


I just discovered from a user of Facebook that some people have made pages on Facebook for "RemnantofGod.org." I am here to tell you that I do NOT have a Facebook page. I never had a Facebook page, and never will have a Facebook page. Those that are using the "RemnantofGod.org" URL on Facebook do so without my permission.


As many of you that frequent this site know, I have been toying with the idea of making a page exposing Facebook for what it is. So, I left it up to you, my visitors and subscribers, to vote on whether or not to make such a page. Well, after a few days of emails voting back and forth on the subject, the tally is in. A whopping 75% of you voted, YES, we need a page that exposes Facebook as the dangerous government tool designed to con the American people into offering up all their private information freely. Facebook users now share who their friends and relatives, and yes, even their enemies are, as well as all their likes and dislikes willingly just as the powers that be craved as far back as the roaring twenties. Below are a collection of articles proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, you need to get all your information off of facebook immediately. Yes, it can be a good evangelistic tool. But one can use Facebook without making it easy for everyone from criminals, to rogue governing officials to make life miserable for them. Judging by what they plan to do with that info, your profile as well as your friend list should be utterly blank as far as I can see. After all, many of us can reach tens of thousands and even millions of people monthly without so much as a Facebook account already. So again, why make it easy for them?

By the way, as of November 2010 Facebook has needed 60,000 servers to run their site! Yet no one pays for Facebook? Only big government can maintain a server farm that large and then never charge its users for it! Still, right now, 200,000,000 Americans are on it!? That's two thirds of the population of this country! What if you're all wrong and the few that are warning you are right about Facebook being used in a way only Christian prophecy can predict?

Click here to learn how you may be able to delete your Facebook account permanently

Click here for a way to "Disappear Completely (From the Internet)"

 VIDEO: How to take your data back from Facebook and delete your account

VIDEO: How to Delete Your Facebook Account



To prevent issues with truncated pages due to so many articles being posted, ALL future article updates will only be posted on the poGm BLOG.
  1. Zuck’s Surveillance Dream: Meta Working on AI-Powered ‘Camerabuds’ that Gather Audio and Video
  2. Here's why Biden censorship schemes targeted social media 
  3. Latest Government Report Reveals 10 Times Biden Regime Pressured Facebook to Take Down What Ended Up Being Truthful Information on COVID and the Vaccines – And The Gateway Pundit Was One of Its Primary Targets 
  4. Mark Zuckerberg’s $300 Million Superyacht Sparks Controversy Amidst Climate Activism
  5. Massive 78 Percent Majority of Americans Believe Social Media Companies Have Too Much Political Power
  6. Media Research Center: Facebook Has Interfered in U.S. Elections 39 Times Since 2008
  7. Lawsuit: Facebook Gave Netflix Access to Private User Messages, Scuttled Video Service for Sweetheart Ads Deal
  8. VIDEO: WATCH: FBI Agent Confronting Oklahoman Says Agency Questions People ‘Every Day, All Day’ over Facebook Posts
  9. Mark Zuckerberg Is ‘Limiting’ Political Content on Instagram – Here’s How to Turn Off His Filters 
  10. U.S. city grabs $1 million Zuckerbucks right before vote taken on making it illegal
  11. Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, Instagram to Start Flagging AI-Generated Images as Elections Ramp Up 
  12. Zuck Wants You Distracted: Instagram, Threads to Stop Recommending Political Content 
  13. Mark Zuckerberg’s Wealth Grew $84 Billion in 2023 as Pedophiles Target Children on Facebook, Instagram 
  14. AUDIO: Breitbart News Daily Podcast Ep. 471: Dr. Sebastian Gorka on the Evils of Social Media 
  15. VIDEO: ‘FORCED’: Mother of teen lost to cyberbullying responds to Zuckerberg’s apology 
  16. VIDEO: Lindsey Graham grills tech CEOs on social media safety: ‘Blood on your hands’ 
  17. VIDEO: Lawmakers rail against social media CEOs, but is there any regulation in sight?
  18. VIDEO: Social media CEOs testify before senate on child exploitation 
  19. VIDEO: Mark Zuckerberg, top tech CEOs grilled on damaging impact of social media
  20. Study: Thousands of Companies Are Monitoring Every Facebook User 
  21. 'Millions of pedophiles target kids': Facebook and Instagram under fire
  22. Former Employees: Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta Enabled Child Predators on Instagram and Facebook
  23. Pakistan: Bible Verse Facebook Post Forces Christian Family to Hide from Islamist Mobs
  24. DANGERS of Facebook
  25. Is Facebook safe? We asked the experts so you don’t have to
  26. State sues Facebook and Instagram owner after 'sexploitation' probe
  27. Big tech censors Vivek Ramaswamy and RFK Jr. more than any other presidential candidates, new study shows 
  28. Zuckerberg 'unconcerned' about app 'encouraging girls into body dysmorphia
  29. Censorship Industry: ‘Business Booming’ for Ex-Facebook ‘Disinformation’ Experts amid Wars
  30. EXPOSED: Meta’s $36 Billion Plot to Reengineer Society and Mark Zuckerberg’s Dangerous Future Plans for Tech Addiction 
  31. FTC: Data Broker Sells ‘Staggering’ Amount of Sensitive Info on Americans 
  32. VIDEO: Gov. Kathy Hochul: NY Collecting Data from ‘Surveillance Efforts’ on Social Media 
  33. EXPOSED: Rashida Tlaib is a Member of Secret Facebook Group that Glorifies Hamas Terrorists 
  34. EXPOSED: George Soros, Warren Buffett, Zuckerberg, and Others Behind Secret Shell Company Profiting from Controversial Abortion Pill
  35. Huge number of states sue Facebook for being 'addictive to children
  36. Vice: Tech Giants Don’t Seem to Care About the Twisted Content Their Psycho AI Tools Generate
  37. RICO Lawsuit: H&R Block, Facebook, and Google Passed Around Private Data ‘Like Candy’ 
  38. VIDEO: 'MAFIA TACTICS': GOP rep unloads on DOJ censorship at Garland hearing 
  39. Dept. of Defense signs contract with social media monitoring company (Not just about free speech)
  40. Facebook Files: Zuckerberg Knew ‘Disinformation Dozen’ Data Was Bogus, but Censored Them Anyways 
  41. CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components 
  42. Ohio Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno: Big Tech Censorship ‘at It Again’ Censoring Post of NYC’s Illegal Immigrant Housing 
  43. Democrats Are Resurrecting It Again: Congressional Budget Office Assesses JCPA Media Cartel Bill 
  44. Supremes deal with government pressure on social media to censor
  45. Zuckerberg’s FWD.us Demands More TPS Amnesties for Illegal Migrants 
  46. Facebook Files: FBI Lied About Extensive Meetings with Zuckerberg’s Platform About Hunter Biden ‘Laptop from Hell
  47. FACEBOOK FILES PART 3: New Facebook Files Reveal White House Efforts to Control Narratives by Changing Algorithm to Prioritize Posts from Sources Like the New York Times While Reducing Visibility for Conservative Outlets 
  48. Zuck’s Blackout: Facebook Blocks News Stories in Canada over Big Media Bailout Bill 
  49. READ IT FOR YOURSELF! Massive evidence of election failures posted online 
  50. Zuck’s Ghost Town: Twitter Clone Threads Suffers 82% Engagement Drop 
  51. VIDEO: House GOP to cite Zuckerberg for contempt of Congress (Zuck Censored Users) 
  52. Sanely Run:’ Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter Clone Censors Donald Trump Jr. on Day One 
  53. Mark Zuckerberg Spends Millions on Personal Security While Supporting ‘Defund the Police’ Movements 
  54. Utter Banality in Text Form:’ Zuckerberg’s Threads Algorithm Is Driving People Crazy
  55. Facebook owner slated to release Twitter rival as Musk makes changes PROBLEM IS SURPRISE – Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Sanely Run’ Twitter Clone ‘Threads’ Collects All Your Data 
  56. Zuck’s Spy: Former CIA Agent Takes Over ‘Elections Policies’ at Facebook 
  57. Appeals Court: Section 230 Doesn’t Protect Facebook in Discrimination Case 
  58. What Did Zuck Expect?: Facebook’s Tool to Create AI Chatbots Is Being Used to Build Sexbots
  59. Laughable': Experts slam 'deeply flawed' study claiming Facebook does NOT censor conservatives 
  60. Zuckerberg's deadly admission: Facebook 'fact-checkers' censored truth on COVID
  61. Investigation: Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Failed to Stop Massive Pedophile Network Trading Child Pornography (Hmmmm) 
  62. Zuck Rattles His Sabre: Facebook Threatens News Blackout in California over ‘Journalism Preservation Act’ 
  63. Social Media Censorship Destroying Evidence of War Crimes, Report Claims 
  64. Zuck Loves Biden: Facebook Prevents RFK Jr. from Launching Instagram Campaign Account 
  65. UK Government Conspired with Social Media, A.I. Firms to Monitor and Censor Lockdown Critics – Report
  66. Censor or Else: Democratic Members Warn Facebook Not to “Backslide” on Censorship 
  67. Lawmakers Question Teenage Access to Facebook’s Metaverse 
  68. Facebook caught ‘not just hosting,’ but creating pages for the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda 
  69. Facebook Was Scraping Sites for Years While Fighting Other Scraping Firms 
  70. Nudity now allowed on Facebook and Instagram
  71. CDC regularly called the shots on Facebook’s COVID censorship decisionsMassive fine in hundreds of millions of dollars for Facebook parent
  72. Facebook ‘Supreme Court’ Demands More Censorship of Politicians, VIPs
  73. Tax preparers 'quietly transmitting sensitive financial info to Facebook'
  74. VIDEO: Social media platforms target cardiologist who went from booster to critic of COVID vaccines
  75. VIDEO: RNC says Google (Twitter & Facebook) suppressed more than 22M GOTV, fundraising emails in September, exploring 'legal options
  76. VIDEO: Bobulinski: I Would Have Verified Hunter Laptop Story ‘Within Five Minutes’ if Anyone from Facebook, Twitter Reached Out
  77. Facebook caught reporting social media site users to FBI
  78. Facebook actually worsens your mental health, study finds
  79. CDC fed Facebook misinformation about vaccines
  80. Biden ordered to cough up documents about collusion with social media
  81. House Republicans say Facebook censored post about Biden student loan handout plan 
  82. VIDEO: Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan FBI warned Facebook of 'Russian propaganda' before Hunter Biden laptop story 
  83. VIDEO: We take free speech seriously (AGAIN: PROOF Facebook is a STATE AGENCY)
  84. India Bullied Facebook into Censoring 27 Million Posts in One Month (breitbart.com) 
  85. Facebook and the “Free Speech” Excuse 
  86. Facebook puts the final nail in Mark Zuckerberg’s free speech master plan 
  87. Facebook Restricts Speech by Popular Demand
  88. VIDEO: Explosive New Documentary: Obama’s Campaign Manager Predicted How Many Votes Biden Needed in Wisconsin – Zuckerberg’s Money Helped Get There 
  89. Zuck Bucks: Facebook Is Still in Love with the Idea of Issuing Digital Currency 
  90. Bangladesh: Muslims vandalize Hindu home, set fire, destroy temple fence over rumors of blasphemous Facebook post 
  91. NYT: Despite Claims of Privacy Improvements, Big Tech Is Still Tracking Your Every Move
  92. VIDEO: Revealed: New Doc Shows How an Obama-Tied Dark Money Group Used Zuckerberg’s Cash to Swing Election
  93. Apple and Meta gave your personal data to hackers
  94. Zuck’s War: The Ukraine Conflict Left Facebook in a Chaos of Conflicting Rules
  95. New York: Groups Linked to George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg Lobby to Keep Accused Criminals Out of Jail
  96. Zuck’s War: Facebook Says You Can Call for Death of Russians, but Not Putin
  97. Investigation shows Zuckerberg's 2020 election funding violated bribery law
  98. VIDEO: After seeing harmful effects, mom offers son huge reward for staying off social media
  99. ICAN-Obtained Email Shows Alliance Between White House, Facebook, and Pharma
  100. Texas sues Facebook for allegedly lying to you about one serious issue
  101. Facebook's parent greenlights solicitations for human smuggling 
  102. Study: 'Far-left' partisans used Zuckerberg money to 'manipulate' election
  103. Tough Luck Zuck: Judge Rejects Facebook’s Request to Dismiss FTC Antitrust Lawsuit
  104. Mozilla Launches ‘Facebook Pixel Hunt’ to Analyze How Mark Zuckerberg Tracks Us Online
  105. Facebook, Instagram reportedly ban quote by U.S. patriot Thomas Paine
  106. Facebook Admits in Court That ‘Fact Checks’ Are Just Opinion
  107. Hundreds of newspapers suing Facebook and Google
  108. Mark Zuckerberg Is Planting The First Church Of The Metaverse
  109. Facebook workers demanded attacks on whites and men be excluded from hate-speech policy
  110. Facebook to Prevent Ad Targeting to ‘Sensitive’ Groups Like Race, Religion
  111. Online trolls could be jailed for 2 years under proposed law
  112. Lawsuit: Mark Zuckerberg and Wife’s Family Companies Allowed Sexual Harassment, Discrimination 
  113. Report: FTC Investigates Facebook over Disclosures of Platform’s Negative Effects on Teens 
  114. History Will Not Judge Us Kindly:’ Facebook Employees Attack Zuckerberg for Not Suppressing Conservatives Enough 
  115. Censored U.S. senator: Stop patronizing Big Tech sites 
  116. Former insider says Facebook knowingly favors profits over safety 
  117. VIDEO Facebook whistleblower reveals identity, set to appear before Senate subcommittee
  118. Facebook studied kids' playdates for marketing strategies, report says
  119. VIDEO: Facebook execs under fire over whistleblower revelations
  120. New York governor tells Facebook to censor pro-life statements
  121. Report: Facebook to Reduce Visibility of Political Posts (Is this because the right is gaining ground?) 
  123. Facebook now getting involved in religion, signs contract with megachurch
  124. Dem senator suggests Biden team up with Facebook to stamp out speech they don't like 
  125. COVID WITCH HUNT: DC AG subpoenas Facebook for data on ALL users that have spread “COVID-19 misinformation”
  126. Facebook sued for fraud, deceptive trade practices, breach of contract
  127. Facebook asks: Are your friends becoming extremists?
  128. VIDEO: Your private conversations will be controlled by the DNC
  129. VIDEO: Donald Trump Announces Lawsuit Against Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg
  130. Court Dismisses Federal Government’s Antitrust Case Against Facebook (Surprised? I'm not - and here's why
  131. VIDEO: Facebook fact-checkers’ “pants on fire” lie (from Livestream #84) 
  132. GOP demands to know why 92% of Zuckerberg election funding went to Dem precincts
  133. Facebook exec admits his 'fact-checkers' could be biased
  134. VIDEO: Project Veritas Obtains New Insider Tape Revealing Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Top Executive Heidi Swartz Prioritize Punishing Truth Seekers Over Acknowledging Secret Censorship of ‘Actually True Events or Facts
  135. VIDEO: Facebook Whistleblowers Expose LEAKED INTERNAL DOCS
  136. How Zuckerberg paid millions for leftists to work on 2020 election
  137. Ministry of Truth: Facebook Posts Deemed ‘Fake Vaccine Theories’ May Be Referred to Australian Police (What they deem as "fake" is actually 100% true)
  138. BREAKING: Facebook Whistleblowers Expose LEAKED INTERNAL DOCS Detailing New Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on a Global Scale
  139. Report: Zuckerberg's grant program demanded control of elections
  140. Big Tech now colluding with Big Pharma to keep the truth from Americans as Instagram bans Robert F. Kennedy’s vaccine truths
  141. Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions
  142. The Postal Service is running a 'covert operations program' that monitors Americans' social media posts (Will you NOW believe my warnings about Facebook?)
  143. Facebook and Instagram Block Users From Sharing NY Post Report on BLM Co-Founder’s Multi-Million-Dollar Property Purchases
  144. How Zuckerberg's money 'expanded' Dem votes in Detroit
  145. Facebook Bans Your Gun Ads But Spends Millions On Zuckerberg Security
  146. 533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data have been leaked online
  147. Facebook 'corrects' woman's complaint vaccine 'is killing me,' then she dies
  148. VIDEO: Facebook yanks video, saying 'voice of Donald Trump' is not allowed on platform
  149. Facebook goes full Big Brother, kills Lara Trump interview with Donald
  150. Facebook Says It ‘Limit’ the Reach of Groups that Break Rules
  151. Facebook, Google fight bill that would help U.S. news industry
  152. VIDEO: Project Veritas: Facebook Global Planning Lead Admits Zuckerberg Has More Power Than Any King in History
  153. Bokhari: BuzzFeed’s ‘Exposé’ of Facebook, Translated
  154. VIDEO: Kevin Sorbo on Facebook Blacklisting: Zuckerberg Has More Power Than Our Government
  155. Aussie PM Scott Morrison Claims Global Support in Fight Against ‘Arrogant’ Facebook
  156. VIDEO: Facebook news ban to 'profoundly' impact regular Australians and media outlets
  157. VIDEO: Police send late-night 'Gestapo to intimidate' mom for Facebook remark (Thought Police!)
  158. VIDEO: Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About ‘Modifying DNA and RNA
  159. WSJ Fact-Checks the Fact-Checkers on Biden Family Business
  160. Facebook Sued in UK for ‘Losing Control’ of User Data
  161. Facebook permanently bans pro-gun group without explanation: Report
  162. 'Demonic' war: Social-media CEO urges Americans to delete Big Tech apps, build Christian economy (I've been warning people for years to GET OFF FACEBOOK - yet?)
  163. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Launches Ambitious Crackdown on Big Tech (Another politician claiming to do something that will never happen)
  164. Facebook Ramps Up Privacy Fight with Apple, Asks Users Permission to Track Them
  165. VIDEO: Steven Crowder’s lawyer files lawsuit against Facebook alleging litany of censorship-related offenses
  166. Videos reveal Zuckerberg opposed Trump, but wants to work with Biden
  167. Christian scholar tossed in Facebook jail for 'violence and incitement.' His crime? Objecting to Biden's transgender military policy
  168. Facebook Now Banning Bible Verses!
  169. Limbaugh predicts next target of left's crush of conservatives
  170. They want you to shut up: The crackdown on free speech
  171. Brave European nation weighs Big Tech sanctions over 'systemic abuses' of free speech
  172. High School Principal ‘On Leave’ After Criticizing Social Media Censorship
  173. Facebook Restricting Gun Accessory Ads, ‘Stop the Steal’ Verbiage
  174. VIDEO: Facebook Censors Mexican Cardinal for Denouncing ‘New World Order
  175. Internet provider blocks Facebook, Twitter after customers complain about censorship
  176. Retailer PatrioticMe permanently banned from advertising pro-America products on Facebook
  177. Facebook removing all references to 'stop the steal'
  178. #WalkAway Campaign, Other Trump Activists Purged from Facebook
  179. Facebook Blacklists Donald Trump ‘Indefinitely’
  180. Conservatives call for breakup of Big Tech after it declared 'war on free speech'
  181. Free speech threatened in social-media censorship of president
  182. Facebook Deletes 1.7 Million Member Group ‘Joe Biden Is Not My President!’ With NO WARNING Or Explanation
  183. VIDEO: Watch: Ted Cruz Labels Google the ‘Most Dangerous Company on the Face of the Planet
  184. Bokhari: Democrats Using Antitrust to Demand More Big Tech Censorship
  185. AUDIO: Gingrich: Zuckerberg ‘Corruption’ Raises ‘Enormous Questions About the Legitimacy of the Biden Potential Presidency
  186. Family found shot dead after man vented about wife's 'betrayal' on Facebook
  187. VIDEO: Zuckerberg and the 'dark dollars' that tilted November 3rd
  188. FTC Demands Business Practices Data from Social Media Masters of the Universe
  189. Report: Big Tech giving Joe Biden cash while hiding Hunter Biden scandals
  190. Facebook to Lift Some Restrictions on Political Ads for Georgia Runoffs
  191. Report: Key Facebook Employees Leave Company, Criticize Its Leadership
  192. Fulton County Commission Accepted $6.3 Million Grant from Zuckerberg-Funded ‘Safe Elections’ Project with No Public Discussion
  193. Facebook Bans ‘Misinformation’ About Coronavirus Vaccine
  194. DOJ sues Facebook for discrimination against U.S. workers
  195. Facebook Bans ‘Misinformation’ About Coronavirus Vaccine (Just as YouTube did to me last week)
  196. Report: 40 States Will File Antitrust Lawsuit Against Facebook
  197. Political Elites Did Nothing While Big Tech Subverted Democracy
  198. Facebook Wants to Help Biden Administration with Coronavirus Vaccine Response
  199. Facebook and Google Are Buying Up Rivals Despite Antitrust Action
  200. VIDEO: Josh Hawley Presses Facebook, Twitter on ‘Coordinated Censorship,’ Tracking Users
  201. Facebook Messenger ‘Bug’ Let Hackers Eavesdrop on Their Target’s Phone
  202. 'Time to fact-check the fact-checkers': Candace Owens filing defamation suit against Facebook
  203. Wired: Facebook Attacks Critics ‘in the Name of Privacy’
  204. Facebook Censorship Case Hits Supreme Court Docket
  205. Facebook Moderators Claim Zuckerberg is Asking Them to ‘Risk Our Lives’
  206. VIDEO: Josh Hawley Confronts Mark Zuckerberg with Evidence of Internal Facebook Censorship Tool
  207. Marsha Blackburn Condemns Big Tech’s Cancel Culture in Fiery Speech
  208. Facebook Clamps Down on Groups Spreading ‘Misinformation’
  209. Facebook Censors Grassroots ‘Stop the Steal’ Group with 300,000+ Members
  210. New York Times Praises Twitter and Facebook for Design Changes to Aid Censorship
  211. Facebook Censorship: Platform Will ‘Temporarily Demote’ Posts that Share ‘Election Misinformation’
  212. Facebook and Twitter CEOs Can’t Name a Leftist They’ve Censored
  213. Facebook Political Ad Blackout Suffers Glitches
  214. A Former Venezuelan Government Operative Works for Facebook
  215. VIDEO: Ron Paul talks Big Tech censoring conservatives
  216. Facebook Tries to Shut Down NYU Study on Targeted Political Ads
  217. Rose McGowan Says Facebook Deactivated Her Account over Presidential Debate: ‘This One Smells Like Dems’
  218. Brent Bozell: Tech companies 'have the power' to decide the presidency
  219. Grant funded by Zuckerberg used to boost Dem vote
  220. Report: Facebook Hires Chinese Nationals to Censor Platform
  221. Twitter and Facebook have 'power to censor the entire world'
  222. Sen. Kelly Loeffler: ‘Enough is Enough’ on Big Tech Censorship
  223. VIDEO: Big Tech ‘Crossed a Line That Is Very Dangerous’ with Censorship on Biden-NY Post Story
  224. Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshells Weeks After Execs Join His Transition Team
  225. VIDEO: Hawley: Why Are Facebook, Twitter ‘Doing the Bidding of the Biden Campaign?’
  226. Greenwald: Facebook and Twitter ‘United’ to Defend Their ‘Preferred Candidate’
  227. 'Fact Check’ Arbiter Poynter Institute Blasts Facebook, Twitter for Censoring Biden Bombshells
  228. VIDEO: Facebook and Twitter caught censoring same story
  229. Facebook instantly censors bombshell Biden story
  230. Facebook Censors Mark Levin After ‘Third Party Fact Check
  231. VIDEO: Facebook Removes Trump Campaign Ad
  232. Facebook to Reject Political Ads that Question Election, Voting Methods
  233. Facebook throttles official Tucker Carlson page with 'reduced distribution' 40 days before election
  234. WSJ Editorial: Facebook Is Wrong to Censor Defense of Kyle Rittenhouse
  235. Facebook Theatens to Block Australians from Sharing News if Forced to Pay Media Companies
  236. US Court Approves Sex-Trafficking Lawsuits Against Facebook
  237. VIDEO: Watch: Pregnant Aussie Mother Arrested for Allegedly ‘Inciting’ Coronavirus Lockdown Protest
  238. Shrouded in obscurity': AT&T asks feds to crack down on Big Tech like Google & Facebook
  239. Facebook, Twitter scrubbed posts of hundreds of conservative users
  240. Facebook Censored 100+ Million Coronavirus ‘Misinformation’ Posts in 3 Months (They call truth "misinformation")
  241. Free speech on Facebook threatens 'climate-change extremists'
  242. Facebook bans pro-Trump super PAC from advertising on its platform
  243. Facebook bans posts promoting gay 'conversion therapy'
  244. Roman Catholic Joe Biden Demands Facebook Censor Trump: ‘The Time for Action Is Now 
  245. BBC Reports on Facebook as Arbiter of Policing ’Fake News’ (What they claim is fake news is actually real news exposing their fake news)
  246. Facebook to Ban Anti-Government ‘Boogaloo’ Groups
  247. ANOTHER Facebook Whistleblower: Interference ‘On a Global Level in Elections’
  248. VIDEO: Undercover video: Facebook insider likens Trump supporters to 'Hitler'
  249. VIDEO: 'If someone is wearing MAGA hat I'm going to delete them for terror'
  250. Top German Court: Facebook Broke Antitrust Rules by Harvesting User Data
  251. Facebook’s Fact-Checker ‘Lead Stories’ is Staffed by Exclusively Democrat Party Donors, CNN Staffers, And ‘Defeat Trump’ Activists
  252. Project Veritas: Facebook Has a Secretive ‘Diversity Board’ That Is ‘Need-To-Know’ Within Company
  253. Facebook’s Excuse to Censor Trump, a Red Triangle, Has Long History as Antifa Symbol
  254. VIDEO: Project Veritas: Facebook ‘Fosters Diversity’ by Favoring H-1Bs over U.S. Grads
  255. Police Are Using Facebook to Track Rioters, Looters
  256. Facebook stunner: 'Dead cops' page allowed, but concerned moms banned
  257. Facebook shuts down 500 Mom Strong for speaking out against Drag Queen Story Hour
  258. Conservative nonprofit PragerU accused of 'false information,' gets throttled by Facebook
  259. Facebook Evicts PragerU from Normal Public Visibility, Claiming ‘Repeated Sharing of False News’
  260. Facebook's evidence-free 'false' rating'
  261. VIDEO: Facebook announces $100,000 project to detect 'hateful memes'
  262. Republican Set to Lobby for Big Tech’s Right to Censor Conservatives
  263. HYPOCRITES Facebook-Backed Advocacy Group Will Spread Message that Big Tech Is ‘Essential’ to Free Speech
  264. Facebook Blacklists Michigan Lockdown Protest Group
  265. Facebook censorship council includes pro-Muslim Brotherhood activist
  266. Facebook Appoints Woman Who Attacked 13-Year-Old Barron Trump as fact checker
  267. Facebook yanks accounts linked to QAnon conspiracy theory
  268. Facebook helping colleges 'preemptively' censor speech
  269. 77% of Universities Use Facebook’s Secret Social Media Blacklists to Censor the Public
  270. Army Chaplains’ Coronavirus Prayer Videos Pulled from Facebook After Group Complains
  271. Facebook Deletes Event Page for Friday’s Wisconsin Capitol Protest
  272. Facebook 'fact checker' worked at Wuhan lab!
  273. Facebook reportedly nixes posts promoting anti-quarantine events
  274. Facebook using WHO to censor debate over virus
  275. Facebook Claims It Didn’t Defame Laura Loomer with ‘Dangerous Individual’ Label
  276. Washington State Sues Facebook for ‘Repeatedly’ Violating Campaign Finance Law
  277. ‘Non-Essential Travel’:’ Australian Couple Fined $3,000+ for Posting Last Year’s Vacation Pictures on Facebook
  278. Facebook ‘Bug’ Marked Genuine Coronavirus News as Spam
  279. It’s Official: Facebook’s Fact-Checking Is Making Its Fake News Problem Even Worse
  280. Facebook Censors Trump Campaign Ads, Claims ‘Census Interference’
  281. Facebook ‘fact-checker’ wrongly labels LifeSite report ‘false’
  282. VIDEO: Facebook censors abortion survivor interview for ‘spam,’ violating ‘community standards
  283. Mark Zuckerberg Calls for Government Regulation of Social Media
  284. Zuckerberg says Facebook's new approach 'is going to piss off a lot of people
  285. Facebook Should Stop Acting Like a Government
  286. So Facebook Cleared Things Up for 2020: Politicians Can Totally Lie to Users
  287. Facebook Leak Exposes 267 Million Users’ Names, Phone Numbers on Dark Web
  288. Facebook Blacklists Ads Aimed at ‘Census Interference’
  289. Judge to Facebook: Fess up about $5 billion privacy-violation settlement
  290. Report: Facebook Contractor Accepted Bribes to Reactivate Banned Ad Accounts
  291. DNC Demands More Censorship by Facebook of ‘Misinformation’
  292. Tech Watchdog: Google, Facebook Engage in ‘One-Way Mirror’ Surveillance
  293. Facebook, Twitter Admit Personal Data May Have Been Accessed by Third-Party Apps
  294. Report: Facebook Lobbyists Linked to 29 Members of Congress Including Nancy Pelosi
  295. The Facebook app has been quietly turning on people’s cameras and freaking them out
  296. Big Brother using social media to crush freedom worldwide
  297. Vatican Promoted Greta Thunberg Calls on Facebook to Censor Her Critics
  298. VIDEO: Facebook preps for 2020 US election with ‘security’ measures
  299. Thanks to FaceBook, A European Court Decision May Usher In Global Censorship
  300. Leaked audio reveals Zuckerberg defiant about political crackdown efforts
  301. Global Censorship: Court Rules EU Govts Can Take Down Content Worldwide After Politician Insulted
  302. Report: 2 out of 3 Child Porn Reports Related to Facebook Messenger
  303. VIDEO: Not a free speech platform: Facebook identifies itself as a ‘publisher,’ says they can censor
  304. Report: Mark Zuckerberg Admits Facebook’s ‘Clear Bias,’ Dependence on ‘Activist’ Fact Checkers
  305. Josh Hawley Challenges Zuckerberg to Address Censorship at Facebook
  306. Report: Instagram and Facebook Opioid Recovery Hashtags Filled with Drug Dealers
  307. Nevada Authorities Consider Legal Action Against Facebook over Area 51 Event
  308. Facebook to stop news headline changes from advertisers
  309. Facebook still auto-generating Islamic State, al-Qaida pages
  310. Angel Mom’s Facebook Posts on Illegal Immigration Removed for ‘Hate Speech’
  311. Bible holidays are too 'sexual' to allow, says Facebook
  312. Zuckerberg blasted for having abortion doctors 'fact-check' pro-life vids
  313. House panel seeks GoogleAmazonFacebook records
  314. WHAT?! Facebook: Ad for Bible holidays too 'sexually provocative'
  315. Now states taking lead in antitrust campaign against Facebook
  316. Facebook Blacklists Ads from the Epoch Times
  317. Former FCC Bureau Chief: Masters of the Universe ‘Abused’ Section 230 to Censor Conservatives
  318. Facebook nixes ‘women for Trump’ 2020 ads



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