Can I send tithe and offerings to
this ministry?
Yes, this ministry is biblically capable of accepting your tithes and offerings. Donations are the solitary source of any and all funds that make it possible for Presents of God ministry to maintain an effective website as well as a worldwide outreach. This ministry receives no denominational subsidies whatsoever, making your gifts vitally important. Our work is totally dependent on the financial support of people like you who share our passion for telling the world about Jesus Christ and at the same time sharing the present truth for our day as well as warning them about Antichrist's plans so as to keep themselves and their families "at the ready" for the appearing of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ..
Do you have an in depth Bible study on
the Tithe for the New Testament Christian?
Does Spirit of Prophecy confirm this ministry
worthy of tithes and offerings?
Yes, Spirit of Prophecy declares this ministry 100% capable of accepting your tithes and offerings. Please click here for a compilation of SOP quotes on this topic.
Are you a 501C3 ministry?
No we are not a 501C3 ministry. In order to get the 501C3 tax free status for your church or ministry you must first incorporate your church or ministry with the State it resides in. Doing so is a fulfillment of the prophecy regarding the image of the beast in Revelation 13:14. We will not help create the image of the beast. The Vatican beast is a church & state conglomerate. A 501C3 makes your church or ministry a carbon copy of the Vatican when it becomes a church & state conglomerate. For much more information on this, see the following pages on this site.
Image of the Beast
Roman Catholic IRS
Where do I mail my tithe and offerings to?
Make your check or money order payable to "Presents of God ministry" and send it to the following address...
Can I send the tithe in a bank transfer?
Yes, please email me for the details.
What are some of the needs of this ministry?
Thank you in
advance for your prayers
and support. They are greatly needed and much appreciated.
"O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together." -Psalms 34:3 "There
is reward for the wholehearted, unselfish workers who enter this
field, and also for |