A healthy message

by Courtney P.

Right now, you either have some known illness or disease such as cancer, diabetes, etc., or you claim to be “healthy.” If you claim to be healthy, you probably still experience the normal occasional headaches, aches and pains, fatigue, indigestion, colds and flu, heartburn, etc. So-called healthy people believe that these occasional medical conditions are “normal.” They are not. A healthy person has little, if any, body odor, they have no bad breath, no foot odor, their urine and stool do not smell, they sleep soundly, they have no skin rashes or dandruff, they are not depressed or stressed, they rarely if ever get colds, flu, heartburn, aches and pains. Truly healthy people are full of energy and vitality, and never have to take any nonprescription or prescription drugs because they never have any symptoms that would require them to take a drug. So, in reality every one of you reading this is unhealthy to some degree. I can assure you that if you continue to do what you always have, your physical health will slowly begin to deteriorate, you will get more sickness and diseases, and your energy levels will continually go down. (1)

So don’t lie about your health…

Being unhealthy not only has to do with meat and dairy, it’s also in the drugs you take.

Homeopathic medicine is the best I know of J

But some homeopaths mix spiritualism in with the natural remedies, so you have to be careful about that…

But read this

In 1906, Upton Sinclair wrote: “This is no fairy story and no joke. The meat would be shoveled into carts, and the man who did the shoveling would not trouble himself to lift out a rat even when he saw one. There were things that went into the sausage in comparison with which a poisoned rat was a tidbit."(2)

Sinclair told the facts about the meat industry. President Theodore Roosevelt read his book, The Jungle, and immediately ordered an independent investigation of U.S. slaughterhouses.

But the powerful magnets of the Beef trust fought back. "Meat and food products, generally speaking, are handled as carefully and circumspectly in large packinghouses as they are in the average home kitchen", wrote J. Ogden Armour in the Saturday Evening Post (quoted in Skaggs, Prime Cut, p.123).

After an angry legislative battle, Congress narrowly passed the Meat Inspection Act of 1906, a watered-down version of Roosevelt’s proposals that made taxpayers pay for the new regulations. Nearly a hundred years have passed since then; and conditions in the packinghouses are now, if possible, even worse then before.

But, in addition, a variety of horrible new diseases have emerged. For back in Teddy’s day, cows ate grass out on the range and drank water from the creek. They were not, as they are today, born and raised in ponds of manure, and fed ungutted dead animals in palletized form as their only feed. Times have changed people! They ARE worse now!

I’m going to try to only mention the facts here, simply because there’s a whole lot more, but with that small introduction, there’s more to take into consideration, dealing with heart disease and cancer, which are growing very rapidly in today’s world. We now know a lot more about their causes then earlier (Saturated fat and cholesterol).

Major human diseases

Resulting from meat eating.


 THE CHOLESTEROL FACTOR-If you want to have a good heart, you need to bring your cholesterol level down to 150 or below. Yet the American Medical Association, in spite of the fact that its journal announced in 1961 that “A vegetarian diet can prevent 97% of our coronary occlusions,” has, under pressure from the meat industry, only told its doctors to tell their patients to “eat less red meat, watch the intake of fat, and cut down on eggs,” in the hope of getting their cholesterol down to the “normal” 200 level. But a 200 level, maintained over a period of time, can kill you.

Over 5,000 residents of Farmingham, Massachusetts have been studied since 1948. Researchers have been looking for risk factors of coronary heart disease. In all that time, they have not found a single person to have a heart attack whose blood cholesterol was below 150! Remember that. Above that number, people have them without any advance warning.

“Eat all the meat you want, but just don’t eat much fat,” is what you hear every day.  But a study performed in Italy during 1980 showed that 127 people put on a “low-fat” (25% of caloric intake as fat) diet containing meat only lowered their cholesterol by a statistically insignificant 2.8% after four weeks. Then the subjects in the study were placed on soybeans instead of meat for two weeks-and no patient had less than a 10% drop. (3)

Also HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, Hypertension is a complicating factor in both cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. It is the most common reason for a visit to the doctor in America. Repeatedly, studies have been shown that meat eating is a major cause of high blood pressure. Young people happily eat meat and fat; but, as the years pass, their arteries narrow from cholesterol deposits. This eventually leads to fatal heart attacks or strokes.

And REVERSING CORONARY DISEASE-Dr. Dean Ornish has a program for reversing the course of coronary disease with a truly low-fat (10% fat) plant-based diet. The only animal products allowed are nonfat milk, nonfat yogurt, and egg whites. After a year on the program, 82% of his patients demonstrated some measurable average reversal of their coronary artery blockages. Those were people who knew they were going to die soon if they did not change their ways. Those who went on a vegetarian (vegetables without meat) diet did far better.

And there’s BYPASS SUGERY-Another “benefit” of meat eating is heart bypass surgery. Years on a meat diet clog the tiny coronary arteries, which nourish the heart muscle. A major study was done on 780 heart patients. Half had a bypass operation and the other half did not. It was found that longevity rates were not improved by surgery! (4)

It is well known in the medical field that other organs, especially the brain, are damaged during bypass operations.


MEAT AND CANCER--The evidence is abundant and clear: Meat is a leading cause of cancer.

German vegetarians: Over 1,900 vegetarians were studied by the German Cancer Research Center, which found that they had only 56% of the usual amount of all types of cancer. (5)

American Adventist men: The study, cited at the beginning of this book, mentions that half of the Seventh-day Adventist men were vegetarian; they ate an average of 50% more fiber then the general population and suffered 55% less prostate cancer then other American males.

COLON CANCER--The Association for the Advancement of Science found that people who eat meat are far more likely to develop colon cancer. Meat and cholesterol in the colon are the major causes of colon cancer, which is rapidly becoming a leading form or carcinoma (cancer) in the Western world. (6)

The National Cancer Institute investigated deeper into the matter, in order to determine the amount of danger in each type of food. It found that the incidence of colon cancer was over a hundred times worse when any of a variety of dead animals was eaten. Beef, pork, chicken, shellfish, crabs, river or ocean fish, shrimp; it mattered not. They all produced colon cancer. (7)

And BREAST CANCER-Many animal studies have shown that a high-fat diet promotes breast cancer tumors. Human breast cancers were implanted in mice, which were then fed various diets. Tumors in mice on a high-fat diet grew and spread much more quickly. The best diet was on high cruciferous vegetable-broccoli, cabbage, collards, and Brussels sprouts. (8)

Nations like Thailand and El Salvador, which have a comparatively low-fat, plant-based diet, have the lowest breast cancer mortality rates. The highest rates of breast cancer are in the “high-fat countries”: America, Netherlands, Britain, Denmark, Canada, and New Zealand. (9)

OTHER CANCERS-Results of a 36-country study were reported in 1991. A strong and direct correlation between consumption of dairy and animal fat and the incidence of prostate cancer, rectal cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer was clearly shown. (10)

A 1989 Harvard study found that women who ate more dairy products had more ovarian cancer. (11)

In 1982, the National Academy of Sciences made this statement: “In summary, the incidence of prostate cancer is correlated with other cancers associated with diet, e.g. breast cancer. There is good evidence that an increased risk of prostate cancer is associated with certain dietary factors, especially the intake of high fat and high-protein foods, which usually occur together in the diet. There is some evidence that foods rich in Vitamin A, and vegetarian diets are associated with a lower risk.” (12)

There are still so many other major diseases you get from eating meat, and even dairy products, such as, DIABETES, OSTEOPEROSIS, even GALL BLADDER PROBLEMS... But, you ask: what about the few people who eat meat and fat, and are still able to maintain lower cholesterol levels? They have a superior ability to excrete it into the liver, but research had disclosed that the fat builds up there and causes gallbladder and gallstone problems (90% of gallstones are made of cholesterol).

And! ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM; there are several types of strong acids in meat: uric acid, pyruvic acid, etc. These must be eliminated from the body! But over a period of time, those acids tend to settle in the muscles and joints, where they work great damage. This can lead to painful and even crippling muscle aches and joint problems in later years. Gout and other forms of arthritis are especially traceable to meat eating. Eating a low-fat vegetarian diet will reduce the risk of ulcers, intestinal disorders, hypoglycemia, kidney stones, gallstones, asthma, impotence, and even anemia. (13)

And there’s OBESITY everyone knows that being overweight eventually leads to one or more of a multitude of physical problems. The nations whose populations consume a lot of meat are the ones with the most overweight problems. In America alone, $40 billion is spent annually on various “diets” to reduce weight. (14)

But how come in China, obesity is extremely rare? When the average Chinese eats 25% more calories then Americans do! Well, they get their calories in greens, rice, and soybeans.

If you don’t want to get cancer or anything else listed above (which isn’t all of it) Or if you already HAVE, just to stop eating meat isn’t going to cure you right off. You need cleanses through out the body. We should visit a REAL health physician more often, someone who is not going to pump your vulnerable body with DRUGS, but help your body heal itself, simply using herbal natural remedies that God created for your body. It is useful to go to local health food stores and ask people who work in the homeopathic section for recommendations. Some health food stores may give you their own personal recommendations, and think they know who is more knowledgeable than others, so it would be good to check out a couple of stores.

Just a few out of thousands of stories about meat and what it has done to people all around the world.

Alison Williams was 20 years old and lived in the coastal village of Caernarvon, in north Wales, England. Bright and outgoing, she was a business student who loved to sail and swim in nearby mountain lakes. Athletic, attractive, and intelligent; she had a happy life before her. But, when she was 22, her personality changed suddenly. Her father recalls that she lost interest in other people, Quit school, and came back to live at home with her parents. She would sit alone for hours, staring out the window. By 1992, physicians diagnosed her as having a nervous breakdown. By 1995,she had grown paranoid and incontinent. "A month before she died, she went blind and lost the use of her tongue," her father recalls, "She spent the last five days in a coma."  Alison Williams had contracted the human form of mad cow disease.

Jim Koepke spent his like as a ranch hand near Fallon, Nevada, tending cattle and sheep. He loved meat and also hunting. As a child he ate elk and deer killed by his father. His widow, Brenda, Says that the 6-foot-1 cowboy shrank to less then 120 pounds before he died in 1999 at the age of 39. “I could carry him,” she said. He died of mad cow disease.

On July 11, 1997, Lee Harding ordered soft chicken tacos at a restaurant in Pueblo, Colorado. It was Friday night, and he and his wife were out to dinner. When the tacos arrived, Harding thought there was something wrong with them. The meat seemed to have gone bad. An hour or so after leaving the restaurant, Harding began to experience severe cramps. It felt like something was eating away at his stomach. He was fit and healthy, stood six-foot-one, weighed two hundred pounds, But he had never felt pain this intense before. He lay in bed through the night fighting the cramps, tightly curled into a ball. Then come the bloody diarrhea.

At the hospital, he waited three hours before the doctor told him, “Its probably the summer flu.” He was sent home with a prescription for an antibiotic. Harding kept sinking, but then it was accidentally discovered he had Escherichia coli 0157:H7, a virulent and potentially lethal food-borne pathogen.

Eventually the health authorities discovered the problem was not the tacos, but something in his freezer at home: frozen hamburgers he had bought at the supermarket and partly eaten Friday afternoon. In his freezer a Pueblo health official found a red, white, and blue box, marked “beef patties”; it still had a couple in it. Analyzed in the lad, that was where the E. coli came from. The burgers had been produced in Columbus, Nebraska-not in one of the oldest processing plants, but in one of the newest in the nation.

I want you to read something from one of Dr. Schulze’s newsletters...

The Doping Of America.

“I hear stories like this every single day!

One of my best friends lost his Aunt a few years ago. She was only 70. The year that she died the medical doctors had her taking 22 prescription drugs a day. My friend said that she was like a junkie, literally stoned out of her mind. Finally her body (especially her liver) was rejecting this chemical barrage and she was taken to the hospital where, guess what, they gave her even more drugs. They kept her alive just so they could bill her for 28 days in the hospital before they killed her. They said that she died from a cold. I would love to have seen her liver since it’s the liver’s job to get rid of all this pharmaceutical poison that she was drowned with. I am sure her liver failed. Her husband, my friend’s uncle, was on almost as many prescription drugs, and one of them was Vioxx. Last year he had a heart attack, then a few weeks later a massive stroke. Now this man is a vegetable, unable to walk, talk and care for himself, and living in a nursing home for the rest of his life. I hear stories like this everyday. Another family destroyed, maimed and killed by drugs. Not illegal street drugs, but legal prescription drugs!”

Just thought you’d like to know.


“Prescription drug side effects are now the 4th Leading Cause of Death in America.”


“Vioxx alone may have caused as many as 139,000 heart attacks, strokes and deaths. The FDA is virtually defenseless against a similar future catastrophe with another drug.”

(Dr. Schulze, The Doping Of America)

Examples cited from International Meat Crisis, By Harvestime Books Also Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About, By Kevin Trudeau, And Dr. Schulze’s Newsletters, The Doping Of America.

1.Kevin Trudeau, Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About, p.105.

2.Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, p. 135.

3.G.C. Descovich, “Multicenter Study of Soybean Protein Diet for Outpatient Hypercholesterolemic Patients, “Lancet, 2:709, 1980.

4.Julian Whitaker, Reversing Heart Disease, p.25.

5.R. Frentzel-Beyme, et al., “Mortality among German Vegetarians: First Results after Five Years of Follow-up,” Nutrition and Cancer, 11(2). 1088, pp. 117-126).

6. Science, February 1974.

7. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, December 1973, p. 177.

8.Robert, Kradjian, Save Yourself From Breast Cancer, 1994, pp.51-52.

9.Robert Kradjian, Save Yourself From Breast Cancer, 1004, p. 44.

10.Michio Kushi, The Cancer Prevention Diet, 1994, p.241.

11.Kushi, p. 226.

12.National Academy of Science, 1982 statement, quoted in Kushi, p.24.

13.McDougall, The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart, 1996, p. 24.

14.Richard Klein, New York Times, July 14, 1997.

The Presents of God ministry