"One fanatic, with his strong spirit and radical ideas, who will oppress the conscience of those who want to be right, will do great harm. The church needs to be purified from all such influences." -Historical Sketches  212.1 (1886)

"The three messages symbolize the three parts of the genuine movement. That which has appeared not symbolized by the three angels, though it be branded "Adventism," is spurious."
-Life Incidents 306.3

"I saw the necessity of the messengers, especially, watching and checking all fanaticism wherever they might see it rise. Satan is pressing in on every side, and unless we watch for him, and have our eyes open to his devices and snares, and have on the whole armor of God, the fiery darts of the wicked will hit us. There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is present truth that the flock needs now. I have seen the danger of the messengers running off from the important points of present truth, to dwell upon subjects that are not calculated to unite the flock and sanctify the soul. Satan will here take every possible advantage to injure the cause." -Early Writings 63.1 (1882)

Over the years we have seen our share of dear souls taken by fanaticism come near and even into our number claiming to have new light of truth when in fact when placed under the light of Scripture proves otherwise. Quite often, when their error is proven to them using Scripture and sometimes even with the Spirit of Prophecy by ordained leaders, sadly most refuse to see it. Worse yet, some seek to usurp authority over the ordained leaders using their fanaticism.

It appears with some of these precious souls caught up in fanaticism, many will never change their minds nor will they ever change the subject. Instead they choose to repeat the same theory ad nauseam regardless of how many biblical facts presented to them prove otherwise. This is and has been the norm for the end time church as this very same attack on God's written Word was the norm for eons.

 The Authority of the Church

“The world's Redeemer has invested great power with His church. He states the rules to be applied in cases of trial with its members. After He has given explicit directions as to the course to be pursued, He says: "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever [in church discipline] ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Thus even the heavenly authority ratifies the discipline of the church in regard to its members when the Bible rule has been followed.  {3T 428.1}  

The word of God does not give license for one man to set up his judgment in opposition to the judgment of the church, neither is he allowed to urge his opinions against the opinions of the church. If there were no church discipline and government, the church would go to fragments; it could not hold together as a body. There have ever been individuals of independent minds who have claimed that they were right, that God had especially taught, impressed, and led them. Each has a theory of his own, views peculiar to himself, and each claims that his views are in accordance with the word of God. Each one has a different theory and faith, yet each claims special light from God. These draw away from the body, and each one is a separate church of himself. All these cannot be right, yet they all claim to be led of the Lord. The word of Inspiration is not Yea and Nay, but Yea and Amen in Christ Jesus." {3T 428.2}

Do you recall the story of Korah as stated in Numbers 16?

Korah and his confused cohorts were angry about Moses who was always trying to help the people see the danger of their sins. But as the Word confirms, Korah declared none of the people were in sin! In fact he said "all the congregation are holy, every one of them" when in fact the Lord specifically told Moses they were not.

What Korah didn't realize is that he was speaking against God Himself because the very words Moses spoke were given to him from the Lord. Moses, like all obedient remnant leaders today, was ordained of God to warn the people. In fact, it clearly said in Numbers 16:11, "For which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together against the LORD: and what is Aaron, that ye murmur against him?"

How did it end for Korah and his 250 cohorts?

There is a reason it is written in Hebrews 10:31 that "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." It is also stated in Galatians 6:7, that we should, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Fanaticism and rebellion against God's written Word will never change anything when it comes to how doctrine is defined. But this type of rebellion is and always will be the norm for those seeking to belittle God's Word as well as His ordained men so as to claim a position for themselves before the people just as Korah of old did. That all being said, for those that understand spirit of prophecy as inspired by God, notice what was stated not too long ago.

"About this time, fanaticism began to appear. Some who professed to be zealous believers in the message rejected the word of God as the one infallible guide, and, claiming to be led by the Spirit, gave themselves up to the control of their own feelings, impressions, and imaginations. There were some who manifested a blind and bigoted zeal, denouncing all who would not sanction their course. Their fanatical ideas and exercises met with no sympathy from the great body of Adventists; yet they served to bring reproach upon the cause of truth.-4SP 243.1

Satan was seeking by this means to oppose and destroy the work of God. The people had been greatly stirred by the Advent movement, thousands of sinners had been converted, and faithful men were giving themselves to the work of proclaiming the truth, even in the tarrying time. The prince of evil was losing his subjects; and in order to bring reproach upon the cause of God, he sought to deceive those who professed the faith, and to drive them to extremes. Then his agents stood ready to seize upon every error, every failure, every unbecoming act, and hold it up before the people in the most exaggerated light, to render Adventists and their faith odious. Thus the greater the number whom he could crowd in to make a profession of the Advent faith while his power controlled their hearts, the greater advantage would he gain by calling attention to them as representatives of the whole body of believers” - 4SP 243.2 

Back in Moses's day, and all the way up to our day, the method by which to learn if a doctrine is of God was to present it to the ordained leaders of the church. If the one presenting the doctrine is told by the leaders that his doctrine is error, then that person is bound by biblical jurisprudence to put it down and never speak of it again. And never is that person to share it with any church member. Reason being is, the ordained leaders are to view the doctrine first, that way if it is truth, the leaders will then present it to the church family as a new blessing of light from the Lord. But, if it turns out to be error, that false doctrine is to be forever discarded so as to prevent the precious souls in the church from being infected by the false doctrine.

Still, as we saw in the ancient past, some rebels of God's Word have always circumvented the expressed will of God as it is written so as to present their erroneous theories unto the young in the faith so as to stamp out the ember of faith within their hearts.

All throughout the young history of the SDR movement we have seen some bring in strange doctrines that were put down by the ordained leaders time and time again. And regardless of the efforts of the leaders, those embracing fanaticism kept their strange doctrine before the people causing a mixture of truth and error to flourish in some hearts. But as we see in both Scripture and spirit of prophecy, when such as these come forward refusing to do as the ordained leaders declare as per biblical jurisprudence, such as these must then be ignored so as to continue the ordained work we are called to perform in these last days.

That all being said, what do we see in both Scripture or spirit of prophecy when such falsehoods are presented that ordained leaders warn are dangerous unto the precious bride of Christ?

In Paul's day we saw this happen in Galatians 2:3-5. It says, "But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised: And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you."

In other words, Paul declared that not even for one hour did they give them a chance to convince them of their false doctrine. They knew of their theology, and this is why Paul stated he would not waste any time with it. Sharing the Gospel with those that want to hear it was their calling just like today sharing present truth is is our calling. What Paul said to them that day is like saying today that "we didn't even give them the time of day" to touch on such things when we know the task at hand is so clearly pressed upon our hearts from the Lord. And back in the days of the SDA pioneers, we saw some putting forth supposed new light without the approval of ordained leaders as well. This is how they were responded to...

"I have no hesitancy in saying you have made a mistake here. You have departed from the positive directions God has given upon this matter, and only harm will be the result. This is not in God's order. You have now set the example for others to do as you have done, to feel at liberty to put in their various ideas and theories and bring them before the public, because you have done this. This will bring in a state of things that you have not dreamed of. I have wanted to get out articles in regard to the law, but I have been moving about so much, my writings are where I cannot have the advantage of them.  {15MR 19.1} 

     It is no small matter for you to come out in the Signs as you have done, and God has plainly revealed that such things should not be done. We must keep before the world a united front. Satan will triumph to see differences among Seventh-day Adventists. These questions are not vital points. I have not read Elder Butler's pamphlet or any articles written by any of our writers and do not mean to. But I did see years ago that Elder [J. H.] Waggoner's views were not correct, and read to him matter which I had written. The matter does not lie clear and distinct in my mind yet. I cannot grasp the matter, and for this reason I am fully convinced that presenting it has been not only untimely, but deleterious."  {15MR 19.2}

The fact she said the publishing of their error in "the Signs" was a "deleterious" (harmful) act proves, this is why all new light must be presented to the ordained leaders FIRST for a reason. Just as Moses was moved to ordain men to help him educate the Jews eons ago, some of us are ordained to educate the bride of Christ today. Ignoring that fact is sinful. For had they obeyed God on this, their strange assumptions wouldn't have caused confusion in the church. The bottom line is, what they did "is not in God's order." In fact, she literally said that such fanaticism "were a curse to the cause of God."

One very "vital point" that needs to be addressed here is that when it came to what sister White said about these issues she declared were "not vital points," she literally displayed the exact same mindset of Paul when she said "I have not read Elder Butler's pamphlet or any articles written by any of our writers and do not mean to." She more or less said she wasn't going to listen to such things "not for an hour" so as to continue the work she was called to do in the same way Paul wasn't going to listen so as to do the work he was called to do.

Just as it was in Moses' day, Paul's day and Sister White's day, we too have an ordained duty to perform for the God we love, honor and obey. It's called declaring "Present Truth" unto all the world so as to ready a people for the return of Christ. This is the prophesied task at hand for every obedient remnant child of God in the 11th hour. We must not let fanaticism distract us from what we were prophesied long ago to be doing in these last days. For if we refuse to do as called, our Lord, Saviour, Creator and KING will turn His blessings from us and choose those that will do as He stated His remnant children will do for Him and His Son under the perfect guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. In short, fanaticism is not of God. It is of the enemy of our God.


"Brother E: While in Rochester, New York, December 25, 1865, before visiting the State of Maine, I saw some things in relation to the perplexing and discouraging conditions of the cause in that state. I was shown that quite a number who were thinking it their duty to teach the word of God publicly had mistaken their work. They had no call to devote themselves to this solemn, responsible work. They were not qualified for the work of the ministry, for they could not instruct others properly.  {2T 553.1} 
     The experience of some had been obtained among a class of religious fanatics who had no true sense of the exalted character of the work. The religious experience of this class of professed Seventh-day Adventists was not reliable. They had not firm principles underlying all their actions. They were self-confident, and boastful. Their religion did not consist in righteous acts, true humility of soul, and sincere devotion to God, but in impulse, in noise and confusion, spiced with eccentricities and oddities. They had not felt, neither could they feel, the necessity of being clothed with Christ's righteousness. They had a righteousness of their own, which was as filthy rags, and which God can in no case accept. These persons had no love for union and harmony of action. They delighted in disorder. Confusion, distraction, and diversity of opinion were their choice. They were ungovernable, unsubdued, unregenerated, and unconsecrated, and this element of confusion suited their undisciplined minds. They were a curse to the cause of God and brought the name of Seventh-day Adventists into disrepute.  {2T 553.2} 
     These persons had not experienced the work of reformation, or sanctification through the truth. They were coarse and uncultivated. They had never tasted of the sweet, pure refinement of the world to come. They had never experienced, neither had their hearts been awed by, the mystery of godliness." -{2T 553.3} 


“Great light has been given to the people of God. Let our people awake, and go forward to perfection. You will be exposed to the fallacies of satanic agencies. Fearful waves of fanaticism will come. But God will deliver the people who will earnestly seek the Lord, and consecrate themselves to His service.” —Pacific Union Recorder, December 31, 1908. (Also in 2SM 47.3)


“We shall have scores of just such developments, and if our leading brethren shall catch up things of this character and endorse them as they have done in this case, we shall have one of the most sweeping tidal waves of fanaticism that has been seen in our experience. There will be the wildest performances. Satan has already begun his work. To give ready credence to these things, and make loose, unguarded statements endorsing them without sufficient evidence of their genuine character, is one of Satan's devices. The Lord Jesus has certainly given cautions sufficient in regard to this matter, so that none need be deceived.” Letter 66, 1894 (April 10, 1894) (Also found in 2SM 92)



“He {Satan} is working with all his insinuating, deceiving power, to lead men away from the third angel's message, which is to be proclaimed with mighty power. If Satan sees that the Lord is blessing His people and preparing them to discern his delusions, he will work with his master power to bring in fanaticism on the one hand and cold formalism on the other, that he may gather in a harvest of souls. Now is our time to watch unceasingly. Watch, bar the way to the least step of advance that Satan may make among you.” An Appeal to our Ministers and Conference Committees p. 35.2 (SpTA01b, 1892) (also in Ms 16, 1890; 2SM 19.4)


“Any manifestation of fanaticism takes the mind away from the evidence of truth-the Word itself.” Ms 115, 1908, par. 87 (Also found in 2SM 42.6; 3SM 372.6)


“In my labors I was called to oppose the course of some who by their fanaticism were bringing reproach upon the cause of God. These fanatical ones seemed to think that religion consisted in great excitement and noise. They would talk in a manner that would irritate unbelievers, and cause them to hate them and the doctrines they taught; then they would rejoice that they suffered persecution. Unbelievers could see no consistency in their course. The brethren in some places were prevented from assembling for meetings. The innocent suffered with the guilty. I carried a sad and heavy heart much of the time. It seemed cruel that the cause of Christ should be injured by the course of these injudicious men. They were not only ruining their own souls, but placing upon the cause a stigma not easily removed. And Satan loved to have it so. It suited him well to see the truth handled by unsanctified men; to have it mixed with error, and then all together trampled in the dust. He looked with triumph upon the confused, scattered state of God's children.” 1T 66.2

“One of these fanatical persons labored with some success to turn my friends and even my relatives against me. Because I had faithfully related that which was shown me respecting his unchristian course, he circulated falsehoods to destroy my influence and to justify himself. My lot seemed hard. Discouragements pressed heavily upon me; and the condition of God's people so filled me with anguish that for two weeks I was prostrated with sickness.” 1T 67.1



“Counterfeit holiness, spurious sanctification, is still doing its work of deception. Under various forms it exhibits the same spirit as in the days of Luther, diverting minds from the Scriptures, and leading men to follow their own feelings and impressions rather than to yield obedience to the law of God. This is one of Satan's most successful devices to cast reproach upon purity and truth.4SP 152.1

“Fearlessly did Luther defend the gospel from the attacks which came from every quarter. The word of God proved itself a weapon mighty in every conflict. With that word he warred against the usurped authority of the pope, and the rationalistic philosophy of the schoolmen, while he stood firm as a rock against the fanaticism that sought to ally itself with the Reformation.” 4SP 152.2


“The sin of those in Wisconsin who went into fanaticism rests more heavily upon you, Brother G, than upon any other one. You were an unfaithful watchman. You discerned not the evil, because you were unfaithful. God sent His faithful watchmen who stood in the light and could discern the evil to warn you and the erring flock. Had you then listened to the warning, a great amount of evil would have been saved. Your influence would have been preserved. You would have stood out of the way, that the testimony of the servants of God might reach the distracted flock. The erring would not hear the voice of God through His chosen servants. They made their spirit strong against the warning of the watchmen sent to them, and strengthened themselves in their unreasonable, self-deceived course. The shepherd would not hear. He was offended because this fanaticism was handled so decidedly. He perceived not the danger. He saw no haste in the matter. He had sufficient light to decide, but was too willful and too suspicious of God's servants to yield to their testimony.” 1T 313.2

“Brother G wished to wait until the fanaticism should develop, and it went on just as Satan would have it, until it did develop with terrible results. There were not reasonable, sensible manifestations to characterize that work as being of God. The Lord's servants executed their mission, freed their garments from the blood of souls, and kept themselves clear of the cursed influence, while you bear the fearful weight of the sin of this woeful fanaticism.” 1T 313.3


“Whenever I have been called to meet fanaticism in its varied forms, I have received clear, positive, and definite instruction to lift my voice against its influence. With some the evil has revealed itself in the form of manmade tests for ascertaining a knowledge of the will of God; and I was shown that this was a delusion which became an infatuation and that it is contrary to the will of the Lord. If we follow such methods, we shall be found aiding the enemy’s plans. In times past certain among the believers the great faith in the setting of signs by which to decide their duty. Some had such confidence in these signs, that men went so far as to exchange wives, thus bringing adultery into the church.” Letter 36, 1911, par. 4

“I have been shown that deceptions like those we were called to meet in the early experiences of the message would be repeated and that we shall have to meet them again in the closing days of the work. At this time we are required to bring all our powers under the control of God, exercising our faculties in accordance with the light He has given. Read the fourth and fifth chapters of Matthew. Study Matthew 4:8-10; also chapter 5:13. Meditate upon the sacred work that was carried forward by Christ. It is thus that the principles of the Word of God are to be brought into our labors.” Letter 36, 1911, par. 5 (June 7, 1911; also found in 2SM 28)

"There is a strange mixture of views among professed Sabbathkeepers in -----. Some are not in harmony with the body, and while they continue to occupy the position they now do, they will be subject to the temptations of Satan and will be affected with fanaticism and the spirit of error. Some have fanciful views which blind their eyes to important, vital points of truth, leading them to place their own fanciful inferences upon a level with vital truth. The appearance of such, and the spirit which attends them, makes the Sabbath which they profess very objectionable to the sensible unbeliever. It would be far better for the progress and success of the third angel's message if such persons would leave the truth." {1T 413.2}  

 Chapter XXXI. - The Laodicean Testimony.

     "In the spring of 1857, I accompanied my husband on a tour East. His principal business was to purchase the Power Press. We held conferences on our way to Boston, and on our return. This was a discouraging tour. The testimony to the Laodicean church was generally received; but some in the East were making bad use of it. Instead of applying it to their own hearts, so as to be benefited by it themselves, they were using the testimony to oppress others. A few taught that the brethren must sell all out before they could be free, while some others dwelt much upon dress, carrying the subject to an extreme, and with a few others there was a narrowing up of the work of the third message, and following of impressions, and casting fear upon the conscientious. These things have had a blighting influence, and have caused us to lay down our testimony on the subject almost entirely.  {2SG 222.1}  

     The design of the message to the Laodiceans was to rid the church of just such fanatical influences; but the effort of Satan has been to corrupt the message, and destroy its influence. He would be better pleased to have fanatical persons embrace the testimony, and use it in his cause, than to have them remain in a lukewarm state. I have seen that it was not the design of the message to lead brother to sit in judgment over his brother, to tell him what to do, and just how far to go; but for each individual to search his own heart, and attend to his own individual work. It is the work of the angels to watch the development of character, and weigh moral worth. The following is from Testimony to the Church, No. 5, pp. 4-11:  {2SG 223.1}  

     I saw that the testimony to the Laodiceans applied to God's people at the present time, and the reason it has not accomplished a greater work, is because of the hardness of their hearts. But God has given the message time to do its work. The heart must be purified from sins which have so long shut Jesus out. This fearful message will do its work. When it was first presented, it led to close examination of heart. Sins were confessed, and the people of God were stirred everywhere. Nearly all believed that this message would end in the loud cry of the third angel. But as they failed to see the powerful work accomplished in a short time, many lost the effect of the message. I saw that this message would not accomplish its work in a few short months. It was designed to arouse the people of God, to discover to them their backslidings, and lead to zealous repentance, that they might be favored with the presence of Jesus, and be fitted for the loud cry of the third angel. As this message affected the heart it led to deep humility before God. Angels were sent in every direction to prepare unbelieving hearts for the truth. The cause of God began to rise, and his people were acquainted with their position."  {2SG 223.2} 

"Those who are under the influence of the Spirit of God will not be fanatical, but calm and steadfast, free from extravagance in thought, word, or deed. Amid the confusion of delusive doctrines, the Spirit of God will be a guide and a shield to those who have not resisted the evidences of truth, silencing every other voice but that which comes from Him who is the truth."  {GW 289.2} 


"God calls upon you to yield pride and stubbornness, and to let His peace rule in your hearts. A meek and quiet spirit must be cherished. Carry Christ's meekness with you in all your labors. An excited temper and cutting censure will not impress the people or gain their sympathy. If we have the truth, we can afford to be calm and unexcited."  4T 348.2

Notice these 2 points 

1. "It is impossible to make one rule for all to follow" as sister White said in Letter 127, 1904. 


"There is a wide difference in constitutions and temperaments, and the demands of the system differ greatly in different persons. What would be food for one, might be poison for another; so precise rules cannot be laid down to fit every case. I cannot eat beans, for they are poison to me; but for me to say that for this reason no one must eat them would be simply ridiculous. I cannot eat a spoonful of milk gravy, or milk toast, without suffering in consequence; but other members of my family can eat these things, and realize no such effect; therefore I take that which suits my stomach best, and they do the same. We have no words, no contention; all moves along harmoniously in my large family, for I do not attempt to dictate what they shall or shall not eat." Letter 19a, 1891 (April 2, 1891)

"We cannot regulate the diet question by making any rule. Some can eat beans and dried peas, but to me this diet is painful. It is like poison. Some have appetites and taste for certain things, and assimilate them well. Others have no appetite for these articles. So one rule cannot be made for everyone." Manuscript 15, 1889.

"The same rule of eating can not be made for all. I make it a rule never to eat custards; for when I eat them, they always make a disturbance in my stomach. But there are those in my family who suffer no inconvenience from eating custards, and because I can not eat them, I do not say that they ought not to eat them. We must each experiment and know for ourselves what is best for us to eat. We may have to abstain from many things that others can eat without inconvenience." Spalding and Magan, p. 260.1 (1903)

 2. Not to make yourself a criterion for others.

"I make myself a criterion for no one else. There are things that I cannot eat without suffering great distress. I try to learn that which is best for me, and then saying nothing to any one, I partake of the things that I can eat, which often are simply two or three varieties that will not create a disturbance in the stomach."  Letter 45, 1903 (March 10, 1903)

"But the other members of my family do not eat the same things that I do. I do not hold myself up as a criterion for them. I leave each one to follow his own ideas as to what is best for him. I bind no one else's conscience by my own. One person cannot be a criterion for another in the matter of eating." Letter 127, 1904

"Those who have but a partial understanding of the principles of reform are often the most rigid, not only in carrying out their views themselves, but in urging them on their families and their neighbors. The effect of their mistaken reforms, as seen in their own ill-health, and their efforts to force their views upon others, give many a false idea of dietetic reform, and lead them to reject it altogether." MH 318.4 (1905)

A Point to Guard Well -

"Whenever the Lord has a special work to do among His people, when He would arouse their minds to contemplate vital truth, Satan will work to divert the mind by introducing minor points of difference, in order that he may create an issue concerning doctrines that are not essential to the understanding of the point in hand, and thus bring about disunion, and distract attention from the essential point. When this occurs, the Lord is at work making impressions upon the hearts of men, concerning that which is necessary to their salvation. Then if Satan can draw the mind away to some unimportant issue, and cause the people to divide on some minor point, so that their hearts are barricaded against light and truth, he exults in malicious triumph." —The Review and Herald, October 18, 1892.


1 Timothy 4:12-16, "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.  (13)  Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.  (14)  Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.  (15)  Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.  (16)  Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee."

"In the history of Timothy are found precious lessons. He was a mere lad when chosen by God as a teacher; but so fixed were his principles by a correct education that he was fitted for this important position. He bore his responsibilities with Christlike meekness. He was faithful, steadfast, and true, and Paul selected him to be his companion in labor and travel. Lest Timothy should meet with slights because of his youthfulness, Paul wrote to him, "Let no man despise thy youth." He could safely do this, because Timothy was not self-sufficient, but continually sought guidance.
     There are many youth who move from impulse rather than from judgment. But Timothy inquired at every step, "Is this the way of the Lord?" He had no specially brilliant talents, but he consecrated all his abilities to the service of God, and this made his work valuable. The Lord found in him a mind that He could mold and fashion for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
     God will use the youth today as He used Timothy, if they will submit to His guidance. It is your privilege to be God's missionaries. He calls upon you to work for your companions. Seek out those you know to be in danger, and in the love of Christ try to help them. How are they to know the Saviour unless they see His virtues in His followers." (YI Feb. 13, 1902)

There are some in the SDR movement that like Timothy seek biblical guidance with every step. And that is a wonderful fruit of the humble spirit within them. Sadly, there are also some over the years that used to be this way, yet literally moments before being ordained of God to a blessed and humble office that could eventually lead to a pastoral duty standing behind the desk became "self-sufficient" and no longer trusted by God for ordination. They "neglect the gift" that is in them of God so as to glorify self.

On more thing...

"Men who are chosen of God to labor in this cause will give proof of their high calling and will consider it their highest duty to grow and improve until they shall become able workmen. Then, as they manifest an earnestness to improve upon the talent which God has entrusted to them, they should be helped judiciously. But the encouragement given them should not savor of flattery, for Satan himself will do enough of that kind of work. Men who think that they have a duty to preach should not be sustained in throwing themselves and their families at once upon the brethren for support. They are not entitled to this until they can show good fruits of their labor. There is now danger of injuring young preachers, and those who have but little experience, by flattery, and by relieving them of burdens in life. When not preaching they should be doing what they can for their own support. This is the best way to test the nature of their call to preach. If they desire to preach only that they may be supported as ministers, and the church pursue a judicious course, they will soon lose the burden and leave preaching for more profitable business. Paul, a most eloquent preacher, miraculously converted of God to do a special work, was not above labor. He says: "Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling place; and labor, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it." 1 Corinthians 4:11, 12. "Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labor and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you." 2 Thessalonians 3:8.  {1T 446.2} 

AGAIN, this is why no one in the SDR movement will ever ask for donations. We prefer to ask only our heavenly Father who we know will supply all our needs.

2 Timothy 2:15-18 says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightlydividing the word of truth.  (16)  But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.  (17)  And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; (18)  Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some."

Now notice this as proclaimed in the Review and Herald back in 1901.

“In the days of the apostles the most foolish heresies were presented as truth. History has been and will be repeated. There will always be those who, though apparently conscientious, will grasp at the shadow,preferring it to the substance. They take error in the place of truth, because error is clothed with a new garment, which they think covers something wonderful. But let the coveringbe removed, and nothingness appears." (RH Feb. 5, 1901).

"There are some things which we need to guard. Letters will come asking questions in regard to the sealing of thepeople of God, who will be sealed, how many, and other prying questions. I think we must tell them to read and speak of the things that are plainly revealed. We have encouragement in the Word that if we walk humbly with God, we shall receive instruction. But prying curiosity is not to be encouraged. 

     To the second chapter of second Timothy we may refer those who are desirous of originating some newand strange thing, which is the product of the human imagination, and as much below the grand and noble sentiments of Holy Writ as the common is below the sacred.We may answer foolish questions by saying, Wait, and we shall all know what is essential for us to know. Our salvation does not depend on side issues (Letter 58, 1900).

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. -Isaiah 8:20

Why does Fanaticism rise up after men ordained of God try to squash it?

"Christ and His church are inseparable. To neglect or despise those whom God has appointed to lead out and to bear the responsibilities connected with His work and with the advancement and spread of the truth is to reject the means which God has ordained for the help, encouragement, and strength of His people. To pass these by and think your light must come through no other channel than directly from God places you in a position where you are liable to deception and to be overthrown."  {3T 418.4}  

 "It is hardly possible for men to offer a greater insult to God than to despise and reject the instrumentalities that He has appointed to lead them." {3T 355.2}

 "The people should not regard their ministers as mere public speakers and orators, but as Christ's ambassadors, receiving their wisdom and power from the great Head of the church. To slight and disregard the word spoken by Christ's representative is not only showing disrespect to the man, but also to the Master who has sent him. He is in Christ's stead; and the voice of the Saviour should be heard in His representative."  {4T 393.2}  

As some that had great light and privileges in the church leave, many more souls come in?

"As trials thicken around us, both separation and unity will be seen in our ranks. Some who are now ready to take up weapons of warfare will in times of real peril make it manifest that they have not built upon the solid rock; they will yield to temptation. Those who have had great light and precious privileges, but have not improved them, will, under one pretext or another, go out from us

Not having received the love of the truth, they will be taken in the delusions of the enemy; they will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, and will depart from the faith. But, on the other hand, when the storm of persecution really breaks upon us, the true sheep will hear the true Shepherd's voice. Self-denying efforts will be put forth to save the lost, and many who have strayed from the fold will come back to follow the great Shepherd. The people of God will draw together and present to the enemy a united front. In view of the common peril, strife for supremacy will cease; there will be no disputing as to who shall be accounted greatest. No one of the true believers will say: "I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas." The testimony of one and all will be: "I cleave unto Christ; I rejoice in Him as my personal Saviour." {6T 400.3}

Why do some that used to be of our number attack the truth we Preach after years of agreeing with it?

It's because Satan moves them to try and overwhelm God's obedient workers so as to slow the forward process by demanding (as did Sanballat) they ignore the work to deal with anything the enemy can conjure up, including fanaticism . King David saw it, Christ saw it, His apostles saw it, the Pioneers saw it, and now we see it.

“A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.”
Winston S. Churchill

The Presents of God ministry