false doctrines have a fleshly purpose in that they have to be very crafty and deep to twist Scripture so far out of whack that the long disertation can come off as truth to some that gravitate towards the intellect of man instead of the simplicity of truth. And there are many people who like to spread meaty lies because it makes them look intelligent. Case in point, the September 23 or October 21 false prophecies took a lot of explanation for that Roman Catholic false prophet to get people to fall for it and it most assuredly came off as very meaty to most. And so those that don't read bibles jumped on it because it made them appear very wise when most people were confused by it all. But the simple truth made them all look like fools when September 24 and October 22 came around and nothing happened. And so as Paul declared in Hebrews 13:9 that so called meaty doctrine and or false prophecy in this case which was actually an attempt by Rome to make it appear as doctrine, "have not profited them that have been occupied therein." In other words, those that preached and trusted it, didn't profit at all from it.

And yes the simple truth I speak of in this case that easily blew this entire false doctrine/prophecy out of the water was what Jesus said in Matthew 24:36. Which was, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

But because most people don't read even the milky Scripture, they clamored after the meaty lies instead so as to glorify the flesh and because they did so, their failed prophecies made them all look quite foolish. And as Paul continued on in that passage he said in Hebrews 13:10, "We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle."

In other words, the food we receive from our studies and the truly ordained pulpit, the false teachers have no right to whatsoever. Looking around at how they preach false doctrines and strange prophetic definitions proves this in a big way. They cannot see or teach what we see and teach so they are left with no choice but to make up their own dogma just as the Pagan of old did when they first denied the God of Heaven.


 #311. Ron Wyatt and the (ELS) Bible Codes?

Ron Wyatt is in the ELS codes in English in KJB.

While the code confirms your theory with this entry:
Ron Wyatt found false ark
I would ask you to consider in truth he was a sincere person who was simply misled.

I have included him in the list of included persons in ELS codes. The bigger argument is are the people in the codes real people and we should recognize them as opposed to throwing them away out of intellectual convenience. I would not like to be treated that way.

My Facebook page is xxxxxx and I am working towards open discussion about ELS codes.


As a Christian I have met Jesus personally deep within and I have read His Word cover to cover many times thus far. That being the case, not once do I find in His truth filled Word the need for His people to use a computer to discover His love for them or even to better understand His deep soul stirring truths found all throughout His amazing Scripture. I worship a living Creator who wrote a Bible so His children could find their way home to Him. I do not worship a computer made by man, nor would I proclaim such a need for it belittles the Creator of all that is seen and unseen and uplifts the man who created the computer, and that is specifically declared quite sinful in Romans 1:25 which speaks of them as they that have "changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."

The Lord thy God would never write a book His own children could not understand without the use of a manmade computer. If that were true in any way shape or form then all souls that read this precious book before computers were invented are hopelessly lost for they would have not all the truth necessary to know Him. And that is just plain ludicrous and yes even blasphemous.

Plus, and you may not know this but; when the Bible code software first came out years ago, I clearly recall how it was discovered you could actually place the dictionary as the main database in the software itself and still get the exact same so called statements that some claim to be astounding in the Bible codes. Being one who has written computer code for decades, I know how an algorithm can be fine-tuned. I even recall writing code I found in a magazine that allowed the computer to learn and write it's own code. Yes, I am speaking of AI. And yes, it was very slow back then, but it did work. But even there none of it would be possible without the man writing the code in the first place, who then relied on the man that invented the computer and so again, all this does is glorify the man and not the Creator of man and so I would strongly advise against toying with such things.

As for Ron Wyatt. Yes I know all about his false claims regarding both arks as you know I have a page all about him on the site. I only posted that page because some young men in the faith were beginning to uplift him and his strange findings to the point of worshiping him in the same way people do with those that wrote the Bible codes. I didn't need a computer to discover Ron Wyatt was in error as I had a Bible as well as physical evidence regarding the ark of Noah. And yes, I truly hope Wyatt was sincerely mistaken and not sinisterly speaking when it came to the ark of the covenant as well as the ark of Noah. But at the same time, when someone uplifts the man above the Creator I have a duty to do and I will do it as best I can. Hence the reason for that page regarding his findings.

Wyatt did discover many other things that I find fascinating like the chariot wheels in the deep waters of the Red Sea confirming the Biblical account of the people of Israel crossing with Moses under direct leadership of our Lord. And so it's not all bad. Why he did what he did with the two arks is confusing, but again, I pray he was sincerely mistaken.

As for discussing ELS on a public platform as you suggest via your facebook page, no. I know what the present truth is for our day and it has nothing to do with computers or the glorification of same. Jesus is coming back VERY soon and I will declare boldly, that all must, "…Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." - Matthew 3:3. I pray you refocus your zeal in like manner so as to join the people of God in doing what prophecy said the obedient bride of Christ will do in these last days.


#312. Mark 2:27 attempt at $5000.00 challenge

Mark 2:27 "And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:"

It says many times in the Bible that God reveals himself to men when we seek with all our hearts. Key point: The Lord comes to us IN our imperfection, we do not conform to the Lord perfection. We could not keep the law, which is why Jesus showed us that the Son of man choses to do miracles like healing on 'our' Sabbath. It is God that adapts to us, even adapting to our changing the Sabbath. He comes down to us to bear the weight of the sin that we create. Even coming to heal us on our Sabbath showing it truly was made for us. If it were the Lord's day of rest He would not have healed the sick on the Sabbath. Rather, Jesus shows us clearly the Sabbath is our day, made for us, God doing the work of miracles for us because it never was about Him...he made it for us. So if we as humans change it...God will do what He always does and come to us on that day to heal and perform miracles.


Thank you so much for responding to the video.

First and foremost, Mark 2:27 says absolutely nothing about changing the Sabbath to Sunday. But then I assume you already knew that. Secondly, I specifically asked for verses only and not sermons or studies because this is about God's Word and not yours.

Thirdly, claiming Jesus lied or broke Sabbath is very dangerous as it is considered both blasphemous as well as making Jesus out to be a fraud. But I do not believe that was your intention here at all as your teachers are the ones to blame on that one. You need to verify all that your teachers claim as did the Berians of old else you will be destined to echo their heresy and gain their judgment.

Still, since you took the time to send such a detailed disertation on your opinion regarding Mark 2:27 which strangely though you never actually explained the reason you used the verse, I will try to address it best I can. And so I must start off by saying that Jesus did not lie when He said in Matthew 5:48, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." And he certainly did not break Sabbath when healing people on that day, for He also stated to the Pharisees in Mark 3:4 who also repeatedly claimed He broke Sabbath, "..Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace."

Please understand that claiming Jesus broke the Sabbath means you are being taught to agree with whom most in Christendom understand to be lying Pharisees. The Word of God plainly illustrates that the Pharisees were evil and not to be trusted at all. Especially in regards to doctrine, in fact this is why Jesus warned His apostles in Matthew 16:6 when He said, "...Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. Their doctrine was very evil and Jesus always corrected them. So many times in fact that this is why they hated Him so much. So much so they held an illegal trial and used their influence to have Rome kill Him.  

One more thing, yes Jesus comes to us when we are “in” our sin just as much as a shepherd hunts down the stray. But if we allow Him to be Lord of our lives, as the stray sheep eventually learns from the shepherd as being the better choice, Jesus then promises to help us overcome our sin. Hence the reason He stated through Paul in Romans 6:6-7,13,18 when he declared, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.  For he that is dead is freed from sin. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness."

As for not being able to keep the Law. You are 100% correct. That is why He offered us the new covenant in His grace wherein He literally helps us to keep His law. This is why it was prophesied in Jeremiah 31:33 that “this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people."

If you watch my “Who is Israelvideo you will see that according to the written Word of God, Christians are actually the ones considered to be Israel today; for the Word states that title can only be given to those that obey the Lord and declare Him as Messiah and Saviour. And that prophesied statement was confirmed fact in 2 Corinthians 3:3 when it said, "Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart."

In other words, I do not keep the Law of God to GET saved. I keep it because I AM saved. No man can keep the Law unless they accept Jesus as Lord wherein the promise is assured that He will help them keep His law day by day. In fact, that is the “fruit” Jesus spoke of when He declared in Matthew 7:20-21, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.  Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." And what is the will of the Father? Deuteronomy 7:9 says, "Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;" And then some generations later Jesus stated through His apostle John in 2 John 1:6, "And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it."

The world does however teach you can be saved IN your sin and I am happy to declare that such a doctrine is nowhere to be found in the Bible because if it were, then Heaven would be filled with the awfulness of sin. Heaven is for those that overcome sin. Not those that become complacent in sin. If heaven was to be like it is here on earth filled with people bowing to the flesh for eternity, then it would not be a heavenly place at all.

As for claiming mankind can create or change the Sabbath and the Lord has to bow to our change and adapt to us rather than allow Him to change us, that too is found nowhere in Scripture. In fact, it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." It doesn’t say that whenever man accepts Jesus as Lord that Jesus becomes a new Jesus so as to bow to our fleshly desires. No we are the ones that change, not Him. In fact, it says in Malachi 3:6, "For I am the LORD, I change not.." And again it says in Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

As you probably already know, the Lord sanctified and blessed the Sabbath 6000 years ago in Eden on the seventh day thereby ending creation week. That being the case, were you also aware that Numbers 23:20 says, "Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it." And so as I intimated a moment ago, it says in Genesis 2:3 that “God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

So as you can clearly see, God blessed the seventh day and literally stated that blessing cannot be reversed or removed or as you claim, “changed.” Fact is, how on earth can mankind claim to have power to change something God Himself says He can’t change? But the teachers of this sin sick world have been prophesied to boast as if they are above the God of the Bible and so this is why so many believe the Sabbath can be changed. It was prophesied long ago that the Popes of Rome would change the Sabbath day, and they did just that. And where was this change by boastful men prophesied? When speaking of the Popes in Rome who not only claim to be “God on Earthand have admitted to “killing Christiansfor centuries, Daniel 7:25 says, "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

And as for the claim the Sabbath is OUR holy day, no, the Lord specifically stated through His prophet Isaiah the following in Isaiah 58:13-14, "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it."

With that said, I pray you are greatly blessed and you seek a much deeper relationship with Jesus Christ so as to know Him as He truly is and not as the false teachers claim He is. As prophesied, most preachers, pastors, priests and prelates preach “another Jesus” in these last days. Seek the Jesus of the Bible and you will make it home to Heaven. Seek the Jesus of the world, and you will die.


#313. Why didn't Matthew, Luke & John mention the naked boy in Mark 14:51,52?


My daughter just brought a question to me about something that I hadn't noticed before. In the Gospel accounts of Christ's arrest, there is a small bit I never really saw before. In Matthew, Luke, & John, Jesus' arrest is immediately followed by Him being led to Caiaphas, but in Mark, it says the following:

Mark 14:51-52 "And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: [52] And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked."

... who is this talking about? God bless.


This is one of the reasons the Lord had 4 men relate the Gospel message in writing. He knew what was important to one man was not going to be as important to another. And He also knew they would give an account of all that mattered to each of them which then would give us who read the Bible a better view of all that happened by allowing us multiple viewpoints. In the case of this young man, none of the apostles mentioned him except Mark.

The Word never says who this “certain young man” was, but many have shared their assumptions over the centuries assuming he was either a lad that was sleeping in the house Jesus had the last supper in who then followed him when he heard He left to go to the garden; to some assuming he was just some young guy that was interested in what was going on due to all the hustle and bustle during Christ's arrest and so he followed out of curiosity. The fact his nakedness was recorded makes me wonder if it was penned by Mark for a reason.

Seeing how Jews abhorred nakedness back then due to how their Pagan rulers were so much into the flesh, having the young man run away scared and naked was a statement towards his chastisement for his obvious curiosity to the whole matter.

Like some teens today that want to see all the blood and gore so as to boast at being there when it happened to their friends, perhaps he followed close by just so he can brag about what he saw with his friends later the next day. And as we know, according to what Jesus said in Matthew 23:12, "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

Me thinks this young lad was naked to learn a lesson that night.


#314. My wife thinks I am turning into a Jew for keeping Sabbath

Nicholas: I follow your videos and my wife is convinced I am "turning into a Jew" with my opinions on Sunday worship and the pagan holidays. I can't "wake her up."



First and foremost, keeping Sabbath does not make you Jewish. For those people that think the Jews were to first and only to keep Sabbath, they need to reads Psalms 103:20 that says, "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word." And so if they want to argue semantics in such a thing, according to the Bible, you are more angelic than Jewish for keeping God’s law.  And by the way, share with your wife the following poem that is a compilation of historic and Scriptural facts regarding the assumption that keeping the Sabbath makes you a Jew.

Uriah Smith (circa mid to late 1800's)
[Some words have been changed without changing the context or meaning.]

When we present God's holy law,
And arguments from scripture draw,
Objectors say, to pick a flaw,
'It's Jewish.'

Though at the first Most High blessed
And sanctified His day of rest,
The same belief is still expressed,
'It's Jewish.'

Though with the world this rest began,
And thence through all Scriptures ran,
And Jesus said "'twas made for man"--
'It's Jewish.'

Though not with Jewish rites, which passed,
But with the moral law 'twas classed,
Which must exist while time shall last,
'It's Jewish.'

If from the Bible we present
The Sabbath's meaning and intent,
This answers every argument--
'It's Jewish.'

Though the disciples, Luke and Paul,
Continue still this rest to call
The 'Sabbath day', this answers all:
'It's Jewish.'

The good news teacher's plain expression,
That " Sin is of the law's transgression,"
Seems not to make the least impression--
'It's Jewish.'

They love the rest of man's invention,
But if the LORD's day we mention,
This puts an end to all contention:
'It's Jewish.'

O ye who thus GOD's day abuse,
Simply because 'twas kept by Jews,
The Saviour, too, you must refuse,
He's Jewish.

The Scriptures, then, we may expect
For the same reason you'll reject;
For if you will but recollect,
They're Jewish.

Thus the apostles, too, must fall;
For Andrew, Peter, James, and Paul,
Thomas, Matthew, John, and all
Were Jewish.

So to your helpless state resign
Yourself in wretchedness to pine;
Salvation, surely you'll decline,
It's Jewish.


#315. Since Sunday is the Mark, are all Sunday keepers already damned?

If Sunday is the Mark of the Beast then, if you've ever kept Sunday before you became a true Sabbath keeper wouldn't you still be damned since you kept Sunday in the past? And what about all those souls that kept Sunday thinking it was the Sabbath all their lives and went to their graves thinking it was the Sabbath?


Yes, as we know, Rome has admitted and prophecy already confirmed, Sunday is the mark of the beast in Rome. But at present, Sunday is not the enforced the mark of the beast and so no one is automatically damned for keeping it unless like many in Rome they do so knowing it is not the true Sabbath but keep it because they hate God that much. Reason I say that is, we already have rock hard evidence the Vatican is a luciferian entity to the point they hold masses for Satan and even build buildings depicting the animal Satan used in the garden. You would do well to see these two videos when you get time.

The prophesied mark of the beast is not a "damning offense" until the loud cry goes forth wherein all people of the world are warned in perfect detail by the obedient bride of Christ with absolute heart cutting truths proclaimed far and wide causing every person alive to know the difference between the Roman Sabbath and the Bible Sabbath. God the Father is not a tyrant as Satan and his man of sin in Rome and all that follow his lead like to paint Him as. In fact, notice the long-suffering love of this God we worship in His Word.

Our heavenly Father "winks" at our times of ignorance and does not hold us accountable for sins we did not know we're committing. But once we come to understand what He reveals to be sin, then we are held accountable if we continue in that sin without repenting. In fact it says in James 4:17, "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." But praise the Lord real Christians can still repent and be completely forgiven as if they never committed the sin because of what it says in 1 John 1:9-10, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." I shared verse 10 as well because many Christians are decieved by false pastors that say once they accept Jesus as Lord they will never sin again. They twist Bible verses to push that false theory and in so doing cripple the faith of many who the moment they fall into sin, if even for a moment, they think they can never be forgiven. But verse 9 says otherwise. This is why it's so important to stay in the Bible daily because there are many wolves out there chomping at the bit just waiting to confuse the babes in Christ.

So, as is prophesied, the Latter Rain is soon to fall and when it does the final message will be perfected in the mouths of the obedient remnant. They will go forth and absolutely everyone alive will know for a fact what the mark is. No more confusion will be allowed on this point because the Lord is coming soon and He would want everyone to have one more chance to make the right decision and so no confusion will be allowed in this message. Yes, I am sure many wolves will come up and try to twist it and confuse the people, but those that are studying their Bibles and in prayer daily cannot be confused by them because Jesus plainly said the elect cannot be confused.

And so, after the multitudes here the final message regarding the mark, even f they lie to themselves so as to make excuses as to why they refuse to repent and keep the Sabbath, the Lord who created them reads their hearts and knows they really do know the truth but chose not to embrace it for whatever reason they come up with and so those that reject the plain to hear and easy to understand truth about the mark of the beast, then and ONLY THEN will people be sealed for damnation that claim Sunday is the Sabbath. And so, that day has not yet come. But it is fast approaching. See this page when you get time ... http://www.remnantofgod.org/mark.htm


#316. Is Matthew 16:28; Luke 9:27; Mark 9:1 speaking about the 144,000 in Revelation?

Verse in Question:


If you read on into the next chapter wherein the topic continues on you will have the answer to the question. It says this…

What Jesus was saying in Matthew 16 was that a few men (3 in number) of the apostles would see the glory of the second coming in a prophetic viewing or open eyed vision as some may call it today when Jesus was to be literally transfigured before their eyes to look as He will at the second coming. The fact Moses and Elijah were present on that day confirms this is illustrating "the Son of man coming in His kingdom" as Jesus puts it because they represented the obedient Christians of all time on that great and dreadful day which most call the end of the world. Moses stands there to represent the dead in Christ that will rise at Christ's second coming, and Elijah is there representing the living Gideon band or 144,000 as most call them who never die and are caught up to meet Jesus with the saints that are by this time already in the air enjoying the absolute presence of the Lord.

As for Luke 9:29 and Mark 1, they are both relating the same event as in Matthew 16 and so this same truth applies there since the Word of God never contradicts itself.


#317. Please explain the watches mentioned in Luke 12:38

Verse in Question:

Luke 12:38, "And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants."


Now just so you all know, this answer blessed me in a big way twice. The first time when I answered it a little over a year ago and then on Monday of this past week when I was readying it to share in this Q&A Sabbath. I will explain later regarding all that in a few moments. But seeing how I go into a little detail here, this will be the last Q&A for today's service.

Reading into the verse I believe I see what is being said here. It’s not so much that there will be a second or third watch per se in that people need to get on rooftops looking eastward all day and night; it’s more about the fact that we should always be ready for our Lord's return no matter what, as we know not when our Lord shall come. The mindset back then as well as today is, most people want to know the day or the hour or at least the season He is to return in so they can have their sinful fun and then only get serious when that day finally approaches. Hence the reason the date is never given. Partying hardy till the last minute does not a true Christian make. In fact, living a life in such a manner will guarantee that person will not be ready to repent in time for the end because reveling in sin for any length of time becomes not only an addicted demand of the flesh, it becomes the norm in life to the point of crippling the faith. Still, the parable, like most from Christ has a dual purpose. In this case, one in the prophetic sense, another in a doctrinal or warning sense. In context one can see it is more about being ready no matter what time our Lord comes.

Reading in context we see this:

Again, I do see two prophetic tones deep within the passage that most will miss, but as per your previous email it appears you did catch it. As we know the Word of God speaks of the four watches of the night back when Jesus walked among us. And we all know how Jesus never does or says anything that cannot be seen verified in more than one way as either prophetic, doctrinal or even both. And so, looking into the four watches we may learn something here.

The first watch was at evening; or from 6:00pm to 9:00pm as we see it today. The second watch was from 9:00pm to 12:00am or midnight as most call it today. The third watch was from 12:00am to 3:00am, and then the morning or fourth watch was from 3:00am to 6:00am which is very early in the morning as we all know.

Now here is where it gets a bit amazing. If we apply the first watch to when Jesus came the first time as Messiah 2000 years ago, and then apply the second watch to when the 9th hour believers thought He would return in 1844, because for some reason most don't even consider the first mistake in 1843; that would mean the third watch is where we are right now. And so as the Holy Spirit has already alerted all of us that strive unto the perfection so as to meet the Lord as His bride; we most assuredly need to be especially watchful.

Now notice this. When looking at what happened in the prophetic Word and especially from the book of Daniel, if we more accurately apply the first watch to the Millerite movement that was soon to blossom into the 9th hour church who thought Jesus would return in 1843, and then the second watch to when restudied the prophecies of Daniel and then thought He would return in 1844, we again find ourselves in the third watch wherein we need to be especially watchful. And so in both schools of thought we are in the third watch!

Still, I believe we need to trust the second school of thought in that the first watch was in fact 1843, the second was 1844 because the Jews of old were not especially watchful 2000 years ago. In fact, as was obvious when it came to the leaders back then, most had no clue as to the timing of it all regarding being ready to even to greet Messiah as Lord. Satan had them pretty much distracted. But the Millerites and early SDA's were much more serious about their Christian walks, and so they truly sought the Lord's return with real joy of heart. Still in either scenario, be it starting 2000 years ago or in 1843, we are still in the third watch of the night.

And as I was crossing the T's and dotting the I's in this email I answered a year ago so as to ready it to be posted on Q&A Sabbath, as I often do, I like to add to the studies so as to present even more truth and then of course fix the typos because I have a tendency to fly through emails a bit too fast. And so I am doing the same here but without realizing it, I came across something rather interesting as I was looking this study over on Monday.

Since we know we must be especially watchful right now, and since this looks to be the third watch of the night as per prophetic symbolism; we have to ask was there ever something extremely amazing, shocking and even outside the realm of nature itself during a fourth watch 2000 years ago? I ask that question because of what is prophesied to happen next in our day; which I will touch on in a moment. With that question in mind, notice what was recorded in Matthew 14:25 which says, "And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea."

And just to add another point to the importance of the fourth watch, notice what it also says happened "early in the morning" or at the time of the fourth watch in Matthew 28:1-2. It says, "In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.  And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it." That's right! Jesus arose from the dead very early in the morning, or at the fourth watch. And for everyone looking on, that act of rising from the dead was completely outside of nature for mankind, and yes, even after Lazarus was raised this was still the case because even then most were awe-struck when that happened as well.

And to confirm it was considered very early in the morning, or at the fourth watch as they called it back then, Mark 16:9 says, "Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils." And Mark 16:2 says, "And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun."

Now, I know this is a silly question.. and so I will only ask it in a rhetorical manner for illustration purposes. But, how does Jesus return? Notice this... He literally splits the eastern sky, it is day and night at the same time as per the prophetic utterance in Zechariah 14:7 that says "at evening time it shall be light", and to top it off He is floating in mid-air with billions of angels. In other words, just as He walked on water in a very unnatural way in the forth watch of the night 2000 years ago, prophetically speaking, after this third watch ends that we are right now especially watchful in, He will come walking on air in the forth watch. And just as He arose from the dead in the fourth watch, when this third watch ends and He cracks the sky, all the dead in Christ arise just as He did 2000 years ago.

And so that is what I wanted to share regarding the blessing the Lord gave me on this last Monday. Still, even here we cannot allow Satan to tempt us to set a date in that we see what Jesus clearly says in Mark 13:35. Which is, "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:" He says we must watch as we know not the hour He returns and then He even mentions all four watches. But those watches deal with the course of a natural day. The prophetic watches on the other hand deal with moments in prophetic time that can incorporate many years as we see has been the case since 1844. And so seeing how we have been in the third watch for 173 years since last October, we couldn't possibly know the day or hour of when the fourth watch begins this side of the plagues falling.

And so as we can see, many can be tempted to think they can come up with a date or even just the hour of the day when Jesus comes simply by judging all that which happens during each watch of the night 2000 years ago so as to mix reality with the prophetic in an unScriptural manner. But again, not only is prophetic time defined differently in His Word, Jesus literally said in Matthew 24:36, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

Still, some false prophets claiming to be Christians just a couple of months ago declared the second coming was to occur on September 23, October 21, October 31 and November 4 thereby ignoring all that is written regarding setting dates. Now do you see why Deuteronomy 18:22 was written? It says, "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him." Because many people were in fact scared out of their wits when those false prophets set those dates.

The nice thing about the recent false prophets is when they set dates we know right off they are false prophets and so right off the bat we know all their scary predictions are to be completely ignored. They are only designed by Satan to make the people fearful and this is why the Lord said "thou shalt not be afraid of them" when they speak as they do. Plus, always consider the source. What I mean is, if they are Sunday keepers, as all of them were, disobedience like that is never blessed with prophetic understanding. Repentance must come first before you can understand prophecy.

In any event, and without having to set dates, prophetically we can see that yes we are in the third watch, and have been here 173. And before you think He's not returning because of how long this watch has dragged on. Do a study on Noah and how long the Lord allowed the people to repent back then before ending all life on earth outside the ark. We have long surpassed that 120 year Noah was given and so we must continue to be very watchful all the way until the day that eastern sky rips wide open.


#318. Is every SDA church fallen? Or are the conservative ones still safe?

I do go to an SDA church, but I can't consider every single congregation to be "daughters of Babylon." Certainly there are congregations in apostasy. When I originally wrote to you, I gave various quotes from the sop about the SDA controversy. I do agree with some of your points that the General conference is "no longer God's voice" and the 501c3 corporation confirms that in a mighty way. But it said in the testimonies and various other publications that entering any "new organization" would mean apostasy from the truth. It also said there would be "Seventh-Day Adventists" who would not bow to Rome's mark.

We have a friend in our church who has home meetings - a home group has been set up. So, there is no problem with me leaving the "SDA church" as a physical building. We already have plans to meet in the homes anyway when the times of trouble come, when churches will most likely be taken away and shut down.


Good to hear you have left to join an SDA home church. But just so you know, the Bible doesn’t say to stay in an apostate denomination simply because some of the preachers preach conservatively. In fact I can show you some Catholic churches that are conservative that meet on Sabbath each week as well as numerous Jewish Synagogues that do the same. Does that mean it’s safe to join them? This is especially problematic when 100% of every single SDA church is by law as of December 22, 2017 to be considered government agents with the ability to lobby law. Yes they were legally declared as such back in March of 2006 under Bush's E.O  #13397, but it wasn't until December of 2017 that it became permanent wherein no president can change it now without a Congressional vote as an E.O. can change. This means, be it conservative or not, every SDA man, woman and child sitting in an SDA church recognized by the General Conference are in fact in an apostate church now and thereby the ones prophesy says will be held accountable as the very ones that help to fund and create the image of the beast in America. See www.remnantofGod.org/image.htm for much more on this sad state of affairs for the now confirmed fallen SDA church.

In regards to your statements regarding SOP, you need to also see what the Spirit of Prophecy says about the future condition of the SDA church if in fact they decided to continue on their present path when those statements were penned back then. They did continue on that corrupted path, and since have become a “sister to fallen Babylon” just as SOP and the Bible predicted. See many SOP quotes all SDA pastors never share with their church families here.. http://sdaapostasy.org/egw-babylon.htm

And by the way, conservative or not, your pastor can not be paid by the SDA chruch unless he agrees to preach under the 501c3 agreement of the General Conference’s 501c3 contract. He literally must sign an agreement not to jeopardize the SDA 501c3 contract. In fact, all your tithe and love offerings do not go to the local pastor right off. They must first go to the General Conference and then they cut a Government subsidized check to your “conservative” pastor each and every week so as to stay valid under the contract. He never sees your tithe without it first being handled by the GC.

That all being said, this is why I asked you earlier if you were SDA in the first place. Every SDA that is still a member in the General Conference churches is in disobedience to Christ’s command in Revelation 18. Being as such, they cannot effectively understand doctrine and especially cannot understand prophecy and that is why many see nothing wrong with some of the false teachers coming from the SDA church lately. See what the Bible says about how bad it gets for those that disobey God when it comes to being unable to understand bible prophecy here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/tounderstandprophecy.htm

As for claiming the SDR people are starting a “new organization;” that is not true. The SDA church has already sued many of their members to get them to stop using the SDA name once they started to preach “conservatively,” and they have even placed one man in jail in Texas not too long ago! How is it your pastor is unmolested and still able to preach unless he obeys the GC leaders? The fact they sue God’s people is what forces the people of God to use the new name the Lrod gave us just as prophecy predicted He would. See more on that prophetic and now historic fact here … http://www.remnantofgod.org/SDR.htm

The truth in the matter is, all the liberal and conservative SDA churches are the ones creating a “new organization” and not the SDR people. If you were to take the original statement of faith of the SDA church and place it alongside the SDR statement you would see a perfect match. But now take the original SDA statement and place it besides the modern day SDA church and they are NOT the same. We only changed the name of our church body because using the SDA name would land us in jail as well as confuse the souls we are sent to share present truth with. Basic reality is, you're not saved by a denomination name anyway. Scripture declares we are saved by Jesus.

Now.. to further confirm the truth in this matter; notice how the SDA pastors declare Allah is God on camera, the health message is quackery, the Pope is no longer Antichrist but a “holy leader” to all the people, homosexual marriage is ok, women can and have been ordained as pastors, one of them as a conference leader no less, and so on and so forth. That being the case, one can clearly see that the SDA church is the one that literally CREATED A NEW ORGANIZATION while using the old name. That’s how crafty the prophet Daniel predicted this beast that infiltrated the SDA and all the other churches would be. Have you ever read the Jesuit oath wherein they admit in writing that their duty is to take on the role as a leader in each denomination they infiltrate for mother Rome? See the oath here.

As for waiting until the time of trouble to start before moving the churches into the homes. That is also a confirmation that being in a fallen church can blind the people to the fact that the “little time of trouble” that is prophesied to start before the plagues HAS ALREADY STARTED. Over 200,000 Christians are killed each year for their faith now and that's only the fudged numbers we know about via the Vatican controlled media. This is why all SDR churches in America and many other nations are in private homes already. Look around and you will see that these Christians are martyred each year by the Vatican using their Islamic puppets. And most nations, which now includes America, have passed laws making the Bible hate speech when it comes to the long prophesied movement of the homosexuals. But those trapped in an apostate and disobedient church, cannot see all that. So much so they are now teaching you that you need to await the plagues to fall before moving into the homes? If you wait till then.. it will be too late. They need to “come out of her NOW.


#319. Can we judge others?

Hello brother Nic..

I have biblical question about judging others.

Is there a time when we judge others or are we never supposed to judge. Even thou they are doing things wrong?


When it comes to judgment, we have to use wisdom so as to be careful not to judge harshly. Truth is, there is no sin in judging the actions of others, but the truth is that 99% of the time there is no need for judgment when they TELL US they are in sin. For example; when a man comes up to me drunk I do not judge him drunk. His wobbly walk, slurred speech and foul odor tell me he’s drunk. Still.. there are times we must judge situations and so the Word does give instruction…

No, this doesn't mean we can judge people willy nilly because first and foremost we can only base judgment upon that which is written. Hence the reason Jesus said in John 7:24 that we must use righteous judgment and not judge just by what we see because we all know how you cannot judge a book by its cover. There could be strange circumstances surrounding a certain act of someone we know to be a Christian wherein the judgment would be wrong if we only used our eyes and not out hearts when making snap judgments. More often than not Satan likes to make us think we know it all. I can't tell you how many times I was tempted to assume someone meant this to that when they made a certain statement or did a certain act when my judgment was skewed by Satan's hand thereby making my judgment unrighteous. In short.. if you don't have all the facts then don't make a judgment call.

In regards to how Jesus explained in Luke 6:42 the proper way to judge and then help a brother in sin, He clearly said as He did in the book of John that we must judge righteous judgment. All too often mankind has a tendency to point fingers when they are actually committing the same sins. And so Jesus instructed that we must first make our own walks straight before being able to help a brother who is faltering. For if we are in sin then our dark glasses are even darker than they should be as per the biblical standard found in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that says, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." We can't possibly make a proper judgment when our dark glasses are darkened even more due to our own sin and this is why Jesus said to get that beam out of our eye so as to see better. And yes, many will come to a place wherein they can do this. The Gideon band is a pretty good example of how those that strive unto perfect will have eyes to see things most people miss.

In fact, many of us here today can see things most everyone can't see because of our obedience. Everything from the permanence of the law to the signs of the times are very clear to us because we are obedient.

In any event, whether you can see the sin your brother is committing clearly or not; we must always be very careful to approach them in a very loving way with the gentleness of Christ because if we come forth with a loud voice, fingers wagging and pointing with an angry countenance upon our face, the one we seek to help will only get much worse because our misrepresentation of Christ will make our God appear as the tyrant Rome has made most believe He is to be instead of the loving Father He really is.


 #320. Is it ok to drive on the Sabbath day?

My brother wants us to be at his house which is nearly 60 miles away from us at 5:00 pm.  My brother is Catholic and does not honor the Lord's Sabbath as we (my sister and I) do.  This Saturday, official sundown is at 5:39 pm which is the time my sister and I wanted to leave for my brother's house but that would be against his request to be there at 5:00 pm for dinner and get us there quite a bit later, certainly not before 6:30 pm.

My question to you is would my sister and I be in detrimental violation with the Lord if we left the house at 4-4:15 pm thereby cutting short our worship for the day so that we could keep that invitation, especially considering the distance our family traveled to see us.  If we listened to a sermon in the car would that be respectful to the Lord? I don't want to compromise anything for the Lord.  Is that what we would be doing or would the Lord see it as doing good on the Sabbath?


Dear sister, one of the things the Jews were infamous for was skirting the Sabbath. Some would actually call their next business dealer close by and be literally watching for the sun to hit the horizon with their newest transaction within inches of themselves so that when the sun set they would immediately transact business. That offended the Lord in doing this as they were more interested in ending the Sabbath than keeping it. Honoring the Lord became a ritual instead of a heartfelt desire.

If Sabbath ends at 5:39pm and your Catholic brother wants you to be in his house at 5:00pm, two things are likely to happen if you go. #1, as it is ok to travel on Sabbath in emergencies, and if we must travel, all means towards paying for that travel should be done beforehand on another day. Traveling to be with family for a very short trip is no problem as during a car ride one can still commune with the Lord. And it is especially good to travel when seeking fellowship with like-minded brethren. In fact, my wife and I along with all the children used to travel 45 mins every Sabbath many years ago to get to a small home church in a neighboring State. We kept Sabbath on the trip there, while in worship at the home church and on the trip back. However, if I was asked to attend a dinner with a brother or sister, who all happen to be Catholic I would not arrive at the home of my sibling before Sabbath ended. I would want to be with the Lord so as to end the Sabbath properly before arriving and since it's such a short trip, I would not even leave the house until the Sabbath ended. Which leads to #2. If I decided to be at my sibling's home before Sabbath ended for whatever reason, how I ask would I be able to end the Sabbath properly? I know asking my siblings to kneel in prayer would upset them, and so I might be tempted not to close out the Sabbath properly so as to be with those that do not honor the Lord or His holy day. And this truth applies with children as well because some of us have grown children that do not keep Sabbath.

One thing I've noticed over the last three decades or so since I was disowned by my siblings is that because I am a Christian and do keep the Sabbath they have sent many "non-invites" knowing I would never break Sabbath or walk into a drinking establishment to be with them on any day of the week. So the invites were not genuine. Just a family formality hoping I would steer clear or as I saw in the past with some siblings, quite often the invite leads them to go back to their old ways due to missing loved ones. But, since my wife and I stood firm through the years, just recently two of my siblings have reached out to me for biblical council knowing that they can trust me to stand firm in the Lord no matter what. And I won't sugarcoat the truth so as to not offend. One of them just experienced a healing miracle in fact and so refusing to be there on Sabbath can lead to amazing outcomes.

Your keeping of the Sabbath will speak volumes unto your brother in the way of a major seed being planted within his heart. When he asks why you will be late, declaring to him that you have to honor the Lord you love so very much to be with Him on the Sabbath might just spark an interest deep within him to know the God YOU know. He may not act like it right off, but a seed will be planted regardless. We never know when someone is affected by our actions.

I can recall many emails and even phone calls from people that I had no idea were watching to see if I would break Sabbath, have a drink, or end up back in the bars. The change in you is a powerful means by which to reach people in ways we cannot comprehend.


#321. I love Jesus and I keep Sunday Holy

As a Sunday keeper I love Jesus and know He is the only way to the Father. God won’t destroy me because I declare openly I know Him.


It is good to hear that you love Jesus and declare Him to be Lord, but if you declare Him Lord and do not keep His law, then according to His written Word you're a liar. No I do not say that to offend you, I say it to warn you. Notice what it says in

Those Christians that truly have Jesus as Lord have a wonderful blessing from the Holy Spirit that moves them to keep His law. Hence the reason He said it is "by their fruits" we can find who is a true believer and who is not.

Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying you're headed to hell right now. You might very well be a real Christian right now who simply doesn't know this truth as you should because of the wolves claiming to be pastors lied to you over the years. If so, the Word of God says our Father will WINK at our times of ignorance.

But when the truth is presented to you as I just presented it; and you know deep inside your heart that it is truth because you also know for a fact I did not write the Bible; if you still choose to ignore all I just said to you so as to stay in a Sunday keeping church, then you have failed the test the Lord has presented to you today and then you will be found wanting things outside the will of God and therefore not worthy to gain Heaven.

That's right! Only those that KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS will gain Heaven. Reason being is ALL of them allowed Jesus to be the true Lord of their lives. Anyone can claim to be Christian while choosing to continue doing things they know to be sinful. In fact Isaiah 4:1 says most today will do just that. But according to the Word of the God of Heaven, only those that obey His Law are able to be called His obedient bride and therefore worthy to gain Heaven.

And no, we do not preach you have to keep the Law to get saved. Keeping the law of God is a fruit of a Christian. We don't keep the Law to get saved, the fact we keep it proves we are saved because it also says in 2 Corinthians 3:3, "Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart."

When it comes to the true believer, Psalms 37:31 says, "The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide."


 #322. We are not to judge based on Sabbath days or Holy Days

So I've got a lot questions. One is does this ministry believe if you don't keep the Sabbath they will not inherit the kingdom of God? I really find that hard to believe based on scripture that says not to judge based on sabbaths and holidays. Im sure you've answered this question a thousand times before and I believe somewhere on this site you said it's a "miss translation." Plus I also dislike the way your church founders blamed Adam or the sin in Eden.

I've been delivered from so many things from non Sabbath keeping ministries. Pastor g XXXX I visit this site a lot but these things have been bothering me. Thank you for your time if you respond to this.


We don’t keep Sabbath to GET saved, we keep it because we ARE saved. 1 John 2:4 says that, "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."

Remember when Jesus said “it is by their fruits ye shall know them?” Anyone can say their a Christian. In fact, many will choose to walk in any way they please as Isaiah 4:1 predicted. But only those with the fruit of the Holy Spirit in them are real Christians. And because it says in 2 Corinthians 3:3, "Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart." We can then easily see who is a true Christian and who is not. In fact, this is why Psalms 37:31 was penned that says, "The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide."

Again, we don’t keep the Sabbath to get saved. It’s not about works. When you accept Jesus as Lord 100%, His Holy Spirit moves you to keep His law from the heart because the basic reality is, mankind cannot keep the law unless the Lord helps us. That was proven at Mount Sinai when all 10 of the commandments were broken before Moses even got off the mountain with them etched in stone. And no, it’s not a Jewish thing. The Law was already there before the Jews were even born. The fact Satan sinned BEFORE mankind was created so as to be in the tree in Eden proves that. That and the fact Psalm 103:20 says the angels keep the Law makes it quite clear. Keeping the Law PROVES we are truly allowing Jesus to be LORD of our lives.

As for Adam.. We are not SDA but we do adhere to the original SDA writings as they are truth. Sadly, most SDA's stopped doing that. But Adam should have refused to eat the fruit. He should have trusted God to send him a new wife. Man is created in the image of God. Women are created in the image of man. So it was all on Adam to do the right thing here. To this day God looks at men as the heads of their houses. Adam should have rebuked Eve and refused that fruit.

As for passing judgment on Sabbath days and Holidays. You’re talking about Colossians 2:16-17 that says  “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.”

Simple truth here is, the "sabbaths" mentioned here are not the weekly Sabbath of the Lord. Please read Leviticus 23:23-38 and you will find that the sabbaths mentioned in Colossians chapter 2 are the annual sabbaths, or what most today refer to as “feast days” that acknowledged certain events that would be fulfilled in the future when Christ came as Messiah. This is why Paul referred to them as a shadow of things to come” in this passage.  Make special note that after it lists the annual sabbaths in Leviticus 23:23-37 that it says in Verse 38 that these annual sabbaths are besides the Sabbath of the Lord.”

In Matthew 5:17 Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." No one can fulfill” a weekly Sabbath because it points all the way back to creation in a way to help us rememebr what He did for us. That is why the 4th Commandment starts with the word Remember" when speaking of Sabbath. Keeping the Sabbath is a day to worship the Creator of all things. You simply cannot fulfill” an event that has already passed.

When those annual sabbaths were instituted, it was thousands of years before Jesus would come to fulfill all that the annual sabbaths were pointing to. The children of God were symbolically keeping the feast days back then as a way to look forward to the prophecied arrival Messiah when He would actually fulfill them in reality.

For example, even the lamb sacrifice they offered for their sins back then was a shadow of things to come,”  which was fulfilled when “…the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) actually died on the cross. This is why Jesus said it is finished” just before He died in John 19:30.

Please read Leviticus 23:23-38 and you will find FIVE annual "sabbaths" are defined as "feast days" of the Lord within a 15 day period. This means they can in no way be considered the weekly Sabbath when 5 are kept within 15 days.

By the way, this is not the only reason the sabbaths in Colossians 2:14-17 can’t possibly be weekly Sabbaths. When you read Leviticus 23:23-38 you will notice it talks about the meat and drink offerings mentioned in the same way they are spoken of in Colossians 2:14-17. If these annual sabbaths are the same as the Sabbath mentioned in the Law of God, then I must ask all that use this passage to preach Sunday as the Christian Sabbath to please share with me where in the Ten Commandments they see "meat, drink, holydays,  or new moons” as we see Colossians chapter 2 speaking of. I must also ask if they do believe this verse preaches such a thing, why don’t their Sunday keeping churches honor meat, drink, holydays, or new moons” today?

The Law of God is not the same as the law of Moses that Leviticus and Colossians are obviously referring to here. Moses law, or commandments contained in ordinances”  ended at the cross as Ephesians 2:15 proved. And God’s Law stands forever as Luke 16:17 proclaimed.

Hebrews 9:1,10 says, "Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation."


 #323. Why doesn't God answer my prayers when I am in trouble?

It says in Psalms 50:15 that we must “call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." But all I see is my troubles and no relief. Am I missing something?


Yes the Lord says, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble." and yes it seems for some that He doesn't hear at times. But that's not on Him. That's on us. Our Father in Heaven wants us to rely on Him to help us in all our troubles and even help us in our day to day necessities. But how many of us trust Him enough to do so? He stated though His apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 that we should "pray without ceasing." But most Christians have no idea what that means.

Our heavenly Father wants us to be instantaneous in prayer. In other words, the split second difficulties arise, we are to seek His help with sincere and earnest prayer that very second each and every time a bad or good situation arises. When we do this we show how much we trust Him and we show Him we have a strong confidence in Him. That is what I like to refer to as the faith the size of the mustard seed because it's very easy to trust Him in all things because after all, He is God! When we get to that place in our walk that makes Him smile. And more often than not, and this is depending upon the trial at hand, when that happens His hand will move. But still, how do we become instant in prayer?

Many years ago when I found the Lord I was very happy and wanted to be with Him every second of the day without ever stopping. But life crept in and I was moved by the enemy of souls to think that I couldn't do that and still be able to live my life in a normal fashion.

So I settled on going to church three days a week just to hear the preacher speak His Word unto me. Soon it wasn't enough for me to just hear the Word of the Lord a few times a week, and so I opened my Bible each morning to look deeper into His Word. I was already familiar with the Bible as it was how the Lord got me out of the Catholic church. But I only knew the basics.

I learned from the Bible that the prophet Daniel and the other prophets took time out of their busy day to stop everything just to be in prayer with the Lord three times a day. But even here the soul craves more. And so I set out to get the Lord in my hour. What I mean is, as I read His Word I found that many in the Word walked in the Lord in a way that most today could not comprehend. And so I would stop, if only for a moment each hour just to tell Him I love Him. Soon I found myself doing that every half hour, quarter hour and then it hit me. I literally became instant in prayer as Paul describes we need to be.

In other words, if you walk across an open field and saw a beautiful flower, a butterfly or even a little field mouse scurrying about, the obedient child of God would instantly send up a thank you onto the Lord for that beautiful blessing. If you were walking through your living room late at night and stubbed your toe would you cry out to Him as your first response, or would you curse the furniture you walked into? If you burn a finger, bump your head or slipped on the ice your first thought must always be to cry out to your Father in Heaven. But the only way to get to that point is to read His Word daily and pray as did the prophets of old. And yes, I have a reason for sharing all this and I haven't forgotten your question.

When God said "I am that I am" to Moses that day He meant He is aware of absolutely everything happening around each and everyone of us before we are born, after we are born and even after the day we die if in fact we die before He returns.

Our God knows all about your troubles and He will not let the troubles harm you. He allows what He allows because He sees the end from the beginning and He knows what you're presently going through is exactly what you need to grow closer to Him.

And here's the thing that blessed my heart the most some time ago when He revealed it unto me. If I was to be allowed to see the blessing at the end of my trial,no matter how rough, no matter how heart wrenching and no matter how scary that trial is, I would say with a smile from ear to ear let me go through that trial! I want that blessing from you! So.. with that said.. TRUST HIM! Having confidence in a God that knows everything is the easiest way to learn that He is who He says He is.

The obedient child of God is not left alone and defenseless no matter what the trial. Remember what it says in Isaiah 54:17, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD."

Now yes, that can be seen as the saints doing the work of the judgment for 1000 years which then comes upon them on the day of their second death, but at the same time this can be seen fulfilled in our lives long before we die. In any event, it is not up to us at all whether the Lord shows us the victory before or after He returns. All we need to do is trust Him no matter what He decides because nothing evil comes from above.

Look in His Word or ask a few of His children and you will see prayer moves the arm of the Lord thy God in amazing ways. Prayer has "subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire"--we shall know what it means when we hear the reports of the martyrs who died for their faith--"turneth to flight the armies of the aliens." Hebrews 11:33, 34.

And yes, sometimes it takes days or even years to have the prayer answered. And sometimes it's not answered until after the eastern sky splits. But do you recall the manna in the desert and how it was supplied fresh each morning? The key here is that the people were told by God not to gather the manna to store it for the next day unless the next day was the Sabbath. It says in Exodus 16:19-20, "And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning. Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them."

The reason the Lord didn't want them to store it was because He wanted them to trust Him to give them what they needed each and every day. If they stashed some of the manna it showed they didn't trust the Lord to do as He promised. They somehow forgot that He is a God and He has no need to lie to them. If He said He will supply it each day, then that is exactly what He will do and so take Him at His Word when He said what He did in Psalms 50:15 which was, “call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me."


#324. What is the simplicity of Christ?

I've heard you mention this a time or two. What do you mean when you say Christians need to understand what the simplicity of Christ is?


If I was to put it in a nutshell I would say Christianity is not rocket science. It's actually quite simple and the most rewarding if not the easiest religion to embrace. Look at the Muslims who prays five times a day yet thinks he needs to pray ten or even twenty more times. None of them know how many prayers they need to pray to please their god because he won't tell them. Stone, wood, hay or stublle cannto speak. And yes, that's yet another fruit of Roman Catholicism with all its rituals that make Christianity one of the hardest religions known to man. With the Catholics they are expected to know what genuflecting means, they have to memorize the mass responses so as to echo them at every mass, they need to know all the so called mysteries of the rosary and if they are a good or devout Roman Catholic they must pray that rosary every single day. They also need to know what a scapular is and what prayers coincide with it, they need to know which novena to pray and of which saint's novena applies to their present situation. They need to know the exact words for their canned prayers so as to open their moment of confession in the confessional booth. They even need to know which color candle is appropriate for each mass and at what time that candle is to be lit if in fact they are asked to become an altar boy who lights the candles. And if you're a Catholic with a major issue in life you need to do as did President John F Kennedy did who tortured himself with a camel hair shirt to atone for his many sins or so called saint Teresa who wore barbed wore around her waist so that with every breath she took she experienced a stabbing pain. And don't get me started on how the monks deprive themselves of food and the basic necessities of life for extended periods of time to atone for the sins of mankind so as to relive the suffering of Christ as if He is still on the cross. Plus there are some Catholics that must nail themselves to crosses in Spain and Mexico each Easter, some whip themselves bloody as do the Muslims and some kneel on dried beans and do long prayers as penance for their sins.

Or what of the buddhist that must perform all sorts of rituals to the letter so as to gain the enlightenment they ascribe to. Which mantra do they utter when in meditation and for how long must they utter it? And if they seek an even deeper enlightenment they need to research and incorporate all sorts of Buddhist symbols into their homes and places of business. Everything from the lotus, the wheel of the law, the Bodhi tree to the footprint of the Buddha they worship, which is called Buddahpada. And it's not just the symbols that can intertwine with each other, they must also know exactly which color is to be used in their symbols. And this is especially true with the five colors of white, yellow, red, blue and green, and even some symbolic hand gestures called mudras. There are even different meanings to how they create the eyes of their Buddha idols. And the hand signs, all of them come from Paganism and especially the 666 hand gesture found so prevalent in their statues that you guessed it, comes from Roman Catholicism which again shows all roads lead to Rome even here. And like Rome's self torture from whipping one's body bloody to some monks that throw themselves off cliffs, starve themselves to death or actual self-immolation which is suicide by fire as a sacrifice for the common man who is being persecuted. Some in the Asian countries even perfom seppuku which is also called hara-kiri which we all know is a ritual disembowelment for a multitude of reasons.

I can literally go on for many hours regarding some of the strange rituals and symbols of the Catholic, the Muslim and especially the Buddhist because there are literally hundreds of them, but I think you get my point. And this is just touching on three of the so called major faiths in the world.

And yes, there is a reason I didn't mention Christianity and it's rituals because what people call Christianity today is nothing more than another form of Roman Catholicism and so there is no need to go there for we all know how all Protestants keep the Pagan Sunday Sabbath, they all embrace the Pagan rituals of Easter, Christmas, Lent, Valentines day and even Halloween for most. And so no need to be redundant here.

And so my point is clear. All these religions demand certain acts and rituals from their flocks that actually make life a living hell if not a daily chore. Kind of reminds me of how the Jewish leaders demanded the people do similar rituals as well 2000 years ago. And how did Jesus respond to that? He said in Matthew 23:3-5, "All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.  For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.  But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments," (For those wondering, the phylactery is the little black box some Rabbis where on their upper forhead. It's filled with small scrolls of the law. They literally take the Bible passage found in Deuteronomy 6:8 in a legalistic manner which says regarding the commandments of God that "...thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes." Some wear them on their arm of hand but most like to place it on their foreheads for a show of holiness. Which is yet just another ritual we see Satan conned them into performing by twisting the written Word of God.

Remember what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 11:3, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."

It's not supposed to be difficult. Satan caused Christianity to appear like a basket of rituals filled with do's and don't just to prevent the people of God from embracing the simplicity of Christ. It's not rocket science. It's simply means to live your life trusting the Lord for everything that comes your way in life as a stepping stone to Heaven. No rituals are needed, and the Ten Commandments which 1 John 5:3 says, "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous" are written on our hearts making it childishly easy to keep them. We don't have to genuflect, we don't have to wear phylacteries on our forehads to remind us of His law either because they have been truly bound within our minds and hearts to the point our hands move in accordance to His perfect will. We don't need to memorize and recite rosaries and or novenas that have been written by someone else, we don't have to bow before statues and memorize which so called saint helps us in our lives, like Saint Blaze helps those with a sore throat or Saint Anthony helps those with memory problems, and we certainly don't have to torture or even kill the body so as to sacrifice ourselves for the sins of mankind because Jesus did that for us 2000 years ago.

John was moved by the Holy Spirit Himself to declare in 3 John 1:2, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." And no, he is not talking about prospering in wealth as the prosperity preachers who make merchandise of their flock proclaim. He is speaking of having a happy life filled with peace in Jesus from that day forward. In fact, the word prosper in that verse is from the Greek word "euodoo" which translated means "to grant a prosperous and expeditious journey, to lead by a direct and easy way." Is not life declared a journey to Heaven in both the Old and New Testament? And does not Jesus speak of the Christian walk as a straight and narrow road as well as a path? And in Matthew 11:28-30 He stated to all of us to "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."


#325. Did Jesus arise from the dead on the seventh day Sabbath?

I have been told by a few that Jesus arose on Sabbath day and not Sunday as most Sabbath keepers claim. How do I share the truth for them on this?


I have come across such people over the years as well. Even though I share with them verses like Matthew 28:1 that says, "In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre." Some of them refuse to believe it regardless of the fact it says the dawn already started unto the first day of the week. Some even go so far as to say that it was only “beginning to dawn toward the first day of the week” and so that means He was arisen on Sabbath day. But the fact the dawn was beginning means the Sun had already broken the horizon and so their assumption is flawed.

Quite often just sharing Mark 16:1-2 ends the dispute, which says, "And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.  And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun." But some hold outs hang their hat again wherein it says they came to the tomb “at the rising of the Sun” and so Jesus already being risen means He arose on Sabbath day. In fact some use John 20:1 to lock this down which says, "The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre." After reading that they shout, this proves He arose on Sabbath day.

But here is what all of them are missing and I am sad to say some Sabbath keepers miss this as well. Notice from creation week…

If you go through Genesis and see how each time a new day came it was announced that it came at SunSET not at SunRISE. Case in point, as Sabbath keepers, when do we begin the Sabbath? Friday at Sundown correct? And when does it end? Saturday and Sundown. That means, even if it was dark as coal outside before the Sun even cracked the horizon, as we know it did, but even if the Sun was not yet risen, the moment the Sunset on Saturday evening that actually declared the first day of the week began. And so, even though we know Jesus arose very early in the morning of Sunday as the Word declares more than once, we know according to biblical jurisprudence that He could have arisen the split second the Sun set on the seventh day if He so chose to do so.

As I illustrate on my Wednesday CruciFICTION page, the three days and three nights in the grave isn’t saying 12 complete hours of darkness and 12 complete hours of daylight constitutes three days in the grave. In fact, 2000 years ago they never dated things as we do today but the scoffer like to use today's standards when teaching from the Bible. Back 2000 years ago they used what's called inclusive reckoning. Which means; if they had calendars like we do today and if they declared January 1 was their new year’s day this is how they would declare certain dated events. If an emperor was set up on December 31 and suddenly died in office the very next day; being January 1 they would declare he was in power for two years. In other words, even though he was only Caesar one day in each year, they would include all the days of each year because he was declared Caesar in a certain year and then died in the next.

With that inclusive reckoning in mind we can see that Jesus only had to be in the tomb a few moments on Friday to constitute one day, as we know He rested on the Sabbath all that night and the following day to even show He rested on the Sabbath even then, which then constituted day two, and when He arose on the first day be it a split second after Sunset or later on early in the morning as the Sun was rising constituted day three.


# 326. Will Christians will be raptured up before the Antichrist comes?

The video you made about the Chinese government tracking that reporter down in under 7 minutes in that huge city doesn't bother me because as a Christian I believe we won't be here for all that.


I have been inundated lately with comments like this on YouTube as well as emails from people that declare Christians won't have to worry about mark of the beast because a secret rapture takes them off the planet before that day comes. I have a study posted online wherein I show dozens of Bible verses their pastors refuse to show them because little do the people know; these are the very last days and as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:11, "many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." In fact I did a video on that prophecy as well. The sad truth in all this is that day has come and these false prophets are readying a people to accept the Antichrist who will soon claim to be Jesus in the flesh before all the world. And the Pope himself will declare him to be Jesus so as to garner billions into the deception! This is why the present Pope is sanctioning everything from homosexuality to commanding teenagers disobey their parents. The majority of the people on earth are in sin and so a sinful leader will be embraced by them just as prophecy predicted when it said all the world will wonder after the beast.

Being the last days wherein it was prophesied long ago that the pastors of today are either taught by Jesuits unknowingly or actual Jesuits themselves doing a work for Rome as their bloodcurdling oath demands of them. And that work is to try and hide the fact the great tribulation already happened exactly as Jesus prophesied wherein the Popes killed hundreds of millions of Christians during the Inquisitions. In fact, Pope John Paul II admitted that is in mea culpa of March 2000. But these pastors have taught the people for over a century now to think that Jesus Christ somehow missed that prophesied event to the point they even think it's a future event that happens after all the Christians are secretly raptured. And most people fell for it because that too was prophesied in Isaiah 30:9-10 wherein it says "That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:"

Thanks to their slow and methodical process of infiltration the last few centuries, the Jesuits have been able to open many Bible colleges to make sure no pastor is taught the truth about the Pope's history. But the good thing about all this is that we are very close to the return of Christ wherein all the so called prophetic events that were not supposed to happen until after their so called secret rapture have indeed happened. Just to name a few out of many, were you aware that for the last ten years or more that 165,000 Christians are being tortured and killed each year? Were you aware that just as the prophet Hosea said, the animals, birds, fish and insects have been dying in biblical numbers all over the world and especially in the USA? Were you aware that the New World Order has already been drafted and promoted as a done deal on paper by political leaders on camera? Were you aware that we now have more earthquakes per week now than the planet saw for the last 6000 years? And how did they miss the fact that the witchcraft, devil worship, abortion and even homosexuality have been normalized recently?

Now I am not going to share all the Bible verses that are purposely left off the pulpits because that would make for a very long study and an even longer video. But I implore you to check out the study I placed online many years ago when things were still somewhat calm. And just to let you know how bluntly the Bible exposes the secret rapture theory, check out just two Bible verses I share in that study that prove your pastor is either a Jesuit lying to you, or he was unknowingly taught by a Jesuit to lie to you.

When Jesus was praying in the Garden right before He was arrested to die for our sins He prayed a prayer and in that prayer He said this about everyone that is alive in these last days. He said in John 17:15, "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil." And so why is it all the preachers keep saying you will be taken away in a rapture before the mark is enforced when Jesus clearly says He prayed that won't happen? To deny that prayer of your Lord Jesus is to declare Jesus failed and even lied to you in His Word by suggesting with this secret rapture theory that His Father refused to answer His prayer. And then later on, when speaking of the second coming Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,  And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."

As is obvious here, the Word of our ever living God says that Jesus returns directly after the "working of Satan." But all the false prophets, pastors and preachers keep saying Jesus comes first in secret, and then they say Satan goes berserk with "with all power and signs and lying wonders." Sometimes it's just that easy to expose the false prophets. We know Jesus would never lie to us, nor would His Father deny His prayers. And we also know the apostle Paul would never lie either. And so why trust a pastor that says otherwise? Unless you open your Bibles and stop trusting the "many false prophets" Jesus spoke about, you will be caught off guard and then you will "perish; because you received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."

And also notice this one last thing. All these pastors keep saying God will spare you from His coming wrath which is true; but then they twist that truth and say He will protect you by taking you away in a secret rapture. But the Lord also said He would spare Noah from His wrath did He not? Yet Noah never left the planet in a secret rapture. The Lord protected Him during that flood. And what about the Jews that were still on the planet when the plagues of Pharoah fell? As promised by the Lord, they were protected by the blood of the lamb upon their door posts that night just as much as the obedient Christians will be protected in the coming days by our God because as prophesied the obedient bride of Christ has the blood of the Lamb upon the door posts of her heart!


# 327. Christians can eat unclean foods

Nicholas, I would remind you of what the Lord Himself has said that it is not what goes into the body that makes a person unclean but what comes out from the heart!


Dear sir,

I pray you were unaware of what you just did and so will not be held accountable of twisting the Word of our God. The passage you based your theory on is Matthew 15:17-18 which says, "Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man."

That passage actually begins in a way that confirms you have taken it out of context. Notice what it says at the start of the chapter in Matthew 15:1-2, "Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?
for they wash not their hands when they eat bread."

Jesus was talking to the Jews who already knew never to eat unclean foods. In fact, to this day science has proven how dangerous those unclean foods still are. See this... http://www.remnantofgod.org/health.htm#certain
The fact it was the Jews He was speaking to, nowhere do we see in that entire chapter that it says He is speaking about those unclean foods. The conversation was on a completely different topic, as is proven by the start of the chapter when the Jews got in His face regarding how the Apostles didn't wash their hands before eating. Hence the reason Jesus said what He said in verses 17 and 18. And to confirm you were taught by your pastor to take this way out of context to sanction eating unclean things, notice how Jesus ends the discussion...

Matthew 15:19-20, "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man:
but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man."


# 328. Sunday laws can't possibly be the mark of the beast!

Making Sunday laws for people not to work on Sunday, how does that stop someone to not keep the Sabbath? One would think that they would have to make a, must work Sabbath law. The 4th commandment is, the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any (work). It does not say, and to worship. Or did I miss something??


First line in commandment #4 says.. Exodus 20:8, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." Notice the "keep it holy" in that passage? Seems plain to me.

As for how does a Sunday law stop people from keeping Sabbath? It doesn't. And Satan knows it. That is why with the law also comes the enforced ability of the government to prevent people from buying and selling until they acknowledge the Pagan Sabbath of Sunday. Therefore, no matter what day they worship on Satan knows they will have to respond to the question before they can buy food or sell food. No getting around that one.

They can still keep Sabbath "holy" (as some will obviously) but if they are lukewarm Christians, they will still "agree" via public profession that Sunday is the Sabbath so as to keep their job or business or buy their food or medicine at the store.

In every absolute case the world over the question will be asked and the person must answer yes or no as to the Sunday Sabbath. Thanks to today's technology, the minute a real Christian says "no" to the law, it is logged in the system and all their ID, credit and debit cards are tagged and shut down. Worse yet, the second that happens, all the government authorities who are in office to watch for such things will receive all the information they need via the Internet that a Christian refused to acknowledge Sunday laws and so all their personal info is broadcast far and wide to every government office near their home for later use when the death penalty is passed into law.

I would also think that before the death penalty becomes law, everyone that refuses to bow the Pope's Sabbath will be visited by the police at their homes or place of business to make sure they aren't buying and selling or to try and pressure them into changing their minds. I would also think some of the police will violently remove the food the people have on hand as well as destroy their gardens so as to try and force them into buying and selling just to stay alive. One would also think the store shelves would be empty in most areas further forcing the people to travel to FEMA camps to get food and once there forced into compliance.

Near the very end however, I would think a cop would be present in the store or place of business ready to arrest the people when the Sunday law is then enforced with the death penalty so as to arrest them and place them in prison awaiting their sentence as a specific date will have already been set wherein all will be legally killed.

And just so you know, the mark is administered in the same way the seal of God is administered. In other words, seeing how both are "religious" in nature as they both declare who the person worships, just as someone that is baptized proclaims publicly that Jesus is Lord, someone that bows to the law of man instead of the law of God is publicly declaring they obey mankind over the Creator God. If and when the person does agree with Rome's mark, it is then spiritually placed upon them by the angel as a damned soul in agreement with Satan, just as much as the seal of God is placed upon the saved souls that refuse to disobey the God of the Bible. And so, just as baptism is an open profession of faith unto God, bowing to Sunday laws is an open profession of faith unto Satan who seeks to supersede God's laws so as to steal worship from Him.

# 329. How does every eye see Jesus when He returns?

I hope you're doing well. :) Quick question for ya: Matthew 24:30 says "they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds". I can't work out how everyone will "see" this. I can explain "every eye shall see Him" (Revelation 1:7), different event, no problem there, but it still leaves Matthew 24:30 unexplained. Maybe if everyone was gathered in one place like in a single country on Earth when this happens? But that makes no sense. Maybe on TV, mobile phone, etc? It gets even worse if you believe in a geocentric earth? Any ideas?


Verse in QuestionMatthew 24:30, "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." 

There isn't really any easy way to answer how the Lord does this other than to see what He revealed in Zechariah 14:7 which says, "But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light."

The reason I like to go there is because of the simple reality of nature and the way He created all things. What I mean is, for it to be day and night at the same time offers up all sorts of theories from splitting the planet in two so as to face due east when the prophesied "Kings of the east" come forth at the second coming, or to simply appear in such a massive form wherein the planet is enveloped in His arrival so that everyone can see due east at the same time anywhere on earth is something none of us can lock down in reality using modern day physics. But being that the Word doesn't go into detail as to how it will be day and night simultaneously, I will just have to leave the details to our Lord on this one.

All I know is that EVERY eye shall see Him when He splits the eastern sky. He doesn't have to explain it because we are to believe it no matter how He does it. But as for where on earth that happens? For every eye to see means it will happen everywhere. All I know is that He being God means that He can do anything He wants to make sure everyone sees what they need to see.

I mean after all, He created all that is seen and unseen and so He can do with it as He will. If Jesus can disappear right in front of an angry mob twice so as to walk safely through the mob and out of danger 2000 years ago when He walked among us, He can easily appear to that same mob at the end of the world in any manner He sees fit.

And by the way, have you heard scientists are puzzled by what's happening right now on the surface of the Sun? They stated it's so strange that everything we have learned over the centuries regarding physics here on earth will have to be rewritten until someone comes up with a plausible explanation as to why the Sun appears to be in a time zone that is totally out of sync with the natural order of things in the Universe. Could it be the Lord is doing something with the Sun that He plans to use at the second coming? No clue.. we will have to wait and see. In any event, this is His creation and how He wields it cannot be explained or even questioned by man.

As for the clouds.. Since He used the clouds to hide His ascension into the city of New Jerusalem from the peering eyes of the apostles that day 2000 years ago, which  actually means the clouds had to cover more than just what can be seen from earth, I can only speculate once again since no Scripture is given to illustrate His return in that sort of detail other than to say He will come on the clouds. But an educated guess would have to be that He's not just speaking about clouds on earth. For example, have you seen what's been happening in the Orion Nebula lately? There is actually a "cloud" moving towards earth as we speak. I have some info about this online. http://www.remnantofgod.org/near-the-end.htm#Orion
How long will it take for that cloud to get here? As long as the Lord plans, no sooner and no later. And if He plans to speed things up or slow things down in that process, the fact the Sun is acting strange proves He can do that too.

As for it being a known country regarding the location of all mankind to witness the splitting of the eastern sky as per that which Revelation 16:12 speaks of. No.. that passage is referring to the "Kings of the East" as per the prophetic utterance surrounding plague #6. See what I have shared online about this as well when you get time... http://www.remnantofgod.org/7plagues.htm#6.

But just so you know, since we know Jesus is the King of kings and His Father will be sitting on the Throne when they both appear before all on that great and dreadful day, then it can be clearly understood that the "Kings of the east" has nothing to do with the Chinese empire as so many believe in the Vatican controlled Seminaries and Bible colleges and everything to do with the Father and Son splitting the eastern sky. The basic reality is that the river Euphrates would not have to dry up for them to cross due to today's technology. And so that too is a false prophetic definition. What the USA did on D-day proved that to be false hands down. But that's a whole nother study.


# 330. Will the Lord be upset with me if I tithe to a 501c3 church?

HELLO PASTOR NICHOLAS: I have a question, is it right to pay tithe in a 501c3 church, even if you are already in that church? I am saying this because I am in a Seventh day Adventist Church which is a501c3 tax status. I have been studying your materials on your site on this matter so I have been for 2 years without paying tithe to the church because of the message I read concerning dangers of 501c3 tax status of the IRS. Secondly pray for me I am meeting trials in my christian life.Satan is attacking me.


Dear brother;

Satan is attacking you because like many obedient Christians you threaten him with your spiritual eyesight and he knows if you share that which the Lord has revealed regarding the 501c3 with others they may see what you and I see about the fallen state of the SDA church. And so expect the attacks brother. It’s actually the norm for God’s obedient people who stand outside the SDA church seeking to warn those still trapped within it. And yes I said "outside" the church as is the proper prophesied position for the bride of Christ today. We can only follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth and so when those plagues begin you will not find a single obedient child of God still in an SDA chruch.

As for the 501c3 church. The prophecies and biblical jurisprudence found in both Scripture and Spirit of prophecy are quite clear. Every obedient child of God still in those churches today must “come out” so as to show they obey God more than the man on the pulpit. Blessings only come from being obedient to the God that offers those blessings in the same way the only way to understand propehcy is to be obedient to the God that wrote it. The fact you’re emailing me and have actually stopped tithing to the SDA church tells me that you already made the decision to leave and simply need confirmation. Brother.. according to the Word of God, you ARE making the right decision.

As for tithing to a 501c3 church. Three things.

#1, tithing to them helps them to further build up the image of the beast and I can tell by your short email alone that you do not want to do that.

#2, tithing to them actually nullifies the tithe because the tithe being sent to such churches allows for a tax right off which means you actually gain financially by tithing to them. And the Bible is clear that the tithe is to be a complete removal from the pocket. Therefore tithing to them is not seen as being obedient to the Lord.

Remember when Saul tried to convince Samuel that he thought it was a good idea to offer up the sheep and oxen of king Agar after defeating him and his army? Saul would have gained by giving a sacrifice using Agar’s livestock. What I mean is, how can it be a legitimate sacrifice at all when nothing was removed from Saul's livestock to perform the sacrifice? What he was supposed to offer sacrifice from was his own cattle. But on offering up the ox or sheep of Agar meant his livestock wouldn’t shrink in the same way tithing to a 501c3 church allows the income to gain even if only in a slight manner at the end of the year with a bigger tax refund. Even if it's only a few hundred dollars or so, it’s still gain and so instead of being a tithe, the Lord looks at it in the same way He did when Saul did what he did with Agar's cattle and sheep.

And so I have to ask; how well did that work out for Saul?

And finally #3, we are only to tithe to the church wherein we are fed His truth so as to further the work of present truth going forth from that same church. The fact you haven’t tithed to the SDA church proves you aren’t being fed in the SDA church because as you already intimated, you know tithing to them is wrong and therefore anything they have to offer you in the way of biblical education is also going to be seen as untrustworthy because if they cannot see the truth regarding the image of the beast, that means they are not being obedient to the God that penned those prophecies in the first place. And this is why Satan is attacking you. He knows you see this even if you never said anything to anyone as of yet. He knows you stopped tithing to them for biblical reasons and that makes it obvious that you are being moved by the Holy Spirit to withhold the tithe so as to use it wisely and THAT scares Satan in a big way.

I pray you are blessed, I will add you to my private prayer list and I would ask you to please keep in touch. I love seeing the Lord’s hand move in the lives of His people. :)


#331. Christians fail to realize that Atheists will believe if given the evidence

NicholasPOGM you said in your video about the Pope and the little boy with the Atheist dad that recently died that "His dad was an Atheist, and he made his choice and now he's dead..."

Why can't religious people understand that people dont choose to become an Atheist? If you are presented with good evidence and proof, you would automatically believe, if not, you would not believe. Its that simple. This is one of the reasons that i dont believe in the bible. How can a just God punish his fallible creation for simply not believing him or his "only begotten son Jesus"? How can he punish his creation for non-belief when his creation has no control over what they believe, or they have neither seen or experienced him??


You said, "Why can't religious people understand that people dont choose to become an Atheist? If you are presented with good evidence and proof, you would automatically belief, if not, you would not believe. Its that simple."

Actually it's not that simple. What I mean is, If what you say is true, then explain Pharaoh who has been confirmed in historic record even outside the Bible most Atheists hate to read. That man had so much evidence to know the God of the Bible existed that it shocks most today why he still refused.

Everything from the 10 plagues that came upon him after Moses literally told him they would come to the letter in advance, all the way to the Red Sea splitting right before his eyes engulfing his entire army killing them all. And before you respond claiming that's just a Bible myth, know this; just recently they found the real place where this all happened and not only is there geological evidence of a massive shelf wide enough for the Jews to cross over the Red Sea once the Lord displaced all that water hiding it, they also found chariot wheels at the bottom of both trenches that ran along side the shelf that became as "dry ground" the day the Jews walked in safety while the water rose up high above their heads on both sides.

There is even a pillar placed there by King Solomon to this day with Hebrew etchings upon it that speak of Egypt, Pharaoh, Moses, death and water. See this pillar by clicking here. And so again, this isn't a Bible myth. It is confirmed historic fact.

Now look at todays world. Have you ever seen my main site with over 15,000 pages of data proving ALL the prophesies that were to come to fulfillment by this time in history? They were all confirmed and documented fulfilled with just the last few left to go. And just so you know, their foundations have been proven set in stone. And STILL there are people with the exact same heart as Pharaoh who no matter how much evidence is given them they refuse to see the God of the Bible. And so it's not about the "evidence" of seeing God that moves the heart. It's how God ENTERS the heart of the willing person that moves them to believe.

You also need to keep in mind that if that Atheist man that died baptized those children in the Catholic church then he was already set up to stay Atheist as Roman Catholicism is the most evil religion known to man that is purposely designed to do all it can to keep people out of the Bibles. And so if Satan lures the man to an Atheist mindset and Catholicism is the only alternative offered regarding Christianity as it is in most third world countries, then that man was already standing with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel just from being closely associated with the prophesied harlot church.

The real simplicity here is the fact that due to today's endtime society wherein evil is good and good is evil, most people are just hateful towards God because of how weak the majority of the so called Christians are right now. They see how the Christians act very evil, they see how none of the Christians have any real prayers answered as well and so the Atheist will most assuredly refuse to read the Bible because they don't want to be like all the hypocrites claiming to be Christians. And yes that too was prophesied to the letter by the prophet Isaiah. (See Isaiah 4:1)

And just so you know, when I say "Bibles" I'm not talking about the exposed Vatican rags some people call Bibles wherein thousands of verses are missing (proof here http://www.remnantofgod.org/B-BIBLES.HTM
) I'm talking about the only Bible that matches the dead sea scrolls; the KJV, which in it's original preface identified the Popes of Rome as Antichrist centuries ago.

That Atheist man, like millions and maybe even billions of others before him have all had the same chance to accept or reject the free gift of God. But sadly, he refused and made his choice and now he is dead. And NO! It is not about God punishing him or anyone either.

God's love is so overwhelming that when you accept Him as your God He reveals Himself to you and actually protects you and puts love and peace in your heart that cannot be explained other than to say it was a miracle to witness. I mean seriously. It's one thing to witness people healed of disease and some even get off death beds to the point of shocking doctors as I have seen more than once. But to witness that God changed MY MIND back when I accepted His Son as Saviour wherein He changed me from a a very sinful man to a preacher and then a pastor, that my friend is a miracle I never thought possible! I literally loathe the sinful lifestyle I used to crave now.

Sad thing is that most people today refuse God because they think they can't do this or can't that once they walk with Jesus. But once you do walk with Him, you discover that now you CAN actually do things you never thought possible before you met Him and the things you thought you could never stop doing ENDED easily the very day you met Christ.

But many can't give up sin and so they make excuses that "God doesn't exist" to make themselves feel vindicated as they walk in a sinful manner. The God of creation gave all of us free will, but most walk away from Him and then He simply does for them as they prefer. He leaves them alone. In fact it even says in Hosea 4:17, "Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone."

Now here's where it gets scary. When God "leaves mankind alone" as THEY (not Him) request, then they are literally on their own. And so when Satan, the dying god of this world needs them to glorify his lies for whatever reason, he cripples them, gives them diseases, sends them to prisons, moves them to worhsip him and cultivate more lost souls and yes he even kills them so people like the Atheist can claim "God punished them" when in fact, they punished themselves by walking away from the only true and ever living God that loved them enough to send His only begotten Son to die for them so they don't have to die when the prophesied "strange act" of God causes them all be turned to ashes in hellfire. And the Bible calls burning them all to ashes a "strange act" because the basic defintion of the word "God" is LOVE.

And so.. don't blame God when people get "punished." They did that to themselves.


#332 I don't want to sin, why am I tempted to sin anyway?

Can you please explain why Christians who want to obey the Lord are still tempted on a daily basis to disobey Him?


Truth is, such a question actually answers itself if you think about it. What I mean is, the devil doesn't tempt nonbelievers, he mearly guides them into damnation by giving them what their flesh desires. The nonbeliever doesn't know there is a better way and when those with the better way come upon them sharing truth, they shun them because at the same time they feel as if the only way to get to Heaven is to give up everything they love in life and they simply cannot do that. But as we know, Satan is a liar. They don't have to give up everything, just the things that are sinful. But Satan can easily con them into thinking otherwise.

And what I mean about your question answering itself has to be with the fact you are a Christian is the reason you are tempted. Satan hates the Christian and so he will do all he can to make them feel less effective, and even though temptation isn't sin and only the bowing to the temptation is sin, for it is written in James 1:14-15, "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.  Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." The word "conceived" in that verse comes from the Greek word "sullambano {sool-lam-ban'-o}" which is also translated as "to seize, take: one as prisoner" in other words, the moment we bow to the temptation then Satan wins and we sin.

The devil focuses his attack on making the Christian feel as if they are less worthy to be called Christian simply because they are tempted. He makes them think the only way to call yoursef a real Christian is to have all temptations end. And you got to know he simply won't end those tempations no matter what. In so doing he makes many Christians feel they are unworthy to share their faith and THAT is what he hopes to accomplish.

Notice what Paul says here in Romans 7:12-25, "Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.  Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.  For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.  For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.  If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.  Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.  For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.  For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.  Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.  I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.  For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:  But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.  O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?  I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin."

Paul literally separates himself from his flesh here by saying "it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me." This is where we need to get. We need to separate ourselves from our flesh to better fight the enemy. And for those that think the Apostles were sinless, Paul was a very blessed Apostle in that he wrote most of the New Testament, yet he too dealt with temptation just like every real Christian today does.

As I was in mid-day prayer recently, and as usual I was a bit annoyed at how Satan never stops attacking God's people in a myriad of all sorts of tempations, I went into prayer on this for obvious reasons. As I was praying, and before I could even finish the question, the Lord reminded me of what I just shared from Romans 7 regarding Paul's message on the wretchedness of mankind. It blessed my heart and gave me a better way to explain it because I must say I get many emails and phone calls on this one issue in how Satan won't let up.

As believers in Jesus Christ, which means we also believe all His promises, we have to know that until we rise off this sin sick world we will constantly tempted to sin each and every day. What we have to remember is that this is all part of being a Christian in these last days because Satan knows his time is short and you have to know where he will focus his attack. This is what was prophesied to be the norm for the striving child of God. Was it not declared in Revelation 12:12, "...Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." It doesn't say the devil has come down unto your neighbor or some guy you met at work, no that passage was penned for the believer! That passage says the devil has come down onto YOU the striving Christian and he is most assuredly very angry with us. Hence the reason for Revelation 12:17, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."

That passage alone should bring comfort unto all of us because being students of prophecy we know the woman is the church but the remnant of her seed is the obedient people of God that follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth. All the churches claim to be Christians and Satan is angry with them yes because they caused him much grief over the centuries. But the remnant of those churches, which is in fact the striving people of God, it is them he makes war with and so again, expect this as the norm for us today and get used to it. Yes, it is annoying but at the same time it is a blessing to behold because Satan doesn't make war with those that aren't a threat.

As Christians we see all sorts of ways that Satan attacks us. In fact, most often it's from those around us because when he can't get us to sin personally he will often use those around us to push our buttons into sinning. And yes, Satan uses them to tempt us to despair just as much as he uses our own flesh to tempt when we are dumb enough to get too close to areas we know are troublesome for us. Hence the reason Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 10:12, "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."

The reality here is that, if the persecution be from the people used of Satan or own flesh, persecution is persecution no matter how it comes upon us because common sense dictates that it is always of Satan that it comes from in the first place. And it only comes because we that strive unto the perfection in Christ threaten Satan's kingdom. That being said, notice what Jesus said in the sermon on the mount 2000 years ago. Matthew 5:10 & 12, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

To the babe in Christ it may come off as confusing because Jesus said that when we are persecuted for wanting to do the right thing we should rejoice. And sadly, many walk away from Christ because they don't realize the blessing mentioned here. All they see is their once comfortable life being rocked like a small boat in a storm. And so they abandon ship and jump right back into Satan's lie filled deception wherein they feel the fleshly comfort once again. But the true believer can rejoice because that persecution from Satan literally opens their eyes to the fact they were actually walking so well in Christ that Satan attacked them for it. It truly is a faith booster. And yes, that is why Peter and the Apostles rejoiced after they were beaten by the Pharisees in Acts 5:40-42 wherein it says, "...when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.  And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.  And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."

No, Peter wasn't a masochist who enjoyed pain. He and the apostles rejoiced because it was because of the truth they believed and righteousness that they strived unto that caused them to be beaten and that blessed their faith. And if you notice, they did not allow the beating or the threats of the Pharisees to slow them down one bit for the last verse in that passage said "they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."

So then remember brothers and sisters what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;  Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;"

When I was in prayer on this the other day, it was revealed unto me that, just as Paul illustrated, our heart doesn't want to sin but our flesh does and that brothers and sisters is going to be the norm for us because Satan will never stop manipulating the flesh even though he knows our heart refuses to do the sin he suggests. We need to realize our heart is who we are and our flesh is now the enemy and so like Paul we need to divide and conquer. Satan knows he may not be able to get us to sin, but he also knows he can make us feel unworthy to be called Christian. We need to remember that yes, the flesh wants to do it and the obedient heart doesn't. And because we are Christians we are a threat to Satan and so even though he knows he can't win, he can try to make us miserable. And if we are miserable we won't be as effective as we need to be in sharing our faith. And so like Peter and the apostles, after we are persecuted we need to still go forth daily and cease not to preach Jesus Christ.

We all need to remember that as long as we don't bow to the temptation we are not in sin in any way shape or form. Satan is a liar, and so tell him to be gone and get back to work. And even if we do sin, we still have 1 John 1:9-10 that says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him (Jesus) a liar, and his word is not in us." That's right, we are all sinners saved by grace. And so when we finish confessing unto God, the devil will still whisper in our minds that what we did wasn't good enough to gain forgiveness and so we are still unworthy to be called Christians. Just tell him to be gone because he is a lair and Jesus would never lie to us. If Jesus said we are forgiven we stand before God at that moment as a sinless being under attack by Satan who fears us so much he uses our own flesh against us every moment of the day. For us to agree with Satan that we need to keep re-confessing literally declares unto Jesus that we trust the lies of Satan over the truth of Jesus and so again, tell Satan to be gone and rememebr that when Jesus makes a promise it is absolute!

And so as I continued in prayer the other day on this, I also came to realize that now that I know the devil won't stop attacking me, I am ok with it. If this is how it's supposed to be, then fine. In fact, just knowing blessed my heart and forever changed my mind. I know now that it is not me that wants to do the evil acts because my heart cries out to the heart of my God, and my flesh is no longer connected to my heart. And best of all my God knows my heart and so I can smile ear to ear knowing all is well. We can all know now that it is our flesh that wants to do these awful things only because Satan can't reach our hearts and so he has no choice but to play in the flesh. And so now we can all know we are not evil as Satan would have us believe. We also know that his lies won't stop flying around until we actually begin to fly around and ascend off this earth. And so again, I am ok with it. Now that I know this is the norm for obedient Christians, I will simply deal with it each and every day until my Lord removes me from this sin sick world.

None of us has to wait on a "feeling" in our flesh that says we are finally made whole. We can now just trust the promises of our Lord, King and Saviour in His Word. Satan lies, Jesus tells truth. That's how it's been for at least 6000 years in fact. And so when we put our foot down and stop listening to the lies of the devil that suggests the Bible we read isn't true when it says tempation isn't sin and confessed is most assuredly forgiven, we will receive even more strength from Jesus because now it has become obvious to Christ that our faith in His Word has grown in a big way.

And always remember what it says in Jeremiah 17:5-8 which is, "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit."


 # 333. Many think parts of the Bible is made up

My spouse still thinks part of the Bible is made up. One example of why he believes that is cuz he says one part is saying to stone people to death then another part they are saying thou shalt not kill because it’s a commandment. How do I explain this?


The Old Testament ordinances is actually the future example of New testament judgment. You have to keep in mind that in the Old Testament times everyone that was of the Jews knew the truth about the Sanctuary as well as its future prophetic reality that was eventually fulfilled at Calvary and so when a sin was committed without remorse back then, the unrepentant sinner was easily exposed as openly denying the Creator God before all in the congregation, which in this case was the entire nation and so they were considered blaspheming the name of the Lord and His temple by denying the remedy of sin in the lamb sacrifice  and especially so on the Day of Atonement.

As Christians we know that the Lamb of God that Moses was instructed to offer up in the Sanctuary was the symbol of the true Messiah Jesus Christ who was prophesied to come to replace that act of killing little lambs, oxen and doves as an offering for the sins of the people. Right before Jesus died on that cross for all of us He said "it is finished" in John 19:30. That statement as well as His death ended the Old Testament ordinances of stoning and other things like feast days and such. It literally says in Colossians 2:14-15 that the "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it."

The fact is it says this was done "openly" here proves the leaders of the day knew exactly what was happening at the cross. They knew all about the ordinances Moses was given for the Sanctuary services and they truly knew what they meant. But they loved the political power Satan lured them into and especially after Rome took them over and played political games with them. Sadly, this shows how blind the pastors of today really are as well. And especially so when they claim the feast days need to be kept after the cross when it states this a few verses later.

Either Christ is your Lord or He is not. If He is then your Lord then you know what He did at Calvary was a perfect fulfillment of that all the ordinances declared would happen on Calvary. In fact, that's why the temple vail ripped in two that day. No longer was the Lord to be found in the temple made of stone because as promised He would now reside in the fleshly temple of His people.

On top of that He added grace to every soul because mankind revealed just how weak he truly is in the Old Testament when he promised to keep God's Law at Sinai and so God did away with that Old Covenant and wrote the New one. But He only did away with man's portion of the covenant. In other words, the blessings for keeping the law are still granted upon those that keep it. Only now, knowing how weak man truly is, the Lord is now helping His people keep the law. That's where many precious souls become confused. If we were to continue in the Old covenant, then the stoning of sinners that blasphemed the Lord and refused to repent would still be going on to this day. And yes, this is why Muslims and some renegade Jews still stone people in today's world because they don't believe Jesus is the Messiah who abolished the ordinances at the cross. They think those ordinances are still valid.

And so the answer to the question is, we don't have to stone people anymore because now, Jesus grants the sinner His perfect grace to repent before death comes upon them. But if they refuse to repent as did some that were stoned in the Old Testament, then the hellfire at the end of the 1000 years will kill them off just as effectively as the stoning did long ago. Only this time, they will never get up again. They will be eternally dead for it is written in Nahum 1:9, "...he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time."


# 334. I believe Christians will be raptured before the plagues come.

I dont think true christians will be here then. We will be raptured .the Lord YASHUWA said pray you be counted worthy to escape all these things that are coming upon the earth and stand before the son of man?


Yes, many precious souls claiming Christ is Lord believe this strange prophecy not found in the Word. But if you want, I have a few studies you can check out that share verses most pastors refuse to share on this so as to prevent themselves from looking bad. But let me ask you this before sharing those links. Was Noah and his family "raptured off" the earth before the flood came? No, they were not. Were all the Jews "raptured off" the earth before the plagues fell on Egypt where they actually lived? No, they were still on earth when God's wrath fell as well. And since the believers were never raptured off the earth in the past, does it make any biblical sense that the Christians in the last days be "raptured off" before the plagues fall again? No, it makes no sense when we realize that the God we worship stated the following in Malachi 3:6. He said, "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."

And since He never changes, and since we know Noah, the Jews or even Lot and his family were never removed from earth when God's wrath fell, why do so many people think Jesus lied when He literally said there will be no rapture before God's wrath falls in His prayer before being crucified for us. In John 17:15 Jesus prayed "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."

The reason people believe this is because as Jesus also predicted in Matthew 24, the Roman Catholic church will kill hundreds of millions of Christians during what He called the "great tribulation." What amazes me is how most Christians today think Jesus missed such a bold prophetic event wherein hundreds of millions of Christians died, but He never missed the one wherein He told the believers to escape Jerusalem when they see Rome surrounding it in 70AD. That Vatican Inquisition was a very obvious fulfillment of the great tribulation. In fact, Jesus also stated certain historic events will happen after the Vatican stops killing the Christians. And all of them were confirmed in historic record to have been fulfilled in the late 1700's after Napoleon did what he did to remove the political power from the Catholic church. If you're interested in all the dates and documented statements regarding those prophesied event, see the links I am sharing at the end of this comment.

So why am I telling you all this, and why was the secret rapture lie invented?

It's because the Jesuits in Rome knew all about that propehcy regarding the great tribulation, and they knew all those dates and prophesied events that happened after the killings proved the Popes of Rome were in fact the prophesied Antichrist. And so what they did was invent a brand new prophecy by twisting a prophecy from Daniel regarding what happened when Jesus was baptised, crucified and then Stephen was stone. That "week of Daniel" as prophecy calls it was ripped out of chronological order by the Jesuits and then embellished with statements Jesus made in the book of Matthew as well as some that the prophet Joel made from the Old Testament and because they infiltrated all the churches that spun off from Martin Luther's day as promised, they preached this lie to billions to make people think the great tribulation comes before Antichrist comes at the end of the world. If the people believe the Antichrist is a future being, then all that happened during the Inquisitions would be ignored as just a wrist slapping mistake of the Popes. Who as also prophesied, apologized to the people as John Paul II did in his mea culpa of March 2000 and recently as Pope Francis did so as to make the Popes appear repentant when in fact they are just as bloodthirsty today as they always were. This secret rapture and seven year tribulation theory was designed to hide the fact all those killings in the Inquisitions not only proved the Vatican is a very evil entity, it also proves Jesus never missed that prophecy about the Inquisitions. But sadly because another prophecy was fulfilled wherein "all the world wondered after the beast" most people today believe the Vatican lies about a secret rapture and Rome can continue on with her political plans to create a one world government wherein they can and will enforce their mark..

And yes, all that I shared here as well as in those links regarding all the verses that are left put on the pulpits of the wolves is why the Vatican declares "Sola Scriptura" is a lie. They know that if their church members read their Bibles they too will discover the Popes are those long prophesied homosexual Satanists, and then they too will leave the church and step out of the control of the Popes. And I can prove it.

See these two studies and a video I made not too long ago...


# 335 Please explain Matthew 15:4- and what does "bound on earth is bound in heaven" mean?


I don't understand these verses. I understand verse 4 because of Commandment #5, but verses 5-6 are beyond my comprehension. I know that Jesus explains in verses 17-20, but I still only have a partial understanding of His explanation. Please, clear this fog for me.

Also, if you would, please explain what the phrase "bound on earth is bound in heaven" means. I don't have the verses ready because this second question just entered my mind right now. God bless you, brother.


Verses in Question:

To touch on Matthew 15:4-6 first, we see that Jesus is speaking to the hypocritical Pharisees who would claim “Corban” upon their parents so as to save money because in so doing meant they no longer had to financially support their elderly parents because “Corban” was declared. To declare such a thing meant all their excess money goes to the church treasury as a gift unto God instead of to their parents.

One can see this as being ok to do it the parents were wealthy or deceased and so the Jewish believer could then show dedication unto God and His Temple. But as is obvious, it wasn’t used as a gift to God. Jesus who read their hearts knew it would be used for their own selfish desires and so He openly exposed their hypocrisy.

Notice Mark 7:10-13 which goes into a tad more detail on this when it says, "For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:  But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free.  And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;  Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye."

Amazing how some that revel in lies cannot see He who represents absolute truth could see easily though their deception. In fact, living in the last days as we do right now, many of us don't even need to read hearts as we can easily see the hypocrisy that runs rampant in the Christian church worldwide.

As for the sins being bound in heaven and on earth. That statement has to do with the biblical manner in which Jesus taught us to deal with those within the church that are in open sin who after being approached either repent or rebel.

Jesus stated the following in Matthew 18:15-18. He said, "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.  But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.  And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.  Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Notice the merciful manner in which Jesus Christ teaches His obedient bride on how to help those that are slipping off the path. If the sinner refuses to repent after one Christian approaches; and then again refuses when two or more witnesses approach proving the sin to be seen by more than one witness, and then if that sinner still refuses to repent after the entire church family declares they are in sin, that means they have been openly exposed as in actual sin without a repentant heart as per biblical definition because not just one person declared it; the entire church family declared it.

Jesus set this method up so as to prevent a false witness declaring sin was committed when no sin was actually committed. Because as we all know, living in these last days, false witnesses number in the billions now. 

Still, a wicked person can only point at an obedient Christian and declare them in sin; but it will be very hard to get two or three witnesses to back their lies and absolutely impossible to get the entire church family to help them this side of the mark being enforced.

And so when the entire church gets involved, the sin is understood as sin absolutely because it is then brought to the light in a way Jesus directed. When done this way, this sin is effectively bound on earth just as it will be in Heaven because perfect direction from Heaven was followed to the letter by which to expose the sin and Scripture from Heaven was used to define the sin thereby making it bound absolutely.

Of course the opposite is true when the sinner repents and so in that case the sin would be loosed on earth as it is in heaven.


#336. Aren't we are all just spirits floating in Heaven at death?

Nicholas the spirit goes back to God, the body goes to the grave or back to dust. Nicholas you need to read the bible it's obvious you dont have a clue!


Not sure why you say such things. But what you stated does not reflect what is written in the Bible. Now I don't blame you for getting angry at me for sharing the Bible truths because such things can anger people when they realize their pastors may have been lying to them for their entire lives. I would however suggest you pray for your pastor and all pastors will be held accountable as to what they teach and preach.

Verse in Question:

The fact here is that the word spirit in this verse is used to speak of the "breath" in Human terms. The Biblical evidence used to support that fact is found in James 2:26, where it states, "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." It gives both realities here of the physical and the spiritual aspects of life. It first shares the makeup of the human body and then it shares the makeup of faith a saved individual will have in the heart. In other words, James is literally saying here that the body without the spirit, or breath of life, is dead just like faith without works or fruit is considered spiritually dead as well.

But here's the clincher that may upset many people as it proves their pastors are in error. The patriarch Job defines the human spirit rather nicely for us in Job chapter 27:3 when he says, "All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;" Here he is giving breath and spirit the same definition. No getting around that blunt reality. The breath IN me, and the spirit IN my nostrils is too blunt to miss here and the fact he acknowledges that breath coming from the Father further confirms the truth as it is shared in Ecclesiastes 12:7.

And so I have to ask, can the human spirit be in a nostril? As per biblical jurisprudence, the only time the breath of life is in the nostril is when we all breathe in and then exhale. In this verse in Job we have the word "spirit" being used in the nostrils which is actually the Greek word, "Pneuma" which means air or breath. For example, Pneumonia is the sickness of the breath. Pneumatic tires are actually tires "filled with air" and so on. To further confirm this it says in Genesis 7:22, "All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died." That is of course in regards to Noah and the flood. The connection between the breath of life and nostrils is quite undeniable.

One more point I want to make regarding James 2:26 that I just shared earlier is that as you intimated earlier you were taught to believe that spirit mentioned in that passage meant Holy Spirit. But if someone has NOT the Holy Spirit of God, are they then literally dead? In other words, are people that are not saved walking among us buried in the ground right now? Of course not. James is not talking about the Holy Spirit in this verse. He is making a clear comparison. He is merely saying; just as a body without the ability to breathe air is dead in reality, so is the faith of the person who has no works dead in spirituality. Both the carnal and spiritual are being used here to illustrate a point. There is no mistaking that, it's that plain.

Now notice this...

And where does his breath go forth to you ask? According to the verse you used to start this conversation, it "shall return unto God who gave it."


#337. I believe I will not be perfect

I didnt become perfect when I accepted Jesus. Im still a sinner and I will be until I get my new body in heaven so thats why I can still get angry at ignorant people.


Well then I declare, praise God for 1John 1:9. But according the Bible you trust and the Lord you love YOU CAN become perfect.. check this out...

Is Jesus now lying to all of us? The wolves claim that perfection only comes after we stand in Heaven. If that's true then why was Genesis 17:1 written that says, "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect." That was BEFORE Abram even became Abraham. And because of his perfect walk, he was blessed and his name was changed.

I don't blame you sister. Your zeal is apparent and what little I know of you declares unto me that you are a child of God. I blame the wolf that lied to you and said that no one can be perfect. As prophesied, they all say it in as loving a manner as possible to gain approval so as to soil the image of our God. Keep in mind dear sister; we have been in the end times for over 170 years when the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel ended. And so the odds are the pastor on the many pulpits are in fact wolves.

Notice also what Jesus and Paul said regarding perfection:

Had the man sold what he had to help the poor he would have become "perfect" in Jesus before he gained Heaven at the resurrection.

Now notice what Paul said.

How can Paul declare unto them to be perfect while still standing on earth unless he knew the truth regarding the powerful faith offered us of Jesus Christ? Or notice this.

How can a man of God called to preach and teach be "perfect" unto the good works he is ordained to do unless the truth about perfection isn't being preached as it should be these last days? If the wolves were preaching truth, then Jesus lied, and that which was written of Abram and others was also a lie. In fact all that Paul taught regarding perfection is also a lie according to those declaring we cannot gain perfection. No.. me thinks the wolves are the ones lying here and they lie on this doctrine because Satan knows, if the people of God believe they can never become perfect they will never strive unto perfection. And if they don't strive unto perfection they won't grow. And the basic reality here is that this is what Satan hopes for because strong Christians are his biggest threat second only to Jesus in whom our righteousness originates.

By the way, there are actually 94 verses with the word "perfect" in the KJV. An excellent study to say the least.


#338. Please explain Hebrews 13:9,10

Brother, I am confused about Hebrews 13:9,10. Can you please explain these verses to me?


Let me touch on verse 9 first.

Verse in question:

Most false doctrine is quite 'meaty' in how those that write it have to be very crafty and deep so as to twist Scripture so far out of whack that their long dissertations can come off as truth to some that gravitate towards the intellect of man instead of the simplicity of truth. And there are many people who like to spread meaty lies because it makes them look intelligent. And there are also many people who will echo those meaty lies because it makes them look intelligent enough to understand them.

Case in point, the recent September 23 falsehood took a lot of explanation wherein the Roman Catholic who declared it as truth literally used Pagan horoscopes as a means by which to validate his claims when such things should never be a source of truth unto any Christian alive. That so called prophet's heresy came off as very meaty to some and so those that don't read bibles jumped on it because it made them appear very wise by echoing it. But the simple truth made them all look very uneducated in regards to God's Word when September 24th came and nothing happened.

By the way, they are right now declaring something will happen between August and December of 2018. But here's the clincher. Jesus clearly said in Matthew 24:36, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." And so any date setting done by these people confirms they never read a Bible. In fact that is why they use Pagan horoscopes claiming they are the prophesied "signs in the Heavens. Problem here is, those aren't signs at all. They were man made by Pharaohs men eons ago so as to glorify him as a god on earth. It also allowed them to make his birth date appear mapped in the Heavens. And  yes, that is why most people celebrate birthdays to this day. It was all invented by the atheistic Pharaohs. See my "celebrating birthdays" page when you get time.

And then as for Hebrews 13: 10 which says, "We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle."

Do you recall what Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 15:16 when speaking of God's Word? he said, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts."

In other words, the food we receive from our studies and the ordained pulpit; the false teachers of this sin sick world have no right to. Looking around at how they preach false doctrines and strange prophetic definitions proves this in a big way. They cannot see or teach what we see and so they make up their own dogma to try and come off as prophets. And it works especially well when they use such things as horoscopes and such to make them appear as very in depth doctrine when in fact it's nothing more than Pagan dogma.


#339. Did they worship the cherubim on the mercy seat?

Dear pastor,
In the Old testament there was the covenant Box and upon it the statue of the Cherubins and the priest did show smoke to it and they worshiped. One of my friends asked me a question quoting this that if God had told not to worship any statues, how come he did ask Moses to make this Covenant Box with Statues on and worship? And by bringing this up he told me that worshiping Mary and Statues are not wrong. Please how can this be explained biblicaly?


First and foremost, nowhere in the Bible does it say they worshipped those cherubs on the mercy seat. Those that bow to idols are simply lying to hide the fact they are taught to worship statues in their churches.

The Law of God doesn’t say it’s wrong to make statues. It says it is wrong to make them and then to kneel before them in worship. Every Catholic church not only has the statues, they also have kneelers in front of every one of them luring the people to worship them so as to break commandment #2. Worse yet every Pope has been photographed kneeling in worship before statues of Mary ever since cameras were invented. That too moves the people to bow in worship breaking God’s law because they will follow his lead.

Notice commandment #2…

By the way, I used to teach Catholic doctrine and I found that in their CCD books commandment #2 is completely missing. They purposely took it out to hide the fact the Bible says not to bow down to those statues. And to hide the fact they took it out, because now they were left with only 9 Commandments, they split Commandment #10 into two parts to try and make it appear as if there are still ten commandments. That is why all their commandments are numbered differently than they are in the Bible. For example, in the Bible commandment #4 is about the Sabbath as we all know. But in their CCD books it is declared it to be Commandment #3. Worse yet, even the Roman Catholic bible shows Commandment #2 is still intact. This further confirms the long declared fruit of Rome being that of brainwashing their people in their religious classes. And by the time they become adults they are taught to ignore the Bible completely and only trust their CCD books. The excuses given is the Bible is too diffiicult to understand and so to better know how to be a good Catholic, they just open their CCD books when in question.


#340. Were man and women created in the image of God? Or only men?

Hey Pastor Nic,

In last week's Q&A you said that "man was created in the image of God and woman in the image of men" I always believed that both men and women were created in the image of God. Could you please clarify this?


Perhaps something form the New Testament will clarify this a bit more.

Now many will use other passages like Genesis 1:27 that says, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

But as we know, the Lord doesn’t often explain Himself in every nuck and cranny of the truth because more often than not it goes without saying. And another reason He does this is that He wants His children to dig into His Word and see truth as it is for themselves. And so when He says He created both man and women in His image, it is true. But how they were created was not the same.

What I mean is, God is a man in gender. Hence the term “Father” is attributed to Him for that reason. And as we also know Adam was created as a man and the means by which he was made was from the dust of the earth. Eve however, who also “looks” like Adam, but only in the sense that she is human as he is with 2 eyes, 2 legs, 2 arms and so on; but she was created from the rib of an already created man. And so it’s true. Both Adam and Eve were created by God to look like He does in human form. But one cannot hide the reality that Adam was created in a different manner than Eve. He was created from the dust of the earth. Eve on the other hand was created from the human “man” who was already alive. Hence the reason Paul stated that Adam was created as the glory of God and Eve was created as the glory of man.

"Encouragement Video #4 - The Purification"


#341 Why do they use relics in the church of Rome?

I am saying this in a nice way that there is too much information on your website for me to look through (I've tried over the years). However, I do believe that every RC (and Orthodox) church has tiny bits of skin or bone from some "saint" or martyr embedded beneath the table of the altar. Greek Rite Catholic priests receive an antimension – a cloth packet blessed and signed by a bishop and containing tiny bits of relics – for the priest to keep and carry with him always so that if there's no altar available he puts his packet on an unconsecrated table and is now allowed to say the liturgy (antimension = "in place of the table", like the RC portable altar). That enables a priest to say the liturgy anywhere.  In the strict sense – no have relic, no say mass. Saying the mass over a relic means they are celebrating with the "saints" and angels in Heaven.

Over 9,000 people went to gawk at the arm of St. Francis Xavier when it stopped here a few weeks ago, yuck.

The New Testament never says that Peter set foot in Rome, as he was the apostle to the Jews. The RCC engages in lies and coverup; so putting forth Peter as their founder when they know the truth is one more way they can bamboozle the world with their say-so and traditions over what the Bible has to say.


Amen sister..

And for those looking on... please be aware that a relic is nothing more than a piece of flesh or bone from a dead human. Look in the Word and you will see no doctrine has ever been sanctified by God wherein the dead a body of a human is what makes an altar holy enough to speak from. In fact, quite the opposite. However in the church of Satan it is required to kill and with the dabbler it will be the flesh and bone of a dead cat or some other animal, but with the serious devil worshipper one will often see a human skull on their altar. Or they will drink the blood of a victim they recently offered up. In any event, as I illustrated in a video I made recently about how Rome and Satanism agree on most points, one can see how the flesh becomes the main object of worship in Catholicism and Satanism.

But getting back to the altar itself, every altar constructed in the Old Testament was done with unhewn or natural stone and when they built the Sanctuary every stone had to be carved miles away so that even the sound of the chisel could not be heard at the site of the Temple. Reason being it is to declare that mankind has nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to do with that which the Temple represented as well as the altar. There are no right angles in nature because the Lord created it and not man and so having a hewn altar today is the opposite of the altar of God. Yet Rome not only insists a relic from a human must be present to sanctify the altar, it must be a relic from a rotted corpse and it must be placed on an altar obviously made by human hands! This act alone proves just how evil that church truly is.

Have you seen the churches wherein they are decorated with the bones and skulls of murdered victims of Rome that still stand as relics and tourist traps to this day? And so it makes perfect sense that the church of Rome would place Peter at its head for they want nothing to do with the Lord Jesus who leads the true church. THis is why to this day you will see a Pope, first of Equals or even a President leading the church instead of doing as they did before Samuel was asked to supply a king. The people of the world prefer the creature above the Creator just as they did in Samuel's day. But in the obedient remnant church, we have Jesus Christ at the head of the church.

And so the act of placing man above man instead of allowing Jesus to be the Head of the corner, they stumble as expected. That act of self serving rebellion was prophesied for it is written in Romans 1:22-27, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,  And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

Amazing how accurate Christian prophecy is eh? They deny God who is Creator and in so doing worship mankind which are simply creatures, and because of this a curse is upon them to lust after each other. And as we all know, 98% of the Roman Catholic prelates are not only homosexuals, they lust after the flesh of little boys to boot. Christian prophecy is that accurate.


#342 My SDA church is pledging allegiance on Sabbath to the USA!

Please help in this situation I encountered at my SDA church last Sabbath. They recited the pledge of allegiance in the church. I remained seated and did not participate of course. Could you please provide me some material I could confront my church leaders stating this is idol worship. Thank you


Dear brother;

I am saddened to hear your pastor has fallen into the arms of the second beast of Revelation to the point of pledging his allegiance to it. But this was bound to happen since all SDA churches have agreed with the lost leaders of this world to create an image of the beast in Rome. The 501c3 they signed was an open and bold rejection of the God of the Bible who warned them not to do this and therefore this is why they now promote and honor the second beast as part of the church services to the point of pledging allegiance to it instead of the God of all creation. When it gets this bad I am sorry to say that nothing you say now will change the pastor’s mind on this. After all he is pastor and he will most assuredly get very upset at you if you question his so called ordained authority. I say "so called" because there is no way the Lord would ordain such a practice. But doing as the Lord leads you to do next brother will open the eyes of some who know of your zealous faith and who knows; this act alone may shake up the pastor enough to repent. For if you follow the Lord, they will realize they must do the same.

It was prophesied to happen and now you have seen it happen with your very own eyes brother. All you can do at this point is to obey your Lord and come out of that church that has joined hands with Rome. Both Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy warned this would be the fate of the SDA church and so now you must heed that warning and leave that apostate church just as Jesus commanded you should do in many areas of His Word. For if you refuse, you too will come to echo the pastors apostasy in a very short while. How do I know that? You have declared unto me in this email that on this Sabbath day you do see the apostasy in that church. The Lord allowed that to be seen by you so you can know His will as well as have the proper understanding as to what He would have you do next.

And so if and when you leave, those that know of your zeal will have some major seeds planted deep within them. They know how serious you are about your walk and in that confirmed stance on the side of truth, they realize you left for a good reason and so they may follow your lead as is the plan of your Lord. And if enough leave the pastor may also realize he needs to change his ways. In fact, this may very be a test for the pastor because in the coming days when they enforce the mark, many pastors will know they cannot refute what we proclaim via the the loud cry and then choose to use the powers granted them via their long prophesied government contract we call the 501c3 so as to go forth and demand Sunday laws ot shut us up.  And so if your old pastor cannot repent and realize his sin of commanding his flock to pledge allegiance to the State over the Lord, he will be one of those that will demand Sunday laws in the coming days. And yes, I know he is SDA and that will not matter at that time because Rome has already infiltrated the SDA church enough in these last days to get them to embrace Sunday Sabbath as well. Stop by my sister site at www.SDAapostasy.org when you get time and click the link regarding SDA churches keeping Sunday holy. There are scores of them now.

I pray you choose wisely my brother and will be praying with you.


#343 Is Jesus our Sabbath?

I have Questions What does Matthew 11:28-29 mean "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are  heavy laden, and I will give you rest Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls" some people like to use this verse to say Jesus is the sabbath, if you can answer this I'll appreciate it Thank you God bless.


Those that use that passage to claim Jesus is the Sabbath are the type of people that never study their Bibles and so you have to educate them on the basics of how we learn doctrine in the Word. That verse clearly speaks of the peace and rest in the soul Jesus grants us when we accept Him as Lord that is very powerful and pleasing to the soul that is in trial. A good way to explan this peace would be if your boss said he will fire you if you refuse to work on Sabbath. You would not be fearful knowing that it's God's will he is demanding you deny and the peace you have deep inside would prevent you from being fearful. You would know that if you lose your job the Lord will make sure you get a new one. Or go a step further during the time the mark is enforced. The peace Jesus offers at that time would be very apparent deep inside on how you will have no fear whatsoever of being killed on a guillotine because again, they seek to force you to deny the God you love and He not only promised you peace in all things, He also revealed to you they would do this years ago and gave you plenty of time to prepare. And, now here's where some Christians may stumble, they feel deep inside dying for their faith is scary now, but what they don't realize is that sometimes the Lord grants you the peace the exact moment you need it.

As for the claim that Jesus is our Sabbath, I did a video years ago that addressed the “Jesus is our Sabbathlie that touches on different verse from Hebrews chapter four that may help in this case. The verses in Hebrews four are plain, and especially verse 10.

Hebrews 4:10 "For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his."

Many use that passage to claim Jesus is our rest, but the word rest here actually means to "cease from his own works as God did from His." That proves this is speaking of the seventh day Sabbath that was instituted in creation week. It also proves we must rest as did God on this day. Nowhere in the verse does it say Jesus is our Sabbath. But because most people refuse to read or even study Bibles today, as the prophet Amos predicted will be the mindset of the people right before the plagues, they are unaware what the verse is saying. In fact, reading the verse prior to it clears this up completely. It says in Hebrews 4:9 that "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."

The word "rest" in that passage is from the Greek word "Sabbatismos" which means in English "a keeping Sabbath." Or "the blessed rest from toils and troubles looked for in the age to come by the true worshippers of God and true Christians" (See Strongs #4520)

The fact the people you’re dealing with can’t see the truth in Matthew 11 is because they are not obedient Christians. When Jesus said “you will know them by their fruits’ He was talking about how after the Holy Spirit writes the laws upon our hearts. Verses like this in Matthew 11 are easily seen for what they are.

Plus, taking one verse out of context does not a doctrine make. It says this in Isaiah 28:9-10, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

In other words, there will be many verses to back up a doctrine so as to bless the Christian with all the truth they need to verify what the Holy Spirit is revealing to them deep within. But for someone to come up to you to claim they don’t need to keep the Sabbath because Jesus is their Sabbath proves they are not actually aware what it means to be an obedient Christian at all. In fact, such a mindset regarding God's law was considered so ridiculous 2000 years ago that Paul said this to help Titus deal with such people. He said in Titus 3:9-11, "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.  A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;  Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself."

And so, if you have tried more than one time to get them to see they need Jesus Christ as Lord to help them keep His law; because after all, we all know that mankind cannot keep it without His help because of what happened at Mount Sinai the month Moses went upon it to receive the law contained in stone. The Jews broke all ten commandments even though they promised days earlier that they would keep them. Mankind simply cannot do this without Jesus Christ as Lord. This is why it says in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

One more thing.. Show them how ALL TEN of the commandments are found in the New Testament AFTER the cross of Christ when they assume it was abolished. See this list here.


#344 I don't believe Jesus said we need to keep the Sabbath

Jesus never said that you had to keep the Sabbath. As a matter of fact He rebuked the pharisees who tried to hold Him to the law when He healed on the Sabbath and let His disciples eat corn on the Sabbath. Nor did He ever say that we had to give 10% of our money to the church. Nor did He ever say that we shouldn't drink coffee or tea. ... it is impossible for any of us to keep the law. ALL have fallen short of the Glory of God. Ther is NONE RIGHETOUS, no not one!! You are saved by grace through faith not of works! You cannot be good enough or follow enough laws to be redeemed. If we could then Jesus wasted His time on the cross. Is that what your saying? "I have a NEW COMMANDMENT: love one another as I have loved you!!!" No 10 commandments necessary. If you love God and His people you won't sin against the will you? Without love your just makin noise. unsubbed.


Jesus is the Word made flesh and so He did say to keep His Law through the prophets patriarchs and apostles because it was His Holy Spirit that moved them to utterance. The only way to say otherwise is to echo the statements of the lost who claim the Bible was only written by men. And when it comes to His Law being kept by the Christians, long after the cross the apostle John stated this in 1 John 2:4 that "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."

And yes I am fullay aware you quoted Christ wherein he stated there were two great commandments. But have you ever seen the decalogue as it was etched in stone by our Lord? There are 4 commandments on the first tablet and 6 on the second one. And so to echo what you just quoted from Matthew 22:37-40 which says, "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

The first "commandment" is actually the first four commandments on tablet number 1 that summarized them. Those 4 commandments deal with how we show love to our Heavenly Father. Look at them and you will see that clearly those 4 cannot be broken unless you sin against your God. To summarize them in a little more detail, when you have other Gods before Him you break commandment #1, When you make a graven image and then bow before it instead of your Creator God then you break commandment #2. When you take the Lord thy God's name in vain you break commandment #3. And when you break the Sabbath a day He commands all of His children to keep as a reminder that He created them, the earth, the sea and all that in them is and then rested on that day to eternally declare He is God, then you break commandment #4. None of those 4 commandments can be broken by sinning again man and so Jesus summarised them by saying, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment."

Now look at commandment #2 where He says to love your neighbor as yourself. Notice that Commandments 5-10 are how we show love to each other. If you dishonor your mother and father not only do you break commandment #5, you actually shorten your lifespan here on earth for if you do a study on the sanctuary you know how bad it is to dishonor godly parents. But breaking that commandment also grieves your parents in a big way. When you kill someone you break commandment #6 and literally end the life of your neighbor. When you commit adultery against your spouse you break commandment #7 and place your spouse in great turmoil. When you steal from someone you break commandment #8 and cause your neighbor much grief and expense to have to replace those stolen items. When you lie about someone you break commandment #9 and lies as we all know can ruin someones reputation, business, and in some cases cause them to commit suicide as we have seen many young people do because a classmates slammed them on Facebook. And finally when you covet your neighbor's goods you break commandment #10 and one example of how that can cause issue in life is that because they pull in the driveway with a new car, even though you can't afford it you go into debt to get a new car and now you and your family suffer because the money they needed for food, clothing, the electric bill and other things is simply not there due to a car payment you can't afford. Plus, keeping up with the Jones' is a way Satan can tempt you to do things you would not ordinarily do to get the money to buy such things. Many that fall into a life of crime know all too well about that one.

And so when you look at the last 6 commandments which were on tablet #2, and Jesus declared it the second great commandment you can see why He summarized it by saying, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." And then Jesus solidified the fact He was talking about all ten of the Commandments when He stated "On these two commandments hang all the law." No getting around that.

And as for healing on Sabbath. Jesus literally said it is good to do good on Sabbath. It was the evil Pharisees that accused Him of breaking the Sabbath. Jesus actually corrected the Pharisees that day. But as we know the whole world like to echo the Pharisees who we all know were evil instead of ignoring what they said to hear what Jesus said in response. Seriously, who would you rather trust? A Pharisee that wanted to kill Jesus? Or Jesus Himself who wrote Genesis to Revelation?

As for drinking coffee, tea, alcohol. Now that we are in the last days we actually have scientific proof those things are harmful to the human body and cause disease and death. Now notice this... 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

And you're 100% correct. No one can keep the law. Mankind proved that at Sinai. That is why the Lord promised to write the Law on our hearts. This is why Jesus said "by their fruits ye shall know them." If the Christian says he keeps the law it's only because the Holy Spirit in him is helping him keep it as promised. Hence the reason I started my original response with 1 john 2:4 that says "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."

The Lord knows mankind is weak and none of us are righteous and so He helps us keep His law now. That is actually the new covenant He offered long ago. In other words.. I don't keep the law to GET saved. I keep the law because I AM saved.

As for claiming Jesus wasted His time on the cross. No. The law is etched in stone to not only declare it eternal, it is to decare it unbreakable and unremovable, to the point He had to be the "propitiation" for our sins. Like the Old Testament lamb sacrifice that was a symbol of the "Lamb of God" who takes our sin upon Him. He had to be the sinless victim that would die for you because you have sinned in life and therefore incapable of being the perfect sacrifice for sin. You need a Saviour and once you accept Him He then helps you keep His law so as to be a worthy citizen of New Jerusalem. In fact, notice this New Testament verse that is found in the last book of the Bible and in the last chapter of that book. It says this about gaining entry into the city of Heaven in Revelation 22:14, "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

The law was etched in stone and so as it is plainly stated, sin begets death. The blessing is, you don't have to die. Accept Jesus as your Saviour and He will die for the sins you broke in His law. But if you refuse to see Him as Saviour, then you must die for breaking His law. Only problem with that scenario is, after you die. That's it. You have no power to resurrect yourself and you will then be dead for all eternity. In fact, after burning in the hellfire that falls upon all the wicked at the end of the 1000 years, it says this in Malachi 4:3 about what the obedient people of God will do. It says "ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts."

I have a lot more info on my law of God page as well as many rebuttals answered using Scripture so as to help you see more clearly.

I will pray for you that the Lord opens your eyes dear one. :)


#345 Is it ok to listen to SDA preachers?

Is it ok to listen to SDA preachers? I know they are in sin for joining their churches wit the state as prophecy said they would. The 501c3 confirms that. But is it still ok to listen to their sermons on YouTube or buy their books?


What does the Word of your God say? Notice what it says in Galatians 2:4-5  And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:  5,  To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you."

Yes, this passage is originally touching on the Old Testament doctrine of circumcision issue the Jews were trying to catapult to the front to confuse the new converts into Christianity. But this truth applies with any doctrine. In other words, not even for one hour did they give them a chance to convince them of their false doctrine. They did this so they wouldn't be corrupted and then in turn corrupt the church. And so this truth holds true to this day.

For example. Since all the SDA pastors are under the General Conference long prophesied government contract of the 501c3, and many of them have a second 501c3 under their own ministries, their disobedience has made it impossible for them to understand the final prophecies the way the Lord needs them to because the only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it. And so none of them truly have any prophetic or even deep doctrinal utterance from on high. Open disobedience is a mockery unto God and He simply cannot bless those that stand in such a lot. And so as Paul stated to the Galatians so long ago, don't even give them an hour, or in today's way of speaking, don't even give them a moment of your time when it comes to their theology because they have not all the truth.

Now yes, many SDA leaders speak on prophecy and are good at it. But so can a 12 year old child that knows how to read the original studies of the infant church. Plus, do you really want to take the chance in being doctrinally or even prophetically confused by listening to their sermons? Their disobedience means there will be some error in their message that may confuse you right off the path and that is why Paul said don't give them even an hour so "that the truth of the gospel might continue with you." In other words, the truth in you may leave you die to a crafty lie being shared by the aposte preacher without you even realizing it.

To this day people get upset with me when I refuse to read the books they send me or watch the videos they email me. But even though I have been in the Word over 3 decades, I know all about the dangers of letting preachers I know to be in apostasy to speak unto me. I always tell those that send the books and things that I only read Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy and I suggest they do the same because you know you are doing this one on one with the Lord. And if you need help understanding a verse or two, do a cross reference to see if it is explained elsewhere or ask a trusted friend to share verses that may explain it. But never base your understanding on the understanding of another man.

And no notice the next verse Paul shared in Galatians 2:6 which says, "But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me:"

The term "who seemed to be somewhat" can also be translated as "who seemed to be important." Paul is stating that even though they seemed to have some authority, he did not allow them to share their false doctrines with him, and so they added nothing to him. And in the context of the previous verses, what they would have added would have been lies and confusion. And since Paul knew that our God is not a respecter of persons, why should he be? And so why should we allow those who claim to be somebody preach as if they have authority when we have the Bible in hand already? And so as Paul more or less repeated in 2 Timothy 2:15-16, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  16,  But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness." Because we all know, lies and confusion will only lead to ungodliness.


#346 What do those crosses and crucifixes that people wear represent?

When people wear crosses around their necks, what does that really represent? Our Savior was crucified and hung on a tree...right? I am trying to tell my sister about the pagan origin of the cross and need your help. Thank You.


Try sharing this…

First and foremost, the cross is in fact a Pagan instrument of torture that can take up to a week to kill the people hanging there and it is by asphyxiation that death usually occurs. There is a method to their madness in how they position the body on the cross wherein you cannot get in a comfortable position. Not only do they pull the arms out of socket, they also bend the legs in short stooping position so as to prevent any sort of rest. They also specifically place the nails in areas that will not cause death quickly but generate the most pain possible the entire time on the cross. Jesus however was already half dead by the time he got to the cross due to the way they whipped him and so He died within hours of being crucified. But my point is, the cross is a Pagan symbol of hate and torturous death. That being the case I would never display it my church or on my body at all. Besides, I do not need a “reminder” as most Catholics claim is their reason for wearing it. I know what my Lord did for me and I thank Him every single day for it multiples time.

The cross is a tool of execution as is obvious. But to get an idea of how morbid wearing a cross really is, but because of time spanning the distance between ritual and reality; picture this. What if Jesus came to our world today and we killed Him on an electric chair. Would people be wearing electric chairs around their necks 2000 years later? Yes, they probably would as most have no idea just how morbid the chair is, like most have no clue as to how morbid the cross is.

And what’s worse. In Catholicism they keep a “dead” Jesus on their crucifixes. That is to place a thought in the mind of many that Rome killed Him and they keep Him on that cross to display their power over Jesus. I did a video some time ago of how a demon in a young girl refused to come out of her when she went berserk in a Vatican mass. Not only did she laugh and shove off the Vatican's head exorcist, Pope John Paul II himself came off the pulpit and tried to cast the demon out and he couldn't. So why did I share that? Satan knows exactly how to use Catholcism in a big way. What I mean is; in the doctrine of Transubstantiation wherein the priests supposedly have the power to remove Jesus Christ from His throne to force Him into the Eucharist wafer or host as most call it, and their doctrine even states that even if the priest is a pedophile or even a killer Jesus must listen to the command of His priest. Yet, when the Pope himself cannot expel a puny demon from a young girl, everyone looks at this and thinks Satan is far more powerful than Jesus.

Then to drive this home so as to make the people rely on the creature over and above the Creator as prophesied, look in any Catholic church and you see a dead Jesus on a cross, a sculpture of a dead Jesus in the arms of His mother or another sculpture of an infant Jesus in her arms, or a toddler Jesus on the back of St Christopher. Everywhere you look Jesus is either dead, an infant, or a toddler which means He cannot help you. But look around again and there are statues of hundreds of other “saints” that look perfectly healthy and alive and capable of helping you. In fact there are kneelers in front of all those statues suggesting the people pray to them instead of the “dead” Jesus.

The “dead” Jesus theology of Roman Catholicism also places the seed in the mind of their flock that they best obey their leaders or they too will be killed as well. Yes, that may be farfetched in today’s post inquisition world wherein priests and prelates are no longer openly torturing people or burning them alive in the town square; but it was a real tool in the dark ages to keep the people in the pew. And as prophecy declares, very shortly most will see that bloodthirsty mindset spread globally when the mark is enforced and even more so on Armageddon, and so just as the violent movies, games, music and sports constantly bombard the human mind with the though that “violence is ok” so as to ready the masses to surround the people of God on that day, the crucifix has done the same for centuries to get people to believe that God is dead.

And yes, our Saviour was hung on a tree. That is how they described the wood even though it was formed in the shape of a cross so as to glorify Baal of which historic record confirms.



#347 Please explain Revelation 14:11 regarding the "forever" hellfire?

It seems to me that hell is for eternity by this verse... Revelation 14:11 KJVS And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.


I go into detail about this verse on my Hellfire page online. As we know Revelation is a prophetic book filled with many symbolic statements. The word "forever" is not saying what you think. The fact I shared verses in the video that proved people became ashes in hellfire at the end of the 1000 years confirmed that hands down. But if you didn't watch the video or read the Bible verses that speak of hellfire, you wouldn't know that.

The term "for ever" is used 56 times in the Bible. And in every case it deals with things that eventually came to an end. Satan loves to change words in languages and all of us have seen this in our own lifetimes. Take the word "gay" for example. 40+ years ago it meant happy and giddy. Today it means homosexual. Notice this one instance of the term "for-ever" being used in Scripture to get an idea of what I mean. It's found in Exodus 21:6 which says, "Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him for ever. " 

I have to ask, how is this possible? Humans don't live forever this side of Christ's return unto eternal salvation. And so what happens when the slave dies? Does he resurrect each and every time his master seeks his service when cooking a meal after he dies? The definition of "for ever" is obviously not used to represent eternity in Scripture 56 times. When the slave dies, his master no longer has his service. Just like the wicked. When they, which are "the slaves of sin" die, their "master" who we all know is Satan, will no longer have their service. PLUS, if you look in your Bible you will find that even Satan, who is their master will die as well in that lake of fire.

Now check this verse out... Matthew 12:40, "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and *three nights* in the heart of the earth." No, I am not changing the subject here at all. There's a reason I'm sharing this. Notice that Jesus said Jonah would be in the belly of the whale a mere three days did He not? But notice what Jonah says in Jonah 2:6 says. It says "I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars [was] about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O LORD my God."

You see? the devil has twisted so many verses out of context over the centuries that almost everyone on planet earth believe his lies as authentic Bible teachings when they could easily avoid that danger by reading the Bibles for themselves. Hence the reason Isaiah said what he did when showing people how to learn doctrine that is declared in the Bible. He said in Isaiah 28:9-10, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.  10,  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

In other words, the only way to understand the Word of God is to spend time with the Author of that Bible. And the best way to do that is to read it every day. Once done it allows for Satan lies to be easily ignored. If he says you will live forever in hellfire through a friend or one of the many false prophets and wolves on pulpits today, you will know they are not telling the truth because your Bible said they will die in hellfire and literally turn to ashes.

When it comes to people dying for their sins:
Romans 6:23  For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

When it comes to people burning to ashes for their sins:
Malachi 4:3  And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.


#348 I always get sleepy when I read the Bible. Help?

I live in the West Virginia. I am also of seventeen years of age and am not able to drive yet due to putting my Emergency Medical Technician class ahead of my drivers license due to it being time consuming and very draining. I am getting it soon in the hopes that if I can I might be able drive to a location to get it done and done right so I may continue my walk the lord because here in the past recent weeks it has been very much full of trials and hardships to the point where I started to lose faith. All of the worldly desires is like a bombardment that is hard to fend against. Almost every time I open the bible or try and go into a study now I get hit with a heavy sleepiness over my shoulders.


What you’re experiencing is the same thing other Christians experience once they make the decision to accept Christ as Saviour. You young man are now a threat to Satan and so he will do all he can from this day forward to stop your forward growth in the truth provided by Christ Jesus the Lord because he doesn't want you to tell others about Jesus and what He did for you. And so even with some may see as a minuscule attack like making you sleepy when reading the Word is to be expected. And so, when the enemy attacks, pray for strength and ask the Lord for a way to combat the attack.

Still.. I discern something quite common is also at play here and so here’s something the Lord revealed to me decades ago on how to read the Bible. Instead of reading the Bible at night when Satan can easily tempt the flesh with sleepiness so as to prevent in depth study; read the Bible in the morning. Perhaps this is why King David said what he did in Psalms 63:1, which was, "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;" 

Notice what his son Solomon said after him in Proverbs 8:17, "I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."

The prophet Isaiah also declared in Isaiah 26:9, "With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." 

And finally Hosea said in Hosea 5:15, "I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early." 



#349 Traveling on Sabbath Day?

Is it SIN to travel on the SABBATH DAY ?


It depends on what you mean by traveling. In emergencies it is ok of course; but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking. Still, if you know in advance you need to travel on Sabbath to do the work of the Lord, then buy the ticket to do so before Sabbath day. But again, if it comes up suddenly in an emergency it is ok. 

2000 years ago we see that traveling on Sabbath was only allowed as far as a “Sabbath day’s journey” which according to Mosaic law back then was 2000 cubits if you lived that far from the Sanctuary. And since you have to travel back from the Sanctuary, 2000 cubits back was ok. 4000 cubits actually quates to 6000 feet which is just a little over a mile, and they based this on Joshua 3:4-5 which says, "Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore. And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you."

In New Testament times the Pharisees who loved to twist Scripture to their benefit did increase it, but their theology was not based on the Word. 

Now keep in mind this was based on Old Testament travels in the which most was done on foot and so it would interrupt the rest one needs on Sabbath day in the physical body, not to mention the possibility of losing spiritual rest over such a taxing act as walking over a mile to get somewhere. But today, we can sit and relax in a car when traveling; and even if we’re the one driving we can go quite far without taxing the system at all. Plus, while driving one can play an audio Bible while traveling on the car’s stereo to further bless the travel. 

Still.. in such cases one needs to ask the Lord for discernment on this as it could lead to a problem if in fact the traveling is not being done to help the sick or needy or even do some other work for the Lord.Driving long distances in a car can be very taxing on the system as we all know after pulling into a rest area. How many of us get out to stretch out legs after being cramped into the car. It can actually be quite painful for the elderly as well, and so pray and do as the Lord leads. 

If you needed to travel to visit friends or family and had nothing to do with helping the needy, visiting the sick or doing missionary work but the only ticket you could get was a flight or bus ride on Sabbath, then no.. it would not be wise to do so at all. For it would be directly against that which was written in Isaiah when it speaks of those that uplift the Sabbath in the last days.

Isaiah 58:12-14  And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.  13,  If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:  14,  Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that when traveling on a plane or a bus, most will be chatting about sinful things or watching Hollywood movies during that trip. Not a good environment that fosters rest, prayer or even worship. Again, in an emergency that is one thing. But to travel on Sabbath day just to go some place to have fun or a vacation, Isaiah 58 was rather plain.


#350 Why didn't God punish Jacob for his fraud?

Why was God so gracious to Jacob after Jacob stole his father's blessing meant for Esau? Why did Isaac not revoke his blessing that was meant for Esau, and bless Esau rather than make him serve his conniving brother?


If you recall, Jacob was promised the blessing in a prophetic statement before his birth… 

If you also recall, his elder brother already sold his birthright to him for a bowl of food… 

And so it was rightfully his all along. But, what his mother did was wrong. The Lord would have worked it out a different way had she simply trusted Him to do so.Still, Jacob was his own man and should have stood firm to trust the Lord no matter what his mother said and so he did suffer for it in that he was exiled from his father because of seeking his blessing by fraud and this sin caused him to deal with much stress thinking about it often as well as how bad Esau’s anger would become; and especially so when he feared for his life the night Esau was headed his way with 400 men to do him and his family harm.

But because Jacob grew to trust the Lord and so he was forgiven this sin due to his bold surrender to the Lord the night he wrestled with the Angel of the Lord. Jacob pleaded with the Lord to soften Esau’s heart and Esau’s heart was obviously softened by the Lord and Jacob was given a new name as evidence of his repentance and pardon.

As for Isaac revoking the blessing. That would be impossible because once the Lord blesses someone be it of His own mouth or via the obedient tongue of His servant, and in this case that servant was Isaac, Jacob's father; it cannot be reversed. For it is written in  Numbers 23:20  Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it.


#351 Why did Elisha curse those young people who then died?

Will you please explain why Elisha became angry at the youths in 2 Kings 2? Why were the she bears sent to kill 42 of the young people? God bless.


As for why God was angry with the teenagers because they said "go up thou" to Elisha because they knew Elijah ascended as per God’s will. That means their comment was in mockery towards the Lord's decision to take Elijah up as He did. They no doubt saw no danger in angering God being Pagans who knew their gods of wood, hay and stubble had no real power at all. And so they probably assumed there was no danger in mocking the Creator God.

Everyone knew Elijah ascended as it was proclaimed no doubt by many. But some people hate the Lord so much they do all they can to belittle Him with the hopes of luring some into their camp. Many also refused to believe Elijah ascended and these young people obviously had the mindset that claimed Elisha lied when he said Elijah ascended and so to mock him as well, they said what they did. And so they died. I actually blame their wicked parents on this as they no doubt learned to hate the God of Israel from their very own parents just as many are taught to be antichristian as well as racist to this day.

Bethel was a city of idolatry and this is why the school of the prophets was nearby to try and help the people, which also upset them. Like the homosexuals today that hate the loving truths Christians shared, these idol worshippers hated the men of God.

They also mocked Elisha personally by making fun of his bald head which as I see it was no big deal. They died for mocking the Lord.  But knowing the times, they may have also believed God was the one that purposely made Elisha bald and so mocked Him there as well. Still, there is no way of knowing if God made him bald or his diet was the end result.


#352 Is it wrong to gather with the church body to eat on Sabbath?


When Paul was chastening the Corinthians, was he being literal when he was saying for them to not eat when gathered together for worship? Or, am I misunderstanding something? If it is the case that food should not be served at the time of worship, then that explains a lot when it comes to how I grew up & how churches operate today. When I was growing up (Catholic) I always looked forward to the donuts & orange juice the church prepared for after mass. Then, in my adult years when my wife & I were "church-hopping", we were more attracted to the ones that offered meals before &/or after services. Since we were lacking in money, free meals helped us a lot. My point is, the seduction of free food in a society of the broke & hungry seems to be a fantastic lure on the hook of Satan. God bless.

Verses in question:

1 Corinthians 11:20-22,34, "When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. [21] For in eating every one taketh before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken. [22] What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not. [34] And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come."

Verse 22 sticks out to me as a command. If I am wrong, please correct me.


Paul was rebuking them because when they came to partake in the Lord’s supper they over did it in a big way. Jesus did not institute the last supper as a way to pig out each time we meet for church. It was to commune with Him and make things right between the brethren. Many churches do this to this day with their large feasts after the sermon. They even have the food cooking to the point half way through the sermon you can smell it and that distracts the people.Worse yet, it distracts the preacher as well. I know this for a fact in that I used to preach twice a month in a historic SDA church many years ago and the kitchen was right under the pulpit and half way through the sermon it would waft into the church. Very annoying I must say because not only could I smell it, I knew everyone I was trying to share truth with were smeilling it and that not only distracted them as I preached, it made them eager for me to stop preaching.

Paul was saying they needed to eat at home before coming to church to eat. No big sin in having a church dinner once in a while; but to make it into a feast on the day of communion? That is not good. Plus, it made the poor feel shamed because they could not afford such meals. Like the basket they pass in the church today; the rich pour large amounts in the basket in front of the poor and the poor are again shamed. That's why I never ask for donations, and when I am called to preach somewhere I ask them not to pass the plate nor cook meals for obvious reasons. The Jews used to have large coffers outside the church to place donations in. But because most preachers are in it for the money today, they pass the plate to forcibly remind the people to donate. Still, even with those coffers outside the temple, Jesus was moved to explain the scene with the poor widow dropping in a few pennies as the rich dumped in large handfuls one coin at a time. Those that worship the money will always find a way to flaunt it before the people as if that money was all generated by their own wisdom. We know the Lord sets up the pauper and the prince and so to claim you are a self made man as some do is to declare the Lord had nothing to do with it.


#353 Why don't I feel forgiven?

How come, at times, though we repent & seek God's forgiveness, does it not feel like we are forgiven. Why does the guilt, shame, & humiliation linger? Is it because the enemy wants us to question our Father's forgiveness? Is this a Jeremiah 17:9 situation where we, as faulty humans, choose to think that because we don't "feel" forgiven then we must not be forgiven? Is the guilt, shame, & humiliation part of God's spiritual spanking even after repenting? It seems to be a tactic of the enemy to get us to linger on pain rather than trusting in the Word. I don't know though. Please help. God bless.


Referenced Scripture:
Jeremiah 17:9  The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

You’re correct; we all go through it brother. And yes it is very annoying at times. It’s an attack from Satan to try to get us to doubt the promises of our Lord when it comes to His forgiveness. Notice what Jesus said to Peter 2000 years ago.

Even though He told Peter to forgive seventy times seven, which means to always forgive those that sin against us, and even though 1 John 1:9 says we are forgiven 100% once we confess and repent, Satan always tries to get God’s people to forget all the promises in the Old and New Testament on how our God is a loving Father who promises to forgive His children that confess and repent. The enemy of souls knows that when we feel guilt we will feel less effective if and when we go to help others or even pray unto the Lord for everything from a simple answer in our daily lives to a miraculous healing for a soul in need. This guilt and grieving brought on by Satan not only cripples our effectiveness to witness for Christ, it leads us to doubt the Word of our God. And when we doubt, our faith faulters and then we truly will be less effective.

We need to keep this always in mind. And this is something the Lord gave me decades ago that works for me and may work for you. Satan is a liar, this is common knowledge among God's people and so we need to simply ignore any suggestion from him or those he sends our way that go against any promise that is in God's Word. And what I like to keep reminding myself when the enemy does this to me is, after rebuking Satan to get him to flee I repeat to myself that God said it, I believe it and that settles it.

This fallen and dying devil does this to me and to everyone I know that is serious about the walk we strive to have in Christ because he knows we are a major threat to him and those he wants t keep in his charred trophy case. The easiest way to overcome this is to implicitly trust the promise of the Lord’s forgiveness. When we sin, and we will sin, we need to confess the sin, repent of that sin and then stand up, brush ourselves off regarding all the doubt the enemy is sending and get back on the path as if we never sinned because even if the sin was a whopper, we are still forgiven if we confess and repent of it. And we Have God's Word on that! Anything to the contrary is nothing more than a lie from the father of lies.

And yes, depening upon the sin we commit, sometimes we may have to deal with a spanking for it. But remember; no matter what our Father decides as a necessary punishment for our sin if in fact one is warranted, it is ok with us because spanking or no spanking we did exactly as He said we needed to do after sinning to be cleansed from all unrighteousness and since He would never change His written Word when it comes to the promise of our forgiveness and salvation no matter what, that means He is once again smiling upon us as if the sin never happened.  The sin truly is gone as if we never did it and I can prove it.

In other words, who can love and forgive His people like our God? He is a loving Father who delights in showing us never ending mercy. He will always have compassion on us once we do as He says must be done when we sin. He has been like this for 6000 years in fact. And once we confess and repent of the sin He literally forgets it. Or as He said though His prophet Micah, He "wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea." That sea of forgetfulness is depicted as a sea because mankind has sinned so many times over the last 6000 years that it no doubt is like a massive sea of sin. But, all of it, 100% of it has been completely forgotten and never to be brought up again because of what His Son, our Saviour and eternal King did on Calvary 2000 years ago. That sea of forgetfulness reminds me of the height of the altar of burnt offering and the mercy seat in fact. What I mean is, His wrath is just as perfect as His mercy. All those sins in that sea are no longer held against mankind as promised, but all those same sins are also placed upon that scapegoat because the wages of sin is in fact death so as to put a forever end to it. That scapegoat, which as we learn by studying the Sanctuary, was bearing all the sins of Israel when it was sent away "unto a land not inhabited;" as Leviticus 16:22 puts it so as to illustrate how Satan will be bearing the guilt of all the sins which he has caused God's people to commit throughout life. And that uninhabited land where he wanders depicts the thousand years he is chained to the earth with all those dead victims rotting around him. He will eventually suffer for what he did when he and all those sins with the wicked that cherished them burn up in hellfire.

And so remember that when Satan tempts you to doubt your sin being forgiven, he is actually tempting you to doubt what Jesus did for you 2000 years ago; and so when that dying demon does this to you just shout with the faith of an obedient Christian while standing in the name of Jesus Christ to "get thee hence Satan" and he will have no choice but to flee from you because when speaking of the name of Jesus it says in Acts 4:12  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.


#354 Doesn't the Bible kill nonbelievers like Muslims do today?

Do you have any suggestions when people discuss how the bible discusses "killing non-believers?" Examples that I've experienced in the OT would be 2 Chronicles 15:13; Deuteronomy 17:1-20 and Leviticus 20:27.  My brother-in-law is muslim, which is why we discuss the koran and the Bible. Also...thank you for your site. I grew up believing in the 7 year trib and the physical "mark of the beast." Now that I'm reading the word more avidly, I'm realizing there was so much I was taught that was twisted truths.


The big difference between the Bible and the Koran is those following the Koran are still killing people today. How they claim it’s ok to kill today by using the theology of Old Testament killing is very strange to say the least. We stopped.. they continued.

In the Old Testament, yes people died rather quickly when sin came about, but that compilation of books was set up to be a lesson book on what not to do in life. It was part of society in a way everyone knew cover to cover. Especially the young men when at their Bar Mitsvah had to receit it word for word.

When Jesus came He showed how people will still die for their sins when the end comes and the hellfire is brought upon them; only difference now is that when they sin they have the chance to repent before hellfire ignites upon them. The grace offered today is seen in the way Jesus taught forgiveness when He walked among us 2000 years ago. Yes, forgiveness was still offered in the Old Testament as per the Sanctuary service; and any nonbeliever was given the option to repent, but people need to remember that the Bible took centuries to compile; unlike the Koran that was written by Rome in a year or so and then updated repeatedly declaring within its pages that older references were no longer to be believed by the Muslim.

The Christian Bible, as it was penned in the King James; which by the way is the only match to the Dead Sea Scrolls to this day, this Bible has never changed in either the Old or New Testament theology because truth is eternal wherein the lies of Rome are not. In short, people will still die for their sins today. Only now, and due to their own ignorance, most are unaware that they all have time to repent, which also allows them time to reflect more on the love of God. Hence the Reason Luke declared in Acts 17:30 that "the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:"

In the Old Testament times most knew all about God’s law and His love due to the well-known theology illustrated by the Sanctuary services and how they not only pertained to daily life, they illsutrated the means by which to gain eternal life as well. This even included nonbelievers who spoke about the God of Israel in fear. 

That Sanctuary service as well as the truth contained therein meant when someone openly sinned it was done as an open act of rebellion against God due to the fact they all knew beyond a shadow of doubt that it was a deadly act to do the sin in the first place. Yes, they had a chance to repent as the lamb sacrifice confirmed. But many refused to repent and then were stoned for their act of defiance. And due to the “defiled bread” prophecy coming to fruition long ago as well as by the “many false prophets” of today on millions of pulpits who keep holding back certain Bible verses from their sermons the world over, most people have no clue what sin realy is, let alone what God’s love is all about when it comes to having them cleansed from those sins. And so our Father blesses them with a grace period to learn of Him so as to make the final decision on their own to live or to die eternally. 

Bottom line is, if they repent, they live for eternity. If they refuse they die for eternity. That truth never changed from the Old to the New Testament. I actually have had this question come up more than a few times in different ways and so when that happens I usually share it during our monthly Q&A Sabbath. I list hundreds of answers here… http://www.remnantofgod.org/qa.htm from past Q&A Sabbaths. The question you ask is similar to the question asked but this one is regarding why stoning ended in the New Testament. That is question #134 listed on the Q&A of Sabbath past page.


#355 You're Wrong! China won't bow to Sunday Laws because they're Atheists!

(This was a comment sent via my video regarding China's Social Scoring System)

I don't have Facebook but they probably do the same through YouTube comment sections. This is interesting but not surprising about the social credit score. I've heard before though that people in China have been banned from things according to their credit score for a while now. I guess this is just the next step and I agree that it'll be that way everywhere but it's not based on Sunday worship. China is mostly an atheist country?


It actually doesn't matter if it's an Atheist country or not. The government is Atheist yes, but that doesn't mean the people are. Not only are there Athiest churches now poppiing up that Satan conned into keeping Sunday holy using the excuse they can do this to mock the Christians, and they do this in many nations including the USA; I know MANY Chinese people that are true Christians in China as well as many more that are Sunday keeping Christians. Sunday laws will come upon them just as easy as they will anywhere else.

Take the Jews for a prime example on this. We know the prophecy is sure and so it's easy to preach because our God will not lie to us. With that in mind , I saw no problem preaching for decades that the mark was in fact Sunday laws. And yes, most laughed and said it can never be true because of the Jews who would never keep it and they would have to keep it for the prophecy about the mark to be legit if it was to go global. Everyone I met said the Jews keep the real Sabbath and would never agree to keep Sunday holy. But while they all laughed I stood my ground and declared loudly that they will keep Sunday holy because that is what the Lord Jesus Christ prophesied in His Word.

Now check this video I made in April of 2017. Not only have the Jews been keeping Sunday holy as a political favor to the Pope since February 23, 2013, they passed a law back in April of 2017 making it legal to break the real Sabbath each week. This is how the mark will be enforced globally infact. What happened with the Jews was a Satanic testing of the apostate waters and it worked. Once they got the Jews to agree to keep the Pagan Sunday Sabbath Rome knew they could go for the spiritual jugular and demand they pass laws to break the real Sabbath 
and that is exactly what they did.

The basic reality in all this is, Satan doesn't care how they do it.. as long as they do it. Reason being is, the dying god of this world knows the Bible better than any man alive and he knows all about the "seal of God" that is found in the Sabbath commandment and how his invention of Sunday Sabbath is a direct mockery of that seal wherein he can claim to be a god. He does this to mock the Creator God by using His own creation and THAT is what he's going for here. The real Sabbath ackowledges the God of creation each week and how does it do that? Notice commandment #4.

Exodus 20:8-11  Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  9,  Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:  10,  But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:  11,  For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Not only does the Lord declare we need to REMEMBER the Sabbath each week because He knew the Popes would be used by Satan to get everyone to forget about it, He says by keeping it we declare Him to be the God that "made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is." And that is why "the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." It forever declares it is He that created all things within six days and then rested from His work on the Sabbath. When mankind bows to Satan and keeps his so called Sabbath holy on Sunday instead of bowing in obedience to the God that created all that is seen and unseen, then Satan is succesful in mocking God by using His own created people; and that poor soul who bows to Sunday laws is forever damned for obeying Satan over the God that actually created them, the heavens, the earth, the sea and all that in them is.

#356. Can David Gate's Prophecy of Spring 2019 come true?


First and foremost, David Gates did not prophesy. The only way his so called prophecy can come to fruition is if he is working with or he actually is a Roman Catholic infiltrator because Scripture cannot be superceded by man's agenda or desires. And trust me, I don't say that lightly. And I wish I did not have to even wonder about David Gates in that respect. But something very odd is happening here. Yes, he is a likeable man and he has even started calling himself "uncle David" which also throws up red-flags of fabircated family loyalty when in fact, he is not really the uncle of thousands of SDA's. Look up "Uncle Davd Gates" online and you will see what I mean. Basic reality is, calling him your uncle is actually a lie. Some may call it a little white lie, but a lie is a lie no matter how big or small. 

In his “sermon” titled "Even at the Door" by Uncle David you will notice that he relies heavily on his “feelings” and “personal beliefs” to influence the main message because without Scripture to back up key point, he must create a believable scenario so as to gain the trust of the listener. This was bound to happen since he actually used the 1260 day prophecy way out of context to come up with the date of the Spring of 2019. No matter how many SDA's that defend him can claim, that is setting a date. He gave the starting date as the Pope’s visit to Congress 3.5 years prior. He literally declared the 1260 year prophecy can now be applied as a 1260 literal day prophecy. If you do the math you will eventually come to an exact date in the Spring of 2019. But he never mentions that date so as to not sound the alarm in the hearts of those that know what prophecy says. Instead he says something will happen in the Spring of 2019. It appears to many obedient Christians that he is now speaking for Rome, and I must say I agree.

As students of prophecy we know that David Gates is using the same theology the Jesuits used to formulate the 7 year trib and secret rapture theories so as to hide the Vatican’s bloody past. Yes, billions believe it and so it obviously worked for them as expected. And so they can build on this global deception that billions already believe the day = a day in prophecy, and now that most SDA's have embraced their apostate condition as the norm, Rome can now preach this same folderol inside the SDA church. And as expected, many are defending Gates' message. I've even had a phone call from an SDA doctor who wants to convince me of same while at the same time ignoring how some SDA leaders are even saying Gates is wrong. It truly is a confusing mess now in the SDA church and as we know, that is a bold fruit of the spirit of Babylon in that evil spirit relies heavily on mixing truth with error.

In both Scripture and Historic record we see that the 1260 year prophecy is already set in time record and no man can change God’s biblical definitions in prophecy without the plagues and damnation falling upon them. The 1260 years prophecy mentioned first by Daniel and twice by John in Revelation deals with the exact 1260 years of 538AD to 1798AD that Rome tortured and killed hundreds of millions of Christians. For David Gates or any other preacher to say that 1260 years is now redefined as 1260 days hundreds of years later is something no obedient Christian would ever do for it clearly says in Revelation 22:18,19; For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

Reapplying time prophecy as we see Gates, all Catholics priests and most Protestant preachers are doing here makes the Bible even more confusing to those babes in Christ seeking to understand it. Paul stated in Hebrews 13:8 that "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." and it was also declared in Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not." And so anything mankind says must never dictate how to define prophetic symbols. Only the God of the Bible does that. The Lord set the day = a year definition thousands of years ago and since He never changes, that which He has written can never change either. And Satan knows this and so he does what he can to make people believe it's changed so as to make the Bible appear faulty and very confusing to some that are studying it. When the people become confused it leads them to put the book down figuring they cannot hope to understand it and so they decide to surrender to trust their pastors instead since they claim to have dedicated their lives to studying it. That is how Roman Catholicism was able to lure many into their camp over the centuries. And this is why so many Catholics trust them over both prophetic and doctrinal reality. And I can prove it.

Notice this age old quote from the founder of the Jesuit order. He called this "The Grand Rule" and it says, "For an inferior readily to declare his assent and consent to his Superior in active obedience when he says, the snow is black, or the crow is white. ...we should always be ready to accept this principal: I will believe that the white that I see is black, if the hierarchical Church defines it as such." -The Spirit Exercies of St. Ignatius, p. 141, -By Ignatius de Loyola

And so when a preacher says Sunday is Sabbath; those that trust the pastor over the Bible will naturally believe him. When a preacher says there will be a seven year trib, they believe him, when a preacher says Allah is God , they believe them, and so when men like David Gates say the unchangeable biblical definition for the day equaling a year in prophecy has been changed, they will believe him.

The Bible is very clear that a day equals a year. (See Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34) What Gates is doing here is making Jesus Christ appear to be lying to both His prophets Daniel and John who used that day for a year definition to historic perfection in the prophetic timelines they displayed in His Word regarding the history of the world from Nebuchadnezzar's day to the start of the end times which commenced at the close of the 2300 year prophecy Daniel speaks of, as well as what will happen during the one hour with the beast later on. If David Gates doesn’t repent, he will most assuredly die in the plagues just as the Lord warned in Revelation 22:18,19. And so I implore all to pray for him.

In his entire message he offers no biblical proof whatsoever regarding his reasons for changing God’s prophetic Word regarding the day equals a year or other points of interest he builds on to come up with the Spring of 2019. And so all of what he preached was of his own private opinion. That being the case, what does 2 Peter 1:20-21 say about doing that? It says  "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.  21,  For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."

In his sermon Gates offers many personal feelings, assumptions and even the dream a friend of his had to back his claims but nary a Bible verse was used which is exactly how Satan has moved many false prophets in the past to lure people into confusion and eventually sin. And Satan knows this will work as it has worked well on all Catholics and nearly every Protestant alive that believes in a seven year tribulation or secret rapture. Worse yet, anyone that trusts God’s Word knows that David Gates' sermon openly calls our King, Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ a liar by SETTING A DATE in his prophetic claims when Jesus plainly said in Matthew 24:36  But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 

Both Scripture and Spirit of prophecy confirm that after October 22, 1844, which was when the 2300 prophecy of Daniel ended; prophecy confirms we will know what will happen next after that date yes, BUT we will not know the day or the hour of any event this side of the plagues As Jesus promised. For it is written in Revelation 10:6 “…there should be time no longer.” And Spirit of Prophecy proclaims that the 2300 year signpost declared the end of all prophetic periods. No getting around that.

Now for the bad coin toss on this that I intimated towards when I said at the start that the only way this so called prophecy of David Gates can come to fulfillment is that if he is working behind closed doors with Rome. As students of prophecy we know you cannot change the Bible when it comes to how you define a day in prophecy. And we know by Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy that we cannot reapply dated prophetic events that have already fulfilled. Gates and others like him do this often and then to get around the biblical facts that declare they're wrong, they use the claim that their prophecy is simply a parallel to the original one in the Word. Yes, that can happen with some prophetic events, but never ones fulfilled on specific dates.

Take the book of Esther and what the people of God went through as a prime example. We as obedient believers will see what they went through repeated as have others all throughout history. Or what of the priest in Acts that said Jesus must die so that the whole nation perish not? The bloodthirsty leaders in the last days will echo that statement word for word when the death sentence of the mark is enforced. That is how prophetic parallels work. And if you notice, none of those events are based on specific dates. And so changing the way prophetic symbols are defined as Gates did in his spurious sermon, no, that is not possible because Jesus Christ set the day equals a year in prophecy in historic record a long time ago and unlike the Vatican inspired Koran wherein they are taught to ignore the old writings for the new ones, you cannot do away with old verses in the Bible so as to embrace the newer ones because the God of truth doesn't have to rewrite His Word to hide the lies. Truth is eternal and runs solid from Genesis to Revelation. And so anyone with eyes that see and especially those that have dug into the prophetic Word as well as the plans of the man of sin in Rome, we know that this sermon of David Gates has Vatican fingerprints all over it. And so.. since the Bible cannot be changed, we know that David Gates did not discover a new prophecy in any way shape or form here because new light cannot contradict Old Light as per Isaiah 8:20; and so in both cases, David Gates is in fact speaking as a false prophet.

One last thing.. I came across a massive compilation the other day regarding what the author says are many failed predictions of David Gates and so far it appears this isn't the first time he's set dates. I plan to look it over as soon as possible to see if it's factual. If anyone here today has any statements from Gates wherein he set a date and it failed, please contact me as soon as possible.

And for those that trust Scripture AND Spirit of Prophecy, notice this...

"And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer" (Revelation 10:5, 6). This message announces the end of the prophetic periods. The disappointment of those who expected to see our Lord in 1844 was indeed bitter to those who had so ardently looked for His appearing. It was in the Lord's order that this disappointment should come. . . .  {Mar 18.3}

Many who have called themselves Adventists have been time setters...Those who so presumptuously preach definite time, in so doing gratify the adversary of souls; for they are advancing infidelity rather than Christianity.”  { Testimonies to the church vol. 4 page 307. par.1&2}


#357. Can you please share how you see the one hour with the beast?

I am confused by what you said in a video about the United Nations plans for 2030 one world government. You said something about the one hour with the beast. Can you explain it more for me?


If you're a student of prophecy, you know that before this beast power gathers all the nations around the world together under ten kingdoms, which the ten horns of this beast in Revelation 17 as well as the ten toes of Daniel 2 speak of, certain prophesied events must come to fruition first. That means, if the Lord allows the Pope who controls the U.N. to bring about the long prophesied one world government by 2030, we have precious little time left because we know before that New World Order becomes official the loud cry must go forth globally and then the mark of the beast must be enforced beforehand because prophecy says the one world government which is controlled by the Pope, comes to fruition at the commencement of that "one hour with the beast;" which according to prophetic time lasts 15 days. (See Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34) And when that hour ends, plague #7 falls and the eastern sky splits at the return of Jesus Christ.

In other words, the people of God have a lot less time to do the work than many originally assumed and sadly, 100% of all the 501c3 preachers even contemplated. In fact, their leaders have openly admitted on camera that they see nothing regarding all this in the current pipeline. Now do you finally see why the Lord has been moving His obedient bride to not only trim their lamps each and every day by daily Bible study? He has also moved us to speak on such things the last few decades so as to make it clear the truth is still out there.

Now yes, some believe the one hour with the beast happens right before the plagues begin which means we would have one less year to work. But I ask how can this be when we know that the ten horns of this beast are the same as the ten toes seen in the vision of the prophet Daniel, who when he "sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron …(it was) in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." (Daniel 2:41,44)

The prophecy clearly says it is "in the days of these kings" that Jesus destroys this one world government at His return, or "set up a kingdom, which shall never be detroyed." But to further lock it down, notice how this image with the ten toes was destroyed in Daniel 2:45. It says "the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold…"

If the hour with the beast was to end before the plagues fall, then why is the clay that is mixed with the iron in the toes still present when that stone that represents the return of Jesus Christ is hitting that clay as well as the the iron, brass, silver, and the gold? Again, the 501c3 preachers will be blind to key points like this in the prophecies because they have placed more importance on the money in their pockets than the souls in their care. Joining their churches and ministries with the second beast of Revelation means they are disobedient unto the Lord because the only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it.

Now.. one last thing needs to be addressed here as to how this United Nations date of 2030 for a one world government can be used by Satan to make many Christians unready. What if Satan knows he can get it done by 2020 but moved his subjects to say 2030 from the United Nations? After all, are they not all very wicked men and women who have agreed to bow to the Pope to form the United Nations in the first place? If the people believe the 2030 date,  then Satan knows that some in the remnant church that want the Latter Rain may say, "I have time to get ready" and then drag their feet towards doing work or even preparing their faith to stand during the coming plagues when in fact Satan plans to do it much sooner than the UN said. WHAT IF the Latter Rain is to fall next year? Next month or even next week? Seriously, is not Satan the father of lies and are not all in power in the UN under his thumb? 

In short.. just as you cannot trust false prophets that rewrite the Bible to set dates, you cannot trust political leaders who work for Rome who is the main headquaters form Satan on earth. Live each day as if the Latter Rain can fall today so as to be always read, willing and perfectly able to do as prophecy said the Bride of Christ will do in these very last days.


#358. Are John 18:32 & John 21:19 talking sbout the same thing?

Okay, so, I know John 18:32 is speaking about Christ & John 21:18,19 is talking about Peter. I don't know why I phrased my question like I did previously so I am sorry about the confusion. I really just meant to ask if you would please explain the meaning of both verses for me.



Yes this can look confusing and seem to be saying the same thing; but as you said, one verse speaks of the death of Jesus and the other the death of Peter.

The Jews could not kill Jesus as they were under Roman rule at this time. But they knew the Romans could kill him if they could convince Pilate to do so. And Romans would usually execute by crucifixion. And so Jesus touched on that when saying how He was prophesied to die when He said what He did earlier in John 12:32-33, which was, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.  33,  This he said, signifying what death he should die because being lifted up is the norm in how they crucified people.

The reason that signified His death was because of what happened long ago as both a healing and a prophesied symbol unto the people in Moses' day wherein looking upon it stayed the plagues in the camp just like looking to the cross in faith today heals us from the plague of sin. Remember what Jesus said to Nicodemus that night long ago? He said this in John 3:14-16, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:  15,  That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.  16,  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

In Peter’s case however; Jesus is merely saying that he will be martyred in John 21:18-19. It doesn’t specify how though. It’s only in historic record we see how Peter was killed. Some assume because Jesus said his hands were stretched forth that that means to allow them to tie him up, hang him on a cross or place him in stocks with arms stretched till death because Romans also used stocks to torture and kill people  The fact Peter was killed during a time in history wherein Rome still ruled over the Jews, I have no doubt he hung on a cross.  As for Peter hanging upside down on a cross as many believe? There is not a single bible verse to declare that's what happened. Nor can we see what Jesus said to Peter that day confirm or deny it. But if you're one to study and trust the Spirit of Prophecy, then you will find that it was declared that Peter was in fact hung upside down. (See AA 537.3)


#359. I was told I have missed my time of visitation. What now?

Regarding the video “Why Despair? You ARE forgiven"

This is a subject I have always wondered about as I am like those in your vid who might have trouble believing that they have been forgiven for making mistakes or even worse getting to a point where you doubt that you are even saved . One of the hardest things is to deal with is failure. When you look back and realize the times you missed it. You missed those opportunities to serve God and could have had a ministry where the Lord was wanting to place you or having a ministry and failing because of outside pressures or even problems with Christians in your own church. Eventually it seems you can run out of time and there is no way to go back and make it right. You have missed your time of visitation as I have heard it said. And people say well don’t worry about the past , get up and carry on. One pastor i knew was fond of saying that ' when everything falls apart you pick up the pieces and carry on' . But it’s hard to that standing in the rubble of what was supposed to be. I hope you do not take offense at what I have written here. I enjoyed your video . It does help. I’m just going through a time of ponderance , trying to get back on the path.?


You're already on the path brother. The fact you grieve for your failings prove you are one with God for if you didn't grieve it would confirm you are not one of His children. You cannot grieve unless you truly love Him. And your words here show you do love Him. Why else would you ponder? If you didn't love Him you would care less about your state of salvation.

As for missing your time of visitation, that's just a fancy con from the father of lies to make those God has chosen to work for Him later in life feel as if there's no more hope once they get to a certain age. Look at how Zacharias and Elizabeth prayed for decades for a child and never got one until they were old. Had the Lord blessed them with John the baptist when they were young they would not have had the life experiences needed to raise a prophet of God correctly. So stand firm brother. The Lord can use you, and especially today when the final signs will come to fruition rapidly. Some of us will do things for God in a few months that in times past would take years due to how His hand is moving as we speak.

Basic spiritual reality is that timing doesn't matter to a God that lives in eternity. He can use a day in the life of His children that can affect billions for centuries. Look at the thief on the cross as a prime example. His "ministry" was only a few words uttered on a single day. He turned His head to the Lord while dying on the cross and said "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." Had the lying wolf that said "You have missed your time of visitation" said that same lie to the thief beforehand, he might not have declared Christ Lord that day and his words of truth never would have been recorded in the Bible itself. Even though his ministry was the shortest ever on record, literally billions of souls have heard him saying those words of surrender so as to realize that they too can be used of God even if they only have minutes to live.

That man knew he was dying soon. And he only said one sentence. Yet the God of creation used that short moment and those 9 words to bring countless souls to Jesus Christ as Saviour. Better yet, He placed his words in the Holy Writ for all of eternity! THAT is how this God we worship can use you or anyone on this earth brother.

King David committed adultery, he murdered the husband of his lover and still, because he had a heart after God's own heart; and his repentance was real and sincere, out of His bloodline came Christ the Lord. And so again, this God we worship can do mighty things with us no matter when we bend the knee. So don't sell yourself short brother, and certainly don't sell the God of creation short regarding His plans for you. For HE IS GOD.


#360. Some say there is no need to tithe

Hi  ps Nick,shallom. I was teaching on Tithe and  those oppose to it ask, if I insist that tithe still exists why are we taking money instead of food. In fact I dwelt heavily on your teaching on Tithe to explain but they would not understand. They cited Hebrew 7:5-12 that tithe is no more since the law is changed .My question is which law was he talking about been changed, was it TITHE LAW or the ceremonial? Yes ,one can see throughout OT that money was not mentioned,in regards to tithing. and it did not also say we should not tithe in money.but why is it that they were not required to tithe in money,is it because what they mostly need at that time is food.Looking at how the word was only in Israel and the work is confind to them.Just trying to figure out why?


The tithe like the Sabbath isn’t laid out in detail in the New Testament much because it wasn’t something anyone questioned back then. It was a fact of life. But then as prophesied, after centuries of Rome trampling the Word of God underfoot, the lukewarm Christians of today who worship money boldly disobey the Lord that gives them their money in the first place. If they want to “rob God” then that’s on them. Still, the question remains. How do they get around this biblical truth …

And just two verses above it says this…

The Lord says He never changes and then He goes right into speaking about the tithes and offerings confirms that the tithe is still a command of His to this day because he first told Malachi that He is a God that never changes and then goes right into talking about the tithe. But because many love money more than the Lord, they cannot see simple truth like this and so.. walk away from them if the truth angers them and just pray for them.

As for taking money instead of food. We have currency today, and so that is how most tithe. But back then, not every country had currency. And so they only bartered and traded things like food and other items of value. When Abraham spoiled that nation he tithed all that he took from them to Melchisedec did he not? And just so you know, I have known Christians in these last days that have home gardens that have given 10% of their crop to their pastors. But the problem is, that could cause a problem if more than one person does that because the food may rot. And so some have calculated what their garden produced at the end of the seaon by using current prices in the market and then simply give the pastor 10% of that in currency.

And if those denying the tithe are using Hebrews to push this idea; they are taking it completely out of context to vindicate their sin of refusing to tithe. That passage if read from verse 1 speaks of Melchisedec and how Abraham gave him tithes. And as for the law changing; that is the law contained in ordinances or “Moses’ law” and that had nothing do with the tithe that was instituted long before a Jew and the priesthood of the Levites were ever formed. The fact Abraham tithed proves that. If they did a study on who Melchisedec was they would know why Abraham gave Him tithes and why obedient Christians still tithe to this day.

See this about Melchisedec… http://www.remnantofgod.org/Melchisedec.htm


#361 They claim the Mark is a Chip

When asked to prove the mark is the chip, I got this response:

Many people see what they want to see. It doesn't matter what other people tell them. I’ve shown people texts in the bible (regarding other subjects not the mark) and they still don't believe. Many SDA members are stubborn and they will only accept what SOP says and disregard that it as if it all false prophecies. What does the bible say? If SOP makes one false claim it a false prophet of the evil one. Anyways I can't prove to you anything right now. Throughout the centuries people have always tied the mark and the beast to different things and people. The universal currency has been tied to many things, gold , bitcoin, etc. But is this really something a Christian should focus on? We all know something is coming. Are we doing our part in advancing the Kingdom of God with this debate? How can we help the second coming of Christ if we aren't spreading the Word to places that don't have the word by wasting our time debating about something we can easily both be wrong about? Let’s not let pride blind us from what’s really important.?


You only have half the story my friend. The mark is in fact Sunday Sabbath because the evidence that a soul has the seal of God is in fact how they keep His law and especially the 7th day Sabbath. When you keep the 7th day Sabbath you acknowledge the Creator who rested on Sabbath at the end of creation week and asked all that loved Him to keep that day holy in remembrance to His creative act for us. But Rome is Satan's headquarters and since he was cast from Heaven, he has always wanted to be worshiped as a god and since the Creator God declared keeping His Sabbath shows perfect loyalty to Him, Satan demands people keep the Sunday Sabbath he invented to show loyalty to him.

As for the chip, bit coins, cashless society, guillotines and all the other methods of control, they are not the mark. But, they are ways mankind needs to enforce it.

See many videos and a study I did years ago proving all this using Scripture, historic records, and Vatican archival statements regarding their plans to bring about and globally enforce a Sunday Sabbath here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/mark.htm

I pray you are blessed. And THANK YOU for your honesty.

PS.. never let mankind tell you what he thinks the mark is. The mark is not a myth fabricated by mankind. It was first mentioned in Scripture of a mighty God and only in Scripture can you find the definition of it and I can prove it. Notice what it says in 2 Peter 1:20. It says, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."

Your opinion, the opinion of church leaders, or even the opinion of people from centuries ago are nothing but their own opinion. And according to the Bible, that's not how prophecy is defined.



#362 What if you're wrong about Purgatory?

For yours and all souls I hope you're right about your thoughts on purgatory. I believe we create our own flames by our own moral shame and purgatory is given to us after we die as a supernatural plain of mercy to reconcile our sin we all commit here on earth. I'm not trying to earn my way to heaven but if I can score some points with the LORD though devotion and prayer and maybe save a few souls, why not. If your'e right then I have nothing to worry about and I will enjoy instant bliss through faith alone regardless of my sinful life. But what if your'e wrong? you may appreciate my or someone's prayers that help you acheive eternal life. Would'nt that be better than the alternative? -a humble roman catholic.


It’s not a matter of me or you being right. It’s not even a matter of preachers, priests or evangelists being right. It’s about our God being right and His Word is not saying a single thing about purgatory cover to cover. The end result of the Purgatory dogma is that it makes people hate the Lord because of how they are taught to believe a loving God likes to hear people scream in the awful pain of burning alive wherein death never comes to stop the pain for literally millions of years. I have met many people on and offline that have become Atheist simply because of how the Vatican described the Father in Heaven with their purgatory and eternal life in hellfire dogma.

Bottom line is this. If there is not a single Bible verse to back it up then we must not trust it as being from God. In fact, Isaiah 8:20 says, “to the law and the testimony: if they speak not according to the Word, it is because there is not light in them.” And it also says this about how we learn doctrine in Isaiah 28:9-10. It says, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.  10,  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

There isn't a priest alive that can present one verse on Purgatory. Not one.

I used to teach Catholic doctrine and I know Catholicism is designed to make people think the priests and Popes are above the Bible to the point that if they something is true, the people need to believe them instead of GOD.

In fact, the priests in Rome actually stated in writing the following words…

Romans 3:4 is very plain here. It says, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”

You need to “overcome” the lying priests and preachers who are already” judged” as it says here. In short, if it’s not in your Bible then it’s not of your God. No getting around that .


#363. Is Elijah and Enoch in Heaven?

Hey brother I'm trying to explain Elijah and Enoch being in heaven but I am finding it hard to get people that aren't in scripture to see it. All I know to say is 2 Kings 2 says Elijah taken to heaven and Genesis 5:24 says God took Enoch. Any advice? Also they like to use verses that no one has been to heaven, but I can't remember right now which one it was. I think its the no eye hath seen nor ear heard the things Jesus hath prepared for them something like that. Some used John 3:13.


If they ignore the verses that say Enoch and Elijah are in Heaven, yet believe the ones taken out of context, then they may be under the "strong delusion" prophesied to come upon those that refuse to read Bibles. That strong delusion runs a wide path of deception wherein everything from sanctioning homosexuality to believing in ghosts and so the only reason they believe as they do is because they only trust what their false pastor says. That's why the ecumenical charge of Rome has finally come to its prophesied place wherein all the churches, and this includes the SDA church have officially joined together in a one world church with the Pope as their leader a couple of weeks ago. And so if their pastors twist the Bible verses to keep them in a Babylonian mindset, in context Bible verses may be a bit hard for them to see. But keep trying anyway.


John 3:13  And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

As for John 3:13, Nicodemus was having a hard time understanding Christ's words about Heavenly things because no man had ever been in Heaven and then come to earth to speak about it. A few have gone to Heaven like Enoch, Moses, and Elijah; but only Jesus came "from" Heaven to speak of Heavenly things. Amazingly enough, John the Baptist, a man not taught by men, he knew Jesus came from Heaven when He said in verse # 31 that He "cometh from above." and He "cometh from Heaven." He also speaks of Jesus preaching about "what He hath seen and heard..." in Heaven. And so that's the context of the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. In fact it says this in the verse right before the one they took out of context.

John 3:12  If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

But because there are so many false prophets out there, John 3:13 can be easily twisted to make it appear as if Jesus is saying no one has ever gone up to Heaven. They do this to make the Bible seem suspect or even too diffiicult to understand so that the person in the pew surrenders to the mindset that says they have to trust the preacher to explain it to them and once they do that the trap is set by Satan and the strong delusion has yet another soul marked for deception that leads to destuction.

The basic truth in all this is that the problem with people that don't read Bibles is that they can be easily confused when a pastor twists a Bible verse out of context just enough so that when someone presents real truth to them they simply can't see it. And that is what the ecumenical movement of the man of sin is all about. As any Catholic will tell you, their priests have always frowned on their congregation studying the Bible. That is why they translated it to Latin centuries ago and even chained it to the pulpits and anyone found with a Bible in their native tongue after Luther started printing them were tortured and killed. Rome knew that if the people studied the Word on their own they would not be able to control them and so after just a couple of centuries since Luther's day, Rome has been able to not only re-write Bibles as is so apparent today, they have also been able to get every Catholic to trust the priest above their own Bibles. And now that they have been able to infiltrate every church on earth as prophesied they would, all the churches follow their lead by demanding the people trust their creed and even their pastors definitions of the Word of God. And if they refuse, they kick them to the curb as so many people and this includes exSDA's have discovered.

What I mean is, once the Word of God hits its mark in the heart of the obedient child of God, they are moved by the Holy Spirit to express love for their church members and pastors to try and get them to see the Vatican inspired doctrines and fruits in their church. Once they do that the pastor tries to change their mind. If he fails he may ask another member in the church to help. In other words, they will attempt to use the Matthew 18 method upon them but not completely. What I mean is, they will do the one on one with the obedient Christian and when that fails they will do the two or three witnesses. If that fails they will not do what Jesus says is the final stage wherein they have the one they think is in sin stand before the church family in the hopes of getting them to see how everyone thinks they are in sin. But, this is an obedient child of God and the pastor knows it and so he will not allow that obedient Christian to stand before the church because he knows in so doing he will lose many more members once they share the Bible verses that expose the Pagan dogma and rituals in the church and so instead, he just kicks them out of the church.


#364. What is the Investigative Judgment?

Brother, can you explain quickly what the investigative judgment is?


In a nutshell, it’s what the Lord has been doing since October 22, 1844 in the heavenly Sanctuary. As prophesied in Revelation 10:9,10 regarding eating of the little book that was sweet in the mouth but bitter in the belly, the Millerites got the date right for the ending of the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel, but they got the event wrong back then. They thought the ending of the 2300 year prophecy meant Jesus Christ was coming back on that date. They literally thought the cleansing of the Sanctuary reference in the prophecy meant the cleaning of the earth with fire at the second coming. But after He didn’t they re-opened their Bibles they remembered the heavenly Sanctuary that Moses was given a pattern of to build on earth, which meant it is still in New Jerusalem. When they studied how the services were done and especially the way the Sanctuary was cleansed, they found it actually meant the work of the judgment started at that end of the 2300 year prophecy. That's why the book John ate in vision was sweet to the taste and then bitter in the belly. The message that Jesus was returning was sweet to proclaim with their mouth, but when He didn't return it was like a kick in the gut.

Now many don't like to believe the judgment is happening now because it means the Lord is watching them and most people want to live it up till they get old and then repent. But notice Revelation 22:12 which says, “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”

That means, before Jesus returns to take His bride home, everyone will need to have been judged already so that the “reward” He plans to give them ( which is eternal life or eternal damnation) can finally be administered on an individual basis. And that judgment has to have an ending date before He returns so as to finish it properly. That being the case, notice what happens when the 7 last plagues begin after the government’s demand our deaths for refusing to keep Sunday holy. It says in Revelation 22:11 that, “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.”

In other words, the work of judgment is finally DONE at that point. That is why the Lord allows the plagues to fall. And so, those that are in sin when those plagues start will remain that way, and those in obedience (which are the 144,000) will remain that way all during the plagues. In other words, the mark of the beast which has been placed upon all the disobedient now guarantees eternal death for those that denied God, and the seal of God now guarantees eternal life for all those that obey Him. In short, the wicked remain wicked and the saved remain saved during the plagues. This is why I have declared for decades, if I am worthy enough to be in that obedient number when the plagues start I am done preaching unto the lost because no one that is in sin will ever repent after that date.


#365. Is Easter Christian?

Why don't we in the SDR church celebrate Easter since it was mentioned in the New Testament?



First and foremost we need to keep the passage in context. This is why I didn't just share verse 4 that spoke of Easter. Herod was a Pagan who sought to kill the baby Jesus and who just killed James the brother of John and who just jailed Peter intending to kill him. But he put it off so he could celebrate Easter like any Pagan would do that worshipped the sun, moon and stars. Yet many think Herod was keeping Easter to respect the Christians when in fact he would never do such a thing. As historic and Biblical record confirmed, he hated the Christians. The fact he killed the ones he did proves that hands down.

But the basic context here is that Herod was a Pagan and he kept all the Pagan holidays. And the Pagan holiday of Easter was already well established for centuries by Rome and eons long before Rome came into existence by those we call Pagans to this day. The man hated and killed Christians. This shows how easily people can be duped into believing any lie spewed from Rome. And rightly so since lies are in fact their comfort zone. Just to name a few, do they not keep Sunday holy even though there is not a single Bible verse to back it up? Do they not call their priests "father" when the Word of God says never to do that? And do they not baptize babies who cannot profess Christ Lord as the Bible says is needed before being baptized.

Notice this as well. It says Herod liked pleasing the Jews who everyone knows also hated Jesus and all Christians. And so again, why would he stop what he’s doing to please the Christians by keeping a so called Christian holiday of Easter. The fact he kept Peter in prison while he was celebrating Easter shows how the context has nothing to do with a Christian holy day. In fact, if it was a Christian holiday, which we all know would be 100% illegal at this time in church history due to the unpopularity of Christianity; being that it was the early church, they had yet to even invented any holidays as of yet because they had no ability to do so as all holidays must be sanctioned by the government anyway. And Herod was not about to do that.

For a lot more info on the pagan aspects of Easter, check out my Easter page when you get time. Like the Pagan holiday of Christmas, it is loaded down with all sorts of Pagan rituals which have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with openly mocking the Christian God.


#366. I was told original Sin is truth - Sin is not a choice and we were BORN in sin. Is that true?

It's pretty easy to understand sin cannot be just a choice. In Romans we see that sin is also a condition, a state of being, a lack, a deficit. Jesus Christ didn't come just to show us how it's done. He's our second Adam now. Available for anyone who believes in Him. He is life! Adam is.. well, we know Adam brought death upon us all. Adam is death, disharmony and rebellion. In order to have life, to have Jesus Christ in us, we need to be born again. To be born again is a miracle, make no mistake about it. I encourage everyone to pray for this miracle.


There was more this person shared on YouTube yesterday but it's more or less a repeat of the same and so I will address it as a whole.

For us to be born as sinners who have no choice in the matter is to say that our God created us with sin in us because He hates us that much and that is not something I would never say about my loving Father in Heaven. That type of theology paints Him as a hateful trickster who plants sin in His creation just so He can watch us writhe in the decadence of it all throughout life until we finally decide to embrace His Son as Saviour.

Original sin also declares Jesus cheated because from what you and the others are saying here is that Jesus did not come in the same flesh as we have. But He did and He did not cheat. Now that may upset some people, but so be it. I will not guild the lily to make it appear as if it is God's fault we all sinned in life. And yes, that is what you're saying when you say we had no choice and were forced to be born with sin in us.

Rome says Jesus' flesh had no original sin in it but ours does and so Rome and now the SDA church are proven ANTICHRIST according to their very own Bibles because of what it says in 1 John 4:3. Which is, "every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world."

The baisc truth here is that Jesus DID NOT CHEAT! Even Satan knew He wouldn't cheat. How do I know that? Did you ever read how Satan tempted Jesus in the desert? If Jesus was a cheater Satan would not have even tried knowing He would use His godly powers and defeat him or even kill him on he spot.

Jesus proved mankind can walk from birth without sin. But man DECIDED to sin all on his own. That was confirmed in the Garden 6000 years ago. For if you say I am lying, then you're also saying Jesus WAS ALSO BORN A SINNER and that dear one is blasphemy.

I know how Jesuits work and how they guild the lily of their theology to ride the fence of blasphemy with soft and gentle words so as to make a lie come off as truth and to that idiocy I say no thanks! That's why I never joined the SDA church when I embraced the truth about God's law. As an exCatholic I knew what I was looking at when I entered a few SDA churches back then.

There is a big difference between being born innocent and being born with sin already on our record. For Rome and the SDA church to say all those born automatically have sin means Jesus also had sin OR they have to then admit that He cheated! Defending this dogma is to blaspheme the Lord. No getting around that one. And that is what Satan hopes to cultivate by this dogma.

Original sin is a lie and it cannot be found in the Bible. The fact the Lord speaks of the "age of accountability" in the Word more than a few times confirms original sin is a lie. For if we are BORN SINNERS as the liars in Rome and the SDA church claim, then we are accountable for sin the second we are born and the verses regarding the age of accountability need to be deleted along with all the others they removed.

Case in point, what of the babies that "grow up as calves in the stall" as the Word of God says they will do in Heaven? According to the Pope and SDA church those babies have no chance whatsoever to gain Heaven at all because they have sin already in them and that means since they never professed Christ as Lord and were baptized before witnesses they cannot possibly be allowed in Heaven according to those wolves on the pulpit most listen to now-a-days for it is clear from Genesis to Revelation that nothing sinful will ever be in Heaven else we would have to go through this all over again and so no, I will NOT glorify the lies of Satan so as to belittle the truth of the Father.

And I know all about the prodigal son as well as the assurance of salvation because I believe the Word as it is written and not so much as it is preached, because I have heard my share of wolves in my day and I will no longer allow them a voice.

Rome with it's hateful theology says we cannot have full assurance so as to assure we stay in the pew to trust them because their theology confuses the mind so much the people they indoctrinate come to learn to surrender to their priests and give up and let them guide them to Christ instead of reading their own Bibles and that is why many are leaving the SDA church because those with eyes that see can see the exact same demon lurking in the SDA church that set up shop in Rome long ago.

I pray the truth has not only blessed you.. I pray it has set you free from deception dear one.


#367 What's this I hear about Planet X, Black Star, Nibiru or the Brown Dwarf Star?

I've been reading about this Planet X, Black Star, Nibiru or Brown Dwarf Star. I read in Revelation 8 about the sounding of the trumpets and the devastation to the earth. Is this Planet X the same star called Wormwood in Rev 8:11? Your a student of prophecy and would like to hear your opinion and thoughts on this subject. Thank you very much ...


Planet X, Black Star, Nibiru and Brown Dwarf Star are all fake stories shouted by some of the many false prophets out there that are designed to generate fear in the hearts of the people. NONE of it is mentioned in Christian prophecy. Absolutely none of it. It’s just Satan’s way to generate fear among the people as prophesied by our Lord in Luke 21:26. Jesus said in our day that “Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”

And so the obvious questions has to be is why would Satan want people to fear? It’s because to fear what’s coming is to stop trusting the God of the Bible who will keep His children safe. And this includes the Christians who are called to die for the faith. Even they must not have fear. And yes, that is why Satan had the Vatican use torture to try and make people fearful. And yes, this is also why Rome doesn't want people to know about men like John Huss who sang hymns as he was burning at the stake because he proved he had no fear and his faith in Jesus to protect him even in death was made very obvious to all looking on that day. Not only did he have no fear, he obviously had no pain in those flames. Satan has been using fear for 6000 years to get people to deny Christ just to protect their lives. See my video titled "Media using FAKE Christians to Weaken Their Resitance." In that video I show how the media uplifted a Korean girl who claimed to love Jesus but when threatened with death for her faith she denied Him to stay alive and she and the media both claimed she did no wrong. That article and thousands like it are making people think they can deny Jesus when they are threatened with death and still gain Heaven because the mark of the beast is soon to be enforced and I have no doubt many will die on guillotines for their faith in front of others who will be in line to die and that scary sight will make them think it's ok to deny Jesus and still gain Heaven, but that act will then seal them eternall as damned because that is the day they actually received the mark of the beast.

There are many promises in the Word from our God and only His children will trust the promises. The lukewarm Christians on the other hand who have dined on a constant diet of fear will not have the courage to stand firm in Christ and so those very same promises are not for them. It is up to us to trust what He has promised and ignore what Satan’s spewing through all the fearmongering because if Satan can get them to trust the lies of his many false prophets, then that means the people actually have more faith in Satan’s lies than they do the promises of our Lord and so they will never gain heaven for it is also written in … Revelation 21:7-8  He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.  8,  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

And then we find in 1 John 4:18-21  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.  19,  We love him, because he first loved us.  20,  If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?  21,  And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

And so don’t worry about those false prophets who claim such things. In fact, I’ve seen some of their strange claims wherein they say Planet X is larger than our solar system combined and some even claim they can see the planet coming near in the morning sunrise. But the reality is, if there was such a massive planet, the gravitational pull alone would end all life on earth and pulverize every planet in our solar system including the Sun long before it could even get close enough for it to be seen by anyone on Earth.


#368 How did the meal heal the pot of death in 2Kings 4:40-41?

Have a question about 2 Kings 4: 40-41

2 Kings 4:40-41  So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. And they could not eat thereof.  41,  But he said, Then bring meal. And he cast it into the pot; and he said, Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was no harm in the pot.

What exactly could be used in a pottage to remove "death"? Was it a flour? How could flour remove it? I assume that "death" probably means "bitterness" or "dangerous", "poisonus". Do you know something about that? Are there some interesting gastronomic facts about flour? Or was it just a miracle?


The “meal” or the recipe of that meal that was put into the pot to remove the poison is not defined other than to say it was just “meal.” Which today we know the word mean flour or even corn meal for that matter. The point I see in this passage is the miracle performed by Elisha who was moved by the Lord to do as he did so as to allow the men to see the Lord will care for them enough to give them to eat even though there was “death” (famine) in the land.

In short, I see no special “meal” that could remove whatever poison that was in the pot any more than I could define what made the bitter waters of Marah sweet after Moses was moved by the Lord to place a tree in the undrinkable waters which then became drinkable. Like the unknown meal the tree is also undefined so as to assure it’s all about obedience first; while at the same time showing the Lord’s love for His people.

What I see in both cases is, if the people will obey the Lord then He will supply their needs even if He has to do so in a miraculous way. This is a good thing for us to understand today in that the Gideon band will see this as fact day by day during the plagues when our Lord spreads a table for us in the wilderness as we flee for our lives.

If you read on in 2 Kings 4 you will see that Elisha was able to feed 100 men with the gift of 20 loaves and some ears of corn. And again, this was during a famine. Which also reminds us of the manna in an actual desert.

So again as I see it, the point being made here isn’t so much about how to clean or heal the poisonous pot but how to trust the Lord to care for His obedient people even if He has to provide for them in miraculous ways and so you’re correct. It was a miracle.

What I like is how many centuries later when Jesus visited us He did the same thing when He fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish or that He fed 4000 with 7 loaves and soon He will feed 144,000 in miraculous ways to further drive home that His love and His awesome character truly is the same yesterday, today and forever.

So, when work needs to get done, even if we don’t have the means to do it, we can trust the Lord to supply our needs to do what we need to do right down to the food we must eat to have the strength to do the work or even stand firm during the plagues.


#369 Why can’t I hang with my old friends when I become a Christian?

I have seen how many people who once found Jesus Christ no longer hung around with their old friends. Is this, and if so, why is this wrong to do?


Right off I just want to share a few verses with you.

Amos 3:3  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Proverbs 12:26, "The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour: but the way of the wicked seduceth them."

1 Corinthians 15:33  Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

2 Corinthians 6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Also check out 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James 4:4 when you get time. But for now, notice what it says in Galatians 4:17. When speaking of the Jewish teachers seeking to confuse the Galatians, Paul said that "They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them."

This is actually what the SDA leaders do to their flock today, but that's a whole nother topic. But for now, we see that Paul illustrates two valid reasons not to hang with the lost or listen to apostate preachers. And especially when you are new in the faith because a babe in Christ is very vulnerable.

And keep in mind, even if you've been a Christian for decades, if one day you come to realize your leaders or friends are in apostasy, you are then a babe in that portion of the truth and you need to run towards Christ as fast as possible to be safe.

None of us and especially babes in Christ must never yolk with wicked people or their wicked ways will become too hard to resist.

What Paul is saying here is that the wicked affect the obedient in a bad way and if they cannot get you to bow to them, they will reject you so the truth you share won't affect them.

Case in point. I know of many SDA's that woke up and finally came to realize their friends and church family and especially their leaders were not walking in the Lord. And so some, like the brother who I will discuss in the next question, think it's their duty to stay in the church to help them see and the others, who know what the Lord was saying in all those verses I just shared got out of dangers as fast as possible and in so doing, they and their families were not ony blessed, some souls in the fallen churches, be they SDA, Protestant or even Catholic, realized by their actions to leave that they too need to leave and some of them are actually meeting in their homes on Sabbath each week in a blessed home church.

So many people fail to realize the blessings that may come upon them for obedience. Sadly, not only do they ignore the warnings and choose their loved ones over the Lord, they never receive the blessings wherein the Lord may use them in amazing ways.

And so.. if you know your firends, church members or pastors are in sin, and they refuse to hear the truth, why walk with them in the first place? Will they save you from the wrath to come? No, only those that obey Jesus to "come out" of the fallen churches find peace and comfort in salvation.


 #370 Can't I stay in the SDA church to help them see the truth?

I’ve been reading some of your links. Actually, I’ve been watching your videos for quite some time. I especially liked the video “Is the SDA church the remnant. I noticed that the man who went out and hired the workers (in Matthew 20:1-7) at different times didn’t fire the other workers. They were paid full wages. Their work was accepted. This past Sabbath, I showed one of the members, a friend, the SDA logo. He was rather shocked when he realized the cross was indeed upside down. I didn’t tell him about the lines, as I didn’t fully understand how the number was hidden in them until your explanation.

I’ll be considering all this evidence and as time goes by, I’ll share what I learn with other members if the Spirit tells me to, and at this moment, my gut feeling is that I will have to share the information. I am to remain where I’m at for now. I’ve always said I don’t worship a church or a building or organization, and won’t hesitate to leave if it becomes necessary for whatever reason. If I don’t share with the other members, they’ll never find out. Our little country church has only a handful of kids, many members are retired. We are working on reopening our church school after many years. We’ll see how that goes.

At our fellowship meal also last Sabbath, I had the opportunity to share info about 9/11 to another friend and his wife. He was so shocked that he couldn’t make coherent sentences for a minute or two but he’ll be alright. So you see, I’m not the least bit afraid to tackle any subject or to skewer “sacred cows”. And there are many. Cows.

I don’t know where you live, but my church is in Rock Spring, Ga. If you’re ever in the area, by all means, let me know! I’d love to meet you.

As to the differences in the King James, I’ll have to put that on the back burner for now. I just don’t have the time. At Sabbath school recently, Isaiah 14:13 in one KJV we had states: “I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north”, while another KJV in the room didn’t say mount of the congregation, but called it Mount Zaphron. This might be a small point, but it really bothered me, wondering if the companies who print them could, over time, just change or omit a word here and there.

They were both KJV, not the New KJV.


Let me ask you this brother. If you were trapped in a church you felt was in apostasy and a strong Christian sat in the pew next to you warning you about the state of the church and how Jesus said when apostasy shows up it’s time to leave, what would you think of that man and the truth he shared after a few weeks of seeing him still sitting in the pew and in the same state of apostasy as you are? In other words.. you’re not helping anyone by staying in apostasy with them. Worse yet, some will stay because they know of your zeal and figure if you stay it must not be that bad. You stated there are little children in that church and I hope you make the right choice so they can see what an obedient Christian looks like, because as is obvious, their parents are not obedient at all.

When the apostles came out of the synagogues many followed them out knowing something was up. When Luther left, a lot of people left the Catholic church with him because they knew leaving would make some realize they needed to leave as well.

Now think on this…

To keep the people in the churches, the Jews declared the church would save them right? They made the temple their idol to the point when 70AD finally came around wherein the Christians had already left years prior due to the warning Christ gave 40 years prior, the Jews that stayed trusted their leaders who declared God would protect them as long as they stayed in the temple. And so I have to ask, did that temple keep the Jewish people safe? No. As Jesus said, “not one stone would be left on another” when that day came and so historic record confirms that, 1,100,000 men, women and children died when the city burned because they ignored the warning to “come out of her my people.”

I know it’s hard.. when I left the Catholic church 34+ years ago after being a devout Catholic my entire life, all 10 of my siblings, both parents, dozens of nieces, nephews and cousins as well as all my relatives and friends disowned me. It took some time for me to handle the loss, but the tears finally dried up thanks to the promises of Jesus Christ. And now, my family is in the thousands. AND.. finally some of my siblings have been speaking with me recently because, as they said, I stood my ground and never went back in the church as other siblings did when they left long ago. And, they have been watching from afar how all the blessings from the Lord have been upon me and my family for standing firm in Jesus. Some have finally left, and one of them is actually considering Sabbath. But they were Catholics. SDA’s are far different. Catholics don’t read Bibles. SDA’s do. I expect you will see a turn around much faster than I did. In any event, I pray you do as Jesus commanded you and others do in Revelation 18:4 which says, "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

And as for all those hired receiving their wages for the work in the prophetic parable of Matthew 20:1-7. Yes, the Jews did a good work through the prophets for some time, but the wicked leaders corrupted it and then the Apostles did a good work and received their wages or blessings as we understand it, but the leaders of the church that came after them messed it up and so the Lord blessed Luther and his brethren to do what they did and they received their blessings and as is obvious the Protestants were infiltrated and they made a mess of the truth and so the Lord called the pioneers of the SDA church to correct things and then they recieved their blessings and as we now see the leaders in the SDA church made a mess of things and now the remnant OF the church have come out of her, and we are doing the work as we speak, and the blessings are indeed flowing and as expected because there is no 12th hour, the leaders in the SDA chruch are very angry because we're receiving the blessings now and not them.

What gets me in all this is is how the SDA people seem to think that their church is different than all the others. What I mean is, they seem to think that the prophetic facts and historic movements of the Father's hand upon those that were in open sin do not apply to them in the SDA church today. And that is exactly as Satan planned. But the basic reality is this...

The Jews said "stay with the church" when Jesus was calling them out 2000 years ago. How well did that work out for the Jews? Not too well did it?

The Catholics said "stay with the church" when Jesus was using Luther to call them out. How well did that work out for the Catholics? Not too well at all did it?

The Protestants said "stay with the church" when Jesus was using the SDA pioneers and Ellen White to call them out. And so again, how well did that work out for the Protestants? They are now 100% Roman Cathoic are they not?

And now the SDA's are saying "stay with the church" while Jesus is using His remnant bride to call them out. And as we can see, it is not working out well for the SDA's who now echo all sorts of heresies and lies from their Vatican approved church & state pastors who are creating the image of the beast right before their eyes and when the Lord's hand finally moves upon them as He did with the Jews, Catholics and Protestants no matter how glorified their leaders are, no matter how magnificent their temples become and no matter how amazing their well crafted heretical sermons become wherein their declare Allah is God, homosexuality is ok, Sunday keeping is no big deal, the Pagan rituals of Christmas and Easter are holy times of the year, or the Pope is a holy leader, they too will see with their very own eyes how NOT ONE STONE WILL BE LEFT UPON ANOTHER!


#371 Why did God say not to cut the corners of your beard?

How do we discern between the old laws (Moses) to follow & the old laws not to follow? I understand that the laws which were prophetic in nature (like feast days) are not to be followed since they were fulfilled on the Cross. I'm more talking about Levitical laws such as the trimming of the beard thing which, in my heart, I know we don't follow, but I don't know how to explain WHY we don't follow that law. 


Verse in Question:
Leviticus 19:27 
Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.

The old laws which were called ordinances were abolished at the cross as you noted. Colossians 2 goes into detail on that. As for the beard trimming and such, that was to let the people know that which the Pagans did when they worshipped idols was a bad thing. They would shave their temples and the tops of their heads in false worship or as in grieving like at funerals. When they would cut a circle out of the top of their heads it literally "rounded" the corners of the head and when they shaved their temples, it clipped off the tops of their beards. Notice what the idolaters of Moab did in Isaiah’s day did.

It’s also mentioned in Jeremiah 48:36-on when speaking of the Moabites. Notice that it says in Jeremiah 48:37  For every head shall be bald, and every beard clipped: upon all the hands shall be cuttings, and upon the loins sackcloth.

To give you an idea of what this actually looked like, notice the monks of the Roman Catholic church and how they trimmed their hair and beards. They did this to honor Baal. Notice this picture of a Catholic monk

Related image Notice how the corner of the beard is cut off, as well as all the hair from the top of the head. They believe that top of the head reflects sunlight making the monk appear “holy” and the ring of hair that is left by cutting the top and clipping the beard makes the circle symbol for Baal that we have all seen today. That circle is to depict the Sun inthe sky. And yes, this is also considered to be a halo. The halo is a circle aroudn the head of Catholic paintings and quite often floating above the head as a sign of holy ascendence. And just so you know, the Levitical laws regarding food; those are not ordnances. Those are permanent. To this day people that eat such things always get numerous types of disease proving what God said was true about eating unclean foods. They simply poison the human system. No getting around that blunt reality.

I have a certain analogy I like to use that works well on the street regarding unclean foods .. I ask them, if you bought an engine from someone and they said to use only unleaded gasoline in it, would you put milk in the gas tank? No, of course not; because the creator of the engine said to use unleaded gasoline. Well.. are we not living in bodies made by a Creator God? And did He not say what type of fuel it needs to keep it alive and healthy? That being the case, why question it? And if they need proof it’s wrong, have them research the base element in all disease online. That act alone might just sap them out of it.


#372 Why does New Jerusalem have walls?

Why does the city of God need walls? There are no threats there.


As students of prophecy we know that the “wall” represents the Law of God that Jesus said He would magnify. As we also know by the prophetic Word, that wall was prophesied to have a breach in it in the last days, which as students of the Bible we know to be the Roman Catholic Sabbath of Sunday, and as the obedient Bride of Christ we have a duty to “repair the breach.” And when we get home that massive wall, which by the way also represents “protection” in prophecy, stands high and great for all eternity to declare the power of His law that protects His obedient people from harm like no other symbol in reality can do. After all, the basic reality of accpeting Jesus as Lord and Saviour allows Him to write His law on our hearts which then not only helps us keep it without a problem, it also protects us from damnation. And so it is fitting that it is depicted as a wall.

In fact, this is similar to the way I personally look at the blue sky above. That sky is massive just as the wall around New Jerusalem is massive. The sky is in fact the largest thing on earth just as the wall in Heaven is around the city. The sky is even bigger than all the oceans combined and it’s blue so as to remind us of the Law of God which as we know is also blue in color due the fact the Lord carved His law in blue sapphire stone for Moses to present to the people at Sinai.

The blue sky can declare the love of God to every soul on earth by simply looking up each and every morning they step outside to begin their day. And even in the middle of their day when things get rough they can look up and see that blue sky to remind Him that His law is just as valid as it was the day He declared it long before the angels who keep it were created.

As we know by looking in the Word of our God; symbols of truth quite often have an eternal meaning in His Word so as to glorify the Lord and His truth forever. No spiritual, physical or even imaginary  enemy can scale those great and massive walls of New Jerusalem and so every citizen within the city can rest peacefully knowing no harm will ever come to them for all eternity in the very same way the child of God down here on Earth that has the Law written on the fleshly tables of the heart can rest assured that the Lord will protect those that obey Him and Satan is forever declared a defeated enemy.

And those same walls about this city that stand great and high to declare that truth is absolute and lies have been defeated for all of eternity; further adding to the promised peace of Jesus Christ who stated long ago through the Psalmist in Psalms 119:165,  Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.


 #373 Does Satan know our future?

My brother has asked me to ask you for input so he can better understand. Does the devil know an individuals future?

The reason behind the question is because psychics or fortune tellers claim they know future events about an individual person.


No the devil cannot know our future 100%. However he can make a pretty good guess as he is a super intelligent angel and he knows how to watch the signs happening all around us to make a pretty good guess.

Take the patriarch Job for example. The devil didn’t know that Job would be very blessed when his attacks against him failed. Reason I say that is because had he known that he never would have attacked him in the way he did. He would have known his attacks woudl guarantee a blessing unto Job.

One way I am sure Satan can know things about us and the Lord’s future plans for us is by watching how the Lord’s ministering angels move about someone he seeks to attack because those good angels are only there when someone is faithful to the Lord. The people in sin do not have this hedge. Satan's demons are present with them and so Satan sees them as no threat. He already claims them as his. But even here, the sinner can be free from the demons by accepting Jesus as Lord because the moment they do that the demons have to leave because they just lost the battel for that soul and now they are under the protection of the Lord.

Notice what is says in Job 1:8-10, "And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land."

Satan saw the hedge of angels protecting Job and so he knew Job was especially blessed. But again, the only reason Job was blessed as he was is because of his faith. Satan cannot do anything to any soul on earth without permission. And the best way for Satan to get permission is for us to allow sinful things in our live and our homes or actually go into sin by our own choice. And yes, sometimes we are tested as was Job so as to make sure we are serious in our walks. But once we allow sin in our lives Satan then has permission to be in our lives in any way he sees fit. It is then he can easily map future events for that sinning soul as long as they stay under his command. That is why fortune tellers and psychics seem to be beliavable to people that are already in sin before they approach the fortune teller. The demons are already with the person and the demons that are with the fortune teller simply work hand in hand with the demons aroudn the sinner to get them to believe just about anything they want as well as move them to do certain things they know will cause certain events to happen in their future.


#374 Can I make images without breaking commandment #2?

I have a question: is it considered a graven image or breaking the second commandment by making a painting or illustration of Jesus, for example, walking on the water ..etc, or anything is in the Bible?, the intention is not to bow or pray over it, but as an artist illustrate Bible scenes and why not make money over it since is my way of living and try to use God's given talent, but I don't want to make any mistakes, I want to make sure that is ok!!


Verse in Question:Exodus 20:4-6  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:  5,  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;  6,  And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

The second commandment is clear brother. You cannot make an image on earth or in Heaven and then bow to it or serve them as does the idol worshiper that places gifts at its feet as if to find favour from it. That’s where Rome messes up. They make the image and then they bow before it in prayer and even place gifts upon it.

Two schools of thought play heavy on my mind regarding this question. Some obedient Christians refuse to make any graven image regardless if they bow to them or not, and some will make the image and choose not to bow without any fear of sinning. But here’s the clincher that may help you on this.

That is the Lord Himself speaking to Moses telling Him to make something (cherubims) that literally resides IN HEAVEN. He tells Moses to make a statue of sorts on the top of both sides of the mercy seat in the Most Holy place. But the key here is that Moses and everyone after him knew never to bow to those cherubs as if they were actual beings that can hear your prayer or represent the dead human they pray to as Catholics are taught to do.

Now when it comes to making paintings of Jesus, some obedient Christians may be offended by the image in that they feel since no one really knows what He looks like, the facial features are totally of your own imagination and therefore offensive to some people. Therefore, as some in the SDR church have done over the years in their videos to please all across the board for example is that when they use an image of Jesus from an artist in their videos they usually glare out the facial features of “Jesus” with a special effect. Kind of like placing a star burst over His face so that you can see some of His face but not completely.

This question is actually somethign I have come across many times over the years wherein Catholics will claim that if they are in sin due to their statues being graven images and such, they demand we then remove pictures of our loved ones from the walls of our homes as they too are nothing more than graven images.

The very quick response that works each and eveyr time is, yes, those pictures are images of my loved ones in the same way the cherubims on the mercy seat are images of angels that the Lord commanded Moses to place there. The main difference here is, like Moses of long ago, I do not have a kneeler placed in front on my family pictures so as to bow before them. Nor do I place offerings before them in the hopes they will smile on my from above. Doing so will in fact break commandment #2, and so I echo Joshua 24:15 that says, "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."


 #375 Nicholas - So you believe there’s three gods??


I believe the BIBLE.  

GOD the Father - GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit. To delcare them ONE is to agree with Rome and to keep repeating them as ONE is to do it out of shame for the turth because the TRUTH is too embarassing to agree with at times when it goes so far against that which we sometimes think is the norm. This is why some babes in Christ never get past accepting Jesus as Saviour and eventually go back into sin. They dont want to declare Him Lord and Saviour to friends and relatives out of fear they will laugh at them.

When it comes to the Godhead, everyone on earth says "one" just as many books of the occult call Satan "the ONE." And so to say anything else makes people laugh at you and then some cower in fear of that laughter and then just agree with the liars out of fear they will looked upon as a fanatic. Even the Satanists know their dying god is ONE. But look into the Word of the Lord and you will see that the Jews of old and even Nebuchadnezzar knew about the Hebrew "Gods." NOTICE this: 

And it f course goes on from there. And then later on when Nebuchadnezzar was dead and gone, his grandson Belshazzar was king and he openly mocked the Lord God and as we all know this is when the Lord's hand wrote those words of judgment against him on the wall. When he sought to someone to decipher what was said, this is what Daniel recorded in chapter five as to why they sent for him.

But think on this for a moment. The God of the Bible moved the prophet Daniel to pen those words, and He purposely moved Daniel to not only leave that statement of Nebuchadnezzar in the Word, He allowed other prophets to do the same. Notice what the prophet Jeremiah said long ago when the Lord moved his tongue to rebuke the Jewish leaders of his day.

Why would the prophet Jeremiah repeat the term "the temple of the Lord" three times? Is he not a prophet? Jeremiah spoke those words before the rulers and later on he placed them in the holy writ. Had he been in error the Lrod who moved his mouth and then his pen would have not allowed him to record that statement three times. Basic reality is this, if I weere to stop here with two instances, seeing how out of the mouth of two or three witnesses we can see that every word is assured, why on earth would anyone prefer to echo the lies of Antichrist in Rome on such things? Jeremiah repeated that statement three times because of the truth that even the four beasts in Heaven knew of when they stated "holy, holy, holy." Check it out.

They declared one "holy" for each God in the Godhead. And again, the prophet John, who was the apostle loved of the Lord to the point He gave utterance unto while on the Isle of Patmos to the point we now have the book of Revelation. And so again I ask, if the Lord God is just one God as some claim so as to agree with the Vatican Trinity that declares there is only one God in three persons, why is it we have now seen three witnesses of the same truth in the Word of God? The Word of God cannot be changed no matter how much someone loves the creed they have written. So far we have found three times this declaration was made in the Word of God and each time it is a prophet declaring this truth. Daniel records what Nebuchadnezzar said, Jeremiah declared it with his own lips, and the prophet and apostle John transcribed the statement of the four beasts word for word and not one time do we see the Lord thy God correcting them as if to say they were in error. And especially so in Revelation while John is in the presence of the Lord while in vision. One would think if this was wrong to declare it would not be allowed in the Word. In fact, Revelation 1:1 clearly says that this vision of John is "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:"

There are far too many areas in the Word of God wherein we see the Godhead being declared in the plural sense. From Genesis wherein we see the word Elohim being used that depicts more than one to the statement we just read in Revelation regarding the four beast declarings "Holy, holy, holy." And then finally, notice what God the Father Himself says to Jesus Christ HIS SON in this passage.

The Father calls His Son a God in that passage and then He declares that He is also His Son's God who anointed Him in the first place. And so, when asked about what I believe regarding the Godhead, I will adhere to the Bible. If it makes people laugh at me.. so be it. I am here to please and glorify the Lord, not mankind or even myself. And if you need more info on this, I share a lot more verses regarding the Godhead on my Trinity exposed page. I also have additional studies linked out from that page that share other insights so as to combat everything from some claiming verses should be removed fromthe Bible to some that claim the Strong's concordance doesn't define hebrew correctly.

What many fail to realize is, we are in the very last days, and in such days we have to understand the mindset put forth by the dying god of this world that moves men to believe their manmade creeds over and above the written Word of God. In fact, it was prophesied in more than a few areas of the Bible and especially so in Jeremiah 35 wherein the Lord placed severe judgment upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem because the sons of Jonadab decided to trust and believe their fatehr's creed above the command of the Lord via the prophet Jeremiah. And so again, when it comes between trusting creeds or the Bible, I will echo Joshua 24:15 that says, "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."


 #376 I believe in once saved always saved!


I am a Baptist and I understand that Romans 6:14 declares that I can never lose my salvation no matter what. Why is it you think otherwise?


Verse in question:
Romans 6:14  For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace

Actually, verse 14 cannot be used on it's own. But that is how the worldly preachers uses it to prevent truth from spreading to the ears of those that they know by their hellish guidance wont open Bibles. They know if they read the verse alone from a pulpit, those in the church will trust it as God's Word, which it is. But to preach it without the following verse is to purposely deceive the hearers into trusting a doctrine written by the enemy of souls.

This is how the World preaches this verse... Romans 6:14-15, "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace..."

AND THEY STOP! But let us continue on and finish the verse shall we. It finishes by saying "What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid."


Popular theology not only found with the Baptist is that if we sin after being saved we can no longer loose our salvation because we are under grace. I actually have NUMEROUS verses listed on my site that prove that to be error... My favorite verse is of course...


And so, what is Paul actually saying when he says were not UNDER the Law in Romans 6? What does under the law really mean? Well, first we need to define SIN so as to get a better understanding.

To be "under the Law" means to be "under the curse" of the Law; and since Roman 6:23 says "the wages of sin is death", therefore the curse is in fact death. And for those that do not believe the Gospel message is not found in the Old Testament. The Biblical reality here is nicely outlined by the prophet Daniel.


Daniel is rather clear here. To transgress the law is the definition of sin and so when we sin without a Saviour the curse is poured upon us. We are then under the curse of the law when we break it. No getting around that. It's right there in black and white. Notice this as well...


Here it’s once again made quite clear that to be an obedient Christian means we are redeemed from that curse. But my favorite passage on explaining this is again found in the Old Testament.


So.. according to Deuteronomy, which was written by our unchanging and ever living God via the hand of Moses, there is..


And so, using in context truth and simple common sense one can see that the only way someone is under the law is when they break the law. Once broken you deny God’s grace. And so I must ask, how can you still be under grace when sinning? You’re either under His grace when you choose not to sin, or you are under the curse when you choose to sin.

To further address the "Once saved always saved" issue. Notice this passage...


This verse proves as did the passage I shared earlier in Hebrews 6 that if we choose to sin after becoming "made whole" then a worse thing will come unto us. The ultimate verse for a clear rebuttal unto the doctrine of once saved always saved, or as it is sometime called once under grace always under grace, has to be the following found in Romans chapter one.


Yes, it's true we have been blessed with grace in the age of the church. But according to the Word of God, that grace is what helps us to be OBEDIENT to the faith. Look at Adam and Eve. They are what man was meant to be before the fall. But what was the fall? They were disobedient.

Many believe all they have to do is believe in Jesus to gain Heaven. But they fail to realize that both Adam and Eve saw Jesus face to face in the garden each and every day. They had no problem believing in Him. In fact, even the "devils believe and tremble,"- James 2:19. It was disobedience that caused Adam and Eve's fall.


And since the devils believe, does this mean they will gain Heaven as well? No, of course not. And so to declare all one needs is to believe in Jesus is a theology that will no doubt garner billions of souls into hellfire.

One last verse from one who is known as the end time prophet, and again this is from the Old testament.


Iniquity is actually defined as known sin. If we are no longer under the law but under grace as the Baptist claims, and being as such means sin is ok to do, or at the very least unable to remove our grace, why does Ezekiel say they die for their known sins?

Now some Baptists will claim that this is for those that never accept Christ, but Ezekiel clearly declares them to be righteous at one point and then worthy of death the next. He is not talking about sinners that know Jesus because these types of people simply don't know what sin is until they find Christ and His perfect Law. In fact, notice what Paul says here.


So the reality here is that Ezekiel is talking about people claiming to be God’s people. Sinners that have no clue of what the law is, can’t commit known sin. Only believers do that. Need I remind you of the believers Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7?


They called Him "Lord" in this passage did they not? And at the same time Jesus called them workers of iniquity. Had they been simple sinners unaware of Christ or His Law, they never would have called out, "Lord, Lord" would they? Being "Under Grace" means simply that. Being under His grace while being obedient to that which proffers His grace.

For example... and I've shared this a few times before online. Picture being pulled over by a cop for speeding. You are not "under" the law until you actually speed. You broke the law by speeding and now the "curse" of the law is your just desert; which in this case is the speeding ticket. However, if you ask the cop for mercy, and he gives it, are you now allowed to speed whenever you get in the car? No, of course not. You are under his GRACE right? So you are then extra careful not to break the law now. You don't pull away spraying gravel on the cop because you don't want to insult his mercy. It's that simple.

1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


#377 Please explain Matthew 19:16-19

So my 18 year old son is wondering about Matthew 19:16-19. It reads very clear to him that those are the only "salvational" commandments that need to be kept. Thoughts pleeez? Thank you,


Verse in Question:

Your son is correct, but not in the way he may realize. When Jesus shared the last 6 commandments with the young rich man He did it that way because of the way the man greeted Him. Calling Jesus "Good Master" meant the rich young man knew very well how to honor God. In fact Jesus literally said "there is none good but one, that is, God" when responding to his "Good Master" greeting which means Jesus knew he was a man that knew how to honor God.

As we know, Jesus reads the hearts of men. And so He knew by the rich man's comment that he kept commandments 1-4 and Jesus also knew he needed to work a bit more on commandments 5-10. And that is why He only recited the last 6 commandments. Jesus also said this in Matthew 22...

If you notice, the "first and great commandment" deals only with how we relate to our God. And "the second is like unto it" as Jesus said doing so is to love your neighbor as yourself.

Many Christians today use this passage to make it appear the ten commandments are abolished and all we need to do is love God and love each other. It is true we must love each other as we love God, but most use this passage to negate His law which is not good. And that is why Satan uses this tactic to confuse many.

When we look at all ten commandments we see what Jesus did by declaring there were only TWO of them. He was referring the way the law was divided on those tablets. This was done for a reason. On tablet one, as historic record confirms, were found only 4 commandments carved into it. And when you look at those first 4 you see they are all about how we show love to our God. Each of the first 4 commandments deals with how we should honor Him. And on the second tablet we see the last 6 commandments listed which when we read them we see they deal with how we should show love and honor to each other.


#378 Please explain Isaiah 52:10 and Ezekiel 4:7?

I don't quite recall the question as I either lost it in a recent email server failure or it was mailed to me in snail mail. But I did keep the answer as I wanted to share it on Q&A Sabbath. I believe it had to do with what is the prophetic difference between the holy arm of God and then the extended arm of man.


Verses in Question:

This can be seen in two ways. Our God uncovers His “holy” arm in Isaiah to make it plain to all that look upon it in a spiriual manner that it is the Lord that brought salvation unto His people. In fact, Isaiah 52:6  says “Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.”

And reading on in that chapter one can see this is in fact a blessing being prophesied.

But in Ezekiel we see a different scenario wherein the Lord is now laying siege as well as commanding the prophet to prophesy of the coming battle against the city of Jerusalem as their just deserts for their apostasy. And so like a soldier with a sword under His cloak; to uncover the arm is to make it visible to the opposing army as well as making it ready to strike quickly in battle.

I believe this is why the word “holy” is not mentioned with the bare arm of Ezekiel here. Besides the fact He is having Ezekiel to bare his own “human” arm, the word “arm” here in Ezekiel 4:7 comes from the Hebrew word “zeroah” which means to be “stretched out.” And the figurative definition of that same word denotes “by force.”

And so what is being stated here in Ezekiel’s vision is that what the Lord is about to do unto Jerusalem for their apostasy will not only be known to all it is the Lord Himself doing it; but seeing that He has Ezekiel bare his own arm rather than just speaking of His “holy” arm declares that the Lord will now use mankind to do this prophesied act; and that act will be done very quickly.

Notice the difference in the two. The first one is called “holy arm” unto salvation for their obedience. But the second it is Ezekiel’s uncovered arm in battle denoting the Lord’s will unto judgment for their disobedience wherein He will be using mankind to fulfill his will. In both cases it is done in a way that all looking on will know without a doubt, it was the Lord that did both acts.


 #379 Please explain the parable in Luke 13 about the fig tree?

Can you explain what the parable of Luke 13:6-9 means? I understand the fig tree being Israel and all, but not much else.



In that parable Jesus states "a certain man" had a "fig tree" that had "no fruit" wherein Jesus said it was to be cut down. But "the certain man" was convinced to extend the time so as to better care for the tree in the hopes of bringing fruit. Just as prophecy stated in Daniel 9, three years after Jesus was crucified the Jews stoned Stephan as an absolute sign their probation had ended. Stephan had given them a rather extensive outline of Gospel truth, as did all the Apostles up to this point and the Jewish leaders of the day stoned him as a blasphemer any way. One can even see the connection here between their unfruitful actions and the fig tree Jesus cursed in Matthew 21. 

The blindness of the Jews to Biblical truths evidenced that all that was possibly done to help them see ended as did their probation that same day; and they confirmed that fact by stoning Stephan to death.

Since Christ died and resurrected the Apostles preached only to Jews as Jesus instructed them. Later it is confirmed the Lord was ok with them preaching to Gentiles. This is confirmed in Acts chapter 10 when Cornelius became the first Gentile to hear the Gospel. The vision Peter had was telling him to go ahead and preach to the Gentiles. The reason that sheet came down three times telling Peter to "kill and eat" wasn't giving Peter the ok to eat pork and other unclean foods, because Peter even stated in Acts 11:8, "...Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth." as well. The sheet came down three times because 3 Gentile men were knocking at Peter's door. The Lord was telling Peter to consider the Gentile cleansed so as to now to hear the Gospel truth, and then later in Acts Peter explains to Cornelius and the rest listening on that this is exactly what that vision meant. Still, to this day some Preachers and teachers mistake the vision for saying it's ok to eat ham hocks and pork rinds now, even though Peter explains the vision to Cornelius proving what it meant.

The three years that Jesus sought to cultivate fruit in Israel was apparently fulfilled twice. Once when He preached for those 3 years before His death and resurrection, and once again when His apostles preached unto them 3 more years until they killed Stephen.

But what about the statement, "then after that thou shalt cut it down", did this occur as well?

After Jesus did all He could for this nation, He was left merely to weep for it. Plus they are about to be surrounded according to Luke. After they are surrounded, will they be "cut down" as prophesied?

"In A.D.66 when Cestius came against the city, but unaccountably withdrew, the Christians discerned in this the sign foretold by Christ, and fled while 1,100,000 Jews are said to have been killed in the terrible siege in A.D. 70." -Eusebius, Church History, book 3, chap. 5

Verse 26 from Daniel 9 told us that "the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood" This was graphically fulfilled with the arrival of Rome represented by Titus and his soldiers destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. The soldiers of Titus burned and destroyed the temple and destroyed Jerusalem in a literal "flood" of killing. It is estimated well over a million Jews died in this battle!


#380 Please explain Colossians 2:18?

Please explain Col 2:18 to me. It's very strange in that as Peter said, some things Paul says are difficult to understand. God bless.



Some prefer to only worship that which they can verify with their own eyes because without Bible study they have no faith at all, and so Satan (who is an angel) displays things before their eyes to make them worship him thinking it is of God. “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14 )

Catholics are actually a very good example here where they worship a fallen angel claiming to be Mary at Fatima, Garabandal, Medjugorje and other places where demonic apparitions are seen by human eyes that because they don't read their bibles they are led to believe that these fallen angels are actually Mary the mother of Jesus, and so they focus their worship towards who they believe the be Mary when in fact they are worshipping angels. Fallen angels yes, but angels none the less. And as students of prophecy we all know what the Bible says about worshipping angels do we not. Do you recall what the angel told John in Revelation when he fell in worship of that angel? Revelation 19:10 says, "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."

For all my life I have seen many claiming to see “Mary” and once making the claim and especially if the Vatican picks up on it and glorifies the deceived soul, their pretended or “voluntary humility” as Paul puts it and it’s always the same. They walk about with a glazed look over their eyes with a bold holier than though persona and the church further puffs them up as if they are especially favored of God for seeing such things, and so many other Catholics actually start to worship the one who had to so called vision. But it’s all a farce that lures all of them to eternal hellfire. Self-glorification is fostered by Rome and so they are eventually destroyed as it says in Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”


#381 I have a question about your original sin video

Brother Nicholas
I hope you and your family are doing well. The reason I am contacting you is because I have a question about one of the videos you made recently. I recently saw your video about how both the Roman Catholic Church and the seventh day Adventist church teach original sin. I know many other Protestant denominations teach it as well. At least, they call themselves protestants but we know how they were infected with false teachings overtime.

Anyway, up until around six or seven years ago, I thought that babies were born innocent. However, I went to a youth group Bible study and was taught that we are born sinners. I was told that to commit sin was in our nature due to Adam and we inherited it from him. Is that true? After seeing your video, I began to question the validity of that teaching. My parents and grandparents taught me that we are born innocent and if a baby dies, weather through a horrible thing like abortion, a natural miscarriage or after they are born, they’ll go to that blessed land on the great day of our Savior’s return. Anyway, do you have a list of Bible passages that prove that original sin is false? Also, what are your thoughts on generational curses? When discussing this topic with other believers, they will usually bring that up in some way. Thank you for all that you have done my friend. May the living Jesus keep you safe and protected from the wicked one and his plans.

God bless you my brother.


Dear brother;

Please don’t let those that wonder after the beast move you off the path of truth as it is declared in the Bible. As prophesied almost all on earth will adopt Vatican dogma and claim it to be God’s truth. But as students of the Bible we know it is not. The verse I shared in the video should suffice. They cannot refute such verses as they are that blunt. No need to look for more as you have your answer already. Just because they don’t believe it doesn’t mean you are unable to explain it well for them to see. It’s that some people, no matter how eloquent we are in presenting it, some simply won’t believe the truth for it is written in 1 Corinthians 2:14 that "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

As for generational curses. They are just as valid as they are today. But not in the way most people think. The people are cursed not because their fathers’ sins are upon them, for the Bible clearly says we are not held accountable for our father's sins. It has to do with how families raised their children back then as well as how they raise them to this day. If the parents were hard core Baal worshippers, then one can expect their children will be as well. It’s not that they are held accountable for their fathers’ sin, it’s because that’s all they were taught and they believe the lies over the truth because their parents declared it. If and when a preacher of truth comes forward, most will deny the truth to keep to their false worship so as to please their parents. Many Jews did this 2000 years ago when they trusted the lying church leaders over and above the Lord Himself and His apostles. But many also understood the truth and followed Jesus just like Ruth of old who found the truth and embraced it instead of ignoring the truth as it was shared by some obedient Jews in her day.

A good example of how a generational curse can be realized is how some become racist or die of certain diseases. What I mean is, no one is born racist. They are taught to become racist by either their parents or their racists friends. And when a doctor says cancer is inherited, he is not being truthful at all. The reason some people get the same cancers that killed their parents is because they grew up in a house eating the same unhealthy foods their parents did. They all get the same disease because they were all raised to eat the same unclean foods that gave them the disease.


#382 Why didn't God just kill Satan on day one?

This is something that has bothered my all my life as a Christian. Why on earth did God let Satan live? Why didn't He just kill him?


I must admit that many people have asked me this question over the years and especially Atheists who place their faith in this question as to their reason they need not believe in God. And so, why didn’t God just kill Satan? It’s because if He did many of the angels and especially the 1/3 that followed Satan's sinful lead would see the God who is described as all loving appear as unjust. This was why Satan, for a time, had the upper hand in his rebellion against God. What I mean is, as we know, God cannot lie. But Satan can lie and being the father of lies in that heavenly court, he used lies to make our loving God of truth look bad.

Problem was and from what I see, the reason this worked for a bit for Satan was that lies were never presented before in eternity. Therefore some of the angels were confused because the lies Satan presented about God were shocking statements and the ways he twisted truth no doubt confused some of the angels who had no clue the lies were all made up. Satan crafted his lies to gain sympathy for him and his plight. And so it was best to just let Satan live so that the real truth would be made known to everyone concerned as well as the entire Universe.

Most forget the fact that we worship an eternal God and so the lenght of time to present the truth was and never will be an issue for our God. In fact, the longer it drags out the clearer the truth becomes on this. Hence the reason the Koran is rewritten so often and the bogus Bible of the Vatican are always being updated. Eventually the lie is seen and so a new one needs to be presented. That works well with humans who don't read Bibles. But it would never work with Angels as they are super intelligent and they know the Bible cover to cover. And so the exact same lie has been the issue all along the last 6000 years regarding the truth of God's love. Our God knows that eventually his lie filled fruit will become obvious and the God of the Bible will be vindicated.

Do you recall the vision of Ezekiel wherein the being with the eyes walked onward in only one direction? Lies can go anywhere they want like a slithering serpent, but truth is only presented on a straightforward path. Hence the reason that being only moved forward no matter what position it was appearing before Ezekiel’s face. Yes, in reality that may be hard to contemplate, but look at it this way. When you're dreaming and things are presented that are totally impossible in reality appear the norm in the dream. In other words, truth is truth and even though that eye filled being moved the way it did, it showed the norm for truth is in fact straightforward wherein it will never veer off the path and it will always keep its eyes on the path God sets because  sometimes the way our Father in Heaven needs to bring His truth to pass in a way none of us would ever imagine.

Satan’s only defense was to mix the truth with his lies and he knew it. He also knew this was something that was never done before in Heaven. And so, just as Jesus was silent before His accusers, the Father did the same here knowing that the truth would still come out anyway. Satan will do as he does and that in and of itself will be his downfall before the eyes of many who are finally wakened by the truth in God's Word. Satan was cast to earth alive along with those that trusted his lies. That was dome so they too would see the truth first hand when that great and dreadful day finally arrives. And I am certain the good angels saw Satan’s wicked fruit quite quickly because they never fell. And even here we see how truth works. For the obedient, it can be seen instantly, for the disobedient it may take years or even a lifetime, but eventually even they will see it too. God knew that Satan would reveal himself in a way that those that love the truth will see as a dangerous path to tread and those that hated truth will also see it as the reason for their destruction.

As is quite obvious here and I know of no man, believer or not, all will agree that mankind learns quite slowly as compared to angels and so with us it can take quite some time for us to realize the lies and embrace the truth of Christ. And so as prophesied, it will take all of 6000 years for mankind to finally realize the truth about the lies that the obedient angels knew all about on day one of this great controversy between Christ and Satan.


#383 How can we know if someone's possessed?

I have a question about some serious issues that you hardly hear about in the world. It's in the bible too but I have read it over a few times but not given too much to think about until now. It's about the people who were possessed by devils or evil spirits, and how the apostles describe the manner that they manifested in their bodies and how Jesus cast them out. So my question is nowadays how do you know when someone needs an exorcism or how do you know if someone is possessed by evil spirits.


I have kept this answer on the back burner for literally years. I never wanted to share it because this is not as cut and dried as some may assume. And so I can only share what I have seen and learned over the years. My experience has been that when someone is possessed by a demon the Holy Spirit will immediately alert you in more than one way and so it is hard to lock it down doing this with one method. And more often than not, many that are possessed will not come off as such so as to prevent being outed. Satan knows who they are approaching and if that person is a strong Christian the demon may be commanded by the dying god of this world to tone it down. 

Suffice it to say, I have “smelled” a foul stench that resembles feces and carrion mixed when someone that otherwise appears normal. All around them will not smell the odor. Some that are possessed display a “darkness” that cannot be ignored in their eyes, and of course there is the way most people that experience such people noticed that with the strange activity of the one possessed, their eyes will appear graphically evil. After all, are not the eyes the windows to the soul? And yes, this is why most controlled by possession of oppression will have a hard time looking Christians in the eyes. They can hide it well with friends and family as they have grown to learn their weak points, but when walking in a crowd, quite often if you walk with your head help high, those that catch a glimpse of you will either look away or look down instantly. It's not usually something they can control.

Another way that is missed by many is that the one that usually manifests demon possession is when a complete stranger gets very agitated when an obedient Christian enters their space. Because Satan knows that Christian will have words of truth that his victim may bow to and leave Satan's side to be with Jesus, and so some will literally run away from you and others will begin screaming at you so as to get you to run. But, again, notice when they scream they cannot look you square in the eyes usually. For some reason they look at your forehead or slightly above it as if speaking to a godly presence within or near you that they cannot deal with. I recall one such time and I discerned a possessed woman was yelling at an angel that was standing behind me. My wife was actually there to witness the entire situation.

Now what I just described is the type that are graphically possessed that society tags as being mentally deranged or chemically imbalanced because they do not want to acknowledge the fact that demons actually exist. Satan knows that if the powers that be acknowledge demonic activity for what it is that in so doing they acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ Himself exists, because in reality you cannot have the one without the other until the end of the 1000 years. And that is why one of Satan's most favored deceptions is to make people think he doesn't exist at all. Most possessed and oppressed people today appear to look perfectly normal to some extent. However, some, like homosexuals; these are a bit easier to see in how they hate Christians with a passion and get very angry with them when truth is being presented no matter how much love is mixed with the truth. And yes, I did say homosexuals are possessed by demons. Not only do we have Old and New Testament verses to back that up, we also have countless exhomosexuals who have declared how they were released of their possessions when accepting Christ as Lord.

In fact, years ago I recall seeing two very expensive full page adds in popular Chicago Newspapers that were unrelated and years apart wherein a homosexual explained in detail what happened after accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour. And they both stated their strange desires as a demonic possession they could ne escape until meeting Jesus Christ. 

As for knowing when they need an exorcism. The exorcism rituals of the Vatican are not biblical by any means. In fact, the head exorcist of the Catholic church and Pope John Paul II himself found that out the hard way in front of witnesses when a 19 year old girl was taken over by a demon during a Vatican mass. Not only was the Pope and his so called head exorcist completely unable to cast the demon out, the demon easily shoved the head exorcist away and openly laughed at the Pope when he stepped down to help.

Look in your Bible and you will see demons were cast out instantly by both Christ and His apostles.  The Catholic exorcist fakes it so as to make more money by saying they need repetitive sessions with a priest to expel the demon or demons. The only way to cast out a demon is to stand before it in faith and demand it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. And yes, they will leave that very moment. And as I have witnessed in the past more than once as did the church family one time during a live Church service, the victim will usually drift off to sleep and appear dead after the demon leaves only to awaken a few moments later as a completely different person who is very grateful for the freedom they now have in Jesus.


 #384 Doesn't Ecclesiastes 12:7 confirm life after death immediate?

I've seen your State of the Dead video and I still have a question about Ecclesiastes 12:7 which in my mind says we go to God in a spirit form after we die. Is this true?


The fact here is that the word spirit being used here is used to speak of the "breath" in human terms. The Biblical evidence used to support that fact is found in James 2:26, where it states, "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." It gives both realities here. It first shares the makeup of the body, and then it shares the makeup of faith within the body or heart as is better understood. The body without the spirit; or breath of  life as we call it is dead, like the faith without works; or fruit of a Christian is dead as well.

Job defines it rather nicely for us in Job chapter 27:3, he says, "All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;"

The word "spirit" in both Job and Ecclesiastes is from the Hebrew Word "ru^ach" which is defined as breath, exhaling and life. (See Strong's #H7306)

Here we see Job giving breath and spirit the same definition. When he says the breath is in him, and the spirit is in his nostrils, this is too blunt to miss. Can the Holy Spirit be in a nostril? No of course not. The Lord thy God resides in the heart. In this verse we have the word "spirit" being used in the nostrils. And if you look into the Greek definition of the word "spirit" used in the same context you will see it is actually from the Greek word, "Pneuma" which means air or breath. (See Strong's #4151)

This is why tires with air in them are called pneumatic tires and tools that are powered by air are called pneumatic tools. And yes, pneumonia has to do with the sickness of the breath. To further confirm this truth it says in Genesis 7:22, "All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died." That is of course in regards to Noah and the flood. The connection between the breath of life and nostrils is undeniable here as well.

One more point I want to make regarding James 2:26 here. If someone doesn't have the Holy Spirit of God, are they dead? Are people that are not saved buried in the ground? Of course not. They are only spiritually or symbolically dead and deep in the worldliness of sin, but they are not physically dead. James is not talking about the Holy Spirit in this verse. He is making a clear comparison. He is merely saying; just as a body without the ability to breathe air is dead in reality, so is the faith of the person who has no works of the Holy Spirit dead in spirituality. Both the carnal and spiritual are being used here to illustrate a point. There is no mistaking that; it's that plain.

Notice this as well:

Now notice the similarity here with the verse the World uses to preach "Life after death immediate..." This is actually the verse that was mentioned in the original "QUESTION"

Sounds like Genesis 2:7 and Psalm 146:3,3 doesn't it? All three speak of the "spirit" or the "breath" in the same manner. If you really think about it, death is just creation in reverse! The body goes back to the earth, the breath goes back to the Lord. That's why when you get punched and are knocked out you still keep breathing. But if you get hit hard enough you die and stop breathing.

Basic reality here is, there is a reason Jesus used the term "sleep" in John chapter 11 when speaking of Lazarus. He was showing us how He looks at death, and how mankind looks at death. Even the Apostles didn't catch that. 

By the way... Jesus said "Lazarus" come forth on that day didn't He? Ever wonder why Jesus said his name? Had Jesus just said, "come forth," ALL the graves would have opened! For it is written in, John 11:25, "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:" If Jesus would have just said COME FORTH at that graveyard, ALL of them would have done so!

PICTURE THIS... A little girl standing next to her mother at the grave of her Aunt Polly. Her mother is putting flowers on the grave. She asks her mother. Is Aunt Polly in there? Her mother says no, Aunt Polly's up in Heaven. The little girl responds, "Then why are we putting flowers here?" Then her mom says, "No, her body is here and Aunt Polly is up in Heaven" The little girl responds, "You mean to tell me Aunt Polly is running around in Heaven without a body?" In other words, you have to be taught to believe the stupid lies just as much as the crafty ones. Even a little child can figure out the stupidity of the lie that says life in heaven immediate, but the child comes to the conclusion before her parents manipulate her thought process in the matter so as to get her to agree with them. Like racism, you're not created a racist. Little children don't attack people that don't look like them. You have to be taught to be that stupid.

Simple Biblical fact is, if we died in Christ, we don't go to Heaven until Jesus returns. In fact it says this in John 14:3, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." If the Christians are already in Heaven when they die, why is Jesus saying He will receive them unto Himself when He comes again? I go into a lot more detail on this twisted theology on my "Rapture" page wherein I show all the Bible verses exposing that false doctrine.

When we do eventually go to Heaven we will be in our own immortal bodies. They will be newly constructed in a glorious manner of course, but they will be our own bodies. In fact, Jesus had a flesh and bone body when He appeared to the Apostles after His resurrection, and He did say that we will have a body like unto His did he not? It says in Luke 24:39, "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." And no, He was not sanctioning the idea of ghosts. He was appealing to the stupidity of it all as most people in that day believed in ghosts as Satan was teaching them to believe that idiocy. That is why the apostles feared when Jesus was walking on the water that night.

It also says in Philippians 3:21 that our God "shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself."

Also notice that Elijah went to Heaven with a flesh and bone body...

The bible does NOT say that his understudy saw his mortal body fall from the sky. It was an empty cloak or mantel as the Bible called it that Elijah dropped because now he was wearing the heavenly garment of light that Adam and Eve used to wear until they sinned. That is why they suddenly saw themselves naked. When they sinned, that robe of light vanished.

One more strange "tale" that runs rampant across the land of Christendom is this. According to the worldly churches; if I get hit by a car and knocked unconscious, I know nothing. I am out cold as they say. They take me to the hospital and find I have internal damage and need an operation, so they put me to sleep, I still, know nothing. During the operation my heart stops, I then die, and according to the preachers of the world I now know everything? How is that possible? But again, you have to be taught and then believe the lie to be this stupid.

Now here's yet another strange problem most that preach this error cannot answer. If a person goes to hell immediately because he's bad, and Heaven immediately if he's good at death, then riddle me this...  What's the reason for a resurrection? In fact, what is the reason for the way they also define Judgment day for that matter? According to this theology, man is judged at the moment of death. Then that means no need is apparent for a resurrection at all is there? They are already judged, and therefore already in Heaven or in Hell. Problem with that is, it is not what saith the Lord in His Word. For he is returning, and according to His Word, His reward is with Him. Therefore that means judgment would have been done before returning to earth. In fact it says this in Isaiah 62:11, "Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him."

If His reward is with Him, then how can they be judged at the moment of death and therefore in Heaven or Hell already when the reward He is bringing never comes until Jesus splits the Eastern sky? Again, you have to be taught to believe a lie to be that stupid. So... the question remains. Are there people in Heaven? Yes.. Elijah..Enoch and Moses are in Heaven. It also says there was a great resurrection at the day Jesus rose as well in Matthew 27:52,53, which are the 24 Elders in Revelation that were "redeemed of the earth."

Fact remains, the vast majority are still in the graves. Does the Bible explain why some went in advance? No. However we do know that Moses, and Elijah were "examples" used at the mount of transfiguration so as to depict the second coming with Jesus. Moses was to represent the dead in Christ on that great and dreadful day that resurrect and Elijah is there to represent the Gideon band. But the Bible is silent in regards to the others. It's simply not necessary for us to know, nor is it something needed to know in regards to our resurrection. Kind of like the lack of info on Dinosaurs eh? We do know they existed, their bones are scattered all over the place. And we do know Job spoke of them, yet, not much else is revealed because to be honest.. who cares? We have better things to do than dig up old dried out bones.

To BLUNTLY address this: 1 Timothy 6:15-16 says, "Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen."

Satan has been lying a long time! He told Adam and Eve "...ye shalt not surely die" in Genesis 3:4, and all he's been doing since then is repeating the same worn out lie. AND IT WORKS! Why? Well first of all, we are not long living beings anymore. He can use what appears as "new info" to us short living humans simply because he knows those that understood the Word better than us eons ago are dead and buried and unable to preach the truth to correct the lies his wolves proclaim.

So, when will we become immortal? At death? Or at His coming?

Did you notice it said ALL will be changed on that day the LAST TRUMP is sounded? Did you also notice it said the dead will be RAISED? If everyone is already in Heaven or Hell at death as the wolves keep saying, then what does Jesus have to come back for? Why do they raise out of the grave when He gets here to be with the Lord if they are already with him anyway? Fact is, the world preaches lies on this one and the Word of God preaches TRUTH.

What will Jesus actually say on the day he returns to awaken the dead in Christ?

What will they sing?


 #385 Does Genesis 9:3 say we can eat anything that moves?

I think Genesis 9:3 needs to be addressed when people speak against the food/health laws. On my end, I don't know what to do with this verse.

Genesis 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Obviously, we aren't to eat what God says is unclean (Lev 11 & Deu 14). Employing the cloud of many witnesses, it's clear that God authorizes a particular way of eating. That said, what do we do with the verse above? God bless.


Since this verse in Genesis 9 is not covered in detail in the Word, this is where the line upon line and precept upon precept comes in for us to better define our Father's will. For example, right off the bat Noah knew what clean and unclean meant. He knew about the animals God declared clean before the flood when he filled the ark, and so I am sure this is what the Lord was pointing to when Noah was given the ok to eat those animals. Everything on the planet was now dead except what came from the ark the day it landed on dry soil.

Plus we need to keep in mind that Noah knew that if he ate the animals that he was instructed to allow into the ark that only came in as a male and female, eating one would make that species extinct as soon as the surviving animal died. In fact he was commanded not to kill them in Genesis 6:19. It says, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Noah had been specifically told it was God’s will to keep all the animals that came in as two by two alive in the ark and after the flood. Eating one of them would end their species. And so Noah had wisdom here to know what God meant by saying he could eat “all” things.

Today’s language cannot do this Scripture justice in how best to explain it. But when using the line upon line and precept upon precept method of defining Scripture and especially doctrine, the truth all throughout the Word will be clearly understood. Noah understood obviously and now that we have all 66 books we too understand God’s command not to kill those that came in the ark “two by two.” In fact, notice Genesis 7:2 literally says, “Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.”

The clean animals were gathered by “sevens” but the unclean only “two by two.” That way they could eat some of the clean ones with plenty left over to still grow in number. The fact the clean animals are mentioned before the command in Genesis 9:3 suggests Noah understood the differences here already.

Later, as everything repopulated on earth and Noah’s family grew in number over the centuries; and as I am sure many forgot that which Noah taught, we see more detail are then given in Leviticus and Deuteronomy by Moses regarding what’s clean and unclean.


#386 Why did Paul go to Rome after being told not to go?


This has always confused me. Why did Paul still go to Rome after we see many people declaring unto him how it was unwise to do so?


Starting at the beginning of all this we see this in Acts 21:13, "Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."

What becomes obvious to me is that it was a test from the Lord to see if Paul would obey Him regarding a private vision given unto Paul regarding how he must go to Jerusalem? If Jesus wanted Paul to stay away from Jerusalem as some declared in Acts 21, then why is it revealed that the Lord honored Paul for testifying in Jerusalem for Him in a vision and then declares in that same vision he must also go to Rome to preach? It's now clear that Jesus prophesied to Paul here that soon he will in fact be in Rome. Two chapters later we see Paul sharing something not shared before.

Acts 23:11, "And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.'

Paul was loved by many and just as Peter didn't want Jesus to die in Jerusalem nor did those that loved Paul want him to die either. But a calling is in fact a calling and he had work to do. He, like some of us, was called to declare unto the magistrates and leaders of his day truths they never would have heard otherwise.

Notice this in Acts 28:17-20  And it came to pass, that after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews together: and when they were come together, he said unto them, Men and brethren, though I have committed nothing against the people, or customs of our fathers, yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.  18  Who, when they had examined me, would have let me go, because there was no cause of death in me.  19  But when the Jews spake against it, I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar; not that I had ought to accuse my nation of.  20  For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you, and to speak with you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain.

In other words, Paul didn't seek to speak evil of Israel to the Romans at all as some feared he would. He went there to speak of Christ to the Jews in Rome. He took advantage of the fact the Jews in Jerusalem brought him to court in their own land. Knowing that if he was released, his life would not be worth a plug nickel and even if he was able to evade the murderous Jews it would be difficult to share the Gospel in that region due to constantly watching his back. But if he appealed to Caesar, he would not only have audience in Rome with the Jews that never heard of his fabricated crimes, he would have a Roman escort protecting him the entire way so as to assure he would be in Rome as Jesus declared he must go.

And so as he said, his chains were for the sole purpose to bring the Gospel to Rome! And saying that make me believe this was Christ's plan all along here. After all, did He not declare unto Paul that He needed him to go to Rome in the first place?

Paul took advantage of his situation in Jerusalem that was brought on by the Jews themselves when they dragged him before a Roman court. He used that opportunity to alert those in Rome of the fact their accusations were unfounded. So much so that he is not actually a "true" prisoner because the Roman officials there saw no crime worthy of death. The benefit here is, the Jews in Rome received no word from those in Jerusalem and as Jesus knew before coming to Paul in vision, they had no idea Paul was treated like this. He had an unbiased audience that was actually desirous to hear what he had to say about the "sect" that was being spoken against even in their region.

One more thing needs to be pointed out here and it has to do with another question regarding Paul before Agrippa.


#387 Why did Paul call Jesus' ressurection a first, even though He rose others from the dead before He died?

Please explain Acts 26:22-23  Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come:  23,  That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles.


As Paul was speaking onto King Agrippa when he was defending himself and the truth he proclaimed that angered the Jews enough to seek his death in Jerusalem, Paul said what he did in Acts 26:22-23 regarding among other things that "Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles."

Many misunderstand Paul's statement here wherein he declares Jesus "should be the first to rise from the dead..." They also wonder why he repeats this in 1 Corinthians 15:20 which was, "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept."

Both passages are actually saying the same thing. Difference here is, in Acts, Paul is not explaining in as much detail because King Agrippa was a well educated Jew who understood what "firstfruits" meant. In Acts 26:27 Paul admits he knows Agrippa's understanding when he says... Acts 26:27  King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thou believest.

Truth is, all the Jews understood that Messiah was to be the "firstfruits." But many people can't understand why Paul is saying Jesus was the first to raise from the dead, when He raised a few people from death in His ministry. This misunderstanding among the Christians of today is due to both a lack of daily Bible study as well as never being taught about the inner workings of the Sanctuary and its services.

The word "firstfruits" is defined in a way that says the person associated with this title is superior in excellence to others of the same class. (See Strongs # 536) In other words, there was something far more excellent with Jesus than with the others He raised from the grave. Jesus was the only one out of all those that were raised that had been in Heaven before being on Earth. Yes, raising Lazarus and others from the dead was a wonderful thing. But they do not carry or even hold to the same defintion of "first fruits." in fact, the word "firstfruits" is also used to describe the 144,000 in Revelation 14:4 in the same manner. No, they weren't in Heaven beforehand, but they will be "more excellent" then anyone else alive at that time because they are the first ones to ever walk perfectly in Christ while still in the flesh and before His return to earth. Their lives testify that yes, man can walk with Christ while on earth! And even Lazarus, who was loved of Jesus, could not do that.


#388 Did David hate the lame and the blind?

Can you please explain 2 Samuel 5:8 which says, "And David said on that day, Whosoever getteth up to the gutter, and smiteth the Jebusites, and the lame and the blind, that are hated of David's soul, he shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they said, The blind and the lame shall not come into the house."

What's that about? Why does David hate them? I know David is told in verse 6 of chapter 5 that unless he takes away the blind and the lame he shall not come in hither to Jerusalem, but why should that translate to hatred of the blind and lame? And then in 2 Samuel 9, David goes on to show kindness to Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth, who was lame. So, what's going on on with David here?


If you look into the past of the Jebusites in the Word you will see that the Lord gave commands unto Abram (in Gen. 15) as well as Moses (in Exo. 23) and even Joshua (in Joshua 3) that He was going to “cut off” the Jebusites (as well as others like them) from the land and give it unto the people of Israel. This no doubt caused them to hate David and the Lord who took their land. In fact, in some historic records it is stated that the Jebusties, and especially the lame among them, openly insulted David and blasphemed the God he loved. And so David was moved by the Lord to give the command so as to assure they would gain the land as God promised all along.

Notice what the Lord told His people back then…

To Abram: (Soon to be Abraham)

To Moses:

To Joshua:

Due to lack of faith however, the Jebusites for whatever reason were still hold outs all the way to David’s day and so he was left to deal with them as he saw fit. Notice this…

And so this is why we see what we see in 2 Samuel 5:6 which says, "And the king and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land: which spake unto David, saying, Except thou take away the blind and the lame, thou shalt not come in hither: thinking, David cannot come in hither."

Like Goliath they appeared to taunt David in his God given duty as well as mock the Lord that did say He will drive them out. They appear to have taken the blind and lame and placed them outside the walls of the city to insult David by claiming the lame among them can handle David and his men. But they knew of God’s command upon Abram, Moses and Joshua from days gone by wheren they were supposed to have been anilihated, yet they were still there and so they believed they were immovable and the God of David was weak. And because of their crazed ideology, they no doubt boasted in their corrupted minds that they could not be defeated which would then lead them to insult David and blaspheme the Lord. And so as the next verse says in 2 Samuel 5:7, "Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David."

Still, some Jebusites no doubt escaped and lived on as we do see later in the Bible record that Solomon forced them to pay tribute. Notice what it says in 1 Kings 9:19-21, "And all the cities of store that Solomon had, and cities for his chariots, and cities for his horsemen, and that which Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and in all the land of his dominion. And all the people that were left of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, which were not of the children of Israel, Their children that were left after them in the land, whom the children of Israel also were not able utterly to destroy, upon those did Solomon levy a tribute of bondservice unto this day."

These historic events, if for nothing else shows how important it is to follow the Lord's command. Had Abrham, Moses, Joshua or even David had done as commanded to the letter, then Solomon would not have to deal with ths. And yes, this is why Samuel was so angry with Saul when he refused to kill King Agag of the Amalekites in 1Samuel 15. Disobeying the Lord is a major issue when His will is so perfectly laid out.

Still, with all we see recorded here in the Holy Writ one can rest assured that the Gideon band will have all this in mind when it comes time for them to stand in obedience unto the Lord in every aspect of such a walk. No, they will not be called to kill anyone of course as our Lord will do that with the brightness of His coming, but they will most assuredly be fully aware of how bad things will be if they sidestep in any way the will of the Lord in the coming days.

 #389 Can you explain Deuteronomy 6:4

Greetings Pastor!!!

I agree with everything in "Why they preach One God Heresy"
Point: How can I explain Deut. 6:4 to someone who brings up that verse when trying to explain why I worshipped 3 Gods and etc...


Verse in question:

When they use that one verse, wherein it’s no different than when the Lord said a husband and wife are “one” which can be easily define as meaning they are “in agreement.” All I tell them when they use this verse is you cannot build a doctrine on one out of context verse. Isaiah 28:9-10 clearly instructs us on how to define biblical dcotrine. It says, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.  (10)  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

Doctrine is found in agreement everywhere in the Bible;  or as Isaiah puts it “here a little and there a little.” Therefore, if they have one verse that says “one Lord” in it but the Bible actually has dozens of verses that say there are three living separate persons in the Godhead, which unike the Vatican Trinity that says there is only one God in three persons, we must let the Bible speak and not the person who seeks to place their creed over and above the Bible as prophecy said many prideful hearts will do in these last days.

When speaking of such people in the last days the prophet Isaiah said long ago in Isaiah 4:1 that "in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach."

As we all know that passage speaks of a man made creed being their god over and above the Bible. If I was to define all the prophetic symbols of that passage in today's language I would say that in the last days all the churches will claim to take hold of Jesus Christ as their Lord, but they will chose rather to read the Bible the way they want to read it, or in other words, define their own so called Christian creeds, and they will also declare they will walk in this way that they invented in their creeds, even though the Bible says otherwise about their so called doctrines, they will still demand we call them Christians to take away their shame.

When you look at the Catholic church today that is the perfect example of Isaiah 4:1. And sadly, as also prophesied, all the so called Protestant churches, which includes the Seventh Day Adventists that have all adopted their own creeds, everyone today is wondering after the beast while still claiming to be Christians to take away their shame.

Also notice what Jesus said in Mark 7:7-9. he said, "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.  (8)  For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.  (9)  And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition."

One can easily see here that Jesus is exposing their creeds as being evil just as He told Isaiah to warn all the world long ago.

On my page about the Vatican Trinity I share well over 100 verses that all say the same thing about the Godhead. And most that declare Jesus isn't God or the Holy Spirit doesn't exist chose never to contact me again after going through just a portion of that page because they come to realize their “one god” theology is actually the Vatican trinity in disguise. Why they don't repent and just do the right thing confuses me to this day.

I link out many more studies on that page that the few that do contact me back after reading it usually helps them. Especially the one that shows why they declare ONE GOD. Most of these confused Christians are totally unaware that the Vatican and Islam were behind the fabrication of that false doctrine centuries ago.

Now notice this statement I have on that page that specifically defined Deuteronomy 6:4 some time ago. Notice what the Hebrew language has to say about all this.

Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:: :4  שׁמעH8085 ישׂראלH3478 יהוהH3068 אלהינוH430 יהוהH3068 אחד׃H259

Shama (hear / pay attention) Yisrael (Israel) Yehovah (Jehovah / Lord) Eloheem (Gods) Yehovah (Jehovah / Lord) echawd (united / altogether / together / one)

This proves those that preach this one God theology not only ignore dozens upon dozens of verses that prove their pastors and teachers to be wolves in sheeps clothing, and in today's last day society this is prophesied to be the norm in nearly all chruches, these poor souls also ignore the written Word of God in its basic foundation by speaking lies about it. They literally ignore the Hebrew meaning of certain words because they know if they preach them no one will believe their ONE GOD theology. I've even had some of these people tell me you have to rip out verses that go against their creed and when it comes to books that give us this defintions of both the Hebrew and the Greek, such books as these should be burned. That is how confused the spirit of Babylon can entrap some people.


#390 What does Paul mean when he said "yea & nay?"


I don't know what Paul means in these verses.

2 Corinthians 1:17-20

When I therefore was thus minded, did I use lightness? or the things that I purpose, do I purpose according to the flesh, that with me there should be yea yea, and nay nay? [18] But as God is true, our word toward you was not yea and nay. [19] For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us, even by me and Silvanus and Timotheus, was not yea and nay, but in him was yea. [20] For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.

I don't understand what he means with "yea" & "nay". I know they mean yes & no, but I don't get the message he's giving. God bless.


The promises of Christ are absolute. But as we know, 2000 years ago the Pharisees would declare they are the only ones worthy of the promises declared in Scripture. If in fact they were 100% obedient unto the Lord then yes, we could agree they were the only ones worthy of the promises. But, as we know, they were not obedient to the Lord at all. In fact, they often declared “yea yea” for themselves and “nay nay” for the Gentiles and others they professed to be dogs outside the camp of God. Yet we know they erred here as well after Jesus shared with the Samaritan woman at the well. The Jews boldly hated the Samaritans and always declared “nay nay” unto them.

We need to keep in mind that the Word doesn’t say “Jews” are to ask and it shall be given unto them. It doesn't say “Jews” must therefore seek and they shall find. Nor does it say only the “Jews” can knock so that the door will be opened unto them, and most assuredly you will not find a Bible verse that says no one but the Jews are to read and believe it. It says all of us can ask, seek and knock and we will be blessed. Hence the reason for the horns that point to the North, South, East and West on both the altar of burnt offerings as well as the altar of incense. All of mankind can come to the Lord for the gift of salvation as well as in prayer. Not just the Jews. All of mankind can declare all the promises to be theirs for the taking; but only if they accept Jesus Christ as Lord and obey Him by laying all on the altar.

I recall as a young Christian that I believed deep within me that some of the promises were “yea yea” unto me, but the ones I wanted like the gift of healing, prophecy or other blessings were “nay nay” unto me because I thought they were slated for other men and women who had a better walk or faith than I had. Later in my walk however the Lord revealed to me that 100% of all the promises are for me as well as any Christian alive as long as they obey the Lord AND trust Him to keep His Word. Which only a fool would think otherwise.

And so there is no “yea yea and nay nay” with our God. It’s always and ever will be all 100% YEA YEA unto His children. He loves us that much.  


#391 I am scared to leave the SDA church - But I must obey the Lord

Good morning Nicholas

I have from SA and have been going to a dutch reform church my whole life. I learned about the true Sabbath on many youtube channels and have been to our minister twice in this regard. He has not answered me in any way which wil help me going forward and following Jesus. He told me to read the book of Acts to be able to understand why Jesus died on the cross. I have tried to explain but he does not care to listen, as he has the knowledge and not me.

I am now facing the problem of leaving the church after 50 years. I am a single mother of two school going children and need us to go to church. I dont want to go to church on sundays anymore. I know thousands of people and most of them claiming to be Christian, but not one of them keep the Sabbath. Where do I go? I am scared to go to the SDA.

I am scared to be mislead and scared because of the upside-down cross in their emblem. It feels as if something odd is with the SDA church.

Please help me to find a church where we will feel loved and accepted and not mislead.

I am not sure about the dress code of the SDA. Is woman obliged to wear dresses?

I feel so lonely and scared.

Thanks for your channel.


All you need to do to be at peace is to do as the early church did. Just go back into the book of Acts like your exPastor suggested but this time look at how they met in their homes for church each and every Sabbath day.

Satan knew this was a problem for him when they did this because it was difficult for him to infiltrate the home churches because they were so small and scattered far and wide. And so the enemy of souls used the men he had control over to build huge cathedrals so as to lure the people out of the safety of the home churches to mix in with people from all walks of life wherein their could never hope to know who was safe and who wasn't.

Now that were are very near the end, we look at the churches of today and yes we still have the old cathedrals, but we now have massive auditorium churches with anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 seats in them. This allows both Satan as well as the government that controls each and every pastor on those pulpits via their 501c3 contracts to not just keep an eye on the people to better control them; the government uses political correctness to make sure those pastors echo the immorality of society as the norm in the churches. This is why all churches including the SDA church are declaring everything from Allah is god to homosexuality is no longer an abomination but a protected lifestyle.

As prophesied, the 11th hour church is to be the smallest yet most powerful church ever known to exist among mankind in that we will soon be bathed in the latter rain wherein we receive a more abundant portion of the Holy Spirit than the Apostles received in the Early Rain. And yes, this is why Satan is moving people to believe the Holy Spirit doesn't exist or He is just a thought process between the Father and the Son. Satan knows if the people don't believe in the third literal person of the Godhead, they will not be used of God when that Later Rain falls.

This same Holy Spirit has moved God's people the last few decades to gather in our homes all over the world. In fact, this is exactly how the Seventh Day Remnant church started and this is how we will be when our Lord returns very soon because being widely scattered as we are in such small numbers in the homes of the faithful just as the apostles did 2000 years ago; we can both prevent infiltration as well as be in so many different places at the same time when the Latter Rain finally falls that Satan will not be able to stop that which is prophesied to happen when it comes to the loud cry gets extremely loud all over the world at the exact same time even though most of us never met each other when we are called to go forth.

And so my advice to you is to keep Sabbath in your home. Invite people you trust to join with you and if you stay obedient in the Lord, a few more trustworthy souls will join with you and you will eventually grow in the Lord and used of Him to go forth when the time comes for all of us to step out in faith. And just so you know, until you either start a home church or find one, you are invited to join us on Sabbath day each week online.

God bless and keep the faith dear sister. We are almost home.


#392 Please explain your video titled "The Pope, Sunday Laws & Climate Change"

I don't even know what level this is on right now. Can someone outline what this is about like im 5?


I just shared this on Thursday but felt it needed to be repeated due to many question on the basic reality as to what's going on in the world when it comes to climate change and the Pope. And so this is what I shared with someone on YouTube the other day. I summarize of course all that I have on my site and in many videos for those seeking verification on all this.

In a nutshell--

Prophecy says the Pope in Rome will claim all the natural disasters have to do with climate change when in fact they have to do with the return of Christ instead. But in order for everyone to believe the Pope, he will have to start a global movement using brainwashed pawns and educating them young will make that job easier. This brainwashing began in the government school system years ago by the way.

Once that is done, and everyone on earth is on board thinking humans can do something about "climate change" when in fact they cannot; Satan will finally appear on earth claiming to be "Jesus" and he will then command the Pope to tell everyone they cannot buy and sell anything until everyone on earth agrees to keep Sunday holy. Then he (the fake Jesus) will then claim he will not stop the disasters in nature unless all comply.

Of course he's lying and those disasters actually declare Jesus is really close to returning and will then get much worse when the people of the world obey Satan instead of Jesus. By now nearly all people on earth already believe the lies over the truth and will easily keep Sunday holy and therefore receive the mark of the beast thinking it pleases the fake Jesus. Sadly, this act confirms they are now destined for hellfire.

As this goes on for a while and the disasters get much worse; Satan, who most people still think is Jesus Christ in the flesh even though the Bible clearly says Jesus never touches the earth when He returns, due to their loyalty to the fake Jesus, Satan will then declare the few on earth that still refuse to keep Sunday holy must now die at the hands of his loyal worshipers. The 7 last plagues begin to fall and Satan moves all the leaders to now get serious about killing off the obedient (real) Christians that remain (144,000 in number) because now Satan's time is extremely short, and as soon as all the governments of the world agree in unison; they come into power as a one world government (within a year's time of the plagues starting) and they pass laws to kill the remaining 144,000. But before they can actually kill those obedient Christians the eastern sky splits wide open revealing the return of the REAL Jesus, and all those that received the mark die and lay rotting all over the world, the dead in Christ arise from their graves, and the 144,000 then arise to meet them and Jesus in the air to forever be with the Lord.


 #393 How long will the tribulation and Sunday Laws last?

I appreciate what I am learning here. Just a couple of questions? How long is the little time of trouble? Do we know how long after the Sunday law is Jesus coming? Are we told how long is the tribulation? I appreciate any info you can give, if you have how I can find info on these subjects too, like links etc. I do believe we are in the last days and my focus should be on the Lord only. Thank you for your present truth.


No the Bible does not say how long the little time of trouble is. But just so you know, we are living in that time right now. Over 200,000 Christians are dying each year for their faith, but the last 10 years or so the media has stopped reporting on it so as to both keep the panic down while at the same time keep Muslims appear holy and thrustworthy in the pubic eye even though they are killing the Christians under direction of the Vatican.

The great tribulation has already come and gone. It was exactly 1260 years.  The killings and later the formal Inquisitions of Rome lasted 1260 years- 538ad to 1798ad. But because this historic fact made the Vatican look bad after they lost their political powers in 1798AD. Because they could no longer openly firighten the people with their blood thirsty methods, which was the crux of the matter behind Napoleon's reason to attack and remove them from power, they decided to use a different approach. Since they can no longer rely on their scary personage in the public eye since it was now openly exposed, they decided to make themselves appear holy, just and pure.

The Jesuits then made up false prophecies like the 7 year trib and a future great tribulation to make it appear as if what the Popes did in the past was not prophesied by Jesus as the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24. If they could get the people to believe in a futristic version of Antichrist, all the proof that the Popes from day one that confirmed them to be Antichrist using Historic record and Scripture would no longer be believed by the masses. Yes, some true Christians will still know who the man of sin is, but the Jesuits and Popes of Rome have no faith in God to use the small remnant number in the way He used David in Goliath's day and so the prelates of Rome decided, under Satanic inspiration for lack of a better word, to just go with the numbers.

In other words, if a few million knew the truth about the Popes of Rome, they didn't see them as a major threat (until the Loud Cry that is) because having 7 billion people agreeing with the Pope would help squash any opposition towards theer long prophesied agenda for a one world church, one world government and Sunday laws moving all the wolrd to worship Satan along with the Popes of Rome who by now have been openly exposed as card carrying devil worshippers. And I have the doc files and videos to prove that hands down.

What we are now looking towards is not the Great Tribulation. That happened and 500,000,000 Christians died during that 1260 years. What's happening now is the little time of trouble and when the plagues begin we will see the time of Jacob's trouble come to fulfillment.

As for how long the Sunday laws will last during the buy and sell situation, again we do not know as the Lord has not given any dates on any of this for we know all dated prophecies ended on October 22,1844. We do however know what will happen next, we just don’t know when.

And the only reason we know the plagues will last “about” a year is because of what Revelation 18:8 says regarding the Vatican’s demise and those that follow her lead. It says “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.”

And in prophetic time, as is defined in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6, a day = a year.

See this for a lot more info … http://remnantofgod.org/prepare.htm


#394 All you have is the 501c3 to push your message

Im sorry Nicolas but the only truth that you have on --TV & --TV and the others is that the organizations have a 501c3 tax status.


I do not know of those ministries or TV stations you speak of as I do not follow apostate leaders nor do I look at anything they write or listen to what they preach. I only look into and expose those that seek to lure some believers that are close to me and those that are popular enough to lure many into sin. But having a 501c3 is all I need to know they are not obedient unto God for if they were obedient they would have understood the prophecy about building the image of the beast, of which they are fulfilling as we speak.

The only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it. The fact they all signed the 501c3 proves they do not have eyes to see and therefore eternally dangerous and deadly to anyone that trusts them and their tainted sermons. If they have not eyes to see such a basic prophecy as the image of the beast, then their sermons will be tainted with lies. No getting around that fact for Satan only blesses those that obey him in the same way Christ blesses those that obey Him.

100% of every SDA ministry that has a 501c3 must bow in unison with the second beast of Revelation which is in fact the United States Government and these pastors do this willingly under the guidance of the General Conference that holds their first of many 501c3 contracts. And these apostate GC leaders declare through their many strategically selected puppets that Allah is God, homosexual marriage is ok, Sunday keeping SDA churches are “no big deal” and women can be pastors just to name a few. The others under the 501c3 web of control need not even openly declare their agreement with such things in the same way the prelates of Rome play their church politics by having some priests openly agree while some quietly disagree and some simply clam up. They say one thing publicly and another thing on the pulpits so as to keep the people in the pews. Rome has used that tactic for centuries and it works. And be it known unto you, saying nothing means the pastors are just as guilty either by agreement, or by a cowardly heart that is now under the control of Rome regardless of what denomination that claim to stand in. The fact the SDA church and every other so called Protestant churches send tithe money to the Pope through its National and Wolrd Council of churches is proof of that fact.

And so, I say onto you who I declare is a dear and precious soul in the eyes of both your Father in Heaven and His obedient remnant people who warn you, If having a 501c3 is not enough to prove you must depart from their side then you too need to repent dear one. For the obedient remnant people of God know the prophetic Word and we know the clear red flag waving in the prophetic wind of that long prophesied contract with the second beast and how it will be used to finish creating that image and America becomes a publicly recognized church and state conglomeration. Yes, they have officialy become that image on December 02, 2017 when Trump signed the 501c3 into law. With the stroke of that pend all churches under the 501c3 became official government agencies as President Bush called them when he wrote the originating 501c3 executive order so as to start to life giving process of that image that was originally penned in 1954 by Lyndon Johnson.

If you look into the writing of that law you will come to see that many that have it in and outside the church are legally obligated to do as Jesuits have done for centuries to keep the pews filled with their victims. Of which you dear one are now a defending member of same I am sad to say.

As prophesied, they will preach what the people want to hear and they will do this hellish act claiming to be one in the Lord while standing in agreement with the very beast that will soon mark them all for damnation.

And so to put it plainly, when I see the 501c3 or 501c4 contract I see a preacher that no one on earth can trust. For if he cannot see the prophesied warning that contract entails, then he cannot hear the voice of the Lord to even write a blessed sermon the people need to hear. For the God of the Bible will not give utterance unto those that hate Him.

And so as I have been saying for decades, the only way to understand Christian prophecy is to obey the God that wrote. And in today's world, very few can be trusted to stand let along preach from that sacred desk. But then, that is just one more factor of this end time society we find ourselves in.


#395 What does Paul mean in Romans 14:2,14-15,20-21

Hi brother Nick I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out with my last question regarding who is Israel today. You really help me out. I have one more question, What does Paul mean in Romans 14:2,14-15,20-21

"For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs...I know, and am persuaded by the LORD Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. 15But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died...For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence...It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak".

Some use this verse to preach that there is no unclean foods and eating it wont defile you, they also use 1 Corinthians 10:31 "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. "


First and foremost, this does not apply to physically unclean foods because the Jews already knew about unclean foods. This has to do with food becoming spiritually unclean instead. You must always keep what you read in context as to the topic at hand as well as who is talking and who is being spoken to. This speaks of flesh foods yes, but this "meat" can also be seen as meaty Scripture or doctrine when the need arises, just so you know. In this context however, the flesh is that of animals that can be eaten because the Jews would not even touch unclean foods in the first place.

But here’s the clincher. The key reason for the chapter is…

If the man does not know it is sin to follow after the Pagan festivals, it is not counted as sin against him any more than it would be if he ate clean foods at that festival. For it is written in Acts 17:30, "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:"

All too often people are following the Truth we preach simply because it sounds correct, or their parents teach it. But compelled assent to any doctrine or even any prophetic fact we may press on them, or even get them in agreement that feast days are abolished without being convinced in their own minds, would be hypocritical at best in their hearts and eventually of no avail because eventually they will walk away from it. Reason being is, if they will bow to our opinions easily without a thus saith the Lord, sooner or later someone else will come up to pull them away just as easily if they have a better way to fabricating a lie. Real Bible STUDY is what will bring the answer here.

And so, even if the meat is clean, if it offends your brother for you to eat it, then don't eat it because in his mind it is considered spiritually unclean. In other words, there are ways some look upon clean food as unclean via correct or even misunderstood doctrine and so as Christians we must not tempt them to think lesser of our God by our example.

What I mean is, if I were to walk into a Chinese restaurant knowing they have a Buddha on display for those patrons that worship it, all that is offered on the plates might be offered unto that idol as per their religion in some restaurants. But if I as a Christian eat it all is well it is between me and the true God I worship when I give thanks for the meal because I know it’s a false god they worship and it has no power over me or even the meal I am about to consume.

But, if someone that knows I am a Christian but doesn’t understand the Word of God to know this difference as it is laid out in doctrine, then I would not go in that restaurant with them so as to prevent them from being offended.

In fact, Paul confirms this by saying in the previous verses…

And so that is why we see what we see in what you originally shared from Romans 14 that said “It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.”

Now read verse 28 again. , “But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof:”

As for 1 Corinthians 10:31; Again, Jews that are now Bible believing and Messiah embracing Christians are the ones being addressed here and they know why God declared certain things unclean. To this day science will tell you that the meats declared unclean in the Word are the foods that cause disease to this day. No getting around that.

Jews that became Christians knew eating uncleans things would not give glory to God. Still, some that desire the bloody hamburger and worm infested pork chops will use 1 Timothy 4:4-5 out of context to eat them anyway which says, “For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:  5,  For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”

And so they will say, “I can eat this sewage filtering clam because I gave thanks to God for it.” But this is what they ignore on 2 points.

#1, Paul said you can eat it when it is “received with thanksgiving.” Their problem here is that they cannot see that our God clearly said do not eat the unclean things all along. And so how can they “give thanks" for a meal he never gave them in the first place? It would be like thanking me for the millions of dollars I gave them when I gave them nary a dime.

And #2, verse 5 is obvious. Unclean foods were never and will never be sanctified.


#396 What was the 1844 great disappointment?

Where can I find the 1844 great disappointment in actual Scripture?


The message was "sweet" in that the Millerites back then thought Jesus was actually returning on October 22, 1844. And then it was "bitter" in their belly when He did not return. They got the date correct, but the event wrong. The end of the 2300 year prophecy was declared by Daniel to end on October 22, 1844 yes; but the end of the prophecy meant the Sanctuary was to be cleansed. The Millerites thought the Sanctuary was earth and so they naturally thought the cleansing was Christ returning to earth with fire, but they later found out after going into more Bible study that the earth is not the Sanctuary at all. Moses received a "pattern" of the real Sanctuary that as we know is still and always will be in heaven.

The ending of that 2300 year prophecy meant the real Sanctuary in Heaven was to begin cleansing on that date which we know to be the start of the investigative judgment so that when Jesus finally does return to earth all judgment is already done. In fact, it will be done at the start of the plagues, for when the plagues begin it clearly says in Revelation 22:11-12  He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.  (12)  And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

When the plagues fall, all the lost will forever remain lost and all the saved will forever remain saved. That is why the prophet Amos said what he did long ago in Amos 8:11-12  Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:  (12)  And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

The lost will be wandering to and fro looking for a true preacher that will vindicate them in their lost state using Scripture but by this time the only only Christians alive are the 144,000 Gideon band, and they would never lie and jeapordize their salvation. The lost will finally come to realize at the start of the plagues that all those crazy or fanatical Jesus freaks as they called us were 100% correct. All that we said will happen has now happened and they now realize they are lost. But because they never read their Bibles in the first place before the plagues even came, they do not know that it is too late for them now. They actually think they can find a Bible verse or a real Christian to vindicate them and remove their abject fear of damnation. But the prophecy is clear, "  He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still:" They are forever lost.

And to further confirm the doctrine of the Investigative Judgment commencing on October 22, 1844, which was actually the 10th day of the seventh month in the original Hebrew Calendar that was used to actually get that final prophesied date, and I say final because it was also prophesied that end time prophecies from that day forward will never be given a specific date. But to confirm the judgment started already and ends at the start of the plagues is easy to see if you have eyes to see it for 2 reasons.

#1 The prophecy stated "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." That means, whatever state the soul is in when those plagues begin will never again change for all eternity. If you're lost, you remain lost, and if you're saved you remain saved. In other words, you have been judged lost or you have been judged saved for all eternity when the plagues begin. And so the previous years from 1844 forward were in fact used to judge the living and the dead for unless they were used for that purpose, explain how judgment is finish at the start of the plagues which is about one year before Jesus retturns. For it is also prophesied those plagues will fall within a year.

Revelation 18:8 clearly says, "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." And according to prophetic defintions found in both Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6, "I have appointed thee each day for a year."

#2, The prophecy also stated "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." How is it possible for Christ to bring His reward unto all individuals on the planet at His coming unless of course all have been judged and their rewards have been already decided?

And so again, they got the date correct, but the event wrong. Jesus wasn’t returning on Oct 22, 1844, He was simply starting to judge the living and the dead so that when He returns, as promised He will bring all of mankind their reward with Him. Some will receive the reward of eternal life, and sadly the majority will receive the reward of eternal damnation.


#397 Why does the USA have two horns like a lamb

Hey Pastor Nicholas;

The two horns of a lamb in revelation 13:11, has horns are ruling entities in the context of America what do the two horns represent.

I was thinking house of representatives and the senate because that’s where you guys make your laws.

Any help would be nice.



Some believe that because the state is a ruling power some see the USA as a split state because of its democratic and republican form of Congress. But when we look at the prophecy in Revelation 13:11-12 that says, "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.  (12)  And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."

That first beast is of course the Vatican, and the chronology of this prophecy depicts a time when the lamb horned beast is speaking as a dragon. The prophecy doesn't identity the horns in its latter state however; but then as we know, Satan would want the USA to continue claiming to be a Christian nation till the end because as we also know, the mark of the beast is a religious law and Satan needs to use his version of Christianity, or Catholicism as we know it, to enforce his mark.

We know the USA started as a Christian nation and so again like the republicanism and Protestantism format, we in the last days will also see a split personality of a so called Christian nation because the prophecy does declare it still has the original horns of the lamb. But now in our day it speaks as a dragon, and just seeing an aerial few of our nationals capital it is clearly a nation run by devil worshipers and according to Revelation 12:9 & 20:2 that dragon is Satan.

Now look a little farther into the prophecy. Go down to Revelation 13:14 that says the USA "deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live."

Did you notice how the USA makes an image of the first beast? Do we not know the Vatican is a church & state power? Is it not called Vatican City as a nation and the Roman Catholic congregation as a church? That being the case, the USA must emulate that same format. Because as historic record confirms the church as well as the state can rule people can they not? The prophecy says the USA will create and image to the beast and we are living in the time it has become a church and state even though the actual bloodthirsty movement of its hand has not yet been realized via the enforcement of the mark. Sure it kills behind closed doors as well as in their wars as a global conquest for mother Rome as well as financial gain for D.C.. But the basic reality here is that the structure to do that prophesied act is already here.

What I mean is, today the USA has not only formed an image to the beast on paper as of 1954 when Lyndon Johnson penned the 501c3 contract which states you must join your church with the state to get a tax right off as well as cash benefits for doing so generating a massive army of false preachers who are actually "preachers of filthy lucre" as prophesied. And they are confirmed as such by how the 501c3 was written because it clearly states the only way to get the cash is to become a church and state. And then as of December 02, 2017 Trump signed that bill that was previously made into an executive order by President Bush in 2006, Trump made it permanent law. And now look at Revelation 13:15 that says, "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

As of December 02, 2017 all pastors with the 501c3 are not only declared to be "official government agencies" as President Bush said in March of 2006, thanks to Trump's pen in December of 2017, they can now legally lobby for religious law without the IRS punishing them in any way shape or form. The image has been given its birth and will soon spring into its prophesied hellish lifeform.

And by the way, to "speak" in this prophecy means to legislate law and to "cause" in this prophecy means to enforce that law. That can now be done from both the pulpit as well as the political bench. All they await now is the go ahead from their dying god (Satan) when he stands claiming to be Christ. At this time they will have a full blown political life as prophesied and those lamb's horns will have become demonic in that they will soon represent a church & state ruling power in the exact same way the Vatican has been doing for centuries. And all that the Popes did during the Inquisitions will begin once again.

And by the way. Those that still have issue regarding the mark of the beast being Sunday laws. See my mark of the beast page wherein I share a huge in depth study covering every rebuttal so as to remove all doubt. And as of today's date, I also have 29 videos confirming it's the mark, I have actual quotes from the Vatican admitting it's their mark of authority over all the churches. I also share the Bible verses that speak of the mark for the student of the Bible so they can see that every time the mark is mentioned in prophecy, the word "worship" is right there with it. And rightly so, for as we saw in Esther's day, Daniel's day and even the days of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Satan always uses the governments in power to make laws that not only go against God's Ten Commandments, he demands the people bow to him and his idols in open sin against the God of the Bible. That is what he is about to do with the Sunday sabbath. And so why on earth would it be any different in our day and especially since we are in the last days and the mark of the beast was prophesied to be a religious law.

And yes, this is why you see the many false prophets saying the mark is the number 666, a tattoo or even the veri chip implant. Satan knows the mark is a religious law and so he has ot make everyone that refuses to open their Bibles or even get out of apostate churches to think it's anything but a religious law. Satan knows, if you read and study your Bible or attend a remnant church wherein real truth is taught, you will be that much harder for him to deceive. Becuse the elect cannot be deceived. And so we now have many false prophets and all sorts of edited Bibles with thousands of verses missing so as to make sure Satan can get billions into the flames with him.


 #398 Not all SDA's are blind

Not all SDA members blindly follow their pastors. Many many read the Bible. We know the word of God. But thanks for the warning...it brought to mind the many pastors AFTV, ADTV, Revelation Now on 3ANN, WalterVieth, White Horse Media and others I have heard to say "don't take my word for it..read the scriptures for yourself"." Don't take mere man's word...read the scriptures for yourself".

I do listen to some of your sermons...sometimes the volume is to low...and a lot of background noise.
I have a question for you. Are you an ordained minister? And what church.

Thank you for your time.


Yes dear one;

I am biblically ordained with the laying on of hands years ago by the men of the true remnant church showed up at my home on Sabbath day out of the blue. I am and have been a pastor in the Seventh Day Remnant church for years.

As for Walter Veith and the others that claim to have left the SDA church and use the Bible, they are repeatedly exposed as liars. There's just no easy way to say then. They have not left the SDA church at all. And like the SDA church conference, they too have joined their ministries with the second beast of Revelation to build on the formation of the image of the beast in Rome. And as of December 02, 2017 they are all now official government agents as per US law with the ability to lobby religious law.

The fact they literally ignored the prophecies in both the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy to sign the 501c3 contract with the United States Government confirms these men are the prophesied wolves we have been warned about. For the only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it. And for them to sign a contract that was prophesied 2000 years ago and one that is considered a very easy to spot prophecy by even babes in the prophetic Word, this proves they were never obedient in the first place. For is they were they never would have signed that contract.

Hopefully, some will repent and leave the apostate SDA church. But sadly, those that have heard of this long prophesied message as per the remnant people, and were concerned about it to the point of contacting the IRS to seek a way out of it as some have done, when told they can dump their 501c3 after paying their excise and penalty taxes, every one of them so far that I have heard about changed their mind and kept it because as also propehsied, preachers of filthy lucre or more apt to protect the money than the members of their own church.

And as for staying in the SDA church as official members while claiming to read and know the Word of God, please do not take this the wrong way, but I cannot ignore my calling so as not to offend you. Like your pastor who has a 501c3 so as to legally proclaim the name SDA, you too are in disobedience by staying in the fallen church. For if you truly did know and believe the Word of God, you would never even touch the unclean thing for in so doing places your soul in danger of damnation. Not to mention those that may follow your lead.


 #399 Jesus christ says hes not the christ, whos lying?

It is said in Matthew 16:20 that Jesus "Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ."


Jesus did not say what you're assuming here. He did not say He was not the Christ. Please read it in context...

Matthew 16:13-20  When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?  14,  And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.  15,  He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?  16,  And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.  17,  And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.  18,  And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  19,  And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  20,  Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.

Jesus knew for a fact that the apostles were not ready to explain how He was Messiah in a way that would work well to save souls; and so He told them to be quite about it as many Pharisees were chomping at the bit seeking to twist the Bible in ways that would burden the Apostles as well as harm the babe in Christ by fostering confusion unto them.

But, as we know all too well, Peter said He was the Christ in that passage as plain as day and Jesus did not rebuke him for it. Peter was well versed, hence the reason he was called to lead; but as we see later, he was a bit cowardly when it came to being tested. But that all changed when he was "converted" in a way that brought him to tears.

PLUS, keep in mind that none of the apostles had received the Holy Spirit as of yet so as to be more apt to hear God's voice in regards to any biblical truth they may be sharing with a soul in need. That wouldn't happen until after Jesus died, resurrected and ascended back into Heaven to send the Comforter unto them on Pentecost. And so without the Holy Spirit guiding their tongue as the promise in John 14:26 says He will do for all those that know His Word, the Apostles were not "blessed" enough at that time to be able to properly explain how they knew Jesus was the Christ. And so to protect them from the Pharisees who had super-intelligent demons moving within them who knew how to twsit Scripture in a way that confuses people that don't study the Bible, Jesus said what He did to protect them as the true Shepherd He was and still is to His precious flock to this day.

Case in point.. how many of us recall being in a conversation with someone wherein we needed to give them a Bible verse we had used multiple times beforehand with others, but for some reason we can't bring that verse to mind. I am convinced that the Holy Spirit does that at time to prevent damaging the soul we're trying to reach who will take the verse we're sharing way out of context in their mind to strenghten their stance against the truth. Or, could it be they will be moved by Satan to speak of the verse in a very crafty manner wherein we will be unable to effectively unravel which will again further strenghten their stance against the truth.

And so again, Jesus told them not to say He was the Christ yet because they weren't yet able to explain that truth to every soul they will meet yet.


 #400 You are trying to get to Heaven by your works

Nicholas. I appreciate you taking time out to answer my questions seriously. I do have to say however that I agree with "_______", regarding grace over works that qualifies for Heaven. In the book of Galatians, Paul cleared up the issues of works for the galatians at that time. They were trying to earn their way by their works. That book is dedicated to the topic of grace


Confusing works with obedience is not how it works my friend. Obedient Christians do not keep the commandments to GET saved. We keep them because WE ARE saved. No man, and even those claiming to be Christian, can keep God's law. That was proven thousands of years ago at Mount Sinai. Hence the reason for the New Covenant wherein we still must keep His law, only now He helps us keep it which when doing so proves we have the Holy Spirit in us. For the law cannot be kept without Him in our hearts.

What I mean is.. do you recall when Jesus said "it is by their fruits ye shall know them?" That is why I gave 1 John 2:14 to "_______". As Isaiah 4:1 prophesied so long ago, many people today will declare themselves Christians but they only do so to hide their shame. They know deep inside they don't really obey the Lord.

Most don't realize this due to self deception but the fact they do not believe they need to keep His law confirms this because, as I stated earlier no man alive or long gone dead has ever been able to keep the law of God without help from God. It's 100% impossible. And so we ALL need Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour so that when He sends the promised Comforter within us, we see the utterance of 2 Corinthians 3:2-4 confirmed in us in an outward appearance which says, "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:  3,  Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.  4,  And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward:"

Again.. we do not demand that people keep God's law all on their own to be considered a Heaven bound Christian. We preach Jesus Christ as Lord, King and Saviour so that when He is received by them, that precious soul becomes an "epistle" of Christ who without even trying (as it says in 1 John 5:3) they automatically keep His Law and display the fruits He said we all need to look for in each other. And so again.. we don't keep the Law of God to GET saved.. we keep it because WE ARE saved.

Notice this as well. If you read Hebrews about the death of the testator it may make more sense to you.

Hebrews 9:14-20  How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?  15  And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.  16  For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.  17  For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.  18  Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood.  19  For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people,  20  Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you.

This passage proves Jesus never changed the Sabbath. For if He did, then He would have to have done it before He died. For any lawyer from 2000 years ago to today will tell you, the "last will and testament" cannot change after the death of the testator.

And notice this as well. After Jesus gave the Apostles instruction, as propehsied He offered Himself as the Lamb of God sacrifice did He not? He did that to seal His instructions as a Testament to prophetically speak of what He did when He allowed them to spill His blood, which we know means death. He died. The long prophesied Testator died that day for all of us and He did that directly after preaching His testimony or Testament as some call it for three and a half years.

Now there is a way to change a last will and Testament. It is declared by law in every nation on earth that the only way to legally change the last will and testament of anyone is to declare and then prove in a court of law that the person that died was not of sound mind and body. And yes, that is why every last will and testament to this day must be started with a certain statement. Let's use our Lord's name for illustration. The last will and testament" must then say, "I Jesus Christ am of sound mind and body" and then it goes on from their giving instructions on what to do after He dies.

That means; and I pray you hear this for the truth it contains; to say God's people don't have to keep His law because the Sabbath day of the Bible was officially changed by the Roman Catholic church in its infancy under Constatine on March 07, 321AD, means that the Roman Catholic Bishop of that day was somehow able to prove Jesus Christ was insane when He preached. They must prove He was not of sound mind or body for that last will and testament can only have power after the person dies. And we have God's Word on it that there is not a single Bible verse from Genesis to Revelation that says Jesus Christ changed His Sabbath day. There is however one prophecy in Daniel 7:25 wherein when speaking of the beast in Rome Daniel said that the Roman church would "think to change times and laws." But the word "think" here is the key most people can't find. Satan knows he could not change the law. For to do so means he would have to kill God the Father so as to get Him off His throne so as to remove the mercy seat and then remove the Ten Commandments so as to change Commandment #4.

But "thinking" is just that. Satan can make people "think" a pope as a mere human can change God's law. But Satan never changed it and the Pope never changed it. In fact, that is why Commandment #4 starts with the word "remember" because the Lord knew the end from the beginning. The Lord knew Satan would use God's law against God's people. He did it in Esther's day, Daniel's day and Shadrach, Meshach and Abedneog's day. And as prophesied, he is trying to use it against God's people in our day.

And so again. We don't keep God's law to get saved. We keep it because we are saved and blessed with the Holy Spirit to help us keep it as per the promise made in the new covenant. And there is nary a man alive that could ever possibly prove in any way shape or form that Jesus Christ was insane when He preached unto His Apostles those three and a half years. Yes the Pope's do claim he is neither of sound mind or body as ther crucifix wherein their display a dead Jesus on a cross so as to paint a twisted mental picture in the minds of billions. But if you read the Bible daily and pray as the Patriarchs of old did, you can never be deceived by any Pope, prelate or even a visibly manifested demon.


#401 Shall I stone my mom for not Keeping Sabbath?

How come the OT punishments such as stoning or failing to keep Sabbath enforced today? Verses like the following tend to be used often.

Exodus 35:2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the Lord : whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.

How would you answer someone who flippantly says, "should I put my mother to death for breaking the Sabbath?" God bless.


Most Old Testament occurrences that were done in a blunt manner, are today done in a spiritual manner and most due to people never opening a Bible or ignoring the truth they know is in there will have their blunt judgment come forth in a future manner.

For example, when a man or woman committed adultery they were stoned to death in the Old Testament so as to better illustrate the absolute insanity and danger of sin when mankind was blessed with the chance to live forever. Of all people the Israelites knew full well what God’s command was on such things. They literally had men like Moses and the prophets guiding them every step of the way. They even taught their sons that by age 12 memorized the first five books of the Bible or Torah as most call it today.

When our merciful Saviour Jesus arrived he taught us how to forgive and forget. Still, if the person refuses to stop their sin, they will still have to pay the “blunt” price for their sin later on. However, today this is usually not executed by the hand of man, unless of course you consider the death penalty for murderers in some nations of the world.

In other words; if a man or woman commit adultery now, they are not stoned to death immediately. Since Christ came as Messiah all of mankind has the option to confess and repent as well as accept Christ’s death on the cross. However, if they chose not to repent of their sin all the way up to the time they eventually die a natural death. That un-confessed and therefore un-forgiven sin will be unto them a just and permanent damnation. Later at the resurrection of the wicked, which is at the end of the 1000 years, they will be put to death by God in a very blunt manner. Just as everyone looked upon the man or women in the Old Testament that was being stoned to death for adultery, all the Saints within the City of New Jerusalem will look upon those that are graphically put to death in hellfire at the end of the 1000 years for their sin of spiritual adultery. So the punishment is still just as blunt today as it ever was. Only now it comes after they refuse every gentle and loving nudge to repent from the Lord that died for them 2000 years ago.

The stoning in the Old Testament can be seen today as a proleptic event that will happen in the future to many billions of people as well as to Satan and his cohorts. In other words, as it happened back then, it will happen in the end. The stoning of the Old Testament is the symbolic example of what the Bible calls the “second death” that occurs at the end of the 1000 years.


#402 What is the pomegranate on the High Priest's robe?

Please.. I'm reading about the High Priest's garment. And what exactly is the pomegranate on the robe. Isnt that a fruit? I'm trying to look it up but only getting the fruit. Thank you. Sorry this is a dumb question. 


Yes, you’re correct, the pomegranate is a fruit. It’s actually a little larger than an apple. Inside the fruit are a large number of seeds encased in little bags of juice that is both sweet and bitter at the same time.

Do you recall the parable Christ shared in Luke chapter eight regarding the sower of seeds? It says in Luke 8:11 that “…The seed is the word of God." And each one of those pomegranates was a little basket of seeds.

I looked online and found that the amount of seeds in the pomegranate can vary anywhere from 200 to 1200 seeds in each fruit. Kind of reminds me of another parable of Christ regarding how He generously distributes blessed talents unto His obedient people who love Him as David loved Him wherein they are a people after God’s own heart. Hence the reason they are depicted in prophecy as His bride.

As we also know being students of prophecy, the colors here are very obvious. The blood red juice of the pomegranate represents the blood of Christ, and the many seeds obviously point to how His Word is jam packed with precious seeds of love, truth and promise. And yes, quite often doing this work for the Lord as well as simply walking in His truth can be a bitter sweet experience. Hence the reason for the juice’s flavor being that is it both bitter and sweet at the same time. 


#403 Am I in sin if those I share truth with don't understand? Is it my fault?

If we are talking to someone about the coming of the Lord and about the Sabbath, and they are adamant about the way they were taught, is it because we are not fully in righteousness ourselves that we cant reach them? Because you said in the past two sermons ago. That "If you are in sin, then it's going to be your fault they fall." I dont want to be the cause for anyone I speak to or send information to fall, or to push them away from the Lord. 


This is why I do not take my calling lightly. I make very sure all that I present from a pulpit, video, audio, tract, webpage or book that the truth I present can be 100% backed with the Bible. If I am not 100% sure on any given topic I will not speak on it until I am.

Still.. if you do not know you are doing a sinful act, and someone sees it and is lured to emulate you because they know you're a strong Christian, you will not be held accountable for twice in His Word the Lord declares He “winks at our times of ignorance.” In other words, if you do not know something is sinful, you are not judged as in sin even if someone else follows your lead. But the moment the Holy Spirit reveals the sin to you, and you still choose to do it, then it is sin for you, and unless you repent you will be judged unworthy.

To go into a bit more detail on this. Notice what Jesus said this in John 15:22. He said, "If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin."

In other words, if Jesus had not come 2000 years ago and explained the truth to the religious leaders of the day, who He knew for a fact understood it as they were teachers of the Word and He can obviously read their hearts; and since they heard the truth and had no rebuke for it, for as we also know Jesus often left them speechless when they came against Him. They knew what He said was truth and since they chose to ignore it anyway and even speak out against Him to try and pull people away, they no longer had a cloke for their sin, or as the Word says in Acts 17:30 and 1 Timothy 1:13 they no longer had the option to claim God will wink at their ignorance because they were no longer ignorant.

When the latter rain falls and we go forth in the refreshing of it, we will be given words no man can refute. And so they too will have no cloke for their sin if they choose to ignore the present truth we preach via the three angels message and then receive the mark of the beast because they could not handle losing their jobs or homes when they cannot buy and sell. And then not long after that happens and the death decree is put forth, those that stood firm may cave when the guillotines are brought out of mothballs. They will receive the mark out of fear of losing their lives and so their sin remains on them as well.

That all being said, when you go to share the truth about the Sabbath and they refuse to believe you, no, that is not your fault at all. That is their problem now. You did your duty as a Christian and you will be blessed for it. And be prepared sister. Most people will not believe you. I have seen countless souls laugh at the truth I presented to them the last 35+ years and it can get to you yes. But it won’t stop you. Take Noah as a perfect example for “our day” as Jesus said. Every person on earth that were alive at the start of the flood denied Noah’s message to repent and prepare for the flood. Only 8 souls were in that ark; and to this day Noah was called “a preacher of righteousness” in 2 Peter 2:5.

By the way, when people reject the truth about the law you need to walk away. Notice this… Titus 3:9-10  But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.  (10)  A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

The reason it says first AND second admonition, and this is merely my humble opinion based on past experiences, but there were times wherein I shared truth with someone and I did not try to share the truth about the law a second time because of the way they attacked when hearing the first admonition.

No, that still doesn’t mean they are guaranteed hellfire because the Lord will send someone else after you did your duty. Quite often people come to the truth after hearing it from multiple sources. And so don’t keep trying with the same person over and over again because it is obvious they cannot hear what you’re saying. Again, that’s not your fault. They simply cannot see it as the truth yet. Just back away and pray the Lord sends someone else to give them more seeds or even water the seeds you planted in them. But, if you keep trying over and over again the Lord will not be happy with you. He needs you to walk away so someone else can walk up and He needs you to go to the next person He is sending your way.


#404 Should we buy gold, silver or bitcoin to survive the coming economic crash?

Pastor Nic  Got a question  There is a man on Youtube wherein His channel is all about the coming economic crash and he says  we should buy bit coin and silver and gold   As a believer in The Laws of God and the saving gospel should we buy bitcoin and silver and Gold  as a hedge to depression and a crash . 


I’ve seen this man you're talking about before and he’s always talking like this. Yes the economy will soon change, and there will be civil war. But as student of prophecy we know of this and so we prepare our faith to be able to stand in Jesus. In fact, when Jesus returns; life will be somewhat normal for many even though the plagues have fallen because the prophecy clearly says that people will be building, marrying and given in marriage just as they were in Noah’s day right before the flood.

Satan uses fear a lot. And if he can get people trusting his fearful words they will take their eyes off of Jesus just as Peter did when he walked on water. We all need to learn how to keep the faith and trust that our Lord will care us just as He did for the people in the desert for 40 years, Daniel in the lions den, Shadrach, Meshach and Abedneo in the furnace of fire and then us in the last days just to name a few. Satan loves to place scary things before the eyes of Christians hoping he can supersede the promised peace Jesus gives us in the heart.

Jesus said in John 14:27  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

When I see guys like this doom and gloom preacher I just ignore them. As a pastor I must set an example and so many years ago I cashed in the silver rounds I collected over the years. I didn’t have many, and it wouldn’t have sustained me and my wife for very long at all, but just having it showed I was not trusting the Lord. And so I got rid of them and prayed. I asked the Lord, if I need to have some silver I will wait on you to send it. I will not go to buy it. Strangely enough, not long after that prayer, a few people who had no idea that I cashed in my silver sent me some silver rounds and strangely enough it was around the same amount I had already cashed in. And so I hold on to them because now I know it was from the Lord.

Still, this is not to say anyone would be in sin if they bought silver and gold. It depends on what they plan to do with it of course. Some may use it to sustain life during an economic crash and that can be seen as no big deal. Some may have a lot of silver and gold who plan to help those they know will do a work for the Lord with it and that would be good as well. But for those that stash it in the hopes of riding out the buy and sell days or even the days of the death penalty; what did the Lord tell the people when He prophesied about something that would happen to Jerusalem 40 years after He ascended back to Heaven?

Matthew 24:15-18  When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)  (16)  Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:  (17)  Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:  (18)  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

In other words, just as the people in the desert had to learn to trust the Lord for their daily bread and everything else that came with being in a desert for 40 years, the people in 70AD had to trust the Lord as well. Going back for your provisions, cash or even all that a preper may have stashed shows the Lord they had much more faith in their own abilities to fend for themselves than they did in His promise to care for them. And when the time comes for us to flee, we too must trust the Lord to provide for absolutely everything from clothes, shelter, food and water. For the prophecy is plain in Isaiah 33:16 that "He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure."


#405 David Gates' video Saved me (Received May 02, 2019)

Hello Sir, I saw a recent video on David Gates. I am sending this message to say if it wasn’t for David Gates video I never would have awoken to the reality that is now and the state of the SDA church. I know many who bear the same story and have led many of us to ministries such as yourself and deep bible conviction of present day truth. I praise God every day for placing Gate’s message in my heart, to the saving of my soul.


What you’re actually saying is that men like Harold Camping who made his predictions of the end of the world in 2012 and so many others before and after him that set dates, who have been proven to have failed in prophecy, we should praise God that such men helped people “wake up?” That's not possible dear one. False prophecy or even simple lies can never bring people closer to Christ UNLESS those lies open their eyes to how evil the person on the pulpit actually was and then I can see what you mean here after that false prophecy moves them to leave the church as prophecy said the remnant of her seed will and have already started doing.

The sad thing here is that David Gates also used Vatican definitions to predict a prophecy that we in the true remnant church saw as inevitable since Rome took the church for her own decades ago. We saw this coming so much so that I posted the original video on December 15 declaring David Gates was a false prophet at that time because Christian prophecy cannot be changed.

Defending this man and even claiming his false prophecy will bring people closer to Christ is not possible. Only truth can cut the heart. False prophecies will however make those that find comfort in lies sink deeper into their rebellion so as to finally come to a place in their hearts that claim Christian prophecy is a joke. I have already seen many leave the SDA church to join the world due to their apostate fruits of their leaders. And so, it is to be expected some still in will defend it.

What every SDA member missed long before Gates even started setting dates is that he and 100% of every pastor in the SDA church are disobedient to the Lord on many counts and their rebellion has moved them all to become false prophets on the doctrinal end as well as some like David Gates on the prophetic end. They missed a basic prophecy about the image of the beast that even a babe in the remnant church can see.

What I mean is, Gates and every other SDA minister, pastor and GC rep have joined in a government contract with the second beast of Revelation (USA) decades ago. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It’s called the 50c13 tax free contract that converts the church into an official government agency as per President George W Bush’s pen on March 07, 2006 in his long expected executive order. But even though many of us in the true remnant church tried to warn the dear SDA people about this in the same way Jeremiah did in his day, they ignored all the warnings and even attacked us for loving them enough to tell them the truth. And since the SDA church dug in their heels of rebellion and remained under the 501c3 contract after President Bush gave it an executive lifespan; as of December 02, 2017 that Executive Order became permanent US Law which then legally defined all SDA churches as government agencies with the ability to lobby religious law via their newly confirmed Government agents, or pastors as some SDA's still call them.

Why is the 501c3 such a big deal you ask? Look into the structure of the Bill that Lyndon Johnson originally set up back in 1954 as per prophetic fact. I’ve done quite a few videos and a long write up on this on my site if you’re interested. That structure is clear. The only way to get a 501c3 tax ID# in the USA or any other nation which offers the church and ministry expenses become tax free, the church and or ministry must first INCORPORATE with the State. That means, they must join their church or ministry with the State in the exact same way the Vatican joined Vatican City with the Roman Catholic church. The churches in America must be a church & state entity just as the prophecy said all false prophets will do. And as we know by looking into prophecy again, each time the mark of the beast is mentioned we see the word "worship" right there with it confirming two things. #1 it is a religious law. #2 all American pastors can now lobby to pass that religious law.

And so.. even before Gates set his date we knew in the remnant church that he was a false prophet be it doctrinally or prophetic. For we know a prophet can be defined in both ways. In his case however it is obviously prophetic for the most part. Christian prophecy is no joke. It is extremely accurate. But it can only be understood by the obedient remnant who obey the God that wrote it.

My only hope is that the SDA people wake up and clamor to the side of Jesus Christ for if they did so as much as they seek to defend their apostate leaders, it would be a blessing unto all and literally millions would be readied for the return of the Lord.


#406 You're Wrong Nicholas. Ezekiel 46: 1 teachs a Lunar Sabbath!

I have read your article on the "Lunar Sabbath" and found a great deal of misunderstanding and misinformation. How do you explain Ezekiel 46:1 Thank you (looking for truth only)


Please do the “line upon line.. precept upon precept.. and hear a little there a little” before allowing anyone and this includes your pastor, to create a doctrine for you. We are in the last days when many false prophets will do exactly as prophesied when it comes to fabricating doctrines and creeds. If you read Ezekiel 46:1-3 it says this is what that verse really says..

This is where the Lunar Sabbath people are being confused. It is clear here as well as in Leviticus 23 verses 23-38 that the new moons and the weekly Sabbath are separate events. That is why Ezekiel said what he did about the Sabbath "AND" the day of the new moon. I highligthed the word "and" for you in yellow in the passage so as to clarify the context for you.

The pastors and preachers leading the charge of this false doctrine claim the moon alone dictates the Sabbath when the Bible clearly says it only dictates the feast days. There is a major difference between a feast day or annual Sabbath and the weekly seventh day Sabbath. For those that teach such things to use the annual and weekly as if they are one in the same is how some use the ordinances of Moses and the Ten Commandments to claim they too are one in the same and we all know how that isn't true. In fact I made a video showing the Biblical and prophesied differences between the two.

This happens when those with little light cherry pick verses without proper Bible study so as to build a doctrine they can run with to gain notoriety. But according to Isaiah 28:9,10 that is not how doctrine is defined. This is how doctrine is to be defined. Isaiah said, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.  (10)  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

As also prophesied, most people today ignore this bible instruction of doctrinal defintion because they all wonder after the beast in Rome. They build doctrines like this on a regular basis so as to keep the people under control. And so you are in grave danger if you allow the preacher, teacher or pastor to have the final say when it comes to something so easily confirmed in the Bible.

As for your claiming I shared “misinformation;” I completely forgive you because you no doubt thought you were correct in your findings and so you felt your duty was to help me see the light. But the truth from the Lord is what we the remnant people of God seek after and not that which man claims to define no matter how educated they may be. If they canot back it up with a thus saith the Lord, then we are not interested in it. Sure, there are times we all need help in Scripture and so we ask for help from those like minded brethren that are wiser than us. But even then, if they cannot back up what they say with a thus saith the Lord, then we in the remnant church will not trust it until the Lord's Word speaks on it.

By the way, I posted many Biblical proofs on the Lunar Sabbath page showing what the preachers of Lunar Sabbath claim is not Bible truth. So far every leader in the movment has been unable to rebuke that page because I let the Lord speak in volumes on that page, as I do on all my pages. What amazes me is how the lunar Sabbath proponents always ignore the verses I present that they cannot refute. Instead of stepping back to restudy their doctrine now that verses are presented showing they are mistaken, they choose rather to find new verses to put forth out of context? That is a very telling fruit, for it was prophesied that all the world wonders after the beast in Rome who does the same thing. The demons that control Rome and their Pagan dogma that fosters worship of the sun, moon and stars are the exact same demons pushing everything from the lunar Sabbath to flat earth today. I have prayed for you, and I hope your eyes are opened to see His hand move VERY soon. When it does, email me if you can.


 #407 You're wrong Nicholas! The Holy Spirit is not a person!

Hi Nick.

I was watching a you tube video of yours about the Holy spirit being a person. Please see the Face book page of XXXXXX. Uriah Smith as well as Ellen White mentioned that the Holy spirit is not a person. I am not hear to knock you, brother but to show you the other side. It is only for correction. Trust all is well with your soul, and carry on with the good work.


First and foremost, thank you for your concern for me dear brother, but have you seen my videos about the way the SDA leaders got caught red-handed changing Ellen White’s writings? They have been caught removing truth she declared and added falsehoods they fabricated. They are actually the ones that started the false doctrine about the Holy Spirit to get people to blaspheme as well as fall from the path many years ago. In fact Satan tried this false doctrine back when the Pioneers were alive. But after the truth was clearly presented on it, all of them recanted. And if I ever get the data back from someone I know on the West Coast, I will post how they recanted in writing. There is also evidence in Spirit of prophecy that this false doctrine on the Godhead would show up again near the end, and so it has.

Some of the many false prophets in our day recently started out first by claiming Jesus wasn’t God either so as to garner souls in their camp. But when the leaders in the SDR movment got wind of it, we went forth with MANY Bible verses they never shared with their people. After their pews started to empty they quickly changed their false doctrine and decided to only twist the truth on the Holy Spirit from that day forward assuming there was no way to effectvely correct them seeing how this doctrine is so meaty it can be used to confuse the people. But not only are there many verses that say the Holy Spirit is a an actual person in the Word of God that they won’t share or even comment on when asked about them, there are many statements from Ellen White herself in her original unedited writings that say there are three separate persons in the Godhead. And the only reason I stated that was because the majority of these preachers prefer to only use SDA Pioneers and Ellen White as their basis of evidence. They used to use Scripture, but when it was placed back in context in videos and online studies, they stopped and started to use the edited Spirit of Prophecy books alone.

Now I don't usually do this, but since the question was asked and a falsehood was presented regarding Ellen White's definition of the Godhead, here is just one of many statements that have been removed from her books by the SDA leaders regarding the Biblical Godhead. She said this in 1905.

"There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers --the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.-- Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 7, pp. 62, 63. (1905) (Click here for a few more quotes)

And no, that is NOT Trinity preaching. The Vatican Trinity says there is only ONE God in three persons. Like a god blob with three heads on it. That is exactly how this new SDA movement is preaching but with a well hidden twist on it so as to make it appear they aren't following after the beast in Rome when that is exactly what they're doing here.

Truth is, those that say the Holy Spirit isn’t a person are actually preaching the Vatican Trinity using a new name. The devil knows the zeal of the people he confuses and so he offers them what they think is  “new light” to make them feel as if they discovered a hidden truth they can run with for recognition; and so instead of preaching present truth to ready the people for the coming of the Lord, which Satan fears, these people are moved by Satan to fill their hearts with pride assuming they are new leaders in a prophesied movement when all they're doing is preaching the exact same trinity of Rome under a new name as if it’s present truth and ALL of them will be unready for the coming of the Lord if they don't stop this silliness and get to work preaching the real present truth. Because nowhere from Genesis to Revelation does it say their message is what Christ would have them preach to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord.

And just so you know, I am only sharing what I am sharing now because you place a new slant on the question. As many aready know, I no longer discuss this false dogma because I have many studies online that are massive and I even posted 2 recorded events wherein we shared the facts with many people like your leaders in an online conference wherein they could not respond to the Bible verses we presented before many witnesses. The Lord moved me to do this so as to show those being led astray how their leaders could not confirm their theology using the Bible. We even shared unedited SOP references and sadly, they got very angry with us to the point we had to put an end to the meeting. And yes, their angry words were also recorded in that meeting. How on earth is that the Spirit of a loving God I ask? If they have the truth as they claim, why do they get so angry and lash out at those that have Bible verses they cannot refute that show they are in error? Do a study on why the Pharisees hated Jesus Christ and His followers and you will know why they get so angry.

The main reason I stopped discussing this is because no matter how many Bible verses I give to prove the theology is wrong, the leaders ignore verses and come up with another twisted verse to say “what if this verse says otherwise" and so I am done. I was actually in prayer about this a few weeks ago and the Lord revealed I need not do a new sermon series on this topic as I was considering as I already have a TON of verses to back the truth and these poor souls have NOT ONE in context Bible verse to back theirs. We must let the Bible speak for itself now because all other means have been exhausted. Some people just don't want to see it and we cannot force them.

I hope you look deeper into this as I have many Bible verses and unedited SOP references confirming all I just said and a whole lot more on a few pages on my site, of which most if not all are linked out via my trinity page wherein I not only expose the Vatican Trinity, I also show all the Bible verses to back up the truth in a passage your leaders are actually saying should be removed from the KJV Bible. It's gotten that bad that because their creed is exposed by the Bble, they decided to remove that Bible verse. And that Bible verse is 1 John 5:7, which says, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." And the reason it says they are "one" is because just as Jesus said a man and his wife are one, so is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit one in agreement with what all the truth that is written in those 66 books we call the Bible.

As for anything Uriah Smith says, he fell off the path later in life and so it's hard to lock down when the enemy was moving his pen because we cannot read hearts. He may have been off the path years before anyone saw it openly. Therefore, I do not trust his work at all. I don't read it, discuss it or even comment on it.

PS.. Please send me the quotes you have that claim Ellen White said what you claim. I will make a video about this so as to show how the SDA church started this false doctrine by editing her real books to that end. -- Sadly, I must report that this poor and precious soul never emailed me back with any quotes from Ellen White on this. And i've been waiting since May 31, 2019.


#408 I still declare myself SDA

Let me tell you one thing brother. I have no SDA in my family or circle of friends. My fiance's grandma planted the seed and i asked directly to God to lead me and he did. he him self showed me the truth of the sabbath and i learned so much..

now i was sorta raised catholic but i considered my self atheist. So as i read God's Word God impressed me to find a church who kept his law and was his church welp.... i asked him you want me to now attend to a church and I know in my heart want to get baptized. He said search by the church that keeps the true sabbath and that is the true church of mine.

So i googled churches in my location ... and the only one what popped up that kept the true Sabbath was the SDA church and when i got there i felt his glory and presence and i criedd.. actually i bawled my eyes out..

I could not stop crying and he said to me my daughter you are home. Now i went through my own experience as the pastor does not preach the truth ect. And I know the SDA church is under the lgbt church agenda deal. And welp as i read the word God it said the true harvest will be established many in my church and outside the SDA church and the humble and less knowledgeable who dont have a theological degree or what ever they have they wont be the ones to preach the last gospel but those who are the most poor in things but rich in spirit. So i will continue to call my self a SDA as God leads me... many in our church will sell us out but that doesn't mean the fundamental truth this church has been gifted by God and the little light ellen g white is not true. It is very true.... and we can see things happening before our eyes.... God bless brother... fyi... i know my membership is with heaven not with a church... after being baptized i left the SDA church and so i listen to certain pastors Gods tells me to leads me through his holy spirit .... and he will continue to lead us all of us.


Dear sister, please do a study on the early Christian church and how the Lord used only home churches to start the Christian movement in the days the Apostles went forth and how in the end times He will again only use home churches to protect the remnant movement due to the same persecution seen 2000 years ago. And by the way, the term "remnant of her seed" is rather blunt in prophecy for a reason dear sister.

And just so you know. We only call ourselves the Seventh Day Remnant people in our church because as many poor souls have discovered, the SDA church will sue you and even jail you if you use the SDA name in your church work. We know of one family in Texas that found this out the hard way.

If you look deeply into our message you see will that the SDR church actually is the SDA church in it's final prophesied format along with her infant zeal. We adhere 100% with the ORIGINAL SDA statement of faith. I did a video titled "SDA changed Statement of Faith" back in May of 2019 that confirms the prophesied declaration from in Revelation 12:17 which is, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."

The dragon is angry with the SDA church because of what she did during the prophesied 9th hour, which as we know was during her early years wherein her prophetic voice and adherence to God's law exposed the false churches and especially the Roman Catholic church. But the prophecy here is plain, the devil is no longer making war with the SDA church because as we all know, they have fallen into the arms of Rome and now walk in obedience to Satan. Satan is now making war with us, the remnant of her seed because as also prophesied we picked up from where she left off.

When the obedient people of God in the SDA church eventually see the truth as many already have, they too will leave and discover that the SDR people kept the truth intact all along. And so, this is also why we changed our name. For calling oneself SDA in today's world can be an issue if you are one seeking to share your faith as is your duty, to do so for if you declare yourself SDA and you move a precious soul into the truth, they will naturally join an SDA church just like you did. But they may never come to leave the church as you did and that can cause a soul to lose salvation. For Revelation 18-15 is plain.

In today's world using the SDA church name has many issues that we as obedient Christians simply cannot condone. But to keep this short I will only list 8 of these issues.

#1, the SDA name is now synonymous with apostasy and open sin
#2, the SDA church pastors are a church & state "image of the beast" church. (501c3)
#3, the SDA church defends the Pope and declares him no longer Antichrist
#4, the SDA church openly embraces, supports and even funds homosexuality
#5, the SDA church declares Allah is the Christian God
#6, the SDA church has ordianed women pastors and GC leaders
#7, the SDA church has dozens of Sunday keeping churches
#8, the SDA church embraces all the Pagan holidays of Rome in the exact same way they do.

I can go on for quite some time on this as I have a lot more info confirming all this listed at SDAapostasy.org proving the SDA church is no longer an SDA church as it was originally founded. They literally created a brand new denomination using the old name. The SDR church on the other hand were given a new name and declared to be the "remnant of her seed" and therefore blessed of God with a well-lit path before us.

And so again.. You can declare yourself an SDA in private circles as some in the remnant church will understand your reasons for doing so as your godly zeal is very apparent dear sister. But, in the world, to declare yourself SDA to all the uneducated people you hope to evangelize, no. For they will eventually discover the truth and your witness will be soiled by the SDA's apostate fruit. You may do more harm than good.

And since the SDR truth is now global and most also know the SDA people are known as an apostate church, we can finally go forth in truth to help souls in need using the SDR name. After all, you never know who you're preaching to. The truth is that you may come across a child of God who knows how evil the SDA church is and they will walk away from you to seek the SDR church instead the moment you state you're SDA. Worse yet, if you were to show the good fruit I know you have unto them and then declare yourself to be SDA, they may get confused and join the apostate church thinking they are safe like you and instead be forever lost by ignoring the commond of Christ in Revelation. So be very careful on how you identify yourself to those precious souls the Lord will send your way.


#409 Why are you so against keeping the feast days?

Dear Nicholas, I simply do not understand why you feel we need not keep the feast days anymore?


I am not going to share dozens upon dozens of Old and New Testament Bible verses to back why I preach as I do regarding feast days in this email as I have already done that on my feast day page as well as the abolished at the cross page which I linked out for you in this email. I pray you look into those studies to see the verses your pastor seems unable to share with you. Perhaps he knows in so doing you will have quite a few questions he will never be able to answer.

But I do believe the Lord would have me share this with you. In fact, this came to me as I was in prayer about such questions as this. Just as the Jews used their “chosen people of God” claim over the people for eons, and for quite a while it was true and caused them to have real power from on High. When they rejected Christ we know they lost their favored nation status in the Lord as it was then transferred to the Christians. That act of God moved them under the guidance of Satan to crave the power they used to have over the people by any means necessary.

Now I am not going to get into all the verses in the New Testament that show how they attacked Jesus and then later the Apostles out of fear they were losing their power over the people because most Christians already know that as common knowledge today. But what most Christians fail to see today is that they also seek to do the same with the modern day Christians as they did in the early Christian church for there are billions of people now claiming Christ Lord. Satan knows how he has soiled their hearts with pride of power and so this is why the ordinances have come back into the church via a few false shepherds. When we look back we see that Paul had to deal with the Jews seeking to gain control again by demanding the Gentiles needed to be circumcised as well as keep the feast days and so it is today.

2000 years ago the Jews started denominational schisms by seeking out groups of new Christians by infiltrating them and claiming some must now follow Paul, some Apollos and some Cephas. Splitting them up like this allowed for some to adhere to circumcision and some to keeping the old ceremonies that we know were abolished as the cross. And so Paul had much extra work to do as we know.

Today, 2000 years later, the very same demon's are at work but now they are using different players. Today we see many false shepherds are out there bowing to Satan’s lies wherein they get some people to declare we must keep feasts days, some declare Jesus isn’t God and some even declare the Holy Spirit doesn’t exist. All these false doctrines bring about the exact same one God theology of the Jewish nation back into the Christian church and therefore the Jews that have been under Satan's control for 2000 years with abject hatred of Jesus Christ, can once again stand at the head of the church. For quite some time they did this in a stealthy manner by simply garnering the trust of polticial leaders who openly declare from Christian nations like the USA that the Jews are still the chosen people of God when the Bible says they are not.

The Jews who hate Christ have now seen their lies grow in acceptance all over the world to the point that right now many people claiming to be Christians actually see the need for a third temple. Can you believe that?! That not only grants the Jews a massive upper hand once again, it declares Jesus Christ was not Messiah. To have a third temple means sacrifices must begin again which then declares what Jesus did for us 2000 years ago was not THE long prophesied sacrifice of salvation. And since many believe Jesus isn't God now, the Holy Spirit doesn't exist, feast days must be kept and a third temple is needed, Satan can now stand as Messiah before billions in the world because once he does that he can garner more control over the few hundred false shepherds who are loyal to Satan's lies and get them to publicly step up claiming they are men of God who can be trusted because the lies they preached for a decade have now come forth as truth because in the age of lying, the truth is no longer believed. And these false shepherds that declare Jesus isn't God or we need to keep the feast days He Himself declared were finished at the cross can now garner many more deceived people into their camp to accept Satan as Messiah.

And just so you know.. If anyone thinks such lies like the ones I just listed that are being preached by these false prophets are lies that won’t be embraced by most Christians; may I remind you of how most Christians today actually believe Sunday is Sabbath, people will live for eternity in hellfire, there is a secret rapture, a seven year tribulation and some even believe in a flat earth as well as the trinity lie of Rome without so much as a single in context Bible verse to back any of it up.

The only reason people declare feast days and a third temple are needed is because Christ is risen and Christ will come again. And so Satan will do all he can to confuse that basic fact in the eyes, ears and hearts of those that refuse to study their Bibles.


#410 Catholic declares I don't understand the Church's true method of Exorcism

I testify to this, first hand. Even in other countries... Again, first hand. Catholic exorcism is real. You are believing lies or may have a prejudice against exorcisms


I was a devout Catholic for 29 years wherein we went to Mass every holy day of obligation. The last few years I went to mass daily, said the rosary daily, taught Catholic doctrine, and even stood on the platform with the priest as a Eucharistic minister. The Lord showed me more about Catholicism than my Monsignor knew as I went into an in depth Bible study to shut up people I declared to be Catholic bashers. They were not part of my study hour, I did this on my own and so I had absolutely no outside influence in finding what I found that led me out of the church. All I needed was a Bible. After doing my studies I asked my Monsignor about the differences between the Bible and the Catholic creed, he literally told me to stop reading the Bible. And so I decided to leave the church because I now had a source of absolute truth as a means to expose error that is so prevelant in so many different denominations.

I did notice while still a Catholic however that some people that had demons were never healed by any Catholic prayer or any priest who claimed to have a calling or a specialty in such things. But after I left the Catholic church, and just to name a few that come to mind, I have seen people get off death beds, broken bones go back under the flesh, paralyzed spines heal within minutes, two holes in the heart of a baby closed wherein it shocked the doctors, brain damage reversed miraculously which again shocked some doctors, toothache pains disappear in an instant, deaf ears open and the dumb tongue loosed and even the pain of burned flesh stop immediately after prayer. And just so you know, I have also seen demons literally come out of children and adults with just one single prayer.

I have also seen many people come out of the church due to the truth the Lord has blessed me to share as well as one nun and a mother superior that left the church. But they were open to the truth and, even though it took much study for them to find it as it did for me, and especially with the nuns, truth won their hearts and they are blessed to this day with the perfect peace of Jesus.

Sir, I will not make up stories to make myself or my claims appear valid as it was Jesus Christ Himself and not me that did all those things and I saw them clearly right before my eyes as did many witnesses that were always with me as we prayed. More than once before an entire church family we have seen His hand move like this. And so I know what you speak of regarding the Catholic excorcism is not the truth at all for how can Satan cast out Satan as Jesus stated in Matthew 12:26. And no, I am not calling you evil. I am however duty bound to expose your priests as they are quite evil for they not only admit in writing to embrace and teach Pagan dogma, they perform ancient Pagan rituals on a regular basis confirming them to be against the God of the Bible.

When Jesus does the work we ask Him to do for us or a loved one in need, the child of God is blessed by Jesus and gains perfect peace deep within each and every time. But when the Catholic priest does it using the incantations of we now have documented proof are of Satan, the precious soul is locked deeper into Catholicism and never experiences real peace or salvation. Nor is the exorcism ever succesful with one prayer. In fact some takes years. And each time the priest comes to the home to spill what he claims to be holy water and recite repetative prayer which is directly against the God of the Bible as Jesus declared in in His sermon on the mount recorded in Matthew 6:7, each time the priest does this he expects payment from the family and so besides the Bible truth wherein when Jesus or even an apostle told a demon to leave in one single statement and they leave immediately, the priest will never claim the person freed from the demon until he has gained enough finanical reward from the family.

Basic reality is, the demons can only come out of people seeking Christ. Catholicism is mainly Paganism and I don't say that to anger you or any Catholic, I say that because your Popes and prelates have admitted it to be "Paganism baptized" in writing. Here's just one quote of many to prove out the truth...

Roman Catholic Cardinal Newman admits in his book that; the "The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields; sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church. {374}" -An Essay on The Development of the Christian Doctrine John Henry "Cardinal Newman" p.359

For more quotes, see this... http://www.remnantofgod.org/beastword.htm#babylon

And so, when you read your Bible and you see demons leaving people instantly from their victims, and then look at a Catholic priest making money performing hundreds of exorcisms per victim, using something as simple as common sense one can see that the exorcisms of Rome are nothing short of a money making scheme. In fact, have you ever heard about the 19 year old girl that was demon possessed wherein during a Vatican mass under John Paul II was taken over by the demon and thrased about in the front pew wherein everyone in the building saw her writhing in demonic fury. It just so happened the head exorcist was present that day and not only did that frail little girl toss him back and laugh at his attempts to cast the demon from her, the Pope himself came down to the girl and failed in a very bold manner as well. Check out this short excerpt from the article reporting on this back in September of 2000.

Vatican Exorcism FailsSeptember 12, 2000 08:12 CDT

A British newspaper has reported an unusual encounter with the devil in the Vatican, with Pope John Paul II, himself, attempting an exorcism of a possessed young woman. The Telegraph reported "the Pope carried out an impromptu exorcism on a teenage girl after she began screaming insults in a cavernous voice during an audience in the Vatican City. Despite the Pope's efforts and those of his chief 'Satan-buster,' Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the girl remained possessed. The Devil's voice sneeringly laughed from within her at the Pope's failed attempt to drive him away," said the British news organization. -Staff Writer Sally Suddock

That all being said.. how did Christ and or His apostles cast out demons?

Jesus did it this way:
Mark 1:23-26, "And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out,  Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God.  And Jesus rebuked him, saying,
Hold thy peace, and come out of him.  And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him."

Paul the apostle did it this way:
Acts 16:18, "And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out
the same hour."

If you do the math.. the Catholic church "rite of exorcism" would take a minimum of 45 to 60 minutes to perform in a church setting the "first" time it is performed upon the victim. When unsuccessful, as they always are; they would repeat the process many times thereafter. A process that often takes many months if the family is poor, and many years if the family is financially blessed. Eventually the priest just gives up out of abject failure and embarrassment and suggests the family seek a psychiatrist, or as is usually the case, the priest gives up when the money from the family runs out. And yes, after all that folderol, the soul is never freed of the demon. But when Jesus or His apostles command the demon out, it comes out "the same hour."

As for your claims that you saw an exorcism "first hand" as you repeated twice in your email. What you don't know is that as a devout Catholic over 35 years ago, I was one that dabbled in the occult. I actually saw demons manifest right before my eyes many times. And there was absoute evidence I was possessed at one tme as well for many witnesses attested to what they saw "in" me at times. And so declaring you saw things "first hand" means nothing to me as I know very well as to how well the fallen angels can manipulate reality to make people believe anything they want.

And, when I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour back then, all those frequent demonic appareitions ended never to return. It all ended the day Christ came into my life. And so just as I saw the demons cast out of people by one Word from Christ, I too saw the demons leave instantly.


#411 I disagree with your claim we are in the "little time of Jacob's trouble."

I disagree with you Pastor when you say that we are currently in the little time of Jacob's trouble cause one of the factors of the time of trouble crisis is that we will not be able to buy and sell thus fulfilling the latter part of Revelation chapter 13. This obviously has not been fulfilled yet since I have been buying yesterday about four hours after the blessed Bible Hebrew sabbath of God's memorial ended;); and most of the Christians that are currently being killed are probably going to be lost cause they are not sabbath keepers.


Dear sir, I never said what you assume I said here. The buy and sell issue starts near the end of the little time of trouble. See this timeline when you get time ... https://www.remnantofgod.org/timeline.htm

The fact 165,000 to 200,000 Christians are being killed by Muslims under direction of the Pope in Rome each year confirm this as fact.

You are mistaken in your time table for there is not "little time of Jacob's trouble" mentioned from Genesis to Revelation at all. You're actually mixing two prophetic events into one. The little or early time of trouble and the time of Jacob's trouble. They are two separate events. According to the Bible and how it teaches the means by which to define prophecy, you simply cannot do this.

There is a little time of trouble, which as we know is happening now. Near its end however the buying and selling laws will go forth via the lips of the fake Jesus that Rome declares is the Messiah of the Jew, Christian, Muslim and Buddhist. Not long after that the death decree will be declared and the martyrdom will stop due to an actual date for the deaths of God's people will be set in the same way it was set in Esther's day once all the governments come come together as the ten toes of Daniel's vision confirms.

And by the way, this is why it is also prophesied in SOP that some will seek to kill us before that date comes to fruition, but the angels of God protect the Gideon band. Then we will see that somewhere between plague #6 and 7 the real time of Jacob's trouble begins as the people of God are surrounded and legally slated for death once the decree goes forth with the support of all the nations in agreement with the beast. Just as we see laws passed today, the Bill is passed and a date is set later on for its enforcement. But as we know, the only ones that will die that day are those that surround the Gideon band. (See 1SG pp201-209)

And as for the Christians martyrs dying now that are Sunday keepers. They are dying for the faith they have in Jesus to the best of their ability. Many of them will gain Heaven because as it is declared TWICE in the Word, the Lord's WINKS at their time of ignorance. And they died believing Sabbath was Sunday just as many of us believed before the Lord revealed His law to us. That's all they knew at the time of their deaths and so they were not in sin. For it is written twice:

Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

1 Timothy 1:13 Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.

None can say say they are guaranteed Hellfire if they are sinning a sin they never knew to be sin. Like the thief on the cross, the truth they understood is what they embraced and they were blessed for it. For if unknown sin was deadly as you claim, then the man of God chosen to herald the great reformation in the 6th hour, who was Martin Luther, is damned to hell as are all those Catholics that left the Catholic church to follow Christ via Luther's message. And this is besides the fact that his work was prophesied to bless God's people and glorify the Lord by Jesus Himself in Matthew 20:1-7.

Prophetic fact is, it is AFTER the mark is enforced that the only people that are guaranteed damnation are those ignorning the present truth about the Sabbath being the seal of God and Sunday being the mark of the beast. When the Loud Cry goes forth after the refreshing of the Latter Rain, the sermons, tracts, books and declarations from the obedient people of God will be so clearly spoken that no man can claim they never knew what the mark was. They can lie to themselves, yes. And many will, as that has been the norm for decades already. But the God that reads hearts knows for a fact they clearly understood God's obedient people when they warned them about the mark.

And just so you know, the Sabbath is not a HEBREW Sabbath my friend. The angels kept the Sabbath long before a Jew was ever even born. You would do well to stop echoing what the Vatican started preaching in the second century so as to move the Christians towards a Sunday Sabbath. They claimed it is a "Jewish Sabbath" But how can that be when Psalms 103:20 says, "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word."


#412 How long is a little season?

Hi when the wicked are raised and satan is loosed for a little season and since there are four seasons in the world, would the time be around 120 years i was asked this question i know a day for a year is Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34. Let me know if this is right. See you for Sabbath tonight God Bless


There isn't a locked down definition for "a season" other than what we see in Hebrews 11:25 that when speaking of Moses it says, "Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;" We know he was 40 years old when he fled Egypt as per Acts 7:23 which says, "And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel."

But the way Paul puts it, he is not saying the "season" would be only accounting for the 40 years Moses was in Egypt because had he chose to stay in Egypt and not murder the man he would have been reveling in Egyptian sinfulness much longer than 40 years. And so I would have to conclude then that a "season" would equal an actual lifetime. When doing my Revelation symbols study some years ago I looked at all 55 verses with the word "season" in it and only Hebrews 11:25 gave a clear enough definition.  But when it comes to the wicked raising to life again before being burned to ash in the "strange act" of our God wherein hellfire destroys them all at the end of the 1000 years, it says in Revelation 20:3 that Satan and his followers will only live "a little season" before turning to ash and so it's any man's guess as to how long that is since I see nary a single Bible verse to define it. Basic reality is this; since we the obedient remnant people of God will have been already living in heaven for 1000 years by the time the wicked are raised up, we will know exactly how long their "little season" would be as studying the Word that long on a daily basis will no doubt grant us much more wisdom than we could ever imagine here on earth. But still, after 1000 years of Bible study.. would we care how long they will live and surround the city?

What I mean is, they could lay siege to the New Jerusalem for a million years for all I care and it still wouldn't bother in the slightest because after 1000 years of Bible study and walking closely with Christ the Author of the truth, our understanding would be perfect. Even now, before we have all that study behind us we know they will die when they decide to take a single step towards the city as a structured armed force against us. One step is all it would take for them to declare war because our God knows their hearts and the reasons for stepping forth, and so I am sure that war will end in a mighty movement of the Father's hand before they can even take step two.

Think on it this way. As we saw when Pharaoh's men died in the Red Sea; the billions of lost souls that surround the city of God will in no way come anywhere near the obedient people of God. And so no matter how long that little season is, according to Malachi 4:3; our Lord declared through His prophet thousands of years ago that "ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts."


#413 Can you explain why Jesus had to heal a blind man twice?

I was reading in the book of Mark today and came across where Jesus healed a blind man but He had to lay hands on him twice for him to be totally healed. The man could see, but he saw people as if they were trees. Why is this?


Verse in Question:

What we see happening here is what I believe to be a miracle that can only be understood in the end of days when not only Scriptural but scientific knowledge will be increased as the prophet Daniel said.

Jesus did many miracles when He visited us 2000 years ago, but even though to the people looking on who saw Jesus lay hands on the man twice, the Word of God doesn't say that they raised any concern regarding all this as I am sure most in the crowd with faith simply trusted Him and His actions as being done for a reason. I mean even the Apostles showed by their many questions that they could not understand everything Jesus did or said right off each and every time. But again, I still believe this particular miracle was for the scoffer in the last days and especially for those with a scientific background and especially those in the medical field wherein today we see many with no faith whatsoever; and when you say Jesus healed your loved one they get upset and say no, they did it as doctors.

What I mean is, when we read about this amazing miracle, I am sure most just continued reading without giving it a second thought as to what happened that day 2000 years ago. They saw nothing out of the ordinary as to why the man had to be healed twice. But someone with the understanding of a mapped human brain would see something no one would have even contemplated 2000 years ago. I believe this miracle is for them to gain faith in Christ even today. 2000 years later.

Science recently proved that if a man is born blind and then receives his sight later in life by a surgical procedure or by some other means like a blow to the head or something, the things that man looks at for the first time will be totally misunderstood for the most part because he has been accustomed to rely only on sound and touch his entire life up to this point. It would be like us receiving a 7th sense all of a sudden and at first having no clue on how to process the infomation granted by that new ability.

That is why the man thought the people were trees when Jesus healed him. Reason being is, the blind man knew about trees by simply hugging and touching them so as to learn of their structure and even their smell just as sighted people will look the tree over the first they see it in life. As we can simply look at the trees the blind man would have to feel the different types of bark and in so doing would probably be able to identify any tree he came to simply by touching it in the same way we could identify it by looking at it. This is something people with eyesight would have a hard time doing. Seriously, try it. Next time you're in the woods, close your eyes and touch and smell a tree. Can you identify it right off? I would think not.

And so, of course, after investigating the tree he would see that it was upright like a huge thick stick jutting out of the earth as trees are and so when he saw the people after being given his sight and he saw them all standing around him he simply described them as being upright like a tree because that's all he knew when he first saw them.

But now we jump 2000 years later to our day we see that science has also proven that in most cases the mind of a man born blind must also be healed if the eyes are suddenly healed after decades of blindness because the eyes will not be able to relay the necessary information to the brain to help the man understand what he's looking at right off. In fact it could take months and even years to adjust. Hence, people will simply look like trees to him because the blind man knows a tree is tall and upright.

I know this as scientific fact because as most of you know I have always been interested in science and such and in this case I recall an article I read as a young man of a man who was healed by a scientist that was born blind because of a defect in the optic nerve that thanks to advances in medical science allowed the doctor to repair the defect later in life. Problem is, like the adult man that was healed by Jesus in Mark chapter 8, he too could see clearly all of a sudden but he could not understand what he was looking at. In fact, he not only had to learn what each thing was that he saw by touching them, he had to be repeatedly reminded as to what it was by touching it each time he saw it because even though he could see, his brain never used that area in the mind before to store things to memory like we do.

Worse yet, when it came to people he knew his entire life; when he saw them with his eyes they were complete strangers to him each every time he saw them until they spoke. When they spoke he knew them because the area of the brain that his ears used to store memories was well trained as ours is when we hear a familiar voice or even a song we haven't heard in years. Even looking at trees was difficult for him until he was able to touch them to know they were trees.

I don't recall how long the man took to finally get used to seeing things, or even how long it took to finally identify his own wife as the article did say each time his wife came in the room he had no idea who she was until she spoke. The mind of the man was never healed by Science. They only healed his ability to see. Contemplation had to be healed as well. But his brain never used that area before because the optic nerve was not functioning properly.

And so, with all that said; that is why I believe Jesus healed the man twice to show those standing by He was Messiah, but knowing the end from the beginning as we know Jesus does, he also healed the man's mind so as to introduce Himself as Messiah, Lord, Creator, healer and God to the scientist who would read His Word 2000 years later when the technology finally came into society wherein they have mapped the human brain so as to know what area of the brain does what. And for those that didn't know they mapped the brain like this years ago, look online for games you can buy that will only work by using your mind. Seriously, they have them now.

And by the way, that mapping of the human brain has also granted us, the remnant people even more ways to help people understand how the mark is placed in the forehead. After mapping the brain they found the forhead is the area of the brain we use to make decisions. And so, it makes it that much easier for us to explain that when someone willfully embraces the Sunday Sabbath as the true Sabbath even after the Loud Cry when the message we put forth overwhelmingly proves the Sunday Sabbath is not the true Sabbath, they receive the mark in their forhead because they made the conscious decision to worship or obey the creature over and above the Creator who is blessed forever, amen.

But it doesn't end there at all. Knowing our Lord and the simple truth as well as the complexity of it at the same time, I see yet another reason the man was healed twice. Like the blind and lost souls to the truth Christ has to offer that walk among us on this sinful world even now that are in sin, if they would just seek out Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour He will not only heal their spiritual blindness, He would give them an understanding of His in depth truth as well. For it is plainly written in 1 Corinthians 2:14  But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Or worse yet, some hear the truth as we proclaim it, and then forget all about it like it's no big deal. In fact, they too are mentioned in the Word. Notice what it says in James 1:23-24  For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:  (24)  For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

He reads the Word, he sees the law and realizes he is a sinner in need of a Saviour. But he chooses not to be a doer of the Word and because of that decision he soons forgets all he read because as also promised in the Word, the Lord will not force Himself on anyone and He gives all of mankind free will to do as they please.

Most anyone can 'see' what Jesus does to this day in the lives of the people around them or even read what He did 2000 years ago as anyone can read a Bible. But only those blessed by Him to the core, or the mind can truly 'understand' what they see. Anyone can see Jesus with fleshly eyes, but only those that love Him will be able to see His love and the amazing gift of salvation He offers. Isaiah 33:17 says, "Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off."

Jesus also said to His disciples in Luke 10:23, "Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see:" And we all know what He meant when He said this in Matthew 13:15. he said, "For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them."

This passage always reminds me of John 12:37-41 wherein we read the following, "But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him:  (38)  That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?  (39)  Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again,  (40)  He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.  (41)  These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory, and spake of him."
Many Christians today only read the Bible on the surface and never study it. They seek only to scrape the surface of the Word whicn means they build their house on the earth, or sand as Jesus puts it. But those that dig deep in His Word dig down to the Rock foundation and their house stands firm when the trials come upon them.

To these poor souls that build their houses on sand, the Word of God makes no sense to them just like the healed blind man who can see clearly but cannot understand what it is he's reading. They need to TOUCH Jesus in His Word to truly know Him like the healed blind man that touches the trees to identify them in his mind. When the people reach out to touch Christ, their touch will find them healed like the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years in Luke chapter 8 that was healed by merely touching the garment of Christ in faith. What does garment mean in prophecy? His walk right? The moment she decided to follow Christ and emulate His walk, she was healed. 

And by the way, look around today and you will find millions upon millions of people with an issue in their blood as well that can be healed by simply reaching out in faith to Christ. An issue in the blood can be found in everything from immune disorders that attack the blood to sickle cell anemia or even leucemia. I mean there is a big list in this area. The bible doesn't specifically identify her blood disorder other than to say it was healed.

In prophecy, the garment is our walk. And the Word of God is an in depth description of His walk and so I say, don't just read the Bible. You need to touch it, and don't just pray and walk away like the man that forgets what manner of man he was, but be patient and wait on the Lord and listen closely so as to hear His voice and then you will better understand who He is as the blind man who was healed later in life who only knew his wife after hearing her voice. We must look upon the Lord in His Word, hear with out minds, and believe with our hearts. And yes, the heart is also where the blood resides. It is no mistake the Lord walked in an area wherein He knew a women who had that issue of blood would be. He knew that woman, who we know in prophecy also means the church, He knew she would reach out to Him to be healed. And so I ask everyone today, the bride of Christ herself, you are that woman. And so reach out to Christ, be healed all the way to the heart, and then go forth and declare what He has done for you so that many poor souls living in fear in these trying days can find the peace and calmness of heart we all have right now.


#414 You are wrong about the One World Government

I'm glad you're calling attention to the Antichrist like actions of the Pope, but I hope you realize that he can't be the Antichrist that places the Abomination of Desolation.

Here's why: The World Order, ruled by 10 kings has to come first. They rule for 3&1/2 years before handing everything over to the Antichrist who will rule for another 3&1/2 years. The Pope is already old and isn't likely to be leading a small Army to attack fortresses.

This doesn't mean that the Pope isn't evil, and that his goals have any good in them, because he is doing his best to bring about the World Religion AKA the whore of Babylon, and the World Order which will persecute Christians during its entire reign.


Dear sister;

I implore you to get out of that 501c3 government approved church you're in before they completely confuse the truth the Lord is trying to share with you in His Word and in currents events proving His prophetic Word is 100% accurate. The strange “prophecies” you just shared are not found anywhere in Scripture. There is no 7 or 3.5 year tribulation period anywhere in Scripture. It’s all a fabrication of the Jesuits of Rome who in the early 1900’s concocted all that your pastor is teaching so as to pull the onus off the Popes being Antichrist because they knew they had to change the minds of the political leaders of the world before they could even hope to see their mortal wound begin to heal as prophecy confirmed did in fact begin to do just that in 1929 when Mussolini and Cardinal Gasspar signed the Roman pact allowing the Vatican to regain its church and state power in the Lateran treaty.

The 7 and 3.5 year tribulation as well as 3.5 year power grab of Antichrist was first brought forth to the general public in the so called “helps” of the Scofield Reference Bible of 1910. And it worked. In 19 years that Lateran treaty was signed.

And yes, I said POPES when referring to Antichrist. Prophecy does not call a single Pope as Antichrist. It clearly states all of them are Antichrist and all of them are the prophesied man of sin. Nowhere on my on my site do I declare Jesuit Pope Francis or any other Pope to be “THE” Antichrist. The Bible clearly says ALL of them are Antichrist. Every single one of the Popes are Antichrist. If you want verifcation of this as prophetic fact matched to historic record, I posted 26 out of literally hundreds of prophecies confirming that all the Popes through history did everything the Bible said Antichrist will do. See this… https://remnantofgod.org/666-CHAR.htm

As for why so many false prophets claiming to be pastors and preachers have chosen to echo the lies of the Popes and the Jesuits about a 7 year or 3.5 year tribulation as well as many other false prophecies; this too was prophesied regarding how bad the churches would be in the very last days. Again, if you want the biblical and historic facts on this, I share on another page what the Bible REALLY says happened thousands of years ago during what students of prophecy call the “week of Daniel” that as expected the Jesuits took out of chronological order in documented historic records of the past so as to place them at the end of the world so as to protect the Popes who had been doing these evil acts all along. See this… https://remnantofgod.org/7yr-trib.htm

As for the one world government and the Roman international court system. It was all prophesied to be invented and the ruled by the Popes of Rome. See some of my old newsletters on this when you get time.

One World Court system: https://remnantofgod.org/nl990406.htm

One World Church https://remnantofgod.org/nl000704.htm (My video about this prophecy being fulfilled is embedded in this Newsletter.

One World Government: https://remnantofgod.org/nl000908.htm

One last thing. Notice what it says in 2Peter 1:20,21.

2 Peter 1:20-21  Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.  (21)  For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.


The Jesuits were prophesied to place their own spin on the prophecies so as to make the real prophecies that were given to men of God via the Holy Ghost appear faultly. That is why the Scofield reference Bible added those so called "helps" to keep the people who were only surface reading their Bibles. Satan knew all about the awakening that was also prophesied to happen at the end of the 2300 years prophecy of Daniel 8:14. And so he needed to confuses the masses by placing wolves on pulpits and laziness in the hearts of God's people when it came to studying the Word. They all feel for whatever the preacher said on the pulpit assuming he could be trusted. They didn't even know they were living in the time of the end when most of the pastors were prophesied to be grievous wolves. And so their opinions of prophetic symbols make it all seem true. And when Scofield put out his Bible with those Vatican scripted lies on the prophetic and doctrinal books, it shored up the lying pastors as if they were speaking truth.

In other words, before investigating the prophetic symbols that describe the characteristics of Antichrist, we need to understand that the Word of God tells us how to define symbols in prophecy perfectly. We don't even need to help of men, and especially men that won't give Bible verses to back up their defintions. As you just saw, 2 Peter 1:20 says that, "...no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation"; that simply means Christians are told not to give our own opinion of what we think a prophetic symbol means because common sense dictates we did not write the Bible; our God did that. And so He is the one that should be trusted to define each and every symbol for us because He certainly would never write a book His own children couldn't understand. That's why He had Peter pen those words of warning. Our God knows the end from the beginning and so it was known by our Father in Heaven that the man of sin and his cohorts would do exactly as they did. We must always allow the Word of God to define its own symbols because our private interpretations are absolutely useless.

For example, the term "many waters" in prophecy doesn't only mean a large lake or ocean any more than the word "woman" means an actual woman. When used in the prophetic sense, these words are symbolic images hidden in plain sight so as to prevent the wicked from knowing the truth about the times we live in. For if they knew it without receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour they would be much more effective in their attack against God's obedient people as well as more able to twist God's Word. Yes, they know a lot of information now, but that's only because the obedient remnant people put it out there. Still, they don't know it all because our God protects it in ways they cannot even contemplate.

For another example. Notice my favorite verse in the Bible which is John 14:29. It says, "And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe."

Can you see the wisdom of this Great God that split the Red Sea, raised Lazarus from the dead and sent His only begotten Son to die for all of us? Unless you're an avid student of Bible prophecy or in a church family that has been given understanding because of their obedience, unless you are in the Word as you should be, when a prophetic event occurs you will not see any danger any more than the Christians who stopped studying Bibles saw any danger in 538AD when the Chruch of Rome was given church and state power that eventually led to 500,000,000 dead Christians who eventually refused to bow to the Popes in worship when that day finally came. On the other hand, when you are obedient you can read or watch the daily news today and see prophesied events happening daily all around you.

My point is this, the obedient people of God will understand some prophetic events as fulfilled but only directly after they come to fruition. The Lord doesn't allow us to see it beforehand either because He knows our desire to teach, preach and warn His people will move us to go forward proclaiming the truth far and wide. The three angels message confirms that hands down.

If we were to have every prophecy understood and locked down as fact to the letter and even to a given date before they come to fulfillment then the Jesuits would no doubt pick up on that and have ample time to fabricate a false prophecy for the Pope by twisting Bible Scripture in a very crafty manner just as the prophet Daniel said they would in Daniel 8:25.

If you ever read the Jesuit oath you would know for a fact they have Satan in their camp who is a superintelligent angel. A fallen angel yes, but an angel nonetheless. And so you also have to know that even he cannot see in advance in some areas when it comes to propehsied events and this keeps us all save from the crafty lies of Rome being preached by all the government approved pastors.

And so, the Lord protects us by not allowing certain prophecies to be seen to far in advance as to certain aspects of the prophecies and that can be an issue for the many false prophets who prefer to be looked upon as all knowing and so to prevent them from being looked upon as unlearned, they will make things up that come off as legit to their church goers who they already know don't study their Bibles properly, because even the Vatican has announced long ago that there isn't a single Bible verse from Genesis to Revelation saying God changed the Sabbath to Sunday yet billions of people go to church on Sunday. That in and of itself proves to them, and especially to Satan, that they are already ok with beliving lies that are not only absent in Scripture, there are hundreds and even thousands of verses that prove their pastors are bold faced liars. And knowing that makes it very easy to assume when the pastor makes up another lie without any Biblical proof behind it, they know their pews will remain packed and their coffers overflowing with cash.

The truth about the method of by which prophecy is defined is simple. Were you aware that there are 404 verses in the book of Revelation, and out of those 404 verses, 278 of them carry the bulk of the prophetic message of that book? That being said, did you know that all 278 of those verses can be found almost word for word in all the other books of the Bible?

In other words, just as our Lord planned so as to prevent confusion later on and definitely in the end of days when the Bible would be corrupted with thousands of verses missing, He wrote the Bible in a way that allows the Bible to define itself perfectly.

Each symbol in Daniel, Revelation, or any other prophetic book for that matter; all of them are defined in detail in God's Word. So, don't let anyone; be they a brother or sister or even a pastor give you their "opinion" or "interpretation" when it comes to prophetic symbols or prophetic events as they are outlined in the Bible so perfectly that even a babe in Christ can expose them.

We must always let the Word define the Word so as to prevent any confusion. That is what the Bereans of old did and this is what we must do. In fact, that's an easy way to expose the many false teachers we see all over the world in these last days. Just hear what they have to say; then open a Bible and see if what they say matches up with what the Lord says regarding a certain symbol. If it doesn't, do not sit with them in worship for it is plainly written in 2 Corinthians 6:14 that we must "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"

Now yes, these wolves on the pulpits will come off as wise, gentle and even loving as well as hard core believers of the Word. But if you have a thus saith the Lord and they twist it to where it's their way or the highway, then you need to get as far away from that church as you can. If they declare a prophetic symbol to mean something that you know is not proven with Scripture, and better yet you know of the verses that do define the symbol tyhey just twisted out of context, then they are openly declaring themselves to be unbelievers in the God of the Bible and therefore you cannot sit with them in worship or study until they repent. The Lord wrote the Bible and He defined the symbols. There is no getting around that basic reality.

In short, Peter stated under inspiration of the Holy Spirit that you cannot use private opinion as to what a prophetic symbol means. All 66 books of the Bible share prophetic symbols and all of these symbols are defined in the same Bible. That way, when a false prophet speaks about something prophesied and he or she claims this or that, all you need to do is look up those Bible prophecy symbols as they are defined in the Bible. I did just such a study years ago and posted it here wherein not only do I share the verses that define the symbols, I underlined the definition in each and every verse to make it easy for me and all students of prophecy when it comes to research past and even current prophesied events. See that study here… https://remnantofgod.org/books/docs/REV/Revelation.htm (I made an easy to use bookmark menu to scan each symbol quickly on the page.)

On last thing.. see this compilation of videos and an in depth look at the last few decades of movements of the Popes that brought about the one world government. See this… https://remnantofgod.org/Rev17.12.htm And just so you know, the One World Government is already here. The fact nearly every nation on earth just did exactly as the Pope commanded them to do with the faked PLANNED-demic proves this hands down. Proof? See a recent blog I posted here… https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/04/13/covid-19-confirms-the-new-world-order-is-here/

As for the Whore of Babylon. 100% of every prophecy ever uttered regarding this harlot has been confirmed fulfilled using historic and dogmatic records as being the Roman Catholic church. See this… https://remnantofgod.org/whoreofbabylon.htm  See this pics here… https://remnantofgod.org/images/IGC/pagan-rcc.htm

And when it comes to the abomination of desolation that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24, that was confirmed fulfilled in 70AD. https://www.remnantofgod.org/getready.htm#70ad

And finally, as for the ten kings or “ten toes” as Daniel called it and “ten horns” as John called it in Revelation. See this stack of videos proving they are already in power as we speak.  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK7kUli-mCh_-9oJ74USFtL-fcttn7z4N

Judging by your comments I have no doubt you were also taught about a secret rapture and great tribulation that happens after the Christians leave. Those two prophecies are found in the Word but not in a secret way as they claim nor are they found in the timing they claim. What I mean is, the Jesuits of Rome twisted certain prophecies out of chronological order to hide the fact that #1, the Great Tribulation that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 already happened between the years 538AD to 1798AD. In 538AD Emperor Justinian's decree brought the Bishop of Rome into a church & state power under the military protection of Belisarius. (See the “7 year trib” page I linked out for you in the above comments.)

As for the secret rapture that I have declared to be the last trick played on mankind via Satan and his man of sin in Rome, there is not a single Bible verse from Genesis to Revelation to back that so called prophecy up either. It was purposely designed to make the claim that Antichrist was only to come in the last days directly before Jesus returns, which is true when it comes to Satan acting like Jesus in the very near future. But the Biblical fact is, all the Popes have been proven to be Antichrist since day one. You will be shocked to see the Bible verses placed back in context regarding what happens at the second coming. I have all the twisted Bible verses placed back in context here if you would have a desire to know the truth about what really happens at what mankind calls “The Rapture.” See this.. https://www.remnantofgod.org/rapt2.htm


#415 Why are people believing the easy to prove lies regarding Covid-19?

Why are some people still believing all the lies in the media that many of us know are mostly lies? Especially those of us that work in hospitals and see the empty waiting rooms and not a single occupied bed in the so called Covid-19 floors, even though local media says the hospitals are swamped? Some of these people that believe the lies are the same people that months ago said they don’t believe anything in the mainstream media because of the literal avalanche of fake news the last 4 years. But now they all believe the exact same reporters they knew previously lied about everything? Why is this happening like this?


If you have been watching the alternate news videos wherein the truth is being declared you may understand this a little better. One statement in particular has been echoed a few times on camera wherein the political official was caught saying “fear helps us control the people.” It’s the age old method of control Roman soldiers of old used and then Hitler used in modern times wherein he knew if you pump enough fear in the hearts of the people, you can get some that know the truth to join the frightened herd out of sheer self preservation. But there’s another toss on this coin that needs to be addressed here.

As we know, Satan is the author of fear. As we also know, 2 Timothy 1:7 says that "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." But Satan knows how easily men are manipulated by the use of fear and he can make people turn from their strong opinions on any topic literally on a dime as long as Satan has them in his camp and the perfect example of this is found in Acts 28:3-6

Notice what happened directly after Paul and the prisoners were stranded on that island after the shipwreck. They were building a fire to keep warm and then it says this in Acts 28:3-6  And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.  (4)  And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.  (5)  And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.  (6)  Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.

Did you see the change of mind that happened quickly here? Satan first tempts them to look upon Paul as being evil because of a snake bite so as to move the men to ignore all God did through Paul to save their lives beforehand during the shipwreck. Satan hoped that in so doing any preaching Paul may do will go in one ear and out the other without a single thought to its validity. But when Paul is not harmed by the viper they then suddenly change their opinion thanks to a new temptation of Satan that makes them believe Paul is a god which will then prevent them from believing the Gospel message Paul will eventually preach to them. They will choose rather to worship the man Paul instead of the Creator of man, Jesus Christ. In fact, Satan uses that attack quite often. Notice what it says in Romans regarding what we all see as the norm for mankind today. Tell me if this doesn't sound like today's world.

Romans 1:22-32  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,  (23)  And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  (24)  Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:  (25)  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.  (26)  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:  (27)  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.  (28)  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;  (29)  Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,  (30)  Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,  (31)  Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:  (32)  Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

As we know, people that are tempted to worship other people as we see with many false Christ's, false prophets and prosperity preachers throughout our history, such people are drawn away from real truth to make lies come off as truth. This is why so many trust the Covid 19 fake news as if it's all 100% unadulterated truth even though most of them know about the empty hospitals and next to no one knows anyone that's ever been killed by Covid19.

The devil will use absolutely any situation, good or bad, and twist it if the mind is open to him and his lies. And thanks to the violence and lies of Hollywood, video games, novels, fake news and even false doctrines and fake prophecies preached by apostate wolves, most people today are embracing lying as the norm today.

The fact the prisoners did this without realizing they changed their minds from one extreme to the next proves they aren't even aware of how deceived they appear to others that have eyes that see. I can't tell you how many break neck turns in common sense I've seen happen in the last few decades within the expressed thoughts of people I have been blessed to share with. But then these men were criminals and so they were already under Satan's thumb to begin with.

Truth is, this is also how it was for Lot when he was vexed in the city of Sodom and this is how it is for every Christian today that has family members, co-workers or neighbors that are just as deceived as these men were.

And yes it is very frustrating to know all of this was planned so as to ready the population to accept another lie in the coming days as if it's all true. The fact billions believed the lies about Covid19 and their leaders bowed to the Popes demands even though their nations had not a single case of Coronavirus yet they closed their entire nation down anyway proves when they use the lies of climate change to get everyone to embrace Sunday laws to stop the calmaties is a done deal as we speak.


#416 What does "dead to sin" mean?

What does it mean to be dead to sin? I don’t understand Romans 6:2 that says “God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?”


Before answering we need to get the context of all this and for some reason, it appears to me that the translators ended Romans chapter 1 a bit premature. So lets read the last few verses of Romans 1 and then up to verse 2 in chapter 2 to understand all this.

Romans 5:19-21; 6:1,2  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.  (20)  Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:  (21)  That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:1-2  What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?  (2)  God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

To be dead to sin is to know that when you sin you confess and repent because it's not a lifestyle you want anymore. You no longer sin without guilt. The opposite is the non-believer who when they sin see no wrong and never confess and repent of it and so they live or are alive in sin. But only temporarily . Hellfire will put an end to all that of course. We all must be dead to sin. Sadly, most choose to die in hellfire to get there.

For the believer; Romans 6:12 is what moves them day by day to pray, read the Word and even confess and repent if need be because it says, “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.”

If sin reigns in your body that means you are alive to sin and not dead to it. Yes, even as an obedient Christian you will sin. Only difference is, you will grieve the sin and then confess it and repent of it. And if we maintain such a walk we will come to a place wherein we gain the righteousness of Christ. In fact it says this in Romans 6:19  I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.

Those that are alive to sin actually enjoy sinning. In other words, they go from sin to sin without so much as a single tear of grief for the sin. Those that are alive in Jesus will sin still yes, for there is none righteous, no not one. But the obedient Christian knows it's wrong to do the sin and so they repent of doing the sin. They do not go from iniquity to iniquity as those that live in sin, they go from iniquity to repentance as someone who is dead to sin because sin does not reign in their hearts as it does the non-believer. It's not what guides them. Whenever sin occurs, the obedient Christian gets rid of that sin as fast as possible by confession and repentance. Whereas the lost just move unto the next sin.

With that all said, that which follows after Romans 6:2 makes perfect sense.

Romans 6:3-8  Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?  (4)  Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.  (5)  For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:  (6)  Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.  (7)  For he that is dead is freed from sin.  (8)  Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:

To live in Christ is to allow Him to reign in our hearts. In so doing we are moved to confess and repent. But to refuse to allow Christ to reign means sin is then what reigns unto death. Basic reality is, all that sin must die. But accepting Christ as Saviour means we can be alive yet dead to sin. But again, sadly, most in this world prefer to live in sin so as to die both spiritually and physically when hellfire rises up and then falls upon them at the second death. Either way, you will die. Either you die to sin now, or you will die in sin later. As usual, the choice is ours.

Romans 6:9-12 says, “Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.  (10)  For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. (Because the second death has no power over you. Remember what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:55, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?You cannot die the physical death at the end of the 1000 years if you have already died to sin in this life. And so finishing the passage from verse 11 on, it says,  (11)  Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.  (12)  Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.”

And so, if sin does not reign in your mortal body, that means Christ is truly your Lord and you are now safe from damnation. And yes, that is why you are called saved and the gift that Christ offers is called salvation. To have Christ as Lord means you are saved from the damnation of hellfire.

What the Lord said and did for Joshua of old He will say and do for you as well. And what was it He did for Joshua?

Zechariah 3:1-4  And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.  (2)  And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?  (3)  Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.  (4)  And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.

And so remember that which was penned in Romans 6:16-23  Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?  (17)  But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.  (18)  Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.  (19)  I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.  (20)  For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.  (21)  What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.  (22)  But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.  (23)  For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


#417 Why don’t you ask for Donations?

You say you never ask nor ever will ask for donations for the work you do, which is commendable. But why do you see a problem here? Why not ask for help when you need it? The people need to know when the church is in need. No?


First and foremost I was moved decades ago during a mid-day prayer way back when I was still a Sunday keeper that the topic of donations came up in that prayer. I promised the Lord back then that I would not soil the message He gives me by cheapening it with filthy lucre. I had always prayed for His help in financial areas and always provided my needs and so I am sure He will do the same if and when I go into the ministry full-time. 15 or so years later I was actually blessed of the Lord to go into the ministry full time. Still, I never asked for donations yet even though I was no longer getting my 9-5 paycheck every two weeks as I had been while doing the work of the Lord on the street, suddenly donations started coming in that matched my pay to the penny.

Then, many years later I came across something Paul said. Now yes, I read this many times before, but as all of us that study the Word know, sometimes we miss the importance of things said and one day the verses just jump off the page with perfect clarity. That happened just recently in fact to me regarding how it is wrong to ask for donations for the work I am doing. Notice what Paul says here in 1 Corinthians 9:1-19.

1 Corinthians 9:1-19  Am I not an apostle? am I not free? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are not ye my work in the Lord?  (2)  If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord.  (3)  Mine answer to them that do examine me is this,  (4)  Have we not power to eat and to drink?  (5)  Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?  (6)  Or I only and Barnabas, have not we power to forbear working?  (7)  Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?  (8)  Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also?  (9)  For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?  (10)  Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.  (11)  If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?  (12)  If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.  (13)  Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?  (14)  Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.  (15)  But I have used none of these things: neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void.  (16)  For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!  (17)  For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me.  (18)  What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.  (19)  For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.

This is why I fear for those preachers that not only ask for a donation every chance they get, they also write books and even make sermon DVD's they claim the body of Christ must read or watch if they are ever to perfect their walks so as to gain Heaven but they charge them a fee to get the book or the DVD. Is it not prophesied in 2 Peter 2:3 that these wolves make merchandise of the people? Did not Jesus chase the money changers out of the temple who used the Temple of the Lord to make money instead of using the Temple of the Lord to share the truth?

Unto all those preachers that sell books and DVDs so as to make merchandise of God's people, I echo that which our Lord, Saviour and King said in Matthew 10:7-8  And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.  (8)  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Seriously, how can anyone sell a sermon that Christ Himself has penned by inspiration? They cannot. But they can sell that which man has written with a sinfully biased mind and heart. And so if the preacher asks for money, it's only because the Lord that supplies the needs of His obedient ministers does not send them a dime for he is not the Author of confusion. He will not bless them financially to preach that which leads souls to damnation. And so this is why they sell books, DVDs as well as charge admission when they have their Pagan Christmas and Easter plays just to name a few.


#418 Why do my Christian parents get so angry when I meet with you on Sabbath?    

Dear pastor Nicholas;

My parents are very angry at me for attending the online SDR church services on Sabbath. This has brought me into a depression as I feel like my worst fears have come true. Just like that, I feel like I want to die. I feel like God hasn't cared for me, though I know that He has and that He will. Please pray for me and please let the brethren know about this so that they can pray for me too. I have no idea what's going to happen to me now. I am deathly afraid of being shaken out of the truth. Satan is tempting me to doubt God's promises. I pray that you see this message soon and reply as soon as possible.


We will pray brother. It was prophesied to happen like this. Keep the faith and keep praying for your parents.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:34-36, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.  For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.  And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."

And no, it’s not that He purposely sends division in the families. He takes the blame because he loves those that hate Him too and realizes that His loving influence causes division thanks to Satan using loved ones against obedient Christians. The Lord knows that if He didn’t send them His perfect love they wouldn’t be so upset. When the enemy of souls has people confused they cannot see the lies at all. They can only hate the truth because their mind is in tune with the world. Jesus will continue to try an reach them of course because they are in danger and He loves them. It is actually His love for all of mankind causing the division because as also prophesied, most in the world are very comfortable without God and when anything rocks their boat they naturally get angry. After all is it not written in 1 Corinthians 2:14  But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not slamming your parents. They truly cannot see what you see. But the fact you are there is a blessing to them. They can and will see Jesus in you and eventually start to seek the peace you have as the years go by.

It’s like the lump of clay and wax in the sunlight. Picture the sunlight as “God’s love” and the wax as the heart of Moses and the clay as the heart of Pharaoh. Just as sunlight melts the wax and hardens the clay, that exact same love that melted Moses’ heart hardened Pharaohs heart and that’s why the Lord said in Exodus 9:12, "And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses."

The Lord didn’t purposely harden his heart at all. But like Jesus did in Matthew 10, He does the same in Exodus 9. He takes the blame because He knows some people don’t want His love right off. I know I didn't when I was a young man.

If you study this up you will see in the Word that it clearly says over and over again that Pharaoh hardened his own heart. And so the truth is plain, truth will cause division when lies are embraced as the norm.

And so don’t ever think the Lord God stopped caring for you brother. As we get closer to the return of Christ, those of us that are strong in faith will be attacked by Satan to make us feel alone and without hope so as to cripple our faith. What you’re going through was prophesied to happen only to God's obedient people and so praise His name for that.

So keep the faith brother. You will have a great testimony to share once you are blessed with the chance to share it.

By the way.. Remember when Moses was on the side of the mountain 40 days? Nary a word was spoken from the Lord. Moses could have given up like Aaron and the rest of the people at the base of the mountain after waiting so long for an answer, but he stood firm and waited on the Lord; while the rest of the people gave up and made the golden calf. I will pray you stand firm little brother. I will also keep your precious parents in prayer as well. They love you a LOT! For them to go to such extremes proves they are doing this for what they believe is proper and out of love for you. Not many parents would do that today. I will join you in praying the Lord opens their eyes before it’s too late.


#419 Can you help me understand 1 Corinthians 13:7?

Hello Pastor,

1 Corinthians 13:7 says that Charity, 'Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.'

The believeth all things part is where I'm trying to understand, because in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 it says, ' Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.'

So, is there an order here? Do we prove all things and then believe or do we simply believe. I mean, if love already 'believeth all things' then why do we have to 'prove all things'. Is it a matter of context maybe?

Hope to hear from you.


Actually, the word “believeth” in 1 Corinthians is also translated in the Greek as “commit.. trust.. and of course, believe.”

Strong’s#  4100 pisteuo {pist-yoo'-o} from 4102; TDNT - 6:174,849; v AV - believe 239, commit unto 4, commit to (one's) trust 1,

Why they settled on believe as the English translation could be due to the fact that Paul is talking to believers that no doubt already “proved all things” as did the Bereans mentioned in the book of Acts. Truth is, once we do the line upon line, precept upon precept and study here a little and there a little in the Word as Isaiah directed long ago, then our final stance should be as I have always said over the years. God said it, I believe it and that settles it. But many people when they look into the Word of God choose to rebel when they come across something that declares they need to stop something they’re doing.

A good example would be the one that drinks alcohol, eats unclean foods, or smokes tobacco just to name a few. If they have read the Bible and saw wherein it speaks of defiling the body in the Old Testament or how the Lord states He will destroy those in hellfire that destroy their bodies in the New Testament, they already know God’s will when it comes to eating, drinking or smoking certain things are directly against God’s will. And so they choose to ignore it as that is their comfort zone.

Most Christians know about such things in the Bible as they all read it; but because they enjoy unclean food or they drink alcohol and smoke, they refuse to “commit” to what God’s Word says and so they are declared as those that do not “believe” God’s Word when He says what will happen if they continue to abuse their bodies. And so the best way to translate the Greek word “piteous” in  Corinthians 13:7 would have to be the word “believe” again because by their actions alone, be they obeying the Lord’s will or disobeying is now declaring openly that they either believe or disbelieve His Word on such things. And disbelieve is mostly in the realm of saying to one's self, "It's not that bad" or God would not judge me in a harsh way on something so piddly, but He will. He is a perfect God and He expects perfect faith in His Word. If He took time out of His busy eternity to write this stuff down, mankind has to stop acting like God is a man that He should lie or make mountains out of molehills. There are no gray areas in His truth. You either believe it, or you don't. And if you don't, no matter what it is, then you actually call God a liar. And that will most assuredly end in a bad way.


#420 Why do some say "The Atheist has no brain?"

This is in response to a question I put forth on YouTube back in 2017. Many Atheists had been attacking a video I posted some time ago and so I asked one of them.. Dear sir, do you have a brain? He responded the very next day with, “Nicholas I do, as we all do.

My response was

If I use your method of deduction when it comes to scientific facts, no dear sir, you do not have a brain at all. And I can prove it using your own method of reasoning.

You say because you don't "see my God" that He must not exist. And so I declare I see His hand move in my life each and every day. Sometimes even as I sleep. I see Him heal those I pray for directly to the point doctors get confused and declare a miracle has been witnessed.

I see Him open my understanding of His Word just as He promised for those that love Him whenever I study the Bible. Sadly, I also see Him hide His Word from those that hate Him, as He also promised.

I see Him teach me how to walk and even stand upright in His will so as to have all I need in life and no, that is not to excess as so many assume that means success, and I see those that hate Him struggle for peace and happiness in life even if they gain many riches.

I see Him move the seed to grow when I place it in the soil, I see Him tell the trees to bud in Spring, I see Him send the rain to fall when we need our plants to grow and I have even seen Him force tornadoes coming towards my home to shift their track on radar the very moment we pray for Him to do so. (over 50 times so far in fact) But then I have also seen Him allow certain difficult trials and even disasters to come upon those that have asked Him to leave them alone. He loves them, but since He also gave them free will, He does as they ask and they suffer for it. I am sure you have seen the bumper sticker that says, no Jesus no peace and know Jesus know peace? That is a truth filled statement every Christian understands as fact.

I hear His voice declaring answers to very difficult questions in life as He promised to do in His Word, and I have seen countless souls who never open His Word wander around confused as to what they must do in life.

I've been blessed with His promised peace so much so that even during intense trials I can have a smile knowing all is well because I know His hand and I know how He moves it. And I have seen many commit suicide due to their lack of peace when they refuse to see His hand.

I have even seen Him protect me from people that have sworn to kill me wherein they have died instead. And I have seen many die without His promised hedge of angels because they demanded He leave them alone.

And after sharing all that, you insist God doesn't exist because you can't see Him. But I can see Him plain as day.

But to get back to your brain...

I am sure you will declare you have a brain by showing me how your hand moves, how you can understand language, how you can walk and even how you can stand upright. But I must insist that since I cannot see your brain that you claim exists to help you do all those things, just as my invisible God does for me, then I must deduce that you sir do not have a brain. You cannot see my God even though I know for a fact His hand is very apparent to me, and at the same time using your type of reasoning that I truly cannot see your brain even though you know your hand moves by using it.

Just because you can't see my God doesn't mean He doesn't exist. The fact your hand moves yet I cannot see your brain shows me you must have one. Now all I ask at this point is to actually use your brain to meet this God I know. In fact, Isaiah 1:18 is your personal invitation from my God to you personally. For He clearly stated long ago unto every soul alive, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

And by the way, you cannot be upset with me at all when I say you have no brain because I am using the exact same deduction you use when you say I have no God. But since you do not have the God of love within you that has promised to give you the smile when most expect the frown, your only recourse will be to get angry. No problem, I still love you enough to tell you the truth because the God of truth is in me moving me to share His love with you.


#421 You're wrong Nicholas! The beast that was, is not, yet is happened in the first century.

This is another YouTube comment of a video I did back in 2017 that was about the “Beast that was.. is not .. yet is."

Nicholas - This would be true if revelation 17 hadn't already happened in the first century.

I then asked him to share with us his proof.. he sent this…

NicholasPOGM in short, Jerusalem was the "whore" of the old testament. The Jews that made up the nation of Israel likewise. Jesus warned them through the Olivet discourse that judgement was coming in the form of 70 AD. He told the disciples and the early church to flea when they saw Jerusalem surrounded. Through their rejection God passed judgment on them. It was the end of Jewish age. The third temple has been constructed since the arrival of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The 2300 days prophecy and the 70 weeks prophecy were both completed in the first century. The sanctuary has been cleansed since Jesus applied his own blood to the most holy place in heaven. He is now ruling from the right hand of God as our intercessor until all things are placed under his feet.


Dear sir; you need to allow the Bible to define the prophetic symbols and not trust the opinion of false preachers and teachers as I will not blame you for this error at all. Your pastor or teacher taught you this for it was not taught in Scripture. In fact it says in 2 Peter 1:20, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." Your teachers are way off prophetically speaking and this is not your fault. It's the fault of the prophesied wolves claiming to be pastors. See this study on my site wherein I allow the BIBLE ALONE to define each and every symbol in Revelation. http://www.remnantofgod.org/books/docs/REV/Revelation.htm

Your teachers are lying to you because they have no choice. When the one world church began on June 26, 2000 wherein the beast in Rome catapulted the Pope as the leader and the false prophets as prophecy calls the pastors and preachers all signed on to their long prophesied 501c3 contracts with the second beast of Revelation (the USA) and so they too had no choice but to obey and lie on their pulpits to keep their tax free status or be penalized with massive excise taxes and fines if they were to step off the platform of political correctness when it comes to everything from declaring Allah is god, homosexual marriage is sanctioned and Sunday is the Sabbath.. See an in depth look at this along with many video here on my main site ... http://www.remnantofgod.org/image.htm

If you use the biblical method of a "day = a year" in prophecy as Scripture defines perfectly in Ezekiel 4:6 and Number 14:34, then the 2300 days can in no way finish in century one. How on earth can all those global kingdoms come to power lose their power, and be replaced four different times by the first century? That just physically impossible. But if you allow the Bible to define the time for fulfillment you will then see how historic events with each global kingdom appeared in the exact order just as the Bible said they would. The Prophet Daniel was actually given exact dates. See the timeline here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/timeline.htm

Also see the entire 2300 years or the "dream of the king" study I also shared on my site where I match the dates perfectly from Scripture to actual historic record right down the line. http://www.remnantofgod.org/daniel2.htm

And since you mentioned the 70 weeks see how history lines up perfectly with Scripture here as well. http://www.remnantofgod.org/70weeks.htm

I pray you are blessed :)


#422 Why is it wrong to bow before a Pope or kiss his hand?

Almost every political leader has bowed to the Pope and most even kiss his hand. And every Catholic would do the same if given the chance and all would even do so before a statue. Are you saying we are all in sin for doing this?


I used to be Catholic as well. In fact I taught Catholic doctrine and agreed and even expected my students to bow before Pope and prelates and even their statues. Therefore I can attest personally that this is in fact the born and raised mindset of the Roman Catholic.

Catholics even understand and agree that bowing before Jesus or kissing His feet is an open act of worship in Scripture. However, for some strange reason these very same Catholics are taught to disagree that doing the exact same thing to Pope is worship. Remember this from the book of Mark?

Mark 15:16-19  And the soldiers led him away into the hall, called Praetorium; and they call together the whole band.  (17)  And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head,  (18)  And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews!  (19)  And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees worshipped him.

Here we see how the Roman soldiers mocking the Lord in false worship. The key reality here is that the Bible clearly stated that when they bowed before Him it was an act of worship. In a mocking sense yes, but it was common knowledge even back then that doing so was an act of worship.

And so I have to ask, why is it when they bow before Jesus and kiss Him in Scripture it's called worship, but when they do this to the pope it's not called worship? Truth is, you cannot have it both ways. It's either one or the other. Case in point. Look at Shadrach Meshach and Abednego from Daniel's day...

If you study the story you will find that King Nebuchadnezzar set up a 90 foot statue of gold of himself. He then demanded all in his kingdom to bow to the statue in an act of worship at the sound of the music his court would perform at set intervals. If they refused to simply bow they would be cast into the fiery furnace to die. On the coronation day of this statue, the king unveiled it and made the oration, wherein he openly demanded worship, and then the music played. EVERYONE BOWED except the three worshippers of the true God in Heaven.

If you were alive in that day, would you be bowing before the statue? Sadly, the Catholic would say yes because they wouldn't consider it an act of worship because "in their heart" they weren't bowing in worship, they were bowing to prevent death by fire. However, if it wasn't an act of worship to merely bow for any reason, why did Jesus step out of eternity for a moment to reward the three worthies with salvation from the fire that very day? Check this out..

If it was no big deal to bow before the statue, why did Satan make the king demand it, and why did Satan make the Roman Catholic church REMOVE Commandment #2 from their Catechism books where it says..

If it was no big deal to bow to the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's day, and keep in mind, 100% of the people bowing that day didn't actually think the statue was a god worthy of worship. They bowed because they feared being burned alive. If it was no big deal, why did Jesus Himself prevent the fire of that furnace from burning Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace?

The act of bowing before a statue or a man is nothing more than an act of obedience. Doing so shows the one bowing does so in obedience to man and an open denial of the Creator of man and that's why it's a big deal. In fact, notice this.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,  (10)  And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  (11)  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:  (12)  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

After Satan appears on earth acting as Jesus he will demand obedience. Or as the Bible calls it, worship. And because most on earth at this time have no love of the truth in that they never even study the Bible God gave them to help them escape the plagues and then damnation, just about every soul on earth will agree or "obey" the fake Jesus that Sunday is to be kept to stop the disasters. All of them will then receive the mark of the beast.

The act of worship is not just bowing before a man or a statue. Bowing is like baptism. It's just a physical act representing the heartfelt agreement or obedience. And so when they all agree to keep Sunday holy, they are all slated for eternal damnation or death as that is truly defined.

But why does our God send them a strong delusion so as to believe the lie of the fake Jesus or true Antichrist as prophecy calls him? It's for the same reason he sends the plague of bloody waters or scorching heat of the Sun. The people are bloodthirsty and so God gives them blood to drink and they are in fact worshipping the ancient Sun god Baal on his "day of the Sun" or as most call it today, SUNday. And so the Lord allows the heat of the Sun to scorch them because that is what their false god has to offer.

It all breaks down to three blunt passages in God's Word when it comes to how to avoid the mark. Revelation 14:12; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 and Romans 1:22-27.

Revelation 14:12  Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

This is a passage most Sabbath keepers understand and embrace to the heart. Well, at least for now. Many I am sad to say will step off the path and eventualll bow in obedience to Antichrist because they fear death. I actually did a video on this wherein I show how those that fear to die at the hands of the wicked when Sunday laws are enforced will escape the death of either the guillotine or the mob surrounding them in anger and so they live. But only for a short while as they are now slated for damnation.

But the obedient know that verses 6-11 in Revelation 14 more or less outlines what happens to those that receive the mark. But verse 12 says those that worship Jesus and keep His law will not receive the mark.

And without getting into much to explain all this as I have declared it many times. Satan doesn't care if like the Jews you claim to keep God's law. And he doesn't care that as most Christians you believe in Jesus Christ. What he fears is when you keep the law and believe in Jesus because he knows no man can do both unless the Holy Spirit is inside the heart of the Christian who as promised is helping him or her keep the law.

In other words, the real Christians who keep Sabbath are not keeping God's law to get saved. We keep it because were are saved. No many can keep the law unless they truly accept Jesus as Saviour who them as promised in both Hebrews 10:16 and 2 Corinthians 3:3, which says;

Hebrews 10:16, "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;"

2 Corinthians 3:3  Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

And so this is where the next passage that comes in that is so blunt no explanation is needed. It clearly says from the Old Testament Bible that Jesus and all the Apostles used as their Bible to preach from proving that book is not obsolete. It says in ..

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14  Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.  (14)  For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

And so to solidify the reasons for the wrath of God falling on those that hate the truth we see this penned in Romans.

Romans 1:22-27  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,  (23)  And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  (24)  Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:  (25)  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.  (26)  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:  (27)  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

What does it mean to "worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator?" The Creator is obvious. That is Christ Jesus the Lord who is worthy of worship, and yes this is why there is a movement to declare Jesus isn't a God. Satan hated the idea that as an angel he had to bow to a man in worship. That man being of course Jesus Christ. And so Satan invented all sorts of fake worship after he was cast out of Heaven unto earth. Looking way back in time and you will see Pagans worshiping everything from the Sun to fish. This is why the Popes robes are covered in symbols of Baal. That being of course the plus sign. And then of course the symbols of the fish which one can see in the mitre the Pope wears to this day. Thousands of years ago the Pagans would take a large fish out of the sea and gut it. But they would not disconnect the flesh that covered the spine of the fish from the head. When their religious leader would place the head of the huge fish on his own head the scales of the fish ran down his back like a cape. That is why the mitre of the Pope looks like a fish head and those two ribbons that run down his back are in fact representations of the scales of the fish.

And because they did this even before Noah's day, we see them doing this today. And like back then, their sinfulness led them into homosexuality and eventually the flood like today, 98% of the Vatican is homosexual and as Jesus said, it will be like in the days of Noah and Lot when He returns and so it is.


#423 Can you explain 1 Peter 3:18-22?

Do you have any info on 1 peter 3:18-22? What is this verse talking about? Is it referring to the saints that were raised up at Jesus resurrection Matthew 27:52. And what does verse 20 mean when talking about Noah's days. Did Jesus raise up people from those days?


No, sorry I never did a study on those verses, but I will do one and post it on the Q&A page for those that may have the same question on this in the days to come.


Just as it has been for 6000 years, the people alive in Jesus' day were in bondage or "prison of sin" as Peter says here. Just like in Noah's day, they were disobedient as well. Still, the Lord was merciful and did all He can to reach them.

As students of the Bible we know about the state of the dead. But Rome and all those that agree with her in these final days like to twist this passage to claim it proves disembodied spirits are in heaven and hell at the moment of death because Jesus went to preach to them. Satan needs that false doctrine to flourish so as to deceive the  masses in and outside the church. But notice what it says in Matthew 27:52. It says that "the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,"

Those souls that came out when Jesus died on the cross to later become the 24 elders from Revelation. But that's a whole nother study. I bring them up here to highlight the way they are described while in the grave. The Bible says they were sleeping and as we know that means they were dead. Remember what Jesus said to the apostles when He told them Lazarus was sleeping? They thought Lazarus would get better of his illness now that he was sleeping. But Jesus clearly stated in John 11:14 that, "...Lazarus is dead."

When Jesus uses the term sleep He means what we call death because Jesus like His Father can see the end from the beginning. Every person that has ever died will rise up again. Some to everlasting life and most to ever lasting death. And so in God's eyes and the eyes of the obedient remnant people, all people in the graves today are merely sleeping until Jesus awakens them.

Plus it also says in Ecclesiastes 9:5,6  For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

There are actually many more verses that touch on the state of the dead that lock it down while at the same time expose the wolves that preach using Vatican dogma and so I do have a page online as well as a short video series on it for those seeking an in depth look at this. I pray those that need to check out those studies when they can.

Getting back to the "spirits in prison" we can see by using the line upon line and precept upon precept method Isaiah spoke of when defining doctrine; we know that Jesus would not have been preaching to them while in the grave after they died until they either arose at His second coming or in this special resurrection 2000 years ago.

Plus being students of  the Bible we already know hell is not so much a place as it is an event that happens at the end of the 1000 years and so it cannot possible be a place wherein people live on for eternity. Satan lied when he told Eve should would not surely die in Genesis 3:4 and he's been using the same lie to this day because it works so well on people that don't study Bibles.

Hell is a 6000 year old prophesied judgmental event that happens when Satan and the billions of lost souls that he lured into damnation with him  from the days of Cain all the way up to our day when they surround the 144, 000 at the end of plague 6. All the lost souls for the last 6000 years will eventually resurrect at the end of the 1000 years so as to surround the city of Heaven hoping to kill every saved child of God within the city of New Jerusalem.

And if you notice, even with their strange theology of eternal life in hellfire we see that as prophesies, confusion abounds. Rome also teaches that once someone ends up in hell they can never escape. Stranger still is that they even borrow from Pagan theology that speaks of a place they call Purgatory that is nowhere to be found in the Bible which claims those headed for Heaven float as burning embers in hellfire for millions of years so as to purify themselves for Heaven. Yet somehow they still declare Jesus went into that same hellfire that they say people cannot escape from, He then preached unto the lost souls that they also declare can never be saved, and He then pulled some of them out even though escape is impossible. This false doctrine allows the lost to think they can still make it to Heaven even after living a life of sin and going to a Christ-less grave. This is why many Catholics and those that borrow from their Pagan theology party hardy all the way to the grave. But the fact remains, if hell was a place where Satan ruled instead of an event where Jesus executes judgment on him and his victims, would it not be obvious that every single person in hell would want to escape that fire?

Now notice this… Again we read in 1 Peter 3:19-20 where it says, "By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;  Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water."

What Peter is actually referring to here is how Jesus spoke through Noah, Methuselah and even Enoch who preached unto those “spirits in prison” of sin in Noah’s day. When read in context it’s obvious Peter is using the way Jesus spoke through the patriarchs and prophets of God before the flood hoping to get them to repent in the same way He does in Peter's day through the Bible and even the sermons of His apostles and then up to our day when the obedient preachers hope to bring souls to salvation. And then when you read the next verse in 1 Peter 3:21 that says, "The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:"

Peter is now purposely using the flood waters as a symbol or "like figure" as he says regarding the biblical truth in how we can go into the ark as repentant sinners so as to go through the waters of baptism wherein the flesh is left behind dead yet we are alive in the safety of the ark. One can see the "like figure" in how there were 8 saved souls in the ark, yet in the water was the dead flesh of millions all over the world.

This kind of reminds me of how  Paul used the exact same likeness in 1 Corinthians 10:2 when he stated, "And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;" The obedient people of God went through the waters on dry land alive in Christ, and the dead flesh of Pharaoh’s men was left behind floating in the waters.

So to summarize, it is obvious to me that Peter is using the flood of Noah in this passage and all that went down that day as an illustration of how God’s plan of salvation has worked for 4000 up to his day and 2000 more years unto our day.


#424 Isn't Sabbath an abolished Ceremonial law?

Please clarify. Is not the Sabbath Command a ceremonial law?


No, the ceremonial laws are the Mosaic laws. The feast days were ceremonial Sabbaths and were finished at the cross because of what Jesus did before getting to the cross and the fact He said "it is finished" at the cross confirms this quite boldly. See a more in depth description here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/Sabbath.htm I actually speak on the "ceremonial" issue at the start of the study. I also have another study on the site that goes into detail regarding the abolished claim that has been circulated throughout all Sunday keeping churches for centuries.

As for the Bible's seventh day weekly Sabbath, it was never changed and it was never a "Jewish" Sabbath either. Angels kept the ten commandments long before Jews were born. See Psalms 103:20 that says, "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

Rome fabricated the lie about an abolished Sabbath in 321ad to get people to stop keeping the true Sabbath of the Creator so as to start keeping the Roman "day of the Sun" or Sunday Sabbath. Just as the prophet Daniel prophesied in Daniel 7:25. When speaking of the beast in Rome and how it was propehsied to do this, Daniel 7:25  says that "..he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

Not only did the Vatican change the calendars from 30 days each month to a hodge podge of different dates as well as change how the date changes to midnight instead of at Sundown, the Bishop of Rome in 321AD moved Constentine to bow in obedience to create the first Sunday laws to demand all keep Sunday holy instead of the true Sabbath of Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown.

The 7th day Sabbath of the Ten Commandments, like all the Commandments, is eternal. In fact, it is the fruit Jesus said we will know each other by as true Christians. Reason being is, no man can keep the ten commandments UNLESS they become real Christians wherein Jesus enters the heart to help them keep His law, for it was written long ago in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3, "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart."

Also notice this.. the false prophets pushing the Vatican Sabbath all these centuries so as to "wonder after the beast" in every church, they say the Law was abolished at the cross. If that were so, then why after the cross do we see this being penned by the Sabbath keeping apostles? ...

And notice this very sobering truth...

That's right, only those that keep the commandments, which happen to be the law of the land in New Jerusalem, (Heaven) will never enter in that city unless they actually keep the Law. And since no man can keep it without the help of the Holy Spirit, only commandment keeping obedient bride of Christ will enter in.


#425 Nicholas - You cannot Declare a Prophecy Fulfilled that quick!

Some of you may have seen this blog entry that was posted on my site by the Biblical Archaeology website on November 28, 2018. I will not share the man’s name of course, but they are not only 501c3, they work hand in hand with every Christian denomination on earth in a way that uplifts Rome’s ecumenical agenda. I praise the Lord they are reading the truth, but I am saddened that they actually tried to get me to water it all down. This is what they posted on my blog recently.

"I am writing in regard to the article, "Ezekiel’s Prophecy of Dead Sea FULFILLED." If one reads the extended context of Ezekiel 47, including verses 1-8 and 12, it is clear that Ezekiel 47:8-9 is a small part of a larger prophetic picture of the Jewish Temple during the Millennium, when Jesus reigns as the Messiah in Jerusalem. Fresh water pouring into the Dead Sea so that fish can live there begins as a trickle at the south side of the Temple (Ez. 47:1-2), becoming an increasingly strong stream as it continues toward the Dead Sea. Since there is no Third Temple yet from which such a stream flows (note that verse 47:12 says the trees along its banks are watered from "the sanctuary," that is, the Temple), it is not possible that this prophecy could have been fulfilled yet."

When claims are made that a Bible prophecy has been fulfilled, it is always a good idea to open up the Scriptures and read any referenced passages in their full context. Just taking a couple of verses out of context gives a possibly false view.


Dear sir;

Basic reality is this. One does not need to see Antichrist standing on earth claming to be Messiah to declare certain prophecies fulfilled when governments do things that were prophesied long ago to help him stand before the people as Antichrist. What I mean is. Take the 501c3 for a prime example. Even though it wasn't signed into an executive order by President Bush in 2006 making all churches and ministries with that contract "official government agencies" as Bush put it on March 07, 2006, when he put forth that Executive Order on the 501c3, the prophecy was stated they would create an image of the beast 2000 years ago

My point is, when Lyndon Johnson presented the 501c3 Bill way back in 1954, anyone with eyes that see could claim at that time the prophecy was fulfilled even though it was never officiated until 2006 because before 1954 no one had an inkling as to whether or not the 501c3 was even possible. They just knew of the prophecy and watched to see how the powers that be would eventually do it. And when Johnson did what he did that act alone confirmed the prophecy fulfilled as such a contract had never been drafted until that date that matched perfectly with the image of the church & state beast of Revelation 17:3.

The fact is even though it took decades to be locked into an executive order and no doubt soon to be permanent law as we saw happen when President Trump signed it on December 02, 2017, it didn't matter. Declaring it fulfilled in 1954 was just as valid as 2017. God said they would do it and in 1954 they did exactly what He said they would do. That Bill was going to become law because Christian prophecy is that accurate. And it did in fact happen.

Sadly, I just noticed that you're email address shows you are either the founder of or the webmaster from the Biblical Archaeology website that admits openly on their donation page that they are a 501c3 organization. And so I cannot expect you to see what I see regarding the Dead Sea because the only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it. I do not say that to puff myself up or to lower you down. I say that as a warning unto you so as to better prepare for the Lord return.

The Lord clearly said in the Word that we must never create a church and state form of government yet you and millions of others disobeyed Him. I have a more in depth look at this prophetic fact posted here if you're intrested.... https://www.remnantofgod.org/image.htm )

As an ordianed watchman on the wall it is my duty to warn the people just like every other watchman. If you cannot see the prophecy regarding how many false prophets will join their churches and ministries with the second beast of Revelation (USA) then you cannot see that the prophetic waymarks of what's happening at the Dea Sea even now.

As for your claim a third temple will stand during the Millenium, that is what Rome teaches but it is nowhere to be found in the Scripture and I can prove it. See this... https://www.remnantofgod.org/1000yr.htm

I speak of Bible prophecies that are coming to fruition, I do not not teach Vatican agendas. I expose them.. I could care less of Rome wants to build a Third Temple so as to blaspheme Jesus Christ claiming what He did on Calvary 2000 was insufficient. There is not a single prophecy stating a third temple will be built anywhere in the Word from Genesis to Revelation. Just claiming there will be one is to preach what Jesus did for us did not work and I WILL NOT echo such lies as that. Still, that doesn't mean they won't build it or even get millions to trust they will build it before the Lord kills them all off in plague #7. Case in point, there are no prophecies saying Jesus will reign on earth for those 1000 years either. Yet millions of Christians think He will because the prophesied many false prophets have been teaching that lie for centuries now. There are no prophecies speaking of a seven year trib or even a secret rapture, yet again, millions think those things are true because as also prophesied they all wonder after the beast in Rome who taught them these lies.

As a Christian my heart goes out to you and so I pray that you repent and get out of that 501c3 contract before it's too late. For if you refuse, the prophesied strong delusion will come upon you making Biblical truths come off as lies and Vatican agendas as truth.

As for those of you listeing now, I can share what happened at the Dead Sea in 2018 if you would like right now. It will only take 2 minutes or so to prove this prophecy fulfilled. I also did a video on this a few weeks after the blog entry due to the feedback I got on the blog.

In 2016 scientists discovered something that they did not speak on until 2018 so as to double and tripple check what's actually happening. The investigation was done and prophecy has been confirmed fulfilled. But as you just heard, some people refuse to believe it. Not sure why they waited this long as most students of prophecy would have declared it fulfilled the split second they saw one fish in the waters of a certain body of water that is 10X saltier than the ocean. And no, I am not talking about the Salt Lake of Utah's Salt Lake City where you can actually float on the water due to its salt content.

For centuries Atheists and Bible haters have declared Ezekiel was a false prophet because of something the Lord said to him regarding the region where Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed and what was to happen in that region in the very last days of Earth's history. And yes, this is just one more prophetic event confirming Christ is coming a lot sooner than most realize. I personally believe if I stay healthy I will see my precious Lord in my lifetime. I have believed that for decades in fact and now that things are happening much quicker, many I love that are near to me see it now as well. Not to mention my amazing church family.

In the region this prophesied event is happening is a sea that was once called the Lake of Sodom or the Sea of Sodom. Today it is called the Dead Sea due to the fact its salt content is so high nothing can possibly live in it. With that in mind, one can see how Atheists and scoffers can assume Ezekiel was a false prophet when he was told by the Lord to pen the following statement. The prophecy is as follows..

In other words.. PROPHECY FULFILLED!

The article went on to say, "The existence of fish in the Dead Sea, a reality that seems to contradict the laws of nature, has been explained by science and Biblical prophecy alike. Hundreds of researchers and universities have chimed in on the reasons why the Dead Sea is reviving. But this is no scientific miracle, said Bedein – it’s Biblical prophecy becoming true." –Source

I actually saw a video back then that showed fish swimming in the Dead Sea and so I posted the blog entry declaring my agreement that the prophecy was fulfilled and so the nonbelieving emails came in.


#426 Please explain John 11:8-10

I don't understand the response of Jesus in John 11:8-10 ... please help me understand. God bless.


Verse in Question:


Jesus wasn’t concerned about His plight with the Jews partly because He already knew when He was to die and partly because He was trying to teach that we must not let threats stops us from preaching the truth because there are way too many people not walking in the light. All will stumble without the truth that we in Christ need to share. The Pharisees were all about blocking the light of truth as many are today for all sorts of selfish reasons and so threat or no threat; Jesus was going to preach unto those that would hear and desire truth.

The way He didn’t address His own situation wherein the Jews wanted Him dead but instead spoke on how much more important it was to spread the light of truth showed us how much He loved them no matter how much they hated Him. We need to trust the Father to protect us in the same way He did His only begotten Son because we preach the same message He did because the Comforter has been sent and He will move us to preach it.


The miracle of raising Lazarus was something He was about to perform at this time was something He knew would cut many hearts and bring all sorts of people into the truth. Hence the reason He said this in Matthew 23:37,  O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!


#427 Who are Anna and Caiaphas in Luke 3:2?

I just came across this passage in my studies and found that Anna and Caiaphas were mentioned as high priests? What's happening here? It appears there were two high priests at one time.


John even went so far as to tell the people in Luke 3:9  And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

If you look closely you can see that this is a prophetic statement for our time as well. For if the people ignore the final truth proclaimed in the Loud Cry, the mark will be upon them. I find it very telling that at present there are two Popes just as there was two high priests back then. Many years ago when I made the man of sin page the Lord moved me to place 2 mitres on the page as the header picture. Later when I saw the one Pope step back for the Jesuit Pope to take over I knew why I see a similar situation happening in Rome. And we all know how Roman Catholicism not only mixed Paganism with Christianity, they also claim to be the religious leaders of the world just as the Jewish leaders actually were at one time.

What I mean is, as we learned in the Sanctuary study, having 2 high priests is a sin. There is only one Christ. This shows how corrupt they were 2000 years ago. Looks very simular today. Jesuit Pope Francis came to power while Benedict was still alive. Plus, the fact Messiah was soon to come 2000 years ago when the corruption was high, He is returning now as well.

And so as John went forth during this time with the early rain to declare unto all they must make their paths straight, the Lord will soon send out His obedient children with the same spirit of Elijah to declare unto all, make your paths straight for the coming of the Lord in the Loud Cry.


#428 I am concerned about what they plan with the mask and the vaccine

Happy Sabbath. So I was pondering this recently, and felt I needed to ask for your advice regarding this. Prior to all what went on with Craig, I watched his videos a few months back (I no longer do so of course), and he really pushed the health message. Regarding that he advised taking the future "Covid vaccine" (that we know itself will be deadlier than the virus) and then using detox methods such as activated charcoal and other natural detoxifying methods/foods/etc. What do you think about this? I suppose we don't know for sure if the vaccine will be "enforced" to the levels of the mark will be, but if it is I won't be able to get on a plane or anything likely without taking the vaccine. Should we as the remnant people refuse to take this vaccine? Or do as Craig had said and take it but then detox, etc (and trust in God to let us not be poisoned by that junk).

I also already feel strongly against wearing a mask and have not as of yet, but I may be forced to wear one on a flight in the near future... I'm incredibly bummed about that because I don't want to show compliance to the beast at all...

Also I'd like to thank you so much for your reading material, your lesson docs (I've been going through those recently), your videos and just overall plethora of information that I've been able to share with others as well. Praise the Lord. Thanks for reading this too.


Before answering, I only left Craig's name in the email because of what he is doing lately. He continues to use the SDR name among people that are unaware of all his sins so as to make sure they keep sending money to him, which I have been alerted to lately he is openly asking people for money now as the Lord stopped sending him donations due to the sins he commited that demand he be removed from the pulpit. We need now to openly separate ourselves from him as satan is trying to use him to split the SDR church. The people need to know he is openly lying to gain donations. He is not SDR. One of the easy to see fruits of the SDR leaders is that we never ask for donations. The Lord supplies all our needs because we remain obedient.

There are ways to detox from vaccines as I have stated years ago here on my website here … https://remnantofgod.org/ama.htm#vaccine

Still, we do not know how they will enforce it. Trump keeps saying he plans to use the military to deliver it, whatever that means and so be it. But, I will not take the vaccine unless they litterally handcuff me and sit on me as they jab the needle in me. I will of course be praying all along as I was poisoned by a vaccine when I was 10 years old and have had issues because of it my entire life. In any event, if they somehow get that posion in my bloodstream, then the detoxing will begin of course. But, it will only be by force that I will take it. Telling people to stand in line to get it is not wise as if it's true, some of the ingredients do in fact defile the body with unclean animals and so, just as the women who want to kill their own babies have said for years, I am sure many people will step up and echo the same thing with the vaccine. MY BODY! MY CHOICE!

Like the mask, I am sure they will not enforce the vaccine by law. However, since the Pope already met with all the CEO’s and politicians a few years ago, as I shared in this video back in July of 2017. It is obvious to me how this will all go down.

The basic reality is, they don’t actually have to enforce the vaccine by law at all. What I mean is, the CEO’s have already shown us how they use the media and sheeple hysteria to push the mask. As we have seen, many stores and all government buildings have signs that say "no mask, no entry" and so they can use the same methods to get the vaccine in people. Not only will people lose jobs, it will become impossible to buy food or anything else from them if you don’t have the vaccine. But you can still buy online of course. They're doing this so the powers that be can see where the problems arise for when they do enforce the buy and sell enforcement of the mark. We are that close now. That's why so many wolves are out there and claiming to be pastors. The real fruit is now being made known across the board.

Refusing people’s access to food without forcing them to do something they know is wrong to do, (like masks and vaccines) is there way of whittling away at the people so as to see who among the population is going to be a problem for them when the mark is finally enforced. And with the digital age upon us, all of us are already in the system via face prints, fingerprints, DNA, bank info, education, religiosity, tax records, race etc. It won’t be hard for the computers to point out the problem areas so that when the mark is enforced they will be better able to target the obedient Christians with ease. Still.. we aren't supposed to make ourselves stick out like a sore thumb either. (SOP?)

And just so you know. And this is the hidden blessing in all this. The Lord is granting us this trial right now so as to find ways around getting the mark yet still being able to get what we need. One word in particular comes to mind. That word is BARTERING.

Still.. wearing the mask is not a sin. No law of God is broken here. In fact, all of us have been bowing to illegal unjust laws for decades. For example, if you have a driver’s license, license plates, marriage license, birth certificate or even if you pay income tax, you are already doing things the government says you must do even though they know there is no law that was ever passed to make it legally enforceable.

They also know that everyone gets the license and pays the taxes to avoid being harassed by the corrupt government. The mask is no different. BUT, that is why Satan did what he did since WWII when income tax was a voluntary donation to the war effort. After the war ended they never removed the so called voluntary taxation from the peoples paychecks and when the people complained the IRS showed their teeth; and because most of the people bowed to fear, and now that so many followed their lead, the herd mentality of it all allowed for all sorts of new “unjust laws” to come next. Like the license plates and even car insurance which is blatently illegal according to the US Contsitution. As prophesied in SOP they will change our constitution very soon.

And yes, I said taxes are illegal. Amendmant 16 was never ratified. I even called the IRS years ago and asked them, isn't the paying of income tax still on the books as being a voluntary act of the people? And the agent said YES. But then he also said, you have to volunteer. After I laughed a bit, I hung up and then paid my taxes so as not to offend anyone just as Jesus told Peter to do when they forced the illegal tax on Him. Unlike Doug Batchelor who stated on Camera that Jesus lied not too long ago when he was asked about his 501c3.

And speaking of Doug Batchelor, like Craig who made such strange claims about the vaccine recently, Doug also stated on camera to go ahead and take it even after a caller told him pig parts and other unclean things were in the vaccine.

The mask as well as the vaccine is nothing more than another demographic point of research for Satan and his pawns in big government to see who’s weak and who’s strong. The vaccine is just a little harder push against the norm is all.

And since the research shows it is true about the ingredients, and we know a 20 year old man just died in Brazil last week after allowing himself to make money as a clinical Guinea pig for the vaccine company, most Americans are now saying they won’t take the vaccine.

Still, these same Americans said in 2019 and before that they no longer trusted the media when it was making all sorts of stories up about Russia. But when the plandemic started; did you notice? Almost every American believed the lying media even after the CDC and other officials said the numbers were 100% wrong. Worse yet, after millions of people saw the video of the two doctors exposing the plandemic on YouTube, who were then censored and banned by Google, most still bowed to the mask anyway.

But still.. it’s no sin to wear the mask. However, there is a BIG difference between them wearing the mask with a blind trust in a lie and you wearing it with faith in Christ. You know it’s all a lie and you're only wearing the mask. But the majority are allowing the mask to wear them. They for the most part believe it, and that was all planned long ago.

I will be very surprised in fact if they pass a law to mandate the vaccine. They may try doing so locally, but I doubt if it will pass on a federal level. Basic reality is, they really don't need to pass the law. The mask proved that hands down.

But I won’t be surprised when big box stores refuse customers without proof of the vaccine just as some refuse entry unless you wear a mask. Now do you see why they got the people used to seeing "Walmart greeters" when they walk in?

In any event, stay in the Word of God daily and pray without ceasing. These are intense times. We all need to TRUST the Lord Jesus on this one because no man is going to be able to help you like He can. He truly does give you perfect peace in all this. Truth is, all of us could have been born centuries ago. But no, the Lord allowed us to be born right now, in these last days. He knows exactly what’s coming and He is the one that will reveal to you and me when the time comes what He would have us do. But unless you're serious about your walk by studying His Word daily, you simply will not be able to hear His voice and you will be caught totally off guard.

As for those fallen teachers and preachers like Craig Kalkofen in the Philippines or Doug Batchelor that know the vaccine has things from the pig and other toxins in it yet still telling the people to get the vaccine. I am sure they will soon say keeping Sunday holy is ok as well very soon. Their lack of faith proves they are hirelings. When danger comes, watch them. They will run away and hide when the sheep are surrounded just as prophecy predicted. They have already sold out to the flesh in everything from spiritual and even physical adultery to actually eating unclean foods so as to pander to the flesh instead of taking the opportunity to preach the real health message, of which a true Christian would never say get the vaccine. They are cultivating cowardly Christians who won't have the faith to refuse the mark. Seriously. Think about that for a minute!

Craig and all the other false prophets are preaching peace and safety to their people. They are telling them to get the vaccine so as to calm their fears instead of telling them to get close to Christ, learn of Him, emulate Him and be blessed by Him with perfect peace so that when they come to vaccinate you you won't cave in and say, ok, jab away. These wolves are cultivating Christian cowards. The Lord is allowing us this test to lear how to stand firm when the mark is enforced.

If you cave in now and get the vaccine willingly as Craig is saying, then if you survive the vaccine, you will not know how to stand up for the faith when they enforce the mark. You have no faith in how to do it because you trusted Craig, who told you it was ok to defile your body with unclean animals. And just so you know, this very same man who claims to be SDR to some people that know nothing about his sins, he officated at a wedding recently wherein he allowed a pig roast to be served at the very same wedding he attended! Is it any wonder he is telling you to get a vaccine with pig cells in it?

And so.. again. Study the Word and pray without ceasing. Only Christ can tell you what’s coming next. Don't trust me or any man. We are way too close to the end now. Unless you know Jesus Christ and set your path straight for His return, you won’t be able to hear His voice no matter how LOUD He declares present truth through His obedient Gideon Band.


#429 The Urim and the Thummim?

Okay, so one time I heard you use some words I have never heard before. They were in reference to the high priest kicking out the people who didn't do what they were supposed to in the ten days preceeding the day of atonement, you said something like "oomin & thirmin"??? For a second there I was like, "why is he talking about an actress?" Because there is an actress named Uma Thurman.


Yes.. it does sound like the name of that woman, and I wonder if they planned it that way to slander the Lord, but the Urim and the Thummim were two stones the priest used to discern the will of God in tough situations wherein they had yet to receive a thus saith the Lord. The Bible was just beginning to be penned by Moses and so the stones were needed at times to know the will of God on some things. And since the High Priest was to represent Christ, and we know only Christ can be near unto the Father, the High Priest was ordained to hold the stones.

The stone that was for “light” was white of course, and the one for “darkness” was a black stone. These stones were used to get a “yes” or a “no” answer from the Lord. And yes, this too was counterfeited by Satan even unto our generation. What I mean is, those of us that dabbled in the darkness of the lies of the occult before meeting the Author of the light of truth; we know all about the yes and no sections of the Ouija board.

Now I am sure many today would love to get their hands on such stones like the Urim and the Thummim, but they were not magical in any way shape or form and so they would not work at all today. Reason being is; it was necessary back then for the Lord to use this method to express His will on certain things that most would consider the tough questions in life when it came to our Father's will on such things. However, the main reason they had those two stones was for the same reason the church has always had prophets. The Bible was going to be growing in size throughout history and for quite some time it was just the first five books that Moses wrote that the people had to use to find answers in life. And so the Lord sent prophets.

The Word of God however has finally grown to the prophesied 66 books of today. And I say prophesied, because the candlestick in the Holy Place represented the Word of God and as one would expect, it actually had 66 items on it so as to declare the Vatican's lie filled Apocrypha was not of God. Reason being is, when you add the Vatcan apocryphal books to the Bible, the Word of God no longer matches with the candlestick and so the Vatican books are proven to be uninspired and quite evil in fact. Since the Bible has grown to its prophesied size, it now contains the answer for every question man can come up with. In fact it says this in...

And so, even if we had the Urim and Thummim today, the white stone would not glow to answer yes and the black stone would not glow to answer no because the Lord has already declared all we need to know in His Word. If we stand confused it’s only because we do not know His will. Basic reality here is, unless you study His Word daily, how can you know His will for you? No, we cannot know everything as it is true we are looking through dark glasses as 1 Corinthians 13:12 says. That means, all we need to know is already penned. Sure, some may say they still have questions that cannot be found in His Word, but if you do the line upon line, precept upon precept as well as searching here a little or there a little in the Bible as the Lord moved Isaiah to say in Isaiah 28:10, you will either find the answer..

Truth is, if we ask a question He would merely send us back into His Word to get the answer; or as many have seen, His Word comes to mind as promised in John 14:26 and the answer would be ours in an instant as most of us have witnessed many times over the years. And yes, there are people that want to know His will in all situations in life like that even today. I am sure those being moved by the Holy Spirit to be in the Gideon band would know what I mean.

Seriously, have you ever had a certain question in mind when going to Him in prayer and suddenly a certain Bible verse comes to mind that actually has the answer? That's His still small voice speaking unto you. That is why studying and not just surface reading His Word is so important for us to do each day. Just as we wouldn’t know about the beautiful truths found in the Sanctuary unless we looked into His Word to find it, we would never have that Bible verse come to mind so that when in question one day, He reminds us of it. Hence the reason He penned John 14:26 that said, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." Notice how the Holy Spirit was declared to be a third person in that passage? The use of the word "He" proves that hands down. But without a deep study of His Word, those that study the lies of the wolves will be more apt to study what the preacher says instead and so confusion will abound.

And the way the verse ends confirms the fact you must read it. It said that the Lord brings all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you in that verse. The word “remembrance” means just that. You cannot remember anything you haven't heard before. Seriously, do you have memories about walking on the moons of Saturn or reading a book written by a sloth hanging from a tree? Of course not. You were never on Saturn to build that memory and sloth's don't write books. Well, if you never read a Bible, then you cannot have that verse in memory that the Lord promised to remind you of when you need Him to help you escape danger. Be it physical or spiritual.


#430 Nicholas.. why don’t you ask for donations?

I noticed you never ask for donations in your services.


In the Word of our God we find the following.

John 2:13-17  And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,  (14)  And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:  (15)  And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;  (16)  And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.  (17)  And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.

Today's churches have all sorts of money changers in their temples. Everything from passing the plate as they sit in the pew, to offering copies of the sermons to books as they leave the church.

The preachers of fitlhy lucre; who were prophesied to be those that create an image to the beast by joining their churches with the state so as to make even more money by denying Christ's command to pay the taxes so as not to offend as He said in Matthew 17:27, these ravenous wolves do this as prophesied to make the people in the pews 'merchandise' unto them as the apostle Peter said in 2Peter 2:3.

This is why some keep preaching prosperity sermons so as to get their money, others charge admission for their Pagan Christmas and Easter plays, others sell copies of their sermons and books and others ask for large donations for church projects instead of just letting the Lord give them their means towards the work He ordained them to do.

Worse yet, they actually pass the plate during the church service so as to pressure the people to give. And this allows those with money in the church to drop large somes of money in the plate so as to generate despair in the hearts of those in the pew next to them when they can only drop a few coins. Some will be tempted to give more than they can afford so as to look like they have money and the Lord will not bless them for their pride was the reason they giave.

But the truth is, no money is to exchange hands inside the temple at all. That is why they had areas outside the synagogue to put their tithe and love offerings in.

Remember what Jesus said when standing outside the Temple in the court of the women where the Temple treasury was? It's in Luke 21:1-6  And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.  (2)  And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.  (3)  And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:  (4)  For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had.  (5)  And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said,  (6)  As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

All of this was done outside the Temple wherein the Sabbath services were held. And, did you notice how some spoke of the goodly stones and gifts in the Temple? How many of us, and this is especially true of Catholics, how many of us recall the plaque in the church foyers even to this day wherein they would have the names of people listed on brass name tags depicting what they gave money to the church for? You would see many names of people who donated cash for a pew or two and some that donated large sums for statues or other expensive items. All of them received their reward from mankind which was praise and honor instead of a blessing for quitely giving unto the Lord as is the basic duty of every Christian.

This is why I never ask for donations. It is better for God's people to be blessed from the Lord instead of seeking self glorification from a pat on the back from men. If the people of God are obedient, then they will tithe. Yes, we need to remind the church every year or so that it is their duty for the sake of the babes in Christ that may not know. Plus, I have found how sinful it is by watching preachers of filthy lucre who will boldly compromise their morals and even the faith they are ordained to preach so as to conjur up silly ideas to share with the congregation for so as to make sure they keep the fancy cars and homes paid for. They do this because the Lord is not send them the money they pray for because their prayers are not heard. They are there to preach and teach. Not sell a product.

In fact, there's a video out there if T.D Jakes who was literally declared to be God's salesman by some money worshiping Television Network who made a ton of money for him and Jakes actually said that he is a salesman and Jesus is his product! WOW! Such spiritual insanity is this.

Still.. I don't ask mankind for money because I want to be blessed. I do however ask the Lord to send the funds needed because long ago, before I ever received my first donation, the Lord showed me how each time a donation comes in I am seeing His hand move twice. What I mean is, since I never ask any man, woman or child for one thin dime, when I pray for it and the money arrives to be able to do the work of the Lord, the first thing I see is that our Father is pleased with the work as He is answering the prayer by sending the money I prayed for. And secondly, I get to see His hand move upon a child of God to the point they sent a donation, because they didn't send it because I asked for it, they sent it because I prayed, the Lord heard my prayer, He moved an obdedient child of God who is open to His voice to send it, and it then arrived.

#1, I was blessed to see the Lord is still pleased with the work to keep it funded

#2, I was able to meet a real Christian who heard God's voice to send their tithe and love offering to keep the work funded.


 #431 Nicholas, why do you not see Mary forever blessed and worthy to be prayed to?

Why do you not see Mary forever blessed and worthy to be prayed to?


Actually, I do declare Mary was blessed because the angel said she was in Luke 1:30, which was "...Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God." But she is just a human like you and I and therefore not to be worshiped or prayed to. In fact, Mary herself knew her place and stood there with no issue 2000 years ago. Truth is, Jesus also knew her place as well. But notice what happened 2000 years ago and perhaps this will help you see what needs to be seen.

It is here that after Jesus' gentle rebuked to Mary in the previous verse, she understood now that He was no longer under her wing to be controlled by her as His mother. All too often Catholics use the excuse that Mary is our go between because of our sin. But this is not biblical. Plus, the rebuke of Jesus prevented her from being tempted to be glorified as the mother of Messiah as the flesh would want and 2000 years later we see how Rome did just that. But to confirm she knew her place, notice what Mary says to the servants after Jesus rebuked her with the love of a son.

Directly after Jesus rebuked her gently this is what Mary did next.

Yet to this day 100% of every Pope and prelate under them have demanded everyone venerate, obey and even seek out Mary in prayer as to what the will of the Lord is for our lives.

I was a devout Catholic 29 years and not one time did I ever hear John 2:5 spoken from any pulpit, and my wife and I liked to church hop quite often as the service was a carbon copy church to church and so we went to see all the fancy architecture, statues and gold covered items. Still, never once was this verse shared to show us that Mary just said to listen only to her Son and not herself.

Mary clearly understood the rebuke as her statement here wherein she says the servants must do only as He says proves she surrendered her pride and stood on faith that He was perfectly able to do as He saw fit to do to the glory of His Father. It was this faith in His duty to be about His Father's business from this day forward that moved Jesus to change the water into wine, which meant He was to take the rotten and watered down doctrines of the apostate leaders and shine additional light upon them so the people would know the Father's will for them in their lives. The water into new wine depicts what Jesus preaches as "new doctrine." And no, it was not new in the sense that it was just being penned and they never heard it before. No, it was not new because it was always in the Bible. It was just that, as we see today with the many false prophets and wolves on so many pulputs that the leaders simply ignored it and the people were never taught it when they sought out the changing of the Shewbread each Sabbath day. And so this first miracle fits as both a declaration of His ministry and a rebuke towards the Pharisees.

Rome wil not preach or even describe the first miracle of Christ at Cana in its proper light for in so doing will destroy centuries of false dogma that was solely designed to bring glory unto the creature Mary over and above the Creator, Jesus Christ. But then that is the long prophesied duty of Satan's headquaters on earth. That of course being the Vatican that sits on seven hills exactly as John was told in vision to be the home to Antichrist in Revelation.


#431a: I would assume that you have not died to your sins, and continue to sin (YOUTUBER) I would assume that you have not died to your sins, and continue to sin, and you will die, and continue to remain in your sickness. Maybe the tare seed (Matthew 13) expressed in Romans 6:14 only results in the progression of tares who will remain among the good seed until the end, when the tares will be the first to be gathered and burnt (Matthew 13:30).


Obedient Christians are dead to sin. In other words, when we sin we grieve so much due the Holy Spirit in us that we do as 1John 1:9 says to do and we are then forgiven. Those Christians that are not obedient are alive in their sin. They sin, they do not grieve, they never repent, or they give a faulty repentance thereby assuming all is well and like Isaiah 4:1 prophesied, they only claim the name Christian to take away their shame.

And no, we do not keep the law to GET saved. We keep the law because WE ARE saved. No one can keep the law unless the Holy Spirit writes it on their hearts.

Paul put it perfectly when he said in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3  Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:  (3)  Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

This is why Jesus said we shall know each other by our fruits. If you claim to be a Christian yet keep Sunday holy, then the law is not written in your heart yet. For it is impossible to keep the law without the Holy Spirit helping. Mankind proved that at Sinai long ago. THAT is in fact the essence of the New Covenant. God still requires we keep His law, that never changed because He never changes. Only difference now is, if we accept His Son as payment for our sins, the Holy Spirit will then help us keep the law that we have proven for 6000 years as being unable to keep it without His help.

Soon, there will be religious laws designed to force all of mankind to break God's law to keep the Sunday law of the man of sin. Christian prophecy is that accurate.

People that believe they don't have to keep the law because their apostate pastors say so will find out they were never dead to their sins all along.

Just because the Law was revealed in the Old Testament doesn't mean it's nullified. All throughout the New Testament it says you must keep it and that includes after the cross of Christ. In fact, the very last book of the Bible, and the very last chapter of that book says this in Revelation 22:14  Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

That city is Heaven, or New Jerusalem as the Word says. And so to claim we are in sin for keeping God's law is to stand rank and file with all those that will die in Hellfire for that city is eternal and forever blessed as sinless because all residents therein are commandment keeping Chrstians.

Now, are you sitting down? When you get time read Revelation 14:6-11. It speaks of the warnings of the three angels upon mankind regarding the mark of the beast and his image. But verse 12 speaks of God's obedient people who cannot possibly receive the mark. Check it out, it says this..

Revelation 14:12  Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

If we weren't supposed to keep His law, then why does Revelation 22:14 say only those keeping it enter into the eternal city of Heaven and why does Revelation 14:12 show how we refuse the mark that guarantees damnation upon all those that break God's law?

You see, Satan doesn't care if you keep God's law. He has the Jews as captives bound for hellfire thinking they are heaven bound on that fact alone. Satan doesn't even care if you believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour either. He has billions of Christians trapped in his grasp doing that as Isaiah 4:1 proved they would do as well. What Satan fears is when we have the fruit Jesus speaks of wherein we not only keep the Law, we also embrace Jesus as Lord and Saviour. When we do that, Satan knows he has no power over us to force us to receive the mark. And so he will simply try to kill us off for he knows we will never bow to him. Problem with that theory is, 144,000 of us will never die. Satan has already lost.

The dying god of this world wants everyone to worship him and so he will move the powers that be to force people to break God's law to gain billions of victims. But the people of God that study the Word daily know about all this and we prepare for it.

When you get time, please do a study and you will find EVERY time the mark is mentioned in prophecy the word WORSHIP is right there with it because Satan will demand worship.

Contact me via my channel if you need more info.


#432 Did Paul say he was possessed by Satan as a Christian?

Is Paul saying that after he met Christ he is possessed by Satan because he says he is doing things that he doesn’t want to do and then says he is not the one doing them. It is “sin” that dwells in him doing it.

Romans 7:20-23  Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.  (21)  I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.  (22)  For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:  (23)  But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.


When Paul says it is not himself that does the sin he is saying Satan uses his flesh that is naturally sinful to desire those things he would not want to do. It's like the babe in Christ that after gaining salvation still does things without realizing it's sin or struggles with those things he or she knows is wrong to do. The flesh wants what it wants.

I recall after I found Christ I still kept Sunday holy, smoke, drank and ate unclean foods because the flesh was still being manipulated by Satan who revels in the flesh. I had no clue of course, but as I walked closer and closer to Christ, those things I once cherished were eventually removed from my life one at a time as the Lord revealed them to me as deadly to me in both the physical and spiritual sense.

And so, as we walk in Christ, all of us still do things in the flesh we are unaware of. And so as Paul said, after finding Christ as Saviour and walking as best he knew to do each day, when his flesh does things that are wrong, "it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me."

If we remain obedient day by day when the Lord reveals the sins to us and we repent and walk away from them, eventually ALL will be overcome! In fact, notice what Paul says next…

Romans 7:24-25  O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?  (25)  I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

The way I see it is, Paul was a humble man. He was very thankful to Christ that even though he knew how weak the flesh was, Jesus was there to deliver him from the flesh. The flesh always wants to sin, but his mind is such that in Christ he is able to thank Him for deliverance. Plus when we repent of sin we still commit unknown sin because of the weak flesh. But when we eventually discover the sinful trait, we stop and confess again because we are willing to obey while still in the flesh. But the flesh will still tempt us to sin even though the mind and heart says we want to follow Christ.

To say in my mind as a believer that I serve the law of God but in the flesh I serve the law of sin means my mind wants to serve God as much as my flesh wants to serve sin. But when I overcome, my mind wants to serve the Lord much more than my flesh wants to serve sin. The temptation will continue all the way up until we ascend. But keep in mind. Temptation is NOT sin. It's when we bow to the temptation that sin begins.


#433 My wife says I’m not walking with God and that’s a problem

I’ve always had trust issues with people. Life has not been been very good to me. I told my wife I’ll get some counseling to help our relationship but she suggested I go to you and not a secular counselor as it will send me to hell. I don’t forgive very easily and I try but it’s a block I have and I just stay to myself.  I’m reading our daily bread and try to get into the Bible everyday. My wife says I’m not walking with God and that’s a problem.  It appears that she has this your with me or against me. I can get into reading but all the other stuff flat earth, laser beams making sink holes distract me.  I’m losing my wife I fear and I don’t know what to do.  Any advice you can would be greatly appreciate. 

Best regards 


The Lord revealed to me decades ago in two ways how reading His Word would become not just easier, but a joy to read.

#1, When I started to read it daily before going to work each and every day; it became a habit and rather quickly I was able to better understand what was being said in the Word, mind you in child like ways as I was still a babe in Christ, but I was only learning because He saw that I was serious about not stopping and so He opened it up to me to keep me on the edge of my seat each time I studied.

But, (and this is #2) it wasn’t until years later that I finally stopped watching Hollywood movies or anything on TV for that matter because all of it (except perhaps some scientific documentaries) were all based on fiction which is in fact lies basically.

I was mostly into shoot em up bang em up movies and special effects back then as I have always been into science and especially computers. When I stopped all the movies the Bible actually became even more exciting to me. I then realized why Hollywood was invented. It used to be the stories in the Bible about creation, the plagues of Egypt, the Red Sea, Samson, Daniel in the lion’s den and the hundreds of prophecies about Jesus – just to name a few – all of this was a blessing for men to look into in life and things like entertainment wasn't as attractive. All of those events in biblical history were so very exciting that quite often people could not put the Bible down as they wanted to discover why it all happened in the way it did.

Satan knew that he needed to distract the people to make something else more exiting to them. And so everything from Hollywood movies, fictional novels and even today things like porn, violent video games, rock music and even conspiracy theories like fat earth and UFO and of course drugs and alcohol or even careers, all of it caused billions to stop reading or even trusting the Bible.

As your wife knows, as do many in the church know, end time prophecy is one of the most exciting things about the Bible. And especially now that so many things are happening as predicted.

I was blessed by it even as a young man. But it wasn’t until I left the Catholic church, which like Hollywood and other distractions is all about lies, I found that prophecy really opened up and I must say it is VERY exciting to read somethings in Daniel, Isaiah or any other prophetic books so as to discover how in historic record all those things happened exactly as the Lord said they would.

So.. why did I share all that.

Look around. Does the world appear a bit strange to you? Animals, birds, insects and fish are all dying in record numbers. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and forest fires are increasing in number and in size as well. There are also many other strange things happening in the climate or in the heavens as well as the current political theater with all the fake news about a pandemic, all of this has moved most people to become very fearful. Problem is, most of the people believe their religious leaders who say this is all the end result of climate change or political unrest. When in fact, all those signs (and many more I have listed online) have nothing to do with climate change at all. All of them have been confirmed to be what is supposed to happen when the return of Christ is extremely near. It's actually quite shocking how detailed Christian prophecy really is. Yet have you ever been to a church that even opens the prophetic books today? I used to be a member of a Sunday keeping church decades ago that taught we do not have to open the book of Revelation at all because we will be leaving in a secret rapture, which by the way is a confirmed Vatican contrived prophecy. It's not real.

Pastors like that, and there are millions of them the world over, they use this as a way not to teach prophecy because the only way to understand prophecy enough to teach it is to obey the God that wrote it, and none of them obey Him. The fact they all joined their churches with the state in the 501c3 contract exactly as prophecy said the fallen churches would do proves this hands down.

Now.. I need you to be honest with me. I don’t ordinarily share things like this with people without knowing them. I have no idea (other than by inspiration) as to why I shared all that with you. The Lord moved every word and sentence in this email and so I ask, is there a reason for this brother? If so.. please let me know.

And by the way, the only way to repair your marriage is to get closer to Christ who invented marriage in the Garden of Eden 6000 years ago. 75% of the marriages end in divorce because one or sometimes both spouses do not know Jesus. And the only way to get closer to Christ is to have more faith. And so how do you get more faith? Please get a Bible.. and please read Romans 10:17.

I would ordinarily share the verse outright with you, but I want you to actually get a Bible in hand so as to read that verse for yourself.

When you get into His Word, your faith will grow, your peace will be off the chart, your marriage will be blessed, you will no longer be distracted and you will be ready for what’s about to happen all over the planet in a very short time. We are THAT close.

Who knows? Perhaps we met for such a time as this? I do not believe it to be a mistake that the Lord moved your wife to ask you to email me. I hope to hear from you soon.


 ONE LAST THING...  And this is a warning unto all that are watching Vatican contrived videos. I was sent a video from a brother in the faith this morning. The video was titled PRIEST WARNING FROM ROME !!! MUST HEAR BEFORE YOU DIE. In the email he sent me and many others he stated that, and I am quoting now .. The Churches have been taken over by them also. The Catholic Church has been seized by Masons. And the Protestants also. This is why we have so many doctrine disputes. The Masons have seized our Churches.

What many fail to realize is that the man in the video is a Catholic priest and being a priest you can NOT trust him in any way shape or form. Rome is very good at false flags, political theater and just plain lying as we all know. Yes it's bad out there. It's the end of days. But this priest's "warning" will most assuredly be filtered with Vatican agenda. It will also be used to pull the onus off the Pope and put it on others. Like the Vatican books that came out about 10 years ago claiming that Islam was home to Antichrist. I did a video and a page all about that easy to expose lie. The Vatican has been using Islam to kill Christians since September 11 and so they will naturally make them appear to be as Antichrist just as they tried to do with Hitler when they used him to kill Christians and Jews. Now they are seeking to hide behind another pawn in the hands of the Pope, the Masons.

The Popes are evil, and they are the ones prophecy says will be used by Satan as the main problem in the final days. You cannot change Christian prophecy.

The priest in the video is ruled by the Pope and we all know the Pope wants to use climate change to enforce the mark by 2027. Once done he then knows he will rule the one world government by 2030. If his Pope gets his way and those dates agree with the Father in Heaven who is the ONLY ONE that knows the day and the hour, then Christ will return in 2030 because the one world government is the prophesied one hour with the beast that only lasts 15 days at the end of plague 6. Directly after plague 6 is of course plague 7 that not only ends all life on earth with 125lb chunks of hail, (look up comet Encke) it is also when Jesus returns to rescue His people that the Pope's hoards (in Armageddon) seek to kill.

Christian prophecy cannot be changed. But if you don't study the Bible, then it can be changed in your mind. Yes the Masons are evil and they will do crazy things just as the Muslims and Hitler are and have done for the Pope. But according to my Bible, it’s only the Pope of Rome who is used by Satan to control his minions. Pulling the focus off the man of sin will only confuse the masses to where they will eventually join hands with the Pope, as we see every so called Protestant denomination doing today, and this includes the SDA church that is not only defending the Pope on camera, they are sending the tithe of the SDA people to the Pope. And yes, I can prove all of this and will link out everything I just stated when I finally post the QA


#434 Did Paul just admit to being crafty in 2 Corinthians?

In 2 Corinthians 12:16, is Paul saying that he was being crafty & used guile to catch the Corinthians in something (this seems out of character), or is he saying that he caught the Corinthians using craftiness & guile?

Also, in verses 2-4, is Paul talking about someone he saw in vision since he doesn't know if he knew this man in person or not? And what does he mean by the unspeakable words which are not lawful for a man to utter? Thank you, brother. God bless.


Passages in question:

The word “crafty” as used by Paul is also translated as shrewd, sly, quick and skillful. All too often people will be on the defense when their leaders speak in a way they assume means they have the drop on them and so they will do what they can to hide the truth about their mistakes. Paul was quick witted and no doubt knew that he would be able to get them to admit of certain things assuming by carefully forming his words without using deception. This can be used to discover the good and even the bad in some people.

As for verses 2-4, Paul was actually speakinh of himself here. The fact he said "such an one caught up to the third heaven as well as in paradise proves this. But I will let Sister White go into a little detail on this.

The apostle Paul was highly honored of God, being taken in holy vision to the third heaven, where he looked upon scenes whose glories might not be revealed to mortals. Yet all this did not lead him to boastfulness or self-confidence. He realized the importance of constant watchfulness and self-denial, and plainly declares, "I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway" (RH May 3, 1881).

Again, Paul said that he knew a man that was "caught up to the third heaven", and sister White just said Paul was the one that was brought to the third Heaven of which students of prophecy know means New Jerusalem.

And so, like myself and others have done for years in the SDR movement, Paul was not seeking to take credit or even glorify himself. He purpsely kept it vague so as to give all glory to God.

To fruther confirm this. Notice what SOP now says..

     “Paul had a very humble opinion of his own advancement in the Christian life. He says, "Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect." He speaks of himself as the chief of sinners. Yet Paul had been highly honored of the Lord. He had been taken, in holy vision, to the third heaven, and had there received revelations of divine glory which he could not be permitted to make known (ST Jan. 11, 1883).

Mysteries which had been hidden for ages were revealed to him [Paul], and as much as he could bear of the workings of God, and of His dealings with human minds, was made known. The Lord told Paul that he must preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. Light was to be given to the Gentiles. This is a mystery which had been hidden for ages. (ST Jan. 30, 1912).


 #435 I am not sure about what the Lord is saying through Amos in Amos 3:3-8 regarding a roaring lion or the snare.


Passage in question:

Amos 3:3-8  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?  (4)  Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing?  (5)  Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no gin is for him? shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing at all? "

The lion doesn't roar in the joy of pride unless he has a reason to do so. It's only after he catches his prey that joy abounds. Walking together with unbelievers would only give Satan joy as soon as you now become his prey.

This reminds me of the coyotes out here. Whenever they make a kill wherein the hunting party is split up, they howl loudly to bring everyone in to eat. They only do that when the prey is taken and killed.

In the same way the Lord mentions through His prophet Amos that a bird never ends up in a snare unless they are blind to it and become trapped.

Being blind to the snare means in plain and simple terms that the one caught by Satan is the one that never saw the danger. And the only reason they could not see the snare he set up is because they didn't study their Bibles and so they were blind to Satan's snares.

Continuing to verses 6-8 it says (6)  Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?  (7)  Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.  (8)  The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?"

The trumpet will not be heard by those that are deaf to it and the only way they are deaf to it is when they are not studying the Word or they are in disobedience to the Lord in ways they know for a fact are sinful. Such are described as foolish virgins. This is why some strong Christians who then fall into sin start to preach very strange doctrines and false prophecies. Since they cannot understand or even hear the Lord's trumpet, Satan helps them proclaim his. And they truly believe they are doing God's work.

One can see the trumpet of truth being sounded worldwide right now, yet most cannot hear a thing because they do not study the Word to be able to have the ears to hear.

The fact next to no one knows about the end time prophecies fulfilling all around us proves this hands down. The lion HAS roared, yet no one hears it and because they are deaf, none can echo the prophecy and the godly fear is not within them and so they blindly fly into the snares of Satan.


 #436 Please explain 2 Cor 1:17-20

Please explain 2 Cor 1:17-20


Passage in question:2 Corinthians 1:17-20  When I therefore was thus minded, did I use lightness? or the things that I purpose, do I purpose according to the flesh, that with me there should be yea yea, and nay nay?  (18)  But as God is true, our word toward you was not yea and nay.  (19)  For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us, even by me and Silvanus and Timotheus, was not yea and nay, but in him was yea.  (20)  For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. 

The promises of Christ are absolute. But as we know, 2000 years ago the Pharisees would declare they are the only ones worthy of the promises. If in fact they were 100% obedient unto the Lord then yes, we could agree they were the only ones worthy of the promises. But they were not obedient at all.

In fact, they often declared “yea yea” for themselves and “nay nay” for the Gentiles and others they professed to be dogs outside the camp of God. Yet we know they erred here as well after Jesus shared with the Samaritan woman at the well. The Jews boldly hated the Samaritans and always declared “nay nay” unto them. Yet Christ did the exact opposite.

The Word doesn’t say the “Jews” are the only ones that can ask and it shall be given unto them. And the Lord doesn't say that only the “Jews” seek and ye shall find, or “only Jews” will knock and it will be opened unto them; it clearly says all of us can ask, seek and knock and we will all be blessed.

Salvation is for all of mankind, that is why the four horns on the altar of sacrifice pointed to the north, south, east and west. All of mankind can declare all the promises theirs for the taking but only if they accept Jesus as Lord and obey Him by laying all on the altar.

I recall as a young Christian that I believed deep within me that some of the promises were “yea yea” unto me, but the ones I wanted like the gift of healing, prophecy or other blessings were “nay nay” unto me because I thought they were slated for other men and women who had a better walk or faith than I had. This is how the Roman church teaches to this day and this is how the Pharisees taught all along.

Later in my walk the Lord revealed to me that 100% of all the promises are for me as well as any Christian alive as long as they obey the Lord AND trust Him to keep His Word. And so there is no “yea yea and nay nay” with our God. It’s all 100% YEA YEA unto His children. He loves us that much.  

As for verse 19 specifically, we can do all things in Christ. He says YES to every promise in His Word. And so there is no yea and nay regarding His Word. Some believe He will bless here but not there. But the truth is, He says YES to all promises. Christ would never contradict His own Word. And this is why so many people have weak faith to this day.

Now notice verse 24

2 Corinthians 1:24  Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.

All apostate churches today emulate the Vatican in that they "lord" over the people just as the Popes and prelates have done since 538AD. The leaders of the true church are workers with the people, not over the people! It is their faith in Christ and not in Paul that they be called Christians. We are here to help each other, not to demand power over anyone.


 #437 Why do you claim to be the "only church" blessed of God?

Hi Nicholas,
Question for you: We know that a church does not save, nor can any name or denomination or the remnant save. Only Jesus saves as you know. (John 14:6) (Acts 4:11-12) However, you believe you are the “only church“? So Gods people are called out of the churches of today but they don’t have to be part of the seventh day remnant I know that. Do you see what I mean?

Thank you!
God bless you.


Not one time on my site, in a video or any stream or radio broadcast did I ever say we are the “only church” on the planet that is blessed with the final truth. And so I am quite confused as to why you assume as you do.

I stated countless times that many people out there do believe as we do that we have never met yet. In fact we have brethren in all nations and most do not claim the SDR name at all. Many even join us each Sabbath and they also know do not have to claim the SDR name to be considered brethren by any of us. It’s about Christ and only Christ in this church family. This is why I never use my last name and I never ask for donations. To God be the glory. Period.

Plus, as the Lord revealed to us some years back, we are more of a remnant movement than we are a physical church. In fact, we have no brick and mortar churches at all. We meet in the homes as did the apostles 2000 years ago because that is how the Father guided us these last days and we can see why.

When the Latter Rain falls it will be very apparent to all why we meet in homes. Especially to those seeking to attack or infiltrate us. Our Father has us strategically scattered for a long prophesied purpose.

The only reason we chose the SDR name was to stop the SDA leaders from suing us. They actually join hands with Catholic and Jewish lawyers and have been suing some brethren that want to keep using the SDA name.


Acts 2:21; 4:12 “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Romans 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.


#438 Why did the Jews ask ROme to kill Jesus?

Why did the Jews say it wasn’t lawful for them to kill Jesus in John 18:31  Then said Pilate unto them, Take ye him, and judge him according to your law. The Jews therefore said unto him, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death:


Verse in question:

Actually, they did have biblical authority to stone people that committed certain sins. But to kill someone for the fake crimes they levied against Christ, no, they could not do so.

They openly admitted that day to Roman officials they want Jesus killed and they knew He was not worthy of death by their own law. What a testimony against the "religiosity" of their apostate condition. 

Like Rome today.. they employ others to do the evil deed of murder for them. They even admitted their law would not allow them to kill Him for such things as they said He did. And everyone knows their law was God's law. Or so they said. But their actions on this day proved they had no love for the Lord or His law. Commandment #6 proved that hands down.

The thing is, as I stated earlier, the Law of God DID allow them to stone people to death. Did they not stone Stephen under Roman rule? And did they not twice try to stone Jesus?

They said what they said because they wanted the Romans to kill Jesus! They hated Him so much that stoning Him was too quick and merciful for their bloodthristy hearts. Plus they feared the people that trusted Jesus. They knew the so called crimes they levied against Christ now would have led the people to stone them. And so having the Romans kill Jesus offered them a way to get Jesus killed in a very torturous manner for as everyone knew, the Romans killed people very slowly in the most painful way possible.

In short, it was lawful for them to stone people to death as they did that in the past and they did that 3.5 years after Jesus ascended back to Heaven with Stephen in fact. But it was not lawful for them to beat, whip and crucify Jesus to death. Hence the reason for verse 32 which says, John 18:32  That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, signifying what death he should die.


 #439 What is the "Mystery of Christ?"

What is the mystery of Christ that I see mentioned so often by Paul?

One verse in particular that speaks of this mystery is found in Colossians 1:26 which says even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

Please help me to see this mystery?


Dear brother. You already know what this mystery means. But most churches do not teach it where it can be easily understood.

What I mean is; prophetic facts and doctrinal truths that were hidden by the Lord to prevent Satan's victims from understanding them so as to gain the upper hand on God's people have always been opened to the eyes of God's people and that is why they easily walked away from the Synagogues.

To clarify further, the mystery of Christ is also defined as the "secret" of Christ when you look into the Greek defintions of the word. That mystery, or secret simply cannot be found by the world at all. It can only be discovered when we meet Jesus as Lord.

Like when we say we have met Jesus to someone that asks about the change in us. The world cannot grasp that at all. It is a complete mystery unto them in how we can literally say such a thing as if it is true. Which we know it is, yes. Reason being is, once we accepted Christ as Lord, King and Saviour He opens our eyes to his loving hand in many ways from how He opens His Word when we study it to how He literally grants us perfect peace in difficult situations. He truly is with us when we need Him the most. But to the lost soul, this is utter foolishness in that they simply cannot see it at all without blessed "eyes to see." THAT is the mystery or secret of Christ that we all see clearly now and the world declares we are fools for even claiming such a thing. In fact, the very next verse confirms this.


#440 Who did Cain marry?

I have a question when Adam and Eve had Cain and Able, I know Cain killed Able, but then who did Cain marry? 


As far as I see in the Word, Cain’s wife is never named in Scripture. Yes, she lived in the land of “Nod” and so that is obviously where Cain went to marry her. But I am sure your question is that; how can there be people in Nod if Cain, Abel, Adam and Eve are the only ones alive at the time, and then when Cain kills Able there’s only three people left on the planet, where did Cain's wife come from?

It has to do with the TIMING of all that happened that is not mentioned in the passages that speak of Adam and Eve’s history after being cast out of the Garden. In fact, Moses (who wrote the book of Genesis) never shared how long Adam and Eve lived in Eden before the fall, nor does he say how long they lived outside of Eden after their fall.

My understanding based on my studies is this.

Since the fall, and due to the nature being mostly perfect after the fall with the firmament still in place above the planet allowing for a much longer lifespan, mankind could live nearly 1000 years. And I say up to 1000 years due to the limits put on him in Genesis 2:17 which was stated that death will come “in the day” they ate of the tree of good and evil. And that “day” as it is defined by God’s standards - is in fact 1000 years. Notice what Peter declared 2000 years ago.

Now yes, it does say that a day can drag on as long as a thosuands of years of time for the Lord as His wisdom is such that He can disect a day to that level so as to assure every spec of His will is performed even if a billion people are required to fulfill it. But at the same time, no pun intended, those very same one thousand years can zip by just as fast as a single day with a God such as ours that can see the end from the beginning. Still.. He said what He said in Eden unto Adam regarding the fate of anyone eating of that tree and the context is clear that when He said a day, He literally meant the one eating of the tree will be dead within one thousand years. And yes, that is why Adam died at the ripe old age of 930 years old. His death truly was “in the day” just as recorded in Genesis 5:5.

So as not to confuse, for I do know we are also students of prophecy; we have all known from day one in our own private studies that a day = a year in prophecy Numbers 14:34 & Ezekiel 4:6 confirms this as biblical fact. But as you just saw, a day also = 1000 years when we use God’s own timing outside the prophetic realm. Unto Adam it wasn't a prophecy. It was a stated fact.

But getting back to Cain's wife. Since they lived so long back then, Cain and Abel could have been hundreds of years old when the argument happened wherein Cain killed his younger brother in a very graphic manner. And I say graphic because of how quickly the body healed back then. Science has already proven today that with that type of atmosphere as we know was present on the planet, the human body would heal up and actually finish scaring within 14 to 24 hours wherein today can take up to 14 days to form a scar. Cain had to literally behead Abel to kill him.

That being the case; if the argument happened many years after Adam and Eve left Eden, the city of Nod would no doubt be well established by then with all of Adam and Eve’s many descendants living in the city. Case in point, Fran and I had 8 children in just 16 years and we stopped for 5 years in the middle. Imagine how many children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins there would have been born via Adam and Eve’s children in 100, 200 or even 300 years. Makes sense then to move away and build a city eh?

This reality also shores up the reason behind Cain's fear regarding his punishment for killing righteous Able. He thought it was too harsh when he said in Genesis 4:14 “it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.” Now notice the next verse.

The Lord put this mark on Cain to prevent people from killing him that was very obvious to all that God was the one that put it there because keep in mind, all living at that time were very much in tune with God and perfect in nature. That would mean that ANY blemish whatsoever on anyone alive at that time would be seen as an act of God because no one had so much as a pimple back then. A since all of them were related, God had to place Cain out in the open on this because Cain's family members would no doubt kill him for killing righteous Able who was related to all of them. I would even think that Able was the very first human they ever saw dead at that time. And so it was a major traumatic event for all and that is why Cain was so fearful.

As for the silly claim by some that the mark was black skin, I see that as a learned deception which living in this last days one can see as a seed planted towards racism. Adam and Eve could have been black, brown, white, red or yellow for all we know. The mark was a miraculous sign upon Cain to not only declare him the killer of Able, it was also a warning unto anyone else seeking to following Cain's lead in killing, the Lord would come upon them sevenfold. And as we know by what is stated in Hebrews 10:31, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

The word "mark" in Genesis 4:15 is also translated out as "a signal, a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, miracle,sign, token."

That could mean literally anything. In fact,  it could mean Cain's hair could have been turned silver in color wherein no one else had that color. Or his eyes could have been changed to a very unnatural in color. The Lord could have also made his ears grow to look like rabbits ears or his neck to stretch forth like the giraffe if need be so as to prove to everyone looking on what the Creator God Himself did this to this man and so they need to stay clear else something seven times worse will happen to us.


#441 Please explain Exodus 16:29?

Hello Nicholas, can you please explain Exodus 16:29? Does it mean that we shouldn't go out of our house on the Sabbath day? Because I'm pretty sure that this is not it, because in Mark 2:23 it says Jesus and his disciples went out on a corn field on the Sabbath day, and Jesus would never break the Law. I tried to find this on your site but couldn't find anything about it, thanks.


Your 100% correct brother. When read in context we see this…

Exodus 16:21-30  And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating: and when the sun waxed hot, it melted.  (22)  And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses.  (23)  And he said unto them, This is that which the LORD hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD: bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.  (24)  And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did not stink, neither was there any worm therein.  (25)  And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day is a sabbath unto the LORD: to day ye shall not find it in the field.  (26)  Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none.  (27)  And it came to pass, that there went out some of the people on the seventh day for to gather, and they found none.  (28)  And the LORD said unto Moses, How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws?  (29)  See, for that the LORD hath given you the sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide ye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.  (30)  So the people rested on the seventh day.

The people were disobedient and ignored the command to not go out looking for manna on Sabbath day. Thing is, if you read into this they also ignored the Lord and saw worms in the manna that they kept from the previous day even though the Lord said take only what you needed each day and twice on the 6th day so as to have what you need for Sabbath day as well.

This was done to teach them to trust the Lord and His Word. He said they would have twice as much manna as needed for Friday and Sabbath day and that’s exactly what He gave them. But some ignored all that and they still went out on Sabbath day to find fresh manna when the Lord already said He was not going to send it on Sabbath. They no doubt failed to gather two days worth on Friday as the Lord commanded and so it was their own fault if they went hungry that day.

Having them stay in their tents on Sabbath was to teach them to obey the Lord and not step out looking for something He never promised to give.

This actually reminds me of people giving thanks for unclean foods when the Lord never gave them that food to eat. That is why Paul said in 1 Timothy 4:4  For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:


Most only read the first part of the verse to ok alcohol, pork and other unclean things. In other words, you cannot give thanks to God for unclean foods like pork when He never gave us permission to eat it in the first place. Those people that give thanks for such things, even though God never gave it to them, are no different than those that ignored the Lord when they went out on Sabbath day looking for manna.


There is nothing wrong with going outside on Sabbath. The Lord was teaching them a lesson in trusting Him by saying don’t even step out of your tent on Sabbath to do something I stated you are not allowed to do. With that being said they knew they had no choice but to gather twice as much on Friday as they knew not to even go near the door of the tent on Sabbath. And because the Lord allowed it, the manna would not have worms in it on Sabbath day.


I am sure, by Sabbath #2 there was not a single person stepping out on Sabbath looking for manna. Not one!


#442 Your God is dead

This comes from the very book you praise and worship and when it's exposed for what it truly is which is a made up story that was created thousands of years ago people begin calling that person evil and they begin hating and immediately doing things there stories tell them they shouldn't do, but there is one thing I always like to say " If you give a man a fish he'll eat for a day and if you give a man a religion and tell him to pray for a fish he will starve to death". The bible is contradictory of everything it says from beginning to end and in defense of someone exposing this truth christians cherry pick verses and then say that this is what God truly meant but that just proves our point more.


Until you meet Christ you cannot see what His people see for that is the "mystery of Christ" as the Word declares. We can actually declare He is alive for we have met Him. But the rest of the world cannot understand that as they believe He is dead. THAT is the “mystery of Christ.”

As for the Bible contradicting itself. No, it only does that in the mind of the nonbeliever for God's people understand the prophetic symbols and doctrinal truths that uplift the truth all Atheists are confused about because the basic reality is, the only way to understand the Word of God is to obey the God that wrote it. For if the Lord allowed the nonbeliever to understand His Word, they would easily twist it out of context so as to lure God's people into sin with them. But the God of the Bible is far too wise for the craftiness of men.

Basic reality is this my seeking friend, and I know you are seeking the Lord's truth for why else would you comment on a Christian channel with such comments knowing a Christian would respond?

But notice this.. even the hardened scoffer in these last days have begun to see that there is no way to explain how hundreds of prophecies that were written thousands of years ago have been fulfilled to the letter in today’s world. And before the ability to date prophetic events ended in 1844 at the fulfillment of the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel as Revelation 10:6 predicted, those prophecies of Daniel that all fell on certain dates all the way up to October 22, 1844 confirmed the Word of God to be true. Yet because most do not believe the Word and those that claim to preach it never study up the prophetic utterances contained in the Word, next to no one knows all that's happening was prophesied to happen exactly as it is.

That all being said, even you can see what the remnant people see if you give Jesus Christ a chance to show these things to you. And just so you know, Atheists have joined our number because as intelligent as most Atheists are, they know what they're looking at when they see the cookie cutter churchianity and preachertainers out there in all the government approved 501c3 churches. They know when they come across the truth as it is declared by God’s obedient remnant people, they see that we do explain the Word in ways only true children of God can explain it because we know Him personally. What we declare is locked down via the Scripture and historic events as well as those events that are very soon to happen. Don't believe me? Wait just a few short years to when the Pope demands Sunday keeping laws to stop all the disasters he claims are the end result of climate change. When you see that happen, contact me via my main site at remnantofgod.org, as I am sure all my videos will be offline by then. But don't wait too long to contact me through the site because even though my servers will still be online for a little while after the videos go down (I hope) I do not know how long before they will cut my servers offline that are not reliant upon Youtube or Google.

The true child of God is nothing like the so called Christians of the world who give only lip service unto our Lord, for they are all exactly as Isaiah 4:1 said they would be today. They only claim to be Christians to hide their shame and they embrace sin and declare it sanctioned simply because they cannot deal with giving things up to follow Christ. That is why even you, a professed Atheist can see how those so called Chrstian churches are nothing more than moneychangers in the temple of God.

And as for your claim, and I quote, "If you give a man a fish he'll eat for a day and if you give a man a religion and tell him to pray for a fish he will starve to death." I beg to differ as I have first hand experience that my Lord will feed me spiritually and physically daily.

Many years ago before I was even aware of my calling to go into fulltime ministry, my wife and all 8 of our children moved away from the suburbs of Chicago and left our welfare checks of $1500 a month cash and $1500 in stamps behind. We wanted to see God's hand move and begin a new life in Jesus away from the wicked influence of the city as well as family members who were very much against us for leaving the Catholic church.

For 16 months I was unable to find work for two reasons. #1, many said I was over qualified and they felt bad about offering small pay no matter how much I insisted I didn't care about the money as I knew we would make it, and #2, all of them demanded I break Sabbath each week to get the job and I of course refused.

Yet, not only did the Lord provide us the food we needed each day as well as a 5 bedroom home on 5 acres for only $100.00 a month, of which we lived in for 8+ years, after those 16 months ended I was given a very nice job as well as a company truck and when the ministry started to get busy, my boss allowed me to take 1 day off each week which then changed to 2 days off work each week and get this, he paid be for a full 8 hours for each of those days each week and every week until a few years later when the Lord finally called me into ministry full time. And the entire time I never asked mankind for help from the government or the pulpit. And so you're very wrong sir. My God can and will proved for His people as long as they stay in His will as it is written in His Word.


 #443 Why did God order people to be killed?

My husband wants me to ask you why does God order them to kill the Amalek and his family, kids, babies, etc.

Here is the verse. 

1 samuel 15:3
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.


Many think God is hateful in doing this because mankind is not aware of how death works. Satan has been lying to everyone since the Garden of Eden regarding the fact that when people sin they will die, or even in this case where the Lord is demanding the deaths of men, women and children.

This was war and they that were slated for death were in direct denial of the God of creation. They were evil people and they trained their children from a very young age to be evil as well and so if the children were allowed to live, the evil traits taught them by their parents would fester on and make them far worse as they grew older because now they would have revenge added to their hearts. Their very own parents are the reason they were to be killed just as many will die during the plagues.

The truth in Proverbs 22:6 works both ways, which says, Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

If you train a child from their youth about our loving God and all the good things of life, when they get old, they will grow stronger towards God. But if they are trained to follow Satan early on as so many parents teach them today, when they get older, they will grow to glorify Satan, and most don’t even realize they’re doing it. Anyone alive today that has seen the most recent generation come to adulthood can see clearly how much different their mindsets are than ours were from back in the 1970's. I even recall how different life was from the mid 1960's when I started to grow up as a pre-teen. What life was like then for a teen if lightyears away from what life is like now. And so the theology of Proverbs 22:6 is absolute.

Still, mankind does see death as the ultimate insult unto man from God; but they fail to realize that God doesn’t look at death as we do. Each person that has died since Adam's day unto plague #7 will “resurrect” at the end of the 1000 years for a “short lifetime” or "little season" as Revelation 20:3 puts it. Their thoughts on death are all based on a lie. But, at the end of that little season they will die and be dead for all eternity.

Think about the fact that our God created all of mankind and it was mankind that made the decision to be disobedient as well as obedient. They took His blessing of life and offering of eternal life no less and graphically abused it to the point of being reprobate. The basic reality is that after the 1000 years when all the wicked die for eternity, it will be as if they never lived anyway. All their accomplishments will be for naught for nothing they have done no matter how moral and amazing them may have thought it to be when they lived will never be mentioned in Heaven as something worthy of emulation because if it was, they would have placed their crown of stars at the foot of Christ on day one anyway because no matter how much some people declare otherwise, there is not a single self-made man on the planet. 100% of each and every one of them have to thank God for their talents and blessings. And so if they're not in Heaven, then they are not of the least bit of importance in any conversation that could ensue in eternity.

What I mean is, after a few trillion years of life with the Lord's presence literally upon us as a robe of light, will those that lived 8 or 80 years in sin on planet earth really matter when you think about it? They had their chance to take the gift of life and run with it. It’s not God’s fault they hated Him and lusted after the flesh so as to take the riches He gave them to glorify their flesh. And yes, the same holds true for the poor who blame God for allowing them to be poor. We all have our tests to pass so as to see if we love the Lord more than we do our own lives. And yes, they that died, be they rich or poor hated Him as He made Himself known to them just as much as He did to everyone else. Like Pharaoh and Moses.. that same love of God was presented to both of those men. It melted the heart of one man and hardened the heart of the other. Same exact love, but two completely different responses to it.

In short.. it is only man who is to blame as to how he enters the grave. God did and is still doing all He can to get them to live with Him forever. In fact, one of many verses speaking on this is found in Ecclesiastes 7:17 which says, “Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?”

One last thing…

Notice Titus 2:11 which says, “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,”

The word "all" is not something anyone needs to have defined. It means that ALL of mankind that is lost is without excuse when they stand in hellfire 1000 years from now. All of them had a chance to make the right choice. Our God cannot lie, even though many claim otherwise. The fact all the prophecies that were supposed to happen just a few short years before they enforce the mark are in fact fulfilling before everyone's eyes is proof of that fact. If all those prophetic events are happening as He stated, why then do so many believe otherwise or believe hellfire isn't real or the plagues are just a fairytale. It's because of another prophetic fulfillment found in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 which states after speaking about how it will be right before the end of all things occur, it says that it is "...with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  (11)  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:  (12)  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Again, the same love that was shared to Moses and Pharaoh wherein the Lord takes the blame by stating many times that "He hardened Pharaoh's heart" from Exodus chapter 7 to chapter 14, the same love was presented to all of mankind again, and this time in a very graphic manner from Calvary unto today. Yet for some, and thanks to their parents teaching them lies about God, many people today look at our Lord as not worthy of worship. And so when He says "He will send them a strong delusion" He is taking the blame again because truth is truth.

What I mean is... The Lord lays our life and death to all of mankind and then gives mankind free will to choose on his own. Even though the Lord proved many times He does not want them to die, some do choose death and because it is the end result of denying God's love, the Lord places the blame upon Himself by stating He sent the strong delusion, which in actuality is true, but only after mankind demanded He do so by their rejection of Him.

Therefore, seeing how He has made Himself obvious to ALL men, what we're all going through in life right now is a test to see who among us will be able to live in the city of our God so that when Heaven begins and we go forth into the Universe to share the eternal love of God to others outside the city, living with Him as we will be doing makes us a people that know Him better than anyone in the entire Universe and so we need to come to this faith that He is the great “I am” even now before He returns if ever we are to stand in that perfect number declaring quite boldly that echoes that which we read in Isaiah 25:9 which is, "...it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation."



Sorry - no transcript on this one - yet

Question regarding Catholic article "The Sabbath or the Lord's Day"

#445 I am lonely - there are no brethren here

Dear brother Nicolas,

Every Sabbath I join you and I spend my Sabbath on my own doing what I can to respect God's Sabbath day. I am so blessed joining God's people each Sabbath, but I must be sincere, I feel lonely without being with other brothers physically. I was wondering if you could ask the brothers & sisters who are in Italy if they would like to contact me so maybe I could have brothers closer to me (online) to be able to serve the Lord and respect His Holy Sabbath with them.

Thank you.
God bless you


I know exactly what you’re going through as I have been unable to find anyone in my area that believed as I did for 37 years and when I started to keep Sabbath again there was no one nearby for 27 years. But in all this I found a blessing.

I believe the Lord is preparing you for is to be able to stand alone in His truth when the enemy starts to run rampant the world over without so much as a slap on the wrist. Very soon the mark of the beast will be enforced here in America and then not too long afterwards in Italy and so, being alone will be the better option for many obedient Christians as most that claim Jesus Christ Lord will not obey Him out of fear.

Learn from this lonely time that you are never alone as a Christian because of what Jesus said in Matthew 28:20 which was, “lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

As for brethren in Italy, yes there are some there. But, at present they are unable to open their homes to others due to what’s happening in all countries via the Vatican’s rule over all the CEO's, politicians and preachers during the PLANdemic.

What I find that has helped me in these trying times is to study the Bible daily each morning and pray at the minimum of three times a day so as to get as close to Christ as I possibly can. Since I have been doing it this way for so long I know that if I was on the moon without a single person near me I would not feel alone at all as Christ truly is near me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Yes it gets trying and Satan will tempt us to despair, but tell him to get away from you and trust Jesus and His promise to always be with you even unto the end of the world.


 #446 Can you please explain Romans 7:7-12. Thank you

Can you please explain Romans 7:7-12. Thank you


In a nutshell, what Paul is saying here is that it wasn’t until the Law was presented to him in a clear way by faith that he discovered he was in sin. And because the Law has that power to open our eyes unto the need of a Saviour, he saw many sinful things in his own life just like every babe in Christ experiences once they find Christ. If the Christian stays faithful all throughout life the Law and the Word helps us to see areas we need to overcome.

As for being “alive” before the law. Just like all of us; before understanding the truth, Paul walked outside the law. But when the truth came and he understood the commandment, sin was seen in its true light and he died to sin. He was no longer alive to sin. This confirms the fact that all past sins are forgiven once Christ is found as Saviour. After all, Paul was a killer of Christians was he not? And the moment he found Christ he now stands at the desk a servant of Christians for Christ.

Paul saw himself as a man of God as did Daniel in Daniel 10:8. But when Daniel was in the presence of the angel, he said "Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength."

When Daniel saw the perfection of the angel, he saw himself sinful just as Paul did who before meeting Christ on that road. Before then he thought he was blameless until he looked deeply into the Law of God. He, like all Jews even to this day thought by keeping the law as a Jew this is how he gained salvation. But when he found Christ he realized the law confirmed he was deceived by Satan who used the law against him and he was now hell bound like every one else. What he thought was “ordained to life” was actually “to be unto death.”

In other words, as he alludes to in verse 11, Satan used the commandments against him so as to deceive him, but then when Christ came, Paul died to sin and was alive in Christ.

Through the plan of salvation, we learn that the law holds true in condemning the sinner. And so, as we see even to this day, Satan has many claiming the law ended at the cross so as to prevent the souls from seeking a Saviour. The sinner can only be saved through the sacrifice of Christ, "in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins." (Colossians 1:14)

Mankind wants to believe the Law was abolished or at the very least changed at the cross. But the Law is unchangeable. For if it was changeable Christ would not have to die at all. And so as Paul puts it, it remains “holy, just, and good.”

Want it declared in a simple way? Notice what Paul said in Romans 6:2. He said, “God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?”

To be dead to sin is to know that when you sin you confess and repent because it's not a lifestyle you want anymore due to Christ's influence in your life. You no longer sin without guilt. The opposite is the non-believer who when they sin, they see no wrong and never confess and repent of it because they see no need to since they think it was abolished at the cross, and so they are then “alive in sin.” But only temporarily. Hellfire will put an end to all that at the end of the 1000 years.

We all must be dead to sin. Yes, you will sin, but the difference is now that you will confess and repent of your sin and receive the blessing as per the promise of 1John 1:9. You no longer live to sin. Non-believers never repent and so they live to sin each and every day. The obedient Christian is dead to sin. It no longer directs his path at all.


 #447 I believe the vaccine is the mark - not Sunday keeping

Thanks but you left me the same because i dont see a big deal about the Sunday Sabbath that most are already doing. But I find it a big deal that there's a vaccine with luciferase and Rna which is a dna changer JUST LIKE TIMES OF NOAH.


It was prophesied that all the world would wonder after the beast in Rome. And so as you just admitted, everyone is keeping Sunday holy. But because most refuse to study the Bible they not only see this as no big deal, they are following the Pope's lead exactly as prophecy said they would. What many don't realize is that the Christian God never changed the Sabbath. It was always the 7th day. The disobedient "Christians" didn't start to keep Sunday holy until Constantine under direction of the Bishop of Rome forced them to do so on March 07, 321AD. That's right! We have historic proof the Christians did NOT keep Sunday holy when Christ arose as Rome has been claiming for centuries. Fake news and fake doctrine has always been used by Rome. Why would today be any different?

Satan needed to use the Sabbath as his MARK because he knows that the Sabbath people choose to keep actually proves who it is they worship, and so he knew the only way to get most "Christians" to agree with a Sunday LAW was to start early in history to get them used to breaking God's law for centuries so that when he (Satan) finally got his pawns in the Governments as well as all the 501c3 churches to pass a Sunday law to honor him above the God of the Bible, most people would see it as "no big deal" today because they had been keeping Sunday holy all along and they truly believe it is the Christian Sabbath because they were taught it was since childhood in the same way some believe the USA landed men on the moon or evolution is real. Your admission regarding how most keep Sunday holy actually confirmed Christian prophecy is THAT accurate.

Check out this in depth study or watch one of many of the short videos I made proving everything I said using Scripture and historic record here... https://remnantofgod.org/mark.htm

The basic reality is this. Since most Christians keep Sunday holy anyway and see it as no big deal today, why are they doing all they can to make sure Sunday Laws are enforced worldwide when we all know for a fact they already keep it holy? It's because Satan MUST get that law passed to guarantee those "Christians" worship him over and above the Creator God. In Heaven there is a law of the land just as on earth there is a law of the land. The law of the land in New Jerusalem is in fact the ten commandments. And Satan knows that it is plainly declared in Revelation 22:14 that the only people allowed into New Jerusalem, or Heaven as most call it is that they must keep the commandments. Check it out...

That city mentioned here is in fact New Jerusalem. And thanks to Satan manipulating calendars, the way work days are outlined in Scripture, most people see no big deal in breaking God's Sabbath each week.

I recall as a young man that I worked all week just so when I got paid on Friday I could blow my paycheck by partying all night Friday into Saturday. The Bible clearly states the Sabbath begins on Friday evening and ends on Saturday night. This is why the people of the world that refuse to study Bibles go to the Mall, parties, baseball games and many other activties on the Sabbath because they were never told by the preachers it was sin to do so.

Again, is breaking God's Sabbath each week is no big deal then why is Satan moving the powers that be into passing Sunday laws? Have you seen my most recent video wherein the G7 Summit meetings of two weeks ago literally discussed and created a global climate Sunday movement that we have been warning people they were going to do for decades? They even made a new website called "climateSunday.org" of all things. Christian prophecy is that accurate! And just the other day word has gone out in the media that they plan to start climate lockdowns in the USA! (Also see this)

Satan has been testing how he can get people to break God's law all along. Just mentioning two times, we see in Esther's day he tried to get the Jews to break commandment #1 to get them to bow before their Pagan rulers in worship and in Daniel's day they tried to get him to do the same thing. And just to mention one more, Satan tried to get Daniel's friends to break Commandment #2 by demanding they bow before the statue of Gold he got Nebuchadnezzar to build. Don't you find it strange that it is God's law that Satan is focusing on back then and now in the very last days he is focusing on Commandment #4? That very commandment proves who you worship and that is why he is trying to get billions to break it.

One last thing. If you don't believe that the Governments and churches have been pushing for Sunday laws the last few decades exactly as prophesy said they would. See thousands of articles confirming that fact here... https://remnantofgod.org/sabatak.htm

I pray you're blessed.


 #448 Why is the arm of God holy in Isaiah 52:10 but not in Ezekiel 4:7?

Why is the arm “holy” in Isaiah and just an “arm” in Ezekiel?


This can be seen in two ways. He uncovers His “holy” arm in Isaiah to make it plain to all that look upon it that it is the Lord that brought salvation unto His people. In fact, Isaiah 52:6  says “Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.”

And reading on one can see this is in fact a blessing being prophesied unto all that seek Him as Lord, Saviour and King. Notice this in context.

But in Ezekiel we see a different scenario wherein the Lord is now laying siege to prophesy of the coming battle against the city of Jerusalem as their just deserts for denying His will by refusing to study His Word and pray daily unto Him as a people filled with love towards our God will do. And so like a soldier with a sword under His cloak; to uncover the arm is to make it read to strike quickly in battle. I believe this is why the word “holy” is not mentioned with the bare arm here as it was in Isaiah 52:10.

Besides the fact He is having Ezekiel bare his own “human” arm, the word “arm” here in Eze_4:7 comes from the Hebrew word “zeroah” which means to be “stretched out” and the figurative definition of that same word denotes it to be stretched out “by force.”

And so what is being stated here in Ezekiel’s vision is that what the Lord is about to do unto Jerusalem for their iniquity will not only be known to all it is the Lord Himself doing it, but seeing that He has Ezekiel bare his own arm rather than just speaking of His “holy” arm moving from heaven as it does when it comes to the gift of salvation, this declares that the Lord will use mankind to do this prophesied act against Jerusalem and it will be done very quickly as we all know did in fact happen when Nebuchadnezzar besieged and then burn the city to the ground.

Notice the difference in the two. The first one is called “holy arm” unto salvation for their obedience. But the second arm we see that it is Ezekiel’s arm denoting the Lord’s will unto judgment for their disobedience using mankind to fulfill his will. In both cases it is done in a way that all looking on will know without a doubt, it was the Lord that did both acts.


 #449 Why did Jesus use the widow in Elijah's day as an example?

After Jesus stood up to read from Isaiah in Nazarath after coming from the desert for 40 days, He declared what He just read was fulfilled in Him. I understand why the people in the Synagogue started to question how Jesus, the assumed Son of Joseph, could say such things, but what I don't understand is why He chose to remind them of the widow in Elijah's day?



Luke 4:18-26  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,  (19)  To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.  (20)  And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.  (21)  And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.  (22)  And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son?  (23)  And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.  (24)  And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.  (25)  But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;  (26)  But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.

Jesus was stepping into what we call the week of Daniel and specifically so regarding what was abuot to happen the next three and a half years. And so, looking back we see that just as the land had no rain for 3.5 years in Elijah's day and he (Elijah) was only sent to a believing "woman" in Sarepeta; Jesus was now about to go to the believing "church" or "woman" as we all know is the symbol for a church in prophecy. And Jesus was going to personally speak unto the church for the next 3.5 years. And just as as the land had a drought in Elijah's day, there was a drought in Jerusalem when it comes to the water of life.  This is why Jesus spoke of His Word as "living waters" a few times. He knew there was a spiritual drought in the land.

Using the widow of Serepta to represent the church Jesus was sent to is fitting and downright perfect in that she was a widow in the same way the church 2000 years ago was without the guidance of the true Husbandman, Jesus Christ. The leaders in the church had such a negative influence upon the Jewish church that their true "Husbandman" was considered dead to them in the same way the widow's husband was dead in reality.

And if you notice Jesus also mentions in the next verse the end result of nonbelievers in Israel back then when in Elisha's day only Naamn was healed of his leprosy. As reluctant as Naaman was to obey the prophet at first when Elisha told him to bathe in the Jordan, he eventually did the right thing and was perfectly healed of his leprosy that even to this day is considered an incurable disease.

Soon all in that Synagogue 2000 years ago were to see how many were going to be healed by Jesus in the next 3.5 years; and yes, their lack of faith in Him not only brought the people and their leaders to a hellish wrath when He stopped speaking that day, this is also why He said what He did in verse 24, which was, "No prophet is accepted in his own country." As we know He was standing in Nazareth when He stood up to read. Everyone present knew Him as the assumed Son of Joseph. But none saw Him as the prophesied Messiah. And I say assumed because we all know Joseph was only His stepfather. The Father in Heaven is the One who set forth His only begotten Son to us.


 #450 Please explain the “touch” in Mark 8:22


Mark 8:22-25  And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him.  (23)  And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.  (24)  And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.  (25)  After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

This is an amazing miracle that wasn't completely understood by most until a few decades ago scientists found a way to reconnecte an optic nerve in a man born blind. No, they were not able to completely duplicate the healing like Jesus did. Sure, the man was able to see, but he wasn't really healed. What I mean is, Science proved that the mind of a man born blind must also be healed if the eyes are mechanically healed by surgery decades later, because the eyes will not be able to understand what they're looking at without a complete healing. In other words, like the blind man of 2000 years ago, they would see people that look like trees to them because the blind person knows a tree is tall and upright by simply touching and embracing it. His eyes would be healed but not his ability to "see" to understand what he was looking at and so Jesus healed him twice, wherein mankind cannot.

This man that was recently healed that was born blind due to a defect in the optic nerve could see but not understand sight. He not only had to learn what each thing was that he saw repeatedly by touching it so as to use his original senses to realize what he was looking at. In fact, people he knew his entire life were complete strangers to him each time he saw them until they spoke. He could only remember the trees as they felt or the people as they sounded. The mind of the man was never healed by Science, only the eyes.

This miracle of Christ wasn't only amazing towards the physical realm in that Science could never re-map a human mind no matter how arrogant they are because the mind is only resident in the flesh of the brain. They may be able to make the brain move arms and legs and even generate hate and love, but the vapor of the mind as I can only describe it is a fragile and quite permanent reality for lack of a better term unto the person.

When we look deeper into the miracle we see what Christ was also teaching us by the healing that like the blind in sin, if they would just seek out Jesus He will not only heal their spiritual blindness, He will give them biblical understanding of the mystery of Christ as well.

As we see by the billions of Isaiah 4:1 type Christians, many people can see Jesus and claim Him Lord, but they have not given their hearts to Him so as to be spiritually healed as well. Most anyone can 'see' what Jesus does by simply reading His Word or seeing how He changes people around them that got saved, but only those blessed by Him to the core (heart/mind) can really 'understand' what they see.

Many only read the Bible on the surface and never dig in to study it. To these the Word makes no sense to them like the healed blind man. They need to TOUCH Jesus in His Word to truly know Him. When they do this, their touch will find them healed like the woman with the issue of blood that was healed by merely touching the garment of Christ.

Her faith was such that she knew by merely touching Him will bring on the healing, but unless she knew Him in the heart, as was obvious the case here, she never would have been healed.

In prophecy, the garment = the walk. And the Word of God is an in depth description of His walk and so I say, don't just read the Bible. TOUCH IT!

For Christ to have the man "look up" when He healed Him appears obvious that the only way our understanding can be assured is to "look up" to Heaven, the home of our Creator.

Plus the scientist in men says Jesus knows exactly how He created the eyeball. And so could it be that Sunlight would generate a chemical reaction in the eye that can add to all that was needed for the man that was healed?

I know when I look at a bright light I feel some pain and have to squint. That pain has to be generated in some way by the eyeball itself. How? I do not know, but I do know we are all nothing more than chemical puddles.

And so, just as Sunlight can generate electricity in a solar panel, it can also generate something in the eye that was needed for this man to see clearly. And I am sure vitamin D was a huge part of this.

Basic reality is.. do we not sneeze when we step outside into the Sunlight?

But the obvious here is the fact that in verse (25) it says that "After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly."

The physical as well as the spiritual healing can only be realized when we LOOK UP to Christ.


#451 Who are the Nicolations?

I know you describe the main fruit of the Nicolations on the QA page – but who were they?


By the way, the biblical pronouncement is not NICOLATIANS. It's actually NICOLAITANS.

Nicolaitans DEFINED =  "destruction of people"

Strong's # 3531

1) a sect mentioned in Rev. 2:6,15, who were charged with holding the error of Balaam, casting a stumbling block before the church of God by upholding the liberty of eating things sacrificed to idols as well as committing fornication

The historic fruits of the Nicolaitanes suggests them to be the forefathers of the Roman Catholic church. Their name came from "Nicolas the Bishop of Samaria" that was a known heretic often in the company of a Pagan magician named Simon Magus. He was the first "Simon Pater" or "Simon Peter" of the Roman church. His name being "Simon" and his title being "Pater" or "Peter." A "Pater" or "Peter" is a high priest in the Pagan church. Rome used this title (Simon Peter) to declare Simon Peter the Christian Apostle to be their first Pope. In other words, being Pagans and under the guidance of Satan, the name for their high priests in Paganism was an obvious ploy by Satan to make the Paganism of Rome appear to be Biblical. This is actually an historic signpost in that the Nicolaitanes have also been identified as the first known historic compromise between Pagans and Christianity.

Jude speaks of the Nicolaitanes lascivious "fruit" in his letter...

Nicolatianes were also known to be first to preach the Law of God was unnecessary after the cross of Christ just as the Pope publicly announced last week when he declared the Ten Commandments to be non-absolute. But then this fits in with his agenda to belittle the Law of God in advance of openly demanding all on earth break it or be killed for refusing to do so when he final phase of the enforcement of the mark comes to fruition. This ancient satanic mindset allowed for doctrines of demons to make their way into the church that eventually lead to Sunday Laws by the Pagan leader Constantine on March 7, 321ad and it remains to be seen if the modern day Pope will use the exact same date of March 7 to enforce the final long prophesied Sunday laws.

The Nicolaitanes were also known to be the forefathers of the hierarchical structure of the Roman church, wherein they divided the laity from the clergy. Thereby placing the clergy above the people. With this came many murderous acts and unjust laws seeing how the people were indoctrinated into believing that a man can lead the church instead of Christ. Which by the way is how all churches are structured today and this includes the SDA church who also have a hirearchial structure to their church. I did a video on this not too long ago if anyone needs the verification on this. The Link = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSpE8kUnZI4

The Nicolaitanes were also know to preach antinomianism. (an·ti·no·mi·an·ism  (nt-nm--nzm) n.) Which by definition is:

1. Theology The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace.

2. The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as opposed to fixed or universal.

This is Roman theology in a nutshell wherein is taught you can be saved IN sin rather thann FROM sin. This effectively does away with the Law of God and preaches His grace will save you if you only believe. Yet the WOrd clearly says in Romans 6:1-2, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?  God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"


#452 What does baptized for the dead mean?

What does "baptized for the dead" mean in 1 Corinthians 15:29? Obviously, it does not mean what the Mormons think it means ... but that's all I know. God bless.

1 Corinthians 15:29  Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?


What I do on such things is I will re-read the entire chapter and then find where the conversation begins and ends. I usually find a few key passages that cover the topic of the chapter. For example.. The context of the statement begins in..



Continues with..



Reading on…

And with those verses in mind I next re-read the passage in question.


1 Corinthians 15:29-31  Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?  (30)  And why stand we in jeopardy every hour?  (31)  I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.


When I get the meaning of the passage I then re-read the chapter and find it flows much smoother in my mind without doubt on any verses because they all contribute to the doctrine and or point being made by the Lord through His servant with pen in hand.

It appears the demon that CONfused the Mormons was playing his games back then to fabricate their strange baptism by proxy theology and so jumping to our day I can see this as a rebuke on the Mormon doctrine that some were doing at that time.

But, at the same time, Paul is clearly saying, if there is no resurrection, (his original reason for writing this chapter by the way) then why are people being baptized when baptism clearly declares to all that the one being baptized believes in the death AND resurrection of Christ? Going under the water = death. Coming out = resurrection. But if there is no resurrection, and we just drop dead never to arise, why bother getting baptized?

If I was to translate the verse in today's language I would say, "What shall they do who are baptized in behalf of Christ who died if in fact He never arose as some claim? Why then be baptized in Christ's name if He never arose since the very act of baptism depicts death and resurrection?"

I pray this cleared it up brother. And THANK YOU! I love when you ask questions like this. It allows for a FUN bible study into finding the hidden nuggets of truth!


#453 You're wrong about the image of the beast!

Image of the beast? In all studies I have followed none pays attention to the fact that the beast, political power shall perform the miracles of bringing fire from heaven. Literal a political leader who shall call fire from heaven, upon calling fire from heaven the world shall be deceived into making the image because of the great miracle, the whole world deceived, the only fitting image is the UN, a study of events that happen when UN was formed will have you realize the fire. Then you realize how deceived we have been and how the world worships the UN teachings and doctrines to its destruction.


2 Peter 1:20-21 clearly says that "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.  (21)  For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."

What you shared cannot be found anywhere in Scripture as a definition for the image of the beast in Rome. That means 100% of your deduction here is based solely on your own opinion and that's not how Bible prophecy works dear one. Biblical jurisprudence dictates that we must always allow the Word of God to define its own symbols because our private interpretations are useless. We simply did not right the Bible. Therefore we must let who did write it define its meanings.

If you wrote a book and created a symbol in your book to describe something in detail but you also placed a definition beforehand in the book so as to make it easy for the reader to understand what you meant whenever you used that symbol in the book, would it not be considered foolish to read the book and then place your own definition on the symbol? Yes it most certainly would; and especially before the eyes of all the people that read the book and knew the definition due to obedient methods of study.

Students of prophecy are known to only allow the Bible to define the prophecies itself because we know there are people that are blessed to see what we see and if we say a symbol means something else when the Bible clearly says otherwise, we would look foolish to them.

Before you can understand what the image is, you need to know who the beast is. And that's a rather quick study if you have the time. For example; in Revelation 17:3 we read, "So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns."

In prophecy, a woman is defined as a church. Jeremiah 6:2 says, "I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman." And we also understand the Church of Jesus Christ is considered to be the "Bride of Christ" because of many areas of Scriptures lovingly that describe her as such. It is also commonly understood by students of prophecy that our Lord also defines a beast to be a nation in His prophetic Word. When speaking of all the nations of the world from Daniel's day to our day, Daniel 7:17 says that, "These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth." But when Daniel's vision gets to beast #4, it's a bit strange in appearance It says in Daniel 7:23, "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces."

Even in today's world, nations are described as beasts. The USA is seen as an eagle. Russia is likened unto a bear, and China even carries the image of a dragon for some strange reason. And I say strange because in prophecy the dragon is actually Satan. It says in Revelation 20:2 that a good angel "laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,"

Many years ago Daniel was given a great vision about all the nations of the earth till the end of time. I go into detail about that vision which was a duplicate of Nebuchadnezzar's dream on my "dream of a king" page. In this vision he saw the last or "fourth beast" as Daniel put it, was a nation that is to be "diverse from all the others." (Daniel 7:19)

But how diverse would it be? According to Revelation 17:3 as we have already seen, this beast will have a woman riding it. Since we already know that prophecy defines a woman as a church, and a beast as a nation; we have to ask ourselves is there such an entity described in history? Is there a church and state mixed together as one political entity some place today in the end time society? And does this church and state entity have global power as Daniel predicts it will have? Yes there is. Only one place on earth has ever done this in the history of mankind on a global scale.

The Vatican of the Roman Catholic church has been established upon this type of union nearly 15 centuries ago, and is now finalizing plans to use this prophesied church & state structure to obtain global rule in the place of pagan Rome that fell in 476AD. And yes, this is why all the churches have joined with their states in a 501c3 contract so as to proclaim allegiance to Rome as well as create an image unto her. How is it an image? The only way to get a 501c3 is to join your church with the state, or incorporate as they call it today. And yes again, this is why we saw the one world church officially come into existence on February 04, 2019. (See Signed Vatican Document here) Their agenda towards the mark of the beast is nearly complete. We are THAT CLOSE now.

The Vatican is the church and state beast, and all the Protestant churches are an image to that beast as they are also considered government church and state agencies as of December 02, 2017 when the 501c3 was signed into Law. See all the videos on my image of the beast page at https://remnantofgod.org/image.htm

Each symbol in Daniel, Revelation, or any other prophetic book for that matter are defined in detail in God's Word. So, don't let anyone; be they a brother or sister or even a pastor give you their "opinion" or "interpretation" when it comes to prophetic symbols or prophetic events as they are outlined in the Bible. We must always let the Word define the Word so as to prevent any confusion. In fact, that's an easy way to expose the many false teachers we see all over the world in these last days. Just hear what they have to say; then open a Bible and see if what they say matches up with what the Lord says regarding a certain symbol. If it doesn't, do not sit with them in worship for it is plainly written in 2 Corinthians 6:14 that we must "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"

And yes, if they declare a prophetic symbol to mean something you know is not proven with Scripture, and better yet you know of the verses that do define the symbol, then they are openly declaring themselves to be unbelievers in the God of the Bible for they are changing that was written by God to fit their own creed and therefore you cannot sit with them in worship or study until they repent. The Lord wrote the Bible and He is the one that defined the symbols. No getting around that.

Now yes, the UN is a major cog in the wheel of the end time deception that has grown worldwide as we speak, but the Word of God and the prophecies contained therein clearly point out that the image of the beast is the church and state (501c3) Protestant leaders, and only Satan himself will stand as a fake Christ on earth after the Loud Cry goes forth emptying the churches, and the beast system in Rome will be the visible controller of the One World Government that lasts only 15 days at the end of plague #6.

For a lot more info on all this see https://remnantofgod.org/image.htm and this  https://remnantofgod.org/onehourwiththebeast.htm


#454 Isn't the Sabbath only for the Jews?

The Sabbath commandment was given to Jews. I believe that it is obsolete now and we can worship any day. No one can keep a day holy no matter how hard they try. Jesus is our Sabbath rest. During tribulation Jews will need to keep the Sabbath etc to be saved. Christians are saved by faith and they can't lose salvation by not keeping a day holy or not eating pork etc.


No, the Sabbath commandment was not given to the Jews. They were merely REMINDED of God's law on Sinai. Proof? Psalms 103:20 says "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word."

According to the Christian Bible, the angels kept the commandments long before a Jew was ever even born. Not to mention Adam and Eve who kept the very first Sabbath on earth after being created the day before on day 6 of creation week.

As for people not being able to keep the day holy, you do realize that in saying that you just called God a liar? I am sorry if that shocks you to hear that, but it's just as shocking for me to hear you say that. Our God stated in a LOT of verses that we are commanded in Exodus 20:8 to, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." Therefore, if it's impossible to "keep it holy" as you just said, why did the Lord tell us to "keep it holy?" And what about the command put forth in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 that says, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.  (14)  For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." And before you say that's Old Testament, let me ask you this one question. When Jesus or the Apostles preached 2000 years ago, what Bible did they use? That's right, all they had was what mankind calls the Old Testament when as far as prophetic history confirms, calling it the First Testament would have been a better choice. What amazes me is how most people know God wrote the Bible, but most have no clue He didn't give a name other than "The Word of God." The Old and New Testament names were man-made, and one can see why today wherein the Law of God is soon to be placed before all mankind as their final test of loyalty to God or to the beast in Rome.

As for Jesus being our Sabbath. There is not a single Bible verse from Genesis to Revelation stating that Jesus became the Sabbath anywhere in the Old or New Testament. If the Sabbath was so easily abolished at the cross as you assume, then why did He have to DIE for all those people in the past unto plague #1 that broke His Law? He could have just abolished His Law then and remained alive to keep teaching us. By the way, He is still teaching us to this day.

You might want to see this 4 minute video I did years ago answering the question "Is Jesus our Sabbath?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQGw68euYt4

As for the Jews needing to keep the Sabbath during the "tribulation." That is nowhere found in the Bible either. In fact, the "7 year tribulation" was a Vatican contrived fake prophecy created by the Jesuits to hide the fact that when Jesus prophesied a great tribulation He was actually predicting what the Popes did for 1260 years as Daniel and John also prophesied regarding when they killed over 500,000,000 Christians who refused to burn their Bibles and or bow to the fake Jesus the Popes declared resided in the Eucharistic wafer. You need to see this in graphic detail here when you get time... https://remnantofgod.org/7yr-trib.htm

As for eating unclean foods. Jesus is "the same yesterday, today and forever" is He not? And does not the Bible say in Malachi 3:6, "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Since the Lord NEVER changes when it comes to eternal truths, and no I am not talking about ceremonial laws that were prophesied to be abolished at the cross to signify that which Jesus did at the cross WAS FINISHED when it came to that which the ceremonial laws prophetically pointed to. He declared in prophecy that they would end at the cross and He never changed His decision there either. What I'm getting at is how God created us in the same way back then as He does today. Our bodies are STILL designed by the same Creator to eat certain foods. Unclean foods are actually a slow poison onto us. Science even proved that decades ago that vegans live far longer than people that eat unclean foods like bloody meat and pork just to name a few.

By the way, I am not SDA. That church is no longer following Christ. See my sister site at https://sdaapostasy.org. I am a pastor in the Seventh Day Remnant church that was prophesied to finish the work the SDA people now refuse to do. See this prophetic study when you get time. https://remnantofgod.org/SDR.htm

I pray you repent and get out of the church you're in for your pastor is a confirmed wolf just as prophecy predicted most will be in these last days. Proof? Not only did he lie to you about a 7 year tribulation, you have been taught to believe you will escape the time of what he calls a great tribulation of plagues in a secret rapture. The secret rapture is a confirmed Jesuit lie. Proof? See al the Bible verses proving that here... https://remnantofgod.org/rapt2.htm And by the way, when you read that study you will find that many of the events they said would not happen until all the Christians were raptured have already been proven fulfilled. But nary a preacher will recant his old sermons nor will the producers of the left behind movies pull those videos.

Ask your pastor one question to verify to you I am telling you the truth here. Ask him why is it most of the prophecies you said will fulfill AFTER we are raptured up have already been confirmed FULFILLED as we speak yet we are still here? Proof? See this... https://remnantofgod.org/near-the-end.htm

I truly pray you were blessed and I hope to hear back from you very soon as the end of all things is at hand.


 #455 Can you explain what begotton means?

Please explain what it means when the Word says the Lord Jesus was begotten of the Father. Many preachers are saying Jesus was created by the Father.


The answer to this misunderstood doctrine is found in Acts 13, but before sharing that passage, we need to look at Psalms 2:7 where it originates which says, "I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee." I believe it is here most preachers have it wrong. And so to clarify the doctrine, let's look at Acts 13:33-35 wherein it says, "God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again; as it is also written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.  (34)  And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he said on this wise, I will give you the sure mercies of David.  (35)  Wherefore he saith also in another psalm, Thou shalt not suffer thine Holy One to see corruption."

If this passage is read in context and not just stopping at verse 33 as many preach, we see this proves many are in error that claim Psalms 2:7 is speaking of Jesus being born in Heaven. Paul is directly defining the Psalm to mean Jesus was ressurected and on that day He was begotten of the Father, which if you do the line upon line and precept upon precept as Isaiah declared was the only way to define doctrine, we can see here that the term "begotten" can only be defined as after His death and resurrection Jesus was actually begotten back into the Kingdom as the accepted sacrifce for sin. The word "begotten" is also translated as... to regenerate, bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make and spring.

The statement "no more to return to corruption" means that after Jesus arose he would never again be subject unto death in any way shape or form for both Satan and death have been defeated by Christ as we saw declared in 1 Corinthians 15:55 which says, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" and then in Nahum 1:9 which says, "What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time."

These verses confirm Satan, who is the god of death, hence the reason for him being named "Beelzebub" which defined is "god of dung", the basic reality here is that he will never be allowed to repeat his attack once he is turned to ash. As we all know, the human body will be rotten (corrupted) within 4 days. This is why Jesus arose in 3. That is why Psalms 16:10 was echoed in Acts 13 when stated that, "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.


#456 Why didn’t the Jews just stone Jesus?

Since we know the Jews tried to stone Jesus before, and stoning was the normal means of execution, why did they insist He be crucified instead?


Notice how the Jews played Pilate here in John 18:31 wherein it says "Then said Pilate unto them, Take ye him, and judge him according to your law. The Jews therefore said unto him, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death:

Here the Jews not only lied, but they admit to Roman officials they want Jesus killed and they knew He was not worthy of death by their law. He did no sin worthy of death at all and so they could not stone Him. What a testimony against the "religiosity" of their apostate condition is it not?

Like Rome today.. the Jews sought to employ others, and these being the Romans, to do the evil deed of murder for them. They even admitted their law would not allow them to kill Him. And everyone knows their law was God's law. Or so they said. But their actions on this day proved they had no love for the Lord or His law in any way shape for form.

The thing is, the Law of God did in fact allow them to stone people to death all the time and the Romans had no problem with it. They openly lied to Pilate. Seriously, did they not stone Stephen under Roman rule 3.5 years later? Yes they did. And did they not twice try to stone Jesus already? Yes again. And did they not stone Paul years later without so much as a slap on the wrist?

They said what they said to Pilate because they wanted the Romans to kill Jesus! They hated Him so much that stoning Him was too quick of a death for them. And being cowards as most politicians are even back then, they feared the people that trusted Jesus. They knew the people would have stoned them if they tried to stone Jesus as the people had some say so in their government back then. Well.. as a mob scene obviously. Quite often the Pharisees walked away with their tail between their legs when Jesus answered their questions. Take the time they asked Him of who's authority He taught under. Check it out, it's in Matthew 21...

Matthew 21:23-27  And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?  (24)  And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if ye tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things.  (25)  The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?  (26)  But if we shall say, Of men; we fear the people; for all hold John as a prophet.  (27)  And they answered Jesus, and said, We cannot tell. And he said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things."

Like politicians to this day, they are far more concerned with their image than they are the people or even the facts. And so they looked to Rome to kill Jesus because they knew no one could supersede the Roman power. And so having the Romans kill Jesus offered them a political way out as well as a way to get Jesus killed in a very torturous manner. This way they can have Jesus killed and the people wouldn't accuse them of killing Him. Well.. at least not the crowds. The apostles and the believers knew they manipulated Pilate as is obvious in statements Peter, Stephen and even Paul stated years later exposing them.

In short, it was lawful for the Jewish leaders to stone people; but it was not lawful for them to beat, whip and crucify people to death as the Romans did on a regular basis. Hence the reason for verse 32 which says, John 18:32  That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, signifying what death he should die.


#457 What does the term “the letter killeth” in 2Corinthians 3:6 mean?

Can you please explain what 2 Corinthians 3:6 means regarding how the lettter kills, and what was the "glory that was to be done away" as Paul puts it in verse 7?


To keep the context, let us read…

2 Corinthians 3:1-6  Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?  (2)  Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:  (3) Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.  (4)  And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward:  (5)  Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;  (6)  Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

The term "the letter killeth" here simply means that when man is "under the law" he has actually broke it. This is where his sin begets death because the Law of God cannot be compromised in any way shape or form; If it could be ignored by God, Jesus would have to die a literal death for us. Sin begets death and so Jesus, out of His amazing love for us decided to take on that death for us. When we accept His sacrifice for us, He sends the Holy Spirit to reside in us to write the law on our hearts so as to give us the promise of eternal life back to us so that we have what we require deep within our own hearts as the means by which to enter into the eternal city of New Jerusalem. In fact, notice what it says in the last book of the Bible on the very last page.

Revelation 22:14  Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

The verse is clearly saying that the only way to have access to the tree of life is to be those Christians that actually keep the Law. That is why Jesus died. The Law said if you break it you must die. Jesus then said He will die for us. And when we simply look to Him in faith knowing He died the death the Law requires thereby declaring openly that He is obviously the one that saved us from the letter that killeth, the Lord who looks at our hearts sees that we truly do see Him as Saviour and He then does what He promised to do in John 14 which was...

John 14:16-17  And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;  (17)  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

And since the Comforter which is the Holy Spirit has entered into us, we now have right to the tree of life in New Jerusalem as Revelation 22:14 just said.

Christianity is not rocket science, but Satan uses all sorts of false prophets and wolves to make it appear complicated so that none of us will be able to understand the simplicity of Christ . In fact, Paul actually warns about Satan doing just that in 2 Corinthians 11:3  But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Satan has been working through millions of false prophets and wolves for 6000 years so as to make the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus to appear as something only a theologian can understand. In fact, that is exactly what he moved the Popes to do during the dark ages by declaring the common man cannot understand the Scripture and so they burned the Bibles forcing the people to trust the lying Pagan priests masquerading as Christians.

Those those that do not accept Christ, the letter killeth them for the law condemns them to death eternal. And the statement in verse 9 that you needed clarity on that is regarding the "glory that was to be done away", I can try to explain this and go on for hours, but I came across something in SOP from back in 1902 that says it far better than I can. Check it out..

"The law of God given in awful grandeur from Sinai was the utterance of condemnation to the sinner. The transgressor died without mercy. The proclamation of that law and the repetition of it in the holy mount was so sacred and so glorious that upon the face of Moses was reflected a glory which the people could not look upon without pain, so that Moses covered his face with a veil.  {BEcho, August 4, 1902 par. 2}

"Much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth." Verses 9, 10. It is the province of the law to condemn, but there is no power in the law to pardon. The glory that shone upon the face of Moses was the righteousness of Christ in the law. He saw to the end of that which was to be abolished when type should meet antitype in Jesus Christ. In consequence of the transgression of the law of God, death was introduced into the world. The slain lamb typified the Lamb of God that was to take away the sin of the world. The full significance of the typical offerings pointing to Christ was unfolded to Moses. Death came in consequence of sin. Sin was the transgression of the law. Christ revealed in the gospel was the propitiation for men's sins, the transgression of the law. His perfection of character was placed in man's behalf. The curse of the law Christ took upon Himself. It was the seeing to the end of that which was to be abolished, that which brought to light the plan of salvation in Christ, -- it was this that illuminated the face of Moses.  {BEcho, August 4, 1902 par. 3}

Stopping here for a bit...as we know, the law contained in ordinances was that which was abolished at the cross. If one does a study in Colossians 2 you will see this pointed out quite clearly. We know the feast days pointed to all that Christ would do for us in the plan of salvation. or as Sister White puts it, those feast days are what "brought to light the plan of salvation." And this is what Moses saw that caused him to glow. Going on she says that ...

If the typical sacrifices which were done away were glorious because Christ was revealed by them as the sin-pardoning Saviour, much more that which remains is glorious.

And just so you know, that which remains is the gift of Salvation that was finished at the cross when Jesus literally said "it is finished." She goes on to say that  "The moral law was bondage and death to those who remained under its condemnation. The law was ordained to life, that those who were obedient, walking in harmony with its claims, should have the reward of the faithful--eternal life.  {BEcho, August 4, 1902 par. 4}  

And so there you have it; when Moses kept the law by walking in lockstep with Jesus Christ as he did he literally glowed with God's glory upon him as we all will when we begin to ascend homeward to New Jerusalem not too many years from now. But nary a one will glow unless we allow the glory of the feast days to end so that which Christ did on Calvary can remain.

And by the way, just to answer another question that comes up quite often regarding those that think the Garden of Eden was some kind of nudist colony, this glowing, or robe of Light as it is declared in both Scripture and SOP is what Adam and Eve had upon them before they sinned. The Light was the Light of Christ's righteousness. Notice what is declared in the year 1900.

"The white robe of innocence was worn by our first parents when they were placed by God in holy Eden. They lived in perfect conformity to the will of God. All the strength of their affections was given to their heavenly Father. A beautiful soft light, the light of God, enshrouded the holy pair. This robe of light was a symbol of their spiritual garments of heavenly innocence. Had they remained true to God it would ever have continued to enshroud them. But when sin entered, they severed their connection with God, and the light that had encircled them departed. Naked and ashamed, they tried to supply the place of the heavenly garments by sewing together fig leaves for a covering. {COL 310.4}  

When mankind fell it became very apparent that we needed the New Covenant promise that is in Christ because ever since that fall Satan has been trying to get mankind to cover up their sins just as Adam and Eve did wit the fig leaves. The Lord's promise to send us the Holy Spirit is glorified in how He helps us keep the Law in these mortal bodies. The glory of man is one thing, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made. But the man that gains Christ caused the glorious presence of Christ to shine forth. And when that great and dreadful day comes we will have our new and eternal glorified bodies after the mortal body is also "done away." One can see the connection here in that the glory of the ordinances that demanded the death of the mortal sacrifices were replaced by the perfect and eternal glory of Christ's righteousness when all that was done away at the cross in the same way we too will go from one glory to another on that great and dreadful day.


 #458 Is there a verse other than 1 John 5:7 to use?

I know we can use 1 John 5:7 to prove there are three separate God’s in Heaven and not just one as the Trinity teaches in a very stealthy manner by claiming three when they really only mean one; but those that come against God’s Word to declare this verse in 1john should be removed and sometimes no matter what we say to prove the verse was actually in the earlier Bibles proving Rome lied, is there another passage in the Word that we can use that is just as blunt?


Yes, there is…

If we look in the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation we find that there are things the Father does that the Son does not, there are things the Spirit does that the Father or the Son do not do and so on. Yet ALL THREE are in "one accord," or in AGREEMENT as the Bible proves quite often. Truth is, we need all three, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be in one accord for our Salvation. And if the one you seek to help escape confusion via the wolves declaring 1 John 1:5:7 is somehow not to be believed, you can then share with them the truth as it is penned in 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6.

Three different aspects of the Godhead are clearly described with three different offices to perform, and all three glorify the Father "which worketh all in all" as verse 6 declares. Christians need to dwell on that which has been made known to us by the Father in His Word, and ignore that which He has not made known to us through His Word.

Fact is, He is all knowing is He not? If He chose to keep certain things from us, THERE MUST BE A REASON! And if He hid these things as we travel through life with dark glasses, you can rest assured they are past finding out.

Besides, if He truly wants us to know certain secrets, He will do so when we are better able to understand them without an evil influence at the ready to confuse us. Perhaps we shall learn such secrets in heaven when we don't have all the temptations that are designed to pull our focus off of God, thereby clouding our understanding.


#459 You're wrong Nicholas - the pope is not AntiChrist - he's the false prophet

The pope is the false Prophet . leading the Church into the clutches of the anti christ I believe and I feel this too in My God breathed soul . Barack obama Lightening from Heaven . The evidence he is the ac is staggering.


You're somewhat on the right track here; but the Popes of Rome are not the false prophet they are false in their prophecies yes, but when we look at the dragon, the beast and false prophet as they are described in Revelation 16:13, each frog has its own agenda and Rome is set to do the bidding of Satan so as to move all denominations to bow to them. As prophesied, they actually cultivated the false prophet in all those that "wonder after the beast" in the Protestant churches. The fact all Protestant churches keep Sunday holy, embrace Pagan holidays and even Pagan dogma when it comes to the state of the dead and eternal life in hellfire proves this hands down. Prophetic fact is, the Pope cannot possibly be the false prophet. The Protestants action of bowing to Rome on everything from dogma to Pagan rituals prove they are not only worshipping the beast and his dying god, they have taken on the role to be Satan's obedient prophet. The fact they uplift, preach and promote Catholic dogma in every sermon proves they are indeed the false prophet who will declare "smooth things" unto the people they "make merchandise" of each and every Roman Sabbath of Sunday.

According to the Bible and historic facts compiled over the last 15 centuries, the Popes of Rome have literally fulfilled every prophecy that speaks of Antichrist on earth. And just so you know, 2 Peter 1:20 clearly says no prophecy of the Bible is of ANY private interpretation. In other words, we cannot give our own personal opinions as to what we think a prophetic symbol means in the Bible. All of us need to let the Bible define the symbols on its own because we didn't write the Bible. Our God did that. We cannot add our own opinions on His prophetic symbols because He's the one that invented them. The nice thing is however, if you study the Bible carefully each and every day, you will find that the Lord actually defined every symbol for us in His Bible and I can prove it. On my site I have listed every symbol in prophecy found in Revelation and I defined them by using Scripture from all the other books of the Bible, including Revelation itself for as we know, the angel in John's vision often defined the symbols John was looking at. And for those new to this truth, I underlined each definition in each verse so as to help you and anyone else interested in finding out what the Bible says on such things. You can see this long study here... https://remnantofgod.org/books/docs/REV/Revelation.htm

ONE LAST THING.. You mentioned that the evidence proving Barack Hussein Obama was Antichrist was staggering. But the basic truth here is, if that were true, each that means every prophecy must be fulfilled by him for him to be the Antichrist. We cannot use 1 prophecy here and ignore another prophecy there so as to make any one man or even a group of men to be that which prophecy says is Antichrist. All the prophecies must only point to one man. Reason being is, our God is not a God of confusion. That's Satan's prophesied fruit.

When the God of the Bible speaks truth be it doctrinal1y or prophetically, He will never allow a mish mash of error to be found in His Word at any time no matter what. For one example out of hundreds that prove he is not the prophesied Antichrist is that Obama was not alive back in 538AD to kill hundreds of millions of Christians for exactly 1260 years as both the Prophet Daniel annd John stated the Antichrist will do between the years 538AD to 1798AD when Napoleon came to inflict the prophesied mortal wound that removed the Pope's political power. Obama is just one man who simply cannot do that, nor can he fulfil hundreds of other prophecies. But the Popes are many men who whenever they die they are bound by Vatican law to carry the exact same Latin name that = 666 of the previous Pope so as to keep the demonic illusion of a man of sin being on the throne of Rome 365 days a year. Not even a US President can do that as each man doesn't carry a Latin title that equals 666 nor does the USA install a President who remains President until he dies.

The Lord exposed Antichrist to the letter in His prophetic Word so as to equip His obedient remnant people in the last days the ability to know who he is as well as the tools by which to expose the man of sin as was also prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Not only do I prove the Pope's political office of power is the prophesied beast system of the Antichrist, I list all the documented historic records proving they performed certain tasks prophesied in history since 538AD when they became an official church and state, right down to what the Pope plans to do in the next few years with the long prophesied enforcement of his mark. Christian prophecy is THAT ACCURATE!

Any Christian alive can know what's going to happen next, even today. No, we won't know the day or the hour, but the Lord does love His obedient children and so He makes sure we have all we need to not only be ready for His return, He also blesses us with the faith, courage and wisdom to stand firm until that day comes in the very near future.


#460 Sabbath is any day I choose, and Jesus is not Michael

I can keep any day I want as Sabbath. Collosians 2:16 - enough said?

And Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation. Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation. Jesus has always existed and was never a created being. He is not Micheal the Archangel!


First and foremost, your claim that Collosians 2:16 speaks of the Seventh Day Sabbath is not possible, for it clearly says in Colossians 2:16 the following. "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:" Please understand that this passage cannot be plucked out of context to make it appear as if it's speaking of the Sabbath of the Lord. Case in point, if this was speaking of the seventh day Sabbath recorded in Exodus 20:8-11, then it is upon you to show us all where we find "meat, drink or holy days" in Commandment #4. As is obvious, you cannot do that because nowhere in Commandment #4 do we see it mentioning " "meat, drink or holy days" or even new moons for that matter.

Reading from verse 14 in that same chapter of Collosians we see it's speaking of the annual FEAST SAYS found in the Mosaic Law or "ordnances" as they are called that were to end at the cross. Verse 17 even confirms this as fact in that it says these Sabbath days "are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ."

The "shadow of things to come" prove using biblical jurisprudence that the passage is not about the Seventh Day Sabbath at all. The seventh day Sabbath is all about creation week. Notice how the Commandment is penned by the Lord.

Exodus 20:8-11  Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  (9)  Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:  (10)  But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:  (11)  For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

The Lord does not mention the "meat, drink, holy days or new moons" at all, but He does mention what He created and how He rested on the seventh day and even blessed it. The feast days were declared by God through Moses to speak of salvation as a "shadow of things to come" in their future. The Sabbath was created in mankind's past except of course Adam and Eve's past as they were created the day before Sabbath was was made. Looking back thousands of years we see that the feast days or annual Sabbaths as they were also called is was what all believers waited for after they embraced the Gospel message in the Old Testament that was carried forward into the New. All the feast days pointed to the death of Christ on the cross. That is why Jesus said "it is finished" in John 19:30. He said "it is finished" because all that the feast days that pointed to for thousands of years ended the very moment He died. That's also why the temple vail ripped as well. There was no longer a need for the earthly temple to shed the blood of goats, sheep and oxen as a sacrifice for sin. That was all FINISHED at the cross.

As for Michael the archangel. Do some research on the term "archangel" and you will find it does not mean Jesus was an angel. The term archangel simple defined means Jesus is the LEADER of the angels. In fact, the name "Michael" is defined "who is like God" in the Greek. Still, there is no way I can convince you on this Bible fact regarding Michael the Archangel in a verse or two as this is what's called a meaty truth. For an in depth study on this, please see this ... https://remnantofgod.org/Michael.htm


#461 The Catholic Church doesn't hate the Bible

Im not understanding how the guy in the video thinks the Catholic Church hates the word of God. you saying we hate we hate the Bible, when i hear that, it is equivalent to me hearing "hey Catholics, why do you hate the Catechism of the Catholic Church?" both are ours. be grateful we let you have it as well. I agree that laypeople shouldnt read the bible. it should be for doctors of the faith. look at what reading the bible has caused. so much division in the protestant community. there is no magisterium and tradition to guide them. of course the Bible is above both of those other pillars of the Church. that is not what i am saying, but self interpretation is dangerous.


I never said the Catholic people hated the Bible. I said the Popes, prelates, nuns and priests hate it. Proof? Click here

Their hatred moves them to demand YOU not read it so as to keep you in the pew. How do I know this? The historic records regarding Rome's hatred of all Christians wherein they tortured and killed hundreds of millions during what Jesus called "the great tribulation" and mankind calls "the inquisitions" proves the Popes and prelates are not Christians that God would use to compile the Bible. In fact, they have been caught stealing and plagiarizing works for centuries, and even unto this day they still echo the same lies that outed them long ago. Basic reality it, the only way to understand prophecy and doctrine is to obey the God that wrote it, and Catholicism is not based on Christianity and therefore wholly disobedient unto God. How do I know this? I was not only a devout Catholic nearly 40 years ago, I also went to Mass daily, said the rosary daily, was a Eucharistic minister and, I taught Catholic doctrine for my local church. I know for a fact that 86.2% of Roman Catholic Dogma is Pagan based. Proof? Click here. And then see this about the Catechism of Rome.

The fact they embrace Paganism by overwhelming majority in their Catechism proves the Vatican could never "give us" the Bible. Using godly discernment based on the well-documented historic fruits of the Popes of Rome, what happened was a true man of God compiled the Bible long ago, Rome heard of his work and sought him out. Once found they tortured and killed the man, and then claimed his work as their own so as to change it to foster their Pagan dogma. Fact remains that if you do a study on the prophetic symbols all throughout the Sanctuary the Lord had Moses build you would find the candlestick in the holy place was purposely designed to have 66 items in it so as to prophesy that the Bible would eventually grow to 66 books. But Rome added the books of the Apocrypha claiming those books were also inspired of God yet not only is that impossible as the candlestick was only 66 books, the apocryphal books are replete with Pagan dogma.

As for your claim that "laymen shouldn't read the Bible" and they must rely on their priests to read it and define it for them, confirms you are in grave danger as your priest is doing all he can to keep you in the pew and out of the only book on earth that can help you find Jesus as He was meant to be found. For him to teach you that is to declare to all the world that the God that created all that is seen and unseen cannot possibly write a Bible His own children could understand.

Those of us that do study the Bible not only know what your priest said is untrue, we have PROOF in the Scripture as well. See this biblical fact that all that open the Bible can see. 2 Timothy 3:15-17 says, "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.  (16)  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  (17)  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

If what your taught is true, how was it possible for Timothy to have "known the Scriptures" as "a child?" Your priest is teaching you to believe Paul lied to Timothy 2000 years ago. No getting around that biblical fact.

Now I do not blame you young man, as you are simply being loyal to your priest which is KEY to how Catholicism works. This is why they demand the people trust (worship) the priests over and above the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Word made flesh. If you open a Bible and study it you too can discover Jesus Christ as Lord, King and Saviour wherein He will teach you to be loyal to HIM instead of mankind. In so doing you will escape the coming 7 last plagues of Revelation that are VERY SOON to fall upon all those that refuse to leave the Roman Catholic church and her many denominational apostate "Protestant" daughters all over the world.

As for your claim that I "self interpret" the Bible, that is not true. I allow the Bible to define the Bible. Proof? See my many studies wherein I do just that at my main website at https://remnantofgod.org. I make especially sure NEVER to give my own interpretation of the Bible as Peter warned in 2Peter 1:20. This is why so many get angry with me because they know there is no way to refute that which is written. When I share Scripture they have no way to prove me wrong because I simply did not write the Bible.


#462 The SDA people are being purposely confused about "the church militant" (to hide Elijah msg)

This Q&A is a back and forth I had with a dear sister in the faith and so it is a bit different than most in that I want to share both emails from the same woman this Q&A Sabbath so as to show how such things can progress when dealing with some SDA people that have dug in their heels so as to stay in an admitted apostate church instead of staying in the purity of Christ. This was actually QA email #4737 way back in March of 2017.


Recently during a family discussion with the in laws (because my husband has now shared with them what he's been learning) I was asked if I thought the church was Babylon and couldn't remain silent- this lead to a family bible study a few days later. I prayed all day while at work and was able to share a little of what I've found in my studies. They, as mostly Adventist , will acknowledge the church is laodacia and in apostasy, and tho I tried to show that the sda history will follow that of the Israelites in loosing Gods favor, they don't believe the church is Babylon at least not yet.

Would you happen to know how to best approach the adventists resistant to this message, or what quotes they seem to use to support their position and how to refute it via scripture and egw? We printed off a page from sda apostasy with quotes to share etc. But they don't seem to get that God will always have his faithful commandment keeping people who will never be Babylon and will depart from error but that the structure has become corrupt and Babylon . My husband thought maybe they are thinking that I'm saying they sda church is now Babylon as in the RCC and taking her place in prophecy.

Anyways, just wondering if you would have some insight on how best to approach this, and what specifically I should share. The history of Israel just makes perfect sense to me and it's obvious what's happened to sda church. Maybe if you could help me narrow down the apostasy to show how the sda church has indeed given up specific pillars of doctrine? Because they use an egw quote to say sda haven't given up the faith and our message etc

Just not sure what to share at this point, but I do know it's the holy spirits job to convict.

Thank you in advance.


My dear sister;

The SDA people for the most part have succumbed to the same demon the Roman Catholics bowed to long ago that tells them to trust their leaders above the Bible. As for any set method of approach; like the Catholics, no approach in particular can be used on all of them and since I compiled many ways to reach Catholics over the years at my main site, I decided some years ago to make a sister site to try and help the SDA people as well. It also has many different ways to approach the deceived souls. As you already know that site is at www.sdaapostasy.org

Did you share any of the quotes from the SDA leadership with them?

As for the SDA church replacing the Vatican’s “Babylonian” title, no. That cannot happen. But MANY SDA’s claim that’s what I preach even though I have posted numerous times on and offline, in sermons and in videos as well as on the radio that I never said THEY are Babylon. But I do say they are a SISTER to fallen Babylon just as prophecy predicted they would be. Have you seen this… http://www.remnantofgod.org/SDR.htm I show how Jesus predicted they would fall in Matthew 20.

I will add you and your loved ones to my prayer list.


Thanks for replying so promptly. I've been going over and over documents on sda apostasy almost everyday. I really need prayer and wisdom as now this little church is ready to study out, What constitutes the church, and what is Babylon etc.  

I already know the sda mindset and what they have issues with but there are three specifically that I personally don't know how to respond back to them with. 

One their The wheat and the Tares parable- how they grow together till the harvest,

To their take on Paul's journey - when the ship wrecked. And their belief that the church will seem to sink / falter but will go through. 

And three the shaking/ they think the evil will be shaken out of the church and people will be brought in. When I have come to understand the shaking as all that shaken will be shaken and there will be a letting go of errors and a settling into the truth. Those who reject truth will be shaken out of their faith/ truth and lost. 

Also, do you know what they mean when they throw out things like "the church is now the church militant, but she will be the church triumphant."  Those terms I don't quite understand what they are trying to state, in assuming that it's that the structure will go through. 

Anyways, just writing to see if you have any sermons about the wheat and tares or some page I haven't seen yet. 

Thank you for the prayers, I need them greatly at this time. 


See the “EGW Quotes on Babylonpage to get an idea of what sister White says constitutes Babylon.

Basic summary would be from both Scripture and SOP is that the main fruit of Babylon is apostasy and every SDA person I have spoken within the last 2 decades have told me, they all agree their church is in apostasy. But they refuse to see that being in apostasy means they are a sister to the great harlot. They can't see the danger in this because they stopped studying their Bibles.

As for the wheat and tares, that entails the REAL church sister. The SDA church is no longer that church. In fact, as I stated many times in sermons, studies and videos as well as on SDAapostasy.org, the SDA leaders like to take Sister White out of context by claiming every time she uses the word "church" she is specifcally talking about the SDA church. But anyone with the time to study up the context of just a few of her statements in this matter can see that when she uses the term "church" in a positive manner, more often than not she is speaking of the obedient people of God and not the SDA denomination.

Just as we in the SDR church see, some in our number all around the world aren’t as faithful as they should be. So we too have tares in our church. No matter how hard we try, some will simply refuse the truth no matter how clearly it's presented. But I am sure once the harvest begins, the holdouts in the SDA church will eventually leave. At the same time, the tares in the true church will be unable to discern the latter rain falling. It’s only the obedient and the wise that leave the SDA church early so as to do work for the Lord before the rain comes. Many I am sad to say will have to be martyred to make it home due to dragging their feet in the SDA church. They do love the Lord, but due to lack of study, inability to see clearly, or even a simple lack of understanding deep truths show the Lord they cannot be used by Him in the loud cry and so He lets them go to sleep.

As for the shaking, that has already started. But Satan got the SDA leaders to confuse the prophesied event with very crafty lies. What I mean is, look at the original SDA statement of faith and the statement of faith they have today. They are two different documents. They actually created a brand new denomination inside the SDA church so Satan can hide the shaking. Quite ingenious if you ask me.

WHat I'm getting at here is, look at the souls that left the SDA church to “follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth.” Our statement of faith matches that of the original SDA pioneers. And so that means, the SDA preachers openly lie when they say we were the ones shaken out. If you study and believe your bible, the truth is clear that THEY were actually shaken out of the church when they created an apostate version of the church under the SDA name.

Notice what was prophesied in Revelation 14:4-5. It says, "These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.  (5)  And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God."

According to the written Word of God, the REAL church follows only Christ Jesus as Lord. Always has, always will. That means, those that left apostasy are the true Christians and anyone standing in the SDA church today ARE actually the ones that have been shaken out of the true church that follows Jesus. That is why the SDA leaders keep claiming Sister White meant "SDA church" whenever she used the word "church" when in fact, when she meant those refusing to stand in sin with apostate leader. And I have many eye witness testimonies to this to back this all up. The bible says we only need two or three witnesses to establish a matter in Deuteronomy 19:15 and 2 Corinthians 13:1. Bearing that biblical fact in mind, I can declare without being the least bit dishonest wherein I would place my salvation in jeopardy, most in our humble little church were disfellowshipped from the SDA church after they approached their pastors regarding the obvious apostasy. Instead of correcting the issues or even promising to look into them, the pastors all did the exact same thing. Like Ahab of old, they declared the obedient child of God "a troubler of Israel" and then removed them from the church without so much as an inkling of that which Jesus declared was a must to be performed in Matthew 18:15-17 when someone was in sin. The apostate pastors knew no sin was committed and so doing as Christ commanded in Matthew 18 was not only going to fail, it would allow the obedient child of God an audience wherein they could state their case as to why the pastor was claiming they were in sin and nary an SDA pastor would do that for in so doing would cause an even worse exodus of the church then was seen in 1980 when they changed their statement of faith and adopted the Vatican's Pagan trinity dogma as Gospel.

As for the statement found in SOP that says "the church is now the church militant, but she will be the church triumphant." That describes all those that left the apostate SDA church. In fact, just listening to our monthly testimony services alone confirm to all with eyes that see and ears that hear that the hand of God is most assuredly upon us. Not only do we see prayers answered, people healed, demons cast out, certain duties of the church changing hands from the 9th to the 11th hour church as well as many other amazing movements of God’s hand upon us that in just the last few decades alone hundreds of SDR brethren have proclaimed. We have also seen the increase in knowledge regarding the end time prophecies and this includes current events. Have you noticed? The SDA leaders NEVER seem to be able to comment on any prophesied event until AFTER we in the home churches have posted online as fulfilled. Worse yet, their own main leader with the worldly title of SDA president stated more than once that "Sunday laws are not in the pipeline as far as they have understood." They cannot see because the only way to understand prophecy and doctrine is to obey the God that wrote it, and the only way to experience the peace and love of Jesus Christ in the most trying trials that come upon us is to step out of apostasy and openly "follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth."

SOP says:
The work is soon to close. The
members of the church militant who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant. In reviewing our past history, having traveled over every step of advance to our present standing, I can say, Praise God! As I see what God has wrought, I am filled with astonishment and with confidence in Christ as leader. We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and his teaching in our past history.  {RH, October 12, 1905 par. 22}

" And still our General, who never makes a mistake, says to us: Advance. Enter new territory. Lift up the standard in every land. 'Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee"  {6T 28.4}  

     Our watchword is to be: Onward, ever onward. The angels of God will go before us to prepare the way. Our burden for the "regions beyond" can never be laid down until the whole earth shall be lightened with the glory of the Lord.

     The missionary spirit needs to be revived in our churches. Every member of the church should study how to help forward the work of God, both in home missions and in foreign countries. Scarcely a thousandth part of the work is being done that ought to be done in missionary fields. God calls upon His workers to annex new territory for Him. There are rich fields of toil waiting for the faithful worker. And ministering angels will co-operate with every member of the church who will labor unselfishly for the Master.

     The church of Christ on earth was organized for missionary purposes, and the Lord desires to see the entire church devising ways and means whereby high and low, rich and poor, may hear the message of truth. Not all are called to personal labor in foreign fields, but all can do something by their prayers and their gifts to aid the missionary work."  {6T 29.3}  

"There is earnest work to be done by all who would be successful in their ministry. I entreat you, dear brethren, ministers of Christ, not to fail in your appointed duty to educate the people to work intelligently to sustain the cause of God in all its varied interests. Christ was an educator, and His ministers, who represent Him, should be educators. When they neglect to teach the people their obligation to God in tithes and offerings, they neglect one important part of the work which their Master has left them to do, and "Unfaithful servant" is written against their names in the books of heaven. The church come to the conclusion that if these things were essential, the minister, whom God has sent to present the truth to them, would tell them so; and they feel secure and at ease while neglecting their duty. They go contrary to the express requirements of God and as the result become lifeless and inefficient. They do not exert a saving influence upon the world, and they are represented by Christ as salt without savor.  {5T 255.3}  

And to finish this email unto the sister seeking to help those she loves to find their way back to Christ and out of apostasy. We all need to know that when the people of God left the SDA church it was because, as prophesied, we are “not defiled by women” and it was the “new territory” Sister White spoke of in 6T that we found ourselves in exactly as prophesied. So let me ask you this; Sister White also said here that the obedient souls will go “Onward, ever onward!” And we will continue to go forth with the “first, second, and third angels' messages." Praise His name on high that we have brothers and sisters in absolutely every nation on earth right now. And even though we live many thousands of miles apart, I ask, does anyone hear that which we speak to be in tune with the modern day SDA church? NO WAY! We follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth, not the apostate leaders of the goats that refuse to believe their Bible or Spirit of Prophecy. We do not declare Allah is God, homosexual marriage is ok, women can be ordained as pastors or that the health message is quackery just to name a few. We go forth in TRUTH because that is the only thing that will bring people to the Lord Jesus Christ who is very soon in coming..

That being said, we will be triumphant because only lies fall to the ground. Truth forever ascends on High so as to gloirify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


 #463 Who are the daughters of Zion?

Hi Pastor Nic. I was wondering, who are the daughters of Zion? Thank you.


Sister White describes it best. So I will let her answer you this time.

"The prophecy of Isaiah 3 was presented before me as applying to these last days, and the reproofs are given to the daughters of Zion who have thought only of appearance and display. Read verse 25: "Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war." I was shown that this scripture will be strictly fulfilled. Young men and women professing to be Christians, yet having no Christian experience, and having borne no burdens and felt no individual responsibility, are to be proved. They will be brought low in the dust and will long for an experience in the things of God, which they have failed to obtain. - {1T 270.1}

She also said…

"In the third chapter of Isaiah's prophecy mention is made of the prevailing pride of the "daughters of Zion," with "their tinkling ornaments, . . . the chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, the bonnets, . . . and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, the rings, and nose jewels, the changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, the glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the vails." Verses 18-23. How different this picture from that portrayed by the apostle Peter of the God-fearing woman, who, estimating at its real value the "outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel," chooses rather to cultivate beauty of soul, "even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." It was "after this manner in the old time" that "the holy women . . . who trusted in God, adorned themselves"; and their "chaste conversation coupled with fear" (1 Peter 3:1-5), as revealed in daily life, was ever a standing rebuke to their sisters who followed after folly." {RH March 4, 1915}


 #464 Who is Gog and Magog?

Hi Pastor Nic. I was wondering, who are Gog and Magog? Thank you.


Gog and Magog = all the wicked throughout time

As we know, the only ones resurrecting at the end of the 1000 years are those that will be burned to ash in the fires of damnation after a little season of time. The prophet Malachi stated thousands of years ago the following in Malachi 4:1-3  For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.  (2)  But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.  (3)  And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.

Also notice what James White stated in the book the SDA church edited in a big way to try and hide many events that will happen directly before and during the prophesied 7 last plagues. (See the video I made on this here) They actually removed the first 11 pages and the book they sell actually starts on page 12 if you buy it from the SDA church. They didn't even try to hide the fact they deleted those pages! Notice what it says on page 12 regarding Gog and Magog.

"And I saw, that as Christ is the vine, and his children the branches: so Satan is the "root", and his children are the "branches;" and at the final destruction of "Gog and Magog," the whole wicked host will be burnt up, "root and branch," and cease to exist. Then will appear the new heaven and the new earth. Then will the saints "build houses," and "plant vineyards." I saw, that all the righteous dead were raised by the voice of the Son of God, at the first resurrection; and all that were raised at the second resurrection, were burnt up, and ceased to exist.  {WLF 12.1} 

Since James White mentions the "root and branch" here, it depicts there is a leader who directs all the wicked and so, my contention on this is that Gog is the Vatican and Magog are all those that obey / worship the Popes. Which today is the overwhelming majority of Christendom as well as the Jews, Muslims and all others.


#465 Why did Pail say "Let us keep the feast" in 1 Corinthians 5:8?

I know this verse is not talking about the feast days, but what does this verse mean when he says "Let us keep the feast."

1 Corinthians 5:8 Therefore LET US KEEP THE FEAST, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."


To get the context let's look at the preceding verse as well.

And so, yes, you're correct; the verse is not advocating the keeping of the feast days, if it was, it would not be saying we should keep the feast with "the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" directly after saying the Jews kept it with the "leaven of malice and wickedness."

As we know, Christ was cleaning things up here in the same way He did with His first miracle by changing the water into wine at the wedding in Cana. The watered down theology of the Jews was prophesied to be put down while at the same time the true doctrine (new wine) was about to be shared unto all that studied the Word and therefore had the ears to hear what Jesus was teaching. And yes, it still works this way to this day. If you study the Word made flesh which is Jesus Christ, then you will understand simple as well as in-depth doctrine.

The annual feast days, which we also called annual Sabbaths in Leviticus 23 were all fulfilled at the cross exactly as prophesied all throughout the prophetic Word and in graphic form after Christ said "it is finished" the very day the shadow ended at the cross.

When looking into the Word using the plumbline laid out by the Lord in Isaiah 8:20 and 28:10, we know there are far too many passages to prove to those with eyes that see that the feast days were completed at the cross the very moment Jesus said "it is finished" that very day.

At present; we are in the spiritual Day of Atonement awaiting our Lord's return and each of us is being judged during this time to see if we are worthy to either receive the Latter Rain or even have the faith to be martyred before plague one begins. In this spiritual end of days investigative judgment we can and should "keep the feast" we are in with "the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" by acknowledging how Jesus Christ not only ended the feast days at the cross, but replaced them with the ordinance of humility (foot washing) at the last supper (communion) which He commanded us to "do this in remembrance of me" in 1 Corinthians 11:22,25.

In fact, Sister White even stated the following regarding the feast days in Spirity of Prophecy. Some of what I am about to share will shock some that keep the feast days while at the same time claiming to trust the Bible and even claiming Sister White to be a prophet. FOr if they hear what I am about to share and still claim the feast days must be kept, they are in fact in sin. And the last quote will confirm that as fact.

"The Lord instructed Moses definitely in regard to the ceremonial sacrifices, which were to cease at the death of Christ. The system of sacrifices foreshadowed the offering of Christ as a Lamb without blemish."  {1SP 266.3}  

"At the crucifixion, as Jesus died on Calvary, he cried, It is finished, and the vail of the temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom. This was to show that the services of the earthly Sanctuary were forever finished, and that God would no more meet with them in their earthly temple, to accept their sacrifices. The blood of Jesus was then shed, which was to be ministered by himself in the heavenly Sanctuary. As the priests in the earthly Sanctuary entered the Most Holy once a year to cleanse the Sanctuary, Jesus entered the Most Holy of the heavenly, at the end of the 2300 days of Dan, viii, in 1844, to make a final atonement for all who could be benefited by his mediation, and to cleanse the Sanctuary." {1SG p161,162} (1858 GC)

"The interviews between Jesus and his disciples were usually seasons of calm joy, highly prized by all of them. The passover suppers had been scenes of special interest; but upon this occasion Jesus was troubled in spirit, and his disciples sympathized with his grief although they knew not its cause. This was virtually the last passover that was ever to be celebrated; for type was to meet antitype in the slaying of the Lamb of God for the sins of the world. Christ was soon to receive his full baptism of suffering; but the few quiet hours between him and Gethsemane were to be spent for the benefit of his disciples."  {3SP 83.3} 

FINALLY.. she stated this...

"This ordinance does not speak so largely to man's intellectual capacity as to his heart. His moral and spiritual nature needs it. If His disciples had not needed this, it would not have been left for them as Christ's last established ordinance in connection with, and including, the last supper. It was Christ's desire to leave to His disciples an ordinance that would do for them the very thing they needed--that would serve to disentangle them from the rites and ceremonies which they had hitherto engaged in as essential, and which the reception of the gospel made no longer of any force. To continue these rites would be an insult to Jehovah. Eating of the body, and drinking of the blood, of Christ, not merely at the sacramental service, but daily partaking of the bread of life to satisfy the soul's hunger, would be in receiving His Word and doing His will (RH June 14, 1898).

Paul is saying here in 1 Corinthians 5:8 which was long after the last supper that we must now feed on Christ by faith in the same way Jesus said His flesh and blood were meat and drink in John 6:55, or even when the prophet Jeremiah said what he did in Jeremiah 15:16, which was, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts."

This in turn connects right back to the Lord's supper which was instituted during His last Passover on earth and for eternity. And He kept it without bowing to the old leaven and corrupted paganism that was already mixed in with Judaism at that time in the very same way we see happening today with Catholicism wherein all churches, including the SDA church, and even those that stand in Islam or Hinduism do to this day. The sincerity and truth of faith in Jesus Christ alone made much more sense to the apostles by this time than the rituals and lip service of the boldly corrupted and spiritually blind Pharisees in a big way.


#466 Is it ok for Christians to wear jewelry?

In recent months, I heard you saying that we were not to wear jewelry.  Can you please give me the references in Scripture that say this? 

I would appreciate some clarity here.  I just recently read Proverbs 25:11, 12 and noted that Solomon (in a roundabout way) gave admiration to gold jewelry.  Solomon’s wisdom was a gift from God.  If wearing jewelry was forbidden by God, I don’t understand why then Solomon would have used Gold jewelry for a comparison in these verses.

Can you please let me know?  Much appreciated.  Thank you.


It's good to hear you want to get the Lord's will on this as some Christians will take this one passage in the Word that eludes to jewelry in one way and end it with the assumption they have correctly defined the doctrine when in fact the Bible is clear on how to define doctrine. Notice what the Lord declared through Isaiah long ago.

In other words, using one Bible verse does not make the doctrine. In fact, I recall many times how drunkards on skid row told me to my face that it was ok to drink alcohol because Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 5:23 to "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities." When one does the proper line upon line study, we find in many areas of the Word that alcohol is deadly to body and soul. The wine Paul was talking about was new wine or grape juice as we call it today because in the region Timothy lived in the water was very unhealthy. Natural grape juice was much better for Timothy's weak stomach as the water was well filtered through the soil and the grape vine.

As we know, and especially now as we step closer to the return of Christ with each passing day, the walk of the Christian is to be done seeking what best pleases the Lord and not the flesh. The world will declare one way to follow the Lord, but the Word of God will always say the best way.

Truth is, even if it was ok at times in history to wear jewelry in that it was often used to declare the rank of office with royals, as we can see by how it is displayed today, many wear it now as a form of idol worship as well as a declaration of self-glory, prominence and pride. As Christians, for us to wear jewelry, and this includes just a small piece that probably wouldn’t generate idol worship, wearing it can not just make our brethren stumble if we were to wear it, it soils our character wherein we are to emulate Christ. Did not Christ create us with a perfect design? Why do some believe placing a man made item upon the perfection of Christ's creation much better? In so doing is to say Christ didn't finish His creation work on man, but my Bible says after the Lord finished creating all that is seen and unseen including man, He declared in Genesis 1:"31 that "it was very good." And as we all know, He finished and rested on the Seventh day and hallowed it.

Also see question #18 in our “These Last Days” Bible study course.

And notice this from SOP..

Self-denial in dress is a part of our Christian duty. To dress plainly, abstaining from display of jewelry and ornaments of every kind, is in keeping with our faith." - Testimonies vol 3 page 367.

As for Solomon, he was describing wall carvings or "pictures of silver" in Proverbs 25:11 and the earrings in verse 12 were indeed jewelry, yes. But none of us were alive back then, and being a king as he was, such things were no doubt allowed as long as it wasn’t overdone in the king’s quarters and as historic record confirms, certain items of jewelry were necessary to declare the person to be of the king's cabinet. Remember the ring that was removed from Haman and then placed on the finger of Mordecai directly before Haman was hanged on the gallows he built for Mordecai who saved the king?

Biblical fact is; regardless of Solomon having wisdom from the Lord or not, he is still a man that can and did sin. In fact his many strange marriages proved that even with all his wisdom he still had issues with the flesh. Still, Jewelry is not sin per se. But it can and often will lead to sin. I say, why take the chance this close to home? Bottom line is, what would Jesus do?

And by the way, to wear an earring today, and this includes the smallest of earrings, to do so means you need to cut a hole in the flesh to wear it as the Pagans of old and modern day still do.

As Christians we are called to be as much unlike the world as possible. We are to be peculiar in fact. Deuteronomy 14:1-2 says, “Ye are the children of the LORD your God: ye shall not cut yourselves, nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead.  (2)  For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.”

One very telling truth we need to remember is when the Lord described the pure and adulterous churches in Revelation, the pure woman was adorned by the sun standing on the moon with a crown of 12 stars. She did not have any costly array or jewelry at all. But the harlot was literally covered in gold, precious stones, pearls as well as holding a golden cup while wearing costly array. She was the epitome of worldliness.

If this is how the Lord describes His bride on one hand and then the one that is a counterfeit to His bride on the other, me thinks the best way to walk is in a way He literally expects His bride will walk directly before He returns to take us home.


 #467 Atheist AGAIN slams the healing of amputation (See Video)

Atheist on YT asks...

"This is the typical dishonest response one can expect from so called e-vangelists. The atheists asking this question are doing so honestly as an honest act of inquiry and they are specifically talking about why won’t god heal amputees in todays world rather than only 2,000 years ago where there were no cameras, video recorders or trained observers to witness and verify it? If god’s power is still present in this world and there are still believers out there that would be granted this level of power on the level of Christ’s apostles then there’s absolutely no reason amputees should not be getting healed en masse today which would only produce more and more believers to the faith in celebration of gods healing power and his love yet no dice…"


Basing your assumptions on 2000 years of weakened Christians who will not see nearly any answers to prayer due to disobedience is the fodder in every Atheist cannon of late. What you fail to realize is that there have always been obedient Christians, though few in number, none of them seek self glory so as to popularize self as the preachers of filthy lucre do daily.

After all, we know most Atheists will simply take the truth we present, no matter how bold it is, and slam it with yet another off kilter assumption to vindicate themselves.

Still.. just give it a few more years. And I mean VERY few. If the Pope gets his way and his plans to enforce the mark (phase 1) in 2027 coincides with the Father in Heaven's timing, then you need to realize that BEFORE that year comes the prophesied Loud Cry will commence. Reason being is, the Pope (man of sin) only enforces the mark to try and shut up God's obedient remnant.

A word of warning to you though. Miracles are NOT how Christianity is defined. Soon, and as prophesied, God will give the obedient remnant a much larger portion of the Holy Spirit than He did the Apostles 2000 years ago so as to present the final warning worldwide. A small number of God's people will go forth with truth that even the hard core Atheist will understand with clarity because the God of creation not only reads the hearts of all men, He has promised to give the obedient remnant the exact words YOU need to hear to bow your knee to Christ, if in fact you truly are one seeking truth as I have found with many atheists that have already joined our movement just the last few years alone. Still.. if your pride has built a large pedestal for you, you might succumb to denying truth so not to lose face with some close to you.

As for the miracles, they will restart and go WAY off the chart very soon. But, unless you know how to define "the fruits" of the true Christians, the fake ones are also prophesied to perform miracles to CONvince those that prefer lies above truth they KNOW is truth.

If I was to give you one thing to watch for in the coming days so as to have somewhat of an inkling to know that what I say is truth; I say watch how the Pope and his pawns will use climate change in the coming days to enforce SUNDAY LAWS claiming that in so doing will stop the calamities that are prophesied to increase. WHat he's not saying though is what he calls climate change disasters have nothing to do with climate change at all. All of what the world sees now and in the coming days are in fact the final signs of Christ's return.


#468 Turn the other cheek?

Why did Jesus share the “turn the other cheek” lesson?


I will let Sister White answer that one as she does so quite eloquently. As Jesus was teaching the people one day, this happened…

A detachment of the Roman troops was encamped near by, on the sea-shore, and Jesus is now interrupted by the loud blast of the trumpet which is the signal for the soldiers to assemble on the plain below. They form in the regular order, bowing in homage to the Roman standard which is uplifted before them. With bitterness the Jews look upon this scene which reminds them of their own degradation as a nation. Presently messengers are dispatched from the army, with orders to various distant posts. As they toil up the abrupt bank that borders the shore, they are brought near to the listening crowd that surrounds Jesus, and they force some of the Jewish peasants to carry their burdens for them up the steep ascent. The peasants resist this act of oppression, and address their persecutors with violent language; but they are finally compelled to obey the soldiers, and perform the menial task required of them. This exhibition of Roman authority stirs the people with indignation, and they turn eagerly to hear what the great Teacher will say of this cruel act of oppression. With sadness, because of the sins which had brought the Jews into such bondage, Jesus looks upon the shameful scene. He also notes the hatred and revenge stamped upon the faces of the Jews, and knows how bitterly they long for power to crush their oppressors. Mournfully he says:--  {2SP 222.2} 

     "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away."  {2SP 223.1} 

     The example of Jesus was a practical illustration of the lesson here taught; contumely and persecution never caused him to retaliate upon his enemies. But this was a hard saying for the revengeful Jews, and they murmured against it among themselves. Jesus now makes a still stronger declaration:--  {2SP 223.2} 

     "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven; for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them that love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?"  {2SP 223.3} 

     The manifestation of hatred never breaks down the malice of our enemies. But love and kindness beget love and kindness in return. Although God faithfully rewards virtue and punishes guilt, yet he does not withhold his blessings from the wicked, although they daily dishonor his name. He allows the sunshine and the showers to fall upon the just and the unjust, bringing alike worldly prosperity to both. If a holy God exercises such forbearance and benevolence toward the rebellious and the idolatrous, how necessary it is that erring man should manifest a like spirit toward his fellow-men. Instead of cursing those who injure him, it is his duty to seek to win them from their evil ways by a kindness similar to that with which Christ treated them who persecuted him. Jesus taught his followers that they should exercise a Christian courtesy toward all who came within their influence, that they should not be forgetful in deeds of mercy, and that when solicited for favors, they should show a benevolence superior to that of the worldling. The children of God should represent the spirit that rules in Heaven. Their principles of action should not be of the same character with the narrow, selfish spirit of the world. Perfection alone can meet the standard of Heaven. As God himself is perfect in his exalted sphere, so should his children be perfect in the humble sphere they occupy. Thus only can they be fit for the companionship of sinless beings in the kingdom of Heaven. Christ addresses to his followers these words that establish the standard of Christian character: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect."   {2SP 224.1} 

My brothers and sisters. Soon we too will be treated as the Jews were when the Romans took over and formed a police state upon them. Soon, the remnant people will be hated, despised, rejected, persecuted and even martyred simply because we love the Lord. We need to show love even to those that persecute us. As I have said so many times, when they see a loving smile on our face when they expect a frown of hatred, that moves some people to seek out Christ. For the most powerful miracle ever witnessed is how the Holy Spirit changes the character deep inside the man. We all need to “go home and humble ourselves before God.” For if you think about it, all of us are powerless to stop anything that is coming upon this world. Only in Christ can we stand firm, blessed and eternal.


#469 Looking through dark glasses?

When Jesus was about to wash Peter's feet, and Peter was a bit too prideful wherein he questioned why the Lord wanted to do this, Jesus said this in John 13:7. It says that "Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter."

As many of you know, we as a family have been going through something that is very hard to go through. No, it hasn't shaken my faith and and I hope it hasn't shaken my family's faith, but I do know this. We have a loving Father in Heaven and He allows what He allows for a good reason no matter how we look at it down here. Especially when losing a loved one, some of us that are grieving wonder how such a bad thing can be allowed by such a loving God.

As I was in study Thursday morning the Lord gave me this as I read John 13:7.

"Elder Stockman spoke of my early misfortune, and said it was indeed a grievous affliction, but he bade me believe that the hand of a loving Father had not been withdrawn from me; that in the future life, when the mist that then darkened my mind had vanished, I would discern the wisdom of the providence which had seemed so cruel and mysterious. Jesus said to His disciples, "What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter." John 13:7. In the great future we should no longer see as through a glass darkly, but come face to face with the mysteries of divine love.  {LS 37.1} 1848 - 1915

In other words... Even if we can't understand why some bad things happen that look like God's hand isn't where we had hoped it would be to stop the bad thing. When we get home the "mysteries of divine love" will be opened up to us wherein the dark glasses are no longer an issue. We will come to see that what we saw as a bad thing down here was a loving act of our God and it will make perfect sense as to why the Father allowed it to happen. His perfect love is that powerful! I can see now how our "God shall wipe away all tears" as He promises in Rev_21:4. We will understand then how what we thought was a bad thing down here truly was a good thing that will make eternal life that much better for us and all those involved.

This is especially true for those parents that lost children in Texas the other day. If the parents repent and trust the Lord unto the end, they will see their children again for according to Scripture, the age of accountability is 20 and none of those kids were that old. They were allowed to escape Satan's clutches in the coming years that may have moved them off the path to salvation so as to die in hellfire. They are safe in the grave never to be tempted by the enemy of souls. And so again, what we see as a bad thing now, and it is quite bad to say the least, in Heaven those parents that gained Christ as Lord will be overjoyed with the presence of their children for eternity.

And for those of us that may have loved ones that died in open sin as adults, even here we will see the loving hand of God once we gain heaven for nothing evil comes from above. Even the lost are placed in our lives and some of them are placed very near to us so as to help us grow in Christ in ways we can only understand once the dark glasses are removed in Heaven. Need I remind you of the wheat and the tares? Or what of the atheist Pharoah and his wicked soldiers that declared in Exodus 14:25 "...Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fighteth for them against the Egyptians." They made that statement within moments of dying when the Red Sea fell upon them. One can only imagine how many souls over the last few thousand years that have been blessed with repentant hearts after seeing how even the wicked relate to the Creator God.

We have a loving God. And even if we cannot see or understand why He allows certain things now, rest assured that soon we will understand in ways we never thought possible.

Isaiah 55:6-13  Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:  (7)  Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.  (8)  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.  (9)  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  (10)  For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:  (11)  So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  (12)  For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.  (13)  Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.


#470 What does the angel represent in Revelation 3:14 does it represent the leadership of the church?

Revelation 3:14
[14]And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

And in verse 16 it says.

Revelation 3:16
[16]So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Does it mean that the leadership of the church is spued out?

Thank you, God bless and may the Lord be with you.



The word, "angel" in the Bible is also translated as messenger. In the Strong's Concordance (list of words in the Bible), we can see this Greek word "aggelos" is used 186 times, and is translated as both angel, and messenger. In specific instances, when the Bible says "angel", it does not mean a being clothed with celestial light. The message to the Laodiceans is filled with instruction to be delivered by those "messengers". But it is not committed unto angels to preach the Gospel of Christ; to reprove, rebuke, and exhort. Thus, the interpretation of angel here in Revelation is a messenger.

The messenger of the church does not necessarily mean leadership; but rather those who are tasked with giving the understanding of this passage to the others. John the Baptist was also called a messenger, but he was not a man who went to any of the schools of the Pharisees, or Sadducees. He learned from God.

Matthew 11:7-10  And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?  8  But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.  9  But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.  10  For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

As for the spewed out, this refers to every single lukewarm individual. It does not matter whether it is someone in leadership, or someone who is sitting in the pews; every single lukewarm individual, if they do not choose to become "hot" (as in zealous), they will be spewed out of Christ's mouth.

Revelation 3:19  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Finally to close this message, I will leave you with the Strong's Concordance information for angel/messenger.

From α
̓γγέλλω aggellō (probably derived from G71; compare G34; to bring tidings); a messenger; especially an angel; by implication a pastor: - angel, messenger.
Total KJV occurrences: 186


Who is the false prophet “works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth.”

Throughout the Bible God at various times has shown His acceptance of sacrifices through fire. He has also used fire to punish the wicked.
Fire is a very interesting concept to me, especially that Satan will make use of this in his end times deceptions.

Do you think he will in some way deceive the nominal Christians with fire from Heaven showing his acceptance of Sunday worship, or some other misguided sacrifice he may induce the masses to employ? Many believe this fire to be of a worldly origin, yet I can't seem to neglect or forget the importance of fire to the Lord. Will this be just another counterfeit of Satan or will it be something else I may have missed?


You are correct, the fire is not just of a worldly origin. The Bible makes it clear that the false prophet will work miracles before the beast, and this is power which Satan's agents have power to do, not that which they pretend to do.

These persons overlook the testimony of the Scriptures concerning the wonders wrought by Satan and his agents. It was by Satanic aid that Pharaoh's magicians were enabled to counterfeit the work of God. The apostle John, describing the miracle-working power that will be manifested in the last days, declares: “He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do.” [Revelation 13:13, 14.] No mere impostures are here brought to view. Men are deceived by the miracles which Satan's agents have power to do, not which they pretend to do. — {4SP 372.1}

There is no fakery here, or, impostures, as Sister White calls them. If holy angels can exercise power that we do not understand, then evil angels can do the same things. Recall this saying of Jesus:

Matthew 6:27  Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

By mere thought, can angels turn themselves from the appearance of human beings, and back to angels. The power of this disguise is impossible to see through by sight. Demons can do the exact same thing, even turning themselves into dead loved ones. The power with which we will have to contend with in the future is no fake power; it will be real miracles, real supernatural power. Some of God's people will have to deal with this face to face, not because they have gone there, for God tells us not to go before these demons, but because Satan will target God's people and try to bring them under the delusions he is sweeping the entire world under.

The line of distinction between professing Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church-members love what the world loves, and are ready to join with them; and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of Spiritualism. Papists who boast of miracles as a certain mark of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world, and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium. — 4SP 406.1

If demons can cause literal statues to appear as if crying tears, or even blood, then why could they not bring fire down from heaven, as they have manifested their demonic working power in the past? Satan is graphically involved here on earth with things that go on; many of which things some people turn and blame God for. Satan has in the past, and will in the future continue his warfare like so:

Satan works through the elements also to garner his harvest of unprepared souls. He has studied the secrets of the laboratories of nature, and he uses all his power to control the elements as far as God allows. When he was suffered to afflict Job, how quickly flocks and herds, servants, houses, children, were swept away, one trouble succeeding another as in a moment. It is God that shields his creatures, and hedges them in from the power of the destroyer. But the Christian world has shown contempt for the law of Jehovah; and the Lord does just what he has declared that he would do, he withdraws his blessings from the earth, and removes his protecting care from those who are rebelling against his law, and teaching and forcing others to do the same. Satan has control of all whom God does not especially guard. He will favor and prosper some in order to further his own designs, and he will bring trouble upon others, and lead men to believe that it is God who is afflicting them. {4SP 407.1}

*Do you remember how FIRE FELL FROM HEAVEN when Satan wanted to afflict Job?*

As Spiritualism assimilates more closely to the nominal Christianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after the modern order of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of light. Through the agency of Spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible, and express regard for Sunday, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power. — 4SP 405.3


#472 Should we Christians have remorse for the sinner?

Should we delight to see the sinner fall? I always hear some Christians say they don't have no remorse on certain sinners like those who hurt children or shed innocent blood which we know is wrong and they hope that person burns in hell and suffer for eternity. I couldn't imagine a real Christian thinking like that, shouldn't a real Christians hope that person repents instead of delighting to see them suffer. Surely Jesus wants to save the sinner and it's not willing to let anyone perish we should be like Christ not haven't desire to watch others suffer because they choose to do evil.


The Bible says that Christians should love their enemies. God the Father sends rain on the just and unjust. He even sent His Son to die for the sins of this fallen world. Christians ought to exemplify such love in their own lives.

Matthew 5:43-48  Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.  44  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;  45  That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.  46  For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?  47  And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?  48  Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

The problem is, is that because there is so much lawlessness within the land (including Christian churches), many are ignoring this command of Jesus to be perfect as as God the Father is perfect. These souls are allowing the wickedness of the world, and of the church to corrupt their beliefs in the Word of God, and thus, they are but a fulfillement of the prophecy that Jesus spake of Matthew 24:

Matthew 24:12  And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

So, instead of following the love inspired writings of the Scriptures, many are following the bent of their own minds, and of the teachings of men instead.

Proverbs 24:17-18  Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:  18  Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.


#473 And what does precepts mean Biblically?

This is from Acts of the Apostles 563.1 If we abide in Christ, if the love of God dwells in the heart, our feelings, our thoughts, our actions, will be in harmony with the will of God. The sanctified heart is in harmony with the precepts of God's law. AA 563.1 Thank you, God bless and may the Lord be with you.


The word, "precepts" shows up multiple times in the Word of God, in both singular and plural form. Biblically, we see this for example in the book of Nehemiah:

Nehemiah 9:14  And madest known unto them thy holy sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, statutes, and laws, by the hand of Moses thy servant:

From H6680; a command, whether human or divine (collectively the Law): - (which was) commanded (-ment), law, ordinance, precept.
Total KJV occurrences: 181

A precept is just basically a command, or commandment. Here we have another word translated as precept in the Psalms, and in this David is talking about the 10 Commandments.

Psalms 119:40  Behold, I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness.

פִּקֻּד    פִּקּוּד
piqqûd    piqqûd
pik-kood', pik-kood'
From H6485; properly appointed, that is, a mandate (of God; plural only, collectively for the Law): - commandment, precept, statute.
Total KJV occurrences: 24

As for the quote you are using, it appears you are actually quoting an EDITED VERSION of the Spirit of Prophecy. All 5 books of the "Conflict of the Ages" series are not trustworthy; they are a blend of Ellen White's comments, and the things of others. Some of what Ellen G. White even originally wrote in the original volumes of the Spirit of Prophecy have been doctored in these books to support the Seventh Day Adventist Church's apostate stance. It would be far better for you to read Spirit of Prophecy, Volumes 1-4, and Sketches From The Life of Paul. You can check out the website here about this topic:


To get an in depth look at the edits, and what went on behind the scenes with the SDA Church, go here:



#474 I have looked all through the Bible, I can’t find anything. What I would like to know is, my wife died last December. Is it okay to marry a divorced woman.



The reasons as towards divorce, and remarriage matter. Having a wife that has passed away permits you to remarry. However, in regards to your re-selection of a spouse, the reason that she was divorced matters (as well as when she was divorced).

If she was a Christian, and was divorced by an unbeliever, then it would be okay for her to remarry (the unbeliever being the instigator of the divorce). If she divorced her ex husband because he physically cheated on her (or he divorced her to cheat on her), then she can remarry. But if she committed adultery as a Christian, then it is not okay for her to remarry. Here are some Bible passages regarding these things:

1 Corinthians 7:39  The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.

Matthew 5:31-32  It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:  32  But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

1 Corinthians 7:15  But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.

But, I would not have you without carefulness; if you remarry, you should be certain that this individual is someone whom God Himself approves of, and if there is unmistakable evidence that your life, and this individuals lives will be bettered in Christ. You need to set dedicated time aside to pray to God, and receive a clear answer from Him, in regards to stepping into another marriage. If you are accustomed to praying two times a day, in theory, you should pray 4x a day. In actuality, you need to become more diligent in prayer with God, to be certain that the individual whom you think you should be with is the very one that God would choose for you.


 #475 Some begin the view the vegan diet as discouraging. This guy would juice raw vegetables, right from the garden. Same with Steve Jobs. I'm not discouraging alternative medicine, in fact I promote completely. But I begin to question whether a body without protein is healthy. The body is made of proteins.


I would agree with you that a body without protein isn't good. However, if you mean that if you don't eat meat then you aren't getting protein, this is untrue, as there is protein in virtually everything. True that some things have a smaller amount of protein, like a medium apple has 0.5g of protein, but if you want more protein, there are certainly high protein vegan foods, like nuts, and especially beans.

To add to this response, I want to bring up something:

Genesis 1:29  And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

The natural diet that God gave to man is fruits, and seeds (grains, beans, psuedograins, nuts, and "seeds" are all considered seeds). God did not permit mankind to eat of animal flesh until after the flood in the days of Noah. How then did mankind live, if animal flesh was not permitted to be part of the diet? It is rather peculiar that there are Christians who are under the belief that we need meat to live. How is it possible that animals, which are less suitable for food, are needful for the human being to be able to live?


#476 Digital Cash: is this the Mark of the Beast?


2 Peter 1:20  Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

The Bible will help us to figure out what the mark on the hands and the forehead is. According to the Bible, a sign on your hands and forehead does not have to do with money, or digital cash. It has to do with religious laws. For example, the Bible says:

Deuteronomy 11:18  Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

God's words, His commandments, go into the heart, into the soul, upon your hand, and between your eyes. You cannot literally open up your heart, and literally stuff God's words in your soul, anymore than you can literally make them a sign on your hand or put them literally between your eyes. Rather, if we accept the commandments of God, and if we allow the Holy Spirit to mold us, the Holy Spirit will cause God's word to be brought into the soul, accepted in the heart, and in our minds (between your eyes) and all the works of the hands will show forth our belief in God. These spiritual things happen when we worship God. The same is true when it comes to the mark of the beast.

Have you noticed that the passages about the mark of the beast also talk about worshiping the beast and his image?

Revelation 14:9  And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

The mark of the beast is about who you worship. The Image of the Beast will demand that you keep the commandments of the beast. But if you are a saint of God, you will keep the commandments of God. The last part of the third angel's message says:

Revelation 14:12  Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

The "mark" of the "beast" will be the enforcement of the religious law that demands that everyone keeps Sunday holy instead of keeping the 7th Day Sabbath of the Bible holy. Sunday is not the Christian sabbath, but it is the sabbath of the beast. The 7th Day is God's Sabbath, which we call "Saturday". And so, from Friday Sunset to Saturday Sunset (since the day starts at the sunset in the Bible), God's people are to keep His Sabbath holy.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Also, you are welcome to take a look around the site. Here is a video about the mark of the beast. It is about 14 minutes long:



#477 The term "Godhead?"
Thanks for providing all the good quotes from the pen of Mrs. White dealing with the subject of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Enjoyed reading your material on the Trinity. Have you done any research on the origin of the word "Godhead"? From my study and reading it is merely an old English term for "divine being" or "Godhood": meaning the person or self-existent God himself.

From reading your page on the Trinity, can I assume that you fault the trinitarian dogma in that it teaches the "oneness" of the three persons in the Godhead? You state that you accept that there are three persons in the Godhead, but deny that the three persons constitute one God. Sort of like three separate Gods. Or am I misunderstanding your intent??

Best regards in Christ,


While I haven't done any background research in the meaning of the word "Godhead", here is what I can gather from the Strong's Concordance: Every single time it is used in the King James Bible, it has a different original Greek word. For example:

Acts 17:29  Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

The word "Godhead" in this instance is strong's G2304, theios. It is translated as "divine" in two other verses (2 Peter 1:3-4). And that word theios comes from the word theos (G2316). That word simply refers to a deity, and is translated as God numerous times.

Romans 1:20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

The word Godhead here is Strong's G2305 (which comes from 2304) theiote
̄s. It simply means divinity. It has no other usage in the King James Bible. And finally:

Colossians 2:9  For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

The word Godhead here is Strong's G2320 (which comes from 2316) theote
̄s. This word also refers to divinity.

As for the Trinity, yes it is faulted for teaching that there is one literal God. There are three Persons in the Godhead; three literal Divine Beings that are aiding in the salvation of mankind. One of the clearest verses that brings forward this truth is found here:

1 John 5:7  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

When one studies the Bible, they will find that the Apostle John writes a number of times in regards to the unity between the Godhead Themselves, the unity of the church, and the unity of the Godhead with the church.

John 17:11  And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

The disciples of Christ are to be one as Christ and the Father are one. If this meant a literal oneness, this would be impossible. But the language used here forbids us from taking this concept as meaning quite literally one being. Jesus further continues upon this point:

John 17:21-23  That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.  22  And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:  23  I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

Christ desires His people to be one, as The Father is in Christ and Christ is in the Father. Christ further explains that not simply with one another are we to be one, but that with Him and His Father are we to be one. There is to exist a close fellowship, and close relationships between the believers, and between the Godhead. We will not all come together to form literally one being, but that we will all come together in harmony and in unity. The world will see that Christ is in us, as the Father is in the Son. It is through unity with Christ that the disciples of Christ will become united, and through this unity, made perfect.

1 John 4:12-13  No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.  13  Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

That which will express the unity of Christians is the love shared towards one another. This makes sense, since God is love. And if we love God for who He is, we will love one another, who will reflect, but dimly, God. We will know for a surety that God dwelleth in us. And, we will know that we dwell in Him.

1 John 4:16  And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.


#478 Hi Nicholas
I'm looking for your list of words n your definition. I'm looking for your definition of grafting.
Thank you


The link that has the symbolic definition of words is found here:


However, the word "graffed" does not appear with its own definition there. Turning our attention to the Strong's Concordance, we can find this for the word "graff" in Romans 11:23:

From G1722 and a derivative of G2759; to prick in, that is, ingraft: - graff in (-to).
Total KJV occurrences: 6

The process of grafting something into another refers to taking a part of a plant, and sticking it into another plant. When this is done successfully, the branch takes part of the nutrients of the plant it is grafted into, even if it came another another kind of plant entirely. This process is used in the Bible to describe the process of Gentiles being grafted into, or joined to, Israel, so much so that the Gentiles who believe in Christ are also referred to as Israel.

The Gentiles did not naturally have the Bible, the 10 Commandments, or any of the especial blessings that were granted to the Israelites. But due to the goodness of God, and, the fact the natural born Israelites had rejected Christ, the Gospel went out to the Gentiles. So the natural Israelites, or natural branches, were cut off from the plant, which would give them the blessings they desired, and the Gentiles who received Jesus became Christ's people.

Hosea 2:23  And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God.


Can you expand more on Mark 9:28-29?


Mark 9:28-29  And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?  29  And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

This Scirpture is referring to the fact that when Jesus was away with Peter, James, and John and was transfigured, His other disciples weren't with Him. They were left dealing with the multitudes and the scribes, and in their dealings with them, a man brought his son unto the disciples. However, when the disciples attempted to cast this devil out, which caused his son to gnash his teeth, and foam at the mouth, and which tried to kill this man's son even by casting his son into the fires, or into the waters, the disciples failed at casting out the devil. Christ of course, returned to the scene, and after discussion with the father, then cast this demon our of his son.

The disciples later came to Christ privately and they asked Him, "Why could not we cast him out?" Now, the response Jesus gave, some misinterpret to mean that one must fast and pray, right then and there, that the demon may be cast out. But this is an error, for Jesus did not right then and there fast and pray. And if we look at later Scriptures we see this:

Acts 5:12-16  And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch.  13  And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them.  14  And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.)  15  Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.  16  There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.

If the people could later be healed by the mere shadow of Peter passing by them, what changed? What Jesus was referring to was the fact that the disciples had not, as they should have, prepared and dedicated themselves for the ministry by fasting and prayer. They themselves were in unbelief, and they had a certain carelessness with which they regarded the sacred work that was given to them. Hence Jesus saying:

Mark 9:19  He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.

The Christian who fasts, and prays will see their spiritual walks grow in astounding ways, even to the point of casting out devils. While I cannot speak on the casting out devils part, I can look at my very own walk as an example, and how I have noticed that all night prayers have boosted my walk in unexpected ways. And the time that I fasted, and did an all night prayer, while I was physically out of it the next day, I felt my discernment grow by leaps and bounds. In short, the disciples had not fasted and prayed, and were not spiritually ready, nor strong enough, at the time to cast out the devil that was tormenting the man's son. But, after the death of Jesus, and after the disciples had come together, that they may be one, and they all prayed, waiting for the Holy Ghost, they were ready to do the work that the LORD needed them to do.


#480 Please explain Ezekiel 43:1-4 (Comments on Red Heifer added)

I need help understanding these verses please.


This vision is all about God being glorified

First and foremost, the eastern gate is the only gate of notability in Scripture. In fact, that is the only gate the people could enter into the courtyard of the Sanctuary where in so doing caused them to place their backs to the eastern horizon which was the main location of worship for all Baal worshipers. Doing so was a public denial of Satan and his many false gods.

Just as 'the Kings of the east' will do at second coming, as per the prophecy of Revelation 16:12 that says "the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared." I can see how Jesus coming from the eastern sky openly exposes Baal as a hopeless and defeated false god not just globally but throughout the Universe as well; for all Pagans have looked to the east for their god since day one and instead, our God will destroy him and his lying claims, even the silly claim of the eastern horizon and that ball of fire they worship.

What’s amazing here is that Ezekiel is being blessed with a vision of God’s eternal glory as he saw previous at the river Chebar when his first vision came upon him.

As for his saying “to destroy the city,” this is a warning/judgment and not the actual act. He was passing sentence upon it which was eventually fulfilled. He didn't actually destroy the city himself. He came to warn them that their sin will destroy it. (See Ezekiel 9:3-8) What he saw was like the vision he had at the river. (Notice Ezekiel 3:23)

By the way, when we look at the verse 5 we see Ezekiel was actually allowed to step into the Heavenly temple in that vision. And by the way, the “glory of the Lord” was not the Shekina glory as the Lord’s Presence never entered into the second temple UNTIL Jesus Himself walked into it 2000 years ago. That’s why even though the second Temple was a much smaller building, it was far more glorious due to Christ entering in physically.


#481 Please explain Matthew 8:9 or Luke 7:8

Verses in question:

My brain doesn't want to understand this, lol. I know it has to be set into the context of the centurian seeking a healing miracle from the Lord for his servant. And this verse comes after the humble remarks of the centurian saying how he is unworthy of having the Lord step into his home. But I cannot understand how this verse relates to all that.

God bless

Also, (this is a question I have heard several times) what should we say when someone argues that Jesus kept some of the Jewish feasts?


Yes, you need to allow the context to have its say in order to understand the verse. Notice what was revealed before the Centurion said what he said…

The centurion knew it was a demon that made his servant sick. In fact, verse 6 confirms it. It says he was “tormented.”

Just as a leader in the military can tell soldiers to go here or there, Jesus can tell His angels to go here or there and this includes the angels that fell with Satan. As we know Jesus can command them to leave and they leave quickly. They have no choice but to obey because Jesus who they know is Michael the ARCHangel, which simply defined means He is the main Commander / Creator of all the angels obedient and fallen.

Satan has no choice to do as Jesus commands. And every eye in the Universe will see that as fact at the end of the 1000 years when Satan, his fallen angels and all the wicked that worshipped him the last 6000 years all bow to Jesus directly before the fires of damnation ends their awful existence turning them to ash, or "powder" as Jesus puts it in Matthew 21:44.

As for the feast days, yes Jesus kept all of them as He knew exactly what they stood for. After all, He wrote and designed them before giving them to Moses did He not? In fact, that is why He said “it is finished” right before He died. He knew all the feast days pointed to what He planned to do that day for all of us. He knew they ended the very moment He died. That means there is no need to keep the feast days after He died as He “finished” perfectly all that they were designed to educate every soul with eyes that see via His prophetic truths regarding what He would do for all of mankind on Calvary.

In regards to the man saying he was  unworthy to have Jesus in his home; I would think all of us would say the same thing if we lived 2000 years ago if we had with faith in Jesus and a realization of our sinfulness. Even now I feel unworthy of the blessings Christ has bestowed upon me each and every day. Plus, I see this as a way to illustrate unto God’s people 2000 years later that no matter how far away Jesus is in Heaven, His power has no limit and He can do all we ask Him to do that is in His will. And so just as the demon was cast out of the Centurion’s servant many miles away, Jesus still casts them out being light years away from all of us. After all, He created the entire universe, and this includes the space between each planet.

BTW.. SOP says…

What kind of power did this centurion think was vested in Jesus? He knew it was the power of God. He said, "I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth." The centurion saw with the eye of faith that the angels of God were all around Jesus, and that his word would commission an angel to go to the sufferer. He knew that his word would enter the chamber, and that his servant would be healed. And how Christ commended this man's faith! He exclaimed, "I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel."  {RH, March 11, 1890 par. 10} 

Amazing how deep His Word gets at times eh?


#482 What is the 10th hour in John 1:39?

Can you please explain why the 10th hour is mentioned in John 1:39? Why would the Lord make it a point to mention this hour?


After hearing John the Baptist declare Jesus to be the Lamb of God, this happened.

John 1:36-41  And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!  (37)  And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.  (38)  Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?  (39)  He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.  (40)  One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.  (41)  He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

After hearing John declare Jesus to be the Lamb of God, we see two of John's disciples leave John to follow Jesus. The Word of God has a reason for every statement made. And so what I see here is a prophetic innuendo as I like to call them. As we know the Bible has at least 33% hard core prophecy penned for all of us to study up, but there are also many statements made in all 66 books of the Bible that not only use prophetic symbols, the statements can be understood in the current moment in time as they are penned as well as a prophetic innuendo or a gentle whisper of well placed truth, be it doctrinal or prophetic that moves the one studying to dig deeply for the pearl of truth. As I see the disciples leave John's side to join with Jesus I can look forward in time wherein many from the 9th hour SDA church have left their apostate church to "follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth" so as to be used of Him in the 11th hour remnant church that is to be used of God in the last days to proclaim the Loud Cry. But until they obey the Lord and completely leave the 9th hour church that has clearly joined with all the apostate churches who are now following the whore of Babylon so as to fulfill the prophecy that defines as the false prophet, they cannot be considered in the final 11th hour church. And so just do the math.

When the 9th hour people see the apostasy in the church they leave and then step into the 10th hour totally separated from the 9th hour. When they do so and pass any tests the Lord may send their way to verify their faith, they will then join with the 11th hour church. In other words, they have to be completely out of apostasy to even be considered part of "the remnant of her seed." And so, just as these two disciples of John sought out others to hear Jesus, and no I am not saying John was apostate in any way shape or form. His work was about to end. But his ended in a good way. The SDA church's work ended many decades ago when they rejected Christ and His righteousness and then sealed their decision and fate in how they changed their statement of faith in 1980 so as to please the man of sin in Rome.

The bad toss on this coin is that Satan knows all about the 9th hour apostasy and how many were destined to leave and so most that begin to evangelize after leaving the SDA church do so without the necessary study to be prepared for the attacks upon them when they obey the Lord. As we look around today with so many SDA offshoots preaching all sorts of strange things, it is clear they have all succumbed to all sorts of false doctrines.


#483 What is the "shadow of things to come" mean?

Greetings brother and happy Sabbath, I have a question. Are the feasts only mentioned in Leviticus 23, and what does " shadow of things to come mean" and what does "but the body is of Christ" mean?

Thank you, God bless and may the Lord be with you.


Your question is of ..

The holy days, new moons and (annual) Sabbath days mentioned here are all feast days which the Jews 4000 years ago saw as prophetic “shadow of things to come” in that they pointed to the cross of Christ.

Picture the cross standing way in their future with the light of truth shining on it from the Lord behind as it does in prophecy. As they killed a lamb each time as a sin offering they were taught that Messiah would come one day to be the “Lamb slain” for their sins. That's why John the Baptist called Jesus the "Lamb of God" 2000 years ago. All those little lambs they killed were a symbol of what the “Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” would do in the future.

This they all clearly understood for eons. But right before Messiah came, Satan removed their understanding for the most part using the corrupted leaders in the Synagogue to prevent them from seeing Jesus as a meek and gentle Lamb of God or as the Messiah of ancient prophecy.

As for the shadow; we all know, a “shadow" casts only in one direction. For example, if you were to stand in front of a massively bright light source with your back to the light, you will see your shadow projected on the floor below you. Therefore; if someone came into the room, they would be unable to see you clearly due to all the light blinding them. Their eyes would not be used to such light. But, they could see your shadow on the floor and if they followed your shadow, they would eventually come to your feet. Then looking up, they would see you clearly now.

Well, the prophesied truth about the cross works the same way. Prophetically speaking we know the bright light of truth from Heaven shines a very bright light on the cross of Christ due to the fact there are hundreds of prophecies all throughout the Bible that point to it. There is a LOT of light on this one prophecy alone. But because Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that “now we see through a glass, darkly…” mankind cannot see all he needs to see at times to understand God’s will. The light is just too bright due to lack of wisdom as well as lack of Bible study.

But, if the Jewish people of God 2000 years ago were to study the Word faithfully, it would be like they were following the prophetic shadow in time that if they remain faithful to the Lord in His Word, that shadow would eventually lead them to the cross in their very near future in the same way it leads us back to the cross in the past.

Our Bible study today will lead us to the foot of the cross and once there, when we look up, we will clearly see Jesus on that cross. That is what the feast days did for the Jews back then and can also do for us today.

No, we no longer keep the feast days because Jesus replaced them with the ordinance of communion the day before He was killed. But if we study the Word of God, we will understand the reason for each feast day and how all those feast days spoke prophetically of all that was perfectly fulfilled in Christ.

That shadow is in fact the feast days in a prophetic sense that as the people of old walked on their darkened path due to their sins. They kept those feasts to declare they believed the Messiah would eventually come to save them from their sins. But the Pharisees changed the prophecy from being saved from sin to being saved from Roman tyranny and so when Jesus came as a gentle Lamb, they rejected Him as unable to defeat the Romans.

When Jesus came; those with real faith looked up from the foot of the cross and understood clearly as to why Jesus said “It is finished” with His last breath. He clearly meant, all those feast days that pointed to His arrival and death for all sinners was FINISHED When He died.

Just as there is no shadow behind the light source that is behind you if you stood in front of it, there is no shadow behind or past the cross as it too ended at the foot of the cross. All we have now is fulfilled prophecies and doctrinal truths pointing back to the cross today so as to confirm prophecy was fulfilled and doctrine was confirmed.

As for the statement Paul makes regarding “the body is of Christ.” This is like saying, the feast days were a symbolic or prophesied reality of that which is yet to come for the ancient Jews; and the literal reality is Christ’s body that has come and has done all that was prophesied to be done for us to gain salvation. For in Paul’s day, Christ had already come and so he spoke with that reality in mind. He knew the feast days pointed to a Messiah in a way most beforehand saw as a mystery. But now that He has come, Paul saw Jesus as the perfect fulfillment of the feast days.

Another way of looking at what Paul just said is to look at what Moses did when he lifted up the serpent in the desert. That serpent was a figurative symbol of how Messiah would come in the future to take all the sins upon Himself from those faithful people that “looked up” at that brazen serpent on a cross. This is why Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:14-15 that “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:  (15)  That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” And yes, this is why everyone that looked at Moses’ brazen serpent with faith, God would heal them immediately from the deadly serpent bites that came into the camp. Those that refused to look, died. Just as those that refuse to look to Christ to be healed from the deadly effects of sin will die eternally in damnation.

Later, when Jesus came, He was lifted up as Moses prophesied. Jesus was literally hung on that cross filled with all the sins of mankind within Himself so as to be the death we all deserve. Hence the reason He said in Matthew 27:46 “…Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

Jesus took on all the sins of mankind, past, present and future and in so doing the Father left His side for the first time ever in His life, and then He said what He said about being all alone and simply died.

The brazen serpent of Moses like the feast days was a prophesied statement. The body of Christ on the cross is the fulfillment of both the brazen serpent and feast day prophecies.


 #484 Why not preach on the good things God does and not just end time prophecy?

I'd like to see videos about positive things that are happening.  Like, Gods hand moving and healing people, saving people, ya know.  That kinda stuff.  Things that get people excited about God's love. :-). I know you're all about prophecy but I think a good balance of videos of love and showing people the spirit of God would be good. 


Yes, I used to actually have a section on the site that had only links to “articles that would make you smile,” but the Lord moved me to remove it. Reason being, only the obedient will see God’s hand moving and be affected in a good way and in a time when present truth is key to get the lost off their couches and on their knees, truth about what’s really happening regarding the end of days is more powerful for them to hear than anything else. Especially now that most people embrace sin as if it's the norm. Remember John the Baptist's message? He said in Matthew 3:2 that everyone hearing him need to "Repent ye: for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand." And are we not supposed to echo that same message when Jesus is soon to return?

All throughout biblical history the warnings given at each pivotal time the last 6000 years was never about the good times. Not once. Take John the Baptist as the perfect example as the pattern for the preachers of present truth today. What gets people to repent is letting them know Jesus is coming a lot sooner than they thought. In fact, everyone that has joined the SDR movement over the years were all blessed by the warnings first that they all actually admitted none of their  pastors ever mentioned from their pulpits. They had no clue how close to the end they were and so they didn't know any of this was happening and yes, they also saw that many in the church preferred it that way. They don’t want to hear about what’s coming because it convicts them to get ready and getting ready means they will have to stop all the sinful things they loved to do daily. In fact, that was prophesied. When speaking of the people today, it says in Isaiah 30:9-10, "That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:"

No I am not saying what you’re suggesting is a “smooth thing” message as I know you know what time it is. And I agree that it’s good at times to hear of God’s hand moving in a positive manner. And have you noticed? Each and every first Sabbath of the month we have a Testimony Sabbath wherein many step up to tell "the great congregation" all about the wondrous movements of God's loving hand of healing and peace during these trying times. But have you also noticed? Since the apostles died 2000 years ago rarely do you see miraculous events happening in the church at large and when you do, it only affects the obedient in Christ because most people don’t have faith to even believe what they're seeing. Some even think some of the miracles we share on Testimony Sabbath are all made up, but those of us with eyes that see know what we're looking at here. Sadly, though this is why most prayers are never answered. In fact, I have seen many amazing movements of God’s hand over the years and each time I share them with others next to none of them are affected in a good way. They may get excited for a moment yes, but only for a moment. And as soon as Satan can do so, they are distracted and seemingly forget all about it. I say seemingly because even though they choose to forget, the seed planted will be watered in the very near future and if they have any good soil in their hearts, the Father in Heaven will grant them an increase in that seed so as to move them unto repentance.

I recall when a young lady that had hands laid on her who was paralyzed by pain from the neck down due to a mishap by her doctor. Within minutes of leaving we got a phone call from her husband who was hysterical because he never saw such a shocking miracle as that before in his life? I’m the one that answered the phone that day and I recall how shocked he was. He was weeping and shouting that God’s hand moved and his wife was completely healed. He shouted, "She's doing the dishes!" The last time I talked with him in private which was some years ago I asked him about that wonderful miracle he said, and I quote, “I don’t remember that day.” That floored me as many eye witnesses do remember that day.

What happened to him has been happening to billions all over the world who refuse to acknowledge the need to get ready for Christ's return. Even when He shows His hand is such a graphic manner so as to make Himself known unto them, the permission they give Satan to be in their lives grants Beelzebub the power for them to forget all about such blessings as they are bestowed from above.

Truth is, all the churches today preach smooth things as well as prophecy deceits so as to keep the people in the pews funneling cash to the preacher who never stops asking for donations with every chance he gets. Hence the reason Peter said what he did in 2 Peter 2:3 which was that these preachers, "with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."

This is also why they preach deceptive prophecies like the secret rapture, seven year tribulation or even a futuristic version of Antichrist so as to hide the truth about the pope and keep the people in a man-made peace that as we see in the prophetic Word, that the modern day peace and safety message in all the churches simply will not last. Not only do they preach peace and safety in their sermons before the people, they all have hundreds of thousands of feel good messages on YouTube that those that don't know the truth clamor after as they see what's happening all around them is so scary that they go to church with the hope of hearing a positive message, when in fact all they're hearing is what the pastors know will calm them down enough that not only will they feel better that day, they will put all sorts of money in the collection plate because they appreciate the cloud of deception they just listened to that calmed them down with a false sense of security. This is also why sin is sanctioned in the churches because the pastors know if they share truth and repentance the people will leave.

For example. The main reason all the churches embrace homosexuality as if there are no verses calling it a graphic abomination unto God, they know the homosexuals accuse them of spreading hate when we know the truth we present proves hands down we love them enough to tell them the truth. If we truly hated them, we wouldn't warn them at all and they would end up in hellfire when it's all said and done. But because the pastors and preachers of today and all about the money, and their 501c3 contract with the government proves that hands down; they refuse to preach truth knowing how unpopular it is. And so the people are not even told to repent and they stay in their apostate churches thinking God’s happy with them. Sadly, as per another prophecy in Amos, many of them will only seek to repent when it's too late. The fear they experience at the start of the plagues cannot in any way be swept away by the apostates on the pulpits because this fear is part and parcel to the wrath of God and when that fear comes upon them they will finally see with their own eyes the warnings were true. But then.. it’s too late. No matter how much Bible study they do now won't save even the most sincere seeker for the final judgment has fallen upon them and as it says in Revelation 22:11, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still..." At this time many will bang on the doors of their friends and relatives that they heard the warnings from previously asking them for a word of hope from the Bible to calm their abject fears at that time but God won’t allow it. The judgment is final and "it is done" as Jesus shouts on that day as Revelation 16:17 says He will and they will die in those plagues and then later they will weep and gnash their teeth when the executive judgment falls on them at the end of the 1000 years which is also called the second death. It is such a death that no one experiencing it can ever arise from for all eternity. And for those of us that remain faithful up to plague #1, we also know that Revelation 22:11 says "and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still."

And so to answer the original question that prompted this answer, that is why we in the SDR global movement not only glorify Jesus each and every month on Testimony Sabbath before the great congregation, we also warn the people that have yet to repent as often as we can that Christ has died, Christ has risen and Christ will come again.


 #485 The Seven Trumpets?

Hi there hope you are well; I have a query for you and was hoping you may be able to help one way or another. Its regarding weather over the last few years, maybe between the times of 2010-2014 give or take a year or two you have come across anything that resembles the 1st bowl judgement at all? I had a dream about the mark of the beast a few weeks ago, that it may have already been and gone in the movement of Toronto (calling fire down from heaven and people making/acting like animals) a move I did not trust as being from God at the time for obvious reasons and am not entirely certain this dream was legit as i always keep an open mind and won’t be swept in one direction without research and scripture to back it up and understand your views which i also keep an eye on for any fulfillment of, but my query comes in that since with this heatwave that’s sweeping the world and a headline title regarding the Greece wildfires blatantly blaming God in its title (bowl 4) sparked these thoughts and I have since looked up bowl 2 and 3 and can see and have previously read on your own website regarding rivers and seas turning blood red and mass fish deaths have already taken place (weather in fulfillment to the bowls or not I don’t know) the dating of those are in chronological order to the bowl judgements regarding the order they are poured out and happened in the world. I have looked and can’t find anything that could fulfill the 1st trumpet, but also don’t know really how to word that search in the 1st place, so I wondered if anything springs to your mind regarding this, I’ve been visiting your site for years and know if there’s anything like that, even if not linked directly to the bowl judgement that you may well have put something in your times of the end news feed.

Anyway, thanks for your time and hope to hear back from you soon.


First and foremost, you need to get rid of the Bible you’re using dear sister.  The KJV Bible uses the term “vials” and not “bowls” as the corrupted Bibles use. The NKJV is not safe if that is what you’re using here. Plus, all the other Bibles (including the NKJV) add their fleshly assumptions upon many of the definitions in part with each prophetic symbol and in so doing muddy the prophecies up so much that it makes it hard to follow for those seeking prophetic insight.

Those vials are actually the seven last plagues that happen AFTER the mark is enforced with the death penalty Bill being passed which leads up to the one hour with the beast. And so, they haven’t started yet. However, we do see signs on how the Lord will make them come to fruition all over the world and that is why I made that page many years ago about the plagues on my site as well as that video back in January of 2013.

As for the trumpets, six have already finished blowing. In fact, trumpet six ceased to blow on August 11, 1840 at the collapse of the Turkish empire. Just four years later we see the 2300 year prophecy ending on October 22, 1844 signaling the beginning of the blowing of the seventh trumpet, which continues to blow unto this day as we see by the murderous hearts of men with all the wars and mass killings becoming quite frequent which is a fulfillment of this trumpet in regards to what it says in Revelation 11:18 regarding the nations being angry.

The prophecy states in Revelation 10:7 that "in the DAYS of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall BEGIN to sound." As we know, these days are prophetic in nature and therefore represent years. The fact the trumpet began to blow in 1844 coincides with the order of events in Revelation 10:10. After the seventh angel starts to blow this trumpet, it states the "little book" that is "sweet" and "bitter" was given unto William Miller.

Just as the famine of hearing the Words of the Lord have to be cultivated before plague #1, so must the bloodthirsty mindset be cultivated before the plagues begin and so this is why we saw both world wars and many after that come to fruition after the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel coming to an end on October 22, 1844 and this is also why we see violent movies, video games, music, protests, riots, talk of civil war and society itself in general being loaded down with hate and bloodshed off the chart. The lost souls who refused to study Bibles have also had their minds reconditioned as the prophet Amos sited in 8:11 so that when the plagues do finally fall, they will be spiritually blind and completely unable to understand Scriptural truths so as to find comfort or peace in what they know has begun and is soon in coming.

Worse yet, due to their satanic obedience that fostered their blindness, they will also be easily tempted to use their well-indoctrinated bloodthirsty desires to go forth in hate against their fellow man that refuse the mark of the beast to the point of seeking their deaths when the buy and sell portion of the mark is proclaimed against us, which I am sure brings on talk of a death decree that we know will be made know globally before the Bill is passed so as to test the lost souls in how far they will obey Satan during plague 6 when the Bill is made law and Armageddon begins.

And no, I do not have a study online about all this step by step as of yet as it is common knowledge among most students of prophecy and so I never saw the need. Plus, the fact James White wrote a small booklet outlining the seven trumpets in detail in 1875 wherein sister White gave approval. You can get that book at vbates.com.

If you want, I can read the last few paragraphs of James White’s booklet on this regarding trumpet #7.

We think the seventh angel, or third woe- trumpet, began to sound in 1844. According to the position taken on the sixth trumpet, that ceased to sound Aug. 11, 1840, at the downfall of the Turkish Empire. Concerning this event, Inspiration says, "The second woe is past, be- hold, the third woe cometh QUICKLY." Rev. 11: 14. In 1844 Christ changed his position in the heavenly sanctuary, preparatory to its cleansing, as predicted, Dan. 8: 14, at the ending of the 2300 days. When the seventh angel sounds it is said, " And there were great voices in Heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ." Rev. 11:15. We think Daniel the prophet speaks of the same event, chap. 7: 13, 14, "I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and A kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages should serve him." Doubtless the parable of the nobleman refers to the same fact. " A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself A kingdom, and to re- turn. . . . And it came to pass when he returned, having received the kingdom," &c. Luke 19: 12, 15. The foregoing we think plainly refers to the work which takes place at the commencement of the sounding of the seventh trumpet, when Christ changed his position in the heavenly temple, and consequently assumed different relations to mankind at large. "And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in Heaven," &c. Rev. 11: 15. We think these jubilant tones above, at the inaugural of the Lamb of God when he receives the throne of his father David, will be felt and responded to by the hopeful and expectant people of God on earth, who are then looking for that blessed hope, and for Him to come and commence his reign "whose right it is.

While we may speak of fulfilled prophecy with positiveness, we would apply unfulfilled prophecy with becoming modesty. We may, however, suggest that the anger of the nations will be immediately followed by the wrath of God, or seven last plagues ; see Rev. 15:1; that the judgment of the dead refers not to the judgment of the righteous, for that takes place before the plagues are poured out, but to the judgment of the wicked during the 1000 years of Rev. 20 ; that the full reward of the righteous will be given when they inherit the new earth, at the close of the 1000 years ; and that at that very time God will destroy by the second death all who have corrupted the earth. And why may not the sounding of the seventh angel continue until the end of the 1000 years? and the third WOE COVER ALL WOE till sin and sinners cease to be, at the close of the seventh millennium?” -James White “The Seven Trumpets” PAGES 95,96


#486 Why do you say the Mark of the Beast is a Sunday Law?

I don't understand why followers of Ellen White insist that the mark (on the hand or forehead) must be Sunday laws. Especially when the powers that shouldn't be are clearly rolling out a physical mark on the hand. Throughout history many Christians, even Christian martyrs worshiped on Sundays. Are they damned to hell for "taking the mark"? Of course not.


Those that kept Sunday holy in the past have NOT received the "Mark" of the Vatican Sabbath. As declared TWICE in Scripture, namely Acts 17:30 and 1Timothy 1:13, "God winks" at their times of ignorance. If they don't know it's sin then they are not judged as being sinful. But, the days are coming that the Latter Rain will fall blessing God's obedient remnant with His Word of truth and wisdom as a final warning unto all and, 100% of every person on earth will know beyond a shadow of doubt that Sunday is in fact the mark of the Vatican's dying god.

As for them "rolling out a physical mark on the hand" as you say, no. All you're seeing is a globally contrived distraction so as to make people see what the Vatican and its political pawns want them to see. Rome knows how dangerous the Scriptures are to them and their so called holy agenda. This is why they have re-written the Bible so many times. They are desperate to hide what's in the pages of the Holy Writ as it exposes them in a big way. The fact billions think the mark is a tattoo, a veri-chip or even the number 666 proves their long prophesied campaign of confusion has worked. But it only works on those that refuse to study the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it say the mark is an implanted microchip, a tattoo or even the number 666. In fact, it clearly says in Revelation 13:17 & 18 that 666 is the number of a man's name. That man of course is the man of sin  in Rome, or the Pope as most know him as. And just so you know, there are 12 titles to the office of Pope that when spelled in Latin, which is not just their alphabet, it's also their numeric system, adding each name up individually you will find that it equal 666 each and every time. Only Christian prophecy is that accurate.

Satan created his own Sabbath to gain worship. You can see this in detail just by reading Isaiah 14:12-14. But Satan also knew right before the end the Latter Rain would fall upon the obedient remnant people who are called to go out and warn everyone during the Loud Cry and everyone they speak to will know the seal of God is obedience unto Him and keeping His COMMANDMENTS and especially #4 that proves they worship Him on the day He created as Sabbath. He commanded all to keep it holy, and when people keep it holy, they are blessed and God's wrath will not fall on them during the plagues. In other words, they will not get the mark. And so Satan has been very busy since 321AD making billions believe the Sabbath was changed from the Seventh Day to the First Day of the week. Why 321AD you ask? That is when the Bishop of Rome forced Constantine to set up the first Sunday laws. Satan knew that if he was ever going to be able to pull off this major lie regarding the never changing Sabbath of the Creator that he had to not only have to get many to think it was changed over 17 centuries ago, having billions think it was changed 1700 years ago would make them think it was truly changed since the change supposedly stuck, even though historic record shows that the obedient Christians have been keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath all along. And because our numbers are so small, most think the change is legit even though there's not a single Bible verse showing God changed it in any Bible on earth.

Those that hear the truth spoken by the obedient remnant people during the Loud Cry that the Vatican Sabbath is in fact the mark of the beast, the words given unto the obedient remnant people are perfectly designed by the Holy Spirit who gives them the exact words to share that are easily understood as fact by everyone hearing them because the God that created all that is seen and unseen also knows the exact words all of them need to hear. When those words are heard by all, they have no excuse now as the warning is crystal clear in their minds and they now know it is sin due to the Bible verses presented that prove 100% the Sunday Sabbath of Rome is the mark. If they still ignore all that proof given unto them just so they can buy and sell, keep their jobs or escape the guillotine, then they will receive the unremovable mark of the beast at this time. Why unremovable? It's because the Loud Cry of the Holy Spirit that is declared via the lips of His obedient children confirmed that they did in fact know what we said was true, if they still ignore it, and billions will, they will have no way of escaping damnation or even the seven last plagues that fall upon all the wicked.

One more thing.. I am not SDA as you assumed here in your comment. Why? See my sister site at SDAapostasy.org, or my short study regarding the prophesied SDR movement at remnantofGod.org/SDR.htm. As prophesied the SDA church did a mighty work for the Lord during the 9th hour, but as also prophesied, they have stepped off the path to join hands with Rome and so a remnant of her seed has left her to join us in the final 11th hour movement.

As for us being  a follower of Ellen White. 1 Corinthians 1:13 plainly says, " Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?" And so no, I am not a follower of Ellen White. I am a servant and follower of Jesus Christ. He just happened to use Ellen White in her day as prophesied in Joel 2. In our day He will use the obedient remnant people. It has already been confirmed that Ellen White is a prophet with the same exact fruits of the prophets God called to write the Bible. If you would like to see this proof, click here.

As for the "rolling out of the physical mark on the hand" that is a DISTRACTION from the obvious prophetic warnings. Study up the "strong delusion" in 2Thessalonians 2:11 when you get time.


#487 The secret rapture is true!

The bride of Christ is not appointed to the wrath of God. I am also 100000% rapture believer. May we get how we believed..


You are somewhat correct. The bride of Christ will NOT suffer God's wrath for it is clearly stated in Psalms 91:10-11 that, "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.  For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." But as the Scripture also proves, Jesus literally prayed in John 17:15  "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."

That one statement alone proves the secret rapture to be a LIE. It also means your pastor is one of the "many false prophets" Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24:11. (See my video on this when you get time)

Dearest sister; there is not a single Bible verse that says Christians will be raptured off the world during the very soon to come seven plagues of Revelation. But as I just showed you, there are many Bible verses that say the Lord Jesus will protect us during those plagues. The wrath of God is NOT going to fall on His bride. Not a single plague will harm them. And just as Noah was on the planet during the flood which ended all life in his day, so will we be on the planet during the plagues when all life on earth ends. But we will only be protected if we can stand firm in Christ and trust Him and His Word. What the apostate leaders are preaching today about a secret rapture is not found in Scripture as I prove in that video as well as a page on my site wherein I cover every verse that speaks of His second coming.

I have to warn you that claiming you're convinced the secret rapture is true doesn't change Christian prophecy one iota. You need to get out of that church dear one. Your pastor is lying to "make merchandise" of you as 2Peter 2:3 warned and he is about to be destroyed by Christ for doing so. Worse yet, anyone that trusts your pastor instead of the written Word of God will also be destroyed when those plagues begin.

As prophesied, Satan is moving these false pastors all over the world to lie to the people so as to make them 100% UNREADY for the return of Jesus Christ. And sadly, because most of the people refuse to trust the God of the Bible, they demand their false pastors preach false prophecies that calm their fears regarding God's wrath and their soon damnation. Somehow they think that if their pastor can make the Bible say something it doesn't really say, then all the scary truths will somehow be nullified. In fact, it was prophesied they would do this in these last days. Want proof? Check this prophetic statement out... Isaiah 30:9-10. It says "That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:"

Christian prophecy is THAT ACCURATE! But sadly, your pastor won't tell of of such things because he cannot see what God's obedient remnant people can see. In fact, the children in the SDR movement know more about end time prophecies and what's about to happen than ANY of the so called theologians and pastors of today. Think about that for a moment. There are so many truths in the doctrinal and prophetic sense that are not being understood and taught that the small amount our children know is far more than any of the so-called religious leaders of the day. The Lord truly does open His Word and especially His prophetic Word unto those that not only love and obey Him, they also want to learn from Him.

Ever notice this? Most of these secret rapture preachers share this passage in this way... They read... 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, which says, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." AND THEY STOP! Why? Check out the very next 3 verses...

Your pastor cannot preach those verses in 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 because he is in a druken stupor wandering in the darkness of night. Paul even stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:7, "For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night." And because he cannot understand the prophecies, he simply doesn't preach them.

Paul is clear when he says that that day won't overtake Christians as a thief in the night because being a child of the light of truth the obedient Christian will understand the signs of the times. The remnant people study the Word of God daily and we keep our lamps filled with oil so as to be ready for when the Bridegroom comes. If we're supposed to be raptured up, then why does Paul say " let us watch and be sober." Seriously, why watch for any of the prophecies that the Bible speaks of that happen directly before Christ returns if in fact we're not going to be here anyway? But Paul DID say, " let us watch and be sober." And so God's people do study to stay sober so as to understand the signs of the times.

By the way, are you aware that many of the prophecies the "secret rapture" preachers said will happen AFTER Christians are raptured up have already been fulfilled? I implore you to take a look at my study on the secret rapture as soon as possible as there is not a lot of time left.

Notice what Jesus says about what happens at His Second Coming...

Jesus then explains all this...

Have you ever seen an actual TARE? It's not just any weed. This is what I used to think for years. A tare looks just like wheat! In fact it looks exactly like wheat. Until harvest that is. The wheat is plump and filled with its grain, but the tares are scrawny and thin, even at harvest time. In fact, inside the tares is a small back seed that if eaten causes sleepiness no less! This parable fits perfectly with today's world. SO MANY people claim Christ as Lord. Literally billions of people on this planet "look" like Christians just as the tares look like wheat. Soon however, the harvest will be ready and those of us called to tarry through the time of Jacob's trouble will experience first hand how scrawny and thin those "Christians" really are. They will be the ones that join with Rome to have us jailed, persecuted and even killed.

And notice this as well. There is only one harvest right? And Jesus said "the harvest is the end of the world" did He not? So I ask, how can the wheat and tares grow together all the way till harvest time if the wheat had already been raptured up seven years earlier?

There is one verse in the Word of God that directly addresses the so called "Secret Rapture" in such a way that it appears to say the Lord knew this lie would be embraced in these last days. It is found in Psalm 50:3 which says, "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him."

For Him to openly declare He will not keep silent means His return will not be done in secret AT ALL! The "Secret Rapture" theory claims that it happens not only secret, but it is done in absolute SILENCE where "suddenly" millions are missing without even a sound of a trumpet from Heaven! In the movies they make they have people vanishing behind the wheel of a car, in seats on airplanes and even in beds as they sleep next to nonbelieving loved ones and none of them heard a sound. They just secretly and silently disappeared. This one verse directly exposes those many false prophets with childlike ease!

ONE LAST THING... Ask your pastor what 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 means. If he answers you, which I discern he won't, email me and we can discuss it.

I pray you are blessed.


#488 You're using a Vatican Bible moron.

YouTuber stated: "You're using a Vatican Bible moron."


Actually, no. Your priest lied to you. The Vatican bible contains the Apocrypha which are by no means inspired books. They not only promote Pagan dogma, they are confirmed uninspired in how they contradict the KJV Bible. The main reason your priest hates the KJV Bible is because how it confirmed the Popes were Antichrist. Even the preface of the original KJV declared the Popes to be Antichrist.

One more thing. The Sanctuary was not just a prophetic utterance that spoke of what Christ would do on Calvary; in the Holy Place is the Candlestick that was placed there as a symbol of the Bible. Even though Moses only penned the first 5 books of the Bible, that Candlestick had 66 items on it to prophesy how many books would eventually be in the final Bible of today. Adding the Vatican Apocryphal books changes that number drastically confirming that the Vatican Bible can in no way be the Word of God. Worse yet, there is a warning in the book of Revelation unto anyone that adds to the Bible, of which the Popes have done. Check it out, it's in Revelation 22:18 which says, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:"

As for the claim the Vatican compiled the 66 books of the Bible? That too is impossible for the God of perfection would never ask the apostate Popes of Rome to compile His book. For not only is 86.2% of Roman Catholicism not found in the Bible, Pope John Paul II admitted the Popes of Rome killed over 500,000,000 Christians that refused to bow to the Pope as a god on earth, and yes, John Paul II declared himself to be a god as did all Popes of Rome have done in writing. Historic fact confirms the Popes of Rome slaughtered hundreds of millions of people for just reading the Bible because they knew once read they would know who Antichrist was. They even declared it a FORBIDDEN BOOK in writing so as to hide the truth. Proof? The Papal decree set forth in the year 1229 A.D. by the Council of Valencia literally placed the Bible on The Index of Forbidden Books. The doctrine withholds that "it is forbidden for laymen (common man) to read the Old and New Testaments. - We forbid them most severely to have the above books in the popular vernacular." "The lords of the districts shall carefully seek out the heretics in dwellings, hovels, and forests, and even their underground retreats shall be entirely wiped out." -Council Tolosanum, Pope Gregory IX, Anno. Chr. 1229

And the church Council of Tarragona ruled that: "No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days after the promulgation of this decree, so they may be burned." -D. Lortsch, Histoire de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.

That all being said, I will pray for you so that the Lord opens your eyes soon for there is no way the God of creation would ever move the Popes of Rome to compile the Bible. I suggest you get a Bible soon dear one and I pray you study it as I did when I was a Catholic 40 years ago. For it was the Word of God alone that opened my eyes to the point I would never call someone a "moron" for loving me enough to tell me the truth. And so, I forgive you. But when you get that Bible, please go to Matthew 12:36 and read what Jesus said 2000 years ago about using such language. Perhaps then you will come to repent and be saved before plague #1 starts.


#489 Why do you say the “one man” in Isaiah 4:1 is Jesus?


See all the verses confirming the following prophetic symbols here.

Isaiah 4:1  And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

Since we already know the other symbols in the verse mean prophetically, it is understandable that some that may be new to the Word would not be able to see what the “one man” reference means. As we know, in prophecy a woman is defined as a church, and the fact there are seven women mentioned right off and we know about the seven churches and their four movements in prophecy, that symbol is easily defined. We also know that in prophecy that “bread” is defined as Scripture. This definition is found in many areas of the Bible but my favorite has to be the symbolism of the Shewbread in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary, which we know represents the Word of God. And finally, we also know as students of prophecy that the apparel in the verse means our walk as is obvious in the prophetic Word as well. But the “one man” being mentioned here, and the desire of those claiming to be believers in the verse who do admit to studying the Word as the reference to “eating” mentioned here confirms, and we all know what Jeremiah meant when he said in Jeremiah 15:16 unto the Lord that “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.” Since they claim to study the Word as well as walk in its instruction, and we know Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh as per John 1:14, then this is where we can see that the ”one man” mentioned has to be Jesus Christ.

But, I am aware that not all will see it that way by merely declaring it as I just did, and so I must say that first and foremost we need to realize who is speaking here. No, it’s not Isaiah, even though it’s a verse from his inspired book. We as Christians agree that the one speaking is the Holy Spirit. For our God used man to pen the Holy Writ, but He never allowed Him to add to or take away from what was to be written. And so with that in mind, who is the “one man” being referenced here?

Again, since this is the Holy Spirit who is on the same page as the Father and the Son, and we see this type of language in the Word many times; in fact, some may even see it as evidence of the writing style of our God, which in ancient terms is called the Rabbinic Code, that being the case, since our God is all knowing and He is the one speaking here, when He says “one man” who on earth would be the one man that represents the truth as it is written in a way that no other man can represent? Is it not written in Romans 3:10 that “…There is none righteous, no, not one:”

The Holy Spirit knows that if a Christian would seek to follow the Lord and His Word, then that one man can only be Jesus Christ who is the “one man” on earth that never sinned in any way, shape or form. For God to say “one man” is a bold statement in the same way that He stated to Moses in Exodus 3:14, “I AM THAT I AM.”

For God to say they want to take hold of “one man,” which the verse proves has the much needed “bread and apparel” that if eaten and worn would “take away” their reproach, then we know that our God is declaring that the “one man” to be the only man that ever lived who was sinless and righteous to the point He could offer the bread of life and garments of righteousness. For did not Jesus declare in John 6:48 that, "I am that bread of life." And is it not also declared in Isaiah 61:10 that, "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels."

What most miss here is that because the churches say they will eat their "OWN" bread and wear their "OWN" apparel, this means they don't want the “bread” or “apparel” of the "one man" Jesus Christ; wherein if they were to truly declare to be a follower unto Him, the promised Holy Spirit within them would in fact take away their shame by prodding their hearts towards true repentance and confession.

The basic reality here is, those of us that do want "HIS" bread as well as a pure walk in "HIS" granted obedient garments, we do have eyes to see that they that seek to read the Bible in their OWN ways and walk in their OWN ways are self-deceived. For Jesus was rather plain when He said in Matthew 7:16  Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? And Jesus also spoke through His prophet Isaiah and then echoed those very words when He walked among us when He said in Mark 7:6-8, "...Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do."

In short, Isaiah 4:1 is all about today's apostate churches that teach and command from their man-made creeds. As we learned over the years, some even go so far as to declare certain Bible verses should be removed from the Scriptures because they openly expose their creeds as wicked, fleshly and not of God.


#490 The Sabbath is not Saturday OR Sunday!

Sunday is not the Sabbath and neither is Saturday! The Jewish Sabbath starts on sundown of Friday. If you want to convert to Judaism, you need to do so and stop pretending that you observe Sabbath by having your church meeting on Saturdays. If you claim that those who hold theirs on Sundays worship the Roman sungod, then the Seventh-Day Adventists worship the Roman god, Saturn. Saturday is named after him. Believers in Jesus Christ do not deify any day. Only God is holy and we worship Him 24/7. I hope you have a Bible. If you do, read Colossians 2:16-23


Dear one;

Do a study on this and you will see that the Sabbath is not "Jewish" at all. In fact, the angels kept Sabbath long before a Jew was ever born. Proof? Notice Psalms 103:20. It says, "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word."

Secondly, the Sabbath is not only "Friday evening" as you have been taught. The Sabbath begins on Friday Sunset yes, but  it lasts till Saturday Sunset. Look in Genesis and you will see how the dark part of the day comes first on every day of creation.

As for SDA's. No, I am not SDA. In fact I expose them as is my duty. They are fallen exactly as prophesied on my other site... https://SDAapostasy.org

As for the names of the days, that is not how days are declared in Scripture. It doesn't matter what man calls each day of the week for man did not create those days, the Lord Jesus Christ did. As per many verses in the Scripture, all the days of the week were numbered. But day 6 (which we call Friday) was called preparation day. Day 7 (Saturday) was called Sabbath, which as I stated earlier started at sundown on the day we now call Friday. Pagans created the names so as to glorify the Sun god Baal. In fact, it was prophesied the Pagans would create a so-called "Christian" church and changed the Bible Sabbath to SUNday and "all the world" would "wonder after" this beast of a church. Proof? See this study I did years ago... https://remnantofgod.org/romeadmits.htm

As for obedient believers deifying any day of the week, no, this is not true. Obedient Christians obey the Law of God and it clearly says in Exodus 20:8-11 that the Seventh Day is the Sabbath. It is not deified, but it is sanctified by God Himself. And sanctification means it was "set apart for holy use." Proof, notice what it says in Genesis 2:1-3. It says, "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

As for your claim that every day is Sabbath for you, then I must inform you that you must quit your job, for it is sin to work on the Sabbath day. The Sabbath was set apart and sanctified for holy use. That means if you work on Sabbath, you desecrate it and that is sin. And just so you know, yes, we worship God on every workday of the week. But when it comes to the sanctified day of the week that we are commanded to rest as our God did, we obey Him who as Creator also RESTED on that very same day after creating all that is seen and unseen. In fact, Jesus even RESTED in the tomb on the 7th day 2000 years ago. Even the Christian women refused to anoint His dead body until AFTER Sabbath as well. It states clearly in Mark 16:1 "And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him."

As for Colossian 2:16-23, that speaks of the ceremonial laws (feast days) that were given to Moses that prophecy declared were to end at the cross. And yes, that is why Jesus said "It is finished" directly before He died and that is also why the temple vail ripped in two when He died signifying the feast days held in the temple for eons were no longer needed. The Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world did exactly as those feast days illustrated He was supposed to do. Those "Sabbaths" mentioned in Colossians 2 were the annual feast days. Please read Leviticus 23 and you will see all of them listed as "holy convocations." (Sabbaths) But make special note of verse 38 that says these annual Sabbaths are "besides the Sabbath of the Lord." If Colossians 2 is really about the weekly Sabbath as your pastor claims, then please ask him to show you where in commandment #4 that it speaks of "meat and drink offerings or new moons." That CONFIRMS Colossians 2:16 is speaking of the annual FEAST DAYS wherein they do have "meat, drink offerings and new moon" celebrations. But in commandment #4, no such things are declared.

I pray you are blessed. :)


#491 Is the 501c3 a mystery? Or do the church leaders really know what they're doing?

You have a lot to say about 501c3 status, do you happen to have or know how to obtain the gov. contract of churches? Is there such a thing or is it kept all in the gray and nobody really knows? Do churches, even leaders, know what is required? Can the gov. just say out of the blue, "You are out of compliance with 501 c3 rules and come in and confiscate everything? Churches signed up for 501c3 in the 40s and 50s. I kept thinking, "Church has existed for thousands of years, isn't there some kind of grandfather recognition? Why does a church have to cease being a church and become an organization?"

The internet was a maze of confusion, so I ask you.


First and foremost, the contract is quite clear as to what's required for anyone seeking tax free status, 100% of every church that has a 501c3 MUST read the contract before signing. In fact, most even go so far as to have a lawyer read it for them before signing so they know exactly what they signed onto. In other words, it's no mystery. Anyone can read the contract by simply applying for it.

Secondly, the reason so many sign unto it is because they cannot see the danger of doing so due to their sinful lifestyles outside the church as well as their apostate ways inside the church. The Lord will not give them eyes to see the danger unless they obey Him. Their disobedience shouts unto the Lord they don't want much of His input in life. This is why I have said so many times before, the only way to understand both doctrine and prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it. Jesus even said in John 8:47 that, "He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." Christianity is not rocket science. If you obey, the God of creation blesses you, if you disobey Him, His blessings are no longer yours to receive.

The fact the 501c3 is such an easy prophecy to see fulfilled by the way its written by lawmakers hell bent on doing as their dying god demands of them, proves how blinded the so-called religious leaders of the world truly are. The 501c3 contract clearly requires the church to join with the state as an exact duplicate of the church & state beast system in Rome and this is something that even an oibedient babe in Christ can see as open sin by simply reading what Jesus said in Matthew 22:21 which is, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." Seriously, that's about as blunt as it gets.

That blunt fact alone declares not only are the pastors, preachers and ministers in these churches blind to God’s will on this, and therefore should not be standing as leaders in any church as Jesus declared in Matthew 24:11 many false prophets will do so anyway in these last days. What they're doing all over the world reveals to those of us with eyes that do see that they are openly and willfully denying the Lord Jesus Christ, who they claim to follow, so as to gain riches by making “merchandise” of their flock exactly as 2Peter 2:3 prophesied they would.

As for how to get a 501c3. It’s as easy as surfing the web. There are many websites explaining how step by step here… https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+get+a+501c3&t=opera&ia=web And if you want to find out if your pastors has a 501c3, just click this link to find out. https://501c3lookup.org


#492 Was the "10 Commandments of Climate Change" signed into Law?

Good afternoon Pastor, Thanks for your response to my last e-mail to you, am grateful sir, Did the meeting on mt Sinai held on the 13th of Nov pass the 10 commandment on climate change into law? Please can you kindly send me the app of your hymnal? Or you can send it to me in any format that it is available, Thanks.


No, there is no such law on the books as they have to change the Constitutions of many nations including the USA to allow for religious laws. Most nations did in fact change their constitutions back when Pope John Paul II demanded those nations that he visited during his pontificate. But he was not able to get all of them to bow in worship before he died. When they do these political events other political leaders see it and they are then tempted to join them for two reasons. #1, they join out of fear of assassination due to everyone else following the Popes demands. And #2, they do so as to gain more power for themselves politically. They all know if they bow to the Pope in any political agenda it means they will have a powerful friend in the Pope who they also know has already been slated back in 2009 to be the moral leader of the New World Order. And so, shaking his hand will allow for untold riches and power.

By the way, the agenda against the sovereign nations and their constitution was made clear long before John Paul II even came to office when the statements regarding same was "imprimitured" globally by Cardinal Hayes in 1922. It was stated back then "Constitutions can be changed, and non-Catholic sects may decline to such a point that the political proscription [ban] of them may become feasible and expedientWhat protection would they have against a Catholic state?" -The State and the Church, pp.38,39, by Miller and Ryan, imprimatur of Cardinal Hayes.

Their so-called, "ten commandments on climate change” was only a political ploy. They did it to gain more power from other leaders that have yet to bow to Rome. What they did was mostly for show as well as to blaspheme the Creator God. The reason it’s so important to use this political stunt of theirs as a harbinger unto all with eyes that see is because we have been warning people for literally decades now that they will use climate change to enforce the mark, and when they gathered at the fake Mt Sinai location that is found in the maps of all the bogus bibles out there, it proved we the remnant people were blessed with 100% discernment from our King Jesus that they are in fact working to get the power to enforce the mark of the beast in ALL nations. Which we also know will happen a lot sooner than all the apostate preachers could ever imagine. Sadly, all those sitting in those fallen churches that have joined with the State will also be caught off guard when Jesus returns. This is why Jesus said through the apostle Peter 2000 years ago in 2 Peter 3:10-13 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?  (13)  Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."

As for the hymnal app? I have no such app. Only a link on my server to some of our SDR music located here… https://remnantofgod.org/music/

If you have internet on your phone, then you can go to this link and hear the music.


#493 I don't need a church or a Sabbath day to worship God

You can worship The Lord any day of the week at any time or hour and in any place you'd like. It need not be a building and it need not be with a set amount of people. Wherever 2 or more are gathered He is there.


The Lord SPECIFICALLY stated the SEVENTH DAY of the week is the Sabbath. Rewriting commandment #4 will only place you under God's wrath and I pray you change your mind on this. This is why that commandment starts with the word REMEMBER. The Lord knew Satan would use a bevy of ways to get people to FORGET this particular commandment. For this is the one Commandment that if kept, proves to all looking on as to the true God you worship. For The Bible says the Creator God chose the seventh day of the week and as we know by looking at all the churches that keep Sunday holy, as prophesied Satan got all of them to forget the Sabbath day.

Do you recall when God told Adam and Eve not to eat of a particular tree in the garden? Not only was the tree good for food, like all the other trees, its fruit was lovely to look upon according to Genesis 3:6 which says, "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."

My point here is this, the tree was not poisonous. It was actually "good for food" just like all the other trees in that garden of Heavenly abundance. Surely the eating of fruit from one tree would be no different than the eating of another, right? But the Lord specifically said in Genesis 2:17, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it."

The Lord Himself could have picked any tree He wanted because He knew He was using it only as a test of loyalty unto Adam and Eve. In other words, it wasn't up to Adam or Eve to choose which tree they could or could not eat from so as to please the Lord. The Lord didn't ask them to pick a tree to refuse. No, He said don't eat or touch of the one particular tree lest ye die, and it was up to them to show their loyalty to Him in trust and obedience. Does this seem logical? Not at all to those with eyes clouded by sin as we all are.

The fruit was obviously "good for food" as far as we can see yes, and so the truth here is that "not" eating of it was a test of loyalty and trust towards God by Adam and Eve when they obeyed. Nothing more, nothing less!

Why then would anyone want to keep Sabbath on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or any other day of the week when the Lord Himself specifically said to keep day Seven holy? Yes, all the others days look just as worthy as what we now call Saturday for going to church as far as we can see. But the clear and present truth on this is that we have a thus saith the Lord here just like Adam and Eve did 6000 years ago. As Christians that study His Word, we know that we worship a God that never changes as he see declared in both the Old and New Testament verses that said the following.

And since Adam and Eve were commanded to obey Him, why would we be allowed to disobey Him when in fact He never changes at all. Is it not written in Jeremiah 38:20 to "Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the LORD, which I speak unto thee: so it shall be well unto thee, and thy soul shall live." -Jeremiah 38:20

Sounds like the exact same warning given to Adam and Eve that in a nutshell said if they obey the Lord, they will not die. Basic reality here is that you cannot add or take away from His Scripture for in so doing you will literally bring the seven last plagues upon you and your family. Check it out, it's clearly stated as such in Revelation.

And this isn't saying ONLY Revelation. For it is also written in Deuteronomy 4:2, "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."

Again, He never changes and this is why His will is the same in the Old as well as the New Testament. And as for the prophecies being mentioned, the word "REMEMBER" is in fact the only prophetic statement in all of the Ten Commandments.

I pray you are blessed.


 #494 What does Ecclesiastes 4:5 mean?


Ecclesiastes 4:5  The fool foldeth his hands together, and eateth his own flesh.

There’s a physical and spiritual way to look at this verse. When a fool is mentioned it’s always speaking of the man that doesn’t believe in God in a certain area of his life or all together as the atheist who doesn't believe God for any aspect of life; for it is plainly written in Psalms 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

And when it comes to the fool that doesn't believe in God's will in a certain area of life, that has to do with some Christians who believe the way they want to believe in everything from dress reform to health reform because their flesh is far more important to them than loving, trusting and obeying God. Isaiah 4:1 speaks of them in a prophetic way as being the norm in the last days and this is easily seen as a fulfilled prophetic fact due the many false prophets as Jesus called them in Matthew 24:11, or apostate "pastors" as we call them today who cannot preach truth due to their disobedience to the God of the Bible who must be obeyed to understand doctrine and prophecy. On top of that, being in the last days all these fallen pastors preach from what we know to be bogus Bibles with thousands of verses missing. That fact alone causes billions of people to believe in "another Jesus" as Paul prophesied in 2 Corinthians 11:4.

Plus the folding of hands depicts a fool who refuses to “..lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.” as Lamentations 3:41 says those that love God will do. And yes, this is why the Catholic church taught their people to do this and now most people claiming to be Protestant Christians do the same due to yet another prophecy being fulfilled as we see penned in Revelation 13:3 that says, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

To fold ones hands in prayer is to copy that which Pagans of old did. They were instructed by their dying god (Satan) to deny the God of Heaven by closing hands in prayer in direct defiance to that which is written as well as stand in defiance and even look down towards the world they love instead of looking up to "God in the heavens." Today, nearly all Christian churches fold hands and even stand in prayer looking down exactly as the Pagans of old did and the Vatican taught them. But then, these are the end days wherein this is prophesied to be the norm and so pray for them and pray for yourself in that soon you will receive the Latter Rain to go forth with truth that will help many of them escape the clutches of Satan in all the fallen churches.

The folding of the hands also speaks of the man that refuses to get off his couch and work for a living. For the hand represents the man’s God given ability to work so as to buy and sell in prophecy, and yes, this is something we see clearly as the first phase of the mark of the beast being administered in Revelation 13:16-18 that says;

Revelation 13:16-18  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  (17)  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  (18)  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

I purposely read all the way to verse 18 because due to the many false prophets out there, many people believe the 666 is the mark when in fact it's the number of a man's name. And if you would like an quick explanation to this prophesied fact that exposes every Pope since day one in the Vatican, check out my 666 page when you get time.


#495 Have you heard of the "3 earth ages?"

Today I was presented something that I have never heard of and was wondering if you have. I have studied my bible for years and honestly never heard of it until today and still i do not believe it is biblical. This is what was spoken to me today after a question was posted about being "born again".....the response was "to know about being born again. You must know about the three earth ages. Peter talks about. We are all born again when our mother gave birth to us. (Your mom gave birth to you like my mom gave birth to me. So forth and so on) that’s born again. You were alive in the first earth age." I stated that it was not biblical, and they responded back with this, "so you have never heard of three earth ages??? That was, the age we are in now and the one to come. Its written. You have been told, bye. Check out 2 Peter KJV it’s explained in that book. Check it out for yourself". I stated to this person that I have read 2 Peter over and over again and this is not what Peter was saying. My question is, have you heard of this and what is your thoughts on it? Thank you.


I never heard of it and it is nowhere to be found in the Bible. But I am not surprised such things are being taught as these are the end of days and so we can expect all sorts of deceptive theories to pull the people off the path so that when the Loud Cry goes forth, most will be too confused and faithless to be able to embrace the final warning as truth due to all the fancy lies that have them spiritually brainwashed which helps Satan cause them to burn to ash in hellfire with him. The enemy of souls knows his time is extremely short and so he is doing all he can to lure people into his dying camp of damnation.

The fact the person says to you, "Check out 2 Peter KJV it’s explained in that book" yet never gives a single Bible verse to explain his doctrine proves this to be someone who has never studied or even believed the Word of God. Making up doctrines, traditions and even all the false prophecies out there from a seven year tribulation to a secret rapture exposes all of them. If they cannot use the Bible to prove their doctrine then you know for a fact it's simply not true.

The Bible only speaks of being born again twice as you know. Once in John 3 and again in 1Peter 1. As Jesus revealed unto Nicodemus that night, when we are born of our mother, which if course being born of the flesh, in life we will hopefully come to accept Jesus as Saviour from this awful and very weak flesh driven world to the point if eternal life entices us as well as a deep seated love of God to the point of being obedient unto His written Word, we will then be blessed with new life or “born again” as John and Peter described it wherein the “old man” dies and we become a new creature in Christ.

Paul described this born again doctrine rather well when he said in Romans 6:6-8, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.  (7)  For he that is dead is freed from sin.  (8)  Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:" You might also want to look at Ephesians 4:22, Colossians 3:9 and 2 Corinthians 5:17 as well for further wisdom on this.

The basic reality is this, Jesus is the Word made flesh and when we embrace His Word as truth, and I mean REAL truth and not just an idea we run with so as to please a spouse, loved one or a preacher, when we embrace real truth to the point of allowing it to change our way of thinking, the corrupted seed of the world is killed off and we then walk anew in Christ’s incorruptible seed of His Word.

You have done well in Christ to question their theology and strange extrabiblical claims as that too is a fruit of an obedient child of God seeking only to do as the Lord commands and not man. The Bereans of old where known to have this fruit. Check it out, it's in Acts 17:10-11. It says, "And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.  (11)  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

Stay in daily study of the Bible dear sister and you will grow stronger and stronger in Christ with each passing day to where people like those that knowingly or even unknowingly would preach lies to pull people from Christ will be easily seen as dangerous and very easy to avoid. In fact, when those that come against us in the SDR movement seek to lure people away they often sneak into the church hoping to find newcomers they can dazzle with craftily twisted Scripture and not one of them will ever come to anyone in the church known to be a leader. But what amazes me is how even the babes are protected by the Lord wherein the promise of John 14:26 blesses them with truths they can use to combat the lies and sometimes even plant a seed of truth in the hearts of those seeking to lure them into sin. For it was plainly written in 1 Peter 3:15-16  But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:  (16)  Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ."

And yes, if they are not open to the truth they will "speak evil of you" when their lies are not accepted. That too is a fruit that can be easily seen in those that hear the truth we present and because they cannot refute it, the evil spirit within them is angered in the same way the Holy Spirit in us rejoices when we embrace, trust and share His truth with others.


#496 Strangest claim I've ever heard regarding "the Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10

YT Comment #1: - The Lord's day is judgment day . John was making reference to "the day of the Lord" judgment day.

My Response:

Thank you for sharing. But we are Christians that only trust the Word of God. Please share the Bible verses with their prophetic symbols defined that prove "The Lord's Day" is a judgment day.


I do agree that The Seventh-Day Sabbath can be referred to as the Lord's day because it is his holy day nevertheless the phrase Lord's day is only found one time in the Bible where John was in the spirit and saw what was to happen on judgment day. Judgment day is the day of the Lord found 5 times in the Bible. AC. 2:20 1Co 5:5 (2Co 1:14)(1Th5:2) DAY OF THE LORD (2Pe 3:10) DAY OF THE LORD (Re 1:10- LORDS DAY. Also according to my Spanish Bible in Re 1;10 John was in the spirit on the day of the Lord.

My Final Response:

Dear one;

You left out one very important verse that proves the Lord's day is not a "judgment day," and that verse is specifically speaking of the Sabbath. See this in Isaiah 58:13, "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:"

As for all your verses presented, I must obey my Father in Heaven and warn you that, I checked each and everyone of them and none are in context or even in the slightest of doctrinal or prophetic definition with John being in the Spirit on the Lord's day when receiving the vision. In order for you to make the claim you need to add to the Bible something that was never said. And I must wholeheartedly warn you that according to Revelation 22:18, you are in danger of receiving the plagues for doing so. You need to repent.

And if you're interested, I can lock down the truth as it is presented regarding the Lord's day" in Revelation 1:10. The word "day" in that verse comes from the Greek word "heymera" meaning.. "the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours." And in Isaiah 58:13 when it comes to "my holy day" the Hebrew version of the word "day" in the verse is "yom" and again, that too is defined as "from sunrise to sunset." Seeing how that definition matches perfectly to the one used in the Greek found in Revelation 1:10, that proves your teacher lied to you about that Bible verse and I pray you get out of that church before the plagues begin. And if you were the one that lied on your own to me seeking to lure me or others off the path by posting this on a public forum like YouTube, then I implore you to repent, you are in grave danger of the plagues.

QUESTION: I have to ask, as I have seen this type of "back and forth" many times in the past. Are you a Catholic priest? (He never responded.. please pray for him, his name is "Louis H...")


#497 The Bible says everyone will have the mark

The mark of the beast is sin. The buying and selling represents this material world beast system. We have the mark either in our thoughts or actions and because of our imperfect state we continue to sin as soon as we enter this world. The Bible says that everyone will have the mark. We are all at first marked with our sin before we enter this world. Only Jesus Christ can save us from our sins and redeem us. In order for us to be worthy of life without death, we must have the name of Jesus Christ written on our forehead. We must have our focus on Jesus Christ and not be of this beast system. We must be born again in Jesus Christ.


2 Peter 1:20-21 is very plain. It says, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."

What you're doing here Andy is giving your own "private interpretation" about the mark of the beast and that is a VERY dangerous thing to do as a Christian; for all that do such things are false prophets in the eyes of our God who defined 100% of every single symbol in the Bible for us. Proof? See this study I have online... https://remnantofgod.org/books/docs/REV/Revelation.htm.

We must never place our own opinion above that which is written by the very God we worship. Especially in these last days when the mark is actually going to be enforced. All that's needed to enforce it now is already set in place. Everything from all items sold in stores, online or offline must have a digital bar code so as to verify as well as identify the seller of each item as well as make it childishly easy to not only refuse the seller the option to sell his goods without agreeing with the global mandate that all must keep Sunday holy so as to stop the disasters that are right now ramping up to the very day they do this, to preventing the common man from buying anything using digital cash, which is soon to be the norm due to the great reset that looks to remove all cash so as to digitize the monetary systems of the one world government that allows them the option per each human on earth the ability to buy food or anything else without agreeing with the Vatican's global mandate of Sunday laws.

And by the way, nowhere in the Bible does it say the "everyone will have the mark." To say such a thing is "adding" to the prophetic Scripture, and if you refuse to repent of this sin, the plagues of Revelation will be upon you. Proof? Read the warning in Revelation 22:18-19, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

The truth regarding this is that the devil will TRY to "mark everyone." But Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that the elect CANNOT be deceived. And as per Revelation 14:12, the obedient people of God will NEVER receive the mark because we have Jesus as Lord and we keep His law.

As for claiming "We are all at first marked with our sin before we enter this world" that Andy is a Roman Catholic lie called "the original sin" dogma. Dear one, you need to leave the Catholic church (beast system) to see such things for in such a church it is taught never to study the Word of God and only trust the priests, prelates and Popes who are Antichrists filled with demonic twists on Scripture. And before you comment back to say "I am not Catholic," remember this, another prophecy found in Revelation 13:3-4 is that "all the world" will wonder after this beast." That means you don't even have to be a member in a Catholic church to be considered Catholic. Just to name a few, if you keep Sunday holy, celebrate Christmas and Easter, or believe in a 7 year trib or secret rapture, you ARE Roman Catholic for all those doctrinal lies and much more were first taught by Catholic priests, prelates and popes. Proof? See my main site wherein I have over 16,000 pages exposing the Roman Catholic Vatican at https://remnantofgod.org

Please see what the Bible really says about the mark of the beast here... https://remnantofgod.org/mark.htm


#498 Did you say a planet exploded near us?

Good evening Pastor Nic,

I was wondering if you could tell me the scripture about the expanding of the Earth and the planet exploding into the astroid belt? That really fascinated me! I've never heard that before!  I thought you said it was scripture; or wherever it may be! 


Dear sister;

The planet exploding creating the asteroid belt is not mentioned in Scripture. But we now know that a gravitational change of this magnitude as recorded in Scripture during Peleg's day would cause a massive issue for any planet in our solar system that was designed by our God to be easily ruptured. Why would He create such a planet? For many reason's I'm sure, but I would think mostly to protect us in ways Jupiter and the other larger planets can't. What I mean is, just as Jupiter is positioned in such a way to draw asteroids to crash land on it instead of our planet as one just did in October of 2021, the asteroid belt deflects countless more asteroids. Still some get through as we just saw last October 4th and 5th when four asteroids did a fly by of our planet on what the Jews still declare to be their judgment day, or "Yom Kipper" as they call it.

But getting back to that asteroid belt, check out these five articles out of over 9 million listed online that I just found the other day after surfing for a few moments to further lock down my response to you.

As for the planet swelling to where the continents formed and spread apart to where they are today; online we find quite a few articles touching on the fact that the ring of fire, as it's called today, is actually showing signs of awakening. And not just little creeping insignificant signs either. I have a growing list of articles and videos on my 7 last plagues page all about all the volcanic eruptions happening on earth. Check out plague #5 when you get time. I would think you're going to be shocked as to how many volcanoes have come to life since I started logging the events in August of 2000.

The ring of fire is a collection of volcanoes that are positioned in various places all around the world. Strange thing here is, they are all located on the ancient continental divide that Christians believe occurred long ago, in the days of Peleg when the Lord "divided the earth" as 1 Chronicles 1:19 describes it. In other words, all the continents used to be connected in one massive continent called Pangea. But during Peleg's day, (his entire lifetime that is) the Lord slowly caused them to part and drift across the oceans.

Looking at a map of the world today, one can see how the eastern seaboard of South America fits snugly into the Western shores of Africa. There are many animations online that show how the continents drifted to their present positions if you're interested.

When the continents separated, it appears the areas in which they split became less stable over time. In fact, volcanoes have formed all along this unstable areas, which stretches for about 25,000 miles along four of the world's continents as well as some island chains. This collection of volcanoes fairly recently became active again and were eventually tagged the ring of fire as I stated earlier due to their volcanic activities. For decades scientists have been warning about this, yet lately the warnings have all but stopped. But not the activity.


#499 You SDR's anger some people way too much

End time prophecy appears to be angering many people today. Why not just preach love and peace sermons instead?


Yes I agree, many don’t like to hear about prophetic events because they may claim it’s too far-fetched. Even though all of it is easy to show fulfilled using documented records. But my experience shows they don’t want to hear it because it scares them. Hence the “smooth” reference in Isaiah 30:10. In fact, more than a few pastors have admitted over the years that if they preached what we preach, their churches would empty fast because the people don’t want to hear it and so, let them preach the lovey dovey stuff. As is sadly obvious, nary a one is moved to repent by it anymore than does Bingo nights in a Catholic church.

As for making videos that might get them to see the love of God… what happened on Calvary 2000 years ago was the most loving act ever presented to mankind from the Lord. Yet most to this day ignore it. So preaching the nice things won’t work for the lost. That’s all they hear anyway. If you notice, in the Word of God such messages only work in an edifying manner with believers that have already repented and due to their studies know what time it is. In fact, once the plagues start, and if I am blessed to be in that number, I am done preaching. If I am to be among the 144,000 believers at that time, 100% of my sermons will only be on edification because each and everyone of us already know what’s going to happen next. In fact, we already know now what's coming thanks to our daily Bible studies.

The prophesied “present truth” message of today is to be proclaimed by the obedient bride of Christ to warn the people at this time. And part of our obedience has to do with sharing this message far and wide. And soon, each of us will be called to do it in ways that will enlighten every person on earth with the hopes many will agree with it and bow in worship to Christ. Hence the reason it’s called a “loud cry.” In fact, both Jeremiah and Ezekiel knew all too well about how warning the people worked very well in their day. Jeremiah saw many repent inside the city to the point it upset the king with fears of a military coup, and Ezekiel saw the people do the same while inside Babylon once under captivity. Both men were given bold messages from the Lord to tell the people to repent. And it worked.

The basic prophetic reality here is that it is prophesied that we, the “remnant of her seed” will go forth in the exact same Spirit of Elijah that John the Baptist preached with regarding repenting and making their path straight to be ready to meet the Lord. And John only preached repentance in His day so as to make all realize they needed to be ready for the Lord. And it worked. Many sought Jesus out when He finally arrived.

As for the uplifting message in the Bible. Yes, it’s there for a reason just as the warning to repent is there for a reason. As Ecclesiastes 3 states, there’s a “time” for everything. At present, it is time to warn the people.

People that email me their thanks, and I have hundreds of them now, all say more or less the same thing. They said the sermons about the love of God in their apostate churches did nothing for them at all due to apostate complacency. In fact, they all preach the same thing week after week so as to allow for every type of sin to appear as a lesser issue because the feel good sermons grant them a sense of peace and safety when they gather. But the people that email me also knew things were looking very bad in the world and declaring God loves to them wasn’t answering their questions. They were still very scared and annoyed by what’s going on out there and even more concerned that their pastors never spoke on it or even declared prophecy was being fulfilled. They all knew deep within that all the nice things about God are good and a blessing to hear, but it all mounts to a hill of beans when they know they are also being disobedient to Him. All those wonderful things of God are ONLY promised for the obedient. The disobedient cannot claim a single promise. Not one. They all tell me it wasn’t until they heard our present truth message to repent that they finally realized they actually needed to repent. And so.. as it did in Ezekiel’s, Jeremiah’s, John’s and even Jesus’ day of visitation, it works today.

By the way.. remember Jonah and how his bold message of warning worked to get all of Nineveh to repent, including the king? The Lord told him to only declare repentance unto the people and because he obeyed, ALL OF THEM repented.

Don’t get me wrong though. Preaching a loving sermon once and a while is good, and I and many SDR preachers do often share words of encouragement to the believers in the church in sermons or in studies because they too have repented and thanks to the Holy Spirit moving upon them, they do strive unto perfection as best they can which moves their lips to declare others need to do so as well. But for the people of the world, we must echo the message of Elijah and John. The people need to make their paths straight for the coming of the Lord. Truth is, in so doing, they not only know prophecy is being fulfilled, they also realize they need to accept then obey Jesus as Lord, King and Saviour. And so, present truth isn't just about prophecy. Prophecy is merely the catalyst that makes those with eyes that see realize Christ has died, Christ is risen and Christ will come again.


#500 What was Jesus writing in the dust with His finger?

It says in John 8:6, "This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not."


Let's take a deeper look into this as it's recorded by the apostle John.

John 8:1-11  Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.  (2)  And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.  (3)  And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,  (4)  They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.  (5)  Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?  (6)  This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.  (7)  So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.  (8)  And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.  (9)  And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.  (10)  When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?  (11)  She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Looking back at verse 9, we see the word "heard" in this verse would be better translated with today's light as "understood." (G191) I say that because they saw that Jesus  was writing THEIR SINS in the dust in verses 6 and 8. The fact they heard or "understood" as also Strongs's G191 defines means they were "convicted" as is also noted in verse 9 and therefore they left one by one. The fact they were convicted proves they had to know what Jesus was writing on the ground.

When I first saw this in the light the Lord intended some years ago, I wondered at first; did they drop the stones and walk away because they feared He would out them personally seeing how they saw Him write their own sins in the dust? I mean, after all, they knew he had power from the Father to do things no man had ever done before and so yes, I do believe they feared being exposed publicly as sinners and hypocrites, for repentance was not a frequent fruit of these hypocrites back then nor is it the norm for them today as we have seen when many scoffers that have come against us and then exposed as liars by anyone opening a Bible to see they twisted what we preach, none ever repent, apologize, or try to lie their way out of their hypocrisy. They all just walk off back in the darkness from which they came.

Still, just to further lock this down, notice what it says in ministry of healing.

"Should Jesus acquit the woman, He might be charged with despising the law of Moses. Should He declare her worthy of death, He could be accused to the Romans as one who assumed authority belonging only to them.  {MH 88.1} -1905

Jesus looked upon the scene--the trembling victim in her shame, the hard-faced dignitaries, devoid of even human pity. His spirit of stainless purity shrank from the spectacle. Giving no sign that He had heard the question, He stooped and, fixing His eyes upon the ground, began to write in the dust.  {MH 88.2}

Impatient at His delay and apparent indifference the accusers drew nearer, urging the matter upon His attention. But as their eyes, following those of Jesus, fell upon the pavement at His feet, their voices were silenced. There, traced before them, were the guilty secrets of their own lives.  {MH 88.3}

Rising, and fixing His eyes upon the plotting elders, Jesus said, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." Verse 7. And, stooping down, He continued writing.  {MH 88.4}

He had not set aside the Mosaic law nor infringed upon the authority of Rome. The accusers were defeated. Now, their robes of pretended holiness torn from them, they stood, guilty and condemned, in the presence of infinite purity. Trembling lest the hidden iniquity of their lives should be laid open to the multitude, with bowed heads and downcast eyes they stole away, leaving their victim with the pitying Saviour.  {MH 88.5}

Also notice this...

"Although doing this without apparent design, Jesus was tracing on the ground, in legible characters, the particular sins of which the woman’s accusers were guilty, beginning with the eldest and ending with the youngest. At length the Pharisees became impatient at the indifference of Jesus, and his delay in deciding the question before him, and drew nearer, urging the matter. But as their eyes fell upon the words written in the sand, fear and surprise took possession of them. The people, looking on, saw their countenances suddenly change, and pressed forward to discover what they were regarding with such an expression of astonishment and shame. Many of those who thus gathered round also read the record of hidden sin inscribed against these accusers of another." { 2SP 350.1 } 

And this...

"The scribes and Pharisees brought to him a woman whom they accused as guilty of breaking the seventh commandment. They said to him, "Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground." Curiosity led them to draw near, and read what was written on the ground. There they saw their own sins plainly stated,--sins of a far more aggravated character than that into which she had been betrayed; for her accusers had induced her to sin, that they might lay a snare for Christ. And they which heard the words of Christ, "being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last."  {RH, January 10, 1893 par. 6} 


#501 Please explain the sheet that descends 3 times, the seal of God and the 144,000?

Good morning pastor Nicholas,

Thank you for your speedy reply. And thank you for information about the Bible studies.

Earlier today I had a positive conversation with _____. I referred her to several passages in Genesis concerning what constitutes a Biblical day (sundown to sundown) and what God says about Sabbath. I believe there was some progress made. I will keep praying for her. She is still confused about who will have the seal of God, the 144000 and who will be saved. She is also in need of learning about clean and unclean foods. She thinks that according to Acts 10:11 you can eat anything. 

Thank you for your help,

Your friend in Christ,


Your friend is confused about Acts 10:11 because her pastor lied to her as prophesied by Christ when He outed all the apostate pastors of today as “the many false prophetsHe spoke of in Matthew 24:11. Her pastor never told her that Peter defined the vision he had about the “unclean foods” in Acts 10. The reason the sheet came down “3 times” is because “three unclean men” were knocking on his door. Peter actually explains that vision later on in that chapter and even more so in Acts 11:5-18. Here’s a summary of that truth in Scripture…

3.5 years after the cross of Christ, Peter receives a vision of the Lord. As we know, the Word says Peter misunderstood the vision in Acts 10:17. Because of this misunderstanding, Peter confidently declares to the Lord while in vision that he has never eaten anything unclean. However, the Lord keeps saying “kill and eat” and Peter keeps saying no, nothing unclean has entered my mouth! (See Acts 11:8) Again, keep in mind that this is happening 3.5 years after the cross when some say it was ok to eat pork, or other unclean foods directly after Jesus died on the cross. They claim when He said "it is finished" that means even the health laws of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. But even science declares with graphic proof that eating unlean animals is a slow poison to the human body. Later on in the very same book of Acts we see Peter contemplates the vision of the sheet, and finally understands it completely. In fact, he understands it so clearly that he then shares with those looking on what it really meant.

So.. how is it they say you can eat pork after Christ's death, when Peter sees the vision was meant for MAN and not animals?

Everyone that misunderstands the vision will see as did Peter the day he received it, they will see unclean ANIMALS being cleansed instead of unclean Gentiles being cleansed because the same God that defines prophetic symbolism is the very same God that defines doctrinal symbolism. After all, He's the one that wrote all 66 books in the first place. The Bible clearly confirms the meaning of the vision later on as Peter explains the vision to the "now clean" Gentiles. But one unmistakable cold hard fact here is this. Peter, is "a New Testament Christian" that is alive three and a half years after the cross of Christ, and he is declaring he has not eaten unclean meats and he has no intention of doing so either. Like today's Christians, Peter truly misunderstood what the Lord was saying in that vision right off. I thank God he later explained it so as to make explaining this truth that much easier for us today. Sadly, most Christians ignore the explanation for the assumption Satan offers of the sheet.

My question is this. God created man way back in creation week. We are still human, are we not? And being human, we still have certain foods that were created for us to eat. Have our bodies somehow EVOLVED to a point where we can now eat poisonous foods? That's an honest question that deserves an honest answer. But in today's world, unless the one being asked has an honest heart seeking after the will of God in His written Word, don't expect an honest response or even any response for that matter because truth this blunt is often ignored and waved off as not worthy of a response simply because the one being asked knows deep within he or she cannot refute such bold truth as this. And since they love the lie over and above the truth, they dig into their treasure trove of lies as a way of escape knowing full well, they have to fabricate a new lie to hide the previous lie. It truly is as it was in the days of Noah today.

Getting back; if the Bible depiction of Peter’s vision of the sheet descending three times is read in context, one can see the whole truth here clear as day. But if people seek to ok sin, then they’re going to have to somehow change what is being said here to vindicate their foundation of lies. The easiest way to understand completely what’s happening is to read all that is said regarding a certain topic. This vision of Peter has to be one of my favorite areas of the Bible to show people how important it is to stay IN CONTEXT. Two completely different outcomes come from reading in and out of context.

Notice how THREE GENTILES were knocking at Peter’s door during his vision!

Continuing in the same line of thought, some even go so far as to try an "ok" the eating of unclean food by using another Bible verse out of context to further vindicate their stance. But again, it's very easy to expose once read in context. For example;.

If you read the entire back and forth Jesus was having with the Pharisees you will find that He was not making reference to unclean meats at all. In fact, if you read the entire chapter you will see that He was making reference to eating with unwashed hands. In Matthew 15:20, it is written, "These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man." The Jews were teaching that eating without the "ceremonial washing" defiled the eater thereby making the clean food they were eating somehow unclean.

Why is it so many Christians want to do exactly the opposite of that which is written? Worse yet, why do so many prefer to do as the Pharisees claim is right even when if they read a tad further you find Jesus corrects them proving the Pharisee was in error all along. But the flesh is what's dictating the issue here, for as we know most Christians prefer to eat pork and other unclean foods, and by doing so they are slowly but surely destroying the Temple of the Holy Spirit just as sure as a smoker or a drinker of alcohol does. It is so plainly written 1 Corinthians 3:17 that "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."  But for those of you that want further evidence, see that which was penned by Isaiah so long ago.

Yes, this is a little unsettling to say the least. However, IT IS WRITTEN is it not? And by the way, the eating of "the mouse" was the norm back then and even more so 2000 years ago when Roman soldiers ate mice as a delicacy. Seriously, do an online search regarding Romans eating mice.

But to finish off this question, I think it would be best to let Peter explain the vision of the sheet as he did before those the Lord called him to preach to. His explanation blessed all present and so I pray it does so again this very day.

Acts 11:5-18 "I was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision, A certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even to me:  (6)  Upon the which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and saw fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.  (7)  And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat.  (8)  But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth.  (9)  But the voice answered me again from heaven, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.  (10)  And this was done three times: and all were drawn up again into heaven.  (11)  And, behold, immediately there were three men already come unto the house where I was, sent from Caesarea unto me.  (12)  And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man's house:  (13)  And he shewed us how he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter;  (14)  Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.  (15)  And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning.  (16)  Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.  (17)  Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?  (18)  When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life."

Did you catch that? Not only was the sheet "drawn up again to heaven" three times depicting the three Gentile men were at his door which we now know as per Peter's explanation that even the Gentile believers can ascend unto Heaven like the believing Jews, when Peter said "the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning." that meant the Gentiles had their very own day of Pentecost as did the Apostles.

One more thing.. When the Lord said to "kill and eat" in the vision, we need to understand what that means as well. To "kill" means once a soul accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour that soul is born again and the old man "dies." Romans 6:6 says, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin." And the word eat in prophecy has to do with "knowledge, study, acceptance, agreement / communion, justice, nourishment, consume." This is why we see what is said in Jeremiah 15:16  Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts." and we also know the shewbread in the Holy Place is the doctrinal symbol for studying the Word of God each Sabbath. This is why there was fresh shewbread each Sabbath morning.

As for the seal of God, see this section of my mark of the beast page and for more info on the 144,000 see my page about the 144,000 as well.


#502 Is it dangerous to have a security camera?

I was listening to your sermon on Saturday, you mentioned about having cameras like Ring and you said, "You know where that leads."  Well, I really don't know where that leads to, except whoever is on the other end of it can probably see what's going on.  I have a home camera in my house. I use the brand Ring.  Can you explain to me what you meant by what you said.  Is it dangerous to have a camera?


It's ok to have a security camera and especially inside the home but the ring camera as well as all the other cameras are solely Internet based wherein you don't usually have a choice to use local storage. Even if you use Bluetooth to send a video locally in house, the default option is to use WIFI as well as the cloud and that can be a good thing if you're burglarized, but it also means they are all accessible by the authorities. Right now, that too is a good thing when it comes to thieves breaking in to steal from you. But the people of God know that when when the obedient remnant are about to flee during the death decree portion of the mark, we have to take into consideration that every house you walk past, every storefront, every bank and even every Intersection with the so-called" "red-light" cameras that scan your plates, not to mention how the police have cars equipped with cameras that scan every car that pass by them, be they parked or driving so as to read their plates. When the mark is enforced, and we're on the run, getting past camera eyes will be 100% impossible for those still in the cities. Truth is, in my neck of the woods, you simply don't see a camera for literally miles and I mean a LOT of miles, and those that have doorbell cameras in the country living places usually have homes that are hundreds of feet from the street and so yes, they may still take a video of the car, but they won't be able to read the plates from that distance. But even if they did... covering the plates up on back roads would be a smart move as well. But driving in the city with a covered plate where police are everywhere, not a good idea as it brings attention to your car.

 All of us need to study daily and pray for increased discernment, faith, wisdom and even meekness to be able to stand in the days that are racing towards us. Unless you have faith to trust the Lord in everything, you will not be able to handle it when you lose your home, be it a rental or a purchased home for in both cases, when you cannot buy and sell, mortgage payments and rent are impossible. And even if you own your home outright you cannot stay in it when you refuse to pay property taxes that come up each year. Not to mention car payments or even the gas in the tank of a paid off car. Credit and debit cards will be a thing of the past as will store bought groceries as well as clothing, not to mention soap or something as simple as toilet paper. If any of this gives you pause or worse yet a little fear, you simply aren't ready and you need to stop all sin and get as close to Christ as possible so as to be ready for no matter what happens.

Remember what the apostles did when they were called to step out in faith knowing all along the Pharisees as well as the Romans who would help them were going to persecute and even kill some of them? Check it out, it's in Acts 4:29  And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word,"

Notice how they don't pray for protection from the powers that be, they didn't pray for a hidden stash of gold or silver to fund the work nor did they pray for weapons. Instead they prayed for more boldness to do what the Lord wanted them to do so as to bring in the souls. Absolutely no fear was to be part of their concerns and this very same mindset and faith needs to be ours today. The apostles like the obedient remnant today are more concerned with for more ears and hearts to hear the truth.

And just so you know, did they get the increased boldness? Now before sharing this passage, we need to remember how fearful Peter was when Jesus was arrested. So fearful in fact that he cursed to try and hide his Christ like demeanor that was brought on by close contact with Jesus. But now that Jesus was killed, was their prayer answered when the same authorities that killed Jesus threatened them as well, did Peter cower in fear this time? Acts 5:29 says that "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."

Peter then shared a mini testimony unto the truth and because of that in verse 33 the authorities of the Jews "took counsel to slay them."

Brothers and sisters, all that happened with the apostles is an example unto what will happen to us and fear cannot be part of the equation in any way shape or form. Jesus needs us to trust Him as the apostles did and if we do, we will pray the same prayer of faith and the latter rain that falls more abundantly than the former rain of Pentecost will be upon us and then we too will be granted the very same boldness of the apostles.

I will close with this...

I saw that it is our duty in every case to obey the laws of our land, unless they conflict with the higher law which God spoke with an audible voice from Sinai, and afterward engraved on stone with His own finger. "I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people." He who has God's law written in the heart will obey God rather than men, and will sooner disobey all men than deviate in the least from the commandment of God.

God's people, taught by the inspiration of truth, and led by a good conscience to live by every word of God, will take His law, written in their hearts, as the only authority which they can acknowledge or consent to obey. The wisdom and authority of the divine law are supreme."  {1T 361.1}

Are you TRULY able to say go ahead and jail me or even kill me for refusing to break my God's law? If you're not, then study His Word daily until you are. For that day is a LOT closer than most people think. The fact they are right now working on the so-called great reset so as to do away with all currency which students of prophecy know they must do to have a cashless society wherein they're able to prevent buying and selling by using a digital currency. And yes, this is why they are purposely crashing the economy to the point banks are failing all over the world. Soon, they will have all they need to be able to close your bank account with the flick of a switch.

It was also declared in Testimonies volume 5;

"We ought now to be heeding the injunction of our Saviour: "Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not." It is now that our brethren should be cutting down their possessions instead of increasing them. We are about to move to a better country, even a heavenly. Then let us not be dwellers upon the earth, but be getting things into as compact a compass as possible.  {5T 152.1}  

     The time is coming when we cannot sell at any price. The decree will soon go forth prohibiting men to buy or sell of any man save him that hath the mark of the beast. {5T 152.2}  

One last thing to remember. WE HAVE A GOD! And so His promises are ours for the taking. That being the case, even if you're surrounded by cameras as you walk through the day or even when you lay down to sleep remember this sweet promise from your heavenly Father. Psalms 4:8  "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety."


#503 Is there a prophetic revelation in the parable of Matthew 7:25-27?

The parable of Christ in Matthew 7:25-27 is obvious in the context it was given unto the people of the day. But is there a prophetic revelation in it for our day as well?


Yes, this is. But before sharing I must say all those seeking to know this must be students of prophecy wherein they use Scripture to define all symbols in the Bible. This is why it's so important that we only use the KJV Bible when studying God's Word because not only was it the only Bible protected by the Lord when the Bible was removed from society in France for 3.5 years in exact fulfillment of the prophecy concerning the Two Witnesses. The KJV was the only Bible that survived the attack because being the only blessed Bible, it's the only one that can be used for cross referencing both prophetic symbols and doctrinal truths. All the other Bible only translate words and not context or even grammar that is necessary when linking Scriptural passages from Genesis to Revelation. I will actually go into a bit more detail when I get to in another question below. (#505)

A student of prophecy would know all about the prophetic symbols and so I will not share all the verses that confirm the definitions I am about to share. But if anyone wants the verses that prove out the biblical definitions, just visit my "Symbols of Revelation" study on the site.

Matthew 7:25-27 "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.  (26)  And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:  (27)  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it."

Now yes, first off many Bible commentators define this parable by using the terrain Jesus was preaching in wherein the Jordan would often flood and destroy homes that had their foundations built on the unstable earth without a solid foundation. Some commentators compare this with the Christian who trusts the promises of Christ to keep him and his house safe with those that don't trust God wherein their lives are destroyed. Yes, this is a proper definition of the parable as it is spoken unto the people that just heard Christ's sermon on the mount. All that He shared in this sermon was in fact the foundation they needed in their lives. But, the question arises, is there a prophetic whisper in this parable that speaks of today's Christian church since the Bible is 33% hard core prophecy and the "line upon line" method of defining prophecy and doctrine is wise, for in so doing one can find prophecy in areas the overwhelming majority of Christendom never see today, this is the norm for those reading the edited or bogus bibles as I refer to them as. Yes, there is a prophetic whisper in this parable that speaks of the final number of Christians alive in the last days, and especially during the plagues.

The prophetic symbols are apparent, and again, if you want all the verses that define each symbol, see my "Symbols of Revelation" study on the site.

Yes these symbols applied to the people of 2000 years ago, and since Jesus knew Pentecost was soon the come, He prophesied about the former rain that fell on the apostles. But all of this can also be seen as a prophetic utterance for the believers and even the wicked of our day. Sadly, many that die in the plagues will in fact be Christians who at one time had the Holy Spirit, but when the Loud Cry goes forth and they deny the easy to understand truths presented by the obedient remnant right before the plagues begin, they will lose their salvation and step into the plagues without God. And yes, they will know with 100% accuracy that we are declaring the truth for the Holy Spirit in us gives us the words they need. These words are given us by the Holy Spirit so as to share with them with all the Christians of the world. But because they ignore the warning we share due to whatever sin they cherish that keeps them in the fallen churches, they all lose their salvation and receive the mark of the beast that can never be removed. And yes, this is why the Baptists were moved by Satan decades ago to teach "once saved always saved" so that by the time the final warning goes forth, millions will be so indoctrinated to believe their salvation is guaranteed, they will mock the message and lose their salvation for breaking God's Sabbath. And yes again, since they have the verses the Lord knows for certain they understood, ignoring them is the basic definition of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and so they will receive the mark as will billions, who no matter what religion they claim, all of them will know what we share is 100% truth. To deny what they know is truth is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

At the same time, many in the apostate churches will embrace the truth as they have always had a desire to love the Lord even more than they already have been and so that which was shared in Spiritual Gifts vol 1, page 186.2 applies here as well. It says, "I heard those clothed with the armor speak forth the truth in great power. It had effect. I saw those who had been bound; some wives had been bound by their husbands, and some children had been bound by their parents. The honest who had been held or prevented from hearing the truth, now eagerly laid hold of the truth spoken. All fear of their relatives was gone. The truth alone was exalted to them. It was dearer and more precious than life. They had been hungering and thirsting for truth. I asked what had made this great change. An angel answered, It is the latter rain; the refreshing from the presence of the Lord; the loud cry of the third angel.  {1SG 186.2}  

And so, the basic reality of the parable here is, when a believer receives the truth from on High they are blessed and their house (salvation) stands firm due to their foundation in Christ. And when the wicked are given the same truth from on High, for Jesus did say the rain falls on the wicked as well as the in Matthew 5:45, which means ALL are offered the gift of salvation. But, as we have already seen when we share with SDA's, Catholics and a host of others, this truth as we present it in this case angers the lost because their house (salvation) is built on their own desires and worldliness (sand), which are all based on the lies of men via the false prophets and pastors or simply the attractive opinions of others and not on Christ. And yes, there is also a reason we in the SDR movement are slandered and persecuted as we speak for Satan needs them to do his work as well in the coming days. What I mean is, some that deny the truth because of the wicked that are moved by demons in the media or even ex-church members that have declared us to be a cult, crazy, or simply evil, they too will have an effect on some. But only those that do not love the Lord. They receive the mark simply because their fleshly based decision rules their lives and this is then the means by which their house crumbles unto damnation.

With all that said, I echo James 5:7 that says "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain."


#504 Why does the KJV remove the Apocryphal books?

Hello, I heard from a friend who told me hat kjv is supposed to have the books that are from the apocrypha such as maccabees, tobit, susan and etc? Why did the KJV remove the 14 books by catholics? I don't understand?


Have you ever done a study on the candlestick in the Holy Place? I implore you to do so as it holds an amazing truth regarding Scripture and how the Lord designed His Bible thousands of years ago. The candlestick has a prophetic meaning to it. It actually represents the declared Word of God. It has 66 items on it because even back then the Lord knew the Bible would only be 66 books when all is said and done. Rome added the Apocryphal books later to make the prophetic utterance of that candlestick appear invalid as well as confuse the masses studying the other 66 books wherein the Apocryphal books do not agree with.

Basic reality is, the Apocryphal books uplift Pagan dogma which is not in agreement with the true Bible at all. This is why Rome has made so many different versions of the Bible in the last days as well. They’re doing all they can to defile it while at the same time hide prophetic truths that expose them as well as uplift Pagan rituals they desire.

Look closely at the candlestick and you will see that on each side of the main shaft of candlestick it has 3 branches of 9 objects each which then totals 27 objects on each side. When you add these 27 objects to the 12 objects on the shaft itself you have 39 objects. Where you aware there are 39 books in the Old Testament? And as is obvious, the other side of the shaft is an additional 27 objects on the 3 branches of the candlestick and those 27 objects represent the 27 books of the New Testament. In other words, the golden candlestick has in total 66 objects on it and the King James Bible has 66 books in it.


#505 Can I use the NIV, NLT or NASB Bibles to study prophecy?

I find the NIV and other bibles like it easier to read, but I am concerned. Can I use such a bible to study God's Word and especially prophecy?


No, you cannot because they make it impossible to study the Word of our God properly. These "bogus bibles" as I call them have thousands of verses missing. Worse yet, they don't translate the Word properly at all. They only translate the individual words and not the doctrinal context to the statement made in the Word making it hard and sometimes impossible to get a proper understanding of the doctrine when they use modern day words for Old English words that are used cover to cover in the KJV. Quite often the same KJV words being used appear multiple times in the Bible with the same or similar meanings so as to allow the truth to remain constant throughout. In the bogus bibles they often use multiple modern day words in numerous places that do not define well with the actual doctrine being presented. And because many doctrines rely on strict definitions to understand what they mean, some of the doctrines have prophetic undertones and that's where it really gets messy, and especially when you study prophetic symbolism. For example. Notice Daniel 4:19 which says, "Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was astonied for one hour, and his thoughts troubled him. The king spake, and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream, or the interpretation thereof, trouble thee. Belteshazzar answered and said, My lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies."

Now hear what one of the most popular bogus bible says for Daniel 4:19. It says, "Then Daniel (also called Belteshazzar) was greatly perplexed for a time, and his thoughts terrified him. So the king said, “Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its meaning alarm you.” Belteshazzar answered, “My lord, if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries!"

The "one hour" is translated as "a time" in the NIV as well as many other bogus bibles. This proves the ones translating these so-called bibles cannot be used to study prophecy because the word "time" = a year in prophecy and the KJV clearly says here that Daniel was astonished for only an hour. No, the one hour here has no prophetic value, but using the bogus bibles wherein they changed so many words that do have prophetic value, it would be 100% impossible to define doctrinal truths or even prophetic symbols let alone the many prophesied events for our day, and THAT is why they re-write Bibles as they do. It cripples prophetic study so as to keep the true identity of Antichrist hidden while at the same time it hides his agenda as well as numerous stepping stones that lead to the enforcement of the mark. This is actually why I did the blog entry titled "Steps have been taken to enforce the MARK" recently. The only way I was able to see all these prophesied events occur as expected was because I used only the KJV bible when studying prophecy. Had I used the NIV, NLT, NASB or any other bogus bible I would have given up decades ago because I never would have been able to cross reference the symbols in all 66 books of the Bible so as to get their definition.

Another example would have to be what's declared in Daniel 4:25. When speaking of the soon to come judgment upon Nebuchadnezzar wherein he goes insane for 7 years with the mind of an Ox, it says, "That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will."

The NLT bible says "seven periods of time" wherein it can't be cross referenced so as to define it in a prophetic sense at all. There is no way for a babe in Christ to be able to come to the understanding that those so-called "seven periods of time" would actually mean seven years using the NLT to research it out because that "seven periods of time" comes up only four times and all four are found in Daniel chapter 4. That means no one cannot find the prophetic defintion at all as there are no other verses to cross reference it to see what that actually means. But when you use the KJV when seeking to define the word "times" in Daniel 4, it comes up 146 times in making for an easy method of defining it. In fact, had I used any bible other than the KJV when doing my Revelation study wherein I defined all the symbols in Revelation using all 66 books of the Bible, I would have given up rather quickly because cross-referencing such a bible that contains out of context and modern day definitions for Old English words simply won't work. The confusion I would have experienced would have made it impossible for me to have any confidence in such a study as those bibles are not inspired by God, they are copyrighted by man. In fact, notice the original KJV Bibles without all those man-made helps in them. Those Bible cannot be copyrighted. Yet all the other bibles are copyrighted because man wrote them and not God.


#506 How do we apply the faith we have?

I have come to many situations in life where I have seen the Lord's hand move time and again, but when I come to a new trial, I lack faith to see it move again. It usually only happens unexpectedly it seems. How do I apply my faith so as to know He will be there for me again?


First and foremost, as Jesus was ascending before the eyes of the apostles so as to lock it into their hearts that they have a living breathing God in Heaven that will hear their prayers whernever they offer them up, Jesus said in Matthew 28:20  ...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

And so, never let the enemy of souls tempt you to believe that your Creator, Saviour and King Jesus would never be there for you. He is very real to all those that accept Him as the long-prophesied Messiah that came to die the death we all deserve so that we can live the eternal life He has always known.

But when it comes to applying the faith that Romans 5:1 speaks of when it says, we are "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:" To be "justified by faith" means we actually act upon what we know to be true in His Word. No ifs, ands or buts about it. And in these last days we have to and many of us will come to a place wherein we can stand without a Mediator so as to go through the plagues without even a desire to commit a sin. And so we need to exercise that type of mindset or understanding for lack of a better word so as to be well prepared for when we have need to apply our faith in ways that not only glorify our Lord, but bless others He sends our way be it for a healing, word of wisdom, or even a warning that cuts to heart unto repentance before plague 1 falls for as we know, if Christians do not have the faith to stand alone without Christ pleading His blood upon them, then as prophesied, we may join billions of Christians who forever lose our salvation when Christ drops the censor in the Most Holy Place so as to step forward to enact judgment upon all flesh when those plagues fall.

We need to be ready now to apply our faith in the same way we will have no choice to do so starting at plague 1, if in fact we are called to be in that final number.

For example;

When we come to a situation wherein we are a bit apprehensive to share our faith at any given moment assuming or even knowing for a fact that the person or group of people we are about to share it with may get combative in a violent way, brow beat, or simply razzle dazzle us with all sorts of twisted Scripture, before even opening our mouths to present what the Lord is giving us to share, we need to pray silently and ask the Lord to help us at that very moment; we must then come to a place in our heart wherein we know for a fact that He will help us. In so doing, we will actually become calm and peaceful deep within and with perfect confidence in His promise to be with us always even unto the end as Jesus promised in Mat_28:20, we will speak and they will hear it.

I am sure many of us have come to such a place while on the phone, writing an email or even face to face wherein as we speak we know the Holy Spirit is moving. In fact, many of us may have declared with our own shocked amazement that the words we just spoke did not come from us but from the Holy Spirit deep within. All of you who have experienced that know exactly what I mean. THAT brothers and sisters is applying your faith. And if you notice, you know you've seen it happen before and you know it was a complete surprise unto you each time it happened and so don't let Satan tempt you into thinking you need to build a stairway to Heaven in your mind filled with all sorts excited feelings, good works or strange rituals wondering what it will take to apply your faith to have such a blessing as this. You're a Christian! You're not a false faith healer like Benny Hinn and others who until after he gets the audience in an excited fervor of puffed up feelings and emotions tempts them all into thinking something amazing is about to happen. That's not faith. That's the FLESH which as we know is Satan's playground. Again, you're a Christian and so act like it.

Jesus said He will be with you till the end via the Holy Spirit He has sent into every heart that loves Him, and so just trust Him to move your faith into a place that glorifies Him when He needs you to. The movement of His hand is based on HIS WILL! Not yours! When we wait on Him He gives us the words of truth to share or even blunt faith that perceives someone is about to be healed miraculously. Don't think into it because the human mind will also mess it up. Especially when pride is factored in. Just live your life as a Christian. Just walk in Christ each day, stay in His Word each day, pray three times a day as patriarchs and prophets of old did, and then the Lord will most assuredly see He can trust you and eventually He will move you into places where the Holy Spirit will use you in an unexpected manner to apply your faith and He will be glorified!

That promise in Matthew 28:20 is very real, just as the one in John 14:26 is wherein He said "the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."

If you're in His Word daily, then He will remind you of verses you were unable to memorize because, you read them in His Word and so the promise is guaranteed. But if you never study His Word, then He has never spoken to you in His Word and so He cannot remind you of verses you never read. Study His Word and your ability to trust Him at His Word will grow.

The fact we come to this place wherein we really do trust Him to help us deep within our hearts shows our Heavenly Father in Heaven that we really do trust His Word and His promises and with that faith in our hearts He knows He can use us. When that latter rain falls, HE WILL use us. That act of trusting Him is what justifies us as having the faith His children are known and prophesied to have for the last 6000 years even unto the end of al life on earth in our day. Again, Romans 5:1 says, "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:"

Remember the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years in Matthew chapter 9? Sister White shares a wonderful truth on this that I pray all listening will be blessed by it. After the woman was healed by simply touching Christ's robe, He asks who touched Him seeking to prod her to action as He does for all of us that are called to go forth in the coming days. Sister White says,

"Looking toward the woman, Jesus still insisted upon knowing who had touched him. Finding concealment vain, she came forward tremblingly and knelt at his feet. In hearing of all the multitude, she told Jesus the simple story of her long and tedious suffering, and the instant relief that she had experienced in touching the border of his garment. Her narration was interrupted by her grateful tears as she experienced the joy of perfect health, which had been a stranger to her for twelve weary years. Instead of being angered at her presumption, Jesus commended her action, saying, "Daughter, be of good comfort. Thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace." In these words he instructed all present that it was no virtue in the simple act of touching his clothes that had wrought the cure, but in the strong faith that reached out and claimed his divine help.  {2SP 321.1}  

The true faith of the Christian is represented in this woman. It is not essential to the exercise of faith that the feelings should be wrought up to a high pitch of excitement; neither is it necessary, in order to gain the hearing of the Lord, that our petitions should be noisy, or attended with physical exercise. It is true that Satan frequently creates in the heart of the suppliant such a conflict with doubt and temptation that strong cries and tears are involuntarily forced from him; and it is also true that the penitent's sense of guilt is sometimes so great that a repentance commensurate with his sin causes him to experience an agony that finds vent in cries and groans, which the compassionate Saviour hears with pity. But Jesus does not fail to answer the silent prayer of faith. He who simply takes God at his word, and reaches out to connect himself with the Saviour, will receive his blessing in return.  {2SP 321.2}  

Faith is simple in its operation and powerful in its results. Many professed Christians, who have a knowledge of the sacred word, and believe its truth, fail in the childlike trust that is essential to the religion of Jesus. They do not reach out with that peculiar touch that brings the virtue of healing to the soul. They allow cold doubt to creep in and destroy their confidence. He who waits for entire knowledge before he can exercise faith, will never be blessed of God. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  {2SP 322.1}  

The diseased woman believed that Jesus could heal her, and the more her mind was exercised in that direction, the more certain she became that even to touch his garment would relieve her malady. In answer to her firm belief, the virtue of divine power granted her prayer. This is a lesson of encouragement to the soul defiled by sin. In like manner as Jesus dealt with bodily infirmities, will he deal with the repentant soul that calls on him. The touch of faith will bring the coveted pardon that fills the soul with gratitude and joy"  {2SP 322.2}  

Did you catch that? Sister White said "The diseased woman believed that Jesus could heal her, and the more her mind was exercised in that direction, the more certain she became that even to touch his garment would relieve her malady." And how do we exercise our faith in that same direction? Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." That's why I repeat as often as I can before my brothers and sisters that the only way to cause our faith to grow is to study the Word of God each and every single day and you can do it! As busy as I am the Lord somehow makes it easy for me to study His Word every morning before I get to work. And no, I never rush my studies no matter what's on the table of duties for the day. But in emergencies? I am no fool, if I have to bolt out of the house in the early hours of the day I will, but before doing so I grab my Bible knowing that when I get some down time, I will study it. And so, if you wake up late for work, take your Bible to work and study it during lunch time and then later after work if need be.

AGAIN; from Roman 5, but this time with additional verses..

If we are faithful, our faith not only grows in Bible study, but because we have seen His hand move before. Since I have seen His hand in the past, I know ALL Christians have seen it at least one time in life, and so use that movement of His hand in your past to bolster your faith today. Our faith grows by hindsight so as to know when prayer is offered again, since He did as He did before, He will do again. He really is there for us even unto the end of the world.

In other words.. after we go through a trial, we look back and see that yes, it was difficult, and yes we may have failed here and there during it, but all in all we see how we needed the trial to grow stronger in our faith in Christ. With every trial comes another rung on the ladder to perfection.

The hope we gain by our victories in the small and big trials is knowing that by looking back we have seen His hand move before; so we can trust Him to move again in our present trial and THAT cultivates the hope, bolsters the faith and justifies us before the eyes of our Father as being a child that truly loves and trusts their Father in Heaven!

Or think on this reality every Christian attains to. It says in Romans 5:8-9  But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  (9)  Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Since even a babe in Christ has perfect faith that we know Jesus died for us, then we also know this means we are justified in His blood as well. And since we know this even as babes in Christ, we need to come to a place that we trust His promises in the same way we trust His spilled blood to save us. After all, He declared we are saved by simply trusting what He did for us on Calvary in the same way all those that merely looked upon the brazen serpent in Moses day were instantly healed of those deadly serpent bites.

God said it to Moses, Moses believed it and did as He commanded, then Moses told the people of Israel to look upon the serpent of brass to be healed of their deadly wounds, and they believed what was said and were instantly healed. And so I ask, why is it so hard to believe the same God that saved you is now saying He will help you share your faith, He will deliver you from alcohol, cigarettes, porn or even anger and despair? You believed He saved you correct? Then believe He will do all that He promised as well. After all, we worship a God that never changes correct? And since He did this in the ancient past, and He saved us in our own recent past, trust Him to do exactly as He said he would.

If you would like a few hundred promises to bolster your faith and peace, see this list.. https://remnantofgod.org/promises.htm

But for now, me thinks the promises Jesus made in His sermon on the mount would make for a wonderful start in such a study as this...

Matthew 5:3-12  Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  (4)  Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.  (5)  Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.  (6)  Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.  (7)  Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.  (8)  Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.  (9)  Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.  (10)  Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  (11)  Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.  (12)  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Brothers and sisters, the Latter Rain is very soon to fall, and unless we truly have the faith to trust our God at His Word, and this includes His promises, then He cannot use us. If you have any doubt that He will help you in your time of need in the coming days, and when they enforce the mark, ALL of us will be in need for we won't even be able to buy food. We need to be ready today for when that days comes, and when it does, just think back in how He helped all the believers the last 6000 years. And remember, not only does it say in Malachi 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. It also says in Hebrews 13:8  Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Keeping that in mind, I will close with something Paul said long ago to show just how dependable the promises of God truly are.

Hebrews 11:17-40  By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,  (18)  Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:  (19)  Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.  (20)  By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.  (21)  By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.  (22)  By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.  (23)  By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.  (24)  By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;  (25)  Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;  (26)  Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.  (27)  By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.  (28)  Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.  (29)  By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned.  (30)  By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.  (31)  By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.  (32)  And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:  (33)  Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,  (34)  Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.  (35)  Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:  (36)  And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:  (37)  They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;  (38)  (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.  (39)  And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:  (40)  God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.


#507 Why did Sister White say "it is done" before the plagues ended?


I have a question for you: 

SOP IV says this: 

When the third message closes, mercy no longer pleads for the guilty inhabitants of the earth. The people of God have accomplished their work; they have received the latter rain, or the refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and they are prepared for the trying hour before them. Angels are hurrying to and fro in Heaven. An angel returning from the earth announces that his work is done, that the seal of God has been placed upon his people. Then Jesus ceases his intercession in the sanctuary above. He lifts his hands; and with a loud voice says, "It is done;" and all the angelic host lay off their crowns as he makes the solemn announcement: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still; and he that is holy, let hiin be holy still.{SOP IV, pg 431}

Then the Word says: 

And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened: [6] And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. [7] And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever. [8] And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.” Revelation 15:5-8 

But then after the seven plagues are done this is what the Word says: 

Revelation 16:17 KJV “And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.”

I’m confused as to the timeline. SOP says “it is done” and quotes this direct passage and says it happens before the plagues, but the Word says “it is done” immediately following the plagues. 

Can you see what I am asking here?


There are FOUR times when the statement “it is done” is declared in God's Word. And because more than one person is writing under direction of the Holy Spirit, it can be said in different ways for just as the Father has a writing style, so does every prophet. What I mean is, when Jesus said “it is finished” one can also see it as saying “it is done.” Or when John the apostle wrote “the time is at hand” in Revelation 22:10 one can also use terms like “it is finished or it is done” just as easily.

When I see these four events in Scripture listed below wherein their prophesied end is declared fulfilled using different words to confirm fulfillment, I see them all saying the same thing to me. Please let the one asking the question know that a prophet has inspirational license to pen the words they deem best; as long as they don’t change the message being presented. For example. Notice these four times in Scripture wherein prophesied events were declared fulfilled.

#1, All that was necessary for man to receive salvation was done in John 19:30, “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.”

#2, When the investigative judgment is finished and it is declared in Revelation 22:10,11 that, “he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

#3, When the final plague does its prophesied work of destruction, Revelation 16:17 says, “And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

#4, Directly after the Lord uses hellfire to kill Satan and all his victims be they angelic or human in the second death, it is declared in Revelation 21:6, “And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.”

Now yes, sister White says “it is done” instead of  “the time is at hand” as we see John the apostle penned it when the investigative judgment is done wherein plague #1 begins; but I am one to allow the prophet to define words as the prophet deems necessary in the same way I do not question why Mark saw one demon possessed man in the graveyard yet the other authors of the Gospel saw two.

This is why the Lord had FOUR men preach the same Gospel from four different perspectives. One man sees what he deems noteworthy wherein the other man may see something else. I truly believe Mark only mentioned one demon possessed man because as we know, only one of the men healed by Jesus went forth with the truth he knew to evangelize Christ to the point all of the people in that city, who previously asked Jesus to leave out of fear, later came out to invite Jesus to stay when He returned to the area. The other demon possessed man did nothing, and so why even mention him?

Well, the same holds true with sister White as she truly was a prophet. What she saw in vision as being important she wrote on and she worded it in the way she saw fit. But the fact we have more than one Scripture declaring the same reality that something was “done” regarding 4 different prophesied events tells me that, Sister White didn’t add to or take away from the truth because the term “it is done” can also be said “it is finished, or "the time is at hand.”

Still it can be a bit confusing but looking back at what Sister White stated when she said "it is done" directly before plague #1 started and then the angel saying "it is done" at the seventh plague is simple. What was "done" at the start of plague one was the investigative judgment, and what was done at plague seven was in fact the plagues. For it is clear, when Jesus drops the censer and says "it is done" directly before saying the unjust and filthy remain as such and the righteous and holy remain as such means THE INVESTIGATIVE JUDGMENT IS DONE. When plague #1 starts, we're done preaching to bring in the souls. For no one can be saved after plague #1 and no one that is a living and obedient Christian can be lost.


#508 Why did you say those called "least in Heaven" aren't there?

Please explain Matthew 5:19, Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.


The fact Christians are to reign with Christ in Heaven, being called 'least' in Heaven means that person simply is not there. The very next verse confirms this when it says in Matthew 5:20 "For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Now notice what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:4-5. He says, "If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.  (5)  I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?"

Paul is upset with them because they used secular judges, who know not Christ or His ways to judge such matters among God's people. Such judges would be "least esteemed in the church." The fact he uses the term "who are least esteemed in the church" further confirms what Jesus meant in Matthew 5:19 wherein He taught us that those that are "called least in the kingdom of heaven" are in fact nonbelievers who will not be in Heaven.  In today's language Paul would be saying, "why are you having judges who are not trusted in the church or even respect our Lord and His law to judge such matters?"

That's why Paul speaks of their shame in verse 5. If they are an obedient church, they should have someone in the church who has the God given wisdom to judge such matters. But because they don't obey the Lord, (hence the reason for their shame), they seek out a nonbelieving judge which then brings even more shame upon the church body. This is why it's an open and bold sin when the SDA church leaders use Roman Catholic and Jewish Lawyers to sue the brethren who use the SDA name that also refuse to adopt their Vatican dogma since 1980. More than a few ministers have been sued by the SDA leaders in this way the last few decades.

3 Points to ponder:

#1. We REIGN with Christ

 2 Timothy 2:12, "If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:"

Revelation 20:6, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years."

#2. It is in HEAVEN where nothing defiling resides.

Revelation 21:27, "And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life."

#3. If someone of a "lesser" degree, or one that is considered "least" in the kingdom is there as some claim; it will mean they are building a brand new doctrine that allows sinners in Heaven who taught people to break God's law. But the Bible clearly says that an "utter end" of sin is prophesied to happen and will be accomplished because no one can change Christian prophecy. Sin will not be allowed to rise up ever again! And so their false doctrines prove their assumptions are satanic in nature. For it is clearly declared in Nahum 1:9, "What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time."


"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of Heaven." Thus did the Saviour declare the validity of the moral law. Those who disobey the commandments of God, and teach others to do the same by their example and doctrine, are condemned by Christ. They are the children of the wicked one, who was the first rebel against the law of God. Having explicitly declared his reverence for his Father's law, Jesus in these words condemns the practices of the Pharisees, who were strict in their outward observance of that law while their hearts and lives were corrupt:--  {2SP 218.1}  

In other words, to be called "least" in the kingdom means that such people are the "least" of all mankind in morals. They are the "filthy" ones Jesus condemns when He drops the censor while saying, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." -Revelation 22:11

When such as these are mentioned in Heaven, they are spoken of in the "least" manner due to the fact they are now ashes under the souls of our feet as per the prophecy of Malachi 4:3. For the biblical fact is, if they teach people to break God's Law in any way, shape or form, then they are not to be allowed in New Jerusalem for it is plainly written in Revelation 22:14, "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."

That city is New Jerusalem aka HEAVEN.


#509 What is the “revelation of mystery” Paul speaks of in Romans 16:25?


Romans 16:25-26  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,  (26)  But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:

And Paul said in Ephesians 3:9-11  And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:  (10)  To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,  (11)  According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:

To clarify even further, Paul said in Colossians 1:26-27  Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:  (27)  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

(ALSO See 2Co_12:1-4).

The "mystery" Paul speaks of here is in how the God of all creation actually entered into the heart of His creation to be one with His people so as to save them from damnation. He literally allowed Himself to enter into our self being in the person of the Holy Spirit. That means there must be three separate persons in the Godhead for this to work. The Father provides for us, the Holy Spirit is the personal guide to us and the Lord Jesus died for us.

Another truth is that unless the Christian is one that loves His Word and wants to grow in faith, he or she cannot see what the obedient Christian sees. In fact, it says in Psalms 119:130, "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple."

The only way "The entrance of thy words giveth light" is when a man or woman studies the Word of God in faith. The Lord reads the heart of the obedient child of God and sees a wonderful craving for understanding, wisdom, increased faith and love of the Lord and it is then the Word of God gains entrance into the heart as we see verified in Romans 10:17 that promises, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." and Psalms 119:105 that says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

This is why Paul stated the following in 1Corinthians 2:14 which says, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

This is what we see in lukewarm Christians who only claim to be Christians to take away their shame. (Isaiah 4:1) The Lord reads all hearts and as He peers into theirs He sees no sincere desire or love of truth and so He cannot give them the Word. It cannot gain entrance into their hearts for love calleth unto love. (Psalms_42:7) Basic biblical reality is, if the heart disagrees with or even hates God, he or she cannot hear God.

This mystery was hidden for eons yes, but our God "hinted" at this "incarnation" on Sinai when both man and God worked together to place the Law of God on stone. Moses carved the second set of tablets, and the Lord etched them with His finger. God and man working together. Later, the obedient Christian became one with God as well and therefore "made manifest" the long hidden mystery before the eyes of their fellow brethren.

In fact, this is the fruit we are known by. When we keep His law it shows to all with eyes that see that God the Holy Spirit is in us who actually wrote the Law on our hearts. (2Corinthians_3:3 & Hebrews10:16) We literally emulate what Moses and Christ did on Sinai. God and man working together. We partake of the divine nature by accepting Jesus as Saviour and in so doing, the promise He made regarding sending the Comforter to be inside us is confirmed in reality when we keep His law, thereby "revealing the mystery" as Paul put it earlier in Romans 16. And as hinted, and then later revealed in reality, obedient Christians can represent the divine nature of God in man as we walk in the Spirit.

And as for Paul declaring in verse 26 that “But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:”

As it was prophesied, promised and fulfilled, 2000 years ago, the Word was right then being opened up so as to help the truth spread far and wide about Jesus coming to earth as Messiah to defeat Satan. For Daniel did declare "knowledge shall be increased" in Daniel 12:4.

The same thing is happening today with the truth of Jesus as well as the prophecies and doctrines long ignored opening up to those that love the Word of God that gains entrance into their hearts. And especially His eternal Law, which is the law of the land in Heaven.

The fact the Jews had no idea on how Messiah would be, proves He was a mystery unto them in a big way both physically and spiritually; not to mention prophetically. But then, rebellion always causes blindness. And this is why most today will accept Satan as Jesus when he stands on earth claiming to be our Lord, Saviour and King. Sad reality is, it’s all their own fault when they embrace him because again, rebellion always causes blindness.

Notice this from Signs of the Times...

God had a knowledge of the events of the future, even before the creation of the world. He did not make His purposes to fit circumstances, but He allowed matters to develop and work out. He did not work to bring about a certain condition of things, but He knew that such a condition would exist. The plan that should be carried out upon the defection of any of the high intelligences of heaven--this is the secret, the mystery which has been hid from ages. And an offering was prepared in the eternal purposes to do the very work which God has done for fallen humanity (ST March 25, 1897).  

The incarnation of Christ is a mystery. The union of divinity with humanity is a mystery indeed, hidden with God, "even the mystery which hath been hid from ages." It was kept in eternal silence by Jehovah, and was first revealed in Eden, by the prophecy that the Seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head, and that he should bruise His heel. 

     To present to the world this mystery that God kept in silence for eternal ages before the world was created, before man was created, was the part that Christ was to act in the work He entered upon when He came to this earth. And this wonderful mystery, the incarnation of Christ and the atonement that He made, must be declared to every son and daughter of Adam. . . . His sufferings perfectly fulfilled the claims of the law of God." (ST Jan. 30, 1912). 


"the defection of any of the high intelligences" = fallen angels who defected from their calling.

de·fect  (de'fekt', di-fekt')

An imperfection or lack that causes inadequacy or failure; a shortcoming or deficiency. See Synonyms at blemish.

intr.v. (di-fekt') de·fect·ed, de·fect·ing, de·fects

1. To disown allegiance to one's country and take up residence in another: a Soviet citizen who defected to Israel.

2. To abandon a position or association, often to join an opposing group: defected from the party over the issue of free trade.


in·car·na·tion  (in'kär-na'sh?n)


a. The act of incarnating.

b. The condition of being incarnated.

2. Incarnation Christianity The doctrine that the Son of God was conceived in the womb of Mary and that Jesus is true God and true man.

3. A bodily manifestation of a supernatural being.


#510 The "Latter Days" mentioned in Hosea?

Are the “latter days” in Hosea 3:5 speaking of back then or now?



By the way, if one knows that the obedient Christians of today are in fact the children of Israel, many such questions would never come to mind. Therefore, if one needs to understand this, please see this study.

The term, "in the latter days" mentioned here have to do with both the days when Jesus came as Messiah 2000 years ago, as well as when His truth moves many to repentance during the loud cry near His return. For what happened 2000 years ago is seen as the "latter days" just as much as these last days are due to the timing of creation and the Lord's return.

Biblical fact is, only 6000 years is the time allotted in prophecy for the great controversy between Christ and Satan to be played out on earth. Basic math dictates that 4000 years after Eden, Christ came as Messiah unto the Jews. The planet was already in the Autumn of time when it comes to those 6000 years. Hence the reason Hosea calls it "the latter days" in the prophecy and we call it the "latter days" in our day.

Paul stated in Romans 13:11 "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed."

2000 years ago Paul knew the return of Christ was closer than most realize. At that time the planet was 4000 years old and we know due to the prophecies and the parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke_10:30-35, we know that there would be a little less than 2000 years left from Paul's day unto the return of Christ. And so, as Paul said, "for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed."

I believe today's many false prophets that Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24:11 use the "latter days" reference here to declare all the nonbelieving Jews, that they still declare to be "chosen and blessed" of God even to this day, will return to the land of Israel and then convert unto Christ as a major sign to all the world. But 2 problems arise here.

  1. A remnant of the Jews have already begun to convert and accept Christ as Saviour as we speak.

  2. When ANTI-Christ comes, all the Jews that didn't convert will declare Anti-Christ as Messiah in unison with all the apostate Christian leaders and their flocks.

The many false prophets on pulpits and political lecterns keep declaring the Jews are the "chosen ones" for a reason. But the Bible is clear that the chosen ones of today that are called Israel by God are only and specifically obedient Christians. And yes, some of those Christians will be Jewish by birth. But not all. The four horns on the altar of burnt offerings as well as the altar of incense confirms this hands down.

When Satan appears on earth in the coming days claiming to be Messiah, and the tens of millions of unconverted Jews clamor to his side, all the lukewarm Christians who trust the apostate pastors that fabricated many prophetic and doctrinal lies regarding everything from a secret rapture to the non-believing Jews being guaranteed salvation simply be being born a Jew, will join them thinking the final sign of the end has come and Satan really is Messiah because the pastors kept saying "Israel will return and be saved en masse." And since at that time it appears that's exactly what just happened in their spiritually confused minds, the lukewarm Christian will truly believe that Satan is Jesus Christ incarnate.

Biblical reality here is, in the "latter days" when the prophesied loud cry goes forth, both Jews and Gentiles will come to know the real Jesus as Lord and be one with the obedient remnant that is already called Israel. It will not be ALL the Jews any more than it will be ALL the Christians that convert as the many false prophets continue to claim. But because billions will appear to convert to Christ due to Satan appearing as Christ in hypnotic glory, most will assume their apostate pastors were correct. But as prophesied in Revelation 12:17, only the "remnant of her seed" that greatly angers the devil due to our obedient faith will be spared God's wrath in the plagues.

Just as there will only be an obedient "remnant" from the Christian churches that escaped apostasy are to be saved in the latter days as per Revelation 18:1-5, which also means only an obedient remnant of the Jews that escaped the apostasy of "Jacob" will be saved as well. And I only use the name of "Jacob" here as a symbol unto his sinfulness BEFORE he was blessed and called Israel, for His faith was real on the very morning the Lord blessed Him as they wrestled. Historic fact is, the Jews that were once blessed to be called the Israel of God, clearly went back to the worldly ways of Jacob before his conversion. In fact, notice these prophetic statements also found in Hosea.

Hosea 1:9; 5:5,6;8:2-4;9:15-17, "Then said God, Call his name Loammi: for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God. And the pride of Israel doth testify to his face: therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in their iniquity; Judah also shall fall with them. They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the LORD; but they shall not find himhe hath withdrawn himself from them. Israel shall cry unto me, My God, we know thee. Israel hath cast off the thing that is good: the enemy shall pursue him. They have set up kings, but not by me: they have made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off. All their wickedness is in Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters.  Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations.

To this day, most of the tribes cannot be identified in any specific location. The Jews are now in every nation on earth. In fact, many have no idea that they may have Jewish bloodlines. Intermarriage and constant wandering has allowed for this prophecy to be fulfilled in a big way. And the fact the Lord speaks through Hosea something He plans to repeat later further confirms His decision was made. Only those that declare Him Messiah will be called Israel. And so what did Hosea say that Jesus echoes later? I just read in Hosea 9:16 that "Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit." When coming upon a fig tree that had no fruit, Jesus stated in Mark 11:14 "...No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it." As we know, the fig tree is the prophetic symbol for Israel. And to further lock this down, it is written in Hosea 2:23  "And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God."

When all the obedient people of God, be they Jew or Gentile finally step into New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:3 says we will all hear "a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."

Now notice what was declared in 1914 in the Review and Herald for all to read.

"In the last days of this earth's history, God's covenant with his commandment-keeping people is to be renewed. "In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and I will make them to lie down safely. And I will betroth thee unto me forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving-kindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness; and thou shalt know the Lord.  {RH, February 26, 1914 par. 8} 

     "And it shall come to pass in that day, I will hear, saith the Lord, I will hear the heavens, and they shall hear the earth; and the earth shall hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil; and they shall hear Jezreel. And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God." Hosea 2:14-23.  {RH, February 26, 1914 par. 9} 

     "In that day, . . . the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, . . . shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth." Isaiah 10:20. From "every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people" there will be those who will gladly respond to the message, "Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come." They will turn from every idol that binds them to this earth, and will "worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." They will free themselves from every entanglement, and will stand before the world as monuments of God's mercy. Obedient to every divine requirement, they will be recognized by angels and by men as those that "keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." Revelation 14:6, 7, 12.  {RH, February 26, 1914 par. 10}

     "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God." Amo_9:13-15."  {RH, February 26, 1914 par. 11} 

The land spoken of here by the prophet Amos is in fact the future eternal land of Israel proper on earth AFTER the 1000 years end wherein none of us can be "pulled out of" due to sin. For now sin can never return as per the promise of Nahum 1:9 which says, "What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time."

This massive and long prophesied "latter day" acceptance of Jesus as the true Lord by the Christians and then as the long awaited Messiah by the Jews has already begun around 1843 via Angels #1 and 2.

This is to be especially seen during the loud cry wherein many obedient souls finally come to accept Jesus as Lord, Saviour and King who then keep His Law. The reason I see it this way is because of what Sister White said in the Review & Herald quote I just shared. She said two things that stand out here...

#1,  "In that day, . . . the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, . . . shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth." Isaiah 10:20. From "every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people" there will be those who will gladly respond to the message, "Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come."

To be from every nation KINDRED and TONGUE or NATION confirms it's not just Jews that come to Christ at this time. The term "kindred and tongue" is obvious here as well. Kindred has to do with "race, clan or tribe" as per Strongs #G5443, and the word "tongue" as it's used here has to do with "language" as per #G1100. 

The reference to fearing God due to His judgment coming has to do with the start of the investigative judgment we all now reside under.

#2, She said that "They will free themselves from every entanglement, and will stand before the world as monuments of God's mercy. Obedient to every divine requirement, they will be recognized by angels and by men as those that "keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." Revelation 14:6, 7, 12.

Revelation 14:6-7 is the message of Angel; #1 that declares judgment has begun.

The referring to keeping the commandments of God while in the faith of Jesus that Revelation 14:12 speaks of is the end result of the final message of Angel #3.


#511 what other prophesies have yet to be fulfilled?

Thank you so much for the 3 blog posts on prophesies fulfilled. Other than the buy & sell, the death decree, the man of sin deceiving the whole world, the return of Christ, and the plagues of Revelation, what other prophesies have yet to be fulfilled? I have so many friends who need to be shaken out of their slumber.


NOTE: Since answering this email I noticed I needed to mention a few more things and so, if you're listing brother, here's the update.

You more or less listed the basic prophetic signposts left to fulfill. All that’s needed to enforce the mark is in place right now. It’s just a matter of time. They wanted to start enforcing the mark using climate change in 2027, but since mankind doesn’t know the day or the hour, their plans to set that date has failed so far wherein the Lord prevented their plans for that year and they now seem to be saying they will enforce such laws in 2028. However, I haven’t gotten a locked down statement from them in the media yet, but it’s clear they stopped talking about 2027.

Off the top of my head I see that a few prophecies that must be fulfilled so as to allow Satan an easier way to enforce his mark would be a cashless society, an increase in hating Christians, an increase in calamities that Rome will use to demand religious laws to supposedly stop them when in fact, as we know, all that's happening has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with the final signs of Christ's return and so, they can pass a billion religious laws and they won't stop any of what's already started happening and especially when it gets insane during the plagues. Plus, the global ID, which by the way has been leapfrogged in a massive way on June 23, wherein the law was passed in a global manner, that is also a must, of which they predict will turn all passports into digital vaccine identifications of which without, no travel will be allowed. If you subscribe to my blog you may want to check out the VIDEO: Global DIGITAL PASSPORTS Enforced . Plus the guillotines need to come out of mothballs as well. The fact we now have 30,000+ guillotines on US soil confirms we're much closer than most want to believe. See proof here... https://remnantofgod.org/guillotines.htm

And yes, all of these have their foundations set in stone, and many have been locked down for decades. Like the cashless society, most nations, including the USA are already setup to end the use of cash. But they’re holding off until their digital dollars are locked in bank by bank. That happens to be the case for all the big national banks on July 30th in the USA. They claim they’re doing it to allow for a faster form of making payments, which is true. That will happen. But at the same time it allows them much more control over the common man so as to force the decision regarding Sunday laws. If they agree, then they can keep their cash. If they disagree all their access to cash is turned off.

There are also a few good prophecies to fulfill, like the Latter Rain, the Loud cry allows for the present truth as well as the Gospel message to go global, causing the mass exodus of obedient Christians from the churches that have become Babylonian infections of Rome. Which today is 99.9% of all churches and 100% of all 501c3 churches including the SDA church.

Sadly, some intense prophecies will fulfill wherein yes, the martyrdom has begun, but it will increase soon, Satan will appear claiming to be Jesus performing miracles so as to keep billions in his clutches as well as pull some back into his camp that left during the loud cry, not too long after the first phase of the mark is enforced, which is the buy and sell phase, the death decree bill will be passed and plague #1 begins. Which bring us to plague #6 when we're surrounded as well as delivered within 15 days where plague 7 falls and we're headed home.

There are many behind the scenes changes in the government as well as the churches that also show all that’s needed to enforce the mark is upon us.


#512 Should Christians see the movie "Freedom of Sound?"

Hey brother I have a Question? Should a Christian go see Freedom of Sound? I heard a lot of people are telling me to go watch it should I go see it? Also why is this movie becoming so politicized?


My brother;

Hollywood is all about glorifying the enemy of souls. In fact, the actor “Jim Caviezel” is not Christian, nor are any associated with “Angel Studios.” As far as I can see they should rename the studio “Fallen Angel Studios.”

BTW.. Jim Caviezel played the part of “Jesus Christ” in the Vatican promoted move “Passion of the Christ” years ago that was designed to uplift Catholicism to the point the majority of all so-called Protestant pastors moved their flock to go see it. Proof? See this… https://remnantofgod.org/passion.htm

And the reason it’s so political is because Rome needs to catapult such things into the mainstream so as to CONfuse the masses into thinking what’s being presented is wholesome and moral and all of us need to take it seriously now.

All the craziness in society wherein sin has become acceptable is an orchestrated attack on all of mankind so as to bring about the mindset that “we all need to get right with God to fix things.” I have been warning people for decades that the reason the political and church  leaders have become so evil is because they need to move the people to get fed up. That way they can then push a “religious” tone so as to make it ok to enforce the long prophesied religious laws in society to supposedly please God. When society normalized religious laws based on Catholicism, which won’t take too long to do, will then allow the one religious law we have been waiting for that most know as the mark of the beast.


#513 Is there a prophecy regarding 2520 years?

Hi Pastor Nic,

Good morning 

The 2520 “prophecy” is false, correct? 

I had never heard of it until a sister was telling me about it, just the other day. Praise the Lord, as I was looking into it..I was led to an article from the SDR Voice April-June 2013 newsletter where on page 9 you talked about it.

And when I went to look for the RH mentioned, I couldn’t find that one on Ellen white estates but found it on Adventist Archives. PTL; (I have attached that below as well- page 4) The only thing I did notice, was that vbates still has the chart (though it is out of stock) with the 2520 prophecy included. Was this a mistake? Something that Vern recanted later in His walk? And in his CD where he speaks about it, is it to support it or denounce it? For this dear sister has a CD from him on it. Before kindly correcting this dear sister and brother..is there any other information that would be important for me to know or is there anything that I am missing?


What I shared as a response back then to this dear sister I will share again as well as additional information I dug up recently including sharing what James White said about this back in 1864. I have it posted on the server here for those wanting to read along when I get to it.

As for the 2520 chart that was out of stock at vbates.com, from what I understand it's back in stock. As many know, I spoke with Verne on the phone regarding what I believed to be an error on the chart sometime before his death and he did assure me that he regretted sharing the chart as is. It appeared at the time he had a different view of it that he wanted to share so as to clarify. I'm not sure but perhaps he planned to place an insert with the chart at point of sale so as to show what really happened with it. But he never was able to do so as he died soon after. And yes, he did speak on the 2520 in a video he titled "Time Prophecies." But upon watching it, he did not speak on it in the same manner as some are doing today, or even back then for that matter. It appears we both agreed that the 2520 appeared more historic than it was prophetic.

Basic reality is, Sister White never spoke on it but she did say in Spalding and Magan on page 1.3 the following regarding the 1843 chart. She said; "I saw that the old chart was directed by the Lord, and that not a figure of it should be altered except by inspiration. I saw that the figures of the chart were as God would have them, and that His hand was over and hid a mistake in some of the figures, so that none should see it till His hand was removed."  {SpM 1.3}  

One thing I have seen over the years is how some confused preachers used Leviticus 26:18-36 as a way to build on this 2520 and that's where I believe the confusion started. What they missed is that there is no starting date in Leviticus as there was when Daniel was given the 2300 year prophecy in chapter 8 that we now know to be the longest prophetic period in Scripture. The angel Gabriel gave him a starting date of 457BC which when doing the historic research is found prophesied in Daniel 9:25, which was confirmed in Ezra 7:1-27 as the starting point. (See detail in my 70 weeks of Daniel study) Doing the math we come to a literal ending date of October 22, 1844.

And for those of us trusting SOP for additional confirmation, we see that Sister White doesn’t even mention the 2520 at all because it was never given to her from the Lord. Historic fact is, it was actually preached first in the Millerite movement which not long after printing the 1843 chart I do believe they discovered it was not of God and removed it. Hence the reason for the second chart 7 years later in 1850 wherein it was removed. That means by the time the SDA church started 20 years later, it wasn’t part of the 9th hour message.

The fact is, and this may seem a tad confusing for some as to why some still teach it, the 2520 doesn’t take away from the date of 1844 at all, as they both end on the exact same date, but it’s obviously a contrived or misunderstood prophecy due to a confused way of looking at the Scripture. Their supposed starting date of 677BC is found nowhere in Scripture via a plain thus saith the Lord or even in a symbolic prophecy as Gabriel offered to Daniel in 9:25 that can be deciphered with a real starting date by simple historic research. Therefore, it appears unfortunate that some confused preachers do appear to have simply placed it there as to have it land on the same date of 1844 so as to give it some sort of biblical or prophetic validity when in fact there is none. In either event, it just doesn't make sense prophetically at all. The 2520 is a list of historic judgments upon the Jews and not a prophetic event that goes beyond the days they were punished.

Worse yet, I have heard from some of these confused preachers claiming that if you deny this 2520 prophecy you cannot gain Heaven; but nowhere from Genesis to Revelation do we see any mention of the biblical means of salvation being anything other than the clear and eternal foundation laid by our Lord, Saviour and King Jesus Christ.

One thing I also noticed in all this is how some usually seek to push this on the unlearned babe in Christ, or they share it in a church that they know the leaders in their church do not study or teach prophecy with an obedient heart and we all know the only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it.

That all being said, thank you dear sister for sending me a copy of the Review and Sabbath Herald of January 1864 that touched on the 2520 via James White's pen. It blessed me with yet another confirmation onto what I learned regarding the false prophecy of 2520.

This is what our forefather James White shared in that Newsletter back in 1864...

"The prophetic period of Lev, xxvi, or what has been supposed to be such, has been no small object of study among prophetical expositors. It has been supposed that the expression, "seven times," in verses 18, 21, 24, 28, denoted a prophetic period of 2520 years, and that this period covered the time during which the throne of Israel should be and remain subverted and trodden down by oppressing powers. To rightly fix the commencement and termination of this period, became therefore a matter of consequence. Where does it commence ? and where does it end ? have been questions of much study, and perhaps some perplexity.

These, are not the questions, however, that we propose here to discuss ; for there is a question lying back of these, which demands to be answered first ; -namely, Is there any prophetic period brought to view at all in Lev. xxvi? -We claim that there is not, and will offer a few of what are to us very conclusive reasons for this position:

1. A series of judgments is threatened against Israel, in case they hearkened not unto God to do his commandments, before the expression, seven times, is introduced.. Verses 14-17. In these judgments is included being slain before their enemies, being reigned over by those that hated them, and fleeing when none pursued them. Now if the seven times were meant to cover the period of God's special judgments against Israel, especially of their captivity by foreign powers, these seven times should have been mentioned in connection with the first threatening of judgments of this kind. But this, as we have seen, is not the case.

2. After the threatening of these judgments, God says, verse 18, "And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins." Then follows an enumeration of the judgments to come upon them in fufillment of this, different from the items of the first threatening, and increasing in severity.

3. If they would not for this hearken, seven times more plagues were threatened against them, "according to their sins." Verse 21. Then again follows an enumeration of judgments to correspond, more severe still than any preceding.

4. If they would not be reformed by these things, God threatened to punish them seven times more for their sins. Verse 24. And in like manner with the foregoing, an enumeration of the judgments to be inflicted in fulfillment, immediately follows, more fearful still.

5. And if they would not hearken to God for all these things, he makes a final threat that would walk contrary to them in fury, and chastise them seven times for their sins. -Verse 28. And an enumeration of the judgments to be inflicted, again immediately follows, outdoing all before, in their terrible severity. Included among them were the eating of the flesh of their sons and daughters, making waste their cities, bringing the land into such desolation that their enemies should be astonished at it, scattering them among all nations, and drawing out a sword after them in all the lands of their dispersion. With fearful minuteness all this has been fulfilled, even to the eating the flesh of their own children, as in the terrible sieges that preceded the downfall of Jerusalem.

Thus we have, first, a series of judgments threatened against Israel, without the expression, seven times, and then the declaration four times made, that God would punish them seven times for their sins, each one on condition that the former did not lead to repentance, and each one containing its own specific enumeration of judgments, distinct from those that preceded, and regularly increasing in the severity of their denunciations. Now what is meant by this repeated expression of seven times? We reply, It denotes, not the duration of the punishment, but its intensity and severity. It is well expressed in the language of verse 21, thus : " I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins." The number seven denoting perfection, we are undoubtedly to understand, by this expression, the fullness of their punishment; that the measure of their national sins, would in every case be fully equaled by the measure of their national calamities.

And this position is fully sustained by the original, as a brief criticism will show.

In reference to the Hebrew, we learn from the Hebrew Concordance that the expression, seven times, in Lev. xxvi, comes from sheh-vag ; and this word is expressly set down by Gesenius, in those texts, as an adverb, also in Ps. cxix, 164; Prov. xxiv, 16. In Dan. iv, 16, 25, the expression, seven times, twice occurs, where beyond question it means duration. Nebuchadnezzar was to be driven from men, and make his dwelling with the beasts of the field, until seven times should pass over him. There can be no mistaking that here the expression means a certain space of time ; but here we find, not the adverb as in Lev. xxvi, but the noun, girl-dalm, defined by Gesenius, "Time, in prophetic language, for a year." In Dan, vii, 25, where a prophetic period is brought to view in the expression, "a time and times and the dividing of time," the same word is used. In Dan. xii, 7, where the same period is again brought to view, and in about the same language, we have another word, inch-gelid, defined by Gesenius, "Appointment of time. Spoken of a space of time, appointed and definite. In the prophetic style for a year." It will be seen by this definition, that this word is synonymous with the one used in Dan. vii, 25, as above referred to. Now if a period of time is meant by the expression, seven times, in Lev. xxvi, one of these words should and would most assuredly have been used. And the fact that neither of these words is there used, but another word, and that an adverb, places it beyond question that no such period is there intended.

The Greek is equally definite. The Septuagint has in Lev. xxvi, heptakis, which is an adverb, signifying seven times. In Dan. iv, 16, 25, for Nebuchadnezzar's seven times we have not heptakis, the adverb, but hepta kairoi, a noun and its adjective. And in all cases where the word time occurs, denoting a prophetic period, as in Dan. vii, 25; xii, 7; Rev. xii, 14, it is from the noun kairos. Such a thing as a prophetic period based on an adverb is not to be found.

So then, there is no prophetic period in Lev. xxvi and those who imagine that such a thing exists, and are puzzling themselves over the adjustment of its several dates, are simply beating the air. To ignore, or treat with neglect, a prophetic period where one is plainly given, is censurable in the extreme. It is an equally futile, though not so heinous, a course, to endeavor to create one where none exists." -James White

After reading all that from James White, I cannot help but to wonder how some that claim the 2520 is a prophetic period by using the "7 times" statement from the Lord that we see being used 4 times in Leviticus 26.

It amazes me how they are missing such an obvious blunder in their prophetic definition. Since James White echoed the prophetic statement of "times" in Daniel 7 to make a valid point being that in reality it is known to be "a year," is used in the singular sense in the context of the passage that they give for their so-called prophecy, I have to say that claiming all four references to "7 times" being 4 separate prophetic events equaling 2520 actually cripples their prophecy for in reality a "times" equates to two years not a single year as we see in both, Number 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6. (a day = a year) This means each they refer to the "times" referenced in their claimed reality here equates to 360 days, or 360 years in total. Problem is, and this can only be this way if in fact they changed the prophetic meaning of "times" (2 years) to now become a "time" (1 year) when declaring this "7 times" that is occurring four different times in Leviticus, this would then mean they are claiming their "7 times" which is now multiplied by four actually equates to 28 times. And that is where they cripple their own prophecy. For if their prophecy was to be of God, it would follow after and agree with that which God had penned already in His Word regarding the defintion of the word "times." If it was as they claim it to be and they claim it to be a prophetic utterance, then they have to apply their "times" defintion (which they assumes only = 1 year) to EVERY ONE of the “7 times” mentioned in Leviticus 26, and they can’t do that because there are 4 times God said “7 times” which then leads to “28 times of punishment”, (4X7 = 28) and that simply can’t work. (That is of course if they believe "times" = 1 year) Reason being is, 28 X 360 = 10,080 years, and we know the planet is only 6000 years old to this day.

Worse yet, if instead of defining the term "times" in a historic manner as James White was illustrating they are doing while at the same time claiming to be prophetic, if we were to allow for the prophetic term "times" to equal what we already know it to equal in prophecy, and that of course being "two years" as per the prophecies of both Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 12:14 which both speak of a "time, times and half a time," then the 28 times actually equates to "56" as "times" truly equals two years in prophecy, meaning their "4 X 7 times" in Leviticus would then equate to the Jews being punished for 20,160 years and again that's historically impossible seeing that Christ has promised in His "good Samaritan parable" 2000 years ago that He would return in 2000 years. As we know, the 6000 years are nearly over and there is no way the Lord will tarry for up to an additional 14,160 years to return which would equate to 20,160 years in total.


#514 Will we know each other in Heaven?

Is 1Corinthians 13:12 saying we will know each other in Heaven?


1 Corinthians 13:12  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Yes, we will know each other in Heaven because our wisdom will be increased in a miraculous way. But no, this verse is not saying we will know each other’s faces as they know ours. Reading into the verse from verse 9 may clarify this a bit.

1 Corinthians 13:9-12  For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.  (10)  But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.  (11)  When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.  (12)  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

The context is that down here we can only understand certain truths in the Word of God simply because we look through glasses darkly. Later, when we get home, we will know the Scripture just as easily as we know each other now.

In other words, it's actually saying that the deeply hidden truths of God that surpass even what we would consider the hidden mysteries of Scripture today will be known by us in ways we never contemplated. Paul uses the analogy here that just as we easily as the Lord knows us deep within, we will know His truth deep within as well. in ST Jan. 30, 1912 it says:

"But many mysteries yet remain unrevealed. How much that is acknowledged to be truth is mysterious and unexplainable to the human mind! How dark seem the dispensations of Providence! What necessity there is for implicit faith and trust in God's moral government! We are ready to say with Paul, "How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!" 

     We are not now sufficiently advanced in spiritual attainments to comprehend the mysteries of God. But when we shall compose the family of heaven, these mysteries will be unfolded before us. Of the members of that family John writes: "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." "And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.

Stopping here for a moment Revelation 14:1 says this, "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads." When Paul says "His" name, I understand this to mean not just the Father's name, but since Jesus is the perfect image of His Father, when we see Jesus we see the Father and so His Father's name is in our foreheads for we are now all of the same family in Heaven.

     Then much will be revealed in explanation of matters upon which God now keeps silence because we have not gathered up and appreciated that which has been made known of the eternal mysteries. The ways of Providence will be made clear; the mysteries of grace through Christ will be unfolded. That which the mind cannot now grasp, which is hard to be understood, will be explained. We shall see order in that which has seemed unexplainable; wisdom in everything withheld; goodness and gracious mercy in everything imparted. Truth will be unfolded to the mind, free from obscurity, in a single line, and its brightness will be endurable. The heart will be made to sing for joy. Controversies will be forever ended, and all difficulties will be solved (ST Jan. 30, 1912).

Just the other day as I was in study in 2Peter 1, I came across a quote from sister White that may make the "dark glasses" a bit brighter in why man cannot see certain things in the Bible simply because God used man with his weak language to pen truths that are not easily described with a human language. I pray all are attentive right now to hear what I am about to read because it's something most have never realized regarding the Holy Writ. In fact, I am certain some of you will be shocked and even amazed in what she says here as I was the first time I read it.

In MS 16, 1888  we read... "God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired Word to finite man. This Word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.  

     Those who think to make the supposed difficulties of Scripture plain, in measuring by their finite rule that which is inspired and that which is not inspired, had better cover their faces, as Elijah when the still small voice spoke to him; for they are in the presence of God and holy angels, who for ages have communicated to men light and knowledge, telling them what to do, and what not to do, unfolding before them scenes of thrilling interest, waymark by waymark in symbols and signs and illustrations.  

     And He has not, while presenting the perils clustering about the last days, qualified any finite man to unravel hidden mysteries, or inspired one man or any class of men to pronounce judgment as to that which is inspired or is not. When men, in their finite judgment, find it necessary to go into an examination of Scriptures to define that which is inspired and that which is not, they have stepped before Jesus to show Him a better way than He has led us.  

     I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. . . .  

     Simplicity and plain utterance are comprehended by the illiterate, by the peasant, and the child as well as by the full-grown man or the giant in intellect. If the individual is possessed of large talents of mental powers, he will find in the Oracles of God treasures of truth, beautiful and valuable, which he can appropriate. He will also find difficulties, and secrets and wonders which will give him the highest satisfaction to study during a long lifetime, and yet there is an infinity beyond.  

     Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge unless he is willfully blind.  

     We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes (MS 16, 1888).  

Then we read this in MS 24, 1886.

   " The writers of the Bible had to express their ideas in human language. It was written by human men. These men were inspired of the Holy Spirit. Because of the imperfections of human understanding of language, or the perversity of the human mind, ingenious in evading truth, many read and understand the Bible to please themselves. It is not that the difficulty is in the Bible. Opposing politicians argue points of law in the statute book, and take opposite views in their application and in these laws.  

     The Scriptures were given to men, not in a continuous chain of unbroken utterances, but piece by piece through successive generations, as God in His providence saw a fitting opportunity to impress man at sundry times and divers places. Men wrote as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost. There is "first the bud, then the blossom, and next the fruit," "first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear." This is exactly what the Bible utterances are to us.

     There is not always perfect order or apparent unity in the Scriptures. The miracles of Christ are not given in exact order, but are given just as the circumstances occurred, which called for this divine revealing of the power of Christ. The truths of the Bible are as pearls hidden. They must be searched, dug out by painstaking effort. Those who take only a surface view of the Scriptures, will, with their superficial knowledge, which they think is very deep, talk of the contradictions of the Bible, and question the authority of the Scriptures. But those whose hearts are in harmony with truth and duty will search the Scriptures with a heart prepared to receive divine impressions. The illuminated soul sees a spiritual unity, one grand golden thread running through the whole, but it requires patience, thought, and prayer to trace out the precious golden thread. Sharp contentions over the Bible have led to investigation and revealed the precious jewels of truth. Many tears have been shed, many prayers offered, that the Lord would open the understanding to His Word.  

     The Bible is not given to us in grand superhuman language. Jesus, in order to reach man where he is, took humanity. The Bible must be given in the language of men. Everything that is human is imperfect. Different meanings are expressed by the same word; there is not one word for each distinct idea. The Bible was given for practical purposes.  

     The stamps of minds are different. All do not understand expressions and statements alike. Some understand the statements of the Scriptures to suit their own particular minds and cases. Prepossessions, prejudices, and passions have a strong influence to darken the understanding and confuse the mind even in reading the words of Holy Writ. . . .   

     The Bible is written by inspired men, but it is not God's mode of thought and expression. It is that of humanity. God, as a writer, is not represented. Men will often say such an expression is not like God. But God has not put Himself in words, in logic, in rhetoric, on trial in the Bible. The writers of the Bible were God's penmen, not His pen. Look at the different writers.  

     It is not the words of the Bible that are inspired, but the men that were inspired. Inspiration acts not on the man's words or his expressions but on the man himself, who, under the influence of the Holy Ghost, is imbued with thoughts. But the words receive the impress of the individual mind. The divine mind is diffused. The divine mind and will is combined with the human mind and will; thus the utterances of the man are the Word of God. (MS 24, 1886)


#515 ONLINE CLAIM -100% Proof Christians Don't Have To Keep The Sabbath

Should Christians keep the Sabbath Day? This is a question that Seventh Day Adventists and other Sabbath keeping groups frequently ask Christians and they insist that Christians must observe the Sabbath Day. But is this true? The answer to that question is "no". Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath Day Commandment. The Sabbath Day Commandment was a shadow of things to come, the substance of which is Christ.


Want to see how easy it is to show 100% proof that Christians that want to go to Heaven will actually keep the Ten Commandments including the seventh day Sabbath?

We all know God NEVER changes right? Yes, we do because it says so in Malachi 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. And then again in Hebrews 13:8  Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

The Christian God NEVER changes, and this includes His law, which is the law of the land in Heaven. In fact, only those obedient Christians keeping His Law are allowed entrance into Heaven. Proof? Revelation 22:14  Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

Keep in mind, that's the LAST book of the Bible as well as the LAST chapter of the Bible. If God's Law was changed, one would think the LAST CHAPTER of the Holy Writ would not be saying what it does in this verse. Worse yet, those claiming it's not saying this or saying the Sabbath was changed are in danger of dying in the plagues. Proof? Revelation 22:18 "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:"

Some claim the Ten Commandments were only for the Jews and they do so without knowing it was the Bishop of Rome that started that lie in unison with Constantine back in 321AD when he was trying to CONvince all the Christians to keep SUNDAY holy starting March 07, 321AD exactly as prophesied in Daniel 7:25. In fact, this is why the never changing God started Commandment #4 with the word "REMEMBER." The Christian God knew Satan would try to make all Christians FORGET IT in the last days.

Another fact that proves the Seventh Day Sabbath was never a "Jewish Sabbath" as the "many false prophets" claim that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:11. They have been claiming for centuries the Law was changed without realizing that before a Jew was ever even born the angels in Heaven keep the ten commandments. Proof? Psalms 103:20 says,  Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

Now for the ultimate clincher that backfires on Satan himself. The basic reality is; the fact Satan is alive and tempting people to break God's Law as we speak PROVES God's Sabbath and all Ten Commandments are still valid. How so? If there were no Ten Commandments in Heaven before mankind was created, Satan would not have been cast out of Heaven. Even a babe in Christ knows that Satan was in fact cast out of Heaven before Adam and Eve were created. That's basic Christianity 101. But how does this prove God's Law is valid?

Satan was cast our for committing a SIN that he refused to repent of. And so, how does the Bible define sin? 1 John 3:4 "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law."

That means, Satan was cast out of Heaven by the NEVER changing God because he broke God's ETERNAL Law that all obedient Christians that enter into the city of Heaven know all about as per Revelation 22:14. The Ten Commandments are the laws of the land in Heaven and because Satan refused to repent of breaking the law, he was cast out out of Heaven before mankind was created in the Garden of Eden. The fact Satan appeared as a serpent in that Garden proves he was already cast out of Heaven before Eve walked up to that tree that day.

So, why is Satan focusing on God's Law in these last days? Go to my YouTube page and see my "MARK OF THE BEAST" video when you get time. Or just open your Bible and see that there's a reason every time the mark of the beast is mentioned in Revelation, the word WORSHIP is right there with it. The mark is a RELIGOUS LAW designed to force mankind to deny the Creator God and worship Satan the dying god of this world, who as we know wants to be worshipped as a god. Proof?

Isaiah 14:12-14  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  (13)  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  (14)  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

As for the "Sabbath is a shadow of things to come..." as the YouTuber claims, that particular Sabbath he mentions is not the weekly Sabbath at all. The weekly Sabbath points back to creation. The fact Commandment #4 says "in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is" proves this out easily. But the ANNUAL Sabbaths mentioned in Leviticus 23 point forward to the cross of Christ. Those "Sabbaths" are actually called "feast days."

The YouTuber got the term "shadow of things to come" from Colossians chapter two. Particularly Colossians 2:16-17 that says, "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:  (17)  Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ."

See Leviticus 23:23-38 on this. It is there you will find the "meat, drink, holy days and new moons" that Paul speaks of. Looking in God's Ten Commandments we see no mention of these things. All the ANNUAL feast days were listed Leviticus 23 and then in verse 38 it declared these "sabbath days" are BESIDES the Sabbath of the Lord. After listing the annual Sabbaths it even says in Lev 23:37 that "These are the feasts of the LORD..." In short, the Sabbath of the Lord is DAY SEVEN of each and every week.

The Jewish feast days were a shadow of things to come because they pointed forward in a prophetic manner as to what Christ would do when He came to this Earth to die for us. I ask, why should we embrace or seek to keep feast days that speak of things already done? My faith alone in the "Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world" [John 1:29] already proclaims that which the feast days originally looked forward to as fulfilled at Calvary.

Scriptures openly declare these feast days "nailed to the cross" in the following passage...

Colossians 2:14, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;"

Now that is BUNT!

These feast days were the ordinances that were given to Moses who penned them on parchment, or animal skins, which we all know is flesh and quite temporary to boot. Unlike the Law of God which written in STONE by God's own finger to denote permanence. And notice this...

Colossians 2:20 says, "Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,"

In other words, since Christians have died to self with faith in Christ, who has set us free from the demonic powers of the world, why would we want to go back to keeping ordinances that prophesied how you would be freed from all that?

The ripping of the temple veil in Matthew 27:51 declares in mountainous tones that these feast days were indeed no longer needed. It was the feast day Sabbaths that were abolished NOT the Law of God. The feast days were written in the flesh, the Law of God was written in stone.

In fact, the Temple itself was no longer the residence of the Shekinah glory of the Lord's presence when that Temple veil ripped that day. Before the rip, no man could enter into the Most Holy Place but the High priest who did so to represent the atoning sacrifice of Christ on that cross. Anyone else walking in there would most assuredly DIE. Now however, any man can come before the Lord, for the Temple is now the obedient Christian! Proof? 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"

Want it prophetically BLUNT?

Daniel the Prophet declares the Feast Days as something that was to STOP the moment Christ died on the cross...

Daniel 9:27, "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

Prophecy itself confirms the feast days CEASED at the time of the cross. In the "midst of the week" which was 3.5 yrs after Jesus was baptized. Directly after Jesus died He instructed the apostles to go to the Jews to declare the Gospel for 3.5 years. That was the prophesied WEEK OF DANIEL as we call it today.

The Temple veil RIPPED completely in two at the exact moment the "Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world" spoke from His very lips, "IT IS FINISHED" on that cross as per John 19:30

NOTE TO THE YOUTUBER... PS, I am NOT SDA. Why? As prophesied in both Matthew 20:1-7 and Revelation 12:17 they have fallen into Babylonian apostasy. I never even was SDA. In fact, I am a pastor in the Seventh Day Remnant (SDR) church that is the prophesied 11th hour (final) church which in reality is a global movement that is about to be GRAPHICALLY vocal when the Latter Rain begins.

I pray you are blessed.


#516 Do these verses mean we are immedately in Heaven after we die?

I know you touched on this before, but I don't recall hearing about these verses that were given to claim instant life after death is real. Luke 23:46, 1Pet. 3:19 & Acts 2:31.


verses in question:

The word "spirit" here is NOT the soul as many claim so as to declare our souls go to heaven without our bodies. It is the "breath of life" that goes back to the Father who gave it. Look up that word in Scripture and you will see it used many times wherein it isn't defined as a soul. It is actually translated from the Greek word "pneuma" which always means air. Like in pneumatic tires.

Basic reality is, if that word meant the soul, then that means our soul is in our nostrils. Why do I say that? Notice this from Job 27:3 which says, "All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;"

The next verse you asked about is...

Jesus spoke through Noah, "a preacher of righteousness" (2Peter 2:5) back then. And as we know, to be in bondage of sin is declared to be in Satan's prison of the lost. Dear friend, you must never cherry pick verses like that as it makes them say something they're not saying. Please be very careful as in so doing, you may actually lead others astray all the way to damnation and I am sure you wouldn't want to do that, as you have to know you will be held accountable for their plight if you refuse to repent..

Are you questioning the resurrection of Christ? No, I don't think so. Perhaps you used that verse to declare David was in Heaven as most do? If so, again you need to once again stay in context before declaring doctrine. That passage is Peter preaching and proving that people do not go to Heaven or hell at death. Literally. That is what that sermon was written for in fact. Reading on it says in Acts 2:32 that, "This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses." That passage you gave was also taken out of context to make it appear "David" would not be left in the grave. But it was not as you assume. The apostle Peter was echoing King David who was prophesying as Peter clearly stated in Acts 2:25 when he says, "For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:"

Many people still think to this day that it speaks of David not being left in the Grave and in Heaven seeing His Lord and back in Peter's day many thought that way too because Satan has been busy all along twisting Scripture. And so to clarify what he meant, Peter shared the min-sermon and then made it VERY plain about David and his current place in reality so as to dictate absolute truth he knew would dispel the darkness of lies. Peter actually said in Acts 2:29, "Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day."...

I pray you are blessed by the truth here.

By the way, do a study on why the Bible says "the DEAD in Christ" rise from the grave at the second coming. Perhaps then it will be clear as to what the Bible says about the state of the dead. But if you want a jump start on studying this doctrine, see my "where do we go from here" study when you get time.


#517 I left the Lutheran church to attend the SDA church - but.

I was a Lutheran for my entire life up until 2015-16 when I really started to question my church and my belief. I was led to the SDA Church because it is the only church I know of in my area that keeps Sabbath. I have grown up with the Trinity. So it is confusing for me. I'm sorry the video was long I really don't expect you to watch it all. Pastor B---- does believe in the holy Spirit from what I understand. But not as a god to be worshipped. Do you believe he is a Jesuit for teaching this way? I was just hoping to use you as a sounding board if you don't mind. Please answer me if you have time, I will have to pray and trust the Lord to guide me through your response.

By the way, he says he is not 501c3, and not part of general conference. He says there are 2 that bear witness in heaven. The Father and the Son. I think I understand him to believe the holy Spirit are ministering angels?

Praying for guidance,
Sister V.....


My dear sister in the Lord;

Both Scripture and Ellen White declare the Holy Spirit is to be worshipped. (See links below) What you’re unaware of is that what he is preaching is actually a lie that was prophesied to start up again right before the end. This pastor may or may not be a Jesuit, and just so you know, he doesn’t even have to be 501c3 to be used of Satan to preach doctrinal fiction as I know for a biblical fact he is not preaching truth as I have God's Word to verify this.

As for that Pastor's claim about only two bearing witness in Heaven in his video he is not only mistaken, he makes it childishly easy to expose him as a false prophet or at the very least as someone who does not read or trust His own Bible. For it is written plainly in 1 John 5:7, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."

Now yes, if you share this with this pastor he will actually lie to you in a major way and .. are you sitting down? Because what he will say to you may shock you. He will say “that verse should be removed from the Bible.”

How do I know he will say that? It’s because those he worships with have said it to me years ago in emails and on the phone. But what I have in writing from them dosen’t matter at all because not only is the Bible clear on this, the angel with the inkhorn has what they said IN WRITING. What I have as evidence pales in comparison to what that angel has.

Fact is, even if he was to rip that Bible verse out to declare his doctrine to be true as Isaiah 4:1 says most will do today with many doctrines, we still have many verses proving they are lying. Just to name a few we have...

The Lord God is called "Holy" three times to depict the Godhead to be of three separate Gods namely, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And just so you know, if there are only two Gods in the Godhead, why does Jesus say in Matthew 28:19, that when we go forth sharing our faith we must, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:."

And why do we see all three persons of the Godhead at Jesus' baptism that day? Jesus was standing on the planet in that lake, the Holy Spirit was floating above Him so John the Baptist can see Him and the Father was speaking from Heaven?

Or what of Jeremiah and how he described the Temple of the Lord in his day when prophesying against the sinful king, his cabinet and all the people?

Why repeat it three times if there are only two persons in the Godhead?

I fought that strange doctrine for years when Satan sent many wolves spewing it to try and lure me and some of the brethren off the path of truth. I used many Scriptures to prove it was a Satanic command to rip out that verse and all of them got very upset with me as was to be expected. But it wasn’t until someone in Texas paid tens of thousands of dollars for a very old manuscript that some Jesuits tried to steal from him by offering much more money to the seller a few days before he was going to travel to buy it. Praise God the seller was a man with morals who refused to renege on his promise to sell by a certain date for much less money. That manuscript proved in writing that the wolves were lying when they echoed the Vatican lie that 1 John 5:7 wasn’t in the early manuscripts. I posted the documented facts which shut all the mouths that were attacking us once that book was released. See this… remnantofGod.org/onegod.htm#1John5.7

The Jesuits made that claim first when their Trinity lie was exposed by obedient Bible students well over a century ago. And that lie festered so much that by the time the SDA church came along many demons had all the tools they needed to CONvince some of the weak brethren in leadership positions to fall for it. But I praise God they failed when it came to the true remnant bride of Christ that we are a part of today.

Recently when this lie tried to enter into the SDR church by someone very close to me that I never thought would believe it or even declare it; this poor unsuspecting soul was lured off the path by those grievous wolves to try and weed their way into the true and prophesied remnant church so as to cause it to fall into apostasy with them and therefore cause us to fail at our ordained post of duty when it comes time to declare the loud cry in the coming days. It took years of prayer and deep study, but that precious soul is now much closer to the truth in that he no longer worships with them. He still has some confusion on it at times, and so prayer continues because the Lord recently revealed this precious soul WILL be working directly with me in the coming years in the final work, but only if he stays in the Word and remains obedient.

Think on this as well… even though there are many verses in the Word of God to prove the Holy Spirit is not only a literal separate Person in the Godhead as both Scripture and Sister White said, the Bible literally says the Holy Spirit is Melchizedeck Himself from the days of Abraham. AND.. I can prove it…

See this study when you get time remnantofGod.org/Melchisedec.htm

Both these links I shared with you are in depth studies I did back then when the SDR church was under attack by that Roman dogma inspired by Satan. Both those pages have links wherein the study progressed over the weeks and months back then and the Lord gave even more information on this so as to finally put it to rest once and for all in the SDR church. I pray you check out those links and videos so as to see the real truth in all this. Especially the link on that page titled “Why they Preach ONE God.”

One last thing.. this trinity issue is something I spoke on many years ago on this page. remnantofGod.org/trinity.htm

And, just so you know, I made a statement on that page that still holds true in my mind to this day. And that is I no longer discuss the trinity itself with these fallen leaders because that page already has so much info, and has placed back into context so many verses they twisted out of context to agree word for word with the Vatican trinity that when I share this link with such people who stand as pastors or leaders, I tell them I am done. Reason being is, the trinity of Rome is something Satan designed so as to offer the confused people who refuse to study the Bible in faith on their own with the option to always say “what if” with another twisted verse so as to share even more out of context passages to back their lies.

I will no longer discuss it with them because if they refuse to see the literal hundreds of proofs I share in that study and even the dozens of times the Word proved them wrong on their repetitive “what ifs,” that if they truly did the study and saw all the “line upon lines and precepts upon precepts” yet still come back with another “what if” anyway, that means they are not bothering to read the studies and are ignoring a TON of Bible verses that prove them wrong over and over again so as to seek ONE verse they can sufficiently twist far out of context to back up a lie and vindicate their stance. I simply have no time to play this demonic game with them as we have no time left to bother with these devilish sidetracks in these last days. Present truth must be declared and THAT is what I will do.

By the way, I also did a write up on that pastor's friends which I then made into a video that upset them so much they literally called and left a message on my phone years ago that came off quite strange to me in that they declared "it would have been nice if I talked to them first before posting the video" when I had already been going back and forth with them for years via someone they confused as a go-between. See the write up regarding all this and the link to the short video here… remnantofGod.org/wdtpb.htm

I pray you are blessed as was that precious soul they failed to keep in their camp.


#518 The Elect are all MEN? (YouTube)

Gods ELect, are all men.... most are Eunuchs.


Perhaps you assume Revelation 14:4 is saying the Elect are only men and since they are "not defiled with women" they must be eunuchs. But 2 Peter 1:20 says, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." Meaning, you cannot give your own opinion on what a prophetic symbol means.

Revelation is a prophetic book dear sister. And 100% of all the symbols in Revelation are defined by God Himself in all 66 books of the Bible.

For example, when it said "they were not defiled by women" it means the elect will not allow the corrupt churches in the last days to con them into accepting their apostate lies in both doctrine or prophecy because the biblical fact is, in prophecy, a "women" = "church." Proof? Notice what it says in Jeremiah 6:2. It says, "I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman." (See all the verses listed here... remnantofGod.org/books/docs/REV/Revelation.htm#woman )

Dear sister, you're on the right track seeking to understand prophecy to figure out what's happening in these last days because so much is happening in all avenues of physical and spiritual reality. What I mean is, there are so many prophetic events fulfilling as we speak, and they have been fulfilling for many years that Satan is generating a ton of strange events to distract as many people as possible as far away from the real prophesied events. On top of that he is using the "many false prophets" Jesus warned us about in the final days that twist doctrines as well as fabricate false prophecies by using current events that are man-made and mostly political in nature while claiming them to be prophetic instead.

Take all that's happening in Israel right now as a perfect example. Nearly 100% of the preachers, pastors, evangelists, theologians, Christian lay people and even politicians are repeating over and over again in the News that what's happening in Israel is not only prophetic, it's proof they are the chosen people. It's gotten so far out of hand that one Rabbi actually got on TV and stated that all the Christians need to stop worshipping one Jew (meaning Jesus) and they all need to start worshipping all the Jews because they're all dying for their sins daily.

As prophesied in Amos 8:11, next to no one studies their Bibles anymore. That being the case, none of them are aware that the obedient Commandment keeping remnant Christians are the only ones called the "Israel of God" in the Bible, but because we are in the age of lying, nearly everyone believes the Jews that openly declare their hatred of Jesus are forever blessed of God.

Out of many, and I mean MANY verses I have listed on my "Who is Israel" page, these few verses confirm the ravenous wolves most call pastors and those that listen to them are not reading their Bibles at all, for it is plainly written in

Galatians 6:15-16, "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.  And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God."

I have to ask, why would Paul call Christians "the Israel of God" if it was only meant to be the name of a single nation; who back then, as well as today, openly deny Christ as Lord, Saviour, King or even as the Biblically confirmed prophesied Messiah? Seriously, when Paul uses the term "Israel of God" he is attributing it to people he says are "in Christ Jesus" at the start of that verse. Nary a Pharisee, or most Jews back then or even on to this day would claim to be "in Christ Jesus." Only Christians do that.

And what of the Prophecy of Hosea 2:23 that states, “…I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God.” Was this not confirmed in reality centuries later when Jesus said to the Pharisees in Matthew 21:43 that, “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."

Later we see Paul declaring in Romans 9:6-8 it says that, “…they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.”

And what is the promise Paul speaks of here? In Galatians 3:14 Paul says, "That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."

And finally, Galatians 3:26-29 says, "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.  For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

This is why there are four horns pointing NSEW on the altar of burnt sacrifice that represented to the obedient Israelites of old back then that bringing a lamb sacrifice for sin, which they knew represented what the Messiah in the future, who we as Christians know is the one John the Baptist declared to be Jesus the "Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1:29)

Today, most not only ignore the four horns on that altar of burnt sacrifice altogether, and those that do know about them, some claim via their man-made theological prejudice that all four horns only point East towards Jerusalem somehow.

Dear sister, you're obviously seeing something happening most of your friends and loved ones aren't seeing. The world really is ending and every prophecy that was to fulfill up to now HAS been fulfilled. And the ones regarding the final prophecy of the enforcement of the mark are also fulfilled wherein the foundation to enforce the mark IS ALREADY SET in stone. Proof? See this blog entry I posted back on April 28 of this year.

ONE LAST THING.. Do you want to know what every symbol in Revelation means? Knowing what they mean will make your Bible studies much more enlightening and easy to understand in all 66 books since prophetic symbolism runs throughout all 66 books. Check out this study I did years ago. Not only do I show every verse that defines each symbol in Revelation, I UNDERLINE the definition in each to make the definition stand out. There's also a link to an APP a brother in the faith made for me on that page as well.


#519 What does 1Jn. 5:16-17 mean?

Praise God pr. It's been a longtime without communicating with you. Hope you are doing well. Thanks for the work of God. Blessings.

   Pr . I need your help in 1Jn. 5:16-17.

I will be greatful to receive your reply dear. I salute all brethren. Amen 


Good to hear from you my brother. I pray all is well with you and the beloved brethren in Ugunda during these prophesied and exciting times.

As for 1 John 5:16-17 that says, “If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.  (17)  All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.”

This sin that is not unto death is speaking of a death that comes upon the child of God due to them dying while not realizing their bad decisions in life were sinful and dangerous to their physical well-being.

For example: The physical laws of God are just as important as the moral laws. The moral law broken brings on eternal death, whereas the physical laws when broken, only lead to physical death. Breaking a physical law that leads to physical death would be like someone eating unhealthy foods without knowing that it will eventually lead to disease and death.

A person who becomes a Christian can still die a physical death due to a sinful diet, yet they will still gain eternal life due to the fact the Lord “winks” at their times of ignorance while alive. (See Acts 17:30 & 1Timothy 1:13)

One also needs to understand that this holds true even if the Christian becomes aware of their sinful diet later in life and repents. Unless there is a miraculous healing due to God's plan for that person, the reality is that the physical damage may still be done and irreversible therefore causing them to die a physical death yet still gain eternal life.

Take those that smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. If this person finds Christ late in life and then quits smoking and drinking; they may still get a disease from the smoking or drinking, but they will still die a good death in Christ. Therefore theirs is a sin "not unto death", wherein the word “death” here is being defined in biblical context as eternal death or damnation.

As for John saying "There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it."

What John means here is, if we see someone in open sin, we cannot pray God will still give them life eternal because no one can gain Heaven by breaking God's law openly and continually. For when speaking of those residing in Heaven, it clearly says in Revelation 21:27, "there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." And so, we must pray that they repent first. For dying with unconfessed sin on our record guarantees damnation.

As for those Christians that know something is wrong to eat, drink or do, yet do so anyway, they are in open sin no matter how much they try to hide it. They may be able to lie to themselves and even lie to us wherein we are none the wiser of their wicked actions behind closed doors, but the God that read hearts knows they are purposely acting as if they are being obedient so as to keep up appearances; but in reality, they are in sin before the eyes of God and worthy of damnation.

Another scenario into this truth is; when some Christians are unaware of their sin, but they are told by their brethren they may be in sin, and they have a means by which to investigate it so as to please God by stopping, yet choose not to investigate because they fear losing a cherished idol be it unclean food, smoking, alcohol or drugs, again, the God that knows they are purposely avoiding looking into such things so as to not take the chance of disrupting their freedom to enjoy what might be sinful, they claim the age old excuse that "what they don't know can't hurt them" God will judge them sinful and worthy of damnation. In fact, notice what it says in Christ's Object Lessons just such a person:

"Transgression of physical law is transgression of the moral law; for God is as truly the author of physical laws as He is the author of the moral law. His law is written with His own finger upon every nerve, every muscle, every faculty, which has been entrusted to man. And every misuse of any part of our organism is a violation of that law.  {COL 347.1}  

All should have an intelligent knowledge of the human frame that they may keep their bodies in the condition necessary to do the work of the Lord. The physical life is to be carefully preserved and developed that through humanity the divine nature may be revealed in its fullness. The relation of the physical organism to the spiritual life is one of the most important branches of education. It should receive careful attention in the home and in the school. All need to become acquainted with their physical structure and the laws that control natural life. He who remains in willing ignorance of the laws of his physical being and who violates them through ignorance is sinning against God. All should place themselves in the best possible relation to life and health. Our habits should be brought under the control of a mind that is itself under the control of God.  {COL 348.1}  

"The misuse of our physical powers shortens the period of time in which our lives can be used for the glory of God. And it unfits us to accomplish the work God has given us to do. By allowing ourselves to form wrong habits, by keeping late hours, by gratifying appetite at the expense of health, we lay the foundation for feebleness. By neglecting physical exercise, by overworking mind or body, we unbalance the nervous system. Those who thus shorten their lives and unfit themselves for service by disregarding nature's laws, are guilty of robbery toward God. And they are robbing their fellow men also. The opportunity of blessing others, the very work for which God sent them into the world, has by their own course of action been cut short. And they have unfitted themselves to do even that which in a briefer period of time they might have accomplished. The Lord holds us guilty when by our injurious habits we thus deprive the world of good. - {COL 346.4}  

I pray you are blessed my brother.


#520 Will the Latter Rain fall on SDA Trinitarians?

Hello Nicolas, I’m just wondering do you believe that the early and Latter Rain will fall on those that believe in the Trinity as well as those that are non Trinity believers or do you believe that it will fall only on people who are Non Trinity believers the reason that I’m asking is because there are a lot of Pastors within the church such as: Doug Batchelor, Steve Wohlberg, Stephen Bohr, and Doctor Olatunji from project latter rain, and all of 3ABN who are all praying for the outpouring of the early and Latter Rain even though they all believe in the Trinity thank you again for all your messages.


Dearest sister;

As for any pastor in the SDA church, no I do not believe they will be blessed with the latter rain as it appears none of them trust the Holy Spirit in the early rain. All of them, 100% of them, ignore basic commands of the living God of the Bible regarding joining their churches with the State via their 501c3 contract with the second beast; (USA) worse yet, multimillionaires like Batchelor who have three contracts are blatantly denying Christ as Lord by yoking unequally with those that hate the obedient people of God. When Sunday laws are passed, and this is besides the fact that the many apostate SDA organizations like the "Adventist Today" just last August 21, 2023 stated that Sunday laws is, and I quote, are "an invention of Ellen White." You can see their entire statement here on my site. And just in case they lie and claim they never said that to save face, I copied their page and placed it on my server here for safe keeping.

As expected, when Christians in all the churches including the SDA church disobey the God of the Bible, like the ancient Jews, the understanding of prophecy and doctrine will be taken from them. Lamentations 2:9 clearly says that since, "...the law is no more; her prophets also find no vision from the LORD."

They cannot understand doctrine of prophecy anymore, for if they did they would never have missed such an easy to see prophetic event fulfilled in that 501c3 contract they hold so dear, for the only way to understand prophecy and doctrine is to obey the God that wrote it.

On top of that, their Pagan festivals of lent, easter, Christmas and the fact the General Conference now has dozens of Sunday keeping churches open as we speak so as to stay in business when the mark is enforced no, none of them love the Lord enough to do as Scripture and sister White later said to help them understand what to do when apostasy appeared in the church in her day. They all need to “come out of her” immediately, and if and when they do, the people in the pews will see the dangers of disobeying God by staying in a church they all know is in apostasy. The pastors are to lead by example. Today, 100% of all SDA pastors and leaders exhibit an apostate spirit that corrupts the people to the point all of them are in grave danger of damnation when the Lord says He will "spue thee out of my mouth" in Revelation 3:16.

 The latter rain only falls on those that have an exceptional love and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The King of Heaven cannot use people that deny His Word on one hand while claiming to obey it on the next hand. As per Isaiah 4:1 this is what ALL so-called Protestants do today.

Our God cannot trust these SDA men to do what needs to be done in the loud cry. All of them embrace sin and teach others to do the same while at the same time claim to be obey God. These are the very ones sister White said will be our explicit enemies who come against us (as they have already started to do) to the point at the end of plague #6, they will bow before our feet in worship if in fact we are faithful to stand in that number.


#521 Please explain Isaiah 28:13 about "falling backward, snared and taken"

I'm still having trouble understanding what our Lord is saying in this verse, especially the last part that says, "... that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken."

Isaiah 28:13 "But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken."

I know what verses 9-10 are ... the command of God on how to study the Bible. For some reason, there are those who will argue that the context of the chapter is a rebuke against drunkards and therefore verses 9-10 are not about how to study the Word. I know, strange. But I do not know how to understand verse 13. Please help. God bless!


The Word of God was given to them to help them on the path of life. The Lord gave them precept upon precept and line upon line to make it clear unto them what His will was for them, but when they stopped studying it, or even referring to it when trials in life came upon them they fell back because the "line upon line” is not adhered to, and so naturally they have no choice but to fall backward, be broken, snared and taken by Satan.

Like today, many “preachers” create false doctrines out of a single verse and those in the pews never investigate it out using the line upon line and precept upon precept recommendation. So they too fall backward into sin because the doctrine of man has absolutely no power to guide the soul on the lighted path or keep the heart safe in Jesus.

I also found some SOP on this as well so as to confirm my understanding …

"It is according to the character of the matter with which the mind becomes familiar that it is dwarfed or enlarged. If the mind is not raised up to make vigorous and persistent effort in seeking to comprehend truth by comparing scripture with scripture, it will surely become contracted and lose its tone. We should set our minds to the task of searching for truths that do not lie directly upon the surface.--RH, Sept 28, 1897.

"When we search the Word of God, angels are by our side, reflecting bright beams of light upon its sacred pages. The Scriptures appeal to man as having power to choose between right and wrong; they speak to him in warning, in reproof, in entreaty, in encouragement. The mind must be exercised on the solemn truths of God's Word, or it will grow weak.... We must examine for ourselves and learn the reasons of our faith by comparing scripture with scripture. Take the Bible, and on your knees plead with God to enlighten your mind.--RH, Mar 4, 1884. 


#522 Can you clarify who you see as the "false prophet" of Revelation?

Since we are in the end times, that would mean the false prophet is already active today. Correct?


Correct, since we are so near the end, the false prophet that joins the dragon, (Satan) with the beast (Pope) has been busy for quite some time now.

The reason I see the false prophet as being the apostate Protestant churches which have formed in America and spread to other nations and especially the SDA church is because their "smooth" message and many false prophecies and strange doctrines that lured, it seems, every church in America into becoming Catholic in spiritual nature. Truth is, a prophet of God declares true prophecy and bible doctrine without error and so when I look at all the churches with their Vatican inspired dogma and false prophecies that protect the Vatican's bloody past by writing a different history wherein they either openly claim the Inquisition never happened as some Catholic leaders started claim at least 20 years ago when I saw it on their Catholic newsgroups, or they say the numbers are nowhere near the 500,000,000 John Knox spoke of in his book, and so I can see them for what they truly are by simply matching historic record with biblical fact and prophecies.

As we know, the Lord doesn't do or even declare anything without a reason as well as a lesson unto His obedient people. Take the book of Esther as one of many examples in how the events that happened in their day is a clear prophetic illustration for our day.

I believe the same is true in Jeremiah's day. The false prophet Hanniah is a prophetic harbinger to the prophesied false prophet in the end of days. In Jeremiah's day that false prophet declared peace and safety and even claimed Babylon was no threat that would be null and void within 2 years. The king and his cabinet believed the false prophet over the truth Jeremiah shared, just as all the 501c3 preachers today promote Babylon as no threat and everyone of the churches now have many agreements with the Roman church as if God sanctions their idol worship. And just as the Lord allowed Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Israel in their apostasy, Babylon has again taken the church and soon all these fallen churches will be destroyed in their apostasy as well. And so, just they ignored Jeremiah and even mocked him, they have already begun to do this to us even before the refreshing of the Latter Rain.

Sister White even stated in 1895 that "Christ will come to consume the false prophet, to sweep away the hosts of apostasy, to take vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of God; and it is of the highest importance to each one of us that we know the conditions by which we shall escape the sinner's doom." -Signs of the times June 20, 1895.

She also makes the connection of the false prophet with the peace and safety message of the churches today when she stated in 1882 that "It may be that the destroyers are already training under the hand of Satan and only wait the departure of a few more standard-bearers to take their places, and with the voice of the false prophet cry, Peace, peace, when the Lord hath not spoken peace. I seldom weep, but now I find my eyes blinded with tears; they are falling upon my paper as I write. It may be that ere long all prophesyings among us will be at an end, and the voice which has stirred the people may no longer disturb their carnal slumbers.  {PH117 59.2}  (Pamphlet 117 "Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church 1882")

Not only do all the so-called Protestant churches declare "peace and safety" today with their secret rapture and 7 year trib lies that make the people in the church experience no urgency due to the believe that they won't be here when it gets bad, some like the SDA church are declaring prophetic statements made by Ellen White were completely made up regarding Sunday Laws. Worse yet the SDA president even stated on Camera there are no signs of Sunday laws in the pipeline even though there are thousands of articles and videos proving otherwise. (Also see this list of "Peace and Safety" statements from the SDA church)

If I were to summarize my thought on this I would say, since we know, the mark of the beast is enforced in the USA first. Being as such, all the rest of the world follows the lead of the USA due to the fact it causes all the world to worship the first beast. (Revelation 13:12) And seeing how the USA was formed by Protestants due to Vatican tyranny, the USA has become the one to trust and follow by most nations. Since the USA is trusted so much and even desired by all as a refuge of freedom, she is moving other churches and nations to follow the lead of all the apostate Protestant church leaders in America, thereby filling the fruit basket that identifies the false prophet.


#523 How does someone commit the unforgivable sin which is to blaspheme the Holy Ghost?”

Jesus Christ said in Matthew 12:31-32, “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”

Why is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost so deadly? And why is it an unpardonable sin? This is very important to comprehend properly. What I need to share first before explaining the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit has to be well-understood before being able to realize just how deadly this type of blasphemy actually is.

Satan plans to cause billions of Christians and non-Christians to blaspheme the Holy Ghost in our day by causing them to openly deny the God of the Bible by doing the exact opposite of what the Christian God commands them to do directly before the world comes to an end. In fact, Satan knows Christian prophecy better than anyone and he knows he has very little time to do this. This is what he has been planning since the Garden of Eden and he is extremely angry because he is about to die soon. That means he is especially focused on all his final plans to lure billions into hellfire with him. In fact, it says in Revelation 12:12 that “the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

There is something the Creator God planned eons ago that when performed and then embraced as truth by mankind, will allow man to gain eternal life. Yes, I am talking about salvation in Jesus Christ who if we embrace as Lord and Saviour, we will escape the wrath of God in hellfire so as to live in peace and happiness in Heaven for eternity.

As most Christians know, Jesus died on the cross to give all of us a way to escape hellfire. Many fail to realize a promise made by Christ that grants us power to defeat Satan in a certain way most preachers never speak on. In fact, the end result of this promised power is declared in Revelation 22:14 as the means by which we gain Heaven. It says, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” - That city is HEAVEN!

Most Christian churches today are preaching the Law of God was abolished at the cross, yet this passage clearly says, unless you keep God’s Law, you cannot enter Heaven. And no, I am not saying we keep the Commandments to get saved; we keep them because we are saved. Truth is, no man can keep God’s Law and Satan knows this. This is why he does all he can to move the many false prophets” Jesus spoke of that people call pastors in our day in Matthew 24:11. Satan got all of them to preach another Jesus” exactly as prophesied in 2Corinthians 11:4. This was done to prevent billions from discovering the amazing promise Jesus made regarding the ability to keep God’s Law for every obedient Christian. In fact, this is why Jesus said in Matthew 7:20 that it is “by their fruits ye shall know them.” Jesus knows when this power is within us, we will know each other just by how we are able to keep God's law. And what is this promised power? Hebrews 10:16 says, "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;"

That all being said, what I am about to share has to do with a final warning that must be given directly before plague #1 begins and Satan knows the Holy Spirit will soon move the obedient remnant people to explain to all that will listen what the clear Biblical difference is between the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast. When we go forth with this final warning, which some of us have already begun to do recently, the words God gives us will cause everyone on earth to know exactly what the seal and the mark is. How they react to this truth dictates whether they will obey God to receive His seal of salvation, or blaspheme the Holy Ghost to receive the mark of damnation.

Now, since we know Satan uses God’s Word in a twisted manner to pull people into his dying camp by creating counterfeit worship, which can be seen in how billions of people have worshipped many different pagan gods for eons; the long-prophesied mark of the beast will also be a twist on the seal of God in Heaven. This twist will appear as being a religious doctrine wherein billions will actually believe to be truth when in fact it is nothing of the sort. In fact, any babe in Christ with a Bible in hand can prove what the mark is now.

In order to better understand how this twist will cause many to receive the mark of the beast instead of the seal of God in the very near future; let’s look at how an official seal is made by the governments of the world to better understand how God made His own seal 6000 years ago.


All Governments, must have an official SEAL that the President must use to put his signature on each and every Bill that becomes law so as to make it valid. In this seal are 3 main features to validate it as an official seal.

  1. The name of the official

  2. The title of the official

  3. The territory of the official

As an example; if George Washington were president today, his seal would be:

  1. NAME: George Washington

  2. TITLE: President

  3. TERRITORY: The United States of America

Collectively this official government seal would read, George Washington, President, of the United States.”

Seeing how God is eternal, His seal will also be eternal in His law, even unto this day as well because it clearly says in Malachi 3:6, “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” And just so you know, the reason the sons of Jacob are not consumedhere is because when you obey the Lord, He protects you and brings you to an expected end wherein you won’t be consumed in hellfire. For it is written in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Now notice what it says in Commandment #4 where the Seal of God is actually located. Exodus 20:8-11 says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

Did you catch that? It clearly says, “the LORD made heaven and earthin that commandment. That’s the seal! It has the exact same three features that every government seal has since time began. And so, just as the seal of the president of the USA has 3 main features to make it valid; since government leaders copied God’s Seal long ago; common sense dictates that the Seal of God will have the same 3 features as well; but in the case of an eternal God, His seal is valid for all eternity because not only did Malachi the prophet declare our God never changes, it says in Hebrews 13:8 that, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” as well. God’s Seal really is eternal.

Notice the three main features of the Seal of God here:

  1. NAME: "Lord" (Isaiah 42:8 says, “I am the LORD: that is my name:”)

  2. TITLE: "Creator" (Exodus 20:11 says, “the Lord made)

  3. TERRITORY: Heaven & earth” (Exodus 20:11 also said the Lord made “Heaven and earth)

Collectively the official seal of God reads, The Lord, Creator of Heaven and Earth”

There you have it! The Seal of God is found in the midst of the Ten Commandments! Better yet, it’s found in the one Commandment that if kept by man confirms he believes in the God that made Heaven and Earth” by resting on the Sabbath as He commended him to rest on so as to be reminded every week for all of eternity that we have a loving God who cares for us. In fact, it says in Psalms 77:11, “I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.” And in Psalms 111:4, “He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the LORD is gracious and full of compassion.” And finally in Psalms 119:55, it says, "I have remembered thy name, O LORD, in the night, and have kept thy law."

To further lock this down, did you also notice the word REMEMBER in the first verse of Commandment #4 as it is written in Exodus 20:8-11? Were you aware that word REMEMBER” is not just a loving tug on the heart of His obedient children to “remember thy wonders of old,” that word REMEMBER” is the only prophetic statement made in God’s Law. He purposely used that single word to warn us that His law will be changed in this one area by Satan who taught it as truth to all the corrupt pastors in the fallen churches of the final days which prophetically speaking is "in the night" so as to cause BILLIONS to blaspheme the Holy Spirit right before Jesus returns.

The devil purposely twisted many Bible truths in the churches for thousands of years and then as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24:11, Satan moved all the fallen preachers he controls in the last days to cause them to preach the Sabbath of the Creator God was changed so as to nullify the official “Seal of Godknowing that if the Christians believe this lie about the Sabbath changing to Sunday, their obedience will be shifted unto trusting Satan’s law, thereby making him "a god" in their eyes which was actually prophesied.

The prophet Isaiah stated that Satan will cause most of the world to worship him over God. Isaiah 14:12-14 says that Satan actually said he will “be like the most HighGod of the Bible to most people on earth in the last days. Looking forward thousands of years from Isaiah’s day, we see that this prophecy did in fact fulfill to the letter because most Christians today do in fact obey Satan over the Creator God by keeping Sunday holy which means they now worship and obey Satan, even though God lovingly tried to warn them so clearly in His law to “REMEMBER the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

The Biblical and prophesied fact is that whenever the mark of the beast or the image of the beast is mentioned in prophecy, the word "WORSHIP" is right there with it in each and every verse thereby proving it’s prophesied to be a religious law. (See Revelation 13:12, 13:15, 14:9 & 14:11) This is why Satan moved all the pastors today to repeatedly say the law of God was abolished at the cross to keep his lie intact for centuries, even though the Bible actually says over 50 years after the cross in 1John 2:4 that “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

The Lord moved the prophet Daniel to warn all that study His Word as Jesus commanded they should in Matthew 24:15 that Satan would use Rome to change the Sabbath in Daniel 7:25. And again, this is why the Lord used the word REMEMBER in commandment #4.

Now for the nuts and bolts of this prophesied event we see fulfilling in our lifetime. It says in Revelation 13:15 that the US government will have “power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” And if you want biblical and historic info regarding what the "image of the beast" is, see this study and stack of videos I posted online... https://remnantofgod.org/image.htm

In prophecy, the term speak” means to lobby law. The word cause” means to enforce it. (See James 2:12, Daniel 11:39 & Mark 13:12) If you want all the definitions of prophetic symbols, see this page – https://remnantofgod.org/books/docs/REV/Revelation.htm

Soon, the Pope’s fabricated science of global warming which was recently re-titled as “climate change” due to over 30,000 scientists proving him wrong, the Pope will soon claim Sunday laws are needed to stop the climate change disasters, for in so doing will appease God and He will stop the disasters. See many videos and articles proving he has been pushing this prophesied agenda for many years here… https://remnantofgod.org/climatechange.htm

And yes, many laughed and scoffed when we declared for decades that the Pope will use climate change to push forth the mark of the beast; since you cannot change Christian prophecy and as expected, the Pope made the following announcement worldwide just a few weeks ago…

Now that you know the mark of the beast is prophesied to be Sunday Laws; you need to remember that when someone comes to you in the coming days demanding you keep Sunday holy to keep your job, buy food or even pay the rent and you agree with them knowing this was prophesied, and you know the Bible clearly says the Sabbath was never changed, you not only receive the mark of the beast, you will have blasphemed the Holy Ghost and as Jesus warned in Revelation 22:11, you will be forever lost. You will remain filthy and unsaved which means you’re guaranteed to die in hellfire. But, if you refuse to break God’s Law when they enforce the mark, you will be guaranteed eternal life.

And keep in mind, the so-called pandemic was not really about a flu or a vaccine, even though billions got the vaccine and millions died from that shot. The main reason was to set up an infrastructure in every nation on earth that would prevent people from keeping their jobs or even entering stores and businesses without proof they had the vaccine or at the very least wearing a mask. Everything they now need to enforce the mark is setup. All they need to do is change the words "do you have the vaccine" to "do you believe Sunday is the Sabbath" and they're all set.

So, how does all that I just stated prove billions will soon blaspheme the Holy Ghost” so as to receive damnation? And how does someone actually blaspheme the Holy Ghost?

The easiest way I know to explain it is, think of something you know to be absolute truth deep inside your heart; like, your name, or that the sky is blue or you breathe oxygen just to name a few. When someone asks you your name, you have no doubt deep inside as to what your name is; just as you know the sky is blue and you need to breathe. That reality you hold deep inside you wherein you know something is absolutely true is paramount on understanding how someone actually blasphemes the Holy Ghost. It’s just that simple.

Now, please listen carefully. If you’re a Christian who trusts the Bible, and especially if you’re one that studies or understands end time prophecy, you know most of the prophecies that were to fulfill before Christ’s return have already been fulfilled, and the few left to fulfill have already had their foundation set in stone wherein nothing can stop them from fulfilling. (For those needing a list of the prophecies matched to historic record, visit… https://remnantofgod.org/getready.htm)

As Christians, we also know it has been prophesied that there will be a final message given that will be given one last time to all mankind directly before Jesus returns that prophecy calls “the Loud Cryin Revelation 14:18. That message entails that Christians must keep God’s law, and especially His seventh day Sabbath wherein His Seal is located so as to verify to all looking on that you are one that has chosen to love, honor and obey the Creator Jesus Christ instead of the destroyer Satan who has taken over all the churches exactly as prophesied in Isaiah 4:1.

The obedient Christians that love the Lord Jesus Christ must leave the fallen churches they are in so as to escape the 7 last plagues that are prophesied to fall on those deny Jesus as Lord as well as all the churches keeping Sunday as Sabbath in direct defiance of God's eternal never changing Law. To those that will love, honor and obey God; Revelation 18:4-5 says to “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.”

As John the Baptist declared 2000 years ago, the final message for today is to be the same. The people need to Prepare ye the way of the Lord, [and] make his paths straight.(Matthew 3:3) And this is why it has already been witnessed by immeasurable numbers of people all around the world that some Christians in all the corrupt churches are literally showing signs of choosing to obey and follow Jesus as Lord over and above the corrupt pastors who are demanding they keep Sunday holy. These obedient Christians came to this understanding and blessed faith because they study His Word each day as well as sharing their faith regarding the fallen state of their church leaders. They know and do all they can to warn others that they too need to be ready for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ by coming out of those fallen churches exactly as Jesus warned them to in Revelation 18:1-5.

But, there is also another part of this message that has become very much louder in recent years. It has to do with what prophecy calls the mark of the beastbeing enforced soon.

No, the mark is not the bar code, a Veri chip implant or even the number 666 as some of these apostate pastors, corrupt preachers and lukewarm Christians claim. The Bible clearly states what the mark is, but as also prophesied in both Isaiah 30:10 & Matthew 24:11, most preachers and pastors today preach false prophecies of peace and safety so as to calm the hearts of the people wherein so doing keeps the money flowing towards the pastor’s pocket while at the same time keeps their flock blind to all the signs happening around them. In fact, the Pope has billions believing all the disasters in nature have to do with climate change when in fact they have nothing to do with climate change at all! What we’re all seeing are the final signs of Christ’s return! As prophesied in 1Thessalonians 5:3, these fallen pastors are declaring peace and safety” when in factsudden destruction” is coming upon them and anyone that trusts their lying words.


When God’s remnant people give the final warning, be it in a tract, a sermon, a video or face to face on a street corner, all the people they speak to will understand with perfect clarity the importance of that God given message to repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour so as to receive the seal of God instead of the mark of the beast.

As prophesied, this is going to be the final decision everyone on earth must make in the coming days. And it doesn’t matter if you’re Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Mormon or Roman Catholic; because we are all created by the same God who did not create any of these strange religions. Satan created them to lure people away from the truth of plain and simple Bible Christianity.

There is only one true religion of the Bible. All the others are a Satanic twist on the Scriptures so as to lure billions into damnation exactly as prophesied in Matthew 7:21 that says, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”

Some; like the Atheist, will abruptly deny the truth as well as claim there is no God. But this final message put forth in the loud cry by God’s obedient children is so powerful, even the Atheist cannot hide behind their self-deception anymore because it truly doesn’t matter what they claim to believe. The God that created all of us, also knows what we’re thinking as well as what we believe deep inside. Just as you know your own name or the fact the sky is blue, the Lord also knows the truth you just heard from the Holy Spirit via the lips of His obedient children, was clearly understood by you as absolute truth deep inside. For it is written in Psalms 44:20-21, “If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god; Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.” And so, as the Lord says in Ezekiel 33:11, “…turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?

And just so you know, to blaspheme the Holy Ghost is not a knee jerk reaction either. It’s not something anyone can do by mistake. It is a strong, determined, thoughtful resistance of the truth that the majority of people will ignore simply because they either hate God that much, or because when the mark of the beast is enforced with those two different intense conditions, they experience so much fear that they don’t want to lose their ability to buy or sell, or even die on a guillotine. They will deny the very God they claim to love and trust just to stay alive a few more moments. And the cold reality here is, that’s just what it will be. Just a few more moments of life. For when the mark is enforced with the death penalty, Scripture declares in Revelation 18:8 that within that year, all seven plagues will come ending all life on earth, except of course those Christians that received the Seal of God. Theirs is an eternity of life, love, peace and happiness because the Bible also says in Psalms 91:10, "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling."

In closing, you can lie to yourself, but no man alive can lie to the God that reads the hearts of man. He knows you understood every word the Holy Spirit said to you is true. But due to lack of faith or something as simple as fear of losing their ability to buy and sell, will cause many to ignore the heart felt warning to keep their jobs or their bank accounts intact. When they ignore the truth they know deep inside was true, that is when they literally blaspheme the Holy Ghost and therefore stand slated for damnation without any hope to repent. As Jesus declares in Revelation 22:11, “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” In other words, once the plagues begin, all those damned can never be saved, and all those saved can never be damned, for as Jesus also said in Revelation 21:6, "IT IS DONE!"


#524 You're holding Ellen White's writings above the Bible

I don't know why anyone would hold human writings such as those of Ellen White above or equal to the Bible which is God's inspired word. Other writings can certainly be helpful in our understanding of Scripture, and it can challenge us the way devotional books do, but human writings outside of God's word are not to be added. It is the same with the LDS church (Joseph Smith) and other churches who live by "Creed" books. A person can write out their beliefs, but all of our beliefs should be based on God's Word, the Holy Bible, not as an extension of it.


First and foremost, I am not SDA. Secondly, those of us that used Scripture to find the true biblical fruits of a prophet as laid out in the Bible know for a fact Ellen White was a prophet but; we do not place her writings above the Bible at all. She even said no one needs her writings if they study the Word properly. She said, and I quote;

"I recommend to you, dear reader, the Word of God as the rule of your faith and practice. By that Word we are to be judged. God has, in that Word, promised to give visions in the "last days"; not for a new rule of faith, but for the comfort of His people, and to correct those who err from Bible truth. Thus God dealt with Peter when He was about to send him to preach to the Gentiles. (Acts 10.)  {EW 78.1}  

She also stated in 1901 the following.

"The Lord desires you to study your Bibles. He has not given any additional light to take the place of His Word. This light is to bring confused minds to His Word, which, if eaten and digested, is as the lifeblood of the soul. Then good works will be seen as light shining in darkness.-- Letter 130, 1901.

That being said, and to help clarify why some today use her writings is because some of us use her writings for confirmation as to what we find in the Word because she had a tendency to explain things well and even give additional Scripture we may have missed so as to back up the truth that helps us to lock things down in the Bible.

QUESTION: Since both Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 both say "in the LAST DAYS... your daughters shall prophesy" I would sincerely hope and even believe that you are not declaring the Bible to have error in that there will be no such woman that would come forth to prophesy in the last days? If you were to do a short study on when the end times actually began as per the prophecy that was given to Daniel by the angel Gabriel in Daniel 8:14, you would know Gabriel gave Daniel the date that was October 22, 1844 which if you study further, you would find verified in the book of Revelation as well. That being the historic and prophetic reality here, look up when Ellen White had her first vision and you will find it was directly after the end times began. Her very first vision was in December of that same year.

You seem to be very concerned for Christians who may be in danger of being misinformed and mislead and that is a very good fruit to have as a Christian woman. That being the case, you might want to see a page I compiled some years ago showing proof regarding certain prophecies Ellen White had wherein she said would happen AFTER she died that were never mentioned in Scripture, yet confirmed in historic record to fulfill exactly as she proclaimed. See this page when you get time ... https://remnantofgod.org/EGWfacts.htm

As for the LDS and other biblically confirmed cults .. Satan always mimics what God does so as to belittle the real truth and even the means by which it is presented so as to confuse the seeker of truth. What YOUR task is as a Christian is to "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness." - 2 Timothy 2:15-16

I implore you to move ahead with your God given burden in your heart to investigate Ellen White as I did when I first came across her writings. I too was very skeptical. But after reading what she had to say, as well as looking into Bible prophecies that have already been verified and confirmed as well as what the Bible says about the fruits of a true prophet, you may discover what I did when it comes to her writings.


#525 Please explain 1 Timothy 6:16

This verse appears confusing because it appears to say that Jesus is the only one with immortality.


Before answering, let's read the verse in context.

1 Timothy 6:12-16, "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.  (13)  I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession;  (14)  That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:  (15)  Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;  (16)  Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen."

When Paul says "who only hath immortality" he is saying this in a strict biblical manner wherein he is defining the immortality of the Godhead. The way I see this is that the Father cannot experience what mankind calls death. In fact, unless God does something quite amazing and miraculous, He can never experience death in the biblical manner. Hence the reason Jesus was born of a virgin so as to take on human nature wherein now God can experience death as an actual man for the benefit of mankind. Case in point, Hebrews 2:14 says, "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;"

Still, knowing how death was designed and how it works in the eyes of God, and especially when His Son who is slated for death eventually dies, since the "wages of sin is death" as per Romans 6:23, death could not hold Jesus since He never sinned. Therefore, and this goes for the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to them; death is merely a temporary sleep since regardless if the human that dies is a sinner or not, all will arise on either the first or second resurrection. The first unto salvation and the second unto damnation of course. The fact Jesus declared Lazarus was just sleeping in John 11:11 proves that actual death as seen by God is damnation unto man. And God simply cannot die such a death as all of lost mankind and Satan will in hellfire.

The fact it says when speaking of the tree of life in Revelation 22:2 which is in New Jerusalem, it has "fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations" confirms there is a difference between the immortality of the Godhead that Paul speaks of here and the immortality of man. That tree was in the garden of Eden, but then transplanted to New Jerusalem after the fall of Adam and Eve. And so, even though we the saints now have new immortal bodies in Heaven, that tree will still be needed to bless us with healing each Sabbath as we return to the city to be in the Lord's presence each week. As far as I can see with these dark glasses is that the tree has miraculous powers to heal the saints but only after they receive their glorified bodies can they be blessed by it. Eating of the tree now is impossible.

I believe a prophetic whisper to this tree has to be the manna in the desert as well as the "bread and waters" being "sure" for the people of God during the enforcement of the mark. As long as we remain obedient, the manna is there. I would think the best way to show our love for the Father in eternity is a continued act of obedience for all eternity wherein we rely on His blessings upon us each day forever. Just as He shows His love to us by blessing us with eternal life, we show our love by obeying Him for eternity.

Now, yes, Jesus walked in the flesh of man when He died for us. The reality here is, the grave couldn't hold him because He was sinless and He cannot experience eternal death due to His sinless nature. As we know, Jesus is also a God who cannot die for as v15 confirms, Jesus is "King of kings, and Lord of lords." Therefore, the term "God" here clearly depicts the "Godhead" as a whole.

Basic reality is, every human dies except the 144,000, who are also human of course, who literally can die being human. But their pure faith keeps them from dying during the plagues just as both Enoch and Elijah saw their translation from mortal to immortal without seeing death. But still, even the 144,000 must be changed "in the twinkling of an eye" (1Corinthians 15:52) so as to put on immortality because, the flesh must die before any believer can enter into Heaven.

One can also see this verse saying that due to the fact that no man can see the Father and live, as we see in declared in Exodus 33:20. I believe it is this way because man has a sinful nature even when he is not aware of sin he may be committing. This is why our God "winks" at our sinful nature as Paul stated in Acts 17:30.

Now notice this;

"Was the human nature of the Son of Mary changed into the divine nature of the Son of God?—No; the two natures were mysteriously blended in one person—the Man Christ Jesus. In Him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. When Christ was crucified, it was His human nature that died. Deity did not sink and die; that would have been impossible. Christ, the sinless One, will save every son and daughter of Adam who accepts the salvation proffered them, consenting to become the children of God. The Saviour has purchased the fallen race with His own blood." {19LtMs, Lt 280, 1904, par. 9}

That being said, we need to understand that all those that die without Christ as Saviour turn to ashes in hellfire as Malachi 4:3 & Matthew 21:44.

The reality then is, all flesh must die away either at the first resurrection unto salvation or in hellfire onto damnation at the second resurrection. Sadly, as we can see by simply walking through life today, most are right now choosing to die with their flesh in hellfire.

Praise the Lord His obedient children are redeemed to the point that even though our wretched flesh is slated for death, we will eventually put on immortality. Be it when we resurrect at the voice of Christ, or when we are changed in a moment at plague seven as I mentioned earlier in 1Corinthians 15:52. And, to clarify a tad further, Jesus is the only one that can look upon the Father without dying because He too is perfect and 100% sinless in both the flesh He created as well as His immortal body as promised in Philippians 3:21. For when it comes to the spiritual weakness of man in the flesh, "There is none righteous, no, not one:." (Rom_3:10)

And for those seeking confirmation via the Spirit of Prophecy we read from Early Writings that "I asked Jesus if His Father had a form like Himself. He said He had, but I could not behold it, for said He, "If you should once behold the glory of His person, you would cease to exist." {EW 54.2}

Then it says in Testimonies volume 1,

"The popular ministry cannot successfully resist spiritualism. They have nothing wherewith to shield their flocks from its baleful influence. Much of the sad result of spiritualism will rest upon ministers of this age; for they have trampled the truth under their feet, and in its stead have preferred fables. The sermon which Satan preached to Eve upon the immortality of the soul--"Ye shall not surely die"--they have reiterated from the pulpit; and the people receive it as pure Bible truth. It is the foundation of spiritualism. The word of God nowhere teaches that the soul of man is immortal. Immortality is an attribute of God only. 1 Timothy 6:16: "Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen."  {1T 344.1}  

Sister White clearly stated that "Immortality is an attribute of God only" while quoting v16 knowing full well that v15 proves it is speaking of Jesus here. For only Jesus is "King of kings and Lord of lords."  Therefore, again, this means the "Godhead" is the "God" being spoken of here.


#526 Is receiving the mark of the beast a guaranteed death sentence or can someone repent of it?

Is accepting the mark of the beast the worst sin anyone can commit? If one accepts the mark of the beast, is it too late for them?


Yes, if someone receives the mark of the beast when it’s enforced in the coming days when they remove our ability to buy and sell, or not too long after that with the death decree, then yes, if a person accepts the mark by agreeing with the powers that be regarding Sunday Laws, then yes, they will have blasphemed the Holy Ghost which is an unforgiveable sin.

Jesus said in Matthew 12:31-32, “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.  (32)  And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”

And just so you know, the mark is not enforced until AFTER the loud cry goes forth wherein everyone on earth is given the final chance to hear the last warning of truth about what the mark actually is and why it's so important to trust Jesus as a true Lord and not just with lip service as 99% of Christians do today.

In fact, I just shared info on blaspheming the Holy Ghost on the Q&A page last month if you seek additional info. It’s  #523 as well as a new page located dedicated to it as well as a summarized version to make it easier to explain.

When the loud cry begins, 100% of every person hearing the final warning will truly and completely understand the message as the Holy Spirit gives them via the exact words they need to hear per person as He reads every heart individually so as to understand this final warning from the lips of those He has chosen to declare the loud cry message in these last days.

When this happens, you will notice as many will hear it, it will move them to the core so as to seek out a Christian they know or ask their own pastors if what they're hearing from us is true about the mark. The fact they hear it, and then ask their apostate pastors about it confirms 2 things.

#1, None that hated the truth could rebuke the final warning, though many will try, and so they have no other recourse but to go to their pastors hoping for a way to twist Scripture around it so as to be able to keep their jobs, businesses or just buy groceries when the Sunday Laws begin wherein, they can't buy & sell unless agreeing that Rome’s Sabbath supersedes the Sabbath of the God of Heaven which is clearly described in the Bible.

#2, Some do believe it however, and they do have faith, but they aren't as educated in the Word of God as they need to be and so they will ask their pastors, who they quickly discover cannot explain it away at all. In fact, being Christians that will “come out” of these apostate churches as prophesied in Revelation 18:1-5, they are no strangers to God’s Word, and what we just shared with them they finally realized is backed by Scripture, and they now know their pastors are the “many false prophets” Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:11 who will twist the Bible, and so they leave the apostate churches, which then angers the fallen pastors into using their 501c3 church & state powers to try and shut us up so as to keep the donations they worship flowing into their pockets. See more info about the mark here… https://remnantofgod.org/mark.htm


#527 The certain rich guy kept the commandments, but...

I went on your QA page and found the answer for this exact question. PTL! So, I know that was the Holy Spirit directing me because I was on my phone scrolling through the questions in tiny ant lettering, so it was hard to read, then all of the sudden BAM there it was! 

So, I read that to my husband, but he still didn't see how just because he said "good master" it was shown he kept the first 4 commandments. And even though the rich guy said he was following the commandments, he really wasn't. It was a great explanation, but how can I explain it to my husband in an easier way? I did remind him that if he read the Bible more, he would understand better so hopefully that sunk in. He reads every night, but I think it's just a chapter. I wasn't trying to judge him and I said it in a nice way; so, keep that in prayer. I think he will be joining me for church this Sabbath.


The main reason Jesus only shares the last 6 commandments with the rich young man is because it was apparent to Him that this man kept the first 4; else Jesus would have mentioned them as well. Yes, he called Jesus "Good Master" but it needs to be realized he can only say that by keeping Commandments 1-4.

Perhaps this will help clarify…

Have you ever shared why Jesus said what He did in the following passage?

Matthew 22:37-40, “Jesus said unto him, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  (38)  This is the first and great commandment.  (39)  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  (40)  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

Jesus summarizes all Ten Commandments here proving all ten are still valid and He even says “ALL THE LAW” are in them. When Jesus said to love the Lord thy God, He is saying to obey commandments 1-4. (Which the man did as was apparent when he called Jesus “good Master.” ) And when Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, He is saying obey commandments 5-10.

As commandment keepers we know, keeping commandments 1-4 is how we show love to the Lord, and keeping commandments 5-10 is how we show love to each other.

After the "certain ruler" called Jesus “good Master” Jesus said in Matthew 19:17 “…Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

Better yet, after saying that, Jesus then said in the same verse “…if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments” thereby proving, ALL TEN are on the table of discussion between Him and that man that called Him “good Master.”

We need to realize Jesus clearly defined the term “good Master” by saying that very term meant He was “God.” He was saying that only God can be called “good Master.” Look into the Word of God and you will find that only God is truly good, therefore, for the certain ruler to call Jesus "good Master" meant that he recognized Jesus as a true representative of God on earth, or at the very least he saw Jesus as the Son of God Himself. Only Christ can and will answer that question in perfect detail later when we see Him face to face, for as we know, we won't be able to ask that young man what he meant deep within for the Word was clear in that he couldn't give up his idols of gold so as to gain eternal life.



#528 Do you see what I see regarding the "two horns" of the second beast?

Dear Pastor Nicholas;

The two horns of the second beast.... Do you have an understanding of what those may mean beyond just features of a lamb? Being horns, I have considered that they must represent two factions of rule in the early formation that had Christian "features", perhaps such as England and France? What do you see that as? It's bothered me for a long time. I know, as it is God's truth, that the second beast is, of course, the USA. :)

God bless


You’re correct.

As we know, in prophecy the “horns” mean ruling powers. (See Daniel 7:24 & Danel 8:20-21)

When America was formed, it was a Christian nation, (lamb-like) which was based on both freedom of religion (horn #1 “Protestantism”) and a free form of government. (horn #2 a “republic” format)

Most if not all citizens in the early stages of America knew all about the dangers of the tyranny of the Popes and so they did all they could to prevent it.

"The "two horns like a lamb" well represent the character of the United States Government, as expressed in its two fundamental principles, Republicanism and Protestantism. These principles are the secret of our power and prosperity as a nation. Those who first found an asylum on the shores of America rejoiced that they had reached a country free from the arrogant claims of popery and the tyranny of kingly rule. They determined to establish a government upon the broad foundation of civil and religious liberty.  {ST, November 1, 1899 par. 4}


#529 What does "seal up the vision" mean?

Please explain what “seal up the vision” means in Daniel 9:24.


Daniel 9:24, "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy."

The term, "to seal up the vision," is a prophetic test of sorts for those in the future that would need a way to verify what they were to see and then proclaim far and wide.

What I mean is, if the events of the prophecies of Daniel are to be fulfilled to the letter, and especially via the dates given, then the people of God living much later on in time will have their much needed signpost to know the prophecy they were studying was most assuredly of God.

For example, using the prophecy declared in Daniel 8 regarding the date the 2300 years finally ended, it was that specific date in 1844 that locked it all down for them so as to enlighten the obedient brethren back then that they were on the right tract. But, due to the fact the prophesied "mistake" of Revelation 10:9-10 that was yet to occur, they didn't see it clearly until AFTER the date passed, as per the prophetic jurisprudence of John 14:29, which was that many prophecies cannot be understood until after they fulfill.

The obedient ones back then dug much deeper into the Word of God so as to better understand the vision that did not really speak of the second coming of Jesus as they assumed, but of the "cleansing the Sanctuary" which brought on trumpet 7 (Revelation 11:15-19) and the investigative judgment.

Sealing the vision granted God's people a fixed date to watch before all dates were removed as per Revelation 10:6. It's kind of like a stamp of approval that also blesses the sincere student of the Bible with his "ah ha" moment. Much like when the plagues begin. No, we won't have a date to watch for, but those of us in that blessed number will know it is then that probation is closed not only by the death decree that's announced, but the fact everyone but us will be covered in boils . One fulfillment seals the next in time and so on.

The prophecy was "sealed" to not only glorify the Lord and His amazing eye that sees the end from the beginning, it was sealed to grant the means by which they eventually found the date that commenced the cleansing of the Sanctuary in 1844, which we know began the investigative judgment, which we also know meant Jesus stepped into the Most Holy Place to begin judgment on that exact date.(See in depth study on the Sanctuary here)

When William Miller originally looked back in Daniel's prophecy and saw the starting date and the unmovable (sealed) ending date beaming in his eyes, as I am sure the Holy Spirit allowed; he knew the truth, and the Lord was glorified. While at the same time he saw how it moved the people to make ready for the coming of the Lord.

Yes, it was prophesied they would get the date correct and the event wrong. (Revelation 10:9-10) But so did the Pharisees who got the date correct, but the event they assumed to culminate on that date was wrong as well. They thought and taught that Messiah was to come to end Roman rule. Just as the Millerites thought Jesus was to come to end all life on earth. They both got the date correct. They just misunderstood what was supposed to happen on that date.

The "sealing" is like what we would call a "guarantee" today. It WILL (did) happen.

That sealing date saw all the previous prophecies fulfilled on their dates to the letter and so when the final date of October 22, 1844 came along, it locked in all the previous prophecies in a timeline of perfection that only a God could pen. Having the truth hidden regarding the event helped some have the signposts they needed to figure it all out AFTER the prophecy was fulfilled exactly as  John 14:29 said how many prophecies will be understood. They finally got it and figured out the real prophecy that was actually fulfilled and not what they assumed was to be fulfilled. This is no doubt why Peter said what he did in 2 Peter 1:20-21 which was, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." They finally realized that it was God's will that no mortal man could see such a thing without the help of the Holy Spirit. And the only way to receive such help is to be obedient to the God that wrote the prophecy in the first place. The "great disappointment" as it's now called in the history of obedient Christians that to this day also study the prophecies, this prophesied mistake caused many hearts to get that much closer to the Lord by digging into His Word to find out how they messed up. Sadly, most Christians at that time spewed a sigh of relief when the date failed because they didn't actually love the Lord. Had He come at that time, like billions will soon discover in the coming days, even though they claimed Christ Lord, their faith was based solely on fear of hellfire instead of a true love of the Lord. Biblical and historical fact is, no other date could lock it all down like that. Especially since all the others dates had come and gone with such exactness that led up to that final date. Hence the reason the angel gave Daniel the starting date of 457BC in Daniel 9:25.

Joshua V. Himes stated:

"This period was to begin, not with a decree, but with the decree to restore and to build Jerusalem. In the first year of Cyrus, 2 Chron. xxxvi. 23, a decree was given to rebuild the temple, but not the city. Under this decree the temple was commenced, but on account of the Jew's enemies the work was made to cease till the second year of Darius, king of Persia, when another decree was made which only confirmed the first decree, Ezra iv. 6. The decree to restore and to build Jerusalem, was given in the seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimanus, Ezra vii. This must be the decree, as after provision was made for the sacrifices of the temple, which was now finished, Ezra was permitted to do with the rest of the money what should "seem good" to him; and whatsoever Ezra should require of the treasurers beyond the river, they were commanded to do speedily. And in Ezra's prayer, as recorded in the 9th chapter, he praised God that he had extended mercy to them in the sight of the kings of Persia, etc. "and to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem." This decree, according to the margin of all pollyglot Bibles, was in the year B. C. 457. {November 1, 1843 JVHe, HST 92.4}

Now notice what Josiah Litch stated:

"He then gave Daniel a key, by which to understand the nature of the time, and when to commence the 2300 days. Dan. 9:24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, (the Jews,) and thy holy city, (Jerusalem)-1. "To finish the transgression;" the transgression whereby the national doom of the Jews and Jerusalem should be sealed-the rejection and death of Christ. 2. "To make an end of sin;" by satisfying Divine justice, by the one sin-offering of Jesus Christ. 3. "To make reconciliation for iniquity;" by the atonement of the Savior; for "God hath reconciled us to himself by the death of his Son." 4. "To bring in everlasting righteousness;" as distinguished from the righteousness obtained by the offerings made under the law, where there was a remembrance of sins again every year. But Christ, by his own blood, entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. 5. "To seal up the vision and prophecy;" to confirm or make sure the vision and prophecy, of which this 70 weeks is a supplement and key. For if the first was fulfilled, we may look for the fulfilment of the other in due time. 6. "To anoint the Most Holy," or "holiest of all," or "holy of holies." Thus Christ did, when he entered into the holiest, by his own blood. He consecrated it for us. And we now have boldness by the blood of Jesus to enter into the holiest by a new and living way, which he consecrated. {1841 JoL, APEC 84.2}

Thus all which was predicted to take place in the 70 weeks, was accomplished by the death of Christ." {1841 JoL, APEC 85.1}

Then follows the time when the seventy weeks were to begin, viz., at "the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem." That commandment was given B. C. 457, by Artaxerxes, king of Persia, in the seventh year of his reign. See Ezra, 7th chapter. From B. C. 457, to A. D. 33, the time of the crucifixion, is 490 years; the exact number of days in 70 weeks. Hence the 70 weeks or 490 days are to be understood as standing each day for a year, 490 years. {1841 JoL, APEC 85.2}

If, then, the 70 weeks are a key to the 2300 "evenings and mornings," then they also stand for so many years; and beginning B. C. 457, at the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem, they will bring us to A. D. 1843, when "the sanctuary is to be cleansed," and "the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." {1841 JoL, APEC 85.3}

NOTE: The key to what Litch said is that what "Christ did, when he entered into the holiest, by his own blood. He consecrated it for us. And we now have boldness by the blood of Jesus to enter into the holiest by a new and living way, which he consecrated." This is why we can now see what Paul meant in Hebrews 4:14-16 with even more understanding today.


#530 You're wrong! God took 6 million years to create everything, not 6 days!

As I understand it, the only way you can't get into heaven is by denying that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. Period. I guess I don't take that part of the Bible literally because he didn't literally create the earth in six of our known days and I believe God's days are millions of years but what do I know it wouldn't make sense for him to make the world in 6 actual days as we know them.


Dear one, We worship a powerful God that cannot lie. (See Titus 1:2) He did in fact make the world in 6 days and I can prove it.

On day 3 He created all the plants and on day 5 He created all the insects. Do some research on the FIG WASP and you will find that it lays its eggs inside the fig wherein her young pollinate the small flowers inside the fig as it eats. In so doing the wasp pollinates the fig itself. Notice a small excerpt from Encyclopedia Britannica on this...

"Wasps mature from eggs deposited inside the flowering structure of the fig, called the syconium, which looks very much like a fruit. Inside the completely enclosed syconium are the individual flowers themselves. When a wasp egg is deposited in one of the flowers, that flower develops a gall-like structure instead of a seed. The blind, wingless male wasps emerge from the galls and search out one or more galls containing a female, and upon finding one, he chews a hole in the gall and mates with her before she has even hatched. In many cases, the male then digs an escape tunnel for the female. The male then dies, having spent its entire life within the fig. The female emerges later from her gall and proceeds toward the escape tunnel or the eye of the fig (the part opposite the stem end), because she must deposit her eggs in a second fig. In departing, she passes by many male flowers and emerges covered with pollen. During her brief adult life (as short as two days), she flies into the forest to fertilize another fig and deposit another generation of fig wasps." -Source

In short; the fig cannot survive unless the fig wasp pollinates it, and the wasp cannot survive without having the fig that its babies feed on. That being said, if creation was a million years for each "day" or even just a thousand years for each "day," the fig tree would die off quickly without the fig wasp pollinating it, and the fig wasp would die off as well because it's the only insect that pollinates the fig tree.

The fact we have a fig wasp and a fig tree today proves the Lord created what He said He did each DAY.

One more fact to ponder has to do with why false teachers declare each day to be a million years in creation week. The fact God blessed the Sabbath day and commanded us in Exodus 20:8-9  to "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:", what your teacher is manipulating your mind to believe is that the weekly Sabbath cannot possibly be a commandment in that it would mean we would have to keep a 1 million year long Sabbath day and then work for 6 million years before having the opportunity to "rest on the Sabbath day."


#531 You're wrong - Christians don't need to repent

You told me that you must repent of your sins to get saved. I have a verse for you:

Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

If you have to repent of your sins to get saved then that means you are not saved b/c you did not trust Jesus to save you. If you have to repent of your sins to get saved then NO ONE is saved b/c everyone sins after they get saved. Are you going to tell me Nick that you have not committed ONE sin after you got saved? If you have then, you have not repented of your sins and are yet in your sins. So, Nicholas, what say YOU?


Yes, all Christians sin after finding Christ. This is why our King Jesus had John pen what he did in 1 John 1:8-10 which says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”

 That verse was penned for all of us, from babes in Christ to the pastor on the pulpit.

As for Romans 11:6, your teacher misunderstood what Paul is saying here as he shared it out of context. But then, that's no big problem as Romans is not an easy book for some of the brethren to understand. In context it actually says…

Romans 11:1-7, "I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.  (2)  God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying,  (3)  Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life.  (4)  But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.  (5)  Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.  (6)  And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.  (7)  What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded."

In other words, works can't be works if you're relying on grace; and grace can't be grace if you're relying upon works. The basic reality here is, if you're truly doing the works, then the grace of God is obvious within you; and if you truly have grace from God, then the works that we should walk in are the normal end result for our walk.

Take the Law of God for a prime example in this. The Jews claimed they kept the law, but as is obvious, they had no grace from God for they only kept the law in a legalistic manner to “appear” holy before the people. They had no grace from God at all to help them keep it I\in fact, their hateful tongue towards strangers they were called to teach, and their overbearing attitude towards their own people confirmed they were not of God. Their actions, which are their displayed works, were proving to those with eyes that see that they are not on the blessed path to salvation. For it is plainly stated in 2 Corinthians 3:3, "Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart." Had the Jews back then had the law written in their hearts, they would have had the grace needed to keep God's law.

Obedient remnant Christians of today that are preparing for the latter rain understand the New Covenant message that was declared from Sinai after all of them broke the laws they vowed to keep. To summarize, the only way to keep God’s law is to accept His Son as Saviour, for in so doing He sends the Holy Spirit to HELP US keep His law by writing the law in our hearts. (Also see Hebrews 10:16)

God's loving and promised grace upon us causes us to keep His law without trying to “appear” holy to our fellow man as so many have claimed to be the last 6000 years. We are more concerned with how our Heavenly Father sees us; for common sense dictates that mankind can never see us for who we truly are anyway. That is why we see what’s already begun in the world regarding a growing hatred of Christians that choose to obey the God of the Bible, and this incudes His eternal law. This hatred is about to come to a head the last 15 days of plague #6.

In short, we don’t keep the law to GET saved, we keep it because we ARE saved. We obtain grace from God to keep His law exactly as He promised us. And by becoming His obedient children by accepting His Son as Saviour, we are now “the elect” of God.

Bottom line…  you cannot have Christians work without God’s grace and you cannot have God’s grace without Christian works. They simply work together.


#532 Will they use 2 Thessalonians 2:4 to claim a need for a 3rd Temple

I was in my morning studies reading 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2. Verse 4 indicates that Satan, in his desire to be worshiped and exalted above God, will sit in the Temple to CON-vince everyone that he is God. Could this be the reason, without realizing it, that they want to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Does the Spirit of Prophecy give us any insight into verse 4.


My Brother;

This is a prophetic statement that has already been fulfilled. First and foremost, keep in mind that Christians are now declared to be the “temple” of God. For it is written in 1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

And as students of prophecy we also know one of the main prophetic identifiers of the antichrist, and there are hundreds, is the main one is there will be a man that stands before the people in a blasphemous manner. For it says in Revelation 13:1, "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."

Since we are also students of the Bible, we know there are two ways to blaspheme.

#1, when Jesus rightfully declared Himself to be a God on earth, it says in John 10:33, "The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God." Therefore, when any man other than Jesus claims to be a God, that man blasphemes.

#2, the second definition of blasphemy is found in Mark 2:7 wherein again the Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy when He forgave the sins of a man, that verse says, "Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?"

Before proving what man it is that blasphemes on both counts, I will define this second instance of blasphemy so as to get it out of the way seeing how the first instance wherein the man of sin will call himself a God needs to be covered a bit deeper. When we look at the Popes of Rome, who are that “man of sin” in prophecy, due to the fact that every prophecy that has ever been uttered regarding that which antichrist will do, 100% of each of those many prophecies have been fulfilled by the Popes of Rome. As for the blasphemy of the Popes claiming to forgive the sins of men, they’re dogmatic claims of absolution in their confessionals proves this hands down. In fact, they have stated in writing that…

"This judicial authority will even include the power to forgive sin." [The Catholic Encyclopaedia Vol 12, -article "Pope" pg 265]

"And God himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of his priest and either not to pardon or to pardon, according as they refuse to give absolution, provided the penitent is capable of it." -Liguori, «Duties and Dignities of the Priest», p.27

But to get back to the first and most telling fruit of blasphemy of the Popes, as we know, Satan always seeks to emulate the Lord in a scornful way so as to belittle the truth of our God which lures people off the path. He also knows how the believing and obedient Christian is in fact the “temple of God.” And so, what better way to mock our God than to possess a man who Satan places at the head of a global and apostate religion he built claiming it to be legitimate so as to lure souls into damnation?

Literally billions of people, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, look to the Popes of Rome as holy men of God. But as students of prophecy we know the man of sin in Rome is the son of perdition and antichrist in reality which confirms the fulfillment of 2 Thessalonians 2:4. In fact, reading the previous verse along with verse 4 locks it down.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (4) Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Now notice a few of many blasphemous statements from the Popes of Rome who have declared to be not just the temple, but God Himself…

For the last 6000 years it has been known by all national rulers and kings that the only way one power can assume the ruling power of another is by changing the laws of the conquered nation as well as destabilizing the people of that nation so as to prevent any future rebellion against the conquering king.

Since the Popes of Rome claim to stand in the place of God, and as Paul puts it, “shewing himself that he is God,” the man of sin must boldly stand against and even ignore the existence of the Creator God as well as dictating his power to change His laws, which we know he does via his now exposed worship of Satan, and openly changing the true Sabbath of the Creator God. This blasphemous act is a necessity unto Satan. He must attempt to change God’s law if he is ever to conquer all nations on earth just as the prophet Daniel predicted in Daniel 7:25 when he spoke of the Papal system by declaring “he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws…”

Fact is, claiming to be a god on earth, as the Popes have claimed for centuries, means nothing as we have seen many false Christ’s come forth doing the same as just another expected end-time event as Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24:11;26. But making the claim that he is a god, and then actually getting billions of people to break the Creator God’s law so as to embrace the spurious Sabbath of Rome, fulfills the prophecy.


#533 What does “grace for grace” mean?

Can you please explain what "grace for grace" means in John 1:16, "And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace."


We receive grace as we give it. ("grace for grace") We need to show we have a heart filled desire to give, so as to receive.

"The Lord Jesus would have men trade upon their talents, and Jesus has promised that he will give grace for grace. As we impart to others, we shall receive more richly. And as we thus labor, the mind will not become clogged with a mass of matter which has been crowded into it with no opportunity to impart what has been received. The student becomes a mental dyspeptic by being crammed with much that he cannot use. Much time has been wasted, and the progressive usefulness of students hindered, by the teaching of that which cannot be utilized by the Spirit of God. {Special Testimonies on Education 111.1 -1897}

("dyspeptic" = in this context, the person fills the mind with so much useless info that truth cannot find entry and they become irritable and upset mentally.)

NOTE: the medical definition of one being "dyspeptic" is someone who overeats unto indigestion leading to an upset stomach.

"Every converted soul has a work to do. We are to receive grace in order to freely give grace. We are to let the light shine forth from the bright and morning Star, to shed forth light in works of self-denial and self-sacrifice, following the example that Christ has given us in his own life and character. We are to draw from "the Root" that substance that will enable us to bear much fruit. Every soul who has heard the divine invitation, is to echo the message from hill and valley, saying to those with whom he comes in contact, "Come." From the moment of conversion, those who receive Christ are to become the light of the world. They are to reflect the glory of the bright and morning Star. Jesus would impress upon the church the fact that they are his brethren, that they are to unite with him as laborers together with God. They are to be a brotherhood for the saving of humanity. {The Home Missionary, August 1, 1896 par. 2 -1896}

"Grace for grace" can also be defined as "grace upon grace" which can also be seen as "many graces from on High" as the promised blessing.

Having been with Jesus, the apostles received of His fullness daily. We too can share in this abundance, but only if we draw close to Jesus as they did.

NOTE: Christians forget that the apostles learned of Jesus daily. Each and every day was a lesson in His truth for them. After all, He was the "Word made flesh." (v14) Therefore, for us to have this same "fullness" in Jesus that the apostles had, we too must learn of Him daily in Bible study and prayer. Why prayer? Is not the base definition of prayer to be that act of talking with God as well as asking Him something? Did not the apostles do that daily when Christ walked among them?

The act of "prayer" confirms the one praying does believe God hears them. In short, prayer is actually an open sign of faith.

"All that God could do has been done to save sinners. The Saviour invites all,--"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." But those who refuse to yoke up with Christ, who will not learn of the great Teacher, cannot receive God's protection. If they are determined to walk in the path of disobedience, Satan will exercise his power over them, after deceiving, to destroy. We may choose God's way, and live; we may choose our own way, and know that sin has entered into the world, and death by sin. {BEcho, May 21, 1900 par. 9}

"And of his fulness have we received, and grace for grace." Christ said to his disciples, "He that will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." Those who drink of the cup of Christ's sufferings, must meet the temptations that Christ met, and overcome in his name. And every trial endured will add to the weight of their eternal glory; every faithful discharge of duty, every act of charity in the name of Christ, every word of encouragement and consolation spoken, will bring to them according to their works. They will be acknowledged before the assembled universe as co-laborers with Christ to save a perishing world. {The Gospel Herald, January 1, 1899 par. 3}


#534 Why do you teach more than you preach?

This question has come up recently, and while I was in study last month, the Lord gave me this for the answer on 02-25-24 and so I would like to share it so as to have it on the Q&A page.

“Just as soon as a church is organized, let the minister set the members to work. The newly-formed churches will need to be educated. The minister should devote more of his time to educating than to preaching. He should teach the people how to extend the knowledge of the truth. While the new converts should be taught to ask counsel of those more experienced in the work, they should also be taught not to put ministers in the place of God. Ministers are not gods, but human beings, men compassed with infirmities. Christ is the One to whom all are to look for guidance. "The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth. . . . And of His fulness have all we received, and grace for grace." "As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." {Pacific Union Recorder, April 24, 1902 par. 7}

The power of the gospel is to come upon the companies raised up, fitting them for service. Some of the new converts will be so filled with the power of God that they will at once enter the work, imparting that which they have received. They will labor so diligently that they will have neither time nor disposition to weaken the hands of their brethren by unkind criticism. Their one desire will be to carry the message of truth to the regions beyond." -Mrs. E. G. White.

Some may have noticed that this is evident in the SDR movement regarding every brother that steps up to preach. I therefore praise God that His hand is upon us all, daily. For we need extra wisdom to be able to physically and spiritually survive the coming days.


#535 You’re wrong! It’s not the Popes! Jerusalem is the whore and Antichrist is a Jew!

Jerusalem is the whore of babylon, the anti christ must be a Jew, he must also proclaim himself as God, whereas the church is free from error Luke 22:32 on the spirit guiding the apostles, and also "he who hears the apostles hears me (Christ)", Acts 1 demonstrates apostolic succession with the election of Matthias, 2 timothy 4 also calls over Linus to succeed both Peter and Paul, as the 2nd Pope, and Bishop of Rome. the fact the church is indefectable is enough to disprove ur absurd logic. and as i know you will quote mine Catholics on the Pope having the same power as God, this is referring to the Pope being in the place of Christ until his 2nd coming, as it was promised to david "He shall build a house to my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.", there will be no end to the throne, despite Christ's vacancy, think of the Pope as a regent, therefore having the same authority.


First and foremost, it clearly states in 2 Peter 1:20, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." And so I pray you are blessed by what I am about to share.

Truth is, there are 404 verses in the book of Revelation, and out of those 404 verses, 278 of them carry the bulk of the prophetic message of that book. That being said, did you know that all 278 of those verses can be found nearly word for word in all the other books of the Bible? In other words, just as our Lord planned so as to prevent confusion among His blessed children 2000 years ago when He gave the visions of Revelation unto John, the Bible defines itself perfectly.

This is why I never use words like "maybe, perhaps, must, or could be" when defining what Christian prophecy says about any topic, being it current events, historic records on any prophecy in the Word and especially about antichrist himself. If I cannot define it, I simply won't preach it until I know for a fact what it means. The Bible defines all the prophetic symbols itself because the same God that wrote it, also defined it.

Now I ask that you please don’t allow the enemy of souls to move you towards being offended, but what you stated is all your own personal opinion, or perhaps the opinion of your priest who taught you these things. We must always let the Bible prove out the prophecies, as our own opinion is not what's needed here to understand what God already defined.

You stated "Jerusalem is the whore of babylon, the anti christ must be a Jew,"

I am here to tell you that nowhere from Genesis to Revelation does it say THE antichrist will be a Jew. That is 100% made up by the Vatican prelates so as to pull the onus off of them seeing how each and every prophecy that have ever been declared about antichrist have been fulfilled by the Popes. Fact is, Satan knew God's people would know what His prophetic Word means when it comes time to identify the man of sin as promised in 2Thessalonians 2:3. Seeing how we are in the last days when the man of sin is revealed, Rome has been very busy trying to hide their identity.

You then stated this antichirst "must also proclaim himself as God," and that is one of many prophecies already confirmed to have been fulfilled by all the popes of Rome. Notice just two of many statements of the Vatican prelates regarding the pope claiming to be a "god on earth." In fact, this is what two popes stated some years ago...

For many more quotes, see this... https://remnantofgod.org/beastword.htm#earthgod

You then stated "whereas the church is free from error Luke 22:32 on the spirit guiding the apostles, and also "he who hears the apostles hears me (Christ)"

Luke 22:32 is where Jesus said, "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."

Jesus also said to Phillip and all the apostles in John 14:16, "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;"

According to the definition of Luke 22:32 given you by your priest, and that which is echoed in John 14:16, every apostle is now to be considered a pope? Yes, this is what Rome would have their flock to believe, but that is not what these verses are saying. In fact, where you aware Paul also stated in Acts 15:8-9 that "God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; (9) And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith."

That means according to your priest's definition, all believers, behind pulpits and in the pews, are now to be considered popes as well.

You then stated that "Acts 1 demonstrates apostolic succession with the election of Matthias," but that does not make Biblical sense nor does it declare there are apostles today. In fact, you might want to take a look at this study that was placed online just a few months ago by Pastor Alvin. Biblical fact is, Matthias was chosen by God to replace Judas who denied and betrayed Christ. In fact, it was prophesied he would replace Judas. Would you like proof? If so, notice the following...

Psalms 109:8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office.

Acts 1:25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.

To "go to his own place" means Judas will go where he was prophesied to go; the place he truly belongs. That being of course, death and then later, damnation. What a lot is his! When he awakens he will know he is damned as will billions of others with him when Christ raises them all to ready them for damnation by hellfire! Judas was a man once chosen by Christ to walk with Him physically and spiritually, sadly he is also one that is condemned by Him.

You then stated: "2 timothy 4 also calls over Linus to succeed both Peter and Paul, as the 2nd Pope, and Bishop of Rome."

What you stated is nowhere to be found in Scripture or even historic record for that matter. In short, and again, according to 2 Peter 1:20, your priest is teaching you his opinion on prophetic and doctrinal theology that cannot be backed up with Scripture.

You then said "the fact the church is indefectable is enough to disprove ur absurd logic."

You need to understand that only God is perfect. As any student of the Bible can tell you, mankind has a history of making all sorts of mistakes, yet not one time has our God made any mistakes. The theology behind Papal infallibility is easily proven unbibical. Just to share a few verses; it says in...

In fact, your own Vatican assumed "Saint," John Paul II, admitted in his globally broadcast "mea culpa" that the gates of hell have in fact prevailed against the Catholic church. Plus, historic record confirms time and again that Popes claim to make infallible judgments on doctrine wherein a later pope then puts down as error, yet your priest says the church is "indefectable?" This is concrete proof you have been lied to by your priest. As for the mea culpa, see it in detail here... https://remnantofgod.org/nl000327.htm

You then said, "and as i know you will quote mine Catholics on the Pope having the same power as God, this is referring to the Pope being in the place of Christ until his 2nd coming, as it was promised to david""He shall build a house to my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.", there will be no end to the throne, despite Christ's vacancy, think of the Pope as a regent, therefore having the same authority."

I am sad to report to you that none of what you said here can be verified in Scripture, with one exception. David's throne was established in eternity via the fact that from the house of David came Jesus Christ the Messiah who's throne is in fact eternal.

You're correct that prophecy stated that antichrist will claim to be a god on earth, but as I share above as well with a link to many more quotes, the popes not only declare themselves to be a "god on earth," it is declared in the Vatican’s extravagantes of the popes that they are called "Lord God Pope" for anyone with the ability to read firsthand to verify.

This is why the prelates of Rome placed in writing that when speaking of the popes they stated the following, and notice the titles they give the pope. They are actually titles given unto Christ in Scritpure. They declare unto the pope... "For thou art the shepherd, thou art the physician, thou art the director, thou art the husbandman, finally thou art another God on earth." Labbe and Cossart's "History of the Councils." Vol. XIV, col. 109

As prophesied, the pope blasphemes by claiming to be a god on earth. And if you visit my main site you will find that every prophecy that has ever been uttered in the Bible that speaks of antichrist have been confirmed with perfect accuracy from Scriptures that are matched to documented historic record to be fulfilled by each and every pope that has ever claimed the title in history.

I pray you are blessed.


#536 Should I continue to share God’s truth with my parents?

Hey Pastor Nicholas,

I called you last week and during our conversation I mentioned my parents coming out on the Sabbath to spend some time in the Word with me by the roadside.

After this past Sabbath I was wondering how long should I share/try to share if they continue to go to Sunday church even though they admit the Sabbath? Just not sure if I should be stern at some point or just keep sharing even though they may choose to continue in their lifestyle/traditions....

Your sanctuary sermon today brought back memories of the following verses. Any wisdom/experience is appreciated in how to handle this situation.

1 John 2: 3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.



My brother;

When it comes to sharing with your parents. That’s a hard call. We know what it says in Titus 3:9-10, but for the most part one can see that command being one used on the street and especially if those we share with get violent ending our duty; but with loved ones, it’s hard to stop sharing because we love them so much. Still, dropping the subject will work in ways we never expect. But STILL PRAY for them of course.

I shared what I could using bits and pieces of the truth in conversations with my parents for years. They knew my stance and at first boldly disagreed with me regarding the Popes and Catholicism in general. I also shared with them why I kept Sabbath as well as what Sunday laws really meant. Still, I saw no good response for years. But, since I am not ashamed to share my faith in every conversation I had with them, such things would just come up naturally from time to time in a way when they can hear it, it doesn’t upset them. But, sitting them down to discuss the same topic over and over, no. I did stop years ago as instructed in Titus 3.

However, I still “seeded” the conversation now and again. But only as the conversation allowed and the Lord gave utterance. I truly stopped bringing it up. Reason being is, I saw how repeatedly bringing a certain biblical topic up many years ago on a friend of mine was a major waste of time. The Lord revealed to me in a very stern manner not to do that anymore.

What happened was, the Lord suddenly stopped sending people to hear His truth as He gave me to share. I discovered He did that because I ignored His command in Titus 3. That command was written that way so that He can use us to plant one or two seeds and then DROP IT. That way, when we obey Him, the Lord will then send someone else to them to hear the same truth we shared, and because it comes from a different person, it often gets a better response. But, if we ignore His command and keep trying to help that one person, then the Lord knows He can’t trust us to follow His lead and so He just let me continually try to help this friend for months on end while at the same time no one else sought help because I was so busy with this ONE person. The minute I realized that and stopped, people started calling me or visiting me again with Bible questions. (This was long before the Internet btw) And so, just pray brother. Ask the Lord to send people with the same truths to your parents and HE WILL. 😊


#537 The world keeps telling Christians they can't overcome

Hey brother Nick I have a question. Why does the world teach you that you can't overcome trauma? Didn't the bible teach that with God all things are possible? I always hear people say you can't be perfect, it's impossible to overcome. I would love to hear your feedback.

thank you.


Dear brother;

The reason the world does this, and just so you know this reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw years ago that said, “Christians aren’t perfect – just forgiven.” That bumper sticker and the apostate mindset of today is saying in unison that Jesus lied when He said what He did in Matthew 5:48, which was, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

Satan needs to place doubt in the minds of many so as to have control. Basic reality is, the world is simply doing as Satan moves them to do because Jesus is coming soon. That being the reality, he is very angry and so he is spewing every lie he can to confuse the masses so as not to be ready.

His lies are so subtle that most are missed. Take for example the lie that the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Yet they claim mankind “evolved” unto a modern man 315,000 years ago. The one lie most Christians can see right off is we know mankind was created with the dinosaurs as confirmed in Job 40:15 6000 years ago when the Lord said to Job, “Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee.”

But the real and quite dangerous lie is how they claim dinosaurs died 65 million years before man came. That means God lied when He told Adam and Eve they will die if they disobey Him. In other words, according to the infallible Word of our Creator God, death was not known by man or any creature on earth until after Adam and Eve fell into sin. That sin granted Satan the power to kill because instead of trusting an ever living God, Adam and Eve began trusting a dying god. But thanks to the evolutionist, people believe death was there long before Adam and Eve sinned. That cultivated a mindset that believes the Bible must be a lie, therefore, the garden of Eden is a myth.

As I’ve said for decades, we’re living in the age of lying. Satan has so much control now that literally billions of people, and this includes those that claim to be Christians, are embracing and echoing lies so often now that it’s become the new “truth” to them. What’s evil is now called good and what’s good is now called evil.

I praise the Lord that when the Latter Rain falls, quite a few are going to hear and then understand real truth so as to “come out” of the apostate churches and be ready for the coming of the Lord. Sadly, even though 100% of the people will hear the same truth, most of them will ignore it since their “truth” is based on the lies our real truth is exposing. As prophesied, that undeniable fact will upset so many that when it’s nearly said and done, they will pass laws to kill us. So be it.. it won’t stop our Lord’s return, and if we’re in that number, it won’t even stop our ability to breathe. MARANATHA!


#538 Please explain righteousness by faith?

I heard you mention a short study you did on righteousness by faith or justification by faith. Can you please share it?


Yes, I recall I was going to share it at communion recently, but I was moved by the Lord to share the mini-sermon about “they had no wine” instead.

"The Righteousness by which we are justified is imputed: the righteousness by which we are sanctified is imparted. The first is our title to heaven, the second is our fitness for heaven." Review, June 4, 1895, Messages to Young People. page 35.

In other words, when we declare Jesus as Lord, we are right” or righteous” as His Word says. And so justification is assigned unto us like a gift. Then, as we grow in Christ showing we’re serious and obedient, He knows He can trust us and then we become sanctified” by Him in how He sets us apart for holy use so as to share His truth far and wide. And as we walk in Christ day by day, we grow and learn” of Christ as He imparts” more and more of His truth to us. That is why it’s so important to study His Word daily so as to continue to grow strong enough to be used by Him during the swelling of the loud cry. In fact, notice what Paul says here…

Romans 1:17  For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

"the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith" is actually the righteousness of Christ being revealed from faith unto more faith. Notice that the word "to" in the term "faith TO faith" here. It is from the Greek word "eis" which means "into or abundance" in a way that defines growth. (G1519)

In short, one can say as we walk in Christ, God reveals unto us "faith into more faith." Or He reveals unto us "faith unto abundant faith" each day.

Now notice this...

"The righteousness of Christ is revealed from faith to faith; that is, from your present faith to an increased understanding of that faith which works by love and purifies the soul." (RH Sept. 18, 1908)

The basic reality on this is that justification essentially leads to sanctification. As we take each step closer to Christ, we bear witness to the righteousness of our God by faith in His Son. In so doing, the Father gives us all we need to do as prophecy says His Son’s bride will do.

To confirm justification and or righteousness can be imputed like a gift, notice this...

"He called Abraham out doors to show him the stars but He can show us sins without calling us out doors. Has He shown you a great many sins? Has He? (Congregation: Yes). Now He says, If thou be able to number them, they shall be as white as snow. What do you say? (Congregation: Amen) Then what does the Lord say? (Congregation: You are righteous) Are you? (Voice: Yes) Do people become righteous as easy as that? Is it as simple a transaction as that? (Congregation: Yes). Amen." A.T. Jones, General Conference Daily Bulletin, 1893, page 378.

"The difficulty is, when the people get their minds on works, and works, and works, instead of upon Jesus Christ in order to work, they pervert the whole thing." A.T. Jones, General Conference Daily Bulletin, 1893, page 298.

"Who then is to do the work in order that it may be good works indeed? Let us read again: [from Steps to Christ, page 75] "If Christ is dwelling in our hearts, He will work in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure." We shall work as He works; we shall manifest the same spirit. And thus, loving Him and abiding in Him, we shall "grow up into Him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ." Now then, that is what the Lord wants, that is what the mind of Christ is." A.T. Jones, General Conference Daily Bulletin, 1893, page 298.


#539 Why do you say God didn’t harden Pharaoh’s heart when He said He did?


I often say that God took the blame for Pharaoh’s hardened heart when in fact God never actually did it as many assume. The love God sent to Moses was the same love He sent to Pharaoh. Just as a lump of wax melts while at the same time a lump of clay hardens under the same desert Sun, so is man’s heart either softened or hardened by God’s love. For God to take the blame is fitting in that He truly did send His love to Pharaoh, and Pharaoh did in fact react very badly towards it.

God always takes the blame for in truth, if it wasn’t for His love, some men would never be angry. Strange as that sounds, some men just plain hate God. The demons in them are just that active. And so their own sins harden their own hearts.


Hebrews 3:13-15  But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  (14)  For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;  (15)  While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. (16) For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.  (17)  But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?

Did you catch that? Paul said “To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts…” As we know by what happened at the baptism of Jesus, half the crowd there that day heard the Father’s voice while the other half only heard thunder proving God speaks to EVERYONE in the same way. But His voice is not received in the same way to everyone.

Truth is, not only did Pharaoh harden his own heart, the rebellious people of Israel did the very same thing during the 40 years in the wilderness. But since we’re on the topic of Pharaoh and his issues, notice this next question that came up recently.


#540 Were the plagues of Pharaoh a prophetic whisper?

Since we know the Bible is filled with situations that are either there as lessons for the good or bad of mankind, what lesson are we to learn with the plagues of Pharaoh?


As I look at that which happened in Pharaoh’s day, I see the plagues that are soon to fall upon all the lost souls of the world as a clear and obviout

Since we know the Bible holds a plethora of truths as well as numerous examples unto God’s people on what to do and what not to do in certain situations, as well as the blessings upon the obedient when they obey or the graphic and deadly consequences of disobedience till the end of the world; have you ever noticed how after Pharaoh tried to prevent the Jews from worshiping God as He instructed through Moses? Notice what’s recorded in Exodus 5:1. It says, “And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.”

After Pharaoh refused to let them go, God sent the plagues upon all of Egypt except the obedient Jews of that day. What happened back then was not written just to make the Bible a tad thicker. It was a warning unto those seeking to prevent God’s people in the last days from worshiping Him as He created them to do. And it’s fitting that the Lord required a feast dedicated unto Him as well; for as we see in Leviticus 23: 23-37, all the feast days are considered annual Sabbaths.

Soon we too will see laws designed to prevent the obedient Christians from worshiping our God as He desires as well as keeping the Sabbath of the Creator God, which will then bring on the seven last plagues.

Now, even though this is an easy to see prophetic whisper in the Word of God as well as history of mankind, notice what I just found in the writings of A.T. Jones the other day.

"Moses, after rehearsing the fourth commandment up to the place where the man-servant, the maid-servant, and the stranger are mentioned, breaks off and adds, "That thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may rest as well as thou. And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt." In this view, this was an appeal to the personal experience of every one, under the Sabbath commandment. And more, they were to remember how God had wrought for them with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and how he had punished their oppressors. They were to draw from that the lesson that they should not oppress the keepers of the Sabbath of the Lord, lest they be like Pharoah [sic.] and all his host. And the lesson was not for them alone, but for all people, and all time. Rev. 13:10-18; 14:9-12. {November 4, 1884 ATJ, ARSH 597.17}

Further: this view of the text shows that the duty of keeping the Sabbath was the main cause of their deliverance, and decisively excludes it as the consequence. For if they had not been required to keep the Sabbath, their oppression would not have been so great; and if their oppression had not been so great, they would not yet have been delivered. {November 4, 1884 ATJ, ARSH 698.1}

Once more, and with this I close: if this view of the text be allowed, and if it be shown that the keeping of the Sabbath was a point of conflict in Egypt, before the Exodus, then we have a strong additional refutation of the claim that it originated in the wilderness. Other reasons might be given for this interpretation of the text, but I think these are amply sufficient to justify us in the belief that it is the correct one. “ALONZO T. JONES. {November 4, 1884 ATJ, ARSH 698.2}

In other words, as some opposition in A.T. Jones day appeared to be claiming, they stated the Sabbath was not instituted until they were in the wilderness outside Egypt. But Bible students know, the Sabbath was instituted in creation week long before a Jew was ever born, therefore the main reason some claim it started in the wilderness much later, allows for the lie that the Sabbath was only for the Jew could be cultivated. I have no doubt the demons that started that lie in 321AD were no doubt pushing it again via the lips of many apostate preachers when the obedient SDA pioneers went forth in 1884.

A.T. Jones also stated this following...

Those things are not written in vain. Egypt's experience was not written in vain; it was a warning to every nation from that day to this to let the Sabbath question alone. That record about Jesus Christ, and the doctors of the law not receiving him because they did not understand that lesson from Egypt—that again was the second lesson written for the nations, warning them to let the Sabbath question alone. And when that was not done, and these two lessons were disregarded in the Roman empire, it proved the ruin of that Roman empire, and it was swept out of existence. That was the third lesson which God set before the world, warning the nations to let the Sabbath question alone. But in the face of all three of these fearful lessons, the professed Protestants of the United States have gone right on blindly following in the track of all three. They are following in the track of Pharaoh, and of the Pharisees, and scribes, and doctors of the law—and of the Catholic Church herself. And the result will simply be that, if such a thing could possibly be so, a thousand fold greater ruin than fell upon these three nations before. That is what this Sabbath question means to-day. That is what these things mean, and God is calling upon the people now to decide on which side they will stand. Rome's or God's. {April 1894 ATJ, HOMI 81.3}

The plagues of Egypt killed many yes, but not all. But after the multitudes step up in our day that ignore all three lessons when the mark of the beast is enforced, the seven last plagues are not mixed with mercy as warned of in Revelation 14:10. Again, in Pharaoh’s day, many died, but not all. In the coming days however, absolutely everyone that gathers with Rome on that great and dreadful day will die. Not a single soul will survive the wrath of God that day!

As the prophet Joel said back then I repeat now, Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.” -Joel 3:14

#541 I have a question about the 501c3 and the SDAs becoming Babylon

Hi Nicholas,
I hope you're well. :)

I just saw your video about the "image of the beast" (501c3). WOW. I'm in New Zealand, but I think you're absolutely right as far as the USA goes.

I walked away from my SDA church 3 months ago, but I have some questions about the role of the SDA church in the end times.

Could you perhaps comment on the following verses?

"To claim that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is Babylon, is to make the same claim as does Satan, who is an accuser of the brethren, who accuses them before God night and day." - Ellen White, Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 42.1

"The church may appear as about to fall, but it does not fall. It remains, while the sinners in Zion will be sifted out-the chaff separated from the precious wheat. This is a terrible ordeal, but nevertheless it must take place." - Ellen White, Selected Messages 2:380. MOL 538.12

"The broken ranks will be filled up by those represented by Christ as coming in at the eleventh hour.... Large numbers will be admitted who in these last days hear the truth for the first time." - Ellen White, Letter 103, 1903, cited in Last Day Events, 182

So, it is the 11th hour Christians that will join the 9th hour church?!?

Could you perhaps explain how you know you're the 11th hour church? Did God tell you this?


Yes, the truth about the image of the beast is shocking to say the least, but you need to realize that it’s not just happening in the USA. All nations now have their own version of the 501c3 under many different titles. For example, Canada calls it the T4117 Income Tax Guide for Non-Profit Organizations. You can see more info on that here. If you would like more info on the American 501c3, as well as SDA pioneers declaring it to be alive back in 1901, click here.

Now, just so you know, even though the SDA leaders said the image was alive well over 100 years ago, as expected the SDA leaders of today completely missed it. In fact, they have missed MANY prophetic events the last few decades that the 11th hour remnant declared FIRST, and then the SDA leaders echoed us so as to appear in tune with current events as they pertain to prophecy. But the problem is, and if you notice, most SDA leaders preach the old standards and rarely (unless they echo the remnant) speak on current events because as declared in the Word, in order to understand prophecy you must obey the God that wrote it. See the proof here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/tounderstandprophecy.htm

For much more info on the image of the beast, I have an in-depth study on this here as well as numerous videos.

As for the quote in SOP of EGW saying not to call the SDA church Babylon in her day. #1, I agree, it wasn't Babylon at that time in history. #2, only the Vatican is THE Babylonian whore. And #3 in SOP EGW does in fact say the SDA church WILL eventually become a sister to fallen Babylon and so even though the SDA church is not "THE" Babylonian whore, it will become a Babylonian sister to that whore. See a growing compilation of her quotes regarding the SDA church becoming Babylon here... http://sdaapostasy.org/egw-babylon.htm (Also see this http://sdaapostasy.org/SDABabylon.htm )

Many vocal SDA's and SDA leaders take that quote you shared out of context to claim she was speaking about the END TIME SDA church, and the basic reality is that she was not. In fact, they purposely deceive the flock so as to stand as leaders in the church, for Sister White clearly stated over 100 years ago that “Regarding the testimonies, nothing is ignored; nothing is cast aside; but time and place must be considered.”  {PH116 25a.1}

When she made that statement about the SDA church being called Babylon, back then no they were not Babylon. They were the obedient 9th hour church as prophesied in Matthew 20:1-7. But, as I stated many times before, she has stated they were headed to becoming “the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird’ as prophesied in Revelation 18:2 if they continued on the path they were on, which historic record confirms in a big way, they did continue on the path of apostasy. This is why those quotes of her speaking about Babylon that I shared in that link with you previously are never shared on SDA pulpits to keep the people in the dark and that act compiled with what's penned in those quotes prove the SDA church is indeed a sister to fallen Babylon hands down. In fact, they are so deeply into the arms of Rome they literally send their tithe to them as I proved with SDA documentation in a video I made back in 2019.

Plus, I have many write ups, studies, mini sermons, videos, pics, emails and even SDA doc files at www.SDAapostasy.org wherein among many other things, EGW does not always define the meaning of the word "church" as SDA’s. She often defines it only as being the last day OBEDIENT Christians as the virgins described Revelation 14:4 which Matthew 20:17 declares to be the 11th hour church. Christian prophecy is that accurate and unless the people of God are obedient in daily study and prayer, they will not only fall into apostasy, they will join those in apostasy who will come against the obedient remnant in the coming days, and especially at the end of plague 6.

Truth is, Ellen White says more than once in her writings that we are not saved by a denominational name and warns that some (like the one that landed in jail in Texas recently) will harm themselves and the final work by trying to keep the name that today is associated with the prophesied apostate church. I even found out years later when I discovered her writings that she agrees with us that the remnant people WILL LEAVE the SDA church to be with us in this 11th hour. See the proof I compiled on that here... http://sdaapostasy.org/remnantout.htm. But again, such truths are not allowed on SDA pulpits any more than Isaiah 53 is allowed to be read out loud in the streets of Jerusalem.

As for the church "about to fall" yes. These intense times and trials will cause some of the weaker ones to fall even in the true church for we know and have witnessed even now that as she said “many bright lights will go out.” But according to historic, prophetic, Scriptural and SOP confirmation, the SDA corporate church has already fallen and probation has already closed on the SDA corporate church. (not the individuals yet) And if you need proof, see it here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/closed.htm

Soon the obedient SDA's left in the church will most assuredly "come out of her" and join the "remnant of her seed" just as Revelation 12:17 prophesied they would.

As for the Seventh Day Remnant people being the 11th hour people, see the historic, Scriptural and SOP proof on that long prophesied fact here... http://www.remnantofgod.org/SDR.htm

Notice this as well. How I ask can the 9th hour church be both the 9th AND 11th hour church at the same time? That simply can't be done. But because most in the SDA church stopped reading their Bibles as prophesied, they believe the lies of the pastors who twist prophetic and historic fact.

As for your assumption that “the 11th hour Christians will join the 9th hour church.” No, the 11th church is obedient and they will never step back into a Babylonian church. DO a study on the “shaking” and you will find those that stay in the SDA church are those that are shaken out of the obedient 11th hour church that is described as the virgins that “follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.” The SDA church demanded Jesus leave back in 1888 and boldly declared allegiance to Rome in 1980 when they changed their statement of faith so as to please the Pope they now tithe to. In short, as prophesied, the 9th hour church is no more.

I pray you are blessed by what was shared.


#542 Should I stay in the SDA church to help those inside realize their fallen condition?


Dear precious soul.. You need to study the Word of God as well as the unedited SOP books on your own and stop allowing SDA pastors define what they say. I know you do this because I have eyes that see and experience. What I mean by “experience” is, you have just sent me an email with almost the exact same words as hundreds of other SDA people have sent me. They all echo theology and lies of the Roman Catholic controlled SDA pastors who have officially created an image of the beast. (See this.. http://www.remnantofgod.org/image.htm if you prefer it on video, see this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8ha0sdhlZI&feature=youtu.be )

Scripture is replete with statements saying you must come out of Babylon. It is obvious that you know this. What you don’t know is the SOP even says the SDA will become Babylon many times. But your pastor refuses to show you. (See some statements he (or she) refuses to show you here http://sdaapostasy.org/egw-babylon.htm )

As for never calling the SDA church Babylon in the last days right before the end? No, she never said that. That is a twist on her words from HER DAY when people in HER DAY said it was Babylon. At that time, it was not. It was the 9th hour church doing the work as prophesied by our Lord. (See proof here http://www.remnantofgod.org/SDR.htm )

As for staying in the SDA church. This may shock you, we the people in the SDR church never left the “original” church at all. Many SDA’s say SOP says we must never start a new denomination and they’re correct. So.. look at the statement of faith of the SDR church. It’s an exact duplicate of the SDA statement in Ellen White’s day. Now look at your SDA statement today. It’s different! So.. I must ask YOU then, why did you leave the church and why did you start a new denomination? Sister White says your leaders were never to do that, so they did it stealthily as Jesuits are infamous for. That’s how crafty Satan is. He CONvinced all the SDA’s to stay in the “brick and mortar” church that he changed doctrinally and the true SDA people followed the Lamb withersover He went. And because the SDA church leaders asked Jesus to leave, we merely followed His lead and in so doing stayed in the “true church” of Jesus Christ.

The only reason we changed the name is because, your SDA church will ignore the command of Christ and actually sue us if we use the name and they have even jailed people that use it. And so.. we are the prophesied “remnant of HER seed.” Or “Seventh day REMNANT” church.

And by the way, EVERY SDA I ever met has admitted their church is in apostasy. And Ellen White clearly said, “Concerning Babylon, the symbol of the apostate church, He says to His ministers of judgment, "Her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double." Rev. 18:5, 6.  -Christ's Object Lessons 178.4

Are you sitting down?

“I saw a company who stood well guarded and firm, giving no countenance to those who would unsettle the established faith of the body. God looked upon them with approbation. I was shown three steps-- the first, second, and third angels' messages. Said my accompanying angel, "Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages. The true understanding of these messages is of vital importance.

The destiny of souls hangs upon the manner in which they are received." I was again brought down through these messages, and saw how dearly the people of God had purchased their experience. It had been obtained through much suffering and severe conflict. God had led them along step by step, until He had placed them upon a solid, immovable platform. I saw individuals approach the platform and examine the foundation. Some with rejoicing immediately stepped upon it. Others commenced to find fault with the foundation. They wished improvements made, and then the platform would be more perfect, and the people much happier. Some stepped off the platform to examine it and declared it to be laid wrong. But I saw that nearly all stood firm upon the platform and exhorted those who had stepped off to cease their complaints; for God was the Master Builder, and they were fighting against Him. They recounted the wonderful work of God, which had led them to the firm platform, and in union raised their eyes to heaven and with a loud voice glorified God. This affected some of those who had complained and left the platform, and they with humble look again stepped upon it.”  {EW 258.3}

If you want to stay in a church that declares Allah is God, homosexual marriage is ok and women can become pastors just to name a few, then so be it. As for me and my house, we will love and serve THE LORD.


#543 Why don’t the men in the SDR church wear the blue tassels?

Why don't the men in our church wear the fringes? Although many believe women should too, it's kind of a spilt decision if the command applied to men or both. But why don't they get worn? I have gotten the response that it's because God wrote the commandments on our heart. But He doesn't say not to wear them, and Jesus wore them. And it's not a ceremonial law🤔 this has been heavy on me for a while now. And every time I read those areas I feel convicted about it. But I also don't want to be falsely convicted(as in maybe I've heard others say it at some point and it's sticking so I just think it's the Holy Spirit when it's not)

Deuteronomy 22:12 KJV

[12] Thou shalt make thee fringes upon the four quarters of thy vesture, wherewith thou coverest thyself.

Numbers 15:37-41 KJV

[37] And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, [38] Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue: [39] and it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: [40] that ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God. [41] I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD your God.


In regards to your question regarding the fringes or ribbons of blue, as you know, it said in Numbers 15:39 that " it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them"

This is part of the Old Testament ordinances of Moses that were abolished at the cross. See this for more detail... https://remnantofgod.org/abolished.htm. The reason we no longer need to "look upon" such things is because of the Comforter that Jesus promised to send those of us that receive Him as Saviour. Notice what was penned by Paul after the cross of Christ...

Hebrews 10:16, "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;"

2 Corinthians 3:3  Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

We no longer need to "look upon" the blue thread in the fringe or ribbon to remember the Law of our God because it is clearly written in and on our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit who helps us keep the Law. And yes, Jesus wore the blue fringe as well when He walked among us because of what He said to John the day He was baptized. When John question Him for asking to be baptized, Jesus said in  Matthew 3:15, "Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness" Jesus was our example as well as their example back then. In fact, it was prophesied in Isaiah 42:21 that “The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable.”

Jesus wore the fringe to illustrate the importance of it. Plus, the prophetic reality is that He wore it as He walked among us because He had yet to die on the cross to uplift and magnify the Law. In fact, when Jesus returns, notice what is seen by all just before abject horror falls upon the wicked that denied His Law...

"Through a rift in the clouds, there beams a star whose brilliancy is increased fourfold in contrast with the darkness. It speaks hope and joy to the faithful, but severity and wrath to the transgressors of God's law. Those who have sacrificed all for Christ are now secure, hidden as in the secret of the Lord's pavilion. They have been tested, and before the world and the despisers of truth they have evinced their fidelity to Him who died for them. A marvelous change has come over those who have held fast their integrity in the very face of death. They have been suddenly delivered from the dark and terrible tyranny of men transformed to demons. Their faces, so lately pale, anxious, and haggard, are now aglow with wonder, faith, and love. Their voices rise in triumphant song: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and the troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof." [Psalm 46:1-3.]  {4SP 456.1}

     While these words of holy trust ascend to God, the clouds sweep back, and the starry heavens are seen, unspeakably glorious in contrast with the black and angry firmament on either side. The glory of Heaven is beaming from the gates ajar. Then there appears against the sky a hand holding two tables of stone folded together. The hand opens the tables, and there are revealed the precepts of the decalogue, traced as with a pen of fire. The words are so plain that all can read them. Memory is aroused, the darkness of superstition and heresy is swept from every mind, and God's ten words, brief, comprehensive, and authoritative, are presented to the view of all the inhabitants of earth. Wonderful code! wonderful occasion!”  {4SP 456.2}


“     It is impossible to describe the horror and despair of those who have trampled upon God's holy requirements. The Lord gave them his law; they might have compared their characters with it, and learned their defects while yet there was opportunity for repentance and reform; but in order to secure the favor of the world, they set aside its precepts and taught others to transgress. They have endeavored to compel God's people to profane his Sabbath. Now they are condemned by that law which they have despised. With awful distinctness they see that they are without excuse. They chose whom they would serve and worship. "Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not." [Malachi 3:18.]  {4SP 457.1}

The enemies of God's law, from the ministers down to the least among them, have a new conception of truth and duty. Too late they see that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is the seal of the living God. Too late they see the true nature of their spurious Sabbath, and the sandy foundation upon which they have been building. They find that they have been fighting against God. Religious teachers have led souls to perdition while professing to guide them to the gates of Paradise. Not until the day of final accounts will it be known how great is the responsibility of men in holy office, and how terrible are the results of their unfaithfulness. Only in eternity can we rightly estimate the loss of a single soul. Fearful will be the doom of him to whom God shall say, Depart, thou wicked servant.  {4SP 457.2} 


#544 How to combat the excuse that the wheat and the tares grow together till the end


I was wondering if you had any articles written about the wheat and the tares growing together and the shaking and timeline with these.  All I have been seeing lately is sda use and say “oh the wheat and tares grow together” as a basic shut down to leaving apostasy or their precious church,  or refusing to see the necessity of ever having to leave because oh the Bible says they’ll grow together.

I’d appreciate more guidance and understanding on the wheat and tares. My understanding of the shaking is that it is a settling into the truth and sealing so you cannot be moved off of Gods truth. And the shaking will shake those out of Gods truth who have not a solid foundation on his word.

A little confused on how to approach wheat and tares to an sda using it as an excuse to stay in the church.

Thank you!


What I have found over the years is that everyone that uses the excuse that the wheat and tares grow together are in fact one of the tares. For the wheat has already left the SDA church. This is not to say that some still in the church can leave and be one with the wheat, yes they can. But they must first repent and obey the Lord when it comes to the apostasy all of them know exists in their church.

The biblical reality here is that the "church" that will have wheat and tares grow together till the end is the 11th hour church, which is not the SDA church. The SDAs were the 9th hour church that fell off the path so long ago they cannot possibly be the final church of today for by this time they are no more the remnant or even the bride of Christ. Their numerous agreements with the Roman Catholic church has confirmed they have been replaced by the obedient ones just as the Christians of old replaced the Jews wherein they gain the name “Israel” unto this day. The only option at this point for the SDA people still in the church is the same unto all Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Lutherans or any of the other 44,000 different Protestant denominations out there. It is clearly stated they must "come out” of these apostate churches before Plague #1 starts in both Matthew 20:1-7 & Revelation 12:17 confirms this.

 In short, as prophesied, the SDA's church's time has come and gone. The only safe haven at this point now is in absolute obedience unto Jesus Christ, who they kicked out the church in 1888. The 11th hour church is exactly as prophesied in structure, fruit and faithful obedience. I did a study on this here... https://remnantofgod.org/SDR.htm

As for your assumptions on the shaking, yes. You are correct. Those that “follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth” as prophesied in Revelation 14:4, will see the apostasy and their vexation of spirit will cause them to leave the church because their Lord, Saviour, Creator and King has been asked to leave the church as far back as 1888 and their love for Him is so strong they do exactly as prophesied and follow Him into His obedient remnant church.

“I saw that God has honest children among the nominal Adventists and the fallen churches, and before the plagues shall be poured out, ministers and people will be called out from these churches and will gladly receive the truth. Satan knows this and before the loud cry of the third angel is given, he raises an excitement in these religious bodies, that those who have rejected the truth may think that God is with them. He hopes to deceive the honest and lead them to think that God is still working for the churches. But the light will shine, and all who are honest will leave the fallen churches, and take their stand with the remnant-Early Writings: page 261.

"I saw the nominal church and nominal Adventists, like Judas, would betray us to the Catholics to obtain their influence to come against the truth. The saints then will be an obscure people, little known to the Catholics; but the churches and nominal Adventists who know of our faith and customs (for they hated us on account of the Sabbath, for they could not refute it) will betray the saints and report them to the Catholics as those who disregard the institutions of the people; that is, that they keep the Sabbath and disregard Sunday." E.G. White, Spalding--Magan Unpublished Testimonies, p. 1.

Back in 1981 the SDA president literally said that "there is another universal and truly catholic organization, the Seventh-day Adventist Church." (Neal C. Wilson, General Conference President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, in Adventist Review, March 5, 1981, p 3).

When speaking of the 3 angels and the outing of the Popes as Antichrist and the man of sin, this same evil man stated in 1975 that as far as the confirmed prophecies concerning all this about the Roman Catholic Popes has “been consigned to the historical trash heap so far as the Seventh-day Adventist Church is concerned.”

As prophesied, this Papal SDA foundation has already been built. Not only do the SDA leaders embrace and actually teach Roman Catholic doctrine as this large list of documented General Conference statements confirm, they are already sending the SDA tithe to the Pope as their own letterhead confirms in writing. It won’t be long now that they point us out when the Loud Cry swells and the Latter Rain falls; their long-cultivated envious fruit that fostered hatred against us will move them to seek our deaths because they now realize they have been passed by as unworthy to perform the long-prophesied final work of bringing in the sheeves.

"The work in Battle Creek is after the same order. The leaders in the sanitarium have mingled with unbelievers, admitting them to their councils, more or less; but it is like going to work with their eyes shut. They lack the discernment to see what is going to break upon us at any time. There is a spirit of desperation, of war and bloodshed, and that spirit will increase until the very close of time. Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in their foreheads—it is not any seal or mark that can be seen, but a settling into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be moved—just as soon as God’s people are sealed and prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed, it has begun already; the judgments of God are now upon the land to give us warning, that we may know what is coming. 17LtMs, Ms 173, 1902, par. 25

And to lock this all down, notice what sister White said well over 100 years ago…

"That these men should stand in a sacred place, to be as the voice of God to the people, as we once believed the General Conference to be--that is past". --Last Day Events 50.4

“As for the voice of the General Conference, there is no voice from God through that body that is reliable.” -Manuscript 57, October 12, 1895 & Manuscript Releases, vol 17, p 178



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